GNM Vol III Bio Sciences Part 1 Min
GNM Vol III Bio Sciences Part 1 Min
GNM Vol III Bio Sciences Part 1 Min
eq>s ;g tkudj vR;f/kd izlUUkrk gks jgh gS fd izh lfoZl uflZax ,tqds’ku dk;ZØe ds varxZr ,,u,e rFkk th,u,e izFke
o"kZ ikB~;Øeksa ds yslu Iyku rS;kj fd, tk pqds gSA eq>s yxrk gS fd izh lfoZl uflZax ,tqds’ku dh iz.kkfy;ksa ds
l’kDrhdj.k dh fn’kk esa ;g ,d egRoiw.kZ dne gSA yslu Iyku QSdYVh dks ;kstukc) rjhds ls lHkh fcanqvks dks
lfEefyr djrs gq, viuk v/;kiu djus esa lgk;d gksxkA
bl dk;Z dks iwjk djus esa gekjs laLFkkuksa dks QSdYVh dh esgur ,oa tikbxks dk rduhdh lg;ksx ljkguh; jgk gSA lkFk
gh esa ,u,p,e dks bl igy dks vius lrr iz;klksa ls brus de le; esa ifjdfYir dj pfjrkFkZ djus ij c/kkbZ nsrk gw¡A
eSa mEehn djrk gw¡ fd yslu Iyku QSdYVh dks O;ofLFkr :i ls viuk ikB~;Øe iwjk djus esa lgk;d gksaxsA
jkT; ljdkj izh lfoZl uflZax ,tqds’ku dks lqn`<+ djus ds fy, vuds iz;kl dj jgh gSA f’k{k.k iz.kkfy;ksa dks O;ofLFkr ,oa l’kDr
djuk vfuok;Z gSA vc lHkh ,,u,e rFkk th,u,e Ldwyksa esa izHkkoh f’k{k.k gsrq dEI;wVj ,oa izkstsDVj dh O;oLFkk miyC/k djk nh
xbZ gSA vc gesa f’k{k.k iz.kkyh ij /;ku dsfUnzr djuk gksxk] ftlls Nk=ksa dks izHkkoh :i ls KkutZu izkIr gks ldsA
ikB~;Øe ds vuqlkj fpafgr lHkh fo"k;oLrqvksa ds yslu Iyku O;ofLFkr :i ls rS;kj djuk bl fn’kk esa ,d egRoiw.kZ miyfC/k gSA
eSa bl igy ds fy, ,u,p,e] tikbxks rFkk gekjs ,,u,e rFkk th,u,e Ldwyksa dh leLRk QSdYVh dks c/kkbZ nsrh gw¡A
eq>s fo’okl gS fd gekjh lHkh QSdYVh yslu Iyku dk fu;fer mi;ksx dj f’k{k.k dks O;ogkfjd vkSj izHkkoh cuk ldsaxsA
Course : GNM First Year
Subject: Bio Sciences
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : I
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to introduce and describe the history of microbiology.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding the
definition, meaning and introduction and history of microbiology.
Define pasteurization
Define fermentation
Microbiology is the science of living organism that are only visible under the microscope. Medical microbiology
deals with the causative agents of infectious diseases of man, his reaction to such infections, the ways in which they
produce disease and the methods for their diagnosis.
Assignment: Define the microbiology, enlist the branches of microbiology and explain the introduction and history
of microbiology in detail.
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 11-16.
2. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp1-6.
3. Seema sood, Elsevier, microbiology for nurse, second edition, pp1-8.
4. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1,pp 5-8.
5. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2005,arya publication,pp3-8.
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : I
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to define & describe the history of bacteriology.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding the history
of bacteriology.
Define microbiology.
Enlist the Branches of microbiology.
In our last class we learn that bacteria have covered the biggest part in all types of the microorganisms and has a
branch of microbiology called bacteriology.
Explain bacteriology.
Define bacteriology
Explain history of bacteriology
Define bacteriology & describe the history of bacteriology.
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 9-21.
2. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp 40-43.
3. Seema sood, Elsevier, microbiology for nurse, second edition, pp1-8.
4. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2005,arya publication,pp3-8.
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : I
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to describe the scope of microbiology in nursing.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding the scope
. of microbiology in nursing.
Every student wants to know that after completion of my degree or diploma course, how much and what
types of scopes will be available to me, so today we will discuss about the scope of microbiology in
2. 5min To describe role Role of Microbiology in human welfare T: explains Q;Explain role
of microbiology with power of microbiology
in human The discussion on the role of microbes in human presentation. in human
welfare. welfare may be divided under two headings - good S: listens and welfare.
and bad. Microbes as we know are capable of both take notes.
good and bad as for as human life is concerned.
We will now list both the harm and benefit by
microbes and then let us draw a conclusion as to
how microbiology has helped us to control or kill
the bad microbes and make maximum
Describe the importance & scope of microbiology in nursing.
Describe importance of microbiology.
Describe scope of microbiology in nursing.
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 15-17.
2. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp1-6.
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : II
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to use a taxonomic key to identify organisms. Students
will classify certain bacteria, protists, and viruses using a classification or taxonomic
Specific objectives: At the end of the class the students will be able to
1. Define taxonomy.
2. To classify microorganisms into categories based on their characteristics.
3. To describe the classical characteristics.
4. To describe the molecular characteristics
5. To classify micro organisms on their risk.
6. To classify microbes according to size, shape and structure.
What characteristics might they use to group their clothes into different groups? How items are classified or grouped
in a grocery store. Think about how you look for items in a grocery store. You know that you can find milk, butter,
and cheese on the same aisle because the store puts things that are similar to each other on the same aisle. In Biology,
we rely on classification to group living organisms based on how closely related to each other they are.
3. 15min To describe the Classical characteristics The classical type T: explains Q; Explain the
classical of approaches such as morphological, with power classical
characteristics. physiological, biochemical, ecological and presentation. characteristics
genetic characteristics have been widely S: listens and of
Morphological characteristics:-
Morphological features are important in
microbial taxonomy for many reasons.
Morphology is easy to study and analyze
both eucaryotic and procaryotic
microorganisms. Many different
morphological features are used in the
classification and identification of
microorganisms. Some of these features are
cell size, cell shape, colonial morphology,
ultrastructural characteristics, staining
behavior, cilia and flagella, mechanism of
Ecological characteristics:-
Genetic characteristics:-
Environmental-risk microorganisms
Assignment: Describe the classification of micro-organisms according to their size, shape & structure.
1.Tortora, G.J. Microbiology an Introduction 10th ed. Page no 16-23.
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : II
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to describe the characteristics of micro organisms.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding the
characteristics of Micro-organisms.
Every living being has some significant qualities, by the help of theses quality entire group is easily identify, similarly micro-
organisms has the significant qualities called characteristics.
Unit : II
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to introduce and describe the method & rate of
rate of reproduction. .
Specific Objectives:
Every living being have a different method &rate of reproduction, so today we will discuss about the method & rate of
reproduction of microbes.
Unit : II
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to introduce and describe the history of microbiology.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to describe the normal flora of the
How many layers of a thermos has, the outer, the middle and inner layer, function of these layers is regulation of
temperature. It means they are giving protection to content, which is pouring in the internal layer. Same as this the
normal flora of the body protects the content of related organs.
3. alpha-haemolytic streptococci
4. enterococci
8. staphylococcus aureus
of the skin.
Assignment: Describe the types, function, advantages and disadvantages of normal flora?
Unit : II
Topic : Pathogenesis
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to define and describe the over view of pathogenesis.
Specific Objectives: At the end of the class the students will be able
All of us were suffered with a minor or major illness in our life. What do you think, why we get illness, it can be understand
by the process of pathogenesis, so today we will discuss about the topic pathogenesis.
Intracellular Growth
5. 5 min T: explains
To define Bacterial Infectivity Bacterial infectivity Define Bacterial
with power
Bacterial results from a disturbance in the balance infectivity.
Infectivity. between bacterial virulence and host
S: listens and
resistance. The “objective” of bacteria is to
take notes.
multiply rather than to cause disease; it is
in the best interest of the bacteria not to kill
the host.
Define & describe pathogenesis.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit II is completed.
1. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp59-64.
2. Seema sood, Elsevier, microbiology for nurse, second edition, pp46-59.
3. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1,pp 57-66.
4. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2007,arya publication,pp30 to 32.
Unit : II
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to methods study for microbes.
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General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to describe methods study for
Specific Objectives:
There are so many methods for the study of microbes, by which we can identify a pathogen & diagnose a disease.
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n objectives learning
1. To introduce INTRODUCTION: T: explains Introduce the
the study of To study the microorganisms, these techniques are with power study of
microbes used:- presentation. microbes
Microscopy S: listens and
Phase Contrast Microscope take notes.
Ultra-violet Microscope
Electron Microscope
Acoustic Microscope
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2. To describe the Microscopy :- T: explains Describe the
microscopy. The fascinating world of microorganisms would with power microscopy.
have remained unknown had the microscope not presentation.
been invented. Roger Bacon (1267) described a S: listens and
lens for the first time. However, his observation take notes.
was not pursued immediately thereafter. In 1590
glass polishers Hans and Zacchrius Jensen
constructed a crude type of simple microscope by
placing two lenses together, which permitted them
to see minute objects. In 1609-1610 Galileo Galilei
made the first simple microscope with a focusing
device called 'occiale' and observed the water flea
through his microscope. In 1617-1619 the first
double lens microscope with a single convex
objective and ocular appeared, the inventor of
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which was thought to be the physicist C.Drebbel.
This microscope was used to study the cells, plant
and animal tissue, and also the minute living
organisms. Till then, the name microscope had not
been given to this device; the name
‘microscope’ was first proposed by Faber (or Fabri)
in 1625. The credit of developing a compound
microscope with multiple lenses goes to Robert
Hooke (1665) of England. It was only after 1670
that a cloth merchant of Delft (Holland), Antony
van Leeuvenkoek (1632-1723), started his hobby of
making microscopes and in 1674 he discovered the
fascinating microbial world through his microscope
(50-270 times magnification). Considerable
progress was made in improving the microscope in
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nineteenth century. The introduction of oil-immer-
sion lens by Amici in 1869, sub stage condenser by
Abbe in 1872, apochromatic objectives with
suitable eyepiece by Abbe and Zeiss in 1886 were
landmarks in the improve-
ment of compound microscope in the nineteen
th century.
Compound Microscope
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all students of microbiology.
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objectives are mounted on a revolving nosepiece
for convenience.
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used for reflection of light because concave mirror
would form window images. However, with
artificial illumination, the concave mirror is
necessary for higher magnification whereas for
lower, the plane mirror may be used.
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necessary for narrowing the core of transmitted
light, which would fill the smaller aperture of the
objective. The condensers usually employed are
called ‘Abbe’ condensers and these are used with
plane mirrors.
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1/millionth of a meter = 1 micron (µ)
Wet method:
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mount method and hanging drop method.
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ii. Hanging drop method:
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microorganisms present in the hanging drop are
now observed under the microscope.
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so that each division is 10 µm. As stated earlier, the
stage micrometer is used to calibrate the eyepiece
i. Calibration :
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can now see how many divisions on the eyepiece
scale as well as on the stage micrometer scale
correspond to each other. Since 1 division on the
stage micrometer equals 10 µm, one can find the
value of one division of the eyepiece scale. For
instance, in illustration ‘iii’ of fig.4 four divisions
on the eyepiece scale, equal 10 division (i.e.,
100µm) of the stage micrometer scale; 1 division
on the eyepiece Scale=25µm for the particular
objective lens used in this case.
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microscope for future reference:
Objective One
division of
Lens eyepie
ce scale (µm)
10 X -
15 X -
40 X -
and so on
ii. Use:
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Having calibrated the eyepiece scale for all the
objective lenses on the microscope, one can use it
to measure the dimensions of cellular and sub
cellular structures e.g., bacterial cells, fungal
spores, onion epidermal cells etc
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pass straight on through, but it would hit the upper
screen B or reinforce another ray. Thus, wherever
there was a change in density - a cell wall, a
membrane, or a granule - one could see different
light intensities in the eyepiece. In this way one can
see structures within living cells not otherwise
visible. The screens A and B may be put into an
ordinary microscope to convert it into a phase
contrast microscope. Although phase contrast
microscopes cause a slight loss of resolution, yet,
they enable us to view living cells more.
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Microscope. microscope is related to the wavelength of the light S: listens and
used : take notes.
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the radiant energy as light of longer wavelength in
the visible region. Thus, when the fluorescent
object is exposed to ultraviolet light it is seen as a
bright coloured object against a black background.
In this type of microscopes, the ultraviolet
irradiation is completely eliminated by suitable
filters and it is possible to view the object directly.
The major use of fluorescence microscopy in
microbiology is in immuno fluorescence studies.
The antibody can be made fluorescent by
conjugating it with fluorescent chemicals. By
fluorescence microscopy, it is possible to detect
specific types of antigens using an antibody tagged
with a fluorescent dye clearly.
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5. To describe Electron Microscope T: explains Describe electron
electron with power microscope
EM has been invented by Knoll and Ruska (1932).
microscope. presentation.
The electron microscope works on the principle
S: listens and
similar to that of a light microscope except that an
take notes.
electromagnetic field and a beam of electrons act in
a way similar to the action of a glass lens and a
beam of light. An electron beam when accelerated
through an electric field of 100 KV has a
wavelength of only 0.04nm which is about 10,000
times shorter than the wavelength of visible light.
The resolving power and magnification of an
electron microscope is therefore much higher than
any light microscope.
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electrons is projected from a cathode (electron gun)
and is passed through a series of electromagnetic
lenses. The condenser lens collimates the electron
beam on the specimen and an enlarged image is
produced by a series of magnifying lenses. The
specimens, who are focused, cannot be directly
seen; their image is rendered visible by projection
on a phosphorescent screen. Since the penetrating
power of the electrons through solid matter is weak,
only very thin sections of specimen can be
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Under these conditions (drying and vacuum) living
organisms can not survive, and physiological
processes in living cells can not be studied. The
morphological characteristics of the cell are also
altered. However, inrecent years special devised
which permit observation
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signals did not exist at that time. Subsequently in
the sixties, Professor G. Quate of U.S.A. and E.Ash
of England developed this, principle and applied it
in microscopy; the first practical microscope based
on sound waves, namely, acoustic microscope, was
commercialized in 1974. The principle on which
the acoustic microscope works is based on,
the fact that the speed of the sound
in an environment is
directly related to physical properties of that
environment such as the density and
elasticity. In acoustic microscope,
the transmitted mode of the impinging
sound wave by the specimen is captured and the
vibration in intensity, due to various parts of the
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specimen, is recorded. The inner surface of a solid,
body is not accessible to optical light and only
poorly to x-rays. With the use of proper electronics
acoustic waves can do the job of revealing its inner
structure easily. Moreover, the specimen need not
be stained.
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Summary and Evaluation (10Min):
Today we had discussed the methods for study of microbe
Evaluation :
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 46.
2. Seema sood, Elsevier, microbiology for nurse, second edition, pp13-37.
3. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1,pp 26.
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Subject : Microbiology
Unit : II
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to describe the methods for culture & isolation of
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General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding the
Specific Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able;-
Each microbe requires a particular environment to grow which is called suitable environment for it, so the
culture media is a specified medium in which micro-organisms find nourishment & reproduce.
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objective learninng
1 5 min To define Definitions:- T: explains Define culture
culture media/ Culture media gives artificial environment with power media/ medium.
medium. simulating natural condition necessary for growth of presentation.
bacteria. S: listens and
1. energy source take notes
2. carbon source
3. Nitrogen source
4. Salts
5. Satisfactory pH
6. Adequate water
7. Growth factor like tryotophan for
salmonella typhi,
2 5 min To describe The characteristics of an ideal culture medium are: T: explains Describe the
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the 1 must give a satisfactory growth from single with power characteristic of
characteristic inoculums presentation. an ideal culture
of an ideal 2 should give rapid growth. S: listens and media.
culture media. 3 should be easy to grow take notes
4 should be reasonably cheap.
5 should be easily reproducible.
6 should enable to demonstrate all characteristics in
which we are interested.
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4 10 min To enlist the Standard culture media:- The method prepare T: explains Enlist the
standard culture media and the exact amount of ingredients with power standard culture
culture media necessary for the growth of bacteria will be presentation. media
demonstrated in the practical classes. S: listens and
Nutrient broth: beef extract +peptone crystals take notes
+sodium chloride + distilled water.
Nutrient agar: nutrient broth +agar agar
Blood agar: nutrient agar + blood
MacConkey agar: sodium tourocholate +
peptone crystals + lactose + sodium chloride
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5 25 min To describe Method of culture & isolation of microbes T: explains Describe the
the method of Methods of culture with power method of
culture media 1 Streak culture (surface plating) is the presentation. culture media &
& isolation of method routinely employed for the S: listens and isolation of
microbes. isolation of bacteria in pure culture. a take notes microbes.
platinum loop with 2 1/2 “ long wire and
loop with diameter 2mm is charged with
specimen to be culture and is placed on the
surface of dried plate of solid media
towards peripheral area . the plate in series
of parallel lines in different segment of the
plate . on incubation we may find
confluent growth at the site of primary
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inoculums. Well separated colonies are
obtained over the final series of streaks.
