10.10.2022 Measures to be taken in hot works to be carried out in areas where Deniz A. Cura
7 Kaan Özaktaç İsmail Karaçam
dangerous cargoes are handled have been added. DGSA
Necessary changes within the scope of the Regulation on the Transport of Deniz A. Cura
5 08.06.2022 Damla Biçer Topbaş İsmail Karaçam
Dangerous Goods by Sea and Loading Safety have been made. DGSA
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Date Amendment Description Prepared Checked Approved
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Name Surname Signature
7 6 10.2 TMGD Tasks section has been updated. 19.09.2022 Deniz A. CURA
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2. RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Trainings Required According to the Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and
Loading Safety ...............................................................................................Hata! Yer işareti tanımlanmamış.
4.3. Placards, Plates, Marks and Labels Regarding to Dangerous Goods ..................................................... 20
4.2. Segregation Tables of Dangerous Goods in Ports and On Vessels According to Their Classification ..... 25
4.3. Segregation Distances and Segregation Terms of Danagerous Goods in Warehouse Storing.............. 27
6.2. Procedures Regarding to Additional Measures that Need to be Taken During Loading and Discharging
Based Upon Seasonal Weather Conditions ............................................................................................. 29
6.3. Procedures Regarding to Vehicle, Equipment or Tool Which (May) Create Sparks During Operation in
Handling Dangerous Goods and Stacking & Storage Yards and Keeping Flammable, Inflammable and
Explosive Goods Away From These Processes ........................................................................................ 30
7.1. What Documents and Information is Required Related to Dangerous Goods, Procedures Regarding to
how Related Parties Will Obtain and Control Those............................................................................... 31
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7.3. Reporting Procedures Regarding to Controlling and Control Results of Identification of Dangerous
Goods Appropriately, Correct Shipment Names are Utilized, Certificated, Packaged/Wrapped, Tagged
and Declared, Approved and Loaded to Proper Container, Wrapping or Transportation Unit by Using A
Secure Method ......................................................................................................................................... 32
7.5. Procedures Regarding to Keeping Records and Statistics of Dangerous Goods ................................... 33
8. EMERGENCIES ......................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1. Procedures Regarding Emergency Responses to Dangerous Incidents Which (May) Harm Properties
and/or Environment that Includes Dangerous Goods............................................................................ 35
8.3. Arrangement Regarding to First Responses to Incidentas that Involve Dangerous Goods(First Response
Method, Firs Response Potential and Ability and etc.) ........................................................................... 38
8.6. Coordination, Co-operation and Supporting Method with Official Authorities ..................................... 38
8.7. Emergency Evacuation Plan for Vessel and Sea Vehicles from Port Premises in Case of an Emergency
................................................................................................................................................................. 38
8.8. Procedures regarding to Handling and Disposing of Damaged Dangerous Goods and Contaiminated
Goods ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
8.11. Procedures Regarding to Approval, Inspection, Test, Maintanence and Getting it Ready to Use of Fire
Protection Systems .................................................................................................................................. 39
9.2. Procedures and Information Regarding to Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment .................... 40
10.3. Issues regarding to Dangerous Goods Transporters which Transport Dangerous Goods to/from Port
Premises via Land Routes (Documents Which These Vehicles Obliged to have Whilen Entering Port or
Shore Facility/Yard Enterance/Exit of Premises, the Equipments and Tools these Vehicles Are Obliged
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10.4. Issues regarding to Dangerous Goods Transporters which Transport Dangerous Goods to/from Port
Premises via Sea Routes (Day/Night Signs That Will Be Shown By Vessels and Sea Vehicles That
Transports Dangerous Goods in Port or Port Premises, Cold and Hot Working Methods over Vessels and
etc.) .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
10.5. Additional Issues That Will Be Added By Shore Facility Prohibited Activities ....................................... 41
10.6. Procedures for Fumigation, Gas Measurement and Degassing Work and Operations .......................... 44
14. PRESENTATION........................................................................................................................................ 48
In accordance with TMUB, Dangerous Packaged Goods and Fumigated car units are being handled in DP World
Yarimca Container Terminal. All Operations are executed according to DPWY-O-PRO-07 HANDLING AND
OPERATIONS procedures
UN 2556 and UN 2557 substances which belong to class 4.1 are not allowed in DP World Yarimca Port. Dangerous
Goods are not stored in Terminal CFS Partial Good Warehouse. Class 1, Class 2 (2.1,2.2,2.3), Class 3, Class 6 and Class
7 substances are not accepted in CFS stuffing, discharging yard. Stuffing / discharging, inspection and sampling
processes are done in accordance with DP World Yarimca IMDG Matrix.
All parties involved in dangerous goods transportation activities; are obliged to carry out safe transportation without
harming environment, and take all necessary measures to prevent incidents, and in case they occur, minimize the
negative outcomes.
a) Prepares and gets it prepared all required document, information, and files and also
responsible for these documents to be present with the goods during its transportation.
b) Responsible for classification, identification, packaging, branding, tagging, and plating of related dangerous goods
according to related regulation.
c)Responsible for loading, stacking, securing, transportation, discharging and loading over to a transportation unit in a
safe manner.
a) Requests the mandatory documents, information and documents related to dangerous goods from the cargo person
and ensures that they are present with the cargo during the transportation activity.
b) Controls the compliance of the dangerous goods classified, packaged, marked, labeled and plated by the cargo
person with the legislation.
c) Controls that the dangerous goods are packed in accordance with the rules by using approved packaging and cargo
transport units, they are safely loaded and securely fastened to the cargo transport unit.
a) Do not berth the ships carrying dangerous goods without the permission of the port authority. Regarding the ships
b) Provides written information within the scope of facility rules, cargo handling rules and relevant legislation to the
ship that will dock at its facility. Ships are notified via e-mail with the loading plan and DPW Yarimca Health, Safety,
Environment and Safety Information (Vessel Safety Welcome Package) and a signed request is sent back.
c) It does not handle dangerous goods for which it has not received a handling permit from the Administration, and
it does not make the ships that will berth suffer by planning in this context. Packaged Dangerous Goods and
Fumigated Cargo units are handled at DP WORLD Yarimca Container Terminal in accordance with TYUB. Admission
of UN2556 and UN2557 belonging to Class 1, Class 6.2, Class 7 and Class 4.1 into DP World Terminal is prohibited.
