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Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

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Oily sludge treatment in subcritical and supercritical water: A review

Zhong Chen a, e, *, Zhijian Zheng b, Chunlan He c, Jumei Liu d, Rui Zhang a, Qiao Chen a, e, *
Key Laboratory of Reservoir Aquatic Environment, Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714, China
State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China
Chongqing Institute for Food and Drug Control, Chongqing 401120, China
School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
Chongqing School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing 400714, China


• Eight hydrothermal technologies for oily

sludge treatment are described in detail.
• A general reaction pathway for hydro­
thermal treatment of oily sludge is
• The global reaction pathways of model
petroleum compounds are illustrated.
• Guidelines for selecting a suitable hy­
drothermal technology are proposed.


Editor: Baiyang Chen Oily sludge, an inherent byproduct of the petroleum industry, presents dual characteristics of petroleum re­
sources and hazardous waste. Owing to the unique physicochemical properties of sub-/supercritical water, hy­
Keywords: drothermal technologies have been increasingly used for oily sludge treatment. This review is the first to focus on
Hydrothermal technology oily sludge treatment using sub-/supercritical water. Eight hydrothermal technologies used for different purposes
Reaction pathways
are summarized herein: pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) for hydrocarbon separation, thermal hydrolysis
Long-chain alkanes
(TH) for dewaterability improvement, hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) for hydrochar production, wet air
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Fuel recovery oxidation (WAO) for biodegradability improvement, hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) for bio-oil production,
Harmless treatment supercritical water upgrading (SCWU) for light oil production, supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) for com­
plete degradation, and supercritical water gasification (SCWG) for H2-rich syngas production. Moreover, a
general reaction pathway for sub-/supercritical water treatment of oily sludge is presented, with a particular
focus on the chemical mechanism at temperatures above 350 ◦ C. Lastly, two reaction maps are included to
illustrate the reaction pathways of two groups of identifiable model compounds in oily sludge: aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons. This review provides detailed information that can promote a better understanding of
various hydrothermal technologies, a guideline for selecting the suitable hydrothermal process for a particular
oily sludge, and recommendations for further researches.

1. Introduction industry, and in particular, during petroleum exploitation, storage,

transportation, and refining (Hochberg et al., 2022; Hu et al., 2013; Li
Oily sludge is generated during all processes in the petroleum et al., 2021b). The results of a survey involving 75 European oil

* Correspondence to: Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology (CIGIT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 266 Fangzheng Avenue, Beibei District,
Chongqing, 400714, China.
E-mail addresses: chenzhong@cigit.ac.cn, chen370353205@qq.com (Z. Chen), chenqiao@cigit.ac.cn (Q. Chen).

Received 30 December 2021; Received in revised form 8 March 2022; Accepted 20 March 2022
Available online 24 March 2022
0304-3894/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

refineries, which was conducted in 1986, suggested that the oily sludge adjustable-polarity solvent for extracting and recovering petroleum
yield was only 0.13% of the crude oil throughput (Van Oudenhoven hydrocarbons (Teo et al., 2010), and plays multiple roles in chemical
et al., 1995). However, this yield was estimated to be as high as 1.5% reactions, such as hydrogen donor, oxygen donor and catalyst (Arcelu­
according to the Statistical Annual Report of National Agency for Pe­ s-Arrillaga et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2021).
troleum of Brazil in 2010 (da Silva et al., 2012). This increase was Several hydrothermal technologies have been developed for oily
attributed to the crude oil extracted worldwide becoming increasingly sludge treatment, including pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE),
heavier. It was estimated that, in 2013, 70–80% of the petroleum crude thermal hydrolysis (TH), wet air oxidation (WAO), hydrothermal
reserves were unconventional petroleum resources comprising primarily carbonization (HTC), hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), supercritical
oil shale and oil sand bitumen (Yeletsky et al., 2020). As a result, it is water upgrading (SCWU), supercritical water oxidation (SCWO), and
foreseeable that the amount of produced oily sludge will continue to supercritical water gasification (SCWG). These technologies are used for
increase. In China, the annual oily sludge output exceeds 6 million tons, recovering fuels (char, coke, oil, and H2-rich syngas) and/or decon­
and the total historical stock reached 143 million tons, according to taminating or mineralizing organic pollutants. Consequently, multiple
business statistics (Li et al., 2021b). purposes of volume reduction, fuel recovery and harmless treatment can
Oily sludge is a semi-solid waste that usually comprises 15–50% be achieved by simply changing the operating parameters, such as
petroleum hydrocarbons, 30–85% water, and 5–46% solid particles (Hu temperature (T), pressure (P), residence time (t), oxidation coefficient
et al., 2013). This composition confers oily sludge dual characteristics of (OC), and catalyst.
petroleum resources and hazardous waste. On one hand, 1 ton of oily A total of 3645 relevant articles were retrieved using the Web of
sludge yields 0.15–0.5 tons of crude oil, and the quality of the recovered Science as of December 28, 2021. Two topics were used for each search:
oil is typically higher than that of biodiesel derived from renewable petroleum waste (oily sludge, petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy oil, PAHs,
biomass. In 2020, 73.5% of the crude oil in China was imported (Wang and asphaltene) and the reaction medium (subcritical water, hydro­
et al., 2021c). Therefore, oily sludge recycling is practical in China. On thermal, and supercritical water). Some of the retrieved articles were
the other hand, oily sludge has been recognized as a hazardous waste in duplicates because two or more topics (keywords) were used in the same
many countries, including China. Typically, solid wastes with white publication. Nevertheless, the chord diagram was meaningful (Fig. 1).
spirit contents higher than 3% are classified as hazardous waste (Chinese Although only 82 articles on petroleum waste included information on
National Standard, 2007). Moreover, oily sludge contains several toxic oily sludge, the primary components of oily sludge (petroleum hydro­
components, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metal carbons, heavy oil, and PAHs) have been widely studied. In particular,
salts, chemical additives, and asphaltene (Jerez et al., 2021). Therefore, PAHs have attracted significant attention because they are high-profile
oily sludge without treatment will not only lead to massive loss of pe­ environmental pollutants that can be easily derived from petroleum,
troleum resources, but also tend to threaten nearby residents and the coal, and biomass. Subcritical water has been the least frequently re­
environment seriously. ported reaction medium because most petroleum hydrocarbons are
Various technologies have been adapted for oily sludge treatment, as stable at temperatures below 300 ◦ C. The chemical reactions underwent
summarized in relevant reviews (Hochberg et al., 2022; Hu et al., 2013; by petroleum hydrocarbons typically require near-/supercritical water,
Hui et al., 2020; Teng et al., 2021). Due to the high water content of oily as discussed in Section 4. Moreover, our literature survey indicated that
sludge, the traditional treatment technologies involve an indispensable the hydrothermal treatment of oily sludge and derived compounds has
preprocess, namely dewatering. Oily sludge is a stable water-in-oil recently attracted increasing attention. The number of articles on the
emulsion; therefore, dewatering is a challenging process that requires hydrothermal treatment of oily sludge and derived compounds pub­
high energy consumption (Gao et al., 2021). Fortunately, hydrothermal lished between 2016 and 2020 was more than 2.5 times higher than that
technology using sub-/supercritical water as a green medium is an published between 2011 and 2015. However, there is not yet a review
alternative treatment method for the valorization of oily sludge that do focusing on the special topic, i.e., oily sludge treatment in sub-/super­
not require dewatering. Moreover, sub-/supercritical water serves as an critical water.

Fig. 1. Chord diagram of petroleum waste type, reaction media, and year of publication. Data collected from the Web of Science as of December 28, 2021.

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Herein, we briefly discuss the phase diagram and physicochemical Section 5, the hydrothermal conversion of various model petroleum
properties of water at different pressures and temperatures (Section 2), compounds is illustrated in detail using two reaction maps. In this re­
followed by a step-by-step review of the sub-/supercritical water treat­ view, we comprehensively describe each hydrothermal technology for
ment of oily sludge (Sections 3–5). In Section 3, eight hydrothermal non-expert readers, examine the behavior of oily sludge and petroleum
technologies used for oily sludge treatment are classified, introduced, model compounds in sub-/supercritical water, and provide suggestions
and compared. In Section 4, a general reaction pathway for oily sludge for further fundamental studies and industrial development.
treatment using sub-/supercritical water is proposed, and the reaction
mechanism at temperatures above 350 ◦ C is discussed in detail. In

Fig. 2. Phase diagram and physicochemical properties of sub-/supercritical water.

