Lesson 2 Cs
Lesson 2 Cs
Lesson 2 Cs
Relevant Previous Knowledge: The students have been working on joints the last couple of weeks,
so they are well used to using tools and marking out pieces. They have a checklist sheet that they
can use to tick off each joint as they do them.
Relevant Previous Skills: They have done woodwork joints before, so they well covered on making
and marking out woodwork joints.
Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson; what are your reasons for KEY*
planning the lesson in this way? (1 para or bullets).
These students need more time to practice their woodwork joints as they will have a RL
practical day job to do in 6th year and doing this exercise will be a great help to them when it
comes to it. They also won’t have this time in 6th year as they will have their projects to do NL
next year. These woodwork joints will also be help them with their projects next year if their
making a table or chair, etc.…
9. take a structured approach to project planning and critically analyse problems and their solutions in the context o
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be I will check in on Students will be able
enabled to: Identify how to correctly plan students to see how they to understand the best C
the piece for the joint process. are planning out the process to complete
jointing process. the woodwork joint.
TIME Introduce myself to the class as this Students will listen to the teacher. O
is the first time, I’m meeting them.
I will talk about myself for a few
moments. N
The teacher will give a brief outline Students will listen carefully to the
on today’s lesson. teachers’ instructions about today’s
I will procced to call the role.
Students will answer when their
name is called.
TIME The teacher will begin by asking Students will go and take out their O
students the students to take out pieces and tools as instructed.
their piece from the previous class. L
The students are doing a variety of N
different woodwork joints so it’s
hard to give a demo on one
woodwork joint alone.
TIME I will ask the students to begin Students will begin to tidy up their O
tidying up by returning their pieces desk and tools.
and tools back to their place.
50-55mins Chairs will be put on top of the
desks, so they are able to sweep
the floors. Students will place their chairs on
top of the tables and start sweeping O
55-58mins Once finished they can stand in an the floor.
orderly fashion and wait for the
teacher to allow them out. Students will que up in an orderly
fashion waiting on further
The teacher will allow the students instruction.
to leave once the room has been
fully cleaned. Students will leave the class in an O
orderly fashion.
*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.
Joints PowerPoint
Safety PowerPoint
Tools powerpoint.
[If you are selecting this text format for lesson daily reflections, complete below. You may
alternatively use other means of reflection- journaling, podcast, video, using a specific reflection
model, etc.)
The demonstration was flawless. All of the students grasped the content. Because the students
worked in partners in smaller groups, their comprehension was greatly enhanced. PowerPoint
slides and presentations went off without a hitch. I projected my voice well and made sure that
everyone could hear me.
Q. What did not go as well as hoped, in this lesson, and why? (1 para)
If I had a presentation with examples from real-life circumstances, the students might have looked
at the examples and used them as the foundation for their models. Although the images on the wall
contained numerous examples, I believe the kids would have benefited much if I had shown some
slides instead.
If I were to teach this lesson again and make improvements, I would use a slideshow to display
examples of various models that students may use as references and the foundation for this
approach. Additionally, it would enhance learning and help pupils understand more about the
practical day job.
Q. What did I observe today, in general terms, that I need to follow up on, next class? (e.g. student
engagement, classroom management issues, poor/unwieldy entrance and exit from the
classroom, lighting in the room, visibility of the screen from the back of the room, absenteeism,
SEN challenges, H&S, etc.). Bullet points.