Ijf 62 (2) 92-97 2015
Ijf 62 (2) 92-97 2015
Ijf 62 (2) 92-97 2015
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Indian J. Fish., 62(2): 92-97, 2015 92
DNA barcoding of Thais species (Family: Muricidae) from west coast of India
Accurate species identification is essential for defining biological entities for sustainable management and conservation.
Species identification under the genus Thais (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Muricidae) based on shell morphology often
mystify due to the phenotype plasticity. In this study, efficiency of DNA barcodes (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase
subunit I gene – COI gene) was tested to discriminate six species of Thais from west coast of India. The COI gene analysis
revealed that the average transitional pairs (Si =56) were less than transversional pairs (Sv=59) with an average ratio of 0.93.
The mean intraspecific and interspecific distances were 0.09±0.011 and 0.19±0.012, respectively. The average between
species distance was 2 times more than within species distance. However, the DNA barcodes were not able to discriminate
all the species with high barcode gap. Further, intraspecific distance values were estimated by including reported sequences
from other geographical locations to test the DNA barcode efficiency in delineating conspecific individuals across different
geographical locations.
Keywords: Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, DNA barcoding, Gastropods,Muricidae, Thais
Gastropods and bivalves constitute about 98% of Six species of the genus Thais representing two
the total population of molluscs. Muricidae is the second subfamilies of Muricidae were collected from across
largest family in the Neogastropoda and a widespread, the west coast of India (Table 1). The specimens were
speciose group of marine predators found in most parts provisionally identified upto genus level in the field based
of the world (Vermeij, 1996). Traditionally species under on reported literature (Apte, 1998; Tan and Sigurdsson,
Muricidae family are identified based on shell morphology, 1996a, b; Tan, 2000; Tan and Liu, 2001; Fernando
sculpture, micro-structure, radula, anatomical characters, and Fernando, 2002). Later, the species identification
operculum structure and meristic counts (Rao and Rao, was confirmed with the help of taxonomic experts
1993; Rajagopal et al., 1998; Rao, 2003; Kumbhar from Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Kolkata. Foot
and Rivonker, 2012). However, these morphological tissue from live specimens were collected under aseptic
characteristics are prone to be influenced by environmental conditions and preserved in absolute alcohol and stored at
factors which in turn lead to misidentification of species.
-800C, for further processing.
Accurate and unambiguous species identification is
Total genomic DNA was isolated from preserved
essential for biodiversity documentation, assessment and
foot tissue following SDS-phenol/chloroform method
sustainable management of molluscan resources. DNA
based taxonomy using sequence diversity among species as per Sambrook et al. (2001) with modifications.
can be used to identify and resolve taxonomic ambiguities The COI gene was amplified with primers HCO2198
including the discovery of new or cryptic species (Hebert (5´-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3´)
et al., 2003a). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome and LCO1490 (5´-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATAT
c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence is the most widely TGG-3´) (Folmer et al., 1994) in 25 μl reaction volume
used genetic marker for species identification. The containing 100 ng template DNA, 10 pmol of each
diversity of Thais species along the Indian coast has not specific primer, 200 μM of each dNTPs, 1.0 unit of Taq
so far been documented using molecular markers. Hence, DNA polymerase and 1x Taq buffer containing 1.5 mM
the present study was undertaken with the objective to test MgCl2. The PCR cycling conditions were set as initial
the efficacy of mitochondrial COI gene in discriminating denaturation at 950C for 3 min followed by 35 cycles of
and documenting selected species of Thais from the west 940C for 1min, 460C for 1 min and 720C for 1 min and final
coast of India. extension at 720C.
Ravi Kumar et al. 93
Table 1. Selected Thais species from Indian west coast and other geographical locations
Subfamily Species (number) Location/country (lat; long.) Accession no.
