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Grand Strategy - Fright or Flight

When the battle ends you complete this grand strategy if there are no enemy units
within 6" of any friendly NIGHTHAUNT units that are contesting an objective.

End of Setup Nighthaunt Allegiance - Vanishing Phantasms

At the end of deployment, before determining control of objectives, you can remove
up to 3 friendly NIGHTHAUNT units from the battlefield and place them to one side to
be set up in ambush as reserve units. At the end of your movement phase, you can set
up 1 or more of the reserve units in ambush on the battlefield, more than 9" from all
enemy units.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Frightful Touch

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by a friendly NIGHTHAUNT unit is 6, that
attack wounds the target automatically (do not make a wound roll).

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Ethereal

Friendly NIGHTHAUNT units have a ward of 6+. Ignore modifiers (positive and
negative) to save rolls for attacks that target friendly NIGHTHAUNT units.

Friendly NIGHTHAUNT units can retreat and still charge in the same turn.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Wave of Terror

After a friendly NIGHTHAUNT unit finishes a charge move, you can look up the
unmodified charge roll for the charging unit on the Wave of Terror table below, pick 1
enemy unit within 1" of that NIGHTHAUNT unit, and then apply the effect from the
table to that enemy unit. If you prefer, you can pick an effect for a lower unmodified
charge roll (e.g. if you rolled an 8, you could to apply the Shriek effect instead of the
Stun effect).

• 4-7 | Shriek: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that unit in the
following combat phase.
• 8-9 | Stun: Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit in the
following combat phase.
• 10+ | Petrify: The strike-last effect applies to that unit in the following combat.

Designer's Note: An enemy unit can be affected multiple times by Wave of Terror
effects, as long as each effect is applied by an unmodified charge for a different
charging NIGHTHAUNT unit.
Nighthaunt Allegiance - Aura of Dread
Enemy units are terrified while they are within 3" of any friendly NIGHTHAUNT units.
While a unit is terrified, it cannot issue or receive the Inspiring Presence command, This
ability has no effect on NIGHTHAUNT units.


Realmscape (Gallet) - Masters of the Splintered Land

Friendly Battleline units that have a Wounds characteristic of 4 or less and do not have
mounts gain the GALLETIAN VETERANS keyword.

Battalion: Expert Conquerors - Dominant Force

GALLETIAN VETERANS units only. Each model in this battalion counts as 3 models for
the purposes of contesting objectives.

Battalion: Bounty Hunters - Headhunters

If the target of an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in this battalion is a
GALLETIAN VETERANS unit, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for that

Realmscape (Gallet) - The Bonds of Battle

When a model in a GALLETIAN VETERANS unit makes an attack with a melee weapon,
you can target an enemy unit within 1/2" of another model from that GALLETIAN
VETERANS unit instead of using the weapon's Range characteristic for that attack. If
you do so, the attacking model must be within 1/2" of another model from its own unit
that is within 1/2" of the target.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Proving Grounds

At the start of each battle round, after the players have determined who will take the
first turn, the player who will take the second turn can pick 1 objective on the battlefield
to be the proving ground until the end of that battle round. The same objective cannot
be picked as the proving ground more than once per battle, and only 1 objective can
be marked as the proving ground at any one time. Only models in units with the
GALLETIAN VETERANS keyword can contest an objective marked as the proving

Spell: Realmscape (Gallet) - Gaze of Ghur

Casting value of 7 and a range of 12". Pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the
caster. When determining the number of models in that enemy unit that are contesting
an objective, your opponent must halve that number, rounding down. All WIZARDS
know the Gaze of Ghur in addition to any others that they know.

Command Points - 6.1 - Using Command Abilities

To use a command ability, you must spend 1 command point, pick 1 friendly model to
issue the command, and pick 1 friendly unit to receive the command. Unless noted
otherwise, the models that can issue commands and the units they can issue them to
are as follows:

- Unit champions can issue commands to their own unit (see 22.3.2).
- Heroes can issue commands to units that are wholly within 12" of them.
- Generals can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.
- Totems can issue commands to units that are wholly within 18" of them.

Each command ability will say when it can be used and what effect it has on the unit
that receives it.

A model cannot issue more than 1 command in the same phase and a unit cannot
receive more than 1 command in the same phase. In addition, you cannot use the same
command ability more than once in the same phase (even for different units).

