English Please 2 10th Taller 4 Periodo

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2 Lesson 2

Focus on Language

7. Complete the sentences from the article.

a. clothes from new brands.
b. items which have big printed words.
c. clothes that you really like.
d. clothes because you think they will make you look more interesting.
e. authentic.

8. Choose the correct words to complete the rules.

▪▪ Imperative sentences don’t have a subject / a verb.

▪▪ We use the infinitive / -ing form to make an imperative.
▪▪ We use No / Don’t in negative imperatives.

9. Write affirmative and negative imperatives using the verbs in the box.

use – think – put – say – buy – touch

a. the plate. It’s really hot.

b. your mobile phones in class.
c. before you buy new clothes. Do you really need them?
d. Look, here’s a present from Grandma. ‘thank you’ to her!
e. your card into the machine, please.
f. the first pair of jeans that you see.

10. Listen to the conversation. Why does Mark ask Leanne
her opinion on the sunglasses?
11. Listen again and complete the sentences.
a. Mark bought his sunglasses at the .
b. Tom’s sunglasses cost over .
c. Tom says that the material is better .
d. At first, Leanne says that ’s sunglasses
came from the market.
e. Tom bought some expensive last week.
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12. Discuss in pairs. Are you more like Mark or Tom? Explain why.


Module 2

13. In groups, discuss the following questions:

a. What do you like to spend your money on?
b. What should teenagers spend money on?

14. Find out what your friends usually spend money on. Choose two questions from the list. Ask ten
students the questions and make a note of their answers.

▪▪ Do you get pocket money? How much do you get every week?
▪▪ What do you spend your money on?
▪▪ Do you save any money? How much?
▪▪ What do you buy with your savings?
▪▪ Do you usually get money as a present for your birthday or on other occasions? How much?
▪▪ Are you saving for something right now? What?
▪▪ What would you most like to buy?


15. Collect, count and categorise the answers to the questions you asked in exercise 14. Present your
statistics in a visual way. You can use different types of charts. Here are some examples:

0 1 2 3 4 5

16. Write a report of your results. Then present it to your classmates.

Useful expressions

Reporting statistics
▪▪ I found out that …
▪▪ … % of my classmates …
▪▪ (Over) Half/A quarter/A third of my classmates …
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▪▪ Almost everyone …
▪▪ The most interesting thing was …


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