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WB 8351 Exercises

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2020Front cover
Course Exercises Guide
Developing workflow solutions using IBM
Business Automation Workflow V20.0.0.1
Course code WB835 / ZB835 ERC 1.0
December 2020 edition
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Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Exercises description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

How to follow the exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

Exercise structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
User IDs and passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x

Exercise 1. Creating your first process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Part 1: Start the IBM Workflow Center deployment environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Part 2: Log in to the IBM Workflow Center and set preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Part 3: Create and manage a process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
Part 4: Explore other tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
Part 5: Export the process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
Part 6: Import the process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29

Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Part 1: Create a process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Part 2: Create process activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Part 3: Model the process teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Part 4: Assign the activities to the appropriate Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18
Part 5: Create a linked process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Part 6: Attach the linked process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-30

Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Part 1: Create gateways for parent process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Part 2: Create gateways for the linked process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Part 3: Modeling timer intermediate events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Part 4: Add new process requirements to the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Part 5: Validate the process model and take a snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40

Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Part 1: Implement the intermediate timer event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Part 2: Create the process flow variables for the Hiring Request Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Part 3: Create process flow variables for the Approve Hire Request linked process . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Part 4: Implement gateways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Part 5: Implement routing for an activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Part 6: Review artifact references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26

Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Part 1: Build business objects and variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Part 2: Create a reusable client-side human service and define input controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Part 3: Reuse and debug the client-side human service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36

Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Part 1: Group controls into tabs on a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Part 2: Change the appearance of the coach by applying a custom theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Part 3: Customize controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
Part 4: Modify the mobile layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-29

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

TOC Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

Part 1: Prepare for the playback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Part 2: Demonstrate the Review Needed path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
Part 3: Demonstrate the Review Not Needed path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Part 4: Demonstrate activity tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Part 5: Reset the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Part 6: Create the Hiring Requisition Toolkit and take a snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24

Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Part 1: Create a decision service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Part 2: Implement a message start event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-21
Part 3: Apply asset tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-31
Part 4: Create a service to query a database and populate a list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34
Part 5: Change an input to a single select on a coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-55

Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Part 1: Implement exception handling in a service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Part 2: Prepare for final snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
Part 3: Check the history of the process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
Part 4: Create a snapshot of the process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12

Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

Part 1: Add code to determine whether it is the weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Part 2: Add custom routing to the HR Recruitment process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-4
Part 3: Test the custom routing solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-8
Part 4: Clean up the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11

Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1
Part 1: Modify the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2
Part 2: Create the team filter service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-7
Part 3: Apply the team filter service to the activity assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
Part 4: Test the four eyes policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12

Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1

Part 1: Create the event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2
Part 2: Create an undercover agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4
Part 3: Implement the boundary event with the UCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5
Part 4: Create the wrapper service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-8
Part 5: Create a test harness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-10
Part 6: Test the cancellation UCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14

Exercise 13. Building web service connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1

Part 1: Create an inbound web service to trigger the UCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2
Part 2: Test the inbound integration by creating an outbound integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-4
Part 3: Test the integrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-9

Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1

Part 1: Implement a document start event on a process by using the BPM document store . . . . . 14-3
Part 2: Configure the Document Viewer to use the Target Object Store (TOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-26
Part 3: Build Case solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-32
Part 4: Test your solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-45
Part 5: Export the process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-52

Appendix A. Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Part 1: Export current process application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

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TOC Part 2: Perform troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6

Part 3: Import a solution file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7

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The reader should recognize that the following terms, which appear in the content of this training
document, are official trademarks of IBM or other companies:
IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
The following are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many
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Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
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Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.

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Exercises description


Exercises description
This course includes the following exercises:
• Exercise 1. Creating your first process application
• Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process
• Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow
• Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data
• Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches
• Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation
• Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session
• Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations
• Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application
• Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution
• Exercise 11. Implementing the "four eyes" policy by using a team filter
• Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern
• Exercise 13. Building web service connections
• Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process
In the exercise instructions, you can check off the line before each step as you complete it to track
your progress.
Most exercises include required sections, which should always be completed. It might be
necessary to complete these sections before you can start later exercises. Some exercises also
include optional sections that you might want to complete when you have sufficient time and want
an extra challenge.
This course has been tested in Firefox. Firefox is the default browser. However, Chrome is
available. Keep in mind, the behavior may be different. If Firefox prompts to install updates, decline
the updates.


The exercises in this course use a set of lab files that might include scripts, applications, files,
solution files, project interchange files, and others. The course lab files can be found in the following
C:\labfiles for the Windows platform
The exercises point you to the lab files as you need them.

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How to follow the exercise instructions


How to follow the exercise instructions

Exercise structure
Each exercise is divided into sections with a series of steps and substeps. The step represents an
action to be completed. If required, the substeps provide guidance on completing the action:
• The numbered steps (1, 2, 3) describe what actions to do.
• The lettered substeps (a, b, c) provide detailed guidance on how to complete the action.

1+1 2 Example

As shown in this example, the numbered step (“3”) tells you to change the value in a rule. Substeps
“a” and “b” provide details on how to edit.

If you already know how to edit rules and change values, you can skip the substeps.

Text highlighting in exercises

Different text styles indicate various elements in the exercises.
Words that are highlighted in bold font represent GUI items that you interact with, such as:
• Menu items
• Field names
• Icons
Words that are highlighted with a code font include the following items:
• Text that you type or enter as a value
• System messages
• Directory paths
• Code

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How to follow the exercise instructions

Tracking your progress
As shown in the example step, you can see that an underscore precedes each numbered step and
lettered substep.
You are encouraged to use these markers to track your progress. As you complete a step, place an
X or a check mark on the underscore to indicate that it is completed. By tracking your progress in
this manner, you can stay focused when you experience interruptions during a lengthy exercise.

Required exercise sections

Most exercises include required sections that should always be completed. It might be necessary to
complete these sections before you can start subsequent exercises.
Dependencies between exercises are listed in the exercise introduction.

Optional exercise sections

Some exercises might also include optional sections that you can complete when you have
sufficient time and want an extra challenge.


Course updates and errata

A Course Corrections document might be available for this course.

If you are taking the class with an instructor, the instructor can
provide this document to you.

If you are taking the course in a self-paced environment, the course

corrections document is provided with the other manuals.

To check whether a Course Corrections document exists for this course:

1. Go to the following URL: https://ibm-learning-skills-dev.github.io/
2. On the web page, click the IBM Cloud courses category.
3. Find your product in one of the categories and click the link to open the category.
4. Find your course in the list and click the link to see whether an errata document exists with
updated instructions.
5. To save the file to your computer, click the document link and follow the dialog box prompts.

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How to follow the exercise instructions

User IDs and passwords

Table 1. User accounts and passwords

Type Username Password
Windows Server 2016 administrator passw0rd
IBM Business Automation Workflow author1 passw0rd
WebSphere Application Server cell administrator administrator passw0rd

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 1. Creating your first process application


Exercise 1. Creating your first process

Estimated time

This exercise introduces Business Automation Workflow and the creation of your first process
application. You are also introduced to various tools that can be used for troubleshooting. After
creating your process application, you learn how to export and import snapshots.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Start IBM Business Automation Workflow
• Create a process application in Workflow Center
• Use the Process Admin console and other tools to aid in troubleshooting
• Export and import process applications

IBM Business Automation Workflow is a platform to create workflow applications to improve
productivity. Workflow applications coordinate work between tasks that are performed by humans
and automated tasks to improve daily business operations.
IBM Business Automation Workflow is part of the IBM Digital Business Automation platform, which
includes various product offerings that you can use to digitize all aspects of business operations,
while providing real-time insight into your business.


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2020 1-1

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

Part 1: Start the IBM Workflow Center deployment environment
Part 2: Log in to the IBM Workflow Center and set preferences
Part 3: Create and manage a process application
Part 4: Explore other tools
Part 5: Export the process application
Part 6: Import the process application

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2020 1-2

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Start the IBM Workflow Center deployment environment
Before you can start the IBM Workflow Center deployment environment, three server configurations
must be started. After logging on to the lab environment, start the Deployment Manager profile, the
Node Agent profile, and the Deployment Environment.


All three server configurations must be started in order, starting with the Deployment Manager
profile, then the Node Agent profile, and followed last by the Deployment Environment. To
accomplish this task, the product provides a Quick Start routine to run the server start in that order.

__ 1. Start the lab environment.

When you receive your lab environment, the environment is in a Stopped state.
__ a. To start the lab environment, click Run this VM.

It may take several minutes for the lab environment to start.

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Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ b. When the environment is in a started state, it turns green and the status changes to
Running. Click the computer icon to enter the environment.

The image in the computer might be different.

__ 2. Start the Workflow Center server.
__ a. Log in to the Windows environment using the following credentials:
Username: administrator Password: passw0rd
__ b. Click the Windows Icon.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2020 1-4

Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.
Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ c. In the Start menu, scroll down to the IBM group and click the Down Arrow link next to it.

__ d. Click ProcessCenter Quick Start.

__ e. In the IBM Business Automation Workflow Quick Start window that opens, click the
Start the Workflow Center Deployment Environment link.

It takes a while for the deployment environment to get started. A command prompt
window runs through the start of the Deployment Manager profile, Node Agent profile,
and Deployment Environment. Allow the entire start process to complete. The Quick

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

Start window displays that the environment is starting. It can take about 10 – 20 minutes,
so make sure that you provide ample time for this initial start.

__ f. Switch to the newly open command window. When the environment starts, the Press
any key to continue message is displayed. When prompted, press any key. You might
have to press a key multiple times, at which point the command window closes.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ g. The Quick Start window refreshes and updates the display. It might take up to 10 – 20
minutes for the servers to fully engage depending on the hardware configuration. Wait
for the four sections to be populated in the IBM Business Automation Workflow
Quick Start window (Deployment environment administration, Administration consoles
and tools, Process application consoles and tools, and Documentation).

Part 2: Log in to the IBM Workflow Center and set preferences

__ 1. The Workflow Center includes a repository for all processes, services, and other assets
created in IBM Process Designer. The Workflow Center provides the tools that you need to
maintain the repository. You now connect to the IBM Workflow Center.
__ a. Minimize both the IBM Business Automation Workflow Quick Start window and the
ProcessCenter Quick Start command window.
__ b. Open Firefox and click the link on the Bookmark toolbar for IBM Workflow Center

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application



The new terminology for Process Center is Workflow Center. While the new term is used
throughout the product, there are times when the product still makes a reference to Process Center.

__ c. If a Firefox security warning message is displayed, it is safe to ignore that. Click

Advanced to continue. Depending on the security message, you might have to click a
few times.

A loading screen and then a login screen are displayed for Workflow Center.
__ d. Enter author1 in the User name field and passw0rd in the Password field.
__ e. Click Log In.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application



The Workflow Center repository URL is: https://ws2016x64:9443/WorkflowCenter/

The Classic Workflow Center repository URL is: https://ws2016x64:9443/ProcessCenter/

You are now logged in to the Workflow Center as author1.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ 2. Review and set preferences.
When initially logging in to Workflow Center, it defaults to displaying the Basic configuration.
__ a. To display the functions associated with the Basic configuration, click the navigation icon
in the upper left.

__ b. Expand the Process apps and Case solutions sections.

Notice that you can access Process apps, Toolkits, Case solutions and Case Templates.
You can also create servers by using the Server tab.
__ c. Click the X in the upper left corner to close the navigation bar.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ d. Open the Preferences settings by clicking author1 > Preferences

__ e. In the User Preferences dialog box, change the Locale to your language and the View
mode to Advanced.

__ f. Click Submit
__ g. Click the navigation icon in the upper left.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ h. Select Administration

After setting preferences to Advanced, you can now see the Administration option.
You are presented with the Permissions page displaying the default groups for Workflow
Center. You can access this page because author1 is a member of the tw_authors
group. From this page, you can add users and groups.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ i. Click the grid in the menu bar
In case you need to access the Classic Workflow Center, you can click the Classic
Workflow Center icon


If you leave your workstation for a period of time, BAW logs you out and provides a dialog box to log
back in. If this happens, enter your credentials and press OK.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

Part 3: Create and manage a process application
In this course, you build a Hiring Request Process application. You create that process application
in this section. In subsequent lab exercises, you build all the required artifacts, specifying more
details as you progress.
__ 1. Create a process application.
__ a. Click the navigation icon in the upper left.

__ b. Select Home.
__ c. Click Create in the Process apps tile.


While completing the form, be sure not to click outside of it. Once the focus is taken away, the form
is withdrawn. If this happens, click Create again to initiate the dialog.

__ d. When the Create a process app dialog box is displayed, enter the following values:
- Name: HR Recruitment Process
- Acronym: HRR
- De-select (clear) the Open in Process Designer option
- Target Environment: Traditional

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

- Description: Contains HR processes that are used for recruitment.

__ e. Click Create.


If you do not see the Acronym text box, be sure you correctly set the View Mode for the author1
username to Advanced.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ f. Verify that the process application is created and is now in your list of process apps.

Notice the Traditional icon is displayed denoting a Traditional (on-premises)

__ 2. Manage the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ a. To view the details of the HR Recruitment Process process application, click Details
on the tile.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ b. By default, the Overview tab is displayed. Other tabs that are displayed include
Snapshots, Permissions, History, and Comments. You can create snapshots in
Workflow Center or in IBM Process Designer. From this page, you can also change
permissions, review the history of the application, and provide comments.

__ c. Click the Comments tab and enter a comment.

__ d. Click Add comment.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

The Comments entry is added to the left with a date and time stamp.
__ e. Review the History and Permissions tab to become familiar with the information
presented. These sections are specific to the process application.
In the next section, you are introduced to tools that are helpful in troubleshooting
development issues.
In the final section, you export and import the process application. At the beginning of
each exercise, you have the option to import an existing solution file or to continue
working with your solution. If you run into issues in your process application, you have
the option of importing a working solution to keep progressing in the class.

Part 4: Explore other tools

In addition to working with the Workflow Center console, there are several other tools that one
works with when developing applications in IBM Business Automation Workflow. You explore some
of those tools in this section. You can use these tools throughout the course to aid in
__ 1. Explore the Administration console. The Administrative console is used to administer
applications, services, and other resources at a cell, node, server, or cluster scope. You can
use the console with stand-alone servers and with deployment managers that manage all
servers in a cell in a networked environment.
__ a. To access the administration console, go back to the minimized Quick Start window and
click the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console link.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ b. If prompted, log in by entering author1 in the User ID field and passw0rd in the
Password field. Click Log In.


If you receive a message stating another user is currently logged in with the same user ID, leave
the default selection (to log out the other user) and click OK.

__ c. Expand the Servers panel and click Deployment Environments. On this screen, you
can start, stop, and create new deployment environments. You can also verify the status
of a deployment environment.

__ d. Expand the Resources panel, then expand the JDBC section and click Data sources.
__ e. Scroll down to the bottom and click Training Course DB. This is the JDBC driver that is
used later in the course to access a DB2 database.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ f. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and the data source properties are displayed.

__ g. While logged in, feel free to explore the administrative console further. Optionally, click
Logout to log out of the console.

__ 2. Explore the Process Admin console. The Process Admin Console is used to administer the
process servers in your environment, including the users and installed snapshots for each
server. In addition, it provides tools to help you manage queues and caches.
__ a. To access the administration console, go back to the Quick Start window and click the
Process Admin Console link.

__ b. If you logged out of the Administrative console, then you are prompted to log in to the
Process Admin Console. Enter author1 in the User Name field and passw0rd in the
Password field. Click Log In.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ c. When the Process Admin console is displayed, note the various links in the left pane.

__ d. Expand User Management and then click User Management.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ e. In the Retrieve Profile field, enter * and click Retrieve to view a list of users.

__ f. Click Group Management in the left menu.

__ g. In the Select Group to Modify field, enter %%
__ h. Examine the groups listed. Do not make any changes as it impacts the exercises.

__ i. As time allows, continue to explore the Process Admin Console.

__ 3. Explore the Process Inspector.
Use the Process Inspector to view the task, activity, and data details of your active process
__ a. Click the Process Inspector link in the navigation bar at the top.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

The Process Inspector opens in a new tab. If you run into issues in your development,
you can use the Process Inspector to view the status of all running process applications.
__ b. Click Search
The Filter process instances by section is updated and all process applications in the
repository are listed on the right with their status. The Search button changes to
__ c. Click the Standard Employee Requisition for Tom Miller instance.
__ d. On the right, expand Tasks and Data.

As you develop your solution, you can use the Process Inspector to inspect the status of
active, completed, suspended, terminated, and failed process applications. You can also
view the task last executed and the data that is associated with the task.
If you expect to see a task or process display in Process Portal and it does not, you can
use the Process Inspector to determine what state the process application is in.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

Part 5: Export the process application
Now that this exercise is complete, you are ready to export the process application. This export
saves your application as a twx file in a folder for future use. If you wish to keep your solution at the
end of the course, you can export it following this procedure and upload it to a web-based file
sharing program such as Box.
Each exercise in this course builds on the prior one. The progression resembles a real-world
implementation of the IBM playback methodology.
There are working solutions for each exercise listed in Appendix A. Solutions. If you run into issues
in an exercise, you can export your solution and import the working solution to perform
troubleshooting. If you are unable to determine the issue, you can import the exercise solution for
the current exercise to continue working. This process helps you to continue working with exercises
without any interruption from an unresolved error in your previous exercise.
__ 1. Create a snapshot
Only process applications with snapshots can be exported.
__ a. Return to the Workflow Center and click the Process apps tile.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ b. Click Details on the HR Recruitment Process tile.

__ c. Select the Snapshots tab.

__ d. Open the list of Options by clicking the three dots on right side of the Current tip.
The tip is the current working version of a project.
__ e. Select Create a snapshot

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ f. Enter Exercise 1 solution for the name.

__ g. Click Create.
__ 2. Export the application. Exporting the application also exports the toolkit that it depends on.
You can only export snapshots. Since there are no associated toolkits yet, only the process
application is exported.
__ a. Open the list of options for the snapshot and select Export

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application



You can also export, archive, and delete process applications directly from the Process apps page
by accessing the list of options on the tile.

__ b. In the Export the snapshot window, click Export. It may take a minute or two to
generate the .twx file.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ c. Click OK to save the file. The application is saved to the default folder, which is the
Downloads directory.

__ d. Verify that the application is listed in the downloads directory.

__ 3. Archive the process application and delete it. Although you don’t have to archive an
application before deleting it, it is a good practice. Archiving an application also archives the
toolkit that it depends on. Since there are no associated toolkits yet, only the process
application is archived.


Don't archive a toolkit that other projects depend on nor use archived toolkits when creating toolkit
dependencies in Process Designer. Archived items are not part of the active library.

__ a. Return to the HR Recruitment Process application in the Workflow Center and select the
Overview tab.
__ b. Open the list of options for the application and select Archive.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ c. In the window that opens, click Archive to confirm the action. Clicking Archive does not
delete the application; it removes it from the available Process Apps and makes it
ready for deletion.
An Archived tag appears in the application Overview tile.

__ d. Open the list of options for the application and select Delete.

__ e. In the window that opens, click Delete to confirm the deletion. The process application is
now deleted.
You are returned to the list of Process apps.
__ f. Verify that HR Recruitment Process is no longer listed.

Part 6: Import the process application

In this section, you import the process application solution that you exported in the previous
section. If you perform this import procedure in the beginning of an exercise by using the solution
for the prior exercise, this ensures that you have a good copy of the process application at the start
of the exercise. If you run into issues in your exercise, you can import the working solution. This
process helps you to continue working with exercises without any interruption from an unresolved
error in your previous exercise.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application


__ 1. Import the process application.

__ a. On the list of Process apps, click Import.

__ b. Click Browse.

__ c. Navigate to the Downloads folder and select the file:

HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_1_solution.twx
__ d. Click Open.
__ e. Click OK.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ f. The Notifications window displays the message

__ g. Close the Notifications window by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
__ h. Verify that the HR Recruitment Process application is listed.
__ 2. Let users update the toolkit.
This step is only pertinent after Exercise 7 when you start using toolkits. When importing a
toolkit, it does not default to let others use it.
__ a. Click the navigation icon in the upper left.

__ b. Select Toolkits.

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Exercise 1. Creating your first process application

__ c. Click Details on the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.

__ d. Verify the box is checked next to Let users update the toolkit.

You have completed this exercise.

You are now ready to start building your process application. Each exercise shows step-by-step
instructions that you can follow to complete the tasks. In IBM Business Automation Workflow, you
find many different ways to complete modeling tasks. The step-by-step instructions show one way
to accomplish these tasks in the exercises.

End of exercise

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process


Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the

To-Be process
Estimated time

This exercise covers how to create a process by using IBM Process Designer. The Hiring
Requisition process owner provided detailed information about the process and its current state to
the BPM analyst, who in turn documented the information. This step completed the process
discovery and initial analysis, and now the process model can be created. To accomplish the task of
creating the initial process model, you model it with a pool, lanes, and flow objects such as
activities, and events, and nested processes. You take the information that is provided for the use
case and translate that into a process. Your first task is to create a process and name it according
to naming conventions. You then add the activities in the appropriate lanes and use sequence flow
to connect the activities. Be sure to model the happy path (critical path) first. You also complete
decomposition on your process and create a linked process where you see the opportunity.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Translate business process workflow steps that are documented in the process discovery and
analysis into process model tasks
• Create the foundation for a process by adding the appropriate lanes to the default pool
• Model the expected process flow for the initial process model
• Decompose business process workflow steps that are documented in the process discovery
and analysis into process model tasks
• Create a linked process

In the previous exercise, you created a process application. In this exercise, you model the process
to be used for the application.
In this exercise, you create a to-be process model. To accomplish the task of creating the initial
process model, you define a pool, lanes, and flow objects such as activities, events, and a linked
In this exercise, you add activities to the appropriate lanes and use sequence flow to connect the
activities. As mentioned in the unit, you model the happy path first. Gateways and various flows are
presented in the next exercise.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Finally, you create a subprocess and link it to the main process.
This exercise is long, so a break is included in the middle of the instructions.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Create a process
Part 2: Create process activities
Part 3: Model the process teams
Part 4: Assign the activities to the appropriate Team
Part 5: Create a linked process
Part 6: Attach the linked process

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Exercise instructions

Hiring Requisition process

The company expanded from the simple (as-is) hiring process to a more detailed (to-be) hiring
process. The detailed process now includes more information. The process that you are going to
examine and model is called the Hiring Requisition Process. The company also wants to reduce
rework by introducing a more structured process for the Hiring Requisition process. This process
covers a new job position through submission, approval, and completion so applicants can apply for
the job position.

Core requirements
• 1.1: A Hiring Manager submits a hiring requisition to the HR Department. The request contains
the following information:
▪ Customer details:
- Requisition number
- Date of request
- Requester
- Date position available
- Job title
- Job description
- Job level
- Number of people managed
- Division
- Department
- Salary to offer
- Bonus amount
- Hiring Manager comments
- New position
• 2.1: If the answer to “New position” is Yes, the request is forwarded to a General Manager. After
the General Manager receives the request, the General Manager indicates approval or
• 2.2: If the request is not approved, the General Manager specifies a reason and the request is
closed. If the request is approved, a salary compliance check is conducted.
• 2.3: The Hiring Manager is notified of the General Manager’s decision after the General
Manager approval step.
• 2.4: After the requisition is submitted, an automated system checks for salary compliance. If the
request meets salary compliance, the hiring request is automatically posted to the HR Positions
database and made available for dissemination.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

• 2.5: When a request violates the established salary guidelines of the company, the HR
Administrator can approve or reject the requested salary override.
• 2.6: If the salary override is approved, the request is posted to the HR Positions database and
made available for dissemination.
• 2.7: If the HR Administrator rejects the requested salary, the HR Administrator must provide
comments for the violation, add a proposed salary, and send the request back to the Hiring
Manager who originated the request.
• 2.8: When the Hiring Manager gets the request back because of a rejection, the Hiring Manager
can negotiate an adjusted salary or can cancel the request. If the negotiation is successful, the
request is resubmitted back to the same HR Administrator.
• 2.9: All hiring requests must be added to the HR Positions database regardless of the
disposition at the end of the process during a finalization activity.
• 2.10: The HR Administrator has 4 hours to complete the review. If the review is not completed
within 4 hours, an email is sent to the HR Administrator. The email notifies the HR Administrator
of the missed deadline.
The process owner provides detailed information about the process and its current state to the IBM
Process Analyst, who in turn documents the information and analyzes the process for
improvement. The process discovery and initial analysis are already completed for you to proceed
with the creation of the to-be process model.

Part 1: Create a process

To add the process model to the HR Recruitment Process application you created in the last
exercise, return to the Process Designer window.
A process defines the activities that are needed to resolve a specific business problem. A process
also defines who works on these activities and the steps they take to resolve the problem. At run
time, a business user works with an instance of a process.
__ 1. Create a process.
__ a. From the Workflow Center Home page, click Process Apps.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ b. Click HR Recruitment Process

The process application is opened in Process Designer.

__ c. From the process library on the left, click the (+) plus sign next to Processes and select
Process from the list.


If you see a pop up window asking for feedback, click No thank you.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process



When developing web-based user interfaces, it is important to keep in mind the different ways in
which different browsers render JavaScript. The screen that you see might vary slightly from the
screen captures depending on how the JavaScript is being rendered in the browser. For instance, in
the Chrome browser, it places a box around the highlighted tab.

Although the development environment might vary slightly, the most important thing to keep in mind
is how the user interface is displayed in the browser to be used with the solution.

__ d. Enter Hiring Request Process in the Name field. Click FINISH.

The process is created, and the initial model is shown under the Definition tab. By
default you have a process with a team lane, a system lane, a start event, an inline user
task, and an end event.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ 2. Expose the process to All Users so that all the users can start the process.
For now, you assign all users to the Hiring Request process. In a later unit and lab exercise
in this course, you learn how to define and assign a team and users to your process.
__ a. Click the Overview tab.

__ b. Under the Exposing section on the right, click Select for the Expose to start option.

__ c. Select All Users.

__ d. Click Finish Editing to save your changes.


A number appears next to the check mark corresponding to the number of artifacts with unsaved
changes. You can also use Ctrl+S to save your work.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Part 2: Create process activities
To add activities and events to the process model, use the process requirements that are provided
at the beginning of this exercise. Read the main process requirements and determine the activities
from the requirements. Because the requirements were written down, it might be easier to write
down the activities on paper before proceeding. Remember, activities use a verb-noun naming
convention. If you read the requirements carefully, notice that the main process is described from
item 2.1 through item 2.4. In the process requirements, four activities are in the main process:
Submit Hiring Request, Approve New Hire Request, Approve Hire Request, and Complete Hire
__ 1. Create an activity that is named Submit Hiring Request.
__ a. Click the Definition tab to reopen the model.

__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag an Activity from the palette on the right
side of the canvas into the Team lane to the right of the start event. When you drag an
object to the canvas, the cursor turns into a green plus when you can drop it.
__ c. Release the left mouse button to place the activity on the canvas to the left of Inline User

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process



As you model more artifacts, you can increase the size of the canvas by dragging the double lines
on the line separating the model definition from the properties section.

Alternatively, you can toggle the Properties section to display by selecting the Properties icon in the
bottom status bar of Process Designer.

