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Section 4

Internet and the World Wide Web

Lesson 9
Alternative Delivery System

Section Intended Learning Outcome

• Establish the benefits of the Internet and the World Wide Web for effective teaching
and learning.

Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to:

• Create a learning program that introduces an Alternative Delivery System.

Time Frame: 2 hours

Materials Needed: Module, Pen and Paper


4.9.1 Understanding Distance Education

Distance education is a method of education where students can study in their own choice
of place and time, without having to meet their teachers face to face. Instruction in distance
education is being delivered with the use of special materials and technologies that may be
included in the alternative delivery system.

Characteristics of Distance Education:

1. Provides learners with physical disabilities, work, and other personal reasons a chance
to learn and be educated without attending formal schooling.
2. It aims to achieve independent learning.
3. Provides learners with learning packages which are prepared by qualified instructional
designers and are supported by various technologies.
4. It provides accessibility to learners.
5. It provides convenience and flexibility to learners.
6. It is cost-effective.
7. It provides greater access to new technology.
8. It supports students-centered approach.

Technologies that support Distance Education (Alternative Delivery System):

• Broadcast radio
• Audio conferencing
• Video conferencing
• Web conferencing
• Online technologies

4.9.2 Alternative Delivery System

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 1|P age
1. Broadcast Radio

Radio is an ADS which is considered as a powerful tool when delivering a lesson or

disseminating information to a large group of students. This ADS may not sound so popular,
but in actuality this is widely used in both developed and developing countries.

2. Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is used by teachers and students to transmit coursework at a distance.

This is another convenient delivery system that schools apply to have teaching and learning
continue even at a distance. Some educators would call it as interactive video conferencing
when interaction may happen in a small or big group where participants and the teacher
converse and see each other through a video.

Tools Needed for Video Conferencing:


1. Computer/television
2. Camera
3. Microphones
4. Speakers
5. Codec (compressor/decompressor interface) – this helps compress information
6. Connection
a. ISDN telephone line
b. Network IP connection


1. Skype – this is a free service that anyone can use. Having 30 frames per second in
640 x 480 resolutions gives a high quality edition. However, using a modem computer
with dual core technology gives higher quality resolution.
2. ooVoo – this is a free online conferencing site that is available on both Mac and
Windows PC. ooVo allows 6 persons to chat at a time.
3. Adobe Acrobat Connect – this is a powerful conferencing tool that allows sharing of
files and use of whiteboard where teachers and students can write down their thoughts.
This offers unlimited number of participants in a conference.
4. AT & T Connect – this is a more formal and professional way of video conferencing
that may be costly. This is more suitable for large businesses.
5. MegaMeeting- this supports 16 participants which can work at any browser regardless
of the operating system used.
6. Zoom – features of this app include: collaborative whiteboard, sending of texts,
images, and audio files. This can hold 25 participants in a conference for 40 minutes
per meeting.
7. GoToMeeting – this provides high quality video, screen sharing, and personalized
meeting URLs. Conferences may be done via desktop, laptop or mobile devices.
8. Join.me – conferences using Join.me may be recorded. Participants may also join
using their mobile devices. They can likewise share screens and files.

3. Audio Teleconference

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 2|P age
Audio conferencing is also known as telephone/phone conferencing (teleconferencing).
Teleconferencing is an alternative delivery system in which instruction may happen through
telecommunications systems. Exchange of ideas, information, and messages are articulated
remotely from the teacher to students and vice versa with the use of a telephone or computer.

Audio conferencing is a teaching technology that is flexible, economically reasonable, and

available. This kind of ADS can be viewed as difficult when it comes to use and delivery of
instruction. The educational effectiveness via audio conferencing can be heightened when
teaching approaches are developed and interactive flow of teaching and learning is enhanced.

4. Web Conferencing

Web conferencing is usually interchangeably used with video conferencing. Though tools and
requirements used in video conferencing are similar with web conferencing, its purpose is
entirely different.

