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Issued under the authority of

Office of preparation

Copies available from:

(1) Positional Astronomy Centre,

PHONE: (033) 2367-1200/1201/1202
FAX: (033) 2367-1203
E-MAIL : pac.kolkata@imd.gov.in
Website: www.packolkata.gov.in

(2) Office of the Director General of Meteorology,

India Meteorological Department,
Mausam Bhavan, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 110003

Sale Price : Rs. 600.00


The Indian Astronomical Ephemeris is published annually by the India Meteorological

Department (IMD) for providing data to astronomers. The specialty of this publication is that it
contains calendric information which caters to the requirement of the country’s panchang makers
and other users. Thus, it has great civil and cultural significance. This has been the mandate given
to the Positional Astronomy Centre at Kolkata by the Govt. of India.

The calculations of the Indian Calendar portion, such as tithe, nakshatra, etc. are given in
Indian Standard Time (IST) and covers an extended period upto 21st March, 2025 which is the end
of the year 1946 Saka Era of the Indian National Calendar. A separate note has also been given to
explain the terminology and the basis of different calculations relating to the Indian Calendar.

The epoch of the standard reference system in this publication is J 2000.0 and the
argument of the ephemerides is Terrestrial Time (TT). The resolutions of the Indian Astronomical
Union (IAU) recommending the changes from time to time including a list of new IAU constants
are given in Part VI – Indian Calendar and Explanation.

Our sincere thanks are due to the Nautical Almanac Office, United States Naval
Observatory and Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac office, U.K.

The work of preparation and publication of the Indian Astronomical Ephemeris for 2024
has been done under the supervision of Shri Debapriya Roy, Head, Positional Astronomy Centre,
India Meteorological Department, Kolkata.

Dr. M. Mohapatra
Mausam Bhawan Director General of Meteorology
New Delhi –110 003
30 August, 2023 A.D.
(12 Bhadra , 1945 Saka Era)
This page is intentionally kept blank
Preface . . . . . . . . . . III


Time Scales . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chronological Table . . . . . . . . . 3
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . 4
Sidereal Time . . . . . . . . . . 13
Mean longitude and anomaly of Sun . . . . . . . . 17
Ephemeris of the Sun . . . . . . . . . 18
Rectangular Co-ordinates of the Sun . . . . . . . . 34
Ephemeris for physical observations of the Sun . . . . . . . 42
Ephemeris of the Moon . . . . . . . . . 46
Ephemeris for physical observations of the Moon . . . . . . . 88
Ephemerides of planets :
Mercury . . . . . . . . . . 96
Venus . . . . . . . . . . 112
Mars . . . . . . . . . . 126
Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . 140
Saturn . . . . . . . . . . 154
Uranus . . . . . . . . . . 168
Neptune . . . . . . . . . . 182
Pluto . . . . . . . . . . 196
Osculating Elements of Planets . . . . . . . . . 200
Centre of Mass of the Solar System . . . . . . . . 202
Longitude and Latitude of Stars . . . . . . . . 204
Mean Places of Stars . . . . . . . . . . 215
Apparent Places of Stars . . . . . . . . . 227
Besselian Day Numbers . . . . . . . . . 244
Second Order Day Numbers . . . . . . . . . 252
Position and Velocity of the Earth . . . . . . . . 256
Precession and Nutation . . . . . . . . . 257
Apparent Places of Polaris . . . . . . . . . 272
Polaris Tables . . . . . . . . . . 275


Sunrise, Sunset and Twilight ( Meridian of Greenwich ) . . . . . . 280
Duration of Twilight. . . . . . . . . . 288
Sunrise, Sunset and Twilight -- Correction for Southern Latitudes . . . . . 290
Sunrise and Sunset for certain Stations in India . . . . . . . 292
Moonrise and Moonset for the Central Meridian and Certain Stations in India . . . . 296
Moonrise and Moonset -- Reduction to L. M. T. of other Meridians . . . . . 312
Sunrise, Sunset and Moonrise, Moonset -- Correction for Latitude . . . . . 313
Reduction of Local Mean Time into the Indian Standard Time . . . . . . 314
Sunrise, Sunset and Moonrise, Moonset -- Method of Calculation . . . . . 315
Phases of the Moon . . . . . . . . . 317
Eclipses of the Sun and the Moon . . . . . . . . 320
Occultations of Planets and Bright Stars . . . . . . . . 330


Phenomena : Elongations and Magnitudes of Planets . . . . . . 336
Conjunctions, oppositions, etc., of Planets with the Sun (in Longitude) . . . 338
Conjunctions of Planets with the Moon and other Planets (in Longitude) . . . 339
Conjunctions of Planets with Bright Stars (in R.A.) . . . . . 340
Astronomical Diary . . . . . . . . . 341
Table I --- Conversion of mean Solar into Sidereal Time . . . . . . 345
Table II --- Conversion of sidereal into Mean Solar Time . . . . . . 346
Table III --- Conversion of Arc to Time . . . . . . . 347
Table IV --- Conversion of Time to Arc . . . . . . . 348
Table V --- Conversion of Hours, Minutes and Seconds to Decimals of a Day . . . . 349
Table VI --- Conversion of Minutes and Seconds to Decimals of a Degree . . . . 352
Table VII --- Interpolation Coefficients . . . . . . . 353
Table VIII --- Everett Coefficients of the Second Differences . . . . . . 355
Table IX --- Julian Day Number . . . . . . . . 357
Table X, Xa, Xb --- Atmospheric Refraction . . . . . . . 358
Table XI --- Factors for Computing the Geocentric Co-ordinates of a Place . . . . 361
Table XII --- Conversion of Geographic to Geocentric Co-ordinates . . . . . 362
Latitude and Longitude of Places . . . . . . . . 363
Semi-diurnal and Semi-nocturnal Arcs, etc. . . . . . . . 367
Natural Trigonometric Functions . . . . . . . . 368
Standard Time . . . . . . . . 369


Explanatory Note . . . . . . . . . . 374
Phenomena & Mean Rahu, 2024 . . . . . . . . 377
Indian Calendar, Saka Era 1944– 1945 . . . . . . . . 378
Principal Festivals and Anniversaries for Holidays . . . . . . . 408
Moslem Festivals . . . . . . . . . 411
The Islamic Calendar (Hejira 1444 - 1445) . . . . . . . 411
The Parsi Calendar and Festivals . . . . . . . . 412
The Jewish Calendar and Festivals . . . . . . . . 412
Christian Festivals . . . . . . . . . . 413
The Indian Lunar Calendar . . . . . . . . . 414
Ayanamsa . . . . . . . . . . 417
Longitudes of Sun, Moon and Planets, 2024 . . . . . . . 418
Declination of Sun and Latitude and Declination of Moon, 2024 . . . . . 422
Latitude and Declination of Planets, 2024 . . . . . . . . 424
Longitude of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, 2024 . . . . . . . 426
Explanation . . . . . . . . . . 427
Index . . . . . . . . . . 470
2 TIME-SCALE, 2024

Julian date for Standard epoch

1900 January 0, 12h U.T. = JD 241 5020.0
B 1950.0 = 1950 Jan. 0.923 = JD 243 3282.423
B 2024.0 = 2024 Jan. 0.846 = JD 246 0310.346
J 2024.5 = 2024 July 2.125 = JD 246 0493.625
J 2000.0 = 2000 Jan. 1.5 = JD 245 1545.0

Tabulations of Julian date against calendar date for 2020 are given on pages 4 to12 and for other years are
given at Table IX of Part-V on page 359.
The fraction of the year from 2020.5 is tabulated with the Besselian day numbers on pages 244-251.


The lengths of the principal years and mean months at 2024.0 as derived from the Sun’s mean motion
and mean Orbital elements respectively are:

Length of the year (ephemeris days ) :

d d h m s
Tropical (equinox to equinox ) 365.242190 = 365 05 48 45.2
Sidereal (fixed star to fixed star) 365.256363 = 365 06 09 09.8
Anomalistic (perigee to perigee) 365. 259635 = 365 06 13 52.5
Eclipse (node to node) 346. 620074 = 346 14 52 54.4

Length of the Month (ephemeris days)

d d h m s
Synodic (new moon to new moon) 29.5305888 = 29 12 44 02.9
Tropical (equinox to equinox) 27.3215822 = 27 07 43 04.7
Sidereal (fixed star to fixed star) 27.3216615 = 27 07 43 11.6
Anomalistic (perigee to perigee) 27.5545501 = 27 13 18 33.1
Nodical (node to node) 27.2122207 = 27 05 05 35.9

h m s
Length of the day: Mean Sidereal 23 56 04.09053 of mean Solar time.
Mean Solar 24 03 56.55537 of mean Sidereal time.


Golden Number or Lunar Cycle XI Solar Cycle 17

Epact 19 Roman Indiction 2

Dominical Letter GF


The year 1946 of the Saka Era (Indian National Calendar) begins on March 21, 2024.
The year 1946 of the Saka Era or Saka Shalivahana (Lunisolar, Traditional Calendar) begins on April 9, 2024.
The year 1946 of the Saka Era (Solar, Traditional Calendar) begins on April 14, 2024.
The year 5125 Kali Era begins on April 14, 2024.
The year 2081 of the Vikram Samvat begins on April 09, 2024 (Chaitradi) and November 2, 2024 (Kartikadi) according
to different systems of reckoning.
The year 1431 of the Bengali on April 14, 2024.
The year 1200 of the Kollam Era begins on August 17, 2024.
Jovian year (Barhaspatya Varsa or 60-year cycle of Jupiter) 52 Pingala begins on May 15, 2024 (North Indian Usage),
and 37 Sobhona March 22, 2023 (Lunar Chaitradi) or April 14, 2023 (Solar) (South Indian Usage).
Vedanga Jyotisa year 5- Idvatsara of the 5-year cycle (389 th cycle of Paitamaha Siddhanta) begins on February 10,
The year 2568 of the Buddha Nirvana era begins on May 23, 2024.
The year 2551 of the Mahavira Nirvana Era begins on November 2, 2024.
The year 1446 of the Mohammedan Era begins on July 8, 2024.
The year 1394 of the Yazdejardi Era begins on August 15, 2024 according to the Indian Parsi (Shahenshahi) Calendar.
The year 6737 of the Julian period begins on January 14, 2024.
The year 5785 of the Jewish Era (A.M. ) begins on October 03, 2024.
The year 2800 of the Greek Olympiad, being the 4th year of the 4-Year cycle (700 th Olympiad ) begins on July, 2024.
The year 2777 of the Foundation of Rome ( A.U.C. ) begins on January 14, 2024.
The year 2773 of the Nabonassar begins on April 17, 2024.
The year 2336 of the Seleucidean era begins in the present-day usage of the Syrians on September 14 or October 14,
2024 according to different sects.
The Gregorian Year 2024 begins on January 1, 2024.

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1945 Saka Era
Dec. 28 362 Thu -187.125 -0.0110 306.5 Pausha 7 282
29 363 Fri 186.125 -0.0082 307.5 8 283
30 364 Sat 185.125 -0.0055 308.5 9 284
Dec. 31 365 Sun 184.125 -0.0027 309.5 10 285
Jan. 1 1 Mon 183.125 0.0000 310.5 11 286
2 2 Tue 182.125 0.0027 311.5 12 287
3 3 Wed 181.125 0.0055 312.5 13 288

4 4 Thu -180.125 0.0082 313.5 14 289 4-Last Quarter

h m
5 5 Fri 179.125 0.0110 314.5 15 290 03 30 U.T.
6 6 Sat 178.125 0.0137 315.5 16 291
7 7 Sun 177.125 0.0164 316.5 17 292
8 8 Mon 176.125 0.0192 317.5 18 293
9 9 Tue 175.125 0.0219 318.5 19 294
10 10 Wed 174.125 0.0246 319.5 20 295

11 11 Thu -173.125 0.0274 320.5 21 296 11-New Moon

h m
12 12 Fri 172.125 0.0301 321.5 22 297 11 57 U.T.
13 13 Sat 171.125 0.0329 322.5 23 298
14 14 Sun 170.125 0.0356 323.5 24 299
15 15 Mon 169.125 0.0383 324.5 25 300
16 16 Tue 168.125 0.0411 325.5 26 301
17 17 Wed 167.125 0.0438 326.5 27 302

18 18 Thu -166.125 0.0465 327.5 28 303 18-First Quarter

h m
19 19 Fri 165.125 0.0493 328.5 29 304 3 53 U.T.
20 20 Sat 164.125 0.0520 329.5 30 305
21 21 Sun 163.125 0.0548 330.5 Magha 1 306
22 22 Mon 162.125 0.0575 331.5 2 307
23 23 Tue 161.125 0.0602 332.5 3 308
24 24 Wed 160.125 0.0630 333.5 4 309

25 25 Thu -159.125 0.0657 334.5 5 310 25-Full Moon

h m
26 26 Fri 158.125 0.0684 335.5 6 311 17 54 U.T.
27 27 Sat 157.125 0.0712 336.5 7 312
28 28 Sun 156.125 0.0739 337.5 8 313
29 29 Mon 155.125 0.0767 338.5 9 314
30 30 Tue 154.125 0.0794 339.5 10 315
31 31 Wed 153.125 0.0821 340.5 11 316

Feb. 1 32 Thu -152.125 0.0849 341.5 12 317

2 33 Fri 151.125 0.0876 342.5 13 318 2-Last Quarter
h m
3 34 Sat 150.125 0.0904 343.5 14 319 23 18 U.T.
4 35 Sun 149.125 0.0931 344.5 15 320
5 36 Mon 148.125 0.0958 345.5 16 321
6 37 Tue 147.125 0.0986 346.5 17 322
7 38 Wed -146.125 0.1013 347.5 18 323

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2459 1945 Saka Era
Feb. 8 39 Thu -145.125 0.1040 348.5 Magha 19 324
9 40 Fri 144.125 0.1068 349.5 20 325 9-New Moon
h m
10 41 Sat 143.125 0.1095 350.5 21 326 22 59 U.T.
11 42 Sun 142.125 0.1123 351.5 22 327
12 43 Mon 141.125 0.1150 352.5 23 328
13 44 Tue 140.125 0.1177 353.5 24 329
14 45 Wed 139.125 0.1205 354.5 25 330

15 46 Thu -138.125 0.1232 355.5 26 331

16 47 Fri 137.125 0.1259 356.5 27 332 16-First Quarter
h m
17 48 Sat 136.125 0.1287 357.5 28 333 15 01 U.T.
18 49 Sun 135.125 0.1314 358.5 29 334
19 50 Mon 134.125 0.1342 359.5 30 335
20 51 Tue 133.125 0.1369 360.5 Phalguna 1 336
21 52 Wed 132.125 0.1396 361.5 2 337

22 53 Thu -131.125 0.1424 362.5 3 338

23 54 Fri 130.125 0.1451 363.5 4 339
24 55 Sat 129.125 0.1478 364.5 5 340 24-Full Moon
h m
25 56 Sun 128.125 0.1506 365.5 6 341 12 30 U.T.
26 57 Mon 127.125 0.1533 366.5 7 342
27 58 Tue 126.125 0.1561 367.5 8 343
28 59 Wed 125.125 0.1588 368.5 9 344

29 60 Thu -124.125 0.1615 369.5 10 345

Mar. 1 61 Fri 123.125 0.1643 370.5 11 346
2 62 Sat 122.125 0.1670 371.5 12 347
3 63 Sun 121.125 0.1698 372.5 13 348 3-Last Quarter
h m
4 64 Mon 120.125 0.1725 373.5 14 349 15 23 U.T.
5 65 Tue 119.125 0.1752 374.5 15 350
6 66 Wed 118.125 0.1780 375.5 16 351

7 67 Thu -117.125 0.1807 376.5 17 352

8 68 Fri 116.125 0.1834 377.5 18 353
9 69 Sat 115.125 0.1862 378.5 19 354
10 70 Sun 114.125 0.1889 379.5 20 355 10-New Moon
h m
11 71 Mon 113.125 0.1917 380.5 21 356 09 00 U.T.
12 72 Tue 112.125 0.1944 381.5 22 357
13 73 Wed 111.125 0.1971 382.5 23 358

14 74 Thu -110.125 0.1999 383.5 24 359

15 75 Fri 109.125 0.2026 384.5 25 360
16 76 Sat 108.125 0.2053 385.5 26 361
17 77 Sun 107.125 0.2081 386.5 27 362 17-First Quarter
h m
18 78 Mon 106.125 0.2108 387.5 28 363 4 11 U.T.
19 79 Tue 105.125 0.2136 388.5 29 364
20 80 Wed -104.125 0.2163 389.5 30 365

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
Mar. 21 81 Thu -103.125 0.2190 390.5 Chaitra 1 1
22 82 Fri 102.125 0.2218 391.5 2 2
23 83 Sat 101.125 0.2245 392.5 3 3
24 84 Sun 100.125 0.2272 393.5 4 4
25 85 Mon 99.125 0.2300 394.5 5 5 25-Full Moon
h m
26 86 Tue 98.125 0.2327 395.5 6 6 7 00 U.T.
27 87 Wed 97.125 0.2355 396.5 7 7

28 88 Thu -96.125 0.2382 397.5 8 8

29 89 Fri 95.125 0.2409 398.5 9 9
30 90 Sat 94.125 0.2437 399.5 10 10
31 91 Sun 93.125 0.2464 400.5 11 11
Apr. 1 92 Mon 92.125 0.2491 401.5 12 12
2 93 Tue 91.125 0.2519 402.5 13 13 2-Last Quarter
h m
3 94 Wed 90.125 0.2546 403.5 14 14 3 15 U.T.

4 95 Thu -89.125 0.2574 404.5 15 15

5 96 Fri 88.125 0.2601 405.5 16 16
6 97 Sat 87.125 0.2628 406.5 17 17
7 98 Sun 86.125 0.2656 407.5 18 18
8 99 Mon 85.125 0.2683 408.5 19 19 8-New Moon
h m
9 100 Tue 84.125 0.2711 409.5 20 20 18 21 U.T.
10 101 Wed 83.125 0.2738 410.5 21 21

11 102 Thu -82.125 0.2765 411.5 22 22

12 103 Fri 81.125 0.2793 412.5 23 23
13 104 Sat 80.125 0.2820 413.5 24 24
14 105 Sun 79.125 0.2847 414.5 25 25
15 106 Mon 78.125 0.2875 415.5 26 26 15-First Quarter
h m
16 107 Tue 77.125 0.2902 416.5 27 27 19 13 U.T.
17 108 Wed 76.125 0.2930 417.5 28 28

18 109 Thu -75.125 0.2957 418.5 29 29

19 110 Fri 74.125 0.2984 419.5 30 30
20 111 Sat 73.125 0.3012 420.5 31 31
21 112 Sun 72.125 0.3039 421.5 Vaisakha 1 32
22 113 Mon 71.125 0.3066 422.5 2 33
23 114 Tue 70.125 0.3094 423.5 3 34 23-Full Moon
h m
24 115 Wed 69.125 0.3121 424.5 4 35 23 49 U.T.

25 116 Thu -68.125 0.3149 425.5 5 36

26 117 Fri 67.125 0.3176 426.5 6 37
27 118 Sat 66.125 0.3203 427.5 7 38
28 119 Sun 65.125 0.3231 428.5 8 39
29 120 Mon 64.125 0.3258 429.5 9 40
30 121 Tue 63.125 0.3285 430.5 10 41
May 1 122 Wed -62.125 0.3313 431.5 11 42 1-Last Quarter
11h 27m U.T.

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
May 2 123 Thu -61.125 0.3340 432.5 Vaisakha 12 43
3 124 Fri 60.125 0.3368 433.5 13 44
4 125 Sat 59.125 0.3395 434.5 14 45
5 126 Sun 58.125 0.3422 435.5 15 46
6 127 Mon 57.125 0.3450 436.5 16 47
7 128 Tue 56.125 0.3477 437.5 17 48
8 129 Wed 55.125 0.3505 438.5 18 49 8-New Moon
h m
3 22 U.T.
9 130 Thu -54.125 0.3532 439.5 19 50
10 131 Fri 53.125 0.3559 440.5 20 51
11 132 Sat 52.125 0.3587 441.5 21 52
12 133 Sun 51.125 0.3614 442.5 22 53
13 134 Mon 50.125 0.3641 443.5 23 54
14 135 Tue 49.125 0.3669 444.5 24 55
15 136 Wed 48.125 0.3696 445.5 25 56 15-First Quarter
11h 48m U.T.
16 137 Thu -47.125 0.3724 446.5 26 57
17 138 Fri 46.125 0.3751 447.5 27 58
18 139 Sat 45.125 0.3778 448.5 28 59
19 140 Sun 44.125 0.3806 449.5 29 60
20 141 Mon 43.125 0.3833 450.5 30 61
21 142 Tue 42.125 0.3860 451.5 31 62
22 143 Wed 41.125 0.3888 452.5 Jyaisha 1 63

23 144 Thu -40.125 0.3915 453.5 2 64 23-Full Moon

h m
24 145 Fri 39.125 0.3943 454.5 3 65 13 53 U.T.
25 146 Sat 38.125 0.3970 455.5 4 66
26 147 Sun 37.125 0.3997 456.5 5 67
27 148 Mon 36.125 0.4025 457.5 6 68
28 149 Tue 35.125 0.4052 458.5 7 69
29 150 Wed 34.125 0.4079 459.5 8 70

30 151 Thu -33.125 0.4107 460.5 9 71 30-Last Quarter

h m
31 152 Fri 32.125 0.4134 461.5 10 72 17 13 U.T.
June 1 153 Sat 31.125 0.4162 462.5 11 73
2 154 Sun 30.125 0.4189 463.5 12 74
3 155 Mon 29.125 0.4216 464.5 13 75
4 156 Tue 28.125 0.4244 465.5 14 76
5 157 Wed 27.125 0.4271 466.5 15 77

6 158 Thu -26.125 0.4299 467.5 16 78 6-New Moon

h m
7 159 Fri 25.125 0.4326 468.5 17 79 12 38 U.T.
8 160 Sat 24.125 0.4353 469.5 18 80
9 161 Sun 23.125 0.4381 470.5 19 81
10 162 Mon 22.125 0.4408 471.5 20 82
11 163 Tue 21.125 0.4435 472.5 21 83
12 164 Wed -20.125 0.4463 473.5 22 84

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
June 13 165 Thu -19.125 0.4490 474.5 Jyaishtha 23 85
14 166 Fri 18.125 0.4518 475.5 24 86 14-First Quarter
h m
15 167 Sat 17.125 0.4545 476.5 25 87 5 18 U.T.
16 168 Sun 16.125 0.4572 477.5 26 88
17 169 Mon 15.125 0.4600 478.5 27 89
18 170 Tue 14.125 0.4627 479.5 28 90
19 171 Wed 13.125 0.4654 480.5 29 91

20 172 Thu -12.125 0.4682 481.5 30 92

21 173 Fri 11.125 0.4709 482.5 31 93
22 174 Sat 10.125 0.4737 483.5 Ashadha 1 94 22-Full Moon
h m
23 175 Sun 9.125 0.4764 484.5 2 95 1 08 U.T.
24 176 Mon 8.125 0.4791 485.5 3 96
25 177 Tue 7.125 0.4819 486.5 4 97
26 178 Wed 6.125 0.4846 487.5 5 98

27 179 Thu -5.125 0.4873 488.5 6 99

28 180 Fri 4.125 0.4901 489.5 7 100 28-Last Quarter
h m
29 181 Sat 3.125 0.4928 490.5 8 101 21 53 U.T.
30 182 Sun 2.125 0.4956 491.5 9 102
July 1 183 Mon 1.125 0.4983 492.5 10 103
2 184 Tue -0.125 0.5010 493.5 11 104
3 185 Wed +0.875 0.5038 494.5 12 105

4 186 Thu +1.875 0.5065 495.5 13 106

5 187 Fri 2.875 0.5093 496.5 14 107 5-New Moon
h m
6 188 Sat 3.875 0.5120 497.5 15 108 22 57 U.T.
7 189 Sun 4.875 0.5147 498.5 16 109
8 190 Mon 5.875 0.5175 499.5 17 110
9 191 Tue 6.875 0.5202 500.5 18 111
10 192 Wed 7.875 0.5229 501.5 19 112

11 193 Thu +8.875 0.5257 502.5 20 113

12 194 Fri 9.875 0.5284 503.5 21 114
13 195 Sat 10.875 0.5312 504.5 22 115 13-First Quarter
h m
14 196 Sun 11.875 0.5339 505.5 23 116 22 49 U.T.
15 197 Mon 12.875 0.5366 506.5 24 117
16 198 Tue 13.875 0.5394 507.5 25 118
17 199 Wed 14.875 0.5421 508.5 26 119

18 200 Thu +15.875 0.5448 509.5 27 120

19 201 Fri 16.875 0.5476 510.5 28 121
20 202 Sat 17.875 0.5503 511.5 29 122
21 203 Sun 18.875 0.5531 512.5 30 123 21-Full Moon
h m
22 204 Mon 19.875 0.5558 513.5 31 124 10 17 U.T.
23 205 Tue 20.875 0.5585 514.5 Sravana 1 125
24 206 Wed +21.875 0.5613 515.5 2 126

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
July 25 207 Thu +22.875 0.5640 516.5 Sravana 3 127
26 208 Fri 23.875 0.5667 517.5 4 128
27 209 Sat 24.875 0.5695 518.5 5 129
28 210 Sun 25.875 0.5722 519.5 6 130 28-Last Quarter
h m
29 211 Mon 26.875 0.5750 520.5 7 131 2 52 U.T.
30 212 Tue 27.875 0.5777 521.5 8 132
31 213 Wed 28.875 0.5804 522.5 9 133

Aug. 1 214 Thu +29.875 0.5832 523.5 10 134

2 215 Fri 30.875 0.5859 524.5 11 135
3 216 Sat 31.875 0.5887 525.5 12 136
4 217 Sun 32.875 0.5914 526.5 13 137 4-New Moon
h m
5 218 Mon 33.875 0.5941 527.5 14 138 11 13 U.T.
6 219 Tue 34.875 0.5969 528.5 15 139
7 220 Wed 35.875 0.5996 529.5 16 140

8 221 Thu +36.875 0.6023 530.5 17 141

9 222 Fri 37.875 0.6051 531.5 18 142
10 223 Sat 38.875 0.6078 532.5 19 143
11 224 Sun 39.875 0.6106 533.5 20 144
12 225 Mon 40.875 0.6133 534.5 21 145 12-First Quarter
h m
13 226 Tue 41.875 0.6160 535.5 22 146 15 19 U.T.
14 227 Wed 42.875 0.6188 536.5 23 147

15 228 Thu +43.875 0.6215 537.5 24 148

16 229 Fri 44.875 0.6242 538.5 25 149
17 230 Sat 45.875 0.6270 539.5 26 150
18 231 Sun 46.875 0.6297 540.5 27 151
19 232 Mon 47.875 0.6325 541.5 28 152 19-Full Moon
h m
20 233 Tue 48.875 0.6352 542.5 29 153 18 26 U.T.
21 234 Wed 49.875 0.6379 543.5 30 154

22 235 Thu +50.875 0.6407 544.5 31 155

23 236 Fri 51.875 0.6434 545.5 Bhadra 1 156
24 237 Sat 52.875 0.6461 546.5 2 157
25 238 Sun 53.875 0.6489 547.5 3 158
26 239 Mon 54.875 0.6516 548.5 4 159 26-Last Quarter
h m
27 240 Tue 55.875 0.6544 549.5 5 160 09 26 U.T.
28 241 Wed 56.875 0.6571 550.5 6 161

29 242 Thu +57.875 0.6598 551.5 7 162

30 243 Fri 58.875 0.6626 552.5 8 163
31 244 Sat 59.875 0.6653 553.5 9 164
Sept. 1 245 Sun 60.875 0.6680 554.5 10 165
2 246 Mon 61.875 0.6708 555.5 11 166
3 247 Tue 62.875 0.6735 556.5 12 167 3-New Moon
h m
4 248 Wed +63.875 0.6763 557.5 13 168 1 56 U.T.

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
Sept. 5 249 Thu +64.875 0.6790 558.5 Bhadra 14 169
6 250 Fri 65.875 0.6817 559.5 15 170
7 251 Sat 66.875 0.6845 560.5 16 171
8 252 Sun 67.875 0.6872 561.5 17 172
9 253 Mon 68.875 0.6900 562.5 18 173
10 254 Tue 69.875 0.6927 563.5 19 174
11 255 Wed 70.875 0.6954 564.5 20 175 11-First Quarter
h m
6 06 U.T.
12 256 Thu +71.875 0.6982 565.5 21 176
13 257 Fri 72.875 0.7009 566.5 22 177
14 258 Sat 73.875 0.7036 567.5 23 178
15 259 Sun 74.875 0.7064 568.5 24 179
16 260 Mon 75.875 0.7091 569.5 25 180
17 261 Tue 76.875 0.7119 570.5 26 181
18 262 Wed 77.875 0.7146 571.5 27 182 18-Full Moon
2h 34m U.T.
19 263 Thu +78.875 0.7173 572.5 28 183
20 264 Fri 79.875 0.7201 573.5 29 184
21 265 Sat 80.875 0.7228 574.5 30 185
22 266 Sun 81.875 0.7255 575.5 31 186
23 267 Mon 82.875 0.7283 576.5 Asvina 1 187
24 268 Tue 83.875 0.7310 577.5 2 188 24-Last Quarter
h m
25 269 Wed 84.875 0.7338 578.5 3 189 18 50 U.T.

26 270 Thu +85.875 0.7365 579.5 4 190

27 271 Fri 86.875 0.7392 580.5 5 191
28 272 Sat 87.875 0.7420 581.5 6 192
29 273 Sun 88.875 0.7447 582.5 7 193
30 274 Mon 89.875 0.7474 583.5 8 194
Oct. 1 275 Tue 90.875 0.7502 584.5 9 195
2 276 Wed 91.875 0.7529 585.5 10 196 2-New Moon
18h 49m U.T.
3 277 Thu +92.875 0.7557 586.5 11 197
4 278 Fri 93.875 0.7584 587.5 12 198
5 279 Sat 94.875 0.7611 588.5 13 199
6 280 Sun 95.875 0.7639 589.5 14 200
7 281 Mon 96.875 0.7666 590.5 15 201
8 282 Tue 97.875 0.7694 591.5 16 202
9 283 Wed 98.875 0.7721 592.5 17 203

10 284 Thu +99.875 0.7748 593.5 18 204 10-First Quarter

h m
11 285 Fri 100.875 0.7776 594.5 19 205 18 55 U.T.
12 286 Sat 101.875 0.7803 595.5 20 206
13 287 Sun 102.875 0.7830 596.5 21 207
14 288 Mon 103.875 0.7858 597.5 22 208
15 289 Tue 104.875 0.7885 598.5 23 209
16 290 Wed +105.875 0.7913 599.5 24 210

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
Oct. 17 291 Thu +106.875 0.7940 600.5 Asvina 25 211 17-Full Moon
h m
18 292 Fri 107.875 0.7967 601.5 26 212 11 26 U.T.
19 293 Sat 108.875 0.7995 602.5 27 213
20 294 Sun 109.875 0.8022 603.5 28 214
21 295 Mon 110.875 0.8049 604.5 29 215
22 296 Tue 111.875 0.8077 605.5 30 216
23 297 Wed 112.875 0.8104 606.5 Kartika 1 217

24 298 Thu +113.875 0.8132 607.5 2 218 24-Last Quarter

h m
25 299 Fri 114.875 0.8159 608.5 3 219 8 03 U.T.
26 300 Sat 115.875 0.8186 609.5 4 220
27 301 Sun 116.875 0.8214 610.5 5 221
28 302 Mon 117.875 0.8241 611.5 6 222
29 303 Tue 118.875 0.8268 612.5 7 223
30 304 Wed 119.875 0.8296 613.5 8 224

31 305 Thu +120.875 0.8323 614.5 9 225

Nov. 1 306 Fri 121.875 0.8351 615.5 10 226 1-New Moon
h m
2 307 Sat 122.875 0.8378 616.5 11 227 12 47 U.T.
3 308 Sun 123.875 0.8405 617.5 12 228
4 309 Mon 124.875 0.8433 618.5 13 229
5 310 Tue 125.875 0.8460 619.5 14 230
6 311 Wed 126.875 0.8488 620.5 15 231

7 312 Thu +127.875 0.8515 621.5 16 232

8 313 Fri 128.875 0.8542 622.5 17 233
9 314 Sat 129.875 0.8570 623.5 18 234 9-First Quarter
h m
10 315 Sun 130.875 0.8597 624.5 19 235 5 55 U.T.
11 316 Mon 131.875 0.8624 625.5 20 236
12 317 Tue 132.875 0.8652 626.5 21 237
13 318 Wed 133.875 0.8679 627.5 22 238

14 319 Thu +134.875 0.8707 628.5 23 239

15 320 Fri 135.875 0.8734 629.5 24 240 15-Full Moon
h m
16 321 Sat 136.875 0.8761 630.5 25 241 21 28 U.T.
17 322 Sun 137.875 0.8789 631.5 26 242
18 323 Mon 138.875 0.8816 632.5 27 243
19 324 Tue 139.875 0.8843 633.5 28 244
20 325 Wed 140.875 0.8871 634.5 29 245

21 326 Thu +141.875 0.8898 635.5 30 246

22 327 Fri 142.875 0.8926 636.5 Agrahayana 1 247
23 328 Sat 143.875 0.8953 637.5 2 248 23-Last Quarter
h m
24 329 Sun 144.875 0.8980 638.5 3 249 01 28 U.T.
25 330 Mon 145.875 0.9008 639.5 4 250
26 331 Tue 146.875 0.9035 640.5 5 251
27 332 Wed +147.875 0.9062 641.5 6 252

Day Day Day Days Fraction Julian Indian Calendar Phases
of of of since of Day Day of Month Day of the
Month Year Week J 2024.5 Year (at 0h of Moon
since U.T.) Year
Jan. 1.0
2460 1946 Saka Era
Nov. 28 333 Thu +148.875 0.9090 642.5 Agrahayana 7 253
29 334 Fri 149.875 0.9117 643.5 8 254
30 335 Sat 150.875 0.9145 644.5 9 255
Dec. 1 336 Sun 151.875 0.9172 645.5 10 256 1-New Moon
h m
2 337 Mon 152.875 0.9199 646.5 11 257 06 21 U.T.
3 338 Tue 153.875 0.9227 647.5 12 258
4 339 Wed 154.875 0.9254 648.5 13 259

5 340 Thu +155.875 0.9282 649.5 14 260

6 341 Fri 156.875 0.9309 650.5 15 261
7 342 Sat 157.875 0.9336 651.5 16 262
8 343 Sun 158.875 0.9364 652.5 17 263 8-First Quarter
h m
9 344 Mon 159.875 0.9391 653.5 18 264 15 27 U.T.
10 345 Tue 160.875 0.9418 654.5 19 265
11 346 Wed 161.875 0.9446 655.5 20 266

12 347 Thu +162.875 0.9473 656.5 21 267

13 348 Fri 163.875 0.9501 657.5 22 268
14 349 Sat 164.875 0.9528 658.5 23 269
15 350 Sun 165.875 0.9555 659.5 24 270 15-Full Moon
h m
16 351 Mon 166.875 0.9583 660.5 25 271 9 02 U.T.
17 352 Tue 167.875 0.9610 661.5 26 272
18 353 Wed 168.875 0.9637 662.5 27 273

19 354 Thu +169.875 0.9665 663.5 28 274

20 355 Fri 170.875 0.9692 664.5 29 275
21 356 Sat 171.875 0.9720 665.5 30 276
22 357 Sun 172.875 0.9747 666.5 Pausha 1 277 22-Last Quarter
h m
23 358 Mon 173.875 0.9774 667.5 2 278 22 18 U.T.
24 359 Tue 174.875 0.9802 668.5 3 279
25 360 Wed 175.875 0.9829 669.5 4 280

26 361 Thu +176.875 0.9856 670.5 5 281

27 362 Fri 177.875 0.9884 671.5 6 282
28 363 Sat 178.875 0.9911 672.5 7 283
29 364 Sun 179.875 0.9939 673.5 8 284
30 365 Mon 180.875 0.9966 674.5 9 285 30-New Moon
h m
31 366 Tue 181.875 0.9993 675.5 10 286 22 27 U.T.
32 1 Wed +182.875 1.0021 676.5 11 287
The new epoch is the middle of the Julian year, denoted by J 2023.5 (i.e. 2024, July 2.875) where the length
of the Julian year is taken to be 365.25 days.
The Fraction of year is reckoned from January 1, 0h U.T and is based on the tropical year of 365.2422 days.
The Julian Day begins at noon. In order to obtain the Julian Day Number completed at noon as given in
Table IX, increase the above figure by 0.5.
The Day of year of the Gregorian Calendar is reckoned from January 1, and that of the Indian Calendar from
Chaitra 1.