To open and close the Process Library, click the arrow at the bottom left.

__ d. While Inline User Task1 is selected, rename it to Submit Hiring Request under the
General > Common properties section.

__ 2. Create an activity that is named Approve Hire Request.

__ a. Click the Inline User Task to the right of the Submit Hiring Request activity.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ b. While highlighted, click the text on the activity to rename it as Approve Hire Request
and press the Enter key to apply the name change.

__ c. Click the flow line between the Start event and the Approve Hire Request activity. Press
the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the flow line.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ d. Click the flow line between the Approve Hire Request and the End Event. This time,
right-click the flow line and click Delete.

__ e. Later in the course, you build custom user interfaces for these tasks. Click the Submit
Hiring Request activity. In the properties panel at the bottom, go to the Implementation
> Activity Type menu, expand Type, and change the setting to User Task.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ f. Under the Implementation section, click the Select button and select Default UI
Human Service.
__ g. Verify that the Default UI Human Service implements your User Task.


Alternatively, you could continue to use the inline user tasks. An inline user task is an extension of a
regular user task and automatically exposes the data that is mapped to the user task. Inline user
tasks can be used to run the process immediately after an IBM Blueworks Live import.
You also have the option to extend the inline user task by creating a stand-alone implementation.
For the purposes of this training, you use the default UI human service until you create the user
interfaces in a later exercise.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ h. Click the Approve Hire Request activity. In the properties panel below, go to the
Implementation > Activity Type menu, change this activity to User Task. Both
activities now have the same icon.

__ 3. Create an activity that is named Approve New Hire Request.

__ a. Right-click the Approve Hire Request task and select Copy.

__ b. Right-click on the canvas and select Paste.

__ c. Rename the task to: Approve New Hire Request.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ 4. Create an activity named Complete Hire Request.
__ a. Expand the activity icon in the palette by clicking the down arrow and drag a User Task
to the canvas.

__ b. Rename the activity to Complete Hire Request.

__ 5. Sequence the activities and add sequence flow lines.
__ a. Place the activities in line by using the following sequence:
Submit Hiring Request > Approve New Hire Request > Approve Hire Request >
Complete Hire Request
__ b. Lasso all objects by holding down the left mouse button and highlighting all objects
including the start and end events. After all are highlighted, release the mouse button.

__ c. With all items highlighted (yellow halo denotes selection), right-click one of the items
and select Align > Middle. The result is all artifacts are aligned.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ d. Hover over the right portion of the Start event until you see the right-arrow connector.

__ e. Click on the arrow. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the arrow until it
connects to the first activity. When the cross displays and the activity is highlighted, you
can release the mouse button.

__ f. Repeat adding sequence flows for the remaining activities.

__ g. Click Finish Editing to save your changes.

__ h. Verify your process resembles the screen capture below.

Although this is the correct sequence of activities in the process, the roles that complete the
activities have not been defined yet. You do this in the next section.


You completed parts 1-3 out of 6, so you are now approximately half done with this exercise. Now
would be a good time to take a 10-minute break.

Part 3: Model the process teams

When creating a new process, by default you have a team lane, a system lane, a start event, and
an end event. In this section, you add the necessary team lanes to the two default lanes (team and
system) and rename the lanes.
__ 1. Add a team lane to the process.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Read the core requirements in this exercise, pages 2-3 and 2-4, and identify the teams. In
the process requirements, two teams are in the main process: Hiring Manager and General
Manager. Also, the process has one System lane for a total of three lanes.
__ a. Click the Lane icon and drag one lane from the palette to the canvas above the Team
lane until you see the green (+) symbol. When you release your mouse button, the new
lane appears.

__ b. Verify a lane with name Team1 is added to the process.


If the lane is below, you can drag it above the Team lane using the mouse. To drag the lane,
left-click the Team lane label and drop it where appropriate.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ 2. Set the properties of the team lanes.
__ a. Use the zoom slider at the upper right of the canvas to view the whole process if it
doesn’t fit on the screen.

__ b. Click the top lane to select the entire lane. The General properties tab populates at the
bottom of the screen.

__ c. In the General > Common section, change the name of the top lane from Team1 to:
Hiring Manager
__ 3. Rename the second lane labeled Team.
__ a. Select the lane that is labeled Team and double-click the name.
__ b. Change the name of the middle lane from Team to: General Manager
This step leaves the bottom lane as the System lane. It is a good practice to keep the
System lane at the bottom of your process, even if you have no system lane activities

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Your process model now has the appropriate Team lanes defined. However, the
activities are not assigned to the appropriate Team lanes. You complete this activity in
the next section.

Part 4: Assign the activities to the appropriate Team

You identify the teams that are associated with the lanes instead of allowing all users to claim the
tasks that are associated with each activity. Determine which teams conduct each of the four
activities. From the process requirements, you determine the following assignments:
• Hiring Manager (team): Submit Hiring Request
• General Manager (team): Approve New Hire Request
• System (team): Approve Hire Request and Complete Hire Request

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process


__ 1. Arrange the activities to the team lanes to establish the correct activity assignment.
__ a. Select the first two items in the process. To drag the Start event and the Submit Hiring
Request activity to the Hiring Manager lane, lasso both items by highlighting a box
around both items with your cursor.

__ b. With the two items highlighted (yellow halo), drag the selected activities to the Hiring
Manager lane.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ c. Leave the Approve New Hire Request activity in the General Manager Team lane and
drag the Approve Hire Request and Complete Hire Request activities, along with the
End event, to the System lane. Later in the exercise you rearrange this activity in a new
lane: Approvers.

__ 2. Add an annotation
It is common to place annotations in the process when first modeling it. They can serve as
placeholders for questions or concerns while the process is in development. The process
owner expressed that the approval process might involve multiple steps and departments.
Thus, an annotation is placed in the model mentioning this step might be a potential
subprocess. At this point, it might not be known whether it is to be implemented as a linked
process or subprocess.
__ a. Verify you are displaying the Definition tab of the Hiring Request Process.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ b. Drag an annotation to the canvas next to the activity Approve Hire Request.

__ c. Double-click the annotation and add the text: Potential sub-process.

__ d. Highlight the left portion of the annotation until an arrow appears and draw a line from
the annotation to the activity Approve Hire Request.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ e. Save your process. The first process is complete for this exercise. Next, you create
another process, a linked process.


Your sequence lines might be different. You can drag sequence endpoints from one activity to the
other. To do this, highlight the endpoint until it displays as bright blue. Then, drag the endpoint to
another activity and release.

It can be tricky to highlight the endpoint correctly. As you become familiar with the Process
Designer tool, you can choose the methods that work best for you. For instance, if it becomes too
cumbersome to drag sequence lines from one activity to another, you can delete them and rebuild

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Part 5: Create a linked process
Determine whether any additional work is required for each activity and if so, what the work
• Submit Hiring Request: Generally no rework is needed.
• Approve New Hire Request: Extra work that is required for the General Manager to record a
rejection reason.
• Approve Hire Request: Extra team work that the HR Administrator and the Hiring Manager
• Complete Hire Request: Generally no rework is needed.
Because more than one team is involved in the Approve Hire Request activity, it is no longer a
“task” but a linked process. The linked process has lanes, such as System, HR Administrator, and
Hiring Manager. Activities include Check Hire Request, Override Hire Request, and Negotiate Hire
There are two ways to implement a nested process. If the process is not to be reused, the use of a
subprocess is appropriate. The subprocess is part of the parent process and shares all data. This is
done if the process is becoming too large and complex. A subprocess cannot be shared. However,
a linked process is a completely separate process that can be shared. You must determine whether
you want to use a subprocess or linked process. Because Approve Hire Request might be reused
in other HR processes, you create a linked process for this scenario.
__ 1. Create a process that is called Approve Hire Request.
__ a. From the process library, hover over Processes category and then click the (+) plus
__ b. From the New menu, click Process.

__ c. Enter Approve Hire Request for the Name.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ d. Click FINISH.

__ 2. Create the System, HR Administrator, and Hiring Manager lanes.

__ a. Click the Lane icon from the palette and drag one lane from the palette to the canvas
above the default Team lane.
__ b. In the General > Common section for the new Team1 lane, change the name to:
Hiring Manager
__ c. Highlight the second lane and rename it to: HR Administrator

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ 3. Create the Check Hire Request, Override Hire Request, and Negotiate Hire Request
__ a. Rename the Inline User Task activity to: Negotiate Hire Request

__ b. Delete all the flows on the canvas.

__ c. Expand the activity icon in the palette by clicking the down arrow and drag a User Task
to the right of Negotiate Hire Request on the canvas.

__ d. Name the activity Override Hire Request.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ e. Move the Negotiate Hire Request activity to the Hiring Manager lane.

__ f. While Negotiate Hire Request is selected, change the activity to a User Task in the
Implementation > Activity Type panel.
__ g. In the Implementation section, change the implementation to Default UI Human

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ h. Drag another User Task to the System lane and name the task: Check Hire Request.
The selection that you chose last becomes the default for each artifact in the palette. To
drag the User Task now, you don’t need to select the down arrow since it now defaults to
the User Task selection.

__ i. The locations of your activities should match the screen capture below.

__ 4. Wire the activities

__ a. Move your Start event before the first activity, Check Hire Request in the System lane

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ b. Move the End event after the Negotiate Hire Request activity in the Hiring Manager
__ c. Arrange the activities in an upward diagonal line.

Although the layout breaks the preferred left-to-right, top-to-bottom approach because
the process starts in the system lane, most developers keep the system lane as the
bottom lane. Communicating a clear, concise model is the most important goal, and
even though this model breaks the preferred practice, it meets the readability goal.
__ d. Create a sequence flow from the Start event to Check Hire Request.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ e. Repeat adding sequence flows for the remaining activities.

__ f. Save your process application.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

Part 6: Attach the linked process
__ 1. Add the Approvers lane to the parent process.
To accommodate a subprocess with multiple lanes, a new lane is added in the parent
process to encompass the roles depicted in the subprocess.
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request Process by opening the History menu at the top and
selecting Hiring Request Process.

__ b. Delete the annotation mentioning the potential subprocess. This annotation served as
a temporary placeholders to help in understanding the process. Now that the linked
process is being implemented, there is no need for the annotation. In a real-world
implementation, this would likely occur over a period of time.
__ c. Drag a new lane above the Hiring Manager lane in the diagram and name it: Approvers

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ d. Right-click the Approvers lane and click Move lane down twice. Continue doing this
until it is above the System lane.

__ e. Drag the existing Approve Hire Request activity that is in the System lane into the
Approvers lane.

__ f. Realign the activities in their respective lanes so that the sequence flow lines are
__ g. Save your work.
__ 2. Change the implementation of the existing Approve Hire Request activity to a linked
__ a. With the Approve Hire Request activity selected, open the Implementation menu.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ b. In the Activity Type section, select the Type as Linked Process.

__ c. Under the Implementation section, click Select next to Implementation.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ d. Select Approve Hire Request from the Process menu.

__ e. The process now shows Approve Hire Request as a linked process.

__ f. The Approve Hire Request activity is now changed to a linked process. In Business
Process Model and Notation, this is denoted with a plus-sign.

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Exercise 2. Playback 0: Creating the To-Be process

__ g. Save your work.
You have completed this exercise.
In this exercise, you modeled the parent and linked processes in the Workflow Center for the HR
Recruitment Processes solution. First, you converted business process workflow steps that are
documented in the process discovery and analysis into process model tasks. Then, you defined
and modeled team lanes in the business process and assigned the tasks to the appropriate teams.
Finally, you created a subprocess and linked it to the parent process. The next step is to add
gateways to direct the process. This is covered in the next exercise.

End of exercise

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow


Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling

process flow
Estimated time

This exercise covers how to create gateways in a business process, and how to create timer
intermediate events. Validation is accomplished through a review session with all business
stakeholders, business users, and the BPM development team. This unit describes the Playback 0
validation goals and requirements, explains how to validate that a process model meets the goals
and requirements, and describes how to reach consensus on the process model. At the end of this
exercise, you complete Playback 0.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Add gateways to a process
• Model the appropriate sequence flows for each gateway
• Add a timer intermediate event to a process based on business requirements
• Model an escalation path in a process with IBM Process Designer
• Add a new swimlane and activity for legal review to meet additional requirements.
• Validate the process application and create a snapshot

The purpose of this exercise is to add all the gateways necessary to model the flow control for the
In this exercise, you add a timer intermediate event that helps satisfy newly identified requirements
for the Hiring Requisition process. You are also provided new requirements regarding a legal
review. After developing from the new requirements, you validate the process application and
create a snapshot.
Throughout the exercise, you switch back and forth several times between the Hiring Request Process and
Approve Hire Request processes. Take additional care when working through the lab to make sure that you
work in the right process.
This exercise is long, so a break is included in the middle of the instructions.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Create gateways for parent process
Part 2: Create gateways for the linked process
Part 3: Modeling timer intermediate events
Part 4: Add new process requirements to the process
Part 5: Validate the process model and take a snapshot

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create gateways for parent process
A gateway is represented as a diamond, and can be thought of as a question at a point in the
process flow.
Gateways are added to the parent process, the Hiring Request Process. In this part of the exercise,
you create a gateway that is called Is Position New.
In the Hiring Request Process, you need a gateway to direct the process for the General Manager
to review the salary after the Submit Hiring Request activity.
__ 1. Create the Is Position New gateway
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ c. In the Hiring Request Process, drag an Exclusive Gateway from the palette onto the
canvas to the right of the Submit Hiring Request activity. You do not need to open the
menu to drag an exclusive gateway to the canvas, as the exclusive gateway is the

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ d. Select the gateway and in the General > Common section below, enter Is Position
New as the Name. Because exclusive gateways imply a question, the question mark is
unnecessary, and anyone who views the process automatically assumes the question

__ e. In the General > Behavior section, verify that the Gateway type is: Exclusive

__ 2. Add sequence flows to connect the gateway.

__ a. Select the sequence flow between Submit Hiring Request and Approve Hew Hire
__ b. While selected, right-click the sequence flow and click Delete.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ c. Create a sequence flow between the Submit Hiring Request activity and the Is
Position New gateway. Hover over the right anchor point on the activity until an arrow
appears, then drag the arrow to the left anchor point on the gateway.

__ d. Delete the sequence flow between Approve New Hire Request and Approve Hire

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ e. Connect the Is Position New gateway to the top of Approve New Hire Request.

__ f. Lasso the Is Position New gateway and the Approve New Hire Request nodes.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ g. Although the sequence flow is highlighted, Process Designer will only align the nodes.
After highlighting the nodes (depicted by yellow halo), right-click the mouse on one of
the nodes to bring up the Align nodes menu. Select Center from the Align nodes menu.

__ h. Connect the Is Position New gateway to the top of Approve Hire Request.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow



Your sequence flows do not have to exactly match the exercise diagrams in this lab. The sequence
flows change after implementation of the gateways. The flows become default or conditional
(represented by a diagonal hash marker) according to the order you draw them, so your flows might
vary from the diagrams in the labs. You learn how to set the default flow in a later exercise.

__ 3. Label the sequence flows.

__ a. Select the flow between the Is Position New gateway and Approve New Hire

__ b. In the General > Common section, enter Review Needed as the Name and verify
Name visible is selected.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

The flow displays the label.

__ c. Select the flow between the Is Position New gateway and Approve Hire Request.
__ d. In the General > Common section, enter Review Not Needed as the Name and verify
Name visible is selected.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ e. Save your changes. The flow displays the label.

__ 4. Create the Is Request Approved gateway

__ a. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the left of the Approve Hire
Request activity.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ b. Select the Exclusive Gateway and in the General > Common section, enter Is
Request Approved as the Name.

__ c. In the General > Behavior section, verify Exclusive Gateway as the Gateway type.

5. Connect and label the sequence flows.

__ a. Connect the Approve New Hire Request to the top of the Is Request Approved

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ b. Connect the Is Request Approved gateway to the left anchor point of Approve Hire

__ c. Connect the Is Request Approved gateway to the Complete Hire Request activity.

__ d. Select the flow between the Is Request Approved gateway and the Approve Hire
Request linked process.
__ e. Rename the default name to Approved and verify Name visible is selected.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ f. Select the flow between the Is Request Approved gateway and Complete Hire
__ g. Rename the default name to Not Approved and verify Name visible is selected.

The flow displays the label:

__ h. Save your work.

__ 6. Verify the process model
If you have a colleague or others nearby, see whether you can explain your new model to
them to simulate a playback. Being able to clearly communicate the process is key when
implementing business process management.
__ a. Use the zoom slider at the upper right of the canvas to view the whole process if it
doesn’t fit on the screen.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ b. Ensure that the Hiring Request Process process looks similar to the screen capture
before moving on:

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

Part 2: Create gateways for the linked process
Add gateways to the nested process Approve Hire Request.
__ 1. Create the Is Salary Compliant gateway.
__ a. Click Processes in the library and click Approve Hire Request from the menu.

__ b. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Check Hire
Request activity.

__ c. Rename the gateway to: Is Salary Compliant

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ d. Verify that the Gateway type is Exclusive Gateway.
2. Connect and label sequence flows.
__ a. Select the sequence flow between Check Hire Request and Override Hire Request.
__ b. Hover over the tip of the sequence flow to see a blue point.

__ c. Select the blue point and drag the flow to connect Check Hire Request to the Is Salary
Compliant gateway.


You can drag sequence endpoints from one activity to the other. To do this, highlight the endpoint
until it displays as bright blue. Then, drag the endpoint to another activity and release.

It can be tricky to highlight the endpoint correctly. As you become familiar with the Process
Designer tool, you can choose the methods that work best for you. For instance, if it becomes too
cumbersome to drag sequence lines from one activity to another, you can delete them and rebuild

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ d. Connect Is Salary Compliant to the bottom of Override Hire Request.

__ e. Remove the existing sequence flow between Negotiate Hire Request and the End
event by highlighting the flow then pressing the Delete button on the keyboard.
__ f. Move the End event from the top of the diagram and place it to the right of Is Salary

__ g. Connect Is Salary Compliant to the left anchor point of the End event.

__ h. Select the flow between the Is Salary Compliant gateway and Override Hire Request.
__ i. Rename the flow: Not Compliant
__ j. Select the flow between the Is Salary Compliant gateway and the End event.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ k. In the General > Common section, rename the flow: Compliant

__ l. Verify your process. Your process should look similar to this screen capture.

__ m. Save your work.

It is okay if the default sequence flows do not match. These are implemented later.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 3. Create the Is Salary Acceptable gateway.
__ a. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Override Hire
Request activity.

__ b. Set the gateway name to: Is Salary Acceptable

__ c. Delete the flow between the Override Hire Request and the Negotiate Hire Request
__ d. Connect the Override Hire Request to the left anchor of the Is Salary Acceptable

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ e. Connect the Is Salary Acceptable gateway to the bottom anchor of Negotiate Hire
Request and to the top anchor of the End event.

__ f. Rename the flow between the Is Salary Acceptable gateway and Negotiate Hire
Request as: Not Accepted
__ g. Rename the flow between the Is Salary Acceptable gateway and the end event as:

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 4. Create the Resubmit Salary gateway.
__ a. Drag a Gateway from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Negotiate Hire
Request activity.

__ b. Rename the gateway to Resubmit Salary and verify that the Gateway type is
Exclusive Gateway.
__ c. Drag an End event from the palette onto the canvas to the right of the Resubmit Salary

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ d. Rename the End event as: End Cancel
__ e. Connect Negotiate Hire Request to the Resubmit Salary gateway.
__ f. Connect the Resubmit Salary gateway to the End Cancel event.
__ g. Connect the Resubmit Salary gateway to the top of Override Hire Request.

__ h. To fix the flow that overlaps the Negotiate Hire Request activity, select the To Override
Hire Request flow and right-click the flow. Click Create control point.

You use control points to manipulate the sequence flow path between two connection
points. This helps to make the diagram more readable.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ i. Drag the blue diamond to move the flow above the activity.

__ j. Name the flow between the Resubmit Salary gateway and Override Hire Request as
__ k. Label the flow between the Resubmit Salary gateway and the End event as

__ l. Straighten the sequence flows as necessary.

__ m. Save your work.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow



You completed part 2 of the 5, so you are now approximately half done with this exercise. Now
would be a good time to take a 10-minute break.

Part 3: Modeling timer intermediate events

Examine the process requirements and determine where an escalation exists.
Refer to the core requirements for an escalation in section 2.10 that is listed in Exercise 2. The HR
Administrator has 4 hours to complete the review. If the review is not completed within 4 hours, an
email is sent to the HR Administrator notifying the HR Administrator of the missed deadline.
In this part of the exercise, you use the timer implementation option to model an escalation path in
your processes. Using a timer intermediate event, you can specify a time interval after or before
which some activity is conducted. The timer implementation option is available for events that are
included in the process flow and events that are attached to an activity.
__ 1. Attach a four-hour timer event to the Override Hire Request activity.
__ a. In the Approve Hire Request process, select the drop-down icon beside the
Intermediate event.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ b. Select the Timer event from the set of intermediate events.

__ c. Drag the Timer event from the palette onto the lower-left anchor of the Override Hire
Request activity.


If Boundary Event Type is not displayed and you see Intermediate Event Type in its place, you
have not successfully anchored the Timer Event to the boundary of the activity.

Sometimes attaching the timer event to the activity can be tricky. Look for the anchor points to
appear on the activity while the mouse is hovering over the activity, then drag the timer to one of the
anchor points. You see the green plus if you hover over one of the anchor points.
For this exercise, make sure that you drag the timer event onto the activity instead of outside of the
activity. In this case, you want a boundary or attached intermediate event instead of a sequence
flow intermediate event. If you correctly create an attached timer event, the name for the attached
intermediate event is also changed to Boundary Event.

__ d. Select the Timer event.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ e. In the General > Common section, change the name to: 4 hour timer

__ f. Select the Implementation menu. In the Boundary Event Type section, make sure that
the Timer boundary event is selected. Keep the remaining default properties that were
set during implementation.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 2. Add the Notify HR Administrator activity.
__ a. Resize the System lane. To do this, click and hold the left mouse button down, then
drag the mouse outside of the lane to increase the height of the lane.

__ b. Drag a box around the activities, events, and the gateway in the System lane (lasso),
and move them down together to make space for this new activity. Once items are
highlighted, you can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move them.
__ c. Expand the Activity icon in the palette and drag User Task from the palette to the
System lane. Place it above the Check Hire Request activity.

__ d. Rename the activity to: Notify HR Administrator

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ e. Connect the Timer Intermediate Event to the Notify HR Administrator activity.

__ f. With the sequence line highlighted, name the flow 4 Hours and select Name visible in
the General > Common properties section.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 3. Add an End Notification event.
__ a. Drag an End Event from the palette onto the canvas to the right of Notify HR

__ b. Rename the End event to: End Notification

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ c. Connect the flow from Notify HR Administrator to End Notification.

__ d. Save your work.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 4. Verify the process model
__ a. Ensure that the Approve Hire Request process looks similar to the diagram before
moving on:

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

Part 4: Add new process requirements to the process
It is common to clarify requirements throughout the playback sessions. During the initial playback,
the vice president mentions new requirements.
Several job postings contain wording that violates a new set of hiring laws. To address this issue,
the vice president suggests that a lawyer must review every job post at some point before the job
opening is released and posted to the public. The lawyer checks for legal compliance and edits if
Examine the requirement and come up with the solution for this requirement.
__ 1. Add a lane in the Hiring Request Process for the legal team.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ b. Drag a Lane from the palette to the canvas above the Hiring Manager lane.

__ c. Name the lane: Legal

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ d. Right-click the Legal lane. Click Move lane down. Repeat moving the lane down three
times until the Legal lane is between the Approvers and System lanes.

__ 2. Create an activity for a lawyer to review the hire request.

__ a. Drag User Task from the palette to the Legal lane in the process.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ b. Name the activity: Review Posting

__ 3. Add a gateway to check the compliance of the request.

__ a. Drag a Gateway to the right of Approve Hire Request.
__ b. Rename the gateway to: Is Request Compliant

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 4. Connect the Review Posting activity.
__ a. Select the sequence flow between Approve Hire Request and Complete Hire
Request activities.

__ b. Drag the blue point that appears at the tip of the flow line at the Complete Hire Request
activity to the Is Request Compliant gateway.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ c. Connect the Is Request Compliant gateway to Complete Hire Request.

__ d. Drag the Review Posting activity above the Complete Hire Request activity.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ e. Connect the Is Request Compliant gateway to the Review Posting activity.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ f. Create a flow from Review Posting to Complete Hire Request.

__ g. Rename the sequence flow between Is Request Compliant and Complete Hire
Request as: Request Canceled
__ h. Rename the sequence flow between Is Request Compliant and Review Posting as:
Request Compliant
__ i. Save your work.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ 5. Verify the process model
__ a. Ensure that the new process looks similar to the diagram before moving on:


After adding an element to your process, it is a good practice to verify the process a second time.
When you encounter process problems while developing for the Playback 1 process phase, it is
common to return to Playback 0 to correct the problems.

Playback 0 is complete.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

Part 5: Validate the process model and take a snapshot
Now that playback 0 is complete, it is a good time to validate the process application and take a
__ 1. Validate the process application.
While you are developing, Process Designer keeps track of any validation errors and
displays the number of errors in the status bar at the bottom.
__ a. Review the status bar validation icon for any errors.

__ b. If you have validation errors, you should resolve them before moving onto the next
playback. As you add coaches and services, this functionality becomes more important.
For now, there should be no validation errors for the processes.
__ 2. Take a snapshot.
A snapshot captures the state of the library items within a process application at a specific
point in time. Snapshots usually represent a milestone or are used for playbacks or for
__ a. Click the camera icon in the upper right corner and select Create a new snapshot.

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Exercise 3. Playback 0: Controlling process flow

__ b. Enter Playback 0 as the name and click FINISH.

__ c. Click OK when the snapshot is created.

You have completed this exercise.

The first part of this exercise involved adding gateways to the process in IBM Process Designer.
Next, you modeled the appropriate sequence flows for each gateway. Then, you added a timer
intermediate event for a process requirement. Next, you validated the business process, and you
took the playback feedback and added a requirement to the process. All the stakeholders agreed to
the revised version of the process, and the process owner along with the lead developer suggested
that the team transition to Playback 1.

End of Exercise

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data


Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling

process flow with business
Estimated time

In this exercise, you create assets that are required during Playback 1 controlling the process flow
of the process lifecycle. You create variables, implement timer intermediate events, establish
routing, and implement exclusive gateways.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create simple variables in a process
• Implement timer intermediate events in a process
• Implement gateways for a process
• Implement routing for an activity

In this part of Playback 1, the process variables (also known as flow data) are built and
implemented in the gateways. Flow data is used throughout the life of the process. It is used along
with gateways to determine the flow of the process based on the values of the flow data. When a
token is at a gateway, the value of the variable is evaluated to determine the next path to take. Flow
data also includes the following circumstances:
• Data that is used to determine which activities to run
• Data that is used to determine who starts each activity
• Data that is used to determine when an activity is due or when an activity must be escalated
The flow data ensures that the business process gets the right activities to the right people at the
right time.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

Part 1: Implement the intermediate timer event
Part 2: Create the process flow variables for the Hiring Request Process
Part 3: Create process flow variables for the Approve Hire Request linked process
Part 4: Implement gateways
Part 5: Implement routing for an activity
Part 6: Review artifact references

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Implement the intermediate timer event
In Playback 0 of the Hiring Request Process, an attached timer intermediate event was modeled.
The HR Administrator has 4 hours to complete the review. If the review is not completed within 4
hours, an email is sent to the HR Administrator. The email notifies the HR Administrator of the
missed deadline. Now your responsibility is to implement the timer event that was modeled.
__ 1. Implement the attached timer intermediate event.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. Open the Approve Hire Request process and select the Definition tab.
__ c. Click the timer intermediate event that is attached to the Override Hire Request

__ d. Below in the properties section, click Implementation.

__ e. Change the Event Properties to match the following values:
- Trigger on: After start of step
- Before or after difference: 4 Hours
- Tolerance interval: 0 Hours

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ f. Save your work.

Part 2: Create the process flow variables for the Hiring Request Process
The process model for the Hiring Request Process is in place. Data flow implementation is one of
the goals of Playback 1. Now you must start to implement the process, first by creating simple
variables to implement the logic behind the decision gateways on the current process.
__ 1. Create a private variable to control the Is Position New exclusive gateway.

__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process.

__ b. Click the Variables tab.
__ c. Click the (+) plus sign next to Private.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ d. Name the private variable: isNewPosition
Confirm that the Variable Type is String.

String variables are used here instead of Boolean for flexibility of the implementation. If
requirements change later, and a third outflow is added to the gateway, a String is easier
to implement the change than a Boolean would be.
__ e. In the Documentation field, insert the following text:
0 = Not a new position
1 = New position, requires approval

__ f. Do not change the other options. Save your changes.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ 2. Create a variable to control the Is Request Approved exclusive gateway.

__ a. On the Variables tab, create another Private variable: isApproved (String)

__ b. In the Documentation field, insert the following text:
0 = Not approved
1 = Approved

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ 3. Create a variable to control the Is Request Compliant exclusive gateway.

__ a. On the Variables tab, create another Private variable: isCompliant (String)

The isCompliant process flow variable maps to a variable in the Approve Hire
Request linked process.
__ b. In the Documentation field, insert the following text:
0 = Hire request is canceled
1 = Hire request is compliant

__ c. Save your changes.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

You created three private variables in this exercise.

Part 3: Create process flow variables for the Approve Hire Request linked
__ 1. Create a variable for the Is Salary Compliant exclusive gateway in the Approve Hire
Request process. Because the parent process uses this data, create a variable that passes
data through the linked process as an input and output variable.
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request Process model by clicking the Definition tab.

__ b. Open the Approve Hire Request linked process by double-clicking the linked process
in the diagram.

Be sure that you select the Approve Hire Request linked process, not the Approve
New Hire Request activity. Look for the linked process marker on the bottom center.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ c. Click the Variables tab for the Approve Hire Request linked process.
__ d. Click the (+) plus sign next to Input.

__ e. Name the input variable: isCompliant

Verify that the Variable Type is String.
__ f. Insert the following text in the Documentation field:
0 = Salary is not compliant
1 = Salary is compliant

__ g. Create an output variable: isCompliant (String)

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ h. Insert the following text in the Documentation field:
0 = Salary is not compliant
1 = Salary is compliant

__ i. Save your work.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ 2. Map the process flow variable to the Approve Hire Request linked process.
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request Process by opening the History menu at the top and
selecting Hiring Request Process.

__ a. On the Hiring Request Process, select the Approve Hire Request linked process.

__ b. Click the Data Mapping menu.

__ c. Click the auto-map icon on both the Input Mapping and Output Mapping sections.

Because the variables that are mapped use the same name and variable type, the
auto-mapping feature is appropriate to be used here. This feature is especially helpful
when there are many variables that are mapped with the same names and types.
__ d. Save your work.
When you run the process, the value of the isCompliant variable is passed in and out of
the Approve Hire Request linked process. Any changes to the variable while the
Approve Hire Request process runs are reflected when the isCompliant variable is
passed back to the parent process.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

Part 4: Implement gateways
When you modeled the process during Playback 0, you added several gateways to the process.
Now you must implement these gateways. In this section, you enhance the process by
implementing the exclusive gateways in both the Hiring Request Process and the linked process.
You use the simple variables that were created in the previous sections to implement the gateways.
You implement the exclusive gateways in the Hiring Request Process process and the Approve
Hire Request linked process to meet the following requirements:
• If the request is for a new position, the request is forwarded to the General Manager. After the
General Manager receives the request, the General Manager approves or rejects the request.
• If the request is rejected, the system processes the request and the Hiring Request process is
complete. If the request is approved, the process flows to the Approve Hire Request linked
• In the linked process, after the requisition is submitted, an automated system-level check for
salary compliance starts. If the request meets salary compliance, the hiring request is
forwarded to Legal for review. If the request is canceled, it is automatically sent to the HR
Positions database and processed.
__ 1. Implement the Is Position New exclusive gateway.
When the position is new, the process must flow to the Approve New Hire Request activity
down the Review Needed flow.
__ a. In the Hiring Request Process diagram, click the Is Position New exclusive gateway.
Note where the default flow is. This changes when you implement the gateway later in
the exercise.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ b. Open the Properties > Implementation menu.


You see a red “x” next to the field while the decision is being configured. It clears when the
decision is defined.

__ c. In the Decisions section, click the arrow to expand the Default flow selection box.

__ d. Select Review Not Needed.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ e. Verify that the default flow is now changed for the Is Position New gateway.

__ f. In the first field to the right of the Review Needed label, click the Variable Picker icon.

__ g. Select isNewPosition (String). The field is populated with the variable:


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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data



You can also type this variable and as you type and press Ctrl+Spacebar, the auto-complete
feature suggests different options to you that match what you already typed. The options are filtered
as you complete your entry.

The auto-complete window provides other contextual information on the object or object type. Use
the mouse or the up and down arrows on the keyboard to select the correct option, and press Enter
to select the option.

__ h. Next, change the evaluation value to: ==

__ i. In the last field to the right of Review Needed, enter the value: "1"

The condition is set for the Is Position New gateway. If the first condition is not met, the default
condition is Review Not Needed.


Once the gateway is implemented, the conditional flow is flagged with a diamond at the point at
which it exits the gateway.

__ j. Save your work. The red “x” clears when the decision is saved
__ 2. Implement the Is Request Approved exclusive gateway.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

When the request is approved, the process must flow to the Approve Hire Request linked
process down the Approved flow.
__ a. Select the Is Request Approved exclusive gateway on the process.

__ b. In the Properties pane, open the Implementation menu.

__ c. In the Decisions section, expand the Default flow selector.

__ d. Select Not Approved. This selection makes Not Approved the default sequence flow.
The order of sequence flow starts with Approved at the top and Not Approved on the

__ e. In the first field to the right of Approved, select the following using the variable picker:
__ f. Next, change the evaluation value to: ==

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ g. In the last field, enter the value: "1"

__ 3. Implement the Is Request Compliant exclusive gateway.

When the request is compliant, the process must flow to the Review Posting activity down
the Request Compliant flow.
The conditions for this gateway are set in a decision service in Playback 2. All the conditions
that must be met are established as a business rule. The intent for this playback is merely to
control the flow. For now, focus on implementing the gateway, not how the data is
__ a. Click the Is Request Compliant gateway on the process.

__ b. Click the Implementation menu.

__ c. In the Implementation section, expand the Default flow selector.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ d. Select Request Compliant. This arrangement makes Request Compliant the default
sequence flow. The order of sequence flow expresses that the Request Canceled
option is first and that the Request Compliant option is second.

__ e. In the first field to the right of Request Canceled, enter: tw.local.isCompliant

__ f. Change the evaluation value to: ==
__ g. In the last field to the right, enter the value: "0"

__ h. Save your work.

__ 4. Implement the Is Salary Compliant exclusive gateway in the Approve Hire Request linked
process. When the salary is compliant, the flow must move to the end event.
__ a. Open the Approve Hire Request linked process from the History menu.

If you don’t see the process in your history menu, open the Approve Hire Request from
the library on the left.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ b. On the Definition tab, select the Is Salary Compliant gateway.

Make sure that you select the Is Salary Compliant gateway, not the Is Salary
Acceptable gateway.
__ c. In the Decisions section of the Implementation panel (not the Decisions panel) below,
select Not Compliant, if not selected as the default flow.
This arrangement makes Not Compliant the default sequence flow. The order of
sequence flow in the Implementation section ensures that the Compliant option is
assessed first, and if the first assessment is false, the Not Compliant option is taken.
__ d. In the first field to the right of Compliant, enter: tw.local.isCompliant
__ e. Change the evaluation drop-down value to: ==
__ f. In the last field to the right of Compliant, type: "1"

__ g. Save your work.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

Part 5: Implement routing for an activity
Effective business process management is about routing the right task to the right teams at the right
time. Using IBM Business Automation Workflow, authors use lanes (sometimes known as
swimlanes for a pool) to identify the process teams. Process developers implement routing in the
process for each activity to the right team in the lane. The goal of this section is to implement the
teams for the lanes and implement assignment routing for all activities in the process.
__ 1. Route the Submit Hiring Request activity in the Hiring Request Process to Lane and
distribution to Last User.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ b. On the Definition tab, select the Submit Hiring Request activity.

__ c. Open the Assignments > Assignments section.

__ d. Verify that the default assignment for Assign to is: Lane

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ e. Change the User distribution to: Last user


The Last user option assigns the runtime task to a user who completed an earlier task.
▪ If the assignment option is set to Lane, the task is assigned to the user who completed the
activity that immediately precedes the selected activity in the lane.
▪ If the assignment option is set to Team, the task is assigned to the user who completed the
last task that was assigned to the same team.
In both cases, the task is assigned only to an established last user, if the user is a member of
the group that is associated with the task. An established last user is determined by using the
policy valid for the Lane or Team assignment option. If the user is not a member of the group
that is associated with the task, then the task is assigned to the task group.
Because this activity is the first in this lane for this process, the system automatically assigns
the first task to the user that creates the instance. When a user creates an instance of this
process, the server displays any screens that are configured for the task. You create those
screens in the next playback phase.

__ f. Save your changes.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ 2. Create a team and add a member.
__ a. In the process library, click the (+) plus sign next to Teams. Click Team.

__ b. Name the team General Managers and click FINISH.

__ c. In the Members section, click the (+) plus sign next to Users.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ d. Add user1 to the team from the list.
You now have a populated list in the Members section with user1 for the General
Managers team.

__ e. Save your work.

__ 3. Implement the routing for Approve New Hire Request.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ b. On the Definition tab, select the Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ c. In the panel below, in the Assignments > Assignments section, leave the value of
Assign to: as Lane and the value of User distribution as None.

The default User distribution option is None. IBM Business Automation Workflow does
not assign the task to any user when using this option. All the other options in this
selection assign the task to a user of the system.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ d. On the General Manager lane, click the label on the left.

__ e. In the panel below, go to the General > Behavior section, click Select next to Default
lane team.

__ f. Click the General Managers team to select it.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

The General Managers team is assigned as the default team for the General
Managers lane.

__ 4. Assign the General Managers team as the Experts Group for the Approve New Hire
Request activity.
__ a. On the Hiring Request Process, select the Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ b. Open the Assignments > Assignments section. Click Select next to the Experts team.

__ c. Click General Managers to assign the General Managers team as the Experts team.

__ d. Save your work.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

Part 6: Review artifact references
As you add more artifacts to your solution, it is a good time to review artifact references. When you
work with an artifact in the Process Designer, it is useful to know where the artifact is used so that
you can see the impact of potential changes that you want to make.
__ 1. Review the local scope references for the Hiring Request Process artifact.
__ a. With the Hiring Request process open, click the references icon in the status bar at the

__ b. In the References pane, review the local scope references.

Local scope shows where artifacts are used only in the current process application and
its dependencies. This is the default view. Currently, you can see that there are no
artifacts in the process model with a local scope.
__ c. In the References pane, review the remaining references.

Depending on timing, it might take a minute or two for the General Managers team to

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

Specifically, the list shows the references to the system toolkit artifacts. For example,
since you defined a variable to pass between the parent and nested processes, the
String object is referenced.
The numbers on the right are the instances in the project. You should see the same
number having followed the lab instructions. If not, then your are missing something in
the lab.
__ d. Review local references of the String artifact by clicking the String section. You might
need to refresh the References section to see the new team.

__ e. For the String references, there are two local references that point to the two process
models that use the string variable.

__ f. Close the references panel.

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Exercise 4. Playback 1: Controlling process flow with business data

__ g. Close the String (Read-only) window.

The String object is read-only since it is a reference to the System Toolkit.

You have completed this exercise.
This exercise looked at setting variables in business processes, implementing an intermediate
timer event on a process, implementing exclusive decision gateways, and establishing routing for
an activity. You also evaluated artifact dependencies by reviewing the references for some of the
The assets for Playback 1: Controlling process flow, are complete. You now can control gateways
by assigning values to variables inside the process. The next exercise looks at building business
objects and creating a reusable client-side human service.

End of exercise

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches


Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data,

services, and coaches
Estimated time

In this exercise, by using the core requirements, you determine and create all of the necessary
assets to support a coach in the Hiring Request Process. You use complex business objects
(variable types) to organize your data, and pass data into and out of a linked process. You build a
service and define guided user interactions with a coach. You also implement a service for an
activity, and map variables between a nested service and an activity. You model the coach by using
the concept of grids.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Determine and organize data when provided with a written process
• Add business objects and object types
• Create a client-side human service
• Add variables and business objects to a process application
• Create and configure a coach to obtain process participant input
• Model a coach by using the concept of grids
• Add coach controls to control process flow
• Create a client-side human service and coach for the General Manager review activity
• Implement an activity by attaching a service and mapping data

In Playback 1, you create human services. Users can use human services to access task
assignments in a web-based user interface. At this stage of development, it is important that the
functions of the human service are implemented. Users interact with web-based interfaces called
coaches to complete their assigned tasks. Enhancements can be added later. This exercise is
about making sure that users have what they need in terms of business data and task assignment
information to complete the process activity.
The human services with coaches are implemented on two activities in the Hiring Request Process
process. The coaches are used during playbacks to provide business data to the process and
control the process flow.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

This exercise and the next provide practice in building and moving controls on a coach. Repetitive
steps are purposely provided to gain experience in this skill.
This exercise is long, so a break is included in the middle of the instructions.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Build business objects and variables
Part 2: Create a reusable client-side human service and define input controls
Part 3: Reuse and debug the client-side human service

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Build business objects and variables
__ 1. In this section, you create a complex variable (business object) to hold the position data.
Then, you use this variable on the coach to allow users to input the position data. Later in
the lab, you map these variables to move the data through the process.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. In the library, click the (+) plus sign next to the Data category, and select Business

__ c. Name the business object Position and click FINISH.

Always follow the naming convention for the variable names. Variable names are
case-sensitive. Capitalize the first letter when creating business objects (for example,
Employee), but use camel case for the parameters or instantiation of the variable (for
example, employeeId). Camel case refers to a word or string of letters that has no
space and has an uppercase letter in a position other than the first letter.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ d. You now see the settings page for the business object. Add a parameter to the business
object by clicking the (+) plus sign next to Parameters.

__ e. Change the name of the parameter to: jobTitle

__ f. Keep the variable type as String.

__ g. Repeat steps 1d – 1f to add the following parameters:

- jobDescription (String)
- jobLevel (String)
__ h. Add another parameter that is named: numDirectReports
__ i. Change the type of the numDirectReports attribute to an Integer. Click Select to the
right of Variable Type. In the filter, enter int. You see the Integer variable type. You can
filter the variable types by typing the letters of the variable type you are looking for.
Select the Integer variable type.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

j. Verify that the Integer variable type is selected.

__ k. Save your work. Your business object has four parameters.

__ l. Save your work and close the business object.

__ 2. Create a second business object that is named CompensationDetails to allow users to

input compensation data on a coach.
__ a. Click the (+) plus sign next to the Data category in the library, and select Business

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ b. Name the business object CompensationDetails and click FINISH.

__ c. Add the following parameters for the complex variable CompensationDetails.

Remember to change the variable type by clicking Select to the right of Variable Type
to change it to Decimal rather than the default (String):
-salaryToOffer (Decimal)
-bonusAmount (Decimal)

__ d. Save your work and close the business object.

__ 3. Create a business object that is named RecruitingDetails to allow users to input
recruiting information on a coach.
__ a. Create a business object: RecruitingDetails
__ b. Include the following parameters in the complex variable:
-multipleEmployeesNeeded (Boolean)
-numEmployeesNeeded (Integer)

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

- newPosition (Boolean)

__ c. Save your work and close the business object.

__ 4. Create a fourth business object that is named DepartmentDetails to allow users to input
department data on a coach.
__ a. Create a business object: DepartmentDetails
__ b. Include the following parameters in the complex variable:
-department (String)
-division (String)

__ c. Save your work and close the business object.

__ 5. Create a business object that is named HiringRequisition to save data about the
requisition. Model this variable to hold the other objects you created. Use this variable as
the main parent business object to hold all the data for the process.
__ a. Create a business object: HiringRequisition
__ b. Add the following parameters:
-requisitionNumber (String)
-dateOfRequest (Date)
-requester (String)
-datePositionAvailable (Date)
-hiringManagerComments (String)

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches


__ c. Add a parameter that is called position. This time, click Select to the right of Variable
Type and use the Position business object that you created.

d. Verify that the variable type is capitalized and the variable name starts with a lowercase
letter. Recall that business objects are capitalized and variables are not.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ e. Continue to add the other business objects as parameters:
-compensationDetails (CompensationDetails)
-departmentDetails (DepartmentDetails)
-recruitingDetails (RecruitingDetails)


Use the up and down arrows to move parameters. The order of the parameters is
important. As you add the business objects to your coach, the parameters are sequenced
according to where they are in the list.

__ f. Save your work and close the business object.

__ 6. Add the requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) variable to the Approve Hire
Request linked process as an input and output variable.
To pass data from the parent process (Hiring Request Process) to your linked process
(Approve Hire Request), you must create and map variables. Because the process is a
linked process, you must pass the data object to the linked process by way of the input and
output variable settings in the linked process. Variable mapping is required for linked
processes because they are a separate process from the parent process.
__ a. Open the Approve Hire Request linked process.
__ b. Click the Variables tab.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ c. Add an Input variable requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) to the process.
After adding the variable, you can expand the requisitionDetails to view its contents.

__ d. Add an output variable requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) to the process.


When you type in the output name, the variable is immediately flagged because you have an input
and an output with the same name, but different variable types. The system defaults the variable to
a String. When you set the variable type to match the type of the input variable, the error
disappears. This can occur anytime an incomplete definition is made including data mapping.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ e. You added the variables to the subprocess. Save your work.

Make sure that the input and output variable names exactly match. If the names do not
match, then you have two different variables in the linked process. The input data to the
process is not sent as output to the parent process unless you copy the contents of one
variable into the other. Copying and pasting the variable name is a good practice.
__ 7. Create and map the requisitionDetails variable from the higher-level process to the linked
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process and click the Variables tab.
__ b. Create a private variable: requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition)

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ c. Click the Definition tab.

__ d. Click the Approve Hire Request linked process.

__ e. Click the Data Mapping menu in the Properties panel below.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ f. Map tw.local.requisitionDetails to both the Input Mapping and Output
Mapping sections. Place the cursor in the box next to requisitionDetails (HiringRequest)
and enter tw.local. and press the Ctrl+Space to view the auto complete options.
Select requisitionDetails - HiringRequisition.

__ g. Verify your data mapping and save your work.


You have completed part 1 of 3, so you are now approximately a third done with this exercise. The
next section is large, so now would be a good time to take a 10-minute break.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

Part 2: Create a reusable client-side human service and define input
Up to this point, each activity is implemented by using the Default UI Human Service. In this
section, you define and implement custom services and coaches for activities in the process. In the
next section, you create a coach to collect information from process teams. The custom service
passes the collected information in the coach to the process.
Two activities on the process need a coach that has the same fields: the Submit Hiring Request and
the Approve Hiring Request. One requires the ability to input data, and the other needs the data to
be read-only with an approval mechanism. In this part of the exercise, you create a single coach for
both activities. Because the same data can be shown for multiple activities on the process, you
create a coach that can be reused for data input and viewing data (read-only).
__ 1. Create a client-side human service.
__ a. In the Process Designer library, click the (+) plus sign next to User Interface, and select
Client-Side Human Service.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ b. Name the client-side human service: Hiring Form. Select the Intended for use on
multiple devices checkbox and click FINISH.

Intended for use on multiple devices enables the new service to be used on multiple
device types. With this option, you can use responsive controls for all the new coaches
and coach content that you add to the service.
__ c. The new human service opens in the Process Designer editor.

__ 2. Add the requisitionDetails output variable to the human service.

__ a. In the Hiring Form service, click the Variables tab.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ b. Click the (+) plus sign next to Output.

__ c. Name the variable: requisitionDetails. Click Select to the right of the Variable type
option to select HiringRequisition.

Because you need all of the parameters of the HiringRequisiton object, you use the full
object in the coach. If you needed only part of the object, include that parameter and
map the parameter from the parent object when mapping inputs and outputs.
__ d. Save your work.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ 3. Because you reuse this coach for multiple activities, add matching input variables to the
human service. If any data is entered as part of the process instance from the first activity,
you can present it on the coach.
__ a. Click the output variable requisitionDetails, highlight the name, and copy it.

__ b. Click the (+) plus sign next to Input and paste requisitionDetails into the Name
__ c. Click Select to the right of the Variable type option.
__ d. Change the type to HiringRequisition.

__ e. Save your work.

__ 4. Now that the variables are created, add the inputs that are bound to the variables in the
__ a. In the Hiring Form service, click the Diagram tab.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ b. Click the Coach node on the canvas, and in the General > Common section, change
the name of the coach to: Hiring Form

__ c. Save your work.

__ 5. Build the coach by using a two-column grid and add the Requisition Number and Requester
Build the first section that contains all the simple variables from the Requisition Details
object. Consider how items are laid out. This consideration determines whether the coach is
laid out vertically or horizontally.
__ a. For the Hiring Form service, click the down arrow next to Coach: Hiring Form and
select Hiring Form.

When you renamed the Coach in the diagram, the name changed at the top from Coach
to Hiring Form
__ b. A message box for setting a Starting Point appears. Click Grid and in the drop-down,
select Two Columns and click OK.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

A two-column grid appears for the Hiring Form coach layout. This layout is the layout
that you start from to build your coach.

The grid layout and content layout are mutually exclusive. When in grid view, you can
arrange grids. When in content view, you cannot arrange grids but you can add content
to each grid cell. The Content / Grid toggle at the top highlights which is displayed. The
color of the grids might vary slightly depending on your monitor settings.

__ c. Click the Grid toggle to view the grid layout.

__ d. Click the Content toggle to view the content layout.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ e. Click OK on the coach canvas to select the button.

__ f. In the General > Common section, change the label of the control button to: Submit

__ g. The first inputs that you add to the coach are the parameters of the
requisitionDetails variable. In the left column of the grid, click the white (+) plus
sign in the middle.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ h. In the newly opened window, click the Variable tab.

__ i. Select Input > requisitionDetails > requisitionNumber

The result is that the requisition number is placed in the left column of the grid and is

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ j. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Input > requisitionDetails >

__ k. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the requester variable underneath the
Requisition Number input control. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border
displays a gold highlight.

A green plus (+) is displayed when you are in an area that the item can be dropped. A
red circle with an (x) appears if the mouse is hovering in an area where it cannot be
__ l. Verify the Requester input control is placed below Requisition Number.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

6. Create a panel and populate it with the date details
__ a. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel

__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Panel underneath the Requester
input control. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold

__ c. Since the panel is put in place with the name already highlighted, change the name to
Date Details and press the Enter key.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ d. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Input > requisitionDetails >

__ e. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the dateOfRequest to the section of the
Date Details panel labeled Drop content here. Let go of the mouse button when the
Drop content here section is highlighted and the cursor displays a green plus.
__ f. Repeat the last two steps to drag datePositionAvailable underneath the Date Of
Request input control.

__ g. Save your work.

__ 7. Create a panel and populate it with the Position business object.
__ a. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel
__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Panel to the grid on the right. Let go
of the mouse button when the section is highlighted and the cursor displays a green

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ c. With the name highlighted, label the panel Position Details.

__ d. Click the empty space below the panel on the canvas to refocus the mouse.
__ e. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Input > requisitionDetails >
__ f. While holding down the left mouse button, drag position to the section of the Position
Details panel labeled Drop content here. Let go of the mouse button when the Drop
content here section is highlighted and the cursor displays a green plus.

__ g. The section populates with the parameters of the position variable.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ 8. Create a panel and populate it with the Recruiting Details business object.
__ a. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel
__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag a Panel underneath the Date Details
panel. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold highlight.

__ c. With the name highlighted, label the panel Recruiting Details and press Enter
__ d. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Input > requisitionDetails >
__ e. While holding down the left mouse button, drag recruitingDetails to the section of
the Recruiting Details panel labeled Drop content here. Let go of the mouse button
when the Drop content here section is highlighted and the cursor displays a green
__ f. The section populates with the parameters of the recruitingDetails variable.

__ g. Save your work.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ 9. Create a panel underneath Position Details and to the right of Recruiting Details and
populate it with the Compensation Details business object.
__ a. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel
__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Panel underneath the Position
Details panel. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold

__ c. With the name highlighted, label the panel Compensation Details and press Enter
__ d. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Input > requisitionDetails >
__ e. While holding down the left mouse button, drag compensationDetails to the section of
the Compensation Details panel labeled Drop content here. Let go of the mouse
button when the Drop content here section is highlighted and the cursor displays a
green plus.
__ f. Click the empty space below the panel on the canvas to refocus the mouse.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ g. The section populates with the parameters of the compensationDetails variable.

__ 10. Create a panel and populate it with the Department Details business object.
__ a. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel
__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Panel underneath the Recruiting
Details panel. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold
__ c. With the name highlighted, label the panel Department Details and press Enter
__ d. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Input > requisitionDetails >
__ e. While holding down the left mouse button, drag departmentDetails to the section of
the Department Details panel labeled Drop content here. Let go of the mouse button
when the Drop content here section is highlighted and the cursor displays a green
__ f. Click the empty space below the panel on the canvas to refocus the mouse.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ g. The section populates with the parameters of the departmentDetails variable and is
located underneath the Recruiting Details panel.

__ h. Save your work.

__ 11. Place a grid above the Submit button and add the Hiring Manager Comments input control.
__ a. Switch to the grid view by clicking the Grid toggle. This setting shows the grids on the
__ b. Hover your mouse and click the (+) plus sign on the bottom of the outer-most grid to
add a grid above the Submit button.

__ c. Click the empty space below the panel on the canvas to refocus the mouse.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

Your grid should have only a single line between the orange space and the submit

__ d. Switch to the Content view by clicking the Content toggle.

__ e. Under the Building Blocks panel, select Input > requisitionDetails >
__ f. While holding down the left mouse button, drag hiringManagerComments to the grid. Let
go of the mouse button when the grid is highlighted and the cursor displays a green
__ g. Click the empty space below the panel on the canvas to refocus the mouse.

