Claudia Filippi
Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics and Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853
C. J. Umrigar
Cornell Theory Center and Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853
arXiv:cond-mat/9607045v1 7 Jul 1996
Xavier Gonze
Unité P.C.P.M., Université Catholique de Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Most approximate exchange-correlation functionals used within density functional theory are con-
structed as the sum of two distinct contributions for exchange and correlation. Separating the
exchange component from the entire functional is useful since, for exchange, exact relations exist
under uniform density scaling and spin scaling. In the past, accurate exchange-correlation potentials
have been generated from essentially exact densities but they have not been correctly decomposed
into their separate exchange and correlation components (except for two-electron systems). Using
a recently proposed method, equivalent to the solution of an optimized effective potential problem
with the corresponding orbitals replaced by the exact Kohn-Sham orbitals, we obtain the separation
according to the density functional theory definition. We compare the results for the Ne and Be
atoms with those obtained by the previously used approximate separation scheme.
Within density functional theory (DFT), the ground state energy of an interacting system of electrons in an external
potential can be written as a functional of the ground state electronic density [1]. In the Kohn-Sham formulation of
density functional theory [2], the ground state density is obtained as the density of a system of non-interacting electrons
in an effective local potential. Although density functional theory is in principle exact, the energy functional contains
an unknown quantity, called the exchange-correlation energy, Exc [ρ]. The effective potential for the fictitious non-
interacting system is the sum of the external potential, the Hartree potential and the exchange-correlation potential,
which is the functional derivative with respect to the density of Exc [ρ]. The density functional theory definition
of the separate exchange and correlation components of Exc [ρ] is based on the non-interacting system and is such
that the resulting exchange functional has properties that are useful guides in the construction of an approximate
exchange. Consequently, most approximate exchange-correlation functionals are also constructed as the sum of two
distinct contributions for exchange and correlation.
In the past, exchange-correlation potentials and energies, of varying degrees of accuracy, have been determined by
generating a density for the system of interest and then computing an exchange-correlation potential that yields the
desired density as the ground state solution for the fictitious non-interacting system. In this context, researchers
have used charge densities calculated by quantum chemistry methods for atoms [3–13] and molecules [14–16], as well
as Quantum Monte Carlo methods for atoms [17,19] and for a model semiconductor [18]. The subsequent inverse
problem, namely the search of the corresponding exchange-correlation potential, has been performed using a variety
of different techniques. For example, the exchange-correlation potential has been determined by expanding it in a set
of basis functions and varying the expansion coefficients to reproduce the accurate density [5,19].
With the exception of two-electron systems, these accurate exchange-correlation potentials have never been separated
into their exchange and correlation components according to the density functional theory definition. For many-
electron systems, an approximate scheme was used where the exchange potential was defined as the potential yielding
the Hartree-Fock density and the correlation potential as the difference of the accurate exchange-correlation potential
and this approximate exchange potential. In this paper, following the approach proposed by Görling and Levy [22],
we obtain for the first time the correct separation of accurate exchange-correlation potentials for the Be atom and
the Ne atom.
In Sec. II, we briefly introduce density functional theory and its Kohn-Sham formulation. In Sec. III, we derive the
formulae used to determine the decomposition of the exchange-correlation potential into exchange and correlation. A
comparison with approximate separation schemes is given in Sec. IV. In Appendix A, we describe the method for the
special case of closed shell systems.
Density functional theory provides an expression of the ground state energy of a system of interacting electrons in
an external potential as a functional of the ground state electronic density [1]. Let us assume for simplicity that the
spin polarization of the system of interest is identically zero. In the Kohn-Sham formulation of density functional
theory [2], the ground state density is written in terms of single-particle orbitals obeying the equations in atomic units
(h̄ = e = m = 1):
ρ(r′ )
1 2
− ∇ + vext (r) + dr + vxc ([ρ] ; r) ψi = ǫi ψi , (1)
2 |r − r′ |
ρ(r) = |ψi (r)| . (2)
The electronic density is constructed by summing over the N lowest energy orbitals where N is the number of electrons.
