JFNR 8 10 9
JFNR 8 10 9
JFNR 8 10 9
10, 600-605
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different ingredients like fat, milk, milk solids, egg, multi-grain breads in addition to the white bread; the
anti-oxidants, etc. may be added [15]. average values of triplicate analyses were obtained.
Nowadays, many types of bread are being marketed Determinations were made using standard methods for
in Jordan. In addition to white bread, many so-called moisture, crude ash, crude protein (Kjeldahl), and crude
“health breads” are available which contain many added fat (Soxhlet) using AOAC methods [19]. Carbohydrates
ingredients to white flour such as oat, bran, rye, barley, were calculated by difference and energy values were
lupine, multigrain, and algae. The addition of such calculated using the Atwater factors 4, 4, and 9 for protein,
ingredients and others are attempting to create functional carbohydrate, and fat, respectively.
breads to attain additional health benefits [13]. These
breads are mostly claimed as healthy breads that alleviate 2.2. Statistical Analysis
some health problems like obesity, diabetes, and GI
disturbances. Statistical analysis was performed using the GLM
In this study, 16 types of breads, in addition to the procedure of the Statistical Analysis System [20]. Mean
white bread, were studied regarding their energy content separation was performed using the LSD test at P < 0.05.
and proximate analyses.
The most widely consumed wheat flour in Jordan is
known as Mowahad, with more than 90% of all wheat 3. Results and Discussion
flour being of this type [16]. Mowahad wheat flour has an
extraction rate of 73% to 78% and is mandatorily fortified Bread is the main source of both macro- and
now with 10 vitamins and minerals [17,18]. The type of micronutrients in our diet. The main macronutrient
bread produced from Mowahad wheat flour will be provided by bread is carbohydrate, but it also provides
referred to as white bread in this study. some protein and a little fat. Bread also is an important
This study aimed to measure the nutrient contents and source of fiber. The white bread, the regularly consumed
energy density of 16 types of bread and compare them bread in Jordan, is the reference type with which other
with those of white bread. Another purpose of this study breads were compared in this study.
was to verify the health and nutrient claims of these breads The bread name is used in the Jordanian bakeries to
according to their constituents. characterize its constituents and their health claims. Table
1 shows that the selected breads included 2 types of bread
that contain oat (breads no. 1, 5: B1, B5), 1 type of rye
2. Materials and Methods bread (B13), 3 types of multi-grains (B7, B11, B13), 3
types of bran bread (B2, B12, B14), 4 types of brown bread
2.1. Proximate Analysis (B2, B3, B4, B8), 1 type of barley bread (B15), 1 type of
lupine bread (B10), 1 type of algae bread (B9), 2 types of
Proximate analysis was performed for the different healthy bread (B3, B6), 1 type of bread named after its
types of freshly baked bread marketed in Jordan as healthy producer (B16), and 1 type of white or regular bread (B17).
Table 3. Percentage (%) energy contribution of macronutrients and the energy density (kcal/100 g) of the breads *
% energy contribution of
Bread types Energy density kcal/100 g
Fat Protein CHO
B1 Oat, sugar-free 3.88 11.18 84.94 329.70±1.14 A
B2 Brown, bran 2.39 10.63 86.98 291.18±0.82 DE
B3 Brown, healthy 0.96 16.70 82.34 253.37±1.41 I
B4 Brown, sugar-free 3.18 18.40 78.42 274.61±0.71 F
B5 Oat, sugar-free 3.18 16.76 80.06 305.49±0.33 B
B6 Healthy-bread 33.76 23.37 42.87 294.58±3.85 D
B7 Multi-grain 9.32 16.81 73.86 305.04±1.47 B
B8 Brown 3.04 17.61 79.35 257.98±1.14 H
B9 Algae 2.94 15.66 81.40 251.32±1.37 I
B10 Lupine 5.44 25.28 69.20 235.48±1.91 K
B11 Multi-grain 10.13 20.66 77.799 289.59±0.92 E
B12 Bran 0.87 17.39 81.72 289.47±0.22 E
B13 Rye, multi-grain 20.72 21.30 57.98 267.61±1.16 G
B14 Bran, toast 0 19.53 80.47 244.07±3.10 J
B15 Barley 3.58 15.27 81.16 299.51±0.84 C
B16 High fiber, high protein, and low carbohydrate 2.46 61.18 36.35 219.04±0.93 L
B17 White bread 1.31 14.31 84.38 288.58±0.38 E
LSD value 4.5167
Mean±SEM* 6.30±2.09 20.12±2.73 74.08±3.56 275.76±7.19
*Analysis was done in triplicates; values are expressed as mean±SEM (Standard Error of the Mean). Means in the same column with the same letter are
not significantly different.
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 603
3.2. Ash Content There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in the protein
content between the white bread (B17) and that of B2, B1,
The average ash content (%) of the 17 studied breads B9, and B3; while B17 was significantly (p<0.05) lower
was 2.65±0.10, ranging from 0.99±0.01 (B17) to than the other types of bread. On average, protein in the
4.61±0.01 (B6). The ash content of the white bread (B17) 17 types of bread contributed 20.12±2.73% of their energy
was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of the other 16 content, ranging from 10.63% (B2) to 61.18% (B16),
bread types. In comparison to the white bread, it can be while for white bread it was 14.31%. Protein occupied the
inferred that the different constituents or additives of the second contributor of energy among the macronutrients in
other bread types may have led to their higher ash contents. breads.