__ h. Save your work.

__ 12. Place a grid at the top of the coach and group the Requisition Number and Requester
variables together, setting them apart from the other data on the screen in a section.
__ a. Switch to the grid view by clicking the Grid toggle.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ b. Hover your mouse and click the (+) plus sign on the top of the outer-most grid to add a
grid above the two columns.

__ c. Verify your grid is above the grid containing the two columns.

__ d. Switch to the Content view by clicking the Content toggle.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ e. Place the cursor over the Requisition Number label, hold down the left mouse button,
and drag the Requisition Number input control to the new grid at the top. When the
grid is highlighted, let go of the mouse button. The mouse turns to the four-arrows icon
when the control can be dropped.

__ f. Perform the same action for the Requester input control, placing it under the
Requisition Number control. Use the yellow highlight as a guide to the placement of the

__ g. Switch to the Grid view.

__ h. Verify that your grid was placed above the two columns.

__ i. Switch back to the Content view and save your work..

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ j. Verify your coach

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ k. Drag any panels out of place to their correct location. Save your work.
__ 13. Run the coach.
__ a. Now that a working coach has variables that are bound to the fields, run the coach and
view it in a browser. Click Run at the upper-right corner of the window.


If pop-up windows are disabled in the browser, the browser prevents the site from opening the
pop-up window. Click OK.

To correct the problem in Firefox, in the yellow bar at the top of the browser, click Options > Allow
pop-ups for ws2016x64.

To correct the problem in Chrome, click pop-up blocker icon in the address bar and select Always
allow pop-ups and redirects from https://ws2016x64:9443.

The pop-up window that appears shows the coach designer. Close this window and rerun the

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ b. Another browser window opens and displays the coach.

The coach looks exactly like the coach that you created in the designer window. Most of the design
and functional elements of a coach work the same in the designer as they do after you run the
coach. The test run gives you an idea of the final page for the business users, but it usually looks
the same as the coach in the designer view. Keep in mind, testing for a customer production
situation would entail thoroughly testing the solution on the company supported browser. This
coach is not meant to be an attractive, fully functioning front end; you add more functional and
visual features later on in this playback. The intent of this playback is to start data flow.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ c. Click inside the Date Of Request input control to select a date, insert some data in other
fields, and when you are ready, scroll down to click Submit.

__ d. The pop-up window displays Service completed

__ e. Close the pop-up browser window that you ran the coach in.
__ f. Close the Hiring Form client-side human service window.

Part 3: Reuse and debug the client-side human service

Because the Approve New Hire Request activity in the Hiring Request Process reviews the
same data that is entered in the last human service, you can reuse the Hiring Form human service
to add a service to an activity.
In the Hiring Request Process modeling effort, many of the activities are placed on the diagram
canvas with default human services. It is time to implement the services that were created to the
appropriate activities in the process. In this section, you replace the human services in the Submit
Hiring Request and Approve New Hire Request activities in the Hiring Request Process
business process with the appropriate human services.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches


__ 1. Implement the Submit Hiring Request activity service.

__ a. In the Process Designer, open the Hiring Request Process process.
__ b. Click the Submit Hiring Request activity.

__ c. Click Select in the Implementation > Implementation properties section and select the
service that implements the user task.

__ d. Select Hiring Form from the list.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ e. The Hiring Form is now the implementation for the activity.

__ 2. Map the Submit Hiring Request input and output.

__ a. Open the Data Mapping menu for the Submit Hiring Request activity.

You will see a warning until the input mapping is complete.

__ b. Click the auto-map icon on both the Input Mapping and Output Mapping sections.

__ c. Save your work.

__ 3. Implement the Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ a. Click the Approve New Hire Request activity in the Hiring Request Process process.
__ b. Click Select in the Implementation > Implementation properties section.
__ c. Select the Hiring Form client-side human service from the list.
__ d. The Hiring Form is now the implementation for the activity.

__ 4. Map the Approve New Hire Request inputs and outputs.

__ a. Open the Data Mapping menu for the Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ b. Map tw.local.requisitionDetails to both Input Mapping and Output Mapping.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ c. Save your work.
__ 5. Add a Script activity to the Hiring Form to evaluate whether the request is for a new position
or not.
This script activity determines whether parameter newPosition is set to true. If it is, it
updates the value of the isNewPosition variable to 1, otherwise it sets the value to 0.
__ a. In the process library, click User Interface > Hiring Form.

__ b. Click the Variables tab.

__ c. Click the (+) plus sign next to Output.
__ d. Add the variable: isNewPosition (String)

__ e. Click the Diagram tab.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ f. Drag a Client-Side script between the Hiring Form coach and the End event. Place
the script directly on the sequence flow line.

The script is inserted into the sequence flow.

__ g. Name the new client-side-script: Map New Position Var

__ h. Click the Map New Position Var script activity that you placed on the canvas.
__ i. Open the Script section in the properties below.

The client-side script box has some example code commented out. You can erase the
code, or you can add the code below the commented code. This code provides
examples of how to instantiate different types of variables.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ j. Copy and paste the following code in the Script field. You can copy the code from the
file Script1.txt at the location: C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex5
if (tw.local.requisitionDetails.recruitingDetails.newPosition == true)
tw.local.isNewPosition = "1";
tw.local.isNewPosition = "0";

__ k. Save your work.

__ 6. Debug the Hiring Form client-side human service and verify that data is flowing.
__ a. Click the Debug icon.

__ b. A new browser window is displayed, but this time it is in debug mode.

__ c. Minimize this new browser window to view the client-side human service designer

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches



The coach designer switches to the Inspector tab.

__ d. The inspector section is displayed on the right side. The status shows that the execution
is Paused.

__ e. If not already selected, click the Diagram tab. The inspector shows a token that is
waiting to execute this step in the process.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ f. Click the Step over icon for the Hiring Form coach.

__ g. The second browser window renders the coach. Enter 12345 as the Requisition
Number. Ensure that the NewPosition checkbox is not selected.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ h. Click Submit.

__ i. Minimize the coach browser window and return to the designer browser window.
The Hiring Form coach is complete, and the token moves to Map New Position Var.

__ j. The status is Paused, waiting for the next step in the service. Click Step over to run the
Map New Position Var server script.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ k. The status changes to Finished and the token disappears because it reached the end
event. On the right, expand the Data section and click the (+) plus sign next to
requisitionDetails to see the updated value for the
requisitionDetails.requisitionNumber variable. Verify that the updated value for
the requisitionDetails.requisitionNumber variable is 12345. The
tw.local.isNewPosition variable is set to the String “0”.

__ l. Run the service again, and this time select the New Position checkbox on the coach.
The isNewPosition value should be set to 1.

__ m. Return to the Debug Hiring Form and verify that the service is completed. Close this
browser window.
__ n. The Status is Finished, and you are currently on the INSPECTOR tab. Return to the
DESIGNER tab. The activity and flow highlights disappear in the Designer mode.
__ 7. Map the new variable in the process.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process process.
__ b. Click the Submit Hiring Request activity.

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Exercise 5. Playback 1: Business data, services, and coaches

__ c. In the Data Mapping properties section, map the isNewPosition output variable to

__ d. Click the Approve New Hire Request activity.

__ e. In the Data Mapping properties section, map the isNewPosition output variable to
__ f. Save your work.
You have completed this exercise.
Playback 1: Business data and services is complete. In this exercise, by using the core
requirements, you created all of the necessary assets to support a coach in the Hiring Request
Process. You modeled the coach using grids and common controls. You used complex business
objects (variable types) to organize your data, and pass data into and out of a linked process. You
built a human service and defined guided user interactions with a coach. You also implemented a
service for an activity, and mapped variables between a linked service and an activity.

End of exercise

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation


Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface

design and implementation
Estimated time

In this exercise, you group controls into tabs on a coach and change the appearance of the coach
by applying a theme.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create tabs on a coach
• Change the appearance of a coach by applying a custom theme
• Change the coach layout for a mobile format
• Configure controls to respond to different screen sizes
• Debug the coach by using a responsive sensor

In Playback 1, the enhancements that the business wants for process application user interfaces
are implemented. Often, the initial development efforts are marred with requests to begin with full
fidelity user interfaces. It is not uncommon to have this request because it is driven from a desire to
impress executive level stakeholders with prototypical user interfaces that can be manipulated. It is
better to reserve this type of development for this playback stage. You ensure that the data model is
in place, the functions of the user interface are approved, and all the remaining process application
interactions and integrations are complete. Now the enhancements can be done without fear that
rework would be needed later because of a change in requirements to the items in the prior
playbacks. Changes can happen, but the likelihood is that those functional requirement changes
are handled in Optimization and not within the development cycle because consensus is reached to
move to this stage of development.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

Part 1: Group controls into tabs on a coach
Part 2: Change the appearance of the coach by applying a custom theme
Part 3: Customize controls
Part 4: Modify the mobile layout

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Group controls into tabs on a coach
In one of the previous playbacks, you provided a functional look at the coaches in the Hiring
Request Process. Enhance the coaches with more features and functions. Start with creating a
polished look to the coach by grouping similar data into tabs.
__ 1. Create a panel and populate it with two parameters from the Requisition Details business
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. In the Process Designer library, open the Hiring Form.

__ c. Click the down arrow next to Coach: Hiring Form and select Hiring Form.

__ d. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel

__ e. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Panel above the Requisition
Number input control. Let go of the mouse button when the top border displays a gold

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ f. With the name highlighted, label the panel Requisition Details and press Enter

__ g. Place the cursor over the Requisition Number label, hold down the left mouse button,
and drag the Requisition Number input control to the section of the new panel labeled
Drop content here. Let go of the mouse button when the panel is highlighted.
__ h. The result is the Requisition Number is in the new Panel.

__ i. Perform the same steps to place the Requester input control under the Requisition
Number of the same panel. Use the yellow highlight as a guide to the placement of the

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ j. Save your work.
__ 2. Create a tab section to hold the grouped sections on the coach.
__ a. While holding down the left mouse button, drag a Tab section above the Requisition
Details panel.

__ b. Let go of the mouse button when the top border displays a gold highlight.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ 3. Build the Requisition Details tab.
__ a. Select the Date Details label for the panel that contains the Date of Request and the
Date Position Available input controls and drag it into the editable area of the
Requisition Details panel under Requester.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. The Requisition Details panel should look like this screen capture after you add the
Date Details panel.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ c. Drag the Hiring Manager Comments control underneath the Date Details panel in the
Requisition Details panel.

__ d. Drag the Requisition Details panel into the tabs area that is labeled Drop content
here. The label on the tab changes to match the label that is applied to the panel, and a
second tab is added.

__ e. Click the tab to view the Requisition Details.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ f. Your Requisition Details tab should look like the screen capture.

__ 4. Build the remaining four tabs.

__ a. Click the (+) plus sign on the tab next to the Requisition Details tab.

__ b. Drag the Position Details section onto the section titled “Drop content here”. This one is
easier because all the controls are already in a single section.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ c. Create a tab for the Recruiting Details. This time, drag the Recruiting Details panel
over the plus sign to the right of the Position Details tab.

__ d. Release the mouse button, and the section becomes the Recruiting Details tab next to
the Position Details tab.

__ e. Repeat the last two steps for the Compensation Details and Department Details.
Drag each of the respective sections onto their tabs.

__ 5. Delete the empty grids.

__ a. Return to the Grid view.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. The empty grids are displayed. Right-click each of the four empty grids and click Delete.

__ c. Return to Content view.

__ d. Save your work.
__ 6. View the coach.
__ a. Click Run at the top of the coach.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. The coach now has multiple tabs. Click the tabs to see what is contained on each tab.

__ c. Close the browser that displayed the form.

Part 2: Change the appearance of the coach by applying a custom theme

Creating a theme consists of assigning values to a set of theme variables. By default, a new
process application uses the Carbon Theme because it contains all the variables that the controls
in the UI Toolkit use. To create a custom theme and use any of these settings in your process
application, you use the Classic Theme as your starting point. You can then extend your theme by
adding custom variables and modifying the variables.
__ 1. View the solution using the Spark Theme.
Three themes are provided out-of-the-box. You can use themes to quickly change the look
and feel of a user interface.
__ a. View the Process App Settings by selecting the page from the menu.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. Under the Coach Designer Settings section, click Select next to the Theme.

__ c. You are presented with the list of out-of-the-box themes. Select the SPARK UI Theme.

__ d. Return to the Hiring Form.

__ e. Click the Run icon at the upper-right side to display the coach with the new theme.
Initially when you view the coach, the server must generate the CSS and render the new
coach on the screen, so a delay might occur before you see the effect.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ f. The coach is displayed using the Spark UI Theme.

__ g. Close the browser that displayed the coach.

__ h. Optional: Repeat the process to display the Classic theme.
When you create a custom theme in the next step, you base it off of this theme.
__ 2. Create a custom theme for the HR Recruitment Processes process application.
__ a. Click Create New on the upper-right corner of the Process Designer.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. Click Theme.

__ c. Enter the name: Hiring Request Theme

Change the option to Copy an existing theme: Classic (System Data) and click

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ d. The editor opens the new theme and defaults to the Design tab.

__ 3. Change the primary color of the theme

Management wants to change the color scheme to match the corporate color scheme. Change
the settings of the default Classic Theme and apply the new theme to the process.


You can use the browser Find in This Page feature to locate text on the page.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation


__ a. In the Design page of the theme editor, change the variable @bpm-color-primary in
the Base Settings section from #325C80 to: #bcc2c5


Many variables also have a swatch that you can click, then choose a value directly from a picker,
and click OK.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. When you “blur” or click away from the color input field, you immediately see the color
change for the affected controls on the right. Click any control on the right to see the
CSS that affects the appearance of that object on the page.

__ 4. Change the font color of the tabs.

__ a. Click the Containers tab on the right.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. Hover over the Primary Tabs control in the first row in the right column. It shows all the
variables that are associated with this control. For example, to change the font color of
the tabs, you need to change the value of the @bpm-tabs-primary-color variable.

__ c. To change the font color, collapse the Base Settings section and expand the Tabs

__ d. Look for the variable @bpm-tabs-primary-color and change the color to: #008000

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

You can choose to use any color of your choice. If you run into any problem, return to
the step and follow that exactly, and then you can customize the color.
__ 5. Change the font size.
To change the font size, you need to change the value of the @bpm-font-size-base

__ a. Collapse the Tabs section, and expand the Base Settings section.
__ b. Look for the variable @bpm-font-size-base and change the value to: 16px

__ 6. Change the background color of the input controls.

__ a. Click the Controls tab on the right to view the input fields.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. Expand the Forms section on the left.
__ c. Change the variable @bpm-input-bg to: #d9ece3

__ d. Click empty space outside the input control to refocus the mouse. The colors of the input
controls are now highlighted with the chosen color.
__ e. Save your work.
__ 7. Apply the new theme to the HR Recruitment Processes process application.
__ a. Open the Process App Settings from the History menu on the top.

__ b. In the Coach Designer Settings section, click Select.

__ c. Select Hiring Request Theme. The theme is now changed to the new theme.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ d. Save your changes. The save generates the CSS that the browser uses to display the
controls in the layout.
__ 8. Verify the theme changes
__ a. Open the Hiring Form Client-Side Human Service.
__ b. Click the Run icon at the upper-right side to display the coach with the custom theme.
Initially when you view the coach, the server must generate the CSS and render the new
coach on the screen, so a delay might occur before you see the effect.

The coach has the changes that you made in the Hiring Request Theme.

__ c. Close the browser window.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

Part 3: Customize controls
The coach framework offers many ways of customizing input controls and views. This part of your
exercise shows some of the popular ways to customize your coach.
__ 1. Add an icon to the Date Details panel.
__ a. Select the Requisition Details tab on the coach.
__ b. Click the Date Details panel.

__ c. With the Date Details panel highlighted, click the Select Icon icon.

__ d. In the search field, enter calendar.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ e. Select the second icon in the list labeled calendar.

__ f. The Date Details section now displays a calendar icon in the header of the panel.

__ 2. Change the appearance of the submit button.

__ a. Select the Submit button on the canvas.
__ b. With the Submit button highlighted, click the Select Icon icon.

__ c. In the search field, enter send.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ d. Select the first icon in the list.

__ e. With the Submit button highlighted, click the Select Color icon.

__ f. Select the Primary color.


The picker icons support the most popular configurations. For some configurations, you need to
access the Configuration properties below.

__ g. With the Submit button highlighted, in the Properties section below, click the
Configuration tab and expand the Appearance settings.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ h. Notice the Color style and Icon which was configured in the prior steps. Set the shape
style to Rounded. The button on the canvas reflects these settings as you make your
configuration changes.

__ i. Click empty space outside the input controls to refocus the mouse.
__ j. The Submit button now displays the new configuration.

__ k. Save your work.

__ 3. Set the Num Employees Needed input control to visible only if the Multiple Employees
Needed checkbox is selected.
It is common to hide controls and display them only when applicable. Since the Num
Employees Needed input control is not needed unless there are multiple employees, this
control is hidden until the Multiple Employees Needed checkbox is selected.
__ a. Click the Recruiting Details tab.
__ b. Select the Num Employees Needed input control
__ c. Select the Visibility properties section below
__ d. Click the Rule option for Source.
__ e. Click Variable for the Add rule for option.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ f. Select None for the Set to value.

__ g. Click Select.

__ h. Navigate to Input > requisitionDetails > recruitingDetails >

multipleEmployeesNeeded (Boolean)

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ i. Your rule is now configured.

The rule determines when to set the input control to “none.” Since the input control is a
Boolean, the value is depicted as true (Value checkbox marked) or false (Value
checkbox not marked). This rule states:
Set visibility to “None” when multiple.EmployeesNeeded has a false value otherwise
inherit the visibility setting from the parent.


Visibility settings are described below:

Visibility Setting Description
Inherits visibility setting from the parent (in this case that would be the
Same as parent
Required Input control must have data before coach can complete
Editable Input control is editable
Read only Input control can only be viewed, not edited
Input control is not displayed including the space that it takes up on the
Input control is not displayed, not including the space that it takes up.
In this case, the space the control takes up does not change even
though the control is hidden. This is useful if you do not want fields
moving as a result of a field not displaying.

__ j. Save your work.

__ 4. Test Num Employees Needed input control visibility setting
__ a. Run the coach.

__ b. In the Coach window, click the Recruiting Details tab.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ c. If you configured the visibility setting correctly, the Num Employees Needed input
control is not visible since the Multiple Employees Needed value is false.

__ d. Test the setting by clicking the Multiple Employees Needed checkbox, setting the
value to true. The Num Employees Needed input control displays below.
__ e. Close the browser window that you ran the coach in.

Part 4: Modify the mobile layout

You are going to change the layout of the coach to the mobile layout so that the coach is displayed
correctly on a mobile device. You make a few of the sections collapsible and change the width of a
few input controls based on the width of the browser window.
__ 1. Configure the width of the Submit button to respond to the screen size.
__ a. Toggle the Properties section off by selecting the Properties icon in the bottom status

__ b. Click the Small screen icon above the palette.


Press Ctrl and + or Ctrl and - to increase and decrease the browser zoom setting.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ c. The Hiring Form is presented in a small screen size that resembles a phone. Your
screen might look different if you are focused on a different tab.

__ d. Toggle the Properties section on.

__ e. Select the Submit button.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ f. Click the Configuration properties tab and expand the Appearance properties settings.
__ g. Enter 100% in the Width configuration value. Refocus the mouse.

After you refocus the mouse, the icon changes to the small screen icon. This means that
the setting is only made for the small screen size. You can configure different widths for
the three different screens. The original setting for the large screen size has not
changed. Make sure you refocus the mouse after changing the settings to verify the
correct screen size setting.
__ h. The Submit button now expands to 100% of the screen.

__ 2. Configure the width of the Date Details panel to respond to the screen size.
You can change the width settings in either the Configuration tab or the Positioning tab.
When adding values for multiple screen sizes, it is recommended to use the Positioning tab.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation


__ a. On the Requisition Details tab, select the Date Details panel.

__ b. Click the large screen icon above the palette.

__ c. Set the Positioning > Width properties to 50%. The entered width is applicable only for
large screen devices. Click the space outside the input control to refresh the icon. The
icon is set to large screen.
__ d. Refocus the mouse.

__ e. Click the medium screen icon above the palette.

__ f. Set the Positioning > Width properties to 100%. The entered width is applicable only
for medium screen devices. Click the space outside the input control to refresh the icon.
The icon is set to medium screen.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

When you set the tablet setting (medium screen), the small screen automatically is set to
100%. This setting is inherited from the tablet format setting, so you do not have to set it to
__ g. Refocus the mouse.

__ h. Click the small screen icon above the palette.

__ i. Verify that the width settings are set to 100%.

__ j. Save your work.

__ 3. Configure a responsive sensor.
__ a. Click the large screen icon above the palette to return to the web page layout.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. Select Operational in the Building blocks panel and select Responsive sensor

__ c. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Responsive sensor below the
Submit button. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold

__ d. While holding down the left mouse button, drag a Configuration below the Responsive
sensor. Let go of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold highlight.
__ e. Under the Configuration properties, enable the option to turn Debugging On.

__ f. Access the Layout building blocks and while holding down the left mouse button, drag a
vertical layout over the Responsive Sensor
__ g. When the Drop content here section is highlighted, let go of the mouse button

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

The Responsive Sensor requires a horizontal or vertical layout to correctly calculate the
screen size. When the coach is run, the browser width is displayed in this Responsive
Sensor as soon as the browser is resized to test the responsive settings.
__ h. Save your work.
__ 4. Verify the coach display for different screen sizes.
__ a. Click the Run button.
A new browser window displays the coach and the width is shown at the bottom. The
Date Details panel in this image spans the entire browser window because the initial
width is set to a medium screen size setting. Depending on the size of your screen, the
layout width might vary.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

Recall the sizes for each screen.
Table 2. Screen sizes
Icon Size Resolution

Small 640 pixels or less

Medium 641 - 1024 pixels

Large More than 1024 pixels

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ b. Slowly reduce the width of the browser. When you pass the 640 pixels threshold, the
Submit button expands to 100% of the screen width.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

__ c. Now expand the browser window. When the width passes 1024 pixels, the Date Details
panel contracts to 50% of the browser width because of the responsive control settings
based on the large screen width setting.

__ d. Close the browser window.

__ e. Click the Configuration on the canvas. On the Configuration properties menu, clear
the Debugging on checkbox to remove the width display on the coach.

__ f. Save your work.

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Exercise 6. Playback 1: User interface design and implementation

You have completed this exercise.
Playback 1: User interface design and implementation is now complete. In this exercise, you
completed the following:
• Created tabs on a coach
• Changed the appearance of a coach by applying a custom theme
• Changed the coach layout for a mobile format
• Configured responsive controls
• Debugged the coach by using a responsive sensor
As part of the development process, you now review the playback and examine its functions in the
Process Portal. In the next exercise, you test the following functions by performing a playback:
• Does the process follow the correct paths?
• Does the application work as expected in the Process Portal?
As part of the playback, you demonstrate the process application in the Process Portal. You then
create a toolkit in the Workflow Center and export your process application.

End of exercise

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session


Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the

Playback session
Estimated time

This exercise covers how to conduct a Playback of your process. The exercise demonstrates the
process, following various paths that flow from the exclusive gateways in the process and
demonstrates tasks that are assigned. It describes the task that is created in the Process Portal
inbox, depending on the swimlane and routing settings for an activity. You also create a toolkit to
store and share these assets.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Log on to the Process Portal and create an instance of a process
• Demonstrate that the process follows the various paths modeled
• Use Process Portal to view the state of activities in a process
• Create a toolkit
• Create a snapshot in the Workflow Center
• Export the process application

The following list provides a quick view of what to accomplish in the playback portion:
1. Log on to the Process Portal and create a process instance.
2. Log on to the Process Portal as two different teams to show that the correct process team is
being assigned the correct task.
3. Complete the human activities.
4. Demonstrate that the correct path is followed.
5. Change variable values and demonstrate following a different path.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

Part 1: Prepare for the playback
Part 2: Demonstrate the Review Needed path
Part 3: Demonstrate the Review Not Needed path
Part 4: Demonstrate activity tracking
Part 5: Reset the environment
Part 6: Create the Hiring Requisition Toolkit and take a snapshot

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Prepare for the playback
To enable a well-run playback in a customer engagement, you should practice running through the
model beforehand. It is suggested that you run through the playback with a colleague several times
to ensure a smooth presentation. This can also aid in finding unexpected issues.
It is common to prepare your environment for the playback to exemplify specific functionality
explicitly demonstrated for the playback. In the case for this playback, to facilitate activities that time
out in order to demonstrate different activity statuses in the Gantt chart, you change the timeout
settings in two activities.
__ 1. Change the priority and timeout value for the Complete Hire Request activity.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ c. Click the Complete Hire Request activity.
__ d. In the Priority Settings section of the Implementation properties at the bottom, leave
the Priority setting as the default and set the activity to be due in 1 minute.

__ 2. Change the priority and timeout value for the Review Posting activity.
__ a. Click the Review Posting activity.
__ b. In the Priority Settings section of the Implementation properties at the bottom, select
Highest for the Priority setting.
__ c. Set the activity to be due in 20 minutes.

__ d. Save your work.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

When you demonstrate viewing work items later in this exercise, the different priority
settings are displayed.

Part 2: Demonstrate the Review Needed path

During this playback session, you demonstrate the process, following various paths that flow from
the exclusive gateways in the processes, and demonstrate tasks that are assigned.
You accomplish a process playback session just as you would do when you seek consensus to
move the project to the next playback phase. You log in as different users of the process to
demonstrate tasks that different users accomplish in the process, demonstrating coaches that you
created in the current playback phase.
__ 1. Log on to the Process Portal.
__ a. Maximize the IBM Process Center Quick Start browser window from the Windows
__ b. Click the Process Portal link.

If prompted, log in with author1 as the username and passw0rd as the password.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ 2. Complete the first activity, Submit Hiring Request, in the Process Portal.
__ a. In the left frame, click Hiring Request Process to start an instance of the process.

__ b. A notice is displayed to indicate that the process is started.

The first task starts automatically in the portal because you assigned the first task to
Lane and Last User. A window is displayed with the human service coach.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ c. Click the Recruiting Details tab, and select the New Position checkbox so that it
follows the Review Needed path. Click Submit.

__ 3. View the task that is assigned to the next activity, Approve New Hire Request, in the
__ a. In the Library click Processes.


If the process is not displayed, stop the Process Center server, restart Windows, then restart the
Process Center server.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ b. The Processes page opens. Click Hiring Request Process.

The process instance ID is the number next to the name of the process. The process
instance ID can be different in your environment. If you have more than one instance,
click the one with the highest instance number (the number after the colon).
__ c. The process tab displays data about the instance. The bottom section that is labeled
Tasks shows the next incomplete task in the process. Do NOT click the task. This task
is assigned to the General Managers team.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ d. On the right, the creation date and the process due date are shown, along with a
timeline that shows the current duration of the instance. Click the Stream area to view
the actions that occur for this instance. Sometimes it takes a moment for the word
Stream to appear.

__ e. To add to the stream, type Please approve into the stream field and click Post. Your
comment appears as the most recent entry in the stream.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ f. Click the GANTT CHART icon in the upper-right corner to go to the Gantt chart view.

