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Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 8:10, 1492-1498; October 2012; © 2012 Landes Bioscience
with the aim to reduce the number of injections needed for sub-
Allergen-specific immunotherapy is currently performed via cutaneous desensitization.
either the subcutaneous or sublingual routes as a treatment
In the past 20 years, other routes of allergen administration
Immune mechanisms associated with allergen-specific example, the Th1 adjuvant MPL injected together with a grass pol-
immunotherapy. Our current understanding of immune mecha- len extract enhanced allergen-specific IgG1 and IgG4 responses,
nisms involved in allergen-specific immunotherapy emphasizes a raising the possibility to reduce the number of preseasonal injec-
prominent role for CD4 + T lymphocytes in controlling all effec- tions to control allergic symptoms.34,35 Also, a synthetic CpG oli-
tor immune mechanisms linked with allergic inflammation.4,19,20 gonucleotide acting as a Th1 adjuvant was chemically conjugated
Specifically, most allergic patients exhibit allergen-specific Th2 with the purified Amb a 1 allergen from short ragweed. This
responses associated with the secretion of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 vaccine was shown to improve rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms in
cytokines by CD4 + T cells. During subcutaneous or sublingual patients with allergy to ragweed pollen.36 The parallel use of oral
immunotherapy, such allergen-specific CD4 + T cell responses are steroids (prednisone) with or without Vitamin D3 (both of which
rather redirected toward both a Th1 type with an increased pro- were reported as potential inducers of regulatory T cells) during
duction of IFNγ (immunodeviation) as well as IL10-producing SCIT did not improve efficacy in asthmatic children allergic to
CD4 + regulatory T cells (immunosuppression).4,19,20 Such house dust mites.37
activity)49,50 (Table 1). These toxins were either co-administered, if immunomodulatory properties vary considerably depending
conjugated or fused with allergens.49, 50 TLR2 (e.g., Pam3CSK4) upon bacterial strains and growth conditions.56, 57 Bacteria selected
or TLR4 ligands (e.g., MPL and OM-294-BA-MP) were shown to specifically for their capacity to induce a strong production of
strengthen Th1 and T Reg responses when used as adjuvants via the IL10 and IL12 by mucosal DCs, such as Lactobacillus plantarum
nasal or sublingual routes.51–54 Similarly, dexamethasone associated or Bifidobacterium bifidum, were shown to enhance tolerance fol-
with 1.25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 enhanced the efficacy of SLIT lowing SLIT in mice with induced asthma to OVA, at least in part
in a murine asthma model following induction of interleukin 10 by strengthening allergen-specific Th1 and T Reg responses.58, 59
production by immune cells, including dendritic cells and CD4 + Interestingly, in preclinical models of SLIT, none of the pure Th1
T lymphocytes.55 Another emerging class of potential adjuvants for adjuvants (ie without any capacity to elicit IL10 production) had
the sublingual (and other mucosal) routes include probiotics, even any significant impact on tolerance induction.12
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