HFF24 Ad Explainer
HFF24 Ad Explainer
HFF24 Ad Explainer
The HFF guidebook will be printed on paper that is larger than
the guidebook’s final size. Once the guidebook is printed, it will
then be trimmed to the correct size. This allows us to print to
the edge of the guidebook.
Paper can shift during printing and trimming, it is generally
accurate within an ⅛ of an inch or so. Including bleed in your
design—extending your design by approximately ¼ of an inch
on all sides beyond the actual size of your ad—allows your ad to
print to the edge, even if the paper shifts during printing and/or
trimming. It gives the effect of the design “bleeding” off of the
page. As we do not know the location of your ad (left or right
page, top or bottom, etc) please include bleed on all sides of
your design. *Do NOT include any important information in the
bleed section. Most, if not all, of the design in the bleed section,
will be trimmed off and will not appear in your final printed ad.
It is best to extend the background color or imagery into this
11½" We recommend including ¼" of margin around your design.
This will allow enough breathing room so your text isn’t
cramped and ensures that all text and important imagery
doesn’t get cutoff during the trimming process. Anything that
goes right to the edge of the final ad size, may get cut-off during
trimming. The part of your ad that is within the margins—¼" in
from the edges of the final ad size (not including the bleed)—is
referred to as the LIVE IMAGE AND COPY AREA.
• Dimensions
• Final Ad Dimensions: 8½" x 11"
• Dimensions of Ad including Bleed: 9" x 11½"
• All Important text and imagery is within the Safety Margin
• Important information includes the show title, dates
and times, location, any logos you are required to
include, and anything else you want to make sure you
convey to people viewing your ad.
• For this design the important imagery is the main bird
spreading its wings. We made sure that most of it is
completely within the safety margins. Part of it extends
but not all the way to the edge of the final printed size,
so it won’t get cut off, but it will get close to the edge
of the page. This is a personal choice. You may want
WHAT YOU SEND TO US part of that bird to extend off the page. Just be aware
of how it will appear in the final ad and do what you
If you are using our templates, be sure to either delete or hide the layer that prefer and feel works/looks best.
includes the lines and markings shown in the image above • FONT
9" • Font Choice: The font we used is readable. Be aware
that some decorative fonts are difficult to read. Even if
it is readable to you, some people viewing your ad may
find it difficult to read so be aware of that when making
your font choices.
• Color Contrast: There is enough contrast between
the background color and the text so that the text
is readable. There are online tools (color contrast
analyzers) that you can use to check contrast. They can
let you know if the contrast is enough for small text,
large text, and non-text. Another thing to keep in mind
is that there may be enough contrast when someone
who is not color blind looks at your ad, but if someone
is color blind, the color contrast may not be enough.
Illustrator, Photoshop, and Canva all have tools that
simulate what a design will look like for people with
different types of color blindness. It is a good idea to
take advantage of these tools to make sure your design
is readable to as many people as possible.
• Font Size/Weight: The font is large enough and thick
enough to be readable. When choosing your font size,
be aware that some people have difficulty reading
smaller text. Use your judgment, taking into account
how thin or thick the lines of the text are.
11½" • The image extends to the bleed marks so the design will
print to the edge of the page.
• The design fades out at the bottom so there is no imagery
extended to the bleed on that side. This is OK. You don’t
have to extend something into the bleed if you want that
part of the design to be white (the color of the paper).
• Some of the text bleeds off the edge. This is OK because
that text is decorative and is not intended to convey
important information regarding the show.
• The design has been extended to fill the bleed section
on all sides (the exception being the bottom because we
want that to be white). This allows us to place this ad on
either side (with binding on the left OR right) and still have
the design extend to the edge on all sides.
• Something that looks great at a full page or even quarter
page size, can begin to look crowded once you shrink
it down to an eighth page size. We recommend using
minimal text and to limit or modify your imagery so it isn’t
competing with or distracting from your text. Take a look
at the examples below of a modified version of the full
page ad for “BIRDS!”:
• We removed the “BIRDS” text that we were using as a
decorative background element. At the smaller size, it
WHAT GETS PRINTED made the main text too difficult to read.
• We removed some of the text, making sure to include
the most important information: show name, dates,
location, and times as well as the call to action.
Depending on the usage rights, etc, you may be
required to include the show writer, director, actors,
so be sure to include whatever information you are
required to keep in there.
• We made the background image a bit more transparent
and modified the placement so it wouldn’t compete
with the text.