SLXi Product (07-2020) - EN-V1.0 TK80.05
SLXi Product (07-2020) - EN-V1.0 TK80.05
SLXi Product (07-2020) - EN-V1.0 TK80.05
— E u r o p e ’s f i r s t S t a g e V c o m p l i a n t t r a i l e r u n i t —
S I N G L E - A N D M U LT I -T E M P E R A T U R E
The SLXi range is the result of many thousands of hours of research. But we did not confine ourselves to the To effectively manage your fleet you
laboratory. Instead we spoke to hundreds of transport companies and analysed data from over one thousand units needed full visibility of both unit and
in daily use. The knowledge acquired allowed us to evolve the proven SLX platform to meet more of your needs, load condition, at your location and
to further exceed your expectations and simply to serve you better. on the move. We decided to make the
SLXi the first fully “telematics ready”
unit by installing our first TK BlueBox
communication device on every unit.
Fuel typically represents more than half
of your Total Cost of Ownership. You will be able to connect
Imagine what a reduction of 10 to 20%
anytime, anywhere.
could do for your bottom line.
EVERY SLXi is Bluetooth® enabled to communicate free of charge with your smartphone or tablet.
It’s easily installed on iOS or Android devices. Cellular service is available with subscription.
Having real-time information means you can view and monitor CONNECT ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
» Set point, return air and discharge air
» Door status
» Fuel status
» Alarm status
» Operating mode
» Dealer locations and contact information.
EVERY SLXi has 2-way communication capability. Now you can connect and manage your unit wherever you are.
» Free of charge
Being in control remotely means you can » Easy to install on smartphone or tablet
» Start or stop the unit » Available for iOS and Android
» Change the temperature set point » Bluetooth® enabled
» Initiate defrost » 2-way communication capability
» Perform a pre-trip inspection
» Clear alarms
» Change the operating mode (Continuous run/Cycle Sentry).
TK BlueBox New TracKing™ portal TouchPrint SR-3 controller i-BOX Connectivity options
communication device Advanced online fleet and Temperature data capture and print Remote diagnostics for total load Enables data exchange with third via API, expansion board*, CanBus*
Fitted as standard on every SLXi, temperature management, for full traceability protection, 2-way communication party telematics
real-time information, 2-way communication capability capability
2-way communication
6 SLXi All products are developed in accordance with GAMP guidelines. * future enhancements SLXi 7
Choosing what is best for your business Minimizing your Total Cost of Ownership
A refrigeration unit, like any capital equipment, must deliver a return on investment which is quantified
Fuel savings with precise temperature control by calculating the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
After analysing data from over one thousand trailers in real-life applications across many continents, it has become » Fuel typically comprises more than 50% of the TCO over a 7 year first life. The SLXi has been refined to deliver
clear that many refrigeration units are not set up for optimum performance and economy. Careful study of hundreds substantial savings of 10-20%* on average when compared with its already impressive predecessor.
of applications has helped us to formulate operating profiles which ideally suit real temperature controlled transport » Maintenance costs can be managed downwards and made predictable by choosing a service contract such
situations. as those offered under the ThermoKare banner.
» Purchase price is the most visible part of TCO, but not the largest. Buying cheap is seldom buying wise.
The SLXi will provide you with a choice of profiles ranging from decimal point accurate temperature control for The price paid covers much more than the tangible asset of the unit itself. It also covers service support,
highly sensitive loads to substantially reduced fuel consumption for less sensitive cargoes. Our Dealers have been quality, reliability, innovation, dependability and much more.
trained to help you match operating parameters exactly to your individual requirements. This will ensure that your » Operating costs can be reduced by the careful selection of the right operating profile for each load.
cargo is maintained in perfect condition and that your bottom-line benefits to the maximum possible extent. Thermo King Dealers have considerable expertise in this area.
