EPA 625 - R - 92 - 016 - Radon Prevention

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United States Office of Research and EPAl625/R-921016

Environmental Protection Development June 1994

Agency Washington DC 20460

&EPA Radon Prevention in the

Design and Construction of
Schools and Other Large

Third Printing with

Addendum, June 1994





June 1994

Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of

Schools and Other Large Buildings

Third Printing with Addendum, June 1994

Prepared by
Kelly W. Leovic and A. 6. Craig

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory
Radon Mitigation Branch (MD-54)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Printed on RecycledPaper

The U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA) strivesto provide accurate,com-

plete, and useful information.However, neitherEPA nor any personcontributing to the
preparationof this documentmakesany warranty,expressedor implied,with respectto the
usefulnessor effectivenessof any information, method, or processdisclosed in this
material.Nor doesEPA assumeany liability for, or for damagesarisingfrom, the useof
any information,method,or processin this document.Mention of firms, tradenames,or
commercialproductsin this documentdoesnot constituteendorsementor recommendation
for use.



Metric ConversionFactors............................................................................................................................

1. Introductionand Overview....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................
1.2 Scope and Content ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Radonand its Sources....................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Why is Radona Problem?................................................................................................. .2
1.3.2 How RadonEntersa Building ............................................................................................ 3
1.3.3 How to Determineif RadonPreventionis Needed............................................................ 5
1.4 RadonPreventionTechniques........................................................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Soil Depressurization.......................................................................................................... 6
1.4.2 Building Pressurization....................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3 SealingRadonEntry Routes............................................................................................... 8
1.5 Why RadonPreventionShouldbe Consideredin Building Design .................................................9
2. TechnicalConstructionInformation....................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) ............................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 ASD Designand Installation............................................................................................ 12 Aggregate............................................................................................................ 12 SubslabWalls ..................................................... ................................................ 13 RadonSuctionPits ............................................................................................. 13 RadonVent Pipe................................................................................................. 16 SuctionFan ......................................................................................................... 19 SealingMajor RadonEntry Routes.................................................................... 20
2.1.2 Operationand Maintenance.............................................................................................. 20 BeforeOccupancy.............................................................................................. 22 Weekly................................................................................................................ 22 Annually ............................................................................................................. 22
2.1.3 Additional Instructionsfor Basements ............................................................................. 22
2.1.4 Additional Instructionsfor Crawl Spaces......................................................................... 22
2.1.5 ASD Cost Estimates......................................................................................................... .24
2.1.6 Summaryof Guidelinesfor ASD Systems ....................................................................... 24

.. .
Contents (continued)

2.2 Building Pressurizationand Dilution .............................................................................................
2.2.1 DesignRecommendations for HVAC Systems............................................................... 24
2.2.2 Standardsfor Ventilation .................................................................................................
2.2.3 Guidelinesfor Installationand Operation........................................................................ 26
2.2.4 Maintenance.....................................................................................................................
2.2.5 Summaryof Building PressurizationGuidelines............................................................. 27
2.3 SealingRadonEntry Routes...........................................................................................................
2.3.1 RecommendedSealants...................................................................................................
2.3.2 SealingConcreteSlabs.....................................................................................................
28 SlabJoints.......................................................................................................... SlabPenetrationsand Openings........................................................................ 28
29 CrackPrevention................................................................................................
29 SubslabMembranes...........................................................................................
2.3.3 SealingBelow-GradeWalls.............................................................................................
29 Wall Types......................................................................................................... Coatingsfor Below-GradeWalls ...................................................................... 30
2.3.4 SealingCrawl Spaces.......................................................................................................
2.3.5 Summaryof SealingRecommendations 31
2.4 Guidelinesfor MeasuringRadonLevels........................................................................................

AppendixA: 33
AppendixB: 35
AppendixC: EPA Regional Offices and Contacts 37
IncreasingPressureField Extensionby Modifying SubslabWalls ............................................... 38
ImprovedSuctionPits ....................................................................................................................


l-l 2
Radondecaychart. ...........................................................................................................................
l-2 Examplesof negativepressuresourcesin a typical building. ......................................................... 3
l-3 Typical radonentry routesin slab-on-gradeconstruction................................................................ 4
1-4a Typical radonentry routesin concreteblock basementwalls. ........................................................ 4
I-4b Typical radonentry routesin pouredconcretebasementwalls. ...................................................... 5
l-5 5
Typical crawl spacefoundationentry routes....................................................................................
l-6 7

2-l Typical subslabdepressurizationsystem....................................................................................... 12

2-2a Interior footing/foundationwall. 14
2-2b 14
Thickenedslabfooting. ..................................................................................................................
2-3a 15
Outsidewalls and postload bearing...............................................................................................
2-3b Interior walls betweenroomsand outsidewalls load bearing....................................................... 16
2-3~ 17
Hall and outsidewalls load bearing...............................................................................................
2-3d 18
All interior walls load bearing........................................................................................................
2-4a Section1 (correspondsto Figures2-3aand b). .............................................................................. 18
2-4b Section1 (correspondsto Figure 2-3~andd). ............................................................................... 19
2-5 20
Radonsuctionpit. ...........................................................................................................................
2-6 21
Sealingpipe penetrationsthroughroof. .........................................................................................
2-7 Submembrane depressurizationin crawl space..............................................................................23
.2-8 Building positivepressurizationwith HVAC system.................................................................... 25
2-9 Exampleof building depressurizationwith HVAC system.......................................................... 26
2-10 Everyother interior wall block is turnedon its sideto allow soil gasto passthrough.................39
2-11 39
Interior CMU wall..........................................................................................................................
2-12 Revisedsubslabsuctionpit. 40
2-13 40


2-l 24
EstimatedCostsfor PrimaryASD Components............................................................................
2-2 Examplesof OutdoorAir Requirementsfor Ventilation in CommercialFacilities 27

A-l Costof Mitigation Systemin JohnsonCity Hospital..................................................................... 34


It is typically easierand much lessexpensiveto designand constructa new building

with radon-resistantand/or easy-to-mitigatefeatures,than to add thesefeaturesafter the
building is completedandoccupied.Therefore,whenbuilding in an areawith thepotential
for elevatedradon levels, architectsand engineersshould use a combinationof radon
preventionconstructiontechniques.To determineif your building site is located in a
radon-pronearea,consultyour EPA RegionalOffice or stateor local radiationoffice.
We recommendthe following threeradonpreventiontechniquesfor constructionof
schoolsand other large buildingsin radon-proneareas:(1) install an activesoil depressur-
ization (ASD) system,(2) pressurizethe building using the heating,ventilating,and air-
conditioning(HVAC) system, and (3) sealmajor radon entry routes.Specificguidelines
on how to incorporatetheseradon preventionfeaturesin the designand constructionof
schoolsand other largebuildings are detailedin this manual.
Chapter 1 of this manual is a generalintroduction for those who needbackground
informationon the indoor radon problemand the techniquescurrently being studiedand
applied for radon prevention.The level of detail is aimed at developingthe reader’s
understandingof underlyingprinciplesand might best be usedby school officials or by
architectsand engineerswho needa basicintroduction.
Chapter 2 of this manual provides comprehensiveinformation, instructions,and
guidelines about the topics and constructiontechniquesdiscussedin Chapter 1. The
sectionsin Chapter2 contain much more technicaldetail and may be best usedby the
architects,engineers,and buildersresponsiblefor the specificconstruction details.

Metric Conversion Factors

Although it is EPA policy to usemetricunitsin its documents,non-metricunitshave

been usedin this report to be consistentwith commonpracticein the radon mitigation
field Readersmay refer to the following conversionfactorsas needed.
Non-Metric Times YieldsMetric

cubic foot (ft’) 28.3 liters (L)

cubic foot per minute(fP/m) 0.47 liter per second(L/s)
foot (ft) 0.305 meter(m)
gallon (gal.) 3.79 liters (L)
horsepower(hp) 746 watts (WI
inch (in.) 2.54 centimeters(cm)
inch of water column (in. WC) 248.9 pas&s (Pa)
mil (0.001 in.) 25.4 micrometers(pm)
picocurieper liter (pCi/L) 37 becquerelsper cubic meter(Bq/m’)
pound per squareinch (psi) 6894.8 pa=aB (Pa)
squarefoot (ft’) 0.093 squaremeter(m*)


The information containedin this technicaldocumentis basedlargely on research

conductedby the Air and Energy EngineeringResearchLaboratory (AEERL) of the
EnvironmentalProtectionAgency’s (EPA’s) Office of Researchand Development.
W.A. Turner of the H.L. Turner Group and T. Brennan of CamrodenAssociates
preparedthe initial draft of the documentin 1991undercontractnumberOD2009NCSA.
ScottR. Spiezleof SpiezleArchitecturalGrouppreparedthefiguresundercontractnumber
68-DO-0097. Technical writing serviceswere provided by the Kelton Group under
Drafts of this documenthavebeenreviewedby a large numberof individualsin the
governmentand in the privateand academicsectors.Commentsfrom thesereviewersin
additionto thosefrom the individualslistedabovehavehelpedsignificantlyto improvethe
completeness,accuracy,and clarity of the document.The following reviewersoffered
input: William Angel1of MidwestUniversitiesRadonConsortium; Timothy M. Dyessand
D. Bruce Henschelof EPA’s AEERL; DeaneE. Evansof AJA/ACSA Joint Council on
ArchitecturalResearch;KennethGadsbyof PrincetonUniversity; Patrick Holmesof the
Kentucky Division of CommunitySafety:NormanGrant of Quoin Architectsand Engi-
neers:GeneFisher,JedHarrison,DaveMurane,DavePrice, and Brian Ligman of EPA’s
Office of RadiationPrograms;Clifford Phillips of Fairfax County Pubic Schools;Steve
Sandersof Auburn University;DaveSaumof INFILTEC; Arthur E. Wheelerof Wheeler
EngineeringCo.; LarraineKohler of EPA Region2; Bill Bellangerof EPA Region3; Steve
Chambersof EPA Region7; Phil Nyberg of EPA Region8; Michael Bandrowskiof EPA
Region 9; Kevin Teichmanof EPA’s Office of Technology Transfer and Regulatory
Support; Ruth Robenolt of EPA’s Office of Communications;Jerry L. Clement of
EducationalFacilities in Houston,TX; and ThomasE. Toricelli of T.E. Toricelli AIA

Chapter 1

Introduction and Overview

1.1 Purpose who needa basic introduction to radon and radon reduction
Radonis a naturallyoccurringradioactivegasin ambient oftechniques.Thosewho arealreadyfamiliar with theproblems
air. It can also accumulatein varying amountsin encIosed constructingradon-resistantbuildings should go on to
buildings. Radon is estimatedto causemany thousandsof Chapter 2. Chapter1 containsthe following sections:
lung c<ancer deathseachyear.In fact,the SurgeonGeneralhas 1.3 Radonand Its Sources-an introduction to the prob-
warnedthat radon is the secondleadingcauseof lung cancer lem of indoor radon.
in the U.S. today. Only smoking causesmore lung cancer
deaths(1). 1.4 Radon PreventionTechniques-an overview of cur-
rent constructionmethodsfor radon prevention.
Our increasedunderstandingof therisks posedby indoor
radon has underscoredthe needfor constructiontechniques 1.5 Why RadonPreventionShouldBe Consideredin Build-
thatpreventexposureto radonin residentialand non-residen- ing Design.
tial buildings. The Indoor Radon AbatementAct of 1988 Chapter 2-Technical Construction Information:
states,“The nationallong-termgoal of the United Stateswith Chapter2 of this manualprovidescomprehensiveinforma-
respectto radon levels in buildings is that the air within tion, instructions,and guidelinesabout the topics and con-
buildingsshouldbe asfree of radonas theambientair outside structiontechniquesdiscussedin Chapter 1. The sectionsin
the building.” This manualis intendedto addressthis goal in Chapter2 containmuchmoretechnicaldetail th‘anChapter1,
the new constructionof schoolsand other large buildings. andmaybebestusedby the architects,engineers,andbuilders
The U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA) has responsiblefor the specific constructiondetails. From the
developedconstruction techniquesthat are being used to informationpresentedin this manual,readersshouldbe able
reduceradon levels in new buildings.This manualprovides to selectradon preventiontechniquesthat <areappropriateto
architects,engineers,designers,builders,and schoolofficials their particularsituation.
with an understandingof operatingprinciplesand installation Chapter2 also briefly coverssourcesof informationon
instructionsfor theseradon preventiontechniques.Research measuringradonin schoolsand otherlargebuildings.Appen-
indicatesthatmanyradonpreventionfeaturescan be installed dix A containsa casestudy of a step-by-stepinstallationof
relativelyeasily and inexpensivelyduring building construc- radon preventiontechniquesin a recently constructedlarge
tion. Installing thesefeaturesduring constructionincreases building. Radon levels and associatedcosts of the radon
their effectivenessand involves less labor, disruption, and preventionfeaturesareincluded.Referencesare in Appendix
cost than when these same featuresam installed after the B, and AppendixC lists the EPA RegionalOffices.
building is completedand occupied.Thus, the primary pur-
poseof this manualis to provide informationand guidelines The recommendationsin this manualare basedon the
aboutradon preventiontechniquesso that they can be cost- best availableinformationgatheredfrom numerousresearch
effectivelyincorporatedinto a building during the designand projectsin existingand new construction,and in currentfield
constructionstages. practice.Most new schoolsandotherlargebuildingsuseslab-
on-gradeconstruction;therefore,this manualfocuseson ra-
1.2 Scope and Content don preventiontechniquesthat can be applied to slab-on-
This manual is divided into two parts: grade buildings. But becauseradon can enter a building
regardlessof its foundationtype, it also presentstechniques
Chapter l-Introduction and Overview: Chapter1 of applicableto buildingswith basementand crawl spacefoun-
this manual is a general introduction for those who need dations.
backgroundinformationon the indoorradonproblemand the
techniquescurrently being studied and applied for radon As researchcontinuesand experiencein the application
prevention.The level of detail is aimed at developingthe of radon-resistantconstructiontechniquesgrows, a varietyof
reader’s understandingof underlying principles and might techniquesmight ‘alsoprove effectivein reachingradon re-
bestbe usedby schoolofficials or by architectsand engineers duction goals.Thesegoals are to keep radon levels in new

construction well below the currently recommendedEPA releasedin the form of radiation.This radiationconstitutesthe
action level of 4 pCi/L and as closeto the long-termnational healthhazardto humans.
goal of ambientradonlevels(0.4 pCi/L) aspossible.Many of
theseradon preventiontechniqueswill eventuallyproveto be Whenradon and radon decayproductsare presentin the
transferableto the architect’s and engineer’scommonprac- air, somewill be inhaled.Becausethe decayproductsarenot
tices and, it is hoped, will be adopted in national building gases,theywill stick to lung tissueor largerairborneparticles
codes by the model building code organizations.EPA is that later lodge in the lungs. The radiation releasedby the
currently working with the American Societyof Testingand decay of these isotopes can damagelung tissue and can
Materials(ASTM) to developa standardfor radonprevention increaseone’s risk of developinglung cancer.The healthrisk
in the constructionof largebuildings. dependson how long andat what levelsa personis exposedto
radondecayproducts.Radonand radondecayproductscause
1.3 Radon and its Sources thousandsof deathsper year in the United States(1).
The following subsectionsanswerthree basic questions Like otherenvironmentalpollutants,thereis someuncer-
that manypeoplehaveaboutradon: tainty aboutthemagnitudeof radonhealthrisks.However,we
1) Why is radona problem? know more aboutradon risks than the risks from most other
cancer-causingsubstances.This is becauseestimatesof radon
2) How doesradon entera building? risks are basedon the studiesof cancer in humans(under-
ground miners).Additional studiesof more typical popula-
3) How shouldone evaluatea constructionsite? tions are underway. Smoking combined with exposureto
1.3.1 elevated levelsof radon is an especiallyserioushealthrisk.
Why is Radon a Problem?
Radon is a colorless,odorless,radioactivegasproduced Children have been reported to have greaterrisk than
by the radioactivedecayof radium-226,an elementfound in adultsof certaintypesof cancerfrom radiation,but thereare
varying concentrationsin manysoils andbedrock.Figure 1-l currentlyno conclusivedataon whetherchildrenareat greater
showsthe seriesof elementsthatbegin with uranium-238and risk thanadultsfrom radon.
eventuallydecayto lead-210.Of all theelementsandisotopes Radonlevelsare usually measuredin picocuriesper liter
in the decaychain,radon is the only gas.Becauseradon is a of air @G/L). Currently, it is recommendedthat indoor
gas,it caneasilymovethroughsmallspacesbetweenparticles radon levelsbe reducedto less than 4 pCi/L. But the lower
of soil and thusentera building. Radoncanentera building as the radon level, the lower the health risk: therefore,radon
a component of the soil gas and reach levels many times levels should be reduced to as close to ambient levels as
higher thanoutdoor levels. feasible (0.4 pCi/L). For additional information on the esti-
While many of the isotopesin the uranium-238decay matedhealthrisks from exposureto variouslevelsof radon,
seriesexistfor a long timebeforetheydecay,radonhasa half- refer to EPA’s A Citizen’sGuideIORadon,SecondEdition(1).
life of only 3.8 days.Radondecayproductshaveevenshorter Architectsand engineersshouldconsiderthe healthrisks
half-lives than radon and decaywithin an hour to relatively of radon prior to constructing new buildings or renovating
stablelead-210.At eachlevel of this decayprocess,energyis existingbuildings in radon-proneareas.Including radonpre-

