Carmel Place Case Study Report

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Carmel Place

Innovative Practices For Healthier Homes

A Case Study
2 3


Project Team

LESPMHA - Lower East Side People’s Mutual Housing Association

Monadnock Development LLC
Monadnock Construction inc.

Innovative practices for Healthier Homes

For a full list of contributors, please refer to page 75. Without their generous
contribution, this work would not have been possible. Many Thanks.

Research & Publication Team

Healthy Materials Lab A Case Study

Parsons School of Design
The New School
New York, NY
New York, NY
Director, Alison Mears AIA LEED AP Monadnock + Lower East Side People’s Housing Association
Director of Design, Jonsara Ruth
Opened June 2016
Research Fellows
Catherine Murphy
Gamar Markarian
Maanasa Sivashankar

This study was completed in Feb 2019


1. Introduction to Case Study Methodology p.07

2. Housing in NYC p.09

2a. History of Housing in New York City
2b. Timeline of History Events
2c. Why Carmel Place?

3. About Carmel Place p.15

3a. The Context of Carmel Place
3b. Overview
3c. Lessons Learned
3d. Modular Construction of Carmel Place
3e. Architectural Planning of Carmel Place
3f. Lessons Learned

4. Income-Targeted Housing NYC p.28

5. Partnerships and Policy p.34

5a. The Team
5b. Land Use Policy - Rezoning Process
5c. Housing policy and funding in the income-targeted sector

6. Certifications: Striving for Health and Wellness p.51

in Affordable Housing

7. Innovation and Health in Design p.58

7a. Designing Innovative income-targeted housing
7b. Researching and selecting healthy building products
7c. Resident engagement and Community building

8. Conclusion p.75

9. References p.77


This report is one of a series of five case studies initiated and obstacles in the process of healthier building
by Healthy Materials Lab at Parsons School of Design construction. This enables a critical analysis of the current
to record systems of processes and decision-making processes of funding, design, and construction within the
that go into the building of new affordable housing affordable housing sector in each locality and highlights
developments across the United States. Healthy Materials the challenges, and compromises that take place when
Lab team of researchers examine developments that procuring and installing these building products.
incorporate healthier building products and developers Through these case studies, an examination of existing
that have a stated mission to transform and advocate benchmarks and certifications within the industry
for change in standard building practices within the becomes possible. The Living Building Challenge,
affordable housing industry. LEED, Enterprise Green Communities Criteria, Delos®

According to research by the Environmental Protection Well Build, and state policies that promote better
THE ROSE APARTMENTS Agency, residents and building occupants in the United building practices can be studied within the context of
Minneapolis, Minnesota States spend more than ninety percent of their time affordability to analyze their accessibility, feasibility, and
indoors, and are therefore very vulnerable to health replicability.

* *
hazards posed by the products used to construct their Other building market sectors have larger budgets, which
TRUMBULL CARMEL PLACE interior environments. This includes increased cases allow for the procurement of healthier products that are
of asthma and cancer, along with developmental
Warren, Ohio
Manhattan, New York and reproductive health issues. The health risks are
often associated with higher premiums. The affordable
FIRST COMMUNITY HOUSING housing sector, on the other hand, is subject to restricted
particularly high for children, pregnant women, and
San Jose, California people living in poverty.
budgets that often result in the installation of inexpensive
construction products that can contain toxic chemicals.
Toxic chemicals are used in building products for many Highlighting the innovative approaches that developer
reasons, including performance, maintenance, and low teams have utilized to achieve healthier affordable housing
cost. The regulation of chemical use in building products despite all these constraints, helps set a precedent for
is within the purview of the Toxic Substances Control others to do so as well.
Act, which has been mostly ineffective in chemical Additionally, this provides a list of existing affordable
oversight. As a result, many widely used interior building healthy building products that can be shared and
products may cause unintended chemical exposure for analyzed. This list is currently contributing to the making

building occupants. The challenge for all of us working
FOUNDATION COMMUNITIES in the affordable housing sector is to find healthier
of a library of better building products to be showcased in
many contexts, including the Donghia healthier Materials
Austin, Texas affordable building product alternatives. Library at Parsons School of Design, The New School.
Ultimately, these case studies and research have the Finally, this methodology can allow for other evaluation
potential to impact the housing sector as a whole by tools used by designers nationwide to be collected and
demonstrating the health benefits associated with using shared, easing the specification process and paving the
healthier products for residents, staff, and visitors, thus road to innovation through collaborative practices.
creating more demand for these products. These reports intend to share a range of resources that
The systems-thinking methodology used in our case will support the transformation of construction practices
studies interrogates quantitative and qualitative factors in the affordable housing sector in order to create
through a series of research methods such as stakeholder healthier housing for all people. Our case study research
interviews, videography, photography, analytical will be disseminated through various channels, including
mapping, diagramming, media coverage, stakeholder written reports, short films, and animations. The aim
analysis, and a review of current census and other is to target a wide audience by communicating difficult
such data sources. This gives us an understanding of and complex topics in a widely accessible manner.
Cover page: Elevation
of Carmel Place how, why, and when building product decisions are Healthy Materials Lab initiated the case study of Carmel
Development made establishing a current baseline of best practices Place at Parsons School of Design with contributions
p. 4: Photographic for healthier buildings within the affordable housing from Monadnock Development, nARCHITECTS,
montage of the industry. and Monadnock Construction in New York City
Construction and opening in November 2015. Supported by a grant from The
day of the development The regional distribution of these case studies across the
United States helps us recognize the key local influences JPB Foundation, this case study is part of the Healthy
Left: Regional Distribution
of the Case Studies Affordable Materials Project.



2a. The History of Housing
To comprehend the context of Carmel Place, an in-depth New York City is an unceasingly expanding city,
understanding of New York City’s housing history and attracting professionals, students, and workers from
current scenario is essential. across the country and the world. In 2007, Mayor
With a population of 8.62 million, New York City is the Bloomberg’s administration formulated a strategy
largest metropolis in the United States, out pacing the titled PlaNYC to address New York City’s long-term
next most densely populated city in the country, Los challenges, including a predicted population increase
Angeles, by more than a 2-to-1 ratio. NYC real estate, to 9.1 million residents in 2030 (note: by 2015 we had
particularly residential property, is regarded as one of already reached the 2020 projections of 8.5 million). The
the more remarkable aspects of New York City life. The PlaNYC goals were to strengthen the economy, combat
City has struggled with significant housing challenges climate change, and enhance the quality of life for all
throughout its history, with affordability consistently New Yorkers, with housing being one of its ten target
being a vital issue for residents, policymakers, and other areas of interest.
stakeholders. Inspired by the projected spike in population, the
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, comfort and safety Citizens Housing and Planning Council (CHPC)—a
were central issues in the struggle for housing reform, research and education organization which has been
as revealed by the photography of Jacob Riis in How working to advance practical public policies in support of
the Other Half Lives, his exposé of living conditions in New York City’s housing and neighborhoods—created a
low-income tenement buildings on the Lower East Side research initiative called Making Room. Making Room
of Manhattan. His work was instrumental in inspiring focused on examining the current living situations in
legislators to institute the New York State Tenement various types of households, including ad hoc living
House Act of 1901 which ensured that new buildings arrangements born out of financial necessity. Their goal
have outward-facing windows, indoor bathrooms, was to devise solutions as to how the City’s housing stock
proper ventilation, and fire safeguards. This was a time could accommodate the evolution of inhabitation in
when, apart from a small number of families in low-cost New York City and its increasing population. In response
philanthropic endeavors, New Yorkers were entirely to this research, the NYC Department of Housing
beholden to market forces without any government Preservation and Development (HPD) launched adAPT
assistance or rental protections in place. NYC in July 2012 as a pilot program to develop a new
typology of housing to adapt to the City’s changing
In the past one hundred and fifty years, the City’s demographics.
population has increased by more than tenfold, and
today we face an unprecedented crisis in the availability Creating “a new typology” of housing is an onerous
of low-income housing. Confronted with a combination task. Housing regulations formulated at the beginning
of demands, including economic recessions, limited of the 20th century to improve health and safety need
buildable land, and increased homelessness, the current revision to suit the 21st-century household and its living
crisis cannot simply be understood as a housing crisis, but conditions. Existing regulations make it illegal for more
as a crisis of poverty. than three unrelated adults to live together. According
to studies conducted by CHPC, “at least 250,000 New
The Brookings Institute identifies low-income status Yorkers are estimated to be sharing housing in some
as a dependent factor that is frequently related to five informal or illegal way” (Perine and Watson, 2011).
dimensions of disadvantage: low household income, With no precise figures for the underground market of
lack of employment, limited education, lack of health illegal housing rentals, we can deduce that this figure is
insurance, and living in a poor area. According to a report a conservative estimate. In addition, people living alone
issued by the institute,“16 percent of the working-age occupy 33 percent of housing units in New York City and
adult population in the United States—more than 24.4 46 percent of those in Manhattan. Allowing more spaces
million people—not only struggle with low incomes but to exist legally that either allow for single residents to live
also face at least one additional disadvantage. Millions alone or to share spaces seems a progressive and timely
experience three or four of these challenges at the same goal.
time” (Kneebone and Reeves, 2016). Securing affordable
housing is only one struggle facing many New Yorkers,
Left: Aerial View of Carmel
Place set in Kips Bay but it is the one that can negatively impact all four of the
other dimensions of disadvantage.

2b. Timeline of events

1900 Manhattan Population HOUSING UNITS

3.437 million
1 1900-1913 York Avenue Estate
1901 NY State Tenement House 14 Model Tenements, Largest low Cost
Act: (Window for Housing Development of its Time in the
every Room, Individual World in 1901
Bathrooms, Larger Courtyards)
1900 Manhattan Population HOUSING UNITS
3.437 million
1 1900-1913 York Avenue Estate
1901 NY State Tenement House 14 Model Tenements, Largest low Cost
Act: (Window for Housing Development of its Time in the
every Room, Individual World in 1901
Bathrooms, Larger Courtyards) John P. Mitchell
1916 NYC Zoning Code: 1914 - 1917
Protecting Light and Air Rights
1919 National Rent Control Law
(1920 Adopted by NYC)
John F. Hyland
1918 - 1925

1926 ACT (Limited Dividend John P. Mitchell 2 1926 Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments
1916 NYCCompanies Act
Zoning Code: 1914 - 1917 Harlem - Private Philanthropy John D.
511 27
Protecting yrs of
Provided 20Light and Exemptions
TaxAir Rights Rockefeller
Jimmy Walker 6
and Permitted Eminent Domain. 1926 - 1932
1919 Developers
National Rent Control Limit
Agree toLaw 3 1930 Amalgamated Dwelling housing
Profits to Max 6%
(1920 Adopted by Annually)
NYC) Coop, following 1926 ACT
1932-1947 RCF John F. Hyland
John D. O’Brian 4 1934 Knickerbocker Village. 1st Apartment
(Reconstruction Finance Corp) 1918 - 1925
1933 Development in US to Receive Federal
1934 NYCHA Established Funding (RFC)
(New York City Housing Autority) 5 1935 First Houses Dedicated
US Housing
1937 ACT
1926 (LimitedAct
2 1926 vs New
Paul Laurence Construction)
Dunbar Apartments
122 13 18
1937 Harlem
6 Harlem - Private Houses
RiverPhilanthropy John D.
Housing Aided Housing
(FederallyCompanies Act Program) 27
1939 NYState Public Housing Law Fiorello H. Laguardia NYCHA - Low Rise
Provided 20 yrs of Tax Exemptions Jimmy 6
and Building
Permitted of Subsidized
Eminent Domain. 1934 -Walker
1945 2
1926 - 1932
Private Developers Agree to Limit 3 1930 Amalgamated Dwelling housing
Profits to Max 6% Annually) 7 Coop, following
1942-1947 Styvesant ACT
1926 Town
1932-1947 RCF John D. O’Brian 4 Private Rental - Metlife
1934 Knickerbocker Village. 1st Apartment
(Reconstruction Finance Corp) 1933 Development in US to Receive Federal
1934 NYCHA Established Funding (RFC)
(New York City Housing Autority) 85 1935 Houses Dedicated
William O’Dwyer 1948 First
Johnson Houses 122
NYCHA vs New Construction) 1,310 18
1937 US Housing Act 1946 - 1950 13 15 8
1949 US Housing Act 6 1937 Houses
(Federally Aided Housing Program) 9 1949 Harlem
1939 NYState Public Housing Law Fiorello H. Laguardia NYCHA
NYCHA - Low Rise
(Allowing Building of Subsidized 1934 - 1945
Vincent R. Impellitteri 10 1949 Jacob Riis 12
Housing) 1950 - 1953 NYCHA
7 1942-1947 Styvesant Town
1955 West Side Urban Renewal
Private Rental - Metlife
“Alternative to Slum Clearance” Robert F. Wagner
1954 - 1965

William O’Dwyer
8 1948 Johnson Houses
1946 - 1950 NYCHA
1,310 15 8
1949 US Housing Act 9 1949 Amsterdam Houses
1961 Zoning Resolution NYCHA
Vincent R. Impellitteri 11 1949
10 1962 Jacob
Penn Station
Riis South 12
1950 - 1953 NYCHA
Limited Equity Coop
12 1964 Gaylord White houses
1955 West Side Urban Renewal
NYCHA - Exclusively for Elderly
“Alternative to Slum Clearance” Robert F. Wagner
1954 - 1965
1971 HDC Established John Lindsay
13 1968 Riverside Houses
NYC Housing Development Corp 1966 - 1973
628 9
1971 421a Tax Exemption 1
1961 Established
Zoning Resolution
1973 UHAB Established 21
14 1962 Penn
11 1974 West Village South
Station Houses
1974 Housing + Community Limited Equity Coop
Development Act Mitchell-Lama - Private + Non-Profit
Abraham Beame 12 1964 Gaylord White houses
Section 8 of Act-Massive 1974 - 1977 248
15 NYCHA - Exclusively for Elderly
Leased-Housing Program 1974 Schomburg Plaza
1971 HDC Established 16
13 1968
1975 Riverside Plaza
Confucius Houses
John Lindsay 762
NYC Housing Development Corp Mitchell-Lama
628 20 17
1981 Housing + Community 1966 - 1973 9
1971 Exemption 17 1976 Eastwood Roosevelt Island 1
421a TaxAct (Established Mitchell-Lama
New RentEstablished
Levels for Public Ed Koch
1973 UHAB
housing Established
NYCHA 30% of income) 1978 - 1989
14 1974 West Village Houses 21
1974 Housing + Community 420
1986 Internal Revenue
Development Act Code Private + Non-Profit
Abraham Beame 18 Mitchell-Lama
1987 Abyssinian- Development Corp.
Section 8 of Permit Low Income
toAct-Massive 1974 - 1977 (CDC) Established
Housing Tax Credits
Leased-Housing (LIHTC)
Program 15 1974 Schomburg Plaza 22
1989 Equality Houses - Asian Americans
19 Mitchell-Lama 600 11 24
1987 NYC Inclusionary Zoning for Equality (CDC)
ordinance (R10-IHP) David Dinkins 16 1975 Confucius Plaza
1990 - 1993
1990 York Avenue Estate Landmarked
1 Mitchell-Lama 762 20
1981 Housing + Community 17 1991 Eastwood
20 1976 The TimesRoosevelt
Square Island 7
Development Act (Established Mitchell-Lama
Ed Koch Breaking Ground 652
New Rent Levels for Public
housing NYCHA 30% of income) 1978 - 1989
21 1996 The Dorothy Ross Friedman 178
Residence - Breaking Ground
Rudy Giuliani 14 10
1986 Internal Revenue Code 18 1987 Abyssinian Development Corp.
1998 President Clinton Signs 1994 - 2001
Amended to Permit Low Income 1999 The
22 (CDC) Prince George
Housing Tax (Quality Housing +
Credits (LIHTC) 416 22
Breaking Ground 28 5
Work Responsbility) 19 1989 Equality Houses - Asian Americans 11 24 26
1987 NYC Inclusionary Zoning for Equality (CDC)
59 23
ordinance (R10-IHP)
2002 New Housing Marketplace David Dinkins
1 1990 Stanton
2003 York Street
Avenue Development
Estate Landmarked 25 19
Initiative Create or Preserve 1990 - 1993 13 3
68,000 units of Affordable Housing 20 1991 The Times Square 7
Low Income
Breaking with Special Needs
Ground 652
24 2004 The Christopher
Michael R. Bloomberg
21 1996 The Dorothy
Breaking Ground Ross Friedman
207 16
Rudy - 2013
2002 Giuliani
Residence - Breaking Ground
14 10
1998 President Clinton Signs 1994 - 2001 25 2009 The Andrews
22 1999 The Prince George 146 4
QHWRA Act (Quality Housing + Breaking Ground
Breaking Ground 416
Work Responsbility) 5
26 2010 The Lee 26
Breaking Ground
262 23
2013 New
2002 NYC - My
AdaptHousing Micro NY
Marketplace 23 2014 Stanton
27 2003 SugarhillStreet Development
Housing 25 19
Carmel Place
Initiative - Zoning
Create Override
or Preserve 13 3
Broadway Housing Community
2015 MIZ
68,000 Mandatory
units Inclusionary
of Affordable Housing Low Income with Special Needs
Zoning Passed by the City Council
24 2004 The Christopher
BillR. Blsio
deBloomberg 2016 Carmel
28 Breaking Place
207 16
2002 -
- 2013 Monadnock Development + LESPMHA
25 2009 The Andrews
146 4
Breaking Ground
26 2010 The Lee
2013 Adapt NYC - My Micro NY 2014 Manhattan Population Breaking Ground
Carmel Place - Zoning Override 27 2014 Sugarhill Housing 26,305
124 Total Housing Units
2015 MIZ Mandatory Inclusionary Broadway Housing Community
Zoning Passed by the City Council 8.4911 million
Bill de Blsio 28 2016 Carmel Place
2014 - Monadnock Development + LESPMHA

2014 Manhattan Population 26,305 Total Housing Units

8.4911 million
12 13

2b. Why Carmel Place?

Carmel Place is a mixed-income, micro-unit housing also designed to achieve LEED silver status, and adhered Though healthier building material choices were not proximity to public transportation and local healthcare
development built by Monadnock Construction and to the Enterprise Green Communities Criteria (EGCC) included as a part of the RFP for Carmel Place, the institutions was a critical factor for HPD. HPD wanted
Lower East Side People’s Mutual Housing Association. (2011). Several zoning regulations needed to be waived for project did use a collection of products and materials to be able to accommodate some of the workers from
This development located in the vibrant neighborhood the development to be realized as outlined in the adAPT that were guided by aesthetics, durability, and LEED the nearby healthcare facilities so that they could have an
of Kips Bay, Manhattan addresses the need for income- NYC Request For Proposals (RFP), issued on July 9th, and EGCC certifications. This led to better, healthier opportunity to live close to their work, which would have
targeted apartments, with 40 percent, or 22 of 55 2012. The changes to the zoning, which can only happen alternatives to some more typical specifications. The been otherwise prohibitive at market-rate rents.
units, designated as affordable. Of those 22 units, on City-owned land, override the constraints on the size innovative nature of this project, and its potential to
eight are allocated to formerly homeless veterans, and and density of the building and its units, allowing for signal a new typology of housing, identify Carmel Place
the remainder is to be allocated through a lottery. more units to be built. As a result, more residents for an ideal case study for New York City. It also provides
Affordability, in this context, means 11 units are available whom market-rate rentals would be unattainable could an opportunity to compare the materials that were used
at 80% Area Median Income, or AMI ($48,400 for an be housed through the creation of more affordable units. in this project to those used in other developments
individual, $55,280 for a two-person household), 5 at Before the mayoral override, only 38 units could have elsewhere that actively pursue the inclusion of healthier
145% AMI ($87,725/$100,195), and 6 at 155% AMI been built on this site, as opposed to the 55 that were building materials.
($93,775/$107,105). The AMI is the income earned by secured. With current high land and construction costs in Kips Bay, where Carmel Place is located, has a long
a family right in the middle of an income group. This New York City, for a project such as this to be financially association with health and healing. Bellevue Hospital,
metric divides the data; half of the families earn more, and viable, a developer would typically limit themselves which sits directly to the east of Carmel Place, is the
the other half earn less. to the luxury market and the creation of larger, more oldest public hospital in the United States. It was
When the Jacob Riis Houses (NYCHA) on the Lower expensive apartments. The demand to provide as many founded in 1736 as an almshouse for the City’s poor and
East Side of Manhattan opened in 1949, there were affordable units as possible in a development is an issue of continues to serve underprivileged populations, with 80
more than 13,000 applicants for the 1,768 units. In economics, as well as an ongoing challenge to managing percent of its patients being medically under served city
1984,15,000 households submitted applications for costs throughout construction. While the construction residents. Three blocks south of Carmel Place, at 23rd
208 units in Bedford-Stuyvesant. In 2015, Carmel Place costs associated with a modular building is not any lower Street and 1st Avenue, is the Manhattan campus of the
had 60,000 applications for the 14 available apartments, than that of traditional construction, the time saved by Veterans Affairs Hospital, which is an essential resource
which computes to approximately 4,250 applicants per building within a controlled environment can lead to for the residents of the eight units at Carmel Place
apartment. The New York Times reported in 2011 that labor cost savings. designated for formerly homeless veterans. The site’s
“competition [for affordable apartments] is fierce, with
as many as 10,000 applications pouring in for every 100

available apartments.” In the space of only four years, Kips Bay, New York NY
demand had become much more fierce and continues
US Census Data 2010
to do so, which speaks to the critical state of affordable
housing availability in New York City. As of May Total
Total households


2016, HPD confirmed that there were 2,626 affordable
apartments available with 2.54 M applications.