Date Mean Equation Greenwich Date Mean Equation Greenwich
Greenwich of the Transit of Mean Greenwich of the Transit of Mean
Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at
0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.) 0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.)
of the Equinox) U.T. of the Equinox) U.T.

h m s s h m s h m s s h m s
Jan. 0 6 36 40.072 -0.328 17 20 29.003 Feb. 15 9 38 01.619 -0.255 14 19 37.167
1 6 40 36.628 0.328 17 16 33.093 16 9 41 58.175 0.256 14 15 41.258
2 6 44 33.183 0.330 17 12 37.184 17 9 45 54.730 0.253 14 11 45.348
3 6 48 29.739 0.333 17 08 41.274 18 9 49 51.285 0.248 14 07 49.439
4 6 52 26.294 0.337 17 04 45.365 19 9 53 47.841 0.242 14 03 53.529
5 6 56 22.849 0.340 17 00 49.455 20 9 57 44.396 0.236 13 59 57.620
6 7 00 19.405 -0.340 16 56 53.546 21 10 01 40.952 -0.232 13 56 01.710
7 7 04 15.960 0.338 16 52 57.637 22 10 05 37.507 0.230 13 52 05.801
8 7 08 12.515 0.333 16 49 01.727 23 10 09 34.062 0.230 13 48 09.891
9 7 12 09.071 0.324 16 45 05.818 24 10 13 30.618 0.234 13 44 13.982
10 7 16 05.626 0.312 16 41 09.908 25 10 17 27.173 0.240 13 40 18.072
11 7 20 02.181 0.300 16 37 13.999 26 10 21 23.728 0.247 13 36 22.163
12 7 23 58.737 -0.289 16 33 18.089 27 10 25 20.284 -0.255 13 32 26.254
13 7 27 55.292 0.281 16 29 22.180 28 10 29 16.839 0.263 13 28 30.344
14 7 31 51.848 0.278 16 25 26.270 29 10 33 13.395 0.270 13 24 34.435
15 7 35 48.403 0.279 16 21 30.361 Mar. 1 10 37 09.950 0.275 13 20 38.525
16 7 39 44.958 0.283 16 17 34.451 2 10 41 06.505 0.277 13 16 42.616
17 7 43 41.514 0.287 16 13 38.542 3 10 45 03.061 0.275 13 12 46.706
18 7 47 38.069 -0.291 16 09 42.632 4 10 48 59.616 -0.271 13 08 50.797
19 7 51 34.624 0.291 16 05 46.723 5 10 52 56.171 0.265 13 04 54.887
20 7 55 31.180 0.289 16 01 50.813 6 10 56 52.727 0.258 13 00 58.978
21 7 59 27.735 0.283 15 57 54.904 7 11 00 49.282 0.253 12 57 03.068
22 8 03 24.290 0.275 15 53 58.995 8 11 04 45.837 0.251 12 53 07.159
23 8 07 20.846 0.266 15 50 03.085 9 11 08 42.393 0.252 12 49 11.249
24 8 11 17.401 -0.258 15 46 07.176 10 11 12 38.948 -0.258 12 45 15.340
25 8 15 13.957 0.252 15 42 11.266 11 11 16 35.504 0.267 12 41 19.430
26 8 19 10.512 0.247 15 38 15.357 12 11 20 32.059 0.276 12 37 23.521
27 8 23 07.067 0.246 15 34 19.447 13 11 24 28.614 0.283 12 33 27.611
28 8 27 03.623 0.247 15 30 23.538 14 11 28 25.170 0.287 12 29 31.702
29 8 30 60.178 0.251 15 26 27.628 15 11 32 21.725 0.286 12 25 35.793
30 8 34 56.733 -0.256 15 22 31.719 16 11 36 18.280 -0.283 12 21 39.883
31 8 38 53.289 0.262 15 18 35.809 17 11 40 14.836 0.278 12 17 43.974
Feb. 1 8 42 49.844 0.267 15 14 39.900 18 11 44 11.391 0.273 12 13 48.064
2 8 46 46.400 0.271 15 10 43.990 19 11 48 07.947 0.269 12 09 52.155
3 8 50 42.955 0.272 15 06 48.081 20 11 52 04.502 0.268 12 05 56.245
4 8 54 39.510 0.271 15 02 52.171 21 11 56 01.057 0.269 12 02 00.336
5 8 58 36.066 -0.266 14 58 56.262 22 11 59 57.613 -0.272 11 58 04.426
6 9 02 32.621 0.258 14 55 00.352 23 12 03 54.168 0.279 11 54 08.517
7 9 06 29.176 0.249 14 51 04.443 24 12 07 50.723 0.287 11 50 12.607
8 9 10 25.732 0.239 14 47 08.533 25 12 11 47.279 0.296 11 46 16.698
9 9 14 22.287 0.232 14 43 12.624 26 12 15 43.834 0.305 11 42 20.788
10 9 18 18.843 0.230 14 39 16.714 27 12 19 40.389 0.313 11 38 24.879
11 9 22 15.398 -0.231 14 35 20.805 28 12 23 36.945 -0.318 11 34 28.969
12 9 26 11.953 0.237 14 31 24.896 29 12 27 33.500 0.321 11 30 33.060
13 9 30 08.509 0.244 14 27 28.986 30 12 31 30.056 0.321 11 26 37.151
14 9 34 05.064 0.251 14 23 33.077 31 12 35 26.611 0.319 11 22 41.241
15 9 38 01.619 -0.255 14 19 37.167 Apr. 1 12 39 23.166 -0.314 11 18 45.332

N.B.-Apparent Sidereal Time = Mean Sidereal Time + Equation of Equinoxes for the instant


Date Mean Equation Greenwich Date Mean Equation Greenwich
Greenwich of the Transit of Mean Greenwich of the Transit of Mean
Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at
0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.) 0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.)
of the Equinox) U.T. of the Equinox) U.T.

h m s s h m s h m s s h m s
Apr. 1 12 39 23.166 -0.314 11 18 45.332 May 17 15 40 44.713 -0.297 8 17 53.496
2 12 43 19.722 0.308 11 14 49.422 18 15 44 41.269 0.302 8 13 57.586
3 12 47 16.277 0.302 11 10 53.513 19 15 48 37.824 0.307 8 10 01.677
4 12 51 12.832 0.299 11 06 57.603 20 15 52 34.379 0.312 8 06 05.768
5 12 55 09.388 0.299 11 03 01.694 21 15 56 30.935 0.315 8 02 09.858
6 12 59 05.943 0.304 10 59 05.784 22 16 00 27.490 0.316 7 58 13.949
7 13 03 02.499 -0.311 10 55 09.875 23 16 04 24.045 -0.313 7 54 18.039
8 13 06 59.054 0.320 10 51 13.965 24 16 08 20.601 0.308 7 50 22.130
9 13 10 55.609 0.328 10 47 18.056 25 16 12 17.156 0.299 7 46 26.220
10 13 14 52.165 0.332 10 43 22.146 26 16 16 13.712 0.289 7 42 30.311
11 13 18 48.720 0.333 10 39 26.237 27 16 20 10.267 0.280 7 38 34.401
12 13 22 45.275 0.329 10 35 30.327 28 16 24 06.822 0.271 7 34 38.492
13 13 26 41.831 -0.323 10 31 34.418 29 16 28 03.378 -0.266 7 30 42.582
14 13 30 38.386 0.317 10 27 38.508 30 16 31 59.933 0.265 7 26 46.673
15 13 34 34.941 0.311 10 23 42.599 31 16 35 56.488 0.267 7 22 50.763
16 13 38 31.497 0.307 10 19 46.689 June 1 16 39 53.044 0.271 7 18 54.854
17 13 42 28.052 0.306 10 15 50.780 2 16 43 49.599 0.275 7 14 58.944
18 13 46 24.608 0.308 10 11 54.871 3 16 47 46.155 0.278 7 11 03.035
19 13 50 21.163 -0.312 10 07 58.961 4 16 51 42.710 -0.278 7 07 07.125
20 13 54 17.718 0.319 10 04 03.052 5 16 55 39.265 0.273 7 03 11.216
21 13 58 14.274 0.326 10 00 07.142 6 16 59 35.821 0.265 6 59 15.306
22 14 02 10.829 0.334 9 56 11.233 7 17 03 32.376 0.255 6 55 19.397
23 14 06 07.384 0.340 9 52 15.323 8 17 07 28.931 0.244 6 51 23.488
24 14 10 03.940 0.345 9 48 19.414 9 17 11 25.487 0.234 6 47 27.578
25 14 14 00.495 -0.347 9 44 23.504 10 17 15 22.042 -0.226 6 43 31.669
26 14 17 57.051 0.346 9 40 27.595 11 17 19 18.597 0.222 6 39 35.759
27 14 21 53.606 0.342 9 36 31.685 12 17 23 15.153 0.221 6 35 39.850
28 14 25 50.161 0.336 9 32 35.776 13 17 27 11.708 0.222 6 31 43.940
29 14 29 46.717 0.328 9 28 39.866 14 17 31 08.264 0.225 6 27 48.031
30 14 33 43.272 0.321 9 24 43.957 15 17 35 04.819 0.229 6 23 52.121
May 1 14 37 39.827 -0.316 9 20 48.047 16 17 39 01.374 -0.233 6 19 56.212
2 14 41 36.383 0.313 9 16 52.138 17 17 42 57.930 0.235 6 16 00.302
3 14 45 32.938 0.314 9 12 56.228 18 17 46 54.485 0.235 6 12 04.393
4 14 49 29.493 0.319 9 09 00.319 19 17 50 51.040 0.233 6 08 08.483
5 14 53 26.049 0.326 9 05 04.410 20 17 54 47.596 0.227 6 04 12.574
6 14 57 22.604 0.332 9 01 08.500 21 17 58 44.151 0.218 6 00 16.664
7 15 01 19.160 -0.336 8 57 12.591 22 18 02 40.707 -0.207 5 56 20.755
8 15 05 15.715 0.336 8 53 16.681 23 18 06 37.262 0.196 5 52 24.845
9 15 09 12.270 0.331 8 49 20.772 24 18 10 33.817 0.186 5 48 28.936
10 15 13 08.826 0.324 8 45 24.862 25 18 14 30.373 0.179 5 44 33.027
11 15 17 05.381 0.315 8 41 28.953 26 18 18 26.928 0.176 5 40 37.117
12 15 21 01.936 0.306 8 37 33.043 27 18 22 23.483 0.177 5 36 41.208
13 15 24 58.492 -0.299 8 33 37.134 28 18 26 20.039 -0.180 5 32 45.298
14 15 28 55.047 0.294 8 29 41.224 29 18 30 16.594 0.184 5 28 49.389
15 15 32 51.603 0.293 8 25 45.315 30 18 34 13.149 0.187 5 24 53.479
16 15 36 48.158 0.294 8 21 49.405 July 1 18 38 09.705 0.188 5 20 57.570
17 15 40 44.713 -0.297 8 17 53.496 2 18 42 06.260 -0.184 5 17 01.660
N.B.-Apparent Sidereal Time = Mean Sidereal Time + Equation of Equinoxes for the instant


Date Mean Equation Greenwich Date Mean Equation Greenwich
Greenwich of the Transit of Mean Greenwich of the Transit of Mean
Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at
0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.) 0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.)
of the Equinox) U.T. of the Equinox) U.T.

h m s s h m s h m s s h m s
July 1 18 38 09.705 -0.188 5 20 57.570 Aug. 16 21 39 31.252 -0.092 2 20 05.734
2 18 42 06.260 0.184 5 17 01.660 17 21 43 27.807 0.084 2 16 09.825
3 18 46 02.816 0.177 5 13 05.751 18 21 47 24.363 0.078 2 12 13.915
4 18 49 59.371 0.168 5 09 09.841 19 21 51 20.918 0.075 2 08 18.006
5 18 53 55.926 0.157 5 05 13.932 20 21 55 17.473 0.076 2 04 22.096
6 18 57 52.482 0.147 5 01 18.022 21 21 59 14.029 0.081 2 00 26.187
7 19 01 49.037 -0.139 4 57 22.113 22 22 03 10.584 -0.089 1 56 30.277
8 19 05 45.592 0.134 4 53 26.203 23 22 07 07.139 0.097 1 52 34.368
9 19 09 42.148 0.132 4 49 30.294 24 22 11 03.695 0.102 1 48 38.458
10 19 13 38.703 0.133 4 45 34.385 25 22 15 00.250 0.104 1 44 42.549
11 19 17 35.259 0.136 4 41 38.475 26 22 18 56.806 0.103 1 40 46.639
12 19 21 31.814 0.140 4 37 42.566 27 22 22 53.361 0.098 1 36 50.730
13 19 25 28.369 -0.144 4 33 46.656 28 22 26 49.916 -0.092 1 32 54.820
14 19 29 24.925 0.148 4 29 50.747 29 22 30 46.472 0.086 1 28 58.911
15 19 33 21.480 0.150 4 25 54.837 30 22 34 43.027 0.081 1 25 03.002
16 19 37 18.035 0.149 4 21 58.928 31 22 38 39.582 0.078 1 21 07.092
17 19 41 14.591 0.146 4 18 03.018 Sept. 1 22 42 36.138 0.079 1 17 11.183
18 19 45 11.146 0.139 4 14 07.109 2 22 46 32.693 0.082 1 13 15.273
19 19 49 07.701 -0.130 4 10 11.199 3 22 50 29.248 -0.088 1 09 19.364
20 19 53 04.257 0.119 4 06 15.290 4 22 54 25.804 0.096 1 05 23.454
21 19 57 00.812 0.110 4 02 19.380 5 22 58 22.359 0.105 1 01 27.545
22 20 00 57.368 0.102 3 58 23.471 6 23 02 18.915 0.113 0 57 31.635
23 20 04 53.923 0.099 3 54 27.561 7 23 06 15.470 0.120 0 53 35.726
24 20 08 50.478 0.100 3 50 31.652 8 23 10 12.025 0.126 0 49 39.816
25 20 12 47.034 -0.104 3 46 35.742 9 23 14 08.581 -0.128 0 45 43.907
26 20 16 43.589 0.109 3 42 39.833 10 23 18 05.136 0.128 0 41 47.997
27 20 20 40.144 0.114 3 38 43.924 11 23 22 01.691 0.125 0 37 52.088
28 20 24 36.700 0.117 3 34 48.014 12 23 25 58.247 0.120 0 33 56.178
29 20 28 33.255 0.116 3 30 52.105 13 23 29 54.802 0.114 0 30 00.269
30 20 32 29.811 0.112 3 26 56.195 14 23 33 51.358 0.109 0 26 04.359
31 20 36 26.366 -0.104 3 23 00.286 15 23 37 47.913 -0.106 0 22 08.450
Aug. 1 20 40 22.921 0.096 3 19 04.376 16 23 41 44.468 0.107 0 18 12.541
2 20 44 19.477 0.088 3 15 08.467 17 23 45 41.024 0.112 0 14 16.631
3 20 48 16.032 0.081 3 11 12.557 18 23 49 37.579 0.121 0 10 20.722
4 20 52 12.587 0.077 3 07 16.648 19 23 53 34.134 0.130 0 06 24.812
5 20 56 09.143 0.076 3 03 20.738 20 23 57 30.690 0.138 0 02 28.903
6 21 00 05.698 -0.078 2 59 24.829 21 0 01 27.245 -0.143 23 54 37.084
7 21 04 02.254 0.083 2 55 28.919 22 0 05 23.800 0.143 23 50 41.174
8 21 07 58.809 0.089 2 51 33.010 23 0 09 20.356 0.139 23 46 45.265
9 21 11 55.364 0.095 2 47 37.100 24 0 13 16.911 0.134 23 42 49.355
10 21 15 51.920 0.102 2 43 41.191 25 0 17 13.467 0.128 23 38 53.446
11 21 19 48.475 0.106 2 39 45.281 26 0 21 10.022 0.123 23 34 57.536
12 21 23 45.030 -0.109 2 35 49.372 27 0 25 06.577 -0.121 23 31 01.627
13 21 27 41.586 0.108 2 31 53.462 28 0 29 03.133 0.121 23 27 05.718
14 21 31 38.141 0.105 2 27 57.553 29 0 32 59.688 0.125 23 23 09.808
15 21 35 34.696 0.099 2 24 01.644 30 0 36 56.243 0.131 23 19 13.899
16 21 39 31.252 -0.092 2 20 05.734 Oct. 1 0 40 52.799 -0.139 23 15 17.989
N.B.-Apparent Sidereal Time = Mean Sidereal Time + Equation of Equinoxes for the instant


Date Mean Equation Greenwich Date Mean Equation Greenwich
Greenwich of the Transit of Mean Greenwich of the Transit of Mean
Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at Sidereal Time at Equinox- Equinox (U.T. at
0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.) 0h U.T. (G.H.A. es at 0h 0h G.M.S.T.)
of the Equinox) U.T. of the Equinox) U.T.

h m s s h m s h m s s h m s
Oct. 1 0 40 52.799 -0.139 23 15 17.989 Nov. 16 3 42 14.346 -0.168 20 14 26.154
2 0 44 49.354 0.148 23 11 22.080 17 3 46 10.901 0.159 20 10 30.244
3 0 48 45.910 0.156 23 07 26.170 18 3 50 07.456 0.149 20 06 34.335
4 0 52 42.465 0.164 23 03 30.261 19 3 54 04.012 0.138 20 02 38.425
5 0 56 39.020 0.170 22 59 34.351 20 3 58 00.567 0.129 19 58 42.516
6 1 00 35.576 0.173 22 55 38.442 21 4 01 57.123 0.122 19 54 46.606
7 1 04 32.131 -0.174 22 51 42.532 22 4 05 53.678 -0.119 19 50 50.697
8 1 08 28.686 0.172 22 47 46.623 23 4 09 50.233 0.119 19 46 54.787
9 1 12 25.242 0.167 22 43 50.713 24 4 13 46.789 0.122 19 42 58.878
10 1 16 21.797 0.162 22 39 54.804 25 4 17 43.344 0.126 19 39 02.968
11 1 20 18.352 0.157 22 35 58.894 26 4 21 39.899 0.131 19 35 07.059
12 1 24 14.908 0.153 22 32 02.985 27 4 25 36.455 0.135 19 31 11.149
13 1 28 11.463 -0.152 22 28 07.075 28 4 29 33.010 -0.137 19 27 15.240
14 1 32 08.019 0.155 22 24 11.166 29 4 33 29.566 0.137 19 23 19.330
15 1 36 04.574 0.162 22 20 15.257 30 4 37 26.121 0.134 19 19 23.421
16 1 40 01.129 0.170 22 16 19.347 Dec. 1 4 41 22.676 0.128 19 15 27.511
17 1 43 57.685 0.178 22 12 23.438 2 4 45 19.232 0.120 19 11 31.602
18 1 47 54.240 0.183 22 08 27.528 3 4 49 15.787 0.110 19 07 35.692
19 1 51 50.795 -0.184 22 04 31.619 4 4 53 12.342 -0.101 19 03 39.783
20 1 55 47.351 0.181 22 00 35.709 5 4 57 08.898 0.092 18 59 43.874
21 1 59 43.906 0.174 21 56 39.800 6 5 01 05.453 0.085 18 55 47.964
22 2 03 40.462 0.166 21 52 43.890 7 5 05 02.008 0.082 18 51 52.055
23 2 07 37.017 0.159 21 48 47.981 8 5 08 58.564 0.082 18 47 56.145
24 2 11 33.572 0.154 21 44 52.071 9 5 12 55.119 0.085 18 44 00.236
25 2 15 30.128 -0.151 21 40 56.162 10 5 16 51.675 -0.088 18 40 04.326
26 2 19 26.683 0.152 21 37 00.252 11 5 20 48.230 0.091 18 36 08.417
27 2 23 23.238 0.156 21 33 04.343 12 5 24 44.785 0.091 18 32 12.507
28 2 27 19.794 0.162 21 29 08.433 13 5 28 41.341 0.087 18 28 16.598
29 2 31 16.349 0.169 21 25 12.524 14 5 32 37.896 0.079 18 24 20.688
30 2 35 12.904 0.176 21 21 16.615 15 5 36 34.451 0.067 18 20 24.779
31 2 39 09.460 -0.182 21 17 20.705 16 5 40 31.007 -0.055 18 16 28.869
Nov. 1 2 43 06.015 0.187 21 13 24.796 17 5 44 27.562 0.043 18 12 32.960
2 2 47 02.571 0.188 21 09 28.886 18 5 48 24.118 0.033 18 08 37.050
3 2 50 59.126 0.187 21 05 32.977 19 5 52 20.673 0.027 18 04 41.141
4 2 54 55.681 0.184 21 01 37.067 20 5 56 17.228 0.025 18 00 45.232
5 2 58 52.237 0.178 20 57 41.158 21 6 00 13.784 0.025 17 56 49.322
6 3 02 48.792 -0.170 20 53 45.248 22 6 04 10.339 -0.027 17 52 53.413
7 3 06 45.347 0.163 20 49 49.339 23 6 08 06.894 0.031 17 48 57.503
8 3 10 41.903 0.157 20 45 53.429 24 6 12 03.450 0.034 17 45 01.594
9 3 14 38.458 0.153 20 41 57.520 25 6 15 60.005 0.036 17 41 05.684
10 3 18 35.014 0.153 20 38 01.610 26 6 19 56.560 0.036 17 37 09.775
11 3 22 31.569 0.156 20 34 05.701 27 6 23 53.116 0.033 17 33 13.865
12 3 26 28.124 -0.161 20 30 09.791 28 6 27 49.671 -0.027 17 29 17.956
13 3 30 24.680 0.167 20 26 13.882 29 6 31 46.227 0.019 17 25 22.046
14 3 34 21.235 0.172 20 22 17.973 30 6 35 42.782 -0.009 17 21 26.137
15 3 38 17.790 0.172 20 18 22.063 31 6 39 39.337 +0.002 17 17 30.227
16 3 42 14.346 -0.168 20 14 26.154 32 6 43 35.893 +0.012 17 13 34.318
N.B.-Apparent Sidereal Time = Mean Sidereal Time + Equation of Equinoxes for the instant

SUN, 2024

Date Horizontal Mean Mean Date Horizontal Mean Mean

Parallax Longitude Anomaly Parallax Longitude Anomaly

" ° ¢ " ° " ° ¢ " °

Jan. 1 8.94 280 9 28.880 356.808 July 9 8.65 107 40 12.339 184.328
11 8.94 290 15 12.850 6.920 19 8.65 117 31 35.644 194.184
21 8.94 300 6 36.155 16.776 29 8.66 127 22 58.949 204.040
31 8.93 309 57 59.460 26.632 Aug. 8 8.67 137 14 22.254 213.896
Feb. 10 8.91 319 49 22.765 36.488 18 8.69 147 5 45.559 223.752
20 8.9 329 40 46.070 46.344 28 8.71 156 57 8.864 233.608

Mar. 1 8.88 339 32 9.374 56.200 Sept. 7 8.73 166 48 32.169 243.464
11 8.85 349 23 32.679 66.056 17 8.75 176 39 55.474 253.320
21 8.83 359 14 55.984 75.912 27 8.77 186 31 18.779 263.176
Apr. 31 8.8 9 6 19.289 85.768 Oct. 7 8.8 196 22 42.084 273.032
10 8.78 18 57 42.594 95.624 17 8.82 206 14 5.389 282.888
20 8.75 28 49 5.899 105.480 27 8.85 216 5 28.694 292.744

May 30 8.73 38 40 29.204 115.336 Nov. 6 8.87 225 56 51.998 302.600

10 8.71 48 31 52.509 125.192 16 8.89 235 48 15.303 312.456
20 8.69 58 23 15.814 135.048 26 8.91 245 39 38.608 322.312
30 8.68 68 14 39.119 144.904 Dec. 6 8.92 255 31 1.913 332.168
June 9 8.66 78 6 2.424 154.760 16 8.94 265 22 25.218 342.024
19 8.66 87 57 25.729 164.616 26 8.94 275 13 48.523 351.880

29 8.65 97 48 49.034 174.472 36 8.94 285 5 11.828 1.736

July 9 8.65 107 40 12.339 184.328 46 8.94 294 56 35.133 11.592

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Jan. 0 279 01 35.42 +0.68 279 01 09.26 20.84 -25.62 -5.36 +8.02 18.18
1 280 02 43.60 0.58 280 02 17.45 20.84 25.48 5.36 8.07 18.23
2 281 03 52.11 0.47 281 03 25.92 20.84 25.34 5.39 8.11 18.27
3 282 05 00.96 0.36 282 04 34.72 20.84 25.20 5.45 8.13 18.29
4 283 06 10.10 0.25 283 05 43.80 20.84 25.06 5.51 8.14 18.30
5 284 07 19.56 +0.11 284 06 53.21 20.84 24.92 5.55 8.12 18.28
6 285 08 29.23 -0.04 285 08 02.87 20.84 -24.79 -5.56 +8.09 18.25
7 286 09 39.10 0.14 286 09 12.78 20.84 24.65 5.53 8.06 18.22
8 287 10 49.11 0.25 287 10 22.87 20.84 24.51 5.44 8.02 18.18
9 288 11 59.19 0.36 288 11 33.11 20.84 24.37 5.29 7.99 18.15
10 289 13 09.24 0.40 289 12 43.34 20.84 24.23 5.10 7.99 18.15
11 290 14 19.24 0.43 290 13 53.54 20.84 24.09 4.90 8.02 18.17
12 291 15 28.97 -0.43 291 15 03.46 20.84 -23.95 -4.72 +8.07 18.22
13 292 16 38.39 0.40 292 16 13.01 20.84 23.81 4.59 8.15 18.30
14 293 17 47.35 0.36 293 17 22.02 20.84 23.67 4.54 8.23 18.38
15 294 18 55.74 0.25 294 18 30.38 20.84 23.53 4.56 8.30 18.45
16 295 20 03.48 0.14 295 19 38.06 20.84 23.39 4.62 8.34 18.49
17 296 21 10.48 -0.04 296 20 44.99 20.83 23.26 4.70 8.36 18.50
18 297 22 16.70 +0.11 297 21 51.16 20.83 -23.12 -4.75 +8.34 18.49
19 298 23 22.08 0.25 298 22 56.53 20.83 22.98 4.76 8.31 18.46
20 299 24 26.58 0.36 299 24 01.08 20.83 22.84 4.72 8.28 18.42
21 300 25 30.24 0.47 300 25 04.84 20.83 22.70 4.63 8.25 18.39
22 301 26 33.04 0.54 301 26 07.76 20.83 22.56 4.50 8.24 18.38
23 302 27 34.96 0.58 302 27 09.83 20.83 22.42 4.36 8.25 18.39
24 303 28 36.03 +0.61 303 28 11.03 20.82 -22.28 -4.22 +8.28 18.42
25 304 29 36.29 0.61 304 29 11.40 20.82 22.14 4.11 8.33 18.47
26 305 30 35.72 0.58 305 30 10.91 20.82 22.00 4.04 8.39 18.53
27 306 31 34.38 0.50 306 31 09.59 20.82 21.86 4.02 8.46 18.59
28 307 32 32.25 0.43 307 32 07.44 20.81 21.73 4.04 8.53 18.66
29 308 33 29.37 +0.32 308 33 04.50 20.81 21.59 4.10 8.58 18.71
30 309 34 25.72 +0.22 309 34 00.77 20.81 -21.45 -4.19 +8.62 18.75
31 310 35 21.32 +0.07 310 34 56.28 20.81 21.31 4.28 8.64 18.77
Feb. 1 311 36 16.16 -0.04 311 35 51.04 20.80 21.17 4.37 8.65 18.77
2 312 37 10.26 0.18 312 36 45.07 20.80 21.03 4.43 8.63 18.76
3 313 38 03.59 0.29 313 37 38.39 20.80 20.89 4.45 8.61 18.73
4 314 38 56.12 0.40 314 38 30.95 20.79 20.75 4.43 8.58 18.71
5 315 39 47.81 -0.50 315 39 22.72 20.79 -20.61 -4.35 +8.56 18.68
6 316 40 38.65 0.58 316 40 13.69 20.79 20.47 4.22 8.56 18.68
7 317 41 28.57 0.61 317 41 03.77 20.78 20.33 4.06 8.57 18.69
8 318 42 17.52 0.61 318 41 52.87 20.78 20.19 3.91 8.62 18.74
9 319 43 05.39 0.58 319 42 40.86 20.78 20.06 3.80 8.70 18.81
10 320 43 52.07 0.50 320 43 27.59 20.77 19.92 3.75 8.79 18.90
11 321 44 37.46 -0.43 321 44 12.95 20.77 -19.78 -3.78 +8.87 18.98
12 322 45 21.46 0.32 322 44 56.87 20.77 19.64 3.88 8.93 19.04
13 323 46 03.92 0.18 323 45 39.20 20.76 19.50 4.00 8.96 19.07
14 324 46 44.81 -0.04 324 46 19.99 20.76 19.36 4.10 8.96 19.07
15 325 47 24.00 +0.07 325 46 59.12 20.75 -19.22 -4.17 +8.93 19.04
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

Jan. 0 18 39 15.65 -23 07 53.15 0.983 3326 16 15.91 12 02 50.30
1 18 43 40.82 23 03 30.70 0.983 3183 16 15.93 12 03 18.79
2 18 48 05.71 22 58 40.63 0.983 3099 16 15.93 12 03 46.98
3 18 52 30.29 22 53 23.05 0.983 3070 16 15.94 12 04 14.86
4 18 56 54.54 22 47 38.11 0.983 3095 16 15.93 12 04 42.38
5 19 01 18.42 22 41 25.96 0.983 3172 16 15.93 12 05 09.52
6 19 05 41.91 -22 34 46.78 0.983 3297 16 15.91 12 05 36.25
7 19 10 04.98 22 27 40.74 0.983 3469 16 15.90 12 06 02.55
8 19 14 27.59 22 20 08.06 0.983 3685 16 15.88 12 06 28.37
9 19 18 49.74 22 12 08.96 0.983 3942 16 15.85 12 06 53.70
10 19 23 11.37 22 03 43.67 0.983 4238 16 15.82 12 07 18.51
11 19 27 32.46 21 54 52.46 0.983 4571 16 15.79 12 07 42.76
12 19 31 52.99 -21 45 35.58 0.983 4939 16 15.75 12 08 06.42
13 19 36 12.91 21 35 53.31 0.983 5343 16 15.71 12 08 29.48
14 19 40 32.20 21 25 45.95 0.983 5782 16 15.67 12 08 51.89
15 19 44 50.84 21 15 13.77 0.983 6258 16 15.62 12 09 13.64
16 19 49 08.79 21 04 17.09 0.983 6775 16 15.57 12 09 34.70
17 19 53 26.06 20 52 56.21 0.983 7334 16 15.51 12 09 55.05
18 19 57 42.60 -20 41 11.48 0.983 7938 16 15.45 12 10 14.69
19 20 01 58.43 20 29 03.23 0.983 8592 16 15.39 12 10 33.58
20 20 06 13.51 20 16 31.81 0.983 9298 16 15.32 12 10 51.73
21 20 10 27.83 20 03 37.58 0.984 0058 16 15.24 12 11 09.11
22 20 14 41.40 19 50 20.90 0.984 0875 16 15.16 12 11 25.72
23 20 18 54.19 19 36 42.13 0.984 1750 16 15.08 12 11 41.56
24 20 23 06.20 -19 22 41.63 0.984 2685 16 14.98 12 11 56.61
25 20 27 17.42 19 08 19.75 0.984 3680 16 14.88 12 12 10.87
26 20 31 27.85 18 53 36.85 0.984 4734 16 14.78 12 12 24.33
27 20 35 37.48 18 38 33.29 0.984 5848 16 14.67 12 12 37.00
28 20 39 46.31 18 23 09.43 0.984 7022 16 14.55 12 12 48.88
29 20 43 54.34 18 07 25.64 0.984 8252 16 14.43 12 12 59.95
30 20 48 01.56 -17 51 22.28 0.984 9539 16 14.30 12 13 10.21
31 20 52 07.99 17 34 59.72 0.985 0880 16 14.17 12 13 19.68
Feb. 1 20 56 13.61 17 18 18.34 0.985 2272 16 14.03 12 13 28.35
2 21 00 18.44 17 01 18.52 0.985 3715 16 13.89 12 13 36.22
3 21 04 22.47 16 44 00.65 0.985 5204 16 13.74 12 13 43.29
4 21 08 25.71 16 26 25.13 0.985 6737 16 13.59 12 13 49.56
5 21 12 28.15 -16 08 32.36 0.985 8311 16 13.44 12 13 55.05
6 21 16 29.81 15 50 22.74 0.985 9922 16 13.28 12 13 59.74
7 21 20 30.68 15 31 56.72 0.986 1567 16 13.12 12 14 03.64
8 21 24 30.76 15 13 14.70 0.986 3242 16 12.95 12 14 06.76
9 21 28 30.06 14 54 17.14 0.986 4946 16 12.78 12 14 09.09
10 21 32 28.56 14 35 04.47 0.986 6675 16 12.61 12 14 10.64
11 21 36 26.28 -14 15 37.13 0.986 8428 16 12.44 12 14 11.41
12 21 40 23.22 13 55 55.56 0.987 0205 16 12.26 12 14 11.40
13 21 44 19.38 13 36 00.20 0.987 2007 16 12.09 12 14 10.62
14 21 48 14.77 13 15 51.47 0.987 3836 16 11.91 12 14 09.07
15 21 52 09.40 -12 55 29.82 0.987 5695 16 11.72 12 14 06.77

