DPR - PKG-3 - Ra-28 Date 13.12.2018

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Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3

Client:- Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
Name of PMC:- Aarvee Associates

Name of Execution Agency:- SIMPLEX-BCPL-PERFECTO (JV)

Daily Progress Report_RA-28 (DEC'18)

Item Description Unit Final Rate Work done upto RA-27 For the 28th RA as on 13th Dec'18
Qty. Amount (In Rupees) Qty.


Earthwork in filling in formation including trolley refuges, etc
1 1001.00 using contractor's earth of approved quality procured from Cum 137.92 455798.862 62864660.630
outside railway land including site clearances, setting out
and demarcation,
Earthwork benching,
in cutting initial trolley
in formation, compaction of subsoil
refuges, side
drains, yard drains, catch water drains, etc. including leading
1 1002.00 usable cut spoils up to 200 M and making formation in filling
using the cut spoils, site clearances, setting out and
demarcation, disp
1 1002 a Soil excluding rock. Cum 57.76 135599.008 7832195.310 100.000
Providing and laying blanketing materials of grading as per
1 1004.00 latest guidelines of RDSO in layers of 30 CM in loose state Cum 514.46 219576.500 112964128.580 826.000
using graders and compaction using vibratory compactors so
as to achievecompaction
Mechanical minimum in ofsitu dryand
earth density of 98%
blanket of MDD,
materials in
1 1005.00 layers of 30 CM in loose state using vibratory compactors so Cum 10.66 675055.362 7198371.850 826.000
as to achieve minimum in situ dry density of 98% of
Providing dry erecting
density. safety fencing by fixing minimum 75
1 1007.00 MM dia 2.10 M long wooden bally posts at 3.0 M interval Meter 86.20 20557.000 1771924.080
embedded in M10 cement concrete block of 45 CM x 45 CM
60 CMdown
(with trees
Contractor's cement)ofand
and uprooting interconnected
roots including with
1 1008.00 transporting the wood to nearby railway store or forest
godown as per direction of the engineer. Note: Clearance of
trees with girth less than 60 CM and their clearance is
1 1008 a Girth above 60 CM and up to 90 CM Each 229.26 154.000 35306.450

1 1008 b Girth above 90 CM and up to 180 CM Each 572.27 212.000 121320.830

1 1008 c Girth above 180 CM and up to 270 CM Each 1172.08 20.000 23441.660

1 1008 d Girth above 270 CM Each 2330.84 5.000 11654.190

1 NS-1 Mass plantation Each 696.38

1 30% against plantation Each 208.91 5391.000 1126252.070

1 10% after first three month Each 69.64 5391.000 375433.320

1 10% after second three month Each 69.64 5391.000 375433.320

1 10% after third three month Each 69.64 5391.000 375433.320

1 40% after One year Each 278.55 5391.000 1501637.490

Bill No. 2A: BRIDGE WORK (Other than Steel items)

Earth work in excavation in foundation of bridges to
2A 2001.00 desired profile including backfilling, compaction of
back fill, and disposal of surplus earth as per directions
of the Engineer.

2A 2001 a Soil excluding rock. Cum 107.85 9276.739 1000491.160

2A 2001 b Rock not requiring blusting Cum 190.81 1350.000 257594.25

Rock requiring blasting, but blasting not

2A 2001 d permitted,hence to be excavated by chieseling. Cum 374.36 922.124 345208.200

Providing and laying cement concrete 1: 3: 6 in

2A 2003.00 foundation and floor using well graded stone Cum 1949.59 111.412 217207.29
aggregate of 40 MM nominal size.
Providing and laying design mix control concrete
2A 2004.00 M20/M25 in piers, retaining walls, wing walls, return Cum 2950.30 943.710 2784231.900
walls, bottom/top plug of wells and protection work
etc. using and
Providing welllaying
40 MM
2A 2005.00 M25/M30/M35/M40 in RCC works of raft, pile cap, Cum 3886.73 5721.503 22237926.470
pier, abutment, well stening, RCC well kerb, well cap,
Extracap, Jacketing,
for laying dirt wall,
concrete return wall, and/or
on underwater wing wall, fly
mud/under foul position including cost of pumping or Cum per m
2A 2007.00 bailing out water and removing lush etc., complete. depth 204.29 176.832 36125.320
Note:- The
Providing and laying design mix control concrete M45
2A 2011.00 in pre-cast, pre-tensioned /post tensioned PSC slabs Cum 9955.33
including transportation to site and launching in
position using well graded stone aggregate of 20 MM
(i) 50% on casting and stressing of slabs; 4977.67 252.690 1257806.600

Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

Page 2 of Pages 7
Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3

(ii) 20% on transportation of slab to site; 1991.07 75.807 150936.790

(iii) 20% after lauching the slab in position; 1991.07 75.807 150936.790
Providing and laying dry stone backing behind
2A 2012.00 abutments, wing walls, return walls, RCC boxes with Cum 755.98 899.840 680263.860
stones not less than 15 CM in any direction and not
less than 15
Providing KGlaying
and (except smaller
backfill boulders
material required
behind for
2A 2013.00 filling of abutments, wing walls, return walls consisting Cum 307.99 1909.994 588265.030
of granular materials of GW, GP, SW groups as per IS
Providing in required
coats of profile
coal tar. epoxy of 150 to 200
2A 2016.00 microns on R.C.C. substructures of bridges by roller or Sqm 161.77 1823.611 295013.150
by airless spray after surface preparation.
Providing and fixing of 100 MM dia PVC pipe for weep
2A 2025.00 holes in abutments, wing walls, return walls, face wall, Meter 206.37 140.050 28901.530
etc at suitable intervals as directed by the engineer.
Providing and placing sand/earth filled bags in layers
2A 2026.00 for protection of existing embankment. Each 7.26 2654.000 19265.640

Plate Load Test for determining the safe bearing

2A NS-1 capacity of the soil along Nos 17609.80 8.000 140878.420
proposed embankment.The rate is inclusive of the hire
charge of the
Schedule 2B: CIVIL WORK (Steel items Involving Fabrication and Erection )
Supply of Pre-stressing cables of required size and
2B 2051.00 configuration of low relaxation high tensile steel MT 151493.38 13.382 2027329.840
strands (class-II) confirming to IS:14268. The rate
includes cost of sheathing, anchorages, placing of
Schedule 2C: Supply of Steel items
Supplying TMT Fe-500 reinforcement steel conforming
2C 2061.00 to IS:1786-1985 including decoiling, straightening, MT 67885.27 782.723 53,135,363.760
cutting, bending, placing in position, binding with 1MM
dia GI binding wire. Note : Reinforcement, shall be
Supply of machine-crushed stone ballast on cess as per
3.00 3001.00 RDSO specifications for track ballast: IRS- GE-1 of June, Cum 815.10
2004 from outside railway limits stacked in specified
(i) 95% on along
receiptside the proposed
at site, alignment
acceptance, on either
account, proper storage and protection against loss, 774.35 151869.550 117599651.770
damage or deterioration;
(ii) Balance 5% after training out.
40.76 49609.075 2,021,821.720 1,000.000
Schedule 4A: P.WAY SUPPLY (Other than Steel Items)
4A 4001 A GFN Liners to RDSO Drg. No. T-3706. Each 9.85

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 8.87 180000.000 1596230.060

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 0.99 0.000 0.000

4A 4001C GRSP to RDSO Drg. No.T-3711. Each 27.10

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 24.39 260260.000 6346921.110

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 2.71 0.000 0.000

Supply of glued insulated rail joints G3 L 6.5 M long

4A 4002.00 with 10 MM thick end post on PSC sleepers. Rails will
be issued free of cost by the Employer @ 6.5 M for
60 KGjoint.
each Kg rail section as per RDSO Drg No.RDSO/T-2572
4002 a Each 11,843.63

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 10659.27 1182.000 12599256.730

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 1184.36 0.000 0.000
Supply of Switch Expansion Joints with all fastenings
4A 4003 C and fixtures complete (excluding liners, ERC, fish Set 123,463.1
plates, fish bolts and nuts) including angle iron for
fixing on PSC sleepers and painting. Rails will be issued
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 111116.77 76.000 8444874.310

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 12346.31 0.000 0.000
Supply of PSC sleepers for bridges with provision for
guard rails as per RDSO Drawing No. T-4088 for 60 KG
4A 4006.00 rail. Each 2808.18

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 2527.36 40.000 101094.570

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 280.82 0.000 0.000

Supply of PSC sleepers for bridge approaches with

4A 4007.00 provision for guard rails as per RDSO Drawing No. T- Set 28328.16
4089 to T-4097 for 60 KG rail.

Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

Page 3 of Pages 7
Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 25495.34 2.000 50990.680

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 2832.82 0.000 0.000

Supply of PSC sleepers for level crossings as per RDSO

Drawing No. T-4148 for 60 KG rail.
4A 4008 Each 2783.55

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 2505.19 160.000 400831.100

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 278.35 0.000 0.000

Supply of PSC sleepers for SEJ as per RDSO Drawing No.

T-4149 for 60 KG rail.
4A 4009 Set 18228.55

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 16405.70 30.000 492170.940

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 1822.86 0.000 0.000

Supply of Special Prestressed Concrete Sleepers for

4A NS-1 B.G. (Mono block Sleepers) for 1 in 12 Turnouts for Set 423700.72
B.G. 60 kg. (UIC) rails to RDSO Drg. No. RT-4218 Fan
Shaped layout and drawings there of with latest
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 381330.65 33.000 12583911.430

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 42370.07 0.000 0.000

Supply os speciall PSC Sleepers for 1 int 8.5 Derailing

4A NS-2 SwitchDrg No T6770- 6781 as per Drawing and latest Set
alteration if any. 96603.09

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 86942.78 8.000 695542.260

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 9660.31 0.000 0.000

Schedule 4B: P.WAY SUPPLY (Steel Items)

4B 4021 a ERC to RDSO Drg. No.T-3701 Each 76.28

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 68.66 639,672 43916912.29

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 7.63 0 0.00

4B 4021 b ERC "J" to RDSO Drg. No.T-4158 Each 83.80

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 75.42 5,750 433689.15

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 8.38 0 0.00

4B Metal Liners to RDSO Drg No. T-3740

4021 C Each 20.41

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 18.37 539,990 9920999.47

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 2.04 0 0.00

Supply of complete set of fittings and fastenings
4B (excluding ERC. Liners, GRSP to Drg No.T-3711,
4021 D Set 31158.15
fish plates, fish bolts and nuts) for 60 KG 1 in 12
turnouts to RDSO lay out Drg. No.T-4218
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 28042.33 50 1402116.53

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 3115.81 0 0.00

4B Supply of rail screws to RDSO Drg. No.T-

4021 F Each 34.38

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 30.94 1,500 46414.89

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 3.44 0 0.00

Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

Page 4 of Pages 7
Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3

4B 4022 Supply of Fish plates

4022 a 60 KG as per Drawing No.T -1898 Each 1434.35

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1290.91 400 516365.68

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 143.43 0 0.00

4B 4022 b 52 KG as per Drawing No. T- 090 (M) Each 903.59

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 813.23 100 81322.76

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 90.36 0 0.00

Supply of Combination fish plates (4 Nos. per set)

4B 4023.00 as per Drawing No.T696 to T699 including nuts,
bolts and washers.

4023 a For 60 KG & 52 KG Rail Sections T-696 to 699 Set 11281.40

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 10153.26 50 507662.88

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 1128.14 0 0.00

4B Supply of fish bolts with nuts for 60 KG, 52 KG

4024 Each 67.69
rails as per RDSO Drawing No.T-1899, T-11501.

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 60.92 4,750 289367.84

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 6.77 0 0.00

Supply of joggled fish plates (2 No. per set) with 4

4B 4025 pair clamps, 4 No. Bolts & Nuts and 8 No. special

4025 a For 60 KG as per RDSO Drawing No.T - 5849 Set 3921.63

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 3529.47 300 1058839.73

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 392.16 0 0.00

4B Supply of Fish plates one meter long as per

standard drawing of RDSO

4026 a 60 KG rail (As per RDSO Drg.No T-5851 )/T-5916 Each 1729.81

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1556.83 2,190 3409463.92

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 172.98 0 0.00

4B 4026 b 52 KG rail (As per RDSO Drg. No T-5850/T-5915) Each 1386.00

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1247.40 50 62370.01

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 138.60 0 0.00

4B 4026 c Supply of screw clamps for fish plates Each 1160.37

(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 1044.34 200 208867.01

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning.