It is clear that ash has little contribution to the weight of
the bread, and hence in lowering the energy density of 3.6. Carbohydrate Content
breads. It should be indicated that white bread should
contain a low salt content (≤1.5% of bread on a dry matter Carbohydrate is the main macronutrient in bread and is
basis) according to the national specifications [21,22]. present mainly in the form of starch. The average
However, other types of bread are not covered by this carbohydrate content (%) of the 17 studied breads was
regulation in Jordan. Therefore, the low figure of ash 50.01±1.98; it ranged from 19.91±0.06 (B16) to
content in white bread (B17) is expected. 70.02±0.15 (B1), while for white bread it was 60.87±0.46.
There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the
3.3. Crude Fiber Content white bread (B17) and that of B15 and B5. White bread
was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of B2 and B1;
The average fiber content (%) of the 17 studied breads while it was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of the
was 1.33±0.11, ranging from 0.42±0.05 (B17) to other bread types.
3.29±0.50 (B10). The fiber content of the white bread On average, carbohydrates in all of the bread types
(B17) was significantly (p<0.05) lower than the other contributed 74.08±3.56% of their total energy content;
bread types except that of B7 (0.62±0.04). Like ash, fiber ranging from 36.35% (B16) to 86.98% (B2), while for
has little contribution to the weight of bread, and white bread the contribution was 84.38%. As expected,
consequently to lower the energy density of breads. The carbohydrate was the first energy contributor among the
white bread crude fiber content, like ash content, was the macronutrients in breads.
lowest among all the bread types; this is due to the As obtained from the Household Expenditures and
inclusion of fiber sources in the other breads such as bran, Income Survey of 2010 for Jordan, the per capita
other cereals, grains, and seeds. In comparison to the estimated energy intake was 3325 kcal/day, of which
white bread, the other 15 breads had significantly (p<0.05) carbohydrates contributed 60.27% of the total energy
higher crude fiber contents as a result of addition of oat (in intake (501 g carbohydrate/day). Of the food groups
B1, B5), bran or fiber (in B2, B3, B4, B8, B12, B14, B16), containing carbohydrates, grains contributed 1424 kcal
rye (in B13), multi-grains (in B11, B13), barley (in B15), (43% of the total energy intake). In Jordan, bread is the
lupine (in B10), and algae (in B9). In perspective of the main food in the grain group that contributes most of the
addition of these constituents to the breads, the consumed energy and carbohydrates [23].
manufacturers’ nutrient content claims were correct. The The macronutrient content claims of B16 were: 36%
addition of all these constituents may give many health fiber, 2.95 carbohydrate, and 34.17 protein. The proximate
benefits other than the higher fiber content. analysis of this bread revealed different contents of fiber
(2.02%) and carbohydrate (19.91%), while it was almost
3.4. Total Fat Content the same for protein (33.51%).
was of carbohydrate followed by protein then fat. On the The declared name of bread is used in Jordan as a
other hand, the higher the fiber and the moisture content, means of advertisement and to show the potential health
the lower was the energy content or energy density. benefits. The addition of multi-grains, legumes, bran,
The declared claim of the energy density of B4, a algae, and being sugar-free, healthy, and "enhanced" are
brown and sugar-free bread, is 160 kcal/100 g. On the the nutrient claims presented in the studied breads. Thus,
other hand, the energy density was calculated to be 274.61 the declared name of the studied breads does not always
kcal/100g, about 1.7 times the declared energy density. reflect the proximate analysis values and the expected
This result supports the idea that not all the declared potential health benefits.
claims are true. Despite that cereals provide significant quantities of
most nutrients, processing may increase or decrease the
3.8. Nutrient Content Claims levels of their bioactive components and also modify the
bioavailability of these components [7]. Therefore, the
The oat, sugar-free bread (B1), had the highest health benefits and health claims do not depend only on
carbohydrate and energy and the lowest moisture contents. the nutrient contents of breads.
A second oat, sugar-free bread (B5), is among the 3 It is concluded from the present study that there is a
highest carbohydrate and energy contents. The third wide variation in nutrient and energy contents among the
brown, sugar-free bread (B4), has carbohydrate, moisture, studied types of bread. Furthermore, the addition of other
and energy contents that are around the mean of the breads. constituents to white flour may have a positive effect on
The sugar-free breads (B1 and B5) energy densities were health.
significantly higher than that of white bread (B17), while
the sugar free bread (B4) energy density was lower than
that of white bread. These results indicate that the “sugar- Acknowledgments
free” nutrient claim does not always mean a low
carbohydrate and hence energy content. The authors acknowledge the Deanship of Academic
The 3 brown breads, B2, B3, and B8, which are Research, the University of Petra for their financial support.
composed of whole wheat with/without wheat bran had
lower carbohydrate content than the white bread. All of
these breads had higher fiber and ash content than the Conflict of Interest
white bread. Two of them, B3, and B8 had lower energy
content than the white bread. The authors declare no competing interests.
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