DLL - Science 6 - Q3 - W4

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School: STO.


GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and Time: FEBRUARY 19-23, 2024/8:30-9:20/1:00-1:50 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 4


A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate how energy is transformed in simple machines.
B.Performance Standards The learners should be able to create a marketing strategy for a new product on electrical or light efficiency.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Demonstrate how sound, heat, light and electricity can be transformed. S6FE-IIId-f-2
II.CONTENT Changing Energy from One Form To Another
1.Teacher’s Guide pages K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020 K TO 12 MELC 2020
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages ADM WEEK 3 ADM WEEK 3 ADM WEEK 3 ADM WEEK 3
4.Additional materials from learning Grade-6 Learners Materials Grade-6 Learners Materials Rebecca R. Fallaria and Erlinda Rebecca R. Fallaria and
resource (LR) portal
pp.152-159 pp.152-159 V. Pueblos, Science and Health Erlinda V. Pueblos, Science
Department of Education, Department of Education, Today, A Worktext in Science and Health Today, A FRIDAY
Region Office NO.8 Region Office NO.8 and Health for Grade Six, First Worktext in Science and
Edition 1996, Rex Books Store Health for Grade Six, First
Edition 1996, Rex Books
B.Other Learning Resource Pictures, powerpoint Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation,
presentation pictures pictures pictures,diagram
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Recall previous lesson. Ask: Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
the new lesson How can sound
energy transformed
into another form of
B.Presenting Examples/ instances of the A. Sorting Sound Energy. Present pictures on the Read the dialogue: Continuation of the topic.
new lesson Identify the items/objects cycle of a sound energy
displayed in the store which transforming into another
you think produce sound form of energy and
energy when in use. Write discuss it in the class.
your answer in your
C.Discussing new concepts and practicing Energy transformation, also known as energy Sound is a form of energy and are produced by
new skills #1 conversion, is the process of changing energy from one vibrations of objects.
form to another. Some examples of energy
transformation are the following: If you pluck the string of the guitar then hold it, you will
feel the vibrations. The small string vibrates faster than
 The Sun transforms nuclear energy into heat the big string. The sound of the small string is high and
and light energy. soft. The sound of the big string is low and loud. When
the string is tightened, a higher pitch is produced.
 Our bodies convert chemical energy in our food
When the string is loosened, a lower pitch is produced.
into mechanical energy for us to move.
 An electric fan transforms electrical energy into Another example of such transformations could be
kinetic energy. seen also when a drum or cymbal is struck the object
vibrates. These vibrations make air molecules move
and produces sound. This transforms to electrical
energy and later converted back to sound energy.
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing How can sound energy be transformed?
new skills #2
1. Sound energy is converted to mechanical energy in
your ear. People hear us when we talk because of the
sound we produced. It is due to the effect of the air
molecules vibrating when we talk. The vibrating
molecules hit our eardrums which enable us to hear
others talk.
The vocal cords of man produce sounds. We use
sound energy to communicate, to give warning, and
even to relax. When used properly, sound is very
beneficial. Sound energy is the vibration in the air that
our ears can detect. Musical sounds are composed of
regular and uniform sound vibrations. Music can be
described as a beautiful or expressive arrangement of
sounds. Noises are formed by irregular and disordered
sound vibrations sometimes produced by moving
2. Other forms of energy can be transformed to sound things.
 Strumming the strings of a guitar produces
sound, thus it is the mechanical energy that is
transformed into sound energy.

3. Sound energy may be converted into electrical energy

during transmission, and later the electrical energy can
be converted back into sound energy at the receiving
end. An example of this transformation could be seen in
the microphone and the loudspeaker.
According to the Law of Conservation of Energy.
energy is neither created nor destroyed. It can however,
be transformed from one form to another. Thus, it can be
concluded that energy changes but the total amount of
energy in the universe stays the same. Energy
transformation is important as it provides people and
objects with the forms of energy they require to do work.
E.Developing Mastery Directions: Study the Directions: Write the Let’s Apply Directions: Identify the
pictures below. Pick out corresponding forms of pictures below that
the pictures of objects that energy involved in each Safety Precautions before shows sound energy
can transform any energy process during sound the activity: transformation when
form into sound energy. energy transformation. 1. Understand and follow used. Write the number
Write the letter that Write your answer in your instructions carefully. of the correct answer in
corresponds to your Science activity notebook. 2. Be careful in handling your notebook.
answer in your Science the materials.
activity notebook. 3. Be sure to do the
experiment with the
supervision of your older
siblings or parent/guardian.
4. Use the materials with
care for the purpose for
which it is intended.