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Feb. 15 325 47 24.00 +0.07 325 46 59.12 20.75 -19.22 -4.17 +8.93 19.04
16 326 48 01.48 0.22 326 47 36.60 20.75 19.08 4.18 8.89 19.00
17 327 48 37.22 0.32 327 48 12.38 20.75 18.94 4.14 8.86 18.97
18 328 49 11.15 0.40 328 48 46.40 20.74 18.80 4.06 8.84 18.95
19 329 49 43.31 0.47 329 49 18.66 20.74 18.66 3.96 8.85 18.95
20 330 50 13.70 0.47 330 49 49.15 20.73 18.53 3.86 8.87 18.97
21 331 50 42.32 +0.47 331 50 17.84 20.73 -18.39 -3.79 +8.92 19.02
22 332 51 09.21 0.47 332 50 44.77 20.72 18.25 3.76 8.97 19.07
23 333 51 34.38 0.40 333 51 09.94 20.72 18.11 3.77 9.04 19.14
24 334 51 57.83 0.32 334 51 33.34 20.71 17.97 3.82 9.10 19.20
25 335 52 19.59 0.22 335 51 55.01 20.71 17.83 3.92 9.15 19.25
26 336 52 39.76 +0.11 336 52 15.06 20.71 17.69 4.04 9.19 19.29
27 337 52 58.28 -0.04 337 52 33.46 20.70 -17.55 -4.17 +9.21 19.31
28 338 53 15.22 0.14 338 52 50.27 20.70 17.41 4.31 9.21 19.31
29 339 53 30.59 0.29 339 53 05.53 20.69 17.27 4.42 9.20 19.29
Mar. 1 340 53 44.42 0.40 340 53 19.28 20.69 17.13 4.49 9.17 19.26
2 341 53 56.68 0.54 341 53 31.52 20.68 16.99 4.52 9.13 19.22
3 342 54 07.45 0.61 342 53 42.32 20.67 16.86 4.50 9.10 19.19
4 343 54 16.71 -0.68 343 53 51.65 20.67 -16.72 -4.44 +9.08 19.17
5 344 54 24.45 0.72 344 53 59.50 20.66 16.58 4.34 9.08 19.17
6 345 54 30.63 0.76 345 54 05.80 20.66 16.44 4.23 9.11 19.19
7 346 54 35.25 0.72 346 54 10.51 20.65 16.30 4.14 9.16 19.24
8 347 54 38.23 0.68 347 54 13.54 20.65 16.16 4.10 9.23 19.31
9 348 54 39.52 0.58 348 54 14.80 20.64 16.02 4.13 9.31 19.38
10 349 54 39.04 -0.47 349 54 14.22 20.64 -15.88 -4.23 +9.37 19.44
11 350 54 36.66 0.32 350 54 11.70 20.63 15.74 4.37 9.40 19.47
12 351 54 32.33 0.22 351 54 07.24 20.63 15.60 4.52 9.39 19.47
13 352 54 25.93 -0.07 352 54 00.72 20.62 15.46 4.63 9.36 19.43
14 353 54 17.41 +0.07 353 53 52.15 20.61 15.32 4.69 9.30 19.38
15 354 54 06.63 0.18 354 53 41.39 20.61 15.19 4.68 9.25 19.32
16 355 53 53.65 +0.29 355 53 28.46 20.60 -15.05 -4.62 +9.21 19.28
17 356 53 38.40 0.36 356 53 13.31 20.60 14.91 4.54 9.19 19.26
18 357 53 20.89 0.40 357 52 55.88 20.59 14.77 4.46 9.20 19.27
19 358 53 01.10 0.40 358 52 36.16 20.59 14.63 4.40 9.22 19.29
20 359 52 39.07 0.40 359 52 14.16 20.58 14.49 4.38 9.26 19.33
21 0 52 14.78 0.32 0 51 49.86 20.58 14.35 4.39 9.31 19.37
22 1 51 48.31 +0.25 1 51 23.33 20.57 -14.21 -4.45 +9.36 19.42
23 2 51 19.68 0.18 2 50 54.60 20.56 14.07 4.56 9.39 19.46
24 3 50 48.91 +0.07 3 50 23.71 20.56 13.93 4.69 9.42 19.48
25 4 50 16.04 -0.07 4 49 50.70 20.55 13.79 4.84 9.43 19.49
26 5 49 41.16 0.22 5 49 15.67 20.55 13.66 4.98 9.42 19.47
27 6 49 04.23 0.32 6 48 38.63 20.54 13.52 5.11 9.39 19.44
28 7 48 25.37 -0.47 7 47 59.68 20.53 -13.38 -5.21 +9.34 19.40
29 8 47 44.63 0.58 8 47 18.89 20.53 13.24 5.26 9.29 19.34
30 9 47 02.00 0.68 9 46 36.26 20.52 13.10 5.26 9.24 19.29
31 10 46 17.56 0.76 10 45 51.88 20.52 12.96 5.21 9.20 19.25
Apr. 1 11 45 31.35 -0.79 11 45 05.76 20.51 -12.82 -5.13 +9.17 19.22
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

Feb. 15 21 52 09.40 -12 55 29.82 0.987 5695 16 11.72 12 14 06.77
16 21 56 03.28 12 34 55.70 0.987 7586 16 11.54 12 14 03.72
17 21 59 56.43 12 14 09.53 0.987 9512 16 11.35 12 13 59.94
18 22 03 48.86 11 53 11.74 0.988 1475 16 11.16 12 13 55.44
19 22 07 40.58 11 32 02.76 0.988 3477 16 10.96 12 13 50.24
20 22 11 31.60 11 10 43.00 0.988 5521 16 10.76 12 13 44.35
21 22 15 21.94 -10 49 12.87 0.988 7607 16 10.55 12 13 37.79
22 22 19 11.61 10 27 32.76 0.988 9737 16 10.34 12 13 30.58
23 22 23 00.64 10 05 43.07 0.989 1910 16 10.13 12 13 22.73
24 22 26 49.04 9 43 44.19 0.989 4127 16 09.91 12 13 14.27
25 22 30 36.83 9 21 36.49 0.989 6388 16 09.69 12 13 05.21
26 22 34 24.03 8 59 20.36 0.989 8692 16 09.47 12 12 55.57
27 22 38 10.66 -8 36 56.16 0.990 1038 16 09.24 12 12 45.38
28 22 41 56.75 8 14 24.28 0.990 3423 16 09.00 12 12 34.65
29 22 45 42.31 7 51 45.08 0.990 5847 16 08.77 12 12 23.40
Mar. 1 22 49 27.36 7 28 58.93 0.990 8308 16 08.53 12 12 11.65
2 22 53 11.93 7 06 06.22 0.991 0801 16 08.28 12 11 59.43
3 22 56 56.04 6 43 07.32 0.991 3326 16 08.04 12 11 46.75
4 23 00 39.70 -6 20 02.61 0.991 5878 16 07.79 12 11 33.63
5 23 04 22.93 5 56 52.48 0.991 8453 16 07.53 12 11 20.09
6 23 08 05.75 5 33 37.33 0.992 1049 16 07.28 12 11 06.16
7 23 11 48.18 5 10 17.56 0.992 3660 16 07.03 12 10 51.84
8 23 15 30.23 4 46 53.58 0.992 6283 16 06.77 12 10 37.15
9 23 19 11.92 4 23 25.79 0.992 8915 16 06.52 12 10 22.11
10 23 22 53.27 -3 59 54.61 0.993 1552 16 06.26 12 10 06.74
11 23 26 34.28 3 36 20.45 0.993 4194 16 06.00 12 09 51.05
12 23 30 14.98 3 12 43.72 0.993 6838 16 05.74 12 09 35.06
13 23 33 55.39 2 49 04.81 0.993 9485 16 05.49 12 09 18.77
14 23 37 35.51 2 25 24.14 0.994 2138 16 05.23 12 09 02.22
15 23 41 15.38 2 01 42.09 0.994 4797 16 04.97 12 08 45.41
16 23 44 55.01 -1 37 59.08 0.994 7466 16 04.71 12 08 28.36
17 23 48 34.42 1 14 15.49 0.995 0146 16 04.45 12 08 11.11
18 23 52 13.62 0 50 31.69 0.995 2841 16 04.19 12 07 53.66
19 23 55 52.64 0 26 48.05 0.995 5551 16 03.93 12 07 36.04
20 23 59 31.50 -0 03 04.95 0.995 8278 16 03.67 12 07 18.27
21 0 03 10.21 +0 20 37.27 0.996 1023 16 03.40 12 07 00.37
22 0 06 48.81 +0 44 18.27 0.996 3788 16 03.13 12 06 42.37
23 0 10 27.31 1 07 57.69 0.996 6573 16 02.86 12 06 24.29
24 0 14 05.74 1 31 35.22 0.996 9378 16 02.59 12 06 06.14
25 0 17 44.12 1 55 10.51 0.997 2203 16 02.32 12 05 47.97
26 0 21 22.47 2 18 43.24 0.997 5049 16 02.05 12 05 29.78
27 0 25 00.83 2 42 13.09 0.997 7912 16 01.77 12 05 11.59
28 0 28 39.20 +3 05 39.73 0.998 0794 16 01.49 12 04 53.44
29 0 32 17.63 3 29 02.84 0.998 3692 16 01.21 12 04 35.35
30 0 35 56.12 3 52 22.09 0.998 6603 16 00.93 12 04 17.33
31 0 39 34.70 4 15 37.16 0.998 9525 16 00.65 12 03 59.42
Apr. 1 0 43 13.40 +4 38 47.70 0.999 2456 16 00.37 12 03 41.62

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Apr. 1 11 45 31.35 -0.79 11 45 05.76 20.51 -12.82 -5.13 +9.17 19.22
2 12 44 43.37 0.83 12 44 17.88 20.50 12.68 5.03 9.17 19.22
3 13 43 53.63 0.79 13 43 28.24 20.50 12.54 4.94 9.20 19.24
4 14 43 02.16 0.76 14 42 36.83 20.49 12.40 4.89 9.24 19.29
5 15 42 08.96 0.68 15 41 43.62 20.49 12.26 4.89 9.30 19.34
6 16 41 14.01 0.58 16 40 48.61 20.48 12.12 4.97 9.34 19.39
7 17 40 17.22 -0.47 17 39 51.70 20.48 -11.99 -5.09 +9.37 19.41
8 18 39 18.53 0.32 18 38 52.87 20.47 11.85 5.24 9.36 19.41
9 19 38 17.88 0.18 19 37 52.10 20.46 11.71 5.36 9.32 19.36
10 20 37 15.24 -0.04 20 36 49.39 20.46 11.57 5.43 9.26 19.30
11 21 36 10.47 +0.11 21 35 44.63 20.45 11.43 5.44 9.19 19.22
12 22 35 03.52 0.22 22 34 37.74 20.45 11.29 5.38 9.12 19.15
13 23 33 54.37 +0.29 23 33 28.69 20.44 -11.15 -5.28 +9.07 19.11
14 24 32 42.98 0.36 24 32 17.41 20.43 11.01 5.18 9.05 19.09
15 25 31 29.33 0.36 25 31 03.86 20.43 10.87 5.08 9.06 19.09
16 26 30 13.41 0.36 26 29 48.01 20.42 10.73 5.02 9.08 19.11
17 27 28 55.31 0.32 27 28 29.93 20.42 10.59 5.01 9.11 19.14
18 28 27 34.94 0.25 28 27 09.54 20.41 10.45 5.03 9.14 19.17
19 29 26 12.42 +0.18 29 25 46.96 20.41 -10.32 -5.11 +9.17 19.19
20 30 24 47.78 +0.07 30 24 22.21 20.40 10.18 5.21 9.18 19.21
21 31 23 20.99 -0.04 31 22 55.31 20.40 10.04 5.33 9.18 19.21
22 32 21 52.19 0.18 32 21 26.39 20.39 9.90 5.46 9.16 19.18
23 33 20 21.36 0.29 33 19 55.45 20.39 9.76 5.56 9.12 19.14
24 34 18 48.62 0.43 34 18 22.64 20.38 9.62 5.64 9.07 19.09
25 35 17 14.01 -0.54 35 16 48.00 20.37 -9.48 -5.68 +9.00 19.02
26 36 15 37.58 0.65 36 15 11.59 20.37 9.34 5.66 8.94 18.96
27 37 13 59.40 0.72 37 13 33.49 20.36 9.20 5.59 8.88 18.90
28 38 12 19.57 0.79 38 11 53.77 20.36 9.06 5.49 8.84 18.86
29 39 10 38.14 0.79 39 10 12.47 20.35 8.92 5.37 8.83 18.84
30 40 08 55.17 0.79 40 08 29.62 20.35 8.78 5.25 8.83 18.85
May 1 41 07 10.71 -0.76 41 06 45.25 20.34 -8.65 -5.16 +8.86 18.87
2 42 05 24.79 0.68 42 04 59.38 20.34 8.51 5.12 8.90 18.91
3 43 03 37.42 0.61 43 03 11.99 20.33 8.37 5.14 8.95 18.95
4 44 01 48.62 0.47 44 01 23.12 20.33 8.23 5.22 8.97 18.98
5 44 59 58.38 0.36 44 59 32.78 20.32 8.09 5.32 8.97 18.97
6 45 58 06.67 0.22 45 57 40.97 20.32 7.95 5.43 8.93 18.94
7 46 56 13.47 -0.07 46 55 47.71 20.31 -7.81 -5.49 +8.87 18.88
8 47 54 18.69 +0.07 47 53 52.94 20.31 7.67 5.49 8.79 18.80
9 48 52 22.27 0.18 48 51 56.59 20.30 7.53 5.42 8.72 18.72
10 49 50 24.20 0.29 49 49 58.66 20.30 7.39 5.30 8.66 18.66
11 50 48 24.39 0.32 50 47 58.99 20.29 7.25 5.15 8.62 18.62
12 51 46 22.84 0.36 51 45 57.60 20.29 7.12 5.00 8.61 18.61
13 52 44 19.53 +0.36 52 43 54.41 20.28 -6.98 -4.88 +8.63 18.62
14 53 42 14.42 0.36 53 41 49.38 20.28 6.84 4.81 8.65 18.65
15 54 40 07.57 0.29 54 39 42.55 20.28 6.70 4.78 8.68 18.68
16 55 37 58.95 0.22 55 37 33.92 20.27 6.56 4.80 8.71 18.70
17 56 35 48.61 +0.11 56 35 23.53 20.27 -6.42 -4.86 +8.73 18.72
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

Apr. 1 0 43 13.40 +4 38 47.70 0.999 2456 16 00.37 12 03 41.62
2 0 46 52.23 5 01 53.38 0.999 5392 16 00.09 12 03 23.96
3 0 50 31.20 5 24 53.85 0.999 8328 15 59.81 12 03 06.46
4 0 54 10.35 5 47 48.74 1.000 1262 15 59.52 12 02 49.14
5 0 57 49.67 6 10 37.71 1.000 4189 15 59.24 12 02 32.02
6 1 01 29.20 6 33 20.37 1.000 7104 15 58.96 12 02 15.11
7 1 05 08.95 +6 55 56.37 1.001 0004 15 58.69 12 01 58.42
8 1 08 48.92 7 18 25.32 1.001 2886 15 58.41 12 01 41.97
9 1 12 29.14 7 40 46.86 1.001 5747 15 58.14 12 01 25.78
10 1 16 09.63 8 03 00.63 1.001 8587 15 57.86 12 01 09.85
11 1 19 50.39 8 25 06.25 1.002 1406 15 57.60 12 00 54.20
12 1 23 31.44 8 47 03.35 1.002 4204 15 57.33 12 00 38.84
13 1 27 12.79 +9 08 51.58 1.002 6984 15 57.06 12 00 23.79
14 1 30 54.45 9 30 30.56 1.002 9748 15 56.80 12 00 09.05
15 1 34 36.44 9 51 59.95 1.003 2498 15 56.54 11 59 54.64
16 1 38 18.76 10 13 19.40 1.003 5235 15 56.28 11 59 40.59
17 1 42 01.43 10 34 28.57 1.003 7961 15 56.02 11 59 26.89
18 1 45 44.48 10 55 27.13 1.004 0679 15 55.76 11 59 13.57
19 1 49 27.90 +11 16 14.77 1.004 3389 15 55.50 11 59 00.65
20 1 53 11.72 11 36 51.15 1.004 6093 15 55.24 11 58 48.13
21 1 56 55.96 11 57 15.98 1.004 8792 15 54.99 11 58 36.03
22 2 00 40.63 12 17 28.95 1.005 1486 15 54.73 11 58 24.38
23 2 04 25.75 12 37 29.74 1.005 4176 15 54.47 11 58 13.18
24 2 08 11.33 12 57 18.07 1.005 6861 15 54.22 11 58 02.44
25 2 11 57.39 +13 16 53.62 1.005 9542 15 53.96 11 57 52.19
26 2 15 43.94 13 36 16.12 1.006 2218 15 53.71 11 57 42.43
27 2 19 30.99 13 55 25.25 1.006 4887 15 53.46 11 57 33.18
28 2 23 18.56 14 14 20.72 1.006 7547 15 53.21 11 57 24.45
29 2 27 06.66 14 33 02.22 1.007 0197 15 52.96 11 57 16.26
30 2 30 55.30 14 51 29.43 1.007 2832 15 52.71 11 57 08.61
May 1 2 34 44.49 +15 09 42.04 1.007 5451 15 52.46 11 57 01.51
2 2 38 34.22 15 27 39.72 1.007 8048 15 52.21 11 56 54.97
3 2 42 24.52 15 45 22.14 1.008 0621 15 51.97 11 56 49.00
4 2 46 15.39 16 02 48.97 1.008 3164 15 51.73 11 56 43.60
5 2 50 06.83 16 19 59.87 1.008 5674 15 51.49 11 56 38.78
6 2 53 58.85 16 36 54.53 1.008 8148 15 51.26 11 56 34.54
7 2 57 51.44 +16 53 32.60 1.009 0581 15 51.03 11 56 30.87
8 3 01 44.62 17 09 53.78 1.009 2972 15 50.80 11 56 27.77
9 3 05 38.37 17 25 57.75 1.009 5321 15 50.58 11 56 25.24
10 3 09 32.69 17 41 44.18 1.009 7626 15 50.37 11 56 23.28
11 3 13 27.58 17 57 12.75 1.009 9889 15 50.15 11 56 21.89
12 3 17 23.03 18 12 23.17 1.010 2112 15 49.94 11 56 21.05
13 3 21 19.03 +18 27 15.11 1.010 4296 15 49.74 11 56 20.77
14 3 25 15.59 18 41 48.30 1.010 6443 15 49.54 11 56 21.04
15 3 29 12.69 18 56 02.43 1.010 8555 15 49.34 11 56 21.86
16 3 33 10.34 19 09 57.23 1.011 0634 15 49.14 11 56 23.23
17 3 37 08.53 +19 23 32.44 1.011 2682 15 48.95 11 56 25.13

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
May 17 56 35 48.61 +0.11 56 35 23.53 20.27 -6.42 -4.86 +8.73 18.72
18 57 33 36.60 0.00 57 33 11.45 20.26 6.28 4.94 8.74 18.72
19 58 31 22.95 -0.11 58 30 57.71 20.26 6.14 5.03 8.72 18.71
20 59 29 07.66 0.22 59 28 42.35 20.26 6.00 5.10 8.69 18.67
21 60 26 50.87 0.36 60 26 25.51 20.25 5.86 5.15 8.64 18.62
22 61 24 32.60 0.47 61 24 07.24 20.25 5.72 5.16 8.58 18.56
23 62 22 12.91 -0.58 62 21 47.59 20.24 -5.58 -5.12 +8.52 18.50
24 63 19 51.95 0.65 63 19 26.72 20.24 5.45 5.03 8.46 18.44
25 64 17 29.68 0.72 64 17 04.60 20.24 5.31 4.89 8.42 18.40
26 65 15 06.31 0.72 65 14 41.39 20.23 5.17 4.73 8.40 18.38
27 66 12 41.85 0.72 66 12 17.10 20.23 5.03 4.57 8.40 18.38
28 67 10 16.39 0.68 67 09 51.77 20.23 4.89 4.44 8.43 18.41
29 68 07 50.03 -0.65 68 07 25.50 20.22 -4.75 -4.35 +8.48 18.45
30 69 05 22.83 0.54 69 04 58.33 20.22 4.61 4.33 8.53 18.50
31 70 02 54.83 0.43 70 02 30.30 20.22 4.47 4.36 8.56 18.53
June 1 71 00 26.07 0.32 71 00 01.48 20.21 4.33 4.42 8.57 18.54
2 71 57 56.59 0.18 71 57 31.93 20.21 4.19 4.50 8.56 18.53
3 72 55 26.34 -0.04 72 55 01.63 20.21 4.05 4.55 8.51 18.48
4 73 52 55.34 +0.11 73 52 30.65 20.20 -3.91 -4.54 +8.45 18.41
5 74 50 23.53 0.22 74 49 58.91 20.20 3.78 4.47 8.38 18.35
6 75 47 50.90 0.29 75 47 26.41 20.20 3.64 4.33 8.32 18.29
7 76 45 17.40 0.36 76 44 53.09 20.19 3.50 4.16 8.29 18.25
8 77 42 43.00 0.40 77 42 18.86 20.19 3.36 3.98 8.28 18.24
9 78 40 07.67 0.43 78 39 43.70 20.19 3.22 3.82 8.29 18.25
10 79 37 31.38 +0.40 79 37 07.54 20.19 -3.08 -3.70 +8.33 18.29
11 80 34 54.09 0.36 80 34 30.32 20.19 2.94 3.63 8.37 18.33
12 81 32 15.81 0.29 81 31 52.07 20.18 2.80 3.61 8.42 18.37
13 82 29 36.60 0.22 82 29 12.84 20.18 2.66 3.63 8.45 18.41
14 83 26 56.42 +0.11 83 26 32.60 20.18 2.52 3.68 8.47 18.43
15 84 24 15.31 0.00 84 23 51.43 20.18 2.38 3.74 8.48 18.43
16 85 21 33.33 -0.14 85 21 09.40 20.18 -2.24 -3.80 +8.46 18.41
17 86 18 50.47 0.25 86 18 26.50 20.17 2.11 3.84 8.43 18.38
18 87 16 06.82 0.36 87 15 42.84 20.17 1.97 3.85 8.39 18.34
19 88 13 22.43 0.47 88 12 58.50 20.17 1.83 3.81 8.34 18.29
20 89 10 37.38 0.54 89 10 13.55 20.17 1.69 3.71 8.29 18.24
21 90 07 51.71 0.61 90 07 28.02 20.17 1.55 3.57 8.26 18.20
22 91 05 05.50 -0.65 91 04 41.99 20.17 -1.41 -3.39 +8.25 18.19
23 92 02 18.89 0.65 92 01 55.56 20.17 1.27 3.21 8.26 18.20
24 92 59 31.97 0.61 92 59 08.81 20.17 1.13 3.05 8.30 18.24
25 93 56 44.82 0.54 93 56 21.77 20.16 0.99 2.93 8.36 18.30
26 94 53 57.54 0.47 94 53 34.55 20.16 0.85 2.88 8.43 18.37
27 95 51 10.23 0.36 95 50 47.22 20.16 0.71 2.89 8.48 18.42
28 96 48 22.95 -0.22 96 47 59.89 20.16 -0.57 -2.94 +8.51 18.45
29 97 45 35.73 -0.11 97 45 12.60 20.16 0.43 3.01 8.52 18.45
30 98 42 48.66 +0.04 98 42 25.49 20.16 0.30 3.06 8.50 18.43
July 1 99 40 01.70 0.18 99 39 38.52 20.16 0.16 3.07 8.45 18.39
2 100 37 14.93 +0.29 100 36 51.80 20.16 -0.02 -3.01 +8.40 18.33
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

May 17 3 37 08.53 +19 23 32.44 1.011 2682 15 48.95 11 56 25.13
18 3 41 07.26 19 36 47.81 1.011 4701 15 48.76 11 56 27.58
19 3 45 06.53 19 49 43.07 1.011 6692 15 48.58 11 56 30.56
20 3 49 06.32 20 02 17.99 1.011 8656 15 48.39 11 56 34.06
21 3 53 06.64 20 14 32.34 1.012 0595 15 48.21 11 56 38.09
22 3 57 07.49 20 26 25.89 1.012 2510 15 48.03 11 56 42.64
23 4 01 08.85 +20 37 58.43 1.012 4402 15 47.85 11 56 47.70
24 4 05 10.73 20 49 09.74 1.012 6271 15 47.68 11 56 53.27
25 4 09 13.11 20 59 59.61 1.012 8116 15 47.51 11 56 59.33
26 4 13 15.99 21 10 27.83 1.012 9937 15 47.34 11 57 05.89
27 4 17 19.36 21 20 34.19 1.013 1733 15 47.17 11 57 12.93
28 4 21 23.20 21 30 18.49 1.013 3501 15 47.00 11 57 20.45
29 4 25 27.51 +21 39 40.51 1.013 5239 15 46.84 11 57 28.43
30 4 29 32.28 21 48 40.04 1.013 6944 15 46.68 11 57 36.86
31 4 33 37.48 21 57 16.86 1.013 8611 15 46.52 11 57 45.73
June 1 4 37 43.12 22 05 30.78 1.014 0238 15 46.37 11 57 55.02
2 4 41 49.16 22 13 21.61 1.014 1819 15 46.23 11 58 04.72
3 4 45 55.61 22 20 49.15 1.014 3352 15 46.08 11 58 14.80
4 4 50 02.43 +22 27 53.24 1.014 4832 15 45.94 11 58 25.25
5 4 54 09.61 22 34 33.73 1.014 6259 15 45.81 11 58 36.04
6 4 58 17.12 22 40 50.47 1.014 7629 15 45.68 11 58 47.14
7 5 02 24.94 22 46 43.30 1.014 8941 15 45.56 11 58 58.54
8 5 06 33.04 22 52 12.11 1.015 0197 15 45.44 11 59 10.20
9 5 10 41.39 22 57 16.75 1.015 1396 15 45.33 11 59 22.11
10 5 14 49.96 +23 01 57.11 1.015 2540 15 45.23 11 59 34.23
11 5 18 58.74 23 06 13.09 1.015 3630 15 45.12 11 59 46.54
12 5 23 07.69 23 10 04.59 1.015 4669 15 45.03 11 59 59.02
13 5 27 16.80 23 13 31.53 1.015 5658 15 44.94 12 00 11.64
14 5 31 26.04 23 16 33.83 1.015 6599 15 44.85 12 00 24.39
15 5 35 35.38 23 19 11.46 1.015 7495 15 44.77 12 00 37.23
16 5 39 44.82 +23 21 24.37 1.015 8348 15 44.69 12 00 50.15
17 5 43 54.32 23 23 12.52 1.015 9159 15 44.61 12 01 03.12
18 5 48 03.86 23 24 35.89 1.015 9931 15 44.54 12 01 16.13
19 5 52 13.43 23 25 34.49 1.016 0666 15 44.47 12 01 29.14
20 5 56 23.00 23 26 08.32 1.016 1365 15 44.41 12 01 42.14
21 6 00 32.55 23 26 17.39 1.016 2030 15 44.34 12 01 55.12
22 6 04 42.07 +23 26 01.72 1.016 2662 15 44.28 12 02 08.04
23 6 08 51.52 23 25 21.34 1.016 3261 15 44.23 12 02 20.89
24 6 13 00.90 23 24 16.26 1.016 3829 15 44.18 12 02 33.66
25 6 17 10.17 23 22 46.52 1.016 4362 15 44.13 12 02 46.32
26 6 21 19.33 23 20 52.14 1.016 4860 15 44.08 12 02 58.85
27 6 25 28.34 23 18 33.15 1.016 5321 15 44.04 12 03 11.23
28 6 29 37.20 +23 15 49.59 1.016 5740 15 44.00 12 03 23.45
29 6 33 45.88 23 12 41.52 1.016 6116 15 43.96 12 03 35.49
30 6 37 54.36 23 09 08.99 1.016 6443 15 43.93 12 03 47.31
July 1 6 42 02.62 23 05 12.10 1.016 6719 15 43.91 12 03 58.90
2 6 46 10.65 +23 00 50.95 1.016 6941 15 43.89 12 04 10.23

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
July 1 99 40 01.70 +0.18 99 39 38.52 20.16 -0.16 -3.07 +8.45 18.39
2 100 37 14.93 0.29 100 36 51.80 20.16 -0.02 3.01 8.40 18.33
3 101 34 28.28 0.36 101 34 05.27 20.16 +0.12 2.90 8.36 18.29
4 102 31 41.73 0.43 102 31 18.88 20.16 0.26 2.74 8.33 18.26
5 103 28 55.27 0.50 103 28 32.59 20.16 0.40 2.57 8.33 18.26
6 104 26 08.90 0.50 104 25 46.38 20.16 0.54 2.40 8.36 18.28
7 105 23 22.55 +0.50 105 23 00.17 20.16 +0.68 -2.27 +8.40 18.33
8 106 20 36.18 0.47 106 20 13.88 20.16 0.82 2.19 8.46 18.38
9 107 17 49.83 0.40 107 17 27.56 20.16 0.96 2.15 8.52 18.44
10 108 15 03.45 0.29 108 14 41.17 20.16 1.10 2.17 8.58 18.50
11 109 12 17.00 0.22 109 11 54.67 20.16 1.24 2.22 8.62 18.54
12 110 09 30.58 +0.07 110 09 08.17 20.16 1.37 2.29 8.64 18.56
13 111 06 44.11 -0.04 111 06 21.64 20.16 +1.51 -2.36 +8.65 18.57
14 112 03 57.64 0.14 112 03 35.10 20.16 1.65 2.42 8.64 18.56
15 113 01 11.21 0.25 113 00 48.64 20.16 1.79 2.45 8.62 18.53
16 113 58 24.81 0.36 113 58 02.24 20.16 1.93 2.44 8.58 18.50
17 114 55 38.53 0.43 114 55 16.03 20.17 2.07 2.38 8.55 18.46
18 115 52 52.43 0.50 115 52 30.04 20.17 2.21 2.27 8.53 18.44
19 116 50 06.54 -0.54 116 49 44.29 20.17 +2.35 -2.12 +8.52 18.43
20 117 47 20.91 0.54 117 46 58.84 20.17 2.49 1.95 8.54 18.45
21 118 44 35.69 0.50 118 44 13.78 20.17 2.63 1.79 8.58 18.49
22 119 41 50.95 0.47 119 41 29.15 20.17 2.77 1.67 8.65 18.56
23 120 39 06.81 0.36 120 38 45.06 20.17 2.91 1.62 8.73 18.64
24 121 36 23.34 0.25 121 36 01.58 20.18 3.04 1.63 8.81 18.71
25 122 33 40.66 -0.14 122 33 18.83 20.18 +3.18 -1.70 +8.86 18.76
26 123 30 58.86 0.00 123 30 36.94 20.18 3.32 1.79 8.89 18.79
27 124 28 18.02 +0.14 124 27 56.02 20.18 3.46 1.87 8.88 18.78
28 125 25 38.19 0.25 125 25 16.14 20.18 3.60 1.91 8.85 18.75
29 126 22 59.38 0.40 126 22 37.34 20.19 3.74 1.90 8.81 18.71
30 127 20 21.63 0.47 127 19 59.66 20.19 3.88 1.82 8.78 18.67
31 128 17 44.95 +0.54 128 17 23.10 20.19 +4.02 -1.71 +8.76 18.65
Aug. 1 129 15 09.33 0.61 129 14 47.62 20.19 4.16 1.57 8.76 18.65
2 130 12 34.76 0.61 130 12 13.18 20.20 4.30 1.43 8.79 18.68
3 131 10 01.19 0.61 131 09 39.71 20.20 4.44 1.32 8.84 18.73
4 132 07 28.59 0.58 132 07 07.18 20.20 4.58 1.26 8.90 18.79
5 133 04 56.98 0.50 133 04 35.58 20.20 4.71 1.24 8.97 18.86
6 134 02 26.29 +0.40 134 02 04.85 20.21 +4.85 -1.28 +9.03 18.92
7 134 59 56.53 0.32 134 59 35.02 20.21 4.99 1.35 9.09 18.97
8 135 57 27.67 0.18 135 57 06.05 20.21 5.13 1.45 9.13 19.01
9 136 54 59.67 +0.07 136 54 37.94 20.22 5.27 1.56 9.14 19.03
10 137 52 32.57 -0.04 137 52 10.74 20.22 5.41 1.66 9.15 19.03
11 138 50 06.35 0.14 138 49 44.44 20.22 5.55 1.74 9.13 19.01
12 139 47 41.03 -0.25 139 47 19.07 20.23 +5.69 -1.78 +9.11 18.98
13 140 45 16.56 0.36 140 44 54.60 20.23 5.83 1.77 9.08 18.95
14 141 42 53.05 0.43 141 42 31.14 20.23 5.97 1.72 9.05 18.93
15 142 40 30.47 0.47 142 40 08.65 20.24 6.11 1.62 9.04 18.92
16 143 38 08.87 -0.47 143 37 47.17 20.24 +6.25 -1.50 +9.05 18.93
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