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

2. Physicochemical properties of sub-/supercritical water sub-/supercritical water continuously flows through the oily sludge) and
continuous reactor (CR), as shown in Table 1.
Water at different pressures and temperatures can be categorized
into four phases: ice, liquid water, superheated steam, and supercritical 3.1. Pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE)
water (SCW) (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, liquid water can be subdivided into
ordinary water (0.0076 ◦ C< T ≤ 100 ◦ C) and subcritical water (100 ◦ C< In 1994, Hawthorne et al. (1994) pioneered the extraction of organic
T ≤ 373.946 ◦ C). Subcritical water, which is also known as superheated pollutants from environmental solids using sub-/supercritical water
water, hot compressed water, or pressurized hot water (PHW), is a liquid instead of conventional organic solvents. They determined that polar,
at pressures higher than the saturation vapor pressure (SVP). At pres­ moderately polar, and non-polar organics can be efficiently recovered by
sures and temperatures higher than the critical point (P = 22.064 MPa, sequentially increasing the operating temperature from 50◦ to 400◦ C.
T = 373.946 ◦ C) water behaves as an a typical fluid, namely SCW The subsequent study of Yang et al. (1995) restricted the extraction
(Wagner and Kruse, 2007). At temperatures and pressures around the temperature to < 300 ◦ C, considering the drawbacks of SCW reaction
critical point (350 ◦ C < T < 400 ◦ C, 18 MPa < P < 25 MPa), water is medium, such as decomposition of target analytes, reactor corrosion,
known as near-critical water (NCW). and high operating cost. In 2000, Lagadec et al. (2000) extended the
PHW, NCW, and SCW are collectively known as hydrothermal or application of sub-/supercritical water from sample preparation to
sub-/supercritical water. The physicochemical properties of sub-/su­ remediation of organic-contaminated soil. Pilot-scale experiments
percritical water are different from those of room-temperature water. indicated that PAH- and pesticide-contaminated soil samples can be
The isobaric properties of water change significantly upon increasing remediated at mild temperatures (≤275 ◦ C). Subsequently, PHWE has
temperature from 25◦ to 600◦ C, and the curves are gentle upon been widely used to extract various compounds from numerous
increasing pressure, as shown in Fig. 2 B–E. Water density (ρ) is a critical matrices, such as environmental, food, and botanical samples (Teo et al.,
property that has been widely used as a basic parameter for calculating 2010) and, recently, to decontaminate oily sludge (Table 1).
other properties, such as the dielectric constant (ε) (Uematsu and Frank, Numerous individual reports have indicated that temperature played
1980), ionic product (Kw) (Marshall and Franck, 1981), inorganic salt a dominant role in PHWE, and the effect of pressure was negligible as
solubility (Ding et al., 2017), and hydrocarbon solubility (Adeniyi et al., long as the pressure exceeded the SVP. Upon increasing temperature, ε
2021). At temperatures and pressures above the critical point, the decreases significantly, whereas the effect of pressure on ε is limited
density and viscosity of water decrease to less than one-fifth of those of (Fig. 2D). Considering that most petroleum compounds are polar or­
room-temperature water (Fig. 2B and C), thereby promoting mass ganics (Jerez et al., 2021), high-temperature water increases their sol­
transfer. Furthermore, the hydrogen bond that is abundant in room ubility (Adeniyi et al., 2021). Conversely, upon increasing temperature,
temperature water also becomes rare in SCW. Therefore, water polarity the density and viscosity of water decrease (Fig. 2B and C), thereby
changes from polar (ε = 80) at 25 ◦ C to non-polar (ε = 2.5) at 400 ◦ C decreasing the mass transfer resistance during PHWE. In addition,
(Fig. 2D). Low-polar water can easily dissolve gases and small-molecule thermogravimetric analysis data indicated that more than 50% of the
organics, and a single homogeneous environment can be achieved under total weight loss of oily sludge occurred at temperatures below 300 ◦ C
supercritical conditions. Hence, chemical reactions occur easily and (Chen et al., 2018; Jerez et al., 2021), which coincided with the oper­
quickly, which is the most important aspect of hydrothermal ating temperature range of low-temperature thermal desorption. In
technologies. summary, PHWE presents the advantages of low-temperature thermal
The chemical reactivity of water is primarily related to its ionic desorption and solvent extraction (Chen et al., 2018, 2019).
product (Kw=[H+]⋅[OH− ]). Upon increasing temperature, Kw increases Water flow rate is the second most important parameter after tem­
slowly and then decreases sharply, reaching a maximum of 10− 11 at perature. Kubátová et al. (2002) demonstrated that the thermodynamic
approximately 300 ◦ C, which is approximately three orders of magni­ elution of pollutants from the matrix was the primary mechanism during
tude higher than that of room-temperature water (10− 14; Fig. 2E). PHWE. Therefore, increasing the water flow rate is an efficient method
Higher Kw values indicate higher H+ and OH− yields; moreover, water for improving extraction rate at a set temperature.
with higher KW values can easily participate in chemical reactions, such In addition, PHWE combined with in situ oxidation is an alternative
as acid or base catalysis reactions (Savage, 2009), aquathermolysis method for improving the extraction rate. Even in a pure PHW envi­
(Al-Muntaser et al., 2021) and pyrohydrolysis (Jin and Enomoto, 2011). ronment, some unstable organics, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons
Upon further increasing temperature, Kw decreased sharply (Fig. 2E). (Islam et al., 2014) and trinitrotoluene (Kalderis et al., 2008), decom­
Therefore, the dominant reaction mechanism changes from an ionic pose. In the presence of oxidants, heavy compounds, which are stable in
reaction in PHW to a free-radical reaction in SCW at an operating pure PHW decompose to produce small-molecule compounds. There­
pressure of no more than 30 MPa (Kritzer, 2004). However, the detailed fore, PHWE–WAO/SCWO can shorten extraction times, lower operation
reactivity of sub-/supercritical water has not yet been elucidated. costs, and minimize wastewater discharge (Dadkhah and Akgerman,
2002, 2006; Kronholm et al., 2002).
3. Application of sub-/supercritical water in oily sludge
treatment 3.2. Thermal hydrolysis (TH)

Although the chemical reactions of various model organic com­ The first commercial TH process, known as the “Porteous” process
pounds in sub-/supercritical water have been widely reported since the dates back to 1938 (Kepp et al., 2000). TH is typically used to increase
1980 s (Savage, 1999), the application of sub-/supercritical water in real the dewaterability of municipal sewage sludge (MSS) by destroying its
oily sludge treatment was first reported in 2007 and has been increas­ cytoderm, thereby promoting cell water release. In 1975, Stanford
ingly studied in the past few years, as summarized in Table 1. In this University researchers extended the application of TH from a pretreat­
section, we describe eight hydrothermal technologies and their appli­ ment step before dehydration to a pretreatment step before anaerobic
cations in oily sludge treatment in an order of operating temperature, digestion (Roger et al., 1978). Their results indicated that TH can effi­
namely PHWE, TH, HTC, WAO, HTL, SCWU, SCWO, and SCWG. Oily ciently decompose the complex molecular compounds in MSS into
sludge generated from different sources was divided into four types: digestible compounds at mild temperatures (100–230 ◦ C) over a short
oilfield oily sludge (OOS), storage and transportation oily sludge residence time (30 min). Since then, TH has been widely used and
(STOS), refinery oily sludge (ROS) and accident oily sludge (AOS) (Li commercialized as a pretreatment step for MSS treatment before dehy­
et al., 2021b). Moreover, the reactors used in these studies were clas­ dration and anaerobic digestion (Phuong Linh et al., 2021).
sified as batch reactor (BR), semi-continuous reactor (SCR, Oily sludge from petroleum wastewater treatment plants contains

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Table 1
Literature describing the sub-/supercritical water treatment of oily sludge.
Technology Oil Reactor Operating parameters Primary findings Reference
sludge (capacity)
T ( C)

P (MPa) t (min) L/S (mL Additive
(wt% oil)
g− 1)

PHWE AOS SCR 100–200 2 30–60 1.25–7.5 None 99.8% of diesel was removed under Islam et al.
(0.60) (8.5 mL) optimal conditions (200 ◦ C, 60 min, and (2015)
PHWE AOS SCR 260 8 90 3 None An oil removal efficiency of approximately Islam et al.
(4.08) (1800 mL) 86% and an oil recovery efficiency of (2017)
approximately 39% were achieved.
PHWE OOS SCR 175–225 0.6–5.5 65 2.6–10.4 None The TOC removal rates for diesel- and Chen et al.
(13.18 (1960 mL) white-oil-based drill cuttings were 78.56% (2018)
and and 83.09%, respectively, under optimal
20.64) conditions (2.3 MPa, 225 ◦ C and L/S of
PHWE OOS BR(330 mL) 200–300 SVP 20–60 1.5–3.5 None Temperature was the predominant Chen et al.
(13.18 parameter. White-oil-based drill cuttings (2019)
and were easier to decontaminate using PHWE
20.64) than diesel-based drill cuttings. PHWE
integrates the advantages of organic
solvent extraction and low-temperature
thermal desorption.
TH ROS BR 110–170 SVP 15–90 NA None The dewatering properties of OS were Yan et al.
(32.00) (1000 mL) improved significantly after TH treatment. (2014)
A maximum reduction rate of 88.2% was
achieved at 190 ◦ C and 30 min
TH ROS BR 160–240 SVP 30–90 NA None A reduction rate of ≥ 90% was achieved at Shi et al.
(14.05) (1000 mL) 200 ◦ C and 45 min. The heat value of the (2015)
solid product ranged between 18 and 19
MJ kg− 1.
TH ROS BR(NA) 140–180 SVP 15–60 NA None 42.3% of high-quality oil was recovered Tong et al.
(4.45) and 72.3% of asphaltene was removed (2021)
under optimal conditions (160 ◦ C, 30 min,
and 150 r min− 1).
TH OOS BR(NA) 100–300 5 120 0–10 NaOH A reduction rate of 84.7% was achieved at Zhang et al.
(10.53) (initial) 200 ◦ C and 120 min, in the absence of (2021)
additional water and NaOH.
TH ROS BR(500 mL) 120–240 SVP 120 10–60 None A minimum moisture content of 24.32% Gao et al.
(1.75) was achieved at 240 ◦ C and 60 min. The (2021)
heat value of the solid product ranged
between 10.72 and 11.58 MJ kg− 1.
TH ROS(NA) BR(250 mL) 180 SVP 60 NA NaOH and CaCl2 CaCl2 outperformed NaOH in terms of Deng et al.,
liquid product yield and moisture removal 2022
efficiency, whereas hydrochar exhibited
higher combustion performance and
combustion stability in the presence of
WAO STOS BR(500 mL) 250–330 NA 1–9 NA H2O2 and Ni2+, The catalytic efficiency of metal ions Jing et al.
(42.8) Mn2+, Fe3+ decreased as follows: Ni2+>Mn2+> Fe3+. (2012a),
The COD removal efficiency was increased (2012b),
from 88.40% to 99.70% upon the addition (2013)
of Ni2+ (200 mg/L) at 330 ◦ C, 9 min,
OC= 1.8 and an initial COD of 20000 mg/
WAO ROS BR(500 mL) 220–340 10 15–55 4 Air, FeSO4 and The total petroleum hydrocarbon content Yuan et al.
(36.54) Na2S2O8 of oily scum was decreased from 92.63% (2018)
to 16.75% upon the addition of FeSO4
(47 mg/L) and Na2S2O8 (273 mg/L) at
310 ◦ C over 45 min. The degradation rate
was approximately 3.38 times higher than
that of the WAO process without additives.
WAO ROS(15) BR 240–280 12 30–90 0.73–1.27 H2O2 and Na2CO3 A maximum oil removal efficiency of Zhao et al.
(1000 mL) 89.28% was achieved at 240 ◦ C and (2019)
90 min using WAO. This was further
improved to 93.1% using a two-stage WAO
treatment. The biodegradability of the
residuals was also enhanced.
HTC STOS BR(250 mL) 150–250 SVP 480 20 None HTC destroyed the structure of OS and Pauline and
(60.42) yielded hydrochar. 75.7–78.9% of the Joseph
energy and 74.81–78.62% of the carbon (2021a)
from the OS were retained as hydrochar. (2021b)
The bioavailability, ecological risk, and
toxicity of hydrochar were decreased
HTL ROS BR(58 mL) 275–350 SVP 30–75 1.5–9 None A maximum oil yield of 45.52% on a dry-
(48.0) ash-free basis was achieved at 290 ◦ C,
(continued on next page)