Responding to all of the challenges the City of New

York faces, Carmel Place is ingenious in many ways. 50,021
This unique all-micro-unit development project is the
first multi-family building in Manhattan built using
modular construction, the only housing development in
New York City to have secured a zoning override which
allows for the construction of apartments under 400 sqft,
and the first micro-unit development in New York City
83,828 Total 83,828
targeted at individuals and couples. Carmel Place was
non-family familyfamily non-family
with no children
no children with children
with children
with no children with children
36,938 13,084
13,084 36,93845,65513,084
45,655 4,368
4,368 45,655 4,368
“How great would it be for a Median
MedianAge 33.81 Median Age 33.81
nurse who lives by themselves Average
people Average
in Queens to be able to live per household
per household $ $$ per
$98,446 $

Left: Family Profile in Manhattan
$98,446 Average
1.57 1.57
$ household
household $
and Household Data household
close to their work.” income

Bea De La Torre formerly HPD

Right: Age and Gender Divide in
NYC $152,855 $152,855
14 15



3a. The Context of Carmel Place

Carmel Place is located just off Manhattan’s main east College and NYU, and the VA hospital on 23rd Street.
side thoroughfare of First Avenue which offers the most These institutions combined with the First Avenue traffic
direct route from downtown Manhattan to uptown, the make for a loud and industrious neighborhood.
Bronx and Queens. Positioned on 27th street between District 2 has 20,140 rent-stabilized units, having suffered
Mount Carmel Place, a two-block street joining 28th and a 22 percent loss since 2007 (I Quant NY, 2015). While
26th streets, and First Avenue. there has been an overall decrease in Manhattan’s rent-
Flanked by large residential and institutional towers in stabilized units of 11 percent, the district ranks 4th in
the vicinity, most notably the NYCHA development at losing units in NYC. Despite gains, it is important to note
344 East 28th Street, with which it shares the same block that the district is still losing units much faster than they
(Manhattan block 933) and to the south, the Department can be replaced and increases in rent-stabilized units from
of Health’s Public Health Laboratory. Facing west new construction are only temporarily affordable.
Carmel Place overlooks a public park, Bellevue Park This particular pocket of Manhattan is anomalous to the
South. The site was formerly a City-owned car park rest of its Kips Bay neighborhood with a cross-section of
which was unofficially used by NYCHA workers, and groups—hospital workers, low-income residents, young
residents and its appropriation in itself became a point of professionals and mental health and substance abuse
contention during the community review process. patients from the Bellevue facility, all cutting across 27th
There is a strong presence of medical facilities along this street and Bellevue Park South to access the subway and
stretch of First Avenue with emergency and acute care at more opportunities for restaurants and shopping.
Bellevue, NYU Langone medical center general hospital, The primary criterion in choosing this site was that
the teaching schools of medicine and dentistry for Hunter

Left: Entrance of Carmel

Right: Context Carmel Place

the land needed to be City-owned in order to engage units, from studios to three-bedroom, available at varying
with the legal framework of zoning resolutions to allow degrees of affordability within the City, of those 257 were
development of micro-units. It was also essential that available in Manhattan. One of those developments with
it be a site where residents would have access to public 55 units, owned by the non-profit Phipps Housing, is two
transport. The City looked at properties in Brooklyn, blocks, directly south of Carmel Place but with studios
but any site in New York City above and beyond 96th starting at $1,715/month—in contrast to Carmel Place’s
street in Manhattan requires the provision of car parking, $950, excluding those dedicated to the formerly homeless
this obligation reduces the number of units, specifically veterans— it qualifies more as middle income (affordable)
affordable units, that can be built on a given site. housing.
The site brought its own set of challenges, particularly
in the context of modular construction as the lot size is
45’ x 105’ a total of 4725 sqft with the building footprint
absorbing 3843 sqft of that area. This space allowed little LEGEND
storage for materials and none for the modules, which
were delivered by truck, overnight with only the number Bars and Clubs
of modules that could be erected the following work day.
Carmel Place is a mixed-income rental building with Bus Stops
forty percent affordable to a range of incomes, from
low-income to middle-income households, each unit Banks
having a maximum of two tenants. The terms of the $
affordability agreement for the Mayor’s office is that
all of the eleven affordable units would be entered into
Rent Regulation and registered with New York State
Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) as per a ATM ATMs
thirty-year regulatory agreement. In order to make the
affordable units permanently affordable, the developer Fast Food Joints
is contractually obliged to see an extended Article
XI tax exemption, or equivalent, for when the initial Retail Stores
421-a exemption expires in twenty years. Article XI
will provide an additional forty years of tax-exempt
Cycle Access/ Parking
status to the affordable units. Eight of the units receive
project-based vouchers, utilized under the Veterans
Affairs Supported Housing (VASH) program. Renting Library
the affordable housing units through NYC Housing
Connect, the source to find and apply for affordable Universities/ Schools1
units in the five boroughs. It is the one-stop-shop of
affordable apartments as it features all units in the City
regardless of being in all-affordable developments or H
mixed buildings. In all of the developments a percentage
of units are set aside for different applicants, residents of
the community board that the development resides in
(50%), those with disabilities (5% mobility and 2% vision
or hearing) and municipal employees (5%) the City also
included a 25 percent preference for NYCHA residents,
including but not limited to the 50 percent preference
for Manhattan Community Board 6. Marketing of the
apartments and the application process for the lottery
typically begins when construction is approximately 70 Right: Services Adjacent to
percent complete. As of mid-June 2016, there were 1060 Carmel Place
18 19

3b. Modular Construction of Carmel Place

Construction of Carmel Place consisted of fabrication, noise and neighborhood disruption, while the controlled
transportation and stacking of 65 individual steel framed environment of the factory allowed the team to control
modules, of which 10 units form the building core quality and maintain critical interior dimensions.
and the remaining 55 are the as residential micro-unit. The reduction in on-site construction brings in some
Following the on-site construction of the foundation reduction in the cost of the building itself.
and ground floor, the rest of completed modules were
In addition to being the first micro-unit apartment
transported and stacked on top. These modules were
building in New York City, Carmel Place is – at the time
constructed locally in the Brooklyn Navy Yard at the
of writing – the tallest modular building in Manhattan,
Capsys factory. They were designed there ready for
and one of the first multi-unit Manhattan buildings using
installation of appliances and interior finishes. Dividing
modular construction.
the construction process reduced on-site construction
20 21

3c. Architectural Planning of Carmel Place

Designed as replicable and scalable new model for serve a variety of functions and are located centrally,
housing in NYC, the architects conceived Carmel Place enhancing the tenants’ active connection to the
as a microcosm of the city skyline. The building’s exterior community. A spacious and well-lit lobby connects
resembles four slender “mini towers” that connect the Mt Carmel Place’s sidewalk on the west to an exterior
concept of micro-living to the form and identity of the resident porch on the east. Conceived as an interior street
building. that is flexible space, this space could be used to host
community events.
The building is designed to provide an open social
structure with inclusive community spaces such as the In addition to containing public spaces with built-in
green roof, community room for gatherings, a reasonably seating, the lobby opens to a large street-level and fully
spacious terrace, and a fitness center. The idea was glazed gym that fronts the pedestrian 27th street and
to make it more than a affordable building housing adjacent park. In the cellar, residents have access to a den,
individual units. The “mini towers” that are 11 foot storage, bike storage, and laundry, while at the 8th floor,
GROUND FLOOR PLAN wide reflect this goal by celebrating the beauty of small a community room with a pantry leads onto a public
dimensions, while not highlighting individual micro- roof terrace with sweeping city views. Spaces typical of
units on the facade. The colors used for the building’s a home are dispersed throughout the building, thereby
exterior make connections to the project’s local context. encouraging residents to interact with their neighbors
throughout their daily routine.
The open communal amenities are accessible to all
residents of Carmel place. The spaces are designed to

Green Roof
1331 SF

Community Room
Section 304 SF

757 SF

Entrance Lobby

Fitness Center E Seating Alcove

114 SF

Street 848 SF

525 SF Fitness Center
1741 SF
East Patio
675 SF Bike Storage
Left: First Floor Plan and 354 SF
Section Carmel Place Laundry
143 SF Tenant Storage
Right: Community Space in 278 SF
Carmel Place
First Floor Plan 0 20 FT. 324 SF
22 23

3d. Unit Interior Planning

Of the 55 rental residential micro-units, in Carmel Place- the bathrooms. nARCHITECTS also worked with
22 are marked as affordable housing units, of which 8 are Resource Furniture to source flexible built-in furnishings
Section 8 – reserved for formerly homeless US veterans that integrate storage, couch and bed into the layout of
(these apartments will be provided with complementary almost half of the units (including those dedicated to
integrated furniture). The 33 market rate units have the veteran’s housing). Additional furnishings were provided
option of including furniture and concierge services. The by Stage 3 Properties through Ollie, an all-inclusive living
remaining 14 affordable housing units at Carmel Place solution that provides residents with furnishings and
saw a huge demand with over 60,000 applicants in 2016 amenities. The building’s five basic micro-unit types
after the completion of their model unit. vary in size and configuration, thereby broadening the
spectrum of choice for small family households.
nARCHITECTS’ design goals for the unit interiors was
to achieve a sense of spaciousness, comfort and efficiency, The building’s 8’ tall windows, placed in apartments,
even while shrinking their footprint. To achieve this corridors and stairs, recall proportions used in New
goal, the architect-developer team increased the size of York’s 19th century brownstones, one of the architect’s
everything except the floor area: 9’-8” ceilings result in references for the building’s interior proportions.
a volume that is close to or exceeds that of a regulation
400sf apartment, which, coupled with the abundant
daylight made possible by 8’ tall sliding windows and
balconies, maximize the perceived volume of space.
Extra storage space is located in the added height above

Type A (30 Units)

Type B (6 Units)
Type C (6 Units)
TYPE D (6D (6 Units)
302 Sqft
355 SF
355 Sqft
302 SF
302 Sqft
360 SF
360 Sqft 8’ tall windows
with 9’ 8” high
ceiling maximizes
the percieved
volume of space in
the apartment

(4 Units) Type F (2 Units)
273 SF
Type G (1
300 SF
323 Sqft 273 Sqft 300 Sqft Left: Different Unit
Right: Images of Type A
Housing Unit
24 25

3e. General Overview Carmel Place


335 E
Zoning Typology

R8/C2-5 Micro Apartments

27th Street, Overlay
Kips Bay,
Manhattan, Community Override to
Increase Dendity
92 Modules
NY District 2 Weeks to Erect

55 22 4
Number of Users Number of units Occupant type: Building

Affordable Units
max Towers

14 Lottery
8 Formerly Homeless

Site Area Building Footprint

4,725 sq ft 3,843 sq ft Floors

Market Rate

6-02 (80%)
Lot Coverage Tallest Modular
in Manhattan

Interior Lot Area Gross Building Area Exterior Space Microunit

225 sq ft 29,000 sq ft 3,525 sq ft

260 - 360 sq ft
Corner Lot Area Residential Building Area Interior Amenities per Unit / 9’ 10” ceiling
4,500 sq ft 30,018 sq ft 5,470 sq ft Volume
10% < Standard 400 sq ft with 8’ ceiling

28 1 2
The green roof and a
reasonably spacious
terrace provide

28,239 sq ft
Total Floor Area Bicycle Parking Spaces

st NYC Council
a open social
structure within this

NYC District Affordable Housing

Residential: 27, 561 sq ft Apartment
Commercial: 678 sq ft Building
Parking: 0 sq ft Right: Community spaces in
Carmel place. Images of the
Eighth floor common terrace.
26 27

3f. Lessons Learned

• Not relying on typical materials for affordable housing but focusing on aesthetics and durability (within the job’s
budget) which in turn resulted in healthier choices
• City led pilot program to explore a viable option for a new typology of housing that could be replicated to

maximize the affordable units in the city.
• Reduced apartment size but added a variety of communal spaces to support living in a small space
• Focus on health regarding light and air by installing high ceilings with large operable windows
• The design of the development not limited by working with modular units, the architects approached the design of
this building as they would any other not just stacking the module one on top of the other.
• The volume of units is only 10 percent less than a standard 400 sqft. Apartment with 8’ ceiling
• Choice of modular units allows for higher quality control of the units at the fabrication site and a safer work
• If the lot was larger, the prefabricated units could have been stored on site to maximize the efficiency of

Strong •

A strong collaborative relationship between all of the stakeholders because of the nature of modular construction
from the on-site of the project
Close working relationship between the City (NYC HPD) and housing advocacy group CHPC using their
Relationships resources and expertize to think about the future of housing and in turn, share that with the City
• Relationships between different groups involved in the creation of housing in NYC as illustrated in the board of
+Partnerships CHPC with its 90 members from all areas of housing development and construction including two members from
Monadnock Development and one from resource furniture.

• Zoning regulations last updated 55 years ago in 1961, don’t adequately reflect the current needs of the city, its

Zoning and
households and living conditions.
• New York City as a pioneer in housing policy with the first tenement laws, comprehensive zoning ordinance and
Leadership public housing project is a leader in the nation regarding policy, with other major cities referring to practices here to
guide their development.

in Policy •

Other high-cost, high-density cities are also assessing the concept of micro-unit apartments to provide smaller and
less expensive housing options.
Zoning overrides made it possible to build 55 units instead of 38 with current ordinances which is critical to the
creation of affordable units.

Financing •

AMI does not accurately reflect the demographics of each city neighborhood or borough; this metric is currently
excluding the extremely low-income, low-income and working poor of many districts in NYC.
The expiry of tax-exemption 421-a has caused a slowdown in requests for permits and the development of
affordable housing.

• Government and Community leaders were working together to advocate for the maximum number of affordable
units in the development.
Broader • Council Member Mendez championing of formerly homeless veterans to be allocated 8 of the 22 affordable
Understanding of apartments and be within walking distance of the VA hospital.
Community • Living on your own doesn’t mean being alone multiple communal spaces designed throughout the building
providing opportunities for residents and guests to socialize

Broader • City to identify existing opportunities adjacent to sites which can be maximized for the health benefits of the
residents as with Bellvue Park South a dedicated neighborhood gathering point with playground, exercise stations,
understanding of volleyball and basketball courts

• The architect’s mindset of designing spaces to allow small households to live together more efficiently and healthily
rather than focus on square footage.
• Modular units with their double-walls, ceilings, and floors have enhanced the acoustical performance of traditional
units which translates to health benefits particularly in a dense urban neighborhood.
28 29


A critical part of this case study and the greatest challenge City where rents have increased by as much as 75 percent half the families earn more the other half earn less. The acute inability to make ends meet - lacking finances for
of this debate is to understand what affordability means. since 2002—a rise of 31 points greater than the rest of AMI for NYC in 2015 was $60,500 for an individual, food, housing, medical care or utilities (Wimer 2014)
While it is important to have an understanding of the the country—this measure, which has been in place for which is calculated by the US Department of Housing on the other hand affected 48 percent of all adult New
expression “affordable housing,” it is essential to be aware the past 35 years, inadequately reflects the needs of the and Urban Development (HUD) and adjusted for Yorkers in 2012 and 2013. In that period, 37 percent of
of its meaning within the different contexts of cities, City’s current residents. Affordable housing in New York family size so that family incomes can be expressed as a New Yorkers suffered severe material hardships, defined
neighborhoods and income levels. The common question City relies on government involvement to plug the gaps percentage of AMI. These percentages are then divided as a combination of lack of basic resources, having to stay
is “affordable for whom?” when discussions arise around of the financial proforma so that low-income groups into income categories in a shelter, having utilities shut off or, inability to pay a
affordability. Sarah Watson, deputy director of CHPC, can be reached. Government intervention, through tax doctor.
The most perplexing thing about this flawed metric is
prefers to use the term “income targeted, subsidized breaks and funding, requires a provision for long-term
not just that all five boroughs register the same AMI
housing,” which is a more helpful way of indicating affordability, up to 30 years, which currently can be
(when the reality is starkly different) but also Westchester,
different levels of affordability, it could also be simply renegotiated or allowed lapse on expiry.
Rockland, and Putnam counties, some of the wealthiest
put as “below market rate.” The rule of thumb in the
Most New Yorkers live in multi-family rental housing counties in NY State are included in this calculation,
U.S., used as an indicator of assessing affordability, is a
rather than owning homes. According to the 2014 skewing the figures even further.
family spending no more than 30 percent of their income
Housing and Vacancy Survey (HVS), rental units
on living costs (rent and utilities). With varying income One of the federal interventions to create housing
comprise 64.2 percent of New York City’s available
levels (extremely low income, very low income, moderate
housing stock, 76 percent more than the proportion of
income, middle income, and high income) 30 percent of
rental units in the nation as a whole. New York City in Extremely low income = <30% of AMI NYC 2015 AMI
each of these can be vastly different. In a country where $86,300
2014 had a total of 3,400,093 housing units, the largest
wages have remained stagnant since the 1990s and in a
housing stock since the first HVS was conducted in 1965. Very low income = 31% - 50% of AMI
New York City’s housing is not only dominated by the
size of its rental housing stock but unlike most cities, the
Low income = 51% - 80% of AMI $77,700

bulk of rental units are rent regulated. Of the 2,184,297 Moderate Income = 81% - 120% of AMI
occupied and vacant rental units reported in the most $69,100
recent HVS, 38.9 percent were unregulated, or “free
$15/hr market.” The remaining units were rent regulated. The
HVS also found a citywide vacancy rate of 3.45 percent $60,500
NYC Minimum Wage targeted to residents who are in the low-income (60
in 2014, below the 5 percent threshold required for rent percent AMI) or below is to offer Low Income Housing
regulation to continue under State law. Tax Credits (LIHTC), to avail of these, developers
$1,850/month Income-targeted housing is an incredibly important piece building affordable housing must cater to these
Average 1 Bedroom of the fabric of New York City, with one of the most categories. Carmel Place does not qualify in this regard;
Apartment Rent in NYC expensive housing markets in the country, it is under their affordable category starts at 80 percent of AMI
tremendous pressure, derived from an increasing demand which sits on the cusp of “Moderate income,” while
102 hrs/week for housing combined with rising land prices and the
high cost of construction. The minimum wage in New
accommodating middle-income earners these affordable
apartments remain out of reach of the three different
60% of AMI
Low Income housing
Work Hours needed to afford Tax credit Maximum
York City in 2015 was $8.75/hr. Working at minimum categories of low-income households and the working 50% of AMI
1 Bedroom in NYC Very Low Income
30 % of income goes to housing wage one would have to work 98 hours a week to afford poor of New York City.
an average one bedroom apartment with an approximate In 2014 1.7 million New Yorkers were living at or below
rent of $1,100/month. Currently, a 400 sqft apartment the poverty line of $21,000 per annum for a family of
Income Targeted Housing is Necessary in Kips Bay rents from $2,500/month. While all aspects 30% of AMI
three. This statistic is based on the Official Poverty Extremely Low Income
of housing are challenging in these conditions, catering Measure (OPM) which, defined in the 1960s, looks at the
to the working poor is particularly taxing when the minimum income required to cover food and daily needs.
The Market Excludes infrastructure of public housing itself is overburdened
Low income residents Because of The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) has since been
from huge deficits, reduced financing and fewer tax introduced (2011) by the federal government to serve
> Increasing Demand for Housing exemptions for the construction of new developments. additionally as an indicator of economic circumstances.
> Rising Land Prices It not only focuses on income but also accounts for the
Across the Affordable sector, rents are determined by the
> High Cost of Construction
Area Median Income (AMI), also known as the Median necessities of food, shelter, clothing, and utilities and Household Size 1 2 3 4
Family Income (MFI). The AMI in a specified area, is adjusted for the geographic differences in the cost of
determined by respective states, is the income earned by housing. By SPM standards, 23 percent of New Yorkers Area Median Income (AMI) NYC 2015
the family right in the middle of the income group, i.e. face income poverty. Material hardship, “the chronic or
30 31