ç) Requests the mandatory documents, information and documents related to dangerous goods from the cargo
person and ensures that they are found with the cargo. If the relevant documents, information, and documents
cannot be provided by the cargo person, it is not obliged to accept or handle the dangerous cargo at its facility. The
area registered in the TOS system created by the Planning Department for the dangerous loads to be taken into the
field and isolated for these loads is specified on the system and these areas are reserved in the field. Port
entry/handling/loading/discharge document procedures for all dangerous goods are included in the DPWY-O-PRO-07
HANDLING AND STORAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS procedure. Keeping the up-to-date list of all dangerous goods
and other relevant information regularly and completely in the coastal facility area is stored under the "Terminal
Operation System". On the system, the place where these substances are found in the stock area daily can be
accessed together with Dangerous Goods class information and Safety Data Sheets. These documents are stored in
the computer environment and in the relevant folders by printing.
d) It carries out the loading or unloading operation according to the agreement to be reached by sharing all the data
that may be required according to the characteristics of the cargo with the ship's person. The ship does not make
any changes in the operation without the knowledge of the person concerned. Operations and changes at the DP
WORLD Terminal are carried out in accordance with the plan approved by the ship's C/OFF (Vessel stamp).
e) It determines the working limits by considering the safe working capacity of the facility and the weather forecasts,
takes the necessary measures for the ship to be safely moored at the pier and for handling. In DP World Terminal,
Operational Processes of Dock Planning, Ship Docking, Mooring, Departure and Ship Relocation Along the Rope Trick
are carried out in accordance with the DPWY-O-PRO-01 Ship Maneuvers procedure.
f) Controls the transport documents containing information that the dangerous goods coming to the facility are
classified, packaged, marked, labeled, plated, and loaded safely to the cargo transport unit. Controls for vehicles
carrying dangerous goods entering and leaving DP World Terminal are described in the ADR Current / ADR Control
Process file. Transport documents, Inspection information, SRC5, ADR certificate of conformity, orange plate and
warning sign are checked.
g) It ensures that the personnel involved in the handling of dangerous goods and the planning of this handling are
certified by receiving the necessary training and does not assign the personnel who do not have the documents in
these operations. Trainings take place in accordance with DP World Terminal's HR Training Policy. Persons involved
in loading, unloading and handling of dangerous goods receive trainings planned in accordance with the DP World
Terminal Training Policy. All personnel complete recruitment, occupational safety, and environmental training, IMDG
Code awareness and task-oriented training organized by authorized institutions. Trainings are recorded by the Human
Resources department. Operation unit supervisors act in accordance with the duties and instructions of their first
superiors for the safe transportation, storage and handling of dangerous goods.
ğ) It ensures that the dangerous goods handling equipment in its facility is in working condition and that the relevant
personnel are trained and documented regarding the use of these equipment. In DP World Terminal, issues such as
the working condition of the equipment and the training of the relevant personnel are followed by the HR, TECHNICAL
and HSSE departments. All staff: Complements recruitment, occupational safety and environmental training, IMDG
Code awareness and task oriented IMDG Code trainings organized by authorized institutions.
h) By maintaining safety measures at the facility, it ensures that the personnel use personal protective equipment
suitable for the physical and chemical characteristics of the dangerous cargo. The use of personal protectors in the
field, the required standards, usage periods, trainings and distribution periods are included in the Personal Protective
Equipment procedure.
i) Equips the piers and piers reserved for ships that will load or unload dangerous liquid bulk cargoes with appropriate
installations and equipment for this work. There is no loading or unloading of liquid bulk cargoes at DP World Yarimca
j) Keeps an up-to-date list of all dangerous cargoes on the ships berthed and in the closed and open areas of the
facility and gives this information to the relevant persons upon request. Dangerous loads are registered in the TOS
system created by the Planning Department. The following information about the dangerous cargo is recorded in the
TOS environment.
- UN Number
- Container Number
k) It notifies the port authority of the instant risk posed by the dangerous goods it handles or temporarily stores in
its facility and the measures it takes for it. Emergencies and the intervention methods to be applied are included in
l) Notifies the port authority of the accidents related to dangerous goods, including the accidents at the entrance to
the closed areas. The duty and responsibility of reporting a maritime accident or incident belongs to the ship's captain
or the officer deputizing for him, the ship's owner, operator or agency, the relevant port authority, and the relevant
local administration in case of accidents and incidents that occur in inland waters, in accordance with the "Regulation
on Investigation and Investigation of Marine Accidents and Incidents". Apart from these, those who want to make a
report can also make a report regarding maritime accidents and incidents. The first notification of maritime accidents
and incidents will be made to AAKKM in accordance with the "Regulation on Investigation and Investigation of Marine
Accidents and Incidents".
m) Provides the necessary support and cooperation in the controls and inspections carried out by the Administration
and the port authority.
n) It ensures that Class 1 (Class 1 Compatibility Group 1.4 S), Class 6.2 and Class 7 dangerous goods that are not
allowed to be temporarily stored are transported out of the coastal facility as soon as possible, without waiting, and
applies to the Administration for permission in cases where it is necessary to wait. Dangerous goods are allowed to
leave the port as soon as possible in accordance with the DPWY-O-PRO-07 HANDLING AND STORAGE OF
o) Temporarily stores the cargo transport units in which dangerous goods are transported in accordance with the
separation and stacking rules, and takes fire, environment, and other safety measures in accordance with the class
of the dangerous cargo in the storage area. It keeps fire extinguishing systems and first aid units ready for use at
any time in the areas where dangerous goods are handled and makes the necessary controls periodically. Separation
and stacking of dangerous goods in DP WORLD Terminal is carried out through the ZODIAC system. All necessary
rules for the safe handling, loading/discharge process and/or temporary storage of dangerous goods during the
import and export process from their entrance to the port are carried out according to the DPWY-O-PRO-07
DANGEROUS GOODS HANDLING AND STORAGE procedure. Operations such as Loading and Unloading Operations,
Container Number, IMO Label and Seal Control are carried out in accordance with the procedures of DPWY-O-PRO-
ö) Gets permission from the port authority before the hot working works and operations to be carried out in the areas
where dangerous goods are handled and temporarily stored. For hot work and processes, DPWY-HSSE-PRO-31 SAFE
WORKING PROCEDURE IN HOT WORKS is applied. The procedure to be applied in loading, unloading and limbo
operations of dangerous goods in case of adverse weather conditions is included in article 6.2 of this guide.
p) Prepares an emergency evacuation plan for the evacuation of ships from coastal facilities in case of emergency
and submits it to the port authority and informs the relevant people about the plan approved by the port authority.
The ship's departure from the port in emergency situations is included in the DPWY-HSSE-PRO-014 EMERGENCY
PROCEDURE. According to the DPWY Emergency Response Plan, an emergency is declared when an unexpected
event occurs, and its potential is determined to turn into an emergency. Emergency regulations are contained in
r) It ensures the internal loading of the cargo transport units in accordance with the loading safety rules in its facility.
No dangerous goods are stored in the terminal CFS partial cargo warehouse. Acceptance of Class 1, Class 2 (21,2.2,
2.3), Class 3, Class 6 and Class 7 substances is prohibited at the CFS stuffing and unloading site. Filling, unloading,
inspection and sampling processes are carried out according to the DP World Yarimca IMDG Matrix.
a) It ensures that the cargo to be carried by the vessel is documented as suitable for transportation and that the
cargo holds, cargo tanks and cargo handling equipment are suitable for cargo transportation.
b) Requests all mandatory documents, information and documents related to dangerous goods from the cargo person
and ensures that they are present with the cargo during the transportation activity.
c) It ensures that the documents, information, and documents required to be found on the ship regarding dangerous
goods within the scope of legislation and international conventions are appropriate and up to date.
ç) Controls the transport documents containing information that the cargo transport units loaded on the ship are
appropriately marked, plated, and loaded safely.
d) Informs the relevant ship personnel on the risks of dangerous cargoes, safety procedures, safety and emergency
measures, response methods and similar issues.
e) Keeps the current lists of all dangerous goods on board and declares them to the relevant parties upon request.
f) Ensures that the loading program, if any, is approved and documented and kept in working condition.
g) Notifies the port authority and the coastal facility about the instantaneous risk posed by the dangerous cargoes
on the ship berthing to the coastal facility and the measures taken for it.
ğ) In case of leakage in the dangerous cargo or if there is such a possibility, it will not accept the dangerous cargo
to be transported.
h) Notifies the port authority of the dangerous cargo accidents that occur on his ship while navigating or at the
coastal facility.