» Productivity gains can be realized by using the fleet management tools made possible with TK BlueBox
For economy, a 27% larger condenser coil allows us to reduce engine speeds and cut fuel consumption while telematics connectivity, now standard on all SLXi units.
maintaining or increasing capacity and airflow. » Resale value of Thermo King equipment is legendary. Expect used trailers fitted with the SLXi to sell faster
than competitive units and at a better price.
For Precision Temperature Control (PTC), we leverage the latest Electronic Throttling Valve (ETV)
technology* integrated in the host unit and high frequency liquid line solenoid valve pulsing implemented *Depending on operating profiles
in the remote evaporators. This provides rapid pull-down for temperature recovery with smooth temperature
control to reduce thermal shock, minimize evaporation and increase the shelf-life of fresh produce.
Using the power and intelligence of the latest edition SR-3 controller with OptiSet™ Plus customizable operating
parameters, we ensure the best setup for your particular needs and virtually eliminate the risk of operator error.
I have
the power of choice.
Jeremy Boyle, Fleet Manager
8 SLXi SLXi 9
In charge of fleet maintenance and optimisation
Quality you can depend on Helping you care for our planet
Every time you move temperature sensitive cargo for your customers, you put your company’s reputation Every successful transport and logistics operation rates sustainability as one of its core values.
The reduction of environmental impact can take many forms including:
on the line. To do so, you have to place total trust in the equipment you use and the support it receives.
» the reduction of emissions (exhaust, CO2, noise)
Thermo King has always viewed world-class quality, reliability and service back-up as key ingredients. With the
» the reduction of consumption (energy, carbon fuels) and
SLXi, our passion for continuous improvement has resulted in a unit you can rely on to serve you day and night,
» the reduction of waste (land-fill, water usage, operational inefficiencies).
in the harshest conditions. We can make this commitment to you on the back of a global field trial and exhaustive
laboratory testing. As an SLXi owner, you will enjoy total peace of mind. Thermo King has always taken a leadership position when it comes to sustainability. Ingersoll Rand made a public
commitment in September 2014 to reduce operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 35% and product-
» 27% larger condenser permits reduced engine speeds and minimizes component stress. related GHG by 50% by the year 2020.
» Exceptional component durability gives increased uptime and lower maintenance costs.
» E-coated frame provides lifetime corrosion protection. » As the market’s greenest diesel trailer unit, the SLXi is loaded with features which enable you to substantially
» World leading Dealer network guarantees an expert and supportive partner, round the clock. reduce the environmental footprint of your operation while actually improving profitability.
» Micro-channel heat exchangers technology reducing refrigerant charge and minimising the risk of leakage.
» A direct injection industrial grade engine operating at reduced RPM nominal speed provides clean, dependable
» The SLXi is built in the world-renowned Thermo King Ireland plant following ISO 14000 and 18001 certified
manufacturing process and achieving zero landfill.
» All the SLXi trailer refrigeration units are fitted with GreenTech engines from Thermo King, featuring industrial
grade design, direct injection as standard and reduced RPM nominal speed. These engines drastically reduce
emissions, waste and noise pollution, exceeding the most stringent EU standards.
GreenTech engines are the cleanest engines on the refrigeration unit market, they are in particular fully
compliant with the emission criteria specified in the latest revision of the European legislation (NRMM Stage V)
effective from January 2019.
“Because of the high value of
the goods we haul, I am looking
for exceptional performance,
quality and efficiency.
-2.4 tons*
After all, that is what our per year
customers know they can
depend on, time after time.” NOx emissions Global warming
-15%* -45%**
with R-452A
10 to 20%*
fuel savings
While the enhanced SR-3 controller boasts many new features that allow for customization, temperature control
and fuel optimization, you will find that the menu system has been retained to minimize additional training.
As always, an interactive tutorial is available for new drivers.
