5 Upper Canine

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 General characteristics:
 There are two canines in each dental arch .one
right and one left.
 Human canines have long crowns and the longest
roots compared with other teeth .The roots are
also strong and thick making them the most
stable teeth in the oral cavity.
 Over the labial aspect of their roots there is well
developed bone ridge called the canine eminence
giving the canine a very important cosmetic
value since they provide facial support and
ensure facial expression.
 They are formed of four lobes ,(3 labial and
one lingual),the middle labial lobe is highly
developed both labially( forming the labial
ridge) and incisally forming a strong well
developed pointed cusp .Therefore, the
canines are called cuspids .
 Their crowns are convex on all surfaces

 They are located between the incisors and


 The maxillary canine is the

third tooth from the midline
 It is the longest tooth in the
 Its root has similar contours to
that of the upper central
 The labiolingual measurement
of the crown is greater than
that of the upper central
incisor, while the mesiodistal
measurement is less.
 The cingulum is greatly
developed than that of the upper
central incisor.
 Its root is usually the longest of
any root with the possible
exception of that of the lower
canine, which may be as long

 Appearance of dental organ 6 months (l.U.L.)

 Beginning of calcification 4-5 months
 Crown completed 6-7 years
 Eruption 11-12 years
 Root completed 13-15 years
 The crown:
 The geometric : outline of
the crown is trapezoid with
the smallest uneven side
 Outline Form:

 The mesial outline is convex

from the cervical Iine to the
mesial contact area.

 The distal outline is slightly concave
between the cervical line and the
distal contact area.
 Incisal outline: the crown has a
pointed cusp tip located 1mm mesial
to the line bisecting the crown
longitudinally . This cusp has a nearly
convex mesial slope and a concave
distal slope.
 Cervical line: is convex toward the
 Contact areas:
 Mesial contact area : is located at
the junction between the incisal
and middle thirds.
 Distal contact area : is located
more cervically at the center of the
middle third.
 The mesial stop is shorter than the
destal stop
 The cusp tip is located slightly
mesial to a line bisecting the root.

 Surface anatomy :
 The labial surface of the crown is convex
with the maximum convexity at the cervical
one third (cervical ridge).
 It shows a vertical prominent ridge runs
from the tip of the cusp toward the cervical
margin, which is called the labial ridge.
 Shallow longitudinal depressions lie mesial
and distal to the labial ridges indicating the
fusion of three labial lobes.
 The middle lobe shows greater development
than the other lobes giving the cusp.
 The root:
The single root is long, slender, and conical
with a pointed apex.
 The labial surface is smooth and convex at
all points.
 The apical third is covered in most cases
 The crown:
 The geometric outline is similar to that of the
labial surface.
 The crown is narrower lingually than labially
due to lingual convergency.
 The cingulum is larges and sometimes is
pointed like a cusp.
 Mesial and distal marginal ridges are
usually of moderate size
 The mesial marginal ridge is longer than the
distal marginal ridge.
 Lingual ridge: it is a prominent vertical
ridge runs from the cusp tip to the
 The lingual ridge divides the lingual fossa
into a mesial and distal lingual fossae.
 The root:
 The root is narrower lingually than labially

 The lingual surface of the root is smooth and

 Mesial surface:
 The geometric outline of the crown is
Outline form:
 The labial outline is convex from the
cervical line to the cusp tip (more than that
of the upper central incisor). The crest of
curvature is at the cervical third.
 The lingual outline: is convex in the cervical
third. The crest of curvature is on the
cingulum. In the middle third, the lingual
outline is slightly concave, then becomes
convex again in the incisal third
representing the cusp tip.
 Incisally: the cusp tip is located labially to
the root axis.
 The cervical line: curves toward the cusp
(over 2 mm).
 The mesial surface of the crown is convex
except for a small concave area between
the contact area and the cervical line.
 The crown mesially appears thicker than
crown of the upper incisors.
 The root:
 The root is conical with a tapered pointed
apex. Its apical third may curve labially.
 The labial outline of the root is slightly
convex and the lingual outline is more
 The mesial surface of the root is broad with
a shallow longitudinal depression.
 The crown:
It is similar to the mesial surface .except
the following:
 The cervical line has less curvature toward
the cusp tip.
 The distal marginal ridge is more irregular
in outline.
 The distal surface of the crown is more
concave cervical to the contact area.
 The root:
 The depression on the distal surface of the
root is more pronounced. These vertical
depressions on the root help to anchor the
teeth in the alveoli and help to prevent
rotation and displacement.

 The labiolingual dimension is greater than the

 The tip of the cusp is labial and mesial to the
centers of the crown
 The thick cusp slopes lie slightly labial to the
mesiodistal axis of the root.
 The labial surface is convex, more than either
incisor. The labial ridge is very noticeable labially
from this aspect.
 The lingual ridge extends from the cusp tip to the
cingulum in between the two lingual fossae .

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