Strike-First and Strike-Last Effects - 12.4 - Strike-First and Strike-Last Effects

Some abilities have an effect that allows a unit to fight at either the start or the end of
the combat phase. These effects are called strike- first effects and strike-last effects
respectively. The rules in sections 1.6.1-1.6.3 do not apply to these effects: use the rules
here instead.

If a strike-first effect applies to any units, those units fight before all other units fight.
If a strike-last effect applies to any units, those units fight after all other units fight.

If a strike-first effect applies to units from both players' armies, the players alternate
fighting with those units, starting with the player whose turn it is. Similarly, if a strike-
last effect applies to units from both players' armies, the players alternate fighting with
those units, starting with the player whose turn it is. If a strike-first effect and a strike-
last effect apply to the same unit at the same time, then they cancel each other out and
neither effect applies to that unit.

Strike-First and Strike-Last Effects - 12.5 - Strike-First and Strike-Last Sequencing

1. Start of combat phase abilities are used
2. Units with strike-first effects attack
3. Units without strike-first/strike-last effects attack
4. Units with strike-last effects attack
5. End of combat phase abilities are used
Dice Roll Modifiers - 1.5.5 - Dice Roll Modifiers
Sometimes a modifier will apply to a dice roll. Modifiers are applied after rerolls. Rules
that refer to an unmodified roll are referring to the dice roll after rerolls have been
made but before modifiers are applied. If a rule instructs you to pick or change a roll,
do so after rerolls are made but before modifiers are applied.

Simultaneous Effects - 1.6.2 - Simultaneous Effects

If the effects of two or more abilities would be applied at the same time in a turn, the
player whose turn is taking place applies the effects of their abilities first, one at a time,
in the order they desire. Their opponent then does the same. If the effects of two or
more abilities would be applied at the same time other than during a turn, the players
roll off and the winner applies the effects of their abilities first, one at a time, in the
order they desire. Their opponent then does the same.

Endless Spells

Endless Spells - 19.3.3 - Removing Endless Spells

An endless spell remains in play until it is removed from play. An endless spell is
removed from play if:

a) The endless spell is dispelled.

b) The endless spell touches the edge of the battlefield after it is moved.

c) A method on the endless spell's warscroll is used to remove it from play.

Endless Spells - 19.3.2 - Dispelling Endless Spells

At the start of the hero phase, each player can attempt to dispel 1 endless spell with
each friendly WIZARD and friendly PRIEST. The player whose turn is taking place makes
all of their dispelling attempts first. If a WIZARD attempts to dispel an endless spell,
they can attempt to cast or unbind 1 fewer spell in that hero phase. If a PRIEST attempts
to dispel an endless spell, they can chant 1 fewer prayer in that hero phase. The same
player cannot attempt to dispel the same endless spell more than once per phase.

To attempt to dispel an endless spell, pick 1 endless spell that is within 30" of a friendly
WIZARD or friendly PRIEST and that is visible to them. Then make a dispelling roll by
rolling 2D6. If the roll is greater than the casting value of that endless spell, it is
dispelled and removed from play. An endless spell cannot be summoned again in the
turn that it is removed from play.
Predatory Endless Spells - 19.5 - Predatory Endless Spells
Predatory endless spells are moved at the end of the hero phase. If either player has
any abilities that can be used at the end of the hero phase, they must be used after all
predatory endless spells have been moved.

Predatory Endless Spells - 19.5.1 - Predatory Endless Spell Control

Before moving predatory endless spells, you must first determine which are controlled
and which are wild. A predatory endless spell within 30" of the model that summoned
it is controlled by that model. A WIZARD can control 1 predatory endless spell per hero
phase. If there is more than 1 predatory endless spell that a friendly WIZARD could
control, you must pick which they will control. Predatory endless spells that are not
controlled are wild.

Predatory Endless Spells - 19.5.2 - Moving Predatory Endless Spells

After determining control of predatory endless spells, the player whose turn is taking
place moves all of the predatory endless spells controlled by friendly WIZARDS. Their
opponent then does the same. Once all controlled predatory endless spells have been
moved, the players alternate picking 1 wild predatory endless spell to move, starting
with the player whose turn is taking place, until all of the wild predatory endless spells
have been moved. A player must pick a wild predatory endless spell to move if any are
eligible to do so and cannot pick a wild predatory endless spell that has already moved
in that phase. When a player picks a predatory endless spell to move, they are
considered to be the commanding player of that predatory endless spell until the start
of the next hero phase. All other endless spells are under the command of the player
that summoned them.