The Gantt chart is part of the Process Performance tab. When you click the link, you
open the Process Performance > Instance Details page for the process instance. Wait
for a few seconds as the loading of the page might take some time. You review the Gantt
Chart later in this exercise after completing some activities. For now, you review the
model and where you are at in the process.
__ g. Click the Diagram tab for a model view of the same process instance.

__ h. The model view of the process instance is displayed.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

This view shows the process with the Approve New Hire Request task that is highlighted for the
Review needed path, and in the next part of this exercise you work on the Review not needed
__ 4. Complete the Approve New Hire Request activity.
__ a. In the library, click Log Out to log out of the Process Portal.

__ b. Log in to the Process Portal with the Username user1, Password passw0rd, and click

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ c. A task is in the inbox for the Hiring Request Process process. The task stopped at the
Approve New Hire Request activity. Notice that the task is assigned to the General
Managers team, of which user1 is a member. Click the Step: Approve New Hire
Request task. Depending on the amount of time spent, your task might be either On
Track, At Risk, or Overdue.

__ d. Click Claim Task, and the task is assigned to you.

__ e. A human service coach is displayed for the Approve New Hire Request activity.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ f. Drag the size of the browser window to display all tabs.

__ g. Enter any data in the fields and complete this task by clicking Submit in the human task
__ h. Click Processes in the library.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ i. Click the Hiring Request Process instance with the same instance ID you worked on in
the last step. The next task is assigned to author1. Click the task Step: Complete Hire
Request and you get a message that states “You are not authorized to see the details of
this task.”

This would be the place to start the discussion around task status tracking. This task
shows as overdue due to the 1 minute time-out you configured earlier. If the task is not
overdue, wait one minute and refresh the page (F5).
__ j. Log out of the Process Portal.


If Log Out is not displayed, click the Main Menu icon on the left side.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

Part 3: Demonstrate the Review Not Needed path
Now that you demonstrated the Review Needed path, this next part of the playback demonstrates
the Review Not Needed path. It follows the same approach where you simulate the real-world
experience of the different users inside the process as they log on to the portal and complete their
tasks inside the process.
__ 1. Show the process as it follows the Review Not Needed path, and create an instance to test
the “existing position” scenario.
__ a. Log in to the Process Portal with author1 as the username and passw0rd as the
The incomplete step (Complete Hire Request) from the prior path shows up in the Work
__ b. Create an instance of the Hiring Request Process by clicking the link in the Launch

__ c. You immediately see in a dialog box that you received a new task. A window is
displayed with the human service coach.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ d. Click the Recruiting Details tab, and ensure that the New Position checkbox is cleared
so that it follows the Review Not Needed path.

__ e. Enter any data for the other fields and click Submit.
You now have two items on your Work page.
__ 2. Complete the process.
__ a. In the library, click Processes.
__ b. Click the process with the highest process instance ID. Your process instances are
highlighted in green, yellow, or red to reflect their due date status (On Track, At Risk,

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ c. This time, the process follows the Review Not Needed path. Instead of passing to
Approve New Hire Request, the process steps through the Approve Hire Request
linked process. Click GANTT CHART, and then click Diagram to view the process

__ d. Click the link at the top to return to the Task.

__ e. Click the Step: Check Hire Request task link. Recall this is the first task for the linked

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ f. You are presented with the default user interface because you did not create a coach for
this task. Click the Details tab to view details for the process instance. Click Done to
complete the task.

__ g. Now the process moves to the next task. Click Step: Override Hire Request.

__ h. Click Claim Task.

__ i. Click Done to complete the task.

__ j. The process now moves to Step: Review Posting.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ k. Click the GANTT CHART icon on the upper-right corner of the window.

__ l. Click the Diagram tab for a model view of the same process instance.

This time, the process follows the Review Not Needed path. Instead of passing to Approve New
Hire Request, the process stepped through the Approve Hire Request linked process, through
the Is Request Compliant gateway, and then to the Review Posting activity. The process followed
a different path from the first instance, which demonstrates that the Is Position New gateway and
process flow data are working correctly when driven by business data on a coach. If the Complete
Hire Request activity is active instead of the Review Posting activity, verify you configured the Is
Request Compliant gateway correctly.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

Part 4: Demonstrate activity tracking
Now that the two processes have arrived at the activities that you changed settings for, you can
continue the conversation around priority tracking and activity timeouts. It is a common practice to
create mock scenarios when you perform playbacks to demonstrate specific functionality. In this
case, you demonstrate how Process Portal flags activities that are highest priority and those that
have passed their due date.
__ 1. Display the status of the Review Posting activity in the Gantt chart.
__ a. Click the Gantt View tab.
__ b. Use the Zoom control to zoom out so you can see the prior activities.
__ c. Mouse over the prior activity to display the name of the task.

__ d. This chart displays the time that it took to complete each task. Your chart might look
different depending on the amount of time that is spent on each activity. In the Gantt
chart, four activities are displayed. Roll the mouse over the other three completed
activities to display their names.
__ e. The first three activities were completed on time. The Review Posting activity is not
complete. Depending on the amount of time spent, the Review Posting activity might
also be past due. In the screen capture, the activity is displayed in yellow because it is at
risk of becoming overdue. Click the Review Posting activity to view more details.
__ f. A pop-up window displays more details for the Review Posting activity.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ g. Roll the mouse over the flag. The setting that you configured earlier is displayed: Very

__ h. Click the red “x” to exit the window.

__ 2. Display the status of the Complete Hire Request activity in the Gantt chart.
__ a. In the Library click Processes.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ b. Click the earlier process (the process with the smaller process instance ID).
__ c. Click Gantt Chart.
__ d. Use the Zoom control to zoom out as necessary to view all activities.

__ e. The Complete Hire Request activity is highlighted in red, depicting it is past due. Click
the Complete Hire Request activity to view more details.
__ f. Roll the mouse over the flag. The default setting you configured earlier is displayed:
__ g. Click the red “x” to exit the window.
__ 3. Demonstrate the status of the activities on the Work page.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ h. Click the Main Menu icon to return to the Library. To display an activity on track, create
an instance of the Hiring Request Process by clicking the link in the Launch section.

__ i. Do not complete the task. Click the Main Menu icon to return to the Library. Click Work
to return to the Work page.

__ j. You now have three work items displayed.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ k. Mouse over the priority and status icons to display their textual representation. For the
purposes of the demonstration, there is no need to complete the activities. The project
team agrees the priority and status functionality meets their needs. The next step is to
create a toolkit, create a snapshot, and export the process application.

The status of your work items might vary depending on the timing.


In this course, you did not implement all the coaches for the sake of brevity. In a real-world situation,
one of the requirements to move to Playback 3 is that all the coaches are implemented in the
process and all of them have the final presentation elements in place (CSS and JavaScript, for

Part 5: Reset the environment

When demonstrating mock scenarios, it is important to reset the environment back to the defaults
before moving on.
__ 1. Reset the timeout value for the Complete Hire Request activity.
__ a. Return to Process Designer and log in as author1.
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process unless it is already open.
__ c. Click the Complete Hire Request activity.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ d. In the Priority Settings section of the Implementation properties at the bottom, set the
activity to be due in 1 hour.

__ 2. Reset the priority and timeout values for the Review Posting activity.
__ a. Click the Review Posting activity.
__ b. In the Priority Settings section of the Implementation properties at the bottom, select
Normal for the Priority setting.
__ c. Set the activity to be due in 1 hour.
__ d. Save your work.

Part 6: Create the Hiring Requisition Toolkit and take a snapshot

Now you have numerous assets, some of which might be useful to other developers. Create a
toolkit from the assets you created as part of the process application HR Recruitment Processes.
A toolkit is a collection of assets that are shared between process apps or other toolkits during
development. Attentive application of toolkits is an efficient method for managing the reusability and
compartmentalization of project assets.
Starting in version, instead of duplicating effort creating and deploying two separate
projects, you can use the enhanced Workflow Center user interface to put the process and case
implementation in a workflow project that you can deploy as a single solution. You can also create,
manage, and deploy your projects (such as process apps, case solutions, and toolkits) here.
__ 1. Create the Hiring Requisition Toolkit
__ a. Click Return to Workflow Center.


The Return to Workflow Center link returns you to the Workflow Center you originated from. If you
opened the process application from the Classic Workflow Center, this link returns you there.

__ b. On the Workflow Center main page, click the navigation icon in the upper left and
expand the Process apps section.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ c. Click Toolkits

__ d. On the Toolkits page, click Create.

__ e. Enter the name for the toolkit: Hiring Requisition Toolkit

__ f. Verify that the Acronym is automatically created: HRT


If the Acronym control is not displayed, verify you are using the Advanced view mode.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ g. Clear the Open in Process Designer checkbox if it is checked.
__ h. Select Traditional for the Target environment.
__ i. Enter a brief description: This toolkit contains all common artifacts that are
associated with the HR Recruitment Processes.


While completing the form, be sure not to click outside of it. Once the focus is taken away, the form
is withdrawn. If this happens, click Create again to initiate the dialog.

__ j. Click Create.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ k. Verify that the Hiring Requisition Toolkit shows up as a tile in the Toolkits list.

__ 2. Move the client-side human service into the toolkit.

__ a. On the Workflow Center main page, click the navigation icon in the upper left and click
Process apps.
__ b. Click HR Recruitment Process.
__ c. In the library, right-click the User Interface > Hiring Form client-side human service.
__ d. Click Move Item to > Other Toolkit.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ e. Select Hiring Requisition Toolkit.

__ f. Keep the defaults and click MOVE. The order of the dependent artifacts might be
different than in the screen capture.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ g. All the dependent assets are also moved into the toolkit to include the variables that the
client-side human service depends on. A dependency on the toolkit is automatically
created inside the process application. In the Library section, expand Toolkits to see the
Hiring Requisition Toolkit.

__ h. Return to the Workflow Center.

__ 3. Take a snapshot.
__ a. On the Workflow Center main page, click the navigation icon in the upper left and
expand the Process apps section.
__ b. Click Toolkits

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ c. Click Details on the Hiring Requisition Toolkit tile.

__ d. Select the Snapshots tab.

__ e. You notice that a snapshot has already been created. This was done automatically
when you moved the assets to the Toolkit.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ f. Open the list of options by clicking the three dots on the right of the Current snapshot
tile and select Create a snapshot.

Recall that a snapshot captures the state of the library items within a process application
or toolkit at a specific point in time. Snapshots usually represent a milestone or are used
for playbacks or for installation. Since Playback 1 is now complete, it is a good time to
take a snapshot.
__ g. Name the snapshot Baseline and add a description: This is the baseline
snapshot of the Hiring Requisition Toolkit. Then, click Create.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ h. The snapshot Baseline is created.

__ 4. Update the toolkit version on the process application.

Design toolkit hierarchies to avoid mutual dependencies by factoring out common content
into its own toolkit so that the other toolkits can refer to it independently.
If you update the dependency on a child toolkit, you need to take a new snapshot of the
parent toolkit (or process application) for the change to be effective for whoever uses that
toolkit. This can lead to a situation with mutually dependent toolkits.
__ a. Click the navigation icon in the upper left and select Process apps.


If the Process Apps page displays the Toolkits, wait approximately a minute for the page to refresh.

__ b. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

__ c. When you return to the process application, Expand the Toolkits category in the Library
section. The Hiring Request Toolkit shows a warning because the process
application is not pointing to the most recent snapshotted version.

__ d. Click the arrow next to the Toolkit and select Upgrade Dependency to (Baseline).

__ e. In the Toolkits category, verify that the Hiring Requisition Toolkit (Baseline) is now linked
to the HR Recruitment Processes process application and that the warning is gone.


Because you created a toolkit and created a dependency, each solution file you import from this
point in the training will include the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.

You have completed this exercise.

In this exercise, you completed Playback 1. You conducted a playback session that demonstrates
two unique process scenarios. You used the Process Portal to demonstrate the playback from the

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session

user point-of-view. After completing Playback 1, you created a snapshot for the toolkit and process
application and then exported the process application.
This completes Playback 1. The process, data, and coaches have now all been approved to move
on to the next playback. Once all of these components are verified, concentration can be paid to
integration with other systems, which is covered in the next playback.

End of exercise

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Exercise 7. Playback 1: Conducting the Playback session


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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations


Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

Estimated time

This exercise covers how to create implementation assets to support Playback 2: integrations.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create a decision service
• Create and configure a UCA
• Start a process with a message start event
• Use tagging to organize assets
• Query a database to obtain information and populate a list variable
• Create environment variables (ENVs) and exposed process variables (EPVs)
• Change a text control to a single select control

In Playback 2: Integrations, you implement the process interactions and integrations so the process
can have all the functions that are needed to complete any process activity. Not all the functions are
developed within the process application when it comes to user interactions. Some of the business
data can be found, for instance, in systems within an organization. So it is important to be able to
retrieve the data, and that is why integrations play a vital role in having a full and robust process
Other process interactions involve events within the process model. In this stage of Playback 2:
Integrations, you implement those system activities that set business data and process flow data
with rules and automations. These intermediate events or start events might need unique event
handlers, such as listeners for messages that trigger an event. In Playback 2, you implement, test,
and finalize all remaining process application interactions.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

Part 1: Create a decision service
Part 2: Implement a message start event
Part 3: Apply asset tags
Part 4: Create a service to query a database and populate a list
Part 5: Change an input to a single select on a coach

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create a decision service
The Hire Request business process is a candidate to include a decision service in the process flow.
Decision services allow the business process to make routine decisions that are based on real
business rules to speed up the process and eliminate user error.
If the salary is not compliant, the criteria that they must use is to route hiring requisitions for
administrator override. The salary compliance depends on the job level. Different job levels have
different compliance ceilings. In the as-is process, a user decides. In the to-be process, a user was
going to decide, but now they want the system to decide based on business rules.
Your task is to implement that decision service in a process. You created the process model during
Playbacks 0 and 1, and in Playback 2, you implement all the services.
This exercise is long, so a break is included in the middle of the instructions. The instructions
include some swapping back and forth and moving around different assets in the library. The
sequence is intentionally set to simulate the steps that a developer takes when creating these
assets, and reflects real-world development efforts.
__ 1. Create a decision service.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. In the library, click the (+) plus sign next to Services. Click Service Flow to create a
__ c. Name the service Salary Compliance Service and click FINISH.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 2. Add a Business Action Language rule.
__ a. The service is opened to the Diagram tab. Expand the top activity and drag a Decision
activity from the service palette onto the sequence flow between the Start and End

A green plus (+) is displayed when you are in an area that the item can be dropped. A
red circle with an (x) appears if the mouse is hovering in an area where it cannot be
dropped. Make sure the sequence line is highlighted and the mouse pointer turns to a
green plus (+) sign.

__ b. The activity is placed inside the sequence flow.

__ c. Name the Decision: Check Compliance

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations



You can rename artifacts two ways: either through the General > Common properties section, or
by double-clicking the artifact and renaming it on the canvas.

__ 3. Add variables to the service.

__ a. Click the Variables tab.
__ b. Add an input and name the variable: compensation

__ c. Click Select next to the Variable type. To filter the variable type list, type: Com
and then click the variable type CompensationDetails.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Add a second input variable named position of type Position.

__ e. Add an output variable: isCompliant (String).

__ f. Save your changes.

__ 4. Build the condition.
First, you build the condition, then you build the action to be taken when the condition is
__ a. Click the Decisions tab.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Click the Check Compliance BAL rule on the left.

A default rule is added to the BAL rule editor. The condition and action options are editable. If you
click either option, an editor is displayed to assist you with writing the rule. As is the case with the
JavaScript editor, you can also use content assist (Ctrl+Space).
The BAL rule is a simple set of if-then statements. In this example, if the salary is over or under a
threshold, it is not compliant. Otherwise, it is compliant. The threshold levels are:
• Associate. Minimum salary: 40,000, maximum: 60,000
• Manager. Minimum salary: 50,000, maximum: 75,000
• Director. Minimum salary: 70,000, maximum: 95,000
• President. Minimum salary: 100,000, maximum: 150,000


The lab environment might occasionally cause unexpected behavior when using content assist. If
the content assist window ever disappears, press the spacebar to see the content assist window
display again.
Alternatively, if you are having difficulty with the content assist, you can copy and paste the rules
text that is provided in the file BAL Rules.txt at the location: C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8

__ c. To build the condition, click the <condition> statement for your rule, and select the
following rule piece:

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

the salary to offer of <a compensation details>

__ d. Add a space and use the content assist (Ctrl+Space) to add compensation

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. Use content assist (Ctrl+Space) to add the following: is between <min>

__ f. Use content assist to add: <number>. Immediately after being added, the number turns
to 0. Enter 40000 then add a space.
__ g. Use content assist to add and <max>
__ h. Enter 60000
__ i. Add a space and use content assist to add and <condition>
__ j. Use content assist to add the job level of <a position>
__ k. Use content assist to add position
__ l. Use content assist to add contains <a string>
__ m. Enter “Associate"
__ n. Save your work.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 5. Build the action.
__ a. Click the <action> statement of your rule, and select the following rule pieces:
set <variable>
to <variable value>
set <variable>
to <variable value>

The BAL rule reads much like a natural sentence. You assign a value in the first rule,
and the other rules below it evaluate. If one of the rules evaluates to true, then it
overwrites the variable.
__ b. Click the Add action rule (+) symbol to create a second rule.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ c. Build the next rule by using the previous method to flag the salary as non-compliant
when it does not fall within the same range. Alternatively, if you are having difficulty with
the content assist, you can copy and paste the rules text that is provided in the file BAL
Rules.txt at the location: C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8. Build the rule to read:
if the job level of position contains "Manager"
and all of the following conditions are true:
- the salary to offer of compensation is more than 50000
- the salary to offer of compensation is less than 75000
then set isCompliant to "1";

__ d. Click the Add action rule (+) symbol to create the third rule.
__ e. Copy and paste the prior rule and change the variables as required.
if the job level of position contains "Director"
and all of the following conditions are true:
- the salary to offer of compensation is more than 70000
- the salary to offer of compensation is less than 95000
then set isCompliant to "1";
__ f. Click the Add action rule (+) symbol to create the final rule.
__ g. Copy and paste the prior rule and change the variables as required.
if the job level of position contains "President"
and all of the following conditions are true:
- the salary to offer of compensation is more than 100000
- the salary to offer of compensation is less than 150000
then set isCompliant to "1";


To avoid any errors, the rules text is provided in the file BAL Rules.txt at the location:
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ h. Change the position of the different rules to make the first rule you created the top rule,
and each subsequent rule underneath the prior one by using the arrows on the right of
each rule. You can start by scrolling to the rule for Associate and click the arrow to bring
it to the top.

__ i. Verify that all the four rules are created and are placed in the correct order.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ j. Save your work.
__ 6. Debug the service: jobLevel equals Associate.
To make sure that the rules are working as expected, debug your service by providing
default values to the variables.
__ a. Switch to the Variables tab.
__ b. Click the input variable compensation (CompensationDetails). Select the Has
Default checkbox under the Default Value section on the bottom right.

__ c. Change the value for the variable salaryToOffer to 45000.0

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Click the input variable position (Position). Select Has Default under the Default Value
section on the bottom right. Enter "Associate" for the variable jobLevel:

__ e. Click the Debug button at the top.


Artifacts are automatically saved when you debug or run a service.

__ f. The view changes from the designer view to the inspector view.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ g. The debug window opens on the right to show information about the service. Expand
the Data section on the bottom and verify that the default variables are assigned

__ h. Click the Step Over icon on the top to test the first decision rule with the value for
variable salaryToOffer as 45000 and the value for variable jobLevel as Associate.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ i. The service runs the BAL rule, the service completes, and the status changes to
Finished. The correct response with this set of inputs is that the request is compliant.
Verify that you get an isCompliant variable value of 1 because for the Associate
position the salary is in the range 40000 – 60000 and you tested with the value 45000,
which makes this request compliant.

__ 7. Debug the service: jobLevel equals Manager.

__ a. Click the Designer tab to return to the Designer view.

__ b. On the Variables tab, select the position (Position) input variable

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ c. Change the value of the jobLevel variable to "Manager" and save the service. Switch
to the Diagram tab and click the Debug button on the top.

__ d. The information window opens on the right. The token on the Check Compliance service
step shows the next step in the service to be run. The token matches the step that is
shown in the Locations section in the information window.

__ e. Expand the Data section and click the Run button on the top to run the service to

The Step Over button runs a single step in the service where the token is located. The
Run button runs the service until a coach is displayed or until the service completes.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ f. The service request is not compliant. Expand the business objects and verify that you
get an isCompliant variable value of 0. This is because the salary for the Manager
position is in the range 50000 – 75000 and you tested with salary 45000, which makes
this request non-compliant.

__ g. Return to the Designer view of Process Designer.

__ h. Click the Variables tab and clear the Has Default checkbox under the Default Value
section for the input variables compensation (CompensationDetails) and position
__ i. Save your changes.
__ 8. Add the rule to the process.
__ a. Open the Approve Hire Request process.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Select the Check Hire Request activity in the System lane.

__ c. Click the Implementation properties menu.

__ d. Change the activity type to Decision Task.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. Click Select in the Implementation section.


If you want to run an automated service that does not require routing, you must select the Delete
task on completion checkbox. This option deletes the task from the system and the process
inspector after the task completes. When you select this checkbox, the Process Server does not
retain audit data for the task. By default, this checkbox is not selected.
Deleting the task on completion from the task table in the database provides some performance
advantages. However, in this case you do not select this option because you want to avoid losing
some auditing data, including the details of when that system task ran and how long it took.

__ f. Select Salary Compliance Service.

__ 9. Map the variables for the Check Hire Request activity.

__ a. Open the Data Mapping properties menu.
__ b. Enter tw.local.requisitionDetails.compensationDetails for the first input to
map it with compensation.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ c. Enter tw.local.requisitionDetails.position for the second input to map it with

__ d. Enter tw.local.isCompliant for the output to map it with isCompliant.

Notice that you do not need to send the full requisitionDetails object into every activity. If
a linked process or an activity needs only a small amount of data from the parent object,
send in what is necessary. This approach helps the performance of your processes at run
time. If you know that variables hold the same data, it also helps to name those variables
the same across your processes because it helps with maintenance and troubleshooting.
__ e. Save your work.

Part 2: Implement a message start event

A business requirement has been added specifying the process needs to automatically run every
month. Now it is time to implement the process so an instance of the process can be initiated
__ 1. Create a service to enable the undercover agent (UCA).
__ a. In the library, click the (+) plus sign next to the Services menu.
__ b. Click Service Flow.
__ c. Name the service: Systematic Request ES

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Click FINISH.

__ e. Click the Variables tab. Continuing from Part 1 of this exercise, create a
requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) input and output variable.


Make sure that any single variable that is passed in and out of a service is spelled the exact same
for both fields. Remember, variable names ARE case-sensitive. If you have any differences in the
variable names, then the system considers them two different variables. This error frustrates many
developers when troubleshooting why your variable is not passing out the expected data. Copying
and pasting variable names ensures that your variables are the exact same, and reduces problems
that result from typographical errors.

__ f. Save your work.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 2. Create a server script to initialize the variables and pass it out of the service.
__ a. Return to the Diagram tab. Expand the Activity selection and drag a server script from
the palette onto the canvas.

A green plus (+) is displayed when you are in an area that the item can be dropped. A
red circle with an (x) appears if the mouse is hovering in an area where it cannot be
dropped. Make sure the sequence line is highlighted and the mouse pointer turns to a
green plus (+) sign.

__ b. The activity is placed inside the sequence flow.

__ c. Name the server script: Create Vars

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Create a server script to initialize the variables and pass it out of the service. In the
Script properties menu, copy the script from the Script1.txt file that is located in
the C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8 folder. Optionally, you can enter the following
script in the box:
if (tw.local.requisitionDetails == null) {
tw.local.requisitionDetails = new tw.object.HiringRequisition();

}To avoid any typographical errors, the script code is provided in the file Script1.txt at the location: C:\labfiles\Exercise_Support_Files\Exercise09\.

__ e. Save the service.

__ 3. Create and enable an Undercover Agent.
__ a. Click the (+) plus sign next to Events, and click the Undercover Agent option.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Name the UCA: Systematic Request
Make sure that the Time Elapsed schedule type is selected. Click FINISH to complete
the creation of the UCA.

__ c. In the Details section of the UCA settings page on the right, click Select next to Attached
Service. Select the Systematic Request ES service. Verify that the Enabled checkbox
is selected for the new undercover agent.

__ d. Create the schedule according to the following script:

Every month (all months) on the first Saturday at Midnight on the hour.
Select all the months, then the First, Saturday, Midnight, and On the hour options.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

This setting generally provides time for the purging service to complete over the

__ e. Save your work.

__ 4. Implement the Systematic Request start message event on the Hiring Request Process
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process process.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Drag a Start event from the palette to the process near the End event.

Because a start event is already on the canvas, subsequent start events added to the
canvas default to a Start message event. You can also expand the start event in the
palette and drag a Start message event to the canvas to get the same result.
__ c. Rename the start message event to: Systematic Request Start

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Connect Systematic Request Start to the Complete Hire Request activity.

__ e. Click the Systematic Request Start event, click the Implementation properties menu,
and then click Select next to Attached message UCA.

__ f. Select the Systematic Request UCA that you created for the activity.
__ g. Save your work.


If you do not see the Systematic Request UCA, restart Process Designer.

__ 5. Map the Systematic Request start event UCA outputs to the process variables.
__ a. Click the Data Mapping properties menu.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. In the Output Mapping section, map the requisitionDetails output variable to the
requisitionDetails (HiringRequisition) variable.

__ c. Save your work.

__ 6. Test the UCA.
__ a. Open the Systematic Request UCA listed in the Events section of the library.

__ b. Click Run now in the Scheduler section.

__ c. A dialog box is displayed, which indicates that the UCA is scheduled for immediate
execution. Click OK.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Click the INSPECTOR view tab.

__ e. At the top, click the first icon to search process instances.

__ f. On the left, underneath the search filter criteria, click Search to view all the instances of
all the processes in the Process Center Server.
The Search button changes to Refresh after using it. If you have used it before, it might
display Refresh instead of Search.
__ g. If everything was successful, the UCA and Message Start event created a Hiring
Request Process instance. The instance that you created when you ran the test is the
highest numbered instance that is shown in the right frame. This window shows all the
instances that ran in Process Designer and their status, although your environment
might not match what you see in this screen capture.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

Part 3: Apply asset tags
The Process Designer library now has a number of assets for the Hiring Request Process
process. You can use asset tagging to organize your existing process application assets. Asset
tagging allows developers to accomplish tasks such as associating a UCA with its enabling service.
__ 1. Tag the Systematic Request Start service.
__ a. Click DESIGNER to return to the Designer mode of the Process Designer.

__ b. In the Designer library, open the Services category.

__ c. Right-click the Systematic Request ES service.
__ d. Click Tags > New.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. Name the tag UCA and then click FINISH.

