Activity Design For Fire Drill
Activity Design For Fire Drill
Activity Design For Fire Drill
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Palimbang District I
Namat-Masla, Palimbang Sultan Kudarat
I. Background and Rationale
By virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 115-A, the month of March was declared
as Fire Prevention Month due to the increase of fire incidents during this particular period.
In consonance to this, the Department of Education issued DepEd Order No. 28 s. 2016
entitled Strengthening the Fire Safety and Awareness Program which aims to protect the
school community and school properties from the threat of fire.
In support of BFP and DepEd’s thrust to promote fire safety in school, Doña Catalina
Integrated School will organize a Fire Prevention Lecture and Fire Drill to be conducted by
invited officers from the Bureau of Fire Protection on August 30, 2023 Tuesday 8:00 AM –
11:00 PM. This activity is in line with the school’s Project I AM SAFE (Intensify And
Maintain a Safe And Hazard-Free School Environment).
II. Objectives:
The Fire Prevention Lecture and Fire Drill aims to:
raise awareness on fire safety and prevention;
To provide adequate information and training to the students
and teachers on giving first aid;
The Fire Prevention Lecture and Fire Drill And first aid will be given by the officers of
the Bureau of Fire Protection and the LDRRMC.
IV. Methodology:
V. Participants:
1. School Head
2. Teachers
3. Pupils (DRRM School Watching Team of Elementary and Junior High School).
4. Bureau of Fire Protection Officers
VI. Venue:
The venue will be at Doña Catalina Integrated School August 30, 2023 Tuesday 8:00
AM – 11:00 PM
IX.Implementation Arrangement
X. Budgetary Requirement:
Recommending Approval: