Baclig SLM Ceir2 Module 1
Baclig SLM Ceir2 Module 1
Baclig SLM Ceir2 Module 1
Learning Outcomes
Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning Understand the important topics and lessons in the subjects covered by Law
Outcomes Enforcement Administration.
Recall the pointers to remember that might possibly use in board examination.
Targets/ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Objectives Discuss the important pointers to review in the subjects under Law
Enforcement Administration.
Construct self-review materials that can be used in taking board examination.
B. Asynchronous
For pre-recorded video lectures please refer to your respective google
classroom/ Facebook group, announcement will be posted on your respective
group chat (Messenger). Hence for inquiries and clarification on the lecture
student can reach the faculty thru their respective group chat or thru the cell
number provided by the faculty. For essay questions and practical activities
will posted on yours google classroom with intended time limit.
1. Pre-Record video lecture;
2. Online consultation;
3. Practical activity;
4. Comprehensive Examination
C. Three other members who are removable only for cause chosen by the
Local Peace and Order Council from among the respected members of the
community known for their probity and integrity
D. Chief PNP
62. The following are minor offenses, except:
A. Simple misconduct or negligence
B. Gambling and habitual drunkenness
C. Insubordination
D. Murder
63. The NAPOLCOM is attached to the DILG for policy and:
A. Instruction C. Program coordination
B. Cooperation D. Supervision
64. The minimum educational qualification for appointment in the PNP under the
PNP reform and reorganizational act is ___________________________.
A. Senior High School C. Baccalaureate Degree
B. 72 Collegiate Units D. Masteral Degree
65. The NAPOLCOM is composed of how many regular commissioners?
A. 6 C. 4
B. 5 D. 3
66. A PNP officer who was demoted in position or rank and not assigned to a
position commensurate to such grade despite the existence of vacancy shall be
retired or separated within how many months after such demotion.
A. 6 months C. 16 months
B. 12 months D. 18 months
67. The four regular and full time commissioners of the NAPOLCOM shall be
appointed by the President, without re-appointment, for a term of:
A. 5 years C. 3 years
B. 4 years D. 6 years
68. The minimum educational qualification for appointment in the PNP under the
PNP reform and reorganization act is:
A. Baccalaureate degree C. College level
B. 72 collegiate units D. Master’s degree
69. The occupational specialty pay shall be granted to the member of PNP IAS
which shall not exceed how many percent of their basic pay.
A. 50 C. 70
B. 60 D. 80
70. An applicant in the PNP must not be more than or less than how many
kilograms from the standard weight corresponding to his height, age and sex?
A. 6 C. 10
B. 5 D. 15
71. An applicant under the PNP regular recruitment must not be less than 21 years
old nor more than:
81. A PNP member shall be retired or separated from the service if he has been
relieved for just cause after due notice and hearing and has not given assignment
within how many years after such relief?
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
82. The entry level for NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS is the rank of
A. Police Patrolman/Patrolwoman C. Police Staff Sergeant
B. Police Corporal D. Police Master Sergeant
83. Any PNP member who has not been promoted despite the existence of
vacancy for a continuous period of how many years shall be retired or separated?
A. 5 C. 8
B. 2 D. 10
84. Promotion by virtue of position shall be granted after
A. 6 months C. 2 years
B. 1 year D. 18 months
85. A retired PNP uniformed personnel can get the lump sum of his retirement
benefits for the period of first _________________.
A. 10 years C. 5 years
B. 6 years D. 2 years
86. A PNP member who acquired permanent physical disability in the performance
of his duty and unable to further perform his duty shall be entitled to a lifetime
pension equivalent to:
A. His or her last salary
B. 50 percent of his or her last salary
C. 80 percent of his or her last salary
D. 90 percent of his or her last salary
87. The uniformed PNP members have an equivalent salary grade as that of:
A. A college professor C. A public school teacher
B. A PDEA personnel D. All of them
88. The PNP IAS is headed by an Inspector General with the rank of:
A. Director C. Senior Superintendent
B. Chief Superintendent D. Chief Inspector
89. Occupational specialty pay shall be granted to the members of the PNP IAS
which shall not exceed how many percent of their basic pay?