Maufacturing & Supply of 60 Kg, 1 in 12, 10125 116.04 0 0.00
mm OR Switch conforming to RDSO Drg. No. T -
4B 4219 with latest alterations, if any complete with
NS-1 Set 113534.80
all parts as listed in the drawing with all fitting &
fixure check rails excluding Fish Plates, Fish Bolts
(i) Nut
90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc 102181.32 50 5109066.07

Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

Page 5 of Pages 7
Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning.

Supply of 60 Kg CMS Crossing for 1 in 12, PSC 11353.48 0 0.00
Layout conforming to Drg. No. T- 4220 with latest
4B alterations complete with Single Coil Spring
NS-2 Nos 249817.80
Washers, Bolts & Nuts of different sizes, CI
Distance Blocks, Packing Pieces, MS Tapered
Washers, Checkshal
(i) 90% payment Railbe
made on receipt …. Etc 224836.02 83 18661389.63

(ii) 10% paymentand
shalsupplying at site
be made after of work,
Commissioning. 24981.78 0 0.00
leading, loading, unloading and stacking at site, 60
Kg Derailing Switches to RDSO Drg.No.T-6068 for
4B NS-3 loop and siding complete withall fittings and Set 60479.32
GRP are listed in drawing with latest alteration if
(i) 90% payment shal be made on receipt …. Etc
Note 54431.39 8 435451.14

(ii) 10% payment shal be made after Commissioning. 6047.93 0 0.00

Schedule 5A : P.WAY LINKING (Installation Work)

Training out ballast from measured stacks along
5A 5001.00 side track or on formation and putting the same Cum 93.79 49609.075 4652862.140
into track uniformly to form profile as per IRPWM
Transportation of rails,
in following phases: (i) switches,
Laying of crossings, etc.
first layer to form
5A 5005.00 from point of issue to their final location of laying 0.000 0.000
in track in correct direction of rolling mark.
Average lead, from the place of issue upto the
5A 5005 a middle point of location of laying in each KM, upto MT 281.37 3825.707 1076445.430
10 KM
Incremental rate for lead beyond 10 KM under
5A 5005 b item 5005 (a) above MT KM 5.72 4000.000 22875.740

Installation of BG track as per methodology

5A 5006.00 specified in para 4.0 of Section 5: Specifications in Track
the Bidding Documents or any other methodology Meter
approved by the Employer in all locations e.g.
straight, curves, bridges, level crossings, yards,
50% Payment Release in Rate 162.42 9420.000 1529975.410

20% Payment Release in Rate 64.97 9420.000 611990.160

60% Payment Release in Rate 194.90 13940.000 2716924.490

10% Payment Release in Rate 32.48 13940.000 452820.750

70% Payment Release in Rate 227.38 5180.000 1177853.680

Flash butt welding of 60 KG, 52 KG rails and

5A 5013.00 panels, as per manual for flash butt welding of Each 3225.48 4235.000 13659906.500
rails 1996, in track or out side track, in depot or in
5A 5028.00 mid
ofmaking panels
new 60Kg. , 52including
Kg. railsremoving
welds . Each 49.18 1842.000 90594.800
Transportation of PSC sleepers including special
5A 5029.00 sleepers for SEJs, check rails, guard rails and turn
out sleepers from the place of issue to their final
Average of laying.
lead upto Note:
2 KM 1. For place
(from the purpose
of issueofto
5A 5029 a middle point of kilometre of laying in track) Sleeper 140932.000 7253829.320 60.000

