Warhammer 40k Errata - 4-10-16
Warhammer 40k Errata - 4-10-16
Warhammer 40k Errata - 4-10-16
Unit Types
All Armies
Space Marines
Codex Marines
Space Wolves
Dark Angels
Blood Angels
Grey Knights
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle
Dark Eldar
BRB Movement Phase
Reserve – Outflanking: change to “declare which side of the board your unit is attempting to enter. Roll a d2 on a 1-3
the unit enters on the left board edge, on a 4-6 the unit enters on the right board edge.
BRB Psychic Phase
Casting Psychic Powers; A Psychic model can casually cast as many powers as it wishes as long as it does not exceed its
Mastery Level (so a Psychic model CAN cast the same power multiple times). Should a Psychic model choose to cast a
power that would exceed its Mastery Level it suffers a Negative 1 modifier to its Leadership test (so if it was Ld 10, its
now Ld 9) AND the chances of getting a Psychic Backlash increases by 1 (so 2-3 and 11-12 result would cause a Psychic
Backlash – with the stand results of what would happen at the extreme spectrums), these modifiers are cumulative, so
the further one wishes to press the psychic model the worse the penalties become.
The Following are a few examples of what is allowed and not allowed with the above system.
A Psycher cannot cast the same spell on a unit repetitively. (Unless the Spell states otherwise)
Should an enemy successfully Deny the Witch a spell, that Psycher cannot attempt to recast the same spell on the
unit, however a different Psycher has the same spell and has not already targeted that unit, it may try.
A unit gets a +1 to their Deny the Witch roll against any power that they have already rolled a success on their Deny
the Witch test. This bonus lasts the rest of the turn, and is a cumulative bonus.
A Psycher may cast the same spell on multiple units.
Deny the Witch: A unit can attempt to Deny the Witch rolls a single d6 against an opponent’s spell targeting them, by
default they pass on a “6”. The following can lower the required result by 1 (one) each.
Adamantium Will
Having a Psycher in the squad
Each Mastery Level above the opposing Psycher casting
Warp Charges; Psychic powers that require a warp charge above 1 (one) count as if it is that many spells – so if a Psycher
is ML 1 and tries to cast a ML3 power he immediately counts as if he is 2 past his ability (so if it was a Ld 10 it is now Ld8,
and it will Peril on a (2-4 & 10-12)
Regenerating Psychic Powers; Models with psychic powers regenerate them at the beginning of each friendly turn, back
to their starting (max) number of powers that is equal to their Mastery Level.
NOTE: These would be my changes IF one wanted to keep a phychic phase, simply to get a better max out of ones’
psychic users whilst not being too OP for armies that are able to lean heavily on psychers.
Psychic Shooting Attacks (PSAs); Psychers can only case one (1) Psychic Shooting Attack per owning player turn, it
cannot be cast as an over watch power.
NOTE: I personally do not like the addition of a “Psychic phase” in the game, I would actually prefer to just revert to
5th/6th Ed rules for Psychics in general (All non PSAs are done in the movement phase) – my only real change there would
be a general omission regarding any “must cast before moving & cannot cast after moving” sentences since I believe
that it shouldn’t matter if the psychic walked or not to cast a spell.
Assault from Transports; Units that embarked in any transport can disembark and make an assault move, provided that
the transport has not moved. Units wishing to charge via this tactic are considered to have made a “disordered charge”
unless the vehicle is either an “assault” or “open topped” class of vehicle. Note: Units attempting to assault cannot
“move” besides their disembark move.
Assault from Reserve; Units entering from normal reserve (not deep striking, outflank, etc) are allowed to assault as
normal assuming that they meet all requirements. Infantry units can never be “blocked” from entering the table; should
this situation arise, assume that the units are automatically locked in combat, the unit entering from reserve counts as
having charged. Do note that no over watch would take place. Vehicles automatically tank shock the unit, even if the
vehicle could normally not tank shock.
Assault from Outflank: Should you come in on the side of your choice you are allowed to assault as normal; If you come
in on the wrong side you are not allowed to charge.
Over watch: Units attempting to over watch must first pass a modified Leadership test. The units wishing to attempt to
over watch must pass a Leadership test of “5” plus the unit’s average Initiative value. (So a Necron Warrior squad must
pass a test of 5+2=7, they must roll a 7 or lower on 2D6). Units that are charged by a unit that has to travel less than 6”
to reach them in assault must snap shot. Note: this means typically a unit is not mandated to snap shot.