2 Lawn or carpet culture: - Lawn cultures
are prepared by flooding the surface or
plate with suspension of bacteria .it is
uniform for bacteriophage typing and
antibiotic sensitivity test.
3 Stroke culture: - it is made in tubes
containing agar slopes. it is used for
providing a pure growth of bacterium for
slide agglutination
4 Stab culture: - it is prepare by puncturing
with charged long, straight wire. Stab
cultures are employed mainly for
maintaining stock culture.
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5 Pure plate culture:-15 ml of agar medium
is melted and left to cool in water bath at
45degree to 50 degree C. appropriate
dilution of inoculums is added in 1 ml
volume to molten agar and mixed well.
Content of tube is poured in Petri dish. It is
allowed to set and after incubation
colonies will be seen distributed
throughout the depth of medium. This
method gives viable bacteria count in a
suspension. It is the recommended method
for quantitative urine culture.
6 Liquid culture: - in a tube, bottle or flask
may be inoculated by touching with a
charged loop. Liquid cultures are preferred
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when large and quick yield is required.
The major disadvantage of liquid culture is
that it does not provided pure culture from
mixed inocula.
Method of anaerobic culture:-
Obligate anaerobes grow only in absence of free
oxygen. These bacteria lack mechanism of
oxidation through respiratory enzymes like
cytochrome oxidase, catalase and peroxidase
resulting in H2O2 accumulation. This h2o2 is
toxic for the growths of anaerobic bacteria
.clostridium tetani are strictly anaerobic. A
number of methods are described for achieving
anaerobiosis on the basis of following principal:
1 Exclusion of oxygen.
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2 Production of vacuum.
3 Displacement of oxygen with other gases.
4 Absorption of oxygen by chemical or
5 Reduction of oxygen.
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Summary and Evaluation (10 min);
Today we have discussed about the definition, characteristics and types of culture media & methods of culture.
Define culture media
Describe the types of culture media.
Explain the methods of culture & isolation of microbes
Describe the types of culture media in detail.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit IInd is completed.
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 43-56.
2. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp33-43.
3. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1, pp 31-32.
4. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2007,arya publication,pp24 to 27.
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Subject : Microbiology
Unit : III
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to define & describe the sources & types of infections.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to define & describe the source &.
types of infections
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Specific Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to;-
1. Define infection.
2. To describe types of infection.
3. To describe the sources of infection.
4. Define nosocomial infection.
5. To enlist sources of nosocomial infection.
6. To describe the factors responsible for nosocomial infection.
7. To describe the prevention of nosocomial infection.
We all knows that some of the habits are called best to maintain health such as hand washing, drink potable water, eat fresh
foods, ect., because these habits prevents infection, so today we will discuss all about the infection.
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1. 5 min Define infection Definition: - ‘when pathogenic microorganisms T: explains Define infection.
enter & multiply in or on the bodies of animals or with power
human being and produce a reaction, it is called an presentation.
infection.’ S: listens and
All infection do not result in a disease. take notes.
Some infection are very mild and do not cause
much discomfort while others may be fatal.
2. 5 min To describe Types of infection:- T: explains
types of 1. Primary infection: initial infection with with power Describe types
infection organisms in host constitutes primary presentation. of infection.
infection. S: listens and
2. Reinfection subsequent infection by same take notes.
organisms in a host is called reinfection.
3. Secondary infection : when in a host whose
resistance is lowered by preexisting
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infectious disease, a new organisms may set
up an infection.
4. Cross infection: when a patient suffering
from a disease and few infection is set up
from another host or external source.
5. Focal infection: it is a condition where due
to infection at localised sites like appendix
and tonsil, general effects are produced.
6. Nosocomial infection: cross infection
occurring in hospital is called nosocomial
7. Subclinical infection: it is one where
clinical affected are not apparent.
3. 15 min To describe the Source of infection: T: explains Describe the
sources of 1. man: man is himself a common source of with power sources of
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n objectives learning
infection infection from a patient or carrier. Healthy presentation. infection.
carrier is a person harbouring pathogenic S: listens and
organisms without causing any disease to take notes.
him. A convalescent carrier is one who has
recovered from disease but continues to
harbour the pathogen in his body.
2. Animals: infectious disease transmitted
from animals to man are called zoonosis
may be bacterial (e.g., plague from rat),
rickettsial (e.g., murine typhus from
rodent), viral(e.g., rabies from dog),
protozoal (e.g.,leishmanisha from doges) ,
(e.g. hydatid,cyst from dog), and fungal
(zoophilic dermatophytes from cats and
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 144 Duratio Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
n objectives learning
3. insect: the disease caused by insect are
called arthropod born disease insect like
mosquitoes, fleas, lice, that transmit
infection are called vector. Transmission
may be mechanical (transmission of
dysentery or thyphoid bacilli by house fly ),
and these are called mechanical vector.
They are called biological vector if
pathogen multiplies in the body of vector
e.g., malaria
4. some vector may act as reservoir host e.g.,
ticks in relapsing fever and spotted fever
5. soil: soil may serve of parasiting infection
like round worm hook worm. Spores of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 145 Duratio Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
n objectives learning
tetanus bacilli remain viable in soil from a
long time , fungi like histoplasma
capsulatum and higher bacteria like no
cardia asteroid also survive in soil and
cause human infection.
6. water: vibrio cholera, infective hep. virus (
Hep. A ), guinea worm may be found in
7. food: contaminated food may be source of
infection. Presence of pathogen food may
be due to external contamination( food
4. 5 min Define Nosocomial infection:- T: explains Define
nosocomial ‘Infection which are acquired from with power nosocomial
infection. hospitals are called nosocomial infections.’ presentation. infection.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 146 Duratio Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
n objectives learning
S: listens and
take notes.
5. 5 min To enlist sources Source of hospital infection T: explains Enlist sources of
of nosocomial Infection microorganisms from fellow with power nosocomial
infection. patient which may be multidrug resistant. presentation. infection.
Infection organisms from hospital staff. S: listens and
Infection organisms from instrument, blood take notes.
products, intravenous fluid, etc
From patients normal flora.etc.
Insects are also source multidrug infection.
Organisms may be present in air, dust,
water, antiseptic solution, food, etc.
Surfaces contaminated by patient
secretions, blood fluid, etc.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 147 Duratio Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
n objectives learning
Factor responcibal for hospital infection activity
Neonates and aged patient have risk of
getting hospital infection because of long Describe the
6. 10 min To describe the T: explains
stay and decreased immunity.
with power factors
factors Impaired defence mechanisms of patients
presentation. responsible for
responsible for due to disease or treatment.
nosocomial S: listens and nosocomial
Hospital environment contains relatively
take notes. infection.
infection. heavy load of microorganisms.
Major invasive diagnostic or therapy
Advance treatment of cancer, organ
transplantation, etc.
Presence of multidrug resistant bacteria, etc.
7. 5 min To describe the Prevention of nosocomial infection T: explains Describe the
prevention of Proper washing of hands. with power prevention of
nosocomial Isolation of patient, e.g., plague, influenza, presentation. nosocomial
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 148 Duratio Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
n objectives learning
infection. measles, etc. S: listens and infection.
Careful and appropriate use of instruments. take notes
Use of antibiotic only if required. It may be
given to carrier staff or patient.
Use of blood transfusion only if must..
Surveillance of infection properly and
Use of vaccine, e.g. tetany gas gangrene,
Disinfection of excreta and infection
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 149
Summary: and Evaluation (10Min)
Today we had discussed the definition, types, sources, prevention& all about nosocomial infection.
Define infection, enlist the types of infection.
Describe the source of infection.
Explain the prevention of infection.
Assignment: Define infection, describe the source & prevention of nosocomial infection.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit IIIrd is completed.
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 64-66.
2. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp59-64; 583-585.
3. Seema sood, Elsevier, microbiology for nurse, second edition, pp46-59.
4. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1, pp 80-82.
5. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2005,arya publication,pp591-595.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 150
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : III
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to introduce nutritional requirement & factors affecting
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 151
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to describe the factors affecting growth
of microbes.
Specific objective : At the end of the class the students will be able;-
You all know that every living- being requires some factors for its growth, same as it the microbes requires some
factors for growth and we can control growth of microbes by control on these factors.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 152 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
1. 5 min To introduce Introduction :- like all other living forms, bacteria T: explains Introduce the
the growth of require suitable nutrients in proper amounts , as well with power growth of
microbes. as favourable environment for their growth, presentation. microbes.
maintenances and multiplication. They require S: listens and
nitrogen, energy food (sugar, starch, etc.), some take notes.
minerals, abundance of water, optimum temperature
and proper pH for their growth. Different kinds if
bacteria can be artificially and they vary in their
nutritional requirements.
2. 5 min To describe Nutritional requiremments for the growth of T: explains Describe the
the nutritional bacteria with power nutritional
requirement The bacteria require following nutrients for their presentation. requirement for
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 153 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
for the growth growth: S: listens and the growth of
of bacteria. 1. Protein or peptones or other nitrogen take notes. bacteria.
containing substance
2. Energy foods such as sugar, starch, beef
extract, etc.
3. Minerals in small amount
4. Water in large amount
5. Accessory growth substances, such as blood ,
glucose, vitamins etc.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 154 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
kinds that have protection against unfavourable
condition. By controlling the environment factors,
we can stimulate bacteria to grow or stop their
growth or destroy them as we wish.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 155 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
medium. A total lack of moisture prevents their
growth or destroys them.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 156 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
pathogenic bacteria which grow in the human body
is 37 degree c.
Types of bacteria with relation of temperature there
are :-
1 psychrophilic: These are the organisms growing
between 0degree and 25 degree c. They are mostly
soil and water bacteria.
2 mesophilic: they grow between 20 degree and 44
degree c. this group includes bacteria producing
3 thermophilic : some organisms grow between 50
degree and 60 degree c. e.g., bacillus and algae and
upper range of temperature tolerated by them
correlates well with the thermal stability of the
species protein as measured in cell extract.
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objective learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 158 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
presence of oxygen
b. Anaerobes:- bacteria grow only in the
absence of oxygen
7. RADIATIONS: Bacteria are very sensitive to
ultraviolet and other radiations. Various kinds of
special lamps which produce ultraviolet rays are used
in the treatment of skin infection. X-rays, alpha, beta,
and gamma rays are fatal to bacteria.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 159
Summary and Evaluation (10Min)
Today we had discussed the introduction, nutritional requirement & factors influencing the growth of bacteria.
Introduce the growth of microbes.
Describe the factors influencing the growth of microbes.
Assignment : Describe the nutritional requirement for the growth of microbes & factors influencing the growth of
Evaluation : Unit test for 50 marks once the unit IIIrd is completed
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 34-39.
2. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1,pp 29-31.
3. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2005,arya publication,pp22-26.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 160
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : III
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to describe cycle of transmission of infection portals of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 161
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding the cycle
Specific Objectives: At the end of the class the students will be able:-
Introduction: every microbe has an ability to growth in a suitable environment, then they multiply & infection is spread.
Today we will discuss about cycle of transmission of infection, portals of entry, exits, modes of transfer .
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 162 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
1. 15 min To describe Cycle of transmission of infection:- T: explains Describe the
the cycle of In order to provide proper care for with power cycle of
transmission patients with communicable diseases or infectious presentation. transmission
of infection organisms, you should understand the components of S: listens of infection.
infection and the methods to control the cycle of and take
infection. The cycle of infection is like a chain notes.
consisting of six links. To produce disease, each link
of the infectious process must be present in a logical
sequence. Removing one link in the chain will control
the cycle of infection. The six links are discussed in
the following paragraphs.
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objective learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 164 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
pathogens that cause communicable diseases.
b. Reservoir. The reservoir (source) is the person or
animal that has the disease. Sometimes a person may
have a disease but is not ill. This type of person is
called a carrier.
c. Mode of Exit. This refers to the route by which the
infectious microorganisms escape the reservoir. It may
be through respiratory tract, digestive tract,
genitourinary tract, cut in the skin etc.
d. Vector. The vector is the connection between the
source of the disease (reservoir) and the person who is
going to catch the disease (host). The vector is
sometimes referred to as the "vehicle of disease
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 165 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
e. Mode of Entry. The mode of entry refers to the
method by which the pathogens enter the person
(host). For example, some pathogens are inhaled
(respiratory tract).
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 166 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
1. The alimentary tract: the alimentary canal is
the portal of entry for the germs causing
typhoid, dysentery and cholera disease. Germs
of clostridium botulinum produce toxin, which
causes severe food poisoning and may be even
2. The respiratory tract: the respiratory tract is
the portal of entry of the germs causing
diphtheria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc. These
organisms have a special affinity for the
respiratory tract and cause infection in bronchi
and lungs.
3. The urogenital tract: some organisms enter
the body by coming with the urogenital tract,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 167 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
e.g. gonorrhoea, syphilis and AIDS.
Inoculation: some organism enter the body through
the skin or mucous membrane and cause infection
ranging from a boil to server wound infections. tetanus
spore enter through wound. Serum hepatitis is
transmitted by transfusion of contaminated blood or
inoculation of material containing virus
3. 10 min To describe Portals of exit (exit of microbes from the body of T: explains Describe the
the portals infected persons or carriers) with power portals of
of exits. The pathogen exit from the body through certain presentation. exits.
pathways, called the portals of exit. The portal of S: listens
exit differs for the various organisms and depends and take
upon the affected part of the body. The germs of notes.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 168 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
intestinal disease exit through the faeces or urine;
whereas the germs causing infection of respiratory
tract exit through the sputum, saliva or nasal
Microbes exit the body through one of the
following ways
1. Faeces: organisms of typhoid fever,
paratyphoid fever, dysentery, cholera,
diarrhoea, anthrax, small pox, exit through
the faeces.
2. Urine: organisms of typhoid fever,
paratyphoid, tuberculosis ,exit through urine.
3. Sputum / saliva: organisms of tuberculosis,
pneumonia, rabies, whooping cough exit
through sputum/ saliva.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 169 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
4. skin & mucous membrane: organisms of
small pox, chicken pox, measles, leprosy,
syphilis, gonorrhoea exit through the
secretions of skin and mucous membrane.
5. Secretions ( nose and throat): organisms of
diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, chicken
pox, small pox, measles, syphilis, polio,
tuberculosis, epidemic meningitis,
6. Secretion from the eyes: organisms of
trachoma and conjunctivitis exit through the
secretion of eyes.
7. Blood: germs are carried away by the
arthropods also. examples malaria, filarial,
dengue fever by mosquitoes; plague by fleas;
typhus by louse and flea.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 170
Summary and Evaluation (10Min)
Today we have discussed about the cycle of transmission of infection portals of entry, exits, and modes of
Describe the cycle of transmission of infection.
Describe the portals of entry.
Describe the portals of exits.
Explain the transmission of infection.
Evaluation: Unit test for 50 marks once the unit IIIrd is completed.
1. Satish gupte, the short text book of Medical Microbiology, 9th ed., jaypee, pp 64,471.
2. R. Ananthanarayan, text book of microbiology, 5th ed., jaypee.pp59-64,583-585.
3. Seema sood, Elsevier, microbiology for nurse, second edition, pp46-59.
4. IGNOU, BNS-102 applied sciences, Block 3rd microbiology-1,pp 83-86.
5. C.P.,baveja,text book of microbiology,second edition2005,arya publication,pp 591-595.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 171
Subject : Microbiology
Unit : III
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to introduce and describe the history of microbiology.
General Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding Reaction
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 172
Specific Objectives: At the end of the class the students will be able :-
Review of previous class: Describe the cycle of transmission of infection.Enlist the mode of transfer of infection.
In our daily routine we see that when we feel sick the some of sign are present as fever, inflammation, etc.
This is the sign of the body defens against the pathogens to prevent disease & by certain investigations we diagnose disease
and identify the causative organism, so today we will discuss all about the reaction of the body to infection, mechanism of
resistance and collection of specimens.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 173 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
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tives learning ac-
Immune Response
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 175 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 176 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
3. 3. 5 min To define spec- The word specimen is derived from Latin word T: explains Define specimen
imen ‘spec ere’ means to look. with power
Definition:- A part of something ,intended to
show the kind, quality, & other characteristics of S: listens and
the whole. take notes.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 177 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 178 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 179 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 180 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 181 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
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tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 183 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
5. Blood Cultures
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 184 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 185 Duration Specific objec- Content Teaching Evalaution
tives learning ac-
Describe the types collection of specimen & role of nurse during collection of specimen.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit IIIrd is completed.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 186
Subject : Bioscience & Microbiology
Unit : IV
Topic : Immunity And Immunization schedule
Group : GNM 1st year
Date & Time : ……………………….
Teaching Method : Lecture cum discussion method
AV aids : Black board & chalk
Students Pre requisite : -The student should be able to know about 6 killer diseases for vaccination and
Specific Objectives :
1.To define immunity.