Incremental rate for lead beyond 2 KM for every

5A Sleeper 3946096.000 6770240.700 60.000
5029 b km additional lead upto 30 kms over item (a) 1.72
Incremental rate for lead beyond 30 KM for every
5A Sleeper 4161960.000 2713425.870 60.000
5029c km additional lead upto 60 kms over item (a) 0.65
Incremental rate for lead beyond 60 KM for every
5A Sleeper 6979141.000 2634275.030 60.000
5029 d km additional lead upto 250 Kms over item (a) & 0.38
(b) above
Schedule 5B : P.WAY LINKING (Supply and Installation works)
Caution Indicator board of size 1400 x 400 MM,
The back portion of the board shall be provided
5B 5043 a with black secthal film on the high intensity sheet Each 6,593.84 0.000 0.000
Speed indicator boards of size of 1 M equilateral
triangle. The speed figures shall be cut out of
5B 5043 b black secthal film and provided on the base sheet Each 5,581.04 2.000 11,162.080
with HLYA process
Termination Indicator of size 1 M diameter with
letters T/G. The words T/G, T/P & T/EMU shall be
5B 5043 c cut out of black secthal film and provided on the Each 6,829.09 4.000 27,316.360
base sheet with ALVA process

Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

Page 6 of Pages 7
Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3
Providing and fixing fencing at level crossing
approaches as per approved design and drawing
5B 5044.00 Quintel 10,731.43 15.273 163,901.180
made of MS flat 50X6 mm compleate along with
posts made of ISA 100X100X10 MM @ 3m center
to center .
5B NS-1 Unloading of Rail from BFRs in Railway Yards MT 525.18 4784.806 2512889.030

Construction of service buildings at stations, in

Schedule 6: Building
yards and in mid section as per layout drawing
6.00 6001.00 provided by the employer and detailed
specifications provided in para 4.2 of section 5:
works requirements of the bidding documents
Service building of single storey (foundation to be
6.00 6001 a including preparation of Sqm 12,276.11
designed to take load of double storey) with open
Ground foundation upto 1.2 m depth from ground level 744.562 914032.170
Completion of ground floor up to Plinth (10%) 1227.61
Floor and plinth height upto 0.6m from ground level
Ground Afther casting of Ground floor roof slab and 745.404 2745198.200
Floor provision of wall (30%)
Ground 505.231 3101135.380
After completion in all respect (50%) 6138.05
Ground 0.00 0.00
Afther commissinoning (10%) 1227.61
Extra for resisting earth quake forces in Zone III
6.00 6001 d Sqm 404.45 0.000 0.000
& IV
Note: No extra payment shall be made for
resisting earth quake forces in Zone II and single
storey building for
Extra payment in Zone III & of
provision IV.internal sanitary
6.00 6001 e Sqm 466.08 0.000 0.000
and water supply installations
Extra for every 0 .3 m or part thereof higher plinth
6.00 6001 f Sqm 211.86 1327.590 281258.290
over normal plinth height of 0.6m(on ground floor
for every 0.3m or part thereof deeper
6.00 6001 g Sqm 211.86 2103.000 445533.770
foundations over normal depth of 1.2m (on ground
floor area
Extra only)foundation on poor soils having
for open
6.00 6001 h Construction of residential buildings for staff Sqm 404.45 0.000 0.000
bearing capacity less than 10T per sqm(on ground
floor area only) near railway stations, level c
6.00 crossings or any other nominated location as per
layout drawings and standard railway plans for
each type of staff quarters, provided by the
Type I,II,III Single storeyed floor height upto 2.9
6.00 6002 A employer and detaile Sqm 10121.59
Ground 630.030 637690.830
Completion of ground floor up to Plinth (10%) 1012.16
Ground Afther casting of Ground floor roof slab and 252.012 765228.990
Floor provision of wall (30%)
Ground 0.000 0.000
After completion in all respect (50%) 5060.80

Ground 0.000 0.000

Afther commissinoning (10%) 1012.16

6.00 6002 I Extra for every 0.3m additional height above Sqm 211.86 504.024 106780.650
normal height of 2.90 m

6.00 6003 K Extra for resisting earth quake forces in Zone III & Sqm 404.45 0.000 0.000
Extra for every 0 .3 m or part thereof higher plinth
6.00 6002 L over normal plinth height of 0.6m (on ground floor Sqm 211.86 1260.060 266951.630
area only)
Extra for every 0.3m or part thereof deeper
6.00 6002 m foundations over normal depth of 1.2m (on ground Sqm 211.86 1638.078 347037.120
floor area only)
Extra for open foundation on poor soils having
6.00 6002 n bearing capacity less than 10T per sqm (on Sqm 404.45 0.000 0.000
ground floor area only)
Schedule 7A: Other than Steel Items
High level PF wall with precast RCC wall segments
with design mix control concrete M25/M30
7A 7001.00 Rmt 1915.49
including transportation, hoisting and placing in
position segments, excavation in trenches, laying
of concrete bedding as per drawing, back filling of
100% Payment 1915.49 0.000 0.000