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Table 1 (continued )
Technology Oil Reactor Operating parameters Primary findings Reference
sludge (capacity)
T (◦ C) P (MPa) t (min) L/S (mL Additive
(wt% oil)
g− 1)

60 min, and L/S of6.25. The primary Nazem and

compounds in the recovered oil were fatty Tavakoli
acids and aliphatic and carboxylate (2017)
HTL ROS BR(NA) 150–250 SVP 30 NA TiO2 Upon the addition of 1.5% TiO2, the oil Dang et al.
(5.14) removal efficiency increased by 35% and (2021)
reached 82.69%; moreover, the oil
recovery rate increased by 55% and
reached 77.68% at 230 ◦ C.
SCWU ROS BR(100 mL) 350–450 21.5–30 60 1–3 None Temperature significantly affected the Gungoren
(0.90) total product yield and composition of oil et al. (2007)
and gaseous products. The yields of
gaseous, liquid, and solid products ranged
between 42.0% and 44.4%, 15.3%
and20.4%, and 35.2% and42.7%,
SCWU ROS(NA) BR 400–420 24.1 30 1.1–1.4 None SCW served as the unique solvent and Radfarnia
(2052 mL) dispersant agent. 2.9% of H2–rich syngas et al. (2015)
and 15.7% of oil (primarily naphtha and
light gasoil) were recovered at 420 ◦ C and
30 min
SCWU ROS(NA) BR(140 mL) 350–400 25–35 30–120 0–10 None A high oil yield of 78.6% and low yields of Khan et al.
coke (7.0 wt%) and gas (0.05 wt%) were (2019)
achieved at 400 ◦ C, 30 MPa and L/S of 5.
The total acid number was decreased by
81.8%, and the amounts of metallic and
non-metallic impurities were significantly
decreased. Alkyl– and aryl–CO2 bond
cleavage were the primary deacidification
SCWU OOS BR(20 mL) 350–450 SVP 45 5 Five types of solid High-quality oil was obtained via the Chen et al.
(20.64) wastes SCWU treatment of oil-based drill cuttings (2021a)
upon the addition of electroplating sludge.
The dehydration of metal hydroxides in
electroplating sludge played a critical role
during the co-treatment.
SCWO STOS BR(650 mL) 390–450 23–27 1–10 NA H2O2 A high COD removal rate of 92% was Cui et al.,
(58.5) achieved at 450 ◦ C, 25 MPa, 10 min, and (2009, 2011)
OC of4.27. The primary refractory
intermediate was CO and the minor one
wasCH3COOH. The oxidation of OS
occurred via a parallel-consecutive
reaction pathway.
SCWO STOS BR(500 mL) 380–440 22.5–30 3–10 NA H2O2 A high COD removal rate of 92.20% was Xu and Lu
(37.78) achieved at 420 ◦ C, 24 MPa, (2016)
10 min pH= 10 and OC of 4. The COD of
the effluents exceeded the discharge limit
(100 mgL− 1).
SCWO OOS BR(330 mL) 400–500 25 0.5–10 31.8–50 H2O2 A high TOC removal rate of 89.2% was Chen et al.
(20.64) achieved at 500 ◦ C, 25 MPa, 10 min, and (2017)
OC of2.5. The reaction pathway comprised
a combination of homogeneous and
heterogeneous reactions.
SCWO ROS(NA) BR 440–600 NA 1–10 NA H2O2 Relatively mild reaction conditions Li et al.
(125.6 mL) (520 ◦ C, 25 MPa, OC of 1.1) were selected (2020a)
as the basic operating parameters for
designing a SCWO plant with a capacity of
50 tons per day featuring ammonia
distillation and biochemical treatment
SCWO OOS CR(2 L/h) 409–495 25 1–2 NA O2, Air, MSS and A mixed sludge (oil-based drill cuttings Chen et al.,
(13.18 electroplating and MSS/electroplating sludge) with a (2020, 2021b)
and sludge record-high ash content of approximately
20.64) 30% was continuously treated using a
novel SCWO reactor. The TOC removal
efficiency was increased from 98.44%
(MSS) to 99.96% (electroplating sludge)
owing to the metal compounds in the
electroplating sludge, which served as
SCWG ROS(NA) BR(600 mL) 530–650 26–42 3.3–6 NA K2CO3 Increasing temperature and residence time Zhang et al.
promoted gasification efficiency; (2016)
moreover, relatively low temperatures
(continued on next page)

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Table 1 (continued )
Technology Oil Reactor Operating parameters Primary findings Reference
sludge (capacity)
T (◦ C) P (MPa) t (min) L/S (mL Additive
(wt% oil)
g− 1)

caused an increase in the hydrogen

fraction. K2CO3 significantly increased the
gas yield and hydrogen fraction.
SCWG OOS(30) BR(160 mL) 400–544 1–2.2 15–150 0.06–9 None A maximum H2 yield of 5.92 mol kg− 1 Jiang et al.
(initial) was achieved at 544 ◦ C, 2.2 MPa (initial), (2020)
150 min, and L/S of 9. The reaction
parameters were optimized using the
uniformity design method.
SCWG ROS BR(100 mL) 350–450 NA 30 10 None OS was converted from hazardous waste (Wang et al.,
(41.90) into general waste via SCWG treatment. 2021a)
44.98–59.64% of oil was decomposed into
aqueous and gaseous products. The
aqueous product was the primary product,
and the H2 yield was as low as
0.26 mol kg− 1 at 450 ◦ C.
SCWG OOS BR(1.4 mL) 400–750 23 5–30 NA None A maximum H2 yield of 19.79 mol kg− 1 Peng et al.
(47.09) was achieved at 750 ◦ C, 23 MPa, and (2021)
25 min. Gaseous products were generated
by two intermediates through steam
reforming and pyrolytic reactions.
Naphthalene and phenanthrene were the
primary compounds that hindered
complete gasification.

NA: not available.

considerable amounts of biological flocs (Jerez et al., 2021), which are generated in subcritical water in the presence of air at relatively high
the primary organic components of MSS. Therefore, oily sludge treat­ temperatures (200–325 ◦ C) and pressures (5–15 MPa) (Sushma et al.,
ments present the same dehydration shortcomings as the MSS treat­ 2018). Thereafter, WAO was widely investigated and commercialized as
ments. Moreover, the interfacial stability of oily sludge enhances an advanced oxidation process for the degradation of refractory waste­
dehydration difficulty (Liu et al., 2021). TH is typically used for oily water and sludge.
sludge treatment in the temperature range of 140–250 ◦ C (Table 1). The However, WAO does not efficiently treat oily sludge because of the
primary purpose of TH is to improve the dewatering properties of oily high oil content and refractory nature of oily sludge. Catalysts are
sludge by breaking down both biological flocs and emulsifying system commonly used during WAO to enhance the degradation of organic
simultaneously. Typically, TH pretreatment followed by compression pollutants (Sushma et al., 2018). Jing et al. (2012a), (2012b), (2013)
filtration can remove ≥ 85% of moisture from oily sludge and simulta­ used Fe3+, Mn2+, and Ni2+ as homogeneous catalysts for the WAO
neously recycle solid fuel (Gao et al., 2021; Shi et al., 2015) or oil (Tong treatment of oily sludge and determined that Ni2+ was the most active
et al., 2021). catalyst. The concentration of oily sludge in their experiments was lower
To decrease operating time and improve dehydration efficiency, Gao than 1%, leading to low treatment capacities. Therefore, WAO is better
et al. (2021) combined TH pretreatment and compression filtration into suited as a pretreatment step than as an end step in the treatment of oily
a one-pot process. They designed an autoclave with an in situ mechan­ sludge. The residual liquid products of WAO comprise small-molecule
ical compression function. Using their protocol, the moisture content of organics, which are more biodegradable than those generated during
floating oily sludge can be reduced from 91.20% to 24.32% in one step TH. In addition, a fraction of oil can be recycled (Zhao et al., 2019).
under optimal conditions (240 ◦ C and 60 min). Further analysis indi­
cated that most of the heavy metals were stabilized in solid residuals
owing to the adsorption effect of the hydroxyl groups formed during the 3.4. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC)
TH reactions (Duan et al., 2022).
Catalysts can suitably enhance TH efficiency. Deng et al. (2021) used Friedrich Bergius, who won the Nobel Prize in 1931, studied the
NaOH and CaCl2 as additives to enhance TH efficiency. Their results hydrothermal transformation of cellulose into coal-like materials and
indicated that NaOH did not affect the dewatering properties of oily revealed the mechanism of natural coalification in 1913. His work was
sludge after TH treatment, which was in agreement with the findings of regarded as the inception of the HTC process (Wang et al., 2019). The
Zhang et al. (2021). However, the moisture removal capacity of CaCl2 operating temperature range of HTC is similar to that of TH, i.e.,
was higher than that of NaOH. The moisture contents of the solid 140–250 ◦ C; however, the reaction time of HTC is significantly longer
products were reduced below 8% using 0.3–1.0% CaCl2 at 180 ◦ C for than that of TH, and it ranges between 2 and 4 h. During HTC treatment,
60 min (Deng et al., 2021). wet feedstock is hydrolyzed into fragments at low temperature (pre­
heating step), followed by dehydration, decarboxylation, and polymer­
ization of the fragments at high temperatures over long residence times
3.3. Wet air oxidation (WAO) (maintenance step). Lastly, hydrochar is obtained as the main product
(Wang et al., 2018). Therefore, HTC is also known as wet torrefaction
The WAO process was developed in the early 1900 s (Marrone and (Lachos-Perez et al., 2021). Raw wet biomass and MSS with a moisture
Hong, 2007), and the first commercial application of WAO was devel­ content of 75–85% can be directly processed using HTC without
oped by Zimmermann in 1954 (Kim and Ihm, 2011). WAO was designed requiring pretreatment steps or additional water (Wang et al., 2019).
as an upgraded TH process, and it was used to decrease the chemical Hydrochar is primarily used for energy production because its good fuel
oxygen demand (COD) in MSS by up to 65% (Neyens and Baeyens, properties, such as high carbon content, high energy density, high
2003). Subsequent studies indicated that abundant hydroxyl radicals, heating value, and low oxygen content, are superior to those of the raw
which are highly reactive and present high oxidation potential, can be materials or solid fuel obtained via TH (Li et al., 2020c). Moreover,