2.To list all the type of immunity
General objectives : - At the end of the class the student will be able to gain knowledge regarding
immunity&Immunization schedule
Introduction : : - Ask the students If they know about Vaccination (0-5 years children) for 6
killer diseases
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 187
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 188
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
• Natural presentatio
• Artificial n S:Listens
(b) Passive , observe
• Natural & Artificial and takes
INNATE IMMUNITY:- T:- Teach Q: Describe
3. 15min. To explain It is the resistance which individual possesses by innate the Innate
the innate birth. It is by virtue of his genetic immunity immunity
immunity And constitutional make-up. with with its type.
with • It may be non-specific, when there is examples
different resistance to infections in general. with power
types • Specific when resistance to particular point
pathogen is concerned. presentatio
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 189
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
Species Immunity:- S:- Learn
It refers to the total or relative adequately
refractoriness to a pathogen shown by all members of with
a species. example
For example- all human being are totally and takes
insusceptible to plant pathogen. notes
Racial Immunity:-
Different races may show differences in
susceptibility to infections this is known as racial
For example: - High resistance of algerian sheep to
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 190
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
Individual Immunity:-
Different individual in a race differences in innate
immunity exhibited is known as individual immunity
For example: - the genetic basis of individual
immunity is differ homozygous it means exhibit
similar degree of resistance to Tuberculosis such co-
relation is not seen in heterozygous twins.
4. 20min. This is the immunity which man acquired as a
result of :- Q:- Explain
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 191
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Objective Content
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S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
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S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 194
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
• Herd Immunity:-
This refers to the overall level of
immunity in a community and is relevant in
5. 10 min. the control of epidemic disease is known as
‘Herd Immunity’ Q:Explain the
• Combined Immunization:- Miscellaneou
To explain A combination of active and passive T:- Lecture s immunity
miscellaneo immunization is employed simultaneously cum
us which is known as combined immunization discussion.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 195
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Objective Content
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S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 197
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
2) BCG At ID 0.05m
For Birth l
Infan OPV- 0 Oral
t 2drops
Hepatitis B I.M
OPV Ist 6wks Oral 2drops
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Objective Content
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 199
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
month I.U.
3For DPT booster 16- I.M 0.5ml
Chil 24mo
dren Polio nth
booster 16-24 Oral 2
month drops
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 200
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
2 lac
age of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 201
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 202
1. List various types of immunity
2. Explain the type acquired immunity (Ask to four students)
3. What are the difference between innate and miscellaneous immunity
List the various type of acquired immunity
Unit Test for 50 mark once the unit IV is completed
1. Text book of microbiology ,Author- C.P.Baveja, Second edition , Arya publication,
page no.87-90
2. Text book of Microbiology ,Author – R.Ananthanarayan & C.K.Jayaram paniker, Fifth edition,
Page no. 65 -73
3. Text book of microbiology For nurses , Author – Seema sood, Second Edition ,
Published By Elsevier, Page no. 132 -145.
4. Text book of community health nursing , Author – J.E.Park & K.Park, Fourth edition ,
Asrani publication, Page no. 129-131
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 203
Subject : Bio science & Microbiology
Unit : IV
Students Pre requisite : The Students should be able to know about six killer diseases and
related vaccines.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 204
General objectives : At the end of the Class students will be able to gain knowledge
regarding vaccination.
Specific Objectives:
1. To define vaccines
2. To list type of vaccines
3. To explain BCG vaccination (route, site, contra-indication)
4. To discuss about polio vaccination
5. To discuss DPT vaccination
6. To explain Measles vaccination
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 205
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
T:- Explain Q: What is
1. 3min To define Vaccines with Power vaccines
vaccines point
Vaccines are immune biological substances which
produce specific protection against a give disease. S:- Listen
carefully and
take notes
Live attenuated vaccines
Bacterial – BCG ,typhoid, Plague
2 5 mins. To list type Q: Explain
of vaccines Viral-Oral polio, measles, mumps , rubella with Power Q:- List all
point and types of
charts vaccines
S: Listens and
takes notes
Killed vacciens
Bacterial – Pertusis , cholera, meningitis
Viral-Rabies, hepatitis B ,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 206
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
It produces active immunity to protect the child
from tuberculosis BCG vaccine is heat stable & in
3. 7 mins To explain T:- Q: How
freeze dried form.
BCG Demonstration BCG
vaccination It should kept away from direct light and stored in S:- observe Vaccine
(route, site, the administer in
a cool environment below 2 to 8 degree
contra- immunization clinics
indication) centigrade. ward
Normal saline is recommended as a dilute for
reconstituting the vaccine may be used up within
3 hours and then discarded.
At birth administered in institutional deliveries or
as soon as possible after birth, or at 6 weeks, if not
given at birth.
The standard site is the middle of deltoid muscles
over the left upper arm.
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
The vaccine is given using a special tuberculin
syringe in intra dermal route
The does .05 ml in neonates &0.1 ml in infant.
A satisfactory injection should produce a wheel of
5mm in diameter.
If alcohol is use to swab the skin it must be
allowed to evaporate before the vaccine is
A papule appears in 2 to 3 weeks at the site of
correct intradermal injection of a potent vaccine.
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
Deep ulceration, local abscess formation
enlargement of axillary lymph glands,
osteomyelitis, keloid formation over the injection
site may develop.
T:- Explain Q: Explain
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) was first described the Polio
4. 10 mins To discuss vaccination Vaccination
by Sabin in 1997. The recently available OPV
about polio co-relation
vaccination is heat stabilized and can be kept without losing with pulse
potency at 4 degree C for a year and for a
Month at room temperature. S:- Listens
and takes
The non-stabilized vaccine should be stored at- 20
C in a deep freeze.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 209
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
month interval from 6 weeks of age
(6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks).
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
-The site of injection for children below one
year of age should be lateral aspect of
thigh (vastus lateralis muscle).
-In older children, it may be given in upper
And outer quardrant of the gluteal muscle.
-The booster dose of DPT vaccine is given at
16 to 24 months of age followed by
another booster dose of DT (Diphtheria,
Tetanus) vaccine at the age of 5 to 6 years,
Without pertussis component.
5 min. DPT vaccination usually not recommended
after 6 years of age.
-So children above the age 5 years ,Who
Received the primary course of DPT
Vaccine earlier, should receive only DT as
booster at 5-6 years and those who have
not received DPT , need only two dose of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 213
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No objective learning
DT vaccines at 4 weeks interval.
-Mild reactions
-Following DPT vaccination mild reactions
are common.
-In 2 to 6 percent vaccines, mild fever may
Develop and in 5 to 10 percent cases have
Swelling, or in duration and pain occur for
48 hours.
-The most severe complications
-Following DPT vaccination are neurological
Problems like encephalopathy, prolonged
Convulsions, infantile spasms and Reye’s
Measles Vaccination
-Measles vaccine is live attenuated and
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 214
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
7. To explain tissue culture vaccine, available as freeze
Measles Q:- What are
Dried product.
vaccination the side
-It is safe and effective. effect of
-Heat stable measles vaccine and its diluting
fluid should be stored at 2 to 8 C
Temperature to maintain their potency.
-The measles vaccine is administered at the
Age of 9 months, before this age maternal
Antibody protects the infants.
-Single dose of vaccine is given with 0.5 ml
Amount in subcutaneous route.
-The freeze dried vaccine should be reconstituted
with diluting fluid and must
be kept on ice and to be used within one
-Left over vaccine must be discarded and
never used after 4 hours of opening the
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
-No booster dose is recommended as the
immunity usually appears for long duration.
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are not followed.
-Measles vaccine is contraindicated in
Infants below 6 months of age acute illness,
Convulsions, allergy ,active tuberculosis,
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
Malnutrition, immunodeficiency states,
Malignancy and immune- suppressive
Therapy (steroids,antimetabolites,etc).
-Measles vaccine can be combined and
effectively administered with other live
attenuated vaccines such as mumps and `rubella.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 218
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
of hepatitis ‘B’ virus.
-It is formalin inactivated subunit viral
-Each one ml dose of the vaccine contains 20
mcg of hepatitis surface antigen formulated
in an alum adjuvant .
-The vaccine is safe, effective and cheapest.
-The hepatitis ‘B’ vaccine is given
intramuscularly with the 3 doses in general
at 0,1 and 6 months or 4 dose at 0,1,2, and
12 months in highly endemic area.
-The dose of the vaccine is 0.5 ml for the
Child below 10 years and one ml above 10
years at the same time interval.
-Antibody response attained after 3 doses.
-Immunity levels provide protection for
about 3 to 5 years.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 219
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
-Booster doses may be administered after
3 to 5 years.
Hepatitis ‘B’ vaccine is given for pre- exposure
and post-exposure prophylaxis.
-Examples-of post-exposure prophylaxis are
protection of neonates born to carrier
mothers and individuals accidentally
exposed parenterally to HBV infection
through transfusion, cuts, injuries and
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 220
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
5-Influenza vaccines
6-Rotavirus vaccine
7-Cholera vaccines
8-Mumps vaccine
9-Rubella vaccine
10-Pneumococcal vaccine
11-Meningococcal vaccine
12-Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccines
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 221
Summary and evaluation:- (10minutes)
1. Text book of Paediatric Nursing, Author- Parul Dutta, Second edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers ,
Page no. 36 – 44
2. Text book of Community Health nursing, Author J.E.Park & K.Park, Fourth Edition, Page no. 131-132
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 222
Subject : Bioscience & Micro biology
Unit : IV
Topic : Hypersensitivity & Autoimmunity
Group : G.N.M 1st year
Date & Time : ……………………………..
Teaching Method : Lecture cum Discussion
AV aids : Black board & chalk
Students Pre requisite: The student should be able to identify the sensitive person who need treatment & would be
able to recognize the hypersensitivity & autoimmunity
General objectives: At the end of the class Student will be able to gain knowledge regarding hypersensitivity &
Specific Objectives:
1. To define Hypersensitivity
2. To Explain Classification Of hypersensitivity
3. To Discuss Difference Between Immediate & delayed Hypersensitivity
4. To explain types of Hypersensitivity Reaction & Their Features
5. To Define Autoimmunity
6. To Explain the Features of Autoimmunity
7. To Describe Mechanism of Autoimmunization
Introduction: Ask the students if they seen any one allergic reaction in your family member & friends
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 223
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
1. 3 min To define Definition : The term hypersensitivity refers to T: Explain Q:What is
hypersensitivity the with PPT Hypersensitivity
Injurious consequence in the sensitsed host S:Listen &
, takes notes
following contact with specific antigens.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 224
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
-Appears and receds rapidly
- Induced by antigens or haptens any route
-Circulating antibodies present and responsible
for reaction; antibody mediated reaction
- Passive transfer possible with serum
- Desensitation easy, but shortlived.
- appears slow last longer
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 225
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
2. Delayed hypersensitivity:-
- induced by infection, By antigen
intradermally or with Freud's adjuvant
or by skin contact.
- circulating antibodies may be absent
and not responsible for reaction ;‘cell
mediated’ reaction
- Cannot be transferred with serum;
Possible with T-lymphocytes or
transfer sector
- Desensitization difficult ,but long
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 226
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
Clinical syndrome :-
-Antibody mediated damage-
thrombocytopenia- Agranulocytosis ,
hemolytic anemia ,etc
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 227
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
Time required for Manifestation:-
Variable : hours to days
Mediators :-
IgE : Igm C
Type 3rd :- Immune Complex Reaction
Clinical syndrome;-
-Arthus reaction
- Serum sickness
Time required For manifestation:-
Variable :- Hours To Days
Mediators :-
IgG :-Igm ,C, Leucocytes
Type 4th :- Delayed
Clinical Syndrome :-
1 Tuberculin
2 Contact dermatitis
Time required for manifestation :-
- Hours to days
T cells ; lymphokines; Macrophages.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 228
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
AUTOIMMUNITY T: Lecture Q: Define
cum discussion Autoimmunity
Definition :- Autoimmunity is a
condition in which S:- listen
carefully and
Structural or functional damage is take notes
To define produced by the
5. 5 min
autoimmunity Action of immunologically competent
cells or antibodies against the normal
components of the body.
Autoimmunity literally means
‘protection against self ’ but it actually
implies ‘injury to self’
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 229
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
1. An autoimmune response , humeral,
Both ,must be regularly associated
with the disease
2. the antigen responsible for the
response must be identified, isolated
and characterized
3. The same antigen must be induced in
experimental animal immuno
pathological changes as in the
4.passive transfer of the disease must be
Possible by transfer of antibodies or
To explain Lymphocytes.
6. 5 min. features of T: Lecture Q: What are the
autoimmunity Features:- cum features of
1. An elevated level of of discussion autoimmunity?
immunoglobulins S: Listen and
2. Demonstrable autoantibodies take notes
3. Deposition of immunoglobulins or their
Derivatives at the sites of election, such as
renal glomeruli
4. Accumulation of lymphocytes and
plasma cells
At the sites of lesions
5.Temporary or lasting benefit from
corticosteroid or other immunosuppressive
6. The Occirence of more than one type of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 230
S.No Duration Learning Evaluation
Objective Content
T:Lecture Q: Describe the
7. 10min To describe Mechanism of autoimmunity:- cum mechanism of
mechanism of 1. Hidden antigens may not be Discussion autoimmunity
autoimmunity recognized as self antigens . when S:Listen and
such antigens are released into take notes
circulation , they may induce an
immune response
2. cells or tissue may undergo antigenic
alteration as a result of physical ,
chemical or biological influences .
such altered or ‘neoantigens’ may
elicit an immune response.
3. immunological damage may result
from immune response induced by
cross reacting foreign antigens.
4. Breakdown of immunological
homeostasis may may lead to
cessation of tolerance and the
emergence of forbidden clones of
immunocompetent cells capable of
mounting immune response against
5. A variety of T and B cell defects
have suggested as possible
Classification Of Autoimmune Disease:-
(A)Hemolytic Autoimmune Disease:-
1. Autoimmune hemolytic anemias
2. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
3. Autoimmune leucopenia
(B) Localised (Organic specific)
Autoimmune Disease:-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 231
Summary & Evaluation (10 minutes):
- Write down Difference between immediate and Delayed hypersensitivity
-Unit Test For 50 marks once the unit IV is completed.
1. Text book of Microbiology, Author – R. Ananthanarayan & C.K. Jayaram Panikar, Fifth Edition
Page no. 147 to 156
2. Text Book of Microbiology, Author – Professor C.P.Baveja ,Arya publication, second edition
Page No. 151 to 159
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 232
Subject : Bioscience & Microbiology
Unit : IV
Topic : Principle & Uses of Serological Tests.
Group : G.N.M 1st year
Date & Time : ………………………….
Teaching Method : Lecture Cum demonstration.
AV aids : Black Board & Chalk Projector
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to collection of the Sample in the Lab & ask any specific
incidence during collection of sample.
General objectives : At the end of the class students will be able to Gain knowledge regarding Serological
Specific Objectives:-
1. To define serology and serological test.
2. To describe the principle of serological test
3. To Discuss Uses of serological test.
4. To explain types of serological test.
5. To Detail about Result meaning.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 233
Introduction: - List the name of serological test related to bacterial infection & Untreated infection Related to
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
Serologic Tests:-
Serologic tests are blood tests that look for
antibodies in your blood. They can involve a
number of laboratory techniques. Different types of
serologic tests can diagnose various disease
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 234
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
They all focus on proteins made by your immune
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 235
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
The formation of these antibody in the serum
of a patient is the result of microbial
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 236
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
response from the immune system. S: Listen
and take
3) They can enter the human body through the
mouth, through broken skin, or through the
nasal passages.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 237
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
the antigens and deactivate them.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 238
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
10) The test may detect the presence in
serum of either antibodies to the pathogen
(produced by the host) or antigens (i.e. the infecting
agent itself and/or its components)
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 239
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
Results Mean:-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 240
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
(A)Abnormal Test Results:-
Antibodies in the blood sample often mean you’ve
had an immune system response to a specific
antigen from either a current or a past exposure to a
disease or foreign protein.
The testing may also diagnose an autoimmune
disorder. In that case, antibodies to normal or non-
foreign proteins or antigens would be present in the
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 241
Dura Teaching
S.No Specific Content evaluation
tion Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 242
Summary and evaluation 10 minutes):
1. Define Serological test with uses of serological test.
2. What do the result mean?
3. Ask the questions What happen after Serological test.(7 students).
List the serological test taken by the Doctor in your Hospital.
After Complete the unit Objective type questions 20. (Question paper given to the students) & Cross
check self By the students.
1.Text book of Medical Laboratory And technology, Author – Praful.B.Godkar, Seventh edition,
Elsevier Publication, Page no. 145-151.
2.Text book of microbiology ,Author- Seema Sood, Fifth Edition , Page no. 181-183.
3.The short textbook of medical microbiology, Author Satish Gupta, 9th edition ,jaypee brother, Page no
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 243
Subject : Bioscience & Microbiology
Unit :V
Topic : Principles and method of microbial control
Group : GNM 1st year
Date & Time : ……………………….
Teaching Method : Lecture Cum discussion method
AV aids : Projector , Black Board & Chalk
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to know about principle and method of
microbial control.
General objectives : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding microbial control.