19.4 l-7

Figure l-l. Radon decay chart. Time shown in half-life.

vention techniquesduring building design and construction entry. Sourcesof negativepressurein a typical building are
will reduce the chance that a building will have a radon shownin Figure 1-2.
problemand also reducethe cost of reducingradon levels,if
needed. Other Ways Radon Enters a Building
1.32 How Radon Enters a Building Radonalso can enter buildings when there are no pres-
sure differences.This type of radon movement is called
The most commonway for radon to enter a building is diffusion-driventransport.Diffusion is the samemechanism
from the soil gas through pressure-driventransport.Radon that causesa drop of food coloring placedin a glassof water
can also enter a building through diffusion, well water, and to spreadthrough the entire glass.Diffusion-driventransport
constructionmaterials.Thesemodesof radonentry arebriefly is rarely the causeof elevatedradon levels in existingbuild-
explainedbelow. ings. It is also highly unlikely that diffusion contributessig-
nificantly to elevatedradon levels in schoolsand other large
Pressure-Driven Transport buildings.
Radoncanentera building throughpressure-driventrans- Another way radon can enter a building is through well
port only if all of the following four conditionsexist: water. In certain areas of the country, well water that is
1) a sourceof radium to produceradon supplied directly to a building and that is in contact with
radium-bearingformations can be a source of radon in a
2) a pathway from the sourceto the building building. At this writing, the only known healthrisk associ-
atedwith exposureto radonin water is the airborneradonthat
3) an openingin the building to permit radonto enterthe is releasedfrom the water when it is used.A generalrule for
building housesis that 10,000 pCi/L of radon in water contributes
4) a driving force to moveradon from the sourceinto the approximately1 pCi/L to airborneradon levels.It is unlikely
building throughthe opening that municipalwater suppliedfrom a surfacereservoirwould
containelevatedlevelsof radonand,thus,buildingsusingthis
Pressure-driventransportis the mostcommonway radon sourceof water should not needto conduct radon testingof
enters a building. Pressure-driventransport occurs when a the water.
lower indoor air pressuredraws air from the soil or bedrock
into thebuilding. This transporthappensin many schoolsand Radon can also emanatefrom building materials.How-
other large buildingsbecausethesebuildings usuallyoperate ever, this has rarely been found to be the causeof elevated
at an inside air pressurelower than that of the surrounding levelsin existingschoolsandotherlargebuildings.The extent
soil. Negative pressure inside buildings is due in part to of the use of radium-contaminatedbuilding materialsis un-
building shell effects.For example,indoor/outdoortempem- known but is generallybelievedto be very small.
turedifferences,wind, and air leaksin the shellof thebuilding Becausepressure-driventransport is by far the most
can contribute to negative pressuresin the building. The commonway radon entersa building. this manualdots not
designand operationof mechanicalventilation systemsthat addressthe other ways that radoncan enter a building.
depressurizethe building can also greatly influence radon
Kitchen Range Exhaust Fan
Roof Exhaust Fan

Positive Pressure
@= Negative Pressure

Figure 1-2. Examples of negative pressure sources In a typical buildlng.

Radon Entry and Substructure Type strutted today are slab-on-gradesubstructures,Section2.1 of
this manualemphasizesradon preventionfor slab-on-grade
Elevatedlevelsof radoncanoccur in any building regard- buildings.However,manyof the radonpreventiontechniques
less of foundation type. Figures 1-3, l-4, and l-5 show used for slab-on-gradesubstructuresare also applicable to
commonradonentry routesfor buildings constructedon slab- basementsand crawl spaces.
on-grade, basement,and crawl space foundations,respec-
tively. Becausea large majority of the new buildings con-

Wall Cracks and Form Ties

Plumbing Pipe
Floor Joist \

Floor Joints/Cracks

Concrete Floor Slab 11 Perimeter

Poured Concrete Wall Poured

Q= Positive Pressure

c3 = Negative Pressure

Figure 1-3. Typical radon entry routes in slab-on-grade constructlon.

Soil Gas/Radon Movement

through Hollow Core Block

Plumbing Pipe
CL-.,.. L-.ic.* \lT \

Wall Joints/Cracks

Floor Joints/Cracks
Concrete Floor Slab

Concrete Block Wall Concrete Block Wall

0+ = Positive Pressure
@ = Negative Pressure

Flgure l-4a. Typical radon entry routes in concrete block basement walls.

Wall Cracks and Form Ties

Plumbing Pipe
Floor Joist

7 r Concrete Floor Slab 11 Perimeter

_ ,.
Poured Concrete Wall Poured Concrete Wall
0 I Positive Pressure

e = Negative Pressure

Figure Mb. Typical radon entry routes in poumd concrete basement wsiis.

Wall Penetration
Floor Penetration Plumbing Penetration 4,

“I”. I
I Earth Floor

z Positive Pressure

0 = Negative Pressure

Figure i-5. Typical crawl space foundation entry routes.

The specific additional requirementsfor basementsub- soils at a building site with subsequentindoor radon levels
structures(suchassealingof basementwalls) arediscussedin containedin a building built on that site. Bedrock and soils
Section2.1.3. The additionalrecommendedrequirementsfor interactin complexwayswith dynamicbuilding behaviorand
crawl spacesare discussedin Section 2.1.4 (submembrane environmentalfactors.There are too many combinationsof
depressurization). factors that causeelevatedindoor radon concentrationsfor
simplecorrelationsto exist.
1.3.3 How to Determine if Radon
Prevention is Needed In the absenceof a simple test to determinewhen radon
preventiontechniquesare needed,the discussionbelow cov-
An often-askedquestionis “Can one determineifradon- ers various sourcesof information to assist architectsand
resistantconstruction techniquesare necessaryfor a given engineerswith site assessment.
site?” A simple and inexpensivestandardizedtest that could
conclusivelyidentify problemsiteswould be very helpful. At EPA National Radon Potential Map
presentthere are no reliable, easily applied,and inexpensive
methodsfor correlatingthe resultsof radonevaluationtestsof Onesourceof guidanceis the growing body of radondata
availableat local, state,and regional levels.With thesedata,

EPA is compiling a National RadonPotentialMap. The map building budgetwill probably be muchlessthan $1.OOper ft2
integratesfive factorsto produceestimatesof radonpotential. of earthcontactfloor areain mostpartsof the country.In most
Thesefactorsareindoor radonscreeningmeasurements, geol- cases (buildings that are already designed to have subslab
ogy, soil permeability, aerial radioactivity, and substructure aggregateand plastic vapor retarder), sealing major radon
type. All relevantdatawere collectedand carefully evaluated entry routesand installing an ASD systemwill add lessthan
so that the five factorscould be quantitativelyrankedfor their $0.10 - $0.20 per ft2of earthcontactfloor areato total costs.
respective“contribution” to the radon potential of a given Therefore,it is often more cost-effectiveto build using radon
area.The mapassignseverycounty of the U.S. to oneof three preventiontechniques,ratherthanwaiting until thebuilding is
radon zones. Zone 1 areas have the highest potential for completedand then having to adda radon mitigation system.
elevatedlevels,Zone 2 areasalso havepotential for eievated
indoor radon levels but the occurrenceis more variable,and 1.4 Radon Prevention Techniques
Zone 3 areashavethe leastpotential for elevatedlevels. Like mostother indoor air contaminants,radon can best
be controlled
The radon potential estimatesassignedon the map are place,ratherthan by keeping it out of the building in the first
statedin termsof predictedaveragescreeninglevels.They are removingit onceit hasentered.The follow-
ing subsections briefly
not intended to predict annual averagemeasurements,but vention techniquesdiscussed describethe recommendedradonpre-
rather to assessthe relative severity of the potential for in Chapter2 of this manual:
elevatedindoor radon levels. We recommendyou use this 1.4.1 Soil Depressurization. A suction fan is usedto
mapwhen it becomesavailableto help determinewhenradon producea low-pressurefield undertheslab.T%is
preventionconstructiontechniquesmight be needed. low-pressurefield preventsradonentry by caus-
Radon Levels in Nearby Buildings ing air to flow from the building into the soil.
1.4.2 Building Pressurization. Indoor/subslabpres-
Radon levels in a sampleof existing U.S. schoolbuild- sure relationshipsare controlled to preventra-
ings were recently surveyedby EPA. Measurementsto date don entry. More outdoor air is supplied than
indicatethat many schoolsand other largebuildings through- exhausted so that the building is slightly pres-
out the country haverooms or classroomswith radon levels surized comparedto bolh Ihe exterior of the
above4 pCi/L. Many havebeenmeasuredat levelsin excess building and the subslabarea.
of 20 pCi/L. It is expectedthat the geographicdis!ributionof
the radonproblemin schoolsand other largebuildingswill be 1.4.3 SealingRadon Entry Routes.Sealmajorradon
similar to that for homes.You can contactregional,state,or entry routesto block or minimize radonentry.
local officials for information about radon levels in nearby
buildingsand usethis information,togetherwith theNational These radon prevention techniquesare relatively inex-
RadonPotential Map, to help decide if you are in a radon- pensive and easy to install. WC recommendthat all threeof
prone area. these techniques be usedin new constructionto ensuremaxi-
1.4. I Soil Depressurization
Severalstudieshave attemptedto make simple correla- The most effectiveand frequently usedradon-reduction
tions betweenradon or radium concentrationsin the soil and techniquein existingbuildings is activesoil depressurization
indoor radonconcentrations.No direct correlationshavebeen (ASD).
Building Materials How an ASD System Works

An extremely small percentageof U.S. buildings with An ASD systemcreatesa low-pressurezonebeneaththe

indoor radon concentrationsgreater than 4 pCi/L can be slab by using a powered fan to create a negativepressure
attributedto building materials.Most of the building material beneaththe slab and foundation.This low-pressurefield pre-
ventssoil gas from entering Lhebuilding becauseit reverses
problems have arisen from the use of known radium-rich the normaldirection of airflow wherethe slab andfoundation
wastessuch as aggregatein block or in fill aroundand under meet. If the low pressurezone is extended throughout the
houses, or in areasof buildings with no ventilation.None of
the existing large buildings studiedin EPA’s Air andEnergy entire subslabarea,air will flow from the building into the
Engineering ResearchLaboratory’s researchprogram have soil, effectively sealingslab and foundationcracksand holes
had any identifiable problem associatedwith radon from (2). For a simplified view of the operating principle of an
ASD, refer to Figure l-6. A similar systemwithout a fan for
building materials.However,be awarethat building materials “activation’*is referredto asa “Rough-in” of an ASD system,
are a potential problem. But unlessbuilding materialshave and is briefly discussedat the end of this section.
beenidentified as radium-rich in that region of the country,
thechanceof obtainingsignificantradon levelsfrom building The following are essentialinstructions for the design
materialsis very small. and constructionof a soil depressurizationsystem:
Summary . Place a clean layer of coarse aggregateof narrow
particle sizedistribution(naturallyoccurringgravelor
Basedon currentresearchandthe additionalcostof radon crushedbedrock)beneaththe slab.
resistantconstruction features,the expectedimpact on the

Subslab DepressurizationSystemcreates low pressure zone

beneath the slab. This preventsradon-containingsoil gas from
HigherAir Pressure entering the building by changing the direction of airflow. Air
exhausted from under the s&b is releasedabove the roof
where the elevatedradon levels can dilute into the