Chariots in Assault: In close combat Chariots fight like infantry models. Chariots may make sweeping advances, Pile In
moves, and consolidations (unless they are stunned). When fighting against a chariot, the unit must choose if it will
attack against the chariot, or the rider(s). If the unit chooses to fight against the chariot, they roll against the rider’s WS
and strike as normal against the chariots AV; should the unit choose to fight against the rider, they can only hit on 6’s
wounding as normal.
Charging (Default): A unit wishing to charge another unit can charge 6” + D6”.
Weapon Skill Chart: If you are more than double you hit on 2+, if they are more than double you hit on 5+ (at least that
is what is supposed to happen otherwise, it’s the same layout)
Your WS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
2 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
Opponent’s WS
3 5+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+
4 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+
5 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
6 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
7 5+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+
8 5+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 3+
9 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3+
10 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+
Saving Throws Mixed Saves; Units that Have mixed saving throws (Be it cover, Armor, or Invulnerable) roll the same
amount of dice, as per the same amount of models [wounds maybe?] with the same save (So if 1 model had a 2+ save,
and the rest had 5+ saves you roll 1 die at a time to see if that model takes a wound.) assuming that all other conditions
are met.
Should a player roll all of his saving throws at once ANY die that could cause ANY wound is counted as a failed save; and
also forfeits any potential “LoS!” rolls.
Look Out Sir!; Models within 6” of a character, that is within the same unit, can take the wound instead. These models
are chosen at the owning player’s choice. For generic “Characters” it is a 4+ roll on a single die to see if the character
survives; Independent Characters succeed on a 2+ roll. (Continuing the example above – If the Character in the 2+
armor fails a save; a trooper can attempt to take the wound instead: the player rolls a “5” the trooper dies instead of the
Objective Secured: Change to “Only Units with this special rule are allowed to claim, or contest objectives.”
Universal Special Rules
Demon: change to “Models with this rule gain a 5+ invulnerable save, they also gain the Eternal Warrior special rule.
Fear: change to “At the beginning of the movement phase units within 6 inches of unit causing fear roll a leadership test;
if they fail they are immediately Pinned. If the unit is locked in an assault and fails, they become WS1 for the rest of the
player turn. Models with the ATSKNF and Fearless rules ignore this rule.”
Terror: Units locked in assault with this unit roll a 2d6 Leadership test, if failed the unit counts as being WS1 for the rest
of the combat. In addition, units having this special rule add d3 to combat resolution. Models with Terror are immune
to Terror.
Skyfire: Units with this ability can shoot with their normal BS at Flying Monstrous Creatures, skimmers, [Jump units?],
and Flyers. In addition should units with this ability must reroll all successful hits, with no benefits of enhancing the dice
rolls – ie no twin linked, if shooting at units that are not in the list above.
Counter Attack: When models with this rule are charged, every model gains +1 Attack until the end of the phase. If the
unit is already locked in assault this rule has no effect.
Deadly Assault: Units that arrive from reserve via Deep Strike may assault if they get a “hit” result on the scatter die.
Unit still roll a scatter die to see if this rule applies even if the unit would otherwise not require a scatter die (IE Teleport
Acute Senses: change to “Units with this rule may reroll one of the following; Reserve Roll, Deep Strike Scatter, Outflank
result, Deep Strike Mishap.”
Heavy: A vehicle that has moved at Combat Speed (6”) can fire a single weapon in addition to any other weapons it is
allowed to fire (even if the other weapon is ordnance!) at no penalty. Vehicles attempting to move faster than Cruising
Speed instead can only move 6” + D6”, roll once for squadrons. Vehicles with the Heavy USR cannot jink.
Explosion: When a Vehicle explodes it creates a D6” area of effect explosion, measuring from the outside of the hull, or
base if one is provided. This explosion result automatically hits all models within the blast range, and suffers a single
Strength 3, AP - hit per model that is caught in the explosion.
Transports: Should a Vehicle explode that is also a transport, the unit suffers a number of Strength 4, AP- hits equal to
the number of models embarked in the transport. The owning player allocates any wounds caused. Surviving
passengers are placed where the vehicle used to be; any models that cannot be placed are removed as causalities. The
unit is automatically pinned, even if they normally cannot be.