Webinars and webcasts are two types of web conferencing. Webinar is a one-way conference
between one or more speakers. Webcast is a live streaming event broadcast over the internet.

4.9.3 Other Online Technologies

Other online telecommunication tools that educators can use to deliver instructions are
through electronic mail (e-mail) and Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Learning Management System is a software application or web-based technology system that

allows anyone to create e-learning content and coursework, deliver e-learning courses to
participants, track progress, and manage learning materials. LMS is most helpful in education
which promotes e-learning that is learning at a distance with the help of technologies.

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 3|P age
Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________

My Learning Program
Exercise No.10

This Exercise aims for the students to create a learning program that would cater students
who wish to enroll in Distance Education using available Alternative Delivery System.

Select a topic of your choice. Plan a learning program that would help students to achieve
learning without being present inside the classroom. Choose an appropriate ADS for the
selected topic. Complete the information below.

Teacher: ______________________________________________________

Type of Students: _______________________________________________

Number of Students: _____________________________________________

Students’ Location: ______________________________________________

ADS: _________________________________________________________

Period of Instruction: ____________________________________________

Other Supplementary Materials: ____________________________________

Learning Program:

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 4|P age
Lesson 10

The Roles of the Internet and the World Wide Web in Education

Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to:

• Establish the role of Internet and the World Wide Web in Education

Time Frame: 2 hours

Materials Needed: Module, Pen and Paper


4.10.1 Tools for Communication

The Internet has introduced a lot of developments especially on how teachers and students
communicate and connect with each other. Almost all the students and their teachers as well
have at least a smart phone to be able to give announcements, reminders, ask questions or
simply to send a message. Aside from this, communication using the Internet is enhanced
between students because they can share information as well as discuss a particular topic or

Since there are many tools that we can use to communicate, we need to take into
consideration the proper behaviour when communicating in the Internet. This will help both
personally and professionally to gain respect and courtesy. In the online environment, we use
the term netiquette to imply the generally accepted code of behaviour in using the Internet.
Look at Figure 1 which shows the rules of netiquette for online discussion board.

In the following paragraphs, we are going to identify the different tools and methods of
exchanging information and communicating with others. The tools can be used anytime as
long as it is well suited to the activities of the lesson.

Communication can either be asynchronous and synchronous communication.

Asynchronous communication is a type of communication where the person communicates
anywhere and anytime. The person should not be online to receive the message. Synchronous
communication is a type of communication where the people communicate in “real time”.

Examples of Asynchronous Communication are the following:

• E-mail
• Discussion boards/forums
• Blogs
• Wikis
• Mailing Lists
• Tweets

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 5|P age
Figure 1 Rules of Netiquette for Online Discussion Board1

Examples of Synchronous communications are the following:

• Chat


Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 6|P age
• Instant messaging
• Text Messaging
• Video conferencing

It is the oldest and most common communication tool that is easy to use and very reliable.
Through email, messages are typed, sent, stored, and retrieved. Messages can be sent to
multiple addresses and can be forwarded to other recipients.

Discussion Board/Forum
It creates social interaction for students and allows all students to have a ‘voice’. You can set
up forums for questions about a concept, thoughts on today’s lecture, or peer help/review.

Blog or “web log” is an online journal that is publicly accessible.

It is a web-based communication tool that allows the teacher and students to work together,
share resources (lessons/notes) and collaborate.

Mailing List or Listserv

These are programs that store and maintain mailing lists. It is a virtual email group of people
gathered together through subscribing to one email address.

Tweets are text-based posts that can be up to 140 characters that are posted within a
person’s profile page. Twitter uses hashtag, which means a topic with the # symbol such as
“#edtech”. These topics are used for spreading, organizing, and searching for information on

Virtual Meetings/Webinar
A webinar, short for web-based seminar, is a presentation, lecture, demonstration, workshop
or seminar that is done over the Web. In this kind of virtual meetings, you can show
presentation slides, share audio and other applications, give, receive, and discuss
information in real time. You can record the whole webinar so that it can still be played all
over again.
To start using a webinar, you need to go to a certain website that offers a facility for web
seminar. Some of these webinar sites are anymeeting, GotoMeeting, Skype, Google
Hangouts, BlackBoard Collaborate.

