Risk Assessment - Office Works
Risk Assessment - Office Works
Risk Assessment - Office Works
1 Ergonomic Setup Poor workstation • Workstation assessments and provision of 3 4 12 N Regular ergonomic assessments 4 3 12 N Provide Before
ergonomics ergonomic furniture, adjustable chairs, and and provision of personalized personalized the
leading to back monitor stands. ergonomic solutions. ergonomic subseq
pain, strain furniture. uent
injuries, or task.
carpal tunnel
2 Electrical Equipment Usage of • Periodic checks of electrical systems, grounded 3 4 12 N Regular inspections by certified 4 4 16 Y Conduct Right
Use electrical outlets, and use of surge protectors for sensitive electricians and upgrade to electrical system now
devices without equipment. modern electrical systems. upgrades.
proper grounding
or overloaded
circuits leading
to shocks or
3 Slips, Trips, and Falls Cluttered • Regular housekeeping, clear signage for wet 2 3 6 N Implementing non-slip flooring 4 3 12 N Upgrade flooring Before
pathways, loose areas, and designated cable management and more visible signage for for better the
cables, or wet systems. hazard areas traction. subseq
surfaces leading uent
to slips, trips, or task.
4 Fire Safety Lack of fire • Fire extinguishers placed strategically, clear fire 4 4 16 Y Installation of additional fire 4 5 20 Y Install more fire Right
extinguishers, exit routes, and periodic fire drills. extinguishers and conducting fire extinguishers. now.
blocked fire drills regularly.
exits, or
inadequate fire
alarm systems
posing fire risks.
5 Hazardous Materials Improper storage • Training on proper handling and storage of 3 4 12 N Improved training modules and 4 3 12 N Provide Prior to
or handling of hazardous materials, along with provision of regular equipment checks for hazardous the
chemicals relevant PPE. PPE adequacy. materials subseq
leading to health training. uent
issues or spills. task.
6 Data Security Weak passwords, • Encrypted data storage, regular password 4 4 16 Y Implementation of multi-factor 4 5 20 Y Enhance Right
lack of updates, and periodic cybersecurity training. authentication and continuous cybersecurity now to
encryption, or cybersecurity training. measures. be
phishing risks done
leading to data
RISK Assessment Template Effectivity Date:
7 Ventilation and Air Poor air • Regular maintenance of HVAC systems, air quality 3 3 9 N Improved air filtration systems 4 4 16 Y Upgrade air Before
Quality circulation or assessments, and provision of air purifiers where and better airflow circulation. filtration the
high levels of needed. systems. subseq
indoor pollutants uent
leading to task