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

hydrochar presents abundant surface functional groups, large surface 2021). They concluded that steam/hot water served as a heat carrier to
area, and adjustable reactivity. Therefore, hydrochar can also be used in physically decrease the viscosity of heavy oil via heat transfer and as a
various other areas, such as soil remediation, soil amendment, carbon reactant to chemically decrease the viscosity of heavy oil via in situ
sequestration, gas adsorption, and adsorption treatment of exhaust gas hydrocracking the heavy compounds and termed the process “aqua­
and wastewater (Kambo and Dutta, 2015). thermolysis” (Hyne et al., 1982). Over the same period (1980 s), SCW
Recently, Pauline and Joseph (2021a) (2021b) adapted HTC for began to display its talent in fuel conversion and waste destruction
valorizing bottom oily sludge from a petroleum refinery in India. Their (Marrone and Hong, 2007). In late 1980s, extraction/upgrading of
results indicated that the structure of the oily sludge was destroyed heavy oil in SCW were carried out by Berkowitz and Calderon (1990)
through various reactions, including dehydration, decarboxylation, and and Paspek and Klein (1990). That is the SCWU.
condensation. Hydrochar with an energy recovery rate of 75.7–78.9% The SCWU of heavy crude oil and residual oil has been widely
was obtained. The prepared hydrochar comprised abundant linear studied, and relevant reviews have been published by Arcelus-Arrillaga
long-chain alkanes (C7–C20); therefore, it presented a low ignition point et al. (2017) and Timko et al. (2015). In this section, we focus on the
of 250 ◦ C. The heavy metals in the initial oily sludge were converted SCWU of oily sludge (Table 1). Compared with the operating tempera­
from mobile, unstable, and acid-soluble fractions into stable fractions ture of HTL, that of SCWU was higher and reached the near- and su­
after HTC. Consequently, the ecological risk and toxicity of the hydro­ percritical range (350–450 ◦ C). This was ascribed to the upgrading
char decreased significantly. reaction of heavy compounds becoming significant only at temperatures
above 350 ◦ C (Al-Muntaser et al., 2020). Gungoren et al. (2007) sub­
3.5. Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) jected oily sludge to SCWU treatment for the first time in 2007. Although
they termed the process extraction, it was actually an upgraded process
In 1934, Berl (1934) pioneered the co-treatment of cellulose and because it required the same operating parameters (350–450 ◦ C,
natural alkaline materials, such as limestone magnesite, dolomite, and 21.5–30 MPa) as SCWU. Toluene was selected as the contrast solvent
zeolite, in a hydrothermal environment at temperatures above 230 ◦ C, and the operating temperature and pressure ranged between 300 and
and obtained a plastic material termed “proto product”. As long as the 450 ◦ C and 8.5 and 20 MPa, respectively. The results suggested that
post-processing of cracking or hydrogenation, the “proto product” shows water outperformed toluene in three aspects: higher yield of total
the almost same compositions with that of natural oil. Since then, products (liquids and gases), lower yield of heavy compounds in resi­
scattered research had continued to convert the renewable biomass into dues, and free of drying pretreatment. During SCWU, water serves as an
bio-oil (or bio-crude oil), as a viscous crude oil replacement (Peterson excellent dispersant and solvent for cracking, decarboxylation, and
et al., 2008). Recently, this topic has become increasingly popular owing demetalization reactions (Khan et al., 2019); however, its
to the exhaustion of natural oil resources. hydrogen-donating capacity is negligible (Radfarnia et al., 2015).
Unlike HTC, HTL requires higher temperatures (240–400 ◦ C) and Similar to other hydrothermal processes, temperature was the predom­
shorter residence times (15–90 min). In addition, the moisture content inant parameter for SCWU. Upon increasing temperature, the oil yield
of feedstock should exceed 90% during HTL. Abundant water can dilute increased, oil quality improved, and coke formation was accelerated.
the biomass or sludge and yield larger amounts of H+ and OH– ions Catalyst addition is an alternative approach for improving SCWU
under subcritical conditions, further promoting the hydrolysis reaction efficiency. Metal oxides (MOn) are the most commonly used catalysts for
and simultaneously hindering the polymerization reaction (Lacho­ the SCWU of heavy oil (Golmohammadi et al., 2016; Kosari et al., 2017;
s-Perez et al., 2021). In brief, HTL generates a moderate hydrothermal Yeletsky et al., 2020). However, MOn are vulnerable in a sub-/­
environment to balance hydrolysis and polymerization reactions, and is supercritical water environment (Jocz et al., 2018a, 2018b). Hetero­
typically used for producing bio-oil, neither oxygen-containing organics atoms (primarily N and S) in oily sludge and sub-/supercritical water
in TH nor hydrochar in HTC. Therefore, the temperature, residence time, corrode MOn, causing their deactivation. Therefore, our research group
and water content are critical HTL parameters. used several types of industrial waste as inexpensive catalyst for the
Nazem and Tavakoli (2017) optimized the operating conditions for SCWU treatment of oil-based drill cuttings (Chen et al., 2021a). Our
the HTL treatment of ROS using a response surface method and deter­ results indicated that electroplating sludge outperformed red mud and
mined that the significance of the parameters in an order of hot steaming steel slag owing to the in situ pyrolysis of metal hydroxides
liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) > T > > t. The primary constituents of the in the electroplating sludge. The in situ pyrolysis reaction yielded highly
obtained oil were aliphatic, saturated, and unsaturated fatty acids and active ferrite, MOn, and micro-mixtures of the active compounds with
mono- and polyaromatic compounds. Therefore, post-processing or heavy oil compounds. Consequently, high-quality asphaltene-free oil
catalytic upgrading is necessary for high-quality oil production. Dang with a low heteroatom content was recovered at a relatively mild tem­
et al. (2021) used nano-TiO2 as the catalyst during the HTL treatment of perature of 350 ◦ C.
ROS in the low temperature range of 150–250 ◦ C. Their results indicated
that subcritical water was split into O2 and H2 in the presence of 3.7. Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO)
nano-TiO2. O2 promoted the oxidative cracking of heavy hydrocarbons,
whereas H2 improved the H/C ratio of the recovered oil through hy­ In 1980, MIT researcher Michael Modell patented a process for the
drogenation. Consequently, the oil removal efficiency and oil recovery degradation of organic pollutants in SCW with the participation of
rate were increased by 35% and 55%, respectively, over 1.5% nano-TiO2 oxidant, such as air and O2 (Modell, 1982), and founded a commercial
at 230 ◦ C. company (MODAR Inc.) for developing the process, which was termed
SCWO (Marrone and Hong, 2007). Similar to WAO, SCWO is an
3.6. Supercritical water upgrading (SCWU) advanced oxidation process, which occurs primarily via a free-radical
reaction mechanism (Li et al., 1991). However, the reaction medium
Shell Oil Co. took the lead in adopting steam injection for heavy for SCWO is SCW, which can dissolve gases (oxidants) and
crude oil recovery. The first pilot test was performed in the Yorba Linda small-molecule organics (pollutants) to form single homogeneous reac­
Field in 1958 (Burns, 1969), and a large-scale project was subsequently tion environments. The interface transport resistance between the liquid
implemented in the Tia Juana Field, Western Venezuela in 1969 and gas phases, which is a major challenge during WAO, is negligible
(Dehaan and Vanlooke, 1969). Since then, steam injection has been during SCWO. Consequently, the residence time can be decreased to less
tested and used under various reservoir conditions worldwide (Alvarado than 1 min under conventional operating condition (22.5–30 MPa and
and Manrique, 2010; Guo et al., 2016). However, the specific role of 400–600 ◦ C). Moreover, the COD/total organic content (TOC) removal
steam was first described by Hyne et al. until 1980s (Al-Muntaser et al., efficiency is typically up to 99%, and the products (primarily H2O, CO2,