A simple, intuitive display with a choice of 23 languages has multiple functions including: Easy-to-use Windows® based reporting package for simple,
» Changing temperature set point rapid data downloads, data search and generation of fully
» Setting selectable alarms and menus customizable reports in graphic or tabular format.
» Monitoring system performance
» Initiating a start of trip OptiSet™ Plus**
» Viewing all zones at the same time Pre-set operating parameters can be loaded by a Thermo King
» Recording all operational parameters Dealer. These are tailored to match unit performance to the
» Simultaneous zone monitoring on multi-temperature applications precise and unique requirements of each load. This provides
» Checking fuel level* operating economy and load protection, while dramatically
» Downloading CargoWatch™ data and uploading software updates via USB port. reducing the risk of operator error.
Load protection is ensured by a range of features including: ServiceWatch™ John Collins, Driver
Delivers pharmaceuticals
» Keypad with lockout A service logger is integrated in the SR-3 and provided
» Mode-lock as standard.
» Phase correction » Enables faster and more accurate fault diagnosis
» Diesel/electric auto switching » Reduces downtime and labour hours
“I need to deliver for our customers,
» Set point warning » Keeps a record of system operating modes and performance
» Wintrac™ software for data storage and analysis characteristics.
day in day out, whatever I am
» Top freeze protection hauling. That means delivering
» Advanced system monitoring and alarm notifications Greatly extended communication capabilities on time and on temperature.
» Precision Temperature Control (PTC) feature on multi-temperature units The SR-3 controller is designed to support high-speed,
No excuses. To make that happen,
» Full suite of data recording, management and analysis tools. flexible communication tasks including uploading temperature
profiles or software upgrades and downloading temperature
I need a controller that is easy to
CargoWatch™ and diagnostic data. The following will be supported for data use. And if something goes wrong,
A high-performance data logger for full EU compliance. Since January 2006, data logging has been a European transfer and management: I need to know what to do about it.
requirement for the transport of quick frozen food (Regulation 37/2005). The SLXi comes with an on-board » Cable connection: when using a laptop with Wintrac™ software
Being in control makes it easy to do
data logger as standard. To ensure your total compliance, CargoWatch™ is a fully approved independent logger » USB key: via the USB port provided as standard, eliminating
with the following options: the need for laptops and cables
my job right, every time.”
» Six temperature sensors » GPRS connection: via TracKing™ tool which allows online
» Four door switches fleet and temperature management
» Humidity sensor » Wireless communication: As end customers demand
» Data averaging increasing temperature traceability, transporters need
» Programmable out-of-range alarms. a simple and effective means of accessing critical data.
The SR-3 is designed to facilitate yard management and
is ready to support future wireless connections.
Easy to use.
Easy to control.
*If fuel level sensor fitted **On single temperature models only
12 SLXi SLXi 13
Whisper quiet operation Fully GDP-compliant
for total urban access pharmaceutical transport
Noise is rightly considered as an environmental pollutant. For decades, Thermo King has actively prioritized noise Most medical and biological products must be strictly temperature controlled at every stage of manufacture and
attenuation across the product range. Purchasers of temperature control equipment need to ensure that its distribution. Failure to do so not only risks the loss of an extremely high-value cargo but can also jeopardize public
sound profile is fit for purpose, for example delivery operations into city centres which must meet extremely strict health and patient safety. Because of the special needs of this sector, Thermo King established
noise targets. TK PharmaSolutions, a platform of applications and services that addresses the precise needs of the industry.
With the SLXi range, we are offering three levels of noise treatment: Within TK PharmaSolutions, Thermo King developed a Good Distribution Practice (GDP) protocol with supervision
» The standard SLXi unit, best in class for quiet operation thanks to noise-reduced components, and validation by independent specialists serving the pharmaceutical industry. This follows EU guidelines to cover
low engine speeds and extensive noise containment measures within the unit design. design, installation, operation and performance qualification.
