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Procedia Computer Science 165 (2019) 232–238


2019, ICRTAC 2019
IoT based Voice/Text Controlled Home Appliances
IoT based Voice/Text Controlled Home Appliances
Uma S*a, R.Eswaria,Bhuvanya Rb,Gopisetty Sai Kumarb
Uma S*a, National
,Bhuvanya Rb,Gopisetty Sai Kumarb
Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli-620015,India
Vel Tech Rangarajan
a Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600062, India
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli-620015,India
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai 600062, India

Internet of Things (IoT) is formulated to remotely connect, access, monitor and control the existent world entities through the
Internet. of
Internet When the (IoT)
Things IoT isisconceptualized
formulated totowards
remotelyhome, it converts
connect, access,simple
smart home which world
the existent is saferentities
and automated.
through the In
this paperWhen
Internet. a Voice/Text
the IoT iscontrolled Home Application
conceptualized towards home, is developed
it convertswhere
simplethe userstocan
home remotely
smart access is
home which thesafer
automated.The In
this can merely provide
a Voice/Text voice commands
controlled or text messages
Home Application through
is developed which
where the they
canbe able to access
remotely turn the theappliances ON or OFF
home appliances. The
depending upon the
users can merely necessity.
provide voiceThe users can
commands or schedule the status
text messages of the
through appliances
which they willwhen theytoare
be able turnnotthephysically
ON orinOFF the
environment. They will also be provided with the information regarding the previous schedules, and
depending upon the necessity. The users can schedule the status of the appliances when they are not physically present in they can also turn on the
appliances forThey
environment. specific
willperiod of time.
also be The with
provided Node-RED Technology
the information is used the
regarding for the functions
previous of the application
schedules, and they can which
on the
with IoT device
appliances (NodeMCU).
for specific period of This developed
time. application
The Node-RED is deployed
Technology in the
is used forDialog Flow Account.
the functions The NodeMCU
of the application which isis connected
with regular home
IoT device appliances. This
(NodeMCU). As per the parameters
developed fetched
application from theincloud
is deployed the NodeMCU
the Dialog operatesThe
Flow Account. theNodeMCU
Home Appliances. The
is connected
implementation cost of this application is very cheaper since high performance and least cost equipment’s
with regular home appliances. As per the parameters fetched from the cloud the NodeMCU operates the Home Appliances. The are used. This
application is greatly
implementation consistent
cost of and proficient
this application is veryforcheaper
the elderly
high and differentlyand
performance abled person
least cost who cannot reach
equipment’s the switch,
are used. This
for switching
application is ON/OFF the device.
greatly consistent and proficient for the elderly people and differently abled person who cannot reach the switch,
for switching ON/OFF the device.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019
This The
is an Authors.
open accessPublished by Elsevier
article under B.V.
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an
Peer-review open access
under article under
responsibility the CC
of the CC BY-NC-ND
scientific license
committee (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open access article under BY-NC-ND license INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS IN
Peer-review underCOMPUTING
responsibility 2019
of the scientific committee of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS
Keywords: IoT; Node-RED; NodeMCU; Dialogflow
Keywords: IoT; Node-RED; NodeMCU; Dialogflow

* Corresponding author. +91- 8825414812

* E-mail address:dewuma@gmail.com
Corresponding author. +91- 8825414812
E-mail address:dewuma@gmail.com

1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open
1877-0509 access
© 2019 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
This is an open responsibility
access of the
article under the scientific
CC BY-NC-NDcommittee of the
Peer-review under 2019
responsibility of the scientific committee of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS IN

1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT TRENDS IN
Uma S et al. / Procedia Computer Science 165 (2019) 232–238 233
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1. Introduction

Internet of Things (IoT) is currently an emerging technology spread globally. IoT has stepped in various fields
comprising of Industries, Government, academia, and still various research are carried in this domain. Now a days
IoT plays a vital role in the business sector, many glooming and blooming business depends on IoT and Industrial
IoT. IoT cuts across various presentation domains ranging from civilian to security sectors. Legacy fields like
agriculture, horticulture, healthcare, space, manufacturing, construction, water, and mining, are transiting from their
old infrastructure setup to the modernized IoT setup.

A software program designed to model an interaction or discussion with human users, especially over the
Internet. It is a subordinate that interconnects with others through text messages, it is also a computer-generated
friend that incorporates into instant messengers, websites, or applications; and helps business persons to get closer
with the customers [6]. Such a communication can be established with the users through the automated system called
Bot. To get rid of our routine tasks, parallel or concurrent processing of multiple requests from the users, Chabot’s is
designed. Further, a great speed of processing users’ demands with Chabot’s helps in gaining customers’ attraction.
The features that motivate people to use Chabot’s are productivity, entertaining the users, social and relational
factors, improvising communicative skills and curiosity to develop new things.