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

and N2) are environmentally friendly. Owing to these unique advan­ when SCW was used as the reforming medium (Marrone and Hong,
tages, SCWO has been considered to be a promising end-of-pipe tech­ 2007). This suggests that SCWG is a promising method for achieving
nology. Over the past four decades, SCWO has been widely studied and complete gasification. In 1978, Modell et al. (1978) patented their
used for the treatment of various organic pollutants (Bermejo and method. Therefore, SCWG predates SCWO. However, Modell and
Cocero, 2006; Li et al., 2020a; Marrone, 2013; Yang et al., 2019). SCWO co-workers preferred to develop the SCWO process at the end of the last
is particularly superior to traditional technology in treating some special century. The SCWG became noticeable until 2000 as the global demand
wastes, such as chemical weapons (Marrone et al., 2005), explosive for clean and renewable energy increased. The SCWG focuses on con­
wastewater (Chang and Liu, 2007; Zhang et al., 2015), organic radio­ verting biomass into H2-and/or CH4-rich syngas through various re­
active wastes (Kim et al., 2010; Qin et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2021b; Xu actions, including hydrolysis, partial oxidation, reforming, methanation,
et al., 2020), and hazardous wastes(Al-Duri et al., 2015; Chen et al., and the water-gas shift reaction (WGSR) (Ibrahim and Akilli, 2019).
2021b; Fedyaeva and Vostrikov, 2012). Compared with other hydrothermal technologies, SCWG should be
As a hazardous waste, oily sludge was also reported to be treated by performed at higher temperatures, i.e., catalytic SCWG at 374–500 ◦ C
SCWO, as listed in Table 1. It was found that oily sludge was more re­ and non-catalytic SCWG at 500–800 ◦ C. Hence, catalysts are critical for
fractory than MSS and general wastewater. The COD/TOC removal rate SCWG as they can decrease the operating temperature, increase gasifi­
during the SCWO treatment of oily sludge was only approximately 90% cation efficiency, and enhance the H2 yield. Related information can be
(Chen et al., 2017; Cui et al., 2009, 2011; Xu and Lu, 2016). By contrast, found in a recent review by Abdpour and Santos (2021).
the COD/TOC removal rate during the SCWO treatment of MSS or According to the data in Table 1, temperature is the predominant
general wastewater reached 99%. Further increasing the operating pa­ parameter during the SCWG treatment of oily sludge. The H2 yield in
rameters (T, t, OC) can increase the COD/TOC removal rate to 100%; SCWG of oily sludge was determined to be 0.26 mol kg− 1 at 450 ◦ C
however, this would diminish the reliability and safety and increase the (Wang et al., 2021a), 5.92 mol kg− 1 at 544 ◦ C (Jiang et al., 2020), and
cost of the SCWO treatment. Li et al. (2020a) proposed a commercial 19.79 mol kg− 1 at 750 ◦ C (Peng et al., 2021). However, the gasification
SCWO plant coupled with follow-up units of ammonia distillation and efficiency achieved by subjecting oily sludge to SCWG treatment was
biochemical treatment. Fist, petrochemical sludge was degraded in the lower than that achieved by subjecting biomass to SCWG treatment. This
SCWO unit, which was designed to be operated under relatively mild was ascribed to the stable molecular structure of the organic compounds
conditions (520 ◦ C, 25 MPa, OC=1.1). Thereafter, the effluent from the in oily sludge. Peng et al. (2021) concluded that naphthalene and
SCWO unit, which contained considerable amounts of ammonia and phenanthrene were the primary compounds that prevented the complete
small-molecule organics, was subjected to distillation, followed by SCWG of polymer-containing oily sludge. Naphthalene and phenan­
biochemical treatment. As a result, an environment-friendly economical threne are intermediate products of the aquathermolysis reaction of
SCWO plant is expected to develop for treatment of petrochemical asphaltene. Real oily sludge contains asphaltene, which causes a sig­
sludge or other industrial wastes. nificant decrease in gasification efficiency. In addition, as much as 50%
MOn have been widely used as catalysts for SCWO to decrease the of the organics in oily sludge are transformed into aqueous products via
temperature, pressure, and residence time and enhance the degradation SCWG (Wang et al., 2021a), thereby rises the difficulty of wastewater
of organics (Abdpour and Santos, 2021). Similar to the deactivation post-processing. The primary organics in the aqueous products are
short comings of the SCWU treatment, MOn is subjected to a harsher oxygen-containing compounds, such asphenols and organic acids.
environment during SCWO than during other hydrothermal processes Considering the positive effect of oxygen-containing organics on gasi­
because of the presence of excess O2. Considering the high cost and fication efficiency, Jin et al. (2017) designed an external recycling
inevitable deactivation of MOn, our group subjected oil-based drill process of the residual liquid for the SCWG treatment of lignite. Their
cuttings to continuous SCWO treatment using high-Ni-content electro­ results indicated that, at a mild temperature of 530 ◦ C, upon increasing
plating sludge as the additive (Chen et al., 2021b). In addition to the cycling flow rate from 0 to 70 g min− 1, the H2 yield increased from
providing active MOn species, the electroplating sludge served as a 24 to 32 mol kg− 1 and the gasification efficiency increased from 74% to
diluent, which homogeneously dispersed the oil-based drill cuttings. It 99%. This method may be also suitable for the efficient gasification of
was suggested that the heat value of the feed during continuous SCWO oily sludge, but relative study has not been performed to date.
should not exceed 4500 J g− 1, which translated into a reaction tem­
perature range of 700–750 ◦ C (Bermejo and Cocero, 2006). However, 3.9. Comparison of various hydrothermal technologies
the heat value of real oily sludge with an oil content of ≥ 10% usually
exceeds this limit. Considering the reliability, safety, and cost of SCWO Table 2 summarizes the aforementioned hydrothermal technologies.
treatment, the operating temperature in an SCWO plant should not Each technology presents advantages and disadvantages. Using the data
exceed 600 ◦ C. Therefore, dilution is indispensable for the SCWO in Table 2, a guideline for developing a pertinent hydrothermal process
treatment of high-oil-content sludge. However, when water is used as for a given oily sludge is proposed as follows.
the only diluent, the oil, water, and solid phases in oily sludge become (1) The PHWE is suggested to treat the petroleum-contaminated soil
layered, which can lead to fluctuations or even plugging problems and drill cuttings, better the oily sludge with little or no heavy com­
during continuous feeding. It was determined that electroplating sludge pounds (resins and asphaltenes). These types of oily sludge usually
can effectively suspend oil-based drill cuttings. A mixed sludge contain 1–15% petroleum hydrocarbons, 1–10% moisture, and 75–98%
comprising 67% electroplating sludge and 33% oil-based drill cuttings solids. The solids can provide abundant pores for subcritical water to
was safely and efficiently treated in a continuous SCWO reactor. The easily flow through and easily extract and remove petroleum hydro­
TOC content in the effluent was as low as 8 mg/L. Considering both of carbons. PHWE is a physical process rather than a chemical process
them are type of hazardous wastes, this method provides an alternative because petroleum hydrocarbons are stable at T < 300 ◦ C. However,
way for the SCWO co-processing of organics-rich hazardous wastes and PHWE cannot easily remove heavy compounds (resins and asphaltenes)
metals-rich hazardous wastes (Chen et al., 2021b). because they are insoluble in subcritical water (Adeniyi et al., 2021).
(2) TH, WAO, and HTC can be considered as the same hydrothermal
3.8. Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) technology for the treatment of oily sludge. These technologies are
suggested for the treatment of oily wastewater sludge and oily scum
In 1975, Modell and co-workers observed an interesting phenome­ generated by petroleum wastewater treatment plants, which contain
non during the reforming of glucose in sub-/supercritical water. That is abundant biological flocs. These types of oily sludge can be considered
the amount of char, which is a considerable byproduct when subcritical to be mixtures of MSS and petroleum hydrocarbons. The primary goal of
water or superheated steam are used as reforming media, was negligible these hydrothermal technologies is the improvement of the dewatering

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Table 2
A comparison of different hydrothermal technologies used for oily sludge treatment.
Technology T (◦ C) P (MPa) t (min) Oxidant Catalyst Purpose Byproducts

PHWE 150–300 0.5–10 15–60 No No • Separating petroleum • Oily wastewater (refractory)

hydrocarbons • Solid residues (environmentally
TH 150–250 0.5–4 30–90 No Yes • Increasing dewaterability • Oily wastewater (refractory)
(optional) • Oil recovery
• Hydrochar production
WAO 220–350 5–20 30–60 Yes (OC>1) Yes • Partial degradation of organics • Organic wastewater (biodegradable)
• Oil recovery • Solid residues (low heat value)
• Increasing biodegradability
HTC 150–250 0.5–4 120–360 No No • Hydrochar production • Oily wastewater (refractory)
• Oil recovery • Organic gases (traces)
HTL 250–400 4–25 15–90 No Yes • Bio-oil production • Oily wastewater (refractory)
(optional) • Solid residues (high heat value)
• Organic gases (moderate)
SCWU 350–450 18–35 30–90 Yes (optional, Yes • Light oil production • Oily wastewater (refractory)
OC<1) • Solid residues (high heat value)
• Organic gases (moderate)
SCWO 400–600 23–30 1–10 Yes (OC>1) Yes • Complete degradation • Brine (salts and heavy metals)
(optional) • Heat production • Solid residues (free of organics)
SCWG 400–750 23–30 15–90 Yes (optional, Yes • H2-rich syngas production • Oily wastewater (biodegradable)
OC<1) • Solid residues (low heat value)

