Magnetism and Matter: Important Terms Hysteresis Loop
Magnetism and Matter: Important Terms Hysteresis Loop
Magnetism and Matter: Important Terms Hysteresis Loop
Magnetic Materials
Paramagnetic Diamagnetic Ferromagnetic
Feeble Feeble Strong q = Angle of declination (Angle between G.M and M.M)
Magnetisation Magnetisation Magnetisation d = Angle of dip.
along H opposite of H along H BV
tan δ =
0<c<1 –1 ≤ c < 0 c is of the order BH
103 BH
Be =
mr > 1 0 < mr < 1 mr >> 1 cos δ
1 c is Independent of C
χ∝ = χ (T > TC ) =Be BV2 + BH2
T T T − TC
Bar Magnet µ
B= 0 . M3 1 + 3cos 2 θ
(a) Magnetic field due to bar magnet. 4 π r
tan φ = tan θ .
(b) Bar magnet in uniform magnetic field.
µ0 ( 4md ) l µ0 2 Md
= BP =
(i) 4π 2 2 (i) Torque on bar magnet τ= M × B
( )
d −l 4π ( d 2 − l 2 ) 2
(ii) Potential energy U = − M .B
µ 2M
If l2 << d2 ⇒ ; BP = 0 3 (iii) Work done in rotating the bar magnet
4π d
µ0 2ml µ0 M = Wext (
MB cos θi − cos θ f )
= BQ =
(ii) (iv) Time period of small oscillations
( )
4π d 2 + l 2 2 4π (d 2 + l 2 )3/2
µ0 M T = 2π
If l2 << d2 ; BQ =
4π d 3 I → Moment of inertia of bar magnet
(iii) At a general point