A. 90 C. 50
B. 80 D. 25
90. Appeals on the decision made by the PNP IAS shall be:
A. Within 10 days
B. Within 5 days
C. Within 15 days
Regional Director?
A. 2 C. 5
B. 3 D. 4
100. The city or municipal mayor shall develop an integrated community public
safety plan pursuant to:
A. E.O. 309 C. E.O. 903
B. RA No. 6975 D. RA No. 8551
1. The Greek word which means “government of a city” or “civil organization and
the state”, which is claimed as the origin of the word police refers to “politeia”.
The statement is ____________.
A. False C. No
B. True D. Partly
2. This term was interpreted as an authoritative arm for those in power. It was
used by the Roman to modify the Greek root word for police?
A. Politia C. Policia
B. Politeia D. Polis
3. This was a terminology in ancient Greece which is likewise as the origin of the
word police. It literally means “city” or “city-state” and was used to describe the
group responsible in maintaining health, safety and order in the community.
A. Politia C. Policia
B. Politea D. Polis
4. The idea of policing originated from military bodies as guardians of peace in
ancient Rome known as:
A. Praetorian guards C. Medjays
B. Soldati D. Polis
5. Police is a term introduced by the:
A. Americans C. French
B. English D. Russians
6. This is a system of policing that emerged during the Anglo-Saxon period. Under
this system, all male residents were required to guard the town to preserve peace
and protect the lives and properties of the people:
A. Tun policing C. Royal judge
B. Hue and cry D. Frankpledge system
7. This system of policing was composed of a group of ten neighboring male
resident over twelve years’ old who were tasked to apprehend any person who
offends another and deliver him for trial.
A. Frankpledge system C. Hue and cry
B. Tun policing D. Shire reeve
8. This system of apprehending suspects whereby the complaint goes to the middle
of the community and shout to call all male residents to assemble and arrest the
suspect is known as:
A. Trial by ordeal C. Tun policing
B. Hue and cry D. Tythingmen
9. The policing system during the Norman period which is claimed as the
forerunner of the word Sheriff, whereby England was divided into fifty military
districts, each headed by a ruler in order to enhance policing was:
A. Frankpledge system C. Tun policing
B. Shire reeve system D. Magna Carta
10. The law enacted that classified offenses against the King and the individuals,
made policemen public official, empowered the police and the citizens to conduct
arrest and assigned grand jury to inquire on the facts of the law refers to:
A. Leges Henrici C. Statute of Winchester
B. Magna Carta D. Statute of 1295
11. Law Enforcement in ancient China was carried out by ________ which developed
in both Chu and Jin kingdom of the Spring and Autumn period.
A. constabulary C. prefect
B. gendarmerie D. Justice of the peace
12. In Rome, they were responsible for law and order and acted as a dedicated
police force. While Magistrates such as Procurator Fiscals and Quaestors
investigate crimes.
A. citizen C. Army
B. urban cohorts D. Sheriff
13. The document sealed by King John of England that became law upon the
demand of the knights of the round table which stated that no freeman shall be
imprisoned except by legal judgment, no person shall be tried of murder unless
there is proof of the body of the of the victim and that there shall be a national
and local government and legislation refers to:
A. Magna Carta C. Statute of Winchester
B. Leges Henrici D. Statute of 1295
14. What was the title of the proclamation issued by King Richard of England
sometime in 1195 that required the appointment of knights to keep the King’s peace
by standing as guards on bridges and gates while checking the people entering and
leaving the cities and towns?
