Creo Parametrics
Creo Parametrics
Creo Parametrics
Kanyakumari Main Road, Near Anjugramam, Palkulam, Tamil Nadu 629401
The working area of creo parametric in which
wh ich we create and modify Creo
Parametric models such as parts , assemblies and drawings .
A context sensitive menu across the top of the interface that contains the
majority of commands you use in Creo Parametric . The ribbon arranges
commands into logical tasks through tabs and groups .
The dash board provides you with controls , inputs , status and guidance for
performing a task such as creating or editing a feature .
Content sensitive windows which display and prompt you for additional
Located at the bottom of the interface, the status bar contains icons for
toggling the model tree and web browser planes on and off. It also contains
the message log , regeneration manager , 3D box selector and selection
The message log provides you with prompts , feedback , and message from
Creo Parametric
Creo Parametric enables you to create solid model representations of our part and assembly models .
These virtually design models can be used to e asily visualize and evaluate our design before costly
prototypes are manufactured .
The model contains material properties such as mass , volume , center of gravity and surface area . As
features are added or removed from the model , these properties update . For example if we add a hole
to a model its mass decreases .
DESIGN INTENT:- Designs are created for a purpose. Design intent is the intellectual arrangements of
features and dimensions of a design. Design intent governs that relationship between features in a part
and parts in assemblies. The intent of each component of a design is to work as a solution to the design
Creo is a sketch based, feature based Parametric ,3D modeling software. Which is developed by
the Parametric Technologies Corporation(PTC).Creois having the Quality of Parent-child
relationship and Bi-directional Associativity.
FEATURE:- It is a basic building block of a model . Features combine together to form a model
The models are constructed using a series of easy to understand features rather than c onfusing
mathematical shapes and entities. Individually each feature is simple , however as t hey are
added together they form complex parts and assemblies .
We can change the shape and size of the Geometry whenever we required, without considering
its original shape and size.
Parametric nature enables you to easily capture design intent and make design changes .
Related to other module if we make any change in any of the module of the cad s/w , same
change will reflect to us in other modules also this behaviour of the s/w is called Bi-directional
Feat -1
Feat-1 is the Parent to the child Feat-2 ,Feat-2 is the parent to Feat-3 and so on
Parent can stay without child but child cannot stay without Parent.
Part -1
Part-1 is the Parent to the child Feat-2 ,Part-2 is the parent to Feat-3 and so on
Parents can stay without child but child cannot stay without Pare nt.
1: File > manage session >Erase Current : Only the model in the current window is
erased from system memory .
2: File >manage session > Erase Not Displayed : Only erases from system memory those
models that are not found in any pro/e windows.
NOTE: Erasing models does not delete them from the hard drive , it only removes from
session .
Step 1: Specify working directory . Here working directory serves as a destination for opening and
closing of files .
Go to working directory from ribbon > select destination ( may be any of drives i.e. c:,d:,e)
Step 2: Rt click > new folder > name the folder ( for example : akash)
Step 4: Goto new > part ( type ): solid ( sub type) , uncheck the ‘ use default templelate ‘ > name the file>
click ok> mmns part solid
Step 5:click on sketch view to make the plane parallel to screen
Center line – center line is used to enforce symmetry in sketches . It is highly preferable to draw
centerline in sketches .
Mouse clicks :
Click on tool > left click > left click > mid button to exit
After creating sketch > click done on ribbon> click save> ok> click close > erase not displayed
By default all dimensions are weak and denoted by light blue in color. Our work is to make weak
dimensions strong which is denoted by dark blue in colour .This can be done by left clicking on
weak dimensions and assigning value then pressing enter . Software is having intent manager
which tries to capture your design intent . If dimensions are not provided by intent manager
then click on normal on the ribbon and provide dimensions
Left click on normal >left click on e ntity > mid button to display dimensions
If dimensions are weak on two lines then after making equal the line dimensions will be
mean of both .
If dimensions is strong then other line will be e qual with reference to strong line
If we have already applied V & H in lines then after applying perpendicular , it will be a case
of over constrained .