properties of oily sludge by simultaneously breaking down its biological gasification. Obviously, it is difficult for oily sludge as the presence of
flocs and emulsifying system. Subsequently, oily wastewater, bio-oil, solid and heavy compounds. In contrast, the SCWG treatment of oily
and hydrochar are obtained as liquid, oily, and solid products, respec­ wastewater is more practical (Kou et al., 2018, 2021; Xie et al., 2016; Xu
tively. The addition of O2 (namely WAO) can increase treatment effi­ et al., 2019b, 2021; Yan and Tan, 2015). As summarized in Table 2, oily
ciency by degrading a fraction of the organic compounds and improving wastewater is an inevitable byproduct of all types of hydrothermal
the biodegradability of wastewater. The quality of the recovered oil is treatments of oily sludge except for SCWO. Therefore, SCWG can be used
poor because a fraction of the oil originates from biological flocs (Chen as a post-processing treatment for oily wastewater for harvesting H2-rich
et al., 2021a). Therefore, upgrading is critical for post-processing the syngas as well as to achieving zero discharge (Cherad et al., 2016; Duan
recovered oil. Unlike the composition of hydrochar derived from et al., 2018; Shan et al., 2021; Taufer et al., 2021; Xu et al., 2019b; Zhang
biomass or MSS, that of the hydrochar obtained from oily sludge is et al., 2011).
complex and includes hazardous compounds, such as heavy metals,
PAHs, and asphaltenes. The potential environmental pollution risk 4. General reaction pathways of oily sludge in sub-/supercritical
should be evaluated before recycling the hydrochar. water
(3) HTL and SCWU can also be regarded as the same hydrothermal
technology, considering that both are used for recycling oil. Aging and The products derived from oily sludge using sub-/supercritical water
bottom oily sludge are the suitable types of feedstock for HTL and treatment can be classified into four categories: gas, oil, liquid, and
SCWU. Typically, the oil content of these types of oily sludge is high solid. Carbon distribution in these types of products is an important
(>30%); therefore, their recycling is justified. However, the oil in aging indicator for evaluating the SCW process and optimizing the operating
and bottom oily sludge comprises primarily heavy components (resins parameters. However, to date, most studies have only focused on the
and asphaltenes) because of the volatilization and conversion of light target products, such as the solid products of HTC, oil products of HTL
components and the accumulation and precipitation of heavy compo­ and SCWU, and gas products of SCWG. Consequently, only a few articles
nents during the lengthy synthesis process (Liu et al., 2021). The per­ have reported the carbon distribution data, and the results are summa­
centage of heavy components in aging and bottom oily sludge typically rized in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the carbon distribution curves reported
reaches ≥ 50% of the total oil content. Correspondingly, HTL and SCWU by different researchers were significantly different. Two aspects are
treatments can crack and upgrade the heavy compounds to produce light responsible. On one hand, the physical compositions of oily sludge from
oil using the solvent and reaction characteristics of sub-/supercritical different sources were different, as reported by Li et al. (2021b). On the
water. other hand, different SCW processes should be performed under
(4) SCWO can be used to treat highly toxic oily sludge. The oily different operating conditions, namely temperature, pressure, residence
sludge generated by some petrochemical plants contains highly toxic time, OC, and catalysts. Therefore, it is necessary to first distinguish the
and high-risk compounds. Recycling this type of oily sludge can cause organic compounds in oily sludge.
significant secondary pollution; moreover, the benefits are negligible. The primary organic compounds in real oily sludge are biological
Therefore, SCWO is a suitable method for completely and efficiently flocs and petroleum hydrocarbons. Biological flocs are present only in
mineralizing all types of organic pollutants in oily sludge, and producing oily wastewater sludge and oily scum. The chemical reactions of bio­
a lot of heat (Cocero et al., 2002; García-Rodríguez et al., 2015; logical flocs in sub-/supercritical water have been reported in several
Jimenez-Espadafor et al., 2011; Lavric et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2020a). reviews on MSS (Linh et al., 2021; Lachos-Perez et al., 2021; Qian et al.,
The residual solids obtained after SCWO treatment can be easily 2016; Wang et al., 2019). In this section, we focus on the chemical re­
disposed via direct discharging or landfilling, as they are free of or­ actions of petroleum hydrocarbons. The chemical composition of the
ganics. The liquid product should be desalted before discharging to petroleum hydrocarbons in oily sludge is complex and includes thou­
ensure that the amounts of inorganic salts and heavy metals do not sands of organic compounds, which can be generally divided into
exceed the recommended limits. saturated, aromatic, resin, and asphaltene (SARA) fractions. SARA
(5) The SCWG is suggested to serve as a post-processing of oily analysis is a common method for heavy oil characterization (Djimasbe
wastewater, instead of oily sludge itself. This is because the feedstock et al., 2021). In addition, oily sludge contains small amounts of
should be dispersed in SCW as uniformly as possible to achieve complete water-soluble organics and fixed organic carbons, which originate from

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Fig. 3. Carbon distribution as a function of reaction temperature during the sub-/supercritical water treatment of oily sludge.
Data were retrieved from Gungoren et al. (2007) (•), Chen et al. (2017) (▀), Khan et al. (2019) (▴), and Wang et al. (2021a) (◆).

the chemical additives and natural degradation of petroleum hydro­ temperature, and a single homogeneous reaction environment can be
carbons. However, their amounts are usually negligible compared with achieved under supercritical conditions, as mentioned in Section 2.
those of the SARA fractions. Therefore, only the SARA fractions in oily However, oily sludge contains abundant macromolecular organics, such
sludge are considered in the following discussion. as asphaltenes, resins, and aromatics (heavy PAHs). Molecular dynamics
The phase behavior of organic pollutants in sub-/supercritical water simulations indicated that light PAHs, such as naphthalene, can
significantly affects their chemical reactions (Adeniyi et al., 2021). The completely dissolve in SCW, whereas heavy PAHs, such as benzo[ghi]
water solubility of small-molecule organics increases with increasing perylene and benzo[a]pyrene, formed droplets in SCW (Ding et al.,

Fig. 4. General reaction pathways for the hydrothermal treatment of oily sludge.