Endless Spells - 19.3.1 - Summoning Endless Spells

In your hero phase, you can attempt to summon 1 endless spell with each friendly
WIZARD. When the spell used to summon an endless spell is successfully cast and not
unbound, the endless spell is set up on the battlefield as described on its warscroll. If
any restrictions make it impossible to set up the endless spell, the casting attempt is

Control Objetivos

Terrain Control 18.2 Terrain Control

Sometimes a battleplan will require that you gain control of a terrain feature. Defensible
terrain features are controlled by the player who has any units garrisoning them (if a
defensible terrain feature is not being garrisoned, then neither player controls it). Other
types of terrain feature are controlled in the same manner as an objective (see 18.1.1),
except that friendly models must be within 3" of a part of the terrain feature to contest
it, instead of needing to be within 6" of its centre.
Objetive Control - 18.1.1 Objective Marker Control

After set-up is complete but before the first battle round begins, after any abilities used
before the first battle round begins have been resolved, each player gains control of
all objectives that are within 6" of any friendly models and more than 6" from all enemy
models. In addition, at the end of each turn (after the battleshock phase), you must
check to see if you have gained control of any objectives. To do so, you must count the
number of friendly models that are contesting each objective (see 18.1.2). You gain
control of an objective if there are more friendly models contesting it than enemy
models. Once you gain control of an objective, it remains under your control until your
opponent gains control of it.

Objetive Control 18.1.2 Contesting Objectives

A model must be within 6" of an objective in order to contest it. If a friendly unit has
models within 6" of two or more objectives, you must pick 1 of those objectives for the
models from that unit to contest. Unless noted otherwise, each MONSTER counts as 5
models for the purposes of contesting objectives, and each model with a Wounds
characteristic of 5 or more that is not a MONSTER counts as 2 models for the purposes
of contesting objectives.

If a model has an ability that allows it to count as more than 1 model when contesting
an objective, you must use that ability instead of counting it as 5 models if it is a
MONSTER or 2 models if it is not a MONSTER but has a Wounds characteristic of 5 or


Battle Tactics
At the start of your hero phase, you must pick 1 battle tactic. You must reveal your
choice to your opponent, and if your battle tactics instructs you to pick something,
you must tell your opponent what you pick. You have until the end of that turn to
complete the battle tactic. You cannot pick the same battle tactic more than once per

Hero Phase - 7.0 - Hero Phase

At the start of the hero phase, starting with the player whose turn is taking place,
each player can pick 1 HERO to perform a heroic action (see 7.1), and each player
receives 1 command point if their general is on the battlefield (see 6.0).
Heroic Actions - Heroic Leadership
Pick 1 friendly HERO and roll a dice. Add 2 to the roll if your general has been slain.
On a 4+, you receive 1 command point that can only be spent during that turn to
allow that HERO to issue a command.

Heroic Actions - Heroic Recovery

Pick 1 friendly HERO more than 3" from all enemy units and make a heroic recovery
roll by rolling 2D6. If the roll is less than or equal to that HERO'S Bravery
characteristic, you can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to that HERO.

Heroic Actions - Heroic Willpower

Pick 1 friendly HERO that is not a WIZARD. If it is the enemy hero phase, that HERO
can attempt to unbind 1 spell in that phase as if they were a WIZARD. If it is your hero
phase, that HERO can attempt to dispel 1 endless spell in that phase as if they were a
WIZARD (you can still only attempt to unbind or dispel the same spell or endless spell
once in the same phase).

Heroic Actions - Their Finest Hour

Pick 1 friendly HERO. Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that HERO until the
end of that turn, and add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that HERO until the
end of that turn. You cannot carry out this heroic action with the same HERO more
than once in the same battle.

Command Ability - Rally

You can use this command ability at the start of the hero phase. The unit that
receives the command must be more than 3" from all enemy units. Roll 1 dice for
each slain model from that unit. For each 6, you can return 1 slain model to that unit.