Low Air Pressure

RadonSuction Pit

0 = Positive Pressure

0 I NegativePressure
Figure l-6. Subslab depressurkatlon theory.

. Eliminateall majorbarriersto extensionof the subslab ings can easily overcomea passivesystem.Also, the large
low pressurezone,suchas interior subslabwalls. number of radon suction pits and vent pipes neededfor
. Install radon suction pit(s) beneath the slab in the installation systemsto be effectivein a largebuilding would make
moreexpensivethan an ASD system.Therefore,
aggregate(one radon suction pit for each area sepa- in radon-proneareaswe recommendyou do not usepassive
ratedby subslabwalls). soil depressurizationsystems.We do recommend,as a mini-
. Install a vent stackfrom the radon suctionpit(s) under mum,that the designfeaturesfor an ASD systembe roughed-
the slab to the roof. in for later activationif needed.
. Install a suctionfan on the vent stack.(The fan should ASD Costs
be operatedcontinuously,and the systemshould be Severalfactorsaffectthe costof an activesoil depressur-
equipped with a warning device to indicate loss of ization system.Incrementalinstallation costs for a system
negativepressurethroughfan failure or other causes.) designedinto a new largebuilding rangefrom aslow as$0.10
. Sealall major slaband foundationpenetrations. per ft2 of earth contact area to more than $0.75 per ft2,
dependingon the availability of aggregateand sealingcosts
Rough-in for an ASD System (3,4,5,6,7,8). If aggregateis aheadypart of the design,the
costswill be at the low end. Incorporationof the aggregate
A rough-in for an ASD systemis the sameas an ASD and vapor retarderis consideredgood architecturalpractice
systemexcept there is no fan. For new constructionwhere and is required by code in most areas of the U.S., and,
radonlevelsareelevatedevenmarginally,the installationof a thereforewould not be considereda radon-preventioncost.
rough-in systemis a prudentinvestmentandis recommended.
If a building is found to havea radonproblem,thena rough-in For comparison,a recent EEA survey showedthat the
can easily be convertedinto an ASD systemby installing a averagecostfor installingASD in an existingschoolis about
fan. $0.50per ft* (9). Thesecostscould rangefrom about$0.10up
to $3.00 per ft* of earth contactfloor area dependingon the
Passive Soil Depressurization structureand subslabmaterials.
Architectsand engineersmayask,“Is it possibleto install 1.4.2 Building Pressurization
a soil depressurizationsystemthat works passively(that is,
without a fan)?” Although researchhas shown that passive Building pressurizationinvolvesbringing in moreair to
systemsare sometimeseffective in home construction,they the building than is exhausted,causing a slightly positive
are not recommendedfor use in schools and other large pressureinside the building relative to the subslabarea.The
buildings.Many competingnegativepressuresin largebuild- positivepressurein thebuilding causesair to flow from inside
thebuilding to the outdoorsthroughopeningsin the substruc-
ture and building shell; this effectively seals radon entry Onceradonhasentereda building, anotherway to reduce
routes.Building pressurizationis similar to ASD in that both radon levels is by diluting them with ventilation air (outdoor
methodsblock radon entry routesusing air pressurebarriers: air). Dilution air should be suppliedfrom outdoorsin accor-
but the systemsare different in that,with building pressuriza-dancewith ASHRAE Standard62-1989(10).To reducehighly
tion, air is pushedout of the building from insiderather than elevatedradon levels it may be necessaryto supply higher
beingdrawn out from underthe slab,as in ASD. The follow- quantitiesof outdoorair thanthoserecommended by ASHRAE.
ing sectionexplainsthe principles of building pressurization (Note thatneitherpressurizationnor dilution is effectivewhen
using the heating,ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) the HVAC systemis not operating,suchas in night and week
systems. end setback.)Additionally, dilution is not an effectivestand-
alone radon reduction techniqueif radon levels are substan-
How Buildings Typically Operate tially elevated.Dilution is a lessreliableand frequentlymore
Many buildings (both leaky and tight buildings) tend to costly approachthan the otherradonpreventiontechniques.
maintainan indoor air pressurelower thanoutdoors.It is often In summary, building pressurizationwith the HVAC
difficult to continuouslyoperatea building to obtain slightly system can reduce radon levels; however, becauseof the
positivepressureconditionsunlessthe building shell is tight difficulty of properly operating the system in a way that
and the building HVAC systemsuppliesmore outdoor air to continuouslypreventsradon entry, building pressurizationis
each room than is exhausted.This difficulty is due to a not recommendedfor use as a stand-aloneradon-control
complexinteractionbetweenthe building shell,the mechani- system in new buildings. When building pressurizationis
cal systems,the building occupants,and the climate. used with the other methodsof radon prevention(ASD and
Modem buildings generally are constructedwith fan- sealingof major radon entry routes),building pressurization
poweredHVAC systemsto provide outdoor air to the occu- contributesto low radon levels.
pants. Many buildings also have exhaust fans to remove Costsand savingsfor HVAC systemsanda tight building
internally generatedpollutants from the building. If the sys- shell are not presentedbecausethey are consideredgood
tems place the earth contact area under a slightly positive architectural and engineering practice, and moreover,are
pressurewith respectto the subslab,they will preventradon mandatedby manybuilding and energycodes.
entry and will dilute radon under the slab for as long as the
systemsare operating. However, if these fan systems(by 7.4.3 Sealing Radon Entry Routes
design, installation, maintenance,or adjustment)place any Becausethe greatestsource of indoor radon is almost
earth contact area of the building under a negativepressure always radon-containingsoil gas that enters the building
with respectto the soil, radoncan enterthroughany openings through cracksand openingsin the slab and substructure,a
in the slab. goodplace to begin whenbuilding a radon-resistantbuilding
Important Features of HVAC Systemsto Prevent Radon is to make the slab and substructureas radon-resistantas
Entry economicallyfeasible.
Thefollowing HVAC systemfeaturesandoperatingguide- However, it is difficult, if not impossible,to sealevery
lines shouldbe followed for radonprevention: crack and penetration.Therefore,sealingradon entry routes
and constructingphysical barriersas a stand-aloneapproach
. In radon-proneareas,eliminateair supply and return for radon control in schoolsand other large buildings, is not
ductwork locatedbeneatha slab,in a basement,or in a currently recommended.On the other hand,sealingof major
crawl space in accordancewith ASHRAE Standard radonentry routeswill help reduceradon levelsand will also
62-1989(10). greatly increasethe effectivenessof other radon prevention
techniques.For example,sealingincreasesthe effectiveness
. Supply outdoor air in accordancewith guidelinesin of ASD by improvingthepressurefield extensionbeneaththe
ASHRAE Standard62-1989(10). slab.Sealingalsohelpsto achievebuilding pressurizationby
. Constructa “tight” building shell to facilitateachiev- ensuring that thebuilding is a “tight box” without air leakage.
ing a slightly positivepressurein the building. Many of these sealingtechniquesarestandardgoodconslruc-
tion practices.
. Sealslab,wall, andfoundationentrypointsasnotedin
Section1.4.3,especiallyin areasof thebuildingplanned Sealing Recommendations
to be under negative pressure by design (such as Radonentry routesthat shouldbe sealedare:
restrooms,janitor’s closets,laboratories,storageclos-
ets,gymnasiums,shops,kitchen areas). Floor/wall crack and other expansionjoints. Where
. Ensure proper training and retraining of the HVAC codepermits,replaceexpansionjoints with pourjoints
and/orcontrol sawjoints becausethey aremoreeasily
systemoperators,togetherwith an adequatebudget,so and effectivelysealed.
that the systemis properly operatedand maintained.
(This appearsto be a major areaof neglectin existing Areasaroundall piping systemsthat penetratethe slab
schoolbuildings.) or foundationwalls below grade(utility trenches,elcc-
. In areaswith large exhaustfans,supply moreoutdoor trical conduits,plumbing penetrations,etc.).
air than air exhaustedif possible. Masonrybasementwalls.

Limitations of Sealing . Poor communicationbelow the floor slab (i.e., no
aggregateor aggregatewith many fines or with wide
Many constructionmaterialsare effectiveair and water particle size distributionrange).
barriersand also retard the transferof radon-containingsoil
gas.In practicehowever,the difficulties that arisewhenusing . Barriers to subslabcommunication(internal subslab
sealingand physical barrier techniquesas the only meansof walls).
control are virtually insurmountable.Physical barriers have . Radonentry points at expansionand control joints.
proven to be frequently damagedduring installation; more
over, failure to seal a single opening can negatethe entire . Easeof running the radon vent pipe and power source
effort, especiallywhen radonconcentrationsare high. Never- throughand/orout onto the building’s roof.
theless,you should seal major radon entry routes: not only
will sealingretardradontransferbut sealingwill alsoincrease . Building depressurizationcausedby the I-WAC sys-
the effectivenessof ASD and building pressurization. tem (or other fans) exhaustingmore air than is sup-
The costof sealingmajor radonentry routesis dependent
on the building design and local constructionpractices.For All of the above factors can be controlled in new con-
one example,refer to the casestudy in AppendixA. struction.As further researchis conducted,additionalinfor-
mationon the radonpreventionfeatures,or betterguidanceon
1.5 Why Radon Prevenfion Should be when they arenot needed,shouldbecomemoreclearandwill
Considered in Bullding Design be documentedin future updatesof this manual.
Most of the radon preventiontechniquescoveredin this Again, we emphasize that it is important to include
manualcan be applied to existing buildings, but installation radon prevention features during design. Including these
will cost more than if thesetechniqueswere installedduring features during building construction makes their appli-
initial construction.For example,factors that increasethe cation easier and costsmuch less than adding them after
difficulty and cost to install an ASD systemin an existing the building is completed.
building include:
Chapter 2

Technical Construction Information

As outlined in Chapter 1, there are three practical and Principles of Operation

cost-effectiveapproachesto preventingelevatedradonlevels
in new buildings. An ASD systempreventsradonentry by creatinga nega-
tive-pressurezone beneaththe slab. If the negative-pressure
. Active Soil Depressurization(Section2.1) zone is extendedthroughoutthe entire subslabarea,air will
. Building Pressurization(Section2.2) flow from the building into the soil, effectively sealingslab
. SealingRadonEntry Routes(Section2.3) of radon-containingsoil gas.Figure 2-l illustratesa typical
ASD system.
EPA recommendsusing all three of thesemethodsto
ensureeffectiveandreliable radon control. To createthis negative-pressure zone,a radon suctionpit
is installedin the aggregateunderthe slab.This subslabpit is
The following three sectionspresentdetailed technical then connectedto a vent pipe that runs from the pit to the
information for implementingthe aboveapproaches.These outdoors.A suctionfan is connectedto the pipe outsideof the
sectionsmight best be used by the architectsand engineers building to producethe negative-pressurezone beneaththe
who aredevelopingthe specificationsand constructiondraw- slab,hencethe systemis “active.” A lower air pressurein a
ingsfor thebuilding,andby thecontractorwho is building the building relativeto the surroundingsoil is what drawsradon-
structure.Guidelinesfor conductingradon measurementsin containingsoil gasinto a building. The ASD systemreverses
schools ‘and other large buildings are briefly discussedin thepressuredifference-and thusthe airflow directionat the
Section2.4. slab - causing the subslabpressureto be lower than the
Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) indoor
pressure.This air pressuredifferential keepsradon-
2.1 containingsoil gasfrom enteringthe building.
This sectiondescribeshow to design,install, and main-
kti an ASD system.The discussionpertainsto slab-on-grade This manual describesthe design and installation of a
substructuressincemost new schoolsand other large build- complete ASD system.A soil depressurizationsystemcould
ings are constructedslab-on-grade.Guidelinesfor basement also be “roughed-in” and activatedwith a fan later,if needed.
substructuresare similar to slab-on-gradebuildings, except For new construction,where radon levelsmay be evenmar-
that basementwalls add anotherpotential radon entry point ginally elevated,the installation of a rough-in systemis a
that mustbe sealed.The applicationof ASD to basementsis prudent investmentand is recommended.If the completed
briefly coveredin Section2.1.3. Radon control in buildings building hasa radonproblem,thentheroughed-insoil depres-
with crawl spacesubstructuresis addressedin Section2.1.4. surizationsystemcan easily be madeactive at a low cost by
addinga fan.
In mostpartsof the U.S., designandconstructionof new
buildingswith ASD systemsis relativelyeasyandcosteffec- Architectsandengineersmayask,“Is it possibleto inskdl
tive. Incorporating an ASD system into a new building is a soil depressurizationsystemthat works passively(that is,
highly recommendedin radon-proneareas,since effective without a fan)?” Although researchhas shown that passive
operationof an ASD systemis dependenton building design systemsare sometimeseffectivein home construction,they
factors.Although it is possibleto addanASD systemafterthe are not recommendedfor use in schools and other large
building is complete,the cost and effectivenessof the system buildings.Many competingnegativepressuresin largebuild-
will be directly influencedby building designparametersthat ings can easily overcomea passivesystem.Also, the large
can be easilycontrolledduring building designandconstruc- number of radon suction pits and vent pipes needed for
tion. Certain parameters,such as aggregateselection and passivesystemsto beeffectivein a largebuilding would m‘ake
subslabwalls, cannotbe practically modified in an existing installationmore expensivethan an ASD system.Therefore,
building. in radon-proneareaswe recommendyou do not usepassive
soil depressurizationsystems.We do recommend,as a mini-
mum, that the designfeaturesfor an ASD systemshould be
roughed-mfor later activationif needed.

Radon Exhaust Fan

Roof Exhaust Fan

Radon Exhaust Stack

Note: Seal All Major Slab Openings, Radon Vent Pipe

Cracks, or Penetrations . Schedule 40 PVC
Polyurethane Sealant

Radon Suction Pit

ASTM Size #5 Aggregate or Equivalent

6= Positive Pressure
@ = Negative

Figure 2-l. Typical subslab depressurlzation system. Not to scale.

2.1.1 ASD Design and Installation 2.1 .l .l Aggregate

The six essentialguidelinesfor designingand installing Figure2-l illustrateshow the creationandextensionof a
ASD systemsin schoolsand other large buildings are listed negativepressurefield beneaththe slab will causeair to flow
below. The designand constructionproceduresfor eachare from the building into the subslabarea. This direction of
discussedin detail in the sectionsthat follow. airflow will prevententry of soil gas into the building. The
radon-containingsoil gas is drawn up the vent pipe and
1) Place a continuous4- to 6-m. layer of clean, coarse exhaustedoutdoorswhereit will be quickly diluted to ambient
aggregateunder the slab.(Aggregate,Section2.1.1.1) levels.
2) Eliminate barriersto subslabairflow such as subslab To extendthis negativepressurefield effectively,highly
walls. (SubslabWalls, Section2.1.1.2) permeablematerial,suchasaggregate,shouldbeplacedunder
3) Install a 4- by 4-ft areaby 8-m. deepradon suctionpit the slab.If the subslabmaterialhaslow permeability(suchas
(or equivalent)under the slab. (Suction Pits, Section tightly packed sand or clay), or is interrupted by interior subslabwalls (as discussedin Section2.1.1.2), the pressure
field might not extendto all areasof the soil under the slab.
4) Run a 6-m. diameterPVC radon vent pipe from the The building should be designedso that the pressurefield
radon suctionpit to the outdoors.(Radon Vent Pipe, extendsunderthe entirebuilding. To ensurethe properexten-
Section2.1.1.4) sion of the pressurefield, install a 4- to 6-m. layer of clean,
coarseaggregatebeneaththe slabprior to the pour.
5) Install a suctionfan designedfor usein ASD systems.
(SuctionFan, Section2.1.1.5) Aggregate Specifications
f-2 Sealmajor radonentry routesincluding slabandfoun- In most areasof the U.S., subslabaggregateis routinely
dationjoints and cracksand utility and pipe penetra- installed(andfrequentlyrequiredby code)to providea drain-
tions. (SealingRadonEntry Routes,Section2.3) agebedfor moisture‘anda stable,levelsurfacefor pouring the
slab. The preferred aggregatefor ASD systemsis crushed
aggregatemeetingSize#S specificationsasdefmedin ASTM
C-33-90, “Standard Specificationfor ConcreteAggregates”