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

2020). The SCW–bitumen interface was visually observed using a sap­ can react with H2O to produce H• species via a classical WGSR (Eq.(9)).
phire window autoclave (Sato et al., 2012; Vilcáez et al., 2012). It was Moreover, the reduced catalyst (MOn− 1) acquires O from water, re­
determined that under sub-/supercritical conditions the oily sludge generates into its MOn form, and produces H• species (Eq.(10)). Once
+ water system comprised an upper water-rich phase (homogeneous) the amount of radicals exceeds a critical value, the reaction changes
and a lower oil-rich phase (heterogeneous) (Hosseinpour et al., 2016a; from the propagation to the termination stage, in which the radicals
Liu et al., 2013; Vilcáez et al., 2012), as illustrated in Fig. 4. condense with each other (Eqs. (11)–(16)). The addition of H• to the
At T ≤ 300 ◦ C, the chemical reactions of the SARA fractions are slow hydrocarbon radicals (R1•, R2•, R3•,⋅⋅⋅) is the desired reaction pathway
and imperceptible. Although oil viscosity can be decreased, the mass (Eq. (12)), by which light oil can be produced. When the H• species are
percentages of the SARA fractions did not change significantly, and only scarce, the hydrocarbon radicals condense into undesired coke (Eq.
small amounts of light hydrocarbons (C1–C4) and inorganic gases, such (16)). Therefore, H• species is the most important radical during the
as H2S, CO2 and H2, are generated (Al-Muntaser et al., 2020). Moreover, upgrading reactions because they can simultaneously increase the light
the residence time reached 24 h. It is preferred for applications in the oil yield and suppress coke formation. Several approaches have been
field of steam injection for heavy crude oil recovery (Alvarado and considered for generating more H• species from water, such as
Manrique, 2010; Guo et al., 2016). However, biological flocs are reac­ increasing the water-to-oily-sludge molar ratio (Eq. (2)) (Hosseinpour
tive at this temperature. Therefore, TH, WAO, and HTC can be used to et al., 2016a), adding oxidants (Eqs. (3), (6), and (9)) (Arai et al., 2000;
treat oily wastewater sludge and oily scum, for which the treatment Sato et al., 2012), using MOn as catalysts (Eqs. (4) and (10)) (Golmo­
target is biological flocs rather than SARA fractions (Section 3.9). hammadi et al., 2016; Kosari et al., 2017; Yeletsky et al., 2020), and
At T ≥ 350 ◦ C, the chemical reactions of the SARA fractions become adding CO (Eq. (9)) (Sato et al., 2015, 2013).
significant, and the residence time decreases to hours or even minutes. (2) Gasification. As mentioned in Section 3.8, high temperatures (up
As water under these conditions is near-/supercritical, the predominant to 800 ◦ C), high water-to-oily-sludge ratios (>95%), the presence of
reaction mechanism is a free-radical reaction. The proposed general catalysts, and an oxygen-efficient reaction medium are preferred for
reaction pathways are illustrated in Fig. 4 and are discussed below. gasification. Gasification is used to completely decompose the SARA
(1) Upgrading. As mentioned in Section 3.6, upgrading is performed fractions to produce gaseous and aqueous products, and finally to har­
in an oxygen-free or oxygen-deficient environment at 350–450 ◦ C. The vest H2-rich syngas, as shown in Fig. 4.
reactions primarily occur between the SARA fractions and involve the The reaction pathways of the SARA fractions during gasification are
successive formation of asphaltenes, resins, aromatics, and saturates. similar to those followed during upgrading, i.e., Eqs. (1)–(16). However,
Small amount of secondary products are also obtained, as shown in the production of aqueous organics (Eqs. (13)–(15)) is remarkable
Fig. 4. The relevant free radical reactions were summarized based on the during gasification. This can explain the presence of abundant organics
previous literatures (Hosseinpour et al., 2015, 2016a, 2016b; Li et al., in the aqueous product (Wang et al., 2021a). Of which, the WGSR (Eq.
2020b; Liu et al., 2013, 2017, 2018; Yeletsky et al., 2020): (9)) is the desired reaction pathway. After the destruction of the SARA
fractions, the secondary products further decompose. The alkanes and
Thermal cracking: R1–R2 → R1• + R2•, (1) olefins in the gaseous product can be reformed with water (Eq. (17)).
Water reforming: R1–R2 + H2O → R1• + R2O• + 2H•, (2) The phenols, aldehydes, ketones, and organic acids in the aqueous
product can be deoxidized into hydrocarbon radicals (R1•, R2•, R3•,⋅⋅⋅)
Partial oxidation: R1–R2 + 0⋅5O2 → R1• + R2O•, (3) (Eqs. (6) and (18)), which can be further decomposed by repeating the
reactions described by Eqs. (1)–(4). Furthermore, coke can be partly
Catalytic cracking: R1–R2 + MOn → R1•+ R2O• + MOn− 1, (4)
gasified with water according to the reaction described by Eq. (19) (Peng
Water decomposition: H2O → HO• + H•, (5) et al., 2021; Rana et al., 2019). Lastly, the H• species generated from
different reactions condense with themselves to form the desired prod­
Decarbonylation: R2O•→ R3• + CO, (6) uct, i.e., H2 (Eq. (11)).
H-abstraction: R1•+ R4 → R1 + R4•, (7) Water reforming: CH4 + 3H2O ⇄ CO + 6H•, (17)
β-scission: R1→ R5• + alkanes, (8) Decarboxylation: R2OOH → R6• + CO2, (18)
WGSR: CO + H2O⇄CO2 + 2H•, (9) Coke gasification: C + H2O ⇄ CO + 2H•⋅ (19)
Catalyst regeneration: MOn− 1 + H2O → MOn + 2H•, (10) (3) Oxidation. The most remarkable characteristic of oxidation is the
H•-condensation: H• + H•→ H2, (11) presence of excess O2. Therefore, all the SARA fractions are completely
mineralized as CO2 and H2O, and coke formation is inhibited. In 1991, Li
H•-addition: R1+ H•→ R1H (light oil), (12) et al. (1991) proposed a simplified pathway for the oxidation of organic
compounds in sub-/supercritical water. They divided organic substances
H•-addition: R2O•+ H•→ R2OH (aqueous organics), (13)
into three groups: Group A (comprising the initial and intermediate
HO•-addition: R1 + HO• →R1OH (aqueous organics), (14) organics except for CH3COOH), Group B (comprising the refractory in­
termediates represented by CH3COOH), and Group C (comprising the
HO•-addition: R2O•+ HO•→ R2OOH (aqueous organics), (15) final products and CO2). Based on this, a triangular model was estab­
lished. However, subsequent studies have suggested that this model was
Radical condensation: R1 + R2 + R3 +⋅⋅⋅→ R1− R2− R3− ⋅⋅⋅(coke)⋅ (16)
not suitable for the SCWO of heavy oil. It was found that CO was the
During the initiation stage, heavy compounds represented by R1–R2 primary refractory intermediate, and CH3COOH was only a minor re­
can undergo direct thermal cracking (Eq. (1)), reforming using water fractory intermediate (Chen et al., 2017; Cui et al., 2009; Portela et al.,
(Eq. (2)), partial oxidation in the presence of oxidants, such as air, O2, 2001). Given this, Cui et al., (2009, 2011) selected CO and CH3COOH as
and H2O2 (Eq. (3)), and/or catalytic cracking over catalysts, such as MOn refractory intermediates and proposed a new quadrangular model to
(Eq. (4)). Furthermore, near-/supercritical water decomposes to pro­ describe the reaction pathways. This model was adopted in this review,
duce HO• and H• species (Eq. (5)). During the propagation stage, hy­ as illustrated in Fig. 4.
drocarbon radicals (R1•, R2•, and R2O•) propagate quickly to produce Based on the previous reaction pathways (Eqs. (1)–(15), (17), and
more radicals via decarbonylation, H-abstraction, and β-scission re­ (18)), the primary and secondary products (denoted as CxHyOz) can be
actions (Eqs. (6), (7), and (8), respectively). CO, which is a byproduct directly degraded into the final products (Eq. (20)), or via CH3COOH

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

(Eq. (21)) or CO intermediates (Eqs. (6), (17), (22)). Lastly, CO is summarized based on the previously published literature (Jin et al.,
attacked by HO• species and converts into CO2 (Eq. (23)) (Li et al., 2010; Sanchez-Hernandez et al., 2018; Watanabe et al., 2003; Xu et al.,
2021a). 2019a; Youssef et al., 2011), as shown in Fig. 5.
In a pure SCW environment, long-chain alkanes crack directly at high
Direct oxidation: CxHyOz + (x+0⋅25y − 0⋅5z)O2 → xCO2 + 0.5yH2O, (20) temperatures, and C–C cleavage is the predominant reaction. The pri­
Complete oxidation: CH3COOH + 2O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O, (21) mary products of the C–C cleavage reaction are alkenes and short-chain
alkanes. Short-chain alkanes can be further decomposed to produce
Partial oxidation: CH3COOH + O2 → 2CO + 2H2O, (22) shorter-chain alkenes and alkanes. At insufficient water concentrations
(low CH2O), the alkenes are cyclized as PAHs and further polymerized as
CO oxidation: CO + HO• → CO2 +H•⋅ (23)
char/tar. In contrast, at high water concentrations (high CH2O), alkenes
are dispersed and the cyclization and polymerization reactions are
suppressed. Moreover, water participates in these reactions. Alkanes and
5. Conversion of model petroleum compounds in sub-/ alkenes can be hydrolyzed into oxygenated compounds, such as ketones,
supercritical water aldehydes, and organic acids. Lastly, small-molecule compounds (pri­
marily C2–C4) can be further gasified into syngas or remain as liquid
Considering the unpredictable chemical structures of the resins and products.
asphaltenes in oily sludge, only a few identifiable model compounds of In the presence of oxidants (O2 or lattice O from MOn), long-chain
saturates and aromatics were selected, and the information is summa­ alkanes are partly oxidized into ketones and aldehydes. Thereafter, the
rized below. ketones and aldehydes are converted via three pathways. The first
pathway consists of a cracking reaction in the presence of bases. The
products are primarily alkenes and formaldehyde (HCHO). The reaction
5.1. Long-chain alkanes and fatty acids
pathways of alkenes have been described in the previous paragraph, and
HCHO is thermally decomposed into CO and H2. The second pathway
Long-chain alkanes with more than 12 C atoms are among the pri­
consists of a cyclization reaction at low CH2O. Phenols are the primary
mary identifiable organics in oily sludge. They are also the main com­
products, and they are further decomposed via ring-opening reactions.
ponents of diesel oil. Compared with other organics in the oily sludge,
The phenol reaction pathways are discussed in detail in Section 5.2. The
long-chain alkanes presented the best value. Therefore, long-chain al­
third pathway consists of an oxidation/hydrolysis reaction at high CH2O,
kanes are typically regarded as resources rather than pollutants. With
and the produced ketones and aldehydes are further oxidized into fatty
regard to the hydrothermal treatment of long-chain alkanes, current
acids. Immediately thereafter, the fatty acids are decomposed into short-
studies have focused on producing H2-rich syngas via SCWG. Only a few
chain alkanes and CO2 via decarboxylation. Subsequently, the short-
model compounds have been reported to date, including n-dodecane
chain alkanes are further oxidized into ketones and aldehydes
(Guerra et al., 2020; Sanchez-Hernandez et al., 2018), n-hexadecane
following the same steps, i.e., the repetition of the Cn→Cn− 1 reactions, as
(Alshammari and Hellgardt, 2012, 2015, 2016; Watanabe et al., 2001,
illustrated in Fig. 5. Lastly, the C2–C4 fractions are reformed with water
2003) and diesel, which is a mixture (Kou et al., 2022; Pinkwart et al.,
to produce syngas.
2004; Susanti et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2019a). Long-chain fatty acids are
In summary, the addition of oxygen, use of catalysts, and increase in
also present in oily sludge as chemical additives and biodegradation
CH2O are efficient methods for suppressing char and tar formation and
products; furthermore, they are the intermediate products during the
promoting H2 production. However, more detailed reaction informa­
SCWG of long-chain alkanes(Kong et al., 2019). Therefore, the reaction
tion, such as the effect of chain length, have not yet been elucidated. To
pathways of long-chain alkanes and fatty acids using SCW are

Fig. 5. Reaction pathways involved in the SCWG of long-chain alkanes and fatty acids.