ı) Provides the necessary support and cooperation in the controls and inspections carried out by the Administration
and the port authority.
i) It does not accept to carry dangerous goods that are not included in the ship certificates issued by the relevant
institutions and organizations.
j) It ensures that the people of the ship involved in the handling of dangerous goods use personal protective
equipment suitable for the physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo during handling.
Responsible for vessels to approach and dock in proper, safe and sheltered methods.
2.6 Trainings Required According to the Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and
Loading Safety
DP World Yarimca Port Management personnel receives a minimum of 12 hours of occupational safety training, as
TRAININGS FOR EMPLOYEES, on the day they start work, including basic occupational safety, environment and
health training, and the hazards, risks, and protection principles for the job in the coming days. they receive. In
addition, all personnel receive “Duty-Oriented Training within the Scope of the IMDG Code”. The designated
emergency teams (fire, spill, rescue, communication) are informed by receiving the necessary training. The members
of the first aid team, who are among the emergency teams, were certified by getting a passing grade from the
examination held by the ministry after receiving training from authorized institutions. IMDG Code, CTU Code,
Sampling training and related trainings about dangerous goods DPWY-HC- It is carried out according to the DPWY-
HC-PLN-002 Training Plan included in the PRO-005 Training Procedure. The issues related to the fourth part of the
Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and Loading Safety are explained in the third part of the
How the precautions related to the issues specified in the third part of the Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous
Goods by Sea and Loading Safety are carried out is stated in the 2nd part of this guide.
Loading Safety:
1. Ships carrying dangerous goods cannot be approached to our facility without the permission of the port authority.
Authorization information is obtained through e-government login from the Berthing Order Port Authority website-
single window application.
2. The port authority stops the handling operation at the coastal facility when it sees any risk and does not start it
until the risk is eliminated. Written and telephone notifications made by the Port Authority are considered.
3. DPWY-HSSE-F-085 DPW Yarimca SEÇG Ship Safety Information Package (DPW Yarimca Vessel Safety Welcome
Package), which includes facility rules, cargo handling rules and what to do in case of emergency, is sent to the ship
that will dock at DP World Yarimca Terminal, and it is signed and recorded.
4. To ensure that the cargoes are loaded safely on the ship, the provisions of the Safe Code of Practice for Load
Stacking and Safety (CSS Code), the Code of Practice for Packing Cargo Transport Units (CTU Code) are followed.
5. Stacking of the cargo is carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation and international agreements we
are a party to. Separation is done by TOS in our coastal facility.
6. Requests the mandatory documents, information and documents related to dangerous goods from the cargo
person and ensures that they are found with the cargo. The arrival plan notified by the agency includes dangerous
cargo information for all containers on the ship.
7. Our coastal facility determines the working limits by taking into account the safe working capacity of the facility
and weather forecasts and takes the necessary measures to ensure that the ship is safely moored at the pier and
handling. 8. The ship cannot be loaded more than the loading limit, considering the loading limit. If such a situation
is detected, the ship will not be allowed to sail.
9. It is ensured that the load and ballast water pattern are monitored throughout the loading or unloading operation
so that the ship's structure is not subjected to excessive stress. Loading and unloading organizations are followed by
the Operations and Planning Departments.
11. Under adverse meteorological and oceanographic conditions that may affect the cargo handling operation, the
handling operation is stopped by the captain until the conditions improve.
12. To prevent situations such as placing heavy cargo on light cargo, placing liquid cargo on dry cargo, or spreading
the smell of bad-smelling cargo to other cargoes, cargoes with features that may damage other cargoes are loaded
in accordance with the separation rules. The loading plans reported by the agency are followed.
13. Our coastal facility ensures that the personnel involved in the handling of dangerous goods and the planning of
this handling are trained and documented.
14. Our coastal facility ensures that the dangerous goods handling equipment is in working condition and that the
relevant personnel are trained on the use of these equipment.
15. Our shore facility takes occupational safety measures and ensures that the personnel use personal protective
equipment suitable for the physical and chemical characteristics of the dangerous cargo.
16. Load lashing, loading, and lashing operations regarding loading, stowage, separation, handling, transportation
and unloading of cargoes to the vessel are carried out in line with the demands of the vessel.
17. It is forbidden to smoke, use open fire, spark-producing tools, equipment, etc. on the cargo deck and points of
berthed ships carrying dangerous goods and in coastal storage areas of dangerous goods.
Transportation of substances which has sea pollution risk and dangerous goods have their sea transportation are
regulated by International Convention for the Safety of the Life at Sea (SOLAS) and International Convention for the
Prevention of pollution from Ships (MARPOL). In the related sections of SOLAS and MARPOL International Maritime
Dangerous Goods Code is explained in detail and how to transport these goods over the sea is legislated. As of 1st of
January,2004 IMDG CODE is obligatory.
For all transportation methods (sea, air, train, land and inter water ways), classification of dangerous goods and
definitions these is done by UNITED NATIONS Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN)
Risk Section 1.1: Substances and Units that have Massive Explosion Risk
Contains explosive which may lead to massive explosion. An explosion almost affects all the
Substances and units which doesn’t have explosion risk but has dashing risk.
Risks Section 1.3: Substances and Units that have fire risk, minor explosion or
dashing or both, however, doesn’t have massive explosion risks.
Substances that have fire risk or minor explosion or minor dashing or both, however, doesn’t
have massive explosion risks.
Once there is a small ignition or spark, there are substance which have minor threat. Their
affect is limited with the package only and they are not expected to have any big particles to
be dashed to significant number of distances.
Risk Section 1.5: Substances that have high explosion risk however have low
Substances that have high explosion risk however have low sensitivity.
Risk Section 1.6: Substances that have high explosion risk however have extremely
low sensitivity.
Substances that have high explosion risk however have extremely low sensitivity.
These Gases:
▪ Dilutes or replaces the oxygen that exist in the atmosphere normally or
▪ Generally, by providing oxygen, makes other substances burn more
when compared to regular air, oxidizing gases or
▪ The ones that don’t belong to other
Radioactive Substances
Radioactive substance means that total activity concentration or total activity contains
radionuclides and values reach above IMDG Code and defined values.
Corrosive Substances
Corrosive Substances, are destructive substances which will make irreversible damage
with chemical reaction or in case of leakage other goods and transportation units.
Marine Pollutants
Marine pollutants are the substance which can be found in MARPOL’s attachment
III. Substance defined as sea pollutant, equipment, objects, or units are represented with
P symbol on IMDG Code 3.2. Dangerous Goods list column 4.
Package means the complete product of the packing operation, consisting of the packaging and its contents prepared
for transport.
Packaging means one or more receptacles and any other components or materials necessary for the receptacles to
perform their containment and other safety functions.
Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC), Expect the ones mentioned in section 6.1, hard or flexible mobile packaging.
▪ Capacity:
▪ They are tested for their endurance during handling and transportation.
Large Packaging, means a bigger packaging that includes smaller wraps or objects, and features are given below:
-According to IMDG Code and 5.3.2 placards and labeling methods, even if the transportation
unit is submerged for 3 months under water, this information need to be identified.
Numbered Placard
Marine pollutant mark: For CTU’s marine pollutant mark’s sizes should be 250 mm x 250 mm at least.
Tank Container
If the tank is only carrying 1 class of dangerous goods inside it, the minimum labeling should be as
given below with orange plates.
