Eapp Concept Paper Lesson Plan
Eapp Concept Paper Lesson Plan
Eapp Concept Paper Lesson Plan
A. Content Standard: The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept
B. Performance Standard: The learner produces a well-balanced concept paper in a
specific discipline.
Learning Competency and LC Code: Define what a concept paper is.
Comprehend various kinds of concept papers. (CS_EN11/12A-EAP-Ig-j-22)
Determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
Topic: Features of a concept paper
A. Preliminary Activities
Before we start, let us have prayer first. Everyone
please stand up and let’s bow down our heads and feel Amen.
the presence of the Lord.
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, ma’am!
Checking of Attendance
Before you take your seats kindly pick up pieces of Yes ma’am.
paper under your seat and arrange your chairs properly.
Who is the class beadle? Kindly check the attendance. Yes ma’am
Can anyone share their insights about what we
discussed last meeting?
Before we begin with our discussion today, let us first
have an activity. What you are going to do is to identify
the problem and the solution of each scenario that I will
be flashing in the screen. Please raise your hand if you Yes ma’am.
want to answer. And whoever participates and answer
will have points. Please prepare 1/8 sheet of paper with
your name and section. So, let us start.
First scenario:
Your friends came over to your house for a movie night.
One of your friends brought another friend so there are
more people than you planned for. You want to pass out
the drinks but you only have five cans of soda and you
need 6 for everyone to have one. So you ask your older
sister to buy 1 soda so that everyone will have one soda.
Second scenario:
After basketball practice you go back to the locker room
with your team to shower and change. When you are
done dressing, you can't find your shoes. You asked your
teammates if they saw your shoes but they have no idea
where your shoes is. One of your teammates offered his
extra shoes so you borrowed it just for that day.
Third scenario:
You have been waiting all day for lunch to come because
you are starving. Finally class gets over and you get to go
to lunch. Except when you go to get to your lunch, it's
not there. You probably left it at home. Because you left
your lunch at home, you went to the cafeteria to buy
Okay, what is the problem and solution of this scenario?
The student raise a hand
Fourth scenario:
There is a guy in your class who is always mean to you.
He always bumps you when he walks by and he calls you
names. He knocks stuff out of your hands and makes you
feel stupid. You don't think you can take it anymore. So,
you went to your adviser and tell her what your
classmate is doing to you and that classmate was called
by your adviser.
B. Activities/Strategy
C. Analysis
1. Introduction
The introduction contains how the researcher and the
funder or project head’s missions align with one another.
It addresses why the funder should support the project of
the researcher.
2. Rationale
The rationale contains the general information about the
topic, as well as the research gap which the research
intends to fulfill.
3. Project Description
This section includes the project’s goals and objectives,
methodology, and benefits. It provides actual solution to
the addressed problem.
4. Support
This section contains either an outline of the budget to be
used for the project or the projected amount for the
project’s execution.
5. Contact Information
The last section contains the contact information of the
project head or researchers.
The researchers of this project intend to conduct a
qualitative research study to ascertain the perceptions of
people of a certain generation about the school’s
transgender people. The researchers introduced the topic
at the beginning of the paper, then gave a rationale of the
study. Next, they discussed the methods to be used for
the research and how the methods for collecting data will
fulfill the objectives and goals of the study. Lastly, the
researchers included an actual breakdown of the
expenses for the research study.
Example 2
One of the necessary needs of a person is clothing.
According to Hardcastle (2006), one of the priorities of
the use of clothes is to protect the human body from the
harmful effects of climate change. Studies show that
almost 4% of the global share market is in the clothing
industry, proving its importance to the people. The top
three massive leading companies in the clothing industry
are VF Corporation, TJX Companies, and Nike (Global
fashion industry statistics - International apparel, 2019).
Technically, the United States was the reason why some
of the outlet companies were influenced by introducing
clothing products, but still, the country that leads in that
way is China (Kane & Statz, 2015). As a year passes by,
clothing changes to and from different styles; from
conservative to provocative, from street style to formal,
from summer to winter, etc. Therefore, trends have been
adapted by the clothing industry in order to survive.
The researchers of this project intend to conduct a
descriptive research study to determine the significance
of branding for students in the university, specifically if
there is a relationship between the students’ attitudes and
their perception of branding. The conceptual knowledge
presented in the introduction gives importance to
branding and how it can be seen through what one wears.