A. Watch and ward C. Justice of the peace
B. Keepers of the peace D. Peace officer
15. The law that introduced the policing system of watch and ward was:
A. Magna Carta C. Statute of Winchester
B. Statute of 1195 D. Statute of 1295
16. The law that marked the beginning of curfew hours, which demands the closing
of the gates of London during sundown refers to:
D. Modern Concept
25. What French term is claimed as the origin of the term peace officer:
A. Officer de la paix C. Sergent de arm
B. Sergent de ville D. Carabineros de seguridad public
26. The contributions of the French in policing are the following, except:
A. Use of handcuff
B. Assigning house numbers
C. Use of police ambulance
D. Use of warrant card and ID signifying the authority to arrest
27. The first full time organized police force in United States was formed in:
A. New York City C. Los Angeles
B. Boston D. Philadelphia
28. The police force which is originally created in response to colonization refers
A. Texas Ranger C. Los Angeles Police District
B. New York Police District D. Scotland Yard
29. The body of police officers composed mostly of Filipinos organized during the
Spanish regime that partially relieved the Spanish peninsular troops of their work
in policing towns was the:
A. Guardrilleros C. Guardia Civil
B. Carabineros de Seguridad publico D. Policia
30. The body of rural police officers organized in each town by the Royal Decree of
January 8, 1836, composed of 5% of the able bodied male inhabitants of each
province, enlisted in such police organization for 3 years refers to:
A. Guardrilleros C. Guardia Civil
B. Carabineros de Seguridad Publico D. Kempetai
31. The first insular constabulary in the Philippines was created by virtue of:
A. Act No. 175 C. Act No. 183
B. Act No. 255 D. Act. No. 157
32. The first insular constabulary in the Philippines was renamed as the Philippine
Constabulary by virtue of:
A. Act No. 175 C. Act No. 183
B. Act No. 255 D. Act. No. 157
33. The first chief of the Philippine constabulary was:
A. Henry Allen C. Antonio Torres
B. Rafael Crame D. George Curry
34. The first Filipino chief of Philippine constabulary:
A. Rafael Crame C. Antonio Torres
B. Antonio Torres D. George Curry
35. The law that combined the personnel of the jail bureau, fire bureau and the
Philippine Constabulary in a single police force refers to:
A. PD No. 765 C. RA No. 4864
46. The theory of police service which states that police officers are servants of the
community or the people refers to:
A. Continental C. Old
B. Home rule D. Modern
47. Which of the following is not included in using the centralized system of
A. United States of America C. Philippines
B. Singapore D. France
48. The theory of police service that prevails in England and United States is:
A. Continental C. Old
B. Home rule D. Modern
49. James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, suggested this approached stating the
police should pay greater attention to minor “quality of life” offenses and
disorderly conduct...correcting the small problems prevent more serious criminal
A. Team Policing C. Proactive Patrol System
B. Broken Window Policing D. Modern Patrol System
50. In 19th and early 20th centuries most of UK police force required to be at least 5
feet 10 inches (178 cm) in height. By 1960 many factors had reduced this to 5 feet
and 8 inches (173 cm) for male and 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) for female. But in
1999 who conducted the report stating that “the height restriction was seen to
possibly discriminate against those ethnic backgrounds who are genetically
predisposed to be shorter”. Since then No British police force now requires its
recruits to be any minimum height.
A. Frederick Adams C. Allan Smith
B. Mac Pherson D. Henry Wilson
51. The concept of police service that relies on more number of arrest made as the
yardstick of police efficiency is the:
A. Continental C. Old
B. Home rule D. Modern
52. The concept of police service which states that the yardstick of police efficiency is
the absence of crime refers to:
A. Continental C. Old
B. Home rule D. Modern
53. The organizational structure of the PNP which is also adopted by many police
organization in the word is:
A. Line C. Matrix
B. Line and staff D. All of them
54. This refers to the modern police function which primarily involves the mission
to reinforce community values and laws:
A. Civil order control C. Delinquency control
64. What is regarded as the totally gun less police force, except for its special
attack team?