- 4 sides of the container should be tagged with warning signs which represents the class of the
dangerous goods that It’s transporting.
Regarding to orange plates that will be attached to vehicles. There are two options:
If front and rear side of the vehicle is tagged with written orange plate, tank container doesn’t need one.
As it is given below tank containers have written orange plate and then vehicle can be tagged with blank orange
Orange Plate
As per clause 188 packages including prepared lithium battery will be tagged with
lithium battery tag. The tag will have “UN” letter which will be followed by the UN
For Example: Lithium metal batteries will have ‘UN 3090’ or lithium
batteries will have ‘UN3480’. or if the tools are also packed with
batteries ‘UN’ will be followed with UN number as well.
Fumigated transportation unit will be tagged with a warning sign as it was described with, this
tag will be placed in a place where individuals are going to access to transportation unit in a visible way.
This warning tag will remain with the transportation unit till the conditions given below are met:
Fumigated transportation unit needs to be ventilated till harmful concentration is drained out.
Packing Group defines dangerous goods potential and sets up conditions for packaging.
1 Drum
2 (Reserved)
3 Jerrican
4 Box
5 Bag
6 Composite packaging
7 (Reserved)
0 Light gauge metal packagings
For Equipment Type the Capital letters given below should be used:
4.5. Segregation Tables of Dangerous Goods in Ports and On Vessels According to Their Classification
Separation is the process of moving away two or more substances or objects from each other in case of
an emergency, leakage or spoilage incident which may have bigger threat together or non-conformity
in existing at the same area. Since these incident’s threat level can vary from one to another, different
separation schemes may vary based upon needs.
Separation is achieved through creating certain distance between dangerous goods or having one or more
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Segregation Table
General provisions regarding to separation of various dangerous goods is given below in the “separation
table”. Substances, equipment or objects, every class feature can be very different, therefore in case of
conflicted judgements special provisions separation for Dangerous Goods list must always be considered
rather than general provisions. Separation at the same time will always consider a primary secondary
warning tag as well.
1 "Far away”.
2 "Separated”.
X – has several separation rules to follow, to confirm please consult Dangerous Goods List.
*- For separation of Class 1 substances or products provision please check this sections clause.
2 "MUST BE SEPERATED" 6m at least in open ares; in closed sections and areas 12m at least, or a fireproof wall is required.
x NO SEPERATION IS REQUIRED. Please check Dangerous Goods List for special separation provisions.
4.6. Segregation Distances and Segregation Terms of Danagerous Goods in Warehouse Storing
Far Away:
In case of an accident for all incoherent dangerous goods to not interact each other, efficiently separated however
vertically raising with 3-meter minimum horizontal separation is required for the same section, warehouse or onboard.
When stacked under board in different sections or warehouses. The shipboard between should be fire and liquid proof
for a vertical separation, this could be equivalent. For onboard stacking this separation should be at least 6 meter distant.
It could be either vertical or horizontal. If the decks between are not fireproof or liquid resistance whole section or
warehouse could be accepted as separation. For on board stacking this separation should 12-meter separation at least.
If one package is stacked under deck and the other one is stacked one more above, then it will be counted as equivalent.
Only vertical separation will not fulfill this requirement. Underdeck and over the deck separation requires 24-meter
separation at least. Over the deck stacking means at least 24-meter distance separation.
The manual prepared with the purpose of informing the personnel about the dangerous goods handled at the coastal
facilities can be found in attachments.
6.1. Procedures Regarding to safe Approach, Belay, Loading/Discharging, Harboring and Anchorage of Vessels
which are Transporting Dangerous Goods During Day and Night
The safe berthing of ships carrying dangerous goods day and night is carried out by the company providing pilotage
service. Under normal circumstances, there are no applications for night docking. However, considering the approval
of the port authority and the suitability of the environment after the lighting measurement, docking and piloting are
carried out by the piloting service company.
The loading and discharging procedures of ships carrying dangerous goods in accordance with the DPWY-O-PRO-01
VESSEL MANEUVERS procedure is:
1. The QC will take a position at the level of the bay to be worked.
2. To scan on the bay to work, the spreader will scan the ship by making a round trip.
3. After the ship controls are completed, the operation will start in line with the ship's manager instructions.
4. Make sure that the locks and lashings of the containers are removed.
5. While picking up the container from the ship, it is necessary to act slowly, considering the imbalance of the load.
6. It should be noted that the mob is in the appropriate lane under the post.
8. The evacuated container number and the container numbers specified in the TOS system will be checked.
9. All damages that may occur on the ship or in the container will be reported to the ship manager.
10. If there is no ITV under the post, the ship will be informed to the ship's clerk and the container will be put on the dock
and wait without leaving the spreader. When ITV arrives, the container will be lifted and placed on ITV.
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11. In the TOS system, action will be taken according to the order of work orders.
12. In the TOS system, if the container appears on the VMT screen, the planning department will be informed.
1. If the hatch cover needs to be opened in the bay to be loaded, the hatch cover of the ship should be opened.
2. When taking containers over ITV, spreader flippers must be taken open.
3. The container to be taken over the ITV should be lifted slowly, and the balance of the load should be checked.
4. After receiving the container via ITV, the spreader will move to the safe height and move onto the ship to put the container
in the cell specified in the ship loading plan in accordance with the working instructions.
5. While working in the hold, ship skids should be checked and placed carefully.
6. In case of any snagging, the helmsman should warn the operator and make him stop the movement.
7. Any damage that may occur during loading will be informed to the ship operations officer.
8. While loading on the warehouse, the helmsman should check that the twistlocks are fully seated and if there is any
incompatibility, the QC operator should inform.
9. A 40 'container can be placed on a 2x20' container. However, 20 'containers will not be placed on a 40' container.
10. During the operation, it will not be allowed to move by passing containers over people. It should be ensured that the ship's
officer is informed and takes the necessary precautions.
6.2. Procedures Regarding to Additional Measures that Need to be Taken During Loading and Discharging Based
Upon Seasonal Weather Conditions
In case of adverse weather conditions of dangerous cargoes, the procedure to be applied in the transfer, evacuation and
limbo operations is as follows:
1. Weather conditions should be monitored weekly and daily basis by the relevant departments.
3. A pre-prepared emergency action plan should be implemented for adverse weather conditions and especially excessive
wind warning.
4. Wind with a speed of 14-17 m / s is defined as the approaching storm; Wind with a speed of 18-20 m / s is defined as a
storm; 21 m / s and above is defined as a severe storm. All measures to be taken vary depending on the wind strength.
5. Crane operations are stopped at speeds of 18 - 20 m / s. At speeds of 21 m / s and higher, all port facility operations,
including gate entry and exit, are suspended.
6. All cranes have wind speed measuring devices and the value indicated by this device must be followed by the operator.
7. Wind measuring devices on the crane should give an alarm at 18 m / s, and automatically turn itself off at 20 m / s.
8. After the storm warning, the floor should be reduced, especially in empty stacking piles that pose a risk. The field officer
should walk around the stacks before the storm and intervene if there are empty containers with open doors.
9. High-rise empty containers should be reduced in floors within the knowledge of the planning department.
10. The responsibility of fixing all cranes and equipment lies with the operator and technical services department. In case of
possible need for assistance, staff can be assigned.