Publishing on the Web

When students publish their work (make it online), they can share with other people the
information, projects, works that they have created online.

Chat is a widely used communication tool. It is easy to use by both the teachers and the

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 7|P age
There is always a need to put guidelines in order to achieve the purpose of chatting:
• Always introduce yourself.
• Be considerate of differing opinions.
• Don’t type in ALL CAPITALS,
• Type the person’s name before you answer.
• If you have to leave the chat for a short time, tell others that you will be away or set
your chat session to ‘away’.
• Don’t use sarcasm in your messages. It may be misinterpreted. Remember that
people cannot see your facial expressions in an online environment
• Make a positive contribution to the chat.
• Don’t reply to personal requests on the main chat screen.
• Say goodbye.

Instant Messaging
Instant messaging or IM is a service that allows users to use private chatrooms in which
members alert each other when they wish to chat. With IM, a user maintains a list of people
with whom she wants to communicate. With IM, a user can send files, videos, images, and
links to websites.

Text Messaging
Text messaging allows for instantaneous communication between people that is done with
the use of cellphones.

Video Conference
This means conducting a conference between two or more participants at different sites by
using computer networks to transmit audio and video data. Video conferences allow its
participants to see each other online live using a web-camera and communicate each other
through it and through chat messages

Social Networking
It allows users to communicate virtually by keeping in touch with each other, updating and
sharing about life, interests, and creating events to be shared with others. This is one of the
most common and useful tools nowadays among students because they can share files and
exchange information and communicate through chatting.

4.10.2 Tools for Inquiry

This is another role of Internet which refers to the method of solving information problems. It
is important that students and teachers know how to efficiently solve inquiry using the
different ways in locating and finding information. This will give better results and accurate
There are two general techniques in locating information:
1. Browsing is based on a hierarchical directory of headings and subheadings. To
locate information, select from these headings until you get to a listing of links
appropriate to your interests.
2. Searching involves the use of an online database. A user submits a query and then
examines websites that match the terms provided in the query.

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 8|P age
When doing a search, we use different search services such as a search engine, an
index search engine and meta-index.
a. Search Engines
These are programs that look for documents in the World Wide Web using
specified keywords and return a list of the documents where the keywords were
found. Search engines use crawlers or robots whose main work is to collect
information from different websites. If it finds the website, it reads contents and
follows the hyperlinks from different websites again. Examples of these are
Google, Bing, Excite, Ask Jeeves and a lot more.
b. Index Search Engines
An index search engine relies on a computer-generated index of the content of
web sites. A computer program explores the web and generates a database
users can search. Example: Hotbot
c. Metaindex or Metacrawler
A meta-index or metacrawler accesses and returns the results from several
search engines. Meta-index offers a single source to search the web, images,
audio, video, news from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and many more search engines.
Examples are Dogpile, Vroosh and Infospace.
Techniques in Searching
Search engines show users the different websites that the users will find useful based from
the given keywords. To improve search productivity, there are different searching techniques
that you can use.

1. Use phrase search. Using quotation marks around a phrase will return only those
exact words in that order.
“horse riding”
“three blind mice”
2. Use negative search. Using negative search means that you need to exclude other
words commonly associated with that search word.
Red Horse – beer
Apple – Mac
3. Order of search. Changing the order of words in the search box will return different
Baked ziti recipe
Recipe baked ziti
4. Use OR. It broadens the search to allow any search item.
Educational Technology OR Technology in Education
5. Use AND or +. It narrows the search to require all search terms.
Forum AND Discussion Board
6. Use DOMAIN names. Use this to refine your search so that the entries listed only
come from the specified domain name.
Mythology site:edu