In the current scenario home automation is grasping the attention of wide variety of users, with the true objective
of advancing the life style of users. Home automation offers the users a trendy way of life, in which an individual
gets the chance to control his entire house by following the simple steps, to switch on the fan, locking/opening doors
etc[8]. Regardless, to get or extend such system increases money as increase of utilization of devices. This is the
important reason of why home computerization has not yet got much demand in the society. It is essential to make it
adroit and easy to reach people so that they will use it in homes, work environments and schools. This application
Voice/Text controlled home appliance is offered at affordable price, everyone can change their homes to smart
homes by scheduling their device status.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the related work and the benefits of the
proposed system over the existing ones; Section 3 presents the working principle of the proposed system; Section 4
illustrates the system implementation, the details of the components employed and the overall functioning; Section 5
discusses the experimental results; Section 6 concludes the paper with future enhancements.

2. Related Work

The authors [1] proposed a smart home security system that sends to the owner when it detects any person and
alerts the owner by raising an alarm when it detects any intruder. Moreover, the same can also be activated for home
computerization by building the smart home with the use of the similar set of sensors. The microcontroller used by
the current prototype is the TI-CC3200 Launchpad board which comes with an in-built micro-controller and an on-
board Wi-Fi shield making use of which all the electrical and electronics appliances inside the home can be accessed
and monitored. In the proposed method, we make use of Arduino uno3, ESP8266 Node-MCU which is least cost
when compared to the existing systems TI-CC3200 Launchpad, ESP8266 is also provided with the Wi-Fi which
receives instructions from the Wi-Fi device connected, and controls the status of the devices connected.

This work [2] presents a least cost flexible and consistent home motorization system with additional security
using Arduino kit, with Internet Protocol connectivity through local Wi-Fi for monitoring and guiding devices by
authenticated users remotely using the mobile phone application. They presented a smart home using Arduino UNO
and esp8266-01 as a connectivity module. It helps the user to control various electrical and electronics appliances
remotely. In the existing system, IP address has to be fetched every time from the LCD display, to authenticate the
operation in the phone. In the proposed system, this IP address authentication can be avoided, more over the existing
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system does not support the voice based commands, but our system can control the home appliances using

This paper carried out a study on web based smart home automation system. It allows user to monitor home
appliances using smart phones. This system uses remote control for accessing electrical or electronics appliances and
monitors security and energy management [3][7]. The authors quoted the issue of security, authentication and access
control of interconnected home appliances. But they did not provide solution for the issues. Since the proposed
system makes use of the user’s mobile phone for controlling the home appliances, security for home automation
remains secure; also it uses the Firebase Cloud Service which also provides security.

In [4] this it is quoted that there are variety of IoT product providers exist in the market. They are Apple,
Amazon, Google, Samsung etc. They provide platform and solutions for smart homes. But, these smart gadgets will
work only inside the provided infrastructure. They cannot be carried outside and the devices connected to them
cannot be controlled. In the proposed system distance is not a barrier. Any devices connected through the Wi-Fi
device can be controlled from anywhere, even our physical presence is not needed in the surroundings.

The [5] system is implemented using Amazon Echo, Amazon’s cloud services, and its voice services. A
Raspberry Pi 3 is used by them as the hardware which provides smart features for non-smart homes. But, in the
proposed method, Arduino uno3, ESP8266 Node-MCU is used which is least cost when compared to the existing
systems Raspberry Pi 3. ESP8266 is also provided with the Wi-Fi which receives status from the Wi-Fi device
connected, and controls the status of the devices connected. Also instead of Amazon cloud services Firebase cloud
services are used, which includes latest technologies and it is free of cost. Large datasets are not used, as minimum
number of instructions is given to switch ON/OFF. It is sufficient to use Firebase instead of Amazon echo or
Amazon Cloud services.

3. Proposed Work

In this proposed application, when the user launches the application, the skill will be checking the authorization
of the user. For unregistered users it will give a message to login to continue to access the services of the application.
In case of registered users, users will receive a welcome message along with the details of the appliances in his
home, and daily update of the current state of the appliances in the home.

3.1 Working Principle

The application input is provided by the user using the Google Assistant through his mobile phone. Using this
application the users can schedule the devices connected to Arduino and ESP8266. The input given by the users is
fed into the Firebase. The Wi-Fi connected ESP8266 fetches the information from the firebase and turn on or off the
devices depending upon the users requests. Any device can be scheduled independently using this application.