(11). This aggregateis in the range of l/2 to 1 in. diameter Figure 2-3b iIlustratesthe use of subslabwalls that are
with lessthan 10 percentpassingthrough a 1/2-m sieveand perpendicularto the corridor but do not crossthe corridor. In
hasa free void spaceof approximately50 percent. this example,the subslabwalls would not interruptthe nega-
tive pressurefield under the slab unless the subslab wall
In September1992,the averagecost for a ton of crushed extendedacrossthe corridor (not shownin Figure 2-3b). As a
stonewas $6.86.This costrepresentsan averagefor 20 U.S. result, only oneradon suctionpit would be needed.
cities, with a rangefrom $4.50 to $11.32per ton (12). For a
layer of crushedstone4 in. deep,this would be about$0.10to Figure 2-3~ showstwo subslabwalls eachparallel to the
$0.25 per ft2. corridor. In this case,the subslabarea is divided into three
compartments.For this design,two radon suctionpits would
Aggregate Placement probablybe required,or threeif oneis installedin the corridor
Placea minimumof 4 to 6 in. of aggregateevenlyunder area.
the entire slab,taking carenot to introduceany fine material. Figure 2-3d shows the worst caseexamplefor a cost-
If the aggregateis placedon top of a material with a lot of effectiveASD systemdesign.Subslabwalls run both parallel
fines and compactionof the aggregateis required for struc- and perpendicularto the corridor, dividing the subslabarea
tural or code reasons,a geotextile fabric or an additional into many compartments.For an ASD systemto be effective
reinforcedvaporretarderbeneaththe aggregatecanbe usedso with sucha design,one radon suctionpit would normally be
that fme particles from the natural soil do not mix with the requiredfor eachsubslabcompartment.
aggregate.A vapor retarder should also be placed over the
aggregateprior to pouring the slab. Although the vapor re- Figures2-4aand2-4b illustratethe sideview of theeffect
tarder probably will not serveas a stand-aloneradon barrier of subslabwalls on the designof the ASD system.Figure2-4a
(due to inevitableholes and tearsin the plastic), it will keep correspondsto a possibleASD systemdesignfor the subslab
the wet concretefrom filling in spacesin the aggregatelayer. wall layouts shown in Figures 2-3a and 2-3b. Figure 2-4b
correspondsto the ASD systemdesignrequired for the lay-
Drainage Mats outs in Figures2-3~ and 2-3d. For the “worst case” scenario
shown in Figure 2-3d, this sideview of the suction points
In <areas
wherecrushedaggregateis not readily available would be requiredfor eachareasurroundedby subslabwalls.
or is very expensive,some residential builders have used (Note that the radon suction pit shown in the corridor in
drainagemats designedfor soil stabilization.Drainagemats Figure 24b may not be necessary.)
cost $0.60to $0.72per ft2‘andarenormdly placedunderonly
part of the slab. The use of drainage mats has not been It is importantthattheissueof subslabwalls be addressed
demonstratedby EPA in any schoolsor other largebuildings. early in the planning stages so that the building can be
designedwith limited subslabbarriers. Designing subslab
2.1 .1.2 Subslab Walls walls asillustratedin Figure2-3a will significantlyreducethe
Becauseeverysubslabareaisolatedby subslabwalls will cost of radon prevention as evidencedby the caSestudy
normally needa radon suctionpit andradon ventpipe, limit- (Appendix A).
ing subslabbarriersto airflow will reduce ASD installation
andoperatingcosts.Figure2-2ashowshow an interiorsubslab In buildings where subslabwails must be used, the de-
wall can interrupt the aggregatelayer and,hence,the subslab signer should consider“connecting” subslabareasby elimi-
pressurefield. Figure 2-2b, on the other hand, showshow a nating subslabwalls (Figures2-4a and 2-4b) under interior
continuous aggreg‘atelayer under a thickened slab footing doors. This “connectingor bridging” should allow the nega-
doesnot interruptthe subslabpressurefield. tive pressurefield to extend from a centrally locatedradon
suctionpit to areasthat would haveotherwisebeenisolated.
Figures 2-3a through 2-3d illustrate examplesof four This approachhas had only limited field testing, but it is
subslab wall layouts that have been observed in existing theoretically sound and is undergoing further field testing.
school buildings. The discussionbelow explainsthe effects Subslabcommunicationcould also be facilitated by using
that theseexampleconfigurationshave on ASD systemde- subslab“pipe sleeves”to connectareasseparatedby subslab
sign. walls. Again, using “pipe sleeves”is theoreticallysound,but
hasnot yet beenfield-demonstratedby EPA.
The Figure 2-3a design is preferred for radon control
becauseinternal subslabbarriersare completelyeliminated, 2.1 .1.3 Radon Suction Pits
thus m~aximizingsubslabcommunicationand ASD system Purpose and Specifications
perfonmance.This design is referred to as post-and-beam
constructionand is very commonin modem constructionof Radon suctionpits facilitate communicationthroughout
huge buildings. With this type of building design and the thesubslabaggregatelayer.Figure2-5 presentsan ex,ampleof
otherASD designfeaturesdiscussedin this section,oneradon a radon suction pit that has been successfullyfield-demon-
suction pit should provide adequatepressurefield coverage stratedby EPA in ASD systemsin new construction.The
over 100,000ft2of groundcontactareaor larger.The building most important featureof the pit is that the end of the vent
in the Appendix A casestudyhasthis type of subslablayout. pipe terminatesin a large void (or its equivalent exposed
In ‘anotherrecentlyconstructedbuilding with post-and-beam aggregatesurfacearea).We recommendthat for a 6-m. diam-
construction,oneradonsuctionpoint depressurizedan areaof eterverticalstack,you constructa radonsuctionpit with a 4 ft
480,000 ft*. by 4-ft void areaand 8 in. deep.Thesedimensionsprovidea
pit void to aggregateinterfaceof about7 ft’.

A Concrete Block Wall

Expansion Joint with Backer Rod and

, Polyurethane Pourable Sealant Flush with Slab
PolyWethane Sealant ,

-7 Slab-on-Grade
.f &.‘_

Aggregate (ASTM
Size #5 or

7-- Compacted Soil

Figure 2-2a. Interior footing/foundation wall. Not to scale.

Concrete Block Wail


Aggregate (ASTM
Size #5 or

Compacted Soil

Figure 2-2b. Thickened slab footing. Not to scale.

A suctionpit with a minimumexposedaggregatesurface systemsin existingbuildings becauseof the easeof installa-

areaabout 30 tunes the crosssectionalareaof the ventpipe tion. However,new constructionprovides the designerwith
entranceis very effective. A concretedrainagedistribution the flexibility for selectingthe mostconvenientand effective
box or other structurethat meetsthe 30-l ratio shouldalsobe location for the radon suction pit and vent stack. When the
effective.However,only theconstructiondetailedin Figure2- slabis pouredovertheradonsuctionpit asshownin Figure2-
5 has beenfield-testedby EPA. As shown in Figure2-5, the 5, be sure to follow appropriate structural guidelines for
vent pipe should enter the radon suction pit horizontally so reinforcedconcrete.
that thesuctionpit may be locatedin a centrallocationandthe
verticalventpipemay be locatedwhereveris mostconvenient Location of Radon Suction Pits
ratherthan simply at the pit location. The radon suction pit should be centrally located. A
Alternatively,the ventpipe can exit the radonsuctionpit centrallylocatedpit will provideevenpressurefield extension
vertically. The vertical approachis normally used for ASD in all directions.Do not locate the pit near subslabbarriers

Radon Suction Pit

Radon Pipe Riser to be Encased

All Interior Walls 7

I Non-Load Bearing

Figure 2.3a. Outside walls and post load bearing. Not to scale.
Q 2-4a

(suchasfootings)or nearunsealedopeningsthroughthe slab. a 4-ft by 4-ft by 8-m. deepradon suctionpit, it is necessaryto

As shownin Figure 2-5, the vent pipe shouldenterthe radon haveapproximately240 linearft of 4-m pipe (with ten3/4-m.
suctionpit horizontally. The vent pipe is then run under the holesper ft).
slab,exiting the subslabin a convenientlocation.
Onerecentlyconstructedschoolwith 50,000ft2of ground
Number of Radon Suction Pits contactused11 suctionpoints with 120linear ft of perforated
pipe extendingfrom each suction point, totaling over 1300
With the use of a properly designedradon suction pit, linear ft. Field testingby EPA demonstratedthat only one of
ASTM Size#5 aggregate,the eliminationof subslabbarriers, the 11 suctionpoints wasneededand that the perforatedpipe
andsealingof major radonentry routes,oneradonsuctionpit wasnot necessaryfor an effectiveASD system(7).
per 100,000ft* of slab areashouldresult in a very effective
ASD system.This Figure2-5 approachwasrecentlysuccess- Although some designersuse systemswith perforated
fully demonstratedby EPA in two largebuildings:onebuild- pipe insteadof a radonsuctionpit (7), this type of systemcan
ing is 60,000 ft* in area, and the other is 480,000 ft2. The significantlyincreaseconstructioncostsdueto both theqtuan-
60,000ft* building is discussedin detail in AppendixA. tity of pipe neededand thecostof placement.Therefore,EPA
prefersthe radon suction pit approachto installing subslab
Subslab Perforated Pipe perforatedpipe. If perforatedpipe is used,sizeit so as not to
significantly reduce the air flow which could normally be
Instead of a radon suction pit, some designersprefer achievedthroughthe connecting6-m vent pipe.
laying perforated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) drainage pipe
under the slab and connectingthe perforatedpipe to the vent Interaction With Interior Drainage
pipe. Horizontal perforated pipe is not necessaryin ASD
systemsif the systemis designedas recommendedin this Designersandbuildersof housesalsohavetried connect-
manual.This is becausefor a subslabhorizontalpipe system ing the ASD systeminto interior footing drainagesystems.
to providethe equivalentexposedsurfaceareato aggregateas Although this connectionmight facilitatethe functioningof a

Figure 2.3b. Interior walls between rooms and outside walls load bearlng. Not to scale.

System if the System iS airtight, this approachhasnot

passive Radon vent Pipe
beenevaluatedby EPA in schoolsor other largebuildings.
Similarly, the use of interior footing drains for water
control can affect the pressurefield extensionof an ASD For new constructionof schoolsand other large build-
system.Interior footing drainssometimesterminatein a sump ings,EPA recommends6-in. diametersolid PVC pipe. Other
hole. If this is the case,the builder must seal the sumphole sizesare available;4-in. pipe is normally used for drainage
airtight; if the sump hole is not sealedairtight, building air systemsand plumbing stacksand is easyto route vertically.
will be drawn into the sump by the subslabsystem,and the However,if you arenot planningon sealingexpansionjoints,
pressurefield will be weakened,and pressurefield extension we recommend you use vertical piping at least 6 in. in
will be decreased.It is also possibleto use the sealedsump diameter,This sizepipe is necessarysincegreaterairflow will
hole asa radonsuctionpit; this approachis commonin houses be neededto producethe samelevel of subslabsuctionand
(5), but its applicability in schoolsand other large buildings pressurefield extensionas a systemwith sealedexpansion
h,asnot beendemonstrated. joints.
If interior footing drainsare usedandextendout beneath Building Codes
the footing to daylight or to a sewer,the drain mustbe airtight
while still allowing water to drain in order for the systemto PVC radon vent pipes are typically used in existing
work. Watertrapshavebeenusedin houses,but this approach buildingsbecauseof their easeof handlingandcost;however,
has yet to be demonstratedor evaluatedin schoolsor other building codesin someareasof the countrymight preventthe
kargebuildings. use of PVC piping in some sectionsof buildings. For ex-
ample, specialrestrictionssometimesapply to pipe used in
firewall penetrationsand plenums above dropped ceilings.

Figure 2-3~. Hall and outside walls load bearlng. Not to scale.

Also, building codesin someareasrequiresteelpipe; in most drainsback to the radon suctionpit. Accordingly, it is also
Ness, coderequiressuitablefire stop detailsat any location importantto avoid any low areasin the horizontal pipe that
wherethe exhaustpiping penetratesa fire ratedwall, a ceiling couldblock airflow if condensationwereto accumulatein the
deck, or a floor deck. Generally,PVC pipe can penetratea pipe. One architecthasnotedthat, when piping is installedin
firewall if a materialto block fire is used.Wheninstallingthe droppedceilingsthat mayhavea drop in temperature,insula-
radon vent pipe, make sure you do not violate applicable tion of the piping helpsto avoid condensationproblems.
codes.For example,the building in the Appendix A case
study usedSchedule40 PVC pipe beneaththe slab and steel Labeling of SystemComponents
pipe abovethe slab in order to meetstatecodes. Label the exposedradonventpipe to identify the pipe as
Piping installation a componentof a radonventsystemthat may containhazard-
ous levelsof radon.Labelsshouldbe placedat regularinter-
Attention to detail while installing the verticalriserswill vals (at least every 10 ft) along the entire pipe run. Clearly
help ensurethe proper operationand long life of the system. mark all componentsof radon reduction systemsas radon
Startingat the floor slab,sealany openingsbetweenthe pipe reductiondevicesto ensurethat futureownersof the building
‘andthe floor slab with a high adhesivesealant(polyurethane do not removeor defeatthe system.At the roof exit, attacha
is currentlypreferred).Also, sealall pipingjoints. An illustra- permanentlabel to the vent with a warning suchas “Soil gas
tion of sealingpipe penetrationsthroughthe roof is shownin vent stackmay containhigh levelsof radon; do not placeair
Figure 2-6. Additional details on sealantsand sealing are intake within 25 ft.” Refer to local codes to determinethe
providedin Section2.3. specific minimum distancefor air intakes. The suction fan
dischargelocationis coveredin greaterdetail in the following
It is importantthat all horizontalpipe runs are pitcheda section.
minimum of l/8 in. per ft so that accumulatingcondensation


Radon Suction Pit

I 1 II Radon Suction Pit

i I
1 1
* . / I

I F-1 I
I >; I I
I -f
I kLw*
L-e,, Jl -----e-w 1 :
3 Similar
.- -__------_--~~-- ---- n-x-- ------------------------- T
Radon Suction Pit I
Subslab Footing y!T gzyt!ki ‘S&slab Footing 1
\ Encased (Typ.) I



Figure 2-3d. All interior walls load bearing. Not to scale.

Roof Exhaust Fan,

/ Radon Exhaust Stack

Ceiling ii3l

1 Slab-on-Grade

Radon Suction Pit

Figure 2-4a. Section 1 (corresponds to Figures 2-3a and b). Not to scale.

Radon Exhaust Stack

Roof Exhaust Fan Radon Exhaust Fan


ASTM Size #5 Vertical PVC Pipe (Radon)

Radon Suctinn
Aggregate or Pitt -

Figure 2-4b. Sectlon 1 (corresponds to Figures 2-3o and d). Not to scale. Suction Fan being roughed-in,with the fan to be installed later if needed,
When to Install installationof the waterproofelectricalconnectionabovethe
roof during constructionwill facilitateaddition of the fan.
A suctionfan can be installedduring building construc- Suction Fan Discharge
tion or the piping can be terminatedand cappedat roof level
and the fan installedlater. As discussedpreviously,passive The exhaustdischargeconliguration of an ASD system
systems(without a fan) are not recommendedfor radon should be treatedsimilarly to the dischargeof a laboratory
control in schoolsandother largebuildings.ASD systemfans fume hood or other rooftop exhaustthat vents toxic fumes.
shouldbe operatedcontinuously;otherwiseelevatedlevelsof Somebuilding codes,for example,specifythat any discharge
radonmay accumulate.The costof operatingthe fan contimr- of pollutantsmust be locatedat least25 ft from any outdoor
ously is comparableto the costof operatingany otherexhaust air intakes.Examplesof suitabledischargeconfigurationsare
fan in the building (suchasa restroomexhaustfan). presentedin the Industrial Ventilation Manual of Recom-
Fan Selection and installation mendedPractices,lgth Edition (13). and the 1989 ASHRAE
Use fans manufacturedspecifically for outdoor use in We recommendthat the ventpipe terminatein a vertical
radon control systems.Theseare availablefrom many ven- position above the roof with sufficient height that the dis-
dors in a varietyof sizes.Fansnormally usedfor schoolsand charge does not re-enter the buihling. The discharge can
other large buildings are in-line duct fans rated from 500 to containextremelyhigh levelsof radon.If this configurationis
600 cfm at zero inchesstaticpressure.Becausepiping on the not possible,we recommendthat you choosea configuration
exhaustsideof the fan is underpositivepressureandmight be that providesat leasta 1,000to 1 dilution ratio to the nearest
subjectto leaks,thefan alwaysshouldbe mountedoutsidethe air intakeor operablewindow. Thisdilution ratio is calculated
building. Designersshould be aware that leakageinside the from theASHRAEFundamentalsHandbookChapter14equa-
envelopeof the building is not acceptable. tions (14).
Most installersconnectthe fans to the pipe systemwith Warning Device
rubber sewagepipe connectors.This connectionallows for a
tight seal,quiet operation,and easyreplacementof the fan (if ASD systemdesignersshouldinclude a devicethat warns
needed).Additional materialsand componentsare normally building ownersand occupantsif the systemis not operating
included in a systemto satisfy safetyneeds,systemperfor- properly. A preferredwarning systemhas an electronicpres-
mance indications,and noise reduction. Typically code re- suresensingdevicethatactivatesa warning light or an audible
quirementsdictatethat waterproofelectricalserviceswitches alarm whena systempressuredrop occurs.Thesearereadily
be placedwithin view of the fan to ensurethat the systemwill availablefrom severalsuppliers.We adviseinstallinga device
not be activatedduring maintenance.If the ASD systemis that warns of a pressurechangerather than one that deter-

Stack Vented Through Roof
Concrete Slab
Thickened Concrete Slab

314” Pressure Treated Plywood

Clean Coarse Aggregate 8” x 8” x 8” Concrete Block

ASTM Size #5 or Equivalent

Section A

314” Pressure Treated Plywood

Stack Vented Through Roof


- 8” x 8” x 8” Concrete Block
‘1 r-

Figure 2-5. Radon suction pit. Not to scale.

mines fan operation.Severalthings can stop a systemfrom openingsin the slabnot only reducesystemeffectiveness,but
operatingeffectivelybesidesfan operation.Additionally, the also increaseoperatingcostsby drawing too much air from
fan may still appearto be operatingeven though air flow is inside the building. Section2.3 providescomprehensivein-
severelyreduced. structionsand guidelinesfor sealing.
Install the warningdevicein an areafrequentlyvisitedby 2.1.2 Operation and Maintenance
a responsibleperson,In someschools,warning deviceshave
beenplacedneartheHVAC controlpanelsor in theprincipal’s into ASDthree
system operation and maintenanceconcernsfall
time frames:
office. Someschoolshavechosento connectthe signalfrom a
warning deviceinto the energymanagementsystemcomputer . BeforeOccupancy
for the district.
. Weekly Sealing Major Radon Entry Routes
. Annually
For an ASD systemto be mosteffective,it is importantto
seallargeopenings(suchasutility penetrationsandexpansion
joints) that CNIdefeatextensionof a low pressurefield. Large

Top of Stack
5’ from Any Air intake

Radon Exhaust Fan

4” or 6” PVC Pipe
Polyurethane Sealant Applied Behind _ b--kf
Turnuo and on I._ -.-N Band Draw Band, Required
--.--r ---- -.. Too
--r of
-. the Dm
Minimum 1” Tumup

Approved Fasteners and Disc - EDPM Boot

(Min. of 4) Around Vent Pipe

Slip Sheet
(if required)-


Figure 2-6. Sealing pipe penetratlons through roof. Not to scale.

