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J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci.

7 (2019): 23-30

Optimum postharvest handling-effect of temperature on quality and shelf life of tropical

fruits and vegetables
Fazly Ann Zainalabidin*, Mozhiarhasi Sandra Sagrin, Wan Nabilah Wan Azmi, Ainun Sabihah Ghazali
Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Received 1 August 2018 Abstract

Accepted 25 September 2018
Online 22 May 2019 The challenge of high tropical temperature and chilling sensitive horticulture required an optimum
postharvest handling to minimize the worldwide concern on the postharvest losses of tropical fruits
Keywords: and vegetables. To ensure the harvested produces achieves the consumer acceptability, the effect
Postharvest handling, tropical of temperature on the perishable produces along the integrated series of postharvest chain
fruits, tropical vegetables, operations including harvesting, processing, storage and transportation must be crucially
temperature, quality maintained. Even though the cooling process during the postharvest handling helps to reduce
deterioration from high tropical temperature, the refrigeration storage temperature may also result
⌧*Corresponding author: in detrimental chilling injury. Quality of the produces reduced because of the development of
Dr. Fazly Ann Zainalabidin symptoms include internal and external discoloration, abnormal fruit ripening, accelerated
Faculty of Food Science and senescence, skin pitting, wilting, increase susceptibility to decay and loss of flavour. Optimum
Technology, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,
storage temperature for specific fruits and vegetables, temperature conditioning, intermittent
Malaysia. warming technique, controlled atmosphere storage, chemical treatments and application of growth
Email: regulator can be applied either to retard the damaging symptoms or to increase the tolerance of the
commodities towards chilling injury in order to extend fresh produces shelf life.
© 2019 UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.

1. INTRODUCTION prices, national income and nutritional quality (Wu, 2010).

Fruits and vegetables were identified to play a In developing countries, postharvest losses reported mostly
significant role in providing dietary fibre, essential occur during transportation, handling, storage and
vitamins and minerals to the world populations. According processing (Azizah et al., 2009). According to Liu (2014),
to FAO (2004), the international consumption of tropical there was about 25 percent of the fresh produce become
produce has increased by approximately 40 percent non-edible because they rot in storage and transportation
between 1995 and 2004. Over the years, the demand for process, whereas, up to 30 percent above is due to decay
tropical fruits and vegetables has increased tremendously losses in some postharvest perishable produces. High
tropical temperature with humidity and abundant of
because attributed by the rising consumer incomes and
increasing in consumer awareness of the health benefits of chilling injury sensitive horticulture are some of the
eating diets that are heavy in fresh produces (Nzaku and challenges during postharvest handling in maintaining the
Houston, 2009; Nolasco et al., 2017). However, as the quality of fresh tropical produces (El-Ramady et al., 2015).
demand of world fresh produces increases, problems Therefore, temperature should be considered as a very
associated with postharvest losses became as worldwide important factor for optimum postharvest handling of
concern (Kiaya, 2014; Kitinoja and Kader, 2015). Among tropical fruits and vegetables throughout the chain and to
the five principles outlined during the World Summit on minimize losses. Thus, postharvest handling-effect of
temperature on tropical fruits and vegetables quality and
Food Security, reducing postharvest losses is one of the
shelf life is reviewed.
resolutions endorsed during the assembly (FAO, 2009). In
addition, Kusumaningrum et al. (2015) pointed out that 2. POSTHARVEST HANDLING CHAIN
barriers for international trade in tropical produce were
Postharvest handling systems are required to
postharvest losses that resulted from quality deterioration
ensure that harvested fruits and vegetable achieves the
and the yield declination. The main cause of postharvest
consumer acceptability (Ahmad and Siddiqui, 2016). The
losses was identified because of limited shelf life of
postharvest handling chain integrates a series of operations
tropical produce (Amin and Hossain, 2012; Arah et al.,
including; harvesting, processing, storage, transportation
2015). As a consequence, these losses have several adverse
and ripening.
impacts on the sales of tropical produce farm, consumer

eISSN Number: 2462-2389 © 2019
UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.
J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 7 (2019): 23-30