Note : All dimensions in sketch should be fully constrained which means geometrical as well as
dimensional .
Editing tools are delete segment , mirror , rotate resize , divide , modify
INSPECTION : To ensure sketch is closed and doesn’t form intersecting loops software provides
inspection tools . These are :-
1> HIGHLIGHT OPEN ENDS :- If ends of loop are open it gets highlighted with red shade.
2> SHADE CLOSED LOOPS :- Shades the loop only when it is closed
3> OVELAPPING GEOMETRY :- Displays overlapping geometry with red colour.
It’s an addition or removal of material in any of the direction which is Normal to the sketching plane.
If geometry is open it will extrude as a surface and if it is closed it will extrude as solid.
Steps involved:
Got to extrude tool > Placement > define> select plane to sketch
To next
Thru until
To surface
To plane
To create solid models we may require several references such as edge, point , plane , curve . The
reference icon on ribbon helps you take references .
As the name suggests selection enables you to select specific entities such as that you are willing to
select in graphics window . It is available on right end of message bar .
Steps involved :
2> D1*D2 conic: Manage radius for both surfaces and conic value also .
3> Through curve : Select 2 surfaces and curve
1>On curve : click on point > click on curve > manage location of point by ratio or by real
(distance from start point)
2> On surface : Goto point > click on surface > by drag handle manage distance from
orthogonal edges/surfaces.
3> Offset coordinate system : Go to point > offset coordinate system> click on part
coordinate system > click on row> assign values of x,y,z > click on next row > again
assign values for x,y,z coordinates
3> On surfaces : Click on surface and manage distance from 2 orthogonal edges/surfaces by
using drag handles .
4> Center of curved surface: Click on curved edge or surface to create a datum axis passing
through center of cylindrical feature .
2>Centerlines on drawings.
4>Geometric tolerances.
Select feature> go to pattern> select dimension pattern > go to dimensions tab >
select 2 dimensions using ctrl from feature to vary > enter incremental value for di mensions>
click done
Select feature > go to pattern> select direction pattern > specify references(
edges,planes,surfaces ) in that direction
Manage spacing between copies and number of copies
Select feature >go to pattern> select fill pattern> references > define>create sketch
> manage spacing , angle and distance
Note : To sweep as a solid section must be closed . Trajectory may be open or close .
Step 1: Goto helical sweep > references > select plane> create axis of revolution >
create sweep profile> create cross section > change pitch value or flip > done
Note : You can create left handed or right handed threading also using this tool.
Application: Suspensions,threading
Steps :Go to shapes > blend> sections > define> select the plane > sketch > sketch
view> create 1 section > done> specify distance between sections > goto sections >
sketch > create 2 section
Options :
1> Straight : In straight vertices are connected by lines
2> Smooth: In smooth vertices are connected by splines
Divide : This tool is used to divide single entities into multiple entities.
This is a combination of sweep and blend.
Steps : Goto swept blend>select curve>goto sections>create 1 section at start point >goto
st nd nd rd
insert>select 1 point>goto sketch > create 2 section>goto insert > select 2 point> create 3
cross section > repeat above steps ….> create last section at end point ( you can use
construction point to end the section )
The copy and paste functionality enables you to quickly duplicate a feature .
You can use paste special option to apply move and rotate options to the resulting copied
SHELL : The shell feature hollows out the inside of a solid model , leaving a shell of a specified
wall thickness .
For different thickness and multiple openings use ctrl and non default thickness option
DRAFTS : Draft features are typically used as finishing features in molded and cast parts.
Go to/reference tab/select draft surface then click the surface you want/select the draft
hinges then click the surface for hinge/select the pull direction.
Right click on the white circle of draft angle to create more draft angles.
3 Degree is the maximum draft angle in Industries. Software permits +30 degree to -30
degree as draft angle.
Linear Holes
A> Go to/Holes in dress up feature/select surface where you want to create a hole.