21 Before Occupancy Weekly
Measureradon levels in the building at least 24 hours Check the pressuregauge(s)in the radon ventpipes and
after the ASD fan is turned on. (Guidelinesfor measuring the system alarm to ensurethat the fan is mainkining ad-
radonlevelsarebriefly coveredin Section2.4 of this manual.) equatenegativepressureto depressurizethe subslabarea.
If you have roughed-in an ASD systemwithout a fan, then
theseradonmeasurementswill determineif it is necessaryto Annually
activateyour systemwith a fan. Many building ownerscon- Inspect the fan for bearing failure or signs of other
tinuously operateASD systemsevenif radon levelswithout abnormaloperation,andrepair or replaceif required.
the systemare below 4 pCi/L. Continuousoperationof the
systemwill further reduceradon exposureto building occu- Inspectthe dischargelocationof the vent pipe to ensure
p‘ants. that no air intakehasbeenlocatednearby,and that a building
usagechangehasnot placedthe exhaustnear operablewin-
Measure Subslab Pressures dows.
If thebuilding haselevatedradonlevels,it is importantto Check the HVAC system to determine if it is being
confirm that the ASD systemis achievingan adequatenega- maintainedand operatedas designed.Even thoughthe ASD
tive pressurefield underall areasof the slab.Measurementof systemmay be functioningas designed,excessivelypowered
the subslabpressurefield is commonlyreferredto aspressure exhaust without adequatemakeup air might overcomean
field extension(PFE)or subslabcommunication. ASD system.
To me<asure PFE, it is necessaryto drill about 10 small If building settling is noted, check for slab, floor, or
holes(approximatelyl/4 to l/2 in. diameter)throughthe slab basementwall cracksand perform radon testing (and addi-
at variousdistancesand directionsfrom the suction pit. Be tional sealing,if needed)to ensurethecontinuedeffectiveness
sureto carefully determinethe locationsof all subslabutility of the system.(Refer to Section2.4 for guidelineson radon
linesbeforedrilling throughthe slab.Then,with the ASD fan measurements.)
off, meaSurethe subslabpressurein eachof the holes.This
should be done using a sensitive device such as a 2.1.3 Additional instructions for
micromanometer;however,somethingas simpleas a chemi- Basements
cal smokestick couldbe usedto determineif air flows into the Instructionsfor designingand installing an ASD system
slab.Thesemeasurementsshould then be repeatedwith the in buildings with basementfoundationsare similar to instruc-
ASD fan turnedon. Oncethe PFEtestsarecomplete,theholes tions for slab-on-gradebuildings. The primary differenceis
shouldbe carefully sealedwith concretepatchingmaterial. that basementwalls provideadditionalradon entry routes.
The purposeof PFE measurements is to confirm that the Below-grade‘walls and stem walls are normally con-
ASD systemmaintainsan adequatenegativepressureunder structedof eitherpouredconcreteor masonryblocks.Section
the slab. A minimum subslabpressureof -0.002 in. water 2.3.3 discussesthe different typesof below-gradewalls and
column(WC) is requiredat all testholesfor an effectiveASD the coatingsthat can be usedto sealthesewalls.
system.If all of the recommendationsfor ASD discussedin
this section are followed, then the pressuresat even the 2.7.4 Additional Instructions for Craw!
farthesttestholes shouldbe at least-0.01 in. WC. If measure- Spaces
mentsindicatethatthereis inadequatepressurefield underthe
slab, troubleshootthe systemby confiiing fan operation, This sectiondescribestwo techniquesfor radonreduction
sealingmajor radon entry routes, locating potential subslab in crawl space buildings: submembranedepressurization
barriers,inspectingtype of aggregateused,andinspectingthe (SMD) and crawl spacedepressurization.SMD is typically a
operationof the HVAC system.(SeeSection2.2 for informa- much more effective approachfor maintaining low radon
tion on how an HVAC systemcan overcomeASD.) levels;consequently,constructionof crawl spacebuildingsin
radonproneareasshouldincludeprovisionsfor SMD.
Somebuilders expressconcernabout drilling holes in a
newly constructedbuilding; however,measurement of PFEis SubmembraneDepressurization (SMD)
the only way to determineif the negativepressureis being Since ASD cannot be used in crawl spaceswith dirt
extended.Detailed guidelines for measuringPFE are de- floors, and difficulties are often encounteredin isolating a
scribedin numerousEPA publications(2,3,9,15)andare also crawl spacefrom the occupiedareaabove,buildersmustuse
discussedin the Appendix A case study. The holes do not alternateradonpreventiontechniquesin crawl spaces.SMD is
compromisethe structureof the building and are normally an effective technique for reducing radon levels in crawl
coveredwith finishedfloor suchas carpetor vinyl. spaces.This techniqueis a variation of the successfulASD
Provide ASD Operating Manual method,and is shownin Figure 2-7. Researchin schoolsand
houseshas shown SMD to be the most effective year-round
An operatingmanualdescribingthe systemand its pur- approachfor reducingradon levelsin crawl spacebuildings
pose should be provided to building owners. The manual (15.16).
should include a discussionof systemcomponents,how to
interpret the system failure warning device, and the other To instaIl a SMD system in a crawl space,6 mil (or
importantmaintenanceneedsof an ASD systemasexplained thicker) polyethylenesheetingis usedas a vaporretarderthat
in this section. forms a small-volumeplenum abovethe soil. A suctionfan

and vent stack are used to pull radon from under the mem- ings. Currently, researchis being done to determineexactly
brane and exhaustit outside the building. Active SMD has how much sealingof the membraneis necessary.
beenwidely applied in houses;limited experienceindicates
that it is also effectivein schools(16). This approachmay be Crawl Space Depressurization
expensivein large crawl spacesdue to the need for large Crawl space&pressurizationis anothermethodfor con-
amountsof polyethylene sheeting;however, becausebuild- trol of indoorradon.For crawl spacedepressurization,a fan is
ings often usepolyethylenesheetingas a vaporretarder,the usedto depressurizethe entirecrawl spacearea The negative
sheetingwould not necessarilybe consideredan additional pressurein the crawl spacerelative to the building interior
mitigation cost. keeps the radon from entering the building. However, the
To install a SMD system,placewide polyethylenesheets negativepressurein the crawl spacewill increaseradonlevels
(with at least 1 ft overlapsbetweenthe sheets)directly on the in the crawl space,so this techniqueshould not be usedif
earth. Be sure to remove any large rocks, broken concrete peopleneedto enter the crawl spacefrequently.Becauseof
blocks,or otherobstructionsbeforeplacement.After the sheet thepotentialfor high radonlevelsin the crawl space,it is very
is placed, we recommendthat you seal the seamsin the importantthat the areabetweenthe crawl spaceand building
polyethylenein the vicinity of the suction point to increase interior is thoroughlysealed.This sealingis alsoimportantto
systemeffectiveness.Use the specialsealantsrecommended reduceenergylossfrom air flowing from the building interior
by the manufacturersof the sheetingfor gluing polyethylene into the crawl space.
together.Where the soil surface is exceptionallyhard and To achievea sufficient negativepressurein the crawl
smoothor thecrawl spaceis very large,usea radonsuctionpit space,the ventsshould be closed.Researchhas shown that
or perforatedpiping manifoldedunderthesheetingto improve closing the crawl space vents will not create a moisture
the pressurefield extension.In large crawl spaceswith many problemif a vaporretarderis placedover the ground(17).
support piers it might be more difficult to install SMD. If
many supportpiers exist, or if the radon suctionpoint hasto A forthcomingEPA manualon radonmitigationof exist-
be locatedcloseto supportpiers,sealthe polyethylenesheet- ing schoolswiIl havea moredetailedsectionon crawl space
ing to the piers. mitigation. Call your state radon office or EPA Regional
Office for moreinformation.
The polyethylene sheeting can also be sealed to the
foundationwalls to reduceair leaks;however,this additional
sealinghasproved to be unnecessaryin someexistingbuild-

Attic/Roof Fan Creates Lower Air

Pressure Beneath the Membrane

Exhaust Stack Abo~ Roof

Pit or Perforated Pipe System

Permeable Material or
Perforated Pipe Network

8 E Positive Pressure

0 P Negative Pressure

Figure 2-7. Submembrane depressurizaiion In crawl space.

2.1.5 ASD Cost Estimates . For crawl space substructures, provide for a
Estimatedtypical costrangesfor the materialsneededfor submembranedepressurizationsystem.(Section2.1.4)
an ASD systemarepresentedin Table2-l. Material costsand . Install an alarm systemand, to ensureASD system
labor costscan vary widely by region. Also, rememberthat effectivenessand longevity, follow all operationand
becausemany buildings normally use aggregateand a rein- maintenancerecommendations.(Section2.1.2)
forced vapor retarder under the slab, they are not usually
consideredan additional costof radonprevention. 2.2 Building Pressurization and
The average total cost of conducting diagnosticsand
insdbng ~1 ASD systemin an existing building is about The heating,ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
$OSO/ft*(9). The total cost of an ASD systemfor a new systemin a modem building has many functions; it must
60,000ft2building was$5,000(seeCaseStudy,AppendixA). regulatetemperature,humidity, air movement,andair qu‘ality
inside the facility. A properly designedand operatedHVAC
2.7.6 Summary of Guidelines for ASD systemcanbeusedto reduceradonlevelsby buildingpressur-
Systems izationand dilution.
In Lareaswhere radon is lmown to be a problem, as a New constructionoffers the opportunity to design and
minimum, it is advisableto rough-m a soil depressurization install the HVAC systemsothat it producesa slightlypositive
systemthat can easilybe madeactivewith a fan. Attention to air pressureinside all areasof the building. Pressurizationis
dek$l in the designstageof the soil depressurizationsystem accomplishedby bringing more outdoor air into the building
will help ensureits success.The following is a review of than is removed.This hasbeenshown to reduceradonlevels
important guidelines for building and designing an ASD in existing schools.The outdoor air also increasesbuilding
system. ventilation,and thusdilutesradon and other indoor conkami-
. Place a continuous4- to 6-m layer of the specified nants.
aggregateunder the slab.(Aggregate,Section2.1.l. 1) The following subsectionscontain designrecommenda-
. Eliminate barriersto subslabairflow such as subslab tions,standardsfor ventilation,andguidelinesfor installation,
walls. (SubslabWalls, Section2.1.1.2) operation,and maintenanceof HVAC systems.As discussed
in the overview of this document,in radon-prone<areas we
. Install a 4 by 4 ft suction pit under the slab. (Radon recommenda combinationof ASD, HVAC pressurization‘and
SuctionPits, Section2.1.1.3) dilution, and sealingof major radon entry routes.
. Run a 6-m diameterradon vent pipe from the radon 2.2.1 Design Recommendations for
suctionpit to the outdoors.(RadonVent Pipe,Section HVAC Systems Building pressurizationis accomplishedby bringing in
. Install a suctionfan designedfor usein ASD systems. more outdoor air than is removed by mechanicalexhaust
(SuctionFan, Section2.1.1.5) systems.Excessair not removedby the exhaustsystemis
forcedout of the building throughcracksandunsealedopen-
. Sealmajor radonentry routesincluding slabandfoun- ings in the building shell, and is referredto asexfiltration.
dation joints ‘andcracksand utility and pipe penetra-
tions. For basementsubstructure,also seal the base- The conceptsof building pressurizationand building
mentwalls. (SealingRadonEntry Routes,Section2.3) depressurizationareillustratedin Figures2-8 and2-9,respec-
tively. In both examplesthe building HVAC systemhas a
supply of 100,000cfm and an exhaustfan that withdraws

Table 2-1. Estimated Costs for Primary ASD Components

ASD Feature Material Cost Comments

Crushed stone (4 in. deep $0.10 to $0.25 per ft* If aggregate is normally used, do not
($4.50 to $11.32 per ton) indude as additional cost.
Radon suction pit (4 x 4 ft) Minimal As shown in Figure 2-5.
Vent stack (6 in. diameter PVC) $2.00 to $3.00 per ft Total cost depends on pipe run length.
Vent stack fittings (6 in. diameter PVC) $20.00 to $30.00 each Total cost depends on system design.
6 mil poly vapor retarder under slab $0.10 to $0.30 per R* Normally included in construction.
Suction fan $300 to $500 each As discussed in Section 2.1 .1.5.
Firebreaks $100 to $150 each At least one per stack and pit.
Sealing joints in concrete $0.40 to $1.50 per linear ft Highly variable, depending on building
(typical 40 x 40 ft slab sections) (includes material and labor) design and location.

15,000 cfm. However, in Figure 2-8 there is an outdoor air Although building pressurization and dilution can reduce
supply of 20,000 cfm, or 20% of the total supply. As a result, radon levels and improve indoor air quality, they do present
the building illustrated in Figure 2-8 is under a positive some concerns as a stand-alone radon control technique.
pressureand 5,000 cfm of air will exfiltrate from the building. These include:
This positive pressure will keep radon from entering the
building while the HVAC system is operating. On the other If total building exhaust capacity is not balanced with
hand, the scenario in Figure 2-9 shows an outdoor air supply an equal or greater amount of conditioned makeup air
of only 5,000 cfm, or 5% of the total supply. In this case,the (outdoor air), the pressurein the building interior will
building is depressurizedby 10,000 cfm. This depressuriza- be negative with respect to the subslab area. This
tion will cause air to infiltrate into the building and can negative pressure acts as a driving force for radon-
exacerbateradon entry into the building. The natural “stack containing soil gas to be drawn into the building.
effect” can also contribute to building depressurization. Open windows and doors make it very difficult to
To minimize the amount of outdoor air neededto pressur- achieve a consistent positive pressurein the building.
ize a building, the shell of the building must, be tightly Start/stop operation of the HVAC system for various
constructed.In addition to facilitating building pressurization, occupancymodesdoesnot allow for continuous build-
a tight building shell will reduce energy costs and allow for ing pressurization.If the HVAC systemis turned off or
improved environmental control. For details on measuringair set back during unoccupied periods, then the specific
leakagerates,refer to ASTM E779 “Standard Test Method for hours of preoccupancystart-up to reduce radon levels
Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization (18):’ that have built up while the system was off should be
Note that large buildings may be difficult to test by this determined on a building-by-building basis.
method becauseof the larger leakage area.
The design and operation limitations of different types
Measurements in existing schools show that a slight of HVAC systemsmust be considered when designing
positive pressure(as little as +O.OO 1 in. WC relative to subslab a system to pressurize the building. For example, the
and outdoors) reducesradon levels by preventing radon entry. design of variable air volume (VAV) systems must
So, radon entry should be prevented while the HVAC system take into consideration the effects of minimum flow
is operating if the building is pressurized. conditions on ventilation and pressurization of the
The supply of outdoor air also helps to reduce radon building.
levels by dilution. For a given constant rate of entry, radon For additional information on the effects that different
concentrations in a building are inversely proportional to types of HVAC systemshave on radon levels in schools,refer
ventilation rates.Thus, for example, to reduceradon levels by to the recent EPA report “HVAC Systems in the Current
a factor of 10, one would have to increase the air exchange Stock of U.S. K-12 Schools’*(20).
rate by that same factor (19). In most cases, such a large
exchangerate may be neither practical nor desirable.

