NTS Branch Seminary Leadership Development Program
NTS Branch Seminary Leadership Development Program
NTS Branch Seminary Leadership Development Program
These are a few of other key questions, which you should be asking yourself in order to
identify those areas in which you may need to adjust.
Your level of influence as a Leader in the Branch Program can be measured by the
answers that you provide for these questions. Excitement is contagious. Those that
witness in you a sense of purpose and excitement with regards to your with in the Branch
Program, would be more incline to want to also experience the same. God wants you to
be excited about His work.
The fact is that Branch Seminaries are playing a role in the Great Commission of making
disciples of all nations. Remember that this is a ministry and not a business. Your
primary responsibility is to God first.
This level of leadership, on the part of the Director, is leading using interrelationships.
Energy and focus are placed on the individual’s needs and desires. Directors who are not
able to build solid, lasting relationships will soon find that they are unable to sustain long,
effective leadership. You can love people and the ministry without leading them, but you
cannot lead people and the ministry without loving them.
Level 3: Production
At this level, you get your team together to accomplish a purpose. Everyone is result-
oriented. Results are the main reason for the activity. On this level, things begin to
happen, good things.
God has called you to be a Director in the NTS Branch Seminary Program. Your
acceptance of this position requires that you view each of these Levels of Leadership as
your role in developing your Branches and their Directors. God will use your work in
these areas to open opportunities and introduce you to those whom you have been called
to influence. You are to plant and water your Branch Seminaries, and let God produce
those that you are to work with and develop to be future Directors.