B> Specify primary and secondary references
Radial Holes
Coaxial holes
A> To create standard holes click on the icon(standard hole) above placement tab
B> Standard holes from M1 to M68 are available in CREO.
C> You can create counter sink and counter bore typed holes.
D> Thread will be shown in violet color.
Goto Rib> Trajectory Rib> Select top surface> create top surface> create section >
add material upto next surface
Relations are user defined equations written between dimensions and/or parameters .
Relations let you express design intent by defining relationships within sketches ,
features , parts or assembly components .
Relation Uses :
> Suppressing an item removes it from the graphics window and regeneration cycle , but
the item can be resumed .
How to suppress ?
Both suppressing and deleting items follows parent child relationship. Suppressing items
causes regeneration speed to increase . Suppressed item is denoted by black square .
There are three methods to manage design intent :
1> Reordering : You can reorder features in the m odel tree by dragging them to a new
2> Inserting: You can insert new features in the model tree wherever desired
3> Redefining: You can redefine features in the model t ree by
Selecting feature > right click > edit definition
While designing any cad model we may need to analyze its mass properties viz .
including mass, weight, centre of gravity, moment of inertia, product of inertia.
Step 1: Goto file> prepare> model properties ( a window will pop up) > goto
material> change>assign material > click on ok.
Step 2: Goto analysis tab> mass properties( mass property window will pop up) >
click on coordinate system > click on ‘I’ i.e. info icon
In Pro-E surface modeling, most of the time you will build a surface model by
creating pieces of surfaces adjacent to the other. In order to convert the surface
model to a solid part you have to first merge all the surfaces. For this purpose you
have to use the “Merge” option.
Click the “surface-1” and “surface-2” by pressing Ctrl button and then go
to Merge. The Merge dashboard dialogue box will appear where you can change the
directions for each of the surfaces
For trimming a surface by another surface curve, the two entities need to be
intersected with each other. Say, we need to trim the “Surface-1” with the “Surface-
2” of the Figure-1. Click the “Surface-1” and go to Trim, you will get the “trim
dashboard” appear; now you need to select the “Surface-2” as the trimming surface.
You can “Toggle” the side to keep.
As the name implies, this option will help you create offset surfaces or either flat
or curved surfaces. We will see how to create offset surface of the “surface -1” of
the figure-1. Click the Surface-1 and go to Offset and the offset dashboard will
appear, where you have to define the offset distance, type and direction
After capturing all the intricacies in the Pro-E Surface modeling you have to make
it solid. For this purpose you have to use the “Thicken” editing option. For the above
example (Figure-1) we will thicken the “Surface-1” and for that you have to select
the Surface-1 and go to Edit → thicken, the thicken dashboard will appear, where
you have to define the thickness and direction.
The boundary blend is a Pro Engineer surface modeling command used mainly for
creating smooth but irregular surfaces, where you know the surrounding 2D or 3D
boundary curves of it.
Boundary blend is one of the advanced surface features (parametric surface) in
CREO. Create 2 curves . Go to boundary blend > select 2 curves using ctrl .
Solidify- This tool is used to trim solids from surfaces .Create a solid and surface
intersecting the solid .Select surface > goto solidify > goto remove material option from
dashboard > select portion of solid to remove > click ok
Fill- Convert sketch to surfaces
Project – Used to project a curve on a surface which can be later used for sweeping i.e.
adding or removal of material .
In the top-down assembly design approach components are created inside the assembly
module therefore no need to create separate part files for the component .
NOTE : Even though components are created inside the assembly module they are saved
as individual part files that can be opened and used later .
For most of cases we will use default , coincident and distance constraints.
Family tables are a collection of parts , assemblies , or features that are similar , but deviate slightly in
some aspect , such as size . For example, bolts of a certain type , though different in size , all look alike
and perform same function . Parts in family tables are also known as table-driven parts.
Rows : Family table rows contain the gener ic or initial model and instances of parts and their
corresponding values . The generic model is the first row in the family table .
Columns: The family table columns are used to specify the items in the generic model that can be
varied in the instance .