Exhaust Fan

necycleo Air 80,000 CFM Exhaust 15,000 CFM
Positive Pressure From

E Positive Pressure
= Negative Pressure

Figure 2-8. Buildlng positive pressurization with HVAC system.

Exhaust Fan

10,000 CFM

/ 10,000 CFM

@= Positive Pressure
Q= Negative Pressure

Figure 2-9. Example of building depressurization with HVAC system.

2.2.2 Standards for Ventilation Sealall supply and return ductwork at all seamsand
For many yearsit has beencommonpracticeto design joints.
largebuildings with approximately10%more supplyair than Sealall floor and wall penetrations(especiallyunder
returnair in orderto reducedraftsfrom infiltration. Following through-wallunits and in mechanicalrooms,seeSec-
this sameprocedurein a building with a tight shell is likely to tion 2.3).
producea net positivepressurein the building during normal
operation.Examplesof recommendedventilation standards Constructthe building “tightly.”
for commercialbuildings,from ASHRAE Standard62-1989: Control operationof the HVAC relief dampersso that
“Ventilation for AcceptableIndoor Air Quality” (lo), are theymodulateto maintainapositivebuilding pressure
summarizedin Table2-2. The ASHRAE guidelinesarebeing of 0.005 to 0.010 in. WC. Relief dampersshould be
adopted by many statesand national building codes as a controlled by sensingthe differential pressureacross
standardin new construction.The applicationof this standard, the building shell andmodulatingthe relief damperto
coupledwith “tight” construction,is expectedto reduceentry maintainpositivepressurein the building.
of soil gas and increasedilution of building contaminants.
Both the increasedventilationand the pressurizationshould Be sureall applicablebuilding and safetycodes,stan-
help to reduceindoor radonlevels. dards,and guidelinesare followed. Especiallyimpor-
tant in this regard are fue codes,fuel use codes,the
2.2.3 Guidelines for Installation and National Electrical Code, and other safety and me-
Operation chanicalcodes.
It is not practicalto providespecificradoncontrol guide- Be sure to preservethe intended indoor air quality
linesfor designingandoperatingeverytypeof HVAC system. purposesof mechanicalventilation devices.Exhaust
However,the following basicguidelinesfor achievingbuild- fans should remove the moisture, fumes, and other
ing pressurizationshouldbe discussedwith the designengi- contaminantsgeneratedwithin thebuilding. Supplyair
neersduring the planningstage. systemsshould provide temperedair, free of objec-
. Plan the HVAC systemsso that the building interior in tionablequantitiesof contaminants.
all groundcontactroomsis at leastslightly pressurized 2.2.4 Maintenance
(for example,0.005 to 0.010 in. WC). Any effect on
moisturedynamicsandcodeacceptabilitymustalsobe ProperHVAC systemmaintenanceis essentialto ensure
addressedby the building designers. continuedreductionof radon levels and adequateindoor air
quality. This is especiallyimportantin areasknown to have
. Avoid subslabsupplyand/orreturn ductwork. radon problems.The following items are intendedfor build-
. In radon-proneareas,do not locateair supplyor return ing owners and operatorsto assistin proper operationand
ductwork in a crawl space(10). maintenanceof HVAC systems.

Table 2-2. Examples of Outdoor Air Requirements for Ventilation in Commercial Facilities (Source: ASHRAE Standard 62-1989)

Type of Facility Estimated Occupancy, Outdoor Air Requirements

Persons per 1000 ft2 of floor Area (&n/Person) Non-smoking Area
Lobbies 30 15
Conference Rooms 50 20
Assembly Rooms 120 15
Dormitory Sleeping Areas 20 15
Office Spaces 7 20
Reception Areas 60 15
Smoking Lounges 70 60
Barber Shops 25 15
Beauty Shops 25 25
Supermarkets 8 15
Ballrooms & Discos 100 25
Transportation Waiting Rooms 100 15
School Classrooms 50 15
School Laboratories 30 20
School Auditoriums 150 15
Hospital Patient Rooms 10 25
Operating Rooms 20 30
Correctional Cells 20 20
Note: For complete listing refer to ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 (10).

Annually ating under minimum outdoor air conditions. This positive

pressurizationwill reduce radon entry, and the additional
. Replaceair filters at leasttwice a year if high quality, outdoor air will help to dilute radon that does enter the
medium efficiency pleated air filters are used and building.
more frequentlyif non-pleatedor disposablelow effi-
ciencyfilters areused. A building designedto control indoor air contamimants
(including radon) shouldinclude:
. Check the HVAC systemand exhaustfans to deter-
mine if they arebeingoperatedasdesigned.Excessive . Pressurizedgroundcontactrooms
exhaustwithout adequatemakeupair will depresstuize . A well-balancedair distributionsystem
the building, rendering building pressurizationinef-
fective. . Adequatemakeupair
. Inspect the HVAC systemcomponentsand controls . A tight building shell (lessthan 1.0 ach at 25 Pa)
for failure or signsof faulty operation(suchas lossof
dampercontrol) that would restrict the supply of out- Mechanicalsystemsshouldbe designedand installedto
door air. Note: two states,California and Maine, cur- meet the needsof occupanthealth, safety,comfort, energy
rently requireannualinspectionsfor correctoperation conservation,and building longevity. Meeting theseneeds
of the ventilation systemsin schools;other statesare requiresan understandingof how the climate, the building,
consideringsimilar requirements. and the occupantsinteract. Building pressurizationalone,
. If an ASD systemis also installed, inspect the dis- example, operable windows can make it very difficult to
chargelocationof the ASD ventpipe to ensurethat an achieve pressurization.A properly designed and operated
air intake has not been located nearby, or building mechanicalsystem,in conjunctionwith an ASD systemand
usagechangehasnot placedthe exhaustnearoperable sealing of major radon entry routes, should provide cost-
windows. effectiveradonpreventionin new buildings.
Once Every 5 Years 2.3 Sealing Radon Entry Routes
. Test and balance the HVAC system.Rebalancethe This section on sealing radon entry routes covers the
systemasrenovationsand usagechangesoccur. following topics:
2.2.5 Summary of Building . RecommendedSealants(2.3.1)
Pressurization Guidelines . SealingConcreteSlabs(2.3.2)
In a building with a tight shell, slight positivepressuriza- . SealingBelow-gradeWalls (2.3.3)
tion can be achievedby supplying about 10% more outdoor
air than is mechanicallyexhaustedwhen the building is oper- . SealingCrawl Spaces(2.3.4)
Recommendedsealantsfor radon-resistantnew construc- is alwaysa potentialradonentrypoint. To facilitatesealingof
tion arebriefly coveredin Section2.3.1.Sections2., this joint after construction, contractors have deliberately
and2.3.4 coversealingthe mostcommonradonentry routes. createda significant floor/wall joint detail so that it will be
Section2.3.2 is applicableto ah three substructuretypes- easy to work with and seal. One approachis to install an
slab-on-grade,basement,and crawl space- that are con- expansionjoint with the top l/2 to 3/4 in. of thejoint remov-
structedwith poured concrete slabs. Section2.3.3 is appli- able after the concrete sets. This approach leaves enough
cableto basementsubstructures.Section2.3.4providesaddi- spacefor sealingwith a suitablepolyurethanecaulkingbefore
tional sealingrecommendationsfor limiting radonentry from floor coveringis installed.Another approachis to round the
the crawl spaceinto the building interior. slabat the floor/wall joint with an edgingtool and sealit with
polyurethanejoint compound.The expansionjoint shouldbe
On-goingEPA researchon radon-resistantnew construc- as thin as possible (or eliminatedif code permits) to make
tion in homeshasencounterednumerousdifftcultiesin achiev- sealingeasier.It is importantto sealthis joint duringconstruc-
ing a reliable, gastightphysical barrier betweenthe soil gas tion becausethejoint is ofteninaccessibleafter the building’s
andthebuilding (5). This researchindicatesthata nearperfect walls are raisedand floor coveringis laid.
sealingjob is necessaryto achievehigh radon reduction in
homesusing sealingas a stand-aloneradon reduction tech- Architectsand engineersshouldalso be awarethatbuild-
nique in radon-proneareas.Becauseof the difftculties of ingsconstructedwith a combinationof differentsubstructures
achievingcompletesealing, it is normally much more cost may haveadditionalentry routesat the interfacebetweenthe
effectiveto include ASD (Section2.1) and adequateHVAC two typesof substructures.
systemdesign and operation (Section 2.2) in the designof
new buildings in radon-prone areas. However, sealing of Pour Joints and Control Saw Joints
major radon entry routes (as discussedbelow) and good Cracksaredifficult to avoidwhenlargeconcreteslabsare
constructionpractice will enhancethe performanceof both poured.To minimize cracking,builderseitherusepour joints
ASD ‘andHVAC radonpreventiontechniques. becausethe slab was poured in sections,or saw-cutthe slab
2.3.1 Recommended Sealants (control saw joints) to control where a crack will occur, or
both. If neither of thesetechniquesnor post-tensioninghas
Se‘alantsusedfor radon-resistantapplicationsmust have beenemployed,largerslabswill crackunevenlyin unpredict-
good adhesionto concreteand be durable and elastic.The able locations.To facilitate sealing these cracks,make the
popularity of polyurethaneas a suitable elastomericjoint joint or saw-cutlarge enoughto sealwith polyurethanecaulk
compoundis basedon a combinationof strong adhesionto after the slab sets.To sealproperly, both sidesof cold joints
concreteunderdifficult conditions,long servicelife, andgood shouldbe tooled whenpouredand then sealedwhencured.
elasticity (5). Avoid silicone caulks becausethey do not
adhereto concretewell. Slab Penetrations and Openings
Whenyou apply sealants,be suresurfacesareclean,dry, Major slabpenetrationsandopeningsshouldbe seaIedto
and free of grit and that the surface temperatureis above reduce radonentry andto improveASD andbuilding pressur-
freezing.Apply sealantsin accordancewith themanufacturer’s ization systemperformance.Theseslabpenetrationsandopen-
recommendedpractice.Typical dimensionsfor caulk beads ings include utility penetrationsand sumpholes.
are l/2 in. deepby l/4 in. to l/2 in. wide. It may be necessary Utility Penetrations
to usebackerrod whenapplying sealantin wide gaps.
Examplesof utility penetrationsthroughthe slabinclude
2.3.2 Sealing Concrete Slabs water and sewer lines, utility lines to unit ventilators‘and
This sectioncoversall buildings constructedwith con- radiators,electrical serviceentries,subslabconduits,air con-
creteslabs:slab-on-grade,basement,and crawl space. ditioner condensatedrains, and roof drains. The openings
aroundtheseslabpenetrationsshouldbe sealedwith polyure-
Concreteis normally a good radon barrier. The major thane caulks. Many builders use plastic sleevesto protect
problemswith concreteslabsarejoints, slabpenetrations,and metal pipes from corrosionwhen they passthrough the con-
cracks.The following subsectionsprovideguidanceon avoid- creteslab.Thesesleevescanbe removedafter the concreteis
ing theseproblemsby: 1) sealingslabjoints, penetrations,and set, and the spacearound the pipe can then be sealedwith
openings:2) preventingrandomcracksin slabs;and 3) using polyurethanecaulk. The sametechniquesshouldbe usedfor
subslabmembranes.For additionalinformation,refer to Con- pipespassingthrough block walls.
crete Floors on Ground (21) and Guide for Concrete Floor
and Slab Construction (22). In mostconstruction,floor drainsemptyinto a sewerpipe
rather than the soil. In thesecases,the drain itself is not of Slab Joints concern as a radon entry route. The only concern is the
Slabjoints of concernfor radon entry include the floor/ openingaroundthepipepenetrationasdiscussedabove.Where
w<alljoint, pour joints, and control sawjoints. the floor drain does drain into the soil, the drain should
includea filled water trapto preventsoil gasfrom enteringthe
Floorf Wall Joint building
The floor/wall joint (alsocalledperimetercrack)of a slab
is locatedbetweenthe edgeof the floor slabandtheinterior or
exteriorloadbearingwalls. As a coldjoint, thefloor/walljoint