Fresh postharvest produce must be harvested at Fruits and vegetables are highly perishable and
suitable stage of maturity. According to Mohammad Nasir can be stored only for limited days under normal tropical
(2006), non climacteric tropical fruits such as rambutans ambient condition. The complexity and variety impact
(Nephelium lappaceum) must be harvested during ripe factors such as temperature dependent respiration rate and
stage, while climacteric mangoes (Mangifera indica) can different optimal storage temperatures affect the quality
be harvested at green-matured stage and can be either during postharvest storage (Lange and Cameron, 1994;
artificially or naturally ripened. The principles in dictating Thompson, 2010). According to Snowdon (2010), the
at which stage of maturity of fruit or vegetable should be simplest type of storage involves shading from direct
harvested are crucial to its subsequent storage and sunlight in order to prevent undue temperature rise or
marketable life and quality (Mishra and Gamage, excessive moisture loss. In conventional chilling storage,
2007). Some of the typical maturity indexes criteria air is cooled to desired air temperature by directing it over
include; fruit ripening colour changes, shape and size pipes through which refrigerants such as
during maturation, ripe fruit aroma, vegetable leaf changes, chlorofluorocarbon compounds are circulated. Limited
abscission and fruit firmness (FAO, 1989). Besides that, time of storage is generally sufficient for delivery and
appropriate methods and harvesting tools such as secateurs distribution of produce that are marketed locally, exported
and knives, depending on the type of fruit or vegetables by air or shipment by sea. During transportation, the
must be taken under consideration in order to minimize principle of refrigeration with ventilation and modified
mechanical injury during harvesting. Moreover, Barbosa- atmospheres applied must be similar to storage in
Canovas et al. (2003) in their report has mentioned that minimizing the postharvest losses (El-Ramady et al.,
mechanical damages such as tissue wounds, squeezing, and 2015).
breakage of fresh produces is caused by inappropriate The final operation in the postharvest handling
methods and techniques used during harvesting which chain is ripening. It can be carried out either by induction
increase the susceptibility of the produce to or by natural means (Mishra and Gamage, 2007).
microorganisms growth and decaying process. Practical According to Mohammad Nasir (2006), induced ripening
harvesting containers should be considered by handlers to is normally carried out to overcome the uneven ripening of
pick the fruit and vegetables in the field to provide certain type of produce. Chemical such as calcium carbide
protection for the fresh produce against rough handling and is the most commonly used for chemical artificial ripening
transport deterioration (Arah et al., 2016). of fruit. Upon contact with moisture, calcium carbide will
Packing house serves as a venue for the produce acetylene gas, which has almost similar effects as
preparation of the fresh produce prior transportation for the natural ripening agent, ethylene. Acetylene mimics
wholesaling and retailing (El-Ramady et al., 2015). In ethylene and accelerates the ripening process. Controlled
tropical country, for instance Malaysia, the common ripening rooms and ethylene gas are applied to fresh
packing house operations for fruit and vegetables reported produce for export.
contain various sections and sub-sections such as sorting
and trimming, washing and fungicide treatment, drying,
grading, cooling and packing (Azizah et al., 2009). The TROPICAL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES
packages such as corrugated fibreboard cartons, wooden or
plastic crates, plastic or bamboo basket, pallet boxes, and Temperature plays an important role in the
nets, should have sufficient mechanical strength to protect determination of postharvest quality and shelf life of
the fresh produce during handling, transport and stacking. tropical fruit and vegetable. Different level of temperature
A study by Azizah et al. (2009) reported that rough subjected to different postharvest deterioration (Kader,
handling during preparation for the market will increase the 2013).
bruising and mechanical damage, and limits the benefits of 3.1. Effect of high temperature
cooling. The cooling process is necessary in ensuring the High temperature and relative humidity are
freshness and extending the shelf life of tropical fruit and known to be significant factors for biological and chemical
vegetables. The delay between harvesting and cooling degradation of fruits and vegetables especially for tropical
processing will result in direct losses because of water loss countries due to their geographical position. In addition,
and decay, and indirect losses because of reduction in respiration is undoubtedly one of the contributing factors
nutritional quality and flavour (Kader, 2002). According to to the deterioration of fresh produce after harvest since fruit
Barbosa-Canovas et al. (2003), there were several methods and vegetables continue to respire even after been detached
such as precooling, air precooling, icing, room cooling, from the plant. At high temperature, fresh produces will
forced air cooling, hydro cooling and vacuum cooling that increase ethylene production which promotes respiration
can be applied in extending the shelf life of tropical rates and the metabolic process (Liu, 2014). According to
postharvest fruits and vegetables. Silva (2008), every 10°C increment in temperature, the
respiration rate will increase at least by two fold. The
eISSN Number: 2462-2389 © 2019
UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.
J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 7 (2019): 23-30