__ f. Return to the library and open the Events category.

__ g. Right-click the Systematic Request UCA.
__ h. Click Tags > UCA.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ i. Click the HR Recruitment Process header at the top. This category lists all the artifacts
in the library. The two artifacts are now tagged with UCA in parentheses after the artifact

__ 2. Group artifacts by tag.

__ a. From the HR Recruitment Process menu, you can view all the assets in the library. At
the top of the list, the default grouping is by Type. Click the arrow to the right of Type.
Select Tag from the list.
__ b. The artifacts with the tag UCA are now grouped in the list.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ c. After viewing the Name grouping type, return the grouping type back to Type.
__ 3. Create a favorite.
__ a. Click the Processes category.
__ b. Hover to the left of the Hiring Request Process. The outline of a star appears next to
the process name.
__ c. Click the star next to the Hiring Request Process to designate it a favorite.

__ d. If it is not already expanded, open Smart Folders at the bottom of the library. Click
Favorites to verify that the process is now part of the Favorites smart folder.


You have completed part 3 of 5, so you are now half done with this exercise. Now would be a good
time to take a 10-minute break.

Part 4: Create a service to query a database and populate a list

In this part of the exercise, you create a service to query a database and populate a list. The current
systems require employees to look up different codes and enter them into the system. Because
customers use this system, a better approach is to offer a menu with readable options that
correspond to the codes in the database. The Job Level and Department Details values make up
the menus.
The tables are already established in the TRAINING database as JOBLEVELS. You build a new
business object that is called DepartmentDetails that contains the parameters: Division and
Department. These parameters match the DIVISIONS and DEPARTMENTS tables in the
TRAINING database.
Use an environment variable (ENV) to hold database information for one query, and an exposed
process variable (EPV) to hold the database information for the other.
__ 1. Create a service to retrieve the incident categories.
__ a. In the Process Designer library, click the (+) plus sign next to Services and select
Service Flow.
__ b. Name the service Retrieve Department Categories and click FINISH.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 2. Add variables to the service. These variables hold the list data that is retrieved from the
__ a. Click the Variables tab.
__ b. Add an output variable named: departmentCategoriesList
__ c. Select the Is List checkbox and then click Select for the variable type.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Select the Show all business objects checkbox at the bottom, and select
NameValuePair from the list.

This variable is used to populate the list of options in a select menu on the coach.
__ e. Now add a Private variable: sql (String)

__ 3. Add the elements onto the canvas.

__ a. Click the Diagram tab of the service.
__ b. Drag a Server Script from the service palette to the canvas.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

A green plus (+) is displayed when you are in an area that the item can be dropped. A
red circle with an (x) appears if the mouse is hovering in an area where it cannot be
dropped. Make sure the sequence line is highlighted and the mouse pointer turns to a
green plus (+) sign.

__ c. The activity is placed inside the sequence flow.

__ d. Rename the server script to: Set SQL
__ e. Expand the Toolkits > System Data toolkit category in the Process Designer library.
__ f. Select the Services category. Drag the SQL Execute Statement service onto the
sequence flow to the right of the Set SQL server scriptlet.

You can find the service that is grouped in with the services that are the Service Flow type, or
change to sort by tag and view those items that contain the Database tag. You can also type SQL
Execute to filter the list to find the service. Be sure to select the correct one as there are several
SQL Execute services.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

If you have problems with dragging the service from the library to the canvas, you can drag a
Service Task activity from the palette to the canvas. Then, implement the service by using the SQL
Execute Statement service from the System Data toolkit.
__ g. Verify your service flow.

__ h. Save your work.

__ 4. Implement the Set SQL server scriptlet.
__ a. Click the Set SQL server script.
__ b. Click the Script properties menu.
__ c. You use a server scriptlet when assigning a value to a single variable. Change the
service from Script to Scriptlet.

__ d. Click Select next to Binding: and click the sql (String) variable.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. Enter the following SQL query in the script field. The intent is to map the results directly
into a NameValuePair object, so you must rename the results to enable that direct
mapping. Optionally, you can copy the script from the Script2.txt file that is located
in the C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8 folder.

__ 5. Map the inputs and outputs of the SQL Execute Statement service.
__ a. Click the SQL Execute Statement service step.
__ b. Click the Data Mapping properties menu option.
__ c. In the Input Mapping section, map the tw.local.sql variable to the sql (String)

__ d. For the returnType (String) variable mapping, type (include the quotation marks):

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. A JDBC data source was already created for you. In the dataSourceName field, type
“jdbc/TrainingDB” (include the quotation marks).

__ f. In the Output Mapping, map the results (ANY) variable to the

tw.local.departmentCategoriesList variable.

__ g. Click the debug icon to debug the service.

__ h. Make sure that you are on the Diagram tab so you see the token move between the
steps in the service. Expand the Data section on the right and click Step over. If
needed, you might need to click the Search icon from the top to close the search
The first step assigns the string to the sql variable for the database call.
__ i. For the SQL Execute step, click Step Over until the status changes to Finished.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations



Two commands in the debugger are for stepping through a nested service: Step Over and Step
Into. When a step in your service is a nested service that contains more than one step, you can use
Step Into to debug the steps inside the nested service. If you click Step Over, the debugger runs all
of the steps and moves the token to the end of the nested service, showing only the output after the
service is complete.

__ j. Expand the departmentCategoriesList in the Data section of the Inspector. The

departmentCategoriesList variable is populated with the values in the database.
Notice that the departmentCategoriesList variable contains items 0 - 4 as part of the
list. This result means that the database returned five rows, which were mapped to the
NameValuePair object per the configuration options of the SQL Execute service.

__ k. Click DESIGNER to return to the Designer view.

__ 6. Add an exposed process variable (EPV) to manage the data source name.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

The data source name should normally be stored as an environment variable. EPVs are
designed to store business data because they can be exposed to business users so they
can set real-time process variables. In the next two steps, you practice the creation and use
of both environment variables and EPVs.
__ a. Click the (+) plus sign in the Data menu option in the Process Designer library.
__ b. Select Exposed Process Value.

__ c. Name your EPV DataSource and click FINISH.

__ d. In the Exposed Process Value settings, click the (+) plus sign in the Exposed Process
Value Variables section.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. Set the following values in the Variable Details section:
- External Name: TrainingDatabase
- Variable Name: trainingDB
- External Description: This is the name of the JDBC data source for the
training database.
- Default Value: jdbc/TrainingDB

Because the variable type is String, you do not need to enclose the value in quotation
__ f. Save your work.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 7. Map the EPV
__ a. At the upper left of the designer, open the History menu and return to the Retrieve
Department Categories service.

__ b. Open the Variables tab.

__ c. Click the (+) plus sign next to the Exposed Process Variables category in the Variables
list, and then select the DataSource EPV.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Verify that you added DataSource to the Exposed Process Variables variables list.

__ e. Click the Diagram tab to return to the service objects. Click the SQL Execute
Statement step.
__ f. In the properties section below, click the Data Mapping menu option.
__ g. Map the trainingDB EPV to the dataSourceName variable. Enter as the
dataSourceName: String(tw.epv.DataSource.trainingDB)
You must cast your EPV to a String. Replace the string that you previously mapped to
the variable with String(tw.epv.DataSource.trainingDB). Although you created the
EPV as a String type, the system defines it as an EPV type when you map the variable.
Therefore, you must cast the variable to String to use it.

The warning indicator stays because it cannot validate the complex expression. This is
__ h. Save your work.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 8. Create a Service Flow to retrieve job levels; however, use an environment variable (ENV)
to accomplish this implementation.
__ a. In the Designer library, click the Services category. Right-click the Retrieve
Department Categories service flow and click Duplicate.

__ b. Right-click the new service and click Rename. Name the new service Retrieve Job
Levels. Click FINISH.

__ 9. Change the new service to retrieve job levels.

__ a. Open the new Services > Retrieve Job Levels service flow. Because many of these
database calls are similar, you just need to change a few things to retrieve the job levels
from the database.
__ b. Click the Variables tab.
__ c. Click the departmentCategoriesList Output variable. Change the variable name to:
__ d. Ensure that the Is List checkbox is selected, and the Variable Type is NameValuePair.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. Save your work.
__ f. Verify the private variable sql (String) is still present in the variables list.

__ 10. Add an environment variable to your process application.

__ a. Open the History menu and select Process App Settings.

__ b. Click the Environment Variables tab and then click the (+) plus sign on the right side of
the Environment Variables section.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ c. Complete the following values for the environment variable:
- Key: TrainingDB
- Default: jdbc/TrainingDB

__ d. Save your work.

__ 11. Implement the Set SQL server scriptlet.
__ a. Return to the Retrieve Job Levels service flow.
__ b. Click the Diagram tab.
__ c. Click the Set SQL server script.
__ d. Click the Script properties menu option.
__ e. Verify that the Scriptlet type is selected and that the scriptlet is bound to the
tw.local.sql (String) variable.
__ f. Change the Implementation script to:

Alternatively, you can copy the script from the Script3.txt file that is located in the
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8 folder.
__ g. Save your work.
__ 12. Map the inputs and outputs of the SQL Execute Statement service.
__ a. Click SQL Execute Statement on the canvas.
__ b. Click the Data Mapping properties menu option.
__ c. Under the Input Mapping section, verify that the sql (String) input is mapped to the
tw.local.sql variable.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Verify the returnType (String) input is “NameValuePair” (include the quotation
__ e. For the dataSourceName (String) input, enter: tw.env.TrainingDB

__ f. Change the Output Mapping section to the tw.local.jobLevels variable.

__ g. Now you can remove the DataSource Exposed Process Variable from the Variables tab
that was added to the original service and duplicated for this service.

__ h. Save your work.

__ 13. Debug the service to determine whether the data is retrieved from the database correctly.
__ a. Click the debug icon above the palette.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Click the Step over icon twice to step through the service and verify that the database
call runs and returns data from the database.

__ c. Click DESIGNER to return to the Designer view.

__ 14. To make these services available to other process applications, move the services to the
__ a. At the top of the library, click HR Recruitment Process to view all the assets in your

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. On the top of the asset list, click the icon to change to multi-selection mode.

__ c. Radio buttons appear to the left of every asset in the library. Select both the Retrieve
Department Categories and Retrieve Job Levels Service Flow services. Right-click
and click Move items to > Other Toolkit.

__ d. Click Hiring Requisition Toolkit.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. The system identifies the dependencies. Click MOVE.


If the Hiring Requisition Toolkit is not listed, verify Let users update the toolkit is selected.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 15. In the last exercise, you created a Hiring Request Theme. To make this theme available to
other process applications, move the theme to the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.
__ a. Open the User Interface category in the library. Turn the multi-select off for this next

__ b. Right-click User Interface > Hiring Request Theme in the library. Click Move item to >
Other Toolkit, and select the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.
__ c. In the Move Artifacts to Toolkit window, click MOVE.
__ d. Finally, because the ENV variables are specific to the toolkit or Process App, you need
to re-create the environment variable for this toolkit. Click the Return to Workflow
Center link.

__ e. Click the navigation icon in the upper left.

__ f. Select Toolkits.
__ g. Click the Hiring Requisition Toolkit tile.
__ h. At the top, click the Environment Variables tab.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ i. In the Environment Variables section, add the TrainingDB key with the default value of
jdbc/TrainingDB. This setting is needed to run the Retrieve Job Levels service. Click
the (+) Add icon from the right to add a variable.
Key: TrainingDB
Default: jdbc/TrainingDB

__ j. Save your work.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

Part 5: Change an input to a single select on a coach
Until now, any value would be accepted for the Department input on the page. If only certain values
are allowed, you must then approach the control in one of the following ways. The first way is to
limit the input to only acceptable values by using a selection like the single select on a coach. The
second way is through validation of the input data. Many times the solution is a combination of both
of these approaches. This section demonstrates how to create a single selection to limit the values
that are allowed.
__ 1. Apply the Hiring Request Theme to the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.
__ a. In the Overview > Coach Designer Settings section, click Select and select the Hiring
Request Theme.

__ b. Save your changes.

__ 2. Add the Retrieve Department Categories service to the Hiring Form human service.
__ a. Select User Interface from the library and click Hiring Form.
__ b. The Hiring Form service opens. In the Diagram tab, drag a Service from the palette
onto the Hiring Form sequence flow between the Start event and the Hiring Form

__ c. Verify the flow so that the new service is part of the flow.

__ d. Rename the new service step to: Retrieve Department Categories

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. In the Implementation properties menu, click Select for the Call a service setting.

__ f. Select the Retrieve Department Categories service that you created.

__ g. Save your work.

__ 3. Map the output variable of the service and allow the system to create the private variable.
__ a. In the Data Mapping > Output Mapping properties section, note that the service
requires you to map a variable to the departmentCategoriesList variable.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Click the Variables tab. Create a private variable: departmentCategoriesList
(NameValuePair) (List). Make sure the variable is configured as a List.


Select Show all business objects to choose the NameValuePair variable type.

__ c. Return to the Diagram tab. Verify that the Retrieve Department Categories step on
the canvas is selected. In the Data Mapping properties section, map the
departmentCategoriesList variable to the output

__ d. Save your work.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ 4. Change the control on the Hiring Form coach to a single select.
__ a. Click the Coaches tab and the Hiring Form coach. Initially when you view the coach,
the server must generate the CSS and render the new coach on the screen, so a delay
might occur before you see the effect.
__ b. From the Department Details tab, select the control Department that is bound to the
department variable.

Change the view that the control is bound to. Right now, all the input boxes on the coach
are text views. These controls are all variables that are bound to String data types.
__ c. In the General > Behavior properties section, click Select next to View.

__ d. Select the option Single Select (UI Toolkit) coach view.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ e. After you change the view binding, the control on the palette has a different look. It is
now a Single Select view control.

__ f. Save your work.

__ 5. The select control returns the single element that is chosen from the list, and you must
create a simple list variable to store the selection.
__ a. Click the Variables tab of the Hiring Form service.
__ b. Create a private variable: department (NameValuePair)

__ c. Save your work.

__ 6. Store the selected department to the department variable.
__ a. Return to the Coach.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Select the Department control under the Department Details tab.
__ c. In the General > Behavior properties section, click Select next to the Binding property.
__ d. Click the new Private variable department (NameValuePair) from the variable list.
__ 7. Configure the setting that determines the list of selections available to the user on the
Department select control.
__ a. Click the Configuration properties menu. Expand the Items section.
__ b. Change the Item lookup mode to Items from Config Option. Click Select next to the
Item input data setting and click the departmentCategoriesList (NameValuePair)


Because the control uses the .name variable for the Display Name Property and the .value of
the Value property settings by default, you do not have to set those settings. If you are using a
variable other than a NameValuePair, you must assign the values that populate the name and
value of the control.

__ c. Save your work.

__ 8. The Department selection that is stored in the private department (NameValuePair)
variable must be mapped to the parameter of the business object. Bind the selection value
back to the business object parameter.
__ a. In the Hiring Form service, click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Change the name of the Map New Position Var script to: Map Vars

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ c. In the Script properties menu, add the following code to the bottom of the script:
tw.local.requisitionDetails.departmentDetails.department =

Optionally, you can copy the script from the Script4.txt file that is located in the
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex8 folder
__ d. Save your work.
__ 9. Debug the coach, and verify that the Department single select works and binds the data to
the variable.
__ a. Click the Debug icon.
__ b. When the debug window opens, minimize the new window.
__ c. Click Step over.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ d. Verify that the departmentCategoriesList variable is populated with data from the
integration that you created in the last exercise.

__ e. Click Step over to show the coach. The coach is displayed in the Playback window.
__ f. Click the Department Details tab. The database retrieval service now drives the
selections that are presented to the user.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ g. In the Department field, select HR and click Submit.

__ h. Verify that the data is bound to the variable inside the debugger.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ i. Click Step Over. Verify that the data was mapped into the
requisitionDetails.departmentDetails.department variable. The Map Vars script
stores the key for the object, not the value.

__ j. Close the Debug Hiring Form browser window.

__ 10. Update the process application HR Recruitment Processes dependency to the most recent
version of the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.
__ a. Return to Process Designer and click Return to Workflow Center.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ b. Click Details on the Hiring Requisition Toolkit tile.

__ c. Select the Snapshots tab.

__ d. Open the list of options by clicking the three dots on the right of the Current snapshot
tile and select Create a snapshot.

__ e. Name the snapshot Playback 2 and provide the following documentation: This
snapshot includes integrations. Click Create.
__ f. Click the navigation icon in the upper left and select Process apps.


If the Process apps list does not display and still displays the Toolkits, wait a minute for the refresh
to occur.

__ g. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.

__ h. Expand the Toolkits category in the library.

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Exercise 8. Playback 2: Integrations

__ i. Click the arrow next to Hiring Requisition Toolkit (Baseline) and click Upgrade
Dependency to Playback 2.

__ j. The dependency is now upgraded to Playback 2.

__ k. Playback 2: Integrations, is now complete.

__ l. Click Return to Workflow Center.
You have completed this exercise.
The first part of this exercise looked at creating a decision service. You created rules in Business
Action Language (BAL) to support the service and then implemented the new service in a process.
Next, you created a message start event as a trigger to run the process. You organized assets with
tags. Finally, you built a query service to read information from a database. The query service is
built with environment variables and exposed process variables. You then implemented the query
service as a single-select control on the user interface.

End of exercise

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application


Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors

and deploying your process
Estimated time

This exercise covers how to implement error handling in a service.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Harden a service with a catch exception component
• Create a snapshot for deployment

In this exercise, inside the Process Designer service diagram, you drag a Catch Exception and
attach it to a generic service or a human service. You then create a flow from the Catch Exception.
Finally, you create a snapshot for deployment.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Implement exception handling in a service
Part 2: Prepare for final snapshot
Part 3: Check the history of the process application
Part 4: Create a snapshot of the process application

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Implement exception handling in a service
__ 1. Add a Catch Exception event to the Hiring Form service.
__ a. Open the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.
Be sure to open the toolkit and not the process application.
__ b. In the Hiring Requisition Toolkit, open the User Interface > Hiring Form human service.
__ c. On the Diagram tab, drag an Intermediate Event from the service palette on to a
control point on the Retrieve Department Categories service.

__ 2. Add a coach to display an error message.

__ a. Drag a Coach from the service palette onto the canvas. Rename the coach: Show
Error Message

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ 3. Add a postpone task service.
__ a. Drag an Intermediate Event from the palette to the right of the Show Error Message

__ b. With the new Intermediate Event selected on the canvas, open the Implementation
properties menu. Change the Event Type to Postpone. Leave the Event Navigation as
Default (behavior provided by the hosting UI).

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ c. Open the General > Common properties section and rename the new event: Postpone

__ d. Save your work.

__ 4. Create the error message coach.
__ a. Click the Coaches tab and select the Show Error Message coach.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ b. In the Starting Point window, ensure that the Default coach is selected, and click OK.

__ c. Select Layout in the Building blocks panel and select Panel

__ d. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Panel above the OK button. Let go
of the mouse button when the top border displays a gold highlight
__ e. Enter An error has occurred for the name.
__ f. Add another panel by dragging a panel to the location on the existing panel that displays
Drop content here and label the panel Error information

__ g. Select Uncategorized in the Building blocks panel and select Custom HTML
__ h. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Custom HTML control and let go of
the mouse button over the section that displays Drop content here.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ i. Under the HTML properties menu, select Text and add error information to the HTML
text block that is provided to the user. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the text that
is provided in the file Script1.txt at the location: C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex9
<p>An error has occurred. You can either retry what you were doing, or you
can postpone this activity until a later date.</p>
<p>If you need further assistance, please call our customer service
hotline: (555)555-5555.</p>

__ j. Select Input in the Building blocks panel and select Button

__ k. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the Button below the OK button. Let go
of the mouse button when the bottom border displays a gold highlight.
__ l. Change the OK button label to: Retry.
__ m. Change the second button label to: Postpone.
__ n. Save your work.
__ 5. Reconnect the flow on the Hiring Form canvas.
__ a. Click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Connect the new elements on the canvas. First, connect the Error Intermediate Event
event to the Show Error Message coach.
__ c. Next, connect the Show Error Message coach to the Postpone Task event.
__ d. Third, connect Postpone Task back to Show Error Message.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ e. Finally, connect Show Error Message to Retrieve Department Categories by the
Retry control.

__ f. Notice that the label on the flow is incorrect. The instructions intentionally wired the
flows up to the wrong event. In this flow, the Postpone button retries the service while
the Retry button postpones the task. That would be incorrect. After you connect the
Show Error Message coach to other activities, the flow editor automatically uses the
button controls from the coach. If the controls do not match the flow, you can either
reroute the connection arrows or change the end state binding. To change the end state
binding, select the Postpone flow.

__ g. In the General > Behavior properties section, click Select next to End state binding.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ h. From the coach dialog box, select the Retry button and click FINISH at the bottom.

__ i. Click Yes to confirm the binding change.

__ j. Ensure that your buttons on your coach correspond to the correct flows on the coach.

__ k. Save your work.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

Part 2: Prepare for final snapshot
__ 1. Check for any validation errors in the process application.
Before taking the final snapshot of the process application for deployment, it is a good
practice to check for any validation errors in the process application.
__ a. Click Return to Workflow Center.

__ b. Click the navigation icon in the upper left.

__ c. Select Process apps

__ d. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ e. Validation errors must be resolved before you deploy a process application to a different
environment. The instructions thus far introduced an error in the process application.
You correct this error before the deployment of your process application. In this
example, the Hiring Request Process contains an error. To resolve this error, in the
Process Designer footer, click the Validation errors and warnings icon to check the
name of the process that contains the error. Note that there is a number 1 next to the
icon indicating one warning or error.

__ f. Clicking the Validation errors and warnings icon displays the process that contains
the problem.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ g. Expand the Hiring Request Process to view the error message.

__ h. To resolve the parameter mapping errors, click the error message to directly open
Hiring Request Process and then click the Submit Hiring Request activity.

__ i. Open the Data Mapping properties menu.

__ j. In the Input Mapping section, map the input to the requisitionDetails
(HiringRequisition) variable by typing tw.local.requisitionDetails.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application



Because the names are consistent, you can use the auto-map feature for these steps.

__ k. In the Output Mapping section, map the first output to the requisitionDetails
(HiringRequisition) variable by typing tw.local.requisitionDetails.
__ l. In the Output Mapping section, map the second output to the isNewPosition
(String) variable by typing tw.local.isNewPosition.

__ m. Select the Approve New Hire Request activity.

__ n. Open the Data Mapping properties menu.
__ o. In the Input Mapping section, map the input to the requisitionDetails
(HiringRequisition) variable by typing tw.local.requisitionDetails.

__ p. In the Output Mapping section, map the first output to the requisitionDetails
(HiringRequisition) variable by typing tw.local.requisitionDetails.
__ q. In the Output Mapping section, map the second output to the isNewPosition
(String) variable by typing tw.local.isNewPosition.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ r. Save your changes.
__ s. Verify that there are no more any errors or warnings. The Validation and errors icon
indicates a zero next to it. Close the validation panel.

Part 3: Check the history of the process application

__ 1. Before taking a snapshot of the process application for deployment, you can check the
history of the actions that you performed on the process application.
__ a. Return to the Workflow Center.
__ b. Click Details in the HR Recruitment Process process application tile.
__ c. Click History.
__ d. Review the set of actions that you performed on the process application.

Part 4: Create a snapshot of the process application

__ 1. Create a snapshot of the Hiring Request Process in IBM Process Designer.
__ a. Click the Back to process Apps link.

__ b. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.

__ c. Expand the Snapshot menu on the top of the Process Designer window. Select Create
a snapshot.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ d. Give your snapshot the name Playback 3 and description: This is a snapshot for
Playback 3. Click FINISH.

__ e. Click OK when the pop-up window is shown.

__ f. Return to Workflow Center.
__ g. Click Details in the HR Recruitment Process process application tile.
__ h. Select the Snapshots tab
__ i. Verify your snapshot is displayed in the list of snapshots.
__ 2. Create a snapshot of the new toolkit and upgrade the dependency to the new snapshot.
__ a. Click the navigation icon in the upper left and expand the Process apps section.
__ b. Click Toolkits.
__ c. Click Details on the Hiring Requisition Toolkit tile.
__ d. Select the Snapshots tab.
__ e. Open the list of options by clicking the three dots on the right of the Current snapshot
tile and select Create a snapshot.

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Exercise 9. Playback 3: Handling errors and deploying your process application

__ f. Name the snapshot Playback 3 and provide the following documentation: This
snapshot includes error handling for a service. Click Create.
__ g. Open the menu in the top left and select Process apps.


If the Process apps list does not display and still displays the Toolkits, wait a minute for the refresh
to occur.

__ h. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application in Process Designer.

__ i. Click Toolkits in the library. Click the arrow next to Hiring Requisition Toolkit and click
Upgrade Dependency to (Playback 3).

__ j. Playback 3: Creating error handling for a service is now complete.

You have completed this exercise.
In this exercise, you added a Catch Exception component to capture and manage errors in the
process. If any validation errors were present in the process application, you resolved any
problems. Next, you looked at the history of the actions that were performed on the process
application and created the snapshot for deployment.

End of exercise

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution


Exercise 10.Implementing a custom

routing solution
Estimated time

In this exercise, you learn how to implement a custom routing solution.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Implement custom routing

The company is working hard to meet a deadline and some employees are working on the weekend.
General Managers who approve the new hire request do not work on the weekend. Those designated as
Weekend Managers should receive work if the date of the request is on the weekend.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Add code to determine whether it is the weekend
Part 2: Add custom routing to the HR Recruitment process
Part 3: Test the custom routing solution

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Add code to determine whether it is the weekend
Before adding a custom routing option to the Approve New Hire Request, the determination of
whether the date falls on a weekend needs to be added. To do this, you add a Boolean variable and
JavaScript to the Hiring Form.
__ 1. Add a Boolean variable
__ a. Open the Hiring Requisition Toolkit toolkit
__ b. Open the Hiring Form user interface
__ c. Under the Variables tab, click the plus sign (+) next to Output.
__ d. Enter isWeekend for the name
__ e. Click Select next to Variable type and select Boolean for the type.
__ f. Save your work

__ 2. Enter the JavaScript code to determine if it is the weekend

__ a. Click the Diagram tab to switch to the diagram
Because there is already a script task before the End event, you can place the
JavaScript in this task.
__ b. Highlight the Map Vars script task and select the Script tab under the Properties

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ c. Enter the following JavaScript at the end of the existing script block
//Determine if request date is on the weekend
var dt = new Date(tw.local.requisitionDetails.dateOfRequest);
if(dt.getDay() == 6 || dt.getDay() == 0) {
tw.local.isWeekend = true; }
else {
tw.local.isWeekend = false; }
Alternatively, you can paste the script from the file Script1.txt under the folder
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex10
__ d. Verify your JavaScript code

__ e. Save your work

__ 3. Save a new snapshot
This was a last-minute addition. As such, it is considered part of the Playback 3 solution.
__ a. Click the camera icon in the upper right corner and select Create a snapshot.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ b. Enter Playback 3a as the name, enter a description, and click FINISH

__ c. Click OK on the Snapshot Created dialog.

__ d. Click Return to Workflow Center.

Part 2: Add custom routing to the HR Recruitment process

In this section, you update Approve New Hire Request activity to use custom routing. Before you
do that, you add the variable to the process, perform data mapping, and add the Weekend
Managers team. Before being able to use the updated Hiring Form, you must upgrade the
dependency to the new snapshot of the Hiring Requisition Toolkit.
__ 1. Add a Boolean variable to the process
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process
__ c. Open the Variables tab

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ d. Click the plus sign (+) next to Private to add a variable
__ e. Enter isWeekend for the name and set the variable type to Boolean
__ f. Verify the addition of the private variable.

