دليل الأسعار الاسترشادي2 (1) Translated
دليل الأسعار الاسترشادي2 (1) Translated
دليل الأسعار الاسترشادي2 (1) Translated
All rights related to this guide are reserved to the Saudi Authority
for Accredited Valuers (Taqeem), as Taqeem owns the rights to
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The Authority does not bear responsibility for any damages or losses to any
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10 1. Introduction
1.1 The concept of real estate evaluation
2.1 Real estate valuation techniques and methods
3. Use the guide
1-3 Instructions for using the guide
1-2-3 Classification of buildings, improvements, accessories and plantings
2-2-3 Construction prices for buildings, improvements and accessories
3-2-3 Plant prices
4-2-3 Ages of buildings
5-2-3 Depreciation rates – diminishing installment method
31 4. Practical examples
37 5. Appendices
1.5 Detailed classification of buildings, improvements and extensions
2.5 Detailed description of construction prices for buildings, improvements and accessories
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Boot 1
The Saudi Authority for Certified Valuers (Taqeem) is the regulating body for the real estate valuation profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and since its establishment, it
has sought to achieve global leadership in accordance with international standards for a prestigious valuation profession and reliable value. The mission of the Authority
(Evaluation) is to organize the evaluation profession in accordance with the best international standards and practices and to supervise its Qualifying evaluators and raising
To achieve the above vision and mission, Taqeem, through its Advisory Center (VCC), has updated the indicative price guide for the cost of construction,
improvements, plantings and inclusions for the purposes of expropriation of real estate, as a reference based on It is based on the evaluation and provides
improvements. Third
: Ages of buildings, improvements, and depreciation
In order to serve as a practical general framework for applying the cost method in estimating the value of real estate for the purposes of expropriation, this guide
seeks to achieve a set of goals and objectives, the most important of which are the following:
Compatibility with local urban characteristics.
Applicability to most prevailing types of real estate and in all regions of the Kingdom.
Raising the level of professional competence when applying real estate evaluation using the cost method.
Contributing to reaching logical and objective values that mimic the reality of the market.
In preparing the guide, it was taken into account that it be compatible with relevant regulations and legislation and international standards in this regard, and to
benefit from previous global experiences in estimating construction prices for buildings, improvements, and accessories, and measuring prices and depreciation rates. .
This guide was published in its first edition in 2019, and the Saudi Authority for Accredited Valuers worked in this edition to update and develop it, and it will
work to do so periodically by reviewing field surveys and indicators. Economic policies that were taken into account in the preparation and implementation
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Real estate valuation can be defined as: the art and science of estimating the value of property rights for a specific purpose and at a specific
moment in time, taking into account all features and characteristics of the property being valued and all basic economic factors. For the market,With
It is an estimate of the market value, which is “the estimated amount based on which, in mostcases, the main objective of the appraiser should be
Where each party decides on the basis of knowledge and prudence, without consent or coercion.” The practitioner of the
Among The opinion of a competent and qualified person in this field.It represents the value estimated by the assessor
evaluation profession is referred to as the “evaluator.”
those who are accredited, the real estate valuation profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is subject to the management of the Saudi Authority for Valuation
According to everyoneBy its specialists, “Taqeem” has prepared scientific curricula and training courses to qualify the assessor.
The controls, legislation, foundations and objectives required to be achieved so that evaluation becomes an official, binding profession.
techniques Due to the multiplicity of evaluation purposes, the basis of value, and the nature of real estate, a number of main evaluation methods have
The International Valuation Standards Board and most professional developed, under which multiple separate and independent application methods for evaluation fall.
organizations divide valuation methods into three main methods: the market method, the income method, and the cost method. These methods
include applied methods that can be clarified through: The following table:
Investment method
Dividend method
This guide is intended to provide guidance indicators for applying the cost method, which is used when it is not possible to use any of the other
methods or to enhance the evaluation result that was reached using one of the methods. The other. It is considered acceptable to use when
valuing specific categories of assets such as public buildings, specialized properties that have no market and are not traded, properties in inactive
markets or that do not generate profits, or properties that are not profitable. Provide it with comparable market evidence and evidence.
He should conduct his own research when applying the cost method and rely on his information and experience in implementing the It is obligatory for the reciter
evaluation process, as this guide was intended for comparison and guidance when determining the main inputs.
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Sometimes called the contractor method, the value in this method is based on estimating the value of the land using the market method by referring to comparable lands thatY
have recently been sold or offered on the market and making the necessary adjustments. In addition to the cost of rebuilding a new building that can perform the function of
the current building ( Replacement cost), less depreciation for deficiencies, physical deterioration, and functional and economic obsolescence of the building.
Estimate depreciation
Below is a detailed description of the steps for applying the cost method:
Depending on the main elements of applying the cost method, the steps can be explained as follows:
By determining the land use category of the property site under evaluation, as well as its area, shape, geographical location, and physical characteristics, and working to find
appropriately comparable lands in the area, whether they have been recently sold or not. offers on the market and then perform the necessary adjustments and analyzes to
determine the difference between the comparable land and the land in question. Valuation to form a final opinion on the value of the land.
The cost of constructing a new building that is identical to the existing building and performs the same function. The costs must be comprehensive of everything that is
necessary for the construction work and are taken into account on the evaluation date.
Net replacement cost can be defined as the costs of constructing the same building today, deducting provisions for deficiencies, obsolescence and depreciation. In short, it
Verifying the total built-up area of the building through the building permit, horizontal projections, and physical inspection.
Estimating the cost of implementing a square meter through price tables based on the type of building, construction specifications, and finishes.
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• Multiply the built-up areas of the property under evaluation by the cost of implementation per square meter to arrive at an initial estimate of the replacement cost.
When necessary, cost adjustments are made for the presence of construction elements and improvements that are not included in the unit of measurement
Estimating depreciation
Depreciation means the gradual decrease in the value of a fixed asset, and it is either due to the physical deterioration of the building as a result of its age,
the surrounding conditions, and the increase in future maintenance costs, or due to aging of various kinds, and the aging may be material.
As a result of the age of the building and the lack of maintenance work, or functional due to its design that is not compatible with current requirements or due to
technical progress in other buildings. Obsolescence may be economic resulting from the influence of changing external conditions. A time for the adequate economy
There is more than one way to estimate depreciation, which are as follows:
The extended life method: based on the theory of extended life, and this method is considered
There is more objectivity in determining the wear rate, and it can be summarized in four main steps as follows:
Determine the expected life of the building through age tables according to the type and category of the building.
Determine the remaining life of the building through physical inspection of the evaluation report and based on the condition
of the building on the evaluation date, taking into account functional and economic obsolescence.
The depreciation rate can be determined by dividing the effective life / expected
life. Diminishing installment method: This method assumes a decreasing rate of depreciation of the building over time, and in determining
the rate of depreciation it depends on the remaining value of the building each year, and this can be explained Through the following example,
Depreciation installment Depreciation premium equation Building value Depreciation rate Age built at
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Fixed-lineage method: It is considered one of the simplest methods and is used only for accounting purposes, but it does not reflect the true value of the buildings and it
is not recommended to use it. It depends on dividing the age of the building at the date of evaluation by the estimated age.
Through the depreciation rate resulting from one of the above methods, the current value of the building is estimated at the rate of the replacement cost to determine the discount value for
The mathematical equations to apply the cost method in new and old buildings to determine the market value of the property can be determined through the following table:
• Estimating the value of the land using the market method • Estimating the value of the land using the market method 1(
• Replacement cost is estimated and taken into account • Estimating the value of the building, which is taken into account on the evaluation
On the evaluation date and includes all costs* date and includes all costs*
• The replacement cost is estimated according to the following • The building value is estimated according to the following equation:
• Estimating the value of the property through the equation • Estimating the value of the property through the following equation: 5(
*All costs mean: implementation costs + costs of professional fees, management, and contractor profits.
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General reservations and notices
This guide came as a means of supporting the resident in applying the cost method, as it provides an index of construction prices for buildings,
improvements, and accessories, in addition to rents and depreciation rates. Accordingly, the warning and guidance came as follows:
This guide is considered a means of support for the resident, as the prices and estimated ages or standard units
The standard specifications included in the guide do not mean absolute inevitability. Rather, they have been included for indicative purposes,
and their use, in whole or in part, does not mean relieving the resident from any claims or legal consequences.
On preview
The final opinion of the value (value of the property) for the purpose of expropriation shall be the decision of the assessor alone, and shall be based on the value of the property
The physical characteristics of the property and its surrounding area, taking into account the spatial and topographical characteristics that
may affect the value, reviewing its documents and obligations, and conducting all necessary research and analysis.
The evidence is based on the cost method, and this method is used when it is not possible to use any of the methods
other methods or to reinforce the evaluation result that was reached using one of the other methods. It is considered acceptable
to use when valuing specific categories of assets such as public buildings, specialized properties that have no market and are not
traded, properties in inactive markets or that do not generate profits, or properties that are not profitable. Provide it with
• The type, classification, and category of the building must be determined accurately as this is linked to estimating prices and ages, knowing that it may
Some buildings may fall into two categories as a result of the difference in their external and internal finishes and structural
The estimated prices for the cost elements included in the guide include all consulting and administrative fees and the
contractor’s profits, as built according to the prices of regular contracting institutions and companies that have a specialized technical staff.
On the prevailing custom for use in the local market and on • The units of measurement mentioned in the guide were chosen accordingly
The evaluator should consider converting any other units to be compatible with the units used.
It is common knowledge that the age of the building at the evaluation date is determined by the date the electrical current was fired.
If it is not available, reference is made to the construction completion certificate, or by the date of completion of its construction by referring to the date of issuance of
the building permit and deducting the period necessary for implementation according to similar projects, taking into account subsequent renewal and restoration
Depreciation rates should be determined using the extended life method and, if not, using the diminishing installment method
The remaining life of the building is determined through a physical inspection of the property and the condition of the building at the evaluation date, taking into account
Material deterioration and functional and economic obsolescence, the determination of which depends on the opinion of the evaluator.
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The use of the guide depends on taking into account the general warnings and directions and following the instructions according to the specific steps.
Before using the application tables, the resident must review the detailed appendices to access For a more accurate and objective result.
The guide represents an integrated and interconnected unit, no part of which can be used without reviewing and taking into account the other parts.
The user of the guide should have complete knowledge of the cost method and how to apply it, in addition to specifying the inputs and information.
The basics related to evaluating and using the guide efficiently and effectively. The following steps must be followed:
2) Determining the built-up surfaces of the building through the building permit, horizontal projections, and physical maps.
3) Estimating the replacement cost through construction price indices for buildings, improvements and extensions.
4) Determining the age of the building at the date of evaluation by relying on one of the following sources:
Date of construction completion certificate.
The date of issuance of the building permit, taking into account the deduction of the sufficient period for the implementation process.
5) Determining the expected age of the building through age tables for detailed building classifications.
6) Estimating the depreciation rate based on the effective life based on the extended life theory.
The application tables have been prepared based on the application of the cost method, the instructions for using the guide, and the necessary steps. The
Construction prices for buildings, improvements and accessories.
Planter prices. •
Building ages.
Depreciation rates.