1. Create and store large number of objects simply and compactly within a single model.
3. Generate variations of a part from one part file instead of having to model each one
Software provides default exploded state by itself , in order to get customized exploded sate of
assembly software provides VIEW MANAGER tool in graphics toolbar.
Goto view manager > explode > name new exploded state >edit > edit position > manage
position of components > click ok > + sign appears beside name > rt click > save
Planar-The cross section is defined by a datum plane 0r planar surface intersecting the model.
Goto view manager> sections > new> planar >name the section > select plane (you can turn ON
the hatching)
Offset- An offset cross section uses a sketched cut line to intersect the assembly .The cut line
shape is then extruded in one or both directions from the sketch plane.
Goto view manager > sections > new > offset >name the section > create sketch > done
Zone-Define a region within an assembly that can be used to select a number of intersecting
Goto view manager > sections > new > zone > name the section > select plane > click on done
Hidden Line
No Hidden
Goto view manager > style> new > name the style> select components to be blanked ,
wireframe , hidden , no hidden , shaded , transparent > click ok
Goto view manager > orient > new > name the view > now orient the model in graphics window
> + sign appears beside icon > rt click on icon > click save
Customized exploded state , styles , orientation are all required for drafting and animation .
• Drafting is a Documentation of the Modeling.
In drawing mode you can create customized documentation for the component process
Views of each step can be placed, component display controlled based on their status in
the step, and report tables (BOM) .
Goto drawing model> add model > add components as well as assemblies in list > done
Now we have added models in the drafting module . Our next step is to set models to be
displayed on the sheet .
Goto drawing model> set model > select component to be displayed > done
Step 3: Setting up general view . By default general view is the first view that is set .
Goto general view > left click on screen (model will be displayed)
View type
Visible area
View states
View display
How to add sectional views ?
Open model> view manager > sections > new > planar > name the section > select plane >
hatch > done
Goto general view> sections > 2d cross sections > add > select cross section that is ticked >
apply > ok
Click on model >projection > create top ,bottom, left , right projection views
st rd
There are 2 types of projections viz. 1 angle projection( used in Europe) and 3 angle
projection(used in USA)
st rd
You can change setting from 1 angle to 3 angle or vice versa .
Goto file > prepare > drawing properties> detail options > change> change angle of projection
st rd rd
from 1 to 3 or 3 to first > click on add/change> ok
Step 5: Creating detailed view
Click on detailed icon from drawing ribbon > click on entity ( blip will appear > create spline
around blip (see detail ) will be displayed > click on any portion of graphics window to display
detailed view
Step 6: Dimensioning
Goto annotate tab> show model annotations > click on the view> select dimensions to be
displayed > apply
Sometimes our intended dimensions are not displayed by ‘show model annotations ‘ . In this
case our step would be
Goto annotate > dimensions > attach type> on entities or center > left click on entity > mid
Goto make note > no leader > make note > select point > write text note > enter
Goto make note > with leader > make note > attached type >entity > ok > write text > done
Step 7: Creating bill of materials table
a> Select table of (4*2) > left click on cell of table > rt click > change width and height if
b> Double click on (1*1) cell and write index , similarly (1*2 ) cell and write assembly
member name , click on (1*3) and write quantity , click on ( 1*4) cell and write material
c> Click on (2*1) cell > goto select table > select entire row > rt click on selected row > add
repeat region > double click on cells
d> Goto repeat region > attributes > select entire 2 row > no duplicates > done
e> Goto create balloon > all
Goto file > save as > export > set the format ( pdf) > export
For better presentation of CAD models CREO PARAMETRIC 2.0 provides animation feature .
In the advanced drag option assign different exploded view to your model and
than take snaps .( translation and rotation both)
e. When you click on ok then close you will be guided back to the previous dialogue
Start time-0.0000
End time-20.0000
Apply then ok
6. Click on generate to see the clip . Manage snapshots w.r.t. time on timeline .
7. Click on play back to save your clip . Click on capture to get MPEG file .
To create this animation you need to first create various customized orientation in assembly
module .