Thais tissoti (Petit de la Saussaye, 1852) (04) 16.980 N; 73.30 E KF246688 – 89a
18.970 N; 72.590 E HE584381-82b
South Africa
Rapaninae Purpura rudolphi (Lamarck,1822) (03) 16.980 N; 73.30 E KF246694a
18.970 N; 72.590 E GU188256b
China HQ834096b
Thais bufo (Lamarck, 1822) (09) 16.980 N; 73.30 E; KF246690 – 93a
18.970 N; 72.590E;
15.49°N; 73.8278° E
China KC466598-601b
South Africa HE584386b
Indothais blanfordi (Melvil,1893) (02) 18.970 N; 72.590 E KF906133a
Indothais lacera (Born,1778) (03) 18.970 N; 72.590 E KF906134a
China KC466631-38 b
South Africa HE584335b
Ergalataxinae Orania subnodulosa (Gravely, 1942) (01) 18.970 N; 72.590 E; KF246695a
15.49°N; 73.8278° E
Sequenced in the present study
Reported sequences downloaded from NCBI, GenBank
The PCR amplification products were purified were also included and all the sequences were checked
with gel extraction kit (Fermentas) following the for the presence of insertions, deletions and stop codons.
manufacturer’s protocol and the purified PCR products The lack of stop codons and indels was consistent with
were sequenced directly using PCR primers. Sequencing all the COI sequences suggesting that NUMTs (Nuclear
was performed in both directions for better accuracy DNA sequences originating from mitochondrial DNA
using ABI Big DYE terminator method (Eurofins Lab, sequences) were not sequenced/reported. Overall GC
Bangalore, India). These sequences were edited and content was 35.8% and the variation in GC content for
aligned using Clustal W program (Thompson et al., codon third base position was higher than for position 1.
1997) with default settings implemented in MEGA v The GC content variation at position 2 was very limited
5.0 software (Tamura et al., 2011). To estimate the degree which showed the absence of synonymous mutations at
of increase in intraspecific divergence values, sequences position 2. The average transitional pairs (Si =56) were
of species used in the present study and reported from less than transversional pairs (Sv =59) with an average
different geographical locations downloaded from NCBI, ratio of 0.93.
GenBank were used (Table 1).
For Indian haplotypes, the average intraspecific
Around 29 (present study: 11; reported: 18) COI and interspecific distance values were 0.09±0.011 and
sequences representing six species of Thais were used 0.19±0.012, respectively. Specifically, the distance values
for analysis. The pairwise evolutionary distance values between Thais tissoti and Orania subnodulosa and
were estimated by Kimura 2 parameter method using between Indothais blanfordi and O. subnodulosa were less
MEGA v 5.0 software. The Neighbour-joining (NJ) tree than the average intraspecific distance values (Table 2) and
based on cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene K2P it was also substantiated by Neighbor-Joining tree analysis
distance values was constructed with 1000 bootstrap (Fig. 1). The Intraspecific genetic distance values increased
replications. Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) more than 2 folds when conspecific sequences from other
online tool was used to delineate the species based on geographical locations were included in the analysis
COI gene divergence values. The relationship between (Table 3). Significant correlation between geographic
geographical distance and intraspecific genetic divergence distance and genetic divergence for Thais bufo and
value was analysed using the Mantel test (Mantel, 1967) Indothais lacera with coefficients of 0.486 and 0.471
implemented in XLSTAT (version 2013.3.02; Addinsoft, (p<0.001) respectively was further revealed by Mantel
Inc., NY, USA). test (Fig. 2).
A total of 11 individuals belonging to six species of As the genetic distance/divergence values among
Thais were barcoded using the fragment of COI gene with certain species were less than the intraspecific values, it
an average length of ~570-600 base pairs. Additionally, 18 would be difficult to delimit the species using traditional
reported sequences of Thais spp. from different locations threshold method. To circumvent this problem, online
DNA barcoding of Thais spp. from west coast of India 94
Table 2. Genetic distance (K2P model) values of COI gene across Thais spp.
Species Indothais blanfordi Thais bufo Purpura rudolphi Indothais lacera Thais tissoti Orania subnodulosa
Indothais blanfordi 0.024 0.022 0.018 0.014 0.010
Thais bufo 0.236 0.020 0.023 0.019 0.022
Purpura rudolphi 0.270 0.242 0.020 0.018 0.020
Indothais lacera 0.188 0.246 0.246 0.015 0.015
Thais tissoti 0.159 0.212 0.220 0.176 0.010
Orania subnodulosa 0.072 0.204 0.220 0.128 0.081
* Lower diagonal values indicate average divergence and upper diagonal values indicate standard error
9000 9000
8000 8000
Geographic distance (km)
7000 7000
6000 6000
5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
0.05 0
0.1 0.15 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Genetic distance (K2P) Genetic distance (K2P)
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Correlation between genetic distance (K2P) and geographical distance with Mantel tests for (a) Thais bufo (b) Indothais lacera
Ravi Kumar et al. 95
lndothais blanfordi 2 group 1 biodiversity. In the present study, the GC content of the
lndothais blanfordi group 1 partial mitochondrial COI region was found to be 35%.