Myrmourn Banshees - Spell-eaters

You can roll 2D6 each time an enemy Wizard successfully casts a spell that is not
unbound and chooses for the effect of the spell to apply to a unit wholly within 12" of
this unit, or when an endless spell finishes a move within 6" of this unit. Add 1 to the
roll if this unit has 3 or more models. If the roll is greater than the casting value for
that spell or endless spell, that spell is unbound before it has any effect or that
endless spell is dispelled.

Artifact - Midnight Tome

WIZARD only. Once per battle, if the bearer attempts to cast a spell that would
summon an endless spell, that spell is automatically cast with a casting roll of 12 that
cannot be modified (do not roll 2D6), and it cannot be unbound.

Command Ability - Redeploy

You can use this command ability in the enemy movement phase after an enemy unit
finishes a normal move, run or retreat. The unit that receives the command must be
within 9" of that enemy unit and more than 3" from all enemy units. You can make a
D6" move with the unit that receives the command, but it must finish the move more
than 3" from all enemy units and cannot shoot later in the turn.

Command Ability - At The Double

You can use this command ability after you declare that a friendly unit will run. That
unit must receive the command. The run roll is not made for that unit. Instead, 6" is
added to that unit's Move characteristic in that phase. The unit is still considered to
have run.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Ethereal

Friendly NIGHTHAUNT units can retreat and still charge in the same turn.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Vanishing Phantasms

At the end of your movement phase, you can set up 1 or more of the reserve units in
ambush on the battlefield, more than 9" from all enemy units.


Command Ability - Discorporate

You can use this command ability when a friendly NIGHTHAUNT unit is picked as the
target of an attack in the shooting or combat phase. That unit must receive the
command. That unit has a ward of 5+ instead of 6+ until the end of that phase.

Look Out, Sir! - 10.1.2 - Look Out, Sir!

You must subtract 1 from the hit roll (see 13.3) for an attack made with a missile
weapon if the target is an enemy HERO within 3" of an enemy unit that has 3 or more
models. The Look Out, Sir! rule does not apply if the enemy HERO has a Wounds
characteristic of 10 or more.


Nighthaunt Allegiance - Ethereal

Friendly NIGHTHAUNT units can retreat and still charge in the same turn.
Nighthaunt Allegiance - Wave of Terror
After a friendly NIGHTHAUNT unit finishes a charge move, you can look up the
unmodified charge roll for the charging unit on the Wave of Terror table below, pick
1 enemy unit within 1" of that NIGHTHAUNT unit, and then apply the effect from the
table to that enemy unit. If you prefer, you can pick an effect for a lower unmodified
charge roll (e.g. if you rolled an 8, you could to apply the Shriek effect instead of the
Stun effect).

- 4-7 | Shriek: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by that unit in the
following combat phase.
- 8-9 | Stun: Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit in the
following combat phase.
- 10+ | Petrify: The strike-last effect applies to that unit in the following combat.

Designer's Note: An enemy unit can be affected multiple times by Wave of Terror
effects, as long as each effect is applied by an unmodified charge for a different
charging NIGHTHAUNT unit.

The Scarlet Doom - Vortex of Frenzied Violence

After a friendly SCARLET DOOM BLADEGHEIST REVENANTS unit makes a charge
move, you can pick 1 enemy unit within of that unit. If you do so, roll a number of
dice equal to the number of models from the charging unit. For each 5+, the target
suffers 1 mortal wound.

Command Ability: Realmscape (Gallet) - Overwhelming Assault

You can use this command ability at the end of your charge phase. The unit that
receives the command must be a GALLETIAN VETERANS that has 10 or more models.
Pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of that unit that has a Wounds characteristic of 4 or less
and roll a dice. If the roll is greater than the number of models in that enemy unit, the
strike-last effect applies to that enemy unit in the following combat phase.


Command Ability - All-out Attack

You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly unit to shoot in your
shooting phase or fight in the combat phase. That unit must receive the command.
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit until the end of that phase.

Command Ability - Discorporate

You can use this command ability when a friendly NIGHTHAUNT unit is picked as the
target of an attack in the shooting or combat phase. That unit must receive the
command. That unit has a ward of 5+ instead of 6+ until the end of that phase.
Battalion: Bounty Hunters - Headhunters
If the target of an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in this battalion is a
GALLETIAN VETERANS unit, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that weapon for
that attack.