temperature will induce rapid utilization of stored quality (Morris and Brady, 2005). The cooling methods for
carbohydrates and produce energy during respiration. fruit is recommended by using various methods such as
Energy released upon postharvest respiration in fruit and precooled either by cold air, cold water, direct contact with
vegetable will affect the sweetness, flavour, weight, turgor ice, or by evaporation of water from the product under
and loss of nutrition value of the fresh produce (Silva, partial vacuum until the temperature is reduced to 3 to 6°C
2008). A study by Proulx et al. (2005) pointed out that high (Barbosa-Canovas et al., 2003). In vegetables, it involves
postharvest storage temperature on papayas (Carica combination of cooled air and water in the form of a mist
papaya) led to accelerated water loss and subsequent (Teruel et al., 2004). Another method is icing method
shrivelling and softening of the fruit. Moreover, Barbosa- where the ice slurry containing 60 percent finely crushed
Canovas et al. (2003) also reported that high temperature ice, 40 percent water, and 0.1 percent sodium chloride to
together with long exposure to tropical sun after harvest lower the melting point, is commonly added by placing a
would lead to heat injury and severe loss of water from layer on the top of the fresh produce inside the containers
leafy vegetables. (Barbosa-Canovas et al., 2003). Those suggested cooling
High tropical temperature was identified to methods are very good in preserving the freshness of
provide a conducive atmosphere for the growth and produce. However, the cooling process may lead to chilling
multiplication of tropical insects that contribute to injury for tropical fruits and vegetables as most tropical
postharvest deterioration (Teygeler, 2001). Some insects postharvest commodities are chill sensitive. The shelf life
begin the infestation in the field and continue until of chill sensitive crops increases at lower postharvest
postharvest storage (de Lima, 2011). The insects cause storage temperature down to a certain point which is
damage to the fruits and vegetables mainly by direct known as critical chilling temperature. Further decrease in
feeding (White and Elson-Harris, 1992). In poor storage temperature will shorten the shelf life. The critical chilling
management at stores and warehouses, the quality and temperatures usually occur between 10 and 13°C (Wang,
shelf life of fruit and vegetables reduces due to damaging 1994).
loss caused by insects. According to Santos et al. (1990), Chilling injury may occur in certain fresh produce
some insect species feed on the endosperm causing loss of at the range of 0 to 15°C and this phenomenon greatly
weight and quality, while other species feed on the germ, dependent on the species and cultivars, types of tissues,
resulting in poor seed germination and less viability which stage at maturity and other environmental factors including
subjected to grains lose value for marketing. storage humidity (Snowdon, 2010). At these temperature
ranges, the tissues become weakened because they are
3.2. Effect of low temperature
unable to carry on normal metabolic processes (Wang,
Low temperature storage is considered as an
1989). The severity of damage is determined by the
effective method in optimizing the quality of most fruit and
temperature at which the fresh produce is held and by the
vegetables and extending the postharvest shelf life. In
duration of exposure (Wang, 1990; Watkins, 2003;
preserving quality, low storage temperature is used to delay
Snowdon, 2010). The postharvest produces would start to
ripening and senescence process, reduce water loss, retards
show alterations such as internal or external discoloration,
respiration, decrease metabolic rate and lessen decay
skin piking, abnormal fruit ripening, accelerated
incidence (Wang, 1994; Yahia, 2011). A study by
senescence, wilting, loss of flavour and increase
Junmatong et al. (2012) shows that low temperature is
susceptibility to decay (Barbosa-Canovas et al., 2003;
useful to reduce ripening and maintain general
Wang, 2009). The most common form of chilling injury
perishability of mangoes (Mangifera indica) during
and symptoms in many of tropical horticultural
postharvest handling, storage, and long distance
commodities includes failure to ripe which is common in
transportation. According to Liu (2014), low temperature
bananas (Musa spp.), papayas (Carica papaya), sapodillas
affects the maturing process of fruits by preventing the
(Manilkara zapota) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum),
generation of ethylene that acts as plant hormone which
and pitting, circular or irregular-shaped pits on fruit surface
promotes the respiration. In term of shelf life, a study by
in cucumbers (Cucumis sativus), aubergines (Solanum
Paull et al. (1997) stated that papayas (Carica papaya) able
melongena), melons (Cucumis melo), okra (Abelmoschus
to maintain shelf life up to 3 weeks at lower temperatures
esculentus) and sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas) (Wang,
(10 to 12°C), compared to exposure under ambient tropical
1990). The symptoms often appear only after the
temperature (25 to 28°C) with shelf life of between 4 and
commodity is returned to warmer temperatures, as when
6 days.
marketed. The minimal safe temperature for selected
During postharvest handling, cooling process is
tropical fruit and vegetables together with other symptoms
essential in ensuring the freshness of the fruit and vegetable
of chilling injury is presented in Table 1.
as it has various beneficial effects in maintaining the