New York City



Murray Hill / Kips Bay

Median Incomes of NYC is Faced with record homelessness rates, the highest since million New Yorkers out of poverty. Of the $150 million
not representative of the the Depression, there is increased pressure on Affordable which they grant each year, half is dedicated to children,
neighborhood specific AMIs housing stock. In February of 2016, there were 57,000 towards education and youth programming, and the
people recorded living in shelters, 2,000 of whom have remainder to filling basic family needs, such as housing,
sufficient income to pay for low-income rent but are food, and jobs. In the past two years, the foundation has
unable to find apartments, an additional 3,000 people involved themselves in a more capital approach towards
choose to live full time on the streets. Current proposed affordable housing with the objective of stimulating
pay more than
federal budget cuts to permanent housing programs
could lead to the loss of 500 shelter beds from what was
the development or preservation of affordable housing.
Affordable housing defined by the Robin Hood
50% of their available up to May 2016. In a City that is required to foundation means that a family that is making minimum

44% 36%
provide shelter for the homeless as a result of a landmark wage “will get by and have a decent home to live in (Bea
decision in the 1979 lawsuit, Callahan v. Carey, this is a de la Torre, 2016).”
staggering loss (Coalition for the Homeless). While New
56% of New yorkers are rent York City provides over $1 billion annually for homeless
pay more
than 30% of
burdened 20% of which are services, the federal government continues to cut funding Bea De La Torre spoke in conversation with the Healthy
their income spending more than 50% of with “12 transitional housing facilities in New York Materials Lab about Robin Hood ’s current project, New
their income on rent. City losing all of their HUD funding (Nahmias, 2016).” Stories. They are looking at opportunities with City-
Despite the struggle to accommodate this steadily owned single-story buildings with high capital needs that
growing community the federal government, based on an can take additional density, specifically public libraries.
initiative started by President Obama has made significant The public library system has 207 branches, many in
inroads in finding long-term housing solutions for one low-income neighborhoods. Robinhood plans to work
group - homeless veterans. “The Department of Housing together with the New York Public library system and the

1 in 147
and Urban Development (HUD) has reported that the City, matching City funds, up to five million dollars, to
number of veterans staying in shelters or on the streets renovate each location, and with the additional funding,
has dropped by nearly 80% since 2009... In New York leverage an opportunity to build affordable housing
More than 58,000 people are in City almost 3,000 rental assistance vouchers have been on top of each library. This is an innovative method of
homeless shelters in New York distributed in the past six years to the recorded 3,689 making land available for affordable housing which can
and at least 3,100 more sleep homeless veterans in the city in 2009 (Stewart, 2016).” be replicated in the same format with schools, hospitals,
on the streets and subways In addition, Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled a plan in police stations, Human Resource Administration centers,
November of 2015 to invest $2.6 billion over 15 years to utilizing air rights and the vertical nature of the city.
create 15,000 new units of supportive housing aimed at
The administration
...with 52,936
various homeless populations.
secured 23,284
affordable apartments
homes financed
so far, enough One of New York City’s leading organizations dedicated While there are many types of affordable housing
and homes during for 130,000 New available in New York City, the current stock does not

Fiscal Year 2016.

to fighting poverty is the Robin Hood Foundation,


evictions have which was formed 27 years ago with the goal of lifting 1 reflect the growing needs of extremely low and low-
...for those
earning less
declined 24 percent
in two years
income residents. Affordable housing for such groups is
than $24,000 becoming an increasingly scarce commodity. In New York
“The aid, care and
per year – Nearly 4,000
surged with affordable homes City there are a wide range of housing programs from
for low-income
3,500 new different eras, as outlined in the following diagram, which
support of the needy
seniors are also
apartments. underway.
Mayor De Blasio’s 10 year plan make it a complex entity. It is the scale and the variety of
the different affordable housing programs in New York

authorized construction
are public concerns and which separates it from the rest of the country.
of more than 52,600 shall be provided by the
residential units
in 2015 Skyrocketed # of construction
state and by such of its
permits because of 421-a tax
exemption program expiration
in 2016 Article XVII New York State Constitution
2010 2015

SOURCE: 2015
32 33


The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) owns and The Section 8 program allows tenants to rent apartments in Rent stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rents and leases in
operates 177,666 public housing apartments in New York City, privately-owned buildings and pay 30 percent of their income certain privately owned apartment buildings in New York City and
53, 113 of which are located in Manhattan, housing 175,747 towards rent. Section 8 pays the difference between the tenant's some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969 to combat a sharp rise
families in total. it guarantees permanent affordability for the portion and the full rent for the apartment. The program’s goal has in rents, and generally governs buildings of six or more units that were
tenants who do not exceed the established income limits, which been to provide choice of where to live, creating economically built before 1974. There are approximately one million rent-stabilized
vary depending on family size. diverse neighborhoods as opposed to ones with concentrated apartments in New York City.
poverty, which is how public housing is often seen.

Low income tenants in public housing pay 30 percent of their There is no income eligibility and the legal rent is not based on the
household income towards rent, up to the maximum rent levels a) Portbale vouchers: Funding for the program has run out and the income of the tenant. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-increases
for the apartment size. The wait time for non priority category waiting list for vouchers is currently closed, with exceptions in a of certain privately-owned apartments. Landlords can apply to

households is on average 9 years. limited number of developments. Section 8 currently supports deregulate an apartment that legally rents for $2,500 or above, and
400,000 people. where the combined household income exceeds $200,000 for two
NYCHA owns the land that the developments are built on, but b) Project-based Section 8: This program is a subsidized housing consecutive years. Landlords can only raise rents in rent-stabilized
it is highly regulated by the federal government, HUD. program for particular developments. There are approximately apartments at levels set by local rent boards and tenants cannot be
90,000 project-based Section 8 apartments in New York City. When evicted or denied the right to renew their lease, with limited
government contracts to participate in the project-based Section 8 exceptions.
program expire, landlords may be able to 'opt out' of the program
and raise rents to market levels. Rents in rent stabilized units are often still below those that are created
through expensive subsidized so-called 'affordable' housing programs.
When a tenant moves out of a Section 8 apartment the landlord has The powerful landlord lobby has gotten politicians to significantly

the option to rent at market rate. weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most significantly by
If the low income renter is unable to find another Section 8 allowing landlords to entirely destabilize apartments when tenants


accepting apartment they lose the voucher. move out, leaving subsequent tenants with no protections.

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) owns and The Section 8 program allows tenants to rent apartments in Rent stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rents and leases in
operates 177,666 public housing apartments in New York City, privately-owned buildings and pay 30 percent of their income certain privately owned apartment buildings in New York City and
53, 113 of which are located in Manhattan, housing 175,747 towards rent. Section 8 pays the difference between the tenant's some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969 to combat a sharp rise
families in total. it guarantees permanent affordability for the portion and the full rent for the apartment. The program’s goal has in rents, and generally governs buildings of six or more units that were

tenants who do not exceed the established income limits, which been to provide choice of where to live, creating economically built before 1974. There are approximately one million rent-stabilized
vary depending on family size. diverse neighborhoods as opposed to ones with concentrated apartments in New York City.

poverty, which is how public housing is often seen.
Low income tenants in public housing pay 30 percent of their There is no income eligibility and the legal rent is not based on the
household income towards rent, up to the maximum rent levels a) Portbale vouchers: Funding for the program has run out and the income of the tenant. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-increases
for the apartment size. The wait time for non priority category waiting list for vouchers
Mitchell-Lama is currently closed,
was a middle-income housingwith exceptions
development inover
with a a of certain privately-owned apartments. Landlords can apply to
households is on average 9 years. limited number
105,000 of developments.
apartments. A program of Section 8 currently
The Limited Profit supports
Housings deregulate an apartment that legally rents for $2,500 or above, and

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) owns

400,000 people.Act in New York that operated from the mid-1950s where the combined household income exceeds $200,000 301 E 143rd
for St
two#3, Bronx
NYCHA owns the land that the developments are built on, but through the mid-1970s.
b) Project-based Section 8:The Mitchell-Lama
This program isprogram created
a subsidized both
housing consecutive years. Landlords can only raise rents in rent-stabilized ????????? 235 9th ave, New york
program housing and limited-equity
particular developments.cooperative
There arehousing.
approximately apartments at levels set by local rent boards and tenants cannot be 237 9th ave, New york
it is highly regulated by the federal government, HUD.
90,000 project-based Section 8 apartments in New York City. When evicted or denied the right to renew their lease, with limited
a) Rental buildings: Main Rent freeze programs including the Senior
government contracts
in the project-based Section
Rent 8 exceptions.

5 - NEW
Citizen Rent and the Disability


and operates 177,666 public housing apartments in New
program expire,
Increase landlords
Exemption may Landlords
(DRIE). be able tohave
'opt the
of theofprogram

Mitchell Lama was a middle-income housing development

and out'
raiseofrents to market
the program levels.
at the end of their contracts. Rents in rent stabilized units are often still below those that are created

through expensive subsidized so-called 'affordable' housing programs.

If the building was occupied prior to 1974, it is likely to be subject to
When thearent-stabilization
tenant moves out laws,ofbut
a Section 8 apartment
if the complex the landlord
was completed after has The powerful landlord lobby has gotten politicians to significantly

1974 tenants
the option may
to rent at face immediate
market rate. rent hikes to market-rate prices, or weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most significantly by

York City, 53,113 of which are located in Manhattan,

If the Between
low income 1990 isand
renter 2012 the
unable number
to find of rental
another units8left in the
Section allowing landlords to entirely destabilize apartments when tenants 421-a is an incentive established in 1971 that gives developers a 10-year

with over a 105,000 apartments. A program of the Limited

accepting was reduced
apartment theybylose
47 percent.
the voucher. move out, leaving subsequent tenants with no protections.
b) Cooperative buildings: involve a form of resident-ownership called exemption for building a multi residential project on vacant land. Since 2008 the
'limited-equity'. Residents own the apartments they live in, but they are New affordable housing programs are typically financed program was overhauled requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their
limited in their ability to profit from the sale of the apartment. Instead with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) or are units for affordable housing.The premise of the program was to offer developers
of rent, residents pay maintenance fees for the upkeep of the property. part of market-rate developments in programs such as of vacant or underused land a real estate tax exemption for the construction

housing 175,747 families in total. It guarantees permanent

At the end of a contract period, usually 20 years, tenants are given the 80/20 or Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ). period (up to 3 years), followed by a 10-year-long exemption period which

Profit Housings Companies Act in New York that operated

option of converting to market-rate ownership staying in the operates as an abatement.
Mitchell-Lama program. There is no central waiting list for prospective tenants, and
The program was not just meant to be beneficial for the developers but also to be

Mitchell-Lam a buildings are privately owned, but under state contract eligibility criteria differs from development to development,
to keep prices affordable to moderate and middle income families. and sometimes, unit by unit. To avail of LIHTCS, units passed on to the tenant in the form of the apartments being rent stabilized

affordability for the tenants who do not exceed the

must be available for households making less than 60 during the exemption period. While the exemption provides significant savings it

is time limited.

through the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s. The

It offered developers low-interest mortgages and tax breaks for stable percent of AMI.
rents and affordable selling prices within reach of middle class The suspension of the program is in part because of failure to reach an
families; and submit to state or city supervision any cost increases to Once a household rents an apartment, the income eligibility agreement to ensure union-level wages for the construction workers on those
the tenants. Mitchell-Lama projects must only maintain program requirements are no longer the basis of the rent, even jobs. If it reinstated it would mean increased construction costs and if it is not, it
Mitchell-Lama was a middle-income housing development with over a restrictions for 20 years and owners who pay off the mortgage can though households are required to recertify their incomes may mean a drop in land prices.

established income limits, which vary depending on family

105,000 apartments. A program of The Limited Profit Housings leave the program, putting an increased burden on the City to each year.

Mitchell Lama created both rental housing and limited

Companies Act in New York that operated from the mid-1950s accommodate residents for whom a Mitchell-Lama building no longer 421-a exemption is not an affordable housing program, while it does provide 20
301 E 143rd St #3, Bronx to 35 percent affordable units in developments that avail of it, it is mainly used to
through the mid-1970s. The Mitchell-Lama program created both becomes affordable.
????????? 235 9th ave, New york benefit market rate developments and the range of affordability often excludes
rental housing and limited-equity cooperative housing. 237 9th ave, New york low, very low and extremely low income groups.

a) Rental buildings: Main Rent freeze programs including the Senior

5 - NEW equity cooperative housing.

Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and the Disability Rent


Increase Exemption (DRIE). Landlords have the option of 'opting
out' of the program at the end of their contracts.


If the building was occupied prior to 1974, it is likely to be subject to
the rent-stabilization laws, but if the complex was completed after

1974 tenants may face immediate rent hikes to market-rate prices, or

Low-income tenants in public housing pay 30 percent of

eviction. Between 1990 and 2012 the number of rental units left in the
421-a is an incentive established in 1971 that gives developers a 10-year

Mitchell Lama was a middle-income housing development

program was reduced by 47 percent.
b) Cooperative buildings: involve a form of resident-ownership called exemption for building a multi residential project on vacant land. Since 2008 the
'limited-equity'. Residents own the apartments they live in, but they are New affordable housing programs are typically financed program was overhauled requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their
limited in their ability to profit from the sale of the apartment. Instead with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) or are units for affordable housing.The premise of the program was to offer developers
of vacant or underused land a real estate tax exemption for the construction

their household income towards rent, up to the maximum

of rent, residents pay maintenance fees for the upkeep of the property. part of market-rate developments in programs such as 626 Riverside Drive, New york 335 east 27th street, New york 504 west 136th street, New york
period (up to 3 years), followed by a 10-year-long exemption period which

with over a 105,000 apartments. A program of the Limited

At the end of a contract period, usually 20 years, tenants are given the 80/20 or Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ).
option of converting to market-rate ownership staying in the operates as an abatement.
Mitchell-Lama program. There is no central waiting list for prospective tenants, and
Mitchell-Lam a buildings are privately owned, but under state contract eligibility criteria differs from development to development, The program was not just meant to be beneficial for the developers but also to be
passed on to the tenant in the form of the apartments being rent stabilized

rent levels for apartment size. The wait time for non-priority
to keep prices affordable to moderate and middle income families. and sometimes, unit by unit. To avail of LIHTCS, units
during the exemption period. While the exemption provides significant savings it

Profit Housings Companies Act in New York that operated

must be available for households making less than 60
It offered developers low-interest mortgages and tax breaks for stable percent of AMI. is time limited.
rents and affordable selling prices within reach of middle class The suspension of the program is in part because of failure to reach an
families; and submit to state or city supervision any cost increases to Once a household rents an apartment, the income eligibility agreement to ensure union-level wages for the construction workers on those

category household is on average nine years.

the tenants. Mitchell-Lama projects must only maintain program requirements are no longer the basis of the rent, even jobs. If it reinstated it would mean increased construction costs and if it is not, it

through the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s. The

restrictions for 20 years and owners who pay off the mortgage can though households are required to recertify their incomes may mean a drop in land prices.
leave the program, putting an increased burden on the City to each year.
accommodate residents for whom a Mitchell-Lama building no longer 421-a exemption is not an affordable housing program, while it does provide 20
becomes affordable. to 35 percent affordable units in developments that avail of it, it is mainly used to
benefit market rate developments and the range of affordability often excludes

Mitchell Lama created both rental housing and limited

low, very low and extremely low income groups.

NYCHA owns the land that the developments are built on,
but the federal government, HUD highly regulate it. equity cooperative housing.
626 Riverside Drive, New york 335 east 27th street, New york 504 west 136th street, New york


The section 8 program allows tenants to rent apartments
in privately owned buildings by paying 30 percent of
Rent stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rents and leases
in certain privately owned apartment buildings in New York
their income towards rent while the government pays the City and some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969 to 1 - NYCHA New affordable housing programs are typically financed with 8
2 - SECTION 421-a is an incentive established
4 - RENT in 1971 that gives developers
difference between the tenant’s portion and the full rent combat a sharp rise in rents, and generally governs buildings The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) owns and
operates 177,666 public housing apartments in New York City,
Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) or are a part The Section 8 program allows tenants to rent apartments in
privately-owned buildings and pay 30 percent of their income
a 10-year exemption for building a multi-residential project
Rent stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rents and leases in
certain privately owned apartment buildings in New York City and

of market-rate developments in programs such as 80/20 or on vacant land. Since 2008 the program was overhauled
53, 113 of which are located in Manhattan, housing 175,747 towards rent. Section 8 pays the difference between the tenant's some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969 to combat a sharp rise

of the apartment. The program’s goal has been to provide of six or more units that were built before 1974.2 -There
The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) owns and are
The Section 8 program allows tenants to rent apartments in
4 - RENT STABILIZATION families in total. it guarantees permanent affordability for the
Rent stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rentswho do
and leases in not exceed the established income limits, which
portion and the full rent for the apartment. The program’s goal has
been to provide choice of where to live, creating economically
in rents, and generally governs buildings of six or more units that were
built before 1974. There are approximately one million rent-stabilized

Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ). requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their units
operates 177,666 public housing apartments in New York City, privately-owned buildings and pay 30 percent of their income certain privately owned apartment buildings in New York City and
vary depending
to combat a sharpon
rise family size. diverse neighborhoods as opposed to ones with concentrated apartments in New York City.

the choice of where to live, creating economically diverse approximately one million rent-stabilized apartments in New
53, 113 of which are located in Manhattan, housing 175,747 towards rent. Section 8 pays the difference between the tenant's some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969
in rents, and generally governs buildings of six or more units that were
families in total. it guarantees permanent affordability for the
tenants who do not exceed the established income limits, which
portion and the full rent for the apartment. The program’s goal has
been to provide choice of where to live, creating economically built before 1974. There are approximately one million rent-stabilized poverty, which is how public housing is often seen.
vary depending on family size. diverse neighborhoods as opposed to ones with concentrated apartments in New York City.
Low income tenants in public housing pay 30 percent of their There is no income eligibility and the legal rent is not based on the

for affordable housing. The premise of the program was to

poverty, which is how public housing is often seen.
Low income tenants in public housing pay 30 percent of their
household income towards rent, up to the maximum rent levels
There is no income eligibility and the legal rent is not based on the
a) Portbale vouchers: Funding for the program has run out and the income of the tenant. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-increases
neighborhoods as opposed to ones with concentrated York City.
household income towards rent, up to the maximum rent levels a) Portbale vouchers: Funding for the program has run out and the income of the tenant. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-increases

There is no central waiting list for prospective tenants, and

for the apartment size. The wait time for non priority category
households is on average 9 years.
waiting list for vouchers is currently closed, with exceptions in a
limited number of developments. Section 8 currently supports
for the apartment size. The wait time for non priority category
of certain privately-owned apartments. Landlords can apply to
deregulate an apartment that legally rents for $2,500 or above, and
waiting list for vouchers is currently closed, with exceptions in a of certain privately-owned apartments. Landlords can apply to
400,000 people. households is on average 9 years.
where the combined household income exceeds $200,000 for two limited number of developments. Section 8 currently supports deregulate an apartment that legally rents for $2,500 or above, and

offer developers of vacant or underused land a real estate

NYCHA owns the land that the developments are built on, but b) Project-based Section 8: This program is a subsidized housing consecutive years. Landlords can only raise rents in rent-stabilized

poverty, which is how public housing is often seen.

it is highly regulated by the federal government, HUD. program for particular developments. There are approximately apartments at levels set by local rent boards and tenants cannot be 400,000 people. where the combined household income exceeds $200,000 for two

eligibility criteria differ from development to development,

90,000 project-based Section 8 apartments in New York City. When evicted or denied the right to renew their lease, with limited
government contracts to participate in the project-based Section 8 exceptions. NYCHA owns the land that the developments are built on, but b) Project-based Section 8: This program is a subsidized housing consecutive years. Landlords can only raise rents in rent-stabilized

The legal rent and eligibility criteria are not based on the
program expire, landlords may be able to 'opt out' of the program
it is highly regulated by the federal government, HUD. program for particular developments. There are approximately apartments at levels set by local rent boards and tenants cannot be
tax exemption for the construction period (up to 3 years),
and raise rents to market levels. Rents in rent stabilized units are often still below those that are created
through expensive subsidized so-called 'affordable' housing programs.
When a tenant moves out of a Section 8 apartment the landlord has The powerful landlord lobby has gotten politicians to significantly 90,000 project-based Section 8 apartments in New York City. When evicted or denied the right to renew their lease, with limited

and sometimes, unit by unit. To avail of LIHTCs, units must

the option to rent at market rate. weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most significantly by
government contracts to participate in the project-based Section 8 exceptions.