Guardian of Souls - Nightmare Lantern

Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by friendly Nighthaunt
units that are wholly within 12" of this unit.

Krulghast Cruciator - Empowering Excruciation

If this unit is within 12" of any terrified units, subtract 1 from the damage inflicted (to
a minimum of 1) by each successful attack that targets a friendly Nighthaunt unit
wholly within 12" of this unit.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Frightful Touch

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by a friendly NIGHTHAUNT unit is 6, that
attack wounds the target automatically (do not make a wound roll).

Realmscape (Gallet) - The Bonds of Battle

When a model in a GALLETIAN VETERANS unit makes an attack with a melee weapon,
you can target an enemy unit within 1/2" of another model from that GALLETIAN
VETERANS unit instead of using the weapon's Range characteristic for that attack. If
you do so, the attacking model must be within 1/2" of another model from its own
unit that is within 1/2" of the target.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Aura of Dread

Enemy units are terrified while they are within 3" of any friendly NIGHTHAUNT units.
While a unit is terrified, it cannot issue or receive the Inspiring Presence command,
This ability has no effect on NIGHTHAUNT units.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Ceaseless Nightmares

You complete this tactic if 2 or more terrified enemy units fail a battleshock test during this turn.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Death by a Thousand Cuts

You complete this tactic if an enemy HERO or MONSTER is destroyed by attacks made by a friendly
CHAINRASPS or SPIRIT HOST unit during this turn.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Mass Panic

You complete this tactic at the end of this turn if 3 or more enemy units on the battlefield are terrified

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Overwhelmed with Dread

When you reveal this battle tactic, pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You complete this tactic if that unit is
affected by the Shriek, Stun and Petrify effects of the Wave of Terror battle trait (pg 58) during this turn.

Nighthaunt Allegiance - Tides of Terror

You complete this tactic if at least 2 friendly NIGHTHAUNT units are within 1/2" of the same enemy unit at
the end of this turn.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: Against the Odds

Pick 1 unit from your starting army on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if, at the end of this
turn, any models from that unit are contesting an objective you control and that objective is not being
contested by any enemy GALLETIAN VETERANS models.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: An Eye for an Eye

You complete this battle tactic if 1 or more friendly units were destroyed in the previous turn and 1 or more
enemy units are destroyed during this turn.

** Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: Barge Through Enemy Lines

You complete this battle tactic if there are 2 or more units from your starting army wholly within your
opponent's territory at the end of this turn. If 2 or more of those units are GALLETIAN VETERANS units,
score 1 additional victory point.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: Desecrate their Lands

Pick 1 terrain feature or faction terrain feature that is partially or wholly within your opponent's territory. You
complete this battle tactic if you control that terrain feature at the end of this turn.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: Gaining Momentum

Pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed during this turn
and you control more objectives than your opponent at the end of this turn.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: Head-to-Head

Pick 1 enemy GALLETIAN VETERANS unit on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is
destroyed during this turn by an attack made by a friendly GALLETIAN VETERANS unit or an ability of a

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: Outmuscle

Pick 1 enemy GALLETIAN VETERANS unit that has any models contesting an objective marked as the proving
ground (pg 12). You complete this battle tactic if no models from that enemy unit are contesting the proving
ground at the end of this turn.

Realmscape (Gallet) - Battle Tactic: This One's Mine!

Pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed during this turn
by an attack made by the model picked to be your general.
• Victoria Mayor: 4 puntos.
• Victoria Menor: 3 puntos.
• Empate: 2 puntos.
• Derrota Menor: 1 punto.
• Derrota Mayor: 0 puntos.

“El premio de Gallet”

Solo se pueden controlar objetivos activados.

El segundo jugador de cada ronda activa los objetivos
Los objetivos de los bordes de los territorios de los jugadores se activan
a partir de la segunda ronda.
FAQ The Prize of Gallet, Victory Points Change to: ‘Each player scores victory
points at the end of each of their turns as follows:

• Score 1 victory point if you control at least one activated objective.

• Score 1 victory point if you control two or more activated objectives.
• Score 1 victory point if you control more activated objectives than your opponent.
• Score 2 victory points if you completed the battle tactic you picked that turn.

Against the Odds, Barge Through Enemy Lines

“Los que acechan en lo profundo”


Q: Can I gain control of multiple objectives in ‘The Lurkers Below’ in the same
turn? A: No.