eISSN Number: 2462-2389 © 2019
UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.
J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 7 (2019): 23-30

Table 1: The minimal safe temperature for selected tropical fruits and vegetables and the chilling injury symptoms for storing at low
temperature from published literatures (Kitinoja and Kader, 1995; Hardenburg et al., 1986).

Chilling Injury Symptoms (Between 0°C

Tropical Commodities Minimal Safe Temperature (°C)
to Safe Temperature)
Aubergines (Solanum melongena) 7 Surface scald
Alternaria rot
Blackening of seeds
Bananas (Musa spp.) nv (11.5-13)b Dull colour upon ripened
Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) 7 Pitting
Water-soaked spots
Guavas (Psidium guajava) nv (4.5)b Pulp injury
Lemons (Citrus limon) nv (11-13)b Pitting
Membranous staining
Red blotch
Limes (Citrus aurantiifolia) 7-9 Pitting
Turning tan with time
Mangoes (Mangifera indica) nv (10-13)b Grayish scald-like discoloration of skin
Uneven ripening
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) 7 Discoloration
Water-soaked areas
Papayas (Carica papaya) 7 Pitting
Failure to ripen
Off flavour
Peppers (Piper nigrum) 7 Sheet pitting
Alternaria rot on pods and calyxes
Darkening of seed
Pineapples (Ananas comosus) nv (7-10)b Dull green upon ripened
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) 13 Decay
Internal discoloration
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)
mature-green 13 Poor colour upon ripe
Alternaria rot
ripe nv (7-10)b Watersoaking and softening
Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) 4.5 Pitting
Objectionable flavour
*The value in brackets is those given by second reference if they differ from the first reference
**nv Indicates no value given and single value indicates agreement in the recommendations
***b Indicate the value of Hardenburg et al. (1986)
(1990) has recommended on multiple temperature
conditioning by exposing the postharvest commodities to
TEMPERATURE ON TROPICAL temperature slightly above the critical chilling range. Low
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES temperature conditioning has been recognized to be
effective in treating tropical produce such as aubergines
In minimizing postharvest losses associated with
(Solanum melongena), cucumbers (Cucumis sativus),
the effect of temperature on tropical perishable produces,
limes (Citrus aurantiifolia), lemons (Citrus limon),
the identified approach are; several postharvest technique
papayas (Carica papaya), mangoes (Mangifera indica) and
in reducing chilling injury and management of optimum
tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum). It has been associated
storage temperature.
with the increasing degree of unsaturation in membrane
4.1. Postharvest technique in reducing chilling fatty acids, maintaining high level of phospholipids in
injury membrane and suppressing the increase in the sterol that
The right chilling temperatures were identified to contribute to reduce chilling injury (Zheng et al., 2011).
prevent or minimize chilling injury on postharvest Another technique is by interruption of low temperature
produces (Wang, 1989; Karel and Lund, 2003). Chilling storage with one or more period of warm temperature, also
injury can be defined as the visual manifestation of cellular known as intermittent warming. The warm temperature
dysfunction in crops exposed to chilling temperatures treatment during intermittent warming process is able to
(Watkins, 2003). In order to minimize chilling injury of increase the storage life of some chilling-sensitive fruits
chill sensitive tropical produces, Hatton (1990) and Paull and vegetables (Biswas, 2012; Kluge et al., 2003).
eISSN Number: 2462-2389 © 2019
UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.
J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 7 (2019): 23-30