For translation and rotational motion we will use GENERAL connection . It has 3 translational
and 3 rotational degrees of freedom .
A. Servo motor
Choose servo motor – servo motor definition dialogue box pops up
You can see that a arrow icon is visible at every connection
Name – you can name your motor
Type – select motion axis
Click on cursor icon then choose the required connection to which motor is required
Profile – in specification change the position motion axis to velocity motion axis
In magnitude – constant A=
B. Mechanism analysis
Analysis definition dialogue box pops up
Type – position
Preferences – start time=0
End time=20
C. Playback
Play backs dialogue box pops up
Result set – chose the analysis definition you wish to capture
On top click on select play current result set
Animate dialogue box
Click on play to see your clip
Click on capture to save your clip – capture dialogue box pops up
Click on browse to set the directory where you wish to save your clip
Click on ok and your film starts to play while getting captured
1 . Belts
Type Part
a> Extrude
b> Revolve
c> Planar
d> Boundary blend
e> Sweep
f> Swept blend
g> Rotational bend
Select top left hand side box where you can define its thickness.
Step 3: creating secondary wall – use either
a> Flat
b> Flange
- Click on flat wall icon to enter into flat wall creation environment
- Select the required edge of the primary wall from which you need to attch your
flat wall. Creo automatically creates bend between edges .
- Using the user predefined wall shape box , on the top left hand side corner , you
- From the wall angle box you can define the angle of wall
- Add bends to the attachment edges – you can change the bend rdius of attached
- Shape panel – you can sketch the wall as per your requirement
2. Y factor –
3. By bend table
Bend allowance comes from the fact that when sheet metal is bent , the inside surface of the
bend is suppressed and the outer surface of bend is stretched
Click on flange wall icon to enter into flat wall creation environment
Select the required edge of primary wall from which you need to attch your flange wall. Bend is
created between edges .
- User predefined wall shape box , on top l eft hand side corner .you can define the
shape of your secondry wall.
- Trim and extent box you can difine the extension of wall.
- Add bends to the attachment edges-you can change the bend radius of attached
Surface rip – Select a surface and rip the geometry out . This option effectively
cuts out the selected surface and so actually removes volume .
The bend group you will find the bend option using which you can create bends
on a surface .
On the top left hand side you will find three options for placement of
bend line .
Use value to define bend angle – lets you define a bend angle
Bend to end of surface – bend one edge to the opposite edge
Enter a bend radius value – you can define radius of bend
Placement panel – define the surface or the bend line . You will get two
green boxes displayed on top of selected surfaces , pl ace the boxes on
the opposite edges of surface and then define the bend line .
Bend line panel – In the sketch option you can draw the bend line
Transition – you can use this option only when you are in bend to end of
surface environment . Lets you bend a particular area of the surface
keeping the rest undisturbed .
Define an edge bend
Function similar to round tool . Here the thickness is defined as the inner
radius of the bend .
Placement panel – Displays all the selected edges. Here you can define
bend radius and also whether you wish to change thickness definition
from inner radius to outer radius .
Create a bend around an axis that is perpendicular to the selected surface and the sketching
plane .
Menu manager dialogue box pops up . Select angle and click on done
Menu manager dialogue box- select part bend tbl . Click on done/return .
Now you must set up a sketch plane . Select the desired plane and click on okay
Now you must select the the sketch view . Lets just keep it default .
You are now in sketch environment . Draw the section about which you desire to bend
your plane .
Bend side option – click on okay
Direction – click on okay
Define bend angle – click on enter a value . Give the angle value . Click on done
Sel radius - Click on enter a value . Give the radius value
Direction – click on okay
Click on preview to see your work . If satisfied click on okay
Bend order tables
Bend orders are used to document the order , size and direction in which the bend was
created during the manufacturing process .
Now click on the bend order from the bend group drop down menu .
Sequence – you can create your own sequences consisting of similar types of bends .