vext (r) is the external potential. The exchange-correlation potential vxc ([ρ] ; r) is the functional derivative of the
exchange-correlation energy Exc [ρ] that enters in the expression for the total energy of the system:
1X 1 ρ(r)ρ(r′ )
E=− 2
ψi ∇ ψi dr + ρ (r) vext (r) dr + dr dr′ + Exc [ρ] . (3)
2 i=1 2 |r − r′ |
The exchange-correlation functional is written as the sum of two separate contributions for exchange and correlation,
The definition of the exchange energy is in terms of the non-interacting wave function Φ0 , the Slater determinant
constructed from the Kohn-Sham orbitals, as
1 ρ(r)ρ(r′ )
Ex [ρ] = hΦ0 | Vee | Φ0 i − dr dr′ , (5)
2 |r − r′ |
where Vee is the electron-electron interaction. This definition differs from the conventional quantum chemistry defi-
nition of Ex as the exchange energy in a Hartree-Fock calculation, given by the same expression as in Eq. 5 but with
the Kohn-Sham determinant replaced by the Hartree-Fock determinant. The separation of the exchange-correlation
functional into exchange and correlation yields a corresponding splitting of the exchange-correlation potential into
vx ([ρ] ; r) and vc ([ρ] ; r). In this formulation, the essential unknown quantity is the exchange-correlation energy Exc [ρ].
If the functional form of Exc [ρ], and consequently the exchange-correlation potential, were available, we could solve
the N-electron problem by finding the solution of a set of single-particle equations.
The exchange functional, as defined in Eq. 5, scales under uniform density scaling, ρλ (r) = λ3 ρ(λr), [20] as
Ex [ρλ ] = λEx [ρ] , (6)
and its spin polarized version is simply given in terms of the unpolarized exchange functional [21] as
Ex [ρ↑ , ρ↓ ] = {Ex [2ρ↑ ] + Ex [2ρ↓ ]} . (7)
Clearly, the separation of the exchange-correlation functional according to Eq. 5 is useful since, for exchange, only an
approximation for the unpolarized functional needs to be sought and the behavior under uniform scaling determines
how derivatives of the density combine with the density in an approximate exchange functional:
Exapprox [ρ] = ρ(r)4/3 F ( |∇ρ(r)| /ρ(r)4/3 , ∇2 ρ(r)/ρ(r)5/3 , . . . ) dr. (8)
For the special case of two electrons in a singlet state, the separation of the exchange-correlation potential into
exchange plus correlation is quite simple since the exchange potential is simply given by the condition that it cancels
the self-interaction term in the Hartree potential. On the other hand, for many-electron systems, this decomposition
into exchange and correlation components has never been done. In previous work [5,6,9,17,12], the exchange potential
was defined as the difference of the effective Kohn-Sham potential yielding the Hartree-Fock density and the sum of
the Hartree and the external potentials. The correlation potential was then obtained as the difference of the exchange-
correlation potential corresponding to the exact density and the above approximate exchange potential. Note that this
“exchange” potential is not an exchange-correlation potential since we are subtracting the wrong external potential:
the Hartree-Fock density is the true ground state density for a Hamiltonian with an external potential different than
the original one. However, it is also not the exchange potential corresponding to the Hartree-Fock density (although
very close to it) since it is not the functional derivative with respect to the density of the exchange energy evaluated
for the orbitals obtained from the effective potential yielding the Hartree-Fock density. Therefore, this separation
scheme is incorrect: it involves two densities, the exact and the Hartre-Fock densities, and, moreover, the potential
used for exchange is only approximately equal to the exchange potential corresponding to the Hartree-Fock density.
We follow Görling and Levy [22] in showing how to separate the exchange-correlation potential into exchange and
correlation. We consider a spin unpolarized system. If we assume that the density ρ is non-interacting v-representable,
it can be expressed as in Eq. 2 in terms of single-particle orbitals {ψi } of the Kohn-Sham potential vs (r),
ρ (r′ )
vs (r) = vext (r) + dr′ + vxc ([ρ] ; r) . (9)
|r − r′ |
The exchange energy is a functional of the density but can also be expressed in terms of the Kohn-Sham orbitals {ψi }
(Eq. 5) as
1 XX ψi∗ (r)ψj∗ (r′ )ψj (r)ψi (r′ )
Ex [ρ] = − δm ,m dr dr′ , (10)
2 i=1 j=1 si sj |r − r′ |
where the δ-function is over the spin quantum numbers of the i-th and j-th orbitals. We evaluate the functional
derivative of the exchange energy functional with respect to the Kohn-Sham potential as
δEx [ρ] δρ(r′ ) ′ ′
δψi∗ (r′ )
δEx [ρ] ∗ ′ δψi (r )
= dr = vx ([ρ] ; r ) ψi (r ) + ψi (r ) dr′ .
