Iwrbs Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Kabankalan City
Brgy. Tabugon Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental 6111
Senior High School

1st Quarter EXAMINATION | SY: 2022 - 2023



Student Name: Date:

Last Name First Name M.I. Strand, Year & Section


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand the following statements or questions. Choose the LETTER that correctly answers
the statement, question, or BEST completes/describe the concepts or situation. Write the letter of your choice in CAPITAL
LETTER. 1 point each

_____1. Hinduism is known as the oldest religion and considered as the __________ largest religion in the world.
a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth

_____2. The single god that the Hindu worship that is formless and can appear in many embodiments. __________
a. Brahman b. Vedas c. Zeus d. Dharma

____ 3. A person who has spiritual wisdom and impart them among the Hindus. Are called __________
a. Rabbi b. Gandhi c. Guru d. Tutor

_____5. The Hindus believe that Brahma is the only one God but, He manifest in many forms, which is also known as ______.
a. Demi-gods b. Angels c. Goddesses d. Deity

_____6. It is a Hindu belief in the cycle of rebirth which explain the cause and effect principle, where the intent and action of a
person can influence their life’s situation. __________
a. Yoga b. Karma c. Vedas d. Brahman

____ 7. A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline that includes meditation and simple breath control by using specific body
postures to practice health, relaxation, and casting out negativity while imbibing positive elements.
a. Yoga b. Karma c. Vedas d. Brahman

_____8. A place where Hindu believes that a perfect peace and happiness resides like the seventh heaven.
a. Oasis b. Nirvana c. Encantadia d. Paradise

_____9. It is an incarnation of a Hindu deity into a human form.

a. Avengers b. Humanoids c. Avatars d. Vaders

_____10. One of the main God of the Hindus believed to be the Creator.
a. Vishnu b. Brahma c. Shiva d. Brahmin

_____11. . In a Jewish Faith, a __________ is both a teacher and a leader of religious ceremonies.
a. Rabbi b. Sabbath c. Yorah d. Guru

_____12. One of the most important Jewish religious text is the _________.
a. Torah b. Kabbalah c. Koran d. Yorah

_____13. Ten commandments gave people guidance for ___________

a. dietary procedure c. setting up a city
b. self-restraint and appropriate behavior d. cultural purposes

_____14. According to the Torah, God promised Abraham he would have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. The
name Abraham means
a. Promise land c. Father of many

2nd Quarter Examination |

Tabugon National High School – Senior High School Department
b. Keeper of the covenant d. Messiah
_____15. Moses received the Ten commandments after they left Egypt. What was their flight from Egypt called?
a. The Crusade c. The plague
b. The Sabbath d. The Exodus

_____16. Which holiday represents the Jewish New Year?

a. Passover c. Rosh hashanah
b. the Sabbath d. Hanuka

_____17. What is the most sacred text of Judaism?

a. Talmud c. Bible
b. Tenakh d. Torah

_____18. Christianity as one of the largest and most practiced religion in the world is founded in the life and teachings of _____.
a. Peter c. Paul
b. Jesus d. John the Baptist

_____19. When Jews were captivated by the Roman Empire in 63 BC they experienced sufferings and oppression. They were
anticipating for the Messiah, whom they would be ________.
a. their savior c. their leader
b. their ruler d. their master

_____20. The word Messiah is taken from the Hebrew word "Mashiach,". This literally means __________________.
a. the Master c. the Prophet
b. the Anointed One d. the Disciple

_____21. To preach, baptize and make disciples of all nations was the last command of Jesus to His disciples and to every
Christian today. This task is known to Christendom as _______________.
a. the Great Task c. the Great Order
b. the Great Commandment d. the Great Commission

_____22. Jesus public ministry lasted about three and a half years. This began when he was about thirty years of age and when
he was baptized by his precursor who is known as _______________.
a. John the Beloved c. John the Baptist
b. John the Nazarene d. John the Prophet

_____23. The life, passion, death, resurrection of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity, were accounted in the first four books
of the New Testament Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) which is also known as the __________.
a. Gospels c. Acts
b. History d. Epistles

_____24. Which Christian doctrine teaches that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct persons- the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit?
a. Christology c. Divinity
b. Eschatology d. Trinity

_____25. Justification by faith is one of the Christian doctrines. This means that by believing in Jesus, His death and resurrection,
one can have __________________________________.
a. the forgiveness from sins c. the membership in church
b. the status of being an angel d. the pass to heaven.

_____26. John the Baptist played an important role in the ushering of Christianity because _________.
a. he was one of the zealots.
b. he was the prophesied Messiah.
c. he was the one who baptized Jesus.
d. he was instrumental in the beginning of public ministry of Jesus.

