Foods 12 03314
Foods 12 03314
Foods 12 03314
Dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum) Extract Alleviated
H2O2-Induced Oxidative Damage: The Underlying Mechanism
Revealed by Metabolomics and Lipidomics
Yannan Chen 1,2 , Siyuan Fei 1,2 , Xiaoting Yu 1,2 and Mingqian Tan 1,2, *
1 Academy of Food Interdisciplinary Science, School of Food Science and Technology, Dalian Polytechnic
University, Qinggongyuan, Gangjingzi District, Dalian 116034, China; (Y.C.); (S.F.); (X.Y.)
2 National Engineering Research Center of Seafood, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034, China
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +86-411-86318657
Abstract: Dandelion has received wide attention in food and medicine fields due to its excellent
antioxidant properties. Nonetheless, the underlying mechanism of this action has not yet been
fully clarified, particularly at the metabolic level. Herein, the effects of dandelion extract (DE) on
H2 O2 -induced oxidative damage was investigated. The results indicate that the DE alleviated H2 O2 -
induced cell damage (increased by 14.5% compared to H2 O2 group), reduced the reactive oxygen
species (ROS) level (decreased by 80.1% compared to H2 O2 group), maintained the mitochondrial
membrane potential (MMP) level, and increased antioxidant-related enzyme activities. Importantly,
the metabolic response of PC12 cells indicates that H2 O2 disturbed phospholipid metabolism and
damaged cell membrane integrity. In addition, energy metabolism, the central nervous system, and
the antioxidant-related metabolism pathway were perturbed. In contrast, DE rescued the H2 O2 -
induced metabolic disorder and further alleviated oxidative damage. Collectively, these findings
provide valuable stepping stones for a discussion of the mechanism and show the promise of DE as a
suitable additive for functional food products.
various scavenging models [12]. Nevertheless, the current study of the effect of dandelion
extract against oxidative damage is primarily focused on experimental investigations; the
underlying mechanism of actions is not yet clear and needs to be discussed in depth.
Metabolomics is considered a powerful tool to detect changes in small molecular
metabolites in organisms under different environmental stresses, which is helpful in inves-
tigating the underlying metabolic responses of the biological systems [13]. For instance,
the level of fructose-6-phosphoric, pyruvate, and creatine in Raw264.7 cells changed sig-
nificantly in the presence of H2 O2 , which further affected the amino acid and glucose
metabolism pathways [14]. Thus, it is useful to understand the information about the
metabolic profile variation, as well as the mechanism of H2 O2 -induced oxidative damage.
However, the protective effects of natural antioxidants were scarcely investigated at the
metabolic level.
Herein, the underlying mechanisms of DE against H2 O2 -induced oxidative damage
were delineated by the combination of metabolomics and lipidomics. The effects of DE
on H2 O2 -induced ROS accumulation, mitochondrial membrane potential variation, and
antioxidant-related enzyme activities were investigated. Specially, the changes of metabolic
pathways in the presence of H2 O2 or DE-H2 O2 were studied by the metabolomics and
lipidomics method for the first time. This study might provide a comprehensive under-
standing of DE in alleviating H2 O2 -induced oxidative damage.
2.2. Preparation of DE
Dandelion was ground into powder by a disintegrator (800Y, Moling, Shanghai, China)
and sieved with 60 mesh. Then, 10 g of dandelion powder was placed in a round-bottom
flask and extracted upon refluxing twice with 60% ethanol (200 mL) for 2 h each time. The
filtrates were combined and concentrated by a rotary evaporator (EYELAN-1100, Tokyo,
Japan). The DE (1.6 g) was obtained by lyophilization.
8.0 L/min; and drying gas temperature, 200 ◦ C. The scan ranges in TOF-MS and TOF-
MS/MS modes were both m/z 50–1200. For qualitative analysis, raw LC-Q-TOF/MS data
were converted to ABF (analysis base file) format, and then processed using MS-DIAL 3.98.
Through the comparison with self-built databases of metabolomics standards, along with
analysis of the fragmentation pathways obtained from literature sources and public data,
the compounds were characterized [15].
