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Shelly 3em

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• Step 2 - Choose “Add Device”.

In order to add more Devices can choose an icon or add a picture to make it easier to recog-
later, use the app menu at the top right corner of the main screen nize. Press “Save Device”.
and click “Add Device”. Type the name (SSID) and password for
the WiFi network, to which you want to add the Device.

Before installing/mounting the Device ensure that the grid is
powered off (turned down breakers). Connect Shelly 3EM to the
power grid and install it in the breakers box following the scheme
that suites the desired purpose.
You may choose if you want to use Shelly with the Shelly Cloud
mobile application and Shelly Cloud service. You can also famil-
iarize yourself with the instructions for Management and Control
through the embedded Web interface.
All Shelly devices are compatible with Amazon Echo and Google
Home. Please see our step-by-step guide on:
• Step 7 - To enable connection to the Shelly Cloud service for
THE MOBILE APPLICATION - SHELLY CLOUD • Step 3 - WiFi network inclusion remote control and monitoring, press “YES” on the following
Shelly Cloud gives you opportunity to control and adjust all If using iOS press the home button of your iPhone/iPad/iPod. pop-up.
Shelly® Devices from anywhere in the world. You only need an Open Settings > WiFi and connect to the WiFi network created by
internet connection and our mobile application, installed on your Shelly, e.g. shellyem3-35FA58.
smartphone or tablet. To install the application please visit Goo- If using Android your phone/tablet will automatically scan and
gle Play or App Store and install the Shelly Cloud app. include all new Shelly Devices in the WiFi network that you are
connected to.

The first time you load the Shelly Cloud mobile app, you have to
create an account which can manage all your Shelly® devices.
Forgotten Password Shelly Devices Settings
In case you forget or lose your password, just enter the e-mail After your Shelly device is included in the app, you can
address you have used in your registration. You will then receive control it, change its settings and automate the way it
instructions to change your password. Upon successful Device Inclusion to the WiFi network you will works. To switch the relay of the Device on and off, use the
⚠WARNING! Be careful when you type your e-mail address see this pop-up:
respective Power button. To enter at the Details menu of
during the registration, as it will be used in case you forget your the respective Device, simply click on its name. From the
password. After registering, create your first room (or rooms),
details menu you may control the Device, as well as edit its
where you are going to add and use your Shelly devices.
appearance and settings.