_____27. One of the major Christian festivals is the celebration of the birth of Jesus which is observed yearly on the 25th of
December and on the 7th of January for Orthodox. To which does it refer?
a. Valentine‟s Day b. Easter Day
b. All Saints‟ Day d. Christmas Day

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Tabugon National High School – Senior High School Department
_____28. What word/phrase is not associated to the term ISLAM?
a. Religion c. Terrorism
b. Peace d. Life of Submission

_____29. What do you call the great ancient monument/structure that can be seen in Mecca and is a very important place of
worship for Muslims?
a. Kaaba c. Walls of Jericho
b. Synagogue d. Tower of Babylon

_____30. It is a Muslim holiday that is celebrated to mark the end of their Month long fasting and prayers?
a. Hijad c. Eid Al- Fitr
b. Baptismal d. Eid Al- Adha

_____31. It is the movement of people going from one place to another that played a great role in spreading the Islamic faith
around the world
a. Migration c. Conquest
b. Terrorism d. Exploration

_____32. Buddhists believe in the _____, which is the primary essence of Buddha’s teaching.
a. Four Noble Truth c. Four Noble Men
b. Four Divine Wisdom d. Four Horsemen

_____33. Among the Buddhists, they must attain the _____ paths, which are also called the “Middle Path” that leads them to
achieve spiritual enlightenment.
a. Eight O’clock c. Eight-Fold
b. Eight Minutes d. Eight Wise

_____34. He is considered as the most noteworthy and influential Confucian philosopher. He is sometimes called Meng Ke or
Meng ko in Chinese.
a. Xinzu C. Confucius
b. Mencius D. Master Kuang

_____35. Confucius summarized his teachings in this quotation, “do not inflict upon others that which you yourself would not
want.” What does he mean?
a. “Don’t do unto others, what you do not want done unto.”
b. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
c. “You cannot give what you don’t have.”
d. “The more you inflict pain, the more you contain joy.”

_____36. Whose son of Abraham whom the Muslims considered as their forefather
a. Isaac b. Ismael c. Esau d. Joseph

_____37. In Luke 3: 23-31, Dr . Paul Dejillas traces the generation from David to Jesus Christ which consists of 14 generations.
Who was the father of Jesus Christ?
a. Jacob b. Judah c. Levi d. Joseph

_____38. The son of Abraham whom the Christians and the Jews trace their lineage.
a. Isaac b. Ismael c. Esau d. Jacob

_____39. The three religions namely; Judaism, Christianity and Islam traced their beginnings from Asia then spread all over
Europe. What is the popular term for these religion today?
a. Asian religions c. Eastern religions
b. Western religions d. Abrahamic religions

_____40. Siddhartha Gautama was called Buddha, which means _____.

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Tabugon National High School – Senior High School Department
a. Selfless One c. Enlightened One
b. Magnificent One d. Oneness

_____41. Buddhism is not a “theistic” religion called _____ that does not believe in god or gods.
a. Nontheistic c. Atheistic
b. Monotheistic d. Polytheistic

_____42. One of the three types of Kami who is believe to be their ancestor and protector.
a. Ujigami c. Kami of natural objects
b. Inari d. Tengu

_____43. It is a word which means “spirit” similar to Anitos of the Filipinos. It is also the term for the gods.
a. Kojiki b. Kayo c. Kami d. Shinto

_____44. The black spot found in the Yin-Yang symbol means____.

a. badness b. goodness c. happiness d. joyfulness

_____45. One of the principles of the law of opposite which consists of the Yin and the Yang in relationship with the
a. Follow the earth c. Too much success
b. Harmony with nature d. Affluence in bio-diversity

_____46. A form of exercise characterized by a set of slow movements that discipline the body and mind practice by the Chinese
in Asia and other western countries.
a. Yoga b. T’ai Chi Ch’uan c.Meditation d. Reflection

_____47. An old Chinese tradition on the concept of dualism wherein contrary forces are complementary, interdependent and
interconnected with each other.
a. Wu wei c. Law of Opposites
b. Daodjing d. Yin and Yang principle

_____48. One of the four Taoist principles in relationship with the environment on the law of opposite forces represented by the
Yin and Yang.
a. Follow the earth c. Too much success
b. Harmony with nature d. Affluence in bio-diversity

_____49. A Taoist version of the Filipino concept of “Juan Tamad” that goes with the idea of living or going along with the flow
of nature, letting things take their natural course or simply “inaction”.
a. Wu-wei c. Yin-Yang
b. Huawei d. Tao or Dao

_____50. Taoism’s principle that says: “If the pursuit of development runs counter to the harmony and balance of nature, with
immediate interest in profit, people should restrain themselves from it.”
a. Follow the earth. c. Too much success
b. Harmony with nature d. Affluence in bio-diversity


2nd Quarter Examination |

Tabugon National High School – Senior High School Department

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