Lesson Plan Sweet Bread
Lesson Plan Sweet Bread
Lesson Plan Sweet Bread
In this lesson students will learn about Mexican independence. Students for this week will be focusing on
learning Mexican culture. Their assignments will be based on a coloring worksheet of sweet bread.
Target Audience/Grade Level:
Pre-kinder & Kinder
TEKS:§117.102 Art, Kindergarten, Adopted 2013
(1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student develops and expands visual literacy skills using critical
thinking, imagination, and the senses to observe and explore the world by learning about, understanding, and
applying the elements of art, principles of design, and expressive qualities. The student uses what the student sees,
knows, and has experienced as sources for examining, understanding, and creating artworks. The student is
expected to: (A) gather information from subjects in the environment using the senses; and
(B) identify the elements of art, including line, shape, color, texture, and form, and the principles of design,
including repetition/pattern and balance, in the environment.
Differentiation Strategies (describe how you will address learners from different grade levels,
instructional adjustments, accommodations and modifications):
Pre-k students will be using crayons to color in the worksheet, while kinder will be using makers. Pre-k will be
using glue sticks and kindergarten will be using a bottle of glue.
Materials needed: sweet bread worksheet, glues, colors, and markers.
SEL Content (Please include the lesson number, lesson name, and course level):
Move this world: Elementary Pre-k 2 Understanding the Complexity of Emotions: Deep Freeze
( n/a minutes)
Student Activity/ Student ● Once students have gathered the ● This will be the time students
Practice needed materials, they will be ask their questions and their
waiting for further instructions. concerns involving the
● I will then explain how to do
the assignment. lesson, before starting the
(30-45 minutes) activity for the day.
● Once instructions are given,
students can start coloring.
Exit Ticket/Assessment: how ● Once the students are ● The students will be
do you know what kids have finished with their presenting their finished
learned assignments, they will product.
present them.
(3-5 minutes)
Lesson Closing ● I will ask the students about ● Students will use this time to
their feelings about today's talk to me and/or their
assignments. classmates about the activity.
(3-5 minutes)
Classroom Closeout- ● Students will be directed to ● Once the lesson is over,
What needs to happen before clean their areas and make students will clean up their
you LEAVE class sure all materials are put areas and stack their chairs.
Ex: clean up, backpacks, put back into their proper place. ● Then they will line up by the
chairs back etc. ● Once their areas are clean door waiting for my
they will start placing their dismissal.
( 10 minutes) chairs in stacks with my