» An optional upgrade with the Whisper™ noise attenuating kit, available for most models and delivering
a reduction in sound levels. The SLXi now joins our range of GDP-qualified equipment for the temperature controlled transport of sensitive
» A top-of-the-range PIEK certified Whisper™ Pro version, available for the SLXi-300 and SLXi Spectrum pharmaceutical products. Our real-time tracking and remote monitoring system TracKing™ enables detection of
(multi-temperature) models, which temperature deviations and immediate action to secure the load. TracKing™ is now GAMP5 validated.
» Complies with the most stringent noise abatement standards
» Requires no manual intervention to activate or deactivate PIEK mode Thermo King’s PharmaAssist service contract helps the customer to better manage risk throughout the life of the
» Involves no additional installation or service costs being a one-piece nose-mount unit and equipment. Services include annual calibration, preventative maintenance, priority breakdown assistance and access
» Features a dedicated controller which monitors the time and GPS position to force the unit into PIEK mode. to the iKare portal for full documentation.
66 63
67 62
70 60 60
65 65 65
60 70 60 70 60 70
14 SLXi SLXi 15
Tune your unit to your needs Unit Management
» Fuel tank 230L plastic
» TK PharmaSolutions
» Fuel tank 190L aluminium
» Door switch
» Fuel tank 100L aluminium
» Remote evaporator guards
» Unit protection guards
» Fuel primer
» Fuel heater (optional)
» Water separator
» Fuel sensor - ultrasonic, Battery Management
electrical and mechanical
» EnergyOne Battery
» Remote monitoring through
» Fuel level display
» Solar battery charger
» Tail lift battery charger
» Low voltage disconnect (LVD)
16 SLXi SLXi 17
SLXi-300 SLXi Spectrum
SLXi-200 SLXi-300 Whisper SLXi-400 S-2 S-3 S-2 + S-2 S-2 + S-3 S-3 + S-3 S-4.2
Spectrum Whisper
Pro * Pro *
0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C
Return air temperature to evaporator °C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C 0°C -20°C EVAPORATOR
Capacity on engine power W 13500 7500 15000 7900 16500 9400 18700 10000 19100 9000 18400 9000 Capacity (up to) W 6700 4000 8500 5000 10700 6050 12400 7100 13300 7100 9900 5500
Capacity on electric standby W 10500 5900 11900 6200 10100 5800 13200 7100 11200 6100 10500 6100
Capacity on engine power / PIEK AIRFLOW
Mode W - - - - 10800 6500 - - - - 12400 5800
Airflow volume @ m3/hr
0 Pa static pressure 1400 2050 2700 2800 3900 2320
Capacity on engine power Discharge velocity m/sec
(air throw) 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
W 8000 12000 12000 13300 12000 12000
(Outside air temperature: -20°C)
+20°C to -20°C (min) 160 150 130 120 / /
Thermo King warrants the new product delivered will be free
of defects in material and workmanship for the period of time
specified in the applicable warranties. Specific terms of the
Thermo King warranty are available on request.