Specific Objectives :
1. To explain the principles of microbial control.
2. To explain the knowledge regarding transfer forceps
Introduction: Brain storm what they should use for prevention of microbes.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 244
Specific Teaching evaluation
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning
Principles & methods of microbial control:- T:- Explain Q:- What
1. 30 min To explain 1. Always face the sterile field. Do not turn your the principles are the
the back or side on a sterile field. of microbial principle of
principles 2. Keep sterile equipment above your waist level control with microbial
of or above table level. lecture cum control?
microbial 3. Do not speak, cough or sneeze over a sterile discussion ,
control field. PPT
If it is necessary to do so, turn your head away S:- Learn and
from the sterile field. listen carefully
4. Never reach across a sterile field. and take notes.
5. Prevent excessive air currents around the
sterile areas. Air currents can be caused by
moving fast flapping the clothes and drapes
and by closing the doors etc.
6. Keep the unsterile objects away from the
sterile field.
7. Handle liquids cautiously near the sterile field
or prevent drapes or wrappers from becoming
8. Keep the sterile field dry.
9. The edge of the sterile field is considered
10. Each sterile supply should be clearly labeled
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 245
Specific Teaching evaluation
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning
as to its contents, time and date of
11. Never assume that a object is sterile. Always
check the sterility expiration date.
12. Avoid sweeping and dusting when the sterile
objects are opened.
13. Wash hands put on gowns, gloves and masks
before handling the sterile supplies.
14. Open the sterile packages in such a way that
edges of the wrapper are directed away from
the worker.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 246
Specific Teaching evaluation
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning
Transfer forceps and the container
should be sterilized daily.
10 min.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 247
Summary and evaluation (10 minutes):
1. Explain the principles of microbial control.
2. Discuss abut regarding Transfer Forcep And Container.
Write the principles of microbial control.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit 5th is completed.
1. Textbook of principle and practice of Nursing , Author- Sister Nancy, 9th Edition, N.R.Publishing House,
Page no. 41-43
2. Textbook of Fundamental of Nursing, Author – Dinesh Sharma , Jain Book Depot, Page no. 150-157
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 248
Subject : Bio science and microbiology
Unit : V
Topic : Sterilization & disinfection
Group : G.N.M 1st year
Date & Time : ……………………..
Teaching Method : Lecture cum demonstration
AV aids : Black board with the projector.
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to identify the Unsterilized Equipments & transfer
with expiry Date, date of Autoclave, Name of the equipment, labeled.
General objectives : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding
sterilization and Disinfection.
Specific Objectives:
1. To define Disinfection & types of disinfection for articles
2. To define sterilization
3. To explain the methods of sterilization
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 249
4. To discuss working of an autoclave
5. To discuss the chemical method of sterilization.
Introduction : List the method of sterilization with meaning of disinfection and sterilization.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 250
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 251
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
Terminal Disinfection:-
The terminal disinfection is the disinfection of the patient’s unit
with all the articles used on discharge,
transfer or death of a patient who had been suffering from an
infectious disease.
Prophylactic Disinfection:-
Boiling of water, pasteurization of milk & hand wash with soap
are the examples of prophylactic disinfection.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 252
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 253
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
It is a process by which an article, surface or medium is made
2. 3 min. To define free of all micro-organisms either in the vegetative or spore T:-Lecture Q:- What is
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 254
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 255
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 256
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 257
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 258
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
The steam is kept flowing into the inner chamber until the
desired temp is reached.
It is very important to note the temp as well as the pressure of
the inner chamber.
When the desired levels are reached, it should be maintained to
the desired length of time.
The removal of air from an autoclave, during the sterilization
process is important for two reasons:
Air left in the center of a pack or in the cannula of a catheter
will prevent the steam from coming into the direct contact with
the center of the pack or to the lumen of the catheter. Failure to
contact means failure to sterilize.
Air mixed with steam reduces the temp of the steam.
At the end of the period, the steam supply is
shut off, but the door is not opened until the
pressure gauge is at zero and the temp has
fallen to 100oC.
General Instructions:
The wrapper and the container should allow penetration of the
steam into the article.
The inner chamber must not be too full nor the contents
arranged too compactly. Bundles and drums must be packed
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 259
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 260
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
Chemical Methods:
Ethy Alcohol and iso-propyl alcohol are the most frequently
used. They act by denaturing bacterial proteins.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 261
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 262
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 263
Specific Teaching
S.No. Duration objective Content Learning evaluation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 264
Summary and evaluation (10 minutes):
1. Enlist the method of disinfection & Sterilization.
2. Formation of Chlorine Solution(For students).
3. Used of pressure in the Autoclave method.
For Disinfection of Articles what are you doing in your Hospital.
Next day ask questions in the class by Random Method And Observe during Duties.
1. Textbook of microbiology , Author – C.P.Baveja , Second edition, Arya Publication, Page no. 27-39
2. Textbook Of Community Health Nursing , Author – K.Park , Fourth edition, Published By Banarasidas
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 265
Specific Objectives :
1. To define chemotherapy
2. To explain the function and effect of chemotherapy
3. To define Antibiotic
4. List main type of antibiotic
5. To give knowledge regarding taking an antibiotic
6. To explain side-effects of antibiotic
7. To define pasteurization
8. To explain the method of pasteurization
Introduction: Ask the students if they know Antibiotics used for infection & kill the organism in the milk by
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 266
S No Teaching Evaluation
Duration Specific Content
1. 5 min To define Definition: - Chemotherapy is defined as the T: - Lecture Q: What is
chemotherapy antineoplastic agents are used in an attempt to cum Discussion Chemotherapy
destroy tumor cells by interfering with cellular S:- Listen and
functions, including replication. take notes
Chemotherapy may be combined with surgery, carefully.
radiation therapy or both to reduce tumor size
Function of chemotherapy
2. 10 min. To explain Chemotherapy works by stopping or slowing the T:- Lecture cum
function and growth of cancer cells, grow and divide quickly. discussion Q:Explain the
effect of But it can also harm healthy cells that divide S:- Listens and functions and
Chemotherapy quickly, takes Notes effects of
Damage to healthy cells may cause side effects. chemotherapy
Often, side effects get better or go away after
chemotherapy is over.
Effect of chemotherapy:-Cure cancer when
chemotherapy destroys cancer cells to the point
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 267
S No Teaching Evaluation
Duration Specific Content
that your doctor can no longer detect them in
your body and they will not grow back.
Control cancer - when chemotherapy keeps
cancer from spreading, slows its growth, or
destroys cancer cells that have spread to other
parts of your body.
Ease cancer symptoms (also called palliative
care) - when chemotherapy shrinks tumors that
are causing pain or pressure
Uses Of Chemotherapy:-
Sometimes, chemotherapy is used as the only
cancer treatment. But more often, you will get
chemotherapy along with surgery, radiation
therapy, or biological therapy. Chemotherapy
Make a tumor smaller before surgery or
radiation therapy. This is called neo-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 268
S No Teaching Evaluation
Duration Specific Content
adjuvant chemotherapy.
Destroy cancer cells that may remain after
surgery or radiation therapy. This is called
adjuvant chemotherapy.
Help radiation therapy and biological
therapy work better.
Destroy cancer cells that have come back
(recurrent cancer) or spread to other parts
of your body (metastatic cancer
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 269
S Teaching
Duration Specific Content Evaluation
No Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 270
S Teaching
Duration Specific Content Evaluation
No Learning
example, erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithrom
Sulfonamides and trimethoprim - for
example, co-trimoxazole.
Metronidazole and tinidazole.
Quinolones - for
example, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and norfloxacin.
5. To give Taking an Antibiotic T: Lecture Q:Explain
knowledge cum precaution for
regarding Always take the entire course of antibiotics as directed by discussion taking
taking an your doctor. Even though you may feel better before your S: Listen antibiotics.
antibiotic medicine is entirely gone, follow through and take the and
entire course. This is important for your healing. If an takes
antibiotic is stopped in mid-course, germs (bacteria) may notes
be partially treated and not completely killed. Bacteria
may then become resistant to that antibiotic.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 271
S Teaching
Duration Specific Content Evaluation
No Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 272
S Teaching
Duration Specific Content Evaluation
No Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 273
S Teaching
Duration Specific Content Evaluation
No Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 274
Summary and evaluation:- (10 minutes)
Define Chemotherapy, Antibiotic & pasteurization
Which method used in pasteurization
List antibiotics
What are the side effect of antibiotics
List the Antibiotics and explain the method of pasteurization
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit 5th is completed
Text book of Microbiology, Author -Margret J.Parker, 6th Edition , Publication N.R.Brothers
Page no. 42 to 54
Text book of community health nursing , Author- J.E.Park & K.Park , 4th Edition,
Publication Asrani publishers , Page no. 70-71
To reduce tumor size preoperatively
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 275
Unit : V
Place : Classroom
AV aids : Black board & Chalk, gown, sterile gloves and face mask
Students Pre requisite : The Student should be able to identify the infection, according these
General objectives : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 276
Specific Objectives : At the end of the class the student will be able:
Review of previous class : Ask question regarding source and types of infection and controlling
Ask the students if they know about PPE. Enlist the equipment.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 277
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
1. Q: Do you
5 min. To define Asepsis : Freedom from infection or prevention of T:- define know about
asepsis & asepsis asepsis
contact with micro-organisms
medical meaning of
asepsis. medical
Medical asepsis :-
S:- Learn &
Medical asepsis refers to all practices used to Listen
protect the patients and his environment from the
transmission of disease producing organisms
(prevention of cross infection )
Cleaning of articles :
10 min. To discuss T:- explain Q. How do
2. about 1. Rinse the article first with cold water to remove the procedure you clean
cleaning of of cleaning the articles
the organic material .Hot water coagulates the
articles the articles. in ward and
organic matter and tends to make it to stick to the S:- hospital?
on in the
2. Then wash the articles in hot water and soap operation
.Soap has an emulsifying action and reduces
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 278
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
surface tension which facilitates the removal of dirt.
Rinsing with water assists in washing the dirt away.
3. Use an abrasive such as a stiff bristled brush and
a paste or powder to wash the articles, brush will
help to remove the dirt from the grooves and
4. Rinse the article with clean water.
5. Dry them with a towel. There is less chance for
the bacteria and dirt to lodge on the cleaned articles
when it is dry.
6. Disinfect or sterilize if indicated.
3. 10 min. To demonstrate Q. shows
demonstrate the steps of hand
the steps of Hand washing washing
hand With PPT technique.
washing S: - Observe
and Using the
Procedure in
the ward.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 279
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
permitting to unfold (the open part of the gown is
turned towards the nurse).
4. Slide hands and arms down the sleeves.
5. Fasten the ties at the neck.
6. Overlap the gown at the back as much as
possible. Secure the waist band.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 281
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
turned inside out. The hands carded in the container
6. Wash hands thoroughly.
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S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
and tie the strings at the back of the head. Do not
touch the masks that cover the face. It is important
that both mouth and nose must be covered.
Gloves :
Gloves are used in the medical asepsis to protect
the nurse from pathogens. Gloves are changed after
each contact with the bodily discharges, to avoid
cross infection of the patients with their own
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 283
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
Ex. Gloves used for the cleaning of the patient
should be changed before feeding the patient.
Gloves must be changed between the two activities.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 284
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
all micro-organisms. wash your
hand in
Hand washing
In surgical asepsis, the hands should be theatre
thoroughly cleansed for about 3 to 5 minute.
-(In operating room , hands are scrubbed
up to ten minutes).
-When washing hands, they are held above
the level of the elbows (In surgical asepsis
the elbows are considered more contaminated then
the hands).
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 285
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
can be opened away from the body.
4-The flap farthest away is opened first,
With care not to reach over the sterile
-Then the side flaps are opened and the flap
Nearest the nurse is opened last.
-When opening the flaps , care must be
Taken not to touch the inside of the wrapper.
-When opening the last flap, it is important
to stand well back from the package in
order to avoid contamination from the
Nurse’s uniform.
-If an inner wrapper is present, it is opened
in the same way, but using a sterile forceps.
Use of gloves
-To put on the first glove, the nurse grasps
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 286
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
the glove by its cuff, being careful to
Touch only the inside of the glove.
-The sterility of the outside of the glove Q:-
Must be maintained.
-Remember that the nurse’s hands are medical &
Considered to be contaminated.
gloves and
-To put on the second glove, the sterile Gowning
Gloved hand must be used.
-The second glove is picked up by inserting
The gloved fingers under its cuff.
-The second glove is then pulled on.
-The cuffs of both gloves may then be
Unfolded by touching only the sterile
-Sterile gowns are worn in the operating
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 287
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
room and the delivery room and whenever
open wounds are present which necessitate
a sterile technique e.g. to attend to a patient with
-To keep the gowns sterile, they are folder
inside out and are touched only on the
-The points to remember when putting
on a gown:-
1-Put on the head cap and mask first.
2-Scrubb hands thoroughly.
3-Dry the hands with sterile towel.
4-Pick up the gown by grasping the folded
Gown at the neck. Stand will back about
one foot from the sterile bundle and the
5.Unfold it by keeping the gown away
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 288
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
From the body. Do not shake the gown.
6. Hold the gown at the shoulder seams (inside) and
put each hand alternately into the arm holes.
7. Extend the arms and hold hands upwards at the
shoulder height when putting them through the arm
8. The circulating nurse then assist her in pulling
the sleeves by working from behind and holding
the gown from the inside .
9. The gown is then fastened at the neck by the
circulating nurse and the open edge are then folded
or held together.
10. the waist ties are then fastened by the
circulating nurse from behind.
The isolation gowns should be used only once and
then discarded. The older practice of re-using
gowns is no longer recommended.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 289
Summary and evaluation (5 Min) :
List the steps of hand washing.
Difference between Medical & Surgical Asepsis.
Which method used in the prevention of infection.
List and explain the various method used in surgical and medical asepsis.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit VIth is completed
1. Text book of principles and practice of nursing, Author –Sister Nancy, Ninth edition, Published by N.R.
brothers, Page no. 31-52.
2. Text Book of Fundamental of nursing, Author- Dinesh Sharma, First Edition, Published by Jain Book depot,
Page no. 105-125.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 290
General objectives : At the end of the class Student will be able to gain knowledge regarding Bio-safety
& waste Management
Specific Objectives:
1. To define Bio-waste material
2. To explain the type of waste treatment
3. To describe the Treatment technique for waste material
4. To Detail about Universal precaution
Review of previous class:-Ask questions regarding bio waste management and medical and surgical asepsis.
Ask the student if they know about the universal precautions & color coding bags.
Also mention the objective of the students here
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 291
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 292
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
15 min.
2. To explain B. Collection and Storage T:- during Q. Explain
the type of Segregation the type of
waste used colour waste
treatment coded bags treatment.
Explain by
S:- Observe
& Identify
the bag for
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 293
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
C. Transportation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 294
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 295
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
4. Hydroclaving:
It is an expansion of autoclave technology.
Steam is introduced in the hollow walls of the
The steam doesn't come in direct contact with the waste.
Volume reduction of waste is much more than autoclave.
Cycle time is 1hr.
The waste can be safely recycled or land filled.
All items including pathological waste can be treated.
5. Chemical treatment:
It ensures disinfection.
1% hypochlorite solution or any other equivalent chemical
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 296
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 297
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
List & Explain the Various technique & the universal precautions used for waste material.
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit VIth is completed.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 298
Subject : Bio-science & micro biology
Unit : VI
Topic : Microscope -Parts, Uses, Handling & Care of Microscope
Group : G.N.M 1st year students
Date & Time : …………………….
Teaching Method : Lecture and demonstration method
AV aids : Projector
Students Pre requisite : The Student should be able to describe the uses of microscope
General objectives : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding microscope parts,
handling & Care of Microscope
Specific Objectives : - At the end of the class students will be able to:-
1. To Define and explain the parts of microscopes.
2. To demonstrate and describe the handling of microscope
3. To explain the care of microscope
4. To discuss the use of Microscope.
Review of previous class:-Ask question regarding microorganism and importance of microscope
Introduction: Show the microscope and ask the students how many parts they know .
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 299
S. Duration Specific Teaching Evaluation
No Objective Content Learning
1. 15 min To Define and Microscope T:- Define Q:-
explain the part An optical instrument used for viewing very the demonstration
of microscope small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or microscope with the help of
plant cells, typically magnified several hundred S:- Listen role playing
times. carefully how to give
instruction of
use of
Parts of Microscope:- microscope
Eyepiece Lens T:- Explain
Tube the part of
Arm microscope
Base visualize in
Illuminator instrument
Stage S:- Observe
Revolving Nosepiece and practice
Objective lenses on
Rack Stop microscope
Condenser Lens
Diaphragm or Iris
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 300
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 301
Summary and evaluation:- (10 min)
List the part of microscope
care of microscope during handling
Demonstrate the microscope
Handle the microscope in the laboratory(check during round) (45 Min)
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit VIth is completed
1. Textbook of micro biology, Author – Professor C.P.Baveja 2nd edition, Arya Publication ,
Page no-10-11
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 302
Subject : Bio science (Microbiology)
Unit : VI
Topic : Observation of staining procedure, preparation & examination of slides and smears.