July 1 6 42 02.62 +23 05 12.10 1.016 6719 15 43.91 12 03 58.90
2 6 46 10.65 23 00 50.95 1.016 6941 15 43.89 12 04 10.23
3 6 50 18.41 22 56 05.64 1.016 7105 15 43.87 12 04 21.29
4 6 54 25.87 22 50 56.32 1.016 7210 15 43.86 12 04 32.04
5 6 58 33.03 22 45 23.10 1.016 7253 15 43.86 12 04 42.45
6 7 02 39.83 22 39 26.14 1.016 7236 15 43.86 12 04 52.52
7 7 06 46.27 +22 33 05.59 1.016 7157 15 43.87 12 05 02.20
8 7 10 52.32 22 26 21.60 1.016 7017 15 43.88 12 05 11.49
9 7 14 57.96 22 19 14.34 1.016 6817 15 43.90 12 05 20.35
10 7 19 03.16 22 11 43.98 1.016 6559 15 43.92 12 05 28.77
11 7 23 07.90 22 03 50.70 1.016 6245 15 43.95 12 05 36.73
12 7 27 12.18 21 55 34.70 1.016 5876 15 43.99 12 05 44.22
13 7 31 15.97 +21 46 56.17 1.016 5456 15 44.03 12 05 51.21
14 7 35 19.27 21 37 55.34 1.016 4986 15 44.07 12 05 57.70
15 7 39 22.05 21 28 32.40 1.016 4468 15 44.12 12 06 03.66
16 7 43 24.31 21 18 47.60 1.016 3906 15 44.17 12 06 09.09
17 7 47 26.03 21 08 41.15 1.016 3302 15 44.23 12 06 13.98
18 7 51 27.21 20 58 13.31 1.016 2659 15 44.29 12 06 18.32
19 7 55 27.84 +20 47 24.30 1.016 1978 15 44.35 12 06 22.11
20 7 59 27.91 20 36 14.37 1.016 1264 15 44.41 12 06 25.32
21 8 03 27.41 20 24 43.76 1.016 0516 15 44.48 12 06 27.97
22 8 07 26.33 20 12 52.71 1.015 9738 15 44.56 12 06 30.04
23 8 11 24.68 20 00 41.44 1.015 8929 15 44.63 12 06 31.54
24 8 15 22.45 19 48 10.18 1.015 8088 15 44.71 12 06 32.46
25 8 19 19.64 +19 35 19.14 1.015 7215 15 44.79 12 06 32.81
26 8 23 16.24 19 22 08.56 1.015 6307 15 44.88 12 06 32.57
27 8 27 12.27 19 08 38.67 1.015 5361 15 44.96 12 06 31.76
28 8 31 07.72 18 54 49.73 1.015 4375 15 45.06 12 06 30.36
29 8 35 02.59 18 40 42.01 1.015 3344 15 45.15 12 06 28.38
30 8 38 56.88 18 26 15.78 1.015 2266 15 45.25 12 06 25.81
31 8 42 50.58 +18 11 31.33 1.015 1139 15 45.36 12 06 22.65
Aug. 1 8 46 43.69 17 56 28.98 1.014 9959 15 45.47 12 06 18.89
2 8 50 36.20 17 41 09.01 1.014 8726 15 45.58 12 06 14.54
3 8 54 28.11 17 25 31.74 1.014 7437 15 45.70 12 06 09.59
4 8 58 19.42 17 09 37.47 1.014 6094 15 45.83 12 06 04.03
5 9 02 10.12 16 53 26.52 1.014 4695 15 45.96 12 05 57.88
6 9 06 00.22 +16 36 59.19 1.014 3242 15 46.09 12 05 51.12
7 9 09 49.71 16 20 15.80 1.014 1735 15 46.23 12 05 43.76
8 9 13 38.61 16 03 16.67 1.014 0176 15 46.38 12 05 35.80
9 9 17 26.90 15 46 02.11 1.013 8567 15 46.53 12 05 27.25
10 9 21 14.60 15 28 32.44 1.013 6910 15 46.68 12 05 18.11
11 9 25 01.72 15 10 47.98 1.013 5207 15 46.84 12 05 08.38
12 9 28 48.26 +14 52 49.05 1.013 3461 15 47.01 12 04 58.08
13 9 32 34.23 14 34 35.99 1.013 1674 15 47.17 12 04 47.20
14 9 36 19.63 14 16 09.10 1.012 9850 15 47.34 12 04 35.77
15 9 40 04.48 13 57 28.73 1.012 7991 15 47.52 12 04 23.79
16 9 43 48.79 +13 38 35.18 1.012 6102 15 47.69 12 04 11.27

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Aug. 16 143 38 08.87 -0.47 143 37 47.17 20.24 +6.25 -1.50 +9.05 18.93
17 144 35 48.31 0.47 144 35 26.74 20.24 6.39 1.37 9.09 18.96
18 145 33 28.89 0.40 145 33 07.42 20.25 6.52 1.27 9.15 19.03
19 146 31 10.60 0.32 146 30 49.18 20.25 6.66 1.22 9.23 19.10
20 147 28 53.61 0.22 147 28 32.16 20.26 6.80 1.24 9.32 19.18
21 148 26 38.02 -0.11 148 26 16.48 20.26 6.94 1.33 9.38 19.25
22 149 24 23.90 +0.04 149 24 02.23 20.26 +7.08 -1.45 +9.42 19.28
23 150 22 11.41 0.18 150 21 49.61 20.27 7.22 1.58 9.42 19.28
24 151 20 00.54 0.32 151 19 38.64 20.27 7.36 1.67 9.39 19.25
25 152 17 51.44 0.43 152 17 29.51 20.28 7.50 1.71 9.35 19.21
26 153 15 44.13 0.54 153 15 22.21 20.28 7.64 1.68 9.31 19.17
27 154 13 38.63 0.61 154 13 16.79 20.28 7.78 1.60 9.28 19.14
28 155 11 34.95 +0.68 155 11 13.20 20.29 +7.92 -1.50 +9.27 19.13
29 156 09 33.10 0.68 156 09 11.45 20.29 8.06 1.40 9.29 19.15
30 157 07 33.07 0.68 157 07 11.50 20.30 8.19 1.32 9.33 19.18
31 158 05 34.85 0.65 158 05 13.31 20.30 8.33 1.28 9.38 19.24
Sept. 1 159 03 38.40 0.58 159 03 16.85 20.31 8.47 1.29 9.45 19.30
2 160 01 43.66 0.50 160 01 22.04 20.31 8.61 1.34 9.51 19.36
3 160 59 50.65 +0.40 160 59 28.93 20.32 +8.75 -1.44 +9.56 19.41
4 161 57 59.32 0.29 161 57 37.48 20.32 8.89 1.57 9.59 19.44
5 162 56 09.64 0.14 162 55 47.64 20.33 9.03 1.71 9.61 19.46
6 163 54 21.60 +0.04 163 53 59.46 20.33 9.17 1.85 9.61 19.45
7 164 52 35.12 -0.11 164 52 12.86 20.34 9.31 1.97 9.59 19.43
8 165 50 50.27 0.22 165 50 27.92 20.34 9.45 2.05 9.55 19.40
9 166 49 06.93 -0.29 166 48 44.53 20.35 +9.59 -2.09 +9.52 19.36
10 167 47 25.16 0.36 167 47 02.76 20.35 9.73 2.09 9.48 19.32
11 168 45 44.93 0.43 168 45 22.57 20.36 9.87 2.04 9.46 19.30
12 169 44 06.21 0.47 169 43 43.93 20.36 10.00 1.96 9.45 19.29
13 170 42 29.07 0.43 170 42 06.88 20.37 10.14 1.87 9.46 19.30
14 171 40 53.48 0.40 171 40 31.37 20.37 10.28 1.78 9.50 19.34
15 172 39 19.52 -0.32 172 38 57.44 20.38 +10.42 -1.74 +9.56 19.40
16 173 37 47.20 0.25 173 37 25.10 20.39 10.56 1.76 9.63 19.47
17 174 36 16.57 -0.11 174 35 54.38 20.39 10.70 1.84 9.69 19.53
18 175 34 47.79 0.00 175 34 25.46 20.40 10.84 1.97 9.73 19.56
19 176 33 20.90 +0.14 176 32 58.42 20.40 10.98 2.13 9.73 19.56
20 177 31 56.00 0.32 177 31 33.38 20.41 11.12 2.26 9.70 19.53
21 178 30 33.21 +0.43 178 30 10.51 20.41 +11.26 -2.33 +9.64 19.47
22 179 29 12.58 0.54 179 28 49.87 20.42 11.40 2.33 9.58 19.41
23 180 27 54.16 0.65 180 27 31.50 20.42 11.54 2.28 9.53 19.36
24 181 26 38.01 0.72 181 26 15.43 20.43 11.67 2.19 9.50 19.33
25 182 25 24.12 0.72 182 25 01.63 20.44 11.81 2.09 9.50 19.32
26 183 24 12.51 0.72 183 23 50.10 20.44 11.95 2.02 9.52 19.34
27 184 23 03.18 +0.68 184 22 40.80 20.45 +12.09 -1.98 +9.55 19.37
28 185 21 56.09 0.65 185 21 33.70 20.45 12.23 1.98 9.60 19.42
29 186 20 51.20 0.54 186 20 28.75 20.46 12.37 2.04 9.64 19.46
30 187 19 48.52 0.43 187 19 25.97 20.46 12.51 2.14 9.68 19.50
Oct. 1 188 18 48.00 +0.32 188 18 25.31 20.47 +12.65 -2.27 +9.70 19.52
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

Aug. 16 9 43 48.79 +13 38 35.18 1.012 6102 15 47.69 12 04 11.27
17 9 47 32.57 13 19 28.79 1.012 4185 15 47.87 12 03 58.22
18 9 51 15.82 13 00 09.86 1.012 2243 15 48.06 12 03 44.66
19 9 54 58.57 12 40 38.69 1.012 0279 15 48.24 12 03 30.60
20 9 58 40.82 12 20 55.56 1.011 8295 15 48.43 12 03 16.07
21 10 02 22.60 12 01 00.76 1.011 6292 15 48.61 12 03 01.07
22 10 06 03.92 +11 40 54.55 1.011 4271 15 48.80 12 02 45.62
23 10 09 44.81 11 20 37.20 1.011 2230 15 48.99 12 02 29.75
24 10 13 25.28 11 00 08.99 1.011 0167 15 49.19 12 02 13.47
25 10 17 05.35 10 39 30.20 1.010 8079 15 49.38 12 01 56.80
26 10 20 45.04 10 18 41.15 1.010 5965 15 49.58 12 01 39.74
27 10 24 24.36 9 57 42.15 1.010 3820 15 49.78 12 01 22.33
28 10 28 03.33 +9 36 33.54 1.010 1642 15 49.99 12 01 04.56
29 10 31 41.95 9 15 15.64 1.009 9430 15 50.20 12 00 46.46
30 10 35 20.24 8 53 48.80 1.009 7181 15 50.41 12 00 28.04
31 10 38 58.21 8 32 13.35 1.009 4894 15 50.62 12 00 09.30
Sept. 1 10 42 35.88 8 10 29.65 1.009 2568 15 50.84 11 59 50.28
2 10 46 13.26 7 48 38.01 1.009 0203 15 51.07 11 59 30.97
3 10 49 50.36 +7 26 38.80 1.008 7799 15 51.29 11 59 11.39
4 10 53 27.20 7 04 32.35 1.008 5356 15 51.52 11 58 51.56
5 10 57 03.80 6 42 18.99 1.008 2875 15 51.76 11 58 31.50
6 11 00 40.16 6 19 59.08 1.008 0358 15 51.99 11 58 11.22
7 11 04 16.32 5 57 32.95 1.007 7807 15 52.24 11 57 50.72
8 11 07 52.27 5 35 00.95 1.007 5223 15 52.48 11 57 30.04
9 11 11 28.05 +5 12 23.43 1.007 2609 15 52.73 11 57 09.19
10 11 15 03.67 4 49 40.71 1.006 9967 15 52.98 11 56 48.19
11 11 18 39.15 4 26 53.16 1.006 7301 15 53.23 11 56 27.05
12 11 22 14.50 4 04 01.10 1.006 4614 15 53.48 11 56 05.79
13 11 25 49.74 3 41 04.89 1.006 1909 15 53.74 11 55 44.43
14 11 29 24.90 3 18 04.86 1.005 9191 15 54.00 11 55 22.99
15 11 32 59.99 +2 55 01.34 1.005 6462 15 54.26 11 55 01.50
16 11 36 35.02 2 31 54.64 1.005 3727 15 54.52 11 54 39.98
17 11 40 10.04 2 08 45.09 1.005 0989 15 54.78 11 54 18.44
18 11 43 45.05 1 45 32.97 1.004 8251 15 55.04 11 53 56.92
19 11 47 20.08 1 22 18.55 1.004 5514 15 55.30 11 53 35.44
20 11 50 55.18 0 59 02.12 1.004 2778 15 55.56 11 53 14.03
21 11 54 30.35 +0 35 43.96 1.004 0044 15 55.82 11 52 52.70
22 11 58 05.63 +0 12 24.37 1.003 7309 15 56.08 11 52 31.49
23 12 01 41.03 -0 10 56.32 1.003 4571 15 56.34 11 52 10.41
24 12 05 16.59 0 34 17.79 1.003 1828 15 56.60 11 51 49.49
25 12 08 52.31 0 57 39.70 1.002 9076 15 56.86 11 51 28.75
26 12 12 28.22 1 21 01.67 1.002 6315 15 57.13 11 51 08.20
27 12 16 04.34 -1 44 23.37 1.002 3541 15 57.39 11 50 47.87
28 12 19 40.67 2 07 44.41 1.002 0754 15 57.66 11 50 27.78
29 12 23 17.25 2 31 04.44 1.001 7952 15 57.93 11 50 07.94
30 12 26 54.09 2 54 23.09 1.001 5134 15 58.19 11 49 48.37
Oct. 1 12 30 31.21 -3 17 39.99 1.001 2300 15 58.47 11 49 29.09

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Oct. 1 188 18 48.00 +0.32 188 18 25.31 20.47 +12.65 -2.27 +9.70 19.52
2 189 17 49.58 0.22 189 17 26.74 20.48 12.79 2.41 9.71 19.52
3 190 16 53.25 +0.07 190 16 30.25 20.48 12.93 2.56 9.69 19.50
4 191 15 58.91 -0.07 191 15 35.78 20.49 13.07 2.68 9.66 19.47
5 192 15 06.56 0.18 192 14 43.33 20.49 13.21 2.78 9.61 19.42
6 193 14 16.15 0.29 193 13 52.86 20.50 13.35 2.83 9.56 19.37
7 194 13 27.63 -0.36 194 13 04.33 20.51 +13.48 -2.84 +9.50 19.31
8 195 12 40.98 0.43 195 12 17.71 20.51 13.62 2.80 9.46 19.26
9 196 11 56.13 0.47 196 11 32.93 20.52 13.76 2.73 9.43 19.23
10 197 11 13.07 0.47 197 10 49.94 20.52 13.90 2.65 9.42 19.22
11 198 10 31.77 0.43 198 10 08.72 20.53 14.04 2.56 9.43 19.24
12 199 09 52.22 0.40 199 09 29.23 20.54 14.18 2.50 9.47 19.27
13 200 09 14.42 -0.29 200 08 51.43 20.54 +14.32 -2.49 +9.52 19.31
14 201 08 38.36 0.18 201 08 15.32 20.55 14.46 2.54 9.56 19.36
15 202 08 04.09 -0.07 202 07 40.94 20.55 14.60 2.64 9.59 19.39
16 203 07 31.69 +0.07 203 07 08.40 20.56 14.74 2.78 9.59 19.39
17 204 07 01.19 0.22 204 06 37.76 20.57 14.88 2.91 9.56 19.35
18 205 06 32.67 0.36 205 06 09.14 20.57 15.02 3.00 9.49 19.29
19 206 06 06.19 +0.47 206 05 42.65 20.58 +15.16 -3.01 +9.42 19.21
20 207 05 41.87 0.58 207 05 18.38 20.58 15.29 2.95 9.34 19.13
21 208 05 19.74 0.65 208 04 56.35 20.59 15.43 2.84 9.28 19.07
22 209 04 59.85 0.68 209 04 36.59 20.59 15.57 2.71 9.25 19.04
23 210 04 42.24 0.68 210 04 19.09 20.60 15.71 2.59 9.25 19.04
24 211 04 26.86 0.68 211 04 03.79 20.61 15.85 2.51 9.27 19.05
25 212 04 13.76 +0.61 212 03 50.72 20.61 +15.99 -2.48 +9.30 19.08
26 213 04 02.91 0.54 213 03 39.85 20.62 16.13 2.49 9.33 19.11
27 214 03 54.27 0.43 214 03 31.14 20.62 16.27 2.55 9.36 19.14
28 215 03 47.82 0.32 215 03 24.59 20.63 16.41 2.65 9.37 19.15
29 216 03 43.47 0.18 216 03 20.12 20.63 16.55 2.76 9.37 19.15
30 217 03 41.25 +0.07 217 03 17.78 20.64 16.69 2.88 9.34 19.12
31 218 03 41.04 -0.07 218 03 17.46 20.64 +16.83 -2.98 +9.30 19.08
Nov. 1 219 03 42.77 0.18 219 03 19.12 20.65 16.96 3.05 9.25 19.02
2 220 03 46.44 0.29 220 03 22.75 20.65 17.10 3.08 9.18 18.96
3 221 03 51.94 0.40 221 03 28.26 20.66 17.24 3.06 9.12 18.89
4 222 03 59.23 0.47 222 03 35.60 20.67 17.38 3.00 9.06 18.83
5 223 04 08.24 0.50 223 03 44.71 20.67 17.52 2.91 9.01 18.78
6 224 04 18.89 -0.50 224 03 55.48 20.68 +17.66 -2.79 +8.99 18.76
7 225 04 31.12 0.50 225 04 07.82 20.68 17.80 2.67 8.99 18.76
8 226 04 44.89 0.47 226 04 21.68 20.69 17.94 2.57 9.01 18.78
9 227 05 00.14 0.40 227 04 36.98 20.69 18.08 2.51 9.04 18.81
10 228 05 16.80 0.29 228 04 53.65 20.70 18.22 2.50 9.08 18.84
11 229 05 34.93 0.18 229 05 11.72 20.70 18.36 2.55 9.11 18.87
12 230 05 54.43 -0.04 230 05 31.13 20.71 +18.50 -2.64 +9.12 18.88
13 231 06 15.34 +0.11 231 05 51.94 20.71 18.64 2.73 9.09 18.85
14 232 06 37.73 0.25 232 06 14.26 20.72 18.77 2.80 9.03 18.79
15 233 07 01.57 0.36 233 06 38.09 20.72 18.91 2.81 8.96 18.71
16 234 07 27.00 +0.47 234 07 03.58 20.73 +19.05 -2.74 +8.87 18.63
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

Oct. 1 12 30 31.21 -3 17 39.99 1.001 2300 15 58.47 11 49 29.09
2 12 34 08.63 3 40 54.77 1.000 9450 15 58.74 11 49 10.12
3 12 37 46.36 4 04 07.05 1.000 6585 15 59.01 11 48 51.47
4 12 41 24.43 4 27 16.47 1.000 3704 15 59.29 11 48 33.16
5 12 45 02.85 4 50 22.63 1.000 0809 15 59.57 11 48 15.22
6 12 48 41.64 5 13 25.17 0.999 7902 15 59.85 11 47 57.65
7 12 52 20.82 -5 36 23.70 0.999 4985 16 00.13 11 47 40.47
8 12 56 00.40 5 59 17.84 0.999 2059 16 00.41 11 47 23.70
9 12 59 40.41 6 22 07.20 0.998 9128 16 00.69 11 47 07.37
10 13 03 20.85 6 44 51.40 0.998 6195 16 00.97 11 46 51.47
11 13 07 01.75 7 07 30.06 0.998 3262 16 01.25 11 46 36.04
12 13 10 43.12 7 30 02.78 0.998 0334 16 01.54 11 46 21.10
13 13 14 24.98 -7 52 29.19 0.997 7414 16 01.82 11 46 06.65
14 13 18 07.34 8 14 48.92 0.997 4508 16 02.10 11 45 52.72
15 13 21 50.24 8 37 01.60 0.997 1618 16 02.38 11 45 39.33
16 13 25 33.68 8 59 06.88 0.996 8749 16 02.65 11 45 26.51
17 13 29 17.69 9 21 04.44 0.996 5903 16 02.93 11 45 14.26
18 13 33 02.30 9 42 53.93 0.996 3083 16 03.20 11 45 02.63
19 13 36 47.54 -10 04 35.03 0.996 0289 16 03.47 11 44 51.62
20 13 40 33.41 10 26 07.40 0.995 7521 16 03.74 11 44 41.26
21 13 44 19.95 10 47 30.66 0.995 4777 16 04.00 11 44 31.56
22 13 48 07.17 11 08 44.45 0.995 2056 16 04.27 11 44 22.55
23 13 51 55.08 11 29 48.36 0.994 9355 16 04.53 11 44 14.25
24 13 55 43.70 11 50 41.99 0.994 6672 16 04.79 11 44 06.66
25 13 59 33.04 -12 11 24.94 0.994 4005 16 05.05 11 43 59.80
26 14 03 23.11 12 31 56.79 0.994 1352 16 05.31 11 43 53.69
27 14 07 13.93 12 52 17.13 0.993 8712 16 05.56 11 43 48.33
28 14 11 05.52 13 12 25.53 0.993 6084 16 05.82 11 43 43.74
29 14 14 57.87 13 32 21.59 0.993 3465 16 06.07 11 43 39.92
30 14 18 51.00 13 52 04.88 0.993 0856 16 06.33 11 43 36.89
31 14 22 44.93 -14 11 34.98 0.992 8257 16 06.58 11 43 34.66
Nov. 1 14 26 39.65 14 30 51.48 0.992 5666 16 06.83 11 43 33.23
2 14 30 35.19 14 49 53.95 0.992 3086 16 07.08 11 43 32.60
3 14 34 31.53 15 08 41.97 0.992 0515 16 07.33 11 43 32.78
4 14 38 28.69 15 27 15.12 0.991 7955 16 07.58 11 43 33.78
5 14 42 26.67 15 45 32.97 0.991 5408 16 07.83 11 43 35.60
6 14 46 25.47 -16 03 35.11 0.991 2876 16 08.08 11 43 38.24
7 14 50 25.09 16 21 21.12 0.991 0362 16 08.32 11 43 41.70
8 14 54 25.53 16 38 50.57 0.990 7867 16 08.57 11 43 45.99
9 14 58 26.80 16 56 03.05 0.990 5396 16 08.81 11 43 51.10
10 15 02 28.90 17 12 58.15 0.990 2952 16 09.05 11 43 57.04
11 15 06 31.81 17 29 35.47 0.990 0539 16 09.29 11 44 03.81
12 15 10 35.56 -17 45 54.61 0.989 8161 16 09.52 11 44 11.42
13 15 14 40.13 18 01 55.21 0.989 5823 16 09.75 11 44 19.85
14 15 18 45.55 18 17 36.90 0.989 3528 16 09.97 11 44 29.12
15 15 22 51.80 18 32 59.34 0.989 1278 16 10.19 11 44 39.23
16 15 26 58.89 -18 48 02.18 0.988 9077 16 10.41 11 44 50.18

SUN, 2024
Date Geometric Longitude* Latitude Apparent Longitude Aberra- Prec. in Nut. in Nut. in True
(Mean Equinox (Ecliptic (True equinox of date) tion Long. Long. Obliquity Obliquity
of date) of date ) (J 2024.5 (23° 26')
of date)
° ' '' '' ° ' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Nov. 16 234 07 27.00 +0.47 234 07 03.58 20.73 +19.05 -2.74 +8.87 18.63
17 235 07 54.01 0.54 235 07 30.72 20.73 19.19 2.61 8.80 18.56
18 236 08 22.71 0.58 236 07 59.59 20.73 19.33 2.43 8.76 18.51
19 237 08 53.06 0.61 237 08 30.12 20.74 19.47 2.25 8.74 18.49
20 238 09 25.17 0.58 238 09 02.38 20.74 19.61 2.10 8.75 18.50
21 239 09 59.06 0.54 239 09 36.36 20.75 19.75 2.00 8.78 18.53
22 240 10 34.65 +0.47 240 10 12.00 20.75 +19.89 -1.95 +8.82 18.56
23 241 11 11.96 0.36 241 10 49.30 20.75 20.03 1.95 8.85 18.59
24 242 11 50.99 0.25 242 11 28.28 20.76 20.17 1.99 8.87 18.61
25 243 12 31.67 +0.14 243 12 08.89 20.76 20.31 2.06 8.87 18.61
26 244 13 13.98 0.00 244 12 51.12 20.77 20.45 2.14 8.85 18.60
27 245 13 57.82 -0.14 245 13 34.90 20.77 20.58 2.20 8.82 18.56
28 246 14 43.19 -0.25 246 14 20.22 20.77 +20.72 -2.24 +8.77 18.51
29 247 15 30.02 0.36 247 15 07.06 20.78 20.86 2.24 8.71 18.45
30 248 16 18.19 0.47 248 15 55.26 20.78 21.00 2.19 8.65 18.39
Dec. 1 249 17 07.67 0.54 249 16 44.83 20.78 21.14 2.10 8.60 18.33
2 250 17 58.33 0.58 250 17 35.63 20.79 21.28 1.96 8.56 18.29
3 251 18 50.13 0.61 251 18 27.58 20.79 21.42 1.81 8.53 18.27
4 252 19 42.96 -0.58 252 19 20.57 20.79 +21.56 -1.64 +8.54 18.27
5 253 20 36.74 0.54 253 20 14.50 20.80 21.70 1.50 8.56 18.29
6 254 21 31.36 0.47 254 21 09.22 20.80 21.84 1.39 8.60 18.33
7 255 22 26.79 0.40 255 22 04.69 20.80 21.98 1.34 8.65 18.37
8 256 23 22.92 0.29 256 23 00.82 20.81 22.12 1.34 8.69 18.41
9 257 24 19.70 0.14 257 23 57.55 20.81 22.26 1.38 8.71 18.43
10 258 25 17.11 -0.00 258 24 54.90 20.81 +22.39 -1.45 +8.70 18.43
11 259 26 15.09 +0.11 259 25 52.82 20.81 22.53 1.49 8.67 18.39
12 260 27 13.66 0.25 260 26 51.40 20.82 22.67 1.49 8.61 18.33
13 261 28 12.82 0.32 261 27 50.62 20.82 22.81 1.43 8.54 18.26
14 262 29 12.62 0.43 262 28 50.56 20.82 22.95 1.29 8.48 18.20
15 263 30 13.06 0.47 263 29 51.18 20.82 23.09 1.10 8.44 18.16
16 264 31 14.20 +0.50 264 30 52.52 20.83 +23.23 -0.89 +8.42 18.14
17 265 32 16.07 0.47 265 31 54.59 20.83 23.37 0.70 8.44 18.16
18 266 33 18.70 0.43 266 32 57.37 20.83 23.51 0.54 8.48 18.19
19 267 34 22.14 0.36 267 34 00.91 20.83 23.65 0.44 8.53 18.24
20 268 35 26.36 0.29 268 35 05.17 20.83 23.79 0.40 8.58 18.29
21 269 36 31.35 0.18 269 36 10.15 20.83 23.93 0.41 8.62 18.33
22 270 37 37.09 +0.04 270 37 15.85 20.84 +24.07 -0.45 +8.64 18.35
23 271 38 43.60 -0.07 271 38 22.31 20.84 24.20 0.50 8.65 18.36
24 272 39 50.79 0.22 272 39 29.45 20.84 24.34 0.55 8.64 18.35
25 273 40 58.65 0.32 273 40 37.27 20.84 24.48 0.58 8.61 18.32
26 274 42 07.12 0.43 274 41 45.74 20.84 24.62 0.58 8.58 18.28
27 275 43 16.12 0.54 275 42 54.79 20.84 24.76 0.54 8.53 18.23
28 276 44 25.58 -0.61 276 44 04.34 20.84 +24.90 -0.44 +8.49 18.19
29 277 45 35.47 0.65 277 45 14.36 20.84 25.04 0.31 8.46 18.16
30 278 46 45.68 0.68 278 46 24.74 20.84 25.18 -0.14 8.45 18.15
31 279 47 56.10 0.68 279 47 35.34 20.84 25.32 +0.03 8.47 18.16
32 280 49 06.68 -0.65 280 48 46.08 20.84 +25.46 +0.20 +8.50 18.20
*To obtain the geometric longitude referred to the mean equinox of J 2000.0, add -20' 32".121 and subtract
precession from J 2024.5.

SUN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " ' " h m s

Nov. 16 15 26 58.89 -18 48 02.18 0.988 9077 16 10.41 11 44 50.18
17 15 31 06.83 19 02 45.08 0.988 6924 16 10.62 11 45 01.96
18 15 35 15.61 19 17 07.69 0.988 4820 16 10.83 11 45 14.59
19 15 39 25.22 19 31 09.63 0.988 2764 16 11.03 11 45 28.05
20 15 43 35.67 19 44 50.54 0.988 0753 16 11.23 11 45 42.34
21 15 47 46.94 19 58 10.05 0.987 8787 16 11.42 11 45 57.45
22 15 51 59.03 -20 11 07.77 0.987 6862 16 11.61 11 46 13.38
23 15 56 11.92 20 23 43.34 0.987 4977 16 11.79 11 46 30.11
24 16 00 25.60 20 35 56.40 0.987 3129 16 11.98 11 46 47.63
25 16 04 40.07 20 47 46.58 0.987 1317 16 12.15 11 47 05.93
26 16 08 55.31 20 59 13.55 0.986 9540 16 12.33 11 47 25.00
27 16 13 11.30 21 10 16.96 0.986 7796 16 12.50 11 47 44.80
28 16 17 28.03 -21 20 56.49 0.986 6083 16 12.67 11 48 05.33
29 16 21 45.47 21 31 11.80 0.986 4400 16 12.84 11 48 26.57
30 16 26 03.60 21 41 02.58 0.986 2748 16 13.00 11 48 48.48
Dec. 1 16 30 22.41 21 50 28.54 0.986 1125 16 13.16 11 49 11.05
2 16 34 41.86 21 59 29.39 0.985 9532 16 13.32 11 49 34.26
3 16 39 01.93 22 08 04.83 0.985 7968 16 13.47 11 49 58.06
4 16 43 22.59 -22 16 14.60 0.985 6435 16 13.62 11 50 22.45
5 16 47 43.82 22 23 58.43 0.985 4934 16 13.77 11 50 47.38
6 16 52 05.57 22 31 16.07 0.985 3467 16 13.92 11 51 12.83
7 16 56 27.82 22 38 07.29 0.985 2037 16 14.06 11 51 38.77
8 17 00 50.54 22 44 31.86 0.985 0647 16 14.19 11 52 05.16
9 17 05 13.70 22 50 29.57 0.984 9301 16 14.33 11 52 31.99
10 17 09 37.28 -22 56 00.23 0.984 8001 16 14.46 11 52 59.22
11 17 14 01.24 23 01 03.68 0.984 6752 16 14.58 11 53 26.82
12 17 18 25.57 23 05 39.79 0.984 5558 16 14.70 11 53 54.76
13 17 22 50.22 23 09 48.41 0.984 4422 16 14.81 11 54 23.02
14 17 27 15.19 23 13 29.44 0.984 3346 16 14.92 11 54 51.57
15 17 31 40.43 23 16 42.77 0.984 2332 16 15.02 11 55 20.39
16 17 36 05.93 -23 19 28.32 0.984 1382 16 15.11 11 55 49.44
17 17 40 31.65 23 21 45.98 0.984 0494 16 15.20 11 56 18.70
18 17 44 57.55 23 23 35.65 0.983 9669 16 15.28 11 56 48.13
19 17 49 23.62 23 24 57.27 0.983 8904 16 15.36 11 57 17.72
20 17 53 49.81 23 25 50.74 0.983 8198 16 15.43 11 57 47.42
21 17 58 16.10 23 26 16.02 0.983 7548 16 15.49 11 58 17.20
22 18 02 42.46 -23 26 13.06 0.983 6952 16 15.55 11 58 47.04
23 18 07 08.85 23 25 41.84 0.983 6409 16 15.60 11 59 16.89
24 18 11 35.24 23 24 42.35 0.983 5915 16 15.65 11 59 46.73
25 18 16 01.60 23 23 14.61 0.983 5469 16 15.70 12 00 16.51
26 18 20 27.89 23 21 18.63 0.983 5069 16 15.74 12 00 46.21
27 18 24 54.08 23 18 54.47 0.983 4713 16 15.77 12 01 15.79
28 18 29 20.13 -23 16 02.20 0.983 4398 16 15.80 12 01 45.20
29 18 33 46.01 23 12 41.88 0.983 4124 16 15.83 12 02 14.42
30 18 38 11.67 23 08 53.63 0.983 3889 16 15.85 12 02 43.41
31 18 42 37.09 23 04 37.56 0.983 3692 16 15.87 12 03 12.13
32 18 47 02.21 -22 59 53.79 0.983 3532 16 15.89 12 03 40.54

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 20243.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