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Regulations, legislation, and the local urban environment generally classify buildings and improvements according to use, consistent with the prevailing land uses
within the structural plans of urban areas and cities, and fall under the general classification. Classification Detailed distribution into a group of categories and levels
(for the purpose of evaluation and estimating the replacement cost) according to several criteria that differ depending on the type of building. And use it as follows:
The classification of buildings and improvements can be presented through the following table:
According to usage
A Class
C Class
A Class
C Class
A Class
C Class
built of clay
Stone buildings
Worker housing
A Class
C Class
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According to usage
Specialized restaurants,
shopping centers,
Car showrooms
5 stars
4 stars 3
You starred me
Hospitality and services
second degree
Fourth degree
fifth degree
A Class
C Class
facilities, wedding and event halls Hospitality buildings and tourism services
rehabilitation centers,
Jami Masjid
Mohil Mosque
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According to usage
Cinema theaters
Outdoor courts
Fast food restaurants (with independent buildings) Restaurant and kitchen buildings
Fuel tanks
Worker housing
Traditional wells
Artesian wells
Upper cabinets
Ground tanks
Water pools
Agricultural terraces
From 31 to 60 floors
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The above includes general plans for the lands and their basic components of paving, asphalt, paving and lighting, in addition to parking lots of all types, and this
Lighting poles
Surface parking
Underground parking
Third: Accessories
Accessories include a group of structural elements, components and improvements that can be found in more than one detailed classification of buildings, the most
Swimming pools
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600 400 2
- building SAR/M It is built of clay Popular houses
750 500 2
- building SAR/M Stone building
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5,650 4,700 2
B Class event halls
- building Hospitality and services
4,350 3,500 2
C Class
- building Tourist
3,000 1,700 2
SAR/M Private rest rooms
- building
3,100 2,600 2
Nurseries and kindergartens
- building
5,000 3,300 2
Educational schools
Educational services
- building
3,800 2,900 2
SAR/M Institutes and education centers
- Built
7,200 10,900 2
SAR/M Hospitals
- building
4,900 2,600 2
SAR/M Dispensaries
- building
Health Services
5,600 3,200 2
SAR/M Rehabilitation centres
- building
5,550 3,300 2
SAR/M Independent social service centers
- building
5,900 4,850 2
SAR/M Jami mosque
- building
5,000 3,250 2
- building Mohil Mosque
2,600 2,000 2
SAR/M Factories
- building
1,250 960 2
- building SAR/M
Industrial facilities
2,000 1,500 2
SAR/M Refrigerators
- building
1,200 900 2
- building SAR/M
7,650 10,200 2
SAR/M Independent cinemas
- building
2,600 1,300 2
SAR/M Entertainment halls Recreational facilities
- building
400 250 2
Gardens and parks
- building SAR/M
4,200 2,950 2
- building SAR/M Sports clubs (sports centers)
3,650 2,300 2
- building SAR/M Gyms Sports buildings
125 105 2
- building SAR/M Outdoor stadiums
5,200 3,050 2
- building Specialized restaurants (with independent
3,500 2,100 2
SAR/M Restaurant and kitchen buildings
- building buildings) Fast food restaurants (with independent
2,450 1,700 2
- building buildings)
100 75 2
- building SAR/M Kitchens Preparation of the general site
1,950 1,550 2
Support services area
- building gas stations
1,000 750 2 Station canopy
- building SAR/M
1,500 1,250 3
SAR/M Fuel tanks
- building
110 85
Block-built fences Galvanized metal fences SAR / long meter
215 175
cement base SARSAR
/ / long meter Concrete fences with a
1,200 900 2
Worker housing
- building
1,000 700 2
- building SAR/M
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650 375 3
SAR/M Traditional wells Wells
450 300 3
SAR/M Upper cabinets
750 500 3
SAR/M Ground tanks Tanks
400 250 3
SAR/M Water pools
75 55 2
SAR/M The monotonous people
250 200 2
SAR/M Agricultural terraces
85 70 2
SAR/M Greenhouses (Roklin shade netting)
165 150 2
SAR/M Enclosed greenhouses (plastic - fiberglass)
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits.
include all construction costs, including fencing, tanks, and general site landscaping.The prices above
The above prices do not include transferred assets and financing costs.
High-rise buildings (more than 12 floors):
The cost of constructing high-rise buildings is directly affected by the increase in the costs of substructure, building heights, and concrete
structures. These heights are known as “bone heights,” and these heights constitute what is attributed to It is 30% to 35 % of the construction
Accordingly, the above costs (bone works) can be increased by a fixed factor depending on the height of the building as follows:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits.
include all construction costs, including fencing, tanks, and general site landscaping.The prices above
The above prices do not include transferred assets and financing costs.
Illustrative example:
Assuming that the construction cost for a Class B administrative building according to the construction price schedules for buildings and improvements is 3,450 riyals/m
Since the bone tops represent 35% of the total construction cost, the cost of the bone tops will be $ 1,200.
riyals and the remainder for other works 2,250 riyals/m
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Accordingly, the cost of construction can be measured according to the change in the number of floors as follows:
The cost of one Bone cost Increment factor Number of floors The cost of the
6 5 2
- Raw land - SAR/M Site preparation
12 9 2
Paving works, Charts
Raw land - SAR/M
13 11 2
lighting poles,
Raw land - SAR/M the public
12 10 2
Raw land - SAR/M
170 135 2
and infrastructure works
Raw land SAR/M
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits.
include all construction costs. The prices above
The above prices do not include transferred assets and financing costs.
105 75 2
Surface parking Situations
3,000 2,300 2
SAR/M Multi-storey parking the cars
- building
3,500 2,700 2
SAR/M Underground parking
- building
1,800 1,300 3
SAR/M Swimming pools
190 125 2
Car parking shades
205 165 2
SAR/M Fire alarm and fighting system,
190 150 3
SAR/M central air conditioning
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits.
include all construction costs and associated equipment.The above prices
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• Palm trees: from 8 years old to 15 years old, their production is economical. Their value is calculated in the table according to their type, then their
production decreases by 10%, and thus the value decreases by 10% every year until their production becomes non-existent. Economically, her
consumption of services is greater than her income at the age of 25- 20 years.
1,000 600 500 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 100 pure
700 600 450 300 250 200 150 100 Sugary Yellow
500 450 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 100 50 Zero
1,000 600 500 400 three hundred fifty 300 250 200
650 500 400 300 200 150 120 80 Ajwa, the city
850 550 500 450 three hundred fifty 250 200 150
900 700 550 450 three hundred fifty 250 200 60 Ruthana
650 450 400 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 100 Red sugar
500 400 three hundred fifty 300 250 200 150 100 Green
500 400 three hundred fifty 300 250 200 150 100 RSSI
800 700 550 450 three hundred fifty 250 200 150
700 500 450 400 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 Raziz
1,000 800 650 500 400 three hundred fifty 300 200 Neboth is a sword
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• Fruit trees: Estimating their prices is based on the length of the tree, and this can be explained as follows:
150 50 40 30 20 an orange
120 50 40 30 20 banana
100 80 55 35 15 fig
30 20 15 10 5 henna
150 80 60 40 20 As an elegy
• Windbreaks: The evaluation of windbreaks depends on the length of the trees, ranging from 40 to 50 riyals per tree. • Note: The above
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Determining the expected life of a building depends on a group of factors, the most important of which are the following:
• The nature and type of occupancy. • Type of building and its use. •
• The level of interior and exterior finishes. Quality of the structural structure.
The ages of the hypothetical buildings can be clarified through the following table:
45 A Class
40 B Class Residential complexes
35 C Class
45 Independent villas
35 attached villas
45 A Class
40 B Class Residential buildings (less than 12 ).
35 C Class floor (
With reinforced columns and built of bricks or blocks. Built of
buildings. Popular houses
Stone buildings
50 A Class
45 B Class
Administrative buildings (less than 12 floors) Administrative
40 C Class
25 Complexes of kiosks and stalls,
35 shopping centers,
Commercial complexes and centers commercial
35 central markets
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45 Hotels
35 Furnished units
35 Refrigerators
35 Workshops
50 Mosques
45 Dispensaries
45 Institutes and
Educational services
55 education centers
50 Universities
35 Independent cinemas,
Recreational facilities
35 entertainment halls
35 Specialized restaurants
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Based on the expected life of the buildings, the cumulative depreciation rate was estimated for each year, and this can be explained through the following table:
5.00% 4.00% 3.33% 2.86% 2.50% 2.22% 2.00% 1.82% 1.67% 1.54% 1.43% 1
9.75% 7.84% 6.56% 5.63% 4.94% 4.40% 3.96% 3.60% 3.31% 3.05% 2.84% 2
14.26% 11.53% 9.67% 8.33% 7.31% 6.52% 5.88% 5.36% 4.92% 4.54% 4.22% 3
18.55% 15.07% 12.68% 10.95% 9.63% 8.60% 7.76% 7.08% 6.50% 6.01% 5.59% 4
22.62% 18.46% 15.59% 13.49% 11.89% 10.63% 9.61% 8.77% 8.06% 7.46% 6.94% 5
26.49% 21.72% 18.41% 15.96% 14.09% 12.61% 11.42% 10.43% 9.59% 8.88% 8.27% 6
30.17% 24.86% 21.13% 18.37% 16.24% 14.56% 13.19% 12.05% 11.10% 10.28% 9.58% 7
33.66% 27.86% 23.75% 20.70% 18.33% 16.45% 14.92% 13.65% 12.58% 11.66% 10.87% 8
36.98% 30.75% 26.30% 22.96% 20.38% 18.31% 16.63% 15.22% 14.04% 13.02% 12.15% 9
40.13% 33.52% 28.75% 25.16% 22.37% 20.13% 18.29% 16.76% 15.47% 14.36% 13.40% 10
43.12% 36.18% 31.13% 27.30% 24.31% 21.90% 19.93% 18.28% 16.88% 15.68% 14.64% 11
45.96% 38.73% 33.42% 29.38% 26.20% 23.64% 21.53% 19.76% 18.26% 16.98% 15.86% 12
48.67% 41.18% 35.64% 31.40% 28.05% 25.33% 23.10% 21.22% 19.63% 18.25% 17.06% 13
51.23% 43.53% 37.79% 33.36% 29.84% 26.99% 24.64% 22.65% 20.97% 19.51% 18.24% 14
53.67% 45.79% 39.86% 35.26% 31.60% 28.62% 26.14% 24.06% 22.28% 20.75% 19.41% 15
55.99% 47.96% 41.87% 37.11% 33.31% 30.20% 27.62% 25.44% 23.58% 21.97% 20.56% 16
58.19% 50.04% 43.80% 38.91% 34.98% 31.75% 29.07% 26.80% 24.85% 23.17% 21.70% 17
60.28% 52.04% 45.68% 40.65% 36.60% 33.27% 30.49% 28.13% 26.11% 24.35% 22.82% 18
62.26% 53.96% 47.49% 42.35% 38.19% 34.75% 31.88% 29.43% 27.34% 25.52% 23.92% 19
64.15% 55.80% 49.24% 44.00% 39.73% 36.20% 33.24% 30.72% 28.55% 26.66% 25.01% 20
65.94% 57.57% 50.93% 45.60% 41.24% 37.62% 34.57% 31.98% 29.74% 27.79% 26.08% 21
67.65% 59.27% 52.57% 47.15% 42.71% 39.01% 35.88% 33.21% 30.91% 28.90% 27.13% 22
69.26% 60.89% 54.15% 48.66% 44.14% 40.36% 37.17% 34.43% 32.06% 29.99% 28.18% 23
70.80% 62.46% 55.68% 50.13% 45.54% 41.69% 38.42% 35.62% 33.19% 31.07% 29.20% 24
72.26% 63.96% 57.15% 51.55% 46.90% 42.98% 39.65% 36.79% 34.31% 32.13% 30.21% 25
73.65% 65.40% 58.58% 52.94% 48.23% 44.25% 40.86% 37.94% 35.40% 33.18% 31.21% 26
74.97% 66.79% 59.96% 54.28% 49.52% 45.49% 42.04% 39.07% 36.48% 34.20% 32.19% 27
76.22% 68.11% 61.30% 55.59% 50.78% 46.70% 43.20% 40.18% 37.54% 35.22% 33.16% 28
77.41% 69.39% 62.59% 56.86% 52.01% 47.88% 44.34% 41.26% 38.58% 36.21% 34.12% 29
78.54% 70.61% 63.83% 58.09% 53.21% 49.04% 45.45% 42.33% 39.60% 37.19% 35.06% 30
79.61% 71.79% 65.04% 59.29% 54.38% 50.18% 46.54% 43.38% 40.61% 38.16% 35.98% 31
80.63% 72.92% 66.20% 60.45% 55.52% 51.28% 47.61% 44.41% 41.60% 39.11% 36.90% 32
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81.60% 74.00% 67.33% 61.58% 56.63% 52.37% 48.66% 45.42% 42.57% 40.05% 37.80% 33
82.52% 75.04% 68.42% 62.68% 57.72% 53.42% 49.69% 46.41% 43.53% 40.97% 38.69% 34
83.39% 76.04% 69.47% 63.74% 58.77% 54.46% 50.69% 47.39% 44.47% 41.88% 39.57% 35
84.22% 77.00% 70.49% 64.78% 59.81% 55.47% 51.68% 48.34% 45.40% 42.77% 40.43% 36
85.01% 77.92% 71.47% 65.79% 60.81% 56.46% 52.65% 49.28% 46.31% 43.65% 41.28% 37
85.76% 78.80% 72.42% 66.76% 61.79% 57.43% 53.59% 50.21% 47.20% 44.52% 42.12% 38