Sump Holes Use higher strength concrete: Typical schoolconcrete
slab constructionuses concrete with a 28&y compressive
Although sump holes are rare in new constructionof strengthof 3,000to 3,500psi. Concretecanbe madestronger
largebuildings,theyareoccasionallyusedascollectionpoints by increasingthe cement content, by reducing the water/
for a subslabdrainagesystem.The sump hole can createa cementratio, or both.
radon collectionsystemthat shouldnot be opento the build-
ing interior. An alternativesubslabdrainagesystemis onethat Subslab Membranes
drains by gravity to daylight, servingthe samepurposeas a Membranesof plasticsusedto control liquid water pen-
sump hole without the radon entry routes. If draining to etrationand water vapor diffusion also are effectivein con-
daylight is not possible,then sealthe sumphole so that there trolling air movement.If they can be adequatelysealedat the
are no air leaks to the building interior. Seal the sumphole joints andpenetrationsandinstalledintact,membranesCNIbe
with a gasketandlid, and ventthe sumpto the outdoorsusing used in conjunction with the sealedconcrete slab to help
plastic pipe (as discussedin Section Also install a providea physicalbarrierto radonentry.Theuseof a polyeth-
submersiblesumppump to removeany water collectedin the ylenevaporretarderwill alsoenhancethe effectivenessof an
sump through a check valve to approveddisposal.Sealed ASD systemby keeping wet concreteout of the aggregate
surnpshave been used as suction pits for ASD systemsin during pouring.
housesby attachinga fan to the PVC pipe (15); however,this
approach has not been field-tested in schools and is not Many typesof membranesare availableincluding:poly-
recommended. ethylene film, reinforced polyethylene film, polyethylene-
coatedkraft paper,PVC membranes,andEPDM membranes.
Radonmitigatorssometimesusesiliconeratherthanpoly- Polyethylenesheetingis commonlyusedas a subslabvapor
urethanecaulksfor sealingsumplids andaccessportsbecause retarderin mostareasof the country.The currentprevalence
theymakea tight fitting gasketthat canberemovedat a future and low cost of this material indicate it is worthwhile to
date.This is satisfactoryif the sumpcoveris bolteddown and continue its use even though it is an imperfect barrier for
the sealis airtight. radon. Crack Prevention 2.3.3 Sealing Belo w-Grade Walls
Cracking of concrete is a natural result of the curing Below-grade walls and stem walls are normally con-
process.Factorsthat affect the curing processinclude water structedof eitherpouredconcreteor masonryblocks.Because
content, cementcontent, aggregatecontent,humidity, tem- thesewalls are in direct contact with the soil, they can be
perature,carbondioxide levels,air movementover the slab major radonentry routes.This sectiondiscussesthe different
surface,andpreparationof the subslabarea.Reinforcementis typesof below-gradewalls and the coatingsthat cranbe used
one of the methodstypically used in large slabs to reduce to sealthesewalls. Penetrationsandopeningsthroughbelow-
cracking.Concreteshouldbe reinforcedandplacedin accor- gradewalls into the soil canalsobe majorradon entryroutes.
dance with American Concrete Institute (ACI) codes and Thesepenetrationsand openingsshouldalways be sealedas
standardpractice. AC1 publishes a number of documents discussedin Section2.3.2.2.
outlining standardpractice.A numberof theseapply to crack
prevention.Specifically,thereaderis referredto AC1302.1R- Wall Types
89, Guide for ConcreteFloor and Slab Construction(22). Poured Concrete Walls
The builder should @eatthe slab in one or more of the In schoolsand other large buildings, foundation walls
following waysto reduceslabcracking. madeof pouredconcreteare generallyconstructedto a mini-
Reinforce with ferrous metals: Imbeda combinationof mum compressive strengthof 3,500 psi. A poured concrete
rebarand wovenwire meshin the slabto increaseits strength. wall can be an excellent barrier to radon; however,as with
concreteslabs, the major problems are cracks,joints, and
Reinforce with fibers: Various fiber additivesareavail- penetrations.We recommendthat concretewalls be built in
able to reinforcepouredconcreteand reducecracking.These compliancewith guidelinesestablishedby AC1 to ensurea
fibers are discussedin AC1 544, State-of-the-ArtReport on strongfoundationand to minimize cracking(24,25).
Masonry Block Walls
Usewater-reducing admixtures: Theseadmixtures(also
known as plasticizers)retain workability at a lower water Foundationwalls built of concretemasonryunits canbe
content,increasingthe strengthof the concreteslab.SeeAC1 designed with open cores,filled cores,or coresclosedat or
212.1R-89, Admixturesfor Concrete,for more information near the top courseor at slablevel.In addition,masonrywalls
(23). are frequentlycoatedwith an exteriorcementitiousmaterial
(referredto as “parging”) for water control. This coating is
Cure properly: Propercuring is critical to the strength usually coveredat the bottom of the wall to make a good
‘2nddurability of poured concrete.Strongerconcretecan be exterior seal at the joint betweenthe footing and the block
achieved by slowing the drying rate. Approachesinclude wall. Other typesof coatingsare discussedbelow in Section
watering the slab during drying, covering it with wet sand, are not effectivewater or Soil-gas
wet sawdust,or a waterprooffilm, or coatingit with a curing barriers.

Concreteblocks are more porous than pouredconcrete, . Coal tar modified polyurethane: coal tar modified
althoughthe parge or waterproofmgcoatscan moderatethe polyurethaneis a cold-applied liquid waterproofmg
difference.RecentEPA laboratorytestshaveconfiied that system.The coatingdrieshard but has someelasticity.
concretemasonry walls can allow substantialairflow, al- One problem with this material is that it can be at-
though there is a great deal of variation in the porosity of tackedby acidsin groundwater,but it can be defended
blocks(26). by a protectionboard.The performanceof any liquid-
applied waterproofingsystemis limited by the capa-
Whenmasonryconstructionis used,it is mandatorythat bilities of the applicator,and it is difficult to achieve
concreteblock walls be built accordingto guidelinesissued evencoatson verticalsurfaces(5).
by the NationalConcreteMasonry Association(NCMA) and
AmericanConcreteInstitute/AmericanSocietyof Civil Engi- . Polymer-modifiedasphalt:polymer-modifiedasphalt
neers.Their publicationscover thiclmessof block, reinforc- is anothercold-appliedliquid waterproofmgsystem.
ing, pilaster location, control joints, sequencingand other As with thesystemmentionedabove,the quality of the
issuesthat influencecrackingand foundationstrength(5). installationdependson the applicator,andit is difficult
to achievean evencoatingon a vertical surface.High
Stemwalls and Interior Walls gradepolymer-modifiedasphaltis superiorto coal tar
Stemwalls,alsocalled frost walls, arebelow-gradefoun- modified polyurethanein elasticity, crack-spanning
dationsthat support the load of the above-gradewalls, and ability, and resealability, but inferior in its resistance
thereby,the roof. Thereis a footing beneathstemwallsbelow to chemicals(5).
thefrost line. The sealingof the slab/stemwalljoint is covered . Membranewaterproofingsystems:membranewater-
under Section2.3.2.1. proofing is advantageousover liquid-appliedsystems
If stemwallsare constructedof concreteblocks,then the in that quality control over thicknessis ensuredby the
top blocks must be solid. This solid block can help prevent manufacturingprocess.Most membranesystems<are
radonfrom enteringthe building: it will also makethe build- also chemicallystableand have good crack-sp,anning
ing easier to mitigate if it has elevatedradon. Sealing the ability. Effectivewaterproofingdemandsthatconcrete
bottomcourseshould preventsoil gasbeneaththe slab from seamsbe smoothso the membraneis not punctured.
enteringthe block wall. Reinforcedthermoplasticmembranescan be applied
in variousways:affixedto walls, laid beneathconcrete Coatings For Below-Grade Walls slabs,or on a layerof sand.Thermoplasticmembranes
There are buihling codes that dictate dampproofmgor are rated highly for resistanceto chemicalsand lon-
waterproofingtreatmentsfor foundations.Any waterproofing gevity. Rubberizedasphaltpolyethylene membranes
materialthatprovidesadequateprotectionagainstwatershould havesuperiorcrack-bridgingability, comparedto fully
greatly reduce convectivesoil gas movement.Properly ap- adheredthermoplasticmembranes(5). However,se<ams
plied waterproofing materialswill help block the pressure- and overlapsmust be carefully and completelysealed
drivenentry of soil gas.Waterproofingbarriersagainstpres- for membranesto functionascompleteradonbarriers.
sure-drivengasflow shouldmeetthe following criteria:good Manufacturers’recommendationsfor sealant,applica-
adhesion,crack-spanningability, flexibility and elasticity tion procedures,and safetyprecautionsshouldbe fol-
through a wide temperaturerange, punctureresistance,and lowed.
chemicaland structural stability over time. The advantages . Surfacebonding cement:surfacebonding mortar or
and disadvantagesof various types of coatingsfor exterior cement is approved by some building codes as
and interior below-gradewalls are discussedbelow. dampproofmgtreatment,but not as a waterproofing
Exterior Wall Coatings treatment.A number of manufacturersproduce ce-
mentsand mortarsimpregnatedwith fibrous glassor
. Bituminous asphalt: the most common exterior other fibers. Some of thesemay be chemically un-
dampproofmgtreatmentfor foundationwallsis a parge stablein the alkalineenvirotunentof Portlandcement
or spray coat cover using bituminous asphalt.The (5).
parge coat is most often used for concretemasonry Interior Wall Coatings
walls. However,data from Oak Ridge NationalLabo-
ratory indicatethat bituminousasphaltcanbe attacked . Cementitiouswaterproofing: a number of additives
by soil and groundwaterchemicals,specificallyacids can be mixed with concrete to create cement-like
(5). Bituminousmaterialsmay alsolosetheir elasticity “waterproofing.” This type of waterproofingis appro-
at below-freezingtemperatures.Thesefeaturesrender priateonly for interior applicationsbecauseit is inelas-
bituminous asphalt an undependablewaterproofing tic, does not have good crack-spanningability, and
treatment;thus, builders should not use bituminous cannotresisthydrostaticpressure.
asphalt for sealing radon entry routes. Bituminous
asphaltis listed by code organizationssuchas Build- . Interior paint asa barrier: a variety of interior applied
ing Officials andCodeAdministrators(BOCA),Coun- masonrypaintsareavailable.Someof thesehavebeen
cil of AmericanBuilding Officials(CABO), andSouth- testedby EPA’s Air andEnergyEngineeringResearch
em Building Code CongressInternational (SBCCI) Laboratory.Resultsof thesetestsshow that a number
only for dampproofmg. of interior paints can be effective radon baniers if
properly applied(26).

2.3.4 Sealing Crawl Spaces Openingsaroundutility penetrationsthat passthrough
Elevatedlevelsof radon can alsobuild up insidea crawl the slabshouldbe thoroughlysealed.
space,especiallyif the crawl spacehasan earthenfloor rather Drain footingandinterior drainagesystemsto daylight
thana pouredconcreteslab.Radonin thecrawl spacecanthen if possible.If a sumphole is necessary,a submersible
enterthe occupiedareaabovethe crawl spacethroughcracks pump should be used, the hole sealedairtight to the
and openingsin the floor. Thorough sealingof thesecracks building, and the sumpventedto the outdoors.
‘andopeningswill help to reduceradonentry into the occupied
<area. To reduceslab crackingthe builder can reinforce the
concretewith ferrousmetalsor fibers,usewaterreduc-
In schoolsand other large buildings, the floor abovethe ing admixtures,usehigherstrengthconcrete,andmake
crawl spaceis typically a suspendedconcreteslabratherthan surethat the concreteis curedproperly.
a wood floor (asin houses).A pouredconcretefloor slabis a
goodbarrier to radon;however,asdiscussedin Section2.3.2, Subslabmembranescanbe usedunder theslabto help
joints and cracksin the slab are potentialradon entry routes provide a physical barrier to radon entry: however,
and must be sealed.Sealingand crack preventiontechniques their most useful purposeis probably to prevent wet
for slabs,coveredin Section2.3.2, shouldbe followed. concretefrom seepinginto the aggregateduring con-
Openingsand penetrationsbetweenthe crawl spaceand
theoccupiedareaaboveshouldbe eliminatedwherepossible. Sealing Below-grade Walls
All otheropeningsandpenetrationsshouldbe carefullysealed Poured concretewalls are good barriers to radon <as
during construction.Openingsand penetrationsof particular longascracksandopeningsaroundutility penetrations
concernare similar to those coveredin Section2.3.2.2 and are sealed.
. If masonryblock walls are used, selectblocks with
. water andsewerlines
. utility lines to unit ventilatorsandradiators low air flow permeabilityand apply exterior and/or
. electricalserviceentries interior coatingsto the walls.
. If stem walls and interior walls are constructedof
In areaswith a high potentialfor elevatedradonlevels,it concreteblocks,the top blocksshould be solid.
may also be necessaryto take a more direct approachby
installinga submembrane depressurizationsystemin thecrawl Sealing Crawl Spaces
space.This technique actually reducesradon levels in the . Thoroughly seal all cracksand openingsin the floor
crawl spacerather than reducing radon entry from the crawl
spaceinto the building and is coveredin Section2.1.4. abovethe crawl space.
. Crawl spacebuildings constructedin radon-pronear-
Radonin thecrawl spacecanalsoentertheoccupiedarea easshoulduse suspendedconcretefloors (ratherthan
aboveif duct work for the HVAC systemis locatedin the wood) above the crawl space and a submembrane
crawl space.Therefore,in radon-proneareas,neitherair sup- depressurization system.
ply nor return duct work shouldbe locatedin the crawl space.
For additional information, refer to ASHRAE Standard62- 2.4 Guidelines for Measuring Radon
1989(10). Levels
2.3.5 Summary of Sealing EPA is currentlyrevisingtheir guidelinesfor conducting
Recommendations radon measurements in schools.Contactyour local, state,or
EPA RegionalOffice for a copy of theseupdatedguidelines
While physical barriers and sealing entry routes will for radon measurementsin schoolsand for radon measure-
reduceradon levels,the primary importanceof sealingis to mentguidelinesfor largebuildings.
enhancethe effectivenessof ASD systemsand building pres-
surization.The following lists summarizeguidelinesfor rec- In addition to measuringradonafter the building is con-
ommendedsealantsand for sealing concreteslabs,below- structed,EPA recommendsthat schoolsbe retestedsometime
gradewalls, and crawl spaces. in the future. This is particularly important if there are any
changesto the building structureor HVAC system.A sug-
RecommendedSealants gestedschedulefor retestingis:
. Use polyurethanesealantssince they adherewell to If theresultsof theinitial testingwereall below 4 pCi/
concrete,havea good servicelife, and goodelasticity. L, retestall frequentlyoccupiedground-contactrooms
. Sealantsshould be applied,accordingto manufactur- sometimein thefuture. As a building settles,cracksin
ers’ recommendations,onto a cleandry surface. the substructureor other structural changesmay in-
Sealing Concrete Slabs
If any areasinitially testedabove4 pCi/L, requiring
. Slabjoints (floor/wall joints, pour joints, and control radonmitigation,retesttheseareasperiodically.Spe-
sawjoints) should be tooled when pouredand sealed cific guidelineson post-mitigationtestingwill be pro-
with polyurethanecaulk aftercuring. vided in an updatedEPA manualon radon mitigation
in schools.
If major renovationsto a building or HVAC system
areplanned,retestthebuilding beforehand.If elevated
radon levels are detected,incorporateradon-resistant
featuresaspart of the renovation.

Appendix A
Case Study
Application of Radon Prevention Design Features to a
Johnson City Rehabilitation Hospital Building

Background Information retarder was placed on top of the aggregateprior to

In late 1990 and 1991, EPA had the opportunity to pouring the slab.
demonstrateASD in a largehospitalbuilding underconsuuc- 3. Sealingof all pour andcontrol sawjoints and any slab
tion in JohnsonCity, Tennessee(6.7). The hospitalbuilding penetrationswith a polyurethanecaulking. (No expan-
is one story with a floor area of about 60,000 sq ft. The sion joints were usedin the building.)
building is slab-on-gradeconstruction with no foundation
walls penetratingthe slab.Mechanicalpiping, electricalcon- 4. Installationof one subslabradonsuctionpit, as shown
duit, and structuralcolumnspenetratethe slab with the col- in Figure 2-5. The pit was locatedin the approximate
umns sitting on footings beneath the slab. These columns centerof the slab and had a 6-in. stack leadingto the
supportsteelbeamsoverheadwhich in turn carry thebarjoists roof. If a radonproblemwerefound when the building
for the roof (post-and-beamconstruction). was completed,plans were to install a turbo fan ca-
pable of moving 500 cfm of soil gas at zero static
This type of constructionis usedin mostcommercialand pressure.
industrial buildings currently being built in the U.S. where
dimensionsarelargein both directions(lengthandwidth). All 5. Continuousoperationof the HVAC fans in order to
internal walls are gypsum board on metal studs, and the pressurizethe building in all areasexceptthosewhere
exteriorwalls are metal stud supportinggypsumboardon the negativepressureis necessaryto control odors, nox-
inside surfaceand an exterior insulation finish systemon the ious chemicals,or infectiousdiseases(toilets,kitchen,
outside. pharmacy,soiledlinens ares,isolation wards,etc.).
The 4-m thick slab waspouredovera 6 mil vaporbarrier Results
underlainwith a 4-in. layer of coarse,crushedaggregatethat AI1 of the above recommendationswere acceptedand
was continuousunder the entire slab. The slab was divided incorporatedinto thebuilding design.Upon completionof the
into about15 ft squaresby a combinationof pourjoints (1,000 shell of the building and sealing of the slab, EPA made
linear ft) andcontrol sawjoints (5,000linearft). No expansiondiagnostic measurementsto determineeffectivenessof the
joints wereused.Turneddown exteriorfoundationwalls were ASD systemin depressurizingthe entire subslabarea.(Refer
used, eliminating an exterior floor-to-wall joint. In other to “MeasureSubslabPressures”in Section2.1.2.1.)Testholes
words, the slab,exterior foundationwalls, and footingswere were drilled through the slab at varying distancesfrom the
pouredmonolithically. radon suctionpit, including a seriesaroundthe entire pcrim-
EPA wasrequestedto review theplansand specifications eterabout6 ft from the slabedge.Radonlevelsbelow theslab
and to recommenda radon mitigation systemsincethe region were measuredby *‘sniffing” with a continuousmonitor and
was known to have high radon potential. After this review, rangedfrom about200 to 1,800pCi/L,.
five recommendationswere madeto the architectdesigning A suction fan was attachedto the radon vent stack in
the building and incorporatedin the plansand specifications. order to determinethe subslabpressurefield. The suctionfan
1. Good compactionof the clay soil under the aggregate movedabout200 cfm of soil gasat a vacuumof about 1.5in.
to decreasepermeability of the material under the WC. Subslab pressuremeasurementswcrc made using a
aggregate. micromanometer.Negativepressurewas 0.47 in. WC in the
radonsuctionpit, 0.22in. WC 50 ft from theradon suctionpit,
2. Minimum of 4 in. of crushedaggregate-meetingSize and 0.18 in. WC at the farthest point on the perimeter (a
#.5specificationsas definedin ASTM C-33-90(ll)- distanceof 185ft). This is consideredextremelygood cxtcn-
carefully placed so as not to include any soil. The sion of the negativepressurefield. Extrapolationof thesedata
stonewas not tampedafter it was placed,and a vapor indicatesthat the mitigation systemcould mitigate a slab as
largeas 1,OOO,OOO fL2.

