Footnote To Youth
Footnote To Youth
Footnote To Youth
It is the mixture of all the methods which are through 14. Discuss the falling action of the story or the close of the story.
description, conversation of each character, and their actions. Footnote to
youth talks about the youth as of today. It make possible to illustrate what
a typical youth will be in the story so as a result, the author really brings The falling action of the story is that he had 7 children all in
out each individual through describing them one by one. And in this story all. And since the coming of the children could not be helped, Dodong got
it comes to pass. It also embarks upon on how the characters will angry at himself sometimes. And these things came to him as a
converse to one another and how they act in accordance on how they realization. He wanted to ask questions and somebody to answer him.
stick to their main beliefs. As you can see every deed and tête-à-tête made And he realize that why Life did not fulfill Youth’s entire dream. The
by each of the character are equally diverse. close of the story is that Dodong returned to the house humiliated by him.
He has wanted to know a little wisdom but was denied it.
7. Who tells the story? What point of view is used? Explain
15. Does this story create any special mood? Explain.
Yes, it does create a special aura and the tone for that is the and humanity. In its positive direction, it attempts to inspire an
sense of mercy and pity to Dodong because he was suffering of life’s real improvement in society rather than just tear down with criticism.
experiences. And he had no way to stop this and because of this, he was
embarrassed and humiliated on what he had done because of his eager to
22. Was there a villain in the story? A hero? A dynamic character?
face life without any guarantee of orienting himself about it. You can also Describe.
see the disappointment because the youth of today is like Dodong who is
apathetic about the real score in life and because they say that they are
mature, close-mindedness are being seen for this. There is a dynamic character in this story in the person of the
father of Dodong. He is the one that made Dodong to think twice in his
decisions because his father knows what will happen if he will pursue on
16. Is this story realistic or true to life? Explain your answers by giving marrying Teang. He is at first not supportive to his son’s news but
because he wants him to learn about the life’s pros and cons, he let his
son to experienced it.
Yes, this story is true to life and all the youth is experiencing
this kind of trouble. For example at the provinces, because of lack of
23. Can you find any examples of figurative language? Cite them from
education and orientation of the parents and siblings about responsible the selection.
adulthood and parenthood, their siblings are engaging to a lot of
relationship and turns
Personification is one of the figurative speeches that are used
for this story. And its example: “A short colorless worm marched blindly
out to be marrying at the young age because of there stubbornness to Dodong’s foot…” Also it uses hyperbole like for example: “youth must
and foolishness. Because in provinces, it is not wrong to marry at the be dreamfully sweet. Dreamfully sweet”
young age but there is certain limitation. If the man is mature enough to
face life challenges to avoid consequences. He will get to marry his
24. Does the story contain a single effect or impression for the reader? If
partner provided that he has his parent’s consent. Like Dodong.
so, what?
Yes. It simply tells the story of an older person who made a mistake in the
17. Are the events or incidents of the plot presented in flashback or in past who ended up
chronological order? with a not so pleasurable life. Then he had a son who is like him when he
Justify. was young. His son is hasty in making the decision to get married, just
like he was when he was 17. And it really applies to us Filipinos specially
The events are presented in chronological order from the time the youth. It gives the impression to have a wise choice in dealing with
that Dodong proposed to Teang, to breaking the news to his father, until life.
marrying Teang and having their first born, and lastly having 7 children
and realizing the fact that it is hard to have a family with a very young 25. Name one major personality trait of each leading character, and tell
age and because of these things, his youth was sacrificed and put at stake. how the author makes
the reader conscious of its trait.