86.47% 79.65% 73.34% 67.71% 62.75% 58.37% 54.52% 51.11% 48.08% 45.37% 42.95% 39
87.15% 80.46% 74.23% 68.64% 63.68% 59.30% 55.43% 52.00% 48.95% 46.21% 43.76% 40
87.79% 81.24% 75.09% 69.53% 64.58% 60.20% 56.32% 52.87% 49.80% 47.04% 44.56% 41
88.40% 82.00% 75.92% 70.40% 65.47% 61.09% 57.19% 53.73% 50.63% 47.86% 45.36% 42
88.98% 82.72% 76.72% 71.25% 66.33% 61.95% 58.05% 54.57% 51.46% 48.66% 46.14% 43
89.53% 83.41% 77.50% 72.07% 67.18% 62.80% 58.89% 55.40% 52.27% 49.45% 46.91% 44
90.06% 84.07% 78.25% 72.87% 68.00% 63.62% 59.71% 56.21% 53.06% 50.23% 47.66% 45
90.55% 84.71% 78.98% 73.64% 68.80% 64.43% 60.52% 57.00% 53.84% 50.99% 48.41% 46
91.03% 85.32% 79.68% 74.40% 69.58% 65.22% 61.31% 57.79% 54.61% 51.75% 49.15% 47
91.47% 85.91% 80.35% 75.13% 70.34% 66.00% 62.08% 58.55% 55.37% 52.49% 49.88% 48
91.90% 86.47% 81.01% 75.84% 71.08% 66.75% 62.84% 59.31% 56.11% 53.22% 50.59% 49
92.31% 87.01% 81.64% 76.53% 71.80% 67.49% 63.58% 60.05% 56.84% 53.94% 51.30% 50
92.69% 87.53% 82.25% 77.20% 72.51% 68.21% 64.31% 60.77% 57.56% 54.65% 51.99% 51
93.06% 88.03% 82.85% 77.85% 73.19% 68.92% 65.03% 61.49% 58.27% 55.35% 52.68% 52
93.40% 88.51% 83.42% 78.48% 73.86% 69.61% 65.72% 62.19% 58.97% 56.03% 53.35% 53
93.73% 88.97% 83.97% 79.10% 74.52% 70.29% 66.41% 62.87% 59.65% 56.71% 54.02% 54
94.05% 89.41% 84.50% 79.70% 75.15% 70.95% 67.08% 63.55% 60.32% 57.38% 54.68% 55
94.34% 89.83% 85.02% 80.28% 75.78% 71.59% 67.74% 64.21% 60.98% 58.03% 55.33% 56
94.63% 90.24% 85.52% 80.84% 76.38% 72.22% 68.39% 64.86% 61.63% 58.68% 55.96% 57
94.90% 90.63% 86.00% 81.39% 76.97% 72.84% 69.02% 65.50% 62.27% 59.31% 56.59% 58
95.15% 91.00% 86.47% 81.92% 77.55% 73.44% 69.64% 66.13% 62.90% 59.94% 57.21% 59
95.39% 91.36% 86.92% 82.43% 78.11% 74.03% 70.24% 66.74% 63.52% 60.55% 57.82% 60
95.62% 91.71% 87.36% 82.94% 78.66% 74.61% 70.84% 67.35% 64.13% 61.16% 58.43% 61
95.84% 92.04% 87.78% 83.42% 79.19% 75.17% 71.42% 67.94% 64.73% 61.76% 59.02% 62
96.05% 92.36% 88.18% 83.90% 79.71% 75.73% 71.99% 68.53% 65.31% 62.35% 59.61% 63
96.25% 92.67% 88.58% 84.36% 80.22% 76.27% 72.55% 69.10% 65.89% 62.93% 60.18% 64
96.44% 92.96% 88.96% 84.80% 80.71% 76.79% 73.10% 69.66% 66.46% 63.50% 60.75% 65
96.61% 93.24% 89.33% 85.24% 81.19% 77.31% 73.64% 70.21% 67.02% 64.06% 61.31% 66
96.78% 93.51% 89.68% 85.66% 81.66% 77.81% 74.17% 70.75% 67.57% 64.61% 61.87% 67
96.94% 93.77% 90.03% 86.07% 82.12% 78.31% 74.69% 71.28% 68.11% 65.16% 62.41% 68
97.10% 94.02% 90.36% 86.47% 82.57% 78.79% 75.19% 71.81% 68.64% 65.69% 62.95% 69
97.24% 94.26% 90.68% 86.85% 83.00% 79.26% 75.69% 72.32% 69.16% 66.22% 63.48% 70
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Practical examples 4
Example ( 1 ): It is required to estimate the value of the current buildings of an administrative building according to the following:
Date of issuance of the building permit : 2008 AD.
Based on the information above, the value of the current buildings can be estimated as follows:
Replacement cost = built areas x implementation cost per square meter ( according to Table 2-2-3 )
2 2 •
× 2,500 riyals/m Replacement cost = 10,000 m
Depreciation can be estimated through the extended life method or the diminishing annuity method, and the results of each method can be explained
as follows:
By referring to Table No. ( 4-2-3 ), it is clear that the expected lifespan of the building is 35 years .
Effective life = effective life - remaining life
The remaining life is estimated by the evaluator and his inspection of the property and the condition of the building at the evaluation date, to
arrive at a result. The remaining life is estimated and the property is estimated to live at 30 years .
Therefore, the value of the current buildings = replacement cost - depreciation value = 25,000,000 riyals - 3,571,429 riyals
= 21,428,571 riyals
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The current age of the building (the age of the building at the date of evaluation) = the current year – the year the electrical current was launched
Due to the lack of information about the date of turning on the electrical current and the absence of a construction completion certificate, the date of
issuance of the building permit was taken, minus the period required for the construction process (which is estimated at two years).
Current age of the building = ( 2019 - 2008) - 2 years of construction = 9 years
By referring to Table No. (4-2-3), it is clear that the expected lifespan of the building is 35 years .
Depreciation rate by referring to Table No. ( 5-2-3 ) and at the point where the age of the building intersects with the date
Evaluation with the expected lifespan shows that the total depreciation rate during the period ( 9 years ) is 22.96%. 3)
Therefore, the value of the current buildings = replacement cost - depreciation value = 25,000,000 riyals - 5,740,817 riyals
= 19,259,183 riyals
To estimate the value of the property, the value of the current buildings is added to the value of the land
Note: Both methods are considered acceptable in estimating the market value of a property, and the extended life method is considered more accurate and reliable and
requires sufficient experience to reach a judgment about the remaining life of the building.
Example ( 2 ): It is required to estimate the value of the current buildings for a new residential villa according to the following:
• The interior finishing of the villa is considered A level, with central air conditioning.
Based on the information above, the value of the current buildings can be estimated as follows:
Value of buildings = built areas x cost of implementation per square meter (according to Table No. 2-2-3 )
2 2 •
× 2,200 riyals/m Building value = 500 m
Building value = 1,100,000 riyals
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Value of buildings = built areas x cost of implementation per square meter (according to Table No. 2-2-3 )
2 2 •
× 3,000 riyals/m m Building value = 500
Building value = 1,500,000 riyals
Due to the difference in the level of implementation and quality of work between internal finishes and external finishes, the value can be determined
275,000 riyals 20% 300,000 riyals 25% 275,000 riyals Construction works
465,000 riyals 341,000 riyals %31 31% 465,000 riyals Interior finishes
231,000 riyals 231,000 riyals %21 21% 315,000 riyals External finishes
220,000 riyals 20% 300,000 riyals 20% 220,000 riyals Electromechanical systems
When adding the above elements, it becomes clear that the value of the buildings for the residential villa is 1,311,000 riyals, equivalent to 2,622 riyals/m
Example ( 3 ): It is required to estimate the value of the current buildings for a mixed-use project that was completed in 2005 and consists
of the following:
.2 •
A closed commercial center with a built-up area of 30,000 square meters
.2 •
A class A administrative building, according to its construction specifications, with a height of 20 floors and a built-up area of 40,000 square meters.
A 4- star hotel building, newly completed in 2018 AD, with a height of 25 floors, its built-up surfaces
25,000 m
Based on the information above, the value of the current buildings can be estimated as follows:
• Commercial center:
Replacement cost = built areas x implementation cost per square meter ( according to Table 2-2-3 )
2 2 •
× 3,500 riyals/m Replacement cost = 30,000 m
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By referring to Table No. ( 4-2-3 ), it is clear that the expected lifespan of the building is 35 years .
Effective life = effective life - remaining life
The remaining life is estimated by the evaluator and his inspection of the property and the condition of the building at the date of evaluation, to arrive
at a result. The remaining life that the property is expected to live is estimated at 25 years. It is noted here that no It does not take into account the date of
Depreciation rate = effective life / expected life
Therefore, the value of the current buildings = replacement cost - depreciation value = 105,000,000 - 29,998,500
= 75,001,500 riyals
• Administrative building:
Due to the building’s height exceeding 12 floors, the cost estimation method for high-rise buildings was used.
The construction cost for a Class A administrative building according to the construction price schedules for buildings and improvements is 3,100 riyals/m
Since the bone tops represent 35% of the total construction cost, the cost of the bone tops will be 2,015 riyals /m .
1,085 riyals/m
The building’s number of floors is 20 floors high, and therefore the factor of increase in the cost of bone work is 1.60.
The cost of boneworks according to the number of floors = the cost of boneworks x the factor of increase in the cost of boneworks
× 1.60
= 1,085 riyals/m
= 1,736 riyals/m
The cost per square meter = the cost of bone works + the remainder for other works
2 2 2
= 3,751 riyals/m + 2,015 riyals/m = 1,736 riyals/m
2 2
× 3,751 riyals/m Replacement cost = 40,000 m
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By referring to Table No. ( 4-2-3 ), it is clear that the expected lifespan of the building is 45 years .
Effective life = effective life - remaining life
The remaining life is estimated by the evaluator and his inspection of the property and the condition of the building at the evaluation date, to arrive at
As a result, the remaining life of the property was estimated at 25 years, and it is noted here that no consideration was taken of the date of
Therefore, the value of the current buildings = replacement cost - depreciation value = 150,040,000 - 33,342,222
= 116,697,777 riyals
•Hotel building:
Due to the building’s height exceeding 12 floors, the cost estimation method for high-rise buildings was used.
Construction cost for a 4- star hotel building according to construction price schedules for buildings and improvements 4,400
2, since the bone tops represent 30% of the total construction cost due to the nature of the building, the cost of the tops is riyals/m
2 and the remainder for other works is 3,080 riyals/m The bone will be worth 1,320 riyals/m
The building’s number of floors is 25 floors high, and therefore the factor of increase in the cost of bone work is 1.80.
The cost of boneworks according to the number of floors = the cost of boneworks x the factor of increase in the cost of boneworks
× 1.80
= 1,320 riyals/m
= 2,376 riyals/m
The cost per square meter = the cost of bone works + the remainder for other works
2 2 2
= 5,456 riyals/m + 3,080 riyals/m = 2,376 riyals/m
2 2
× 5,456 riyals/m Building value = 25,000 m2
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Therefore, the total current value of the project buildings = the commercial center + the administrative building + the hotel building
= 328,100,000 riyals
Example ( 4 ): A residential building, level C, under construction, its built-up area is 2,000 square meters .
What is required is to estimate the value of the completed construction work and its ratio to the value of the building when completed.
The value of the building if completed = built-up areas x cost of implementation per square meter (according to Table No. 2-2-3 )
2 2 •
× 1,500 riyals/m The value of the building if completed = 2,000 m
The value of the building if completed = 3,000,000 riyals
Considering that the building is under construction and based on the physical inspection, the completion rates can be estimated according to the building elements as follows:
The value of achievement Cost of work at completion rate Ratio to cost Construction items/works items
150,000 riyals 50% 300,000 riyals %10 works 2-2 Electrical works
120,000 riyals %40 300,000 riyals %10 Plastering and painting works
--- %0 %20
600,000 riyals External finishes 4-1
--- %0 %6
180,000 riyals Aluminum works 4-2
--- %0 %7
210,000 riyals Facade works 4-3
--- %0 %7
210,000 riyals Overall general site
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Appendices 5
To arrive at an updated, more accurate and objective classification that is consistent with global and local trends in accordance with a source of regulations and
legislation and consistent with the urban characteristics of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the methodology relied on Destinations
Guides and regulations for building systems and regulations issued by the results of a study of similar international experiences and conformity with the Ministry of
Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing and other ministries that have independent legislation regarding buildings. Arriving at the detailed classification of buildings
Determine the approved land uses and the activities permitted within each use.