Group : G.N.M 1st year
Date & Time : ………………………………
Teaching Method : Lecture cum demonstration
AV aids : Black board & chalk
Students Pre requisite : The student should be able to identify the slides and smears and preparation of the slides
General objectives: At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding observation of staining
Specific Objectives:-
1. To explain the Gram staining method.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 303
2. To difference between Grams positive And Gram negative bacteria.
3. To discuss methods of acid fast stains.
4. To explain stain preparation
5. To describe common staining technique
Review of previous class : Ask question regarding microscope and how to use microscope
Introduction: Ask the students if they know about observation of staining procedure, examination of slides and
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 304
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 305
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
3. To discuss
10 min.
methods of Acid Fast Stain (Ziehl-neelsen Stain):- Q. Describe
acid fast The acid fast stain was discovered by ziehl & T:-Lecture method of
stains. Neelsen. Staining of microbacteria(usually tubercle cum acid fast
& lepra bacilli) is done by this technique. demonstration staining
S:-listen and
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 306
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 307
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 308
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
5. 15 min To describe
staining Common Staining Technique:-
techniques. 1. Simple stains:- basic dyes such as T:- Lecture Q. enlist the
methylene blue are used as simple stain . method common
They provide the colour contrast, but impart S:-listen staining
the same colour to all the bacteria in a smear. technique
2. Negative Staining:- bacteria are mixed with
dye such India ink. The background gets
stained and unstained bacteria stained out in
contrast .this is very useful in the
demonstration of bacterial capsules which do
not take simple stain.
3. Impregnation method:-bacterial cell and
structure that are too thin to be seen under
the light microscope, are thickened by
impregnation of silver on the surface to make
them visible .
Example; demonstration of bacterial flagella
and spirochaetes
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 309
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 310
Summary and evaluation:- (10 MIN)
Explain all Staining method for identification of the bacteria.
Ask the Ziehl-Neelson Staining method.
Explain the Staining Preparation.(30 Min)
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit VIth is completed.
Bibliogra phy:-
1. Text book of microbiology, Author – C.P.Baveja , Second edition, Arya publication , Page no. 11-14
2. Text book of microbiology , Author- R.Ananthanarayan & C.K. Jayaram Paniker, 6th Edition,
Page no. 9- 11
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 311
Subject : Bioscience ( Microbiology).
Unit : VI
Topic : Identification of common Microbes Under the microscope for morphology of
different microbes
Group : GNM 1st year
Date & Time : ……………………………..
Teaching Method : Lecture Method and demonstration
Students Pre requisite : The students should be able to preparation of staining and handling of microscope
General objectives : At the end of the student will be able to gain knowledge regarding morphology of
different microbes & Identification of common microbes
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 312
Specific Objectives: - At the end of the class students will able:-
1. To describe morphology of bacteria
2. To discuss Morphology of viruses
Review of previous class:-Ask question regarding staining and microscope
Ask the student if they know about any one bacterial morphology
Also mention the objective of the lesson to the students here
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 313
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 314
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 315
S. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No. objective Learning
20 min
2. To discuss Morphology of viruses:- T:- Discuss Q.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 316
Morphology in detail Describe
Summary and evaluation:- (10 MIN)
a. List all Bacteria according to their Morphology.
b. Discuss the morphology of Viruses.
1. List the bacterial names
2. List the viruses names
Unit test for 50 marks once the unit VIth is completed.
1. Textbook of Microbiology , Author – C.P.Baveja , Second Edition , Arya publication, Page no. 13-14 &
2. Text book of microbiology , Author – R. Ananthanarayan & C. K.Jayaram Paniker, Fifth edition ,
a. Page no. 10-11 & 399-400.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 317
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : 1
Date& time :
Students Pre Requisite : The students should be able to understand the basic concept of anatomy
General objective : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge about their own body
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 318
Specific objectives: At the end of the class the students will be able to:-
1. Define anatomy
2. Enumerate various subdivision of anatomy
3. Tell about the various anatomical position and planes
4. Know about various level of organization
Review of previous class: Ask questions regarding the previous knowledge about human body, its functions etc.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 319
S Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion objective Learning
1 5min To introduce Introduction:-Anatomy is the study of structure and function of the body. T: explain Q: Define
the topic Aristotle was the first person to use the term “anatome”, a greek word with lecture anatomy and
meaning “cutting up or taking apart”. S:Listen its origin?
Anatomy is one of the oldest basic medical sciences. It was first studied and take
formally in Egypt. Human anatomy was taught in Greece by Hippocrates, notes
who is known as “father of medicine”.
2 10min To explain Subdivision of anatomy Lecture Q:List out
about its Clinical anatomy cum various
subdivision Correlation of anatomy with clinical signs and symptoms to arrive at discussion subdivision of
diagnosis is clinical anatomy anatomy?
Gross anatomy
It is the study of structure of human body usually with naked eyes.
Systemic anatomy
It is the study of the body system
Regional anatomy
Study of structure and organization of a definitive part of the various
Parts of body e.g. Thorax. Back etc.
Functional anatomy
Study of anatomy which provides correlation between structure&
Function of various organs.
Developmental anatomy
Study of prenatal and postnatal developmental changes of the human
Histology and Cytology
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 320
S Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion objective Learning
Study of various body structure organs ,tissues and cells
Surface anatomy
Study of projection of internal body parts on the corresponding external
Surface area of the body.
Clinical anatomy
Study of entire body or its part in relation to the practice of medicine
Comparative anatomy
Study of structural variation between other animal and human.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 321
S Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion objective Learning
This is the imaginary vertical plane passing longitudinally through the notes
From front to back, dividing it into right& left halves
These are parallel to the median plane .They are named after the sagittal
Suture of the skull
These are imaginary vertical planes passing through the body at right
Angles to the median plane, dividing it into front and back portion.
These planes are named after coronal suture.
These are imaginary planes passing through the body at right angles to
Both the median and coronal planes. It divides the body into upper and
Lower parts.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 322
S Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion objective Learning
structural Unit of an organism.
Groups of cells that work together to perform a particular function are
called tissue.
Different types of tissues join together to form an organ.
A system consist of related organs with a common function
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 323
Summary& evaluation(10min)
1. How will you get the knowledge regarding your own body?
2. List out various subdivision of anatomy.
3. How does our body form at various level of organization?
Evaluation: unit test for 50 marks once the unit IST is completed
1. Pr ashalatha, g deepa,textbook of anatomy& physiology for nurses,4th edition,2015,jaypee brother,page 4-5
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 324
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : 1
Date& time :
Student pre requisite : The students should be able to know the various anatomical terms.
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the
anatomical terms.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 325
Specific objective : at the end of the class the students will be able to :
Introduction :
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 326 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
1. 05 MIN. To introduce Introduction : Anatomy is the study of structure and T:explain with Q: Define the
the topic function of the body.In this topic , we will discuss about the lecture term Anatomy?
various anatomical terms, their meaning ,and examples . S: listen and take
2. 20 Min. To explain List of the anatomical trems T:explain with Q: Explain
commonly 1- Superior (cranial):means nearer to the head lecture and chart commonly used
used Example: the lung is superior to the diaphragm S: listen and take anatomical
anatomical 2- Inferior (caudal): nearer to the feet (tail) notes trems of
trems of Example:the stomach is inferior to the heart relationship
relationship 3- Anterior (ventral): nearer to the front their meaning &
their Example:cornea is anterior to the lens examples?
meaning & 4- Posterior (dorsal): Nearer to the back
examples Example:lens is posterior to the cornea
5- Medial : Nearer to the median plane
Example:heart is median to the lung.
6- Lateral : away from the median plane
Example : kidney is lateral to the vertebral column
7- Proximal : nearer to the trunk or point of origin
Example: the knee is Proximal to the ankle.
8- Distal : farther from the trunk or away from the
Example: the wrist is distal to the elbow.
9- Superficial: nearer to the surface
Example: muscle of the thigh are superficial to the
bone femur.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 327 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
10 Deep: farther from the Surface.
Example: farther from the surface the femur is
deep to the muscles of the thigh.
11 external (outer) : Toward the exterior
Example: the sclera is the external coat of the
12 Internal ( inner) : Toward or in the Interior.
Example: retina is internal to the sclera and choroid.
03 25 min To explain List of the anatomical terms of movement: T:explain with Q: Explain
anatomical 1- Flexion – in this movement, to flexor surfaces come lecture and chart commonly used
terms of in approximation & angle of the joint is reduced S: listen and take anatomical
movement 2- Extension- in this movement there is approximation notes terms of
of extensor surfaces whereby angle of joint increases movement ?
3- Abduction – it describes the movement away from
the median plane, away from the middle finger in
head or away from the second toe in foot.
4- Adduction- This describe the movement towards the
median plane or toward the middle finger in hand or
toward the second toe of foot.
5- Medial rotation: it denotes movement toward
median plane or inward rotation
6- lateral rotation: it denotes rotation away from the
median plane or outward rotation
7- Circumduction: combined movement of flexion,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 328 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
extension, adduction & abduction in a circular
manner is termed as circumduction.
8- Elevation- raising or moving a bady part toward the
cephalic end is termed as elevation.
9- Depression- lowering or moving a body part
caudally is termed as depression.
10 Protrusion- it is the forward movement of a body
11 Retraction- it is the backward movement from
12 pronation- it is the medial rotation of fore arm so
that the palm comes to face backward .
13 Supination- it is the lateral rotation of fore arm so
that the palm comes to face anteriorly.
14 Inversion of foot- it is the movement that causes the
plantar surface of foot to face inward & downward
15 Eversion of foot- it is the movement that causes the
plantar surface of foot to face laterally & downward
16 Opposition- it is a combination of abduction, medial
rotation & flexion. This movement characteristically
occurs in the thumb.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 329
Summary & evaluation : ( 10 min. )
Assignment : Enlist and describe the various anatomical trems of relationship & movement
Evaluation : unit test for fifty marks once the unit 1st is completed.
Bibliography :
1. Ashalatha pr, deepa g, Text book Anatomy &Physiology for nurses, 4th edition, 2015, Jaypee brothers, pgs 7-9
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 330
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : 1
Date& time :
Student pre requisite : The students should be able to know the various systems of human body
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 331
Specific objective : At the end of the class the students will be able to :
Introduction :
Today we will discuss about the systems in our body. How they work effectively as a unit.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 332 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
1. 05 MIN. To introduce Introduction : Anatomy is the study of structure and T:explain with Q: Define the
the topic function of the body.In this topic , we will discuss about the lecture term Anatomy?
various systems of human body. S: listen and take
Physiology is the branch of science that deals with various notes
functions of living organisms and the process which regulate
03 35 min To list out List of the constituents & functions of systems of human T:explain with Q: Enlist the
the body. lecture constituents and
constituents 1- INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM S: listen and take functions of
and CONSTITUENTS: notes systems of
functions of Skin human body?
systems of Hair
human body Nails
FUNCTION:skin is a major sensory organ
responsible for:
Protection of body.
Regulation of the temperature.
Elimination of waste
Associated cartilages
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 333 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
FUNCTION: Provides support and protection to body.
Helps in body movements
Main are skeletal muscle.
Smooth muscles.
Cardiac muscles.
Skeletal muscle help in body movements.
Maintenance of posture.
Production of heat.
Spinal cord
Special sense organs like eyes, ear
Regulation of body activities & body’s
internal and external environment by
nerve impulses
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 334
Urinary bladder
Production, storage and elimination of
Regulation of volume & chemical
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 335 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
composition of blood.
Maintenance of acid – base balance of
the body.
Blood vessels-arteries and veins
Heart pumps the blood through the blood
Blood carries oxygen & nutrients to the
cells and takes away the wastes and
carbon –dioxide from the cells.
Thymus gland
Lymph nodes
Lymphatic vessels
Return proteins & fluids to the blood
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 336 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
Removes bacteria, toxins & other foreign
bodies from tissue
Lymph serves as an important route for
intestinal fat absorption
Sites of maturation and proliferation of B
and T cells.
Bronchial tubes
transfer of oxygen from inhaled air to
blood & carban – dioxide from blood to
exhaled air
Regulation of acid – base balance of the
body fluids.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 337 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
Small & large intestine
Salivary glands
Gall bladder
Digestion of food.
Absorption of nutrients.
Elimination of waste.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 338 Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
reproduction & help in development of
secondary sexual characteristics.
Mammary glands are for lactation.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 339
Summary & evaluation : ( 10 min. )
1. Enlist the various systems of human body.
2. Enlist the constituents & functions of systems of human body.
Evaluation : unit test for fifty marks once the unit 1st is completed.
Bibliography :
1. Ashalatha pr, eepa g, text book anatomy &physiology for nurses, 4th edn, 2015, jaypee brothers, pgs 12-17
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 340
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : 1
Date& time :
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 341
Specific objectives: at the end of the class the students will be able to
1. Define cavity
2. List out various cavities of our body
3. Explain about boundaries, contents of cranial cavities
4 Explain about boundaries, contents of Thoracic cavities
5. Explain about boundaries, contents of abdominal cavities
6. Explain about boundaries, contents of Pelvic cavities
Review of previous class: Ask questions regarding the previous knowledge about anatomy, position and various
Ask the student if they know any one of cavity of the human body
also mention the objectives of the lesson to the student here
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 342
S no Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
1 5min To define Introduction Lecture cum Q:what do
cavity Body cavities are spaces within the body that help, protect, separate Discussion you mean by
and support internal organs. Bones muscles, ligaments, and other Body
structures separate the various body cavities from one another. cavities?
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 343
S no Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
4 10min To explain B. thoracic cavity T: explain Q:explain
thoracic cavity boundaries with ppt the various
Anteriorly: sternum and ant. Part of ribs and their costal S: observe boundaries
cartilages and take of thoracic
Posteriorly: bodies of the 12 thoracic vertebrae & post. Parts of notes cavity?
On each side: 12 pairs of ribs & the intercostals muscles
Superiorly: by the structures forming the root of the neck
Inferiorly: by a muscular sheet known as diaphragm
the main organs in this cavity are:-
Trachea, bronchi(2), lungs
Heart , aorta (sup.& inf. Both)
Lymph vessels
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 344
S no Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
5 10min To explain C. abdominal cavity T:explain Q:draw a
abdominal it is the largest cavity in the body. with ppt diagram of
cavity for purposes of description, the abdominal cavity is divided into 9 S: observe abdomen and
regions and take divided it in
by two lateral vertical planes and two horizontal planes. notes 9 regions by
nine regions of abdomen:- imaginary
1. Epigastric/epigastrium lines?
2. Rt hypochondrium
3. Lt hypochondrium
4. Umbilical
5. Rt lumber
6. Lt lumber
7. suprapubic/hypogastrium
8. Rt iliac fossa/rt inguinal region
9. Lt iliac fossa/lt inguinal region
Superiorly: the diaphragm which separates it from thoracic
Inferiorly: it is cont.with pelvic cavity
Anteriorly: anterior abdomen wall
Posteriorly: lumber vertebrae & post. Abdomen wall
Laterally: muscles of abdominal wall and lower ribs
the main organs in this cavity are:-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 345
S no Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
Small intestine
Most of the large intestine
Gall bladder and bile duct
Kidneys-2,upper part of ureters
Adrenal glands-2
Numerous blood vessels ,lymph vessels, nerves and lymph
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 346
S no Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
Urinary bladder
Lower parts of the ureters
Lower part of colon
In male- prostate gland,seminal vesicles, spermatic cord,
vas deferens,ejaculatory ducts,and urethra
Im female- uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries, and vagina
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 347
Summary& evaluation(10min)
1. Repeat the definition of body cavities.
2. Let the students verbalise the list of various cavities
3. Enlist the various organs come under different kind of cavities.
Assignment: define body cavity and describe the boundaries of abdominopelvic cavity
1. Ashalatha, g deepa,textbook of anatomy& physiology for nurses,4th edition,2015,jaypee brother,page 20-24
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 348
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : II
Date& time :
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the
structure of the cell.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 349
Specific objective: at the end of the class the students will be able to:
1. To list out the constituents of the cell.
2. To list out the constituents of cell membrane.
3. To list out components of nucleus.
4. To discuss about cytoplasm and various cell organelles.
Review of previous class- student verbalise the basic knowledge regarding structure & function of a cell.
Introduction :
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 350 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning
01. 05 MIN. To introduce Introduction: The smallest structural & functional unit T:explain with Q: Define the
the topic of our body is the cell. In this topic we will discuss about lecture Term cell?
the structure of a cell. S: listen and take
02. 05 Min. To List out A eukaryotic cell consists of the following structure: T:explain with Q: Explain the
the A Cell membrane or plasma membrane lecture constituents of
constituents Nucleus. S: listen and take a cell?
of a cell. Cytoplasm & organelles. notes
03 05 min To list out Cell membrane is composed of three types of substances: T:explain with Q: Explain the
the Proteins (55 %) – a) Integral proteins lecture constituents of
constituents b) Peripheral proteins S: listen and take cell
of cell notes membrane?
membrane Lipids (40 %) - a) Phospholipids
b) Cholesterol
Carbohydrates (5%)
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 351 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning
04 10 Min. To list out Three nuclear components are : T:explain with Q: Explain the
the 1. Nuclear membrane: the nucleus is lecture components of
components covered by a double layered S: listen and take nucleus?
of nucleus membrane is called nuclear notes
2. Nucleoplasm: it is a gel like ground
substance and contains large
quantities of the genetic material in
the form of DNA.
3. Nucleoli: one or more nucleoli are
present in each nucleus.