Figure 1. (A) Chemical structures of the compounds in dandelion extract. Cell viability of PC12 cells
Figure 1. (A) Chemical structures of the compounds in dandelion extract. Cell viability of PC12 cells
after incubation with (B) H2O2, (C) DE, and (D) H2O2 (800 μmol L−1) in presence of DE for 24 h. (E)
after incubation with (B) H2 O2 , (C) DE, and (D) H2 O2 (800 µmol L−1 ) in presence of DE for 24 h.
Change in cell morphology after being treated with different groups: a, control group; b, H2O2
(E) Change
group; c, d,in
H2O2 group inafter
thebeing treated
presence with different
of different groups: a,ofcontrol
concentrations group;
DE (12.5, b, H
25 and 502 O2
group; c, d, and
mL−1); arrows e, H2 O
indicate 2 group
the in the presence
representative of bars
cells, scale different
were concentrations of DE
100 μm. Different (12.5,
letters 25 and
on the col-
50 µg mL −1 ); arrows indicate the representative cells, scale bars were 100 µm. Different letters on
umns indicate significant differences (p < 0.05). Note: in (D), − indicates cells without any treatment,
+ indicates
the columnscells treated
indicate with 800 differences
significant μmol L−1 H2(pO2<. 0.05). Note: in (D), − indicates cells without any
treatment, + indicates cells treated with 800 µmol L−1 H2 O2 .
3.2. Effects of DE on H2O2-Induced Cytotoxicity
3.2. Effects of DE on H2 O2 -Induced Cytotoxicity
The cytotoxicity evaluation was performed by MTT assay. As expected, the cell via-
bilityThe cytotoxicity
reduced evaluation
with the increasewas performed
in H by MTT assay. As expected, the cell viabil-
2O2 (Figure 1B). Noteworthily, the cell viability de-
ity reduced with the increase in H O
2 2
creased to 83% when the concentration (Figure 1B).
of H2O2 wasNoteworthily,
800 μmol L−1the cell
and viabilityadecreased
exhibited dramatic
to 83% when the concentration of H2 O2−1was 800 µmol L−1 and exhibited a dramatic drop in
drop in the presence of 1000 μmol L H2O2, indicating H2O2-induced severe oxidative
the presence of 1000 µmol L−1 H2 O2−1, indicating H2 O2 -induced severe oxidative damage to
damage to cells. Thus, 800 μmol L H2O2 were selected for the further experiments. The
cells. Thus, 800 µmol L−1 H2 O2 were selected for the further experiments. The cell viability
cell viability showed negligible change under the addition of DE, which indicates good
showed negligible change under the addition of DE, which indicates good safety and
safety and biocompatibility (Figure 1C). As shown in Figure 1D, compared to the H2O2
biocompatibility (Figure 1C). As shown in Figure 1D, compared to the H2 O2 group, the cell
viability increased in the DE-H2 O2 group, indicating that DE could alleviate H2 O2 -induced
cytotoxicity. The cell viability was 95% in DE (50.0 µg mL−1 )-H2 O2 (800 µmol L−1 ) group,
which was obviously higher than that of the H2 O2 (800 µmol L−1 ) group (83%). More-
over, the obtained results were also confirmed by the morphology changes of PC12 cells
(Figure 1E). Compared to the control group, the obvious change in cell morphology, i.e.,
abnormal sphericity, was observed after being treated with H2 O2 , and this phenomenon
was alleviated in the presence of DE. The above results suggest that DE alleviated the cell
cytotoxicity caused by H2 O2 .
L−1) group, which was obviously higher than that of the H2O2 (800 μmol L−1) group (83%).
Moreover, the obtained results were also confirmed by the morphology changes of PC12
cells (Figure 1E). Compared to the control group, the obvious change in cell morphology,
i.e., abnormal sphericity, was observed after being treated with H2O2, and this phenome-
Foods 2023, 12, 3314 non was alleviated in the presence of DE. The above results suggest that DE alleviated
6 ofthe
cell cytotoxicity caused by H2O2.