18 SLXi SLXi 19
Multi-temperature zones
2 zones 3 zones
Airflow Refrigeration Maximum Refrigeration Refrigeration Maximum Refrigeration Maximum Refrigeration
Model Airflow Airflow Model Airflow Dimensions Model Airflow Dimensions
capacity (1) dimensions (2) capacity (1) Capacity (1) (2)
Capacity (1) (2)
Capacity (1)
(°C) (m3/h) (W) (m3/h) (meter) (W) (°C) (m3/h) (W) (m3/h) (meter) (W) (m3/h) (meter) (W)
0/30°C 15050 6700
A 5000 S2 1400 a = 3.5 0/30°C 15050 6700 6700
-20/30°C 8550 4000 M 5000 S2 1400 a = 3.5 S2 1400 b = 3.5
-20/30°C 8550 4000 4000
0/30°C 15050 8500
B 5000 S3 2050 a = 5.3 0/30°C 15050 8500 8500
-20/30°C 8550 5000 N 5000 S3 2050 a = 5.3 S3 2050 b = 5.3
-20/30°C 8550 5000 5000
0/30°C 15050 10 700
C1 5000 S2+S2 2700 a = 7.1 0/30°C 15050 8500 6700
-20/30°C 8550 6050 O 5000 S3 2050 a = 5.3 S2 1400 b =3.5
0/30°C -20/30°C 8550 5000 4000
15050 9900 (3)
C2 5000 S4.2 2320 a = 6.0 0/30°C 15050 10 700 8500
-20/30°C 8550 5500 (3)
P1 5000 S2+S2 2700 a = 7.1 S3 2050 b = 5.3
0/30°C 15400 12400 -20/30°C 8550 6050 5000
D 5000 S2+S3 2800 a = 7.2
-20/30°C 8200 7100 0/30°C 15050 9900 (3)
P2 5000 S4.2 2320 a = 6.0 S3 2050 b = 5.3
0/30°C 15050 13300 -20/30°C 8550 5500 (3)
E 5000 S3+S3 3900 a = 9.5
-20/30°C 8550 7100 0/30°C 2050 9900 (3)
9900 (3)
0/30°C P3 5000 S4.2 2320 a = 6.0 S4.2 2320 b = 6.0
15050 a = 0.8 6700 -20/30°C 4450 5500 (3) 5500 (3)
G 5000 S2 1400
-20/30°C 8550 b = 9.5 4000 0/30°C 15050 13 300 8500
0/30°C 15050 10 700 Q 5000 S3+S3 3900 a = 9.5 S3 2050 b = 5.3
H 5000 S2+S2 2700 a = 0.8 -20/30°C 8550 7100 5000
-20/30°C 8550 6050
0/30°C 15050 6700 6700
0/30°C 1050 a = 1.25 8500 R 5000 S2 1400 a = 9.5 S2 1400 b = 9.5
I 5000 S3 2050 -20/30°C 8550 4000 4000
-20/30°C 8550 b = 9.5 5000
0/30°C 15050 6700 8500
0/30°C 15050 13300 U 5000 S2 1400 a = 9.5 S3 2050 b = 8.0
J 5000 S3+S3 4000 a = 1.25 -20/30°C 8550 4000 5000
-20/30°C 8550 7100
Individual capacity of each zone.
Individual capacity of each zone. (2)
Maximum recommended dimensions: these are guidelines based on airflow and air velocity requirements. For each application, a heat load calculation must be performed.
Maximum recommended dimensions: these are guidelines based on airflow and air velocity requirements. For each application, a heat load calculation must be performed. All calculations are based upon the following assumptions: Trailer wall k value = 0.4W/m2K, internal trailer length up to 13.5 m, height up to 2.6 m, width up to 2.5 m, zero heat
All calculations are based upon the following assumptions: Trailer wall k value = 0.4W/m2K, internal trailer length up to 13.5 m, height up to 2.6 m, width up to 2.5 m, zero heat load from produce carried. For information on configurations not shown here, contact your Thermo King Area Sales/Service Manager.
load from produce carried. For information on configurations not shown here, contact your Thermo King Area Sales/Service Manager. (3)
Preliminary data. ATP certification in progress.
Preliminary data. ATP certification in progress.
a MM
a b b
a b a2 a
a a
b b
C2 a b a a
C1C C2 II a
a b OO
b b
20 SLXi SLXi 21
As a Thermo King owner, you have invested
in trusted and proven technology. So when
maintaining your unit, it makes sense to choose
original Thermo King replacement parts.
It is reassuring to know that every part has been
exhaustively tested to the same world-class standards
as your Thermo King unit. Genuine parts last longer
and perform dependably day after day, year after year.
OUR DEALER SERVICE NETWORK business. Your Thermo King Dealer will take care of
maintenance planning, scheduling, invoice interpretation