60% Payment 1149.29 337.500 387886.730

Low level PF wall with precast RCC wall segments

with design mix control concrete M25/M30
7A 7002.00 Rmt 1487.55
including transportation, hoisting and placing in
position segments, excavation in trenches, laying
of concrete bedding as per drawing, back filling of
100% Payment 1487.55 200.000 297510.200

60% Payment 892.53 1420.000 1267393.440

Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

Page 7 of Pages 7
Name of Project: Doubling Between Kota & BINA , PACKAGE-3
Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (cast in situ/pre cast ) for
7A 7003.00
Rail level platform wall, coping of platforms, drains Cum 2554.85 23.598 60289.270
and in other miscellaneous works.
Earth work in filling with contractor's earth of
7A 7004.00 approved quality in platform, circulating area, level Cum 177.97 6894.361 1226975.540
crossing and other areas including all lead and lift
Earth work
in layers notinexceeding
cutting in 30
CM in depthtrenches,
drains, etc in all kinds of soil including dressing of
7A 7005.00 sides, ramming of bottoms, back filling of
trenches, getting out the excavated soil and
disposal of surplus excavated soil with all lead and
7A 7005 a In all kinds of soil Cum 133.25 0.000

7A 7022.00 Brick work with bricks of class designation 75 for

miscellaneous works in:
7A 7022 a Cement motor 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) Cum 2567.66 182.514 468633.730

Dismantling work including removal and disposal

7A 7023.00 of dismantled material outside railway boundary as
directed by the Engineer. Dismantled material will
7A 7023 a be removed
Water boundby the contractor at his road
macadam/Bituminous own cost and Cum 316.47 0.000 0.000

7A 7023 b Cement concrete Cum 512.51 88.234 45220.520

7A 7023 c RCC Work Cum 750.82 100.000 75082.250
7A 7023 d Brick work/stone work Cum 475.35 99.740 47411.410

Bill No.8 :-- Supply of Cement

Supply of 43/53 grade cement OPC/PPC
8.00 8001 conforming to relevant IS specifications and using Bag 347.49 62008.534 21547436.170
the same in the work as per RVNL's approved mix
Bill No.9 : Site as per RVNL's prescribed rates of
Providing site offices for Employer with Contractor's Per Sqm.
material, Labour, Tools and Plant, Equipment etc. including of Plinth
9.00 9001 provision of Water Supply, Drainage, Power arrangements, area 9947 399.966 3978359.720
office maintenance as per the details mentioned in clauses
3.1 to 3.2.8 & 3.5 to 3.5
Providing Furniture as given under clauses 3.3, 3.3.1 of
Chapter 3 (Site Facilities for the Employer ) of Section 5 L S Per Site
9.00 9002 1030084
(work's Requirement) of Tender Documents. Note : Payment Office
shall be made @ 75% of the accepted rate after making
75% Payment
772563 2.000 1545125.400
25% payment 200000
Providing Road Vehicle mentioned below for the use of
9.00 9003.00 Engineer/Employer as per the Conditions mentioned in
Clause 3.4.3, i.e. to of Chapter 3 (Site
Facilities for theor
similar and the Engineer) of Section 5
9.00 9003 a Tavera , Innova
months 55367 81.173 4494304.960
9.00 9003 b Tata Sumo, Bolero or similar 47641 264.000 12577320.760
Extra for running and maintenance of every additional Km
9.00 9003 c over and above 4000 Kms as specified in item 9003(a) Per Km 0.000 0.000

Extra for running and maintenance of every additional Km

9.00 9003 d over and above 4000 Kms as specified in item 9003(b) Per Km 4981.000 51308.460


Simplex-BCPL-Perfecto(JV) P.M.C R.V.N.L

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