A. New York Police District C. Japan National Police Agency
B. Scotland Yard D. Texas Ranger
65. This term refer to the rapid development of the western culture that ultimately
affects other cultures in the world as brought by intellectual and technological
advances, in which some crimes occurring in other countries are attributed:
A. Globalization C. Development
B. Industrialization D. Migration
66. The roadmap for long term and lasting PNP reform refers to:
A. Team Policing
B. Integrated Patrol System
C. Problem Oriented Policing
D. Integrated Transformation Program
67. The term referring to the then Japanese Military Police was:
A. Kamikaze C. Harakiri
B. Kempetai D. Samurai
68. The code of secrecy of the mafia is known as:
A. Costa Nostra C. Omerta
B. Nostra Damus D. Morse
69. The organization of law enforcement agencies worldwide that serves as
transmission or communication line for the exchange of information, data and
request for assistance between and among the member countries refers to the:
A. Interpol
B. Federal Bureau of Investigation
C. Central Intelligence Agency
D. World Peace Organization
70. Base of the study of James Q. Wilson, “Varieties of Police Behaviour” there are
three styles of policing developed from a jurisdiction socioeconomic
characteristics, government organization and choice of police administration. Each
style emphasized different police function and was linked to specific
characteristics of the community the department serve. Which of the following is
not included as one of the said style?
A. Watchman C. Service
B. Legalistic D. Optimistic
71. The policing strategy in the Philippine that was patterned from the Koban
System of Japan is:
A. Integrated Patrol System
B. Community Oriented Policing System
C. One PNP
D. PNP Road Map
42. The grant of access to classified matters, only to properly cleared persons in
the performance of their duties is termed as:
A. Security clearance C. Compartmentation
B. Classification D. Need to know
43. The document authorizing a person to have access to classified matters refers
A. Security clearance C. Compartmentation
B. Need to know D. Authorization
44. The medium or structure which defines the physical limits of an installation
and acts as impediment to intruders refers to:
A. Barrier C. Perimeter barrier
B. Divider D. Boundary mark
45. The following are types of physical barriers, except:
A. Natural barriers C. Animal barriers
B. Human barriers D. None of them
46. The following are the categories of automatic alarm system, except:
A. Photoelectric device C. Vibration detection device
B. Audio detection device D. Foot rail activator
47. Which among the following types of stationary lighting has an intensity
focused upon the intruder while the observer guard remains in comparative
darkness and is usually situated towards the entrance of an installation?
A. Glare projection type C. Stand-by lighting
B. Controlled lighting D. Movable lighting
48. The type of light lamp that is most commonly used in protective lighting
system is:
A. Gaseous discharge lamp C. Mercury vapor lamp
B. Incandescent lamp D. Quartz lamp
49. These are lights projected in concentrated beam and are appropriate for use in
instances which call for illumination of boundaries, buildings or fences
A. Flood lights C. Fresnel lights
B. Search lights D. Street lights
50. Pedestrian gates should be lighted at least how many feet on either side?
A. 25 feet C. 10 feet
B. 15 feet D. Five feet
51. Which of the following types of lock is generally used in car doors:
A. Warded lock C. Lever lock
B. Disc tumbler lock D. Combination lock
52. Disc tumbler lock poses a delay of approximately how many minutes?
A. 15 minutes C. 5 minutes
B. 10 minutes D. 20 minutes
53. The type of lock that is opened by pressing a series of numbered button in
proper sequence refers to:
64. The measures taken to protect heads of states, foreign national or local
dignitaries, civilian or military from personal injury, assassination, espionage or
sabotage pertains to:
A. Personnel security C. Personal protection program
B. VIP security D. Escort service
65. Barbed wire is intended for:
A. Fixed structure C. Semi-permanent structure
B. Temporary structure D. Any of them
66. Any person, association or partnership who furnishes or posts any security
guard to provide security assistance to a firm or installation with a corresponding
compensation pertains to:
A. Private security agency C. Government security unit
B. Company security force D. All of them
67. One who offers personal services to watch or secure an installation other than
members of the AFP, PNP or other law enforcement agencies of the government
refers to:
A. Security guard C. Caretaker
B. Guardian D. Detective
68. This is to sustain and maintain the gain of association in professionalizing the
level of competence among security guards in the country.
69. This refers to a security force maintained and operated by any private
corporation for its own security requirement a only:
A. Private security agency C. Government Guard Unit
B. Company Security Guard Force D. CAFGU
70. The operator or manager of a security agency shall be at least how many years
of age?