Open-Topped Transports: As it is much easier to bail out from an open-topped transport, the Strength of hits inflicted
upon the embarked unit is one point lower than on standard transports (ie Strength 3 AP-). The unit also must take a
Pinning Test (even units that would normally be immune to Pinning).
Vehicles and Difficult Terrain: If you roll 1 on the difficult terrain test, you become immobilized - but with no loss of hull
points (Driving into a tree doesn't hurt the vehicle that badly - so it is still a potential danger to enemies)
If you roll 1 on the difficult terrain test, you lose 1 Hull Point and stop your movement and consider the vehicle has
moved at Cruising Speed (Or whatever the fastest version of speed is now) for this turn. – Neferhet
Units Types
Flying Monstrous Creatures: Before a Flying Monstrous Creature moves, it can choose to be in normal mode, or flying
mode. In normal mode it acts as if it was a Jump Monstrous Creature. In its flying mode it has the following rules it
must adhere to.
Gounded Tests: Should a FMC that is in flying mode, takes an unsaved wound, at the end of the phase it takes a
“Grounded Test”. Roll a D6, on a “1” the model has crashed into the ground - it suffers a single Strength 9 AP- hit with
no armor or cover saves allowed; it now counts as being in normal mode. On a “2” the model lost enough control that it
must land; the model now counts as being in normal mode. On a “3+”the FMC maintains control and remains in flying
Bale Flamer is turret mounted, has a 180° fore arc of fire. (So it can shoot in general strait out from the sides towards the
front – not the rear)
For every ten models in the squad a Chaos Space Marine may take one of the following instead of the above list as well
as any of the following – heavy Bolter, autocannon, Missile Launcher, Lascannon”
(It is supposed to work, if the wording is not right then let me know, so that if you take a 20man CSM squad that I can
take either 4 melta guns + Champ upgrades, or 2 plasma guns and 2 lascannons + champ upgrades)
Add the following option “The cultist champion may take a power weapon for 10 points”
Change Upgrade cost of “Havoc launcher…5 points” to “Havoc launcher or Power Fist…5 points”
Maulerfiend: Stat Change
Increase Initiative Value to “4”
Mutilator Weapons: Remove the sentence “A Mutilator cannot choose the same weapon in two consecutive Fight Sub-
Phases” sentence and add “Power Lance” to weapon list
Assault Marines (Codex Space Marines): Point & War gear change
Change Point cost for Jump Packs to “+1 Point per model”
Add “Melta Gun for +10 points” to the list of weapons that they can swap out
NOTE: Terminator armor upgrade only equips the squad with Storm Bolters and Chainswords, not Power Fist/Weapons
or Grenades, however the unit may take Heavy Weapons normally allowed for Terminator Squads see Terminator Squad
for further details. Models cannot take Melta Bombs with this upgrade.
Replace the hunting lance’s “one use only” rule to “only works when charging”
(Lets be fair, I want to add more units to have a chance to see the tabletop not make them be “meh, it’s a good fluffy
unit that I will not use)
Warlord Table
1-Bringers of Darkness: The game automatically has the Night Fighting rules for Game Turn One, on a 4+ it continues for
Game Turn 2
2- Toxic Menagerie: Any Spinter Weaponry used by the warlord, or the unit he is in, wound one die roll better on their
poison rolls (so 4+ changes to a 3+ for instance)
3- King of Slavers: Any characters slain by the warlord in a challenge are worth 1 Secondary Victory Point.
4- Surgical Strike: Declare at the start of the player’s shooting phase, all successful cover saves taken from Dark Lance
weaponry must be rerolled. One use only.
5-Wealth of Agony: The Warlord starts with two pain tokens that he can distribute to any unit able to receive them,
even if the warlord does not start in that unit. Both pain tokens cannot be given away to the same unit; the Warlord
may choose to keep both.
6- Webway Ghosts: At the beginning of the game roll a d3, that many units can at the beginning of any owning players
movement phase be removed from the table and immediately re-enter play via the Deep Strike rules. Units may not be
locked in assault, pinned/gone to ground, or fleeing. One use only.
(Let me know if this last one does not make any sense, or is slightly confusing, it has the most changes to the original)
Units of “Wyches” in addition have a 6+ invulnerable save; units of “Bloodbrides” in addition have a 5+ invulnerable
save. In close combat, this save gains a +1 modifier. (so Wyches have a 5+ invul save in CC while Bloodbrides have a 4+
Mandrakes: Additions
Add “Deamon”