Of Autohypn08í8. Self-Hypnosis Can Be of Great Value: Wboo) MH A

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1 bis induction talk may be memortzed or changed mto your own

phrasing, keeping the ideas expressed in it. When you have said it to
yourself, then use the escalator technique for further deepening.
When your early practice sessions have been completed and you
begin making tests or suggesting phenomena, you will 6nd that any
successfu] test or production of phenomena tends to take you still
Some use& of autohypn08Í8. Self-hypnosis can be of great value
in many ways. It is the best means available for overcoming insom-

58 The key to II luippier life

nia. If you ever have such difficulty, put yourself into hypnosis on
going to bed. Then you can suggest passing from hypnosis into natural
skep, wording it like this, "I will gradually relax more and more, be-
coming slcepier and sleepier. Within a few moments I will fali sound
asleep and will sleep soundly ali night long." After mal<ing such a
suggestion, your mind should be diverted at once to anything pleasant,
with no further thought of sleep. This is quite important-thinking
about it tends to prevent your subconscious from producing sleep. A
good night's rest should follow.
Insomnia is sometimes a deep-seated neurotic symptom. Suggestion
may not overcome it, therefore, and you will need to uncover th11
causes. Methods for doing this for the insomnia case will be described
Self-hypnosis has many other advantages. You will 6nd yourself
more relaxed during your daily life. Hypnotic suggestion can inhibit
fatigue. If you are tired at the end of the day and must go out that
evening, a few moments in hypnosis, with suggestions of waking re-
freshed and rested, will bring back feelings of vigor and vitality.
When you have leamed how to produce hypnotic anesthesia, there
will be times when this ability will be of much help. Being able to shut
olf pain may be a real asset in visiting your dentist, or following a pain-
ful accident. However, pain has a purpose, and discretion and com-
mon sense must be used in tuming it olf. A pain in the abdomen might
be a symptom of appendicitis, and to shut it off could be dangerous.
People dying of cancer, in great pain, have been taught autohypnosis
and so have been more comfortable in their last hours. Hypnotic anes-
thesia should only be used when it obviously is ai) right to stop the
Sclf-hypnosis may be very helpful in studying and learning. lf you
are a good enough subject to be able to open your eyes and stay in
hypnosis, you can study while in the trance. Concentration, ability to
absorb new material, recai! ability and examination performance are
much improved under hypnosis.
When you intend to open your eyes while in hypnosis, a suggestion
should be made that you will go even deeper as you open them. There
is a tendency to awaken, or for the depth to lessen, on opening the
eyes. Probably this is due to associating opening of the eyes with
awakening, as we do from sleep.

The 1cey 10 11 happier life 59

who had retumed to FIIWWCF wboo] to mh 119 a course in plane
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should be made that you will go even deeper as you open them. There
is a tendency to awaken, or for the depth to lessen, on opening the
eyes. Prohably this is due to associating opening of the eyes with
awakening, as we do from sleep.

The 1cey to a 1,appier life 59

who had retumed to summer school to make up a course in plane
geometry in order to eam her degrec told me she was having great
difficulty with the said course. She was halfway through the six-week
term and said she hated the subject, did not understand it and could
not force herself to study properly. She was an excellent subject, so I
advised her to study under autohypnosis and to take her examination
while in a trance. She followed the advice and received an excellent
grade. Others have also found their grades increased with this method.
The main purpose of self-hypnosis is to inRuence the inner mind
through suggestion. lt will greatly shorten the time in reaching your
goals in any program of self-therapy.
How to use partial age regression. In your self-help program you
will sometimes need to use age regression. There should be no attempt
to induce deep hypnosis in this respect, for you would then have no
insight into the effect of past experiences. You can regress if only
in a very light state of hypnosis. Your first effort should be togo back
in time to some very recent and unimportant experience. This is more
t1um simple memory recaU. You should aim to relive an experience
with ali five senses functioning.
While in hypnosis, select as your goal the last meal you ate when
someone was with you. Suppose it was breakfast with your wife pres•
ent, as an example. Give yourself the suggestion, "I am now going
back in time to my breakfast this moming and will relive the experi·
ence. I am drifting back in time, hack in time to my breakfast this
moming." Repeat this suggestion. Try now to visualize the situation.
At first the scene may be a bit hazy. Then it will tend to clear and
become more vivid.
Try to see the table in front of you and look at your wife. See
what she is wearing; note the color and design of her clothes. T ry to
bring out other details as the scene becomes more vivid. Get a feeling
of position. Feel the chair or seat under you.
Now go to the moment when you drank some coffee. Look at the
cup; see its color; pick it up and feel it in your 6ngers. As you lift it to
your mouth, smell the pleasing odor. Sip and taste the coffee.
After you have put the cup down, look at whatever food is before
you and see it clearly as to color and shape. Then go to the moment
when your wife spoke to you about something. Try to hear anything

60 The 1cey to a happier life

she may have said. You can actually hear her voice. Try particularly to
develop the hearing sense, listening to whatever may have actually
been said.
Ali of these things tend to tum mere memory into actually reliving
of the incident. With a little practice you should readily leam to re-
gress in this way to a recent experience. You will find yourself hring-
ing out little deta:1
... ,
1,. 4 11 1 ; li d ·r you were to rely.. on

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