Reviewing building regulations and special requirements for activities and facilities.
compatibility with the Saudi buildingMeasuring
code. systems
Reaching the initial classification of buildings.
Determine the requirements and regulations of ministries, bodies and relevant parties.
Matching the initial classification with the classification of ministries and agencies.
Reaching the final detailed classification of buildings.
Identify possible categories within the detailed classifications of buildings.
Measuring compliance with the Saudi building code
Reaching the initial classification of buildings Initial classification of buildings
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2.1.5 General
classification Based on what was stated in similar international experiences and in accordance with the local urban environment
and prevailing land uses within the local plans of urban areas and cities, the general classification of buildings and Hasinat and their compatibility
tourism services
industrial facilities
Recreational facilities
Sports buildings
public facilities
gas stations
The following is a definition of the list of building types above according to what is stated in local regulations and legislation and similar international experiences:
•Residential buildings
These are buildings or their parts designated for housing and accommodation, including university residential buildings and private residential buildings. They can be
Buildings consisting of permanent residential units for one family (apartments), such as investment housing buildings (condominiums).
Buildings consisting of rooms or dormitories for permanent housing, individually or collectively, such as student housing
Private residential buildings, villas, or private palaces.
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•Administrative buildings
They are licensed places designated for performing administrative and commercial work and liberal professions, whether these places are independent in
•Commercial buildings
These are buildings or their parts allocated to serve the public (commercial shops), or in which the number of users does not exceed (50) people at one
time. They include wholesale and retail shops, and light occupational services such as: garages. Commercial, tailoring and barber shops, central markets,
management offices Businesses or services, small banks, offices of institutions and companies, and the like.
, or any unit, each place that mainly provides accommodation service (for guests/tourists) in exchange for a fee, whether this place is a hotel, another
residential hotel that serves the same purposes, and any supporting services, which are called (tourist accommodation facilities) and are divided into To:
Full service facilities: including (hotels, heritage hotels, resorts, road hotels (motels), apartments).
Self-service facilities: include (furnished residential units, tourist lodges, eco-tourist camps,
•Sports buildings
Buildings or their parts designated for practicing physical activities and movement activities of various kinds, whether they are individual activities such as
(tennis, swimming), or group activities such as (football, basketball), and whether those places Whether it is open or open, the sports buildings include many
tools. Sports equipment, rooms, halls and swimming pools.
Restaurants: Independent buildings designated for preparing and serving meals to their patrons to be eaten inside the attached restaurant hall prepared
buildings designated for preparing and serving meals for eating outside.
•Educational buildings
Buildings or parts thereof designated for educational purposes, such as kindergartens, schools at all levels, vocational and applied institutes, and the like.
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They are facilities prepared for treatment, diagnosis, nursing, conducting medical tests, rehabilitation, care, or accommodation for convalescent patients, and they
include: (the hospital, the general medical complex, the specialized medical complex, the clinic, Radiology center, medical laboratory, one-day surgery center, health
service center Support, Ambulance Transport Services Center, Child Care Center, Elderly Care Center,.....).
It is everything prepared for Muslims to perform the five comprehensive prayers, and it is divided into:
The Grand Mosque: It is located within the service center of the residential neighborhood and represents the prominent element therein. It is
recommended that the walking distance to the Grand Mosque be within the range of 250 to 300 metres.
The local mosque: It is the nucleus of housing complexes or residential cells and works to provide religious services to them. It is
recommended that the walking distance to the local mosque be within the range of 150 to 200 metres.
Eid Mosque: It is the place where the Eid prayers are performed. It is not required to be within walking distance, as it is reached by
car and is usually located on the outskirts of the city. In the case of large cities with a large population, there may be more than one
•Industrial facilities
Buildings or parts thereof allocated for the purposes of industry in which compounding, mixing and packaging operations are carried out, or allocated to industrial
occupations in which repair operations are carried out, as well as buildings or parts thereof allocated for the purposes of storing materials etc. Or, manufactured or semi-
manufactured products. This type of building may be independent or part of Manufacturing or sales operations building.
•Sports buildings
Buildings or their parts designated for practicing physical activities and movement activities of various kinds, whether they are individual activities such as (tennis,
swimming), or group activities such as (football, basketball), and whether those places Whether it is open or open, the sports buildings include many tools. Sports
equipment, rooms, halls and swimming pools.
•High-rise buildings
These are buildings whose height (number of floors) exceeds 12 floors and whose area exceeds 3,000 square metres.
•Recreational facilities
It is an independent place designated for entertainment, and includes establishments that include a group of electrical, mechanical, or other games that are built
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•Public facilities
Infrastructure works include extending electricity, water, sanitation, telephone, asphalt, paving, and street lighting All
networks and parking lots.
An area of land used mainly or partially in the production of crops or animal production activities, or both. The
farm is treated as a single economic unit, even if it consists of a group of different production activities, whether in one plot
•gas stations
It is the place designated and licensed to practice the activity of selling fuel, along with some other services that can be established within the station
according to its classification degree mentioned in the regulations or according to its location according to the approved structural plans of cities and
When classifying buildings and improvements in detail, an item will be allocated under the name (Accessories) that
contains structural elements and components that can be found in more than one use, including, as a free example:
Based on the results of the general classification of buildings and improvements according to uses and the results of the study of similar international experiences,
the detailed classification of each use was determined, and then distributed into a group of categories and levels (in order to The evaluation will be carried out
later and the construction cost will be estimated (according to several criteria that differ depending on the type of building, which are as follows:
•Cooling, preheating and heating systems the building •The electromechanical systems
Here is an explanation:
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•Residential buildings
Residential buildings have been classified into ( 6 ) main detailed classifications that depend on the nature of the dwelling and the type of its occupancy, and
Each of the above classifications includes sub-classifications (types) based on local regulations, requirements and urban
The palaces include several buildings and annexes surrounded by gardens and various entertainment places, and are generally defined by
boundaries such as walls. The palaces contain buildings characterized by luxury in terms of the method of construction and the existing decorations
that give them a special nature. Columns, ceilings, ladders and floors. The village consists of a large number of properties, or one property with a
large number of properties attached to it, and its area is not less than 5,000 square metres.
•Residential complexes
It is a group of residential buildings. These buildings consist of several residential units (villas or apartments) and are surrounded by a
single wall with specific entrances and exits.
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•Residential villas
Referring to the building requirements guide issued by the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, there are 3 types of residential buildings.
Independent villas
Adjoining villas
Semi-attached villas
Common neighbour
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•Popular houses
It is a house whose construction relies on ton, block, or cement walls and is roofed with wood and clay materials, often
They consist of one floor, and are located within areas built without prior planning and include residential apartments, popular houses, and backyards. The
majority of them are not subject to the approved planning and architectural principles. Popular buildings are classified into 4 types : As follows:
It has reinforced columns and is built of brick or block
Built of brick or block without a reinforced foundation
Mud buildings
Stone buildings
•Worker housing
It means housing prepared for the purpose of housing an individual person (without a family), usually for workers with handicrafts and often without academic
was distributed into categories and levels based In view of the variation in residential use according to the types specified within the detailed classification, it
Nature of occupancy
Available services
External finishes
Interior finishes
Electromechanical systems
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Accordingly, residential buildings were distributed according to their types into categories and levels as follows:
There is one category of palaces, and the main criterion for determining it is the land area that is
greater than 5,000 square meters.
Services available in the complex
External finishes
Interior finishes
• Residential complexes
Electromechanical systems
On the specific types there will be 3 categories (C, B, A) based on four building
External finishes
• Residential villas
Interior finishes
Electromechanical systems
External finishes
Interior finishes
• Residential buildings
Electromechanical systems
There will be 3 types of popular houses depending on the quality of the structural structure:
It has reinforced columns and is built of brick or blocks
• Popular houses
Built of brick or blocks without a reinforced foundation
Built of clay
There is one category of worker housing, and the main criterion in determining it
Worker housing
is the nature of the occupancy as worker housing.
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items Main item
Not available or available Semi-available and Available and Gardens and parks
And not serviced equipped with all amenities equipped with all amenities
the public
More than 50% From 35% - 50% Less than 35% The ratio of built area to land Services and facilities
area Joint
recreational services
There are visual distortions, Partially free from It is completely Works and finishes
and the facades visual distortions, the free of visual distortions,
External finishes
External interface
are covered with facades shall be and the cladding or
marble. of marble
Plain aluminum or other Aluminum Rasaya First-class aluminium, Aluminum and glass works
electrical shorts
First class decorative stone of suitable Marble or Entrance and main lobby
Water-based paint
Filler wood Medium quality veneer High quality solid wood Doors
Water-based paint First class decorative Luxurious paint or first- Wall cladding
gypsum frames
Interior finishes
Ceramic Porcelain marble Flooring type
For units
Gypsum cornices or Gypsum tiles on Gypsum decorations Type of ceilings
without Parties
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items Water Main item
(In the case of buildings)
Grade plugs and sockets Grade plugs and sockets Grade plugs and sockets Extensions and exits
Heating units Independent heating units There is a central heater Heating system (heating)
Split added or Split with extensions Central air conditioning or Air conditioning system Heating and preheating
(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items of site Main item
Patio flooring Patio Patio Flooring Patio or outdoor works and finishes
Lack of facilities With partial availability of facilities With the availability of facilities
There are visual abnormalities Partially free of Completely free of Facade works and finishes
And it will be a cladding Visual abnormalities Visual abnormalities External External finishes
Regular aluminum or others Aluminum and glass holders First class aluminum Aluminum and glass works
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items Main item
Water-based paint First class paint Luxury paint or first- Wall cladding
Traditional lighting Decorative lighting Modern lighting or Lighting
Fluorescent Smart system
Cords and plugs Grade plugs and sockets First class plugs Extensions and exits
Heating units Heating units Heating system (heating) with a central heater
Air conditioning systems
Split added or Split with extensions Central air conditioning or Air conditioning system
Heating and preheating
* Additional supporting facilities include (equipped parking lots, swimming pools, gardens and open areas,...)
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items Main item
Patio flooring Patio Patio Flooring Patio or outdoor of site works and finishes
Lack of facilities With partial availability of facilities With the availability of facilities
There are visual abnormalities Partially free of Completely free of Facade works and finishes
External finishes
And it will be a cladding Visual abnormalities Visual abnormalities External
Regular aluminum or others Aluminum and glass holders First class aluminum Aluminum and glass works
Water-based paint First class paint stone mosaic Marble or Entrance and main lobby
decorative suitable
Water-based paint First class paint Fine paint or paper Wall cladding
Gypsum frames
Interior finishes
Ceramic Porcelain marble Flooring type
without Parties
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items Main item
Cords and plugs Grade plugs and sockets First class plugs Electrical extensions and
Heating units Heating units Heating system (heating) with a central heater
Air conditioning systems
Split added or Split with extensions Central air conditioning Air conditioning system
Heating and preheating
They are licensed places designated for performing administrative and commercial work and liberal professions, whether these places are independent in
Administrative buildings have been classified into ( 3 ) main detailed classifications based on a set of standards, which can be identified as follows:
Services available in the building:
external finishes
Interior finishes
Electromechanical systems
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items : Main item
Common services
Pavers, storage areas,
and facilities
opposed , .. (
Mosaic or soap Cement tiles) including Or granite stone Site works and finishes
There are distortions Partially free of Completely free of Facade works and finishing
External finishes
Facade cladding It will be covered with stone And it will be a cladding
Water-based paint not equipped First-class decorative Prepared stone Marble or Entrance and main lobby
Filler wood Doors with a pinch Solid wood doors Doors and handles
Water-based paint First class decorative Marble/paint, first class Wall cladding
Interior finishes
Ceramic Without marble or porcelain Smart energy saving Flooring type
service floors
An exit to a staircase with Emergency exits with concrete A sufficient number of I hope to escape
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(C) CLASS (B) CLASS (A) CLASS Detailed items Main item
Without systems or Integrated alarm system Alarm system and Fire protection system
Luxury with smart system
And additional elevators
For services
Cords and plugs Grade plugs and sockets First class plugs Extensions and exits
Heating units Heating units There is a central heater Heating system (heating)
•Commercial buildings
Commercial buildings have been classified into ( 7 ) main detailed classifications that depend on the nature of the building and the type of its occupancy, and can
be identified as follows:
•Car showrooms
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It is a place designated for light commercial activities. It is built of materials that are easy to implement, disassemble and
. remove, and resistant to fire. It can consist of various or specialized commercial activities.