You can create bend order tables and display them in sheet metal drawings to document
the order and dimensions of bend features . Bend order tables can be updated by reviewing
the bend sequence . When a bend order table is stored , the file name is <modelname>.bot
. A bend order table cannot be treated or edited on a completely unfolded model.
Use the unbend feature to unbend any curved surface on the sheet metal part , whether it
is a bend feature or a curved wall.
1> Click on the unbend icon available in the unbend group . You will be in the unbend
environment . On the top left hand side you will see two arrow icons .
a> Reference selected automatically – Creo itself chooses which surface to keep fix
b> Reference selected manually – you can choose which surface to be fixed
2> Once you have selected references select manually click on references.
a> Bend geometry – select edges or surface which you want to unbend
b> Fixed geometry – select your preferred surface which you want to keep fixed during
Deformation panel – When you have large model with multiple bends of different
cross sections then creo finds it difficult to automatically unbend the non-ruled
bends because they curve or bend in more than one direction . Those bends which
creo cannot unbend is shown in deformation panel .
This tool lets you unbend wall that are bent or curved in more than one direction
Click on cross sectional driven unbend icon available in unbend group
New dialogue box menu manager will open up
Click on one by one , select dialogue box pops up , then select the desired
bend you require to unbend
Click on okay and then done
The next dialogue box has two options
A. Select curve – lets you select the bend defining curve .
B. Sketch curve – lets you draw the fix curve during unbend
Select curve to be kept fixed . Click on done
Flip dir dialogue box – lets you specify side to be kept fixed . Click on OK
Choose transition unbend from the UNBEND Opt . The unbend ( transition type)
dialogue box appears .
The FEATURE REFS menu appears .Pick one or more planes or edges to
remain fixed while unbending . The selected entities highlight in magenta .
Note that both the green and white sides of a surface must be selected in
order for selection to be valid .
Choose done sel when you are finished , then choose done refs to continue
The FEATURE REFS menu reappears , with Add again chosen by default .
Choose the Trans Areas element then define button
Pick the transitional surface that needs to be unbent . Again both the green
and white sides of a surface must be selected in order for selection to be
valid .Adjacent edge surfaces must be selected also . The selected entities
highlight in magenta .
Choose done sel when you are finished ; then Done Refs from the FEATURE
REFS menu.
The feature is now fully defined. Choose OK from the dialogue box . The
system creates the TRANSITIION Unbend.
Step 7 . Create a bend back feature
Bend back feature is used to “ rebend “ a part after an Unbend feature has been created .
When you create a bend back feature , you select a fixed plane . You can then bend back all or
selected bends to bend back. Any features added to the part in this state are automatically bent
when the part is bent . This combination of Unbend and Bend back is often used to create cuts
that are difficult to model with the part in the formed position , such as the tab feature . In
addition you may find that you can create some shapes with this technique that cannot be
modeled in any other way.
Form features are used to create shapes which are stamped into sheet metal . You can control
the shape of the form as either a Punch or a Die . The flatten form feature is used to flatten the
form feature for display in the part’s flat state . A form feature is typically used to create
shapes which deform the surfaces of sheet metal part , such as an extruded hole or a stamped
pocket . Form features get their shape definition from the surfaces of an existing part , known
as reference part . There are 2 types of form features available in SHEET METAL : Punch and Die
. Their use depends upon whether your reference geometry is in the form of the punch ( the
positive shape ), or the die ( the negative shape ).
After clicking on reference . Click on done . Now open dialogue box pops up . Here you must call
your desired shape from the Creo memory . The path will be :
C:\ Program Files\ Creo 2.0 \ Common Files \ F000\ text \ smt \ punch_models\component
placement dialogue box pops up . The box functions similar to assembly .
Here assemble the forms required surface to model’s surface and fully constraint the assembly .
Use coincident and fix.
Define bond plane : select the surrounding surface to the die geometry .
Define seed surface : select any surface of the form . * top most surface is recommended *
Click ok
c> Place using coordinate system – here you select the surface on which you want to
punch .
Placement panel :