Warming of chilled tissues for short periods helps to repair Wang (1994), the treatment must be applied before chilling
damage to membranes, organelles or metabolic pathways injury become irreversible and has been used successfully
(Patel et al., 2016). According to Cohen et al. (1990) and in commercial operation of lemons (Citrus limon).
Table 2: The storage period of some selected tropical fruits and their recommendation for optimum storage temperature and relative
humidity from published literatures (Snowdon, 2010; Mohammad Nasir, 2006; Paull, 1999).
Relative Humidity
Tropical Fruit Temperature (°C) Storage Period (days)
Babacos (Vasconcellea heilbornii)
green 10 90 150-180
turning 7 90 120
Bananas (Musa spp.)
green 13 (13-14)c 85-90 10-20 (7-28)c
coloured 13-16 85 - 90 5-10
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) 13 95 7-21
Cape Gooseberries (Physalis
14 80 nv
Carambolas (Averrhoa carambola) 5-10 (9-10) c 90 (85-90) c 21-28
B 10 nv (5)b nv (85-90)b nv (35-63)b
B 17 nv (5) b nv (85-90) b nv (42)b
Cherimoyas (Annona cherimola) 8-9 90 7-14
Cherries (Prunus spp.)
sour 0-1 90-95 7-14
sweet -1-0 90-95 14-21
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) 0-1.5 90-95 30-60
Custard apples (Annona reticulate) 5-7 85-90 28-42
Dates (Phoenix dactylifera)
fresh 0 85-90 30-60
dried ≤0 70-75 365
Durians (Durio zibethinus) 4-6 85-90 30-60 (42-56)c
Granadillas (Passiflora ligularis) 7-10 85-90 21-35
Guavas (Psidium guajava) 5-10 90 14-21 (21-28)b
Horned melons (Cucumis metuliferus) 10 90 nv
Jackfruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus) 13 95 7-21
Lemons (Citrus limon)
green 10-14 90 60-150
yellow 11 90 90-180
Limes (Citrus aurantiifolia) 9-10 90 30-60 (42-56)c
Litchis (Litchi chinensis) 5-10 90-95 120-180
Longans (Dimocarpus longan) 4 90 nv
Mangoes (Mangifera indica) 12-14 90 14 (14-21)c
Mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana) 10 90 21-28
Melons (Cucumis melo) 4-5 90 7-21
Naranjillas (Solanum quitoense) 7-10 90 28-42
Nectarines (Prunus persica var
-1-0 90-95 14-49
Oranges (Citrus sinensis) 2 90 90
Papayas (Carica papaya)
green 10 90 21-28 (14-21)b
turning 7 90 14-21 (7-21)c
Passion fruits (Passiflora edulis) 7-10 85-90 21-35
Peaches (Prunus persica) -1-0 (-0.5)c 90-95 14-42 (14-28)c
Pineapples (Ananas comosus)
mature green 10-13 90 21-28
turning 7-10 90 21-28
ripe 7 90 14-28
Prickly pears (Opuntia spp.) 8-10 90 14
Pummelos (Citrus maxima) 10-15 (7-9)b 90 (85-90)b nv (84)b
Rambutans (Nephelium lappaceum) 10-12 95 7-14
Sapodillas (Manilkara zapota)
turning 20 90 14-21
ripe 0 90 14
Watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) 10-15 90 14-21
*The value in brackets is those given by the second and/or third reference if they differ from the first reference
**nv Indicates no value given and single value indicates agreement in the recommendations
***b Indicate the values of Mohammad Nasir (2006)
****c Indicate the values of Paull (1999)

eISSN Number: 2462-2389 © 2019
UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.
J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 7 (2019): 23-30

