DLL TG English-3 Q3 W5
DLL TG English-3 Q3 W5
DLL TG English-3 Q3 W5
A.Content Standards The learner listens critically to get information from text heard, demonstrates independence in using the basic language structure in oral and written CATCH – UP FRIDAYS
B.Performance Standards communication, and reads with comprehension. PROGRAM
C.Learning Identify the elements of an informational/ Identify the elements of an Identify possible solutions to Identify possible solutions to problems
Competencies/Objectives factual informational/ factual problems
text heard. text heard. EN3LC-IIIb-2.19
Write the LC Code for each EN3LC-IIIb-2.19
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages MELCs
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Module 7 and 8
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Elibro Portal
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources Pictures, flashcards, Google Resources
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Read the text below. What do you remember about Which sentence states a problem- Examine the sentence.
presenting the new lesson The Earth informational text? solution idea?
A. Mr. Carlos visits his son in the According to the government, face to
Our home planet is the third planet from hospital. face classes will only be allowed if a
the Sun, and the only place we know of so B. The people wear face masks in vaccine for COVID-19 virus is
far that’s inhabited by living things. going out. available.
While Earth is only the fifth largest planet C. Mother buys medicine because
in the solar system, it is the Marco, her son is sick.
only world in our solar system with liquid D. Dr. Santos feels exhausted after a
water on the surface. Just day’s monitoring of COVID-19
slightly larger than nearby Venus, Earth is patients.
the biggest of the four planets closest to
the Sun, all of which are made of rock
and metal.
B.Establishing a purpose for Identify three main facts about text. What are the examples of What is problem – solution Which part of the sentence is the
the lesson informational texts? relationship? problem? Solution?
C.Presenting Directions: Read the sentences below. Review the answer we give to WH- C. Mother buys medicine because What is problem – solution
examples/instances of the new Identify each as problem questions. Marco, her son is sick. relationship?
lesson or solution. Write your answer on a In your answer, which part of the
separate paper. sentence is the problem? Solution?
_____ 1. She wakes up early and prepares
herself in going to work.
_____ 2. Cora lives in Marikina City but
works in Makati City
_____ 3. Cora prepares her things in the
evening before going to bed.
_____ 4. She shares a ride with her
_____ 5. Cora wakes up late every
D.Discussing new concepts and Unlocking of Difficulties: Read the story. Ask the pupils to state simple Match each problem to the best
practicing new skills #1 1. genuine The Clouds sentences showing problem – solution.
2. certified solution relationship.
3. accommodate Clouds are a large group of tiny
water droplets that we can see in Example:
A. truly what something is said to be the air. It is formed when water on
authentic Earth evaporates into the sky and The LGU suspended the F2F classes
B. narrow space for only limited persons condenses high up in the cooler air. because of the strong typhoon.
C. officially recognized Most clouds form in troposphere
D. provide sufficient space (the lowest part of Earth’s
atmosphere) but occasionally they
are observed as high as the
stratosphere or mesosphere. Clouds
can contain millions of tons of
water. There are range of different
types of clouds. The main types are
stratus, cumulus, and cirrus. Stratus
clouds are flat and featureless,
appearing as layered sheets.
Cumulus clouds are puffy, like
cotton floating in the sky. Cirrus
clouds are thin and wispy, appearing
high in the sky.
E.Discussing new concepts and Read the story. Answer the following questions: Examine the sentences.
practicing new skills #2 The World’s Largest Pair of Shoes 1. What does the text tell about Which part of the sentence is the
clouds? problem? Solution?
Do you know that Marikina City is the 2. How and where do clouds form?
home of the world’s largest 3. How much tons of water do
pair of shoes? The Guiness Book of clouds hold?
World Records has certified the 4. What are the three types of
Marikina made shoes measuring to 529 clouds?
centimeters (5.29 meters) long 5. Why do clouds appear in
and 237 centimeters (2.37meters) wide. It different form or type?
is made of genuine leather
which took 77 days, (from August 5, 2002
to October 21,2002) to be
done exactly. It is said to have cost Php
2,000,000.00, can be worn by a
person with a height of 125 feet, and can
accommodate 30 “normal
sized people inside.
F.Developing mastery Answer the questions. Read the selection Problems and solutions are Think of a solution for each problem.