Jan. 0 +0.149 5124 +0.148 5921 -0.891 8546 -0.891 8521 -0.386 2440 -0.386 6047
1 0.166 7688 0.165 8513 0.889 2761 0.889 2737 0.385 0858 0.385 4875
2 0.183 9747 0.183 0601 0.886 4215 0.886 4191 0.383 8080 0.384 2506
3 0.201 1248 0.200 2135 0.883 2912 0.883 2888 0.382 4109 0.382 8944
4 0.218 2137 0.217 3060 0.879 8860 0.879 8836 0.380 8949 0.381 4190
5 0.235 2363 0.234 3324 0.876 2067 0.876 2043 0.379 2602 0.379 8249
6 +0.252 1870 +0.251 2872 -0.872 2541 -0.872 2518 -0.377 5073 -0.378 1123
7 0.269 0605 0.268 1652 0.868 0293 0.868 0269 0.375 6365 0.376 2816
8 0.285 8514 0.284 9607 0.863 5332 0.863 5309 0.373 6482 0.374 3332
9 0.302 5541 0.301 6684 0.858 7672 0.858 7649 0.371 5430 0.372 2678
10 0.319 1631 0.318 2827 0.853 7324 0.853 7301 0.369 3214 0.370 0857
11 0.335 6729 0.334 7979 0.848 4305 0.848 4282 0.366 9840 0.367 7876
12 +0.352 0777 +0.351 2086 -0.842 8631 -0.842 8609 -0.364 5317 -0.365 3743
13 0.368 3723 0.367 5092 0.837 0321 0.837 0299 0.361 9652 0.362 8466
14 0.384 5510 0.383 6942 0.830 9396 0.830 9374 0.359 2854 0.360 2053
15 0.400 6085 0.399 7584 0.824 5878 0.824 5856 0.356 4934 0.357 4515
16 0.416 5398 0.415 6965 0.817 9791 0.817 9770 0.353 5903 0.354 5862
17 0.432 3397 0.431 5036 0.811 1161 0.811 1140 0.350 5771 0.351 6106
18 +0.448 0035 +0.447 1748 -0.804 0013 -0.803 9992 -0.347 4551 -0.348 5259
19 0.463 5265 0.462 7054 0.796 6373 0.796 6353 0.344 2254 0.345 3331
20 0.478 9041 0.478 0909 0.789 0268 0.789 0247 0.340 8892 0.342 0335
21 0.494 1320 0.493 3269 0.781 1722 0.781 1702 0.337 4478 0.338 6282
22 0.509 2057 0.508 4090 0.773 0764 0.773 0745 0.333 9022 0.335 1185
23 0.524 1209 0.523 3329 0.764 7420 0.764 7401 0.330 2536 0.331 5054
24 +0.538 8735 +0.538 0944 -0.756 1716 -0.756 1696 -0.326 5033 -0.327 7902
25 0.553 4592 0.552 6892 0.747 3678 0.747 3659 0.322 6524 0.323 9739
26 0.567 8739 0.567 1133 0.738 3334 0.738 3315 0.318 7021 0.320 0579
27 0.582 1134 0.581 3624 0.729 0710 0.729 0692 0.314 6535 0.316 0431
28 0.596 1735 0.595 4324 0.719 5834 0.719 5817 0.310 5079 0.311 9309
29 0.610 0502 0.609 3191 0.709 8735 0.709 8717 0.306 2663 0.307 7224
30 +0.623 7394 +0.623 0185 -0.699 9440 -0.699 9422 -0.301 9301 -0.303 4187
31 0.637 2368 0.636 5265 0.689 7978 0.689 7961 0.297 5006 0.299 0212
Feb. 1 0.650 5385 0.649 8389 0.679 4378 0.679 4362 0.292 9788 0.294 5311
2 0.663 6403 0.662 9517 0.668 8672 0.668 8656 0.288 3662 0.289 9496
3 0.676 5382 0.675 8607 0.658 0891 0.658 0875 0.283 6641 0.285 2781
4 0.689 2280 0.688 5619 0.647 1065 0.647 1049 0.278 8737 0.280 5179
5 +0.701 7058 +0.701 0513 -0.635 9227 -0.635 9212 -0.273 9966 -0.275 6705
6 0.713 9674 0.713 3247 0.624 5412 0.624 5397 0.269 0342 0.270 7371
7 0.726 0089 0.725 3781 0.612 9653 0.612 9639 0.263 9879 0.265 7194
8 0.737 8261 0.737 2075 0.601 1988 0.601 1975 0.258 8593 0.260 6189
9 0.749 4151 0.748 8089 0.589 2455 0.589 2441 0.253 6500 0.255 4372
10 0.760 7721 0.760 1784 0.577 1091 0.577 1078 0.248 3618 0.250 1760
11 +0.771 8932 +0.771 3123 -0.564 7940 -0.564 7927 -0.242 9966 -0.244 8371
12 0.782 7749 0.782 2070 0.552 3043 0.552 3030 0.237 5561 0.239 4224
13 0.793 4139 0.792 8590 0.539 6443 0.539 6432 0.232 0423 0.233 9339
14 0.803 8070 0.803 2654 0.526 8187 0.526 8175 0.226 4572 0.228 3735
15 +0.813 9513 +0.813 4232 -0.513 8316 -0.513 8305 -0.220 8027 -0.222 7431

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

Feb. 15 +0.813 9513 +0.813 4232 -0.513 8316 -0.513 8305 -0.220 8027 -0.222 7431
16 0.823 8442 0.823 3296 0.500 6876 0.500 6865 0.215 0809 0.217 0448
17 0.833 4829 0.832 9821 0.487 3910 0.487 3900 0.209 2936 0.211 2804
18 0.842 8651 0.842 3782 0.473 9461 0.473 9451 0.203 4428 0.205 4518
19 0.851 9884 0.851 5155 0.460 3573 0.460 3563 0.197 5304 0.199 5610
20 0.860 8505 0.860 3918 0.446 6287 0.446 6278 0.191 5581 0.193 6098
21 +0.869 4492 +0.869 0049 -0.432 7647 -0.432 7639 -0.185 5279 -0.187 5999
22 0.877 7823 0.877 3525 0.418 7695 0.418 7687 0.179 4415 0.181 5334
23 0.885 8478 0.885 4325 0.404 6472 0.404 6464 0.173 3009 0.175 4119
24 0.893 6435 0.893 2430 0.390 4021 0.390 4014 0.167 1078 0.169 2373
25 0.901 1675 0.900 7818 0.376 0384 0.376 0377 0.160 8641 0.163 0114
26 0.908 4178 0.908 0471 0.361 5603 0.361 5597 0.154 5715 0.156 7360
27 +0.915 3923 +0.915 0367 -0.346 9721 -0.346 9715 -0.148 2319 -0.150 4129
28 0.922 0893 0.921 7489 0.332 2779 0.332 2774 0.141 8470 0.144 0439
29 0.928 5068 0.928 1817 0.317 4822 0.317 4817 0.135 4188 0.137 6308
Mar. 1 0.934 6430 0.934 3333 0.302 5892 0.302 5887 0.128 9490 0.131 1756
2 0.940 4960 0.940 2018 0.287 6032 0.287 6028 0.122 4396 0.124 6800
3 0.946 0641 0.945 7855 0.272 5287 0.272 5283 0.115 8923 0.118 1459
4 +0.951 3456 +0.951 0825 -0.257 3701 -0.257 3698 -0.109 3092 -0.111 5753
5 0.956 3386 0.956 0913 0.242 1320 0.242 1317 0.102 6921 0.104 9701
6 0.961 0416 0.960 8101 0.226 8190 0.226 8188 0.096 0431 0.098 3322
7 0.965 4529 0.965 2373 0.211 4358 0.211 4356 0.089 3642 0.091 6636
8 0.969 5709 0.969 3713 0.195 9871 0.195 9870 0.082 6574 0.084 9666
9 0.973 3944 0.973 2108 0.180 4780 0.180 4779 0.075 9250 0.078 2432
10 +0.976 9220 +0.976 7545 -0.164 9135 -0.164 9135 -0.069 1691 -0.071 4956
11 0.980 1526 0.980 0012 0.149 2988 0.149 2987 0.062 3920 0.064 7262
12 0.983 0855 0.982 9503 0.133 6389 0.133 6390 0.055 5961 0.057 9371
13 0.985 7201 0.985 6011 0.117 9392 0.117 9393 0.048 7836 0.051 1308
14 0.988 0561 0.987 9534 0.102 2048 0.102 2049 0.041 9567 0.044 3094
15 0.990 0933 0.990 0068 0.086 4407 0.086 4409 0.035 1179 0.037 4753
16 +0.991 8316 +0.991 7615 -0.070 6519 -0.070 6521 -0.028 2691 -0.030 6306
17 0.993 2713 0.993 2175 0.054 8432 0.054 8435 0.021 4125 0.023 7774
18 0.994 4125 0.994 3750 0.039 0195 0.039 0198 0.014 5503 0.016 9178
19 0.995 2554 0.995 2342 0.023 1855 0.023 1858 0.007 6845 0.010 0539
20 0.995 8003 0.995 7956 -0.007 3457 -0.007 3461 -0.000 8171 -0.003 1877
21 0.996 0477 0.996 0593 +0.008 4951 +0.008 4946 +0.006 0499 +0.003 6788
22 +0.995 9979 +0.996 0259 +0.024 3324 +0.024 3319 +0.012 9146 +0.010 5437
23 0.995 6514 0.995 6957 0.040 1617 0.040 1612 0.019 7750 0.017 4050
24 0.995 0087 0.995 0693 0.055 9786 0.055 9780 0.026 6292 0.024 2608
25 0.994 0703 0.994 1472 0.071 7785 0.071 7779 0.033 4752 0.031 1092
26 0.992 8367 0.992 9299 0.087 5570 0.087 5564 0.040 3113 0.037 9483
27 0.991 3086 0.991 4180 0.103 3098 0.103 3091 0.047 1355 0.044 7762
28 +0.989 4865 +0.989 6122 +0.119 0324 +0.119 0316 +0.053 9459 +0.051 5910
29 0.987 3712 0.987 5131 0.134 7203 0.134 7195 0.060 7407 0.058 3909
30 0.984 9633 0.985 1213 0.150 3693 0.150 3684 0.067 5180 0.065 1740
31 0.982 2635 0.982 4376 0.165 9748 0.165 9739 0.074 2759 0.071 9384
Apr. 1 +0.979 2726 +0.979 4627 +0.181 5324 +0.181 5314 +0.081 0125 +0.078 6822

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

Apr. 1 +0.979 2726 +0.979 4627 +0.181 5324 +0.181 5314 +0.081 0125 +0.078 6822
2 0.975 9913 0.976 1974 0.197 0376 0.197 0366 0.087 7258 0.085 4034
3 0.972 4204 0.972 6425 0.212 4859 0.212 4848 0.094 4139 0.092 1001
4 0.968 5610 0.968 7990 0.227 8726 0.227 8716 0.101 0748 0.098 7703
5 0.964 4140 0.964 6677 0.243 1932 0.243 1921 0.107 7065 0.105 4120
6 0.959 9805 0.960 2500 0.258 4428 0.258 4417 0.114 3070 0.112 0231
7 +0.955 2618 +0.955 5470 +0.273 6168 +0.273 6156 +0.120 8741 +0.118 6015
8 0.950 2594 0.950 5602 0.288 7102 0.288 7090 0.127 4057 0.125 1450
9 0.944 9751 0.945 2913 0.303 7183 0.303 7171 0.133 8996 0.131 6516
10 0.939 4108 0.939 7423 0.318 6363 0.318 6350 0.140 3538 0.138 1191
11 0.933 5685 0.933 9154 0.333 4596 0.333 4582 0.146 7662 0.144 5455
12 0.927 4506 0.927 8127 0.348 1835 0.348 1821 0.153 1348 0.150 9287
13 +0.921 0596 +0.921 4368 +0.362 8038 +0.362 8023 +0.159 4576 +0.157 2669
14 0.914 3980 0.914 7901 0.377 3161 0.377 3146 0.165 7329 0.163 5581
15 0.907 4682 0.907 8752 0.391 7163 0.391 7148 0.171 9587 0.169 8005
16 0.900 2730 0.900 6947 0.406 0004 0.405 9988 0.178 1335 0.175 9925
17 0.892 8149 0.893 2512 0.420 1644 0.420 1628 0.184 2554 0.182 1322
18 0.885 0966 0.885 5474 0.434 2045 0.434 2029 0.190 3229 0.188 2181
19 +0.877 1208 +0.877 5859 +0.448 1169 +0.448 1152 +0.196 3342 +0.194 2485
20 0.868 8901 0.869 3694 0.461 8978 0.461 8962 0.202 2879 0.200 2219
21 0.860 4072 0.860 9006 0.475 5437 0.475 5420 0.208 1823 0.206 1366
22 0.851 6749 0.852 1822 0.489 0508 0.489 0491 0.214 0160 0.211 9911
23 0.842 6960 0.843 2170 0.502 4157 0.502 4139 0.219 7874 0.217 7840
24 0.833 4731 0.834 0077 0.515 6348 0.515 6330 0.225 4951 0.223 5136
25 +0.824 0089 +0.824 5571 +0.528 7047 +0.528 7029 +0.231 1375 +0.229 1787
26 0.814 3064 0.814 8678 0.541 6219 0.541 6201 0.236 7133 0.234 7776
27 0.804 3681 0.804 9426 0.554 3830 0.554 3811 0.242 2209 0.240 3090
28 0.794 1968 0.794 7844 0.566 9845 0.566 9826 0.247 6590 0.245 7714
29 0.783 7955 0.784 3958 0.579 4231 0.579 4211 0.253 0260 0.251 1632
30 0.773 1668 0.773 7798 0.591 6952 0.591 6932 0.258 3205 0.256 4831
May 1 +0.762 3136 +0.762 9391 +0.603 7973 +0.603 7953 +0.263 5410 +0.261 7295
2 0.751 2389 0.751 8767 0.615 7261 0.615 7240 0.268 6859 0.266 9008
3 0.739 9457 0.740 5956 0.627 4778 0.627 4757 0.273 7538 0.271 9956
4 0.728 4372 0.729 0990 0.639 0490 0.639 0469 0.278 7429 0.277 0122
5 0.716 7167 0.717 3902 0.650 4361 0.650 4340 0.283 6519 0.281 9491
6 0.704 7876 0.705 4726 0.661 6355 0.661 6333 0.288 4790 0.286 8047
7 +0.692 6536 +0.693 3499 +0.672 6438 +0.672 6416 +0.293 2228 +0.291 5775
8 0.680 3185 0.681 0260 0.683 4574 0.683 4552 0.297 8818 0.296 2658
9 0.667 7864 0.668 5048 0.694 0733 0.694 0710 0.302 4543 0.300 8683
10 0.655 0613 0.655 7904 0.704 4881 0.704 4858 0.306 9392 0.305 3835
11 0.642 1475 0.642 8871 0.714 6990 0.714 6967 0.311 3351 0.309 8102
12 0.629 0492 0.629 7991 0.724 7032 0.724 7008 0.315 6408 0.314 1471
13 +0.615 7707 +0.616 5307 +0.734 4979 +0.734 4956 +0.319 8551 +0.318 3931
14 0.602 3162 0.603 0860 0.744 0807 0.744 0783 0.323 9770 0.322 5470
15 0.588 6899 0.589 4694 0.753 4491 0.753 4467 0.328 0053 0.326 6079
16 0.574 8962 0.575 6851 0.762 6008 0.762 5984 0.331 9392 0.330 5747
17 +0.560 9392 +0.561 7373 +0.771 5335 +0.771 5311 +0.335 7777 +0.334 4465

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

May 17 +0.560 9392 +0.561 7373 +0.771 5335 +0.771 5311 +0.335 7777 +0.334 4465
18 0.546 8231 0.547 6301 0.780 2451 0.780 2427 0.339 5199 0.338 2223
19 0.532 5521 0.533 3679 0.788 7335 0.788 7310 0.343 1649 0.341 9013
20 0.518 1305 0.518 9547 0.796 9966 0.796 9942 0.346 7119 0.345 4827
21 0.503 5622 0.504 3947 0.805 0326 0.805 0301 0.350 1601 0.348 9656
22 0.488 8516 0.489 6921 0.812 8394 0.812 8369 0.353 5087 0.352 3492
23 +0.474 0026 +0.474 8509 +0.820 4153 +0.820 4128 +0.356 7569 +0.355 6328
24 0.459 0194 0.459 8752 0.827 7584 0.827 7559 0.359 9039 0.358 8156
25 0.443 9059 0.444 7690 0.834 8669 0.834 8644 0.362 9491 0.361 8968
26 0.428 6663 0.429 5365 0.841 7391 0.841 7366 0.365 8917 0.364 8757
27 0.413 3045 0.414 1815 0.848 3731 0.848 3706 0.368 7310 0.367 7516
28 0.397 8247 0.398 7082 0.854 7672 0.854 7646 0.371 4661 0.370 5235
29 +0.382 2308 +0.383 1206 +0.860 9195 +0.860 9169 +0.374 0963 +0.373 1909
30 0.366 5270 0.367 4229 0.866 8282 0.866 8256 0.376 6207 0.375 7528
31 0.350 7176 0.351 6193 0.872 4914 0.872 4888 0.379 0387 0.378 2084
June 1 0.334 8069 0.335 7141 0.877 9073 0.877 9047 0.381 3492 0.380 5569
2 0.318 7994 0.319 7119 0.883 0742 0.883 0715 0.383 5517 0.382 7974
3 0.302 6997 0.303 6173 0.887 9902 0.887 9875 0.385 6451 0.384 9292
4 +0.286 5126 +0.287 4349 +0.892 6537 +0.892 6510 +0.387 6289 +0.386 9516
5 0.270 2429 0.271 1698 0.897 0632 0.897 0605 0.389 5023 0.388 8637
6 0.253 8957 0.254 8268 0.901 2172 0.901 2146 0.391 2647 0.390 6651
7 0.237 4759 0.238 4110 0.905 1147 0.905 1120 0.392 9156 0.392 3550
8 0.220 9887 0.221 9275 0.908 7545 0.908 7518 0.394 4544 0.393 9331
9 0.204 4392 0.205 3814 0.912 1356 0.912 1330 0.395 8808 0.395 3989
10 +0.187 8323 +0.188 7777 +0.915 2575 +0.915 2548 +0.397 1945 +0.396 7522
11 0.171 1732 0.172 1215 0.918 1193 0.918 1166 0.398 3952 0.397 9926
12 0.154 4667 0.155 4177 0.920 7207 0.920 7180 0.399 4828 0.399 1200
13 0.137 7179 0.138 6712 0.923 0611 0.923 0584 0.400 4571 0.400 1341
14 0.120 9316 0.121 8870 0.925 1403 0.925 1376 0.401 3179 0.401 0350
15 0.104 1126 0.105 0698 0.926 9580 0.926 9553 0.402 0653 0.401 8224
16 +0.087 2657 +0.088 2245 +0.928 5141 +0.928 5114 +0.402 6992 +0.402 4964
17 0.070 3956 0.071 3557 0.929 8084 0.929 8057 0.403 2195 0.403 0569
18 0.053 5071 0.054 4682 0.930 8409 0.930 8382 0.403 6264 0.403 5039
19 0.036 6046 0.037 5665 0.931 6116 0.931 6089 0.403 9198 0.403 8376
20 0.019 6928 0.020 6551 0.932 1206 0.932 1180 0.404 0999 0.404 0579
21 +0.002 7762 +0.003 7387 0.932 3680 0.932 3654 0.404 1666 0.404 1649
22 -0.014 1409 -0.013 1784 +0.932 3540 +0.932 3513 +0.404 1202 +0.404 1588
23 0.031 0539 0.030 0918 0.932 0785 0.932 0759 0.403 9606 0.404 0394
24 0.047 9587 0.046 9971 0.931 5418 0.931 5392 0.403 6879 0.403 8070
25 0.064 8507 0.063 8900 0.930 7439 0.930 7413 0.403 3022 0.403 4615
26 0.081 7256 0.080 7661 0.929 6849 0.929 6823 0.402 8036 0.403 0030
27 0.098 5790 0.097 6208 0.928 3649 0.928 3623 0.402 1919 0.402 4315
28 -0.115 4062 -0.114 4498 +0.926 7838 +0.926 7813 +0.401 4672 +0.401 7469
29 0.132 2028 0.131 2483 0.924 9419 0.924 9393 0.400 6296 0.400 9492
30 0.148 9638 0.148 0116 0.922 8392 0.922 8366 0.399 6790 0.400 0385
July 1 0.165 6846 0.164 7348 0.920 4760 0.920 4734 0.398 6156 0.399 0149
2 -0.182 3601 -0.181 4130 +0.917 8527 +0.917 8502 +0.397 4395 +0.397 8784

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

July 1 -0.165 6846 -0.164 7348 +0.920 4760 +0.920 4734 +0.398 6156 +0.399 0149
2 0.182 3601 0.181 4130 0.917 8527 0.917 8502 0.397 4395 0.397 8784
3 0.198 9853 0.198 0413 0.914 9697 0.914 9672 0.396 1508 0.396 6293
4 0.215 5553 0.214 6145 0.911 8278 0.911 8253 0.394 7499 0.395 2678
5 0.232 0649 0.231 1277 0.908 4278 0.908 4253 0.393 2370 0.393 7943
6 0.248 5091 0.247 5758 0.904 7705 0.904 7680 0.391 6127 0.392 2090
7 -0.264 8830 -0.263 9537 +0.900 8571 +0.900 8546 +0.389 8773 +0.390 5126
8 0.281 1815 0.280 2566 0.896 6888 0.896 6864 0.388 0315 0.388 7056
9 0.297 3999 0.296 4796 0.892 2670 0.892 2646 0.386 0759 0.386 7886
10 0.313 5333 0.312 6179 0.887 5931 0.887 5908 0.384 0111 0.384 7621
11 0.329 5771 0.328 6668 0.882 6688 0.882 6664 0.381 8378 0.382 6270
12 0.345 5265 0.344 6216 0.877 4955 0.877 4932 0.379 5568 0.380 3840
13 -0.361 3772 -0.360 4779 +0.872 0751 +0.872 0728 +0.377 1689 +0.378 0338
14 0.377 1246 0.376 2312 0.866 4093 0.866 4070 0.374 6748 0.375 5772
15 0.392 7643 0.391 8771 0.860 4999 0.860 4977 0.372 0755 0.373 0150
16 0.408 2922 0.407 4113 0.854 3488 0.854 3466 0.369 3717 0.370 3482
17 0.423 7038 0.422 8297 0.847 9580 0.847 9558 0.366 5643 0.367 5775
18 0.438 9953 0.438 1280 0.841 3293 0.841 3271 0.363 6543 0.364 7038
19 -0.454 1625 -0.453 3023 +0.834 4648 +0.834 4626 +0.360 6424 +0.361 7280
20 0.469 2014 0.468 3486 0.827 3665 0.827 3644 0.357 5297 0.358 6511
21 0.484 1083 0.483 2631 0.820 0363 0.820 0342 0.354 3169 0.355 4737
22 0.498 8793 0.498 0420 0.812 4762 0.812 4742 0.351 0050 0.352 1969
23 0.513 5107 0.512 6814 0.804 6882 0.804 6861 0.347 5947 0.348 8214
24 0.527 9985 0.527 1775 0.796 6740 0.796 6719 0.344 0869 0.345 3481
25 -0.542 3389 -0.541 5265 +0.788 4355 +0.788 4335 +0.340 4823 +0.341 7776
26 0.556 5279 0.555 7243 0.779 9747 0.779 9727 0.336 7817 0.338 1107
27 0.570 5616 0.569 7670 0.771 2934 0.771 2914 0.332 9859 0.334 3483
28 0.584 4358 0.583 6504 0.762 3936 0.762 3917 0.329 0958 0.330 4912
29 0.598 1462 0.597 3703 0.753 2775 0.753 2757 0.325 1123 0.326 5402
30 0.611 6888 0.610 9225 0.743 9474 0.743 9455 0.321 0362 0.322 4963
31 -0.625 0592 -0.624 3027 +0.734 4055 +0.734 4037 +0.316 8686 +0.318 3605
Aug. 1 0.638 2531 0.637 5068 0.724 6545 0.724 6527 0.312 6107 0.314 1339
2 0.651 2666 0.650 5306 0.714 6970 0.714 6952 0.308 2634 0.309 8176
3 0.664 0953 0.663 3699 0.704 5358 0.704 5340 0.303 8282 0.305 4129
4 0.676 7354 0.676 0207 0.694 1737 0.694 1720 0.299 3062 0.300 9209
5 0.689 1828 0.688 4790 0.683 6139 0.683 6123 0.294 6989 0.296 3431
6 -0.701 4338 -0.700 7411 +0.672 8595 +0.672 8579 +0.290 0075 +0.291 6808
7 0.713 4845 0.712 8032 0.661 9136 0.661 9121 0.285 2335 0.286 9355
8 0.725 3314 0.724 6616 0.650 7796 0.650 7781 0.280 3784 0.282 1085
9 0.736 9709 0.736 3128 0.639 4608 0.639 4593 0.275 4436 0.277 2014
10 0.748 3997 0.747 7536 0.627 9606 0.627 9592 0.270 4307 0.272 2156
11 0.759 6145 0.758 9804 0.616 2824 0.616 2810 0.265 3412 0.267 1528
12 -0.770 6121 -0.769 9903 +0.604 4298 +0.604 4284 +0.260 1766 +0.262 0143
13 0.781 3895 0.780 7801 0.592 4061 0.592 4048 0.254 9385 0.256 8018
14 0.791 9436 0.791 3469 0.580 2151 0.580 2138 0.249 6285 0.251 5169
15 0.802 2717 0.801 6877 0.567 8601 0.567 8589 0.244 2481 0.246 1610
16 -0.812 3709 -0.811 7999 +0.555 3449 +0.555 3436 +0.238 7990 +0.240 7358

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

Aug. 16 -0.812 3709 -0.811 7999 +0.555 3449 +0.555 3436 +0.238 7990 +0.240 7358
17 0.822 2388 0.821 6809 0.542 6728 0.542 6716 0.233 2825 0.235 2428
18 0.831 8727 0.831 3281 0.529 8475 0.529 8463 0.227 7004 0.229 6835
19 0.841 2702 0.840 7389 0.516 8723 0.516 8712 0.222 0540 0.224 0594
20 0.850 4288 0.849 9111 0.503 7507 0.503 7496 0.216 3449 0.218 3720
21 0.859 3461 0.858 8421 0.490 4860 0.490 4849 0.210 5744 0.212 6227
22 -0.868 0196 -0.867 5295 +0.477 0815 +0.477 0805 +0.204 7439 +0.206 8128
23 0.876 4467 0.875 9706 0.463 5406 0.463 5396 0.198 8550 0.200 9439
24 0.884 6248 0.884 1628 0.449 8665 0.449 8656 0.192 9089 0.195 0172
25 0.892 5511 0.892 1035 0.436 0629 0.436 0621 0.186 9071 0.189 0342
26 0.900 2230 0.899 7898 0.422 1333 0.422 1324 0.180 8512 0.182 9965
27 0.907 6378 0.907 2191 0.408 0813 0.408 0805 0.174 7428 0.176 9056
28 -0.914 7927 -0.914 3886 +0.393 9109 +0.393 9101 +0.168 5835 +0.170 7633
29 0.921 6851 0.921 2958 0.379 6259 0.379 6252 0.162 3749 0.164 5711
30 0.928 3126 0.927 9381 0.365 2305 0.365 2298 0.156 1190 0.158 3309
31 0.934 6726 0.934 3132 0.350 7288 0.350 7282 0.149 8175 0.152 0444
Sept. 1 0.940 7630 0.940 4186 0.336 1250 0.336 1245 0.143 4723 0.145 7136
2 0.946 5815 0.946 2523 0.321 4236 0.321 4231 0.137 0852 0.139 3404
3 -0.952 1260 -0.951 8122 +0.306 6289 +0.306 6285 +0.130 6583 +0.132 9265
4 0.957 3947 0.957 0962 0.291 7454 0.291 7450 0.124 1935 0.126 4742
5 0.962 3858 0.962 1028 0.276 7775 0.276 7771 0.117 6927 0.119 9852
6 0.967 0975 0.966 8301 0.261 7298 0.261 7295 0.111 1579 0.113 4616
7 0.971 5285 0.971 2767 0.246 6069 0.246 6066 0.104 5913 0.106 9054
8 0.975 6773 0.975 4411 0.231 4132 0.231 4130 0.097 9947 0.100 3186
9 -0.979 5426 -0.979 3222 +0.216 1535 +0.216 1533 +0.091 3702 +0.093 7032
10 0.983 1233 0.982 9188 0.200 8321 0.200 8320 0.084 7198 0.087 0612
11 0.986 4185 0.986 2298 0.185 4538 0.185 4537 0.078 0455 0.080 3947
12 0.989 4271 0.989 2544 0.170 0231 0.170 0230 0.071 3493 0.073 7056
13 0.992 1486 0.991 9918 0.154 5444 0.154 5444 0.064 6332 0.066 9959
14 0.994 5822 0.994 4415 0.139 0223 0.139 0223 0.057 8991 0.060 2675
15 -0.996 7273 -0.996 6027 +0.123 4612 +0.123 4612 +0.051 1489 +0.053 5224
16 0.998 5837 0.998 4751 0.107 8653 0.107 8654 0.044 3845 0.046 7623
17 1.000 1507 1.000 0583 0.092 2390 0.092 2391 0.037 6078 0.039 9892
18 1.001 4280 1.001 3518 0.076 5864 0.076 5866 0.030 8204 0.033 2048
19 1.002 4151 1.002 3551 0.060 9116 0.060 9119 0.024 0241 0.026 4108
20 1.003 1115 1.003 0676 0.045 2188 0.045 2191 0.017 2207 0.019 6089
21 -1.003 5165 -1.003 4889 +0.029 5121 +0.029 5124 +0.010 4119 +0.012 8010
22 1.003 6296 1.003 6182 +0.013 7957 +0.013 7961 +0.003 5995 +0.005 9888
23 1.003 4501 1.003 4549 -0.001 9260 -0.001 9255 -0.003 2146 -0.000 8258
24 1.002 9774 1.002 9984 0.017 6485 0.017 6480 0.010 0286 0.007 6410
25 1.002 2109 1.002 2482 0.033 3673 0.033 3668 0.016 8404 0.014 4547
26 1.001 1503 1.001 2038 0.049 0778 0.049 0773 0.023 6481 0.021 2650
27 -0.999 7954 -0.999 8650 -0.064 7753 -0.064 7747 -0.030 4495 -0.028 0698
28 0.998 1458 0.998 2317 0.080 4548 0.080 4542 0.037 2427 0.034 8670
29 0.996 2017 0.996 3037 0.096 1118 0.096 1111 0.044 0255 0.041 6545
30 0.993 9632 0.994 0813 0.111 7411 0.111 7404 0.050 7958 0.048 4302
Oct. 1 -0.991 4305 -0.991 5647 -0.127 3381 -0.127 3374 -0.057 5514 -0.055 1919

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

Oct. 1 -0.991 4305 -0.991 5647 -0.127 3381 -0.127 3374 -0.057 5514 -0.055 1919
2 0.988 6040 0.988 7544 0.142 8978 0.142 8970 0.064 2901 0.061 9374
3 0.985 4844 0.985 6507 0.158 4154 0.158 4145 0.071 0099 0.068 6648
4 0.982 0723 0.982 2546 0.173 8858 0.173 8849 0.077 7086 0.075 3717
5 0.978 3686 0.978 5668 0.189 3044 0.189 3034 0.084 3841 0.082 0560
6 0.974 3742 0.974 5882 0.204 6661 0.204 6651 0.091 0342 0.088 7157
7 -0.970 0903 -0.970 3201 -0.219 9663 -0.219 9653 -0.097 6567 -0.095 3485
8 0.965 5182 0.965 7637 0.235 2001 0.235 1991 0.104 2498 0.101 9525
9 0.960 6592 0.960 9204 0.250 3629 0.250 3618 0.110 8112 0.108 5256
10 0.955 5149 0.955 7916 0.265 4500 0.265 4489 0.117 3389 0.115 0657
11 0.950 0868 0.950 3791 0.280 4568 0.280 4556 0.123 8310 0.121 5708
12 0.944 3768 0.944 6844 0.295 3788 0.295 3776 0.130 2856 0.128 0390
13 -0.938 3867 -0.938 7096 -0.310 2117 -0.310 2104 -0.136 7006 -0.134 4684
14 0.932 1183 0.932 4564 0.324 9511 0.324 9498 0.143 0744 0.140 8571
15 0.925 5735 0.925 9267 0.339 5929 0.339 5916 0.149 4051 0.147 2035
16 0.918 7544 0.919 1226 0.354 1330 0.354 1316 0.155 6910 0.153 5057
17 0.911 6627 0.912 0458 0.368 5673 0.368 5659 0.161 9304 0.159 7620
18 0.904 3003 0.904 6981 0.382 8920 0.382 8905 0.168 1216 0.165 9709
19 -0.896 6689 -0.897 0814 -0.397 1030 -0.397 1015 -0.174 2630 -0.172 1305
20 0.888 7703 0.889 1973 0.411 1963 0.411 1948 0.180 3529 0.178 2393
21 0.880 6061 0.881 0475 0.425 1678 0.425 1662 0.186 3895 0.184 2954
22 0.872 1783 0.872 6339 0.439 0133 0.439 0117 0.192 3710 0.190 2970
23 0.863 4885 0.863 9583 0.452 7285 0.452 7268 0.198 2956 0.196 2424
24 0.854 5390 0.855 0228 0.466 3090 0.466 3074 0.204 1613 0.202 1295
25 -0.845 3318 -0.845 8294 -0.479 7507 -0.479 7489 -0.209 9664 -0.207 9566
26 0.835 8692 0.836 3805 0.493 0490 0.493 0472 0.215 7089 0.213 7217
27 0.826 1536 0.826 6785 0.506 1996 0.506 1979 0.221 3869 0.219 4229
28 0.816 1877 0.816 7260 0.519 1983 0.519 1965 0.226 9985 0.225 0583
29 0.805 9741 0.806 5257 0.532 0407 0.532 0388 0.232 5418 0.230 6260
30 0.795 5158 0.796 0804 0.544 7225 0.544 7206 0.238 0150 0.236 1241
31 -0.784 8156 -0.785 3931 -0.557 2395 -0.557 2376 -0.243 4161 -0.241 5507
Nov. 1 0.773 8767 0.774 4669 0.569 5876 0.569 5857 0.248 7434 0.246 9041
2 0.762 7025 0.763 3052 0.581 7626 0.581 7606 0.253 9950 0.252 1824
3 0.751 2961 0.751 9112 0.593 7605 0.593 7585 0.259 1693 0.257 3839
4 0.739 6613 0.740 2886 0.605 5773 0.605 5753 0.264 2643 0.262 5067
5 0.727 8016 0.728 4408 0.617 2092 0.617 2071 0.269 2786 0.267 5493
6 -0.715 7207 -0.716 3717 -0.628 6524 -0.628 6503 -0.274 2103 -0.272 5098
7 0.703 4225 0.704 0851 0.639 9032 0.639 9011 0.279 0580 0.277 3869
8 0.690 9110 0.691 5849 0.650 9581 0.650 9560 0.283 8202 0.282 1788
9 0.678 1900 0.678 8752 0.661 8137 0.661 8116 0.288 4953 0.286 8843
10 0.665 2638 0.665 9599 0.672 4668 0.672 4646 0.293 0819 0.291 5018
11 0.652 1364 0.652 8432 0.682 9141 0.682 9119 0.297 5788 0.296 0300
12 -0.638 8118 -0.639 5291 -0.693 1527 -0.693 1505 -0.301 9847 -0.300 4676
13 0.625 2941 0.626 0218 0.703 1797 0.703 1775 0.306 2984 0.304 8135
14 0.611 5873 0.612 3250 0.712 9923 0.712 9901 0.310 5186 0.309 0665
15 0.597 6953 0.598 4429 0.722 5878 0.722 5855 0.314 6444 0.313 2254
16 -0.583 6219 -0.584 3792 -0.731 9634 -0.731 9610 -0.318 6746 -0.317 2891

