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1. Access to Mikonos LGMK TMA/CTR is restricted to aircraft capable of maintaining two-way radio communications with the appropriate ATS unit.
2. Aircraft destined to Mikonos Airport or overflying LGMK TMA/CTR shall not proceed to the airport or overfly LGMK TMA/CTR before establishing contact with Mikonos ATS unit and receiving
relevant instructions.
3. Aircraft, including Helicopters, flying under VFR within LGMK TMA/CTR, shall follow VFR routes and altitudes as depicted in this chart, unless VFR criteria require otherwise or a special
permission has been obtained from the appropriate ATS unit.
4. When necessary to deviate from the specific routes or altitudes a clearance should be obtained from LGMK ATS unit (freq.118.750) before entering LGMK TMA/CTR or immediately after
5. To meet specific traffic requirements, the appropriate ATS unit may assign different VFR routes.
6. Position reports must be given to the appropriate LGMK ATS unit, when over passing the reporting points depicted on this chart.
7. A continuous watch must be maintained on the appropriate frequency of LGMK ATS unit when flying the VFR routes depicted on this chart.
8. Cancellation of IFR flight plan within LGMK TMA/CTR is subject to approval and after such cancellation VFR routes and altitudes shall be followed.
9. It is reminded that on VFR routes the responsibility to maintain terrain clearance and to avoid collision with other aircraft, as well avoiding restricted airspace, rests with the pilot.
10. To assist LGMK Airport to arrange the landing sequence of VFR arriving aircrafts and facilitate the aerodrome traffic, two visual holding patterns are established west and east of Mikonos
11. Holding on the above patterns should be carried out as described on VFR routes and altitudes chart or as otherwise instructed by LGMK ATS unit.
12. The helicopter route KOUNOUPAS-RINNIA (or RINNIA-KOUNOUPAS) is subject to clearance by LGMK ATS unit.

23 MAR 23 AIRAC AMDT 03/23

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