This document provides a 20-day study plan for the Indian economy, including topics such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, national income, money and banking, fiscal policy, agriculture, poverty, and international trade. References listed include textbooks, government reports, and online resources to support learning on each topic.
This document provides a 20-day study plan for the Indian economy, including topics such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, national income, money and banking, fiscal policy, agriculture, poverty, and international trade. References listed include textbooks, government reports, and online resources to support learning on each topic.
This document provides a 20-day study plan for the Indian economy, including topics such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, national income, money and banking, fiscal policy, agriculture, poverty, and international trade. References listed include textbooks, government reports, and online resources to support learning on each topic.
This document provides a 20-day study plan for the Indian economy, including topics such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, national income, money and banking, fiscal policy, agriculture, poverty, and international trade. References listed include textbooks, government reports, and online resources to support learning on each topic.
Reference NA- Niti Aayog Theme Days Book Link CD- Civils Daily Book SG- Sankar ganesh NCERT- CLASS 12TH (MICROECONOMICS)-CH. 1 & 2 & 5 Micro Economics + Day 1-Basics TN class 11- ch 5 Macro Economics Day 2- Basics TN -CLASS 12TH -CH 1&2 CD’s Economy Day 3-National Income Accounting NCERT- CLASS 12TH-CH 2 Series – and Development NCERT - CLASS11 TH- CH 4 Chapter 1 INDIAN ECONOMY CD’s Economy Series – Day 4-Money & Inflation Ncert Class 12-ch 3 Chapter 3 TN Class 12 - Ch 5 SG-INFLATION & Day 5-Inflation + Banking DEFLATION SG- Indian CD’s Economy FInancial system : Series – Day 6- Banking + Capital market TN class 12 -Ch 6 Money Market Chapter 4, 5 CD’s Economy Series – Day 7- Planning Ncert - Class 11 ch-1,2,3 Chapter 2 Day 8- Industrial sector/ Policies Ncert - Class 11 ch-1,2,3 Eco siurvey - Industry Day 9- Industrial sector/ Policies TN - Class 11,Ch-9 2023,2022 Ncert- Class 11 - Ch 5 &6 Ncert -Class 12- Economic CD’s Economy Day 10-Agriculture geography + Eco survey on Agri Series – Chapter 6 Eco survey - 2023-22.21- Agri NA- India@75- Day 11-Agriculture + Land refroms chapter 5,6, CD’s Economy Day 12-Food processing & related Eco survey - 2023-22-21- Agri Series – industries chapter NA- India@75- 7 Chapter 12 Day 13-Govt’s Role Ncert - Class 12- Ch 5 on Govt • Budgeting & Fiscal policy Budget sankar ganesh CD’s Economy Day 14-Govt’s Role Series – • Budgeting & Fiscal policy TN class 12- ch 9 Budget - summary Chapter 8 SG - Public CD’s Economy Day 15-Govt’s Role Finance related to Series – • Taxation Tax Chapter 9 CD’s Economy Day 16-Poverty, Inequality, and Ncert Class 11- 6 & 7 Series – Unemployment Eco survey on social sector Chapter 7 Day 17-Poverty, Inequality, and NA- India@75- Unemployment TN class 12- ch 11 8,9,26,32 CD’s Economy Series – Day 18-Investment models + NA- India@75- 12 Chapter 14 & Infrastructure Eco survey to 18 15 CD’s Economy Day 19-Govt’s Role Ncert 12- Ch-6 on open Economy Series – • External sector/ Foreign Trade+ TN CLASS 12-CH 7 & 8 Chapter 10 Day 20-Govt’s Role • External sector/ Foreign CD’s Economy Trade+International economic Eco survey - External chp- 2023 & Series – organizations 22 Chapter 11