11. All cranes are placed in parking position for possible storm hazard.
12. End of rail stoppers (concrete block) for dock cranes are checked and dock cranes are fixed to the rails using two stabilizer
pins. As in every parking position, the crane boom is erected. If deemed necessary, crane legs can also be attached to
scaffold bollards with chains. Again, if necessary, the sprayer is left on the dock with a 20-foot container.
13. For RTG, chocks should be placed under the rubber wheels in addition to the parking position and braking.
14. The parking area designated for ITVs is the area between the back of the dock cranes and the road lane. ITVs are parked
in this area.
15. The parking position of other equipment such as RS / ECH / FL is outside the stack.
16. While fixing all cranes and equipment, it should be ensured that cabin windows are closed, and doors are locked.
17. When the fixing of the cranes and equipment is finished, the technical services department should send an e-mail to the
relevant people.
6.3. Procedures Regarding to Vehicle, Equipment or Tool Which (May) Create Sparks During Operation in
Handling Dangerous Goods and Stacking & Storage Yards and Keeping Flammable, Inflammable and
Explosive Goods Away from These Processes
A work permit is required to work or be in the areas and fields where IMDG code products are located. These work permits
are applied for hot processes. Work permit meetings are held daily, and other relevant departments are informed about the
issue. In addition, there are strict non-smoking and fire-avoidance procedures in place.
For hot work and processes,DPWY-PRO- 31 Safe Working Procedure in Hot Works is applied.
DPWY-PRO-31 Safe Working Procedure in Hot Works is applied for hot works and processes:
• Open flames and the use of flames, power tools or hot rivets, grinding, soldering, burning, cutting, welding, or any
operation that involves, emits or produces heat are hot work operations. (Welding, cutting with oxygen, grinding etc.)
• In accordance with the Regulation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea and the Safety of Loading, permission
must be obtained from the port authority before the hot work to be carried out in the areas where dangerous goods are
handled and temporarily stored at the coastal facility.
• A sign should be hung in the work area and at all work area entrances, with the permit document of the hot work process
and the safety measures to be taken.
• In areas where dangerous goods are handled and/or temporarily stored, it must be ensured that the areas where hot
work will be carried out are not flammable and/or explosive atmospheres.
• Warning signs should be placed on the hot work area, marked or surrounded with tape.
• There should be no flammable, explosive or combustible materials within a radius of 10 meters of the hot working area.
• The areas where hot work will be done must be adequate in terms of ventilation.
• It should be ensured that dangerous loads and other flammable materials are removed from the working areas and
adjacent areas.
• Close and seal open pipes, pipe passages, valves, joints, cavities and open parts to prevent flames, sparks and hot particles
from spreading from work areas to adjacent or other areas.
• Welder certificates should be checked according to the type and quality of welding to be done.
• At least one fire extinguisher or other suitable fire extinguishing equipment, ready for use, together with all its apparatus,
should be kept in an easily accessible place.
• Risky areas in the hot working area should be covered with non-combustible tarpaulin if necessary.
• Before hot work, the ground must be checked, if necessary, the ground must be wetted.
• In case of fire sensitive areas (dry grass, wooden materials, etc.) around the work area, it should be covered with non-
combustible tarpaulin or wetted before the activity.
• The hot working environment should be neat and clean. If working in a dusty environment, dust must be removed.
• Before starting work, hot working rules should be read and precautions should be applied.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment that is not affected by sparks and heat should be provided to the employees
involved in the work and their use should be ensured. Equipment that will create additional risks such as reflective vests
and lace-up shoes, which react quickly in the face of heat, should not be used.
• Working with a suitable full face shield must be ensured in grinding and cutting works.
• Appropriate gloves and auxiliary equipment should be used in hot coating works, and contact of the molten material with
the skin should be prevented.
• At the end of the work, the employee should collect his equipment, check the surroundings, clean and evacuate the area
with his equipment.
• Welding machine etc. The grounding and grounding connections of the devices must be checked.
• If the hot work will be carried out in a closed area, adequate ventilation should be provided and gas measurements in the
environment should be made regularly and frequently. Respiratory protective equipment should be used when necessary.
• A sign should be hung in the work area and at all work area entrances, with the permit document of the hot work process
and the safety measures to be taken.
7.1. Documents and Information is Required Related to Dangerous Goods, Procedures Regarding to how
Related Parties Will Obtain and Control Those
All mandatory documents, information and documents regarding dangerous goods are delivered by the agency before the
ship arrives. Documents that have not been delivered, Safety Data Sheets, and detailed information about dangerous
goods are requested from the ship's captain and loaded onto the system to ensure that containers containing dangerous
goods are properly stored.
7.2. Updated List of All Dangerous Substances and Procedures of Keeping All Other Related Information Within
an Order and Completely
Keeping the current list of all hazardous substances and other relevant information regularly and completely in the coastal
facility area is stored under the "Terminal Operation System". For dangerous loads to be taken into the field, the area
registered in the TOS system created by the Planning Department and isolated for these loads is specified on the system
and these areas are reserved in the field.
On the system, The place where these substances are found on a daily basis in the stockpile is accessible with IMDG Class
information and Safety Data Sheets. These documents are stored in computer and in related files by printing.
7.3. Reporting Procedures Regarding to Controlling and Control Results of Identification of Dangerous Goods
Appropriately, Correct Shipment Names are Utilized, Certificated, Packaged/Wrapped, Tagged and
Declared, Approved and Loaded to Proper Container, Packaging or Transportation Unit by Using a Secure
Checking that the dangerous goods arriving at the facility are properly identified, the correct shipping names are used,
certified, packaged / packaged, labeled, and declared, safely loaded and transported to the approved and regulated
packaging, container or cargo transport unit; before the cargo is evacuated from the ship, it is determined whether it is
suitable or not with the Material Safety Data Sheet that comes with it. The results of these checks are recorded on the
Terminal Operation System and are kept available for continuous access.
1. The stacking order should be made according to the IMO numbers on the containers carrying dangerous goods.
3. If any leak is detected, the container should be taken to the leakage container by informing the field officer and the
planning department should be informed. Planning department also informs the Container agency.
4. The perfect and precise interpretation of the expressions "away from ..." and "leaving from ..." varies according to the type
of packaging and the storage location; open (container yard at the container terminal or open general cargo dock) or
closed storage (e.g., open cargo dock warehouse, warehouse or CFS)
5. Separately, in non-containerized packages or in medium-sized freight containers or trailers; In the "away from ..." category
in open road vehicles, train wagons and dangerous goods stuffed in or on any open container, between the two classes
of substances; A distance of at least 3 meters is required, regardless of whether these substances are stored in a closed
warehouse or in an open storage area. "Leaving from ..." indicates a distance of at least 6 meters between packages in the
open area, but at least 12 meters in a warehouse or warehouse (Unless there is an approved firewall in between, which
the wall itself provides sufficient separation).
6. Packages or containers belonging to different IMDG classes should not be stored on top of each other; this applies to both
secondary hazards and primary hazards.
7. It implements the separation recommendations for storage by specifying the safety distances between pairs of hazardous
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8. Dangerous loads belonging to Class 1, Class 6.2 and Class 7 are not accepted in the terminal area.
The provision of Dangerous Goods Safety Data Sheets (SDS) must be delivered to the planning department by the agency
or the ship's captain before the ship reaches the dock. The handling of hazardous materials that do not have a Safety
Data Sheet or whose form does not arrive is rejected by DP World Yarimca.