• Step 4 - Approximately 30 seconds after discovery of any new

Devices оn the local WiFi network, а list will be displayed by de-
Shelly Cloud gives you opportunity to create scenes for au- fault in the “Discovered Devices” room.
tomatic turning on or off of the Devices at predefined hours
or based on other parameters like temperature, humidity,
light etc. (with available sensor in Shelly Cloud). Shelly
Cloud allows easy control and monitoring using a mobile
phone, tablet or PC.
Device Inclusion
To add a new Shelly device, connect it to the power grid
following the Installation Instructions included with the
• Step 1 - After the installation of Shelly in the breakers boxand
the power is turned on Shelly will create its own WiFi Access • Step 5 - Enter Discovered Devices and choose the Device you
Point (AP). want to include in your account.
⚠WARNING! In case the Device has not created its own WiFi
network with SSID like shellyem3-35FA58 check if you have con-
nected Shelly correctly by the schemes described above. If you do
not see an active WiFi network with SSID like shellyem3-35FA58,
reset the Device. In order to reset the device, you will need physical
access to it. On the front of the device, you will see a button. Press
and hold it for 10 seconds. Shelly should return to AP Mode. If
not, please repeat or contact our customer support at: support@
shelly.cloud Step 6 - Enter a name for the Device (in the Device Name field).
Choose a Room, in which the Device has to be positioned. You
Details menu • Access Point (AP) – the mode in which the Device creates • Restrict Login: Restrict the web interface of Shelly with a Us-
Here you will see the momentary: its own WiFi connection point with the respective name (SSID). ername and Password. After typing the details in the respective
• Consumption - in Watts • Client Mode (CM) – the mode in which the Device is connect- fields, press Restrict Shelly.
• Voltage -in Volts ed to another WiFi network. • SNTP Server: You can change the default SNTP server. Enter
• Reactive power – in Volt-Ampere Reactive (VAR) Installation/Initial inclusion the address, and click Save.
• Power Factor – in the range of -1 to 1 Below that you will see • Advanced - Developer Settings: Here you can change the ac-
• Step 1 - Install Shelly to the power grid following the schemes
the history graph for the last year for: tion execution:
described above and place it into the console. After turning the
• Consumption* - Via CoAP (CoIOT)
power on Shelly will create its own WiFi network (AP).
• Voltage –with a lowest and highest measurement - Via MQTT
⚠WARNING! In case the Device has not created its own WiFi
*If you have connected your solar panel to Shelly 3EM, it will be • Cloud: Enable or Disable connection to the Cloud service.
network with SSID like shellyem3-35FA58 check if you have con-
shown in green color. nected Shelly correctly by the schemes described above. If you do Settings
SETTINGS not see an active WiFi network with SSID like shellyem3-35FA58, • Power On Default Mode - This sets the default output state
reset the Device. In order to reset the device, you will need physical when Shelly is powered.
Timer access to it. On the front of the device, you will see a button. Press - ON: Configure Shelly to turn ON, when it has power.
Manage the power supply automatically and hold it for 10 seconds. Shelly should return to AP Mode. If not, - OFF: Configure Shelly to turn OFF, when it has power.
• Auto OFF: After turning on, the power supply will automatically please repeat or contact our customer support at: • Restore Last Mode - Configure Shelly to return to last state it
shutdown after a predefined time (in seconds). A value of 0 will support@shelly.cloud was in, when it has power.
cancel the timer. • Step 2 - When Shelly has created an own WiFi network (own • Firmware Update - Update the firmware of Shelly, when a new
• Auto ON: After turning off, the power supply will be automati- AP), with name (SSID) such as shellyem3-35FA58. Connect to it version is released.
cally turned on after a predefined time (in seconds). A value of 0 with your phone, tablet or PC. • Time Zone and Geo-location - Enable or Disable the automatic
will cancel the timer. • Step 3 - Type into the address field of your detection of Time Zone and Geo-location.
Weekly Schedule browser to load the web interface of Shelly. • Set Date/Time - You can manually set the Date and time for
General - Home Page your Shelly device.
This function requires an internet connection. • Factory Reset - Return Shelly to its factory default settings.
Shelly receives actual information about the time of sunrise This is the home page of the embedded web interface.
• Device Reboot - Reboots the Device.
and sunset in your area. Shelly may turn on/off automati- Here you will see information about:
• Device Info - Shows your device ID.
• Total electrical consumption of all channels
cally at a predefined time, at sunrise/sunset, or at a speci- In Client Mode shows also your WiFi network name and WiFi
• Current electrical consumption, Voltage, Reactive power and
fied time before or after sunrise/sunset. Power Factor of Channel A
signal strength.
Internet/Security • Current electrical consumption, Voltage, Reactive power and Description of Shelly 3EM values:
• WiFi Mode - Client: Allows the device to connect to an avail- Power Factor of Channel B 1. Power Consumption - This is the power which is actually con-
able WiFi network. After typing the details in the respective fields, • Current electrical consumption, Voltage, Reactive power and sumed or utilized in an AC Circuit. It is also called True power,
press Connect. Power Factor of Channel C Active power or Real power. It is measured in kilowatt (kW) or
• WiFi Client Backup: Allows the device to connect to an alterna- • Power Button megawatt (MW). It is the actual outcome of the electrical system
tive WiFi network, if the primary is not available. After typing the • Connection to Cloud which runs the electric circuits or loads. This is the energy which
details in the respective fields, press Set. • Present time you are paying. It is shown separately with individual colors for
• WiFi Mode - Access Point: Configure Shelly to create a Wi- • Settings each phase, in the history graph. If you have solar panel and sell
Fi Access point. After typing the details in the respective fields, energy, you will see this power with “negative” value. It is shown
press Create Access Point. in green color in the history graph.
• Cloud: Enable or Disable connection to the Cloud service. 2. Reactive power - This is the power that flows back and forth,
• Restrict Login: Restrict the web interface of Shely with a Us- it moves in both the direction in the circuit or react upon itself.
ername and Password. After typing the details in the respective The Reactive power is measured in Volt-Ampere reactive (VAR),
fields, press Restrict Shelly. Kilo Volt-Ampere reactive (VAR) or Mega Volt-Ampere reactive
Settings (MVAR). You are not being charged for this energy.
3. Power Factor - The power factor of an AC electrical circuit is
• Power On Default Mode - This sets the default output state defined as the ratio of the real power absorbed by the load to
when Shelly is powered. the apparent power flowing in the circuit, and is a dimensionless
- ON: Configure Shelly to turn ON, when it has power. number in the closed interval of −1 to 1. A power factor of less
- OFF: Configure Shelly to turn OFF, when it has power. than 1 indicates the voltage and current are not in phase, reduc-
- Restore Last Mode: Configure Shelly to return to last state it ing the instantaneous product of the two. In a perfect situation
was in, when it has power. the Power Factor is close to 1.
• Firmware Update - Update the firmware of Shelly, when a new 4. Voltage - Voltage, also called electromotive force, is a quan-
version is released. titative expression of the potential difference in charge between
• Time Zone and Geo-location - Enable or Disable the automatic two points in an electrical field.
detection of Time Zone and Geo-location. You can download your history by going to
• Factory Reset - Return Shelly to its factory default settings. https://my.shelly.cloud/ in a browser on a PC.
• Device Information - Here you can see the:
- Device ID - Unique ID of Shelly
- Device IP - The IP of Shelly in your Wi-Fi network
- Device Type – The type of your Shelly device
- WiFi Name – the Name (SSID) of the WiFi network to which
your Shelly is connected
- WiFi Signal - the Signal strength of the WiFi network to which
your Shelly is connected
Edit Device
From here you can edit:
• Device Name
• Device Room
• Device Picture
When you are done, press Save Device. Some of the fea-
tures of the Shelly Cloud mobile application are available at Shelly 3EM can store in his internal memory history for 365 days.
You can download it in .xml format by clicking the download but-
https://my.shelly.cloud/ as well.
ton next to the channel info.
Еven without the mobile app, Shelly can be set and controlled • WiFi Mode - Client: Allows the device to connect to an available
through a browser and WiFi connection of a mobile phone, tablet • WiFi network. After typing the details in the respective fields,
or PC. press Connect.
Abbreviations Used: • WiFi Client Backup: Allows the device to connect to an alterna-
• Shelly-ID – the unique name of the Device. It consists of 6 tive WiFi network, if the primary is not available. After typing the
or more characters. It may include numbers and letters, for ex- details in the respective fields, press Set.
ample 35FA58. • WiFi Mode - Access Point: Configure Shelly to create a Wi-
• SSID – the name of the WiFi network, created by the Device, Fi Access point. After typing the details in the respective fields,
for example shellyem3-35FA58. press Create Access Point.

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