Upon completionof the building, radonlevelsweremea- Table A-l. Cost of Mitigation System In Johnson City
suredin half of the building using open-facedcharcoalcanis- Hospital
ters.The I-IVAC and the ASD systemswere off for this first Change Order Description cost ($)
set of measurements. Radonlevelsrangedfrom lessthan 0.5
pCi/L (lowest detectablelevel with the open-facedcanisters Change aggregate to ASTM Size #5 stone 0
used)to 53 pCi/L. The highestlevelswere in the bathrooms, Seal all slab cracks and penetrations 2583
particularly thoseattachedto the patient rooms.The patient with polyurethane caulking
room with the highest bathroom radon level had a radon Install subslab suction pit and stack to roof 1275
readingof 10pCi/L. This wasthe highestradonlevelfoundin Install suction fan and alarm system 1510
any non-bathroomareain the buihling.
Total cost $5368
To determinethe effect of the HVAC systemalone,the
entirebuilding was then measuredwith the HVAC systemon
and the ASD systemoff. Again, someof the bathroomshad
elevatedradon levels as did someof the patientrooms.The A low cost, single point ASD system,installed during
bathroomwith the highestradon readingwasagainthe high- construction,has loweredradon levelsin a one-story60,000
est in the building with the I-WAC operating,testing6 pCi/L. ftz hospitalbuilding to nearambientlevels.LeveIsas high as
53 pCi/L were measuredin the building with both the HVAC
The final seriesof testswere madewith both the HVAC and ASD systemsoff, and levels as high as 16 pCi/L were
und ASD systemsoperating. The 20 bathroomswith the measuredwith the HVAC system operating and the ASD
highestradon levelsin the secondseriesof testsand manyof systemoff.
the patient rooms were remeasured.No measurableradon
levels were found in any of the rooms tested.This is not The featuresof this radon-preventionsystemare:
surprising in view of the relatively high negativepressure 1. Slab-on-gradepost-and-beamconstructionwith no bar-
underthe entire slab with the ASD systemin operation. riers to soil gasflow below the slab.
In the Indoor Radon AbatementAct of 1988, the U.S. 2. Continuouslayer of coarse,narrow particle size range
Congressset a long-term goal of reducing the radon level in crushedaggregatea minimumof 4 in. thick.
all buildings in the U.S. to a level as low as that surrounding
the buildings (i.e., ambient).This building, built in a radon- 3. Careful sealingof all slabcracksandpenetrationsand
prone area,appearsto meetthe long-termambientgoal. the useof a 6-mil plasticfilm betweenthe slaband the
4. Low permeabilitylayer beneaththe aggregate.(In this
Incrementalcostsof theseradonpreventionfeatureswere case,the compactedclay beneaththe aggregateditself
easilytabulatedsincethe contractfor thebuilding hadbeenlet was highly impermeable.)
beforethe ASD systemwas addedto the design.Hence,the
cost of the ASD system and sealing was coveredby four 5. A subslabradonsuctionpit havinga void to aggregate
changeordersfor which the constructioncontractorcharged interfaceareaof 5 to 7 ft2and a 6-in. diameterstackto
an additional$5,300.This is lessthan$0.10per sq ft of floor the roof.
space.Specificationshad alreadycalledfor 4 in. of aggregate
under the slab, and there was no charge for the changein 6. An exhaustfan (on the stack)capableof exhaustinga
aggregatesize used. The other three changeorderscovered minimumof 500 cfm at no head.
installation of the radon suction pit and stack to the roof, For additionaldetailson this and other casestudies,refer
sealingof all pour and control sawjoints with a poIyurethane to References3,4,6,7,8, and 16.
caulking,andinstallationof the suctionfan and alarmsystem.
The costs of the four changeorders are summarizedin
Table A-l. A survey of eight recently constructedschool
buildings showedthat the cost of installing radon mitigation
systemsduring constructionrangedfrom $0.30to over $1.00
per sq ft (8). Hence, the mitigation systeminstalledduring
constructionin this new building cost only a fraction of the
cost of systemsinstalledin the eight schools.

Appendix B
1. U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency, U.S. Depart- ing, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
ment of Health and Human Services,and U.S. Public Inc., Atlanta, 1989.
Health Service.A Citizen’s Guide to Radon(Second
Edition), May 1992. 11. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM
C-33-90), Standard Specification for Concrete Ag-
2. U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency. Radon Re- gregates,1990.
duction Techniques in Schools-Interim Technical
Guidance.U.S. EPA Offtce of Radiation Programs. 12. EngineeringNews Record,September7.1992, pg 45.
EPA-520/l-89-020 (NTIS PB90-160086). October 13. Industrial Ventilation 19* Edition: A Manual of Rec-
1989. ommendedPractices,Committeeon Industrial Venti-
3. Leovic, K.W. Summaryof EPA’s Radon Reduction lation, Lansing,MI, 1986.
Researchin SchoolsDuring 1989-90.U.S. EPA, Of- 14. 1989ASHRAE FundamentalsHandbook,Chapter14,
fice of Researchand Development.EPA-600/8-90- page 14.4,Figure 17.
072 (NTIS PB91-102038).October 1990.
15. U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency. Radon Re-
4. Craig, A.B., K.W. Leovic, and D.B. Harris. Designof duction Techniquesfor DetachedHouses-Technical
radonresistantand easy-to-mitigatenew schoolbuild- Guidance(SecondEdition). EPA-625/5-87-017,Janu-
ings. Presentedat the 1991InternationalSymposium ary 1988.
on RadonandRadonReductionTechnology,Philadel-
phia, PA, April 1991. 16. Pyle, B.E. and K.W. Leovic. A Comparisonof Radon
Mitigation Optionsfor Crawl SpaceSchool Buildings.
5. U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency. Radon-resis- Presentedat the 1991Symposiumon Radon and Ra-
tantConstructionTechniquesfor New ResidentialCon- don Reduction Technology,Philadelphia,PA, April
struction-Technical Guidance. Office of Research 1991.
and Development.EPA/625/2-91/032.February1991.
17. Dutt, G.S., D.I. Jacobson,R.G. Gibson, and D.T.
6. Craig, A.B., K.W. Leovic, and D.B. Harris. Designof Harrje. Measurementof Moisturein Crawl SpaceRet-
New Schoolsand Other Large Buildings Which are rofits for EnergyConservation.Presentedat the Build-
Radon-ResistantandEasyto Mitigate.Presentedat the ing ThermalEnvelopCoordinatingCouncil,Ft.Worth,
Fifth InternationalSymposiumon the Natural Radia- TX, 1986.
tion Environment,Salzburg,September1991.
18. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM
Craig, A.B., D.B. Harris, and K.W. Leovic. Radon E779), Standard Test Method for Determining Air
Preventionin Constructionof SchoolsandOtherLarge LeakageRateby Fan Pressurization,1987.
Buildings-Status of EPA’s Program.Presentedat the
1992InternationalSymposiumon Radon and Radon 19. Cavallo, A., K. Gadsby, and T.A. Reddy. Natural
ReductionTechnology,Minneapolis,MN, September BasementVentilation as a Radon Mitigation Tech-
22-25, 1992. nique.EPA&O/R-92-059 (NTIS PB92-166958).April
Craig, A.B., K.W. Leovic, and D.W. Saum.Cost and
Effectivenessof Radon Resistant Featuresin New 20. Parker,J.D. HVAC Systemsin the Current Stock of
SchoolBuildings,HealthyBuildings-IAQ’9 1,Wash- U.S. K-12 Schools.EPA-600/R-92-125(NTIS PB92-
ington, D. C., September4-8,199l. 218338).July 1992.
Leovic, K.W., H.E. Rector, and N.L. Nagda.Costsof 21. Portland Cement Association, Concrete Floors on
Radon Diagnosticsand Mitigation in School Build- Ground,Skokie, IL, 1990.
ings. Presentedat the 85th Annual Meetingand Exhi-
bition of the Air and WasteManagementAssociation, 22. AmericanConcreteInstitute (AC1 302.1R-89),Guide
KansasCity, MO, June21-26, 1992. for ConcreteFloor andSlabConstruction,Detroit, MI,
10. ASHRAE 1989.Ventilation for AcceptableIndoor Air
Quality. Standard62-1989.AmericanSocietyof Heat- 23. American Concrete Institute (AC1 212-lR-89), Ad-
mixturesfor Concrete,Detroit, MI, 1989.

24. American Concrete Institute (AC1 318-89). Building 26. Ruppersberger,J.S. The Use of Coatingsand Block
CodeRequirementsfor ReinforcedConcrete,Detroit, Specificationto ReduceRadonInflow ThroughBlock
MI, 1989. BasementWalls. In: Proceedings:The 1990 Intema-
tional Symposiumon Radon and Radon Reduction
25. AmericanConcreteInstitute(AC131&l-89), Building Technology.Volume2: SymposiumOral Papers(Ses-
CodeRequirementsfor StructuralPlain Concrete,De- sions V-IX). EPA-600/g-91-026b (NTIS PB91-
trait, MI, 1989. 234450),July 1991.

Appendix C
EPA Regional Offices and Contacts
Region 1 - Region 6
JFK FederalBuilding 1445RossAve.
Boston, MA 02203 Dallas TX, 75202
Attention: RadiationProgramManager Attention:RadiationProgramManager
(617) 5654502 (214) 655-7223

Region 2 Region 7
(NJ, NY) (IA, KS, MO, NE)
26 FederalPlaza 726 MinnesotaAve.
New York, NY 10278 KansasCity, KS 66101
Attention: RadiationProgramManager Attention:RadiationProgramManager
(212) 2644418 (913) 551-7020

Region 3 Region 8
(DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV) (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
841 ChestnutBuilding 999 18thSt.
Philadelphia,PA 19107 DenverPlace,Suite 500
Attention: RadiationProgramManager Denver,CO 80202-2405
(215) 597-8320 Attention:RadiationProgramManager
(303) 293-1709
Region 4
Region 9
345 CourtlandSt. N.E. (AZ, CA, I-K W
Atlanta, GA 30365 75 HawthorneSt.
Attention: RadiationProgmmManager SanFrancisco,CA 94105
(404) 347-3907 Attention:RadiationProgramManager
(415) 744-1045
Region 5
Region 10
77 WestJacksonBlvd. (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Chicago,IL 60604 1200Sixth Ave.
Attention: RadiationProgramManager Seattle,WA 98101
From: IN, MI, MN, OH & WI: Attention:RadiationProgramManager
(800) 621-8431 (206) 442-7660
From: IL:
(800) 572-2515


This addendum to the technical guidance manual, “Ra- CMUs turned on their sides.In the school where this was first
don Prevention in the Design andConstruction of Schoolsand demonstrated,the contractor made the change to all interior
Other Large Buildings,” is included in this printing of the walls at no extra cost. Basedon these resuits, we recommend
manual in order to make available new technology which has that blocks be turned on all interior walls in buildings in which
been developed and field-verified since the manual was ini- ASD is installed except toilet walls serving as pipe chases.
tially printed. In the future, the entire manual will be revised These should not be turned and should be sealedfrom any
and all new technology, including this addendum, will be open contact with the subslabaggregate.
incorporated into the body of the manual.

Increasing Pressure Field Extension by Improved Suction Pits

Modifying Subslab Walls The suction pit recommendedin the manual is described
in Section (page 13) and illustrated in Figure 2-5 (page
Section describesthe effect of subslabbarriers on 20). Since the manual was issued, two new suction pits of
pressurefield extension (PFE). It states,“...the designershould improved design have been developed and field-tested. The
consider ‘connecting’ subslab areas by eliminating subslab first is shown in Figure 2-12. It is constructedfrom angle iron
walls...under interior doors....Subslabcommunication could which supports a covering of expanded metal decking. This
also be facilitated by using subslab ‘pipe sleeves’ to connect new suction pit is smaller (3 by 3 ft in areaand 12 in. deep) but
areasseparatedby subslab walls.” has the same void-to-aggregate interface (7 ft*) as the one
shown in Figure 2-5.
Another technique, now field-tested, has been shown to
be extremely effective in improving PFE through block walls. The secondnew suction pit is smaller and much simpler
Every other concretemasonry unit (CMU) is turned on its side to construct. It is shown in Figure 2- 13. It is constructedfrom
in the first row of block below the slab in interior walls. This a rolled cylinder of expandedmetal decking with a sheetmetal
allows soil gas to passthrough the subslabwall, significantly top and bottom. When it is 8 in. tall and fitted with a 6 in.
improving PFE. PFE tests have shown that this essentially stack, it will exhaust an area of at least 20,000 ft*. When the
makes the wall disappear as far as PFE is concerned. This area to be covered is less than about 10,000 ft*, the pit can be
technique is shown in Figures 2-10 and 2- 11.In one field test, 6 in. tall and fitted with a 4 in. stack and a smaller fan if the
adequate negative pressure was still maintained after the distancebetweenthe pit and the fan is not too great (less than
pressurefield had passedthrough four successivewalls with about 20 ft).

Figure 2-10. Every other lnterlor wall block Is turned on Its side to allow soll gas to pass through.

CMU Wall

4” Concrete Slab on
10 mil Vapor Barrier
Seal All Slab Joints & Pipes

, u/Y./
h I
,v I

- -
Lintel Block Filled with Concrete

Turn Every Other 6”x6”~16”

CMU Horit. So Soil Gas Can
Pass Through

- Footing

Figure 2-11. Interior CMU wall.

11/2”x18 Ga.TypeB
Gab. Mtl. Deck 6 - #4 Rebar x 8’ 0” Long
I E.W. Centered Over Pit

6” Suction Pipe

Angle 2x2x1/4” cont. Angle 2x2x1/4” Vert. Poured Concrete

T 8 B Around @ ea. Comer Base
Perimeter of Pit Expanded Metal on
All 4 Sides Welded to
Angle Supports

Figure 2-12. Revised subslab suction pit

Rigid 6” or 8”x48” #13 Expanded Metal Decking (1/2”xl”)

Direction Rolled into Cyhnder and Overlap Welded

Steel Plate

Decking 4 112” Hole for 4” Suction Pipe (6” Pit)
6 l/2” Hole for 6” &tion Pipe (8” Pit)

Figure 2-13. Smaller subslab suction pit.

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