The methods the researchers intend to use to collect data
is aligned with a theoretical framework. Lastly, the
budget breakdown is included, and although it does not
involve too many materials, the researchers intended to
be transparent with the organization about their expenses.
Important reminders:
Be sure to introduce the intention to use the funding
for the project using a table or outline to present the
The concept paper uses its own format. The three-
part essay and IMRaD structure are not applicable
for the concept paper.
Patterns of Concept Development
Example 1
One discipline many students consider pursuing in
college is psychology. This branch of social science
gives students opportunities to explore humans’ brains,
minds, and behaviors. It is a helpful path to pursue,
especially for Filipino people. Students need to have an
overview of the field of psychology for them to truly
understand what it is before considering it as an option
for further study. Psychology is the scientific study of the
human mind and its function, especially those affecting
behavior in a given context.
The short definition essay defines psychology as a
scientific study. The writer included his or her own
definition, which is found in the introduction. In the
body, the writer uses two definitions; one is from the
APA and one from the researcher McLeod. The first
definition is a basic definition of the term, and the one by
McLeod gives a more in-depth definition of what
psychology entails. With this essay, students get to know
more about what psychology is and the steps to find
answers in the scientific field.
Psychology has four goals: to describe, explain, predict,
and change the behavior and mental processes of people
(McLeod, 2019). It aims to describe conditions by
creating general laws on human behavior, explain these
laws and behaviors, and why these behaviors happen. For
example, if one wanted to study how the youth react to
political issues, one can observe how they react to
political posts on social media sites. For research, one
can post particular questions about political issues on
social media, and allow people to post comments. Then,
the researcher may observe the results and posit a
hypothetical theory about this particular human behavior.
Once the trends are explained, the researcher must
attempt to predict behavior via additional research. An
experiment can then take place. The researcher can
expand the scope of the research through several possible
means: distribute questionnaires, ask for the help of a
focus group, adjust the scope of experimental posts on
social media, etc. Lastly, after the confirmation of
behaviors through research, there can be intervention for
people to change their behavior if it is deemed necessary.
In this case, the researcher may create a program or class
that focuses on a campaign to make social media
discourse about politics more civil. This may include
steps such as classes on netiquette and logical fallacies,
therapy for people who are easily triggered by troll posts,
and further research on the methods and rationale behind
troll behavior. These steps are parts of studying human
behavior. Though they may seem simple, the basics of
psychology require a lot of research and effort.
The paragraph gives examples of the steps in studying
psychology. Each step is defined, followed by an
example to help readers understand the concept being
discussed in the paragraph.
It is essential to see which method young Filipinos prefer
when paying for their college education, especially that
of students from low- to middle-class income families
that cannot easily afford private universities. Although
many young Filipinos are in dire need of financial aid to
continue their education, there is limited knowledge of
the options available to them. By disseminating
information on these options for financial aid, the
Filipino youth can have better opportunities to continue
their education without straining the income and savings
of their families. Therefore, it is essential to study the
available financial aid systems in the Filipino setting.
This study aims to determine the preference of SHS
students when it comes to financial aid options.
The last example utilized both definition and
exemplification to discuss the concepts in the study. The
research gap is presented in the Filipino context before
the presentation of the purpose of the research. This is
essential for Filipino readers, as the main concept, in this
case financial aid for education, may be unfamiliar.
D. Abstraction
Did you learn something from the discussion class?
Correct, thank you very much. And for our next question.
E. Application
For your activity, we have here paper balls which
contains questions. Each paper ball has one question.
What you are gonna do is to pass the paper ball to your A concept paper is about a topic of your
seatmate while we play a music, whoever is holding the interest which you would like to explore
ball when the music stops will be the one to open the further while carrying out research, while
paper ball and answer the question. Please pass the ball a research paper is the output of your
carefully and slowly and do not throw it to your work.
seatmate. Did you understand? Are we clear? Okay, let
us start.
2. -Title in question-form
9. Exemplification Pattern
So, for your next activity, this an individual activity, I want you to identify a specific
problem for your research topic and afterwards you create your own step-by-step outline on
how you intend to execute the said research.
You will be guided on the following questions below:
1. What is your research topic about? What is the main idea of your research?
2. What steps will you take to accomplish your research?
3. Which steps are most important in accomplishing your research?
4. How do you intend to stay on schedule?
For your assignment class, search on the internet an example of a concept paper and
identify the problem and the proposed solution of that concept paper.