Portable Vouchers: Funding for the program has run out, tenant’s income levels. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-
If the low income renter is unable to find another Section 8 allowing landlords to entirely destabilize apartments when tenants

followed by a 10-year-long exemption period which operates

move out, leaving subsequent tenants with no protections.
accepting apartment they lose the voucher.
program expire, landlords may be able to 'opt out' of the program
and raise rents to market levels. Rents in rent stabilized units are often still below those that are created

and the waiting list for vouchers is currently closed, with increases of certain privately owned apartments. Landlords be available to households making less than 60 percent of through expensive subsidized so-called 'affordable' housing programs.

as an abatement.
When a tenant moves out of a Section 8 apartment the landlord has The powerful landlord lobby has gotten politicians to significantly
3 - MITCHELL-LAMA the option to rent at market rate. weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most significantly by

exceptions in a limited number of developments. This BUIDLINGS

can apply to deregulate an apartment that legally rents for
Mitchell-Lama was a middle-income housing development with over a
AMI. If the low income renter is unable to find another Section 8
accepting apartment they lose the voucher.
allowing landlords to entirely destabilize apartments when tenants
move out, leaving subsequent tenants with no protections.

The program was not just meant to be beneficial for the

105,000 apartments. A program of The Limited Profit Housings

scheme currently supports 400,000 people. $2,500 or above, and where the combined household income
Companies Act in New York that operated from the mid-1950s 301 E 143rd St #3, Bronx
through the mid-1970s. The Mitchell-Lama program created both

Once a household rents an apartment, the income eligibility,

????????? 235 9th ave, New york
rental housing and limited-equity cooperative housing. 237 9th ave, New york

developers but also to be passed on to the tenant in the form

a) Rental buildings: Main Rent freeze programs including the Senior

5 - NEW
Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and the Disability Rent

exceeds $200,000 for two consecutive years. Landlords can 6 - 421-a TAX EXEMPTION
Increase Exemption (DRIE). Landlords have the option of 'opting

2 - SECTION 8 4 - RENT STABILIZATION requirements are no longer the basis of the rent, even though
out' of the program at the end of their contracts.

Project-based Section 8: This program is a subsidized PROGRAM
If the building was occupied prior to 1974, it is likely to be subject to
the rent-stabilization laws, but if the complex was completed after

3 - MITCHELL-LAMA of the apartments being rent stabilized during the exemption
1974 tenants may face immediate rent hikes to market-rate prices, or

only Rent
raise rents in rent-stabilized apartments at levels set by
eviction. Between 1990 and 2012 the number of rental units left in the
421-a is an incentive established in 1971 that gives developers a 10-year

households are required to recertify their incomes each year.

program was reduced by 47 percent.
b) Cooperative buildings: involve a form of resident-ownership called exemption for building a multi residential project on vacant land. Since 2008 the

housing program for particularThe developments. There are

'limited-equity'. Residents own the apartments they live in, but they are New affordable housing programs are typically financed program was overhauled requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their

stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rents and leases in
period. While the exemption provides significant savings, it is
Section 8 program allows tenants to rent apartments in limited in their ability to profit from the sale of the apartment. Instead with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) or are units for affordable housing.The premise of the program was to offer developers
of vacant or underused land a real estate tax exemption for the construction

local certain
rent boards, and tenants cannot
a sharp rise be evicted or denied the
of rent, residents pay maintenance fees for the upkeep of the property. part of market-rate developments in programs such as
period (up to 3 years), followed by a 10-year-long exemption period which
privately-owned buildings and pay 30 percent of their income privately owned apartment buildings in New York City and
At the end of a contract period, usually 20 years, tenants are given the
option of converting to market-rate ownership staying in the
80/20 or Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ).
operates as an abatement.

approximately 90,000 project-based Section

full rent for the8 apartments inhas
Mitchell-Lama program. There is no central waiting list for prospective tenants, and
towards rent. Section 8 pays the difference between the tenant's some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969 to combat The program was not just meant to be beneficial for the developers but also to be

Mitchell-Lam a buildings are privately owned, but under state contract eligibility criteria differs from development to development,
to keep prices affordable to moderate and middle income families. and sometimes, unit by unit. To avail of LIHTCS, units passed on to the tenant in the form of the apartments being rent stabilized
Mitchell-Lama was a middle-income housing development with over a
portion and the apartment. The program’s goal
renew their lease,onewith limited exceptions.
in rents, and generally governs buildings of six or more units that were must be available for households making less than 60 during the exemption period. While the exemption provides significant savings it
It offered developers low-interest mortgages and tax breaks for stable percent of AMI. is time limited.
105,000 apartments. A program of The Limited Profit Housings
The suspension of the program is in part because of failure to reach an
1974. There are approximately million rent-stabilized
New York City. When these government
been to provide choice of where to live, creating economically
diverse neighborhoods ascontracts expire,
rents and affordable selling prices within reach of middle class
Once a household rents an apartment, the income eligibility agreement to ensure union-level wages for the construction workers on those
families; and submit to state or city supervision any cost increases to
the tenants. Mitchell-Lama projects must only maintain program requirements are no longer the basis of the rent, even Companies Act in New York that operated from the mid-1950s
jobs. If it reinstated it would mean increased construction costs and if it is not, it 301 E 143rd St #3, Bronx
opposed to ones with concentrated apartments in New York City.
restrictions for 20 years and owners who pay off the mortgage can though households are required to recertify their incomes may mean a drop in land prices.
through the mid-1970s. The Mitchell-Lama program created both
leave the program, putting an increased burden on the City to each year.
????????? 235 9th ave, New york

The suspension of the program is in part because of failure

421-a exemption is not an affordable housing program, while it does provide 20
poverty, which is how public housing is often seen. accommodate residents for whom a Mitchell-Lama building no longer
rental housing
that avail of it, itand limited-equity cooperative housing. 237 9th ave, New york
landlords may be able to ‘opt out’ of the program and raise Rent stabilized buildings have much lower rents than those
becomes affordable. to 35 percent affordable units in developments is mainly used to
benefit market rate developments and the range of affordability often excludes
There is no income eligibility and the legal rent is not based on the low, very low and extremely low income groups.
a) Rental buildings: Main Rent freeze programs including the Senior
a) Portbale vouchers: Funding for the program has run out and the income of the tenant. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-increases
rents to market rate. created through subsidized affordable housing programs.
Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and the Disability Rent

5 - NEW to reach an agreement to ensure union-level wages for the

waiting list for vouchers is currently closed, with exceptions in a of certain privately-owned apartments. Landlords can apply to Increase Exemption (DRIE). Landlords have the option of 'opting
limited number of developments. Section 8 currently supports deregulate an apartment that legally rents for $2,500 or above, and out' of the program at the end of their contracts.
400,000 people.
b) Project-based Section 8: This program is a subsidized housing The powerful landlord lobby has gotten politicians to
where the combined household income exceeds $200,000 for two
consecutive years. Landlords can only raise rents in rent-stabilized
If the building was occupied prior to 1974, it is likely to be subject to
the rent-stabilization laws, but if the complex was completed after construction workers
'AFFORDABLE HOUSING' on those jobs. If it reinstated it would
When a tenant moves out of aprogram
Section 8 apartment,
for particular the
developments. There are approximately apartments at levels set by local rent boards and tenants cannot be
1974 tenants may face immediate rent hikes to market-rate prices, or

CONSTRUCTIONmean increased construction costs and if it is not, it may

significantly weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most
626 Riverside Drive, New york 335 east 27th street, New york eviction.504Between 1990 and 2012 the number of rental units left in the
west 136th street, New york
90,000 project-based Section 8 apartments in New York City. When evicted or denied the right to renew their lease, with limited program was reduced by 47 percent. 421-a is an incentive established in 1971 that gives developers a 10-year

landlord has the option of renting

government atcontracts
market rate.
to participate If the low-
in the project-based Section 8 exceptions. b) Cooperative buildings: involve a form of resident-ownership called
mean a drop in land prices.
exemption for building a multi residential project on vacant land. Since 2008 the

significantly by allowing landlords to entirely destabilize 'limited-equity'. Residents own the apartments they live in, but they are New affordable housing programs are typically financed program was overhauled requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their
program expire, landlords may be able to 'opt out' of the program limited in their ability to profit from the sale of the apartment. Instead with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) or are units for affordable housing.The premise of the program was to offer developers

income tenant is unable to find another Section 8 accepting

and raise rents to market levels. Rents in rent stabilized units are often still below those that are created of rent, residents pay maintenance fees for the upkeep of the property. part of market-rate developments in programs such as of vacant or underused land a real estate tax exemption for the construction

apartments when lobbytenants move out, leaving subsequent

through expensive subsidized so-called 'affordable' housing programs. At the end of a contract period, usually 20 years, tenants are given the 80/20 or Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ). period (up to 3 years), followed by a 10-year-long exemption period which

apartment, they lose the voucher.

When a tenant moves out of a Section 8 apartment the landlord has The powerful landlord has gotten politicians to significantly
option of converting to market-rate ownership staying in the
Mitchell-Lama program. 2 - SECTION 8 4 - RENT STABILIZATION There is no central waiting list for prospective tenants, and The 421-a exemption is not an affordable housing program,
operates as an abatement.

tenants with
landlordsno protections.
the option to rent at market rate. weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most significantly by eligibility criteria differs from development to development, The program was not just meant to be beneficial for the developers but also to be
Mitchell-Lam a buildings are privately owned, but8 program
under state
tenants contract

while it does provide 20 to 35 percent affordable units in

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) owns and The Section allows to rent apartments in Rent stabilization is a set of laws that regulate rents and leases in
If the low income renter is unable to find another Section 8 allowing to entirely destabilize apartments when tenants operates 177,666 public housing apartments in New York City,
53, 113 of which are located in Manhattan, housing 175,747 to keep prices affordable to moderate andtowards
privately-owned buildings and pay 30 percent of their income
middle income
rent. Section 8 pays thefamilies.
difference between the tenant's
certain privately owned apartment buildings in New York City and
some suburban counties. It was enacted in 1969 to combat a sharp rise and sometimes, unit by unit. To avail of LIHTCS, units passed on to the tenant in the form of the apartments being rent stabilized
accepting apartment they lose the voucher. move out, leaving subsequent tenants with no protections. families in total. it guarantees permanent affordability for the
tenants who do not exceed the established income limits, which
portion and the full rent for the apartment. The program’s goal has
been to provide choice of where to live, creating economically
in rents, and generally governs buildings of six or more units that were
built before 1974. There are approximately one million rent-stabilized must be available for households making less than 60 during the exemption period. While the exemption provides significant savings it
percent of AMI. is time limited.

developments that avail of it, it is mainly used to benefit

vary depending on family size. diverse neighborhoods as opposed to ones with concentrated apartments in New York City.
It offered developers low-interest mortgages and tax breaks for stable
poverty, which is how public housing is often seen.

rents and affordable selling prices within reach The suspension of the program is in part because of failure to reach an
a) Portbaleof middle
Funding class
Low income tenants in public housing pay 30 percent of their There is no income eligibility and the legal rent is not based on the
household income towards rent, up to the maximum rent levels vouchers: for the program has run out and the income of the tenant. Rent regulation laws govern the rent-increases
for the apartment size. The wait time for non priority category
families; and submit to state or city supervision anyof developments.
cost increases to supports
waiting list for vouchers is currently closed, with exceptions in a of certain privately-owned apartments. Landlords can apply to
Once a household rents an apartment, the income eligibility agreement to ensure union-level wages for the construction workers on those
households is on average 9 years. limited number Section 8 currently deregulate an apartment that legally rents for $2,500 or above, and
jobs. If it reinstated it would mean increased construction costs and if it is not, it
market-rate developments, and the range of affordability
NYCHA owns the land that the developments are built on, but
the tenants. Mitchell-Lama projects must only maintain program
400,000 people.
b) Project-based Section 8: This program is a subsidized housing
where the combined household income exceeds $200,000 for two
consecutive years. Landlords can only raise rents in rent-stabilized
requirements are no longer the basis of the rent, even
it is highly regulated by the federal government, HUD. restrictions for 20 years and owners who pay off the mortgage can
program for particular developments. There are approximately apartments at levels set by local rent boards and tenants cannot be though households are required to recertify their incomes may mean a drop in land prices.
90,000 project-based Section 8 apartments in New York City. When evicted or denied the right to renew their lease, with limited
leave the program, putting an increased burden
governmenton the
contracts to City to
participate in the project-based Section 8 exceptions. each year.

often excludes low, very low and extremely low-income

program expire, landlords may be able to 'opt out' of the program
accommodate residents for whom a Mitchell-Lama building
and raise rents to market levels. no longer Rents in rent stabilized units are often still below those that are created
421-a exemption is not an affordable housing program, while it does provide 20
becomes affordable. When a tenant moves out of a Section 8 apartment the landlord has
through expensive subsidized so-called 'affordable' housing programs.
The powerful landlord lobby has gotten politicians to significantly
to 35 percent affordable units in developments that avail of it, it is mainly used to
the option to rent at market rate.
If the low income renter is unable to find another Section 8
weaken rent regulation in the past 15 years, most significantly by
allowing landlords to entirely destabilize apartments when tenants
benefit market rate developments and the range of affordability often excludes

accepting apartment they lose the voucher. move out, leaving subsequent tenants with no protections. low, very low and extremely low income groups.

Mitchell-Lama was a middle-income housing development with over a
105,000 apartments. A program of The Limited Profit Housings
Companies Act in New York that operated from the mid-1950s 301 E 143rd St #3, Bronx
through the mid-1970s. The Mitchell-Lama program created both
????????? 235 9th ave, New york
301 E 143rd St #3, Bronx rental housing and limited-equity cooperative housing. 237 9th ave, New york
a) Rental buildings: Main Rent freeze programs including the Senior

????????? 235 9th ave, NewIncrease

5 - NEW
Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and the Disability Rent


Exemption (DRIE). Landlords have the option of 'opting

237 9th ave, Newout'

If york
of the program at the end of their contracts.


the building was occupied prior to 1974, it is likely to be subject to
the rent-stabilization laws, but if the complex was completed after

1974 tenants may face immediate rent hikes to market-rate prices, or
eviction. Between 1990 and 2012 the number of rental units left in the
program was reduced by 47 percent. 421-a is an incentive established in 1971 that gives developers a 10-year
exemption for building a multi residential project on vacant land. Since 2008 the

5 - NEW
b) Cooperative buildings: involve a form of resident-ownership called
626 Riverside Drive, units
New affordable housing programs are typically financed
New yorkhousing.The premise of the program was to offer developers
program was overhauled requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their
335 east 27th street, New york 504 west 136th street, New york


'limited-equity'. Residents own the apartments they live in, but they are
limited in their ability to profit from the sale of the apartment. Instead with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) or are for affordable
of rent, residents pay maintenance fees for the upkeep of the property. part of market-rate developments in programs such as of vacant or underused land a real estate tax exemption for the construction
At the end of a contract period, usually 20 years, tenants are given the 80/20 or Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ). period (up to 3 years), followed by a 10-year-long exemption period which
option of converting to market-rate ownership staying in the operates as an abatement.

Mitchell-Lama program. There is no central waiting list for prospective tenants, and
The program was not just meant to be beneficial for the developers but also to be

Mitchell-Lam a buildings are privately owned, but under state contract eligibility criteria differs from development to development,
to keep prices affordable to moderate and middle income families. and sometimes, unit by unit. To avail of LIHTCS, units passed on to the tenant in the form of the apartments being rent stabilized
must be available for households making less than 60 during the exemption period. While the exemption provides significant savings it
It offered developers low-interest mortgages and tax breaks for stable percent of AMI. is time limited.
rents and affordable selling prices within reach of middle class The suspension of the program is in part because of failure to reach an
agreement to ensure union-level wages for the construction workers on those

families; and submit to state or city supervision any cost increases to Once a household rents an apartment, the income eligibility
the tenants. Mitchell-Lama projects must only maintain program requirements are no longer the basis of the rent, even jobs. If it reinstated it would mean increased construction costs and if it is not, it
restrictions for 20 years and owners who pay off the mortgage can though households are required to recertify their incomes may mean a drop in land prices.
leave the program, putting an increased burden on the City to each year.
421-a exemption is not an affordable housing program, while it does provide 20
421-a is an incentive established in 1971 that gives developers a 10-year accommodate residents for whom a Mitchell-Lama building no longer
becomes affordable. to 35 percent affordable units in developments that avail of it, it is mainly used to
benefit market rate developments and the range of affordability often excludes
exemption for building a multi residential project on vacant land. Since 2008 the low, very low and extremely low income groups.

New affordable housing programs are typically financed program was overhauled requiring the developers to set aside 20 percent of their
with Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) or are units for affordable housing.The premise of the program was to offer developers
of vacant or underused land a real estate tax exemption for the construction
34 35

“Tandem” was the proposal by Hamlin Ventures

SECTION 5 LLC, Forsyth Street Advisors LLC + Rogers

PARTNERSHIPS & POLICY Marvel Architects and Future Expansion

Architects with 80 units from 265-300 sq ft.
This team had increased amenity space compared to that
offered in current 80/20 buildings, including laundry,
bicycle storage, professional meeting space, music practice
5a. Finalists for adAPT NYC room and art studio, dining room, double height lounge
with screening room, roof garden, and yoga studio.

Thirty-three teams submitted proposals for adAPT NYC, a record number of entries for HPD
in its history. The RFP was downloaded 1,600 times in all five boroughs, nationally in Boston,
Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, and Denver, and internationally in London, Berlin, Athens,
Hong Kong, Bangalore, and Sydney.
Here are the finalists for the adAPT NYC competition with a brief outline of their submission.

Pocket Living (London) + BFC Partners (NYC)

“Studio House”, proposed by The Durst
Developers, Rogers Stirk Harbor + Partners and
organization and Dattner Architects.
Alexander Gorlin Architects.
Both companies have experience with affordable housing
At the time of application, the developer had just
in NYC. This proposal included ten stories with 60 units
completed five projects with compact one bedrooms in
averaging 303 sq ft with a rooftop terrace and lounge,
London. They proposed a 10-story building with 75
gym and co-working space.
units from 250-350 sq ft.