You will need:

- 2 tin cans
- String
- Nail
- Hammer

Follow these steps:

1. Make a hole in the
bottom of each can with a
nail and hammer. (You
may ask assistance from a
person older than you).
2.String a long piece of
string from one can to the
1.__________________ other.
2.__________________ 3. Tie knots in the ends of
3.__________________ the string so the string
4.__________________ does not pop out.

Answer this in your

notebook: Try speaking
and listening into the
phone with a slack string,
super-tight string, and a
string wrapped around a
corner, and any other form
you can think of.
1. Can you hear sound
through a door using this
2. Which string
combination produces the
best sound?
3. Do some string
configurations that not
work at all?
F.Finding Practical application of concepts Directions: Perform the Put a check mark √ before Write 5 materials that can Why is sound energy useful
and skills in daily living activity below and the number if the object produced sound. in our everyday living?
complete the chart to produces sound energy 1. 1.
show sound energy and X mark if not. Write 2. 2.
transformation in different your answer in your 3. 3.
devices. Write your notebook. 4. 4.
answer in your Science _________1. Cell phone 5. 5.
activity notebook. _________2. Shoes
(Number 1 is done for _________3. Car
you). _________4. Guitar
_________5. Watercolor
_________6. Lollipop
________7. Whistle
________8. Tree
________9. House
________10. Drum

G.Making generalization and abstraction Life can be very dull and uninteresting without sound. ▪ Sound energy is an energy produced through
about the lesson Music from instruments give life and inspiration to us. vibrations or hitting two objects.
We communicate and understand each other through
our voices.
When sources of energy are transferred from one body
to another, it undergoes transformation.
SONAR uses sound waves to detect and determine the
location, size and relative motion of underwater objects.
In medicine, sound energy has been useful too.
The stethoscope, Doppler machine and ultrasound
machines make use of sound to determine abnormalities
of organs and fetus inside the body.
H.Evaluating learning Directions: Read the Directions: Read each Directions: Supply the
following statements question carefully and missing energy
carefully. Write T if the choose the letter of the transformation shown on
statement is True and F if it best answer. In your the given situations.
is False in your Science Science activity
activity notebook. notebook, write the letter
_____ 1. Sound energy that corresponds to your
transformation is the answer.
process of changing its form 1. What energy
to another form of energy. transformation occurs
_____ 2. Sound is produced when you clap your
by the vibration of particles hands?
of matter. A. Mechanical energy to
_____ 3. Sound energy can sound energy
be created and destroyed. B. Electrical energy to
_____ 4. Sound energy sound energy
conversion occurs when the C. Heat energy to sound
vibrating molecules hit our energy
eardrums which enable us D. Chemical energy to
to hear others talk. sound energy
_____ 5.When you switch 2. Which of the following
on the television, electrical devices will undergo
energy is transformed into sound energy
sound energy. transformation?
A. battery
B. flashlight
C. cellular phone
D. oven
3. Below are examples of
sound energy
A. clapping
B. playing piano
C. strumming a guitar
D. cooking
4. The following
statements are correct
about energy
EXCEPT __________.
A. Energy transformation
occurs everywhere in the
B. When energy changes
its form, it is called
energy conversion.
C. Energy transformation
is the process of
changing energy from
one form to another.
D. Energy can be
created and destroyed.
5. What happens when
sound energy
transformation occurs?

A. I only C. III only

B. II only D. I, II, III
I.additional activities for application or Direction:
Think of a materials that
can produce sound and it
can be changed into
another form of energy that
you would like to
create.Draw and illustrate
the design of your
inverntion.Describe your
invention and how it can
help people.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
B . No. of learners who scored below 80%
(needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies works
well? Why?
F. What difficulties did I encounter that
my principal /supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover that I wish to share
w/other teachers?

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