Besides that, depending on the commodity, prevent chilling injury in pineapple (Ananas comosus) and
various strategies for reducing the likelihood of injury at okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). However, in tomatoes
chilling temperatures can be done such as; minimization of (Solanum lycopersicum), papayas (Carica papaya) and
moisture loss by using semi permeable packaging, use of lemon (Citrus limon), these produces are less susceptible
certain postharvest fungicide treatments, controlled to chilling injury (Wang, 1994). Calcium is one of the
atmosphere storage, chemical treatments and application of chemical treatments used apparently to strengthen the cell
growth regulator (Wang, 1990, 1994; Snowdon, 2010). walls and cell membranes in order to withstand the chilling
Semi permeable packaging of fruits and vegetables helps stress in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), papaya (Carica
to maintain high relative humidity and modify the papaya), peach (Prunus persica) and tomatoes (Solanum
concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lycopersicum) (Madani et al., 2016; Sohail et al., 2015).
surrounding atmosphere (Siracusa, 2012). The proper semi Growth regulator, such as abscisic acid (ABA) is used to
permeable packaging has been shown to delay chilling alter the chilling tolerance of tissues by inducing stomatal
injury in bananas (Musa spp), apricots (Prunus mume) and closure, reduce water loss, and prevent chilling-induced
lemons (Citrus limon). For controlled atmosphere storage, wilting of seedlings (Tijero et al., 2016). ABA has been
most commodities are responding favourably to a decrease proven to reduce chilling injury in zucchini (Cucurbita
in oxygen level and increase in carbon dioxide pepo var cylindrical) and pineapple (Ananas comosus)
concentration (Kader et al., 1989). The effectiveness is (Wang, 1991, Zhang et al., 2015).
varies with commodities. But, this process is beneficial to
Table 3: The storage period of some selected tropical vegetables and the recommendations for optimum storage temperature and
relative humidity from published literatures (Snowdon, 2010; Paull, 1999; Hardenburg et al., 1986).
Storage Period
Tropical Vegetable Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (%)
Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) 0-2 95-100 10-14
Aubergines (Solanum melongena) 8-12 90-95 7-14
Bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) nv (7-13)b nv (90-95)b nv (14-21)b
Cabbages (Brassica oleracea var
green 0-1 95-100 90
white 0-1 95-100 180-210
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) 0-2 (0-5)b 85-90 150-180
Capsicums (Capsicum annuum) 7-10 90-95 7-21
Chinese cabbages (Brassica rapa subsp
0-1 95-100 30-60 (60- 90)b
Chillies (Capsicum spp.) 7-10 90-95 7-21
Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) 8-11 (10-13)c 90-95 7-14
Endive (Cichorium endivia) 0-1 95-100 14-21
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) 0-1 95-100 7-28 (14-21)c
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) 7-10 95-100 7-14
Peppers (Piper nigrum) 7-10 90-95 7-21
Radishes (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp
0-1 95-100 7-28
Sweet corn (Zea mays) 0-1 95-100 (90-95) b 4-8
Sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas) 13-16 85-90 120-210
Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum)
mature green 12-15 (18-22)c 90 7-14 (7-21)c
turning 10-12 90 7-14
ripe 8-10 90 7
Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo var
8 - 10 90 - 95 7 - 14
*The value in brackets are those given by the second and/or third reference if they differ from the first reference
**nv indicates no value given and single value indicates agreement in the recommendations
***b Indicate the values of Paull (1999)
****c Indicate the values of Hardenburg et al. (1986)
temperature effect (Wang, 1989). Therefore, ascertain the
4.2. Optimum storage temperature for tropical
critical temperature and keeping fruits and vegetables
fruits and vegetables
within their optimum ranges of temperature is the most
Low temperature postharvest storage is often
important factor in maintaining their quality and
more detrimental than beneficial for tropical chill sensitive
minimizing postharvest losses (Kader, 2002). Various
produces (Saltveit, 2002; Znidarcic et al., 2010). The fresh
studies have been done in obtaining the optimum
produces do not always benefited from cooling process.
temperature for postharvest storage of tropical fruits and
However, if the produces are not refrigerated, they tend to
vegetables to maintain the quality of the produces and
deteriorate and have a limited storage life because of high
extend the shelf life (Hardenburg et al., 1986; Paull, 1999;
eISSN Number: 2462-2389 © 2019
UMK Publisher. All rights reserved.
J. Trop. Resour. Sustain. Sci. 7 (2019): 23-30

Mohammad Nasir, 2006; Snowdon, 2010). The optimum El-Ramady, H.R., Domokos-Szabolcsy, E., Abdalla, N.A., Taha, H.S. &
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storage temperature, relative humidity and potential
storage. In: Sustainable agriculture reviews (Ed. by E. Lichtfouse),
duration of storage on selected tropical fruits and pp. 65-152. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
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(2012). Reduction of chilling injury of ‘Nam Dok Mai No. 4’ mango
chilling or by retarding the development of injury
fruit by treatments with salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate.
symptoms. Besides the effect of temperature, other factors Journal of Agricultural Science, 4: 126-136.
such as tropical humidity, level of oxygen and carbon Kader, A.A. (2002). Pre harvest and post harvest factors affecting fresh
dioxide need to be taken under consideration in limiting the produce quality, nutritional value, and implications for human
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benefits and avoiding rough handling by trained handlers 109-119. Sassari: Italy.
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