“CO: Compact, Connected, Complete” submitted “Max” by Blesso Properties, Bronx Pro Group LLC
by Jonathan Rose Companies (Developer) , Curtis + HWKN and James McCullar Architects
+ Ginsberg, Grimshaw (Architects), Scape Studios
This proposal was with 56 apartments each 250 square
(landscape design) and Life Edited (Apartment
feet also highlighting the importance of building
community beyond the walls of the apartment with
This proposal along with its 60 units, averaging in size of amenities and shared spaces of communal kitchen,
303 sq ft each having a balcony. An added component climbing wall, gym, deck, library, and vegetable garden.
to this proposal was a “Product Library” where residents
could check-out larger, bulky items for infrequent use like
chairs or cooking equipment.
36 37

5b. The Team

While ‘The Team’ is generally considered to be the Creating affordable housing is an important part of the
groups or individuals who worked on a project from organization’s mandate, and depending on the year and
the design stages through finished construction, for this the particular projects, 30 to 80 percent of their work
Case Study we have broadened the team to include those is in the affordable housing sector. Capsys was formed
organizations whose involvement was critical to this in Brooklyn, New York in 1996 to build 691 single
project’s fulfillment from the onset. family homes for Nehemiah II in the New Lots section
of East New York. This development was a phase in the
CHPC and HPD played a crucial role in the realization
Nehemiah Program, a 100 percent affordable, home-
of Carmel Place. They forged strong relationships with
ownership program for first-time homeowners in East
the developer and the Team as a whole and had continued
New York, Brownsville and the South Bronx.
to maintain a connection with the project throughout
construction. It was important for the City to choose
a team that would be able to successfully execute the
project under the demands of all of the criteria but also
is innovative in a way that would herald a new way of
thinking about designing and building housing for
“In the past 6-8 years we have
twenty-first century New York. There was a robust been really focused on affordable
collaborative process between the Team, the complexity
of the project necessitated this approach whether from
housing, that’s where our expertise
negotiating building tolerances to ⅛” (generally associated lies, that’s where our relationships
with making furniture) or exchanging ideas on material
lie with the city, that’s where a lot
Monadnock Development led this team from the onset
of our construction knowledge
with the co-owner of the Lower East Side People’s lies. So, we’ve built and developed
Mutual Housing Association (LESPMHA), joining
when the project was already underway. LESPMHA is a thousands of units in the city
non-profit, established in 1987 during the last term of the and the boroughs across the
Koch administration that has rehabilitated vacant multi-
family buildings owned by the City, and constructed city and they range in very low
new-multifamily buildings, specifically in the Lower East income, housing for formerly
Side of Manhattan at a time when the City was calling
on non-profit and for-profit developers to undertake homeless people to middle-income
developments of the administrations ten year housing homeownership to buildings which
plan. Their goal as an organization is to provide long-term
affordable housing for New York City residents. While it mostly are rentals. We work with
was not directly involved in the design or construction of the City a lot as a partner in terms
Carmel Place, it will oversee and provide support for the
formerly homeless veterans’ component of the affordable of them providing the subsidy,
units. Monadnock Development has been creating municipal bonds and then also the
sustainable housing (both rental and homeownership)
in New York City for more than a decade, with a special state and through the subsidy given
interest in generating affordable housing since 2008.
They decided from the onset to employ all of their own
by the federal government.”
expertize and to pursue a modular development for (Tobias Oriwol 2016)
this proposal. The Monadnock team also comprises
of sister organizations in modular fabrication, Capsys
and Monadnock Construction. The general contractor
and construction management company have worked
in New York City since it was established in 1975. It
is from this foundation that its other entities grew.
38 39

The other critical team player were the architects– affordable housing throughout the city. It provides
nArchitects–a Brooklyn based architecture firm founded financing through loan and development programs and RFP Requirements
in 1999 by principals Eric Bunge and Mimi Hoang and enforces building standards by responding to housing Mortgage Lender
The funder group for Carmel Place is a small collection of only three main players,
based on three core principles—to advance conceptually code violations. As was the case with Carmel Place, the developer, the City and M&T Bank which provided the mortgage of $10.3
million. Monadnock Development provided equity, and subsidies by HPD of $1.167
driven, socially responsible and technologically innovative HPD provides low-interest loans to developers and allots million in a City loan and $1.06 million in federal HOME funds.
architecture. While housing has been a central interest publicly owned land through the RFP process. Bea de M&T
to the firm, and affordable housing would fit into their la Torre was the Assistant Commissioner of Planning, Bank Financing
The Developer must
ethos, Carmel Place is their first built affordable housing Green, and Marketing at HPD through the inception, provide equity for the
project. Monadnock Development reached out to them planning, and development of Carmel Place. In an construction and permanent
financing of the project.
being confident that would bring a fresh eye to this interview for this case study report, she explained the
unique RFP. excitement created by the RFP with submittals from Research Group
teams who were new to affordable housing design but City Agencies
Their practice covers several different types of Rosie - The developer will assist HPD

architecture beyond residential—cultural, public spaces

were captivated by the potential to create a new typology HPD CHPC Mendez
in the preparation of the ULURP
application and will be
of housing. NYC Citizen Council responsible for obtaining all
and pavilions—and their interest in housing is its future, Housing Housing Member necessary public approvals.
how populations will live. This question encompasses Once the winners were announced in January 2013, the Preservation & Planning NYC - The developer will participate in
Development Council Disctrict 2 required public forums, hearings,
issues such as affordability, demographics, design, and community outreach began which included meeting with and briefings with the community
thinking about relationships between living and working. the community board and City Planning Commission. Board, elected officials, City agencies,
and other organizations, as needed.
nArchitects felt that this was an excellent opportunity The role of the team was to provide testimony for the
to challenge the public’s preconceptions about living project, communicating why it was a much-needed
in small spaces whether it be the City’s history of SROs development for the City and speaking to the health Developer
or the issues faced with overcrowding. The principals benefits of living in small spaces that were well designed, Monadnock LESPMHA
Lowe East Side + Owner
were keen to acknowledge the team effort involved in the particularly betterment in quality of life with increased Development People’s Mutual The developer will be
design of Carmel Place led by project architect Ammr light and air from 7’ x 9’ windows in each unit. The LLC Housing responsible for assembling
a Development Team,
Vandal. City Council Member for Kips Bay, Rosie Mendez, has including at minimum a
contractor, architect/planner,
been a strong advocate of preserving affordable housing Owner + Developer Owner + Community partner
marketing agent, and
As previously mentioned CHPC and HPD were
in District 2, through sponsoring, voting and passing managing agent.
instrumental in the realization of this project both The development team will
bills that improve the rights of tenants, preserving rent- design, construct, and lease
bringing their own expertize at different stages to
stabilized apartments, and securing tax abatements for the completed units.
incubate ideas for the RFP. CHPC is a New York City Within three months of selection
based research and education group established in the
buildings to maintain permanent affordability. At Carmel Monadnock the Development Team must
Place, she has worked relentlessly to ensure that eight CAPSYS Construction nARCHITECTS
complete a set of schematic
1930s as part of the New Deal, at a time when public plans. Floor plans,
investments were being injected into the city as a response
of the affordable units would be made available to the inc. and elevations.
formerly homeless veterans, who are now within walking
to the Depression. The organization, with a board of 90,
distance to the VA hospital on 24th street and First Modular Fabrication General Contractor
is made up of practitioners working in real estate across Design
the country—developers, architects, lawyers, landlords, + Construction
financial and industry experts—all who recognize
the value in housing. Their audience is ultimately
government and industry leaders, shaping policy and the Taitem
housing market. Currently, their board has two members
of Monadnock Development, and their secretary is the
Marketing Director of Resource Furniture. CHPC has a Sustainability Consultant
variety of research and education initiatives which range
from technical and small initiatives to large-scale research
projects such as the aforementioned Making Room, the
catalyst for this pilot, inspiring the City to test these ideas
and explore the potential for more efficient, compact CITI ollie FirstService Leasing
and denser housing to respond to the demographic HABITATS Residential + Management
change. HPD as the nation’s largest municipal housing
preservation and development agency actively works to Leasing Broker Tenant Services Property Manager
promote the construction and preservation of quality
40 41

PROJECT + TEAM OF PROPOSAL 5c. Land Use Policy - Rezoning Process
New York is a true leader in housing policy with a series of space. Rethinking the current minimum unit size of 400
. Completeness of proposal 10% Competitive purchase price notable firsts in the nation, including its tenement laws, sqft (introduced in 1987, Quality Housing Program) for a
. Comparable development its first comprehensive zoning ordinance, and its first
public housing project. The challenge of today’s economy
single user household gave rise to a guideline of 250 - 350
sqft, as well as other resolutions which dictated building
experience 20%
Development experience,
management and capacity
is not only the preservation of what exists for middle and
low-income residents, but also in the creation of a new
height, setback and lot condition. As is the nature of a
pilot project it provides the potential for development of
. Comparable management typology of housing stock that best reflects the needs of micro-units on privately owned land.
experience 20%
Financial feasibility of
development proposal
the City’s current and projected residents.

. Conformance with RFP

The Mayor’s ability to implement a series of zoning
overrides which allowed the potential of a low-rise luxury
Programming and Affordability
. Ability to finance 20% mix
only building to become a mid-rise luxury building
with 40 percent affordability was a major reason for
. Feasibility of development this project to be possible. As mentioned earlier, zoning
proposal resolutions govern all building and development; they are
constraints that were put in place to preserve comfort,
“While talking about affordable
. No adverse findings 30%
Innovation and Quality of design
safety and livability which mandate unit size, building housing in NYC, there was a
height, and footprint. Over half a century since the
last major overhaul of the zoning resolutions, today need to start thinking about the
we are faced with a rapidly growing city, a changing
demographic and an existing housing stock that cannot
unit composition itself from a
The primary parameter of this RFP was to build as many
micro-units as possible (75 percent or more), to make it
guidelines, making sure that the building was compliant
with everything so there was a ton of input on that and
meet current needs. With no previous city-led initiative
envisioning what a new typology of housing could look
square footage perspective.
as affordable as possible and maximize how much money nARCHITECTS has been with us since the beginning like, this pilot study marks a new beginning in which the According to data collected
was to be paid to the City for the land acquisition. In and has been the one to answer those questions (Tobias City was faced with and embraced a means or rethinking
addition, there was a detailed scoring sheet, noted above, Oriwol, 2016).” the future of housing in New York City. As the City has there are a significant number
of single person households
in which design, financing, and affordability are more control of what can be built, it is responsible for directives
The team continued to grow as the project developed.
heavily weighted. Another factor taken into consideration to encourage innovative design. The process of making
Stage 3 Properties had previously approached
was the track record of the developer, contractor,
architect and property manager, to ensure that each
Monadnock Developers with their business idea for an amendment is long and arduous, but as a pilot study, across the spectrum of age,
the City was able to call on the Mayor to make one-time
was able to execute a budget of this size in the timeline
providing services and amenities in rental units. While
Monadnock Development believed in the model, it was zoning overrides, provided the land is publicly owned. ethnicity, economic status,
that had been proposed. The relationship between the
number of affordable units and financing is the first
not until the adAPT NYC proposal that they found an
opportunity to work together. Ollie, whose enterprise
This RFP from HPD was atypical because it was not 100 etc. that perhaps would be
percent affordable and because it proposed more than 75
interested in living in smaller
negotiation in affordable housing, with a deal being
aims to foster community within buildings through percent micro units. Except for this project, it was illegal
executed for the most feasible proposal. After winning
social events, offers services to residents of the building,
the competition, there was a yearlong re-zoning and
Urban Land Use Review Process (ULURP) which had
including cable, WiFi, housekeeping and a weekly
to construct an all micro-unit building at that time. The
City department wanted to explore a viable option for units. The supply and demand
significant involvement from the community board, city
errands. This convenience is available to all residents at
a monthly fee but has been donated by the developers
a new typology of housing that would equally advance
a feasible micro-unit pilot project that is replicable to
were not meeting up, So
council, and city planning commission allowing for the
scheme to be refined further over this time.
to the Veterans in their units. They became involved in
Carmel Place in early 2015 with an already established
maximize the affordable units in the city, as is their we started to think about
exclusive, standard aspiration. Now, in 2019, more micro
“The architects were involved from the beginning in relationship with Resource Furniture, the distributor unit buildings are up-coming and being planned and alternative housing models
the process and part of the conversation throughout the for the Italian company Clei, whose furniture, with
time of refinement. Because all of those things—design, its health and sustainability ambitions, Ollie specify
that potentially could address
The goal of the RFP was to encourage innovative
financing, affordability—were up for discussion and
because this was an RFP about design, about changing
and install in all their units. Steve Spett, co-owner of
Resource Furniture was present at the stacking ceremony thinking on the design and construction of micro-units the needs of single person
zoning laws, the design played a larger role than in other
affordable RFPs where the main goal is to create as many
and was so inspired by the Council Member Mendez’s
commitment to formerly homeless veterans that he
to cater to the new smaller household types, revealed
through the Making Room study to now be a substantial households. That is how adAPT
affordable units as possible. This one was really meant offered to donate their furniture to them. portion of the City’s current and projected population.
The zoning overrides would primarily govern the size and
NYC was born.”
to test specific zoning laws so there was a lot of attention
paid to quality of life in the unit, livability, fair housing density of units allowing the most efficient use of livable Bea De La Torre 2016
42 43


The zoning overrides at Carmel Places are directly related that lot. To make the project financially viable those units
to issues outlined in the Quality Housing Program (1987) that would have had to be larger, luxury apartments to
which consists of four components: make a return on the construction costs and would have
excluded any possibility of affordable units.
- neighborhood impact,
Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan “NextGen
- building interior,
NYCHA” established a long-term strategy to stabilize
- recreation space and planting, and the current status of NYCHA. One component of the
program is to join forces with private developers who will
- safety and security. purchase fifty percent ownership of six developments
The neighborhood impact component controls the effect and inject $350 million into them and an additional $100
of the Quality Housing building on the neighborhood million in refurbishing existing NYCHA units. Two of
and includes mandatory bulk regulations. The building the developments that have been identified are Holmes
interior component sets a minimum size of a dwelling Towers on Manhattan’s Upper East Side which has 2,
unit (400 sq ft for all new construction), mandates proper 25-story buildings with 537 units on 2.8 acres a fraction
refuse storage and disposal systems, and encourages
laundry facilities and daylight in corridors. The recreation
of the property’s total acreage of 16.2. As part of this deal,
there will be one new building constructed with 300-400
and planting component establishes minimum space units. Wyckoff Gardens in Brooklyn which currently has
standards for indoor and outdoor recreation space and 527 units in three 25-story buildings on less than an acre
requires the planting of open areas between the front an additional 550-650 units are proposed for the 5.8-acre
building wall and the street. The safety and security site. With this quantity of land available, NYCHA and
component encourages fewer dwelling units per corridor. its partners can potentially utilize the FAR without
impinging on landscaping and play areas that bring such
The clear takeaway from this scheme is that had the health benefits to the residents.
overrides not been put in place for this project a developer
would only have been able to construct 38 apartments on

Carmel Place Apartment Types

+ + =

44 45

Zoning Districts Determine RESIDENCE DISTRICTS (R) are the most common
Dwelling Unit Density zoning districts in NYC (=75% of the city’s zoned land).
Smaller Households
To regulate the diversity in residential building forms,
the zoning resolution designates ten basic residence = Smaller Units SITE CHARACTERISTICS
districts R1-R10. The numbers refer to bulk and density ~
(controls that maximize size and placement of a building
and the maximum number of dwelling units permitted
on a zoning lot, respectively) with R1 having the lowest
density and R10 having the highest.
NYC Department of Panning. ZR SEC 23-22 Restricts 400
the number of dwelling units that can be built in an R8 EXISTING NEW NEW
district - The maximum number of dwelling units shall ZR SEC 28-21 Restricts the size of the dwelling unit to a minimum of 400 sq. ft - A dwelling unit shall have an area of at least 400 sq
equal the maximum residential floor area permitted on floor area.

the zoning lot divided by a factor of 740
NYC Zoning Last Amended 02/02/2011

RESTRICTION RESTRICTION Site Characteristics 105’ 111’
Determine Height and
RESIDENCE DISTRICTS (R) are the most common zoning districts in NYC (=75% of the city’s zoned land). To regulate the diversity in MAXIMUM BUILDING
residential building forms, the zoning resolution designates 10 basic residence districts R1-R10. The numbers refer to bulk and density BUILDING HEIGHT
(controls that maximize size and placement of a building and the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on a zoning lot, respectively) Footprint HEIGHT WITH
with R1 having the lowest density and R10 having the highest.
Lot Locations Determine Lot Coverage NYC DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING

ZR SEC 23-22 Restricts the number of dwelling units that can be built in an R8 district - The maximum number of dwelling units shall

15’ 8~10’
equal the maximum residential floor area permitted on the zoning lot divided by a factor of 740

ZR 35-22(B) AND 35-24 (B)(2)(I) focuses on maximum building height and the required setback from the street to the edge of the lot. -
Under Zoning Resolution 535-22(b), a residential building constructed on a narrow street pursuant to the Quality Housing Program in

Integrate vs. Isolate

a C2 district mapped within an RB district must comply with the provisions of Zoning Resolution 35-24. Zoning Resolution 35-24(b)(2)(i)
requires a maximum building height of 105 feet and a 15 foot setback at a height not lower than the minimum base height and not higher
than the maximum base height of 80 Feet.




ZR SEC 23-145 Regulates the maximum area that a lot can be covered, corner or interior. This site has both a corner or interior lot ZRZR 28-33
28-33 Requires
Requires plantings
plantings in the
in the area of area of thelot
the zoning zoning lot thethe
between project’s
street line andrelationship to of
the street wall thea residential
surrounding urbanconstructed
ZR - Maximum
SEC 23-145 lot coverage
Regulates and floor area
the maximum ratio
area foraQuality
that lot canhousing buildings
Corner lot:-80%,
Corner lot: 80%,
Interior Interior
lot: 70% lot: 70% between
under the street
the Quality lineProgram
Housing and theinstreet
an R8wall of a In
district. residential
the interest of environment the override
creating a a shared was
and active recommended.
pedestrian space and strengthening
NYC ZONING LAST AMENDED 02/02/2011 thebuilding
project’s constructed
relationship tounder
the surrounding urban environment the override was recommended.
be covered, corner or interior. This site has both a corner or NYC Zoning Last Amended 02/02/2011 the Quality Housing NYC Zoning Last Amended 02/02/2011 & 09/24/2013
interior lot condition - Maximum lot coverage and floor area Program in an R8 district. In the interest of creating a Respectively
ratio for Quality housing buildings. shared and active pedestrian space and strengthening



5d. Housing Policy and funding in the income-targeted sector

Delivering a funding solution at the submittal stage was associated with the development and redevelopment of
one of the requirements of the RFP. Working with a affordable housing for rent or ownership. The grants can
small number of funders simplifies this process. There also be used to provide rental assistance for low-income
is an inherent demand for speed and certainty as HPD households. HOME is the largest federal block grant to
launched adAPT NYC in July 2012, announcing the state and local governments designed exclusively to create
winner in January 2013. affordable housing for low-income households.
For all affordable housing developments, that cater to The initial objective of the RFP was that very low-income
populations earning 60 percent or lower of the AMI, households would be included in the affordable make-up,
developers can avail of LIHTC for those units specifically. but as is the primary struggle with the math of affordable
These tax credits, which are administered by the HPD, housing the number of affordable units is constantly
once sold can be a significant percentage of the equity being negotiated depending on the number of total units
of a project reducing the remaining financing costs in and land price. Land price and buildable land are the
which investors receive a reduction in corporate federal main toggles which determine the amount of affordability
income taxes for ten years. Rather than emulating the in any given development. The eight apartments governed
scale of public housing this scheme is geared towards by the VASH program will operate as per Project-based
smaller scale projects that rejuvenate rather than replace Section 8 vouchers, which this means that these tenants
neighborhoods. Nehemiah Housing Development only pay 30 percent of their income towards rent.
that Capsys and Monadnock construction have built
The funder group for Carmel Place comprises of
extensively for is a choice example of LIHTCs being
three main players, the developer, the City, and M&T
used in affordable housing. The Nehemiah Program was
Bank which provided the mortgage of $10.3 million.
established by local churches in the Bronx and Brooklyn,
Monadnock Development provided equity and
local organizers and the City of New York (the City’s
subsidies by HPD of $1.167 million in a City loan and
contribution to provide vacant city-owned land) to
$1.06 million in federal HOME funds. The loan from
build affordable housing without Federal Assistance.
the City required that the development be 40 percent
East Brooklyn Congregation (EBC) are a non-profit
affordable but this in conjunction with the land price,
group comprised of religious organizations, schools,
land formerly owned by the City, was also negotiated and
homeowners and voluntary groups representing East
finalized at $500,000. Depending on the levels and the
New York, Brownsville, Ocean Hill and Bushwick,
combinations of affordability achieved in New York there
founded in 1980. They have created 3,298 Nehemiah
are various agencies from which to qualify for subsidy
Homes and 898 rental units. The Nehemiah Program
and opportunities to avail of City Council funding if it is
offers assistance with down payments to anyone who can
a project that is well received by the community.
qualify for a FHA (Federal Housing Administration) loan
which is a mortgage insured by the FHA. Borrowers with
these loans can avail of mortgage insurance which will
protect them if they default on the loan, a requirement
for those putting less than 20 percent down. Once EBC
completes Spring Creek Nehemiah, they will have created
4,525 homes in Brownsville and East New York. While
Carmel Place did not utilize this stream of funding,
HPD typically apportions $12-14 million in credits each
year to approximately 20 plus projects resulting in 1,000
low-income units. By 2010 in excess of 80,000 units, with
approximately 210,000 residents, had been built with
the help of LIHTC. In NYC only 122,000 units were
developed or preserved by 2013, another indicator that
the units that are being built are catering to the middle
income or higher groups. Federal HOME funding, also
administered by HPD, is another economic stream that
was adopted by the developer. The HOME Investment

