CGCC2023 Ch4 Student Booklet A5
CGCC2023 Ch4 Student Booklet A5
CGCC2023 Ch4 Student Booklet A5
ज्ञानकर्म सन्नन्नयासयोगः
ūjya Gurudev Swāmi Chinmayanāndaji breathed, lived and talked Bhagavad
Gītā throughout his life. He travelled the world carrying the message of the
Gītā, conducted numerous Gītā Jnana Yajnas, and himself attained that very
state of being. He is proof that the words of the Gītā are not just words of wisdom, but
the teachings that can uplift anyone to the state of oneness with the Lord.
From the recitation of the Bhagavad Gītā arises the desire to know its meaning.
Thence arises the Knowledge (of the Self). From this Knowledge arises fulfilment.
Hence an individual must recite the Bhagavad Gītā. The study of the Gītā is the key to
opening the vast treasure of God’s love for us. It starts with chanting, then study, and
over time, assimilating (embracing) that same love wholeheartedly and completely.
Gītā Chanting allows us to begin this journey here and now, and opening ourselves to
the embrace of the infinite love.
S uccess or achievement
is not the final goal. It
is the 'spirit' in which you
act that puts the seal of
beauty upon your life.
Success is not in the trophy
won but in the race run.
Pūjya Gurudev Swāmi