δvs (r) δρ(r′ ) δvs (r) i=1
δvs (r) δvs (r)
On the other hand, since the exchange functional can be written as a function of the orbitals (Eq. 10), we also have
δEx [ρ] δψi (r′ ) δEx [ρ] δψi∗ (r′ )
δEx [ρ] X
= + dr′ . (12)
δvs (r) i=1
δψi (r′ ) δvs (r) δψi∗ (r′ ) δvs (r)
If we combine Eqs. 11 and 12, we obtain the integral equation
vx ([ρ] ; r′ ) K (r′ , r) dr′ = Q (r) , (13)
where the kernel K (r′ , r) and the right hand side Q (r) depend on the orbital {ψi } and their functional derivative
with respect to the potential vs (r). This integral equation is equivalent to the one solved in the optimized effective
potential method (OEP) where the KS orbitals are replaced by the OEP orbitals [23]. The functional derivatives of
the orbitals δψi (r)/δvs (r′ ) can be expressed in terms of the Green’s function Gi (r, r′ ) as
δψi (r)
= −Gi (r, r′ ) ψi (r′ ), (14)
δvs (r′ )
By knowing the exchange-correlation potential, the KS orbitals and eigenvalues, we can compute the Green’s functions
{Gi } and, consequently, the kernel K and the function Q. If we express the exchange potential as a linear combination
of basis functions, Eq. 13 can be rewritten as a non-homogeneous set of linear equations for the coefficients of the
expansion of the potential in the basis set.
Once the exchange potential is determined, the correlation potential is simply obtained as the difference:
In Appendix A, the equations derived in this section are rewritten for the case of a closed shell system.
For the Be atom and the Ne atom, we calculate the exchange potentials as explained in the previous section. The
correlation potentials are determined as the difference of the accurate exchange-correlation potentials and the exchange
components (Eq. 16). We already mentioned that, in the past, an approximate “exchange” potential was instead used,
given by the effective potential yielding the Hartree-Fock density minus the Hartree and the external potentials:
ρHF (r′ )
ṽx ([ρHF ]; r) = vs ([ρHF ]; r) − dr′ − vext (r), (17)
|r − r′ |
where we introduced an explicit dependence of the Kohn-Sham potential vs on the density reproduced by vs . The
potential ṽx is very close to the exchange potential corresponding to the Hartree-Fock density, vx ([ρHF ]; r). To
determine vx ([ρHF ]; r), we can use the same scheme explained in the previous section with the orbitals given by the
Kohn-Sham orbitals corresponding to the effective potential yielding the Hartree-Fock density instead of the exact
density. We denote by vcA and vcB the correlation potentials determined as the difference of the accurate vxc and
ṽx ([ρHF ]; r) and vx ([ρHF ]; r) respectively:
vcA (r) = vxc ([ρ]; r) − ṽx ([ρHF ]; r), vcB (r) = vxc ([ρ]; r) − vx ([ρHF ]; r). (18)
As discussed in Ref. [13], for two-electron systems, ṽx ([ρHF ]; r) = vx ([ρHF ]; r) and, consequently, vcA (r) = vcB (r).
Further, it was empirically found that the difference between vc (r) and vcA,B (r) is small on the scale of vc (r).
Here, we find that even for the many-electron atoms Be and Ne, the difference between vx ([ρ]; r), vx ([ρHF ]; r) and
ṽx ([ρHF ]; r) are almost not visible on the scale of vx ([ρ]; r). As shown in Fig. 1, the difference between vcA (r) and
vcB (r) is just barely visible even on the more expanded scale of vc (r), This agreement is expected since the HF and
the OEP densities are very close to each other and, for the OEP density, the agreement would be perfect. On the
other hand, the difference between either vc (r) and vcA (r) or vc (r) and vcB (r) is visible. For both atoms, the exact and
approximate potentials are clearly different, although the shapes are very similar. The similarity of the exact and the
approximate potentials justifies the use of the approximate scheme used in earlier work.