A. 18 C. 25
B. 21 D. 35
71. The initial number of guards employed by a Private Security Agency on its first
year of operation should be at least:
A. 100 C. 300
B. 200 D. 500
72. The minimum number of guards required for a Private Security Agency is:
A. 100 C. 300
B. 200 D. 500
73. During the first year of operation, a branch office of a PSA could have an initial
employment of at least:
A. 10 guards C. 30 guards
B. 20 guards D. 50 guards
74. The minimum required number of guards to be employed by a branch or PSA
A. 1 year C. 6 months
B. 2 years D. 5 months
86. A specialized type of security protecting the assets, personnel and operation of
a bank, with special emphasis on the precaution and measures to safeguard the
cash and assets while in storage, in transit and during transactions.
95. The primary training required for a security guard to renew his license is:
A. Basic security guard course C. Security officer’s training course
B. Re-training course D. Basic security supervisory course
96. Sabotage, espionage, pilferage and theft are examples of:
A. Human hazards C. Critical acts
B. Natural hazards D. All of them
97. The importance of an establishment with reference to the national economy
and security refers to:
A. Relative criticality C. Relative susceptibility
B. Relative vulnerability D. Relative economy
98. The susceptibility of a plant or establishment to damage, loss or disruption of
operations due to various hazards refers to:
A. Relative criticality C. Relative vulnerability
B. Relative economy D. Relative susceptibility
99. The area near or adjacent to limited or exclusive areas where entry is
restricted refers to:
A. Controlled area C. Restricted area
B. Exclusion area D. Clear zone
100. The unobstructed area maintained on both sides of a perimeter barrier on
the exterior and interior parallel area to afford better observation of the
installation refers to:
A. Clear zone C. Parallel zone
B. Open zone D. Free zone
1. The word patrol was derived from what French word, which means “to walk
through puddles” or “to walk through mud in a military camp”?
A. Patrolle C. Patroller
B. Patrouiller D. Patrouilier
2. The ancient system of apprehending criminals whereby a complainant goes to
the middle of the community and shout to call all male residents to assemble and
arrest the suspect refers to:
A. Frankpledge C. Tun policing
B. Hue and cry D. Tythingmen
3. The Statute of Winchester introduced the system known as:
A. Keepers of the peace C. Curfew
B. Watch and ward ` D. Justice of the peace
4. The term introduced by the French that became the forerunner of the word
“peace officer” was:
A. Sergent de ville C. Sergent de arm
B. Officer de la Paix D. Police
A. Greeks C. Egyptians
B. Romans D. Chinese
48. The smelling sense of dog is up to how many times more sensitive than
human’s sense of smell?
A. One thousand times C. One hundred times
B. Ten thousand times D. Ten million times
49. The highest scoring dog for police work is:
A. German Shepherd C. Chihuahua
B. Bloodhound D. Askal
50. The method of patrol that is utilized in anti-smuggling activities along river
banks and water ports
A. Aircraft patrol C. Horse patrol
B. Marine patrol D. All of them
51. The other term for dog patrol is:
A. Canine patrol C. K-9 patrol
B. Mounted patrol D. Both A and C
52. The fixed point or location to which a patrol officer is assigned for duty refers
A. Post C. Route
B. Beat D. Sector
53. The area assigned for patrol purposes whether on foot or motorized refers to:
A. Post C. Route
B. Beat D. Sector
54. An area containing two or more beats, routes or posts refers to:
A. District C. Sector
B. Intersection D. Section
55. A section or territorial division of a large city, each comprised of designated
districts refers to:
A. Area C. Sector
B. Route D. Beat
56. The length of street that is designated for patrol purposes refers to:
A. Post C. Route
B. Beat D. Sector
57. The geographical subdivision of a large city or province designated for patrol
purposes, usually with its own police station refers to:
A. Area C. District
B. Sector D. Territory
58. The patrol force that was originally founded by Stephen F. Austin in response
to colonization and revolution is now referred to as the:
A. Shire reeve C. Scotland yard
B. Texas rangers D. Conquistadores
59. This term refers to the patrol experimental program using helicopter that was
conducted in Lakewood California
A. Dark knight C. Sky knight
B. Sky night D. Sky blue
60. The following are the advantages of foot patrol, except:
A. It develops greater contact with the public
B. It promotes easier detection of crime
C. It insures familiarization of area
D. It involves larger number of personnel
61. Going right while patrolling upon reaching every intersection until reaching the
point of origin is following what pattern?