Partnership Program provides grants that fund activities
48 49

The funding process of any affordable construction Ultimately, an affordable development is designed New York State Housing Finance Agency (HFA) offers financing from the onset. The developers also go through
is a careful balance of dollars, number of units and to increase its access to targetted income group. The tax-exempt financing to multifamily rental developments the same process. Typically, with City RFPs the land
amenities. There are a variety of ways for the funding to government helps plug the funding gap to create a viable in which at least 20 percent of the units are set aside for price is nominal, as little as one dollar because the goal
be structured, to maintain the goals of the Team, but the financial pro-forma. low-income tenants in what is commonly referred to as is maximizing affordable housing. In this case, as a pilot
framework for the financing is essentially the same across the 80/20 projects. According to the Federal Tax Code, study, the City was agreeable to reducing the percentage
cities. a minimum 20 percent of the units must be set aside of affordability to explore a new typology of housing.
for households with incomes at 50 percent or less of the
For Monadnock Development, Carmel Place is atypical
local Area Median Income (AMI), adjusted for family
too as it does not have their classic, affordable housing
size. Alternatively, 25 percent in New York City must be
structure. Their projects are typically much larger, 100
affordable to households whose income is 60 percent or
units or more. Therefore, when building on that scale,
The Main Players: “You have a building, and it less than the local AMI, adjusted for family size. There is
no added incentive in this program to go beyond these
the primary vehicle for financing is tax-exempt municipal
either makes financial sense, percentages and create more affordable units. Under
bonds, which are administered through the IRS to the
state and then administered by the state to localities
or it doesn’t so somewhere the 80/20 program, for specific periods the project’s
affordable units must remain affordable to low-income
within the state. New York City’s insatiable need for
affordable housing takes up most of that need, these
if you are going to bring the households and these units will be subject to a Regulatory
Agreement between the owner and HFA. The agency’s
become a large part of the financing depending on the
rents down, if you are going regulatory agreement assures that the maximum rent
affordability levels that are provided. The development
teams can also qualify for low-income tax credits, a
to artificially structure the for these affordable units cannot exceed 30 percent of
the applicable income limits. The remaining units in the
federal program which provides tax credits in return
M&T Bank:
mortgage of
rents in a portion or the whole project are rented at market rates.
for delivering affordable housing. City subsidies, from
different agencies, are also available and can be used to fill
$10.3 million building, there has to be some Some other methods of creating the plug-in are tax credit
programs, in which the developer can take tax credits and
the gaps.

other plug-in as a source of sell them, capital grants from the government, and grants
Monadnock rarely has construction loans or traditional
mortgages. Instead, they rely on bond financing.
financing, so it’s just done for supportive housing. In the 1980s when the City was
crippling under many financial issues, the City claimed
The bond financing requires a developer to get credit
in different ways in different land that had been abandoned and used it as an incentive,
enhancement from a lending institution, the lender teams
up with a tax credit investor who provides a lump sum of
by giving it for free to developers, to stimulate the market.
programs so there could be Whether catering to middle income or low income or very
money up front for the future stream of tax credits that
will be released over the life of the development. It is this
Carmel Place Monadnock
a plug-in of a tax credit, it low income, the program details demand information lump sum of money that is used to fund the project. The
could be a plug-in of free land on the source of finance or the incentives. The level of
income targeted in development will dictate the plug-ins
credits are in turn purchased by public or private entities
which provide credit advancement to fund such a long-
if the city owns it, it could be that are sought — the lower the AMI that a development term investment.
caters to the more plug-ins that are required to make the
a plug-in for an 80/20 where project financially viable. A significant number of projects
you are getting bond financing, are around 60 percent of AMI because that is the major
sources of financing.
HPD subsidies: and you are using the luxury The agreed land price of $500,000, even by 2013
. $1.167 million
in a City loan apartments to cross-subsidize standards, was much lower than the market rate at the
time. From the perspective of HPD, the idea was to let
. $1.06 million
in federal
HOME funds
the lower ones.” the developers leverage the value of the land at a decreased
price in order to be able to subsidize more affordable
Sarah Watson 2016
housing units. In the submittals, there was variation in
land prices. According to Bea de la Torre, some were
higher bids but only offered 20 percent affordable
housing as opposed to 40 percent. The challenge for
the City was to manage these variables, HPD has the
land valued and can use that as a basis and factor it into
50 51


Although certification was not a primary initiative for the (New construction +35 points, Substantial Rehab and
project, the Team was required to comply with Enterprise Moderate Rehab project +30 points). There are eight
Green Communities Criteria (EGCC, 2011) as it is categories in which to achieve points, and within each
mandatory in all city-funded projects. Carmel Place is category, there is a mix of mandatory and optional points.
the first affordable development in which Monadnock • Integrative Design,
Development has sought LEED Silver, while their
• Location + Neighborhood fabric,
construction company has built LEED Silver market rate
developments for other owners. Monadnock has a goal • Site Improvements, Water Conservation,
of improving the neighborhoods within which all of its • Energy Efficiency,
housing types are built. It was through the architecture • Materials Beneficial to the Environment,
of the RFP that Monadnock realized the potential for
• Healthy Living Environment
achieving the LEED Silver standard. While pursuing
many sustainability goals in their work, this is also the • Operations + Maintenance
first residential project for which the architects will have HPD encourages all projects to go beyond the minimum
achieved this certification. set of criteria. Carmel Place’s intended optional points
“Carmel place encompassed a whole quality of life. It were 56, 21 above the recommended 35.
wasn’t just limited to a two-dimensional shape or how In filling out the checklists, the team was required
big the rooms were. It was really how people could to identify who would take responsibility for each
live in this building, live in this neighborhood how the item and what their strategy would be to achieve the
building could function and serve as a prototype for this required points. In the case of Carmel Place, these roles
type of development in the future and we thought that were divided between the developer, architect, general
encompassed many things including transit-oriented contractor, modular manufacturer, and sustainability
development, density, energy efficiency and material consultant. As the checklists are reported in two stages,
selection and affordability. It’s really about rounding out an initial submission which occurs during the design
the whole identity of the building during the RFP process phase and a final certification within 60 days of the
so that was when we decided we could feasibly get LEED project completion, it requires the team to develop their
Silver on this building (Tobias Oriwal, 2016).” strategies for health and sustainability from the onset of
The premise of the design guidelines was to “promote the project. The requirements at the beginning of the
innovative design that facilitates the development of project include an overview of the project, a project site
functional and affordable Micro-units… present a mixed- plan, a context map, the energy modeling form and the
use building whose exterior design is as innovative as its intended methods of meeting the Criteria outlined as a
interior design.” This innovation is guided by a scheme, part of the Green development plan that is generated by
The EGCC Checklist, operates nationally and informs all Enterprise Green Communities. The categories that are
RFPs issued by the City of New York and City authorized of a particular interest to us at Healthy Material Lab are
projects. It is a green building framework whose objective “Materials beneficial to the environment” and “Healthy
is to encourage healthy, sustainable and environmentally living environment” and while we would hope that these
beneficial design specifically within the affordable categories would be expanded to include a more rigorous
housing market. The overarching goal is that residents in approach to material selection and installation, the team
affordable housing will be “healthier, spend less money at Carmel Place did pursue all available points from each
on utilities, and have more opportunities through of these categories.
their connections to transportation, quality food, and
health care services (Enterprise Green Communities
Criteria, 2015).” Carmel Place complied with the 2011
checklist. The checklist is modified and gives some
additional clarifications for HPD projects in New York
City. The EGCC operates on a points system with all
projects having to adhere to the criterion’s mandatory
measures. Depending on the type of construction a
minimum number of additional points are required
52 53

The EGCC updated in October 2015, and the NYC The 2015 criteria also is supported with a guide to
Housing Preservation and Development also revised incremental costs which outline an estimate of what it
their criteria for projects which they finance. In will cost, in addition to standard construction costs, to
addition to amendments to the overlay, the significant meet the criteria. This guidance allows the design team to
new requirement is that the project architect, general provide for the additional costs in their budget from the
contractor, and developer each have to attend a “Green project’s inception but also an opportunity for overall
Communities Healthy Homes Training” which is assessment of the benefits of implementing specific
conducted by the Department of Health. This training criteria in each project.
is a three-hour seminar which focuses on the integration
of healthy building practices during building design, In terms of category name changes for the EGCC
construction and renovation as well as ongoing building “Materials beneficial to the environment” simply becomes
operations and maintenance. The key areas covered are “Materials” in the 2015 revised checklist and there are
pest management, smoke-free housing, and active design. notable changes to the lists and some mandatory elements
The Healthy Homes NYC certificate is valid for three are moved from the Healthy Living Environment to
years. Enterprise Green Communities recognizes the Materials such as
impact the built environment has on health and wellbeing • 6.6 Composite wood products that emit low no
and has restructured and included more criteria to address formaldehyde, Environmentally Preferable Flooring,
this. • 6.8 Mold prevention: Surfaces,
• 6.9 Mold prevention: Tub and Shower enclosures
and a new standard has been included
“Where you live, work, learn and • 6.10 Asthmagen-Free materials, although optional
and not required by HPD, carries a maximum of
play impacts health outcomes. 12 points. As, according to the City of New York,
Unfortunately, data shows that Asthma is the leading cause of emergency room
visits, hospitalizations and missed school days in
low-income and certain racial and New York City’s poorest neighborhoods it could
ethnic minority populations are be hugely beneficial to make this a mandatory
requirement as the EGCC is targeting the
disproportionately affected by these affordable housing market. This particular guideline
factors, and often suffer from poor recommends not installing products that contain
ingredients that are known to cause or trigger asthma
health. Low-income communities giving specific products to avoid in the categories of
often suffer from higher rates of Insulation, Flooring, Wall coverings and Composite
asthma, cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, cancer, mental health
issues, and injury and death
(resulting from violence, substance
abuse, and transportation-
related incidents), relative to
higher-resourced surrounding
Enterprise Green Communities Criteria Manual 2015,
54 55



56/xx 56/xx 50/105 50/105
mandatory + 35 points
+ 35 points At the time of printing the
recommended 35 35 At the time of printing
LEED accreditation
LEED the accreditation was still
was still
ongoing for Carmel place but
CP = 56CP = 56 points ongoing for Carmelthe pointsbut
points the points that they wished
attain are as follows
that they wished to
are astofollows in the
in thecategories:
Lifecycle different
different categories:

Operations, Sustainable Water Energy & Materials & Materials & Immovation
Location + Healthy
Operations, Sustainable Water Energy & Materials & Materials & Immovation & Design
Location + Site Water Energy Healthy Maintenance + Sites Efficiency Atmosphere Resources Resources
& Design
Integrative Neighborhood
Site Water Energy Materials Living
Maintenance + Sites Efficiency Atmosphere Resources Resources Process

17/26 17/26 7/10

10/35 10/35 5/14 5/14 6/6
Neighborhood Improvements conservation Efficiency
Materials Living Resident Process
7/10 5/14 5/14 6/6
Design Fabric
Improvements conservation Efficiency Resident
Fabric environment Engagement

1.1a Goal Setting. 3.1 Environmental Remediation 6.1 Low/No VOC Paints, Coatings 8.1 Building operations & Site Selection (1) Optimize Energy Performance (8) Innovative or Exemplary - EP
1.1a Goal Setting. 1.1b Criteria Documentation. 3.1 Environmental Remediation 6.1 Low/No VOC Paints, Coatings
and Primers. 8.1 Building operations &
maintenance (O&M) manual and Site Selection (1) Optimize Energy Performance (8) Innovative or Exemplary - EP
SSc4.1 (1)
1.1b Criteria Documentation.
1.1c Designing for project and Primers. 6.2 Low/No VOC Adhesives maintenance
and (O&M) plan.
manual and Development Density & Green Power (2)* (*TBD) SSc4.1 (1)
1.1c Designing for project 6.2 Low/No VOC Adhesives Development DensityCommunity
& Green Power (2)* (*TBD)
Connectivity (5)
performance 9 points. Sealants. and plan. 8.2 Emergency Management Community Connectivity (5)
Innovative or Exemplary - EP
Innovative or Exemplary - EP
performance 9 points.1.2a Residential Health and Sealants. 6.3 Recycled Content Material8.2 3Emergency Management
Manual. SSc5.2 (1)
1.2a Residential Health and 6.3 Recycled Contentpoints
Material 3 Manual. Alternative Transportation - public SSc5.2 (1)
well-being design: Design for max, was 5 max. 8.3 Resident manual. The Resident Alternative Transportation - public
transport access (6) Innovative or Exemplary - EP SSc2,
well-being design: Design for points max, was 5 max. 8.3 Resident manual. The Resident Construction Waste Management -
Health. 6.4 Regional Materials 4 points max, Manual should encourage green and transport access (6) Construction Waste Management -
Divert 75% (2) Innovative or Exemplary - EP(1),
Option SSc2,
Density (1)
Health. Mental health (depression, anxiety 6.4 Regional Materialswas4 points
5 max.max, Manual should encourage green
healthy and per the list of
activities Alternative Transportation - Bicycle Divert 75% (2) Option (1), Density (1)
Mental health (depression,
etc.) anxiety was 5 max. 6.5 Certified, Salvaged and healthy activities per the list of
topics. Alternative Transportation
storage- Bicycle
& changing rooms (1) Recycled content - 10% (1) Innovative - Educational program
etc.) 6.5 Certified, SalvagedEngineered
and topics. storage & changing rooms (1) Recycled content - 10% (1) Innovative - Educational
(1)* program
1.2b Resident Health and well-being Woods Products 1 8.4 Resident and property staff
1.2b Resident Health action
and well-being
plan 12 points. Engineered Woods Products
point. 1 8.4 Resident and property staff review the project’s
orientation. Alternative Transportation - Parking Regional Materials - 10% (1)(1)* (*TBD)
action plan 12 points.1.3a Resilient Communities: Design point. orientation. review the project’s Alternative Transportation - Parking
Capacity (2) Regional Materials - 10% (1) Innovative (1)* (*TBD)
6.6 Composite Wood Products that green features, operations and Capacity (2)
1.3a Resilient Communities: Design
for resilience. 6.6 Composite Woodemit Products
low/ features, operations and
maintenance procedures, and Certified Wood - 50% of allInnovative (1)* (*TBD)LEED Accredited Professional
Site Development - Maximize open Certified Wood - 50%permanent
of all wood (1)* (*TBD)LEED Accredited Professional
for resilience. 1.3b Resilient Communities: emit low/no formaldehyde. maintenance procedures,
6.7a Environmentally Preferable and protocols.
emergency Site Development - Maximize open
space (1) permanent wood (1)* (*TBD)
1.3b Resilient Communities:
Multi-Hazard risk/Vulnerability 6.7a EnvironmentallyFlooring.
Preferable emergency protocols. space (1)
Multi-Hazard risk/Vulnerability
Assessment 15 points. Flooring. 6.7b Environmentally Preferable Heat Islands - Roof, reflective or
Assessment 15 points. 6.7b EnvironmentallyFlooring:
Preferable Heat Islands - Roof, reflective
green (1) or
Throughout Building 6 green (1)
Flooring: Throughoutpoints.
Building 6 Construction IAQ Management
points. 6.8 Mold Prevention: Surfaces. Construction IAQ Management
plan - During construction (1)
6.8 Mold Prevention:6.9 Surfaces. plan - During construction (1)
2.5 Proximity to services. Mold Prevention: Tub and Water Efficient Landscape - No
6.9 Mold Prevention:Shower
Tub andEnclosures. Construction IAQ Management
2.5 Proximity to services.
2.7 Preservation of and Access to Water Efficient Landscape - No(4)
irrigation Construction IAQ Management
Plan - Before Occupancy (1)
2.7 Preservation of and Access to6 points max. Shower Enclosures. 6.10 Asthmagen-Free materials 12 irrigation (4)
Open Space Plan - Before Occupancy (1)
Open Space 6 points 2.8 max. 6.10 Asthmagen-Freepoints
max.12 Water use reduction 35% (3)
Access to Public Transportation Low Emitting Materials - Adhesives
2.8 Access to Public Transportation points max. 6.13 Recycling Storage 3 points was Water use reduction 35% (3) Low Emitting Materialsand- sealants
8 or 10 points. 6.13 Recycling Storage 3 points was and sealants (1)
8 or 10 points. 2.9 Improving Connectivity to the 5 points.
2.9 Improving Connectivity to the2 to 8 points. 5 points. Low Emitting Materials - Paints and
community Low Emitting Materials - Paints
coatings (1)and
community 2 to 8 points.
2.11 Brownfield Site or Adaptive coatings (1)
2.11 Brownfield Site or Adaptive
reuse building. Rehabilitate an Low Emitting Materials -
reuse building. Rehabilitate
existinganstructure that was not 7.1 Ventilation M 12 points max. Low Emitting Materials -
Composite Wood & Agrifiber
existing structure thatpreviously
was not used as housing 4 points 7.1 Ventilation M 12 points max.
7.4 Elimination of Combustion Composite Wood & Agrifiber
products (1)
previously used as housing 4 points 7.4 Elimination of Combustion
within the conditioned space 9 or products (1)
formerly 2 points.
formerly 2 points. 2.12 Access to fresh, local foods 6 within the conditioned space
11 point. 9 or Indoor Chemical & Pollutant
11 point. Indoor Chemical & Pollutant
Source Control (1)* (*TBD)
2.12 Access to fresh, points.
local foods 6 7.7 Mold Prevention. Source Control (1)* (*TBD)
points. 7.7 Mold Prevention.7.10 Integrated Pest Management.
2.14 Local Economic Development Controllability of Systems -
2.14 Local Economicand Development 7.10 Integrated Pest Management.
7.11a Beyond ADA: Universal Controllability of Systems - (1)
Community Wealth creation 6 Lighting
and Community Wealth creation 6 7.11a Beyond ADA: Universal
Design. Design the remainder of Lighting (1)
points. Design. Design the remainder of
the ground-floor units and Controllability of Systems -
the ground-floor unitselevator-reachable
and units in Controllability of Systems
Thermal- comfort (1)
elevator-reachable units in Thermal comfort (1)
accordance with ICC/ANSI
accordance with ICC/ANSI
A117.1, Type B. 9 points was 2 Thermal Comfort - Design (1)
A117.1, Type B. 9 points was 2 Thermal Comfort - Design (1)
points. Daylight & Views - Views for 90%
points. 7.11b Beyond ADA: Universal Daylight & Views - Views for 90%
of spaces (1)
7.11b Beyond ADA: Universal
Design 7 or 9 points was 2 or 3 of spaces (1)
M = mandatory
M = mandatory
Design 7 or 9 points points.
was 2 or 3
7.12 Active Design: Promoting
7.12 Active Design: Promoting
Physical Activity within the
Physical Activity within the
building. Each rating system remains open and available for
7.13 Active Design: Staircases and
7.13 Active Design: Staircases and
Each rating system remains open
certification for atand available
least forafter the rating
six years
building circulation 10 points. certification for at least six years after the date.
building circulation 107.14
Interior and outdoor activity system registration close
7.14 Interior and outdoor activity system registration close date.
spaces for children and adults 9
spaces for children and adults 9
points 7.15 Reduce Lead hazards in
7.15 Reduce Lead hazards in buildings.
pre-1978 buildings. 7.16 Smoke-free building 10 points
7.16 Smoke-free building 10 points
was 9 points.
was 9 points.
56 57