SUN, 2024

Date X 2024.5 X 2000.0 Y 2024.5 Y 2000.0 Z 2024.5 Z 2000.0

Nov. 16 -0.583 6219 -0.584 3792 -0.731 9634 -0.731 9610 -0.318 6746 -0.317 2891
17 0.569 3711 0.570 1378 0.741 1163 0.741 1140 0.322 6080 0.321 2564
18 0.554 9465 0.555 7224 0.750 0439 0.750 0415 0.326 4434 0.325 1262
19 0.540 3521 0.541 1369 0.758 7432 0.758 7408 0.330 1796 0.328 8973
20 0.525 5918 0.526 3853 0.767 2114 0.767 2091 0.333 8154 0.332 5683
21 0.510 6696 0.511 4716 0.775 4457 0.775 4433 0.337 3496 0.336 1380
22 -0.495 5898 -0.496 4000 -0.783 4431 -0.783 4407 -0.340 7809 -0.339 6053
23 0.480 3566 0.481 1748 0.791 2008 0.791 1984 0.344 1081 0.342 9687
24 0.464 9745 0.465 8004 0.798 7161 0.798 7137 0.347 3298 0.346 2271
25 0.449 4480 0.450 2813 0.805 9863 0.805 9838 0.350 4450 0.349 3794
26 0.433 7817 0.434 6222 0.813 0086 0.813 0061 0.353 4525 0.352 4242
27 0.417 9804 0.418 8279 0.819 7805 0.819 7780 0.356 3512 0.355 3605
28 -0.402 0490 -0.402 9032 -0.826 2996 -0.826 2971 -0.359 1399 -0.358 1871
29 0.385 9924 0.386 8530 0.832 5635 0.832 5609 0.361 8175 0.360 9031
30 0.369 8157 0.370 6824 0.838 5698 0.838 5672 0.364 3832 0.363 5073
Dec. 1 0.353 5240 0.354 3967 0.844 3163 0.844 3138 0.366 8359 0.365 9988
2 0.337 1226 0.338 0009 0.849 8011 0.849 7986 0.369 1747 0.368 3767
3 0.320 6169 0.321 5005 0.855 0222 0.855 0197 0.371 3989 0.370 6401
4 -0.304 0121 -0.304 9007 -0.859 9778 -0.859 9753 -0.373 5075 -0.372 7884
5 0.287 3138 0.288 2072 0.864 6663 0.864 6637 0.375 5000 0.374 8206
6 0.270 5274 0.271 4253 0.869 0861 0.869 0836 0.377 3757 0.376 7363
7 0.253 6584 0.254 5606 0.873 2361 0.873 2335 0.379 1340 0.378 5348
8 0.236 7123 0.237 6184 0.877 1149 0.877 1123 0.380 7746 0.380 2157
9 0.219 6945 0.220 6044 0.880 7216 0.880 7190 0.382 2970 0.381 7786
10 -0.202 6105 -0.203 5237 -0.884 0554 -0.884 0528 -0.383 7008 -0.383 2232
11 0.185 4654 0.186 3818 0.887 1154 0.887 1128 0.384 9859 0.384 5490
12 0.168 2646 0.169 1838 0.889 9011 0.889 8985 0.386 1519 0.385 7560
13 0.151 0131 0.151 9348 0.892 4117 0.892 4091 0.387 1987 0.386 8439
14 0.133 7160 0.134 6399 0.894 6468 0.894 6442 0.388 1260 0.387 8124
15 0.116 3782 0.117 3041 0.896 6057 0.896 6031 0.388 9337 0.388 6614
16 -0.099 0046 -0.099 9322 -0.898 2879 -0.898 2853 -0.389 6216 -0.389 3906
17 0.081 6002 0.082 5292 0.899 6928 0.899 6902 0.390 1893 0.389 9998
18 0.064 1700 0.065 1001 0.900 8197 0.900 8171 0.390 6366 0.390 4886
19 0.046 7190 0.047 6500 0.901 6681 0.901 6655 0.390 9633 0.390 8568
20 0.029 2525 0.030 1840 0.902 2374 0.902 2349 0.391 1691 0.391 1042
21 -0.011 7755 -0.012 7073 0.902 5272 0.902 5246 0.391 2537 0.391 2305
22 +0.005 7065 +0.004 7748 -0.902 5369 -0.902 5344 -0.391 2171 -0.391 2354
23 0.023 1883 0.022 2569 0.902 2664 0.902 2638 0.391 0589 0.391 1189
24 0.040 6644 0.039 7336 0.901 7152 0.901 7127 0.390 7792 0.390 8807
25 0.058 1292 0.057 1993 0.900 8833 0.900 8808 0.390 3777 0.390 5209
26 0.075 5773 0.074 6487 0.899 7707 0.899 7682 0.389 8545 0.390 0392
27 0.093 0031 0.092 0759 0.898 3774 0.898 3749 0.389 2097 0.389 4358
28 +0.110 4009 +0.109 4755 -0.896 7036 -0.896 7012 -0.388 4432 -0.388 7107
29 0.127 7652 0.126 8418 0.894 7497 0.894 7472 0.387 5552 0.387 8641
30 0.145 0901 0.144 1691 0.892 5160 0.892 5136 0.386 5459 0.386 8960
31 0.162 3699 0.161 4515 0.890 0033 0.890 0008 0.385 4156 0.385 8068
32 +0.179 5989 +0.178 6834 -0.887 2121 -0.887 2097 -0.384 1645 -0.384 5968

SUN, 2024
Date Position Heliographic Date Position Heliographic
Angle Angle
of Axis Latitude Longitude of Axis Latitude Longitude
P B0 L0 P B0 L0

º º º º º º
Jan. 0 +2.79 -2.82 240.59 Feb. 15 -17.20 -6.80 354.88
1 2.31 2.94 227.42 16 17.53 6.84 341.71
2 1.83 3.06 214.24 17 17.86 6.88 328.54
3 1.34 3.17 201.07 18 18.19 6.92 315.38
4 0.86 3.29 187.90 19 18.50 6.96 302.21
5 +0.37 3.40 174.73 20 18.82 7.00 289.04
6 -0.11 -3.52 161.56 21 -19.12 -7.03 275.87
7 0.59 3.63 148.39 22 19.43 7.06 262.70
8 1.08 3.74 135.23 23 19.72 7.09 249.53
9 1.56 3.85 122.06 24 20.01 7.11 236.36
10 2.04 3.96 108.89 25 20.29 7.14 223.19
11 2.52 4.06 95.72 26 20.57 7.16 210.02
12 -2.99 -4.17 82.55 27 -20.84 -7.18 196.85
13 3.47 4.28 69.38 28 21.11 7.19 183.67
14 3.94 4.38 56.22 Mar. 29 21.36 7.21 170.50
15 4.41 4.48 43.05 1 21.62 7.22 157.33
16 4.88 4.58 29.88 2 21.86 7.23 144.16
17 5.34 4.68 16.72 3 22.10 7.24 130.98
18 -5.81 -4.78 3.55 4 -22.34 -7.25 117.81
19 6.27 4.87 350.38 5 22.56 7.25 104.63
20 6.73 4.97 337.21 6 22.78 7.25 91.46
21 7.18 5.06 324.05 7 23.00 7.25 78.28
22 7.63 5.15 310.88 8 23.21 7.25 65.11
23 8.08 5.24 297.71 9 23.41 7.24 51.93
24 -8.52 -5.33 284.55 10 -23.60 -7.24 38.76
25 8.96 5.42 271.38 11 23.79 7.23 25.58
26 9.40 5.50 258.21 12 23.97 7.21 12.40
27 9.83 5.59 245.04 13 24.14 7.20 359.22
28 10.26 5.67 231.88 14 24.31 7.18 346.04
29 10.69 5.75 218.71 15 24.47 7.17 332.86
30 -11.11 -5.82 205.54 16 -24.63 -7.15 319.68
31 11.52 5.90 192.38 17 24.77 7.12 306.50
Feb. 1 11.94 5.97 179.21 18 24.92 7.10 293.32
2 12.34 6.05 166.05 19 25.05 7.07 280.14
3 12.75 6.12 152.88 20 25.18 7.04 266.95
4 13.15 6.18 139.71 21 25.30 7.01 253.77
5 -13.54 -6.25 126.55 22 -25.41 -6.98 240.59
6 13.93 6.31 113.38 23 25.52 6.94 227.40
7 14.31 6.38 100.21 24 25.61 6.90 214.21
8 14.69 6.44 87.05 25 25.71 6.87 201.03
9 15.06 6.49 73.88 26 25.79 6.82 187.84
10 15.43 6.55 60.72 27 25.87 6.78 174.65
11 -15.80 -6.60 47.55 28 -25.94 -6.73 161.46
12 16.15 6.66 34.38 29 26.01 6.69 148.27
13 16.51 6.71 21.22 30 26.06 6.64 135.08
14 16.85 6.75 8.05 Apr. 31 26.11 6.59 121.89
15 -17.20 -6.80 354.88 1 -26.15 -6.53 108.70

SUN, 2024
Date Position Heliographic Date Position Heliographic
Angle Angle
of Axis Latitude Longitude of Axis Latitude Longitude
P B0 L0 P B0 L0

º º º º º º
Apr. 1 -26.15 -6.53 108.70 May 17 -20.27 -2.41 221.02
2 26.19 6.48 95.50 18 19.97 2.30 207.79
3 26.22 6.42 82.31 19 19.68 2.18 194.56
4 26.24 6.36 69.12 20 19.37 2.07 181.33
5 26.25 6.30 55.92 21 19.06 1.95 168.10
6 26.26 6.24 42.72 22 18.74 1.83 154.87
7 -26.26 -6.17 29.53 23 -18.42 -1.72 141.64
8 26.25 6.11 16.33 24 18.09 1.60 128.41
9 26.24 6.04 3.13 25 17.75 1.48 115.18
10 26.21 5.97 349.93 26 17.41 1.36 101.95
11 26.18 5.90 336.73 27 17.07 1.24 88.72
12 26.15 5.82 323.53 28 16.72 1.12 75.49
13 -26.10 -5.75 310.33 29 -16.36 -1.00 62.25
14 26.05 5.67 297.13 30 16.00 0.88 49.02
15 25.99 5.59 283.93 31 15.63 0.76 35.79
16 25.92 5.52 270.72 June 1 15.26 0.64 22.56
17 25.85 5.43 257.52 2 14.88 0.52 9.32
18 25.77 5.35 244.31 3 14.50 0.40 356.09
19 -25.68 -5.27 231.10 4 -14.11 -0.28 342.85
20 25.58 5.18 217.90 5 13.72 0.16 329.62
21 25.48 5.09 204.69 6 13.33 -0.04 316.39
22 25.37 5.01 191.48 7 12.93 +0.08 303.15
23 25.25 4.92 178.27 8 12.52 0.20 289.92
24 25.12 4.82 165.06 9 12.12 0.33 276.68
25 -24.99 -4.73 151.85 10 -11.71 +0.45 263.45
26 24.85 4.64 138.63 11 11.29 0.57 250.21
27 24.70 4.54 125.42 12 10.87 0.69 236.97
28 24.55 4.45 112.21 13 10.45 0.81 223.74
29 24.39 4.35 98.99 14 10.03 0.93 210.50
30 24.22 4.25 85.78 15 9.60 1.05 197.26
May 1 -24.04 -4.15 72.56 16 -9.17 +1.17 184.03
2 23.86 4.05 59.34 17 8.74 1.28 170.79
3 23.67 3.95 46.13 18 8.30 1.40 157.55
4 23.47 3.84 32.91 19 7.87 1.52 144.32
5 23.26 3.74 19.69 20 7.43 1.64 131.08
6 23.05 3.63 6.47 21 6.98 1.76 117.84
7 -22.83 -3.53 353.25 22 -6.54 +1.87 104.61
8 22.61 3.42 340.03 23 6.10 1.99 91.37
9 22.37 3.31 326.81 24 5.65 2.10 78.13
10 22.13 3.20 313.59 25 5.20 2.22 64.89
11 21.89 3.09 300.36 26 4.75 2.33 51.66
12 21.63 2.98 287.14 27 4.30 2.45 38.42
13 -21.37 -2.87 273.92 28 -3.85 +2.56 25.18
14 21.11 2.76 260.69 29 3.40 2.67 11.95
15 20.83 2.64 247.47 30 2.94 2.78 358.71
16 20.55 2.53 234.24 July 1 2.49 2.89 345.47
17 -20.27 -2.41 221.02 2 -2.04 +3.00 332.24

SUN, 2024
Date Position Heliographic Date Position Heliographic
Angle Angle
of Axis Latitude Longitude of Axis Latitude Longitude
P B0 L0 P B0 L0

º º º º º º
July 1 -2.49 +2.89 345.47 Aug. 16 +16.46 +6.70 96.96
2 2.04 3.00 332.24 17 16.79 6.75 83.75
3 1.58 3.11 319.00 18 17.12 6.79 70.53
4 1.13 3.22 305.77 19 17.44 6.83 57.31
5 0.68 3.33 292.53 20 17.75 6.87 44.09
6 -0.22 3.44 279.30 21 18.07 6.91 30.88
7 +0.23 +3.54 266.06 22 +18.37 +6.95 17.66
8 0.68 3.65 252.83 23 18.67 6.98 4.45
9 1.13 3.75 239.59 24 18.97 7.01 351.23
10 1.58 3.85 226.36 25 19.26 7.04 338.02
11 2.03 3.95 213.13 26 19.55 7.07 324.81
12 2.48 4.06 199.89 27 19.83 7.10 311.60
13 +2.92 +4.15 186.66 28 +20.10 +7.12 298.38
14 3.37 4.25 173.42 29 20.37 7.14 285.17
15 3.81 4.35 160.19 30 20.64 7.16 271.96
16 4.25 4.45 146.96 31 20.90 7.18 258.75
17 4.69 4.54 133.73 Sept. 1 21.15 7.20 245.54
18 5.13 4.63 120.49 2 21.40 7.21 232.34
19 +5.56 +4.73 107.26 3 +21.64 +7.22 219.13
20 6.00 4.82 94.03 4 21.88 7.23 205.92
21 6.43 4.91 80.80 5 22.11 7.24 192.71
22 6.86 5.00 67.57 6 22.34 7.25 179.51
23 7.28 5.08 54.34 7 22.56 7.25 166.30
24 7.70 5.17 41.11 8 22.77 7.25 153.09
25 +8.12 +5.25 27.88 9 +22.98 +7.25 139.89
26 8.54 5.33 14.65 10 23.18 7.25 126.68
27 8.95 5.42 1.42 11 23.38 7.24 113.48
28 9.36 5.49 348.19 12 23.57 7.24 100.27
29 9.77 5.57 334.97 13 23.75 7.23 87.07
30 10.18 5.65 321.74 14 23.93 7.22 73.87
31 +10.58 +5.72 308.51 15 +24.10 +7.20 60.66
Aug. 1 10.98 5.80 295.29 16 24.27 7.19 47.46
2 11.37 5.87 282.06 17 24.43 7.17 34.26
3 11.76 5.94 268.84 18 24.58 7.15 21.06
4 12.15 6.01 255.62 19 24.72 7.13 7.86
5 12.53 6.08 242.39 20 24.87 7.11 354.66
6 +12.91 +6.14 229.17 21 +25.00 +7.08 341.46
7 13.28 6.21 215.95 22 25.13 7.05 328.26
8 13.65 6.27 202.72 23 25.25 7.02 315.06
9 14.02 6.33 189.50 24 25.36 6.99 301.86
10 14.38 6.39 176.28 25 25.47 6.96 288.66
11 14.74 6.44 163.06 26 25.57 6.92 275.46
12 +15.09 +6.50 149.84 27 +25.66 +6.88 262.27
13 15.44 6.55 136.62 28 25.75 6.84 249.07
14 15.79 6.60 123.40 29 25.83 6.80 235.87
15 16.13 6.65 110.18 30 25.91 6.76 222.68
16 +16.46 +6.70 96.96 Oct. 1 +25.97 +6.71 209.48

SUN, 2024
Date Position Heliographic Date Heliographic
Angle Angle
of Axis Latitude Longitude of Axis Latitude Longitude
P B0 L0 P B0 L0

º º º º º º
Oct. 1 +25.97 +6.71 209.48 Nov. 16 +20.99 +2.71 322.80
2 26.03 6.66 196.29 17 20.70 2.59 309.62
3 26.09 6.61 183.09 18 20.40 2.47 296.44
4 26.13 6.56 169.90 19 20.10 2.35 283.26
5 26.17 6.51 156.70 20 19.79 2.23 270.07
6 26.20 6.45 143.51 21 19.47 2.11 256.89
7 +26.23 +6.39 130.31 22 +19.15 +1.98 243.71
8 26.25 6.33 117.12 23 18.81 1.86 230.53
9 26.26 6.27 103.93 24 18.48 1.74 217.35
10 26.26 6.21 90.74 25 18.13 1.61 204.17
11 26.25 6.14 77.54 26 17.78 1.49 190.99
12 26.24 6.07 64.35 27 17.42 1.36 177.81
13 +26.22 +6.00 51.16 28 +17.06 +1.24 164.63
14 26.20 5.93 37.97 29 16.68 1.11 151.45
15 26.16 5.86 24.78 30 16.31 0.98 138.27
16 26.12 5.78 11.59 Dec. 1 15.92 0.86 125.09
17 26.07 5.71 358.39 2 15.53 0.73 111.91
18 26.01 5.63 345.20 3 15.14 0.60 98.74
19 +25.95 +5.55 332.01 4 +14.74 +0.48 85.56
20 25.88 5.47 318.82 5 14.33 0.35 72.38
21 25.80 5.38 305.63 6 13.92 0.22 59.20
22 25.71 5.30 292.44 7 13.50 +0.09 46.03
23 25.62 5.21 279.26 8 13.08 -0.04 32.85
24 25.51 5.12 266.07 9 12.65 0.17 19.67
25 +25.40 +5.03 252.88 10 +12.22 -0.29 6.50
26 25.28 4.94 239.69 11 11.79 0.42 353.32
27 25.16 4.85 226.50 12 11.35 0.55 340.14
28 25.02 4.75 213.32 13 10.90 0.68 326.97
29 24.88 4.66 200.13 14 10.45 0.81 313.79
30 24.73 4.56 186.94 15 10.00 0.93 300.62
31 +24.57 +4.46 173.76 16 +9.55 -1.06 287.44
Nov. 1 24.41 4.36 160.57 17 9.09 1.19 274.27
2 24.23 4.26 147.38 18 8.63 1.31 261.09
3 24.05 4.16 134.20 19 8.16 1.44 247.92
4 23.86 4.05 121.01 20 7.70 1.57 234.74
5 23.67 3.95 107.83 21 7.23 1.69 221.57
6 +23.46 +3.84 94.64 22 +6.75 -1.82 208.40
7 23.25 3.73 81.46 23 6.28 1.94 195.22
8 23.03 3.62 68.27 24 5.80 2.06 182.05
9 22.80 3.51 55.09 25 5.32 2.19 168.88
10 22.56 3.40 41.91 26 4.84 2.31 155.71
11 22.32 3.29 28.72 27 4.36 2.43 142.53
12 +22.07 +3.17 15.54 28 +3.88 -2.55 129.36
13 21.81 3.06 2.35 29 3.40 2.67 116.19
14 21.54 2.94 349.17 30 2.91 2.79 103.02
15 21.27 2.82 335.99 31 2.43 2.91 89.85
16 +20.99 +2.71 322.80 32 +1.94 -3.03 76.68

MOON, 2024



Lunation New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter

d h m d h m d h m d h m
1250 Dec. 12 23 32 Dec. 19 18 39 Dec. 27 00 33 Jan. 4 03 30
1251 Jan. 11 11 57 Jan. 18 03 53 Jan. 25 17 54 Feb. 2 23 18
1252 Feb. 9 22 59 Feb. 16 15 01 Feb. 24 12 30 Mar. 3 15 23
1253 Mar. 10 09 00 Mar. 17 04 11 Mar. 25 07 00 Apr. 2 03 15
1254 Apr. 8 18 21 Apr. 15 19 13 April 23 23 49 May 1 11 27
1255 May 8 03 22 May 15 11 48 May 23 13 53 May 30 17 13
1256 June 6 12 38 June 14 05 18 June 22 01 08 June 28 21 53
1257 July 5 22 57 July 13 22 49 July 21 10 17 July 28 02 52
1258 Aug. 4 11 13 Aug. 12 15 19 Aug. 19 18 26 Aug. 26 09 26
1259 Sept. 3 01 56 Sept. 11 06 06 Sept. 18 02 34 Sept. 24 18 50
1260 Oct. 2 18 49 Oct. 10 18 55 Oct. 17 11 26 Oct. 24 08 03
1261 Nov. 1 12 47 Nov. 9 05 55 Nov. 15 21 28 Nov. 23 01 28
1262 Dec. 1 06 21 Dec. 8 15 27 Dec. 15 09 02 Dec 22 22 18
1263 Dec. 30 22 27 Jan. 6 23 56 Jan. 13 22 27 Jan 21 20 31


d h d h d h d h d h d h
Dec. 16 19 May 05 22 Sept. 18 13 Jan. 01 15 May 17 19 Oct. 02 20
Jan. 13 11 June 02 07 Oct. 17 01 Jan 29 08 Jun 14 14 Oct. 29 23
Feb. 10 19 June 27 12 Nov. 14 11 Feb. 25 15 July 12 08 Nov. 26 12
Mar. 10 07 July 24 06 Dec 12 13 Mar. 23 16 Aug 09 02 Dec. 24 07
Apr. 07 18 Aug. 21 05 Jan. 08 00 Apr. 20 02 Sept 05 15 Jan. 21 05

MOON, 2024
Date Mean Equator Orbit Node Mean Mean
Perigee Longitude Elongation

i ∆ Ω' Γ' Ω D
° ° ° ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " °
Jan. 1 21.5391 202.179 358.590 339 51 36.8 20 52 42.4 171 1 11.5 235.855
11 21.5203 201.613 358.629 300 18 43.3 20 20 56.1 302 47 1.7 357.763
21 21.5014 201.048 358.668 301 25 33.8 19 49 9.7 194 32 52.0 119.670
31 21.4824 200.482 358.707 302 32 24.3 19 17 23.4 206 18 42.3 241.578
Feb. 10 21.4633 199.916 358.747 303 39 14.8 18 45 37.1 338 4 32.6 3.485
20 21.4441 199.350 358.787 304 46 5.4 18 13 50.7 229 50 22.8 125.393
Mar. 1 21.4249 198.783 358.827 305 52 55.9 17 42 4.4 241 36 13.1 247.300
11 21.4056 198.216 358.868 306 59 46.4 17 10 18.1 13 22 3.4 9.207
21 21.3862 197.649 358.909 308 6 36.9 16 38 31.7 265 7 53.7 131.115
Apr. 31 21.3667 197.081 358.950 309 13 27.4 16 6 45.4 276 53 43.9 253.022
10 21.3471 196.514 358.991 310 20 18.0 15 34 59.1 48 39 34.2 14.930
20 21.3274 195.946 359.033 311 27 8.5 15 3 12.7 300 25 24.5 136.837
May 30 21.3077 195.377 359.075 312 33 59.0 14 31 26.4 312 11 14.7 258.744
10 21.2879 194.809 359.118 313 40 49.5 13 59 40.1 83 57 5.0 20.652
20 21.268 194.240 359.160 314 47 40.1 13 27 53.7 335 42 55.3 142.559
30 21.248 193.671 359.203 315 54 30.6 12 56 7.4 347 28 45.6 264.467
June 9 21.2279 193.102 359.247 317 1 21.1 12 24 21.1 119 14 35.8 26.374
19 21.2078 192.532 359.290 318 8 11.6 11 52 34.7 11 0 26.1 148.281
29 21.1876 191.962 359.334 319 15 2.1 11 20 48.4 22 46 16.4 270.189
July 9 21.1672 191.392 359.378 320 21 52.7 10 49 2.1 154 32 6.7 32.096
19 21.1468 190.821 359.422 321 28 43.2 10 17 15.7 46 17 56.9 154.004
29 21.1264 190.251 359.467 322 35 33.7 9 45 29.4 58 3 47.2 275.911
Aug. 8 21.1058 189.680 359.512 323 42 24.2 9 13 43.1 189 49 37.5 37.818
18 21.0852 189.108 359.558 324 49 14.8 8 41 56.7 81 35 27.7 159.726
28 21.0645 188.537 359.603 325 56 5.3 8 10 10.4 93 21 18.0 281.633
Sept. 7 21.0437 187.965 359.649 327 2 55.8 7 38 24.0 225 7 8.3 43.541
17 21.0228 187.393 359.695 328 9 46.3 7 6 37.7 116 52 58.6 165.448
27 21.0018 186.820 359.742 329 16 36.8 6 34 51.4 128 38 48.8 287.356
Oct. 7 20.9808 186.248 359.788 330 23 27.4 6 3 5.0 260 24 39.1 49.263
17 20.9596 185.675 359.836 331 30 17.9 5 31 18.7 152 10 29.4 171.170
27 20.9384 185.102 359.883 332 37 8.4 4 59 32.4 163 56 19.6 293.078
Nov. 6 20.9171 184.528 359.931 333 43 58.9 4 27 46.0 295 42 9.9 54.985
16 20.8957 183.954 359.979 334 50 49.5 3 55 59.7 187 28 0.2 176.893
26 20.8743 183.380 0.027 335 57 40.0 3 24 13.4 199 13 50.5 298.800
Dec. 6 20.8527 182.806 0.075 337 4 30.5 2 52 27.0 330 59 40.7 60.707
16 20.8311 182.231 0.124 338 11 21.0 2 20 40.7 222 45 31.0 182.615
26 20.8094 181.657 0.173 339 18 11.6 1 48 54.4 234 31 21.3 304.522
36 20.7876 181.081 0.223 340 25 2.1 1 17 8.0 6 17 11.6 66.430
46 20.7657 180.506 0.272 341 31 52.6 0 45 21.7 258 3 1.8 188.337

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Jan. 0.0 144 04 47.5 +4 13 16.8 2.6966 14 48.34
0.5 150 02 46.2 3 54 55.6 2.7017 14 46.68
1.0 155 58 57.8 3 34 05.3 2.7050 14 45.58
1.5 161 53 51.3 3 10 59.5 2.7066 14 45.08
2.0 167 47 59.2 2 45 52.2 2.7061 14 45.22
2.5 173 41 56.8 2 18 57.5 2.7037 14 46.03
3.0 179 36 21.8 +1 50 30.0 2.6991 14 47.53
3.5 185 31 54.1 1 20 44.6 2.6924 14 49.74
4.0 191 29 14.9 0 49 56.7 2.6836 14 52.66
4.5 197 29 06.4 +0 18 22.5 2.6727 14 56.28
5.0 203 32 10.9 -0 13 40.6 2.6600 15 00.58
5.5 209 39 10.0 0 45 54.3 2.6454 15 05.54
6.0 215 50 43.9 -1 17 58.5 2.6293 15 11.09
6.5 222 07 29.9 1 49 31.4 2.6119 15 17.17
7.0 228 30 01.9 2 20 09.7 2.5934 15 23.70
7.5 234 58 48.3 2 49 27.7 2.5742 15 30.58
8.0 241 34 11.2 3 16 58.5 2.5547 15 37.68
8.5 248 16 24.8 3 42 13.5 2.5353 15 44.88
9.0 255 05 33.9 -4 04 43.4 2.5163 15 52.02
9.5 262 01 32.8 4 23 58.8 2.4981 15 58.94
10.0 269 04 04.7 4 39 31.5 2.4812 16 05.49
10.5 276 12 41.1 4 50 55.6 2.4658 16 11.49
11.0 283 26 42.1 4 57 49.2 2.4524 16 16.80
11.5 290 45 17.6 4 59 55.4 2.4412 16 21.29
12.0 298 07 29.2 -4 57 03.8 2.4324 16 24.83
12.5 305 32 12.1 4 49 11.4 2.4262 16 27.35
13.0 312 58 18.5 4 36 23.2 2.4226 16 28.82
13.5 320 24 40.7 4 18 52.0 2.4216 16 29.23
14.0 327 50 13.8 3 56 58.2 2.4232 16 28.60
14.5 335 13 58.6 3 31 08.7 2.4271 16 27.01
15.0 342 35 04.0 -3 01 55.2 2.4331 16 24.54
15.5 349 52 47.7 2 29 53.4 2.4411 16 21.32
16.0 357 06 37.6 1 55 41.0 2.4508 16 17.45
16.5 4 16 11.3 1 19 56.7 2.4618 16 13.09
17.0 11 21 15.5 0 43 18.5 2.4738 16 08.34
17.5 18 21 45.0 -0 06 23.2 2.4867 16 03.34
18.0 25 17 41.4 +0 30 14.6 2.5001 15 58.18
18.5 32 09 11.5 1 06 02.7 2.5138 15 52.96
19.0 38 56 26.0 1 40 31.8 2.5276 15 47.76
19.5 45 39 37.9 2 13 15.2 2.5413 15 42.64
20.0 52 19 01.5 2 43 49.4 2.5549 15 37.64
20.5 58 54 51.0 3 11 53.8 2.5681 15 32.79
21.0 65 27 20.0 +3 37 10.3 2.5810 15 28.13
21.5 71 56 41.0 3 59 24.1 2.5935 15 23.65
22.0 78 23 04.4 4 18 22.6 2.6056 15 19.37
22.5 84 46 39.1 4 33 56.4 2.6172 15 15.29
23.0 91 07 31.9 +4 45 58.4 2.6284 15 11.41

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Jan. 23.0 91 07 31.9 +4 45 58.4 2.6284 15 11.41
23.5 97 25 48.1 4 54 24.5 2.6391 15 07.72
24.0 103 41 31.4 4 59 12.9 2.6492 15 04.23
24.5 109 54 45.0 5 00 24.6 2.6589 15 00.95
25.0 116 05 31.4 4 58 02.9 2.6680 14 57.87
25.5 122 13 53.5 4 52 13.3 2.6765 14 55.01
26.0 128 19 54.8 +4 43 03.5 2.6844 14 52.40
26.5 134 23 40.5 4 30 43.1 2.6915 14 50.04
27.0 140 25 17.2 4 15 23.3 2.6977 14 47.97
27.5 146 24 54.1 3 57 16.6 2.7031 14 46.23
28.0 152 22 43.1 3 36 36.7 2.7073 14 44.84
28.5 158 18 58.8 3 13 38.2 2.7104 14 43.84
29.0 164 13 59.1 +2 48 36.3 2.7121 14 43.27
29.5 170 08 05.1 2 21 46.6 2.7124 14 43.18
30.0 176 01 41.3 1 53 25.3 2.7111 14 43.60
30.5 181 55 15.1 1 23 48.6 2.7081 14 44.57
31.0 187 49 17.2 0 53 13.1 2.7034 14 46.13
31.5 193 44 20.9 +0 21 55.7 2.6968 14 48.30
Feb. 1.0 199 41 02.1 -0 09 46.4 2.6883 14 51.10
1.5 205 39 58.8 0 41 35.5 2.6779 14 54.56
2.0 211 41 50.5 1 13 13.2 2.6656 14 58.68
2.5 217 47 17.8 1 44 20.3 2.6515 15 03.46
3.0 223 57 01.4 2 14 36.7 2.6357 15 08.87
3.5 230 11 41.6 2 43 40.9 2.6184 15 14.89
4.0 236 31 56.5 -3 11 10.3 2.5997 15 21.47
4.5 242 58 21.6 3 36 40.8 2.5799 15 28.54
5.0 249 31 27.7 3 59 47.4 2.5593 15 36.00
5.5 256 11 39.6 4 20 03.7 2.5383 15 43.75
6.0 262 59 14.4 4 37 03.4 2.5172 15 51.64
6.5 269 54 19.4 4 50 20.0 2.4966 15 59.53
7.0 276 56 51.3 -4 59 28.7 2.4767 16 07.24
7.5 284 06 34.1 5 04 07.1 2.4580 16 14.57
8.0 291 22 58.9 5 03 56.9 2.4411 16 21.34
8.5 298 45 23.6 4 58 45.3 2.4262 16 27.35
9.0 306 12 53.6 4 48 26.4 2.4138 16 32.41
9.5 313 44 23.5 4 33 02.7 2.4042 16 36.38
10.0 321 18 39.6 -4 12 45.4 2.3976 16 39.12
10.5 328 54 23.4 3 47 54.6 2.3942 16 40.55
11.0 336 30 14.6 3 18 58.9 2.3940 16 40.66
11.5 344 04 55.3 2 46 34.0 2.3969 16 39.44
12.0 351 37 13.1 2 11 21.2 2.4028 16 36.98
12.5 359 06 03.9 1 34 05.2 2.4115 16 33.37
13.0 6 30 34.1 -0 55 31.8 2.4227 16 28.78
13.5 13 50 01.3 -0 16 26.7 2.4361 16 23.35
14.0 21 03 54.9 +0 22 27.3 2.4512 16 17.27
14.5 28 11 55.5 1 00 30.2 2.4678 16 10.73
15.0 35 13 54.1 +1 37 06.8 2.4853 16 03.88

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Feb. 15.0 35 13 54.1 +1 37 06.8 2.4853 16 03.88
15.5 42 09 50.5 2 11 46.3 2.5034 15 56.89
16.0 48 59 51.9 2 44 02.6 2.5218 15 49.91
16.5 55 44 11.3 3 13 34.3 2.5402 15 43.05
17.0 62 23 06.0 3 40 03.9 2.5582 15 36.40
17.5 68 56 56.2 4 03 18.1 2.5757 15 30.05
18.0 75 26 04.0 +4 23 06.6 2.5924 15 24.06
18.5 81 50 52.0 4 39 22.2 2.6082 15 18.46
19.0 88 11 42.6 4 52 00.4 2.6230 15 13.27
19.5 94 28 57.7 5 00 58.8 2.6367 15 08.52
20.0 100 42 57.7 5 06 17.5 2.6493 15 04.20
20.5 106 54 02.0 5 07 58.0 2.6608 15 00.30
21.0 113 02 27.9 +5 06 04.1 2.6711 14 56.82
21.5 119 08 31.5 5 00 40.9 2.6803 14 53.74
22.0 125 12 27.3 4 51 55.4 2.6884 14 51.05
22.5 131 14 28.5 4 39 56.2 2.6955 14 48.72
23.0 137 14 47.5 4 24 53.2 2.7015 14 46.75
23.5 143 13 36.0 4 06 57.9 2.7064 14 45.13
24.0 149 11 05.3 +3 46 22.9 2.7104 14 43.84
24.5 155 07 27.2 3 23 22.4 2.7133 14 42.89
25.0 161 02 53.7 2 58 11.3 2.7152 14 42.27
25.5 166 57 37.9 2 31 05.5 2.7160 14 42.01
26.0 172 51 54.2 2 02 21.9 2.7157 14 42.10
26.5 178 45 58.6 1 32 17.9 2.7143 14 42.57
27.0 184 40 08.8 +1 01 11.3 2.7116 14 43.43
27.5 190 34 44.8 +0 29 20.6 2.7077 14 44.71
28.0 196 30 08.6 -0 02 55.8 2.7024 14 46.44
28.5 202 26 44.5 0 35 18.7 2.6957 14 48.63
29.0 208 24 59.1 1 07 29.2 2.6876 14 51.33
29.5 214 25 21.0 1 39 07.7 2.6779 14 54.54
Mar. 1.0 220 28 20.8 -2 09 54.6 2.6668 14 58.29
1.5 226 34 30.7 2 39 29.6 2.6541 15 02.59
2.0 232 44 24.0 3 07 32.4 2.6398 15 07.45
2.5 238 58 34.5 3 33 41.8 2.6242 15 12.86
3.0 245 17 36.0 3 57 36.4 2.6072 15 18.80
3.5 251 42 01.0 4 18 54.1 2.5891 15 25.24
4.0 258 12 19.9 -4 37 12.6 2.5699 15 32.13
4.5 264 48 59.7 4 52 09.5 2.5501 15 39.40
5.0 271 32 22.4 5 03 22.6 2.5297 15 46.96
5.5 278 22 43.7 5 10 30.9 2.5093 15 54.68
6.0 285 20 11.3 5 13 15.1 2.4891 16 02.42
6.5 292 24 43.3 5 11 18.6 2.4695 16 10.04
7.0 299 36 07.1 -5 04 29.1 2.4511 16 17.34
7.5 306 53 58.5 4 52 39.7 2.4342 16 24.12
8.0 314 17 40.8 4 35 49.8 2.4192 16 30.20
8.5 321 46 25.9 4 14 06.9 2.4066 16 35.38
9.0 329 19 14.6 -3 47 47.1 2.3968 16 39.48