(Leads to formative assessment) 1. What information is being discussed in A shoe is a type of footwear. It is an interrelated to one another.
the text? item of clothing. Shoes come Solutions are made to resolve a 1. You just found out during recess
2. Where does the pair of world’s largest in pairs, with one shoe for each foot. particular problem. The word time that your mother missed to put
shoes come from? There are many different types of problem is also referred to as conflict your snacks in your bag, what will you
3. How do you feel knowing that the shoes. Athletic shoes, for or challenge and the word do?
world’s largest shoes come example, are to make running, solution means outcome in solving a
from Marikina City? walking or jogging easier by problem. 2. Your seatmate has been bullying
4. What organization has recognized and making the weight of the shoe you secretly for quite a long time,
verified its size? lighter and the sole of the shoe The problem is one of the most what will you do?
5. What is the purpose of writing the text softer. Leather shoes are formal important parts in the story. It
6. Would you recommend this text to shoes. They are worn for business is the challenge that is being 3. Your parent missed or forgot to
others? Why? and ceremonial functions. undertaken by the character in the fetch you on time, what will you do
They are also worn for fashion. story. It is the most interesting part while waiting?
Slippers are a kind of indoor shoe. that the character needs several
They are often worn when it is cold. actions or moves to solve it. 4. You do not understand your Math
Rubber boots are used on rainy lessons well, what will you do?
days. The shoes with a high heel
which women wear are called high 5. Your mother is sick. She could
heels. People usually wear shoes in hardly do the chores at home. What
public. They are worn will you do?
for hygiene, style, and comfort.
G.Finding Informational texts are intended to Answer the questions.
practical/applications of inform the readers about a particular topic 1. What is referred to in the passage
concepts and skills in daily or issue. as the item for clothing?
living 2. Which body parts can wear this
Informational texts are broad category of clothing?
nonfiction resources, including: 3. Which kind of shoes is
biographies; autobiographies; books about appropriate for your physical
history, social studies, science, and the activities in school? to be paired for
arts. school uniform? to be worn at
home? Why?
The elements of an informational texts 4. When do rubber boots best to
answer the WH-questions like who, what, use? Why?
when, where, why, and how. 5. What important information did
you learn from the passage?
H. Making generalizations and Fill the blanks with your answers. What type of text/story did you read Fill the blanks with your answers. How are the problems and solutions
abstractions about the lesson (The Clouds, Types of Footwear)? A ___________ is also the conflict or interrelated?
Informational text is a text written What categories do they belong? challenge that the character is
to__________ the readers. (Science, Social Studies) trying to solve in the story.
A ___________ is sometimes the
Give two examples of informational text: action that the character
__________, ________ made to solve the conflict.
I.Evaluating Learning Read the story. Read the text then answer the Read the story and answer the
The Frogs questions. questions.
Frogs are amphibians animals. They lay There are many kinds of boats.
their eggs in the water. A group of eggs is One kind of boat is called a sailboat.
called a frogspawn. The eggs hatch into A sailboat uses the wind to move.
tadpoles. Wind makes a sailboat move in the
Tadpoles have no lungs, they have gills. water. The wind pushes the sailboat.
They grow lungs before they mature into Wind fills the sails. The sailboat
a frog. moves when the wind blows.
Frogs don’t drink water – they soak it into One kind of boat is called a
their body through their skin. They motorboat. A motorboat uses a
breathe through the nose and their skin. motor to move. The motor gives
They need to live near water as their skin power to the boat. The motorboat
must constantly be moist. If it dries out moves when the motor is running.
the frog dies. The motorboat makes a loud noise.
Frogs catch their prey with their tongue.
Their eyeballs assist them in swallowing 1. Which boat uses the wind to 1. What is Mina’s problem?
food – they push the food down their move? 2. What did she do to solve her
throat by pushing down the eyeballs. 2. How do winds help a sailboat to problem? Identify four (4)
Their vision field is almost 360° so they move? solutions.
can see all that is around them all the 3. Which boat makes a loud noise?
time! Their call is called a croak. Frogs 4. What is used to move a rowboat?
can hibernate. In extreme conditions they 5. According to the passage, oars
can also enter a state called torpor which are _________
can last for months. 6. Which boat(s) can still move if
there is no wind?
Answer the ff. questions: 7. Why do boats come in different
1. What group of animals do frogs kinds?
belong? 8. Tom doesn't like loud noises.
2. Where do frogs lay their eggs? Which boat(s) does he probably like
3. Why do frogs keep themselves wet to ride in? ___________
most of the time? 9. This passage is mainly
4. How do frogs feed themselves? about________________
5. How do frogs protect themselves from 10. What would be the best title for
extreme conditions? this passage?
domestic, pets, farm, care, responsibility, habitat
Answer the story questions.
Write 3 – 5 sentences about your pet or dream pet including the responsibilities you would have in
taking care of it.