05 25 Min. To discuss CYTOPLASM : the cytoplasm is the fluid present T:explain with Q: Explain
about inside the cell. It contains a clear liquid portion called lecture about
cytoplasm & cytosol which contains various substances like proteins, S: listen and take cytoplasm &
cell carbohydrates, lipids and electrolytes. Apart from these notes cell organelles?
organelles substances, many organelles are also present in
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 352 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning
b)Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum
Function: Smooth ER synthesis lipids
&steroid hormones,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 353 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning
4.Membrane bound vesicles :
(a) Phagosomes : such membranes bound
vesicles ,
containing solid ingested material are called
(b) Pinocytotic vesicles : the vesicles are formed
the process of pinocytosis is called
(c) Exocytic vesicle : Just as material from
the cell can be brought into the cytoplasm by
phagocytosis or pinocytosis, materials from
different part of the cell can be transported to
outside by vesicles. Such vesicles are called
exocytic vesicles
(d) Lysosomes: Lysosomes are membrane bound
spheroidal bodies containing hydrolase
Capable of degrading a wide variety of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 354 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning
Function of Lysosomes: digestion of unwanted
substances , removal of excess secretory product
(e) Peroxisomes: Peroxisomes are small
membrane bound organelle that closely,
However they contain entirely different set of
Enzymes- oxidases and catalases.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 355
Summary & evaluation: (10 Min.)
1. Enlist the various cell components.
2. Enlist the constituents of various cell organelles & their functions.
Assignment: Enlist the components of cell, cell membrane, nucleus & cytoplasm.
Evaluation : unit test for fifty marks once the unit 2nd is completed.
Bibliography :
1. Ashalatha pr, eepa g, text book anatomy &physiology for nurses, 4 edn, 2015, jaypee brothers, pgs 36-42
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 356
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : II
General objective : At the end of class student will be able to gain knowledge about the cell v
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 357
Specific objectives: At the end of the class the student will be able:-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 358
S. Durat Specific Teaching
Content Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning activity
3 15 To Explain MEIOSIS: - 1. This cell division occur in reproductive cells of body T: Explain with Q: Explain about
Mins about (ovary testes) power point meiosis.
meiosis 2. By the meiosis the no. Of chromosomes half of mother cells in presentation.
daughter cells S: Listen and takes
3. by meiosis four daughter cells are forms notes
4. the stages of meiosis cell division
G1 - stage (phase)
S- stage
G2 - stage
M – stage
(a) meiosis – I
Prophase -I
Metaphase - I
Anaphase - I
Telophase – I
(b)meiosis – II
Prophase -II
Metaphase - II
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 359
S. Durat Specific Teaching
Content Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning activity
Anaphase – II
Telophase – II
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 360
1 Explain about cell division
2 Give the knowledge about mytosis
3 Give the knowledge about meiosis
4 Explain the fuction of cell
1. Rocs and Wilson, Anatomy and Physiology,10th Edition, Churchill Living Stone Elsevier, Edin Burgh, Page no 34-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 361
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : II
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the
structure of the cell.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 362
Specific objective : at the end of the class the students will be able to:
1. To explain tissue, organ and system.
2. To list out the different type of tissue.
3. To list out the specialities of different types of tissues and their examples.
4. To discuss the role of the different types of tissues .
Review of previous class - student verbalise the basic knowledge regarding structure & function of a cell
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 363
S.No. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
1. Introduction - The tissues of the body consist of the large no. of Lecture cum What are
tissues and cells and they are classified according to the size, discussion tissues?
major types shape and functions of these cells.
There are main four types of tissues, each of
which has subdivisions.
1. Epethilial tissue
2. Connective tissue
3. Muscle tissue
4. Nervous tissue
2. Epithelial This group of tissues is found covering the Lecture cum Differentiate all
tissue and its body and lining cavities and tubes. discussion the types of
classification The cells are very closely packed and the various
intercellular substances, called matrix, is epithelial
minimal. Charts/ posters tissues.
The cells usually lie on a basement
Epithelial tissue may be simple or stratified
A. Simple epithelium-
Consists single layer of cellsusually
found on absorptive or secretory
surfaces but never on surfaces subject
to stress.
Its types are named according to their
functions. The more active the tissue
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 364
S.No. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
taller the cells.
It is divided in four types-
1. Squamous epithelium-
Composed of single layer of flattened cells.
The cells fit closely together like flat
stones, forming a very smooth membrane.
Diffusion take place freely through this
thin, smooth, inactive lining of the
following structures-heart, blood vessels,
Alveoli, lymph vessels.
2. Cuboidal epithelium-
Cube shaped cells.
Basement membrane present.
Actively involved in secretion, absorption
and excretion.
Ex- tubules of kidneys, in some glands.
3. Columnar ephithelium-
Rectangular cells in shape.
Basement membrane present.
Goblet cells present which secret mucus.
Ex- lining of alimentary tract.
4. Ciliated epithelium-
Columnar cells having hair like projections
on the free surface, called cilia.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 365
S.No. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
Cilia performs wave like waft movement to
give direction to the secretions.
Ex- found in the lining of the uterine tube
and respiratory tract
B. Stratified or compound
Consists of several layers of cells.
Basement membrane usually absent.
The main function is to protect
underlying tissues. These are of two
stratified squamous epithelium- in
the lining of mouth,
Transitional epithelium- found in the
lining of the urinary bladder.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 366
S.No. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
3. Connective The cells are widely separated and having Lecture cum Explain
tissue- intercellular substance, called matrix. discussion difference b/w
involving cells Connective tissue, excluding blood, is epithelial and
and various found in all organs supporting the Charts / posters connective
types of specialised tissue. tissue.
connective The different types of cells involved
tissue. include-
Fibroblast, macrophages, plasma cells ,
mast cells, fat cells etc.
Following are the types of connective
1. Areolar tissue –
2. Adipose tissue
3. Fibrous tissue
4. Elastic tissue
5. Lymphoid tissue
6. Cartilage
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 367
S.No. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
4. Muscle tissue Three main types of muscle tissue- Lecture cum Differentiate
1. Skeletal , voluntary or striated muscle discussion voluntary and
2. Visceral, involuntary or smooth muscle smooth muscles.
3. Cardiac muscle
Skeletal muscle- its contraction is under our will.. Charts/ posters
microscopically roughly cylindrical in shape.
Each cell is commonly called fibre. These fibres
are striated having transverse bands of light and
dark color.
Visceral muscle- called as smooth and
involuntary muscle. It is not under of our will.
Found in the walls of the blood and lymph vessels
and other tracts. Cells are spindle shaped with
only one nucleus.
Cardiac muscle- found exclusively in the walls
of heart.. it is not under the will of us but
microscopically it resembles to the voluntary
cells.the fibres of these muscles are nucleated and
branched. Branches are in close contacts with
other fibre, called intercalated discs. This gives
these cardiac muscle a sheath like appearance.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 368
S.No. Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective learning
5. Other types of Nervous tissue Lecture cum Is blood also a
tissues Bone tissue discussion tissue? What
Blood type of tissue is
These all tissues are important types of tissues this ?
which will be discussed in separate unit.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 369
Summary and evaluation-
In this lesson plan , we discussed the definition of tissue, different types of tissues. The knowledge of different type of tissues
help to identify various sites where the different tissues are found . This also ascertain the function of that particular organ in
which the tissues are found.
1. What is tissue? Discuss different types of the epithelial tissues.
2. Enlist all the types of cells involved in formation of connective tissue
1. Wilson j.w. Kathleen, ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness, Churchill livingstone, elbs, 7 th
edn., 18-25
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 370
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : II
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 371
Specific objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to
1. To define membranes
2. To explain about their types and structure and various function
Review of previous class : Ask questions regarding the previous knowledge about anatomy, cellular and tissue level
Ask the students if they know about any one membrane and function of membrane
Introduce the topic “Membrane” and
Also mention the objectives of the lesson to the students here
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 372
Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
S No
objective Learning
5min To introduce Membranes Lecture cum Q: What do
about topic Membranes are flat sheets of tissues that cover or line parts of the Discussion you mean
1 Body and are typically composed of epithelial cells and connective by
Tissue. membrane?
Epithelial cells cover the inner and outer layers of surfaces and form
Glands that secrete fluids.
45min To explain There are five types of membranes found within the body:- T:write down Q: List out
2 types of 1. MUCOUS MEMBRANE on black the types of
membrane and 2. SEROUS MEMBRANE board membranes?
functions 3. CUTENOUS MEMBRANE S:watch and
Mucous membrane T:explain Q: what do
Mucous membrane also called mucosa. with you know
It line the inside of cavities that open directly to the exterior Poster about
environment S:observe mucous
It line the GIT, respiratory tract, reproductory tract ,and the and membrane?
urinary tract. Take notes
This is composed of an epithelial cell layer and an underlying
connective tissue layer.
It act as a defence layer which prevent the entry of
pathogens and microbes into the body.
The cells are tightly packed together, so fluid can’t leak
through epithelial layer.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 373
Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
S No
objective Learning
Specialized cells secrete mucous to keep the membrane
Mucous also traps dust particles in the respiratory tract
It lubricates food as it travels through GIT
The connective tissue component of a mucous membrane
stabilizes the membrane against the structure it is
It also holds blood vessels that supply blood and nutrient.
Serous membrane T: explain Q: How
Serous membrane or serosa line cavities that don’t open directly with PPT many layers
to the external environment. S: observe contribute
It also cover the organs within the cavities and take to form
It is made of two layers:- notes serous
a layer to line a cavity, called the parietal membrane membrane?
other layer which cover the organ called visceral layer
This membrane secrete a lubricant called serous that allows the
organs to glide against other structure without causing friction.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 374
Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
S No objective Learning
It houses the sensory receptors for touch and pain
It regulates body temperature by secreting sweat to dissipate
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 375
Summary& evaluation (10Min)
1. Repeat the various body membranes
2. Let the students verbalise the type of membrane
3. Discussed functions of various membranes
Assignment: Define membranes of the body and write in detail about various functions
Evaluation: unit test for 50 marks once the IInd unit is completed
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 376
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : II
Date& time :
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the
types, Structure & functions of glands.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 377
Specific objective : At the end of the class the students will be able to
1. To classify glands according to the mode of secretion.
2. To classify exocrine glands.
3. To explain structure of exocrine gland.
4. To classify endocrine glands.
5. To explain the functions of endocrine glands.
Review of previous class : Student verbalise the basic knowledge regarding the types, structure & functions of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 378 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
01. 05 MIN. To introduce Introduction: In addition to protection and absorption, T:explain with Q: Define the
about gland many cells of the epithelium secrete materials. Such cells, lecture Term gland?
present singly or in groups are called glands. In this topic, S: listen and take
we will discuss about types, structure & functions of the notes
2. Branching of ducts-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 379 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
(a) Simple: e.g. - gastric glands sweat glands.
(b) Compound:eg- parotid gland, pancreas.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 380 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
04 05 min To explain The structural organization consisting of three T:explain with Q: explain the
the structural components:- lecture structural
organization (a) Parenchyma- The secretory cells of a gland S: listen and take organization of
of exocrine constitute its parenchyma. notes exocrine
glands (b) Stroma- The connective tissue in which the glands?
parenchyma lies is called the stroma.
(c) Duct system- The ducts convey the secretory
product of the gland.
05 10 Min To classify Classification of endocrine glands:- T:explain with Q: explain
the Pituitary gland: secretes lecture about the
endocrine (a) anterior lobe-GH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, S: listen and take classification of
glands. LH, Prolactin, notes endocrine
(b) Mid lobe- MSH gland?
(c) Posterior lobe- ADH, oxytocin,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 381 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
Sex hormones.
(b) Medulla – epinephrine,
nor epinephrine,
Pancreas:-Glucagon, insulin,
somatostatin, pancreatic
Pineal gland
Thymus gland
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 382 Duration Specific content Teaching Evaluation
objective &learning activity
06 10 Mins To explain Function of endocrine glands :- T;Explain with Q;Explain
about the 1. They integrate & co-ordinate various activities of the lecture function of
function of body along with the CNS. S;Listen and take endocrine
endocrine 2. They help in the growth & development of the body. note gland.
glands 3. They help in proper digestion & absorption of food by
controlling the secretions of digestive exocrine
4. They help in reproductive functions.
5. They help a person to meet stressful situations &
6. Regulation of body fluid, volume and its composition.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 383
Summary & evaluation: (10 Min.)
1- Classify glands according to the mode of secretion.
2- Classify exocrine glands.
3- Discuss structure of exocrine gland.
4- Classify endocrine glands.
5- Discuss the functions of endocrine glands.
Assignment: Classify glands, exocrine glands, endocrine glands & discuss the structure of exocrine gland.
Evaluation : unit test for fifty marks once the unit 2nd is completed.
Bibliography :
1. Ashalatha PR, deepa g, text book anatomy&physiology for nurses, 4th edn, 2015, jaypee brothers, pg 58-61,500
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 384
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : II
General objective : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge about various cavities
of human body
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 385
Specific objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to
1. To define cavity
2. To enlist various cavities of our body
3. To describe the boundaries, contents of cranial cavities
4. To describe the boundaries, contents of thoracic cavities
5. To describe the boundaries, contents of thoracic cavities
6. To describe the boundaries, contents of abdominal cavities
7. To describe the boundaries, contents of pelvic cavities
Review of previous class : Ask questions regarding the previous knowledge about anatomy, position and various
Ask the students if they know about which organ where are situated in body
Introduce the topic..Also mention the objectives of the lesson to the students here
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 386
S No Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective Learning
5min To define Introduction Lecture cum Q:what do
1 cavity Body cavities are spaces within the body that help, protect, separate Discussion you mean by
and Body
Support internal organs. Bones muscles, ligaments, and other cavities?
Separate the various body cavities from one another.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 387
Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
S No objective Learning
10min To describe Thoracic cavity T: explain Q:explain
about Boundaries with PPT the various
boundaries, Anteriorly: sternum and ant. Part of ribs and their costal cartilages S: observe boundaries
contents of Posteriorly: Bodies of the 12 thoracic vertebrae & post. Parts of and take of thoracic
thoracic ribs notes cavity?
cavities On each side: 12 pairs of ribs & the intercostals muscles
Superiorly: By the structures forming the root of the neck
Inferiorly: By a muscular sheet known as diaphragm
The main organs in this cavity are:-
Trachea, bronchi(2), Lungs
Heart, aorta (sup.& inf. Both)
Lymph vessels
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 388
Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
S No objective Learning
10min To describe Abdominal cavity T:explain Q: Draw a
about It is the largest cavity in the body. with PPT diagram of
boundaries, For purposes of description, the abdominal cavity is divided into 9 S: observe abdomen and
contents of regions and take divided it in
abdominal By two lateral vertical planes and two horizontal planes. notes 9 regions by
cavities NINE REGIONS OF ABDOMEN:- imaginary
1. Epigastric/epigastrium lines?
2. Rt hypochondrium
3. Lt hypochondrium
4. Umbilical
5. Rt lumber
6. Lt lumber
7. Suprapubic /hypogastrium
8. Rt iliac fossa/Rt inguinal region
9. Lt iliac fossa/Lt inguinal region
Superiorly: The diaphragm which separates it from thoracic
Inferiorly: It is cont.with pelvic cavity
Anteriorly: anterior abdomen wall
Posteriorly: Lumber vertebrae & post. Abdomen wall
Laterally: Muscles of abdominal wall and lower ribs
The main organs in this cavity are:-
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 389
S No Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective Learning
Small intestine
Most of the large intestine
Gall bladder and bile duct
upper part of ureters
Adrenal glands-2
Numerous blood vessels ,lymph vessels, nerves and lymph nodes
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 390
S No Duration Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
objective Learning
Urinary bladder
Lower parts of the ureters
Lower part of colon
In male- prostate gland, seminal vesicles, spermatic cord, vas
deferens, ejaculatory ducts, and urethra
In female- uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries, and vagina
Assignment: Define body cavity and describe the boundaries of abdomen pelvic cavity
1.Pr ashalatha, g deepa, textbook of anatomy& physiology for nurses,4th edition,2015,jaypee brother, page 20-24
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 391
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : III
General objectives : At the end of the class students will be able to exlain the composition of blood
,different types of cells
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 392
Specific objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to
1. Define blood
2. List the Composition of blood and
3. Explain plasma
4. Explain cellular content of the blood
Ask the students if they know about connective tissue. Ask characteristics of connective tissue .
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 393 Duration Specific Contents Teaching Evaluation
objective Learningact
1 7 min Define Blood Blood is a connective tissue. It provides means T: Lecture cum 1.What is
of communication between the cells of discussion blood?
different parts of the body and the external S: Listen and take
environment. notes
1. Carry oxygen from the lungs to the
tissues and co2 from the tissues to the
2. Nutrients from the alimentary tract to
the tissues and wastes to the excretory
3. Hormones to the target organs
4. Heat produced in the active organs to
other tissues
5. Protective substances , antibiotics to the
site of infection
6. Clotting factors to the bleeding sites
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 394 Duration Specific Contents Teaching Evaluation
objective Learningact
1. Erythrocytes(red blood cells) 1. What is life
span of
Biconcave discs shaped. RBC?
No nucleus. 2. What is
7 micrometer diameter function of
Main function gas transport RBCs?