Figure Fluorescenceimages
images of PC12 cellscells
of PC12 stained with with
stained DCFH-DA
DCFH-DAafter the treatment
after of (A) DMEM
the treatment of (A)
medium (control),
DMEM medium (B) H2 O(B)
(control), 2 , (C)
2, (C)concentration
Low concentration of DE+H 2 O2 , 2(D)
of DE+H Medium
O2, (D) Mediumconcentration
concentration of
of DE+H
DE+H 2 O22O 2, and
, and (E)(E) High
High concentration
concentration of DE+H
of DE+H 2 O2 .2O 2. Scale
Scale barsbars
werewere 100 μm.
100 µm. (F) Relative
(F) Relative fluores-
cence intensity
intensity for different
for different treatmenttreatment
DifferentDifferent letters indicate
letters indicate significant
significant difference
difference at p <
at p < 0.05.
3.4. Effects of DE on MMP
3.4. Effects
Oxidativeof DEstress
on MMPcan cause mitochondrial dysfunction and reduce MMP. This is an
early Oxidative
apoptotic stress
event canandcause
can be measured bydysfunction
mitochondrial JC-1 [22]. and
This isred
fluorescence, suggesting higher MMP, while the JC-1 monomer with green
early apoptotic event and can be measured by JC-1 [22]. JC-1 aggregates exhibit red fluo- fluorescence
shows lower
rescence, MMP. The
suggesting fluorescence
higher transition
MMP, while from monomer
the JC-1 red to green
greenthe reduction
in MMP [23]. As shown in Figure 3A, the
shows lower MMP. The fluorescence transition2 from H O 2 group induced an obvious reduction
red to green reflects the reduction in
in MMP, as confirmed by the strongest green fluorescence and weakest
MMP [23]. As shown in Figure 3A, the H2O2 group induced an obvious reduction in MMP, red fluorescence.
This finding was
as confirmed quantitatively
by the displayed
strongest green in the fluorescence
fluorescence and weakestintensity plots (Figure
red fluorescence. This3B,C).
After addition of DE, the red/green fluorescence intensity ratio was obviously
ing was quantitatively displayed in the fluorescence intensity plots (Figure 3B,C). After increased
addition oftoDE, the the
H2 Ored/green
2 group, especially at the
fluorescence high concentration
intensity of DE (Figure
ratio was obviously 3D). com-
increased This
indicates that DE alleviated the reduction of MMP caused by H 2 O 2 and
pared to the H2O2 group, especially at the high concentration of DE (Figure 3D). This in-mitochondrial
damage. The results were consistent with the tendency of the ROS analysis.
dicates that DE alleviated the reduction of MMP caused by H2O2 and mitochondrial dam-
3.5. The results
of DE onwere consistent with the
Antioxidant-Related tendency
Enzyme of the ROS analysis.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) are important
antioxidant enzymes in human body, which can effectively scavenge excess oxygen-free
radicals, and maintain cell vitality [24]. As shown in Figure 4A,B, the levels of SOD
and GSH-Px reduced in H2 O2 group. After the cells were pre-incubated with different
concentrations of DE, the levels of SOD and GSH-Px increased in a dose-dependent man-
ner. Meanwhile, the mRNA expression of SOD1 and GSH-Px showed the same trend
(Figure 4C,D). Moreover, malondialdehyde (MDA), reflecting the degree of cell damage,
was also detected by the assay kit. Compared to control group, the level of MDA increased
significantly in H2 O2 group, while decreased upon the addition of DE (Figure S2). Collec-
Foods 2023, 12, 3314 7 of 14
2O2), ),
2 low,
Foods 2023, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEWrescence. (D) Red/green fluorescence intensity ratio. Different letters indicate significant difference 8 of 14
rescence. (D) Red/green fluorescence intensity ratio. Different letters indicate significant difference
at p < 0.05.
at p < 0.05.
