Shelly 3em
Shelly 3em
Shelly 3em
In order to add more Devices can choose an icon or add a picture to make it easier to recog-
later, use the app menu at the top right corner of the main screen nize. Press “Save Device”.
and click “Add Device”. Type the name (SSID) and password for
the WiFi network, to which you want to add the Device.
Before installing/mounting the Device ensure that the grid is
powered off (turned down breakers). Connect Shelly 3EM to the
power grid and install it in the breakers box following the scheme
that suites the desired purpose.
You may choose if you want to use Shelly with the Shelly Cloud
mobile application and Shelly Cloud service. You can also famil-
iarize yourself with the instructions for Management and Control
through the embedded Web interface.
All Shelly devices are compatible with Amazon Echo and Google
Home. Please see our step-by-step guide on:
• Step 7 - To enable connection to the Shelly Cloud service for
THE MOBILE APPLICATION - SHELLY CLOUD • Step 3 - WiFi network inclusion remote control and monitoring, press “YES” on the following
Shelly Cloud gives you opportunity to control and adjust all If using iOS press the home button of your iPhone/iPad/iPod. pop-up.
Shelly® Devices from anywhere in the world. You only need an Open Settings > WiFi and connect to the WiFi network created by
internet connection and our mobile application, installed on your Shelly, e.g. shellyem3-35FA58.
smartphone or tablet. To install the application please visit Goo- If using Android your phone/tablet will automatically scan and
gle Play or App Store and install the Shelly Cloud app. include all new Shelly Devices in the WiFi network that you are
connected to.
The first time you load the Shelly Cloud mobile app, you have to
create an account which can manage all your Shelly® devices.
Forgotten Password Shelly Devices Settings
In case you forget or lose your password, just enter the e-mail After your Shelly device is included in the app, you can
address you have used in your registration. You will then receive control it, change its settings and automate the way it
instructions to change your password. Upon successful Device Inclusion to the WiFi network you will works. To switch the relay of the Device on and off, use the
⚠WARNING! Be careful when you type your e-mail address see this pop-up:
respective Power button. To enter at the Details menu of
during the registration, as it will be used in case you forget your the respective Device, simply click on its name. From the
password. After registering, create your first room (or rooms),
details menu you may control the Device, as well as edit its
where you are going to add and use your Shelly devices.
appearance and settings.