Sample Research Proposal
Sample Research Proposal
Sample Research Proposal
Supawan Kianmatee
When farmers first apply chemical pesticides in Asia, they found that these pesticides are
very effective in controlling insect pests, diseases, and weeds. Unfortunately, pest
resistance soon occurred, and became widespread and many pesticides became ineffective,
and the health hazards of pesticides became apparent. However, chemical pesticides are
still useful, but they require careful management for safe and effective use (Geier, 1998).
Therefore, farmers are encouraged to follow good agricultural practices (GAP) for food
production systems that are both economically and environmentally sustainable (FAO,
In the last decade, high yielding varieties and hybrids of vegetables were extensively used
in vegetable production. These vegetables were mainly annuals with multiple harvests.
Production was intensive with indiscriminate use of fertilizers and pesticides. Insect pest
control was generally through a “cocktail” mixture of insecticides that may collectively be
over dosed.
Pesticides offered an uncomplicated solution to farmers for pest management since these
pesticides were relatively cheap, readily available, easy to apply, non-specific and effective
(Kumar and Moorthy, 2001). However, the dependence totally on synthetic pesticides has
resulted in unintended and unforeseen problems, such as developing insect pest resistant to
insecticides, occurring secondary pest outbreaks, polluting the overall environment and
health hazards to people etc. (Jamornmarn, 2000).
The increased use of pesticides for control of crop pests in plant protection has created the
problem of contamination of crops. During 1982-85, pesticide residues were tested in 663
samples of food by the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Medical
Science and found residue in 52% of the samples of which DDT residue was in 39% of the
samples and dieldrin in 15% (Frauke, 1997). In 1993, the National Environment Board
tested pesticide residues in soil, water, fruits, vegetables, and field crops. Of the samples,
all soil samples contained pesticide residues, and 86% of water samples, 32% of fruits,
25% of vegetables and 17% of field crops had residue (Frauke, 1997). The Division of
1 This sample proposal is provided as an example to students in the Technical and Scientific Writing Module and Academic Writing
Module at the Sri Lanka Technological Campus, Meepe, Padukka, Sri Lanka (S.L. Ranamukhaarachchi – Instructor) – Attached
separately the publication made out of this research for interested student to learn.
Toxic Substances in a survey observed that 37% of vegetables in Thailand was
contaminated with organophosphorus insecticide residues in 1995 (Frauke, 1997).
Surprisingly, the level of residues exceeding the maximum residue limits (MRLs) was in
20% of the kale samples, 10% of cowpea, and 10% of tangerines.
During 1999 to 2003, the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand examined 4,000 food
samples from various sources, and of which approximately half of all the samples was
found contamination with pesticide residues, including 45% of vegetables and 50% of
fruits (Anon, 2004e). Between 2002 and 2003, 1,753 samples of vegetables and fruits from
Sri Moom Muang wholesale market in Bangkok were tested, and the result showed that
more than 85% of all samples contained pesticide residues (Anon, 2004e). Of these crops,
more than 3% of the samples contained pesticide residues above the safe levels. In 2002,
the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives examined a total of 202 samples of kale and
morning glory, and 48% of the samples contained pesticide residues which have been
tagged by WHO as ‘highly hazardous’ and ‘moderately hazardous’ and nearly 23%
contained these residues above the acceptable level (Anon, 2004e). Moreover, a banned
pesticide was also detected in five samples. There was a sample containing residue level 21
times higher than the acceptable level (Anon, 2004e). These findings have alarmed the
users, scientists and policy makers of the potential threat silently posed by the pesticides to
both people and environments. This demands the exploration of safe measures for the
control of insect pests in agriculture.
Integration of insect pest-repellent plants as companion plants along with crops has been
used as an alternative method in pest management. This is based on the nature of such
plants to keep insects away from them. Zehnder (2004) indicated that some plants
contained organic compounds that chemically interfere with the behavior of pests and
hence act as pest repellents. He reported that garlic was used to repel Japanese beetles,
aphids, vegetable weevils and spider mites, and basil plants help to repel tomato
hornworms and marigolds repelled cucumber beetles and nematodes thus avoiding pest
The use of biopesticides, i.e. pesticides found in plants, can also provide effective and
ecologically sound solutions to pest problems. The evidence shows that biopesticides are
effective in controlling pests that have developed resistance to chemical pesticides, leave
little or no toxic residues and hence commonly harmless to beneficial insects and other
non-target organisms (Harris and Dent, 1999). Major benefits of biopesticides would be
that they may be safer to use by humans and may represent a very much reduced hazard in
terms of their disposal and packaging compared to chemical pesticides (Harris and Dent,
1999). In vegetables, Bt is used for controlling insect pest caterpillars including
diamondback moth, armyworm, and cabbage looper (Dissathaporn et al., 2002). Neem is
active against many pests, including diamondback moth, thrips, and aphids (Anon, 2003c).