They are open commercial markets consisting of one floor that include a number of commercial shops grouped in one
They are large closed markets that consist of a large building consisting of more than one floor and contain a large number of
different activities, including commercial shops, entertainment places, and snack restaurants, which are usually called A name
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•shopping centers
These are shops dedicated to selling food and non-food items, and they operate on a self-service system for packaged, packaged, and pre-packaged
goods. In the case of non-packaged food goods, one of the workers directly serves the customer by preparing and distributing Dad Ma
He needs it.
•Central markets
These are large licensed shops with an extended area, which include, in addition to selling specific goods, other complementary or non-complementary
activities through a group of small shops that are managed by those in charge of the market or rented to others to manage them.
The term “bank” means any legal entity in the Kingdom that primarily carries out any banking business, and the term “banking business” means the
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•Car showrooms
Car showrooms and sales mean the car (harrage) showrooms in the approved plans, the halls designated for displaying and selling cars
as a separate integrated project, and the halls located under the buildings .
Hospitality buildings and tourism services are classified into ( 3 ) main detailed classifications that depend on the nature of the hospitality facility,
its purpose, the type of occupancy, and the services and equipment provided, and they can be identified as follows:
• Private rest rooms • Wedding and event halls • Hospitality and tourist accommodation facilities
Under each classification above there are sub-classifications (types) based on the regulations, requirements, local urban
characteristics, services and equipment, which will be explained in more detail as follows:
Referring to the list of tourist accommodation facilities issued by the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, there are 5
types of units and facilities (public and recreational), services and equipment. Hospitality and tourist accommodation buildings
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hotel Apartments
Hotel villas
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they have been Given the difference in hospitality and tourist accommodation facilities according to the specific types within the sub-classification,
distributed into categories, levels and grades based on international experiences and the classification approved by the General Tourism Authority. And the inheritance
Residential Hotel
Units or rooms
Public facilities
Recreational facilities
Toilets in rooms
The café
Main kitchen
Hot foods
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Upon availability Accordingly, the distribution of hospitality and tourist accommodation facilities according to their types will be divided into categories, levels and degrees of construction.
The previous main elements and standards and their sub-conditions (attached within the appendices of the guide) are as follows:
First degree - second degree - third degree - fourth degree - fifth degree Furnished residential units
They are the buildings or part of the buildings designated for holding weddings or parties of all kinds and designed to receive large numbers of
people at one time, in accordance with the technical requirements for wedding halls issued by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Public Affairs.
Roya, there are 3 categories of wedding and event halls, which are as follows:
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These categories (grades) were determined based on a set of the following elements and criteria:
These are buildings in which complete living facilities are available for the purpose of temporary residence and are allocated for personal or commercial
purposes and are not used as housing for workers or warehouses and are equipped to provide quick services and entertainment to visitors.
Educational services buildings have been classified into ( 4 ) main detailed classifications based on the stages and levels of education, loan of associates,
Educational schools
Institutes and education centers
Universities •
Here is an explanation:
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It is a hospitality center specialized in caring for children whose ages range from one month to three years.
Kindergarten: An
educational institution licensed and supervised by the Ministry of Education that provides care and early education to children whose ages range from
•Educational schools
It is every establishment that carries out any type of public or private education within (the various school stages) and before the higher education
It is an educational or training institute belonging to the private sector, and it is under the supervision of the General Organization for Technical Education
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Regulations and Instructions is an educational institution with a legal personality that enjoys financial and administrative independence, in a manner that does not
conflict with and aims to provide educational and training programs (above the secondary level) and contribute to raising the level of education and research.
Scientific, and the availability of appropriate scientific specializations, within the framework of the Kingdom’s educational policy.
The health facility and the quality of health services buildings have been classified into ( 4 ) main detailed classifications based on the volume of
medical service provided, available equipment, medical accommodation, and medical specialties, according to the following:
Rehabilitation centres
Here is an explanation:
These are facilities that provide various medical services and care, including major surgical operations, and there is inpatient care, and they are
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These are facilities that provide various medical services and care, other than surgical operations, and do not require hospitalization. They may either be
•Rehabilitation centres
They are centers specialized in the field of rehabilitation and natural treatment, which aim to rehabilitate an individual who has suffered from a disability
and has become disabled through making a joint effort between a group of specialties with the aim of employing and strengthening the capabilities of
individuals. He responded to be able to adapt to his disability and to the requirements of normal life to the highest degree of independence.
They are specialized centers for the care of children or the elderly and are primarily based on residential care and the provision of activities and social
care programs within purposeful health programs that are appropriate to the age characteristics of this stage, through For temporary or permanent
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Mosques have been classified into ( 2 ) main detailed classifications based on the size of the mosque and the scope of its service as follows:
•Jami mosque
It is located within the residential neighborhood service center, and it is recommended that the walking distance to it be within the range of 250 to 300 metres .
Its capacity is 800 people, and Friday prayers are held there.
•Mohil Mosque
It is the nucleus of housing complexes, and it is recommended that the walking distance to it be within the range of 150 to 200 metres, and its capacity to be within
the range of 400 people, and Friday prayers are not performed there.
•Industrial facilities
Industrial services buildings have been classified into ( 4 ) main detailed classifications that depend on the nature of the facility and its main purpose.
For production, industry, storage, maintenance and repair according to the following: From it whether
Here is an explanation:
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Buildings or parts thereof designated for industrial purposes in which compounding, mixing, and packaging operations take place, where raw materials or
intermediate goods are subjected to certain manufacturing processes with the aim of converting them into other goods that are considered final products.
Places designated for storing materials that require preservation at a specific temperature, including refrigeration and freezing.
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Light workshops: These are separate workshops whose nature of work is mostly maintenance, repair, and installation of separate, light parts and
equipment, such as decoration workshops, advertising workshops, car glass installation shops, and all maintenance services. Car-related workshops,
such as upholstery and car upholstery workshops, car tire repair workshops, and car mechanics workshops, Car electrical workshops, radiator workshops,
and others.
Industrial workshop: It is a workshop that works in the field of manufacturing, assembly and installation of specific products, such as carpentry and furniture
manufacturing workshops, blacksmithing and aluminum workshops, pottery making, plumbing and car paint workshops, and mechanical and mechanical workshops. For heavy reps.
They are buildings whose height (number of floors) exceeds 12 floors and whose area exceeds 3,000 square metres. They are classified into ( 4 ) main
detailed classifications that depend on the height of the building and the number of floors according to the classification. El:
M . From 12 floors to 18 floors: They are known as high-rise buildings, the maximum height of which does not
M . exceed 74 From 19 floors to 30 floors: They are known as very high buildings, the maximum height of which does
M . not exceed 120 From 31 floors to 60 floors: They are known as high-rise buildings, which do not Its maximum height
M . exceeds 240. More than 60 floors: They are known as very high-rise buildings whose height exceeds 240.
The building may consist of one type of use or contain multiple uses
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•Recreational facilities
It is an independent place designated for entertainment, and it has been classified into ( 3 ) main detailed classifications based on
Independent cinemas •
Entertainment halls •
Here is an explanation:
•Independent cinemas
They are movie theaters that are built independently of any other activity, and they can be open or closed.
He is working on establishing them to be public facilities for residents of cities and villages for the purpose of entertaining them, having picnics, and
spending days of rest and vacation. In these gardens or parks, he allocates places for practicing some sports, such as water, running, and swimming
pools. Children's playgrounds, seating areas, rest rooms, and other means of entertainment.
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•Entertainment halls
It is an independent place designated for entertainment, which includes a group of electrical, mechanical, or other games built specifically
•Public facilities
The above includes general plans for lands and their basic components of paving, asphalt, paving, and lighting, in addition to parking lots. This can be
explained as follows:
A procedure that results in planning and dividing a large area of land into small, organized plots after deducting the planning percentage, which includes
Preparing the site
Lighting works
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They are the spaces or places designated for parking and are classified into:
Surface parking:
They are created at ground level, such as market parking, public buildings, or parking on the ground floor in some buildings.
created from several floors and are usually used in public places that are frequently frequented by people, such as commercial areas.
These are established below the level of the ground floor of the building, and are connected to the ground surface via ramps suitable for entry or exit from them.
•gas stations
It is the place designated and licensed to practice the activity of selling fuel, along with some other services that can be established within the station according
to its classification degree mentioned in the regulations or according to its location according to the approved structural plans of cities and towns. By air or on
regional roads.
Gas stations, according to the components, equipment, and improvements included in the station, are as follows: will be dealt with
Preparing the general site
Station canopy •
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An area of land used mainly or partially in the production of crops or animal production activities, or both. The
farm is treated as a single economic unit, even if it consists of a group of different farm production activities, whether in one plot
Farms will be dealt with according to the components, equipment, and improvements the farm includes, as follows:
Greenhouses •
•Sports buildings
It is an independent place designated for practicing physical and motor sports activities, and it has been classified into ( 3 ) main
Outdoor courts •
Gyms •
Here is an explanation:
They are places that include a number of multi-purpose gyms, whose members and visitors can practice several
types of sporting activities, such as: body building, and self-defense sports such as judo, karate, and others. And
also sports such as table tennis, billiards, skiing, swimming, volleyball, Basketball and other sporting activities.
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•Outdoor playgrounds
These are football fields whose area is not less than 1,200 square metres . It is not required that the site be designated for this use, provided that the fields are
insulated with a 6m-high mesh to respect the neighbors, and it is made of either natural or artificial grass. .
•Independent gyms
One closed hall in which one or more types of sports activities that are practiced in sports centers are practiced. she
It is the independent buildings designated for preparing and serving food meals, and it has been classified into ( 3 ) main detailed classifications based on
Specialized restaurants (with independent buildings)
Fast food restaurants (with independent buildings)
These are restaurants that prepare and serve meals inside and outside the restaurant building, and which are established on an independent plot/plots of land,
such that the entire building is designated as a restaurant) without involving any other activities (commercial or residential) and is often specialized in... R in a
certain type of food either according to a certain country Or a specific type of food, cooking method, etc.
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are restaurants that prepare and serve fast meals inside the restaurant building or through car service, and are located on a
These are places designated for cooking meals only, without serving meals inside.
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Accessories include a group of structural elements, components and improvements that can be found in more than one detailed classification of
Swimming pools
Car parking shades
Fire alarm and fighting system
Central air conditioning
Propaganda and advertising billboards include:
Concrete foundation o
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Prices were estimated for all buildings and facilities included in the detailed classification and their categories (levels) following a clear method and
methodology that takes into account the influencing factors and changes that may occur on prices. This is based on a set of main guidelines represented in
the following:
The mechanisms used in estimating prices within similar international experiences studied under item 3-2 .
Detailed classifications of buildings and the categories and levels that fall under them.
Standard finishing levels known in the local market.
The rate of consulting and management fees should be appropriate to the type and nature of the project.
Components of implementation prices and their distribution according to work items, finishes, schedules of quantities, and specifications.
Taking into account the building code, regulations and legislation related to construction work and the labor index.
• Regular contracting institutions and companies: which have a specialized technical staff.
New projects being implemented: in various regions within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Bayna Information Company database: which is updated periodically within a geographic system (GIS) that operates
To analyze information and produce price reports for buildings (number of 7,500 samples for the year 2020 AD - 2021 AD ).
Mukarramah, Medina, the Eastern Province, Hail, Aser, Jazan, In addition, eight administrative regions in the Kingdom were chosen (Riyadh, Makkah Al-
Qassim) to evaluate a group of buildings. Within the specified classifications and distributed across all regions, including the main governorates of the
selected regions:
Hail Hail
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•Residential buildings
Based on the detailed classification of residential buildings, it has been distributed into ( 5 ) main detailed classifications that depend on
the nature of the dwelling and the type of its occupancy. Under each classification is a group of subclassifications (types) based on The
regulations, requirements, local urban characteristics, finishing levels, and components can be explained as follows:
Detailed classification
Stone buildings
Worker housing
taking into account the quality and level of the following items: Based on the above classification, prices were estimated building
Available services •
External finishes •
Interior finishes •
Electromechanical systems •
Cooling and heating systems
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Through analysis of information sources, the results of prices attributed to square meters according to each classification were as follows:
1,400 1,400 1,250 1,300 With reinforced columns and built of brick or blocks 1,410 Building
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and administrative fees, in addition to including the contractor’s profit percentage of approximately
Between 10% and 15%, depending on the type and classification of the building, and the management percentage for popular homes has not been calculated.