A. Clockwise C. Zigzag
B. Counter clockwise D. Crisscross
62. While patrolling, starting at one corner of the patrol area and working your
way diagonally across it to the opposite corner is following a:
A. Zigzag pattern C. Clockwise pattern
B. Circular pattern D. Cloverleaf pattern
63. The advisable cruising speed in automobile patrol ranges from:
A. 20-25 mph C. 26-30 mph
B. 20-25 kph D. 50 kph
64. A highway intersection designed to route traffic without interference, by
means of system of curving ramps form one level to another in the form of a four
leaf clover refers to:
A. Sector C. Rotunda
B. Cloverleaf intersection D. Flyover
65. Doubled firepower and physical protection is an advantage of:
A. Foot patrol C. Helicopter patrol
B. Two-man automobile patrol D. Motorcycle patrol
66. If a patrol officer needs to respond to a crime incident faster but undetected,
then the best patrol
method that he should employ is:
A. Foot patrol C. Automobile patrol
B. Motorcycle patrol D. Bicycle patrol
67. “The police are the public and the public are the police” is a policing concept
introduced by:
A. Sir Robert peel C. Henry Fielding
B. Benjamin Mendelsohn D. Jonathan Wild
68. It is the function performed where policemen routinely visit residential houses
and work places to offer crime prevention advice or to organize community crime
watch groups.
A. House visitation C. District visitation
B. Jail visitation D. City visitation
B. Vigiles D. Medjay
89. The first chief of the Mobile Patrol Bureau of the Manila Police Department
A. Arsenio Lacson C. Rafael Crame
B. Isaias Alma Jose D. George Curry
90. In the anatomy of crime, this refers to the act of a person that enables another
to victimize him:
A. Instrumentality C. Opportunity
B. Motive D. Carelessness
91. The total system used to accomplish the police visibility program of the PNP is:
A. Team policing C. Integrated patrol system
B. Problem oriented policing D. Preventive patrol system
92. Real time current situation is shown in the:
A. Modus operandi file C. Spot map
B. Intelligence summary D. Rouge gallery
93. The police officers in Police Community Precincts render 24 hours’ duty with a
prescribed division of:
A. 2 shifts C. 4 shifts
B. 3 shifts D. Every other day schedule
94. The New Cops on the Block NCOB, the Community-Oriented Policing System
COPS, The Police –Kababayan Center and the Police Community Precinct PCP
where inspired by ______________________.
A. The Japanese police system C. The Korean police system
B. The American police system D. The Canadian police system
95. Operation in the field shall be directed by the police commander and
subordinate’s commanders and the same should be accomplished
A. Continuously without let-up C. Qualitatively and quantitatively
B. Effectively and economically D. Efficient and objectively
96. The patrol pattern which offers the easiest way to observe the movement of
the patrol officer is:
A. Clockwise C. Crisscross
B. Counter clockwise D. Straight
97. The reversal patrol pattern which is usually done at the last hour of duty to
ascertain that nothing happened in the area of responsibility of the patrol officer
A. Clockwise pattern C. Zigzag pattern
B. Counter clockwise pattern D. Crisscross pattern
98. The following terms are synonymous with each other, except:
A. Decoy C. Distracter
B. Bait D. Warner
99. The first organized foot patrol for policing purposes was formed in:
A. New York City C. Rome
B. London D. Greece
100. A patrol strategy wherein police members may swarm over an area in plain
clothes on foot or in unmarked vehicles to increase opportunities for arresting law
violators is a part of ______________.