Cells are flexible that can squeeze
through capillaries
Contain no intracellular organelles
leaving more roomfor haemoglobin
Produced in bone marrow
Life span 120 days
Process of development is called
Both vitamin b12 and folic acid are
required to form RBCs
Total RBCs count 4.5*10^12/litre ton
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 395 Duration Specific Contents Teaching Evaluation
objective Learningact
2) Leucocytes (white cells ) Expain types of
Important function indefending the
body against microbes and other
foreign materials
Largest blood cells
1% of the blood volume
Contain nuclei
Some have granules in their cytoplasm
Two types- 1. Agranulocytes
2. agranulocytes
Granulocytes– have multilobed nuclei
Their names repsent the dyes they take up
when stained in lab
Eosinophils take up the red acid dye, eosin
Basophils take up alkaline methylene blue
Neutrophils are purple because trhey take up
both dyes
Large nucleus but no granules in their
Monocytes type of agranulocytes are actively
motile and phagocytic found in circulation .
Monocytes migrates into tissues develop into
Macrophages have important functions in
inflammation and immunity.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences Lymphocytes- smaller than monocytes and 396
have large nuclei. Duration Specific Contents Teaching Evaluation
objective Learningact
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 397
Summary and evaluation:(10 minutes)
Assignment :
Bibliography :
1. Waugh A., Grant A.: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 10thedn.,Chuchill Livingstone Elsevier,
Edinburgh, 58-67,2006
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 398
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : III
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 399
General Objectives : At the end of the class students will be able to exlain the erythropoiesis,
Specific Objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to
Ask them whether all types of blood cells have different process of synthesis.
We know every tissue of our body has capability of regeneration, is our blood cells too have the capability to regenerate
them after their life span?
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 400 Duration Specific Content Teaching- Evaluation
objectives learning
1. 5 min. Explain origin of Blood cells are synthesised mainly in red bone Lecture What is
blood cells marrow. Some lymphocytes are additionally cum hematopoiesis?
produced in lymphoid tissue. discussion
The process of blood cell formation is called
hemopoiesis or hematopoiesis.
process of erythrocyte formation is called
as erythropoiesis.
Process of lymphocytes formation is called
as lymphopoiesis.
3. 5 min. Describe sites of Formation of blood cells is taken place in red T:Lecture Where do the
hematopoiesis bone marrow. As we know , in spongy bone cum blood cells are
tissue, red bone marrow is found . Specially in discussion formed?
flat bones and the ends of long bones. with
Diffrent dites of hematopoiesis during projector
various phases of life S:listen and
takes notes phase period site
1. yolk sac first 3month yolk site
of gestation
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 401 Duration Specific Content Teaching- Evaluation
objectives learning
2 hepatic 3-5 months liver (chief
phase of gestation site till birth)
spleen (minor
3. myeloid Till adult life red bone
phase marrow
4. 10 Explain process of Formation of new RBCs in red bone marrow is Lecture Enlist the steps of
min. Erythrocytes called erythropoiesis. cum erythropoiesis
(RBC)formation Orderly development of mature RBCs discussion
from stem cells.
The proerythroblast is the earliest Power point
appearing differentiated cell of erythroid presentation
As the cell matures, cell reduces in size,
due to decrease in cytoplasm and nuclear
Haemoglobin appear in the intermediate
Condensation and degeneration of nucleus
Mature RBCs have eosinophilic cytoplasm
since they do not have DNA, RNA, or
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 402 Duration Specific Content Teaching- Evaluation
objectives learning
other cell organelles.
The mature RBCs are released into
1. Males 4.5-5.5 million/mm3
2. Females 4-5 million/mm3
5. 10 min. Explain process of Formation of WBCs in bone marrow and Lecture Explain process of
Leukocytes lymphoid tissue is called leukopoiesis. cum Leukocytes
(WBC)formation In the intrauterine life , the WBCs develop discussion (WBC)formation
in the mesoderm and migrate into the
blood vessels. Power point
In the postnatal life , the granulocytes and presentation
monocytes develop from the red bone
marrow, while the lymphocytes develop
from the lymphoid tissues mainly and to a
lesser extent, from the red bone marrow.
Cells involved in maturation of WBCs
Band cells
Segmented neutrophill
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 403 Duration Specific Content Teaching- Evaluation
objectives learning
Adult 4000-11000/mm3
it is more at birth
6. 5 Explain process of Platelets develop from pluripotent stem cell in Lecture Explain process of
min. platelets red bone marrow is called thrombocytopoiesis. cum platelets
(thrombocytes) discussion (thrombocytes)
formation The cells named in maturation of platelets— Power point Formation
Pluripotent stem cell presentation
Committed stem cell
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 404 Duration Specific Content Teaching- Evaluation
objectives learning
7. 5 min. Describe synthesis Hemoglobin or the red pigment is the most Lecture What is
of haemoglobin important constituent of RBCs. It gives the blood cum haemoglobin and
its characteristic red color. The heme portion of discussion how is this
haemoglobin is synthesised in mitochondria and with chart synthesized?
the protein part globin is synthesized in
1. males: 14-18g/100ml
2. females: 12-16g/100ml
3.infants: 18-23g/100ml
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 405
Summary and Evaluation :(10 minutes)
In this lesson plan , today we discussed-
1) Hematopoiesis
2) Site of blood formation.
3) Formation of different blood cells
Assignment :
1) what is hematopoiesis ?
2) Discuss the steps in erythropoiesis ?
Bibliography :
1.Ashalatha PR., deepa g. , textbook of anatomy and physiology for nurses, jaypee publication, 4thedn., 2015,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 406
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : III
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the function of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 407
Specific objective : At the end of the class the students will be able to:
Review of previous class : Students verbalize the formation &composition of the blood.
Introduction : Ask the students about blood and blood group of students (ask any 5 students),if they know.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 408
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
1 5 Min. To know Introduction of blood: Blood is a fluid connective tissue T:Lecture cum What is
about the which is red in colored, opaque and alkaline in reaction. Body discussion Blood?
blood contains about 5 litres of blood in an adult which comes to S:Discuss and
about 8% of body weight take notes
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 409
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
(glucose, amino acids, lipids, etc.)Are absorbed from the
digestive tract and transported by blood to various tissues for
growth and supplying energy.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 410
Summary &evaluation: (10 Min.)
List various functions of the blood.
Discuss each function of the blood.
Evaluation : Unit test for 50 marks once the unit iiird is completed.
Bibliography :1.Ashalathapr, deepa g, text book anatomy &physiology for nurses, 4thedn, 2015, jaypee brothers, pg74
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 411
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : III
General objective : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding blood
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 412
Specific objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to
Review of previous class : Ask question regarding blood composition and blood formation.
Ask the students they know anyone who is ever encountered with blood transfusion like situation.
Ask how did they get information about their blood group?
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 413
S Time Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
1 6min To define Blood group:-the surface of red blood cells carries a T:Lecture Q: What do you
blood range of different proteins (called antigens) that can cum mean by blood
group stimulate an immune response if transferred from one discussion group?
individual (the donor) into the blood stream of an S: discuss and
incompatible individual. These antigens, which are take notes
inherited, determine the individual’s blood group.
There are many different collections of red blood cell
surface antigens, but the most important are the ABO
and Rhesus systems.
2 5min To The ABO system T:Lecture Q: what is ABO
explain ABO and Rh system is discovered by Landsteiner in using charts system and who
the ABO 1901. S:listen and are the universal
system About 55% of the population has either A-type take notes donor and
antigens (blood group A), B-type antigens (blood universal
group B) or both (blood group AB) on their red cell recipient?
surface. The remaining 45% have neither A and B type
antigens (blood group O).
The corresponding antibodies are called anti-A and
Universal recipients-blood group AB people make
neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies, they are known as
universal recipient.
Universal donor- blood group O people have neither
A and B antigens on their red blood cell membranes,
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 414
S Time Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
and their blood may be safely transfused into A,B, AB
or O types; group O is known as universal donor.
4. 5min To know Discovered in rhesus monkeys. There are several T:Lecture Q. what do you
about Rh subgroup of Rh antigens viz C, D, E, c, d, etc. But cum mean by Rh
system there are no naturally occurring antibodies. D is the discussion system?
most important antigen. S:discuss and
Rh positive:-when Rh D is present in RBC (present take notes
Rh negative:-when Rh D is absent in RBC(count
Rh antibodies are absent in both Rh +ve and Rh -ve
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 415
S Time Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
5 2min To Rh incompatibility- T:Lecture Q: what do you
Significan Hemolytic disease. cum mean by Rh
ce of Rh Erythroblastsis fetalis etc discussion incompatibility?
incompati S:discuss and
bility take notes
6 5min To BT T:Lecture
explain To diagnose or to predict Rh incompatibility cum
Uses of To investigate a case of disputed paternity discussion
blood MLC value S:discuss and
group Organ transplantation take notes
Susceptibility to certain disease
7 5min To define Blood clotting:-It means arrest of bleeding T: Lecture Q:Define blood
blood orhomeostasis by physiological process. When there is cum clotting
clotting a small injury to a blood vessel a number of event are discussion
initiated that finally arrest the bleeding by formation a S:discuss and
clot. take notes
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 416
S Time Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
8 10 To List These events are:- T:Lecture by Q:List out various
min out the Immediate vasoconstriction drawing physiological
events Formation of a platelet plug or temporary diagram events?
homeostasis plug/primary homeostasis. S:discuss and
Platelet adhesion take notes
Platelet aggregation
Loose platelet plug
Primary homeostasis
Bleeding time:-Time between onset of bleeding and
primary homeostasis.(8 min)
Secondary homeostasis:-
Loose platelet plug fibrin
Clotting time:-Time between onset of bleeding andthe
formation of affirm clot(10 min)
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 417
S Time Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No objective learning
9 5min Clotting T:Lecture Q:List out all the
factors Clotting factors:- They are 13 in number cum clotting factors
1. Fibrinogen discussion
2. Prothrombin S:discuss and
3. Tissue factor( thromboplastin) take notes
4. Calcium
5. Proaccelerin or labile factor
6. The existence of this factor is not accepted
7. Proconvertin or stable factor
8. Anti hemophilic factor A
9. Christmas
10.Stuart-prower factor
11.Plasma thromboplastin antecedent(PTA)
12.Hageman/glass factor
13.Fibrin stabilizing
Vitamin K is essential for synthesis of factors
II,VII, IX and X.
10 5min To Reaction of coagulation is the conversion of the T:Lecture Q. explain the
explain soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin cum mechanism of
Mechanis threads. discussion coagulation
m of o For this, the following reaction have to occur: S:discuss and
coagulatio o Thrombin acts upon fibrinogen to form fibrin take notes
n o Thrombin is formed by activation of
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 418
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o Prothrombin to thrombin activation occurs in the Q: what is the
presence of factor Xa role of vit k?
o Factor Xa produced by two major pathways:
o The intrinsic pathway
The extrinsic pathway
Vitamin k is required for the synthesis of pro
coagulant factors 2,7,9 and 10
Liver synthesized the pro coagulant factors -5,7,9,10
and 11
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 419
1. What is blood grouping system?
2. What is the importance of ABO& Rh system in medical field?
3. What is blood clotting?
4. List out various clotting factor?
1. Explain the ABO & Rh system ?
2. List out the various clotting factor?
Evaluation: Unit test for 50 marks once the IIIrd unit is completed
1. PR Ashalatha& G Deepa, Anatomy& Physiology For Nurses,4th edition,2015,Jaypee brother, page 94-97
2. Waugh anne,grant Allison; Ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness,12 th edition,2014 page
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 420
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : III
General objective : At the end of the class student will be able to gain knowledge regarding blood cross
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 421
Specific objectives : At the end of the class the students will be able to
Review of previous class - Ask question regarding blood and blood groups.
Introduction - Ask the students if they know about need of cross matching.
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 422
S Durati Specific Objective Content Teaching evaluation
NO on learning activities
1 5 min To explain blood Introduction:-Blood cross matching, in T:Lecture cum Q: what is
cross matching transfusion medicine; refer to the test that is discussion S:Discuss and blood cross
performed prior to blood transfusion/organ take notes matching?
transplantation in order to determine if the
donor’s blood is compatible with the blood of
an intended recipient.
Compatibility is determined through
matching of different blood group system
specially the ABO and Rh system.
2 10 min To explain about Immediate-spin Cross matching:- T:explain with Q: How many
types of demonstration type of blood
cross It is an abbreviated form of cross-matching that S: listen, watch and cross-matching?
matching is faster, less expensive but also less sensitive. take notes
It is an immediate test that takes several
minutes to do and it can be done at room
Electronic cross-matching
It is a computer-assisted analysis using data,
from the donor unit (where a donor's blood
is tested prior to donation) and testing done
on blood samples from the intended
Cross match fall into two category:-
Major cross match:-recipient serum is
tested against donor packed cell to
determine if the
GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol III - Biosciences 423
S Durati Specific Objective Content Teaching learning evaluation
NO on activities
recipient has performed antibodies against any
antigen on the donor cell.
Minor cross match:-Recipient red cells are
tested against donor serum to detect donor
antibodies directed against a patient antigen.
S Durati Specific Objective Content Teaching learning evaluation
NO on activities
People with Rh factor are designated Rh
positive (Rh+), while people without Rh factor
are called Rh negative (Rh-). Your Rh type is
also used to decide which type of blood you can
safely receive during a transfusion.
4 15min To explain the Finding are :- T:demonstrate the Q: what is your
finding from above procedure with Lab kit blood group?
procedure People with type A blood will have anti-B S:observe and practice and
antibodies. People with type B blood will have take notes
anti-A antibodies. People with type O blood will
have both. Therefore:
If your blood clumps only when the B cells are
added, you have blood type A
2. If your blood clumps only when the A cells
are added, you have blood type B
3. If your blood clumps in both cases, you have
type O
4. If your blood does not clump when both
types of blood are added, you have blood type
S Durati Specific Objective Content Teaching learning evaluation
NO on activities
Rh typing:
5 5min To explain about risk Risk regarding blood typing and cross Lecture cum discussion Q: what are the
S:Discuss and take notes risks regarding
matching:- blood grouping
and cross
Bruising, Bleeding, Infection at site etc matching?
Summary & Evaluation (10min)
Define cross matching.
List out the type of method
Significance of performing procedure during emergency
Verbalise the procedure(ask to 5 student)
1. What are blood grouping and cross matching?
2. Explain the procedure of cross matching?
Subject : Anatomy and Physiology
Unit : III
General objective : At the end of the class the students should be able to gain knowledge regarding the
Specific objective: at the end of the class the students will be able to:
Review of previous class - student verbalize the composition & various product of the blood & their uses.
Introduction -Ask the students if they know about any one blood products and their uses
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
1 5 Min. To know Introduction of blood: Blood is a fluid connective tissue which is T:Lecture What is
about the red coloured, opaque and alkaline in reaction. Body contains about 5 cum Blood?
blood litre of blood in an adult which comes to about 8% of body weight discussion
and take
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
1.cellular components
A) RED CELL CONCENTRATES : also called packed Red T:Lecture Q. Enlist the
3 15Min To know Cells. cum cellular
. about CONTAINS : only RBCs , Platelets and plasma are removed, discussion components
cellular Stored at 2-4degree centigrade S:discuss of blood and
components INDICATION / USES : 1. Anaemia and take their uses ?
of blood 2. Thalassemia notes
and their 3. Sickle cell anaemia
b) Washed RBC
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
recurrent febrile reactions.
2. Urticarial reactions
3. Anaphylactic reactions
4. Ig A deficiencies with Ig a
2. Plasma components :
4. 10 To know a) Fresh frozen plasma: contains all coagulation factors ,
Min. about the plasma proteins T:Lecture Q. Enlist the
plasma INDICATION/ USES : 1. Single clotting factor deficiency cum plasma
components 2. Multiple clotting factors deficiency discussion components
of blood 3.massive transfusions of blood and
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
and their 4. Warfarine overdose S:discuss their uses?
uses 5. TTP and take
3) plasma derivatives :
To know 1. Coagulation factors
5. 10 about the T:Lecture Enlist the
Min. plasma a) FACTOR 8 : indication/ uses : 1. Hemophilia A cum plasma
S. Durat Specific Content Teaching Evaluation
No ion Objective Learning
derivatives 2. loading dose & maintenance discussion derivatives
and their dose S:discuss and their
uses b) FACTOR 9 : Indication /uses : 1. Hemophilia B and take uses?
2) ALBUMIN : Indication/uses : 1. Nephritic syndrome
2. liver disease with fluid
a) normal immune globulins : Prepared from normal plasma
indication /uses : 1.Infections
2.immune thrombocytopenic
3. Hypo gamma globulinaemia
b) Specific immune globulins : obtained from donors with high
titers of antibodies ,
Examples - anti D , anti hepatitis b & anti vericella zoster
Summary &evaluation: (10 Min. )
1. List various products of the blood.
2. Discuss cellular components of blood and their uses.
3. Discuss plasma components of blood and their uses.
4. Discuss plasma derivatives of blood and their uses.
Assignment: Enlist and describe the various products of the blood and their uses.
Evaluation : Unit test for 50 marks once the unit IIIrd is completed.
