WLL Q3 W3 ELEM February 12 16 2024
WLL Q3 W3 ELEM February 12 16 2024
WLL Q3 W3 ELEM February 12 16 2024
Region I
Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Tel. No./Fax No. (075) 632-3293 (OSDS) Trunkline Nos. (075) 633-5691 to 93
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard/ Focus Viewing
View attentively and critically a wide range of multimedia materials in English to be able
to function effectively as a member of the family, the community, the nation, and the
B. Performance Standard
world, and to participate in community and economic development.
I. Read the passage “Retirement as a Recent Concept” and answer the questions that
I. Evaluation (Assessing
A. Why do you think Bismarck brought up the concept of retirement?
B. Why do you think other countries adopted the concept of retirement?
C. At what age do you think people should retire? Explain why.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper and look for the definition of the
J. Agreement (Additional
Meaning, Information, Ideas and Inferences.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What Innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Tel. No./Fax No. (075) 632-3293 (OSDS) Trunkline Nos. (075) 633-5691 to 93
I. Objectives
Demonstrate understanding on Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Space concepts and their
A. Content Standard/ Focus
B. Performance Standard Employ physical science concepts that contribute to sustaining life
Determine the risks and hazards of common substances and mixtures at work (LS4LC-PE-PSC-
C. Learning Competencies AE/JHS-9)
Describe how to observe health and safety measures at work. (LS4LC-PE-PSC-AE/JHS-12).
II. Content Lesson 3: How does matter become dangerous?
ALS Learning Strand 2- Scientific and Critical Thinking Skills Module- United Nations
III. Learning Resources
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -UNESCO
A. References
1. Session Guide pages Pages 6-7
ALS Learning Strand 2- Module 5- HOW CAN I STAY SAFE AT WORK?
2. Module/ Learner's
Lesson 3: How does matter become dangerous?
material pages
Materials: short bond paper, ballpen/pencil.
K-12 Basic Education for the Alternative Learning System (ALS K to12)
3. Additional materials from
Curriculum Guide- LS2: Scientific and Critical Thinking Skills.
Learning Resource (portal)
ALS A& E-Learning Material- ICT-4-ALS
IV. Procedures
A. Activity (Review of the Ask the learners about the previous lesson.
previous lesson or presenting 1. What are the roles of matter in improving life?
the new lesson 2. How do you apply matter in everyday life?
* Assign the learners in pair or group for an activity.
For each pair/group, assign the following scenarios:
somebody whose skin is scarring after spilling muriatic acid
B. Springboard/ Motivation
somebody whose eyes are hurting after spraying perfume that contains alcohol
somebody who started a fire after accidentally adding water in a hot pan with oil.
For each scenario, the pair/group must think of a way to minimize the damage and reduce
the risk of such from happening again.
Initiate a discussion by asking the following questions:
1. What could happen if nobody knew how to apply first-aid or to lessen the damage in each
C. Analysis
2. How can risks and hazards be minimized in a danger-prone area?
Discuss to the learners that there are common household materials which contain harmful
Here are some of the most dangerous household chemicals, including the ingredients to
D. Discussing new concepts watch for and the nature of the risk:
and practicing new skills 1. Air Fresheners
(Sub-act. 1) 2. Ammonia
3. Antifreeze
4. Bleach
5. Drain Cleaners
Discuss to the learners that:
* Containers of household materials may
include the following graphic image based on
how hazardous the product is. This graphic
image is called "pictograms." Pictograms are
graphic images that immediately show the
user of a hazardous product what type of
hazard is present.
A. Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, write H if the following household materials are
hazardous and NH if they are not hazardous.
1. cologne 6. detergent soap
2. ammonia 7. vinegar
3. urea 8. fish sauce
4. malathion 9. shrimp paste
5. honey 10. liquid soda
I. Evaluation (Assessing
Learning) B. Directions: Find the hazardous effect of household materials in Column A in Column B.
Column A Column B
1. Motor oil a. Internal organ damage
2. Moth balls b. Nervous system damage
3. Bleach c. Deadly fumes
4. Air freshener d. Respiratory damage
5. Anti-freeze e. Irritates lung
J. Agreement (Additional
Search on the common materials in your workplace which contain harmful chemicals.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What Innovation or
localized materials did I use/
discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Tel. No./Fax No. (075) 632-3293 (OSDS) Trunkline Nos. (075) 633-5691 to 93
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard/ Focus Numbers and Number Sense
B: Communicate ideas using mathematical symbols and expressions.
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competencies After studying this lesson, you should be able to:
● explain the meaning of percent;
B. Springboard/ Motivation
Supermarket Mall
Let’s study and analyze the figures below by answering the questions that follow.
This means that 150% of a pie is one whole pie and a half. When the value of a percent
exceeds 100%, it means that the percent value is greater than one whole.