Figure Thelevel
4.The level of
of (A)
SOD and
and (B)
(B) GSH-Px
GSH-Px inindifferent
(C) SOD1 and (D) GSH-Px in different treated groups. Different letters indicate significant difference
of (C) SOD1 and (D) GSH-Px in different treated groups. Different letters indicate significant differ-
at p <at0.05.
ence p < 0.05.
analysis (PCA) score plots indicated that all QC samples were tightly clustered, suggesting
the robustness of the capture method and the reliability of the data collected during the
sample analysis (Figure S3A,B). Next, PLS-DA was established to illustrate the different
responses among the control, H2 O2 , and DE-H2 O2 groups. As illustrated in Figure S3C,D,
the DE-H2 O2 group presented an apparent separation from the control group and H2 O2
group for metabolome and lipidomics, suggesting that H2 O2 treatment significantly dis-
rupted cellular metabolic processes, and that the addition of DE changed H2 O2 -metabolic
disorders. Moreover, the model parameters (prediction ability (Q2 ) and credibility (R2 ))
for the metabolome were 0.757 and 0.901, and the Q2 and R2 for lipidomics were 0.809
and 0.987, respectively, suggesting satisfactory prediction and faithful representation. The
permutation test was established to validate PLS-DA models (n = 200). It is shown in
Figure S2E that vector values of R2 and Q2 obtained in the permutation test were lower
than the original value, indicating that the established model for the metabolome was
stable and reliable. Similar results were also observed for lipidomics (Figure S3F), which
showed that the obtained vector values R2 and Q2 were smaller than the original values,
indicating that no overfitting occurred in the PLS-DA score plot of lipidomics.
Figure 5 illustrates the change of the different metabolites and lipids after being treated
with H2 O2 or DE-H2 O2 . It was revealed that 36 metabolites were obviously changed in
the H2 O2 or DE-H2 O2 group based on screening criteria (p < 0.05) (Figure S4A), which
were involved in glycolysis, the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle), antioxidant capacity, the
central nervous system, energy metabolism, and amino acid metabolic pathways. Further-
more, enrichment analysis (based on p < 0.05) was used to study the effects of H2 O2 or
DE- H2 O2 on various cellular metabolic pathways. Compared to the control group, H2 O2
R PEER REVIEW treatment significantly affected glycolysis, nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism,9 of 14
and threonine metabolism, and phenylalanine, glycine, and pyruvate metabolism. After
being pre-treated with DE, the disordered pathways induced by H2 O2 were improved, and
only phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis were significantly disrupted
sphingomyelin (SM), fatty
(Figure acids
S4B). As for(FA), ceramidesphosphatidylcholine
lipid metabolites, (Cer), triglycerides
(PC), (TG), diglycerides
(DG), hexosylceramides (HexCer), (SM),
(PE), sphingomyelin alkylfatty
alkenyl substituent
(FA), ceramides (Cer),PCs (PC-O),(TG),
triglycerides alkyl and
alkenyl substituent PEs (PE-O) and cholesterol esters (CE) were significantly changed af- and
(DG), hexosylceramides (HexCer), alkyl and alkenyl substituent PCs (PC-O), alkyl
alkenyl substituent PEs (PE-O) and cholesterol esters (CE) were significantly changed after
ter different treatments (Figure 5B).
different treatments (Figure 5B).
Figure 5. Heatmap of relative content of different metabolites for (A) metabolomics and lipids for
Figure 5. Heatmap of relative content of different metabolites for (A) metabolomics and lipids for
(B) lipidomics analysis after being treated with H2 O2 or DE-H2 O2 .
(B) lipidomics analysis after being treated with H2O2 or DE-H2O2.
Changes pathway
Figure 6. Changes of metabolic
afterpathway after with
being treated beingHtreated
2O2 or Hwith H2the
2O2 in O2 or H2 O2 in
presence of the presence
DE. “*” meansof significant differences
DE. “*” means (p < 0.05).
significant “#” means
differences significant
(p < 0.05). differences
“#” means (p < 0.01).
significant “ns” (p < 0.01).
means two columns havetwo
“ns” means no difference.
columns have no difference.
