Grade 7 - LP 2 (Malinao NHSAT) PaHa
Grade 7 - LP 2 (Malinao NHSAT) PaHa
Grade 7 - LP 2 (Malinao NHSAT) PaHa
Learning Competency/ies
Read the following statements below. Put a check mark (√) if the statement is correct and mark (X) if
the statement is wrong.
1. Analogy can show comparisons between unrelated things.
2. Analogy is just another term for simile.
3. Analogy can be used to explain a point.
4. Some analogies compare relationships.
5. Analogy can be used to describe unfamiliar concepts.
(Answers: 1. √; 2. X; 3. √; 4. √; 5. √)
Group the following pictures according to their similarities. Connect the picture to its appropriate group.
Each group is labeled as A (Pictures that use texts that need to be read from beginning to end) and B
(pictures that do not need to be read from beginning to end).
Process Questions:
1. What is the difference between linear text from non-linear text in terms of reading path?
2. Based on the examples, in what subject areas can we usually see linear texts? Non-linear
2. BAR GRAPH is a graphical representation of data that uses bars to compare data
according to given categories. Such bars may run either vertically or horizontally.
3. PIE GRAPH is a circular statistical tool that uses portions or slices to represent numerical
proportions or percentages of a given whole.
To transcode means to transform something from one form to another. In order to transcode a
linear to a non-linear text or the other way around, one must first be able to fully understand what
the source text is about. This way, deciding on the proper text type to be used in the transcoding
process will be easier.
To transcode a linear text to a non-linear text, one may follow these steps:
Step 1. Read and understand the source text to get its main or central ideas.
Step 2. Extract important details to be included in the visual presentation.
Step 3. Remember to use words or phrases only.
Step 4. To be organized, classify information into categories.
Step 5. Make sure to use the appropriate non-linear text in presenting your information.
Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by
different viruses. Flu viruses can cause mild to severe illness, including common signs and
symptoms such as fever, or feeling feverish, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat,
runny or stuffy nose, muscle pain, headache, and in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea.
Typically, a person develops symptoms anywhere from 1 to 4 days after infection. On the other
hand, COVID-19 seems to cause more serious illnesses in some people. Other signs and
symptoms of COVID-19, different from flu, may include change in or loss of taste or smell. In
addition, a person with Covid-19 virus develops symptoms 5 days after being infected, but
symptoms can appear as early as 2 days after infection or as late as 14 days after infection, and
the time range can vary.
Process Questions:
1. Based on the text, what is the similarity between influenza (flu) and COVID-19?
2. What is the difference between influenza and COVID-19?
3. If the paragraph suggests similarities and differences between influenza and COVID-19,
what non-linear text should be used to illustrate its similarities and differences?
4. Using the information lifted from the paragraph, transcode the linear text into Venn
Diagram using the statements lifted from the paragraph.
- Contagious Respiratory Illnesses
- Cause mild to severe illness
- Cause more serious illnesses such as change in or loss of taste or smell
- Symptoms develop from 1-4 days
- Symptoms develop 5 days after infected
- Cause mild to - Cause more
severe illness Contagious serious illnesses
- Symptoms respiratory such as change
develop from 1-4 illness in or loss of taste
days or smell
- Symptoms
develop 5
days after
Group the class into 4 groups. Choose a leader per group and get a card from your teacher. Be ready to
present your task in class. The task will be graded using the rubric provided:
Group 1
Make a sequence chart based from this paragraph:
What are you going to do if your clothes caught fire during an emergency situation? Here are the
things you should do: First, stop where you are – moving or running feeds air to the flames and
worsens the fire. Next, drop to the floor – if you stand up, the fire can burn your face. Fold your arms
high on your chest to protect your face. Then, roll slowly on the floor or ground, in a rug or blanket if
you can. Afterwards, cool off as soon as possible with water for first- and second-degree burns.
Finally, to escape fire, get down low and go.
Group 2
Make a Venn Diagram based from this paragraph:
Impressionism and Expressionism are art movements that appeared around the 20th century in
Europe. Both focus on painting styles. Impressionism emerged during the late 19th century in Paris
whereas expressionism emerged during the early 20th century in Germany and Austria. Moreover,
impressionist artists paid special attention to the depiction of the impression of light and its changing
effect, while expressionist artists paid special attention to the depiction of emotion the subject
arouses in the artist.
Group 3
The bar graph shows the number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Philippines as of April 2,
2020 by gender. Transcode the bar graph into a short paragraph:
Group 4
The pie graph shows the family budget plan of Mrs. Reyes. Transcode the pie graph into a short
DELIVERY 10 points
20 points
Reflect your learning by completing the statements below. Write your answer in your notebook.
In this lesson, I learned that
In your notebook, write a paragraph about ‘My Daily Study Plan’. Afterwards, use an appropriate non-
linear text for the said topic. Be ready to share your work to the class.