DPR - PKG-3 - Ra-28 Date 13.12.2018
DPR - PKG-3 - Ra-28 Date 13.12.2018
DPR - PKG-3 - Ra-28 Date 13.12.2018
1 1008 c Girth above 180 CM and up to 270 CM Each 1172.08 20.000 23441.660
(iii) 20% after lauching the slab in position; 1991.07 75.807 150936.790
Providing and laying dry stone backing behind
2A 2012.00 abutments, wing walls, return walls, RCC boxes with Cum 755.98 899.840 680263.860
stones not less than 15 CM in any direction and not
less than 15
Providing KGlaying
and (except smaller
backfill boulders
material required
behind for
2A 2013.00 filling of abutments, wing walls, return walls consisting Cum 307.99 1909.994 588265.030
of granular materials of GW, GP, SW groups as per IS
Providing in required
coats of profile
coal tar. epoxy of 150 to 200
2A 2016.00 microns on R.C.C. substructures of bridges by roller or Sqm 161.77 1823.611 295013.150
by airless spray after surface preparation.
Providing and fixing of 100 MM dia PVC pipe for weep
2A 2025.00 holes in abutments, wing walls, return walls, face wall, Meter 206.37 140.050 28901.530
etc at suitable intervals as directed by the engineer.
Providing and placing sand/earth filled bags in layers
2A 2026.00 for protection of existing embankment. Each 7.26 2654.000 19265.640
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 8.87 180000.000 1596230.060
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 0.99 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 24.39 260260.000 6346921.110
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 2.71 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 10659.27 1182.000 12599256.730
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 1184.36 0.000 0.000
Supply of Switch Expansion Joints with all fastenings
4A 4003 C and fixtures complete (excluding liners, ERC, fish Set 123,463.1
plates, fish bolts and nuts) including angle iron for
fixing on PSC sleepers and painting. Rails will be issued
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 111116.77 76.000 8444874.310
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 12346.31 0.000 0.000
Supply of PSC sleepers for bridges with provision for
guard rails as per RDSO Drawing No. T-4088 for 60 KG
4A 4006.00 rail. Each 2808.18
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 2527.36 40.000 101094.570
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 280.82 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 25495.34 2.000 50990.680
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 2832.82 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 2505.19 160.000 400831.100
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 278.35 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 16405.70 30.000 492170.940
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 1822.86 0.000 0.000
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 42370.07 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 86942.78 8.000 695542.260
(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 9660.31 0.000 0.000
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 68.66 639,672 43916912.29
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 75.42 5,750 433689.15
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 18.37 539,990 9920999.47
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 30.94 1,500 46414.89
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1290.91 400 516365.68
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 813.23 100 81322.76
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 60.92 4,750 289367.84
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 3529.47 300 1058839.73
4026 a 60 KG rail (As per RDSO Drg.No T-5851 )/T-5916 Each 1729.81
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1556.83 2,190 3409463.92
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1044.34 200 208867.01
(ii) 10% paymentand
shalsupplying at site
be made after of work,
Commissioning. 24981.78 0 0.00
leading, loading, unloading and stacking at site, 60
Kg Derailing Switches to RDSO Drg.No.T-6068 for
4B NS-3 loop and siding complete withall fittings and Set 60479.32
GRP are listed in drawing with latest alteration if
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc
Note 54431.39 8 435451.14
6.00 6002 I Extra for every 0.3m additional height above Sqm 211.86 504.024 106780.650
normal height of 2.90 m
6.00 6003 K Extra for resisting earth quake forces in Zone III & Sqm 404.45 0.000 0.000
Extra for every 0 .3 m or part thereof higher plinth
6.00 6002 L over normal plinth height of 0.6m (on ground floor Sqm 211.86 1260.060 266951.630
area only)
Extra for every 0.3m or part thereof deeper
6.00 6002 m foundations over normal depth of 1.2m (on ground Sqm 211.86 1638.078 347037.120
floor area only)
Extra for open foundation on poor soils having
6.00 6002 n bearing capacity less than 10T per sqm (on Sqm 404.45 0.000 0.000
ground floor area only)
Schedule 7A: Other than Steel Items
High level PF wall with precast RCC wall segments
with design mix control concrete M25/M30
7A 7001.00 Rmt 1915.49
including transportation, hoisting and placing in
position segments, excavation in trenches, laying
of concrete bedding as per drawing, back filling of
100% Payment 1915.49 0.000 0.000