Figure 7. The change of lipid metabolic pathway after being treated with H2O2 or H2O2 in presence
Figure 7. The change of lipid metabolic pathway after being treated with H2 O2 or H2 O2 in presence
of DE. “*” means significant differences (p < 0.05). “#” means significant differences (p < 0.01). “ns”
of DE. “*” means significant differences (p < 0.05). “#” means significant differences (p < 0.01).
means two columns have no difference.
“ns” means two columns have no difference.
As an ether-containing phospholipid, plasmalogens play an important role in main-
Triglyceride (TG) is an important storage lipid in cells to load excessive fatty acid. TG
taining cell vitality and normal cell metabolism [41]. The disorder of plasmalogens is re-
accumulation caused by oxidative damage could be found in stressed cells [43]. Currently,
garded as antheindicator of oxidative
level of TG in the H2 Ostress. In the current study, the PC-O and PE-O were
2 group was 1.02-fold higher than in the control group. DG and FA
changed after incubation with H 2O2, and the addition of DE was found to be able to alle-
are direct precursors of TG synthesis, which exhibited similar trends to TG under the same
viate this disorder (Figure
conditions [44]. S5).
AfterThe change
being of with
treated plasmalogens wasofalso
DE, the level TG,found
DG, asinwell
FA decreased,
duced oxidative stress, which further proved this finding [42].
implying that the addition of DE alleviated the H2 O2 -induced lipid metabolism disorder.
Triglyceride (TG) is an important storage lipid in cells to load excessive fatty acid. TG
accumulation 4. caused by oxidative damage could be found in stressed cells [43]. Currently,
the level of TG inInthe H2O2 group
summary, was 1.02-fold
the underlying higher than
mechanism in the
of DE control
against H group. DG and
O -induced oxidative dam-
2 2
age was investigated at the metabolic level for the first time. Cell viability indicated that
DE alleviated H2 O2 -induced cytotoxicity. In addition, DE efficiently protected PC12 cells
against H2 O2 -induced oxidative damage by inhibiting ROS accumulation, increasing the
MMP, and improving the antioxidant-related enzyme activities. Importantly, the pres-
ence of DE decreased the H2 O2 -induced energy metabolism, lipid metabolism, central
nervous system and antioxidant-related metabolism disorder, thus alleviating oxidative
damage. The results are helpful in clarifying the underlying mechanism of DE against
H2 O2 -induced oxidative damage and provide new insights into dandelion as a suitable
additive for functional food products.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Figure S1: Total ion chromatogram of mass
spectrometer of DE. Figure S2: The level of MDA in different treated groups. Different letters
indicate significant difference at p < 0.05; Figure S3: The metabolic profiles of PC12 cells under
different treatments. PCA score plots for (A) metabolomics and (B) lipidomics, PLS-DA score plots for
(C) metabolomics for (D) lipidomics, a total of 200 random permutation tests of the PLS-DA model
for (E) metabolomics and (F) lipidomics; Figure S4: Enrichment analysis of differential metabolites in
PC12 cells under different treatments. (A) Effects of H2 O2 on metabolic pathways in comparation
Foods 2023, 12, 3314 12 of 14
with the control, (B) effects of DE-H2 O2 on metabolic pathways in comparation with the control;
Figure S5: The relative level of PE-O (A) and PC-O (B) in PC12 cells after being treated with H2 O2 or
H2 O2 in the presence of DE; Table S1: Primer sequences used for RT-PCR.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.C. and M.T.; methodology, S.F. and X.Y.; validation,
X.Y.; investigation, Y.C.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.C.; writing—review and editing,
M.T.; funding acquisition, M.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
of China (31925031).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Rat Adrenal Pheochromocytoma Cells (PC12 cells) were
bought from Procell Life Sci-ence & Technology Co., Ltd. (Wuhan, China). Studies not involving
humans or animals.
Informed Consent Statement: Studies not involving humans or animals.
Data Availability Statement: The datasets generated for this study are available on request to the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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