WEEk 11 remediationGRADE IV

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Republic of the Philippines

Region X - Northern Mindanao

Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Alubijid West


SY 2022-2023



Grade Level: Grade IV

Date: WEEK 11 – JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 3, 2023


Objectives 1. To produce letter sounds 1. To produce letter sounds 1. To produce letter sounds Gives the place value and the 1. Discuss the interaction among
value of a digit of a given living things.
p a e i o u using the E- p a e i o u using the E- p a e i o u using the E-
decimal number through 2. Describe some types of beneficial
Application Help Me Application Help Me Application Help Me hundredths interactions among living things;
2. To blend letter sounds p 2. To blend letter sounds p 2. To blend letter sounds p 3. Appreciate the importance of each
and a / p and e / p and i, p and a / p and e / p and i, p and a / p and e / p and i, p living things to the environment.
and o/ p and u, and read and o/ p and u, and read and o/ p and u, and read
syllables syllables syllables
pa pe pi po pu pa pe pi po pu pa pe pi po pu
nga nge ngi ngo ngu nga nge ngi ngo ngu nga nge ngi ngo ngu
ga ge gi go gu ga ge gi go gu ga ge gi go gu
na ne ni no nu na ne ni no nu na ne ni no nu
ya ye yi yo yu ya ye yi yo yu ya ye yi yo yu
and the syllables learned in and the syllables learned in and the syllables learned in
the previous lessons. the previous lessons. the previous lessons.
3. To read words from 3. To read words from 3. To read words from
combined syllables then to combined syllables then to combined syllables then to
phrases to short sentences. phrases to short sentences. phrases to short sentences.
Content *Producing Letter Sound Pp *Producing Letter Sound Pp *Producing Letter Sound Pp Giving the place value and the 1. Discussing the interaction among
value of a digit of a given living things.
Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu
decimal number through 2. Describing some types of beneficial
*Blending Letter Sounds p *Blending Letter Sounds p *Blending Letter Sounds p hundredths. interactions among living things;
and a / p and e / p and i, p and a / p and e / p and i, p and a / p and e / p and i, p 3. Appreciating the importance of
and o/ p and u, and read and o/ p and u, and read and o/ p and u, and read each living things to the environment.
syllables pa pe pi po pu/ syllables pa pe pi po pu/ syllables pa pe pi po pu/
nga nge ngi ngo ngu/ ga nga nge ngi ngo ngu/ ga nga nge ngi ngo ngu/ ga
ge gi go gu/ na ne ni no ge gi go gu/ na ne ni no nu/ ge gi go gu/ na ne ni no nu/
nu/ ya ye yi yo yu,and ya ye yi yo yu,and Syllables ya ye yi yo yu,and Syllables
Syllables Learned In the Learned In the Previous Learned In the Previous
Previous Lessons Lessons Lessons
*Reading words from *Reading words from *Reading words from
Combined Syllables, and Combined Syllables, and Combined Syllables, and
Reading Phrases to Reading Phrases to Reading Phrases to
Sentences Sentences Sentences
Strategy/ies Specific procedures that help Specific procedures that help  Distinguishing the  Asking questions
students look at printed Specific procedures that help students look at printed different place values  Think-pair-share
students look at printed of whole numbers
words and interpret their words and interpret their  Discussion
words and interpret their  Games
meaning. meaning. Presenting/discussion  Observing
meaning.  Asking questions  Appreciating
 Pictures showing  Describing
 Showing pictures
 Games
 Group activity

Learning Reading Carousel Books Reading Carousel Books Reading Carousel Books Powerpoint Presentaion, Multimedia presentation, flashcards,
foldables, Place value chart pictures/realia of fruits found in the
Powerpoint presentation, books, community, Activity sheet,
meta cards
Power LV200 Power LV200 Power LV200
Assessment Add some variety to reading Add some variety to reading Add some variety to reading Directions: Give the place value Put a (√) mark if the statement shows
and the value of the underlined interaction among living things and
instruction and maximize its instruction and maximize its instruction and maximize its (x) mark if not. TG. P.186
effectiveness by making use of digit.
effectiveness by making use of effectiveness by making use of
this list of reading strategies. this list of reading strategies. this list of reading strategies. 0.56 0.85
Each strategy is easy to Each strategy is easy to Each strategy is easy to
implement and helps keep 0.65 0.95
implement and helps keep implement and helps keep
students actively engaged in 0.75
students actively engaged in the students actively engaged in the
the process of learning to read.
process of learning to read. process of learning to read.

Reflection % of the learners % of the learners achieve % of the learners achieve % of the learners % of the learners
achieve mastery level. mastery level. mastery level. achieve mastery level. achieve mastery level.

Remarks % of the learners not % of the learners not % of the learners not % of the learners not % of the learners not
mastered need to have more mastered need to have more mastered need to have more mastered need to have mastered need to have
enhancement activity. enhancement activity. enhancement activity. more enhancement more enhancement
activity. activity.

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T-1 P-I

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