CGCC2023 Ch4 Student Booklet A5

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ज्ञानकर्म सन्नन्नयासयोगः

कर्मण्यकर्म य: पश्येत् अकर्मणि च कर्म य: |

स बुद्धिर्ान्मनुष्येषु स युक्त: कृ त्स्नकर्मकृत् ||
karmaṇyakarma yaḥ paśyet akarmaṇi ca karma yaḥ
sa buddhimānmanuṣyeṣu sa yuktaḥ kṛtsnakarmakṛt

He who recognizes inaction in action, and

action in inaction is wise among men;
he is a Yogi, and a true performer of all actions.
Hari Om! Welcome to Chinmaya Gīta Chanting
Competition 2023, UAE! This year, let’s learn to chant
Chapter 4, Jñānakarmasannyāsayoga, the Yoga of
Renunciation of Action in Knowledge.

Brahmaleen Pūjya Gurudev Swāmi

Chinmayānandaji was a great visionary, saint and
Gītacarya of modern times. Inspired by him, Chinmaya
Mission has been conducting the Chinmaya Gīta
Chanting Competition worldwide for over 50 years.
This activity has grown in leaps and bounds with the
enthusiastic participation of children and the dedicated
efforts of sevaks and sevikas.

Pujya Gurudev says life is a series of activities. If our life

has to be dynamic, we must live a life of dynamic
activity, which was the main theme of Chapter 3.
However, many through their actions produce a lot of
agitations and sorrow for themselves and others. The
way to avoid such negative results from actions is to work for a
common good, a noble cause. This is the spirit of yagna. This is what
Chapter 4 talks about. Actions done with the right knowledge, in the
spirit of yagna, produce more results without any friction, but with a
lot of sharing, hence inspired by love and service at all times.
Sun gives us light. Nature gives us wind and rain. None of them take a
break, or expect something in return. They do not discriminate.
Therefore they are Gods. We must work like them in this spirit of

When we work for selfish desires we will forever be

worried about results, fears and anxieties. We have
no peace, energy, or joy, and our productivity gets
limited. Since we see ourselves only in one body, we
simply march towards death. A person who works in
the spirit of yagna sees God in all, becomes God, becomes immortal,
free from death, produces maximum, enjoys his work with love
towards Him intact, and shares it with everyone. He inspires others,
who reciprocate, and follow the yagna spirit, as outlined in Chapter 4.
Pūjya Guruji Swāmi Tejomayānanda says,

“From this recitation of the Bhagavad Gīta arises

the desire to know its meaning, which in time
matures into Knowledge that results in total

Thus the main purpose of this competition is to disseminate the

knowledge of the Bhagavad Gīta, inculcate its values and bring
its time-tested and invaluable wisdom to as many people as
possible, especially to the young, tender and growing hearts.
Millions of children all over the world are now chanting the
Bhagavad Gīta. Through training children in chanting, the
parents and teachers also have been introduced to the Gīta. It
has verily transformed innumerable lives.

This booklet which is a part of the learning aid will be of much

use not only for those participating in the competition, but for
all who wish to correctly chant the Gīta and savour its beauty.


UAE 2023 Portion (School Grades as of September 15, 2023)
Grade (for schools Grade (for schools
No. of
Group following 12-year following 13-year Portion
curriculum) curriculum)
Group A KG1 to Grade 2 FS1 to Year 3 01-10 10
Group B Grade 3 to Grade 5 Year 4 to Year 6 01-18 18
Group C Grade 6 to Grade 8 Year 7 to Year 9 01-28 28
Group D Grade 9 to Grade 12 Year 10 to Year 13 01-35 35

Group D-Read Grade 9 to Grade 12 Year 10 to Year 13 01-42 42

*Note: To encourage more participation of Group D students, we have

introduced a special category called D-Read, where D-Group students have the
option to read the verses from the book, without memorization. Recognition/
award criteria for this category will be communicated to teachers separately.


Memory (All Groups, Except D-R)

This is the ability of the participant to chant the specified portion without any
break, hesitation, jumbling or confusion.

Pronunciation (All Groups)

The ability to chant the verses with proper punctuation in Sanskrit in
consonance with the CGCC approved text.

Presentation and Overall Effect (All Groups)

Posture, confidence, mannerism, sincerity of efforts, Devotional Bhava (right
attitude and feeling) and impact on the listener.

Note: Tune is not a criteria for evaluation..


ūjya Gurudev Swāmi Chinmayanāndaji breathed, lived and talked Bhagavad
Gītā throughout his life. He travelled the world carrying the message of the
Gītā, conducted numerous Gītā Jnana Yajnas, and himself attained that very
state of being. He is proof that the words of the Gītā are not just words of wisdom, but
the teachings that can uplift anyone to the state of oneness with the Lord.

From the recitation of the Bhagavad Gītā arises the desire to know its meaning.
Thence arises the Knowledge (of the Self). From this Knowledge arises fulfilment.
Hence an individual must recite the Bhagavad Gītā. The study of the Gītā is the key to
opening the vast treasure of God’s love for us. It starts with chanting, then study, and
over time, assimilating (embracing) that same love wholeheartedly and completely.
Gītā Chanting allows us to begin this journey here and now, and opening ourselves to
the embrace of the infinite love.


Chinmaya Gītā Chanting Competition (CGCC) UAE 2023

S uccess or achievement
is not the final goal. It
is the 'spirit' in which you
act that puts the seal of
beauty upon your life.
Success is not in the trophy
won but in the race run.
Pūjya Gurudev Swāmi

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