The significant points changes made in Materials high poverty neighborhoods, it would be asthma. LEED is the most recognizable of green building 5. Must comply with the minimum Occupancy Rates -
certifications on a global level. USGBC, a privately run Full-time equivalent occupancy (The LEED project
. Recycled Content Material - 5 points max (2011) 3 Asthma is an environmental disease, and its prevalence is
not-for-profit manages the certification. It is third- must serve 1 or more FTE occupants)
points max (2015) related to poor housing conditions and poor indoor air
party verification for green buildings and communities,
quality. Asthma constitutes a significant public health 6. Must commit to sharing building’s energy and
. Regional Materials - 5 points max (2011) 4 points max with a mission to improve a building’s impact from
problem. “In 2014, approximately 17.7 million (7.4%) water usage data (for at least five years, beginning
(2015) a sustainability and environmental perspective by
adults and 6.3 million (8.6%) children indicated they occupancy)
evaluating performance over the life cycle of a building.
. Certified, Salvaged and Engineered Wood Products - 5 currently had asthma (CDC, 2014).”
While considered a well-meaning initiative it also has 7. Must comply with a minimum building area to site
points (2011) 1 point (2015) many detractors who claim it does not truly strive for a area ratio (the gross floor area of the project building
. Environmentally Preferable Flooring: Throughout “Asthma affects people greener community in which its certified buildings live. must be no less than 2% of the gross land area within
Building - 4 points (2011) 6 points (2016) of all races, both sexes, and all The LEED rating system offers four certification levels
the project boundary
. Recycling Storage - 5 points (2011) 3 points (2015) ages, and it affects people in for new construction—Certified, Silver, Gold, and
Platinum—that correspond to the number of credits
As with the Enterprise Green Communities criteria, all of
the primary team members —Monadnock Construction,
For Environmentally Preferable Flooring, which has been
a mandatory guideline since 2011, includes an HPD
every region of the U.S. However, accrued in five green design categories: sustainable sites, nArchitects, Capsys, Taitem Engineering—were involved
clarification that “hard surface flooring products may be asthma is seen more often among water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and
resources and indoor environmental quality. LEED
in the process and each had a responsibility in their own
given area, across all categories. There are also mandatory
pre-finished environmentally preferable materials, such
as bamboo.” This overlay has been removed from the
children, women, and girls, African standards cover new commercial construction and requirements within each category, except for Innovation
major renovation projects, interiors projects and existing
2015 checklist but it is more specific in requiring that any Americans, Puerto Ricans, people building operations. Standards are under development to
& Design Process and Regional Priority. Indoor
Environmental Quality has two prerequisites - Minimum
hard surface flooring products must be either ceramic
tile or solid unfinished hardwood floors (as opposed to
in the Northeast, those living cover commercial “core & shell” construction, new home IAQ Performance and Environmental Tobacco Smoke
construction and neighborhood developments. (ETS) Control.
“unfinished hardwood floors”) and prefinished hardwood below the federal poverty line, and
Carmel Place is in the process of achieving LEED Silver®
flooring must also meet the Scientific Certification
System’s Floorscore program criteria.
those with particular work-related status which is awarded if it reaches 50-59 points, their
Resident Health and Well-being requirements were
exposures.” goal is 55 points (LEED Certified™: 40-49, LEED
Gold®: 60-79 points earned, LEED Platinum®: 80+
outlined to encourage teams to access local health data CDC National Asthma Program points earned). The maximum number of points that can
or community engagement to identify at least one asthma/pdfs/breathing_easier_brochure.pdf be achieved is 110.
relevant Resident Health Campaign. In addition, teams
were encouraged to identify the sources used, as well as Each LEED project must also meet Minimum Program
the building design and programming factors, that can As reported by the Children’s Environmental Health Requirements (MPRs), also known as the minimum
enhance the health of the residents to include at least one Center at Mount Sinai asthma rates have tripled in characteristics that a project must possess in order to
optional standard associated with the Resident Health the past three decades and become the leading cause be eligible for certification. In LEED 2009, for which
Campaign(s). of emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and school Carmel Place submitted the MPRs, are as follows:
While Enterprise Green Communities has made great absenteeism. It affects 250,000 New York children 1. Must comply with environmental laws (all
strides in developing some more comprehensive criteria and disproportionately minority children. The indoor applicable federal, state and local building-related
for built affordable housing projects, and HPD’s air pollutants that are generally found in homes and environmental laws and regulations).
particular commitment to this sector is notable, it would schools, and commonly linked to asthma, are secondhand
cigarette smoke, pesticides, molds, VOCs, insects 2. Must be a complete, permanent building or space
be encouraging to see more stringent mandates on (No building or space that is designed to move at any
specific criteria, particularly relating to indoor air quality. (cockroaches) and rodents (mice). While eliminating
VOCs and creating smoke-free buildings is critical, so point in its lifetime may seek LEED certification)
“75 substances linked to asthma are found in paints and
adhesives - two products found in most typical indoor is designing and building interiors where openings are 3. Must use a reasonable site boundary (all land that
environments (Perkins + Will, 2012).”The No/Low sealed, and there is no opportunity for insects and rodents supports the building is to be included, cannot
VOC requirements for paints, coating, primers, adhesives, to enter and flourish within the unit, building, and include land owned by another other than project
and sealants could be strictly No VOC. This change development. Using materials and products, for example, owner and any given lot may only be attributed to a
would force specifiers to look to the healthier alternatives, solid wood kitchen cabinets, as opposed to those made single LEED project building)
if this can happen through the Health Department in of composites which can harbor cockroaches, can help
combat negative health externalities. 4. Must comply with a minimum floor area
NYC and they include it on their overlay. If this case
requirement (minimum 1000 sq. ft. of gross floor
study were to identify one disease that is of grave concern
area, Camel Place has 29,000)
to New Yorkers, particularly those with children and in
58 59


HEALTH AND DESIGN Innovation also comes from each of the stakeholders
bringing their perspective on health to this job as can
be revealed in the following quotes.

“I think the issue of healthy material

may be one facet of health in micro “Council Member Rosie Mendez,
“From the perspective units. If we think about it as a set a vocal advocate for affordable
of HPD it is an itegrated of different scales of contact, the housing who has served Manhattan
approach doing all the bigger scale of urban sprawl, Community District 2 since 2006, “Specializing in sustainable “We created a program-
things that you need to do urban expansion, the burden on was also the prime sponsor in a low-middle income and o l l i e - w h i c h p ro v i d e s
from a building materials transportation, and other sorts of bill (06/11/2014) to reduce asthma market rate apartments housekeeping services,
perspective, creating infrastructures can be mitigated causing toxins. One of its proposals and homes, Monadnock organizes community
opportunities for active by dense, livable, healthy cities was to develop a pamphlet primarily see their health events and social and
exercising and if you could where you can walk to work. explaining the hazards associated initiative to be achieved physical activities that
put a hydroponic farm These shouldn’t become micro- with indoor allergens and a guide t h ro u g h s u s t a i n a b i l i t y ensure a better quality of
to service the CSA it’s a unit buildings instead be buildings outlining work practices that can and resolving complex life to the residents which
complete combination” that allow small households to live be established, available to any projects that improve their encompasses health for that
efficiently and healthily.” member of the general public.” neighbourhoods” organization.”
-City Agency
-Architect -Local Government -Contractor -Stage 3 Properties
60 61

7a. Designing Innovative Income-Targeted Housing

”We still have a master concept represents a shift from the typical apartment or Modular design itself is a relatively new building type,
but has its roots in what was considered the future of
“We also loved that it was
bedroom and smaller kids “beehive mentality of little cells (Eric Bunge, 2016),” to
creating shared spaces and providing amenities which housing when Sears Roebuck & Company began to sell modular construction. We
bedroom which only works allow connections to be forged between residents, in
effect creating social spaces in the building which become
mail order homes through their Modern Homes Program
at the turn of the 20th century. In the years 1908 - 1940
thought that there are a lot
for a family. For example, an extension of individual units. They attribute the they sold in excess of 70,000 homes with 477 different of things to be tested there
it’s not an ideal arrangement success of their design to following the RFP guidelines
very stringently while also being able to make a statement
housing styles from the elaborate to a simple cottage
catering to the customers of different economic levels.
from a pilot perspective also.
for people sharing space. It within the many constraints they were given. In the This range of choices enabled the customer to design Efficiencies and potential cost
has a very specific market in building design they sought to make a big gesture in the
aesthetic of the building by offsetting the modules, and
their own home, and allowed the kit of parts to arrive and
be constructed on site. At the same time the assembly line
reductions or reductions in
mind and that market is going through use of different colors of the exterior brick, they concept was also introduced into manufacturing through time which ultimately equal
away.” created the appearance of four towers rising out of the
Ford Industries. This method of working allowed more
stringent quality control and reduced construction cost as well.”
Sarah Watson, CHPC 2016 time. Both of these principles, prefabricated building Bea De LA Torre HPD 2016
Innovation is evident in designing a building which is components and assembly line fabrication, when adopted
modular but is designed as if it were a more traditional by the housing construction industry resulted in the birth on. You have to make all the decisions including light
construction type. The variety in the module types (13) of the modular home business. By the mid 19th century fixtures early, it’s like a factory, the materials have to be
What is particularly noteworthy for a project that has a demanded rethinking the classic stacking of the same one modular building becomes a new form of housing there.” Peter Hansen, Monadnock Construction 2016
40 percent affordable housing component, is that it has or two modules on top of each other to create a dorm- construction which can be more easily understood as
maintained the same materials and finishes throughout. room or hotel scenario that conveys the familiar look of The primary challenge for Carmel Place from the
a fabrication process in the factory and reverting to
One of the stipulations of programs with city or state modular housing. nArchitects designed a building which perspective of the contractor is the limited size of the site
construction on site.
incentives is that developers must disperse the affordable is modular in every way but was designed without any itself. The units were driven by night over the Manhattan
units throughout the building so as not to segregate of the common restrictions that would be associated Capsys have been in operation at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Bridge and had to be held on site from 2:00 AM to 7:00
low-income renters. Also, so that the building is more with modular, minimal number of module types as an since 1995 and has built in excess of 3,000,000 sq ft in AM, when the job site opened. While being a New York
cohesive as a whole, regulations also include requirements example. that time. At the time of construction of Carmel Place, specific project, the construction process was particularly
for fair distribution of views, access to shared spaces and Capsys was the only New York City approved modular time consuming and required careful scheduling to make
fabricator and had twenty years of experience with multi the journey in the allotted time, with a limited number
“As an architect to be
appliance of equal sizes but not brands. It is not required
that the finishes are the same throughout. HPD insisted unit developments. Since the beginning of 2016 it was of units—those that could be stored and stacked in any

involved in something that

that the development would include amenities that invite acquired by Whitley manufacturing and is no longer part given day—being transported by night.
resident interaction such as a gym, resident lounge, and of the Monadnock family.
outdoor terrace. Other recommendations were a virtual could really shift the housing
doorman, laundry facilities, storage room, and bike room.
paradigm of New York is
The attractiveness of Modular design, while not a cost
or labor saving method of construction, is that it can, in “It is site specific, it’s building
As earlier discussed, Monadnock Development looked
really exciting”
ideal circumstances, reduce the project schedule by 50 specific, some buildings are
better suited to modular
to a design team that had not previously worked in percent. This does not necessarily mean that such projects
affordable housing. nArchitects had not built a modular Mimi Hoang, Principal, nArchitects 2013 are less expensive to build, but rather, that efficiencies of
building, but Monadnock found their work to be time can make it a much more effective way of building.
On the construction site the foundations and ground
construction those are
very interesting and believed that they would be able
to embrace the modular nature of the building. For floor are constructed, once the units are stacked they are ones that are completely
nArchitects technical innovation is a key element of their bolted together. Each module, with all of its bathroom
and kitchens fixtures, electrical and plumbing installed,
composed of studios like this
work and as a practice, they embrace working with new
materials and ways of building, alongside tried and tested is then connected leaving only the installation and one, it’s minimizing these
practices, which brings an element of risk and experiment application of flooring and exterior brick. This method
of construction requires a lot of decision making up-
types of units that you have
to a project. They have, therefore, cultivated a means of
working that allows them to push innovation. front. Design decisions that would not necessarily need to that makes the assembly
Within this category of the future of housing -
be made at this point in a traditional building, for Carmel
Place had already been finalized from the beginning of the line nature of modular
affordability, demographics, design, relationships between process. construction more beneficial”
living and working - nArchitects are very interested in
exploring the notion of ‘The Dispersed House.’ This “Here you have to figure it out in the shop drawings early Tobias Oriwol 2016
62 63

7b. Researching and selecting healthy building products

In terms of installation, the modules were lifted onto a control over the surroundings and it is more efficient As with affordability, defining Health brings it’s own set “ I think it just has been
preconstructed foundation, cellar and a steel podium, in terms of materials as leftovers can be reused which of issues. This stems from the divergences in definitions
which would carry the second floor through the ninth on a traditional site would be thrown out because of a and expectations of what health means to different intuitive to us to gravitate
floor. There is no additional steel that is built on site
above the ground floor. The modules were then stacked
lack of storage space. In the factory location, scrap can
be placed in a dedicated area and used in another part
stakeholders, committed to healthier buildings and
communities. There has been a lot of discussion on
towards natural materials which
on each other, relying on the structure of the adjoining of this project or an entirely different project down the mental and physical health, whether in relation to exercise are inherently more healthy”
modules. All of the plumbing and electric from each of line. In a traditional construction job there is a daily or and eliminating conditions such as obesity, or creating
Eric Bunge, Principal nArchitects 2016
the units is run through a single chase in the hallway, weekly pickup of garbage so there is no opportunity smoke free and pest free environments, both of which
the chases are lined up and connect to each of the floors to store materials and reuse them for another project. contribute to asthma. We are asking that the question
above and below. Once stacked the chases are connected An additional safety measure is that as the fabrication of health be asked in a more foundational way. In other find materials that could successfully be installed. This
and welded together. happens at ground level, workers are not dealing with words, how can we introduce products and materials into also allowed them to think of materials they had previous
construction at a significant height. Working on one the built environment that do not negatively impact the experience with that may not be typically used in rental
The design of the building, with setbacks in plan and in buildings. The wall paneling as an example, had been
module at a time contributes to a less risky environment health and wellbeing of residents?
elevation, leads to a more complex construction. As the tried and tested and the architects were confident about
and to less on site danger. This is the tallest modular
structure is offset as it goes up, with units moved 4 to 6 Not having previously worked in affordable housing, its performance. In the context of Carmel Place, the play
building Capsys built and yet each piece was built, unit
inches back or out, requires, from a structural standpoint, nArchitects did not already have an established library of light on the wood panels offered a level of quality to
by unit, on the ground.
careful consideration. Despite these challenges, the of “affordable” products and materials that they could the lobby interior.
modules, starting on the second floor, were stacked on In terms of project management and oversight, there reference for this project, instead they approached it as
top of each other at a rate of approximately one every 15 were essentially two sites, the factory and the site on 27th they would have any of their other residential project. At all times, and particularly in the affordable housing
minutes. street. Many of the critical interior aspects had already Bringing the same objectives and goals, to develop a lean market, the deciding factor in product and material
been reviewed and built when the modules arrived on site. material palette (“less materials to specify, less mistakes to choices is the cost. In different instances they found great
“To fit in a floor plate of 8 modules with 2 elevators and a materials that were surprisingly inexpensive such as the
make! (Eric Bunge, 2016)”) with aesthetics and durability
scissor stair requires a single loaded corridor, it was a tight Modular is an ideal candidate for the construction of bathroom wall tile—glossy white with a texture—which
governing choices. It is their own design aesthetic that
squeeze to get the amount of apartments that we have in affordable housing as can been seen in the successful was the result of “a little bit snooping in unexpected
led the architects to use natural materials. Material
this building so we’re butting up on a lot of the minimum collaboration between Capsys, Monadnock Construction places (Eric Bunge, 2016).” This particular material in
performance was a also very important factor as the
dimensions from building code standpoint, from fair and The East Brooklyn Congregation (EBC). Together question is a porcelain tile which is a better alternative,
project was striving for LEED Silver certification and the
housing guidelines, from multiple dwelling law guidelines they have worked on 1,000+ units in East New York since not simply in terms of its materiality but also through the
EGC criteria previously outlined.
so everything is compliant (Tobias Oriwol, 2016).” the creation of Capsys. The success of these units is due to nature of its installation. Having been installed floor to
the simplicity in the number of modules used. Working “I’m suspicious of checklists or any top down approach ceiling, meeting another porcelain tile on the floor, there
Modular has inherent attributes that cost more. The
with two modules per development makes the installation that dictates what kind of material you use, how they can is no opportunity for mildew to develop on the walls.
modules are completely closed boxes, each has a floor and
phase significantly more straightforward than when using really help our city [is] if we could measure the energy Additionally, the joining and sealing where the materials
a ceiling with another module on top with another floor
13, as was the case in Carmel Place. that we are using in these buildings. I have a suspicion meet prevent rodents from entering the apartment via
and ceiling. Double walls, floors and ceilings provide a
of any kind of limitations that are dictated to us, but it the bathroom, demonstrating that while taking a closer
highly beneficial feature for soundproofing, which was a
would be great to improve our knowledge for sure. So examination at the materials used in a project is essential
major concern for HPD when they developed the RFP.
I wish someone would provide a very clear database of to health in a building, the way in which they are installed
Acoustics impact the health and quality of life within the
experiments and laboratory tests demonstrated along is also critical. Poorly installed floors, wall finishes, kitchen
apartment, however the additional soundproofing also
with the medical discipline to demonstrate the actual cabinets and baseboard, which create even minuscule
influences the height of the building which is governed
health benefits of these materials but I’m not sure if it’s openings, can allow pests access to an apartment, and
by zoning. Each unit, being a closed box, could be stored
a question of all the architects in the sense that being once they establish a source of food they proliferate.
on site while being protected from the elements. This was
told how to specify materials but industries producing
not as big an issue for Carmel Place for which modules The furniture made available to all of the units but
these materials maybe have to subjected to some testing
were delivered the night before they were installed, installed, at no additional cost, in the units for the
ultimately. [Then] when all the stuff is put out there we
meaning their exposure to the elements was minimal. formerly homeless veterans is designed to optimize space
know that it’s healthy (Eric Bunge, 2016)”.
However, this is a major consideration for other modular in small units. Distributed by Resource Furniture in
development, where, in the interest of time and money, As architect Eric Bunge explained, there were no initial the U.S. and Canada, it is manufactured by an Italian
all units, upon completion, would be delivered to and specifications going into the project, more a constant company, Clei. The company has its own commitment
stored on site. The benefit of building indoors is that dialogue of specifying, testing and reviewing individual to sustainability and health by using recyclable materials
it is more controlled, it is safer and less wasteful. When products and alternatives to make sure they all met the - particle board, wood, glass, iron and aluminum and
building indoors weather is not a concern and concrete same criteria. Each material went through several rounds lacquers that are water based, non- toxic, solvent and
can always be poured, drywall erected and floors tiled as of testing. In the context of modular building, and with formaldehyde free.
it is always the right temperature. Weather related delays the overlays of certification checklists, often products and
are avoided. It is also less wasteful because there is more materials were eliminated as they did not meet the criteria
needed. This resulted in constant team involvement to
64 65

7c. Resident engagement and Community building
While post occupancy studies were not a partnership it had forged with Stage 3 Properties, which ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE ZONE
standard practice for Monadnock Construction prior to offer services and furnishings to the units that they 1 2 3 4 5 6
Carmel Place, it is something that they are thinking about manage, under the company name of Ollie (phonetic EVACUATION CENTERS BRONX

implementing, particularly in terms of energy studies. play on all-inclusive). Carmel Place has adopted a service reference:
1 2 3 4 5 6

They do however, offer warranties on all of their work package that accompanies the rentals, it is available to EVACUATION CENTERS

and keep Post Occupancy Repair (POR) logs to record all residents but offered at cost ($163/month) for the
any performance issues or problematic equipment. This affordable units, and has been donated to the units for MANHATTAN

in turn becomes a reference catalogue of unsuccessful the formerly homeless veterans. It is a business model
materials and products to be avoided in future jobs. that has been developed over the past ten years by two QUEENS

Both project’s certification criteria have certain demands

brothers based in New York but operates nationally. They
currently have four projects in progress and are evaluating MANHATTAN
which pertain to the Living in phase of the job. a further 40. As part of the feasibility study for Stage 3 BROOKLYN

Enterprise Green Communities mandate that a building properties which the owners regard as a housing solution
maintenance manual, which addresses maintenance platform for rental units, they met with 400 developers STATEN
schedules, must be created and the updated 2015 version over the course of two to three years, it was at this time
expands this to include maintenance guidance. The most that they first met Monadnock Development. In 2012
recent EGCC has a new category (8.2) for an emergency Monadnock Development reached out to Ollie to get
management manual which outlines how to respond to involved in managing Carmel Place. “Bledsoe (owner)
an emergency, pertinent for Carmel Place as it resides say’s Stage 3’s work on outfitting micro units isn’t just
in zone 5 of the flood zone areas for New York City. about living in a small space, but about living life well in a QUEENS
More critically it is adjacent to and directly west of flood small space (Rhodes, 2015).”
zone 1, the grounds of Bellevue hospital. A resident
manual is also mandatory as is resident and property staff For the developer, Ollie provides space layout, interior

orientation. In addition, the 2015 version of the criteria design, sources and installs furniture, leases and operates


states that it should encourage green and healthy activities the space for them and the arrangement is either fee

in order for residents to fully appreciate the benefits that based or operates as a master lease model depending on

these design measures bring. Although the criteria refers the development and the degree that they are involved

to “green cleaning guidelines” the “green” focus is more in the development. The mission of Stage 3 Properties



specifically on energy efficiency and water conservation. is to provide a better quality of life on a personal level