All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter after analyzing the tables of quantities and specifications and include all
There are some residential buildings with categories, such as residential villas and buildings, that may be located in blurry areas between levels,
and therefore each building element can be measured according to its classification by relying on proportional weights. shown in the following
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•Administrative buildings
Based on the detailed classification of administrative buildings, they have been distributed into ( 3 ) sub-classifications (types) based on the following:
Available services
External finishes
Interior finishes
Electromechanical systems
General classification
Administrative buildings
Through analysis of information sources, price results were attributed to square meters according to each classification as follows:
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging between 10% and 15% .
Converting all prices to the cost per square meter based on market data and contracting entities, including:
Prices include all construction costs, including walls, tanks, roof height, and general site coordination.
The cost of the interior finishing of the units is usually at the expense of the tenant in administrative buildings of categories (A) and (B).
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•Commercial buildings
Based on the detailed classification of commercial buildings, they have been distributed into ( 7 ) detailed classifications based on local regulations, conditions
shopping centers
Commercial buildings
Central markets
Car showrooms
Through analysis of information sources, the results of prices attributed to square meters according to each classification were as follows:
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been
taken into account: The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging between 10% and 15% ,
classification of the building. All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter, based on market data and implementing agencies, and include:
All construction costs, including fences, tanks, roof decking, and general site coordination.
Specialized commercial buildings such as banks and banks are usually finished on the inside.
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Based on the detailed classification of hospitality buildings and tourism services, they have been divided into ( 3 ) detailed classifications based on local urban
Hotel residential units: These include villages, tourist resorts, hotels, hotel apartments, and hotel villas. •
For furnished residential units: This includes furnished rooms and apartments.
Each of the above types is divided into a group of categories according to the standards and requirements of the General Authority for Tourism and National
Heritage and the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, which can be explained as follows:
Type of facility
5 stars
4 stars 3
Hotel residential units
2 stars - 1 star
First degree
Furnished residential units
degree, third degree
A level
C level
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Through analysis of information sources, the results of prices attributed to square meters according to each classification were as follows:
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging between 10% and 15%, depending on •
Prices include all interior furnishings of buildings, fixed decorations, equipment and fixtures, and do not include furniture and movable assets. •
All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter based on market data and companies working in the field due to the difficulty of analyzing •
tables of quantities and specifications. They include all construction costs, including fences, tanks and roof course. And coordination of the general site.
Hospitality and accommodation facilities in the Holy City of Mecca and Medina:
systems in 3- star and 2- star hotels provide a corona lock system up to... The most accurate 3 stars (what
It represents an additional cost for construction, in addition to the increase in the number of rooms, especially hotels of 3 stars and less. This
increase is offset by not stipulating some specifications, such as (not requiring shading of the external areas of hotels in the category 4 stars,
approximately 1/3 of the lobby area is required, there is no requirement to have a service elevator in 3 stars, approximately half of the
are not required to have a gym orrequirements for restaurants include space, décor, public facilities and open areas. Category 4 and 5 hotels
swimming pool.
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When measuring the additional conditions and non-binding matters and asking specialized real estate developers, it becomes clear that the
cost is very similar between hospitality facilities in the Holy City and elsewhere, although it may be more Reduce its cost by a percentage that does not,
in any case, exceed 10% , which does not require its inclusion separately in The evidence is that its cost falls within the price range of construction
With regard to furnished residential units in the cities of Mecca and Medina, there are additional conditions such as:
(Providing an elevator for the first, second and third class). On the other hand, the availability of recreational facilities is not required.
Therefore, it is clear that the cost is very similar between furnished residential units in the Holy Cities and elsewhere, which does not necessitate
its inclusion separately in the guide, as its cost falls within the price range of the cost of housing. Starches.
Based on the detailed classification of educational services buildings, they have been distributed into ( 4 ) main detailed classifications that depend on the
stages and levels of education, secondments of associates, and scientific, vocational, and technical specializations, which can be explained as follows:
General classification
Educational schools,
Different educational services
institutes and education centres
When estimating prices, it was not possible to reach the cost of implementing the universities, as they are constructional edifices consisting of a group of different
urban elements that cannot be set in a unified price. Each building and constructional element within the university campus can be dealt with separately, in
accordance with Concerning the rest of the other classifications, through the analysis of information sources, the price results were attributed to The square order
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and a contractor profit of 15% .
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All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter based on market data and contractors, and include all construction costs, including
fences, tanks, roof course, and general site coordination, and do not include furniture and assets. Transferred.
University prices are estimated according to the components of each university.
facility, the quality of service provided, the available equipment, the medical accommodation, and the specialties, depending on the size of the facility. The medical
General classification
Health services facilities
rehabilitation centers
Through analysis of information sources, the price results were attributed to the square meter shown according to each classification as follows:
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and a contractor profit of 15% .
All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter according to the data of the operating authorities and available data,
and include all construction costs, including fences, tanks, roof course, and general site coordination, and do not include movable assets. .
Depending on the detailed classification of mosques based on local regulations, requirements and urban characteristics, there are two types of mosques that can be
explained as follows:
General classification
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Through analysis of information sources, the results of prices attributed to square meters according to each classification were as follows:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging between 15% and 20%, depending on
All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter according to the data of workers and new projects.
It includes all construction costs, including fences, tanks, roof decking, and general site coordination.
The above prices include all internal installations and do not include movable assets.
Based on the detailed classification of educational services buildings, they have been distributed into ( 4 ) main detailed classifications that depend on the stages and
levels of education, secondments of associates, and scientific, vocational, and technical specializations, which can be explained as follows:
General classification
Industrial service buildings
Through analysis of information sources, the results of prices attributed to square meters according to each classification were as follows:
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging from 15% to 20% .
All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter based on market data and contractors, and include all construction costs, including fences,
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The cost of constructing high-rise buildings is directly affected by the increase in the costs of substructure, building heights, and concrete structures. These heights
are known as “bone heights,” and these heights constitute a proportion of From 30% to 35%
Of the construction costs according to the type and nature of the building.
Accordingly, the above costs (bone works) can be increased by a fixed factor depending on the height of the building as follows:
Buildings up to a height of 12 floors are taken as a cost basis for applying the transactions in the table above.
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging from 15% to 20% .
All prices have been converted to the cost per square meter based on market data and contractors, and include all construction costs, including
An illustrative
example : Assuming that the construction cost for a Class B administrative building, according to construction prices for buildings and improvements, is 3,450 riyals/m2 , and
since the bone tops represent 35% of the total construction cost, the cost of the bone tops will be 1.2 00 riyals/m2 and the remainder for other works is 2,250 riyals/m2
Accordingly, the cost of construction can be measured according to the change in the number of floors as follows:
It is preferable to keep high-rise buildings (more than 12 floors) separate, as they can contain more than
Use so as not to interfere with the information on the user of the directory.
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•Recreational facilities
On the components as follows: Based on the detailed classification of entertainment facilities, it has been distributed into ( 3 ) detailed classifications based on
Cinema theaters
The unit of measurement varies from one classification to another, as movie theaters and entertainment halls depend on the
square square footage of built-up areas, while the unit of measurement for gardens and parks is the square yard of land area. .
Through analysis of information sources, the price results were attributed to the square footage (land or building) built according to
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits, ranging from 10% to 15% depending on
classification of the facility. Prices converted to cost per square meter and include all construction costs, including all
fences, tanks, general site landscaping, and public facilities.
•Sports buildings
On the components as follows: Based on the detailed classification of sports buildings, it has been distributed into ( 3 ) detailed classifications based on
Outdoor courts
The unit of measurement varies from one classification to another, as sports centers and gyms depend on the traffic •
The square of built-up surfaces. The unit of measurement for outdoor playing fields is the square meter of the land area. Through
analysis of information sources, the price results were attributed to the square footage (land or building) built according to each
classification as follows:
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The above figures are in Saudi Riyals, and the following has been taken into consideration:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits, ranging from 10% to 15% , depending on the type and
All prices have been converted to cost per square meter and include all construction costs, including fences.
On the components as follows: Based on the detailed classification of restaurant and kitchen buildings, it has been distributed into ( 3 ) detailed classifications based on
(Fast food restaurants) with independent buildings Restaurant and kitchen buildings
Through analysis of information sources, the results of prices attributed to square meters according to each classification were as follows:
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits, ranging from 10% to 15% depending on the type and classification of the facility.
All prices have been converted to cost per square meter and include all construction costs, including fences.
•Public facilities
The work includes preparing general plans and parking lots, and can be explained in detail as follows:
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analysis of information sources, the price results were attributed to the raw square footage according to each item. As follows:
6 5 NA NA 6 Site preparation
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging between 15% and 20%, depending on
Project size.
All prices were converted to the cost per square meter of raw materials after analyzing market data.
Prices were estimated based on the type of parking lots, and through analysis of information sources, the price results came
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and contractor profits at a rate ranging between 10% and 15% . All prices were
converted to cost per square meter after analyzing the tables of quantities and specifications.
•gas stations
Prices were estimated based on the items of work, improvements and components being implemented on the site, and through analysis of information sources,
the price results were attributed to each component according to an appropriate unit of measurement as follows:
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100 75 95 85 90
Preparing the general site riyals/ m2 Land
1,950 1,950 1,550 1,800 1,700
of the support services area riyals/ m2 Station gas stations
1,000 750 800 850 850
canopy building riyals/ m2 Fuel
1,500 1,500 1,250 1,450 1,400
tanks capacity riyals/ m3 building
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
The above prices include consulting and management fees and a contractor profit of 10% .
Prices were estimated based on the items of work, improvements and components being implemented on the site, and through analysis of information sources,
the price results were attributed to each component according to an appropriate unit of measurement as follows:
80 60 70 65 65
Ordinary metal fences SAR / long meter Galvanized
110 85 100 90 100
metal fences SAR / long meter Block fences SAR / Fences
215 175 205 190 200
long meter Concrete fences with a cement base
400 550 450 450 450
SAR / long meter Worker’s residence SAR / m2 Warehouse
1,100 1,150 900 1,200 1,200
building SAR / m2 Traditional well Appendices
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
The above prices do not include any consulting fees as they are carried out directly
All prices have been converted to a suitable, applicable unit of measurement
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Accessories include a range of structural items, components and improvements that can be found in more than one detailed classification.
For buildings, and through analysis of information sources, the price results were attributed to each element according to an appropriate unit of measurement as follows:
190 125 145 160 150 SAR/ m3 Car parking shades SAR/ m2 Accessories
205 165 200 190 190 Fire alarm and fighting system SAR/ m2 Central
The above figures are in Saudi Riyals and the following has been taken into account:
All prices have been converted to a suitable, applicable unit of measurement.
Based on a review of sources related to building loans in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it was found that it was mentioned in Ministerial Resolution No. ( 2082 ) dated (06/01/1438
AH) regarding updating the executive regulations for the tax collection system. Zakat issued by Decree No. (M40/ ) dated 02/07 / 1405 AH) Within Article Seven, the second
paragraph, which stipulates that fixed assets are depreciated according to the straight-line method, and the depreciation rate of fixed buildings is ( 5%) , which clearly indicates
that the zakat life of buildings is Correct expression ( 20 years), which cannot be dropped On the evidence as an accounting guide, and in view of
for buildings and Due to the absence of any approved local references for prices, the work team, in the previous guide issued in 2019 , estimated the prevailing prices
improvements of their various classifications according to economic, urban, investment and operational parameters, and to arrive at a Determine more accurately and objectively
the building rents. The previous methodology issued in the previous report was reconsidered. 2019
m and update them in line with global experiences, current market data, similar examples, urban characteristics (structural aspect) and aspects affecting prices according to the
Impact of occupancy
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It is possible to clarify the methodology used in the process of estimating the ages of buildings as follows:
The impact of the occupancy on the building Functional impact on the building
buildings based on the scientific paper issued by INC PARTENRS DOVETAIL (in October 2013 under the title “Building Residential-Non Of Analysis Cost Cycle Life”). It
was found that buildings are classified according to their structural structures for three There are three basic types:
Buildings with concrete structural structures.
Buildings with metal or steel structural structures.
Buildings with wooden structural structures.
! !
