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SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.

36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 6 | Issue: 8 | August 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal



S Sharma1, Sri Prathyangira Swamy2

Research Scholar, Dept. of Astrology, Vels Int. of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies,
Chennai, India
Director & HoD, Dept. of Astrology, Vels Int. of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai,

Astrology encompasses many divisions within oneself. The most notable of these is medical astrology. Medical
astrology has been given much importance since ancient times. Various measures have been taken for the
advancement of medical astrology in different times and in different countries. It is said that in the past, if a
person became ill, the doctor would hold his hand and feel that the disease would go away in a matter of days or so.
Medical astrology has been practiced as having the essential principles of knowledge of astrology, medical practice
and medical knowledge within itself.
KEYWORDS - Navagrahas, Lagna, Rahu, Ketu.

I. INTRODUCTION planets associated with water, are causal houses. In

Like medicine, astrology has a long sinfulness 6th house signifies disease, 8th house
tradition. Hippocrates, a Greek physician and signifies kidney damage, the long term effect of
philosopher born in 460 BC, proposed that human disease and its hardships and losses, 12th house
behavior is the result of the balance of the four signifies rest and eyes. The eyes reflect the
elements of blood, black bile, yellow bile, and expressions of the liver. When the liver is affected, so
cooling. Astrology plays an important role in the are the eyes. Thus houses 6th, 8th, 12th become the
maintenance of physical and mental health since one causative agent of diabetes. If Guru, Venus, Saturn
can use one's horoscope to predict when one will be and Moon are in 6th, 8th, 12th house or water zodiacs
afflicted by illness and even make the horoscope into are in 6th, 8th, 12th house, then it is clear that
a preconscious entity. An horoscope can indicate everyone has diabetes.
what organ is most susceptible to weakness. Nature
has shown us in many ways that every living thing is III. DIABETES AND ITS PLANETARY
unique. Although everyone in a family has been SYSTEM
following the same diet for many generations, not The planets Moon, Venus, Guru and Saturn
everyone in the family gets the same disease. This in the 6th, 8th and 12th sins cause diabetes due to
does not mean that diet alone is the root cause of their contact. The incidence of diabetes is high. 6th,
diabetes. Our focus is to establish and confirm the 8th, 12th sin If water zodiac sign has 6th lord in it
theories concerning diabetes, the impact of the six - then diabetes will come. The presence of Venus in
eight - twelve houses that cause diabetes, as well as the water zodiac and the presence of Venus in the
the effect of the planets Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and 6th, 8th and 12th house of water are the main causes
the Moon, which are also believed to be factors of diabetes. Guru, Venus conjunction being, Guru,
causing diabetes. Venus conjunction being in water zodiac. Guru,
Saturn joined or seen. Guru, Venus, Saturn are two of
II. DIABETES AND ZODIAC the three together, seeing them one by one. If Guru,
There is no single cure for diabetes. This Venus and Saturn are associated with water in the
disease affects all zodiac signs. Venus, Guru and zodiac, diabetes will definitely come. Venus and
Saturn are the causal planets for diabetes. The 6th, Guru are in 6th, 8th and 12th house and are in the
8th, and 12th houses of this disease, and the causal water sign which is the cause of diabetes. The

2021 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |78 |

SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 6 | Issue: 8 | August 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal