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 9|P age
7. Use definitions
Define: Catholicism
8. Use file types. Use this to refine your search so that the entries listed will display only
the file types specified.
Netiquettes filetype:doc
9. Use nouns as query keywords. Never use articles (“a”, “the”), pronouns (“he”, “it”),
conjunctions (“and”, “or”) or prepositions (“to”, “from”) in your queries.
Solar System
10. Use 6 to 8 keywords per query.
11. Spell carefully and consider alternate spellings.
12. Use good keywords.
13. Use truncations or wildcards. Truncation is the process of using an asterisk mask (*)
while searching. The purpose of truncation is to broaden the search results especially
when you are not sure of the exact keyword to search. Through truncations at the
root of the word, the search tool searches all word variations after the asterisk.
Wildcards can also be used in searching for information. It is used to represent one
character or letter in one word. Wildcards are especially useful when the user is not
sure of the correct spelling of a word.
Comp???? (The result can be Computer, Computes or other words that has 4 letters
after COMP)
14. Use search options. Use this to specifically find the kind of content you are looking
for, whether these are images, videos, news, blogs, updates, books and forums; and
even sort them further by freshness.
15. Use tilde operator (~). Use this in front of a word to return results that include

4.10.3 Tools for Construction

It refers to the Internet as a vehicle for presenting products created by students at the same
time a way to create lessons and activities for the students.

Let us look into some of the tools that can be used for construction:

1. Webquests – are web-based activities designed to help teachers integrate the

Internet into the curriculum. It follows steps with the appropriate “live links” that are
integral part of the Webquests. The model was developed by Bernie Dodge at San
Diego State University in February 1995 with early input from SDSU/Pacific Bell
Fellow Tom March, the Educational Technology staff at San Diego Unified School
District. The model spread around the world because teachers find it very useful as
students engage in work through the use of the resources of the Internet.
An effective Webquest…

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 10 | P a g e
• Engages the students’ higher order thinking skills (decision making and
critical thinking)
• Must have interesting and doable tasks
• Utilizes resources on the Internet
• Usually involves collaboration through group work

Creating a Webquest

Creating a Webquest can be very simple. As long as you can create a document with
hyperlinks, you can create a WebQuests. So, WebQuests can be created in Word,
Powerpoint, and even in Excel. However, to officially call it as a WebQuest, the basic parts
and attributes of it should be present. There are also many online authoring websites that
are used to create WebQuests, these are Zunal.com, Filamentality.com, and zWebQuest.

Basic Parts of a WebQuest

There are five basic parts of a WebQuest:

1. Introduction – the introduction provides the background of the WebQuest. It catches

the readers’ attention to continue on with the webquest.
2. Task – the task indicates what the students are required to do.
3. Process – the process gives details of the instructions on what the students are going
to do. It includes the links to the different resources in the web.
4. Evaluation – the evaluation presents the rubrics on how the students will be graded.
5. Conclusion – the conclusion summarizes the entire lesson. It gives room for
reflections and for thoughts about the topic.

2. Web Page Creation

Teachers can create their webpages and websites for their class. Its advantages are:
1. Great way to communicate with your students
2. Keeps the students informed of any updates
3. Keeps parents in the loop.
The following websites will help teachers create their own websites.
• Educatorpages.com
• Weebly.com
• Wordpress.com
• Wix.com

A typical websites for a class includes the following components:

1. Course Description – this includes the learning objectives, learning goals

including the class schedule and class calendar.
2. Class Rules and Regulations – this includes all the things that the teacher
requires for the class including the guidelines on how the class will go about.
3. Announcements/Events – this is where you can communicate anything.
4. Links related to the subject matter. (Activities, Games, Tutorial, Related
5. Materials – this could be any material that is related to the subject matter.

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 11 | P a g e
6. Contact information – this can include ways on how the students or parents can
contact the teacher.
7. Biography/Teacher’s link – this link will give all the information about the teacher.
It includes here the academic and professional background, interests,
accomplishments, etc.
8. Information for Parents – this part gives the needed information for the parents.