Various studies have reported less number of transitional
lndothais lacera group 1
mutations than the transversional changes for COI gene,
Orania subnodulosa group 1 (Brown et al., 1982; Gojobori et al., 1982; Curtis et al.,
1984; Wakeley, 1994). However, for some of the
Thais tissoti 2 group 1
invertebrates, transversional pairs were more than the
Thais tissoti group 1 transitional pairs (Badhe et al., 2013), which was
Purpura rudolphi group 3 observed in the present study also. In DNA barcoding,
species is discriminated by estimating divergence values
Thais bufo 4 group 2 within species which is then compared with interspecific
Thais bufo 3 group 2 divergence value. In this study, the mean intraspecific
Thais bufo 2 group 2
value was 0.09±0.011, a value higher than that reported
for marine fishes (0.003) and decapods (0.004)
Thais bufo group 2 (Ward et al., 2005, Costa et al., 2007, Carr et al., 2011).
0.03 The average interspecific distance value (0.19±0.012) was
Fig. 3. Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery analysis of Thais species 2 times more than the intraspecific distance. Hebert et al.
collected from west coast of India (2003b) proposed a standard barcode sequence threshold
I. lacera KC466631 China group 8
I. lacera KC466634 China group 8
I. lacera KC466637 China group 8
I. lacera KC466638 China group 8
I. lacera KC466632 China group 8
I. lacera KC466633 China group 8
I. lacera KC466635 China group 8
I. lacera KC466636 China group 8
I. lacera HE584335 China group 8
T. tissoti KF246689 India group 10
T. tissoti KF246688 India group 10
O. subnodulosa KF246695 India group 9
I.lacera KF906134 India group 7
I. blanfordi KF906133 India group 1
I. blanfordi KF246687 India group 1
P. rudolphi HQ834096 South China Sea group 6
T. tissoti HE584381 NHMUK group 11
T. tissoti HE584382 NHMUK group 11
P. rudolphi GUI88256 China group 5
P. rudolphi KF246694 India group 4
T. bufo KC466598 China group 3
T. bufo KC466599 China group 3
T. bufo KC466600 China group 3
T. bufo HES84386 UK group 3
T. bufo KF246690 China group 2
T. bufo KF246691 China group 2
T. bufo KF246692 China group 2
T. bufo KF246693 China group 2
Fig. 4. Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery analysis of Thais species from different locations/countries
choice for species discrimination due to non-recombinant of 10X than the mean intraspecific divergence value
and environment independent nature (Tautz et al., 2003; to treat genetically divergent specimens as provisional
Blaxter, 2004; Rubinoff, 2006). species. If this threshold level is considered for calculating
Several researchers have successfully validated the the interspecific distance value, then it could be more than
ability of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I 0.9 (0.09 X 10). However, the distance values between
gene to diagnose species in different taxonomic groups different Thais (specifically T. tissoti - O. subnodulosa,
(Hebert et al., 2003; 2004). Clare et al. (2007) showed I. blanfordi - O. subnodulosa) species are less than this
the GC content of COI region among different lineages threshold value. This might be due to recent divergence of
can be analysed and used as measures of nucleotide taxa or incomplete lineage sorting.
DNA barcoding of Thais spp. from west coast of India 96
Addition of conspecific sequences from other The present work has generated DNA barcodes for
geographic locations increased the intraspecific distance six species of Thais distributed from west coast of India.
and the correlation was significant. In the present study These barcodes will be helpful in identification, assessment
also two species viz., T. bufo and I. lacera showed higher and in preparing conservation and management strategies
intraspecific distance values as more sampling locations for Thais spp. Further studies on the biology, anatomy
were included. Bergsten et al. (2012) observed increase and taxonomy with more molecular markers are needed
in intraspecific genetic variation in beetles of the tribe in order to provide vital information to assist conservation
Agabini, with increase in geographical scale of sampling efforts.
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and geographical distance are uncorrelated based on
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History Society, Mumbai, Oxford University Press,
more dispersive organisms such as birds. For less mobile/
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sessile organisms such as Thais species, single gene and
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Lakra, W. S. 2013. DNA barcoding of selected cephalopods
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Balke, M., Hendrich, L., Geijer, J., Herrmann, J., Foster, G. N.,
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Date of Receipt : 15.05.2014
Date of Acceptance : 13.10.2014