Friendly NIGHTHAUNT units can retreat and still charge in the same turn.
• 4-7 | Shriek: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that unit in the
following combat phase.
• 8-9 | Stun: Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit in the
following combat phase.
• 10+ | Petrify: The strike-last effect applies to that unit in the following combat.
Designer's Note: An enemy unit can be affected multiple times by Wave of Terror
effects, as long as each effect is applied by an unmodified charge for a different
charging NIGHTHAUNT unit.
Nighthaunt Allegiance - Aura of Dread
Enemy units are terrified while they are within 3" of any friendly NIGHTHAUNT units.
While a unit is terrified, it cannot issue or receive the Inspiring Presence command, This
ability has no effect on NIGHTHAUNT units.
- Unit champions can issue commands to their own unit (see 22.3.2).
- Heroes can issue commands to units that are wholly within 12" of them.
- Generals can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
- Totems can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
Each command ability will say when it can be used and what effect it has on the unit
that receives it.
A model cannot issue more than 1 command in the same phase and a unit cannot
receive more than 1 command in the same phase. In addition, you cannot use the same
command ability more than once in the same phase (even for different units).
If a strike-first effect applies to any units, those units fight before all other units fight.
If a strike-last effect applies to any units, those units fight after all other units fight.
If a strike-first effect applies to units from both players' armies, the players alternate
fighting with those units, starting with the player whose turn it is. Similarly, if a strike-
last effect applies to units from both players' armies, the players alternate fighting with
those units, starting with the player whose turn it is. If a strike-first effect and a strike-
last effect apply to the same unit at the same time, then they cancel each other out and
neither effect applies to that unit.
Endless Spells
b) The endless spell touches the edge of the battlefield after it is moved.
To attempt to dispel an endless spell, pick 1 endless spell that is within 30" of a friendly
WIZARD or friendly PRIEST and that is visible to them. Then make a dispelling roll by
rolling 2D6. If the roll is greater than the casting value of that endless spell, it is
dispelled and removed from play. An endless spell cannot be summoned again in the
turn that it is removed from play.
Predatory Endless Spells - 19.5 - Predatory Endless Spells
Predatory endless spells are moved at the end of the hero phase. If either player has
any abilities that can be used at the end of the hero phase, they must be used after all
predatory endless spells have been moved.
Control Objetivos
Sometimes a battleplan will require that you gain control of a terrain feature. Defensible
terrain features are controlled by the player who has any units garrisoning them (if a
defensible terrain feature is not being garrisoned, then neither player controls it). Other
types of terrain feature are controlled in the same manner as an objective (see 18.1.1),
except that friendly models must be within 3" of a part of the terrain feature to contest
it, instead of needing to be within 6" of its centre.
Objetive Control - 18.1.1 Objective Marker Control
After set-up is complete but before the first battle round begins, after any abilities used
before the first battle round begins have been resolved, each player gains control of
all objectives that are within 6" of any friendly models and more than 6" from all enemy
models. In addition, at the end of each turn (after the battleshock phase), you must
check to see if you have gained control of any objectives. To do so, you must count the
number of friendly models that are contesting each objective (see 18.1.2). You gain
control of an objective if there are more friendly models contesting it than enemy
models. Once you gain control of an objective, it remains under your control until your
opponent gains control of it.
A model must be within 6" of an objective in order to contest it. If a friendly unit has
models within 6" of two or more objectives, you must pick 1 of those objectives for the
models from that unit to contest. Unless noted otherwise, each MONSTER counts as 5
models for the purposes of contesting objectives, and each model with a Wounds
characteristic of 5 or more that is not a MONSTER counts as 2 models for the purposes
of contesting objectives.
If a model has an ability that allows it to count as more than 1 model when contesting
an objective, you must use that ability instead of counting it as 5 models if it is a
MONSTER or 2 models if it is not a MONSTER but has a Wounds characteristic of 5 or
Battle Tactics
At the start of your hero phase, you must pick 1 battle tactic. You must reveal your
choice to your opponent, and if your battle tactics instructs you to pick something,
you must tell your opponent what you pick. You have until the end of that turn to
complete the battle tactic. You cannot pick the same battle tactic more than once per
At the start of the hero phase, starting with the player whose turn is taking place,
each player can pick 1 HERO to perform a heroic action (see 7.1), and each player
receives 1 command point if their general is on the battlefield (see 6.0).
Heroic Actions - Heroic Leadership
Pick 1 friendly HERO and roll a dice. Add 2 to the roll if your general has been slain.
On a 4+, you receive 1 command point that can only be spent during that turn to
allow that HERO to issue a command.
- 4-7 | Shriek: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that unit in the
following combat phase.
- 8-9 | Stun: Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit in the
following combat phase.
- 10+ | Petrify: The strike-last effect applies to that unit in the following combat.
Designer's Note: An enemy unit can be affected multiple times by Wave of Terror
effects, as long as each effect is applied by an unmodified charge for a different
charging NIGHTHAUNT unit.
Q: Can I gain control of multiple objectives in ‘The Lurkers Below’ in the same
turn? A: No.
“Nidos de Sedacero”.
o Redeploy.
o Retirarse y cargar. Todo mueve 8” y vuela.
o Puedo desplegar reservar al final de la fase de movimiento a 9”. Antes del final del
turno 3.
Fase de Disparo.
o Los Revenants 1 dado por cada uno, a 5+ 1 mortal a una unidad elegida a 1”.
o Wave of terror.
o 4-7 -1 hit
o 8-9 -1 a Save
o 10+ Strike Last.
o Command de Ghur. Overwhelming Assault. Final de fase de carga. Se elige una
unidad Galleta, que tenga 10 o más modelos. Se elige una unidad enemiga a 1” con
heridas 4 o menos por bicho. 1d6 y si el resultado es mayor que la cantidad de
modelos, Strike Last.
Fase de Combate:
• Spirit Torment. A una Unidad WW 12”. Curar 3 heridas o resucitar hasta 3 heridas.