Online Activities/Games

Online activities are a way of delivering fun and interesting activities to the students.

Benefits of Online Activities/Games

1. Grabs students’ attention. It is a good way to focus their attention and actively
immerse in it.
2. Students learn different skills. Through online activities and games, students develop
critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanship.
3. Develop new concepts. Students may be able to grasp new concept or idea,
experiment with it, or take a different perspective on the material.
4. Deepens learning. Students are provided with opportunities to apply concepts and
practice them to achieve the needed skills.

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 12 | P a g e
Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________

Let Me In
Exercise No.11

This Exercise will allow the students to experience some communication tools that are useful
for sharing and getting information.

Join the webinar. Look for a webinar that interest you that you can register for free. Answer
the following questions.

a. Title of the Webinar: _____________________________________

b. Date and Time of the Webinar: _____________________________
c. Organizers/Sponsoring Company: ___________________________

Place the screenshot of the poster of the webinar or the actual webinar itself (if you were able
to participate)

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 13 | P a g e
Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Use a WebQuest
Exercise No.12

In this Exercise, the students will be able to create a webquest of their chosen topic.

Guidelines in Creating a Webquest

1. Choose a website to create a webquest.
2. Register for free.
3. Using your chosen topic, follow the 6 steps in creating a webquest.
4. Publish your webquest.
5. Give the URL to your facilitator for checking.

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 14 | P a g e
Lesson 11

Web Tools and Resources

Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to:

• Apply proper guidelines in the selection and effective utilization of web tools and
resources in the lesson.

Time Frame: 2 hours

Materials Needed: Module, Pen and Paper


4.11.1 Web Tools

Web 1.0 (Read only Web)

According to Tim Berners-Lee, the first implementation of the web in 1999 representing the
Web 1.0, could be considered as the “read-only-web”, because the early web allowed users
to search for information and read it. Static websites are examples of this which do not have
active communication with the users. The main goal of the websites was to publish the
information for anyone at any time and establish an online presence. During this age, the
information age was born.

Web 2.0 (Read-write Web)

Web 2.0 was defined by Dale Dougherty in 2004 as a read-write web. With Web 2.0, teachers
and students have new ways of creating, collaborating, and contributing (3Cs) of information.
Tools are very easy to use and very accessible. Among these tools are the presentation tools,
video tools, and mobile tools.

Web 3.0 (The Semantic Web)

In 2006, the third generation of the Web or Web 3.0 was suggested by John Markoff of the
New York Times. Web 3.0 is considered as semantic web age according to Tim Berners Lee.
Semantic Web is a web that can demonstrate things in the approach which computer can
understand. The main important purpose of semantic web is to make the web readable by
machines and not only by humans. (Sareh Aghaei, 2012)

Web 4.0 (Mobile Web)

Web 4.0 connects all devices in the real and virtual world in real-time. Since everything is
mobile, web needed to adapt to its mobile surroundings. In this generation, the web is now
moving towards using artificial intelligence.

Web 5.0 (Open, Linked and Intelligent Web = Emotional Web

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 15 | P a g e
Web 5.0 is about the (emotional) interaction between humans and computers. The web here
does not perceive the users feel and emotions. One example of this is www.wefeelfine.org,
which maps emotions of people. (Diana Benito-Osorio, 2013).

4.11.2 Web Resources

The World Wide Web offers excellent resources that can be used for teaching, learning,
researching and a lot more. Every teacher should be familiar with the vast resources available
on the web so they can enrich effectively the learning experience of the students.

Categories of Web Resources

1. Online Tutorials
Online tutorials are designed for independent learning with well-integrated learning
sources, explanatory segments, and evaluation activities.
2. Instructional Resources
Instructional resources provide the components of a learning activity but leave the
teacher responsible for implementation and evaluation.
3. Primary Sources
These are raw information sources not necessarily developed to meet educational

Keeping Track of Web Resources

When searching for different web resources to use in teaching and learning, we need to create
a list of resources for future reference.