A. Surveillance patrol C. Investigative check
B. Low visibility patrol D. Stop and frisk method
1. The end product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration
and interpretation of all available information regarding the activities of criminals
and other law violators refers to:
A. Intelligence C. Military intelligence
B. Police intelligence D. Information
2. The intelligence information that is long range in nature with little practical
immediate operational value refers to:
A. Strategic intelligence C. National intelligence
B. Line intelligence D. Military intelligence
3. The total product of intelligence developed by all government agencies that
covers broad aspects of insular policy and security is known as:
A. National intelligence C. Line intelligence
B. Military intelligence D. Strategic intelligence
4. The type of intelligence which is purposely intended to protect information,
including its sources against espionage and other hazards refers to:
A. Line intelligence C. Combat intelligence
B. Counter intelligence D. Order of battle intelligence
5. In Biblical beginnings, who was the Great leader of the Israelites who utilized
intelligence by sending spies to the land of Canaan?
A. Moses C. Delilah
B. David D. Rehab
6. The parcel of the Holy Bible that contains the biblical indication of the beginning
of Israeli intelligence is:
A. Number 13:17 C. Number 3:17
B. Number 17:13 D. Number 17:3
7. The Chinese Philosopher and author of the book “The Art of War”, who made
emphasis on the importance of knowing one’s self and enemy in order to obtain
victory in battle and regarded as the “Father of Military Strategy” was:
A. Confucius C. Lao Tzu
B. Mao Tse Tung D. Sun Tzu
8. The first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who took charge of the
responsibility of counter intelligence during world war II was:
A. Joseph Petrosino C. Sir Robert Peel
B. Casing D. Elicitation
57. The assignment of agent to other agencies to obtain information of police
intelligence value is known as:
A. Casing C. Stake out
B. Liaison program D. Elicitation
58. A place, building or enclosed area where police undercover men meet for
debriefing or reporting purposes refers to:
A. Safe house C. Convoy
B. Drop D. Made
59. The accomplice or associate of the subject used to elude surveillance refers to:
A. Convoy C. Contact
B. Escort D. Made
60. This refers to any person who the subject deals with while he is under
observation and identifies the observer
A. Convoy C. Made
B. Contact D. Subject
61. The person under surveillance is the:
A. Subject C. Convoy
B. Suspect D. Contact
62. The instance whereby the subject under surveillance becomes aware that he is
under observation and identifies the observer is termed as:
A. Made C. Failed
B. Lost D. Flunked
63. The instance whereby the surveillant does not know the whereabouts of his
subject or the subject has eluded the surveillance is known as:
A. Made C. Failed
B. Lost D. Flunked
64. The type of surveillance according to intensity whereby the subject is unaware
that he is under observation is:
A. Discreet C. Loose
B. Close D. Distant
65. The surveillance through the use of electronic gadgets is classified as:
A. Technical C. Automatic
B. Mechanical D. High-tech
66. The most effective method of casing is:
A. Personal reconnaissance C. Research
B. Map reconnaissance D. Prior information
67. The use of senses to obtain information refers to:
A. Observation C. Elicitation
B. Description D. Perception
68. The actual and factual reporting of one’s observation refers to:
A. Description C. Perception
B. Elicitation D. Declaration
69. The process of obtaining information through direct communication, whereby
the subjects are unaware of the specific purpose of the conversation is:
A. Elicitation C. Approach
B. Probe D. Dialogue
70. Any convenient, secure and unsuspecting place where an agent handler meets
his action agent for debriefing or reporting purposes refers to:
A. Safe house C. Contact
B. Drop D. Made
71. According to psychologists, how many percent of our knowledge is gathered
through sight?
A. 85% C. 40%
B. 50% D. 30%
72. The reconnaissance of a building, place or area to determine its suitability for
intelligence use or its vulnerability in operation refers to:
A. Observation and description C. Surveillance
B. Casing D. Stake out
73. The approach in elicitation in which the subject its treated as an authority and
requested to state his view points and opinion is known as:
A. Teacher-pupil approach C. Good Samaritan approach
B. Kindred soul approach D. Teaser bait approach
74. The approach in elicitation whereby the subject is placed in a pedestal having
some specialized.
A. Teacher pupil approach
B. Kindred soul approach
C. Good Samaritan approach
D. Partial disagreement approach
75. This is an approach whereby a sincere offer of help is made to the subject
A. Teacher pupil approach C. Good Samaritan approach
B. Kindred soul approach D. Disagreement approach
76. This is provocative approach in elicitation whereby the elicitor pretends that
he knows the answer to everything and that he can be approached in any field
A. Teaser-bait approach C. Joe Blow approach
B. Manhattan from Missouri approach D. National pride approach
77. This is a type of probe which is used to elicit additional information in an area
in which the response in unclear.