As explained in the aspects affecting building prices, the hypothetical prices were determined taking As previously mentioned and constructive And constructively
Minimum age limit. Upper age limit. Average age Subcategory Concrete General classification
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Due to the scarcity of buildings with wooden structural structures in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this classification was excluded and the process of
calculating the rents was based on buildings with concrete structural structures and buildings with wooden structural structures. Aluminum or steel shown
Functional impact on buildings means the deterioration or loss of the building’s utility as a result of its weak ability to perform the function for which it was
built. The rate of impact varies according to the type of use of the building. Finally, in this guide, an approximate standard weight was set for the extent of
functional vulnerability, with a value ranging between 1 - 2 Where the two most important factors affecting the building’s function were identified:
1. Design flexibility: This means the building’s ability to adapt and harmonize with developments in building systems, such as modern air conditioning
2. Susceptibility to change in use: This means changing the use of the building, affecting it in terms of the number of users and the volume of use. The
building receives a discount rate estimated at 7.5% if it fulfills one of the above items, and if both items are met, it receives
the value the value the value the value the value the value
7.5% 1 %0 0 7.5% 1
Design flexibility
7.5% 1 %0 0 7.5% 1
%15 2 %0 0 %15 2
on the buildings. The impact of the occupancy on the building means the extent to which it is occupied by users and the level of response to it, taking into
account the operational aspects that characterize each use. Accordingly, a cumulative standard value was determined between 1 and 5, which obtains It is
based on a ratio of 4% for each standard unit, reaching % 20 as the maximum discount rate. The table below shows the results:
5 4 3 2 1
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• Residential buildings
The prices approved for real estate financing were reviewed by financing agencies, and the prices of buildings ranged between ( 40-45 years ) without
distinction between building classification categories, although most of them were accustomed to a technical inspection report for the building. How does it
guarantee the safety of the building? After reviewing similar examples and international studies in this regard, what The work team adopted the age ( 60
Independent villas
columns ).
brick or
Built of
20 16% 31% 25 - houses
2 15% high occupancy bricks without a
reinforced foundation
25 -
20 16% 31%
2 15% high occupancy 2 Mud buildings,
20 16% 31% 25 -
15% high occupancy 1 stone buildings
45 60 Worker housing
8% very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Concrete structure
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• Administrative buildings
With regard to the administrative use of buildings less than 12 floors, their prevailing age was studied, taking into account the nature of
use and the number of occupants of this type of facility, in addition to taking into account the mechanism followed in The process of
managing the operation and maintenance work of most of them, and their ages ranged between ( 40 - 60 years (here are the details:
Administrative buildings, category (A): It is noted that expenditure on operation and maintenance is usually carried out by a qualified property manager (a
specialized company) that applies preventive and corrective maintenance in a serious manner, in addition to the quality of the buildings. For occupancy
related to commercial operations of a sustainable nature characterized by long rental periods, which reduces of frequent replacement and enhances the
Therefore, the assumed age was estimated to be between ( 45-55 years ) . sustainability of this type of building and building
Administrative buildings, Category (B): It is noted that there is usually regular expenditure on operation and maintenance in the first years, and
preventive and corrective maintenance is applied, but it gradually weakens over time and is replaced. Taanaa Barakat has limited property
management expertise in addition to the quality of occupancy associated with new commercial facilities. Among the entrepreneurial companies,
usually for short rental periods, either because they leave the market or move to other buildings that meet their successes, which increases the
Accordingly, the hypothetical age was estimated to be between ( 40-50 years ) . frequent replacement of this type of building and the constru
Administrative buildings, Category (C): It is noted that spending on operation and maintenance is usually almost non-existent, and people are
limited to supervising the cleanliness of the building and carrying out repairs without specialization or prior experience. Random methods and non-
conforming materials, in addition to the quality of occupancy linked to service activities that do not focus on Receiving customers increases its
focus on managing customer affairs, reviews, feedback, etc., which increases the pressure on services in the building and raises customer service rates.
Therefore, the assumed age was estimated to be between ( 35-45 years ) . Destruction and construction
• Commercial buildings
With regard to commercial use, its expected life has been studied in terms of the nature of its use , taking into account the investment
mechanism and the facility’s occupants, in addition to the mechanism used to manage operation and maintenance work, etc. Most of them
are related to some of them, and their ages ranged between ( 30-50 years ), and here is the details of that :
Kiosk and stall complexes: Usually, spending on operation and maintenance is almost non-existent, and people are limited to supervising the
cleanliness of the facilities and shared spaces and carrying out repairs without specialization or previous experience and in other ways. Randomness
and non-conforming materials, in addition to the fact that the quality of occupancy is linked to increasing rent and the number of stalls as much as possible.
Therefore, the hypothetical age was estimated It increases the pressure on services on the built complex and raises the rates of depreciation and construction.
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Open-air commercial centers: The investment mechanism for this type of establishment is often to rent the land for a long period, giving Amman and
Kufra a yard to establish. The prevailing custom of this type is linked to contracts for periods ranging between 15 - 25 years for the highest construction,
and the land, including the facilities on it, shall be transferred to the property at the end of the contract. In most cases, it is noted that there is a focus on
reducing construction costs as much as possible, and this is also the case with regard to operation and maintenance work, as this is reflected in the nature of
Therefore, the assumed age was estimated to be between ( 30-40 years ) . And the time of occupation, management, and construction of these centers
Closed commercial centers: In which expenditure on operation and maintenance is often carried out by a specialized property manager (a specialized
company) that applies preventive and corrective maintenance in a disciplined manner, it is noted in most cases that there is a focus on quality. The
construction and designs are distinguished as much as possible, in addition to the quality of occupancy associated with commercial activities of a sustainable
nature. This means that the age has been for long rental periods, which reduces frequent replacement and enhances the sustainability of buildings and construction
investment mechanism for this type of establishment is often to rent the land for a long period, and the prevailing custom of Shopping centres: The
this type is linked to contracts for periods ranging between 15 - 25 years, with a worker being given a salary. It is permissible to carry out the highest
construction works, knowing that they do not often require massiveness and design or construction complexity. And constructively
Therefore, the hypothetical age was estimated
Central markets: Often the investment mechanism for this type of establishment is to rent the land for a long period. The prevailing custom of this type
is linked to contracts for periods ranging between 15 - 25 years, with a year being given a plot of land. It is permissible to carry out construction work,
Therefore, the hypothetical age was estimated knowing that it does not often require massiveness and complexity of design, construction or construction.
Banks: The current trend is to rent land, and therefore the age has been linked to the prevailing lease contract, despite the fact that these
entities do not prefer to change their location, taking care to choose it well through studies. Intensive operations for longer periods, given that
hedging pushes these parties not to be complacent in spending on designing and implementing The building was built in ways that included
Car showrooms: The location of this type of facility is usually chosen on major axes in the city, with no major complications for operation
and maintenance, given that changes in urban dynamics make for a return on investment. The land is not sufficient to be satisfied with this
However use, which does not make it last for more than the contract periods that preceded the reference. to it repeatedly and constructively
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16% 31% 20 30 30 40
2 15% high occupancy Complexes of kiosks and stalls with a metal structure
Central markets
40 50 NA 0% Very high occupancy 20% 20% 30 40 Metal structure
On the nature of use, and control mechanisms With regard to hospitality facilities and tourism services, the focus was on studying them based on
Occupancy, in addition to taking into account the good management of maintenance and improvements, their expected lifespans ranged in the
Hospitality and tourist accommodation facilities: This category includes villages, tourist resorts, hotels, hotel apartments, and hotel
villas, in addition to furnished residential units. From this standpoint, the prices of these facilities were estimated. It is based on the
prices of residential facilities, taking into account the addition of an element of discipline in operations and maintenance through
Accordingly, the age of the highest specialized bodies. In addition to the discipline in occupancy resulting from the mechanism of receiving and building
category hotel establishments (4-5 stars) was also estimated . The assumption is between (40-50 years) as an expected upper ceiling for the lifespan of an individual,
On this roof in addition to its usually association with global operating systems that guarantee sustainability, and the rest of the categories are calibrated based on
The default age will be ( 35-45 years) for the (3- star ) category, and finally ( 30-40 years ) for the (2 - star and below) category.
Wedding and event halls: Care is usually taken in their design and implementation, and this applies to management, operation and maintenance, given
! !
Therefore, we started to estimate their ages. On studies and construction that consideration is given in choosing their locations, which is often a building
On Rest houses and chalets: They are usually built in modern and emerging plans on the outskirts of existing neighborhoods in cities.
This use is greatly affected by the effects of urban dynamics, and its functional obsolescence results from the urbanization of the aforementioned plans and
Accordingly, the expected lifespan is estimated in the range between ( 30-40 years ) . the construction of
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16% 16% 40 50 45 60
NA 0% High occupancy Concrete structure Villages
And resorts
16% 16% 40 50 45 60
NA 0% High occupancy Concrete structure Wedding halls
And occasions
16% 24% 30 40 40 50
1 8 % high occupancy Concrete building Rest houses and chalets
• Industrial facilities
With regard to industrial facilities, the focus of their study was on the nature of use, and the connection of their continuity to technical updates and
revolutions. Their hypothetical lifespan ranged between ( 30 - 40 years), and this is detailed in the following:
Factories: Constructions in this type of use usually differ depending on the industrial field, but in general they are characterized by extreme discipline stemming
from concern for environmental and occupational safety standards and requirements, and reliance is placed on a professional To carry out preventive and
corrective maintenance according to approved schedules, however, the connection between facilities and technological obsolescence and the necessity of
reviewing Design standards to keep pace with the technological development taking place, not to mention the correlation of site selection factors with the locations
Accordingly, the life expectancy was estimated of complementary industries, raw materials, or ports, makes the necessity of moving or rebuilding inevitable and constructive.
Most of them are linked to the nature of the use of heavy equipment and the rules for replacing inventory, in addition to paying attention to warehouse rules and safety
requirements, but they are more susceptible to wear and tear due to lack of attention to operation and maintenance with the same efficiency followed in warehouses. Factories
Accordingly, the assumed age was estimated to be between ( 35-40 years ) . due to the nature of the investment mechanism, which is mostly based on leasing and building
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The nature of use is also related to heavy equipment and the rules for replacing inventory. In addition to care, most of them are refrigerators : with
safety rules and regulations, but they are less susceptible than warehouses to internal corrosion and rust due to low temperatures inside. Because
Therefore, the hypothetical age was estimated of the internal cooling devices and the good application of the principles of thermal insulation and building
Light and industrial workshops: The nature of use and investment (often rented) is linked to neglecting costly maintenance and giving priority to
Therefore, the assumed age was estimated to be between ( 30-40 years ) . Operation and construction
1 40 50
8% Very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Metal building Factories
%8 1 40 50
Average occupancy 12% 20% 30 40 Metal building Warehouses
%8 1 40 50
Average occupancy 12% 20% 30 40 Metal building Refrigerators
• Mosques
Concerning mosques, their expected lifespan was studied in terms of the nature of their use and the concerns of their occupants.
The facility is in addition to the mechanism for society’s view of it and its sanctity, which prevents its misuse and responds quickly
to any shortcomings in it. Its estimated lifespan ranged between ( 40-55 years) and according to... How to say this :
A mosque: This religious spirit is often built to last until the end with the intention and sincere intention of God Almighty,
Therefore, it is designed and implemented although there is usually no laxity in spending to reach the aforementioned goal and build it.
with the best specifications, and this applies to attention to its maintenance and the innovation of everything necessary to sustain spending through the
endowment and otherwise. The sanctity of its use requires taking into account good occupancy and precedence. The social community pledges to do
Therefore, the assumed age was estimated to be between ( 40-55 years ) . everything that will ensure that it is in its best and most constructive form.
Mohi Mosque: What was mentioned about the Jami’ Mosque applies to it in terms of good and sound intention and intention, no negligence in spending and good
implementation, in addition to paying attention to maintenance and cleanliness and racing with the community to take care of it, taking care of it, and properly
occupying it, as it is usually The local mosque is less expensive, and thus this is reflected in the exhaustion of the building systems. Air conditioning and electrical
systems . In addition to this , the expected lifespan has been estimated at between ( 40-55 years). sanitary installations for bathrooms and building
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With regard to high-rise buildings whose height is more than 12 floors, their expected lifespan has been studied in terms of the main goal of their
construction as one of the urban and architectural landmarks, and thus the design of It is implemented and implemented with the best available
specifications and high quality, in addition to periodic maintenance and renovations for this type of building, including: Through specialized and
Accordingly, an estimate was made pioneering companies in all maintenance works, regardless of the nature of the building’s specific use and construction.