Therefore, the use of pest repellent plant (PRP) species and biopesticides in pest
management may help to reduce both the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture, and
hence pesticide residues in both food and environment. Moreover, it may not only help
decrease the cost of crop production but also bringing added economical benefits to the
farmers, if economically important plants were found to possess pest repellent
In Thailand, vegetables are grown in an extent of about 512,000 ha/year and produce about
5.2 million tons as crop yield. Annual consumption of vegetables in the country ranges
from 3.2 - 4.0 million tons and the export from 0.42 – 0.50 million tons. Major problem of
vegetable production in Thailand is the severe pest infestation which is mainly managed
using pesticides. Thailand has been pushed to be the “Kitchen of the World”. Many
countries (WTO members) currently apply “Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement” in
quality control of agricultural products that are imported to their own countries. Pesticide
residue has been an enormous problem which severely hampers the export-oriented
production systems. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to resolve the pesticide residue
problem to produce vegetables for export markets (Dissathaporn et al., 2002). On the
other hand, pesticides are threatening the health of people at all ages. This is due to
uncontrolled use of pesticides, which in turn require conscious use of pesticides.
Crucifers (Brassica spp.) are one of the most important vegetables grown throughout the
country in Thailand. Economically importance crops in cruciferaceae family include
cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. Capitata), Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea L. var.
Alboglabra Bailey.), Chinese mustard [Brassica camprestris L. ssp. Chinensis (Lour.)
Ruprecht.], cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. Botrytis L.), broccoli (Brassica oleracea
L. var. Italica Plenck.) and radish (Raphanus sativus L.), etc. These crops are mostly
vulnerable to insect pests such as diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus)], beet
armyworm (Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), common cutworm [Spodoptera litura
(Fabricius)], cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni Hübner), cabbage webworm [Hellula undalis
(Fabricius)], and leaf eating beetle (Phyllotreta chontanica Duvivier and P. sinuata Steph.)
(Kianmeesuk et al., 1999). As vegetables are grown continuously throughout the year, the
pest populations continue year-round, and their outbreaks become very severe. Due to
frequent use of insecticides, these insects develop resistance to many insecticides
(Kianmeesuk et al., 1999).
In 2002-2003, the area under cabbage, Chinese kale, Chinese mustard, cauliflower and
radish were 21,960, 18,625, 13,670, 3,950 and 3,050 ha, respectively, with the total
production of 409,969, 185,212, 122,033, 50,440 and 43,354 tons, respectively (Anon,
Of these crops, Chinese kale is one of the most grown as well as an intense pest attractive
crop. Pesticides are frequently and heavily applied, which bring three important problems:
a) development of pest resistance to insecticides, b) contamination of food with pesticide
residue, and c) pollution of environment and drinking water. In Thailand, farmers currently
apply the insecticide chlorfenapyr (Rampage 10% SC) once a week to control
diamondback moth in kale and preharvesting period of this insecticide is 7 days (Personal
communication with local extension officers). With the development of pest resistance, the
farmers increase the pesticide concentration, which also increases pesticide contamination
of ground water, air and overall environment, and more importantly their residue levels in
crops. Therefore, it is necessary to develop pest control methods that rely on non-pesticide-
based pest management so that such methods can minimize the use of pesticides, thereby
reducing the aforementioned negative effects. In this respect both PRP species and
biopesticides show a very high potential for pest management of Chinese kale and
reducing the use of chemical pesticides.
The following research questions are yet remained unresolved with respect to pest
management in Chinese kale using PRPs:
1. What are the plant species that have repellent effects on insect pests of Chinese
2. How can the PRP species be used in Chinese kale cropping systems?
3. How can the ability of such PRP species be integrated with other pest control
methods for managing pest problems?
4. Would there be harmful interactions between PRP species and Chinese kale crops
in terms of growth and yield suppression and how that interaction(s) influence on
yield of Chinese kale?
1.5 Research Objectives
Overall objective of this research is to study the potential of PRP species to reduce insect
pests in Chinese kale and the integration of effective PRP species with biopesticides to
minimize the use of highly toxic synthetic pesticides and their residue in food and
Specific objectives
1. To identify insect pests infesting in Chinese kale, and to assess and screen suitable
pest repellent plants using insect populations and pest-free distance in the crop.
2. To develop intercropping patterns integrating PRPs and Chinese kale and to assess
the types of pests infested and degree of crop damage for screening appropriate
Chinese kale + PRP associations.
3. To develop integrated pest management measures for Chinese kale by integrating
biopesticides with Chinese kale + PRP intercropping for sustainable pest
management for Chinese kale production.
The study will be conducted using Chinese kale due to its large-scale cultivation, extensive
consumption and economic potential in Thailand. The repellent plant species will be
selected for this study based on published literature and information gathered from selected
farming communities. The selected biopesticides i.e. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and Neem
(Azadirachta indica) extract will be used in this study. Due to the time constraint, the study
will be conducted as on-station research at the Agricultural Systems and Engineering
Research Farm at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
NOTE: To keep the length of the paper limited, I have removed many references.
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