En la primera ronda de batalla no se controlan objetivos..

Debes controlar el objetivo al borde de tu territorio antes de controlar el centro.
Debes controlar el objetivo del centro antes de controlar el de tu oponente.
A partir de la tercera ronda si alguien controla los 3 gana.

Desecrate their Lands, Tides of Terror. Outmuscle

“Nidos de Sedacero”.

Desde el principio de la segunda ronda de batalla puedes saquear un solo

objetivo que controles del territorio enemigo a 1” de una unidad amiga.
Ganas 1 punto extra y es eliminado del juego. Por cada unidad a 9” se
tiran 2d6 si el resultado es mayor que el bravery reciben d3 mortales.
Puntuación: 1/1/1/2

Against the Odds, Barge Through Enemy Lines,,

Fase de héroe.

1. Principio de la fase de héroe.

• Command Point del general
• Táctica de batalla.
• Rally
• Dispelear Endless
• Acción Heroica.
2. Fase de Héroe
• Magia.
o Midnight Tome // Sol Púrpura, casteo 8, rango 8 WW
o Shademist, casteo 6, rango 12, -1 a herir hasta la siguiente.
o Spectral Lure, casteo 6, rango 24. WW, d6 wounds
o Gaze of Ghur, casteo 7, rango 12, La mitad de modelos redond bajo.
o Arcane Boltt, casteo 5, rango 12 1Mortal o d3 mortal a mele.
• Banshees: Dispelea a unidades WW 12. O un endless termina a 6”. +1 si 3 o
3. Final Fase de héroe.
• Sol Púrpura, mueve 8”y vuela se tira dado por cada unidad a 3” con 1 muerta.
Fase de movimiento.

o Redeploy.
o Retirarse y cargar. Todo mueve 8” y vuela.
o Puedo desplegar reservar al final de la fase de movimiento a 9”. Antes del final del
turno 3.
Fase de Disparo.

o Crucicator Dispara. 12” +3/+3/-2/1

o Discorporate y Cuidado señor a 3” de unidades con más de 3 modelos.
o Aura del Crucicator. Si a 12” hay enemigos en cuerpo a cuerpo. Unidades WW 12” -1
a damage.
Fase de Carga.

o Los Revenants 1 dado por cada uno, a 5+ 1 mortal a una unidad elegida a 1”.
o Wave of terror.
o 4-7  -1 hit
o 8-9  -1 a Save
o 10+  Strike Last.
o Command de Ghur. Overwhelming Assault. Final de fase de carga. Se elige una
unidad Galleta, que tenga 10 o más modelos. Se elige una unidad enemiga a 1” con
heridas 4 o menos por bicho. 1d6 y si el resultado es mayor que la cantidad de
modelos, Strike Last.
Fase de Combate:

Bicho. Herida Rango Ataques HIT WND REND DMG GALLET

Guardian of Souls 5/4+ 1 3 3 3 1 2
Spirit Torment 5/4+ 2 3 3 3 2 2
Cruciator 6/4+ 1 4 3 3 1 2
Chainrasp 1/5+ 1 2 4 4 0 1 G Conqueror
+1 to WND si cargan ese turno.. 1 ataque más el líder.
Spirit Host 3/4+ 1 6 4 4 0 1 G Conqueror
Absorvenn heridas de héroes a 3” a 3+ en lugar del Ward.
Bladegheist 1/4+ 1 2 3 3 1 1 G Hunters
+1 Attack cuando cargan. Elites.
Banshees 1/4+ 1 2 4 3 2 2 Hunters
Dispell de hechizos que targetean mis unidades. 2d6 a 12”ww
Dispell de Endless spells que terminan a 6” de ellas
+1 al Dispell si + de 3 unidades.

• +1 a herir a unidades WW 12” del GOS

• -1 Damage unidades WW 12” del Cruiator si hay enemigos mele a 12”
• Los 6 para impactar hieren automáticamente.
• Discorporate.
• Los Huter +1 Damage.
Final de la fase de Combate.

• Spirit Torment. A una Unidad WW 12”. Curar 3 heridas o resucitar hasta 3 heridas.

Fase de Battle Shok

• Todo liderazgo 10 menos los chairasp, liderazgo 8.

• Las unidades enemigas a 3” o menos de las mías, no pueden usar inspiring presence.

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