Now let’s learn about Changing Percent to Decimal
Let’s learn how to change percent to decimal by analyzing the examples given below.
Answers “Let’s try this” page 9
Let’s Learn
This time let’s learn how to convert decimal to percent by analyzing the examples given
Notice that the decimal point was moved two places to the right. From this example, we
can say that to change decimal to percent, we just move the decimal point two places to
E. Discussing new concepts the right and affix the percent sign. (%).
and practicing new skills (Sub- Answers “Let’s Review” page 11
act. 2) Now let’s learn Changing Fractions to Percent
Situation 1 A Math test has 100 items. Lita was able to answer 90 items correctly. What
percent of the test did Lita answer correctly?
We say: 90 out of 100 or 100 90 = 90%
F. Abstraction (Making ● A percent means part per hundred or a hundredth. It is a ratio with 100 as the
generalizations about the
second term.
● When the value of a percent exceeds 100%, it means that the percent value is
greater than one whole.
● To change a percent to a decimal, remove the % sign and then move the decimal
point two places to the left.
● To change a decimal to a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right
and add a % sign.
● To change a fraction whose denominator is a factor of 100 to percent, multiply
both numerator and denominator by another factor that will give you a product of
100 in the denominator. Then, affix the % sign in the numerator and drop the
● A fraction whose denominator is neither 100 nor a factor of 100 can be changed
to percent by using the following method:
● To find the percentage of a number, change the percent to its equivalent decimal
or fraction
Let’s Review
1. Find the percentage by changing the percent to decimal.
G. Application (Developing
a. 8% of 55 b. 40% of 83
2. Find the percentage by changing the percent to fractions.
a. 75% of 105 b. 20% of 29
Finding out how percentage matter to our life in important for Example, when you ever
received discounts on the prices of goods because you bought in bulk or large quantities
H. Valuing
and when you been to a store holding a sale with prices of goods 25% off or 30% off. In
these situations, you know how to compute for discounted prices.
I. Evaluation (Assessing Answer Let’s See What You Have Learned page 19-20.
J. Agreement (Additional Have an advance review in solving problems involving percent.
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What Innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard/ Focus Digital Applications
Performance Standard C: Use common office application software packages (word
B. Performance Standard processing, spreadsheet, presentation software) to produce documents and manage
information as tools to solve problems in daily life
Use the logical function if (yielding one of two specific values) with comparison operator:
C. Learning Competencies =, >,< LS6DC-DA/S-PSC-AE/JHS-51
II. Content Spreadsheet Functions
III. Learning Resources ALS Module - Learning Strand 6
A. References
1. Session Guide pages SESSION GUIDE 1: Digital Applications – Spreadsheets
2. Module/ Learner's Module 3: Digital Applications - Spreadsheets
material pages Using Logical Functions p73
3. Additional materials from
Module in ALS-Learning Strand 6 Digital Citizenship
Learning Resource (portal)
IV. Procedures
A. Activity (Review of the Directions: Look at the given spreadsheet below. Give the total score of each student.
previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson
1. Juan -
2. Pedring -
3. Soledad -
4. Sarah -
5. James -
Directions: Answer the following. Write TRUE if the equation is true, FALSE if the equation
is false.
1. 4 > 2
B. Springboard/ Motivation
2. 4 = 4
3. 5 > 4
4. 3 = 5 5. 19 < 3
Did you find the activity easy or not?
What makes is easy or difficult?
C. Analysis
What if there are lots of those numbers or equations?
What do you think is the relation of the activity to spreadsheet program?
The logical function If is useful in decision-making statements to determine if the result is
a success or not to the standard being set.
Let us use grades of students as an example.
1. Prepare a sample workbook containing
students’ grades in the first quarter. The
remarks will only display “Passed” or “Failed.”
2. Enter the IF function in the output cell.
Here, type in =IF(B2>=75, “Passed”, “Failed”)
in C2.
If the value in B2 is greater than or equal to 75, it will result in a passed remark. Otherwise,
if the value in B2 is 74 and below, it will result in a failed remark.
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills The remark for C2 will be “Passed” because the statement is true for C2; the grade 75 is
(Sub-act. 1) equal to the value set.
3. Use the fill handle to copy the formula. C4 is “Failed” because the grade
71 is not greater than or equal to 75.
In this example, we are going to weigh the final grades of students if their grades will give
them highest honor or high honor. As you can see on the illustration below, we type in,
=IF(B2>95,”Highest Honor”,”High Honor”)
Where in =IF is the FUNCTION
B2 is the cell that contains the grade
B2>95 is the condition to be met
“Highest Honor” is the value if the condition is met
“High Honor” is the value if NOT
Look at the illustration below and see at the Remarks now. As you can see, the function
helps us to get the value that we