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Mar. 9.0 329 19 14.6 -3 47 47.1 2.3968 16 39.48
9.5 336 54 58.7 3 17 15.1 2.3899 16 42.35
10.0 344 32 23.7 2 43 04.0 2.3863 16 43.87
10.5 352 10 11.6 2 05 54.3 2.3860 16 44.00
11.0 359 47 04.1 1 26 32.2 2.3890 16 42.72
11.5 7 21 46.3 0 45 47.2 2.3953 16 40.08
12.0 14 53 09.1 -0 04 30.1 2.4047 16 36.18
12.5 22 20 11.8 +0 36 29.7 2.4169 16 31.15
13.0 29 42 03.8 1 16 25.6 2.4316 16 25.17
13.5 36 58 05.7 1 54 36.1 2.4484 16 18.42
14.0 44 07 49.2 2 30 25.2 2.4668 16 11.12
14.5 51 10 56.9 3 03 23.3 2.4864 16 03.45
15.0 58 07 21.6 +3 33 07.0 2.5068 15 55.61
15.5 64 57 05.2 3 59 18.7 2.5275 15 47.77
16.0 71 40 16.9 4 21 46.3 2.5483 15 40.06
16.5 78 17 12.6 4 40 22.3 2.5686 15 32.63
17.0 84 48 12.7 4 55 03.0 2.5882 15 25.57
17.5 91 13 41.5 5 05 48.1 2.6068 15 18.96
18.0 97 34 05.9 +5 12 39.7 2.6242 15 12.85
18.5 103 49 54.2 5 15 41.8 2.6403 15 07.30
19.0 110 01 35.2 5 15 00.5 2.6549 15 02.32
19.5 116 09 38.2 5 10 42.8 2.6679 14 57.92
20.0 122 14 31.5 5 02 57.0 2.6793 14 54.10
20.5 128 16 42.7 4 51 52.5 2.6890 14 50.85
21.0 134 16 38.1 +4 37 39.5 2.6972 14 48.15
21.5 140 14 42.7 4 20 29.2 2.7038 14 45.98
22.0 146 11 19.8 4 00 33.6 2.7089 14 44.31
22.5 152 06 51.3 3 38 05.8 2.7126 14 43.12
23.0 158 01 37.7 3 13 19.7 2.7149 14 42.38
23.5 163 55 57.9 2 46 30.4 2.7158 14 42.05
24.0 169 50 09.9 +2 17 53.7 2.7156 14 42.12
24.5 175 44 30.6 1 47 46.6 2.7143 14 42.57
25.0 181 39 16.2 1 16 26.8 2.7118 14 43.37
25.5 187 34 42.3 0 44 13.0 2.7083 14 44.51
26.0 193 31 04.6 +0 11 24.4 2.7038 14 45.98
26.5 199 28 38.6 -0 21 39.0 2.6983 14 47.78
27.0 205 27 40.2 -0 54 36.8 2.6919 14 49.91
27.5 211 28 25.8 1 27 08.1 2.6845 14 52.37
28.0 217 31 12.6 1 58 52.0 2.6761 14 55.17
28.5 223 36 18.6 2 29 27.3 2.6667 14 58.32
29.0 229 44 02.8 2 58 32.9 2.6563 15 01.84
29.5 235 54 45.0 3 25 47.7 2.6449 15 05.73
30.0 242 08 46.1 -3 50 51.0 2.6324 15 10.00
30.5 248 26 27.2 4 13 22.1 2.6190 15 14.66
31.0 254 48 10.1 4 33 01.1 2.6047 15 19.70
31.5 261 14 16.2 4 49 28.5 2.5894 15 25.12
Apr. 1.0 267 45 06.4 -5 02 25.5 2.5734 15 30.89

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Apr. 1.0 267 45 06.4 -5 02 25.5 2.5734 15 30.89
1.5 274 21 00.0 5 11 34.6 2.5567 15 36.97
2.0 281 02 14.0 5 16 39.7 2.5394 15 43.33
2.5 287 49 02.2 5 17 26.5 2.5219 15 49.88
3.0 294 41 34.2 5 13 43.4 2.5044 15 56.53
3.5 301 39 53.9 5 05 22.2 2.4871 16 03.18
4.0 308 43 58.7 -4 52 18.5 2.4704 16 09.70
4.5 315 53 38.7 4 34 33.4 2.4546 16 15.94
5.0 323 08 35.3 4 12 13.4 2.4401 16 21.74
5.5 330 28 21.1 3 45 32.0 2.4272 16 26.94
6.0 337 52 19.8 3 14 49.9 2.4164 16 31.36
6.5 345 19 46.3 2 40 34.9 2.4079 16 34.85
7.0 352 49 47.4 -2 03 21.9 2.4021 16 37.26
7.5 0 21 23.9 1 23 52.3 2.3991 16 38.50
8.0 7 53 31.6 0 42 51.8 2.3992 16 38.49
8.5 15 25 04.2 -0 01 09.7 2.4023 16 37.19
9.0 22 54 55.0 +0 40 24.0 2.4084 16 34.64
9.5 30 22 00.4 1 21 00.4 2.4175 16 30.91
10.0 37 45 21.0 +1 59 54.0 2.4293 16 26.09
10.5 45 04 04.6 2 36 23.7 2.4436 16 20.34
11.0 52 17 27.2 3 09 55.0 2.4599 16 13.81
11.5 59 24 53.9 3 39 59.8 2.4780 16 06.71
12.0 66 26 00.0 4 06 17.0 2.4974 15 59.21
12.5 73 20 30.4 4 28 32.3 2.5176 15 51.50
13.0 80 08 19.5 +4 46 37.3 2.5383 15 43.74
13.5 86 49 30.1 5 00 28.9 2.5590 15 36.11
14.0 93 24 13.1 5 10 08.3 2.5794 15 28.73
14.5 99 52 45.6 5 15 40.1 2.5990 15 21.71
15.0 106 15 30.2 5 17 11.9 2.6176 15 15.16
15.5 112 32 53.9 5 14 52.8 2.6349 15 09.15
16.0 118 45 26.8 +5 08 53.4 2.6507 15 03.73
16.5 124 53 41.5 4 59 25.6 2.6648 14 58.94
17.0 130 58 11.6 4 46 41.4 2.6771 14 54.81
17.5 136 59 31.8 4 30 53.6 2.6876 14 51.33
18.0 142 58 16.4 4 12 15.3 2.6961 14 48.52
18.5 148 54 59.5 3 51 00.0 2.7027 14 46.35
19.0 154 50 14.1 +3 27 21.5 2.7074 14 44.81
19.5 160 44 32.0 3 01 34.1 2.7103 14 43.87
20.0 166 38 23.5 2 33 52.9 2.7114 14 43.50
20.5 172 32 16.7 2 04 33.4 2.7109 14 43.67
21.0 178 26 38.3 1 33 52.0 2.7089 14 44.32
21.5 184 21 52.6 1 02 06.2 2.7055 14 45.44
22.0 190 18 21.8 +0 29 34.1 2.7008 14 46.96
22.5 196 16 26.1 -0 03 25.1 2.6950 14 48.86
23.0 202 16 23.5 0 36 31.1 2.6883 14 51.10
23.5 208 18 29.9 1 09 23.2 2.6806 14 53.64
24.0 214 22 59.3 -1 41 39.6 2.6723 14 56.44

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Apr. 24.0 214 22 59.3 -1 41 39.6 2.6723 14 56.44
24.5 220 30 04.2 2 12 58.1 2.6632 14 59.49
25.0 226 39 55.1 2 42 56.3 2.6536 15 02.76
25.5 232 52 41.4 3 11 11.6 2.6434 15 06.22
26.0 239 08 31.1 3 37 21.9 2.6328 15 09.87
26.5 245 27 31.6 4 01 05.5 2.6218 15 13.69
27.0 251 49 49.3 -4 22 01.4 2.6104 15 17.67
27.5 258 15 30.2 4 39 50.1 2.5987 15 21.82
28.0 264 44 40.0 4 54 13.5 2.5866 15 26.13
28.5 271 17 23.9 5 04 55.3 2.5742 15 30.58
29.0 277 53 47.1 5 11 41.2 2.5616 15 35.17
29.5 284 33 54.4 5 14 19.4 2.5487 15 39.89
30.0 291 17 50.0 -5 12 41.0 2.5357 15 44.70
30.5 298 05 37.4 5 06 40.1 2.5227 15 49.59
May 1.0 304 57 18.6 4 56 14.3 2.5097 15 54.50
1.5 311 52 54.2 4 41 24.8 2.4969 15 59.38
2.0 318 52 22.2 4 22 17.6 2.4846 16 04.16
2.5 325 55 37.7 3 59 02.7 2.4728 16 08.75
3.0 333 02 31.7 -3 31 55.5 2.4619 16 13.06
3.5 340 12 51.1 3 01 16.6 2.4520 16 16.97
4.0 347 26 17.5 2 27 31.6 2.4435 16 20.38
4.5 354 42 27.0 1 51 11.5 2.4365 16 23.17
5.0 2 00 50.0 1 12 52.1 2.4315 16 25.23
5.5 9 20 50.9 -0 33 13.2 2.4284 16 26.46
6.0 16 41 48.9 +0 07 02.4 2.4276 16 26.78
6.5 24 02 58.9 0 47 10.2 2.4292 16 26.14
7.0 31 23 32.0 1 26 25.6 2.4332 16 24.50
7.5 38 42 37.4 2 04 05.3 2.4397 16 21.89
8.0 45 59 24.2 2 39 29.1 2.4486 16 18.33
8.5 53 13 03.0 3 12 01.3 2.4597 16 13.91
9.0 60 22 47.8 +3 41 11.8 2.4729 16 08.72
9.5 67 27 57.7 4 06 36.6 2.4879 16 02.89
10.0 74 27 58.3 4 27 58.4 2.5043 15 56.56
10.5 81 22 22.8 4 45 06.0 2.5219 15 49.88
11.0 88 10 52.3 4 57 54.6 2.5403 15 43.00
11.5 94 53 16.7 5 06 24.3 2.5591 15 36.07
12.0 101 29 33.9 +5 10 39.8 2.5780 15 29.24
12.5 107 59 49.9 5 10 49.5 2.5964 15 22.62
13.0 114 24 17.7 5 07 04.1 2.6142 15 16.33
13.5 120 43 16.5 4 59 36.5 2.6311 15 10.48
14.0 126 57 11.1 4 48 40.9 2.6466 15 05.14
14.5 133 06 30.7 4 34 32.1 2.6606 15 00.37
15.0 139 11 47.9 +4 17 25.3 2.6729 14 56.24
15.5 145 13 38.0 3 57 36.0 2.6833 14 52.76
16.0 151 12 38.0 3 35 19.4 2.6917 14 49.97
16.5 157 09 26.1 3 10 50.9 2.6981 14 47.87
17.0 163 04 40.9 +2 44 25.9 2.7023 14 46.47

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
May 17.0 163 04 40.9 +2 44 25.9 2.7023 14 46.47
17.5 168 59 00.8 2 16 19.8 2.7045 14 45.75
18.0 174 53 03.3 1 46 48.3 2.7047 14 45.70
18.5 180 47 25.1 1 16 07.5 2.7029 14 46.28
19.0 186 42 40.7 0 44 34.1 2.6993 14 47.46
19.5 192 39 23.0 +0 12 25.6 2.6940 14 49.19
20.0 198 38 02.2 -0 19 59.6 2.6873 14 51.44
20.5 204 39 05.6 0 52 22.4 2.6791 14 54.15
21.0 210 42 57.5 1 24 22.3 2.6698 14 57.25
21.5 216 49 58.5 1 55 38.2 2.6596 15 00.70
22.0 223 00 25.7 2 25 47.7 2.6487 15 04.43
22.5 229 14 32.0 2 54 28.1 2.6372 15 08.37
23.0 235 32 26.4 -3 21 16.3 2.6253 15 12.48
23.5 241 54 13.9 3 45 48.9 2.6132 15 16.69
24.0 248 19 55.5 4 07 43.4 2.6011 15 20.95
24.5 254 49 28.5 4 26 37.9 2.5892 15 25.21
25.0 261 22 47.0 4 42 12.3 2.5774 15 29.43
25.5 267 59 42.1 4 54 08.4 2.5660 15 33.57
26.0 274 40 02.9 -5 02 10.6 2.5549 15 37.60
26.5 281 23 36.8 5 06 06.7 2.5443 15 41.51
27.0 288 10 10.1 5 05 47.7 2.5342 15 45.27
27.5 294 59 29.1 5 01 08.8 2.5246 15 48.87
28.0 301 51 20.3 4 52 09.0 2.5155 15 52.30
28.5 308 45 31.2 4 38 51.7 2.5070 15 55.55
29.0 315 41 50.1 -4 21 24.9 2.4990 15 58.61
29.5 322 40 06.8 4 00 00.4 2.4915 16 01.47
30.0 329 40 12.0 3 34 54.5 2.4847 16 04.11
30.5 336 41 57.5 3 06 27.7 2.4786 16 06.50
31.0 343 45 15.2 2 35 04.1 2.4731 16 08.62
31.5 350 49 56.8 2 01 11.4 2.4686 16 10.41
June 1.0 357 55 53.3 -1 25 20.6 2.4649 16 11.85
1.5 5 02 53.7 0 48 05.5 2.4623 16 12.88
2.0 12 10 44.7 -0 10 02.1 2.4609 16 13.45
2.5 19 19 09.6 +0 28 12.1 2.4607 16 13.51
3.0 26 27 48.6 1 05 58.9 2.4620 16 13.01
3.5 33 36 18.0 1 42 40.3 2.4648 16 11.90
4.0 40 44 10.2 +2 17 39.2 2.4692 16 10.18
4.5 47 50 54.7 2 50 21.0 2.4752 16 07.82
5.0 54 55 58.4 3 20 14.4 2.4828 16 04.83
5.5 61 58 46.7 3 46 51.9 2.4921 16 01.24
6.0 68 58 44.9 4 09 51.0 2.5030 15 57.08
6.5 75 55 19.3 4 28 54.6 2.5152 15 52.43
7.0 82 47 58.9 +4 43 50.9 2.5286 15 47.36
7.5 89 36 16.8 4 54 33.8 2.5431 15 41.97
8.0 96 19 50.8 5 01 02.1 2.5584 15 36.35
8.5 102 58 24.8 5 03 19.5 2.5741 15 30.62
9.0 109 31 49.2 +5 01 33.6 2.5901 15 24.89

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
June 9.0 109 31 49.2 +5 01 33.6 2.5901 15 24.89
9.5 116 00 01.2 4 55 55.2 2.6060 15 19.25
10.0 122 23 04.8 4 46 37.7 2.6214 15 13.82
10.5 128 41 10.2 4 33 56.2 2.6362 15 08.70
11.0 134 54 34.1 4 18 07.2 2.6500 15 03.97
11.5 141 03 38.5 3 59 27.5 2.6626 14 59.70
12.0 147 08 50.1 +3 38 14.5 2.6737 14 55.97
12.5 153 10 39.7 3 14 45.5 2.6831 14 52.82
13.0 159 09 41.7 2 49 17.3 2.6906 14 50.32
13.5 165 06 32.7 2 22 06.9 2.6962 14 48.48
14.0 171 01 51.6 1 53 30.8 2.6997 14 47.33
14.5 176 56 18.5 1 23 45.3 2.7011 14 46.88
15.0 182 50 34.2 +0 53 06.9 2.7003 14 47.14
15.5 188 45 19.3 +0 21 52.1 2.6974 14 48.09
16.0 194 41 14.3 -0 09 42.1 2.6924 14 49.72
16.5 200 38 58.1 0 41 18.4 2.6856 14 52.00
17.0 206 39 08.0 1 12 38.5 2.6769 14 54.88
17.5 212 42 18.9 1 43 23.3 2.6666 14 58.33
18.0 218 49 02.6 -2 13 12.8 2.6550 15 02.28
18.5 224 59 47.1 2 41 45.9 2.6421 15 06.66
19.0 231 14 55.8 3 08 40.6 2.6284 15 11.41
19.5 237 34 47.2 3 33 34.3 2.6140 15 16.43
20.0 243 59 33.9 3 56 04.0 2.5992 15 21.64
20.5 250 29 22.4 4 15 46.6 2.5843 15 26.95
21.0 257 04 12.6 -4 32 19.9 2.5696 15 32.25
21.5 263 43 58.1 4 45 22.8 2.5553 15 37.47
22.0 270 28 25.6 4 54 36.5 2.5417 15 42.49
22.5 277 17 16.2 4 59 45.2 2.5289 15 47.26
23.0 284 10 05.4 5 00 36.6 2.5172 15 51.68
23.5 291 06 24.8 4 57 03.0 2.5066 15 55.69
24.0 298 05 42.9 -4 49 01.7 2.4973 15 59.26
24.5 305 07 26.6 4 36 35.3 2.4893 16 02.34
25.0 312 11 02.7 4 19 51.7 2.4826 16 04.91
25.5 319 15 59.2 3 59 04.4 2.4773 16 06.98
26.0 326 21 46.4 3 34 32.0 2.4733 16 08.54
26.5 333 27 57.8 3 06 37.3 2.4706 16 09.62
27.0 340 34 10.7 -2 35 47.3 2.4690 16 10.24
27.5 347 40 06.6 2 02 32.1 2.4685 16 10.43
28.0 354 45 30.4 1 27 24.4 2.4691 16 10.22
28.5 1 50 10.9 0 50 58.3 2.4705 16 09.63
29.0 8 53 59.4 -0 13 49.1 2.4729 16 08.70
29.5 15 56 49.2 +0 23 27.6 2.4761 16 07.45
30.0 22 58 34.5 +1 00 16.6 2.4801 16 05.88
30.5 29 59 09.7 1 36 03.7 2.4849 16 04.02
July 1.0 36 58 28.4 2 10 16.0 2.4905 16 01.86
1.5 43 56 22.7 2 42 22.8 2.4969 15 59.41
2.0 50 52 42.8 +3 11 56.0 2.5040 15 56.67

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
July 1.0 36 58 28.4 +2 10 16.0 2.4905 16 01.86
1.5 43 56 22.7 2 42 22.8 2.4969 15 59.41
2.0 50 52 42.8 3 11 56.0 2.5040 15 56.67
2.5 57 47 16.6 3 38 30.4 2.5120 15 53.64
3.0 64 39 49.8 4 01 44.4 2.5207 15 50.32
3.5 71 30 06.3 4 21 20.4 2.5303 15 46.74
4.0 78 17 48.3 +4 37 04.8 2.5406 15 42.89
4.5 85 02 37.3 4 48 48.5 2.5516 15 38.82
5.0 91 44 15.2 4 56 26.7 2.5633 15 34.54
5.5 98 22 24.6 4 59 59.0 2.5755 15 30.11
6.0 104 56 50.4 4 59 28.9 2.5882 15 25.56
6.5 111 27 20.2 4 55 03.8 2.6011 15 20.97
7.0 117 53 45.5 +4 46 54.0 2.6141 15 16.40
7.5 124 16 01.8 4 35 12.7 2.6270 15 11.90
8.0 130 34 09.5 4 20 15.0 2.6395 15 07.56
8.5 136 48 14.0 4 02 17.8 2.6516 15 03.44
9.0 142 58 25.4 3 41 38.8 2.6628 14 59.62
9.5 149 04 59.0 3 18 36.4 2.6731 14 56.16
10.0 155 08 14.6 +2 53 29.1 2.6822 14 53.14
10.5 161 08 36.3 2 26 35.5 2.6898 14 50.60
11.0 167 06 32.2 1 58 13.9 2.6958 14 48.60
11.5 173 02 33.8 1 28 42.1 2.7001 14 47.19
12.0 178 57 15.6 0 58 17.7 2.7025 14 46.41
12.5 184 51 14.5 +0 27 18.0 2.7029 14 46.28
13.0 190 45 09.5 -0 04 00.0 2.7012 14 46.84
13.5 196 39 40.6 0 35 19.3 2.6974 14 48.10
14.0 202 35 29.1 1 06 22.8 2.6914 14 50.05
14.5 208 33 16.1 1 36 52.9 2.6835 14 52.70
15.0 214 33 42.4 2 06 31.6 2.6735 14 56.02
15.5 220 37 27.5 2 35 00.4 2.6617 14 59.98
16.0 226 45 09.2 -3 01 59.7 2.6483 15 04.55
16.5 232 57 22.1 3 27 09.2 2.6334 15 09.67
17.0 239 14 37.1 3 50 07.9 2.6173 15 15.26
17.5 245 37 20.2 4 10 34.1 2.6003 15 21.24
18.0 252 05 51.7 4 28 05.8 2.5827 15 27.52
18.5 258 40 24.9 4 42 21.2 2.5649 15 33.98
19.0 265 21 05.4 -4 52 59.3 2.5471 15 40.50
19.5 272 07 50.3 4 59 41.0 2.5297 15 46.95
20.0 279 00 27.9 5 02 09.4 2.5131 15 53.20
20.5 285 58 37.4 5 00 11.6 2.4977 15 59.11
21.0 293 01 49.5 4 53 39.3 2.4836 16 04.54
21.5 300 09 27.2 4 42 29.4 2.4712 16 09.39
22.0 307 20 47.3 -4 26 45.5 2.4606 16 13.54
22.5 314 35 01.6 4 06 37.8 2.4521 16 16.91
23.0 321 51 19.8 3 42 22.9 2.4458 16 19.45
23.5 329 08 50.8 3 14 24.3 2.4416 16 21.14
24.0 336 26 45.0 -2 43 10.8 2.4396 16 21.95

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
July 24.0 336 26 45.0 -2 43 10.8 2.4396 16 21.95
24.5 343 44 16.6 2 09 16.1 2.4396 16 21.94
25.0 351 00 44.4 1 33 17.2 2.4416 16 21.13
25.5 358 15 33.1 0 55 53.2 2.4454 16 19.60
26.0 5 28 13.8 -0 17 44.2 2.4508 16 17.44
26.5 12 38 23.9 +0 20 30.2 2.4576 16 14.73
27.0 19 45 47.1 +0 58 11.7 2.4657 16 11.56
27.5 26 50 12.1 1 34 44.4 2.4747 16 08.02
28.0 33 51 32.4 2 09 34.9 2.4845 16 04.21
28.5 40 49 44.8 2 42 13.4 2.4949 16 00.18
29.0 47 44 48.7 3 12 13.3 2.5058 15 56.01
29.5 54 36 44.9 3 39 11.8 2.5170 15 51.75
30.0 61 25 34.9 +4 02 49.7 2.5284 15 47.44
30.5 68 11 20.4 4 22 51.6 2.5400 15 43.12
31.0 74 54 02.3 4 39 05.8 2.5517 15 38.81
31.5 81 33 40.9 4 51 24.1 2.5634 15 34.52
Aug. 1.0 88 10 15.4 4 59 41.9 2.5751 15 30.28
1.5 94 43 44.3 5 03 58.3 2.5867 15 26.09
2.0 101 14 05.5 +5 04 15.2 2.5983 15 21.97
2.5 107 41 16.3 5 00 38.1 2.6097 15 17.92
3.0 114 05 14.6 4 53 15.1 2.6210 15 13.96
3.5 120 25 58.6 4 42 17.0 2.6321 15 10.11
4.0 126 43 27.9 4 27 56.9 2.6429 15 06.39
4.5 132 57 43.9 4 10 29.8 2.6534 15 02.83
5.0 139 08 49.7 +3 50 12.3 2.6633 14 59.46
5.5 145 16 51.6 3 27 22.3 2.6726 14 56.31
6.0 151 21 58.1 3 02 18.3 2.6813 14 53.43
6.5 157 24 21.2 2 35 19.7 2.6890 14 50.86
7.0 163 24 16.1 2 06 45.6 2.6957 14 48.64
7.5 169 22 01.1 1 36 55.5 2.7012 14 46.82
8.0 175 17 57.9 +1 06 08.6 2.7054 14 45.45
8.5 181 12 31.1 0 34 43.5 2.7081 14 44.56
9.0 187 06 08.6 +0 02 58.8 2.7092 14 44.21
9.5 192 59 20.7 -0 28 47.6 2.7086 14 44.43
10.0 198 52 40.5 1 00 17.8 2.7060 14 45.25
10.5 204 46 42.9 1 31 14.4 2.7016 14 46.71
11.0 210 42 05.0 -2 01 20.0 2.6952 14 48.82
11.5 216 39 24.9 2 30 17.0 2.6868 14 51.61
12.0 222 39 21.7 2 57 47.9 2.6764 14 55.07
12.5 228 42 34.5 3 23 34.6 2.6641 14 59.20
13.0 234 49 42.1 3 47 18.6 2.6500 15 03.98
13.5 241 01 22.1 4 08 40.8 2.6342 15 09.39
14.0 247 18 09.7 -4 27 22.0 2.6170 15 15.36
14.5 253 40 36.8 4 43 02.3 2.5986 15 21.85
15.0 260 09 11.0 4 55 21.9 2.5793 15 28.76
15.5 266 44 14.0 5 04 01.4 2.5593 15 36.00
16.0 273 26 00.8 -5 08 42.5 2.5392 15 43.44

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Aug. 16.0 273 26 00.8 -5 08 42.5 2.5392 15 43.44
16.5 280 14 38.2 5 09 08.8 2.5191 15 50.94
17.0 287 10 03.4 5 05 06.7 2.4996 15 58.35
17.5 294 12 04.1 4 56 26.5 2.4811 16 05.50
18.0 301 20 17.2 4 43 03.9 2.4640 16 12.22
18.5 308 34 09.2 4 25 00.3 2.4486 16 18.33
19.0 315 52 57.1 -4 02 24.7 2.4353 16 23.67
19.5 323 15 49.2 3 35 33.3 2.4244 16 28.09
20.0 330 41 47.2 3 04 50.4 2.4161 16 31.47
20.5 338 09 48.4 2 30 47.2 2.4106 16 33.73
21.0 345 38 48.4 1 54 01.5 2.4080 16 34.82
21.5 353 07 43.3 1 15 15.7 2.4082 16 34.73
22.0 0 35 32.4 -0 35 15.6 2.4112 16 33.50
22.5 8 01 20.1 +0 05 12.0 2.4168 16 31.20
23.0 15 24 17.7 0 45 20.9 2.4247 16 27.95
23.5 22 43 44.3 1 24 27.1 2.4348 16 23.87
24.0 29 59 07.2 2 01 50.5 2.4467 16 19.11
24.5 37 10 02.1 2 36 55.4 2.4600 16 13.80
25.0 44 16 12.3 +3 09 11.3 2.4744 16 08.11
25.5 51 17 28.5 3 38 13.1 2.4897 16 02.17
26.0 58 13 47.2 4 03 40.9 2.5055 15 56.11
26.5 65 05 10.4 4 25 19.8 2.5215 15 50.03
27.0 71 51 43.8 4 42 59.7 2.5376 15 44.03
27.5 78 33 36.4 4 56 34.3 2.5534 15 38.18
28.0 85 10 59.2 +5 06 01.4 2.5688 15 32.54
28.5 91 44 04.7 5 11 21.5 2.5838 15 27.15
29.0 98 13 05.8 5 12 38.5 2.5981 15 22.04
29.5 104 38 16.1 5 09 58.5 2.6117 15 17.23
30.0 110 59 48.7 5 03 30.0 2.6246 15 12.72
30.5 117 17 56.6 4 53 23.4 2.6367 15 08.53
31.0 123 32 52.0 +4 39 51.0 2.6481 15 04.64
31.5 129 44 47.0 4 23 06.5 2.6586 15 01.05
Sept. 1.0 135 53 53.2 4 03 25.2 2.6683 14 57.76
1.5 142 00 22.1 3 41 03.7 2.6772 14 54.77
2.0 148 04 25.2 3 16 19.2 2.6853 14 52.08
2.5 154 06 14.4 2 49 30.3 2.6926 14 49.68
3.0 160 06 02.0 +2 20 55.8 2.6989 14 47.58
3.5 166 04 01.3 1 50 55.1 2.7043 14 45.81
4.0 172 00 26.6 1 19 48.0 2.7088 14 44.36
4.5 177 55 33.7 0 47 54.0 2.7121 14 43.26
5.0 183 49 40.0 +0 15 32.8 2.7143 14 42.55
5.5 189 43 04.5 -0 16 56.1 2.7153 14 42.23
6.0 195 36 08.3 -0 49 13.7 2.7150 14 42.34
6.5 201 29 14.2 1 21 01.2 2.7132 14 42.92
7.0 207 22 47.2 1 52 00.3 2.7099 14 44.00
7.5 213 17 14.4 2 21 52.9 2.7050 14 45.60
8.0 219 13 04.5 -2 50 21.4 2.6984 14 47.75

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Sept. 8.0 219 13 04.5 -2 50 21.4 2.6984 14 47.75
8.5 225 10 48.0 3 17 08.5 2.6901 14 50.49
9.0 231 10 57.1 3 41 56.8 2.6801 14 53.82
9.5 237 14 04.9 4 04 29.3 2.6683 14 57.77
10.0 243 20 45.2 4 24 28.9 2.6548 15 02.34
10.5 249 31 32.2 4 41 38.6 2.6396 15 07.52
11.0 255 46 59.3 -4 55 41.6 2.6230 15 13.29
11.5 262 07 38.9 5 06 21.0 2.6049 15 19.62
12.0 268 34 01.0 5 13 20.6 2.5857 15 26.45
12.5 275 06 32.0 5 16 25.1 2.5656 15 33.72
13.0 281 45 34.2 5 15 20.3 2.5448 15 41.32
13.5 288 31 23.8 5 09 54.2 2.5239 15 49.15
14.0 295 24 09.8 -4 59 57.9 2.5030 15 57.07
14.5 302 23 52.9 4 45 26.1 2.4826 16 04.91
15.0 309 30 24.2 4 26 18.7 2.4633 16 12.50
15.5 316 43 24.6 4 02 41.7 2.4453 16 19.65
16.0 324 02 24.1 3 34 48.2 2.4292 16 26.15
16.5 331 26 42.0 3 02 58.6 2.4153 16 31.82
17.0 338 55 27.6 -2 27 41.5 2.4040 16 36.48
17.5 346 27 41.5 1 49 32.9 2.3956 16 39.96
18.0 354 02 17.6 1 09 15.4 2.3904 16 42.17
18.5 1 38 05.2 -0 27 36.9 2.3883 16 43.01
19.0 9 13 51.8 +0 14 31.8 2.3896 16 42.49
19.5 16 48 26.2 0 56 19.2 2.3940 16 40.62
20.0 24 20 40.6 +1 36 54.9 2.4016 16 37.49
20.5 31 49 33.3 2 15 32.3 2.4119 16 33.22
21.0 39 14 10.3 2 51 30.1 2.4247 16 27.97
21.5 46 33 47.2 3 24 13.4 2.4397 16 21.91
22.0 53 47 49.0 3 53 14.6 2.4563 16 15.24
22.5 60 55 50.9 4 18 12.8 2.4744 16 08.14
23.0 67 57 37.9 +4 38 54.4 2.4933 16 00.79
23.5 74 53 03.6 4 55 11.7 2.5127 15 53.35
24.0 81 42 09.8 5 07 02.4 2.5323 15 45.98
24.5 88 25 05.0 5 14 28.9 2.5517 15 38.78
25.0 95 02 03.1 5 17 36.9 2.5707 15 31.87
25.5 101 33 22.5 5 16 35.2 2.5889 15 25.32
26.0 107 59 24.8 +5 11 34.7 2.6061 15 19.18
26.5 114 20 34.0 5 02 48.0 2.6223 15 13.51
27.0 120 37 15.2 4 50 28.9 2.6373 15 08.32
27.5 126 49 54.3 4 34 52.4 2.6510 15 03.62
28.0 132 58 57.0 4 16 13.9 2.6634 14 59.42
28.5 139 04 48.6 3 54 50.0 2.6744 14 55.71
29.0 145 07 53.9 +3 30 57.3 2.6841 14 52.48
29.5 151 08 36.2 3 04 53.3 2.6925 14 49.70
30.0 157 07 17.9 2 36 55.9 2.6996 14 47.37
30.5 163 04 20.2 2 07 23.3 2.7054 14 45.45
Oct. 1.0 169 00 03.0 +1 36 34.4 2.7101 14 43.93