The Node-RED Technology is used for the functions of the application which is embedded with IoT device
(NodeMCU). This developed application is deployed in Dialogflow Account. The NodeMCU is connected with
regular home appliances. The flow written in the Node-RED is deployed in the Dialogflow that will be integrated
with Google Assistant. Whenever commands are given it triggers the API call through the cloud Firebase Real-time
database to store the values in the integrated NodeMCU. As per the parameters fetched from the cloud the
NodeMCU operates the Home Appliance as shown in Figure 1.
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Figure 1 Architecture of Proposed System

3.2 Dialogflow Account Creation

In Dialogflow, the basic flow of interaction involves the following steps:

1. The user is required to give the input
2. The given input is parsed by the Dialogflow agent
3. The agent created returns the response to the user.

Figure 2 Intent Creation Figure 3 Training the Intent

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Figure 2 shows how to use the dialog flow account, create the intent under the agent, and name the intent. Figure 3
shows how the Intents are used to train the agents to respond to the user. The conversation begins only if the training
is provided. The intents in the agent must map the user input as responses. For Example in our experiment if the
users enter into the environment it greets them with welcome message and puts a question “how may I help you?”.
The user queries the agent, like Lamp ON, this in turn triggers the intent and it extracts the response from the
training set like Lamp ON or Lamp already ON. Figure 4 illustrates how the training phrases are trained.

Figure 4 Training Phrases

4. Experimental Setup
The following components and software’s are used in the proposed application.
4.1 The Node-MCU (Node Microcontroller Unit) is an open source firmware development environment used in
Home Automation. The ESP8266 comprises of all necessary elements of the recent computer: CPU, RAM,
networking (Wi-Fi), and even a modern operating system and SDK. This makes this as the excellent choice for
more projects [9].

4.2 Relays are the controlling or switching devices for most of the equipment’s. It also provides primary protection
for the devices. All the relays are switches that open and close the circuits and respond to one or more electrical
quantities like voltage or current.

4.3 The Arduino IDE facilitates a software library from the Wiring project, Only two functions are required from the
user: first for starting the program; next for sketching the main program loop.
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4.4 Dialogflow is used to create Intents under agent. The training phrases trained in the will respond to the user when
the user queries. The users inputs are carefully mapped as response to the users. It is an interaction based technology
like NLP/NLU.

4.5 Firebase provides a real time database and backend services to the users. It is a mobile or web based application
development platform owned by Firebase. The Firebase Cloud service, which is free of cost, can be used by the
users. Firebase will work fine with small amount of datasets where querying is little.

4.6 Node.js is a server side scripting language written using JavaScript run-time environment that executes
JavaScript code outside of a browser. It is an open source and cross platform supporting language. Node.js lets
developers to run scripts on server-side to produce required web content before the page is transferred to the user's
web browser.

4.7 Node-RED is used to wire the hardware devices, APIs and online services together using the programming tool.
It is a web browser based flow editor which is used to write JavaScript functions.

5 Results and Discussion

Figure 5 depicts how to schedule the devices. In the experimental results, two different setups of this application are
shown. One with single lamp control another with three lamp controls, all the lamps can be scheduled together or
separately. Figure 6 shows how to reschedule the already scheduled devices and how does the bot respond to the
request. Figure 7 shows, on receiving the command from Firebase the single lamp glows, in figure 5 the status is set
to ON, so the lamp is glowing. Figure 8 depicts how the two lamps are turning to ON state after receiving the
command from the user.

Voice processing of instructions received from the user starts with the node red skill using the JavaScript, which
debugs and deploy the skill to the cloud. It tests with voice input whether all the commands are recognized
appropriately and integrated with NodeMCU board. When it receives API call from the cloud, ESP8266 understands
the command and checks the current status of the appliances and redirects message to API. ESP8266 processes the
instructions based on the received message such as ON/OFF.

Figure 6 Rescheduling a Lamp

Figure 5 Scheduling a Lamp
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Figure 7 Output of Scheduled Lamp Figure 8 Output of Scheduled Lamps

6. Conclusion and Future Enhancement

This work aims to automatically control the home appliances through a voice based or text based control. This
application is not bounded by distance constraint. A smart home is something only the super-wealthy could afford,
the virtual assistant; a luxury that came with a hefty price-tag. But, our application is cost effective compared to
other branded smart gadgets or controllers. This application is highly consistent and proficient for the elderly people
and differently abled person on a wheel chair who cannot reach the switch, for switching ON/OFF the device.
This System can be extended to find the gas leakage in home, and automatic filling of water tanks.

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