A. Competition probe C. His pressure probe
B. Clarity probe D. Hypothetical probe
78. The means of using descriptive terms in relation to the personal features of an
individual through word description or spoken picture refers to:
A. Rouge gallery C. Portrait Parle’
B. Mug file D. Anthropometry
79. The investigative process to determine the honesty, loyalty, integrity and
reputation of a person is called:
A. Background investigation C. Elicitation
B. Personnel investigation D. Agency check
80. The systematic asking of questions to elicit information in a minimum period of
time which involves vigorous and aggressive questioning of the subject or suspect
refers to:
A. Interrogation C. Elicitation
B. Interview D. Probe
81. An evaluation code of F4 would mean that the intelligence data is:
A. Reliability unknown, doubtfully true
B. Unreliable, doubtfully true
C. Unreliable, improbable report
D. Reliability unknown, improbable report
82. This is known as the heart of interrogation
A. Interview C. Planning
B. Questioning D. Recording
83. The interrogation technique which involves the use of two interrogators
playing opposite roles refers to:
A. Mutt and Jeff technique C. Sweet and sour technique
B. Opposite personality technique D. Threat and rescue technique
84. This interrogation technique is employed by asking rapid successive questions
to the interrogee and putting him in a defensive position.
A. Opposite personality technique C. Silent technique
B. Egotist technique D. Question barrage technique
85. This refers to a restricted area which contains a document or information of
security interest to top secret importance and which requires the highest degree
of protection.
A. Exclusion area C. Control area
B. Limited area D. Clear zone
86. This refers to any information or materials given a classification according to
the degree of security needed.
A. Classified matters C. Confidential matters
B. Vital documents D. Anonymous matters
87. The form of administrative determination that an individual is eligible for
access to classified matters refers to:
A. Security clearance C. Need to know
B. Access certificate D. Password system
88. The grant of access to classified matters only to properly cleared persons in the
performance of their official duties refers to:
A. Compartmentation C. Authority to access
B. Need to know D. Pass system
Performance Tasks
Supplemental Toolkit. The professor will be sending a performance activity which shall be
performed by the students with appropriate DESCRIPTION. The following Criteria-Rubric Tool will be
used to assess the student’s answer. It will be submitted on a specific date/or to be collected by the
Performance Task 1
Instruction: Construct a 100 items multiple choice Question and Answer in the subjects under
Forensic Criminalistics. And then it will be randomly answer by your fellow students to check the
reliability and validity of your questionnaire. Answer key will only be given to your instructor.
1. A firearm with a class characteristic of five lands and grooves right hand twist and equal lands
and grooves.
a. Smith & Wesson c. Beretta
b. Colt d. Remington
Findings is not Some part of the Major parts of the Major and minor parts
concrete and the findings connects scenario were of the scenario were all
Findings and evidence presented with each other but evidently connected used and evaluated
Conclusion are not conclusive. explanations are and reasonable proficiently to derive a
(5 points) (1) vague. conclusion was draw conclusive finding
(2) (3) (5)
Learning Resources
a. Bustria, L.A. (2021). Comprehensive Reviewer for Criminology & Fire Officer Examination
b. Catte, E.S. (2021). Criminology Board Examination Reviewer
c. Balita, C. E. (2019). Ultimate Learning Guide to Criminology (1st & 2nd Edition)
d. Al-Khater, W.A, Al-Maadeed, S., Ali-Amhed, A., Sadiq, A., Khan, MK (2020). Comprehensive Review of
Cybercrime Detection Technique. IEEE Access
Note: Intellectual Property, this module is for educational purpose only. Under section Sec.
185 of RA 8293, which states, “The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching including multiple copies for classroom use, scholarship,
research, and similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright.” The unauthorized
reproduction, use, and dissemination of this module, without joint consent of the authors
and LSPU is strictly prohibited and shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,
including appropriate administrative sanctions, civil, and criminal.