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This study aims to determine the effect of organizational culture, organizational structure, and top management
commitment on the quality of accounting information systems and their implications for the quality of accounting
information (Empirical Study at PT Pegadaian (Persero) West Jakarta). This study took the population and samples
from the finance department of PT Pegadaian (Persero) in West Jakarta. The results of this study indicate
that organizational culture has no significant effect on the implementation of the accounting information system (Y) at
PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk while the organizational structure and Top Management commitment has a significant effect
on the implementation of the accounting information system (Y) at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk. Then
the implementation of the accounting information system (Y) has a significant effect on the quality of accounting
information (Z) at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk.
Keywords: Organizational culture, organizational structure, commitment Top, Where j men, Implementation of
accounting information systems, Quality of Accounting Information.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.
Based on the results of the study, it is known are still some indicators that have an outer
that each indicator of the research variable has a value loading value of <0.5. This can be seen in table 2:
of outer loading > 0.5. However, it appears that there
After several indicators have been dropped and second result can be seen, which can be seen in Figure
can be carried out for further analysis using PLS, the 2.
Based on the results of the analysis, the Table-4: Value of Composite Reliability
indicators have a loading factor value > 0.50. The Variable Composite Reliability
results of the analysis can be seen in Figure 2. So it can X1 0.906
be concluded that all variable items consisting of X2 0.866
organizational culture, organizational structure, top X3 0.856
management's commitment to the implementation of Y 0.917
accounting information systems, the quality of Big Z 0.704
accounting information are valid.
Table 3 above shows that the composite
Reliability Test reliability value is > 0.70, so it can be concluded that all
Test the reliability of the measurement model construct indicators are reliable or meet the reliability
(outer model) on reflective indicators by looking at the test.
Composite Reliability, Average Variance Extracted
(AVE) and Cronbach's alpha values. Otherwise reliable Table-4: AVE Value
indicators or has a good reliability when the value Variable AVE
of Composite Reliability > 0.70, Average Variance X1 0.829
Extracted (AVE)> 0.5 and Cronbach's alpha > 0.60.
X2 0.684
The results of the calculation of Composite Reliability
X3 0.548
in this study are shown in Table 3 below: The results of
Y 0.847
the calculation of Composite Reliability in this study
Z 0.454
are shown in Table 3 below:
Table 4 above shows that the value RD > 0:50
despite the AVE of 0.4 54, which means below 0.5 but
© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 325
Yuwita Agustina Damanik & Fardinal., Saudi J Econ Fin, Aug, 2021; 5(8): 321-329
can still be said to be sub-marginal. So it can be
concluded that all construct indicators are reliable or Table-4: R-Square Value
meet the reliability test. Variable R-Square R-Square
Table-5: Cronbach's alpha Value Y 0.558 0.516
Variable Cronbach's Alpha Z 0.311 0.291
X1 0.807
X2 0.770 Based on the data presented in table 6 above, it
X3 0.791 can be seen that the R-Square value for the Accounting
Y 0.823 Information System Implementation variable is 0.558 or
Z 0.502 is included in the moderate category while the
Accounting Information Quality variable is in the weak
Table 5 above shows that Cronbach's category because it has a value of 0.311. Obtaining
alpha value is > 0.70, so it can be concluded that all explained that the percentage value of the magnitude
construct indicators are reliable or meet of Accounting Information Systems is amounted
the reliability test. to 55.80 % while the quality of accounting information
that is 31.10% .
Evaluation of the Structural Model (Inner Model)
Hypothesis test
Path Coefficient Test After the model analysis is done, the next
Path coefficient evaluation is used to analysis is hypothesis testing, this analysis is done by
show how strong the effect or influence of the comparing the T-table value with the T-statistics value
independent variable on the dependent variable. While generated from the bootstrapping process in PLS. The
the coefficient determination (R-Square) is used to hypothesis is accepted (supported) if the value of
measure how much the endogenous variable is T statistics is higher than the value of the T-table
influenced by other variables. R Square values are 0.67 (1,695) with a significance level of 5% (two tailed). The
(strong), 0.33 (moderate), and 0.19 (weak) [39]. Based following are the results of bootstrapong and
on the data processing that has been done, the R-Square the calculation of the Hypothesis Test shown below:
value is obtained as follows:
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Yuwita Agustina Damanik & Fardinal., Saudi J Econ Fin, Aug, 2021; 5(8): 321-329
Hypothesis Testing 1: Organizational Culture on that it has a significant effect the commitment of the top
the Implementation of Accounting Information management (X3) and the implementation of
Systems accounting information system (Y), meaning there by
Coefficient parameter lines derived from the the hypothesis third (H3) is accepted.