Dangerous cargo records are recorded in the Terminal Operation System. The following information is recorded in case of
cargo arriving from land:
- B/L Number,
- UN number,
- Flash point,
- Secondary risk,
- EMS instruction,
- Container number,
- Line information
- B/L Number
- Agent information
- UN number
- Flash point
- Secondary risk
- EMS instruction
- Container number
- Ship plan
- Site plan
8.1. Procedures Regarding Emergency Responses to Dangerous Incidents Which (May) Harm Properties and/or
Environment that Includes Dangerous Goods
Interventions to hazardous materials that pose and may pose a risk to life, property and / or the environment and
hazardous situations involving hazardous materials are specified in the Emergency Plan. According to this plan.
In case of fire:
5. The Incident Commander calls 110 and requests the appropriate emergency service.
7. Incident Commander contacts Kocaeli Port Authority (0 262 528 37 54/528 24 34) to ensure that neighboring facilities
and ships are not affected.
8. Incident Commander delivers control of the incident to emergency services and provides support.
In case of spillage
3. Inform your first supervisor and call the security control room (2066) to give the details.
5. Contain spillage or leakage and prevent it from spilling / reaching the sea.
6. The incident commander asks for the evacuation of the area, if necessary, according to the wind direction and the type
of chemical.
7. The incident informs the Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of Environment, if necessary, and requests the necessary assistance.
9. Incident Commander contacts Kocaeli Port Authority at 0 262 528 37 54/528 24 34 in order not to affect neighboring
facilities and ships.
10. Incident Commander delivers control of the incident to emergency services and provides support if necessary.
Although leaks from containers are rare, many leak and spill scenarios can occur. This plan was created to explain the
management methods, tools, reasons, and issues for which DPWY is commercially and environmentally responsible.
The leakage control management (anchored or not) of containers carrying dangerous goods on the ship is not covered by
this plan. Because many factors and decisions here are not under the control and responsibility of DPWY. These events
will be carried out in line with the ship's own management plan and will include DPWY and local response teams.
According to this sub-plan, any leakage that will occur because of accidents or while the container is being transported
from one place to another within the terminal is under the responsibility of DPWY. Deliberate acts, crime and terrorism
are not covered by this plan.
1. Detection:
DPWY personnel must be alert to the leakage of hazardous materials (dock-side personnel who are responsible for
removing twistlocks, especially those working under the dock crane).
Operations shift supervisors or supervisors report any suspected leaking or damaged containers and make necessary
warnings to DPWY management for control.
If any leak within the terminal area attracts the attention of DPWY personnel; they must be studied, found and managed.
2. Define:
DPWY personnel must identify the class of the hazardous substance and act in accordance with management decisions
against leakage, along with its UN number.
3. Notification:
DPWY personnel communicate with employees to warn them and isolate the container in case of a possible evacuation.
5. Evaluation:
Incident Manager, Operations Manager and / or HSSE Manager have many resources and they need to be informed quickly
about the contents of the container. After this assessment, the appropriate intervention strategy (Hazchem guide) should
be determined according to the size of the work and proceeded.
6. Management:
Various actions and various notifications may be applied depending on the class and amount of the leaking substance.
The Incident Manager calls 0262 312 13 12 (Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of Environment) and informs and asks for
emergency assistance if necessary.
The Incident Manager will call 0 262 528 37 54/528 24 34 (Kocaeli Port Authority) to inform the emergency control room
there whether there is a potential threat to the neighbors. Likewise, she/he will call the captain of the ship and inform the
situation that may affect the ship.
The Incident Manager will send one escort to the terminal entrance door and ensures that the incoming teams can reach
the scene quickly.
The Incident Manager will transfer the command to them and continue to support them when emergency services arrive.
In the event of a leak from a container, DPWY company will place the container in the mobile spill pool located at the
dock at the FW site. The pools are in the seaside operation area. The pool will be used for emergency use only and is not
suitable for the transport of regular containers. This is a purposeful pool and leaking containers are kept in these pools
until the leak is eliminated / cut.
The white leakage pool can meet another area from the region with the help of the Reach Stacker and the ITV, and the
yellow leak pool can be connected to the back of the ITVs by means of its wheels and moved to the required areas.
If three pieces 40 ft or five pieces 20 ft containers start to leak at the same time, the temporary pool can be installed in
the desired area with concrete barriers and tarpaulin. In case of emergency, the necessary equipment is available to
establish a temporary pool in the landfill within the terminal.
The ability and capability of DP World Yarimca Port Authority to respond to emergencies, Add- 14 Emergency response
equipment against marine pollution at the port facility are specified in the file. In addition, an agreement has been reached
with Martı Environment Company to intervene in such emergencies, and during any spill, all equipment provided by the
company will be intervened. The hydrant system and water cannons on the site are also available for the use of the port
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8.3. Arrangement Regarding to First Responses to Incidents that Involve Dangerous Goods (First Response
Method, Firs Response Potential and Ability and etc.)
The flow chart of what needs to be done inside and outside the facility in emergencies is given in the appendix.
8.4. Notifications Made During Emergencies Within and Outside of Premises The flow chart of what needs to be
done inside and outside the facility in emergencies is given in the appendix.
An information report is prepared within the first 24 hours after an accident related to emergency situations. The report
containing the accident investigation is sent to the relevant units (internal - external) within 48 hours after the accident.
Accident report format is attached. See. Add-16b DPWY- Dangerous Goods Incident Notification Form
8.7. Emergency Evacuation Plan for Vessel and Sea Vehicles from Port Premises in Case of an Emergency
DPWY-HSSE-PRO-014 EMERGENCY RESPONCE PLAN section 6.4 It is carried out in accordance with the procedure for the
departure of the ship from the port in emergency situations.
8.8. Procedures regarding to Handling and Disposing of Damaged Dangerous Goods and Contaiminated Goods
In case of damaged and dangerous cargoes, the "leaky container pool" which is kept ready on site will be used. This pool
is mobile and can be moved to the desired location by all equipment in the field. Intervention to leaky containers here will
be made using the methods specified in the material safety data sheets supplied before the ship berths.
Fire protection systems within the terminal area: There are 99 underground and aboveground hydrants throughout the field.
In addition, water cannon supply was provided to intervene in distant points in the operation field. These water balls can fight
fire using both water and foam and these are mobile. There is an FM200 fire extinguishing system in all electricity distribution
buildings in the field. All the dock cranes, rubber wheeled cranes, empty container loading and full container handling
equipment have an automatic fire extinguishing system in their engines. There are sprinkler systems in all buildings in the
terminal, fire cabinets inside the buildings, fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. Automatically or manually activated fire
alarm system has been installed connected to these smoke detectors. The trucks carrying containers have an emergency
button inside the cabin to protect them from fire.
8.11. Procedures Regarding to Approval, Inspection, Test, Maintenance and Getting it Ready to Use of Fire
Protection Systems
The approval and inspection of the fire protection systems were made and approved by the Kocaeli Fire Department. In
addition, the control of the firefighting sprinkler system, alarm system and FM200 equipment in the facility will be carried out
once a year in accordance with the regulation on the protection of buildings from fire. Portable dry chemical powder and
carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are controlled and recorded monthly.
8.12. Measures Need to be Taken in Case Fire Protection System is not Working
In order to control the fire protection systems, regular drills will be held, and the operability of both
personnel and systems will be audited. In addition, the control of fire protection systems will be made by
the manufacturer or an authorized company regularly every year. In case the hydrant systems in the
operation area or docks do not work, ready-made water cannons will be used.