__ g. Save your work.

__ 2. Upgrade to the new Hiring Request Toolkit snapshot
__ a. Expand the Toolkits category in the Library section. The Hiring Request Toolkit
shows a warning because the process application is not pointing to the most recent
snapshotted version.
__ b. Click the arrow next to the Toolkit and select Upgrade Dependency to (Playback 3a)

__ 3. Perform data mapping

Now that the Boolean variable is added to the process and the toolkit dependency
upgraded, you can map the variable from the Submit Hiring Request to the process.
__ a. From the Hiring Request Process, click the Definition tab.
__ b. Select the Submit Hiring Request activity
__ c. Select the Data Mapping tab in the properties section below

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ d. Under the Output Mapping section, click the Variable Picker next to the isWeekend
variable and select isWeekend (Boolean)

__ e. Save your work

__ 4. Add the Weekend Managers team and add a member
The Weekend Managers team contains the managers that are able to work on weekends.
__ a. In the process library, click the (+) plus sign next to Teams. Click Team.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ b. Name the team Weekend Managers and click FINISH.

__ c. In the Members section, click the (+) plus sign next to Users.

__ d. Select user2 from the list.

You now have a populated list in the Members section with user2 for the Weekend
Managers team.

__ e. Save your work.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ 5. Apply custom routing to the Approve New Hire Request activity assignment
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request Process by opening the History menu at the top and
selecting it from the drop-down menu

__ b. Select the Approve New Hire Request activity

__ c. In the Properties section below, select the Assignments tab
__ d. Select Custom next to Assign to.
__ e. Enter the following expression in the Expression field
tw.local.isWeekend?"TEAM:Weekend Managers":"TEAM:General Managers"
Alternatively, you can paste the script from the file Script2.txt under the folder
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex10

__ f. Save your work

Part 3: Test the custom routing solution

__ 1. Submit a new request
__ a. Open Process Portal in another tab.
__ b. The Process Portal opens in a new browser tab. Since you were already logged in to the
Workflow Center as author1, the session continues and you are logged in to Process
Portal as author1 also.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ c. Create an instance of the process by clicking Hiring Request Process in the Launch
section on the left. Wait for the first task to open in the main window.

__ d. To send the task to the Weekend Managers group, select a Saturday or Sunday for the
Date Of Request

__ e. To ensure that the process follows the path to the Approve New Hire Request activity,
click the Recruiting Details tab and place a check mark next to New Position
__ f. Click Submit
__ g. Log out as author1

__ 2. Verify that the weekend managers see the task

Recall that user2 was the only member of the Weekend Managers team.
__ a. Log in to Process Portal by using user2 in the Username field and passw0rd in the
Password field

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ b. Verify the user, as a member of the Weekend Managers team, received the Approve
New Hire Request task

__ c. Log out as User2

__ 3. Verify that the General Managers do not see the task
Recall that user1 was the only member of the General Managers team.
__ a. Log in to Process Portal by using user1 in the Username field and passw0rd in the
Password field
__ b. Verify the user, as a member of the General Managers team, did not receive the
Approve New Hire Request task.

__ c. Log out as user1.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

Part 4: Clean up the environment
When demonstrating mock scenarios, it is important to reset the environment back to the defaults
before moving on.
__ 1. Delete snapshot status changes
__ a. To access the administration console, go back to the Quick Start window and click the
Process Admin Console link.

__ b. When the Process Admin console is displayed, note the various links in the left pane.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

__ c. Click the Process Inspector link in the navigation bar at the top.

The Process Inspector opens in a new tab.

__ d. Click Search
The Filter process instances by section is updated and all process applications in the
repository are listed on the right with their status. The Search button changes to
__ e. Highlight all the snapshot status changes and click Delete. The number of snapshots
may be different for your environment.

__ f. Click OK on the Confirm Bulk Action window.

The snapshot status changes are deleted. Two active Hiring Request process
applications are still listed. Your list might have more.
__ 2. Terminate and delete the active processes.
__ a. Highlight the remaining active process instances and click Terminate.

__ b. Click OK on the Confirm Bulk Action window.

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Exercise 10. Implementing a custom routing solution

The status of the processes change to Terminated.
__ c. With both terminated processes highlighted, click Delete.
__ d. Click OK on the Confirm Bulk Action window.
Both processes are deleted.
You have completed this exercise.
In the first part of the exercise, you modified the Hiring Request Toolkit to add a Boolean variable
and JavaScript to the Hiring Request form. Then you added the variable to the process, upgraded
the toolkit dependency, and added the weekend managers team to the process. Once that was
completed, you were able to configure a custom routing assignment for the Approve New Hire
Request activity. Finally, to test that only Weekend Managers receive the task, you created a new
request by using a weekend date. To verify that only the Weekend Managers see it, you logged in
as a member of the Weekend Managers to verify you see the task. You then logged in as a member
of the General Managers team to verify that you did not see the task.

End of exercise

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter


Exercise 11.Implementing the “four

eyes” policy by using a team
Estimated time

In this exercise, you learn how to implement a “four eyes” policy in a process by using a team filter.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Implement the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

The company chief executive officer (CEO) is concerned about the activity in the HR Administrator
lane during the approval linked process. The CEO wants to make sure that if an override is
required, two people must look at the request, enabling a “four eyes” policy for activities in that
lane. You must create a second activity in the lane, and use a routing policy to ensure that the user
who completed the first activity in a lane does not claim the second activity in the lane.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Modify the process
Part 2: Create the team filter service
Part 3: Apply the team filter service to the activity assignment
Part 4: Test the four eyes policy

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

Part 1: Modify the process
The first steps of this exercise are to change the process to meet the new requirements of the
organization. After the process is changed, you will then implement the four eyes policy by using
Team Filter services.
__ 1. Create the verify activity to make sure that if an override is required, two people must look at
the request, enabling a “four eyes” policy for activities in that lane.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. Open the Approve Hire Request process.
__ c. Drag a User Task to the right of the Override Hire Request activity and drop it on the
sequence flow. Name this activity: Verify Override Hire Request

__ 2. Create a service to capture the username during the Override Hire Request step.
__ a. Expand the Toolkits category in the library, and then expand UI Toolkit and select User

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ b. Under the Client-Side Human Service category, right-click the Default UI Human

__ c. Select Copy item to > Other Project.

__ d. Select HR Recruitment Process.

__ e. Click the Toolkits menu to collapse the category in the library.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ f. Scroll up in the library and this time click the User Interface menu in the library for the
HR Recruitment Process process application and right-click the Default UI Human
Service you just copied and select Rename.

__ g. Rename the Default UI Human Service to: Override Hire Request and click
__ h. Open the Override Hire Request human service.
__ i. Click the Variables tab and add an output variable userName1 (String) to the
Override Hire Request service to capture the username.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ j. Click the Diagram tab and add a Client-Side Script that is named Capture Username to
the sequence flow after the Display Task Details coach.

__ k. Click the Capture Username step.

__ l. Enter the code in the Script properties menu to capture the username in the userName1
tw.local.userName1 = tw.system.user.name;

__ m. Save your work.

__ 3. Implement the new service on the process.
__ a. From the history menu, open the Approve Hire Request linked process.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ b. On the Variables tab, create a private variable: hrAdmin1(String)

__ c. Click the Definition tab.

__ d. Implement the activity with the Override Hire Request client-side human service in the
Implementation section. Click the Override Hire Request in the HR Administrator lane
and click the Implementation properties menu. Select the Override Hire Request
human service for the implementation.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ e. Repeat the last step to implement the Verify Override Hiring Request activity with the
same Override Hire Request client-side human service.
__ f. Click the Override Hire Request activity.
__ g. Open the Data Mapping properties menu and map the userName1 output variable to
the tw.local.hrAdmin1(String) private variable.

__ h. Map the userName1 variable of the Verify Override Hire Request activity to the
tw.local.hrAmdin1 (String) private variable.
__ i. Save your work.

Part 2: Create the team filter service

The four eyes principle requires that two people approve an activity. To implement the Four
eyes policy, you need to know who the previous approver for the activity was, then filter that
person out using Team Filter services.
__ 1. Create a team filter service to assign the second task to the correct pool of users.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to the Services category, and then click
Service Flow.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ b. Name the service: Four Eyes Policy
__ c. Select the Use as a team service option.
__ d. Select Team filter for the Service type and verify that the Team Filter Service
Template is set as the Template. This template is part of the System Data toolkit. The
template defines the inputs and output variables that are required for this type of

__ e. Click FINISH.
__ f. In the Four Eyes Policy service flow, click the Variables tab.
__ g. Add an input variable: hrAdmin1 (String)

__ h. Click the Diagram tab.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ i. Drag a Server Script onto the sequence flow and name the it: Filter Team

__ j. Click the Filter Team server script, and then click the Script properties tab. Leave the
default as Script. Do not use a Server Scriptlet for this task.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ k. Filter the team by adding the following script. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the
script that is provided in the file FilterJS.txt text file at the location:
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex11
tw.local.filteredTeam = new tw.object.Team();
tw.local.filteredTeam.name = tw.local.originalTeam.name;
tw.local.filteredTeam.managerTeam = tw.local.originalTeam.managerTeam;
//copy the original team and then recreate the team members

tw.local.filteredTeam.members = new tw.object.listOf.String();

//iterate through original list

for (var i=0; i<tw.local.originalTeam.members.listLength; i++) {

if (tw.system.org.findRoleByName(tw.local.originalTeam.members[i])) {
var tempTeam =
for (var j=0; j<tempTeam.length; j++) {
if (tempTeam[j].name != tw.local.hrAdmin1)

tw.local.filteredTeam.members[tw.local.filteredTeam.members.listLength] =
else { //individual user
if (tw.local.originalTeam.members[i] != tw.local.hrAdmin1)
//if member is not the hrAdmin member, add member to filtered

tw.local.filteredTeam.members[tw.local.filteredTeam.members.listLength] =

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ l. Save and close the Four Eyes Policy service.

Part 3: Apply the team filter service to the activity assignment

__ 1. Apply the team filter service.
__ a. Return to the Approve Hire Request process.
__ b. Click the Verify Override Hire Request activity on the process.
__ c. From the Assignments properties menu, select the Four Eyes Policy as the Team
Filter service.

__ d. In the input mapping section for the team filter service on the right, map the
tw.local.hrAdmin1 variable.

__ e. Save your work.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

Part 4: Test the four eyes policy
You now test the four eyes policy in the process portal.
__ 1. Log in as user1 and start the process.
__ a. If not already open, click the link to the Process Portal by using the Quick Start menu.

__ b. The Process Portal opens in a new browser tab. Since you were already logged in to the
Workflow Center as author1, the session continues and you are logged in to Process
Portal as author1 also. For the team filtering to work successfully, you need to be
logged in as a non-administrator user. If logged in as author1, log out of Process Portal
by clicking Log Out.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ c. Log in to Process Portal using user1 in the Username field and passw0rd in the
Password field. Click Continue.

__ d. Verify that User1 is listed at the upper left corner.

__ e. Create an instance of the process by clicking Hiring Request Process in the Launch
section on the left. Wait for the first task to open in the main window.

__ f. Complete the first task by creating a non-compliant requisition. Use the following values
for the variables on the form (settings inside the browser in parentheses):
- tw.local.requisitionDetails.position.jobLevel (Position Details > Job Level)
enter: Manager
- tw.local.requisitionDetails.recruitingDetails.newPosition (Recruiting
Details > New Position) set to: false (not selected)
- tw.local.requisitionDetails.compensationDetails.salaryToOffer
(Compensation Details > Salary to Offer) enter: 100000

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ g. Click Submit.
__ h. When the portal refreshes, the new task Override Hire Request activity is shown in the
work dashboard. This task is the first task in the four eyes requirement. Click the Step:
Override Hire Request link to run the task.

__ i. Click Claim Task.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

__ j. In the Override Hire Request page, click Done.

This coach is just a placeholder, and would be replaced with an approval form. You are
trying to test the assignment, so ignore the placeholder.
__ k. Wait for the work dashboard to refresh. No other tasks are shown in the dashboard even
though a second task is created and assigned to the All Users team, but the current user
user1 is filtered from the list. As a result, you do not see any task that is listed in the
__ l. Click Log Out to logout of the Process Portal.
__ 2. Login as user2 and claim the Verify Override Hire Request task
__ a. Log back into the Process Portal, this time as user2. Enter user2 in the Username field
and passw0rd in the Password field. Click Continue.

The task is shown in the Work page. The Verify Override Hire Request task is
assigned to “All Users,” which is misleading. Although the role might seem to contain all

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

users, it is a filtered list. The original approver (user1) is filtered from the All Users list.
The filter is the reason why the task is not listed in the user1’s work dashboard. The task
is assigned to a team that filtered out the user who completed the override hire request
task. In this example, user user1 completed the task of Override Hire Request, so
user1 is filtered out and cannot complete the Verify Override Hire Request.
__ b. Click Verify Override Hire Request.

__ c. Click Claim Task.

__ d. In the Verify Hire Request coach that opens, click Done.

User2 successfully completed the Verify Override Hire Request task.

__ e. In the library on the left, click the link to Log Out of the process portal.
__ f. Close the Process Portal.
You have completed this exercise.
In the first part of the exercise, you modified the process and service to capture the first reviewer
user ID. Next, you modified the activity on the process and created a routing policy. You tested the
routing policy and verified that it filtered out the user from the list of participants available to claim
the task.

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Exercise 11. Implementing the “four eyes” policy by using a team filter

End of exercise

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern


Exercise 12.Building a cancellation

Estimated time

In this exercise, you learn how to implement a cancellation pattern.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Implement a cancellation pattern in a process application
• Implement an undercover agent (UCA) to cancel the hiring request

A general manager requests the ability to cancel a hiring request while waiting for approval from the
approvers. In this exercise, you create a cancellation message listener inside IBM Business
Automation Workflow.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Create the event
Part 2: Create an undercover agent
Part 3: Implement the boundary event with the UCA
Part 4: Create the wrapper service
Part 5: Create a test harness
Part 6: Test the cancellation UCA

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

Part 1: Create the event
__ 1. A cancellation event must be attached to the Approve Hire Request linked process.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process.
__ c. Drag an intermediate event from the palette and place it on one of the attachment
points on the Approve Hire Request linked process. Make sure that you attach the
intermediate event to the Approve Hire Request linked process and not the Approve
New Hire Request activity.

__ d. Verify that the attached intermediate event is selected. Change the name of the event
to: Cancel Approval.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ e. From the Implementation properties menu, change the Boundary Event Type to

__ f. Create a flow from the attached message intermediate event to the Complete Hire
Request system lane activity.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ g. Save your changes.


If an event changes the flow of a process similar to a cancellation event, you should also include
some cleanup steps. This approach ensures that the process participants know about the event,
and participants can react to the event as part of the process. Merely stopping or terminating an
instance is not an ideal approach.

Part 2: Create an undercover agent

__ 1. Add an undercover agent in the library.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to the Events category, and click Undercover
__ b. Name the undercover agent: Cancel Hiring Request
__ c. Set the Schedule Type to: On Event.
__ d. Click FINISH.

__ 2. Configure the undercover agent.

__ a. Under the Details section, keep all the default settings.
__ b. Verify that the Implementation type is set to variable.
__ c. Verify the default Variable Type is set to NameValuePair.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ d. Verify that the Enabled checkbox is selected.

__ e. In the Event section at the bottom, change the Event Message to:

__ f. Save your work.

Part 3: Implement the boundary event with the UCA

__ 1. Create a variable to correlate the UCA.
__ a. Switch to the Hiring Request Process in the Designer.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ b. On the Variables tab, create a private variable: cancellationId (String)

__ 2. Configure the boundary event.

__ a. Click the Definition tab.
__ b. Click the Approve Hire Request boundary event.

__ c. Click the Implementation properties menu.

__ d. Verify that the Interrupt activity checkbox is selected. The interrupt activity option
consumes the token of the attached activity when the event is triggered. Because it is a
linked process, even if numerous tokens exist inside the linked process, all the tokens
are closed when the event is triggered.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ e. In the Event Properties section, click Select next to the Attached message UCA and
select Cancel Hiring Request.

__ f. In the Event Properties section, select the Consume message checkbox. Consume
message allows correlation with only a single process instance. If you configure multiple
event listeners to correlate on the same message, then all events trigger if the
Consume message checkbox is not selected.

__ g. Save your changes.

__ 3. Map the elements of the Output (NameValuePair) to simple variables in the process.
__ a. Click the Data Mapping properties menu.
__ b. From the Correlation variable list, select the value (String) variable.

__ c. Map the Output.name (String) value to the tw.local.cancellationId variable.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ d. Map the Output.value (String) to the tw.system.process.instanceId variable.

The instance must know which message is targeting it. The messages sent to the UCA
must contain a value that matches the instance ID of this process instance in order for
this instance to receive the message. When the Output.value and the instance ID
correlate, the intermediate event processes the message, and a token flows down the
path. The user ID that canceled the process is also captured and mapped to a local
__ e. Save your work.

Part 4: Create the wrapper service

__ 1. Create a service to trigger the UCA.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to the Services menu and create a Service
__ b. Name the service: Cancel Hiring Request Trigger
__ c. Click FINISH.
__ d. Drag a Message (Sending) Intermediate Event on to the sequence flow.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ e. Select the Implementation properties section below.
__ f. Verify the implementation type is set to Message (sending).

__ g. In the Event Properties section on the right, click Select next to Attached message
UCA and select Cancel Hiring Request.

__ h. Rename the intermediate message event: Cancel Hiring Request.

__ i. On the Variables tab, create an input variable: input (NameValuePair)

__ j. Save your changes.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ 2. Map the variable.
__ a. Click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Click the Cancel Hiring Request event.
__ c. Click the Data Mapping properties menu.
__ d. Map the input of the UCA to the tw.local.input variable.

__ e. Save your work.

Part 5: Create a test harness

__ 1. Add a client-side human service to test the UCA.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to User Interface. Click Client-Side Human
__ b. Name the service: Cancel Hiring Request Test. Select the Intended for use on
multiple devices checkbox. Click FINISH.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ c. Drag a Client-side script from the palette and place it next to the Start event on the
sequence flow. Name it: Create NVP


The abbreviation for name-value pair is NVP for this step.

__ d. Select the coach on the canvas and name it: Test Cancellation
__ e. Drag a service task from the palette onto the sequence flow to the right of the coach and
name it: Cancel Hiring Request Trigger
__ f. Connect the flows.

__ g. Select the Implementation properties menu.

__ h. For the Call a service, click Select, and choose the Cancel Hiring Request Trigger

__ i. Save your changes.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ 2. Implement the Create NVP step on the canvas.
__ a. On the Variables tab, create a private variable: input.
__ b. Assign the variable type to NameValuePair.

__ c. Verify that the variable is created with the NameValuePair type and save your work.

__ d. Click the Diagram tab.

__ e. Select the Create NVP script, and click the Script properties menu.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ f. Copy the following code and paste it into the code block. Alternatively, you can copy and
paste the script that is provided in the file CreateNVP.txt text file at the location:
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex12.
tw.local.input = {"name":tw.system.user.name, "value":""};

__ g. Save your changes.

__ 3. Build the Test Cancellation coach.
__ a. On the Coaches tab, click the Test Cancellation coach.
__ b. Select Default coach as the starting point and click OK.
__ c. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Private > input > value

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ d. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the input.value variable to the top of
the OK button. Let go of the mouse button when the top border displays a gold highlight

__ e. Change the input field label to: Instance ID

__ 4. Map the input variable for the Cancel Hiring Request Trigger step on the canvas.
__ a. Open the Diagram tab.
__ b. Click the Cancel Hiring Request Trigger service.
__ c. Click the Data Mapping properties menu, and map the tw.local.input private
variable to the input.

__ d. Save your work.

Part 6: Test the cancellation UCA

__ 1. Create an instance of the Hiring Request Process.
__ a. Open the Hiring Request Process
__ b. Click Run to create an instance of the process.

__ c. The perspective changes to the Inspector tab, and the information bar opens on the

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ d. The Instance ID in the Process Inspector is listed on the right. Make a note of this
value. You use this number in the next step to cancel the instance. Your instance ID will
be different than the one in the screen capture.

__ 2. Complete the first activity in the process.

__ a. To complete the first activity and get to the linked process, make sure that the
Locations section is expanded.
__ b. Click Start to run the Submit Hiring Request task from the Inspector information bar.

__ c. Use the following values for the variables on the form:

- Position Details > Job Level set to: Manager
- Recruiting Details > New position set to false (not selected)
- Compensation Details > Salary to offer set to 100000
__ d. Click Submit.
__ e. When the service completes, close the coach browser window.
When the Inspector refreshes, a token is associated with the Approve Hire Request
linked process. Next, you cancel the linked process and close all the tokens that are
associated with the linked process by sending a message to the attached intermediate
message event.
__ 3. Trigger the cancellation event on the linked process.
__ a. Open the User Interface > Cancel Hiring Request Test client-side human service.
__ b. Click Run.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

__ c. Input the instance ID that you noted earlier. Click OK.

__ d. When the service completes, close the window.

__ 4. Verify that the linked process is canceled.
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request Process in the Inspector view.
__ b. Refresh the Process Inspector.

__ c. Verify that the message consumed the token for the Verify Override Hire Request
linked process and all tokens that are associated with the linked process are closed.
__ d. In the Locations section on the right, click Start to run the Complete Hire Request

__ e. Click Done
__ f. Close the browser window.
__ g. Return to the Designer tab.
All the tasks complete and the process consumes all the tokens in the linked process.
The process flow travels out of the attached message event to the system lane activity.
After the Complete Hire Request activity completes, the token moves to the End event
and the process is complete. The instance status changes to Completed.
You have completed this exercise.
In the first part of the exercise, you created an attached intermediate event on the process. You
implemented it as an intermediate message event. You created the enabling service, created the
on-demand UCA, and then implemented the message service. You then created a service to wrap
the UCA and created a test harness to trigger the UCA on the coach.

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Exercise 12. Building a cancellation pattern

End of exercise

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections


Exercise 13.Building web service

Estimated time

In this exercise, you learn how to build inbound and outbound web service connections.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Create an event-based undercover agent
• Build an inbound web service connection
• Build an outbound web service to message the inbound web service

The project sponsor identified a requirement to expose a cancellation service to an external
system. The ability to cancel a request must be enabled internally, but also must be available to
systems that integrate externally with IBM Business Automation Workflow.
You must create a cancellation message listener as an inbound web service inside IBM Business
Automation Workflow. Then, create a web service to test or simulate an external system, which
connects to the inbound web service. This activity gives you practice in creating web services and
calling external SOAP services. Even though the message is targeting the localhost, the approach
and concepts that are used in this activity are the same for an external system.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

Part 1: Create an inbound web service to trigger the UCA
Part 2: Test the inbound integration by creating an outbound integration
Part 3: Test the integrations

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Create an inbound web service to trigger the UCA
__ 1. Create an inbound web service.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. In the Process Designer library, click the plus sign (+) next to the Services category.
__ c. Click Web Service.

__ d. Name the web service: hiringRequestProcess and click FINISH.

__ e. Click Add (plus icon) under the Operations section and select the Cancel Hiring
Request Trigger service.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ f. Under the Operation Detail section, change the Operation Name to: cancel

__ g. Under the Behavior section, verify that the Protected checkbox is not selected.

__ h. Save your work.

__ i. Click the WSDL URI link.

__ j. The WSDL is loaded in your browser. The information about the web service you
created is shown to include the methods available, the variable inputs and outputs, and
metadata about the service call. Highlight the address in the browser address bar,
right-click, and click Copy.

The URL is used to define the server setting for the Web Service Integration
component in the outbound integration in the following steps.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

Part 2: Test the inbound integration by creating an outbound integration
__ 1. Create an outbound integration.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to the Services category, and select External

__ b. Leave the Java REST or Web service option selected and click NEXT.

__ c. Select Web Service from URL as the method to discover the service.
__ d. For the External service name, enter Cancel Hiring Request WS

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ e. In the URL field, enter the URL that you copied earlier. If needed, switch to the browser
tab and copy it.

__ f. Click NEXT.
__ g. Leave the default operation selected and click NEXT.

__ h. Leave the defaults for the request and response wrappers (unchecked) and the
business objects to be created and click NEXT.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ i. Leave the default new server name and click FINISH.

The external service configuration is displayed after you click FINISH.

__ 2. Create the service flow for the web service.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to the Services category, and select Service
__ b. Name the Service flow: Call Cancellation Service
__ c. Click FINISH.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ d. In the library, click Services, locate Cancel Hiring Request WS and drag it to the
sequence flow for the Call Cancellation Service flow.


If you cannot drag the service to the canvas, close the browser and reopen the process application.

__ e. With the Cancel Hiring Request WS service highlighted, click the Implementation
properties menu.
__ f. In the Implementation section, change the Operation value to cancel.

__ g. On the Variables tab, add an input variable named: requestId (NameValuePair)

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ h. Click the Diagram tab. Click the Cancel Hiring Request WS component. Open the
Data Mapping properties menu.
__ i. In the Input Mapping section, map the tw.local.requestId variable to the input of
Cancel Hiring Request WS. Leave Input Header Mapping and Output Header Mapping

__ j. Save your work.

__ 3. Verify the new server that you just added.
__ a. Click Process App Settings.

__ b. Click the Servers tab and verify that the new server CancelHiringRequestWSServer is

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ c. In the Details section, scroll to the bottom and examine the WSDL URL that you used
earlier to create the web service.

Part 3: Test the integrations

__ 1. Modify the Cancel Hiring Request Test service to cancel an instance with a UCA or a web
service call.
__ a. Open the User Interface > Cancel Hiring Request Test client-side human service in
the Process Designer.
__ b. Add a private variable: webCall (Boolean)

__ c. Click the Coaches tab and click the Test Cancellation coach.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ 2. Create a control on the page to allow users to select the type of test to perform.
__ a. Select Variable in the Building blocks panel and select Private > webCall

__ b. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the webCall variable to the top of the
OK button. Let go of the mouse button when the top border displays a gold highlight.

__ c. Change the Web Call control label to Type of Test.

__ d. In the General > Behavior section, click Select for View and change the type to

__ e. Click the Configuration menu and expand Appearance.

__ f. Set On label: Web Service

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ g. Set Off label: UCA Message

__ h. Save your work.

__ 3. Add the Cancel Hiring Request WS service to the service flow.
__ a. Click the Diagram tab.
__ b. Drag a service from the palette right above the Cancel Hiring Request service step on
the canvas.
__ c. Name it: Cancel Hiring Request WS
__ d. Under the Implementation > Behavior section, ensure that Call a service is selected.
__ e. Click Select and under the Integration Service category, select Call Cancellation

__ f. Open the Data Mapping properties menu, and map the tw.local.input variable to the
requestId input variable.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ 4. Route the flow dependent on which type of test the user selects.
__ a. Add an Exclusive Gateway to the right of the Test Cancellation coach, and name it:
Type of test
__ b. Create a flow from the gateway to Cancel Hiring Request WS, and name this flow: Web
Service. Select the Name visible checkbox.

__ c. Create a second flow from the gateway to the Cancel Hiring Request Trigger service,
and name this flow: UCA. Select the Name visible checkbox.