presence of Guru, Venus and Saturn in contact with and liver. Magha star refers to the heart, spine, spinal
one of the three Rahu, ketu is also a cause of cord, spleen, spine, blood vessels and anterior part of
diabetes. This spatial disease indicates that the organs the spine. Poorvaphalguni star represents the heart
are damaged or that the disease is very difficult. and spine. The UthraPhalguni 1st foot represents the
spinal cord. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th feet of the zodiac
IV. ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES AND sign represent the intestines and the liver. Hastha
PHYSICAL HOUSES Nastram refers to the organs of the intestines, the
In the celestial sphere, the literature is esophagus, the glands, the chemical that causes
divided into twelve houses for the first twelve zodiac changes in the raw material. Chithra star represents
signs. Every zodiac sign or house is considered 1st, 2nd feet indicates the abdomen, lower abdomen,
sinful. Lagna House - Head, brain, mind. Second and 4th feet represents the kidneys, halves, hernia,
House - Face, Right Eye, Nose, Tongue, Teeth, Ears, and lower part of the lumbar spine. Swati star refers
Fingers, Nails, Bones, Muscles. Third House - Neck, to the skin, kidneys, bladder and urethra.The Visakha
Throat, Neck Bones, Arms, Breathing, Ears, Body star 1st, 2nd and 3rd feet represent the lower abdomen,
Development. Fourth House - Heart, Lungs, Chest, the organs near the bladder, the kidneys and the
Blood. Fifth House - Upper abdomen, Mind, pancreas. The 4th feet of the Visakha star represents
Esophagus, Gallbladder, Spleen, Intestines. Sixth the rectum of the bladder and part of the descending
House - Lower abdomen, Navel, Bones, Muscles, colon the large gland.
Psyche, Esophagus, Kidneys. Seventh House - Anusham Nastram refers to the organs of the
Stomach, Thighs, Sphincter, Urethra, Mammary bladder, genitals, rectum, bones near the genitals, and
glands, Fallopian tubes, Broad ligament that connects nasal bones. Jyeshta star refers to a part of the colon,
bones. Eighth sin - Reproductive Organs, Urine, the abdomen, the genitals, and the uterus. Moola star
Blood, Small blisters that may grow in the future. refers to the organs of the hips, thighs, and femur.
Ninth House - Thighs, Arms and Legs, Blood vessels Poorvashaada star refers to the organs of the thighs,
from the heart. Tenth House - Knees, Bones, Muscle. hips, the triangular bone of the spinal cord, and the
Eleventh House - The area between the knee and the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the heart.
ankle, Breathing, Usually the Legs, the Left ear. Uthrashaada star 1st foot represents the thighs, femur,
Twelfth House - Feet, Blood, Left Eye. and blood vessels leading from the heart. The
constellation 2nd, 3rd, and 4th feet represents the skin
V. STARS AND BODY PARTS of the feet, the knees, and the rounded bones of the
Aswini star represents the head, brain, and knees. Shravan star refers to the lymph nodes, knees
skull. Barani star refers to the head, brain, skull, the and skin. Dhanishta Star 1st, 2nd feet represents the
organs in the head and the eyes. Kritikai Nakshatra knee joints, the abdomen 3rd, 4th feet represent the
1st feet refers to the head, eyes, brain, vision and ankles, the arms and legs the area between the knees
Krittikai Nakshatra 2nd, 3rd, 4th feet represent the and the ankles. Shathabhisha star refers to the area
organs of the face, neck, upper part of the vocal between the knee and the ankle, the limbs.
cords, tubules under the tonsils and jaw. The Rohini Poorvabhadra star represents the 1st, 2nd, 3rd feet and
constellation refers to the two tubes under the face, the ankles. Poorvabhadra star 4th foot refers to the
mouth, tongue, and tongue, the upper part of the elements of the feet and nails. Uthrabhadra star refers
mouth, the neck, the cerebral cortex, which regulates to the organs of the feet. Revathi refers to the organs
thought-provoking movements, and the cartilage that of the feet and nails.
supports the skull. The Mrigashiras star 1, 2 refers to
the face, muzzle, cheeks, upper part of the larynx, the VI. CONCLUSION
upper part of the larynx, the larynx leading to the This study, entitled Medical Astrology,
heart, the blood vessel that carries blood to the heart, provides a comprehensive overview of patients being
and the two tubes under the tongue. The Mrigashiras treated for diabetes in hospitals and the medications
star 3,4 feet represents the throat, larynx, pujas, available to them. The purpose of this study is to find
shoulders, ears, upper ribs, and gland at the base of out how astrologers and planetary systems contribute
the neck. Arudra star refers to the organs of the to the horoscopes of diseased planets by obtaining
throat, pujas and shoulders. Punarvasu star 1st, 2nd their horoscopes and to learn about the effects of
and 3rd feet represent the ears, throat and shoulders. diabetes on others in the future and how to protect
Punarvasu Star 4th Foot Refers to the lungs, against it.
respiratory tract, chest, abdomen, membrane between
the liver and intestines, the epithelium, the thorax, VII. DISEASES CAUSED BY
and the pancreas. Pushyami star refers to the organs NAVAGRAHA’S
of the lungs, abdomen and ribs. Ashlesha Star refers Sun - Abdominal pain, rash, rash, scabies,
to the organs of the lungs, stomach, esophagus, feverish diseases, Moon - Indigestion, diarrhea,
membrane between the liver and intestines, pancreas diarrhea, blood-borne diseases, Mars - Vomiting,

2021 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |79 |

SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 6 | Issue: 8 | August 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal

cramps, headache, cranial, Mercury - limb paralysis,

rheumatism, sore throat, Guru - Mysticism,
Depression, Venus - tumor, fissure, hemorrhoids,
genital diseases, cholera, a cataract, Saturn -
rheumatism, disease, cholera, osteoporosis, Rahu /
Ketu - poison, dizziness.

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2021 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | www.eprajournals.com |80 |

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