Foam and Water Ball Cart: It is used during the fire intervention of the employees in the emergency response team.
Fresh Air Breathing Apparatus: They are storage devices that keep fresh air under pressure.
DP World Yarimca Port Operations personnel receive a minimum of 12 hours of occupational safety training on the day they
are hired, including basic occupational safety, environmental and health training, in accordance with the regulations that
describe the dangers, risks and protection principles for their duty in the following days. In addition to this, all personnel
receive "Task- Oriented Training within the Scope of the IMDG Code". The determined emergency teams (fire, spill, rescue,
communication) are informed by taking the necessary training. First aid team members, who are among the emergency
teams, have been certified by getting a passing grade from the exam held by the ministry after receiving training from
authorized institutions. There is a clinic and workplace doctor at the entrance of the service building. By the Occupational
Safety Department, daily and weekly field tours are held, nonconformities are reported, and relevant persons are informed.
There are first aid kits and eye showers in all buildings and structures in the terminal area.
The use of personal protectors from within the field, required standards, usage periods, training and distribution periods are
included in the Personal Protective Equipment procedure.
DPWY-HSSE-PRO-13 Confined Space Procedure and DPWY-HSSE-PRO-24 Work Permit Procedure are applied.
Coastal Facility Dangerous Goods Compliance Certificate number BKN. 941359.KTTMUB.409 issued on 16.04.2021 is valid
until 10.05.2024.
In accordance with the Article 8 of the Regulation on Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser Services, DGSA performs the duties
specified in ADR/RID 1.8.3 and within the scope of the legislation regarding the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road,
Rail and Sea, in the enterprises where it provides DGSA service.
10.3. Issues regarding to Dangerous Goods Transporters which Transport Dangerous Goods to/from Port Premises
via Land Routes (Documents Which These Vehicles Obliged to have while Entering Port or Shore Facility/Yard
Entrance/Exit of Premises, the Equipment and Tools these Vehicles Are Obliged to Have; Port Premises Speed
Limits and etc.)
For all dangerous cargoes, the document information for port entry / handling / loading / unloading is included in DPWY-O
P-07 HANDLING AND STORAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS. Some additional rules specified in the contract for the carriage of
dangerous goods (ADR) must be followed. These:
▪ It is mandatory to have 2 (two) pieces of 2 kg fire extinguisher for cross-border shipments. Access to fire tubes should be
easy and the tubes should be protected.
▪ In the event of parking or stopping, the vehicle driver will be kept under the supervision of a maid or a guard.
▪ Vehicles carrying dangerous goods inside must be fixed with the handbrake when
▪ Tanker drivers must drive their vehicles at a speed of 30 km in the residential area, 50 km on the intercity road and 60 km
on the highway roads.
▪ Drivers of these vehicles; It must leave at least 50 meters distance to other vehicles on highways other than residential units.
In case of pause, they must keep 20 meters between them.
▪ If visibility falls below 50 m due to fog, snow, and rain, in cases of snow and ice, they will be treated carefully and in a way
that does not harm others. If necessary, a suitable parking space will be found. Therefore, radio announcements will be
listened carefully.
▪ The speed limit determined within DP World Yarimca Port Facility Area is 30 km / hour.
10.4. Issues regarding to Dangerous Goods Transporters which Transport Dangerous Goods to/from Port Premises
via Sea Routes (Day/Night Signs That Will Be Shown By Vessels and Sea Vehicles That Transports Dangerous
Goods in Port or Port Premises, Cold and Hot Working Methods over Vessels and etc.)
Issues for Carriers of Dangerous Goods Coming to the Coastal Facility by Sea / Separating from the Port Facility (Day / Night
Signs of Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods and Marine Vehicles at the Port or Port Facility, Cold and Hot Working Procedures
on Ships etc. Considerations) will be under the control of the ship's captain and crew.
10.5. Additional Issues That Will Be Added by Shore Facility Prohibited Activities
In the approach channels of the coastal facilities, in the mouths of the breakwater, in the berthing and mooring areas and
anchorage areas Fishing, sailing, rowing or other water sports activities and swimming are prohibited.
Boats for sports, leisure and recreational purposes are obliged to navigate in the port area, within the area limited to the
breakwaters and in the bays in a manner that will not interfere with the activities of other ships and marine vehicles and at a
speed that will not harm them. Port Authority determines the appropriate speed limit in places and situations it deems
Ships and marine vessels that come or leave the buoy to be connected to the buoy and those used in coastal facilities services
cannot pass between the buoys and buoy lines.
Ships and marine vessels other than those used in the service of aquaculture facilities and fish cages may not approach more
than two hundred meters from aquaculture facilities and fish cages. These facilities cannot act in a way that impairs the safety
and security of navigation, life, property, environment at sea at the administrative border of the port.
Ships and sea vehicles cannot be moored or berthed to coastal facilities that do not have the necessary permissions from the
administration. However, the Administration may make temporary arrangements for the facilities it deems appropriate in
emergencies or when required by the public interest.
Those who have excessive trim or a dangerous inclination, and ships and marine vessels that are at risk of environmental
pollution due to any damage, ships and marine vessels that do not have the documents for towing and carrying dangerous
goods but carrying dangerous goods cannot approach the coastal facilities without the permission of the port authority or
After the necessary permissions and approvals are obtained from the relevant institutions / organizations, before the
construction of the coastal structures and the establishment of the aquaculture production areas, the relevant persons obtain
permission from the port authority to start the activity.
It is obligatory to obtain permission from the port authority prior to buoying, diving, sea bottom and underwater studies, sea
bottom dredging and similar activities. Ships and marine vessels used in such activities show daytime signals and sound
signals with beacons in accordance with the legislation.
It is compulsory to make a request for permission to the port authority at least 15 days in advance for races starting from one
port administrative area and ending in another port administrative area, and at least 7 days before for other competitions
and activities.
Unless permission is obtained from the port authority, racing and similar activities or organizations cannot be organized in
the port administrative area.
Water sports to be carried out in the administrative area of the port are carried out within the scope of the Tourism Purpose
Sports Activity Regulation and other relevant legislation provisions published in the Official Gazette dated 23/2/2011 and
numbered 27855. The authorities of the port authority are reserved for ensuring the safety and security of life, property,
navigation, and environment related to water sports for tourism purposes. Port Authority is authorized to make all kinds of
restrictions and to stop these activities, considering the safety and security of life, property, navigation, and environment.
Unless permission is obtained from the port authority, other ships and marine vehicles cannot be aboard the sides of the ships
and sea vehicles at anchor or in the coastal facilities. Agency and supply engines, public ships, refueling ships, water tankers
and coastal facilities service ships are outside the scope of this clause, and these types of ships carry out their services in
coordination with the coastal facility operations within the knowledge of the port master.
The captain or agent of the ship, who will deliver fuel, oil, and water, notifies the relevant port authority before the supply
Fishing boats and yachts; They can be alongside each other's boards in coastal facilities, they cannot make double row
Ships and marine vessels in the port areas unless permission is obtained from the port authority; repair, scraping and painting,
welding and other hot work cannot perform lifeboat and / or boat launching or other maintenance work. If the ships and
marine vessels that will have these works are at the coastal facility, they must coordinate with the coastal facility operation.
Coastal facilities located in the port administrative area notify the Naval Forces Command, Navigation Hydrography and
Oceanography Department for their geographical locations to be recorded on the relevant sea maps.