__ d. Delete the flow from the Test Cancellation coach to the Cancel Hiring Request
Trigger Service.
__ e. Connect the flow from the Test Cancellation coach to the gateway.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ f. Connect a flow from Cancel Hiring Request WS to the End event.

__ 5. Configure the gateway.

__ a. Click the Type of test gateway. Click the Implementation properties menu.
__ b. Implement the decision gateway by making the UCA flow the Default Sequence Flow.
This flow connects to the Cancel Hiring Request Trigger service.
__ c. Enter tw.local.webCall in the Web Service path, select == from the operands menu,
and enter true in the last field.

__ d. Save the service.

__ 6. Test the outbound web service call.
__ a. In the Process Designer, open the Hiring Request Process.
__ b. Create an instance of the process by clicking Run.
__ c. Run the Submit Hiring Request activity by clicking Start.

__ d. Use the following values for the variables on the form:

- Position Details > Job level set to Manager
- Recruiting Details > New Position set to false (not selected)

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

- Compensation Details > Salary to offer set to 100000
__ e. Click Submit.
__ f. Close the browser window.
__ g. Refresh the instance details until you see that the Override Hire Request task appears
in the Locations section of the information window.
__ h. Note the Instance ID in the Details section.

__ i. Open the Cancel Hiring Request Test client-side human service.

__ j. Click Run.
__ k. Enter the Instance ID and then click the Web Service option.
__ l. Click OK.

__ m. Close the service window and return to the Hiring Request Process.

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Exercise 13. Building web service connections

__ n. Refresh the instance details window. Verify that the message event consumes all the
tokens inside the linked process and moves the process down the message event flow.
The instance moves from the Override Hire Requests task and is at the Complete
Hire Request step. Feel free to complete the task.

You have completed this exercise.

In the first part of the exercise, you created an inbound integration by using an existing generic
system service to implement the service. You viewed the WSDL in the browser. You then created
an outbound web service to test the inbound web service integration. You configured the outbound
web service, discovered the endpoint methods, and selected the method to call. Finally, you
modified an existing test harness to call both the internal UCA and the outbound web service to test
the ability to cancel an in-flight process.

End of exercise

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process


Exercise 14.Handling content events in a

Estimated time

In this exercise, you learn how to implement a content event in a process.

After completing this exercise, you should be able to:
• Use the CMIS capabilities of IBM Business Automation Workflow
• Implement a content event in a process
• Use the BPM document store to add a document to a process
• Use the Target Object Store to share documents between a BPM solution and a Case solution
• Build a simple HR Case solution and create an activity to start the Hiring Request Process in
the HR BPM solution
• Demonstrate integration between the Case solution and the BPM solution

In this exercise, you create a content start event that starts the Hiring Request Process when a
document is received. You also create a startable service that provides the capability to add a
document to the BPM document store.
After building the solution to use the BPM document store, you then configure the solution to use
the Target Object Store and demonstrate sharing documents between a Case solution and a BPM
solution. You then build a simple Case solution and add the Hiring Request Process as an activity.
You also demonstrate the integration between a Case solution and the BPM solution by adding a
document to the Case and verifying that the Hiring Request Process was started.

Successful completion of the prior exercise is required. If you did not complete the prior exercise,
you can import the solution for the prior exercise to perform this exercise.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

Part 1: Implement a document start event on a process by using the BPM document store
Part 2: Configure the Document Viewer to use the Target Object Store (TOS)
Part 3: Build Case solution
Part 4: Test your solution
Part 5: Export the process application

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

Exercise instructions
Part 1: Implement a document start event on a process by using the BPM
document store
__ 1. Change the name of the start event on the process.
__ a. Open the HR Recruitment Process process application.
__ b. Open the Hiring Request Process. Click the Systematic Request Start event.

View the process on the Definition tab. The process has a Systematic Request Start
that creates an instance of the process on a periodic basis. Management wants an
employee application document that is uploaded to the repository to automatically
trigger an instance of the process.
__ c. From the General properties menu, change the name of the event to Hiring Request
Document Start.

__ d. Save your work.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 2. Create a dependency to the Content Management toolkit snapshot.
__ a. Open the library on the left and click the plus sign (+) next to the Toolkits category, then
click the snapshot under Content Management.


In IBM Business Automation Workflow, all artifacts are generally supported in the traditional
WebSphere runtime environment. However, not all artifacts are supported in the container runtime
environment, such as most deprecated artifacts (like BPDs, integration services and some other
services). You can use either version or version of the content management
toolkit in a traditional environment. However, you must use version of the toolkit when
implementing in a container runtime environment.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 3. Create a new event subscription.
__ a. In the library, click the plus sign (+) next to Events and then click Event Subscription.

__ b. Name the event subscription Hiring Request Document Start and click FINISH.

__ c. The event subscription opens in Process Designer. On the right, in the Details section,
select BPM document store for the ECM Server setting. Leave the rest of the settings
as the default.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 4. Create and attach the Service Flow to invoke the Undercover agent.
__ a. At the bottom of the Details section, click the New button next to Attached Service.

__ b. Name the New Service Flow as Hiring Request Document Start.

__ c. Leave the options as default and click FINISH.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

When you chose the first option, the system creates a fully implemented service and opens
it in IBM Process Designer. The service consists of a Start event, an End event, and an
intermediate Send Message Event that invokes the new content undercover agent (UCA).

__ d. Click the Variables tab.

The system created an input variable contentEvent(ECMContentEvent). The system
requires this type of variable when the content start event is triggered. When you trigger
the UCA, it creates an instance of a process.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. Return to the Diagram tab.
__ f. Click the Send Message Event on the canvas.
Open the Data Mapping properties menu. The tw.local.contentEvent variable is
already mapped for you.

__ g. Open the Implementation properties menu and click the Hiring Request Document
Start link for the undercover agent to open the UCA.

The Undercover Agent is already configured for you. Under the Scheduler section, you
see that the Event Marker is Content, which makes it available to implement a Content
Start Event. Under the Details section, you see the same business object that is used in
the service flow. The Undercover Agent requires an input variable of type
ECMContentEvent, and this variable is sent to the process that triggers the Undercover

The warning symbol is present to indicate that no mapping is implemented. With no

mapping implemented, the default mapping takes place.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ h. Always change the event message to better identify UCA events that occur in the logs.
You should always change the event message identifiers from the default hash to a
relevant event label when creating undercover agents. At the bottom, in the Event
section, change the Event Message for the UCA to HiringRequestDocumentStart.

__ i. Save your work.

__ 5. Configure the start event
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request Process and open the Definition tab.
__ b. Select the Hiring Request Document Start event.

__ c. Click the Implementation properties menu. Change the Start Event Type to ECM
__ d. Select the Hiring Request Document Start for the attached undercover agent.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. Click the Variables tab. Click the plus sign (+) to create a private variable.

__ f. Name the variable content. Next to the Variable type option, click Select.
__ g. Select the Show all business objects checkbox, then select ECMContentEvent. The
content (ECMContentEvent) variable is complete.

__ h. Return to the Definition tab.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ i. Open the Hiring Request Document Start event and go to the Data Mapping
properties menu. Map the output of the start event to the tw.local.content private
variable. There is no need to map the parameters.

__ j. Save your work.

__ 6. Test your solution by running the Undercover Agent.
__ a. Return to the Undercover Agent by clicking Events > Hiring Request Document Start
UCA in the Process Library.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ b. Click Run Now.

__ c. Click the OK button on the Information window when it confirms that the UCA is
scheduled for immediate execution.

__ d. Verify the creation of a Hiring Request Process instance by clicking the Inspector tab,
then click the Search icon.

Clicking the Search icon starts the Process Inspector.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. If the instance you created is not shown, click the Search button.

You created an instance of the process, but you didn’t upload a document to create an
instance of the process. You create the client-side human service to upload your document
next. Depending on the number of process instances, the screen capture might not match.

__ 7. Create a client-side human service to trigger the UCA

__ a. Switch back to the Designer tab.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ b. In the IBM Process Designer library, click the plus sign (+) next to User Interface, and
then click Client-Side Human Service.

__ c. Name the service Hiring Request From Document. Select the Intended for use on
multiple devices checkbox and click FINISH.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process



If you forget to select the checkbox during the initial creation, or if you decide later to change to a
responsive coach, you can change the service. You can mark any Client-side Human Service as a
responsive coach service in the Overview tab of the service. Select the Intended for use on
multiple devices checkbox in the Common section. By selecting Intended for use on multiple
devices checkbox, you are enabling the responsive capabilities on the coach.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ d. Click the Variables tab.
__ e. Create a private variable and name it document (ECMDocumentInfo).

Be sure to choose the ECMDocumentInfo variable type and not the ECMDocument
variable type.
__ f. Save your work.
__ 8. Create the coach
__ a. Click the down arrow next to Coach and select Coach.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ b. In the Starting Point window, ensure that the Default coach is selected, and click OK.

__ c. Select Content in the Building blocks panel and select BPM Document List.

When you added the Content Management Toolkit as a dependency, the palette was
updated to include controls from the Content Management Toolkit.
__ d. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the control above the OK button. Let go
of the mouse button when the top border displays a gold highlight.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. In the General > Behavior properties section, verify that the binding is set to document

__ f. Click the Configuration properties menu.

__ g. Expand the Content management section and Select the Allow create, Allow updates,
Allow document deletions, and Confirm on deletion check boxes.

__ h. Save your work.

__ 9. Configure the coach as a Startable Service.
Since the Hiring Request From Document client-side human service is not part of the
process, there is no need to link it to an activity in the process. In order to allow Process
Portal users to start the service, you configure it as a Startable Service.
__ a. Select the Overview tab for the Hiring Request From Document client-side human

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ b. Under the Usage section, select Startable Service (Launched from Process Portal)
for how it is to be used.

All Users is automatically added as the Expose to start selection. This allows all users
of the Process Portal to run the Startable Service.
__ c. Save your work.
__ 10. Upload a document by using the coach.
__ a. Open Process Portal in another tab. The Hiring Request From Document is displayed
under the Launch menu.
If asked for credentials, enter the following: Username: author1 Password: passw0rd
__ b. Click the Hiring Request From Document startable service in the Launch menu.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ c. In the Hiring Request From Document coach, click Add.

__ d. In the dialog box, click Select and navigate to the following file:
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex14\Employment application.pdf
__ e. Click Open.
__ f. Click Upload.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process



If the initial upload fails, verify there is a file selected. If no file displays as selected, close the
window and try the operation again.

After the upload completes, the document list is refreshed.

__ g. You see a notice in the lower right of the screen that you received a new task.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 11. Verify the document start event works
__ a. Click OK to close the service. The Work page is displayed with a new work item.


You might have other work items left from other exercises. If the work item is not listed, press F5 to
refresh the page. If it is still not listed, restart the server.

__ b. Return to IBM Process Designer and click the Inspector view.

__ c. If the instance you created is not shown, click Search. If there are process instances in
the list, click Refresh.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ d. Click the newly created Hiring Request Process instance that got added to the
instance page. The latest instance is the one with the highest instance ID.

__ e. Scroll down in the right pane and expand the Data section. Expand the content
variable. The content variable is populated, and the objectId is shown.

The creation of the document in the internal document repository triggers the creation of
the instance. If you created this functionality as part of a production development effort,
the next step inside the process is to associate the document with the instance. You
would then create the step when the instance is complete and persist the document to
an ECM server.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 12. Clean up your environment
__ a. Stop the process by clicking the Terminate icon.

__ b. Click Yes when presented with the confirmation dialog.

__ c. The process is now in a Terminated status.

__ d. Click the Delete icon to delete the process instance.

__ e. Click Yes when presented with the confirmation dialog.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

It is important to clean up the environment to maintain performance service levels.
Leaving running processes in the environment that are unnecessary can degrade
performance and cause unnecessary clutter.
__ f. Click Refresh to verify that the process instance is no longer listed.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process



If you have extra process instances as a result of testing, you can use the Process Inspector to
terminate and delete these instances. You can highlight instances that are in the same state and
perform batch operations that appear to the right.

Part 2: Configure the Document Viewer to use the Target Object Store
Up to this point, you configured an out-of-the box use of the local BPM document store. However,
Business Automation Workflow also has a Target Object Store. The Target Object Store can be
used to share documents between Case solutions and Process applications.
Management would like to see how content can be shared between a Case solution and a BPM
solution. Specifically, management would like to see how a Case solution can trigger the new HR
structured process solution and share documents between the two solutions by using one content
As part of this exercise, you create a simple, bare-bones Case solution that starts the Hiring
Request Process from the HR Recruitment Process BPM solution. To do this, you add the Hiring
Request Process as an activity to the Case solution.
In this section, you also define an ECM server that points to the Target Object Store (TOS). Then,
you reuse what you built in the Hiring Request From Document coach and configure the view to
display the TOS document store instead of the BPM document store. Then, you test the integration
between the Case solution and the BPM solution by adding a new case and document to the Case.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

After the document is added, you verify that the Hiring Request Process was started and that the
newly configured view displays the new document in the document list.
__ 1. Define the new ECM server to use the Target Object Store.
__ a. Return to the Designer tab.

__ b. Open the Process App Settings by selecting it from the drop-down list.

__ c. Select the Servers tab.

__ d. Click Add a new server.


If you see the following Information window, click OK and close the browser and log in again to
Workflow Center.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. Configure the new server with the following information:
Field Value
Type Enterprise Content Management Server
Description ECM Target Object Store
Hostname ws2016x64
Port 9443
Context path /fncmis
Secure server checked
Repository tos
User ID author1
Password passw0rd
Always use this connection information checked

__ f. Save your work.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 2. Create the ECM document authorization service.
__ a. Click New next to ECM document authorization service.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ b. Name the new Service Flow ECM DocAuth Service and click FINISH.

__ c. Select the End event.

__ d. Select the Pre & Post properties menu below.
__ e. Enter the following for the Pre-Execution Script: tw.local.authorized = true

__ f. Save your work.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ g. Close the ECM DocAuth Service window.

__ h. Return to the ECM_TOS configuration.

__ 3. Configure the new ECM server to broadcast events to all users and test the connection.
__ a. Click Select next to Event broadcasters and select All Users.
__ b. Verify your configuration and save your work.

__ c. Click Test connection to verify connection to the object store.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ d. Click OK on the Information dialog.

Now that the server is configured, you can return to the Startable Service coach to
configure it to use the new ECM_TOS server.
__ 4. Create the ECM list View
__ a. Return to the Hiring Request From Document client-side human service.
__ b. Click the Coach downward arrow and select Coach.

__ c. Select the BPM Document List.

__ d. Under the Behavior section in the General properties tab, click Select next to View.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. Enter ecm to filter the selection. Select the ECM Document List view.

Because the ECM Document List uses the same content object (ECMDocumentInfo),
you can leave the binding as is.
__ f. Rename the view to ECM Document List.
__ g. Click the Configuration properties tab and expand Content management advanced.
__ h. Enter ECM_TOS for the ECM server configuration name.

__ i. Save your work.

Part 3: Build Case solution

Although this course does not cover Case Management development, it is important to understand
how the integration works between a Case solution and a BPM solution.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

In this section, you build a simple, bare-bones Case solution by using the Workflow Center and
Case Builder. You only create the necessary components to run the solution and test integration
between the Case and the BPM solution.
__ 1. Create a new case solution
__ a. Open a new tab in the browser and access the Workflow Center.
If prompted, log in to the Workflow Center as author1 / passw0rd
__ b. Click Create on the Case solutions tile to create a new Case solution.

__ c. Name the solution: HR Case Solution

__ d. Leave the acronym as the default.
__ e. Make sure that the checkbox is selected for Open in Designer
__ f. Choose Traditional for Target environment

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ g. Click Create.

The solution is opened in Workflow Center.


If you do not see all the options, make sure you are using the Advanced View Mode in the user
preferences of the Workflow Center.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 2. Add Role
__ a. Click the Roles tab.

__ b. Click Add Role.

__ c. Enter General Manager for the Role.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ d. Click OK.

__ 3. Add Document Class

__ a. Click the Documents tab.
__ b. Click Add Document Class and select New.
__ c. Enter HR for Name.
__ d. Add HRCLASS to the Unique Identifier

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. Click OK.

The document class is displayed to the left.

__ 4. Add Case Type
__ a. Click the Case Types tab
__ b. Click Add Case Type.
The Case is opened in a new editor
__ c. Enter HR for the Case type name.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ d. Click Activities.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 5. Add Activity
__ a. Click Add Activity and select Activity with Existing Process

__ b. Enter Hiring Request Process as the Name.

__ c. Enter the following for description:
This activity starts the Hiring Request Process of the HR Recruitment
Process BPM solution.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ d. Click Next.

__ e. Click the Preconditions drop down menu and select A document is filed in the case.
__ f. Click the Any document class checkbox to clear it.
__ g. Verify that the HR Document Class is selected.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ h. Click Next.

__ i. Select HR Recruitment Process for the Workflow Project name

__ j. Leave Default Version for the Snapshot name

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ k. Select Hiring Request Process under the list of processes populated below.

__ l. Click Next.
__ m. Because there are no properties in the Case, there is no need to map any properties in
the next screen. Click Finish.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ n. The activity is added to the Case as an optional activity.
__ o. Click Save in the upper right corner.

__ 6. Deploy the Case solution.

__ a. Click Commit in the upper right corner.

__ b. Click Commit My Changes in the Confirmation dialog box. The commit icon turns to a
green check mark.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ c. Click Deploy in the upper right corner.

After successful deployment, the deployment icon changes to a green check mark.


If the deployment fails, you can select the Overview tab, then click the three dots to the right and
select Deployment errors to view the errors in the deployment.

The deployment errors are listed below.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

Part 4: Test your solution
In this section, you test the solution, demonstrating the document list view now displays content
from the Target Object Store (TOS) and that the Hiring Request process starts when a
document is added to the HR Case solution.
__ 1. Create a new case.
__ a. Click Start to run the Case solution. The solution opens in a new window.

__ b. Before adding a case to the solution, you need to add yourself as a user to the General
Manager role. Click HR Case Solution in the upper right, expand HR Case Solution,
and click Manage Roles.

__ c. Click Add Users and Groups

__ d. Enter author for the search criteria and click the Search icon.
__ e. Select author1 and click Add (right arrow).

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ f. Once author1 is in the Selected column, click Add.

__ g. Verify author1 is added as a user to the General Manager role and click Save.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ h. Click Add Case, then select HR.

__ i. Click Add.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ j. A message that states the new case was successfully created is displayed in the bottom
status bar. Click Search to list the new case.

__ 2. Add a document to the case.

__ a. Click the title link for the newly added case. The title link for your case might be different.

__ b. Click Add and select Add document from Local System.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ c. In the Add Document window, click the Browse button, and navigate to:
C:\labfiles\Support files\Ex14\AAA Employment application.pdf

__ d. Select HR for the document class by clicking the Class drop down list, selecting HR, then
clicking OK.
__ e. Verify that the correct class and document are selected. Then, click Add to add the
document to the case.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ f. The document is listed as part of the case.
__ 3. Validate the status of the started activity.
__ a. Click the Activities tab.

__ b. The case reports that the Hiring Request process is started.

You have added a case to the existing HR Case solution and added a document to the
new case. This event started the Hiring Request Process.
__ c. Close the case window by clicking the X in the tab.

__ 4. Verify that the Hiring Request Process is started in Process Portal and that the document is
listed in the ECM Document List view.
__ a. Open Process Portal.
If asked for credentials, enter the following: Username: author1 Password: passw0rd
__ b. Verify the Hiring Request Process started and that the Step: Submit Hiring Request is
in your work queue.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ c. Click the Hiring Request From Document startable service.
The page might take a minute to load. The AAA Employment application.pdf document
appears in the list. Your document list might look different.


If the AA A Employment application.pdf document does not display in the list, you can click Load
More... to display more documents. You can then sort the documents by name.

__ d. Click OK to close the service.

You have completed this exercise.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

Part 5: Export the process application
Now that this course is complete, you are ready to export the process application. This export
saves your application as a twx file in a folder for future use. If you wish to keep your solution, you
can export it following this procedure and upload it to a web-based file sharing program such as
__ 1. Create a snapshot
__ a. Return to the Workflow Center and click the Process apps tile.
__ b. Click Details on the HR Recruitment Process tile.

__ c. Select the Snapshots tab.

__ d. Open the list of Options by clicking the three dots on right side of the Current tip.
The tip is the current working version of a project.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ e. Select Create a snapshot

__ f. Enter WB835 Solution for the name.

__ g. Click Create.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ 2. Export the application. Exporting the application also exports the toolkit that it depends on.
You can only export snapshots.
__ a. Open the list of Options for the snapshot and select Export


You can also export, archive, and delete process applications directly from the Process apps page
by accessing the list of options on the tile.

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Exercise 14. Handling content events in a process

__ b. In the Export the snapshot window, click Export. It may take a minute or two to
generate the .twx file.

__ c. Click OK to in the dialog box to save the file. The application is saved to the default
folder, which is the Downloads directory.
__ d. Verify that the application is listed in the downloads directory.
This concludes the solution export.
In the first part of the exercise, you modified an existing process to set up a document start event.
You created the event subscription and verified the user-generated settings. You then created a
coach and tested the event subscription. You proved that the document was sent as part of the start
event output variable.
You then created an ECM server to point to the Target Object Store and reconfigured the BPM
Document List view to show the new object store. As part of building a simple Case solution, you
attached the Hiring Request Process from the BPM solution as an activity in the Case. Then, you
tested the document viewer and integration by running the Case and adding a document to the
Case. To verify the integration, you viewed the Submit Hiring Request task in the Work page. To
verify the document viewer, you displayed the new document in the Document List view.
You have completed all exercises in this course.

End of exercise

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Appendix A. Solutions


Appendix A. Solutions
In this section, instructions for importing solution files is provided. The following solution files are
located at c:\solutions.

Solution file
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_1_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_2_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_3_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_4_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_5_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_6_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_7_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_8_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_9_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_10_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_11_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_12_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_13_solution.twx
HR_Recruitment_Process - WB835_Solution.twx
HR_Case_Solution - WB835_Solution

There is a working solution for each exercise. The solution files follow the naming convention used
in Exercise 1 when exporting your process application. You can import solution files to:
▪ Compare your work against a known working solution to troubleshoot an issue in your
current exercise.
To compare your current work against a known solution, import the solution file labeled with
the exercise you are working on.
▪ Continue working the exercises in the course after having an issue in a previous
If you are unable to troubleshoot an issue, you can continue the next exercise by importing
the solution for the current exercise.
▪ Skip to an exercise of interest.
If you want to skip ahead to an exercise, you can import the solution file of the exercise
previous to that exercise. For instance, if you want to skip to Exercise 10, import the solution
file: HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_9_solution.twx. After importing the file, you
can follow the instructions for exercise 10.

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Appendix A. Solutions

Be sure to archive, export, and delete your current working solution beforehand to prevent file
conflicts. You can reimport your solution after archiving and deleting the imported solution file. The
remaining sections provide instructions for these three scenarios.

Part 1: Export current process application

Before performing any of the subsequent sections, you need to export and delete your current
process application to prevent file conflicts. You performed this action in exercise 1. The same
steps are here for your reference. Be sure to perform these before importing another solution file.
__ 1. Create a snapshot
Only process applications with snapshots can be exported. If you have an existing snapshot
you can export, you can skip creating the snapshot.
__ a. Access the Workflow Center and click the Process apps tile.
__ b. Click Details on the HR Recruitment Process tile.

__ c. Select the Snapshots tab.

__ d. Open the list of Options by clicking the three dots on right side of the Current tip.
The tip is the current working version of a project.

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Appendix A. Solutions

__ e. Select Create a snapshot

__ f. Enter the name of the exercise you are working on such as Exercise 1 solution for
the name.

__ g. Click Create.

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Appendix A. Solutions

__ 2. Export the application. Exporting the application also exports the toolkit that it depends on.
You can only export snapshots.
__ a. Open the list of Options for the snapshot and select Export

__ b. In the Export the snapshot window, click Export. It may take a minute or two to
generate the .twx file.

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Appendix A. Solutions

__ c. Click OK to save the file. The application is saved to the default folder, which is the
Downloads directory.

__ d. Verify that the application is listed in the downloads directory.

__ 3. Archive the process application and delete it. Although you don’t have to archive an
application before deleting it, it is a good practice. Archiving an application also archives the
toolkit that it depends on.


Don't archive a toolkit that other projects depend on nor use archived toolkits when creating toolkit
dependencies in Process Designer. Archived items are not part of the active library.

__ a. Return to the Overview tab.

__ b. Open the list of Options for the application and select Archive.

__ c. In the window that opens, click Archive to confirm the action. Clicking Archive does not
delete the application; it removes it from the available Process Apps and makes it
ready for deletion.

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Appendix A. Solutions

An Archived tag appears in the application Overview tile.

__ d. Open the list of Options for the application and select Delete.

__ e. In the window that opens, click Delete to confirm the deletion. The process application is
now deleted.
You are returned to the list of Process apps.
__ f. Verify that HR Recruitment Process is no longer listed.
You can now import an existing solution file.

Part 2: Perform troubleshooting

• Compare your work against a known working solution
After exporting your current working solution, archiving, and then deleting it from the repository,
you can import an existing working solution.
If you are having issues in your current exercise, import the solution file corresponding to that
exercise as listed in the table. Review the working solution to determine the cause of your
After you determine the cause of the issue, you can export and delete the solution and re-import
your working solution to apply the fix.

• Continue working the exercises in the course

After exporting your current working solution, archiving, and then deleting it from the repository,
you can import an existing working solution.
After importing the working solution for the exercise you cannot troubleshoot, you can continue
with the next exercise using the imported solution file. You can continue to develop using this
file for the remainder of the course.

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Appendix A. Solutions


• Skip to an exercise of interest

If you are just starting the course and would like to skip to an exercise. You can import the
solution file for the exercise prior to the one you would like to perform. You can continue to
develop using this file for the remainder of the course. For instance, if you want to skip to
Exercise 10, import the solution file: HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_9_solution.twx.
After importing the file, you can follow the instructions for exercise 10.

Part 3: Import a solution file

In this section, you import a process application solution for a specific exercise for troubleshooting
purposes. This import also helps in making this course modular as you can then work on any
exercise in any order. Although, for a good learning experience, it is highly recommended to do the
exercises in the order they are provided.
__ 1. Import a process application.
__ a. Access the Workflow Center and click the Process apps tile.
__ b. On the list of Process apps, click Import.
__ c. Click Browse.

__ d. Navigate to the c:\solutions folder and select the file for the exercise you would like
to import:
HR_Recruitment_Process - Exercise_1_solution.twx
__ e. Click Open.
__ f. Click OK.

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Appendix A. Solutions

__ g. The Notifications window displays the message

__ h. Close the Notifications window by clicking the X in the upper right corner.
__ i. Verify that the HR Recruitment Process application is listed.
__ j. Open the list of Toolkits.

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Appendix A. Solutions

__ k. If the solution file contains a Toolkit, verify the Toolkit is listed.

__ l. Click Details on the Hiring Requisition Toolkit tile.

__ m. Click Let users update the toolkit to allow changes to be made.

Toolkit updates can be managed using this option.

End of Appendix

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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2020.

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