culture of the organization (X1) on the implementation
of accounting information system (Y) is equal This is because the commitment of top
to 16:10% by value of t-statistic of 0.748 <1.987 at management is an important factor in the
significance level (significant) in the top 5% it means implementation of accounting information systems in a
that the organizational culture (X1 ) has no significant company. The support provided by top management in
effect so that the first hypothesis (H1) is rejected. This the implementation of accounting information systems
can happen because if the application of an accounting carried out by subordinates/employees can improve the
information system is not supported by a good implementation of the company's accounting
organizational culture, there will be a failure in the information systems due to the positive relationship
accounting information system because organizational between top management and employees who use
culture is a form or pattern of behavior or a way of accounting information systems.
acting for system users based on shared values,
assumptions assumptions, beliefs, and norms in using Hypothesis 4 Testing: Implementation of
accounting information systems which according to his Accounting Information Systems Against Quality of
considerations are valid and believed, thought and felt Accounting Information
as the right way which he then taught to new users of The path parameter coefficient obtained from
accounting information systems in order to produce the implementation of the accounting information
quality output. system (Y) on the quality of accounting information (Z)
is 55.80% with a statistical t value of 5.270 > 1.695
Hypothesis 2 Testing: Organizational Structure significance level (significant) below 5%, this means
on the Implementation of Accounting Information that the effect significant between the accounting
Systems information system implementation (Y)on the quality of
The coefficient parameter lines derived from accounting information (Z) means thus hypothesis third
the structure of the organization (X 2 ) the (H4) is accepted.
implementation of the accounting information system
(Y) is equal to 32.40%, with the value of the t statistic This can happen because the Accounting
of 2,997> 1.695 level of significance (significant) Information system of PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk can
below 5%, this means that a significant effect of culture provide physical resources, and other components to
organization (X2) and implementation of accounting convert economic data into accounting information,
information systems (Y) so that the second hypothesis with the aim of creating satisfaction with the
(H2) is accepted. information needs of various users. Important
information needed by PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk is
This can happen because the organizational strategic information, namely information related to the
structure at PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk itself has a long-term life of the company, so accounting
close relationship between employees and their information is one of the important bases in making
activities with each other and with the whole, where the logical decisions and can lead to the desired
parts are tasks, jobs or functions. function and each action. With a good system is expected to produce a
member of the group of employees who carry it high quality information. PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk
out. The organizational structure of PT Pegadaian must maintain the quality of management information
(Persero) Tbk regulates the direction of the flow of continuously such as excellence in information quality,
important information generated by the accounting cost management, processes for improving the quality
information system, and the organizational structure of information. In addition, PT Pegadaian (Persero) Tbk
that shows the horizontal direction is the flow of data has strict regulations regarding the role of
processing with various process steps. The Accounting information quality, information quality benchmarks ,
Information System must ensure that the steps for information quality strategies, and information quality
recording transactions are in accordance with the audits.
organizational department that handles the transaction. .
Hypothesis Testing 3: Top Management's Based on tests performed by SmartPLS 2.0 can
Commitment to the Implementation of Accounting be concluded that the results of testing the researchers
Information Systems found evidence that the organization's culture (X1) not
The path parameter coefficient obtained from significant effect on the implementation of the
the commitment of top management (X3) to the accounting information system (Y) on the PT Pawn
implementation of accounting information systems (Y) (Persero) Tbk ,. This can happen because if the
is 42.80% with a statistical t value of 2.442 > 1.695 application of an accounting information system is not
significance level (significant) below 5%, this means supported by a good organizational culture, there will
© 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 327
Yuwita Agustina Damanik & Fardinal., Saudi J Econ Fin, Aug, 2021; 5(8): 321-329
be a failure in the accounting information system Accounting Information Systems in improving the
because organizational culture is a form or pattern of Quality of Accounting Information. Future researchers
behavior or a way of acting for system users based on can use the same research method, but with different
shared values, assumptions assumptions, beliefs, and units of analysis, population, and samples in order to
norms in using accounting information systems which obtain conclusions that support and strengthen the
according to his considerations are valid and believed, theories and concepts that have been built previously by
thought and felt as the right way which he then taught both researchers and previous researchers. Practitioners,
to new users of accounting information systems in order overall the research variables already have an influence
to produce quality output. In addition, organizational between the variables, but the organizational culture
culture has no significant effect on the Implementation variable obtained results that have no significant effect
of Accounting Information Systems at PT Pegadaian and seen from the respondents' answers to all indicators
(Persero) Tbk, West Jakarta because of habits such as such as norms, values, rules and organizational climate,
attitudes or behavior of lack of trust, indifference, lack the results are still lacking. Therefore, the organization
of mutual respect for each other between individuals in should carry out socialization and publication of the
implementing good system implementation in the vision and mission that has been set and supported by
organization. adequate facilities and infrastructure.
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