16% 24% 50 60 45 60
1 8% high occupancy Concrete structure High-rise buildings (more than 12
With regard to health services buildings, the focus of their study was on the nature of use and the relationship of their continuity to the modernization in them.
It concerns medical equipment and health specialties, in addition to taking into account good management of maintenance and
improvements, taking into account the volume of visitors and occupants of health facilities, and their expected ages ranged between ( 40 - 50 years).
• Educational services
With regard to educational services buildings, the focus of their study was on the nature of use and the connection of their attendance to updates in them.
Taking into account the equipment and educational levels, in addition to taking into account the good management of maintenance and
improvements, along with the size and number of the facility’s employees and occupants, as well as the time frame for its exploitation during the
year. Some facilities have The opportunity to start maintenance work within a period of no less than three months of the year, which provides an
opportunity to increase the length of the project. The expected age of the building, and its estimated lifespan ranged between ( 40 - 60 years), as
the virtual age of nurseries, kindergartens, and educational schools is estimated to range between ( 40 - 55 years). Because there is a large
amount of time to carry out maintenance work during the year, it is estimated The expected age of institutes and education centers ranges between ( 40-50 years )
This is due to the long period of occupancy and the lack of maintenance work in most cases. As for universities, their age is estimated to be between ( 40-50 years ) and
that of city monuments, and therefore they enjoy special care and scheduling of periodic maintenance work. Because it represents anyone
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45 60 NA %0 Low Occupancy %8 %8 50 60 Institutes and education centers Concrete structure
• Recreational facilities
As for recreational facilities, the investment mechanism for this type of facility is often to rent the land for a long period. The prevailing custom of this type
is linked to contracts for periods ranging between 15 - 25 years, with two years being given a sum of money. It is a permit to carry out construction works,
and the land and the facilities on it are transferred to the owner at the end of the contract, and thus They are usually designed and implemented with a
moderate expenditure to ensure acceptable standards of construction quality, in addition to not neglecting to inject what is necessary into the process of
Therefore, the hypothetical age was estimated property management, maintenance and operation, taking into account in choosing their locations that and Oh
Maximum limit Minimum
Maximum limit
1 45 60 Showcase
8% Very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Concrete structure
1 40 50 Entertainment
8% Very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Concrete building Games halls
• Sports buildings
As for sports buildings, the investment mechanism for this type of facility is often to rent the land for a long period. The prevailing custom for this type is
linked to contracts for periods ranging between 15-25 years , with a worker being given a plot of land. It is permissible to carry out construction work, and
the land and the facilities on it will be transferred to the property at the end of the contract, and thus They are usually designed and implemented with a
moderate expenditure to ensure acceptable standards of construction quality, in addition to not neglecting to inject what is necessary into the process of
Therefore, the hypothetical age was estimated property management, maintenance and operation, taking into account in choosing their locations that and Oh
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16% 24% 30 40 40 60
1 8% high occupancy Concrete building Sports clubs
16% 24% 30 40 40 50
1 8% high occupancy Metal structure Gyms
With regard to restaurant and kitchen buildings, their expected lifespan was studied in terms of the nature of their use, taking into account the investment
mechanism, and the facility’s occupants, in addition to the mechanism followed for managing the construction work. The operation and maintenance of most of
them and the maintenance of some of them, and their ages ranged between ( 30 - 50 years)
16% 24% 40 50 45 60
1 8% high occupancy Concrete structure Specialized restaurants
45 60
1 %8 Very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Concrete structure Fast food restaurants Restaurant
Independent (
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columns ).
Built of
20 25 houses
2 15% high occupancy 16% 31% -
bricks without a
reinforced foundation
20 16% 31% 25 -
2 15% high occupancy 2 Mud buildings
20 16% 31% 25 -
15% high occupancy 8% Stone buildings
1 45 60
very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Class A concrete Worker housing
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And stalls
16% 16% 30 40 40 50
NA 0% High occupancy Open commercial centers with two metal structures
with metal framing
16% 16% 30 40 40 50 Shopping malls
NA 0% High occupancy Concrete building
40 50 Central markets
NA 0% Very high occupancy 20% 20% 30 40 Metal structure
And resorts
1 %8 average occupancy 12% 20% 40 50 45 60 Concrete structure Apartments
And shelter
Hospitality contrast
1 %8 average occupancy 12% 20% 40 50 45 60 Concrete structure Villas
And services
2 15% average occupancy 12% 27% 30 40 45 60 The units are concrete structure
16% 16% 40 50 45 60
NA 0% High occupancy Concrete structure Wedding halls
And occasions
40 50
1 %8 Very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Metal building Factories
1 %8 average occupancy 12% 20% 30 40 40 50 Metal building Warehouses
16% 24% 50 60 45 60
1 8% high occupancy Concrete structure High-rise buildings (more than 12
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16% 16% 40 50 High occupancy 45 60 NA %0 Concrete structure Dispensaries
45 60 NA %0 Educational schools
Average occupancy 12% 12% 40 50 Concrete structure
45 60 NA %0 Low Occupancy %8 %8 50 60 Institutes and education centers are a concrete structure
1 45 60 Concrete structure
8% Very high occupancy 20% 28% 30 40 Fast food restaurants Restaurant
Independent (
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Depreciation rates can be estimated based on two concepts for the age of the building, which are as follows:
The concept of simple age: the actual age of the property, which depends on the date of construction of the building.
All factors taken into account based on the fact with The concept of effective age: It requires a judgment from a certified evaluator of the
Depreciation is a loss in the value of buildings and results from one of the following elements:
Physical deterioration: The loss in value results from a combination of (use, age, physical corrosion, structural defects).
Functional Obsolescence: The loss in value is due to something within the boundaries of ownership that is not absorbed by the
External Obsolescence: A loss in value due to something outside the boundaries of ownership. The loss may be due to one of the
following factors:
The purpose of the study and the guidelines for preparing the guide There are 3 methods that can be relied upon in determining building depreciation rates:
It is considered one of the simplest and most common methods, but it does not reflect the true value of the buildings and it is not recommended to use it. It
depends on dividing the building’s actual age when evaluating it by the prevailing age (assumed).
The straight-line method is considered more optimistic in determining the value of buildings, and in determining the depreciation rate it depends on the
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Based on the conclusions of the experiments previously reviewed in Chapter 2.4 , which indicated a mechanism for calculating depreciation for Building
buildings according to the Life Extended Theory, and accordingly, the depreciation calculation will be used as evidence of this. This theory is faithful to
me, explained in steps and a simple representation of the mechanism for calculating depreciation:
1. Determine the expected lifespan according to the type and category of the building through detailed tables, for example “B Class Villa”.
According to the following equation: 2. Determine the effective age of the building: The effective age of the building is determined
The remaining life must be determined by the resident standing on the building site and estimated according to his view of the condition of the property. For example, the
. Therefore, the effective age = 40 - 20 = 20 years
remaining life that the resident estimated was 20 years and the building was
3. The depreciation rate can be determined by dividing the effective life / virtual life.
and in this way the evaluator has given the building 10 years . 4. It is possible that the building’s actual age at the time of evaluation is 30 years,
Additional years and the reason for this may be the result of the owner’s attention to maintenance and operation.
5. The evaluator must take into account the functional and external aging of the building during the evaluation process, which can greatly affect the
3.5 Trees
The classification methodology was based on identifying the most widespread trees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the availability of
The experiences of workers in evaluating farms at the Real Estate Development Fund
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Based on the information received from the sources specified above, the following groups of trees were reached:
1. Field crops (grains and fodder): such as wheat, barley, corn, clover, sesame, lentils, and beans.
2. Winter vegetables: such as watermelon, zucchini, onions, cabbage, eggplant, okra, carrots, lettuce, and arugula.
3. Summer vegetables: such as potatoes, peppers, molokhiya, cucumbers, parsley, and cantaloupe.
4. Protected vegetables: These include the types of products contained in summer and winter vegetables.
6. Palm trees: such as Al-Rabhi, Al-Sagai, Ajwa, Sukkari, Al-Khalis, and Al-Ruthana.
7. Perennial trees: such as olives, grapes, oranges, peaches, apricots, mangoes and lemons.
Accordingly, the groups of trees in this guide were chosen: (palm trees) and (perennial trees). The types of trees of summer or winter
seasonal crops, grains and fodder were excluded as they are annual crops and do not represent part of The property is not connected to
Based on the sources of information identified in the methodology, the trees were classified into the following:
The agricultural census data issued by the General Authority for Statistics are as follows:
the number
Type the number
Perennial trees: These are other types of fruit trees that represent economic value, and accordingly 16 were liberated.
On census data A type of the most common tree, the number of which is more than 100,000 trees in the Kingdom. Building
The agricultural statistics issued by the General Authority for Statistics are as follows:
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Based on the information received from the sources specified above, the following groups of trees were reached:
1. Field crops (grains and fodder): such as wheat, barley, corn, alfalfa, sesame, lentils, and beans.
2. Winter vegetables: such as watermelon, zucchini, onions, cabbage, eggplant, okra, carrots, lettuce, and arugula.
3. Summer vegetables: such as potatoes, peppers, molokhiya, cucumbers, parsley, and cantaloupe.
4. Protected vegetables: These include the types of products contained in summer and winter vegetables.
6. Palm trees: such as Al-Rabhi, Al-Sagai, Ajwa, Sukkari, Al-Khalis, and Al-Ruthana.
7. Perennial trees: such as olives, grapes, oranges, peaches, apricots, mangoes and lemons.
Accordingly, the groups of trees in this guide were chosen: (palm trees) and (perennial trees). The types of trees of summer or winter seasonal crops,
grains and fodder were excluded as they are annual crops and do not represent part of The property is not connected to the ground and is removed.
Palm trees: from 8 to 15 years old, their production is economical. Their value is calculated in the table according to their type, then their production
decreases by 10%, and thus the value decreases by 10% for each year until their production becomes lost. Her net consumption of services is greater
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2 Year
8 to 25 years 7 years 6 years 5 years 4 years 3 years Type
1,000 600 500 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 100 Pure
1,000 600 500 400 three hundred fifty 300 250 200
650 500 400 300 200 150 120 80 Ajwa, the city
850 550 500 450 three hundred fifty 250 200 150
Suck it up
900 700 550 450 three hundred fifty 250 200 60 Ruthana
650 450 400 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 100
Red sugar
500 400 three hundred fifty 300 250 200 150 100
500 400 three hundred fifty 300 250 200 150 100
800 700 550 450 three hundred fifty 250 200 150
700 500 450 400 three hundred fifty 300 200 150 Raziz
1,000 800 650 500 400 three hundred fifty 300 200 Seif plant
Fruit trees: Estimating their prices is based on the length of the tree, and this can be explained as follows:
150 50 40 30 20 an orange
120 50 40 30 20 banana
100 80 55 35 15 fig
30 20 15 10 5 henna
150 70 40 30 20
Take a moment,
150 80 60 40 20 As an elegy
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Duration of implementation Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Relevant government agencies - meetings and workshops 1
Duration of implementation Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Field surveys of contracting companies and ongoing development projects 2
Implement it.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Executive regulations for the system of expropriation of real estate for public benefit and the establishment of...
2015 AD
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Draft system for expropriation of real estate for public benefit
2018 AD
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Ministry Building requirements guide and its executive regulations 5
2006 AD
Different dates Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Ministry Technical and municipal regulations, controls and requirements for activities (food warehouses, 6
Municipal and rural affairs central markets, rest houses, professional workshops,
Clinics and hospitals, restaurants and kitchens, wedding halls, parking lots, outdoor
Jeddah Province
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Licensing Guide, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture 8
2021 AD
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Guides and requirements, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs 9
2019 AD
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 11 Annual statistical report for the contracting sector, Saudi Contractors Authority
2020 AD
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Agricultural results of the agricultural census, General Authority for Statistics
2015 AD
Different dates 15 Report entitled / Arcdis, Costs Construction International
- 16
2018 AD Report entitled/practices best cost building commercial
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Specifications Building Standard of Manual 18
2020 AD European Union
2021 AD Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 19 Report entitled: Construction Costs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Colliers
2021 AD Singapore 24 Singapore Land Tenure Law, Singapore Government Agency website
2011 AD Regulations on expropriation and compensation for housing on land
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For further information on the subject and broader information, please see:
Professional Guide to Valuation Work for the Purposes of Real Estate Expropriation for the Public B