Subject : BIO-SCIENCE (Anatomy & physiology)
Unit : IV Circulatory system
Topic : Heart: Structure
Group : G.N.M. 1st Year
Place : Class Room & Demonstration Room
Date & time : 60 minute
Teaching method : Lecture cum demonstration
A V aids/instruction aids : Chalk & Board, chart, LCD, Computer
General Objective: At the end of teaching the student will be able to gain knowledge regarding structure of heart.
Specific Objective: At the end of the teaching the student will be able to gain knowledge and apply in to their
clinical practices
S. Specific
Time Content learning activities Evaluation
No. objective
1. 5min. To explain Introduction: Heart is a roughly cone shaped T: Explain with Q: explain about
about holder muscular organ. It is about 10 cm long & power point the position of
position of it’s about size of the owner’s fist. It weight presentation. heart?
heart 225gm in women & 310 gm in male S: Listen and takes
Position: The heart lies in thoracic cavity in the notes
mediustirium between lungs:
: Present bone absence
: Apex below
Structure :
The heart wall is composed of three layers of
tissue -
: Pericardium
: Myocardium
: Endocardium
S. Specific
Time Content learning activities Evaluation
No. objective
2. 10 min. To describe Pericardium: T: Explain with Q: describe about
pericardium made up of two sacs power point the pericardium?
1. The outer sac (the fibrous presentation.
pericardium): consists of fibrous tissue. S: Listen and takes
The fibrous pericardium is continuous notes
with the tunica adventitia of the great
blood vessels above and is adherent to the
diaphragm below. The outer layer of the
serous pericardium, the parietal
pericardium, lines the fibrous
The inner sac (the serous pericardium): of a
continuous double layer of serous membrane.
The inner layer, the visceral pericardium, which
is continuous with the parietal pericardium, is
adherent to the heart muscle. The serous
S. Specific
Time Content learning activities Evaluation
No. objective
membrane consists of flattened epithelial cells. It
secretes serous fluid, called pericardial fluid, in
to the space between the visceral and parietal
layers, which allows smooth movement between
them when the heart beats.
S. Specific
Time Content learning activities Evaluation
No. objective
of blood. It is thickest in the left ventricle, which
has the greatest workload.
4. 10 min. To describe Fibrous tissue in the heart: T: Explain with Q: describe about
Endocardium The myocardium is supported by a power point the Endocardium?
network of fine fibres that run through all the presentation.
heart muscle. S: Listen and takes
S. Specific
Time Content learning activities Evaluation
No. objective
Interior of heart:
The heart is divided into a right and left
side by the septum, a partition consisting
of myocardium covered by endocardium.
Each side is divided by an atrioventricular
valve into the upper atrium and the
ventricle below.The atrioventricular valves
are formed by double folds of endocardial
strengthened by a little fibrous tissue.
The right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid
valve) has three flaps or cusps and the left
atrioventricular valve (mitral valve) has
two cusps.
Flow of blood in the heart is one way;
blood enters the heart via the atria and
passes into the ventricles below.
Summary( 5min) :-
Heart consists of four chambers. Right atrium and ventricle receive unoxygenated blood from IVC and SVC. And pump to
lungs through pulmonary aorta and arteries.
Left side of heart ( lt atrium and ventricle receive oxygenated blood from lungs through four pulmonary veins. And pump to
the systemic circulation through aorta and arteries.
1- Churchill livingston Elsevier, pp 83-84.
2- Choudhary sujit k,” concise medical physiology” 4th edition 2002, new central book agency(P) ltd, pp-159-160Wagh
anne and Grant Allison, “ ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness” 7 th edition 2014,
SUBJECT : Anatomy & Physiology
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of class student will be able to gain knowledge about functions of
heart .
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of class student will be able:- To explain function of right side of heart.And
discuss function of left side of heart, know about supportive function of heart.
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Learning Evaluation
1 10 mins To explain RIGHT SIDE OF HEART: T: Explain with Q: List
function of right Receive deoxygenated blood from power point function of
side of hear.t body tissues. presentation. right side of
Passing deoxygenated blood through S: Listen and heart
tricuspid valve to right ventricle. takes notes
Pumping of blood from right ventricle
to lungs in pulmonary circulation.
3 5 mins To know about Supportive function of heart: T: Explain with Q: ask about
supportive function Supply nutrition along with blood to power point supportive
of heart. body tissues. presentation. function of
Transportation of various hormones to S: Listen and heart
target organs. takes notes
Summary( 5min) :-
Heart consists of four chambers. Right atrium and ventricle receive unoxygenated blood from IVC and SVC. And pump to
lungs through pulmonary aorta and arteries.
Left side of heart ( lt atrium and ventricle receive oxygenated blood from lungs through four pulmonary veins. And pump to
the systemic circulation through aorta and arteries.
1- Wagh anne and Grant Allison, “ ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness” 7 th edition 2014,
Churchill livingston Elsevier, pp 83-84.
2- Choudhary sujit k,” concise medical physiology” 4th edition 2002, new central book agency(P) ltd, pp-159-160 .
SUBJECT : Anatomy & Physiology.
UNIT : IV (Circulatory system)
TOPIC : Conductive system of heart and cardiac cycle
PLACE : Class room and demonstration room.
DATE & TIME : 60 minute.
TEACHING METHOD : Lecture cum discussion.
AV AIDS : Blackboard&Chalk, Chart, PPT.
Students pre-requisite- : Students should have through knowledge about structure of heart, its interior structure, and
circulation through heart.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE : At the end of class the student will be able to gain knowledge about conductive system of
heart and cardiac cycle.
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
1. 5 min To INTRODUCTION : - T: Explain with Q: what do you
introduce The heart posses the property of power point mean auto
about autorrhythmicity, which means it generate its presentation. rhythmicity.
conductive own electrical impulses and beats independently S: Listen and takes
system of of nervous and hormonal control, i.e. it is not notes
heart. dependent on external mechanism to initiate its
each beat. However it is supplied by both
sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous
supply which increase and decrease intrinsic
heart rate. Inaddition hormones like adrenaline
and thyroxine affetct the heart rate.
The heart has intrinsic system composed of
specialised neuromuscular cells in the
myocardium initiate and conduct impulses,
casing coordinated and synchronised contration
of heart muscle.
Sino atrial node, atrio-ventricular node, bundle
of his and purkinje fibres together form a
system whose function is to create and convey
the impulsesto every part of the heart. It is
called conductive system of heart.
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
2. 5 min To explain SINOATRIAL NODE : - T: Explain with Q: ask about
about sino Small mass of special call lies in the wall of power point sino atrial of
atrial of right atrium near the opening of superior vana presentation. node .
node is abbreviated as SAnode. S: Listen and takes
S A node is “PACE MACKER “ of heart. notes
SA node generate these regular impulses
because they are electrically unstable. This
iunstability leads to discharge or depolarisation
of regularly about 60-80 times in a minute. The
depolarisation is immediately followed by
Firing of S A node cause atrial contraction.
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
Its intrinsic firing rate slower than that set by S
A node. Rate of impulse generation is slower
than SA node (40-60 beats / minute).
4. 5 min To discus ATRIOVENTICULAR BUNDLE R BUNDLE OF T: Explain with Q: ask about
about HIS :- power point atrioventicular
atrioventicu This is mass of specialised fibres that originate presentation. bundle.
lar bundle from the A V node. AV bundle crosses the S: Listen and takes
or bundle fibrous ring that separates the atria and notes
of His. ventricle. And reachin ventricle where it splits
in two branches called right and left bundle
It divides in right and left bundle branches.
Within ventricular myocardium the branches
breaks up in to fine fibres, called purkinje
A V bundle, bundle branches and purkinje
fibres canvey electrical impulses from Av node
to apex of myocardium where wave of
ventricular contraction begins.
Normally the SA node generate impulses, but in
abnormal condition AV node, bundle of his and
every part of purkinje fibres can generate
The purkinje fibres transmit eleclrical impulses
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
from the AV node to the apex of
themyocardium where wave of ventricular
contraction begins, then sweeps upwards and
outwards , pumping blood in to the pulmonary
artery and the aorta.
5. 10min To explain Route of cardiac impulse transmission T: Explain with Q: ask about
the route of (CONDUCTIVITY)- power point conductivity of
impuse Whether the impulses generated normally in SA node presentation. impulses in
transmissio or abnormally in AV node or bundle of his, spreads to S: Listen and takes heart.
n in distant parts of heart. notes
myocardiu The impulses follow the route as under : impulses
m. generated in SA node→conducted via the atria to the
AV node →impulse move via the bundle of his→then
via the Rt and Lt bundles→via the arbonisation of
purkinje fibres.
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
receive blood from corresponding venous system
and pumps into the corresponding atrial system.
These evnts recur cyclically until death of the
The heart act as pump and it’s action consist of a
series of events known as the cardiac cycle.
The period of contraction is called by systole.
The period of relaxation is called diastole.
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
S. Time Specific Content Teaching Learning Evaluation
No objective activity
artery and the aorta.
The high pressure generated during the
ventricular systole ( contraction) forces the
atrioventricular valves to close, preventing backflow
of blood into the atria.
Summary ( 10 min) :- sumaries the topics as under -
Assignment:- write in brief about conductive system of heart. Draw a diagram of cardiac cycle and explain about it.
Wagh anne and Grant Allison, “ ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness” 7 th edition 2014,
Churchill livingston Elsevier, pp 90-93.
Choudhary sujit k,” concise medical physiology” 4th edition 2002, new central book agency(P) ltd, pp-
160,173,174,177 .
SUBJECT : Anatomy & Physiology
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of class student will be able to gain knowledge about types, structure &
position of blood vessels.
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Learning Evaluation
1 10 mins To Enumerate Introduction: The heart pump blood into T: Explain with Q: List all
Various Type of vessels that vary in structure, size & function. power point types of
Blood Vessels presentation. blood vessels
Types of blood vessels: S: Listen and
Arteries & arterioles: Transport blood away takes notes
from heart.
Veins and veinules:
► Return blood at low pressure to the
► Smallest veins are called venules.
The smallest arterioles break up
into a number of minute vessels
called capillaries. The capillaries open into
2 15 mins To explain Structure of various blood vessels: T: Explain with Q: ask about
structure of power point structure of
various blood Arteries:- The wall consists of layers of presentation. blood vessels
vessels. tissue of aorta are as follows S: Listen and
► Tunica adventitia- outer fibrous layer. takes notes
► Tunica media- Middle layer of smooth
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Learning Evaluation
Muscle & elastic tissue.
► Tunica intima- Inner lining of squamous
Epithelium called vascular epithelium.
This layer is very smooth and silky in health.
This layer is in direct contact with blood. It is
supported externally by elastic fibres called
lamina propria.
In smaller arteries and Arterioles , the
amount of elastic tissue both in intima and
media are much less, proportion of smooth
muscle tissue in tunica media increases.
Capillaries:- Capillaries walls consist of a
single layer of endothelial cellsstanding on
the basement layer.
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Learning Evaluation
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Learning Evaluation
3 5 mins To discuss the Arteries:- these are situated deep in the T: Explain with Q: ask about
position of blood muscles because they carry oxygenated blood power point position of
vessels with pressure from heart. presentation. blood vessels
S: Listen and
takes notes
Vein:-They are situated on surface of body
which carry deoxygenated blood from body
to heart.
Summary ( 10 min) :- sumaries the topics as under -
Assignment:- List & explain various types of Blood vessels. Draw a labelled diagram of structure of aorta.
1- Wagh anne and Grant Allison, “ ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness” 7 th edition
2014, Churchill livingston Elsevier, pp 83-84.
2- Choudhary sujit k,” concise medical physiology” 4th edition 2002, new central book agency(P) ltd, pp-195 .
SUBJECT : Anatomy & Physiology
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of class student will be able to gain knowledge about circulation of blood
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Teaching Evaluation
1. 5 min To introduce about Introduction: Circulation of blood in the T: Explain with
circulation of body is continuous but it is easy to describe it power point
blood. in two parts: presentation.
Pulmonary circulation S: Listen and
General circulation. takes notes
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Teaching Evaluation
subdivide into smaller arteries, arterioles,
and capillaries.
The exchange of gases takes place
between the blood into capillaries and air
in the alveoli of lungs.
In each lung, the oxygenated blood in
capillaries merge into larger venules and
eventually form veins and two pulmonary
Two pulmonary veins leave each lung,
returning oxygenated blood to the left
atrium of the heart. During atrial systole
this blood is pumped into the left
ventricle, and during ventricular systole it
is forced into the aorta, the first artery of
systemic circulation.
3. 15min To learn the Systemic or General circulation: T: Explain with Q: ask about
general or systemic During ventricular systole, blood from power point general
circulation. the left ventricle is pumped into the presentation. circulation
aorta. It continues as branches of aorta. S: Listen and
The branches repeatedly give rise to takes notes
further branches, which are narrower
and narrower and ultimately they
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Teaching Evaluation
become arterioles. The arterioles open
into the capillaries. The capillaries
open into the venules on other side of
arteriole. The venule unite with other
venule to form veins, the veins unite
with other vein and ultimately form
two great veins i.e. Superior and
Inferior vana cava. These open into the
right atrium. This portion of vascular
tree is called systemic or general
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Teaching Evaluation
off many paired branches:
» Bronchial arteries.
» Oesophageal arteries.
» Intercostal arteries.
2- Abdominal aorta: at the level of forth
lumbar vertebra it divide in to-
» Right common iliac arteries.
» Left common iliac arteries.
Paired branches :
Inferior phrenic arteries.
Renal arteries .
Testicular Arteries.
Ovarin arteries.
Unpaired branches : it devide in
three branches:
Left gastric artery.
Splenic artery.
Hepatic Artery.
4. 15 mins To explain about Portal circulation: T: Explain with Q: ask about
the portal In portal circulation, venous blood from the power point portal
circulation capillary bed of the abdominal part of the presentation. circulation
digestive system , the spleen, the pancreas, S: Listen and
travel first to the liver. Where it passes takes notes
through a second capillary bed, the hepatic
S.No. Time Specific Objective Content Teaching Evaluation
sinusoid, before entering into the general
circulation via IVC and SVC.
This supply of blood ensures that the
composition of blood leaving the alimentary
tract can be appropriately regulated. It also
ensures that unwanted and / or potentially
toxic materials like drugs are eliminated
before the blood is returned in general
Portal vein :
This formed by the union of several veins,
each drain blood from the area supplied by
the corresponding artery.
1. The splenic vein
2. The inferior mesenteric vein
3. The superior mesenteric vein
4. The gastric vein
5. The cystic vein
Summary ( 10 min) :- sumaries the topics as under -
Assignment:- Discuss general and portal circulation. Draw a labelled diagram of structure of aorta with its branches.
1- Wagh anne and Grant Allison, “ ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness” 7 th edition
2014, Churchill livingston Elsevier, pp 100-111.
2- Choudhary sujit k,” concise medical physiology” 4th edition 2002, new central book agency(P) ltd, pp-194-
195 .
INTRODUCTION:- 2 MIN :- the blood pressure and pulse are the vital signs of the body, which are related to the most vital organ of
the body, heart. Both should be always in normal range.
S.No. Time Content Learning Evaluation
1 5 mins To define blood Blood pressure: It is the force or pressure that is exerted by T: Explain with What do you
pressure the blood on the walls of the blood vessels. The systemic power point mean by
arterial pressure maintains the essential flow of blood into and presentation. blood
out of the organs of the body. This systemic arterial pressure S: Listen and pressure?
also know as simple arterial blood pressure , is result of takes notes
discharge of blood from the left ventricle into already full
The BP varies according to the time of the day, posture,
gender and age of individual.
S.No. Time Content Learning Evaluation
is much lower & is called Diastolic blood pressure. In adult it
is 80 mm of Hg
BP:- 120/80mmHg
4 10 mins To discuss about B.P. is control in two ways- T: Explain with Q: ask about
control of blood * short term control: it involve power point structure of
S.No. Time Content Learning Evaluation
pressure 1- baro receptor reflex presentation. blood
2- chemo receptor S: Listen and pressure
3- circulating hormone takes notes
4- higher centres in brain
T: Explain with
5 05 mins. To define pulse Pulse:- the alternate expansion and recoil of elastic arteries power point Q: ask about
after each systole of the left ventricle create a travelling presentation. pulse
pressure wave that is called the pulse. A wave of distension S: Listen and
and elongation felt in an artery wall due to contraction of the takes notes
left ventricle.
Sites of pulse :-
1. Apical, 2. Temporal, 3. Facial, 4. Carotid, 5. Brachial, 6.
Radial, 7. Femoral, 8. Popliteal, 9. Posterior tibial, 10.
Dorsalis pedis
Normal pulse :- 72 bpm (60-80 average)
S.No. Time Content Learning Evaluation
S.No. Time Content Learning Evaluation
Baroreceptor reflex
Narrowed tissue of peripheral arteries
Heart is unable to generate enough force due to
1- Classify B.P.
2- Ask normal value of B.P.
3- What are Charactristics of pulse?
Waugh A. And Grant A., “Ross & Wilson – Anatomy & physiology in health and illness, Churchill livingstone Elsevier, 12 th
edition, 2014, p.n . 96-99
Tortora Gerard J., Grabowski S.R. , “ principles of anatomy and physiology” Benzamins Cummins, 8th edition 1999, p.n. 621-