Ships and marine vessels cannot change their anchorage areas without permission from the port authority. However, those
who cannot stay where they are due to adverse weather and sea conditions may leave their places and anchor at safer
anchorage areas. Those concerned shall notify the port authority as soon as possible. The regulation regarding the
implementation of this clause is made by the relevant port authority in places where there is a ship traffic service center. Ships
and marine vessels that will not carry out any activities in the coastal facilities but anchored in the anchorage areas for shelter
due to force majeure such as adverse weather and situations that may endanger the safety and security of the navigation,
life, property, environment, make the necessary notification to the relevant port authority and / or pilotage organization
without delay. Regulations regarding the implementation of this clause are made by the relevant port authority in places
where there is a Vessel Traffic Service Center.
Ships and marine vessels may not berth to the head of ships and marine vessels stern-to-berth. Floating equipment to be
used in the beach areas within the boundaries of the port and coastal hotels, motels, holiday villages, in front of the site, in
sea areas up to 200 meters from the shore, to determine the boundaries of the swimming area, are determined by the relevant
persons. It is fully prepared and preserved every year between 1 April and 15 November. Ships and sea vehicles are not allowed
in the designated swimming areas. The port authority is authorized to make changes in the boundaries of the swimming area
in terms of navigation, life, property, environmental safety, and security.
Limbo activity in the port administrative area is subject to the permission of the port authority. Backing up is done with the
permission of the port authority within the framework of the procedures and principles determined by the Administration.
Temporary arrangements such as bulk vault system mooring mechanisms or anchoring needs in sheltered sea areas are
notified to the Administration by the port authority. The administration determines the suitability of these systems and the
operating procedures and principles.
Providing pilotage services to ships and sea vehicles that do not have permission to berth to coastal facilities and ships and
sea vehicles without port exit certificate or anchoring order are subject to the permission of the port master.
The pleasure boats that make daily trips; The issues regarding mooring, accommodation and determination of cruise routes
are determined by the port authority, considering the waste collection and other services and approved by the Administration.
The harbor master may impose restrictions on capacity, entry-exit and use in case of exceeding the capacity of mooring and
accommodation places.
The duration of the stay in the same area for all kinds of ships and marine vessels in sea areas, bays, sheltered areas and
fish farms other than anchorage areas and permitted facilities is maximum 15 days. This period may be extended for a
maximum of 15 days if it is subject to the permission of the harbor master. Floating vehicles that want to stay in fish farms
for a long time must obtain permission from the port authority and comply with additional measures for navigational and
environmental safety to be determined. At the end of the period described above, the responsibility of lifting the floating
vehicles belongs to the harbor master.
10.6. Procedures for Fumigation, Gas Measurement and Degassing Work and Operations
The fumigation process in DP World Yarimca Port Management area is carried out in a specially reserved area with security
measures, with the purchase of service by the authorized company.
All operations are carried out in accordance with the DPWY-CFS-PRO-07 FUMIGATION and FUMIGATION REMOVAL
OPERATION procedure.
Information over the dangerous goods transportation document; readable, easy to understand and enduring. Goods being
transported within the scope of ADR will have their ADR transportation document ready and it will be controlled in port exits.
Transportation document (s), should contain the information given below for every substance, equipment, or object:
3. Classification Code.
6. For each unit of UN numbered dangerous goods, total amount of each type, proper transport name and validated packaging
This form which may be used as a combined dangerous goods transport document and container/vehicle packing certificate
for multimodal carriage of dangerous goods.
In case dangerous goods are loaded over a container or a vehicle or packaged in here, the sides responsible for packing
container or vehicle, will present a “container/vehicle packaging certificate” by stating these provisions are taken into
2. Packages that need to be separated due to their obligations, are not packed together in container/vehicle (unless it is
approved by the related authorized as per article
3. All packages must have their inspections done; only durable packages are loaded.
4. Unless authorized official given approval, barrels should be placed vertically and all goods are loaded properly and if required,
depending on the transportation method the load is stabilized with stabilizing equipment.
5. Bulk loads which are loaded over container/vehicle are equally distributed.
6. For transports except Risk section 1.4 substances which are found in class 1 must have their container/vehicle structurally
appropriate for service as per 7.1.2.
7. Container/Vehicle and plates are properly tagged, marked and if necessary placarded.
8. Whenever substances which have suffocation risk is used for cooling and venting purposes (for example dry ice (UN 1845)
or nitrogen, cooled liquid (UN 1977) or argon, cooled liquid (UN1951)) is used, inside of the container is marked per
and for each dangerous goods delivery, dangerous goods transportation document is acquired which is defined in IMDG
CODE 5.4.1
Container/vehicle package certificate is not required for mobile tank, tank-container and MEGC’s.
13. Maritime coordinates of Port Authority Administrative Boundaries, anchorage areas and pilot landing / boarding points
14. Emergency response equipment against sea pollution at the port facility
17. Control results notification form for dangerous cargo transport units (CTUs)
UN (United Nations) No: The four-digit United Nations Number that defines the dangerous substances in Table A of IMDG
CODE Section 3.2.
Dangerous Cargo: Any solid, liquid and gas that can cause harm to humans, other living organisms, property or the
Dangerous Substance: Explosive, oxidizing, very easily flammable, easily flammable, flammable, very toxic, toxic, harmful,
corrosive, irritant, sensitizing, carcinogenic, mutagenic, reproductive toxic and environmentally hazardous substances and
Classification: Separation made by the International Maritime Organization considering the chemical properties of
dangerous substances.
Danger Label: It defines the label with letters, numbers and figures expressing the properties such as class, degree of
danger and content of the loads in the packages used in the transportation of dangerous goods.
Packaging: A reservoir or multiple reservoirs refers to the materials or other components required for the reservoirs to
perform containment and other safety functions.
Packaging Group: Refers to a group to which certain substances are assigned according to their degree of danger for
Packaging Group I: Highly dangerous goods Packaging Group II: Moderately dangerous goods Packaging Group III: Low
dangerous goods.
Danger Sign: It is the plate that must be kept on the container for information purposes according to the feature of the
dangerous substance in the container.
Danger Label: It is a label that must be kept on the package for information purposes according to the feature of the
dangerous substance in the package.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Dangerous chemicals; It is a document containing detailed information about its properties and
the safety measures to be taken according to the nature of the chemical in the workplaces and the necessary information for
the protection of the environment and human health from the negative effects of the chemical.
Cargo Transport Unit (CTU): Designed and manufactured for the transportation of dangerous goods in packaged or bulk
form; road trailer, semi-trailer and tanker, portable tank and multi- element gas container, railway car and tank wagon,
container, and tank container.
Fumigation: It is the process of applying chemicals in solid, liquid, or gaseous form to a closed cargo transport unit (CTU)
or ship's hold to destroy harmful organisms.
DP World Yarimca Port Dangerous Goods Handling Manual includes the steps to be followed for handling dangerous goods
at the port sites. It is aimed to make these steps valid for all vessels visiting DP World Yarimca Port and for all dangerous
cargo operations regardless of the flags of the vessels.
In the handling of dangerous goods at DP World Terminal: Operations, HSSE, Trade and Human Resources departments are
responsible for establishing the handling procedure, following the procedures, ensuring that the necessary training is received
by the relevant employees.
Those responsible should consider the precautions and recommendations of DGSA regarding the handling and temporary
storage of dangerous goods within the scope of IMDG code and ADR. Responsibility must be fulfilled with due care and