FIG. 1. Comparison of the correlation potentials of Be and Ne. vc is the correct correlation potential from Eq. 16, vcA (r) and
vcB (r) are the approximate correlation potentials constructed from the HF density using Eq. 18. vcA (r) and vcB (r) are nearly
indistinguishable on the scale of these plots. For Ne, there is some uncertainty in the potentials for r < 0.4 a0 .
We benefited from useful discussions with Mel Levy, Andreas Görling and Eberhard Gross. The calculations were
performed on the IBM SP2 computer at the Cornell Theory Center. This work is supported by the Office of Naval
Research and NATO (grant number CRG 940594). X.G. acknowledges financial support from FNRS-Belgium and
the European Union (Human Capital and Mobility Program contract CHRX-CT940462).
In Sec. II, we presented the theory of separation of the exchange-correlation potential into the exchange and correlation
components for spin-unpolarized systems. In the present section, we restrict ourselves to the special case of a closed
shell atom. For a closed shell atom, the self-consistent solutions of the Kohn-Sham equations (Eqs. 1 and 2) can be
factorized as the product of radial and angular components:
φi (r)
ψi (r) = Ri (r)Yli mi (r̂) = Yli mi (r̂), (A1)
where li is the angular momentum quantum number. Using this expression for the orbitals, the density (Eq. 2) can
be rewritten as a sum over the occupied shells:
1 X
ρ(r) = fi φ2i (r), (A2)
4πr2 i=1
where Ns is the number of occupied shells and fi is the occupation number of the i-th shell, fi = 2(2li + 1).
Following the derivation by Slater [24], we rewrite the exchange energy (Eq. 10) as
Ns q li +lj
Ex [ρ] = − (2li + 1)(2lj + 1) ck (li , 0; lj , 0) Gk (ni , li ; nj , lj ), (A3)
i,j k=|li −lj |
where the coefficients ck incorporate the integrals over θ and are tabulated in Ref. [24] and Gk is given by
Gk (ni , li ; nj , lj ) = dr1 dr2 φi (r1 ) φj (r2 ) φj (r1 ) φi (r2 ) k+1 , (A4)
Eqs. A5 and A6 can be combined to give the following integral equation for the exchange potential:
Z ∞
dr′ vx (r′ ) K(r′ , r) = Q(r). (A7)
The functional derivative of the exchange energy (Eq. A3) with respect to the radial orbital is given by
Ns r li +lj ∞ k
δEx [ρ] 2lj + 1 r<
= −2 fi ck (li , 0; lj , 0) φj (r) dr2 φi (r2 )φj (r2 ) k+1
. (A8)
δφi (r) j=1
2li + 1 0 r>
k=|li −lj |
The functional derivative of the radial orbital, δφi (r)/δvs (r′ ), is expressed in terms of the Green’s function Gi (r, r′ )
δφi (r)
= −Gi (r, r′ )φi (r′ ), (A9)
δvs (r′ )
1 d2
li (li + 1)
− + + vs (r) − ǫ i Gi (r, r′ ) = δ(r − r′ ) − φi (r)φi (r′ ). (A10)
2 dr2 2r2
This equation can also be derived by starting from Eq. 15 in polar coordinates and projecting out the radial component.
It can be easily checked that Gi has the following expression:
X φj (r)φj (r′ )
Gi (r, r′ ) = , (A11)
ǫj − ǫi
j6=i:lj =li
where the sum is over all the orbitals, except the i-th one, with angular momentum quantum number li . In solving the
differential equation for Gi , we set r 6= r′ , divide by φi (r′ ) and determine χout (r) and χin (r) as solutions of outward
(r < r′ ) and inward (r > r′ ) integration. φ(r) is a homogenous solution of Eq. A10 and can be added to χout (r) and
χin (r) as αout φ(r) and αin φ(r) respectively. The difference αout − αin is determined by imposing continuity on Gi and
the sum αout + αin by requiring that
Z ∞
δφi (r)
dr φi (r) = 0, (A12)
0 δvs (r′ )
which follows from the normalization of φi (r). Finally, we obtain
Z ∞
δφi (r) ′
= G̃i (r, r ) − φi (r) dr′′ φi (r′′ )G̃i (r′′ , r′ ), (A13)
δvs (r′ ) 0