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

date, only a few model petroleum compounds have been studied, and attacked the aromatic ring. One ring of benzo[a]pyrene was converted
more works should focus on alkanes and fatty acids with different chain into a seven-membered ring, in which one O atom was inserted into the
lengths, especially those with more than 20 C atoms. ring and the other two O atoms were bonded to C atoms. Lastly, ring
opening occurred via C–O bond cleavage.
5.2. Benzenes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Therefore, two-, three-, and four-ring PAHs can be obtained via
benzo[a]pyrene degradation following the aforementioned routes.
Benzenes and PAHs, which are also the primary identifiable organics (2) Degradation of four-ring PAHs into one-ring aromatic hydro­
in oily sludge, are usually regarded as environmental pollutants owing carbons. Onwudili and Williams (2006, 2007a, 2007b) described in
to their toxic and hazardous characteristics. Herein, we summarize the detail the degradation pathways of biphenyl, fluorene, naphthalene,
reaction pathways of nine typical compounds in sub-/supercritical water phenanthrene and pyrene. In addition, Reina et al. (2016) studied the
based on the previous literature, i.e., benzene (Yong and Matsumura, catalytic cracking of anthracene in SCW. Using their results, the reaction
2014), phenol (Gopalan and Savage, 1994; Guan et al., 2011; Huelsman pathways of two-, three-, and four-ring PAHs were summarized, and the
and Savage, 2013; Krajnc and Levec, 1996; Xu et al., 2011; Zhang et al., results are illustrated in lines 3–8 in Fig. 6. Thermal cracking is a simple
2020b), biphenyl (Onwudili and Williams, 2007b), fluorene (Onwudili reaction pathway in which ring opening (Rn→Rn− 1) is achieved directly
and Williams, 2007b), naphthalene (Han et al., 2019; Onwudili and via C–C bond cleavage. For example, pyrene → phenanthrene, 2-phenyl­
Williams, 2007a; Wang et al., 2016), anthracene (Daud et al., 2021; naphthalene → naphthalene, anthracene → naphthalenes, and biphenyl
Reina et al., 2016), phenanthrene (Onwudili and Williams, 2007a), → phenylethene.
pyrene (Daud et al., 2021; Onwudili and Williams, 2006), and benzo[a] In contrast, the hydroxylation/oxidation reaction pathway is com­
pyrene (Daud et al., 2021; Fang and Kozinski, 2000; Jiang et al., 2017). plex. Typically, three steps are required for Rn → Rn− 1 terminal-ring-
These compounds are aromatic hydrocarbons with one to five rings and opening reactions, i.e., hydroxylation, oxidation, and ring opening.
are marked as pink color in Fig. 6. As indicated in Section 5.1 and For example, phenanthrene → hydroxyphenanthrene → phenan­
illustrated in Fig. 5, at low CH2O, benzenes and PAHs tend to polymerize threnequinone → dialdehyde, and naphthalene → 1,4-naphthol → 1,4-
as char and tar. To simplify the reaction pathways, in Fig. 6 we only napthoquinone → phthalic acid. In contrast, four steps are necessary
illustrate the degradation pathways. for Rn → Rn− 1 central-ring-opening reactions, i.e., hydroxylation,
Typically, PAHs undergo successive degradation according to the oxidation, epoxidation, and ring opening. For example, anthracene →
equation Rn→Rn− 1 (R–ring, n = 1–5). Although the reaction pathways anthrone → 1,4-napthoquinone → xanthone → phenol and benzalde­
appear to be complex, they can be broadly classified into two primary hyde, fluorene → 9-hydroxyfluorene → 9 H-fluorenone → 4-hydroxy-
categories: thermal cracking and hydroxylation/oxidation. Thermal 9 H-fluorenone → xanthone → phenol and benzaldehyde. Isomerization
cracking primarily occurs in oxygen-free environments with low CH2O, is another common reaction pathway. For example, phenylethen-2-ol ⇄
whereas hydroxylation/oxidation requires aerobic environments with acetophenone, 2-hydroxybiphenyl ⇄ 4-hydroxybiphenyl, and phenan­
high CH2O. Distinct boundaries for the operating conditions for these two threnequinone ⇄ 1,4-napthoquinone.
types of reaction pathways have not yet been established. Therefore, It is Lastly, phenol was obtained as the primary one-ring product through
usually considered that thermal cracking and hydroxylation/oxidation six routes, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
can occur independently, alternately, or simultaneously during PAH (3) Phenol degradation. Phenols are not only the main toxic pollut­
degradation in sub-/supercritical water. The reaction pathways in Fig. 6 ants in wastewater, but also the important intermediates during hy­
can be described as follows. drothermal conversion of biomass. Therefore, phenol degradation in
(1) Degradation from five to four rings. The reaction pathways for sub-/supercritical water has been widely investigated (Gopalan and
the degradation of five-ring PAHs into four-ring PAHs have been rarely Savage, 1994; Guan et al., 2011; Huelsman and Savage, 2013; Krajnc
described in the literature. Recently, Daud et al. (2021) studied the and Levec, 1996; Xu et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2020b). The reaction
partial oxidation of three-, four, and five-ring PAHs in sub-/supercritical pathways for phenol degradation are summarized in the last three lines
water and concluded that reactivity decreased as follows: anthracene in Fig. 6. First, phenol is hydroxylated or oxidized to benzenediols, and
> benzo[a]pyrene > pyrene. General reaction pathways were also pro­ then benzenediols are oxidized to benzoquinones. Subsequently ring
posed based on the identified products, and they are summarized in the opening occurs because benzoquinones present unstable structures. For
first three lines in Fig. 6. Benzo[a]pyrene is degraded into chrysene and example, 3-hydroxy-acrylic acid, 1,2-dialdehyde, and 1,4-but-2-dienal
3,4-dihydro-benz[a]anthracene-1-(2 H)-one through central-ring-op are unstable and are further converted into C2–C4 aldehydes, ketones,
ening reactions or into pyrene and 7 H benz[de]anthracene-7-one alcohols, and acids. It must be pointed out that C2–C4 compounds are
through terminal-ring-opening reactions. Subsequently, the four-ring also generated as fragments through the aforementioned degradation
PAHs are further cracked to produce three-ring PAHs, namely 2-phenyl­ pathways illustrated in lines 1–8 in Fig. 6. Lastly, the C2–C4 compounds
naphthalene and phenanthrene. are gasified to harvest syngas under oxygen-poor conditions or
Jiang et al. (2017) proposed more detailed pathways for benzo[a] completely mineralized as CO2 and H2O under oxygen-rich conditions.
pyrene using ReaxFF reactive molecular dynamics simulations. They
identified three degradation pathways, as follows: benzo[a]pyrene was 6. Conclusion and future perspectives
attacked by OH• species during SCWG (Route 1), O2 molecules during
SCWO (Route 2), and OH• species and O2 and H2O2 molecules during Hydrothermal technology provides a green route for oily sludge
SCWO (Route 3). For Route 1, the OH• species removed H atoms from treatment. Dehydration, an indispensable preprocessing step of tradi­
benzo[a]pyrene to form H2O molecules, and then the six-membered ring tional treatment technologies, is not required for hydrothermal treat­
of benzo[a]pyrene was converted into a polycyclic compound ment because the reaction medium is water. Furthermore, sub-/
comprising one five-membered ring and one three-membered ring via supercritical water serves as both solvent and reactant. Based on these,
the loss of a H atom. Because its structure was unstable, the oily sludge can be efficiently treated for different purposes, such as
three-membered ring was attacked by an OH• species, leading to ring hydrocarbon separation via PHWE, dewaterability improvement via TH,
opening. For Route 2, the O2 molecule bound to the C atoms of benzo[a] hydrochar production via HTC, biodegradability improvement via
pyrene, causing breakdown of the conjugated structure and distortion of WAO, bio-oil production via HTL, light oil production via SCWU, com­
the aromatic rings. Subsequently, the O atom inserted into the plete degradation via SCWO, and H2-rich syngas production via SCWG.
six-membered ring to form a heterocyclic compound. As the C–O bonds The key findings of this review are summarized as follows:
were unstable, they were easily attacked by H atoms to achieve ring
opening. For Route 3, the OH• species and O2 molecules simultaneously

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

Fig. 6. Reaction networks of nine aromatic hydrocarbons in sub-/supercritical water.

Z. Chen et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 433 (2022) 128761

(1) Various hydrothermal technologies. Eight hydrothermal tech­ catalyst is developed for the mild hydrothermal technologies,
nologies are systematically described, i.e., PHWE, TH, HTC, such as TH, HTC, WAO and HTL. Although the high-stable cata­
WAO, HTL, SCWU, SCWO, and SCWG, including their develop­ lyst is costly, it can be used repeatedly. On the contrary, dispos­
ment, technical principles, and applications in oily sludge treat­ able catalyst is suitable for the SCW processes, such as SCWU,
ment. The information summarized herein is helpful for non- SCWO, and SCWG. The disposable catalyst is costless because it is
expert readers to identify the similarities and differences be­ usually derived from the nature minerals or industrial wastes.
tween the aforementioned hydrothermal technologies. Moreover, (6) Technology problems. Corrosion, plugging and high energy
a guideline is proposed for developing pertinent hydrothermal consumption are well known as the main technology problems in
processes for any type of oily sludge. hydrothermal technologies. Of which, corrosion and plugging
(2) Oily sludge behavior in sub-/supercritical water. The general can occur in any high pressure and high temperature sections,
reaction pathways of oily sludge in sub-/supercritical water are such as preheater, reactor, cooler and heat exchanger. The high
summarized. With the excess oxygen, increasing temperature and energy consumption is results from both power (high operation
prolonged time, the organics in oily sludge degrade in the pressure) and heating (high operation temperature). Therefore, a
following order: SARA fractions → gaseous and aqueous organics, well-designed process (not only the reactor) is the most efficient
hydrochar → CO, and CH3COOH → H2-rich syngas or CO2 and way to minimize or even overcome these technology problems.
H2O. Particularly, the chemical mechanism at temperatures
above 350 ◦ C are discussed in detail.
Declaration of Competing Interest
(3) Reaction pathways of model petroleum compounds. The reaction
pathways of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons are summa­
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
rized and discussed deeply combining with two reaction maps.
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Typically, hydrocarbons degrade through two primary pathways:
the work reported in this paper.
thermal cracking under oxygen-free and low CH2O conditions and
hydroxylation/oxidation under oxygen-rich and high CH2O
This work was financially supported by National Natural Science
Hydrothermal treatment of oily sludge has been widely studied in
Foundation of China (22108268), Natural Science Foundation of
laboratory, and the findings suggest its industrialization is great po­
Chongqing, China (cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0415, cstc2021jcyj-
tential. However, the relevant commercial activities are still rare to date.
msxmX0187), Natural Science Foundation of Beibei, Chongqing, China
To fill the gap between laboratory study and industrial application,
(2021-8). West Light Foundation (Young Scholar) of the Chinese Acad­
several aspects are recommended for future researches.
emy of Sciences, China (Y93A030M10, E2296201), Open Project Pro­
gram of the State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control, China
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