1. Using Bookmarks
A bookmark is a way of saving and keeping track of valuable resources. A bookmark
list is the list created by the user to go back directly to the web page he/she wants to
keep track.
2. Adding a Bookmark
Adding a bookmark is done by clicking on the “Bookmark this Page” option or by going
to Bookmarks menu and choosing Bookmark This Page.

A recently added bookmark will appear at the bottom of the bookmark list available
from this same menu bar option. To return to the web page associated with the
bookmark, simply select the bookmark from the list.
3. Organizing Bookmarks
Organizing a bookmark list will improve your ability to locate resources. You just need
to create folders, have meaningful names to your folders, and you can have an
organized bookmark. The Edit window will allow the creation of a hierarchical filling
system based on folders.
4. Exporting Bookmarks
When you want your bookmark list to have a backup or if you want to pass the list to
other, you can make your bookmark list into a web page using “Save As”.

4.11.3 Utilization of Web Tools and Web Resources

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 16 | P a g e
Guidelines to Effective Utilization of the Web Tools and Resources

1. As a constant way to evaluate students’ performance.

2. Create a personalized learning experience
3. Explore complex problems

4.11.4 Other Web Tools that are Helpful for Teachers and Students

1. Digital Storytelling

Digital story-telling is a web-based tool that allows users to construct and tell stories through
voice, text, images, audio, and video. Aside from the fact that the user can communicate and
collaborate, this can also incorporate media thus enabling the user to present the stories
better and more interesting. Usually, digital stories take around 2 to 3 minutes length and
told in a first person, about a person, an event or an issue. Examples of digital storytelling
applications are Animoto and GoAnimate.

2. eBook

It is short for electronic book. Ebook is an electronic version of a book. It consists of text and
graphics that can be read using computers and mobile devices. The format of an e-book can
be a PDF Format or an EPUB format. An e-book reader or a computer with a software
application is used to view the e-book file.

3. RSS
Really Simple Syndication or RSS is a method to deliver frequently updated information in a
website. Usually, blogs or news headlines syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to allow
people to subscribe to it easily. It used to be that users use bookmarks so they can go back
to the website for updates. But since the RSS is now here, millions of web users around the
world keep track of their favourite websites.

4. Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking allows you to add, store, and organize your bookmarks and share it to
people who may be interested in the same topic that you have bookmarked. The
bookmarks here are referred to as “tags” so the process of adding, storing, organizing and
sharing the tags is called “tagging”. When you click a tag or search for a topic using a
website, the results include information about the number of members who have saved
each topic or item and any other tags they have included. Websites that are used for social
bookmarking are dl.icio.us, Flickr and Pinterest.
5. Podcast
A podcast is syndicated audio or video made available in the Web for downloading where
subscribers can receive automatically. Podcast comes from two words: Pod meaning
“Ipod” and cast meaning “broadcast” produced by traditional media such as radio and
television or by individuals passionate about a particular subject.
6. Vodcast
Vodcast or (video-on-demand casting), works the same way as that of Podcast with the
addition of a video. Users will have to subscribe to the feed to receive updates and will to
set automatic download to their computer when new content becomes available.

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 17 | P a g e
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________

Build my Webpage
Exercise No.13

This Exercise will let the students experience how to create their own website using any of
the following websites:
• Educatorpages.com
• Weebly.com
• Wordpress.com
• Wix.com

Generated URL:

Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 18 | P a g e


Heick, T. (2020, July 09). TeachThought. Retrieved July 11, 2020, from teachthought.com:

Kurt, S. "TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework," in

Educational Technology, May 12, 2018. Retrieved from

Roy, Abhipriya. (2019). TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNING. International

Journal of Innovation Education and Research. 7. 414-422. 10.31686/ijier.Vol7.Iss4.1433.

Vindollo, S.C. & Buendia, M.M. C.,(2016). Educational Technology 2. Adriana Publishing




Technology for Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades | Mrs. Jessa A. Cutin 19 | P a g e

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