Madison St
The 2015 criteria expands the property orientation to through the in-apartment services they offer - WiFi,
include residents and staff in addition to the property Cable, furniture, and Housekeeping - weekly tidys and Park Carmel Place
manager. These areas of expansion in the EGCC are monthly deep cleans. They have also partnered with an E2
6th Flood Zone 5 LONG
encouraging and it is our hope that the assessment and app based service Hello Alfred that can also run errands St ISLAND
education of building products, and requirements such as laundry pick-up, grocery shopping and mailing CITY
for their maintenance, will become an increasingly packages. On the communal level Ollie offers events and


significant part of the process for all stakeholders involved. get-togethers in the buildings within which they operate Kips Bay



and between buildings, so that an Ollie member can join



The governing body for LEED, USGBC, does require networking opportunities—pot luck dinners, games
ISLAND East River


that Energy performance data is shared for 5 years nights, outdoor activities—in other neighborhoods. Each

beyond the completion of a project but it does not have building has a community manager who creates social


the resources to monitor projects further. Although programming to bring the residents together. Tenants
LEED status can be revoked if at any point the minimum also get membership to Mangnises, a club which caters to


program requirements are not being made. It is millennials offering curated social events, work spaces and E1
recommended to use green cleaning products but there reduced priced hotel rooms in different cities. This may BROOKLYN

are no recommendations for products, similar to chemical be the one part of the package that could exclude some of
content in paints and sealants, the onus is on the owner the tenants as the member base for Mangnises is 21 to 35. Stuyvesant
to specify the products and to implement methods of It will be interesting to see as the company grows if the Right: Flood Plans Town
( reference:
cleaning and schedules. “all-inclusiveness” it promises will be all-inclusive to the hurricane zones )
What makes Carmel Place currently unique in the arena residents!
of affordable housing developments in the city is the 500 ft


The Material List Location

Division 6 Division 6
. Engineered Wood Flooring: Kars, . Typical Habitable Space & Kitchen Floor
Serrant County, Ash
. Wood Flooring: Kaswell, Micro edge . 8th Floor Community Room Floor
grain, Maple Ground Floor residential Recreation
. Wood Base: Poplar, painted . Ground Floor Residential Recreation
space, typical Unit Kitchen, Habitable
space, Entry area and closet to all
The Material List Location apartments, *th Floor Community Room
. Solid Wood Sill: Maple, Satin Poly to
match adjacent flooring 1. WOOD
Division 6 . Wall Paneling: Kaswell, Prefinished
Division 6 . Cellar Residential Recreation Space,
. Engineered WoodPly-Type w/2-6-1 . Typical Habitable Space & Kitchen
Flooring: Kars, Ground
Floor Floor Foyer & Lobby Walls
Serrant County, Ash
. IPE Roof Pavers,
. Wood Flooring: Kaswell, Micro edge Tile Tech Pavers,
. 8th Floor Community Room Floor . 8th Floor Exterior
grain, Maple Natural Wood Ground Floor residential Recreation
. Wood Base: Poplar, painted . Ground Floor Residential Recreation
space, typical Unit Kitchen, Habitable
2. PLASTICS AND space, Entry area and closet to all2. PLASTICS
Division 10 apartments, *th Floor CommunityDivision
Room 10
. Solid Wood Sill: Maple, Satin Poly to
match adjacent flooring
. Wall Paneling: Kaswell, Prefinished . Cellar Residential Recreation Space,
Ground Floor Foyer & Lobby Walls
Tile Tech Pavers, . 8th Floor Exterior PROTECTION
Natural Wood Division 7 Division 7
. Insulation: Foamular 400/600/1000 XPS
Division 10 Division 10
Johns Manville Unfaced/Foil Faced
Formaldehyde Free Fiber
with Bio Based
Division 7 BindeR. ThermafiberDivisionContinuous
. Insulation: Foamular 400/600/1000 XPS
rigid foam insulation,
Rain Barrier 45
Johns Manville Unfaced/Foil Faced
Formaldehyde Free Fiber Glass
Insulation Enhanced - Wall
with Bio Based Boards 4. FINISHES - Wall Boards
BindeR. Thermafiber Continuous
Insulation Rain Barrier 45
9 Division 9
TYPE A (30 UNITS) . Wall/ceiling/Damp/Wet Location . Throughout
302 SF (VARIES) Gypsum
4. FINISHES - Wall Boards Board: Gold4.Bond Brand
Division 9 Sheathing, Division 9
to scale
A (30 UNITS) . Wall/Ceiling
. Wall/ceiling/Damp/Wet Location Gypsum Board: Wall Gold
. Throughout . Throughout where fire wall needed
302 SF (VARIES) Gypsum Board: Gold Bond Brand EXP
Bond Brand Fire Shield Gypsum
not to scale . Wall/Ceiling Gypsum Board: Wall Gold . Throughout where fire wall needed
Bond Brand Fire Shield Gypsum
68 69

The Material List Location The Material List The Material List
Location Location The Material List Location

5. FINISHES - Tiles + Sheet Flooring + 5. FINISHES - Tiles + Sheet Flooring

5. FINISHES - Tiles + Sheet Flooring + 7. FURNISHINGS
Carpet Carpet Carpet Division 12
Carpet Division 12 Division 12 Division 12
Division 9 Division 9 Division 9 . Fiberglass
Division Planters:
9 Chandler, . Fiberglass Planters: Chandler,
. Carpet Tile: Tretford, Carpet Roll, . Floors 2-9 Typical Corridor
. Carpet Floor
Tile: Tretford, Carpet Roll, Contemporary
. Floors 2-9Rectangular Planter,
Typical Corridor Floor Contemporary Rectangular Planter,
538/Silver Birch 538/Silver Birch Fiberglass, Silver/Grey Fiberglass, Silver/Grey
. Carpet Tile: Tretford, Carpet Roll, . Floors 2-9 Typical Corridor
. Carpet Floor
Tile: Tretford, Carpet Roll, . Vinyl Upholstery:
. Floors Designtex,
2-9 Typical Alchemy
Corridor Floor . Vinyl Upholstery: Designtex, Alchemy
523/Larch 523/Larch 3353 3353
. Gym Flooring: Expanko, Reztec, . Ground Floor, Residential Recreation
. Gym Flooring: Expanko, Reztec, . Ground Floor, Residential Recreation
Rubber, Velocity, Roll Space, Rubber, Velocity, Roll Space,
. Tile - Wall: Units Bathrooms, Tile . Typical Bathroom, Wall
. Tile - Wall: Units Bathrooms, Tile . Typical
Division 4 Bathroom, Wall Division 4 Division 4 Division 4
Depot, Soda, Ceramic, White Depot, Soda, Ceramic, White . Engobe Utility Brick, Clen-Gery, Engobe Facades . Engobe Utility Brick, Clen-Gery, Engobe Facades
. Tile - Floor: Units Bathrooms, Nemo . Typical Unit: Habitable
. Tile - Space, Floor,Bathrooms, Nemo
Floor: Units . Typical
Brick, White,Unit: Habitable
K08-6008 Space,
Smooth Floor,
& Velour Brick, White, K08-6008 Smooth & Velour
tile, Twill, Porcelain, Graphite Bathroom, Floor, tile,
Entry AreaPorcelain,
Twill, & Closet Graphite Bathroom, Floor, Entry Area & Closet
. Engobe Utility Brick, Clen-Gery, Engobe . Engobe Utility Brick, Clen-Gery, Engobe
. Tile - Floor: Units Bathrooms, Nemo . Typical Unit Bathroom
. Tile - Floor: Units Bathrooms, Nemo . Typical
Brick, Unit Bathroom
Light Grey, K12-3009 Smooth & Brick, Light Grey, K12-3009 Smooth &
Tile, Materla Project, Porcelain, Nero Tile, Materla Project, Porcelain, Nero Velour Velour
. Tile-Wall: Public WC, Nemo tile, . Ground Floor WC. Tile-Wall: Public WC, Nemo tile, . Ground
. Engobe Floor
Utility WCClen-Gery, Engobe
Brick, . Engobe Utility Brick, Clen-Gery, Engobe
Materla project, Porcelain, 04 Bark Materla project, Porcelain, 04 Bark Brick, Dark Grey, K12-3008 Smooth & Brick, Dark Grey, K12-3008 Smooth &
. Tile - Wall/Floor: Utility, Daltile, P125, . Cellar, Floors 2-9. Tile
Typical Conditions:
- Wall/Floor: Utility, Daltile, P125, . Cellar, Floors 2-9 Typical Conditions:
Velour Velour
Porcelain, Pure White Refuse Room Floor, Walls Pure White
Porcelain, Refuse
. Engobe Room
Utility Floor,
Brick, Walls Engobe
Clen-Gery, . Engobe Utility Brick, Clen-Gery, Engobe
Ground Bathroom Floor Ground
Brick, Black,Bathroom
K13-3063 Floor
Smooth & Velour Brick, Black, K13-3063 Smooth & Velour
. Tile Floor: Ground Floor, Nemo Tile, . Cellar Public Corridir, WC and
. Tile Floor: Ground Floor, Nemo Tile, . Cellar Public Corridir, WC and
Materla Project, Porcelain, 01 Bark Recreational Space Materla Project, Porcelain, 01 Bark Recreational Space
Ground Floor Lobby, Reception, Package Ground Floor Lobby, Reception, Package 9. METAL
and Storage Rooms and 5Storage Rooms
Division Division 5 Division 5 Division 5
. Painted Steel Decking, PC3, PC4 . Cellar . Painted Steel Decking, PC3, PC4 . Cellar
. Metal Soffit: Powder Coated Aluminum . Metal Soffit: Powder Coated Aluminum
. Aluminum Planter, ” Powder Coated . Aluminum Planter, ” Powder Coated
Division 10 Division 10 Division 10 Division 10
Aluminum Aluminum
. Entry Mat/Grating: CS Pedi System, . Foyer Ground Floor
. Entry Mat/Grating: CS Pedi System, . Foyer Ground Floor
Pedimat, Aluminum, Carpet inset: Tan Pedimat, Aluminum, Carpet inset: Tan
. Wallpaper: Flavor Paper, Vapor, Silver . Ground Floor: Lobby Walls Flavor Paper, Vapor, Silver
. Wallpaper: 10. OPENINGS
. Ground Floor: Lobby Walls 10. OPENINGS 10. OPENINGS 10. OPENINGS
Mylar wallpaper, Silver Mylar wallpaper, Silver Division 8 Division 8 Division 8 Division 8
. Wallcovering: Koroseal, Patty Madden, . Cellar: Public Corridor Walls Koroseal, Patty Madden,
. Wallcovering: Windows: Winco
. Cellar: Windows
Public Corridor1150 Series
Walls Windows & DoorsWindows: Winco Windows 1150 Series Windows & Doors
Zircon LXS-ZIR, 27 Steele Zircon LXS-ZIR, 27 Steele 2” and 4” Thermal fixed and projection 2” and 4” Thermal fixed and projection
. Wallcovering: Koroseal, Patty Madden, . Wallcovering: Koroseal, Patty Madden, window window
Sazi Texture LXB-SZT, 06 Sazi Texture LXB-SZT, 06 Door: Winco NC STH Superthermic Door: Winco NC STH Superthermic
. Back Painted Glass, ¼” Low-Iron Temp . Typical Unit Kitchen Walls
. Back Painted Glass, ¼” Low-Iron Temp Terrace DoorUnit
. Typical 3410Kitchen
Series Walls
4” Thermal Terrace Door 3410 Series 4” Thermal
Glass, paint 8th Floor Community Room:
Glass, paintWalls Fixed8thand Slider
Floor WindowsRoom: Walls
Community Fixed and Slider Windows
. Painted GWB-Walls, PC1 . Cellar, Ground Package
. Painted&GWB-Walls,
Storage PC1 . Cellar, Ground Package & Storage
Room Walls, Typical Unit: Room Walls, Typical Unit:
Kitchen,Habitable Space, Entry Area & Kitchen,Habitable Space, Entry Area &
Division 32 Division 32 Division 32 Division 32
Closet Walls Closet Walls
. Brick Pavement, red, Reclaimed on site . Brick Pavement, red, Reclaimed on site
8th Floor: Community Room Walls 8th Floor: Community Room Walls
or match existing or match existing
. Painted GWB-Ceilings, PC1 . Cellar, Ground Floor, Typical
. Painted Unit
GWB-Ceilings, PC1 . Cellar, Ground Floor, Typical Unit
Floors 2-9 Typical Corridor & Refuse Floors 2-9 Typical Corridor & Refuse
Room Ceiling Room Ceiling
8th Floor Community Room Ceiling 8th Floor
Division 3 Community Room Ceiling Division 3 Division 3 Division 3
. Painted GWB-Walls, PC2, PC9 . Ground Floor Foyer, Lobby,
. Painted ResidentialPC2, PC9
GWB-Walls, . Ground
. Epoxy PaintedFloor Foyer, Lobby,
Concrete, Residential
Concrete . Cellar . Epoxy Painted Concrete, Concrete . Cellar
Recreation Space & Retail Walls. Floors Recreation
. Sealed Space
Structural & Retail Walls. Floors
Slab . Cellar, Bulkhead. Mechanical Room Slab
Sealed Structural & . Cellar, Bulkhead Mechanical Room &
2-9 typical Corridor Walls 2-9 typical Corridor Walls Elevator Control Room Floor Elevator Control Room Floor
. Painted CMU Block, PC1 . Cellar . Painted CMU Block, PC1 . Cellar



Glen-Gery Facade of the building. In the LEED NC v3 Credits Kars- Serrant County Within the Apartment Units- Living, “Woodlock” connection avoids Using a “Woodlock” connected
Kitchen and Hall adhesive, Low VOC flooring throughout- such as Kars

Brick following colors- White, Light Grey, Engineered Wood Strip Flooring

is recommended. Kaswell’s T&G
Dark Grey, Black. connection requires additional
adhesive for installation.
Kaswell- Micro Grain Edge Game Room and Lobby Forest Stewardship Council
Engineered Wood Flooring

This product is made in China.

Johns Manville Unfaced Fiberglass Insulation: where there Formaldehyde-free, made of long, Product is not LEED certified Kitchen Counter Tops Green Guard Gold Certified

is 1” mineral wool on the exterior resilient glass fibers bonded with A locally quarried granite would
Foamular bio-based binder, Pental Quartz

of the wall be a better alternative.
30% post consumer recycled content, Engineered Stone
Green Guard Gold Certified.

Benjamin Moore Interior Unit Walls and Ceilings, Cradle to Cradle Certified Silver DUNN EDWARDS is a similar
paint which is Ethlyene Glycol Tretford Carpet Low VOC. Shaw is an good local
Ultra Spec 500 Corridor Walls, qualifies for LEED v4 Credit


free and is a LEED gold certified 538 Silver Birch The product uses phthalate-free
Bike and Tenant Storage Ceiling, Zero VOC PVC and the manufacturers have
manufacturing Facility but not
Doors and Frames very low wastage.
as affordable as Benjamin
Aluminium Soffit Moore.

Apartment Unit Bathroom Walls. Concerns: glazes may contain heavy DAL TILE is a locally produced Designtex Vinyl Upholstery There are no certifications for this In general, using Vinyl is not

Merola Tile metals, importing from Thailand ceramic tile with LEED product.
requires additional transportation recommended
Soda Blanco certification. Soda Blanco is now


Flavour Paper Silver Wallpaper PVC-free, FSC certified, 10% Investigate chemical content of Tile Tech Pavers 8th Floor Exterior The product can be left unfinished IPE is a threatened species.

recycled content, locally produced in dyes used in wallpaper. in its natural state to weather to a
Silver Mylar Wallpaper Brooklyn. IPE Deck Tiles
silver grey color.

Koroseal Steele and Tuxedo Grey Wallpaper Contains recycled content Product is not LEED certified.
Patty Madden Zircon, Sazi

The Zinsser Co. Adhesive used for installing This product helps prevent Mold and Investigate chemical content

wallcoverings. Mildew. added to make the adhesive

Sure Grip Plus Mold and Mildew-
Proof Commercial Wall Covering mold and mildew proof is
advised. This product is not
LEED certified.
72 73



8a. Mapping the Process

2007 - 2030


+ •





2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016



+ + =
38 55 33

RESIDENCE DISTRICTS (R) are the most common zoning districts in NYC (=75% of the city’s zoned land). To regulate the diversity in
residential building forms, the zoning resolution designates 10 basic residence districts R1-R10. The numbers refer to bulk and density
(controls that maximize size and placement of a building and the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on a zoning lot, respectively)
with R1 having the lowest density and R10 having the highest. INCOME
ZR SEC 23-22 Restricts the number of dwelling units that can be built in an R8 district - The maximum number of dwelling units shall
equal the maximum residential floor area permitted on the zoning lot divided by a factor of 740

74 75

8b. Strategies for building healthier, affordable housing in New York City.
Affordable Housing in New York City is a genuine The Cost Paradox
struggle for people living in poverty. It is critical to keep Most building products that are healthy and certified tend
the stories of all of the NYC residents that struggle to find to be more expensive. The demand for healthier products
and maintain their homes at the forefront. We must not shows an immediate increase in the cost of the product
lose sight of the living conditions that should be a right putting affordable housing in a tight spot. For a building
to each of them. To do this, we must expand the notion to be healthy and affordable, picking expensive products
of health; encompassing the health of the neighborhood, is not the only solution. Informed design decisions
the health of the individuals, of every age, who inhabit whether it is water-based finishes for the furniture,
each unit and the surrounding built environment. porcelain tiles in the bathroom to the day-lit stairwells
Healthier building design decisions should join the list of and open communal spaces accumulate to provide a
essentials when creating all housing- daylight, air, access healthier environment.
to transportation, access to green space and creating an
active building environment. Design and the materials Stakeholder Collaboration and Innovation
that we employ must meet the aspirations of all groups
Innovation has been central to this case study, and it
regardless of social standing and economics. As in the
is clear that for this level of innovation to be realized,
case of Carmel Place, changes need to be made through a
a collaboration between all stakeholders was essential.
collaborative effort from all levels through better policy,
From trying to use prefabricated shipping containers to
planning, design, and material choices. The following five
changing laws and regulation for rezoning the land to the
broad takeaways should be considered while planning
architect’s effort to be sensitive with their design, it all
healthier affordable housing in New York City.
adds up to a well-designed building product. While it was
Changing Policy and Zoning Regulation not prescribed that this be the healthiest built project, it
is evident that the architects focused on health and well-
The location of Carmel Place is crucial for an affordable being in a manner that translated, collectively, into astute
housing project. Locating the building in a neighborhood choices throughout the development.
with access to public transportation, healthcare, and open
spaces is vital. Carmel Place is a compelling example of Changing the Identity of Affordable Housing
forward thinking in the City’s re-examining of the current
nArchitects brought in their perspective to designing
zoning regulations to accommodate more homes for the
for modular housing and the material choices, thinking
working poor and underserved city residents providing
in terms of a cohesively well-designed building and not
access to better jobs and a healthier neighborhood.
framing it as a typical ‘affordable’ housing project where
Council Member Mendez should be commended for her
lesser materials might be used. Instead, the architects’
advocacy for low-income residents and particularly the
used products they typically specified. For a project that
formerly homeless veterans to be accommodated in this
has a 40 percent affordable housing component, the
project and it is this dedication by City officials which will
same materials and finishes have been used throughout
help ensure that the most vulnerable members of society
the housing. Also, so that the building is more cohesive
can have these opportunities.
as a whole, regulations also include requirements for
Avoiding Environmental Jargon fair distribution of views, access to shared spaces and
appliance of equal sizes. These small design decisions go a
To incorporate the best building materials and product long way in creating social equity within these projects.
alternatives certification becomes a key factor. It is
currently the only driver unless the criteria are prescribed
by the developer or funder of a project, to ensure that
materials and products are considered in a way that is It is heartening to note that a city with such pressures
meaningful to human health. The vague language around on affordable housing over the course of its history
environment-friendly building products and unclear continues to evaluate what can be done to serve all of its
details of their certification on websites are definitely citizens equally. Innovation, stakeholder collaboration
discouraging. For an affordable building project to be and conscious effort from the designers is the call of the
healthy in 2019, conscious time and effort need to be hour. The work for healthier affordable housing is just
undertaken by architects and designers to research and beginning and demands the same dedication from all
specify better building products. sectors from manufacturing to installation.
76 77



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15 Mar 2016 Beatriz de la Torre- HPD Robin Hood
“Rent Stabilized Housing is Disappearing Fast- 9th Feb 2016 Peter Hanson- Monadnock Construction & Capsys
Especially on the Upper East and Upper West Side” 9th Feb 2016 Tobias Oriwol- Monadnock Construction
I Quant NY. July 30, 2015. http://iquantny.tumblr. 15 Mar 2016 Reic Bunge- nArchitects
com/post/125485105679/rent-stabilized-housing-is- 29 Feb 2016 Sarah Watson - CHPC

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