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Oct. 1.0 169 00 03.0 +1 36 34.4 2.7101 14 43.93
1.5 174 54 45.4 1 04 48.2 2.7136 14 42.80
2.0 180 48 45.2 +0 32 24.0 2.7159 14 42.03
2.5 186 42 19.8 -0 00 18.6 2.7172 14 41.63
3.0 192 35 46.0 0 33 00.0 2.7173 14 41.58
3.5 198 29 20.3 1 05 20.6 2.7164 14 41.88
4.0 204 23 19.4 -1 37 00.9 2.7143 14 42.55
4.5 210 18 00.2 2 07 41.9 2.7111 14 43.58
5.0 216 13 40.0 2 37 04.7 2.7068 14 45.00
5.5 222 10 37.0 3 04 51.0 2.7013 14 46.82
6.0 228 09 10.4 3 30 42.9 2.6945 14 49.05
6.5 234 09 40.3 3 54 23.4 2.6864 14 51.72
7.0 240 12 27.9 -4 15 35.7 2.6770 14 54.85
7.5 246 17 55.9 4 34 04.1 2.6663 14 58.46
8.0 252 26 27.8 4 49 33.3 2.6541 15 02.56
8.5 258 38 28.1 5 01 49.0 2.6407 15 07.16
9.0 264 54 21.9 5 10 37.7 2.6259 15 12.26
9.5 271 14 34.6 5 15 46.8 2.6099 15 17.86
10.0 277 39 31.3 -5 17 04.9 2.5928 15 23.92
10.5 284 09 36.2 5 14 22.2 2.5747 15 30.42
11.0 290 45 11.4 5 07 30.7 2.5558 15 37.30
11.5 297 26 36.7 4 56 24.9 2.5363 15 44.49
12.0 304 14 07.8 4 41 02.0 2.5166 15 51.88
12.5 311 07 55.5 4 21 23.3 2.4970 15 59.36
13.0 318 08 04.1 -3 57 34.3 2.4778 16 06.79
13.5 325 14 30.8 3 29 46.2 2.4595 16 14.00
14.0 332 27 03.8 2 58 15.9 2.4424 16 20.82
14.5 339 45 22.1 2 23 27.1 2.4269 16 27.05
15.0 347 08 54.3 1 45 50.3 2.4136 16 32.52
15.5 354 36 59.0 1 06 02.9 2.4027 16 37.02
16.0 2 08 44.9 -0 24 47.7 2.3946 16 40.41
16.5 9 43 11.9 +0 17 07.2 2.3895 16 42.54
17.0 17 19 12.9 0 58 51.2 2.3876 16 43.33
17.5 24 55 35.9 1 39 32.9 2.3890 16 42.74
18.0 32 31 06.8 2 18 22.3 2.3937 16 40.77
18.5 40 04 32.3 2 54 33.4 2.4016 16 37.49
19.0 47 34 42.6 +3 27 25.9 2.4124 16 33.00
19.5 55 00 34.4 3 56 26.7 2.4259 16 27.47
20.0 62 21 12.9 4 21 10.9 2.4418 16 21.06
20.5 69 35 53.5 4 41 21.6 2.4596 16 13.96
21.0 76 44 02.6 4 56 49.9 2.4788 16 06.39
21.5 83 45 17.9 5 07 33.8 2.4992 15 58.54
22.0 90 39 28.2 +5 13 37.4 2.5201 15 50.58
22.5 97 26 32.6 5 15 09.6 2.5412 15 42.68
23.0 104 06 39.3 5 12 22.9 2.5621 15 35.00
23.5 110 40 04.1 5 05 32.6 2.5824 15 27.64
24.0 117 07 09.3 +4 54 55.4 2.6018 15 20.71

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Oct. 24.0 117 07 09.3 +4 54 55.4 2.6018 15 20.71
24.5 123 28 22.3 4 40 49.3 2.6201 15 14.28
25.0 129 44 14.0 4 23 32.6 2.6371 15 08.40
25.5 135 55 17.9 4 03 23.9 2.6525 15 03.13
26.0 142 02 08.9 3 40 41.7 2.6663 14 58.46
26.5 148 05 22.5 3 15 44.1 2.6783 14 54.42
27.0 154 05 34.1 +2 48 49.5 2.6886 14 51.00
27.5 160 03 18.0 2 20 15.7 2.6971 14 48.19
28.0 165 59 07.7 1 50 20.7 2.7039 14 45.96
28.5 171 53 34.7 1 19 22.6 2.7090 14 44.29
29.0 177 47 08.7 0 47 39.4 2.7125 14 43.15
29.5 183 40 17.3 +0 15 29.5 2.7145 14 42.50
30.0 189 33 25.9 -0 16 48.6 2.7150 14 42.32
30.5 195 26 57.4 0 48 56.0 2.7142 14 42.58
31.0 201 21 12.6 1 20 33.7 2.7122 14 43.23
31.5 207 16 30.2 1 51 22.5 2.7091 14 44.25
Nov. 1.0 213 13 06.5 2 21 03.1 2.7049 14 45.61
1.5 219 11 16.4 2 49 16.6 2.6998 14 47.29
2.0 225 11 12.7 -3 15 44.0 2.6938 14 49.29
2.5 231 13 07.2 3 40 07.0 2.6869 14 51.57
3.0 237 17 10.7 4 02 07.9 2.6791 14 54.14
3.5 243 23 33.0 4 21 30.1 2.6706 14 56.99
4.0 249 32 23.9 4 37 57.8 2.6613 15 00.13
4.5 255 43 53.1 4 51 16.6 2.6512 15 03.56
5.0 261 58 10.7 -5 01 13.7 2.6403 15 07.28
5.5 268 15 27.4 5 07 37.9 2.6287 15 11.31
6.0 274 35 54.6 5 10 19.7 2.6162 15 15.65
6.5 280 59 44.6 5 09 11.7 2.6030 15 20.29
7.0 287 27 10.7 5 04 08.4 2.5891 15 25.25
7.5 293 58 26.6 4 55 07.1 2.5745 15 30.49
8.0 300 33 46.8 -4 42 07.2 2.5593 15 36.01
8.5 307 13 25.4 4 25 11.2 2.5436 15 41.77
9.0 313 57 36.2 4 04 24.7 2.5277 15 47.72
9.5 320 46 31.1 3 39 56.9 2.5116 15 53.78
10.0 327 40 19.8 3 12 00.9 2.4956 15 59.88
10.5 334 39 08.5 2 40 54.2 2.4801 16 05.91
11.0 341 42 58.4 -2 06 58.7 2.4652 16 11.75
11.5 348 51 45.0 1 30 41.7 2.4513 16 17.26
12.0 356 05 16.4 0 52 34.9 2.4387 16 22.28
12.5 3 23 12.7 -0 13 15.0 2.4279 16 26.68
13.0 10 45 05.2 +0 26 37.2 2.4190 16 30.30
13.5 18 10 15.6 1 06 17.7 2.4124 16 32.99
14.0 25 37 56.9 +1 45 01.0 2.4084 16 34.64
14.5 33 07 14.0 2 22 00.9 2.4072 16 35.16
15.0 40 37 04.9 2 56 33.5 2.4088 16 34.49
15.5 48 06 23.4 3 27 58.1 2.4133 16 32.62
16.0 55 34 01.0 +3 55 39.7 2.4208 16 29.58

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Nov. 16.0 55 34 01.0 +3 55 39.7 2.4208 16 29.58
16.5 62 58 50.4 4 19 09.8 2.4309 16 25.45
17.0 70 19 48.0 4 38 07.8 2.4436 16 20.34
17.5 77 35 56.7 4 52 21.0 2.4585 16 14.39
18.0 84 46 28.0 5 01 44.7 2.4753 16 07.77
18.5 91 50 43.6 5 06 21.2 2.4937 16 00.64
19.0 98 48 16.5 +5 06 19.1 2.5131 15 53.20
19.5 105 38 50.7 5 01 52.0 2.5333 15 45.62
20.0 112 22 21.6 4 53 16.9 2.5537 15 38.06
20.5 118 58 54.2 4 40 53.5 2.5740 15 30.66
21.0 125 28 43.0 4 25 03.2 2.5938 15 23.57
21.5 131 52 09.9 4 06 07.6 2.6127 15 16.89
22.0 138 09 43.0 +3 44 28.6 2.6304 15 10.71
22.5 144 21 55.6 3 20 27.6 2.6467 15 05.10
23.0 150 29 24.2 2 54 25.3 2.6613 15 00.12
23.5 156 32 48.1 2 26 41.7 2.6742 14 55.80
24.0 162 32 47.8 1 57 35.9 2.6851 14 52.16
24.5 168 30 04.6 1 27 26.5 2.6940 14 49.22
25.0 174 25 19.2 +0 56 31.4 2.7008 14 46.97
25.5 180 19 11.6 +0 25 08.2 2.7056 14 45.39
26.0 186 12 20.5 -0 06 25.6 2.7084 14 44.47
26.5 192 05 22.3 0 37 52.8 2.7094 14 44.17
27.0 197 58 51.3 1 08 55.8 2.7085 14 44.46
27.5 203 53 18.9 1 39 16.9 2.7059 14 45.30
28.0 209 49 13.5 -2 08 38.2 2.7018 14 46.64
28.5 215 47 00.1 2 36 41.3 2.6964 14 48.43
29.0 221 47 00.4 3 03 07.9 2.6897 14 50.63
29.5 227 49 32.2 3 27 39.6 2.6820 14 53.18
30.0 233 54 49.7 3 49 58.1 2.6735 14 56.04
30.5 240 03 03.7 4 09 45.5 2.6642 14 59.16
Dec. 1.0 246 14 21.2 -4 26 44.9 2.6544 15 02.48
1.5 252 28 46.3 4 40 40.2 2.6441 15 05.98
2.0 258 46 20.1 4 51 17.0 2.6335 15 09.62
2.5 265 07 01.6 4 58 22.9 2.6228 15 13.36
3.0 271 30 47.9 5 01 47.5 2.6118 15 17.19
3.5 277 57 35.0 5 01 23.1 2.6008 15 21.08
4.0 284 27 18.5 -4 57 04.9 2.5897 15 25.02
4.5 290 59 54.2 4 48 51.1 2.5786 15 29.01
5.0 297 35 18.5 4 36 43.3 2.5675 15 33.02
5.5 304 13 29.3 4 20 46.3 2.5564 15 37.08
6.0 310 54 25.7 4 01 08.3 2.5453 15 41.15
6.5 317 38 08.7 3 38 00.8 2.5343 15 45.24
7.0 324 24 40.6 -3 11 39.0 2.5234 15 49.34
7.5 331 14 05.2 2 42 21.0 2.5126 15 53.41
8.0 338 06 26.9 2 10 28.6 2.5020 15 57.43
8.5 345 01 50.2 1 36 26.6 2.4918 16 01.36
9.0 352 00 18.5 -1 00 43.0 2.4821 16 05.13

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Geocentric Semi

Longitude Latitude Distance (A. U.) Diameter

(X 10 3)
º ' " º ' " ' "
Dec. 9.0 352 00 18.5 -1 00 43.0 2.4821 16 05.13
9.5 359 01 53.4 -0 23 48.5 2.4729 16 08.70
10.0 6 06 33.1 +0 13 43.4 2.4646 16 11.97
10.5 13 14 11.6 0 51 16.8 2.4573 16 14.87
11.0 20 24 37.2 1 28 14.4 2.4512 16 17.29
11.5 27 37 32.1 2 03 57.9 2.4465 16 19.16
12.0 34 52 31.1 +2 37 49.0 2.4435 16 20.37
12.5 42 09 02.2 3 09 10.7 2.4423 16 20.85
13.0 49 26 26.1 3 37 28.4 2.4431 16 20.53
13.5 56 43 57.6 4 02 11.0 2.4460 16 19.37
14.0 64 00 46.7 4 22 52.6 2.4510 16 17.35
14.5 71 16 00.5 4 39 13.0 2.4583 16 14.48
15.0 78 28 45.4 +4 50 58.5 2.4676 16 10.79
15.5 85 38 09.4 4 58 02.5 2.4789 16 06.35
16.0 92 43 24.6 5 00 25.0 2.4921 16 01.25
16.5 99 43 48.9 4 58 12.4 2.5068 15 55.60
17.0 106 38 48.0 4 51 36.7 2.5229 15 49.52
17.5 113 27 56.0 4 40 54.4 2.5399 15 43.16
18.0 120 10 56.9 +4 26 25.5 2.5575 15 36.65
18.5 126 47 43.7 4 08 32.3 2.5755 15 30.13
19.0 133 18 19.0 3 47 38.5 2.5933 15 23.72
19.5 139 42 53.4 3 24 08.3 2.6108 15 17.55
20.0 146 01 45.4 2 58 25.7 2.6274 15 11.73
20.5 152 15 20.0 2 30 54.2 2.6430 15 06.36
21.0 158 24 07.5 +2 01 55.9 2.6573 15 01.50
21.5 164 28 42.6 1 31 52.2 2.6699 14 57.24
22.0 170 29 43.4 1 01 03.1 2.6807 14 53.61
22.5 176 27 50.3 +0 29 47.6 2.6896 14 50.67
23.0 182 23 45.1 -0 01 36.3 2.6964 14 48.43
23.5 188 18 10.5 0 32 51.2 2.7010 14 46.91
24.0 194 11 49.2 -1 03 40.4 2.7034 14 46.12
24.5 200 05 23.2 1 33 47.4 2.7037 14 46.03
25.0 205 59 33.1 2 02 55.7 2.7018 14 46.64
25.5 211 54 57.8 2 30 49.1 2.6979 14 47.91
26.0 217 52 13.7 2 57 10.7 2.6922 14 49.82
26.5 223 51 54.2 3 21 43.8 2.6847 14 52.30
27.0 229 54 29.2 -3 44 11.4 2.6756 14 55.31
27.5 236 00 24.5 4 04 16.2 2.6653 14 58.79
28.0 242 10 01.3 4 21 41.1 2.6539 15 02.66
28.5 248 23 36.0 4 36 09.6 2.6416 15 06.86
29.0 254 41 19.7 4 47 25.6 2.6287 15 11.30
29.5 261 03 18.1 4 55 14.5 2.6155 15 15.91
30.0 267 29 31.5 -4 59 23.4 2.6021 15 20.60
30.5 273 59 55.0 4 59 41.9 2.5889 15 25.31
31.0 280 34 19.0 4 56 02.4 2.5760 15 29.95
31.5 287 12 29.7 4 48 20.8 2.5636 15 34.46
32.0 293 54 10.2 -4 36 37.0 2.5518 15 38.77

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

h m s º ' " ' "

Jan. 0.0 9 51 25.24 +17 28 22.14 54 21.30
0.5 10 14 14.06 15 07 01.08 54 15.21
1.0 10 36 26.32 12 37 53.65 54 11.16
1.5 10 58 08.60 10 02 26.52 54 09.32
2.0 11 19 28.08 7 21 58.61 54 09.83
2.5 11 40 32.31 4 37 42.60 54 12.79
3.0 12 01 29.13 +1 50 46.86 54 18.31
3.5 12 22 26.63 -0 57 42.35 54 26.42
4.0 12 43 33.13 3 46 38.29 54 37.14
4.5 13 04 57.17 6 34 51.10 54 50.44
5.0 13 26 47.45 9 21 04.84 55 06.25
5.5 13 49 12.80 12 03 54.55 55 24.43
6.0 14 12 22.05 -14 41 43.23 55 44.81
6.5 14 36 23.76 17 12 39.19 56 07.14
7.0 15 01 25.83 19 34 33.89 56 31.12
7.5 15 27 34.94 21 45 01.00 56 56.37
8.0 15 54 55.74 23 41 17.44 57 22.45
8.5 16 23 29.96 25 20 27.01 57 48.88
9.0 16 53 15.40 -26 39 27.82 58 15.10
9.5 17 24 05.14 27 35 23.42 58 40.52
10.0 17 55 47.28 28 05 37.34 59 04.55
10.5 18 28 05.37 28 08 09.17 59 26.60
11.0 19 00 39.85 27 41 49.13 59 46.09
11.5 19 33 10.08 26 46 27.97 60 02.55
12.0 20 05 16.80 -25 22 59.67 60 15.56
12.5 20 36 44.14 23 33 16.46 60 24.83
13.0 21 07 20.94 21 19 57.77 60 30.22
13.5 21 37 01.18 18 46 15.90 60 31.70
14.0 22 05 43.59 15 55 41.35 60 29.40
14.5 22 33 30.87 12 51 50.27 60 23.55
15.0 23 00 28.66 -9 38 14.82 60 14.50
15.5 23 26 44.65 6 18 16.98 60 02.66
16.0 23 52 27.72 -2 55 05.26 59 48.48
16.5 0 17 47.37 +0 28 26.32 59 32.45
17.0 0 42 53.26 3 49 37.49 59 15.03
17.5 1 07 54.83 7 06 00.12 58 56.65
18.0 1 33 01.03 +10 15 16.03 58 37.72
18.5 1 58 20.05 13 15 14.85 58 18.56
19.0 2 23 59.02 16 03 52.19 57 59.46
19.5 2 50 03.65 18 39 08.66 57 40.64
20.0 3 16 37.89 20 59 09.82 57 22.28
20.5 3 43 43.54 23 02 07.46 57 04.50
21.0 4 11 19.90 +24 46 22.15 56 47.37
21.5 4 39 23.54 26 10 27.03 56 30.94
22.0 5 07 48.34 27 13 12.41 56 15.23
22.5 5 36 25.76 27 53 50.41 56 00.25
23.0 6 05 05.46 +28 11 58.90 55 45.99

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Jan. 23.0 6 05 05.46 +28 11 58.90 55 45.99
23.5 6 33 36.19 28 07 43.81 55 32.46
24.0 7 01 46.85 27 41 39.21 55 19.65
24.5 7 29 27.41 26 54 45.04 55 07.58
25.0 7 56 29.76 25 48 22.84 54 56.28
25.5 8 22 48.12 24 24 10.24 54 45.80
26.0 8 48 19.28 +22 43 55.06 54 36.19
26.5 9 13 02.42 20 49 29.75 54 27.54
27.0 9 36 58.85 18 42 46.78 54 19.95
27.5 10 00 11.64 16 25 35.24 54 13.54
28.0 10 22 45.20 13 59 38.53 54 08.43
28.5 10 44 44.97 11 26 33.26 54 04.77
29.0 11 06 17.11 +8 47 48.94 54 02.70
29.5 11 27 28.28 6 04 48.48 54 02.36
30.0 11 48 25.56 3 18 49.14 54 03.90
30.5 12 09 16.27 +0 31 03.95 54 07.47
31.0 12 30 08.02 -2 17 16.54 54 13.17
31.5 12 51 08.61 5 05 02.30 54 21.13
Feb. 1.0 13 12 26.06 -7 51 01.52 54 31.43
1.5 13 34 08.57 10 33 58.22 54 44.13
2.0 13 56 24.44 13 12 29.70 54 59.26
2.5 14 19 21.97 15 45 03.89 55 16.80
3.0 14 43 09.25 18 09 56.94 55 36.68
3.5 15 07 53.78 20 25 11.08 55 58.79
4.0 15 33 41.97 -22 28 33.57 56 22.94
4.5 16 00 38.50 24 17 36.87 56 48.88
5.0 16 28 45.45 25 49 41.26 57 16.28
5.5 16 58 01.50 27 02 00.25 57 44.73
6.0 17 28 21.12 27 51 49.45 58 13.72
6.5 17 59 34.31 28 16 38.58 58 42.68
7.0 18 31 26.83 -28 14 25.57 59 10.98
7.5 19 03 41.31 27 43 50.40 59 37.91
8.0 19 35 58.98 26 44 26.10 60 02.76
8.5 20 08 01.79 25 16 44.44 60 24.81
9.0 20 39 34.32 23 22 15.16 60 43.40
9.5 21 10 25.18 21 03 19.27 60 57.96
10.0 21 40 27.60 -18 22 58.30 61 08.02
10.5 22 09 39.30 15 24 41.68 61 13.30
11.0 22 38 01.93 12 12 14.44 61 13.67
11.5 23 05 40.13 8 49 26.61 61 09.21
12.0 23 32 40.71 5 20 04.84 61 00.16
12.5 23 59 11.80 -1 47 46.46 60 46.93
13.0 0 25 22.25 +1 44 04.20 60 30.05
13.5 0 51 21.07 5 12 17.68 60 10.13
14.0 1 17 17.02 8 33 59.82 59 47.82
14.5 1 43 18.28 11 46 31.27 59 23.77
15.0 2 09 32.05 +14 47 26.47 58 58.64

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Feb. 15.0 2 09 32.05 +14 47 26.47 58 58.64
15.5 2 36 04.27 17 34 32.64 58 32.99
16.0 3 02 59.22 20 05 49.17 58 07.35
16.5 3 30 19.21 22 19 27.73 57 42.15
17.0 3 58 04.25 24 13 53.26 57 17.75
17.5 4 26 11.87 25 47 45.93 56 54.45
18.0 4 54 37.10 +27 00 03.76 56 32.44
18.5 5 23 12.74 27 50 05.54 56 11.87
19.0 5 51 49.83 28 17 33.25 55 52.84
19.5 6 20 18.43 28 22 33.54 55 35.39
20.0 6 48 28.52 28 05 37.58 55 19.52
20.5 7 16 10.83 27 27 39.22 55 05.22
21.0 7 43 17.63 +26 29 51.72 54 52.44
21.5 8 09 43.19 25 13 43.32 54 41.13
22.0 8 35 24.01 23 40 52.55 54 31.24
22.5 9 00 18.78 21 53 03.68 54 22.70
23.0 9 24 28.18 19 52 02.86 54 15.46
23.5 9 47 54.60 17 39 35.15 54 09.49
24.0 10 10 41.71 +15 17 22.41 54 04.77
24.5 10 32 54.26 12 47 02.11 54 01.28
25.0 10 54 37.71 10 10 06.82 53 59.03
25.5 11 15 58.05 7 28 04.27 53 58.05
26.0 11 37 01.67 4 42 17.86 53 58.38
26.5 11 57 55.22 +1 54 07.47 54 00.10
27.0 12 18 45.58 -0 55 09.47 54 03.26
27.5 12 39 39.77 3 44 16.69 54 07.97
28.0 13 00 45.00 6 31 57.61 54 14.30
28.5 13 22 08.58 9 16 53.75 54 22.37
29.0 13 43 57.90 11 57 42.94 54 32.25
29.5 14 06 20.34 14 32 57.54 54 44.05
Mar. 1.0 14 29 23.13 -17 01 02.66 54 57.82
1.5 14 53 13.13 19 20 14.53 55 13.61
2.0 15 17 56.47 21 28 39.37 55 31.45
2.5 15 43 38.12 23 24 13.02 55 51.31
3.0 16 10 21.29 25 04 41.80 56 13.13
3.5 16 38 06.84 26 27 45.09 56 36.78
4.0 17 06 52.59 -27 31 00.14 57 02.09
4.5 17 36 32.96 28 12 09.12 57 28.78
5.0 18 06 58.77 28 29 08.21 57 56.51
5.5 18 37 57.70 28 20 17.88 58 24.85
6.0 19 09 15.23 27 44 32.74 58 53.30
6.5 19 40 36.01 26 41 29.38 59 21.25
7.0 20 11 45.48 -25 11 30.75 59 48.05
7.5 20 42 31.34 23 15 46.54 60 12.97
8.0 21 12 44.52 20 56 09.69 60 35.29
8.5 21 42 19.72 18 15 10.35 60 54.30
9.0 22 11 15.32 -15 15 48.20 61 09.35

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Mar. 9.0 22 11 15.32 -15 15 48.20 61 09.35
9.5 22 39 33.00 12 01 24.63 61 19.87
10.0 23 07 17.03 8 35 35.18 61 25.49
10.5 23 34 33.62 5 02 02.85 61 25.96
11.0 0 01 30.26 -1 24 32.31 61 21.26
11.5 0 28 15.08 +2 13 14.99 61 11.57
12.0 0 54 56.39 +5 47 44.80 60 57.23
12.5 1 21 42.17 9 15 33.30 60 38.76
13.0 1 48 39.67 12 33 29.48 60 16.80
13.5 2 15 54.96 15 38 37.21 59 52.04
14.0 2 43 32.52 18 28 16.82 59 25.22
14.5 3 11 34.78 21 00 06.89 58 57.08
15.0 3 40 01.82 +23 12 06.12 58 28.29
15.5 4 08 51.09 25 02 35.58 57 59.48
16.0 4 37 57.39 26 30 21.17 57 31.20
16.5 5 07 13.13 27 34 35.77 57 03.91
17.0 5 36 28.88 28 15 00.72 56 37.98
17.5 6 05 34.19 28 31 46.01 56 13.71
18.0 6 34 18.56 +28 25 28.70 55 51.30
18.5 7 02 32.36 27 57 09.69 55 30.91
19.0 7 30 07.64 27 08 09.13 55 12.62
19.5 7 56 58.61 26 00 01.06 54 56.46
20.0 8 23 01.83 24 34 28.09 54 42.44
20.5 8 48 16.18 22 53 16.63 54 30.50
21.0 9 12 42.59 +20 58 13.11 54 20.60
21.5 9 36 23.67 18 51 01.34 54 12.63
22.0 9 59 23.37 16 33 20.90 54 06.51
22.5 10 21 46.61 14 06 46.51 54 02.14
23.0 10 43 39.01 11 32 48.05 53 59.41
23.5 11 05 06.65 8 52 51.10 53 58.21
24.0 11 26 15.93 +6 08 17.78 53 58.47
24.5 11 47 13.44 3 20 27.83 54 00.10
25.0 12 08 05.92 +0 30 39.77 54 03.04
25.5 12 29 00.17 -2 19 47.86 54 07.22
26.0 12 50 03.09 5 09 35.26 54 12.63
26.5 13 11 21.59 7 57 20.10 54 19.24
27.0 13 33 02.58 -10 41 36.28 54 27.05
27.5 13 55 12.86 13 20 52.70 54 36.09
28.0 14 17 59.03 15 53 32.23 54 46.37
28.5 14 41 27.26 18 17 50.84 54 57.95
29.0 15 05 43.02 20 31 57.16 55 10.86
29.5 15 30 50.70 22 33 52.67 55 25.13
30.0 15 56 53.18 -24 21 32.83 55 40.82
30.5 16 23 51.31 25 52 49.49 55 57.92
Apr. 31.0 16 51 43.42 27 05 34.65 56 16.43
31.5 17 20 25.00 27 57 45.93 56 36.32
1.0 17 49 48.59 -28 27 33.16 56 57.51

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Apr. 1.0 17 49 48.59 -28 27 33.16 56 57.51
1.5 18 19 44.05 28 33 25.77 57 19.86
2.0 18 49 59.29 28 14 19.73 57 43.18
2.5 19 20 21.30 27 29 43.17 58 07.22
3.0 19 50 37.43 26 19 39.63 58 31.65
3.5 20 20 36.61 24 44 48.62 58 56.07
4.0 20 50 10.27 -22 46 23.63 59 20.01
4.5 21 19 12.90 20 26 08.50 59 42.92
5.0 21 47 42.20 17 46 12.88 60 04.22
5.5 22 15 38.88 14 49 07.71 60 23.30
6.0 22 43 06.20 11 37 41.15 60 39.53
6.5 23 10 09.47 8 14 55.27 60 52.34
7.0 23 36 55.48 -4 44 03.15 61 01.21
7.5 0 03 31.99 -1 08 26.29 61 05.75
8.0 0 30 07.27 +2 28 27.87 61 05.70
8.5 0 56 49.62 6 03 08.81 61 00.96
9.0 1 23 46.94 9 32 05.97 60 51.60
9.5 1 51 06.24 12 51 52.34 60 37.87
10.0 2 18 53.17 +15 59 08.45 60 20.19
10.5 2 47 11.41 18 50 46.88 59 59.06
11.0 3 16 02.17 21 23 57.25 59 35.12
11.5 3 45 23.75 23 36 11.66 59 09.03
12.0 4 15 11.24 25 25 30.12 58 41.49
12.5 4 45 16.63 26 50 25.65 58 13.18
13.0 5 15 29.31 +27 50 07.99 57 44.71
13.5 5 45 36.88 28 24 25.32 57 16.68
14.0 6 15 26.44 28 33 43.20 56 49.57
14.5 6 44 45.75 28 19 00.55 56 23.82
15.0 7 13 24.43 27 41 43.40 55 59.77
15.5 7 41 14.65 26 43 37.11 55 37.70
16.0 8 08 11.53 +25 26 38.44 55 17.80
16.5 8 34 13.07 23 52 48.47 55 00.22
17.0 8 59 19.84 22 04 06.97 54 45.03
17.5 9 23 34.55 20 02 28.59 54 32.28
18.0 9 47 01.50 17 49 40.67 54 21.94
18.5 10 09 46.17 15 27 22.48 54 13.99
19.0 10 31 54.78 +12 57 05.50 54 08.33
19.5 10 53 34.07 10 20 14.48 54 04.89
20.0 11 14 51.05 7 38 08.85 54 03.53
20.5 11 35 52.86 4 52 04.44 54 04.13
21.0 11 56 46.74 +2 03 15.31 54 06.55
21.5 12 17 39.94 -0 47 04.46 54 10.63
22.0 12 38 39.72 -3 37 38.94 54 16.24
22.5 12 59 53.29 6 27 08.76 54 23.22
23.0 13 21 27.83 9 14 09.43 54 31.43
23.5 13 43 30.36 11 57 10.09 54 40.75
24.0 14 06 07.62 -14 34 32.28 54 51.05

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Apr. 24.0 14 06 07.62 -14 34 32.28 54 51.05
24.5 14 29 25.92 17 04 29.30 55 02.24
25.0 14 53 30.83 19 25 05.99 55 14.23
25.5 15 18 26.80 21 34 19.33 55 26.94
26.0 15 44 16.74 23 30 00.09 55 40.33
26.5 16 11 01.49 25 09 55.82 55 54.36
27.0 16 38 39.35 -26 31 55.23 56 09.00
27.5 17 07 05.71 27 33 54.07 56 24.23
28.0 17 36 13.01 28 14 02.14 56 40.02
28.5 18 05 50.96 28 30 50.55 56 56.37
29.0 18 35 47.28 28 23 18.31 57 13.23
29.5 19 05 48.79 27 50 57.10 57 30.55
30.0 19 35 42.66 -26 53 53.29 57 48.24
30.5 20 05 17.59 25 32 47.11 58 06.18
May 1.0 20 34 24.86 23 48 49.14 58 24.22
1.5 21 02 58.78 21 43 35.38 58 42.14
2.0 21 30 56.91 19 19 01.71 58 59.67
2.5 21 58 19.80 16 37 18.91 59 16.52
3.0 22 25 10.63 -13 40 48.84 59 32.33
3.5 22 51 34.65 10 32 01.82 59 46.70
4.0 23 17 38.70 7 13 35.41 59 59.21
4.5 23 43 30.73 3 48 13.92 60 09.45
5.0 0 09 19.35 -0 18 48.55 60 17.01
5.5 0 35 13.51 +3 11 42.46 60 21.53
6.0 1 01 22.06 +6 40 14.01 60 22.71
6.5 1 27 53.40 10 03 34.98 60 20.36
7.0 1 54 55.02 13 18 30.09 60 14.36
7.5 2 22 32.92 16 21 43.00 60 04.77
8.0 2 50 51.00 19 10 00.97 59 51.71
8.5 3 19 50.41 21 40 20.90 59 35.47
9.0 3 49 28.98 +23 49 56.95 59 16.42
9.5 4 19 40.81 25 36 28.91 58 55.01
10.0 4 50 16.33 26 58 10.54 58 31.76
10.5 5 21 02.85 27 53 56.51 58 07.23
11.0 5 51 45.65 28 23 26.40 57 41.98
11.5 6 22 09.42 28 27 04.74 57 16.54
12.0 6 51 59.91 +28 05 56.75 56 51.44
12.5 7 21 05.16 27 21 40.47 56 27.15
13.0 7 49 16.50 26 16 16.85 56 04.08
13.5 8 16 28.77 24 51 59.50 55 42.58
14.0 8 42 40.27 23 11 05.58 55 22.97
14.5 9 07 52.21 21 15 48.80 55 05.48
15.0 9 32 08.15 +19 08 14.75 54 50.28
15.5 9 55 33.34 16 50 18.50 54 37.52
16.0 10 18 14.21 14 23 43.86 54 27.27
16.5 10 40 17.91 11 50 04.00 54 19.58
17.0 11 01 52.03 +9 10 42.96 54 14.43

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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May 17.0 11 01 52.03 +9 10 42.96 54 14.43
17.5 11 23 04.34 6 26 57.60 54 11.79
18.0 11 44 02.74 3 39 59.83 54 11.59
18.5 12 04 55.14 +0 50 59.05 54 13.72
19.0 12 25 49.42 -1 58 55.52 54 18.05
19.5 12 46 53.47 4 48 32.42 54 24.43
20.0 13 08 15.11 -7 36 35.71 54 32.68
20.5 13 30 02.07 10 21 42.86 54 42.61
21.0 13 52 21.88 13 02 22.82 54 54.01
21.5 14 15 21.75 15 36 54.50 55 06.67
22.0 14 39 08.22 18 03 25.84 55 20.36
22.5 15 03 46.90 20 19 53.66 55 34.85
23.0 15 29 21.92 -22 24 04.72 55 49.93
23.5 15 55 55.41 24 13 38.36 56 05.39
24.0 16 23 26.85 25 46 10.96 56 21.03
24.5 16 51 52.59 26 59 22.47 56 36.67
25.0 17 21 05.56 27 51 04.57 56 52.15
25.5 17 50 55.33 28 19 29.90 57 07.36
26.0 18 21 08.81 -28 23 20.80 57 22.17
26.5 18 51 31.29 28 01 56.29 57 36.51
27.0 19 21 47.91 27 15 15.64 57 50.31
27.5 19 51 45.13 26 03 58.05 58 03.53
28.0 20 21 12.00 24 29 18.54 58 16.12
28.5 20 50 00.93 22 33 01.26 58 28.06
29.0 21 18 07.97 -20 17 11.65 58 39.30
29.5 21 45 32.62 17 44 08.96 58 49.80
30.0 22 12 17.38 14 56 20.11 58 59.48
30.5 22 38 27.19 11 56 15.42 59 08.26
31.0 23 04 08.79 8 46 26.14 59 16.03
31.5 23 29 30.20 5 29 23.65 59 22.63
June 1.0 23 54 40.28 -2 07 39.83 59 27.92
1.5 0 19 48.35 +1 16 11.83 59 31.70
2.0 0 45 03.87 4 39 34.78 59 33.79
2.5 1 10 36.13 7 59 48.05 59 33.99
3.0 1 36 33.88 11 14 05.41 59 32.15
3.5 2 03 04.95 14 19 35.41 59 28.11
4.0 2 30 15.69 +17 13 22.73 59 21.77
4.5 2 58 10.35 19 52 31.25 59 13.11
5.0 3 26 50.41 22 14 09.10 59 02.13
5.5 3 56 13.95 24 15 35.69 58 48.93
6.0 4 26 15.18 25 54 30.49 58 33.68
6.5 4 56 44.45 27 09 02.40 58 16.61
7.0 5 27 28.70 +27 57 58.43 57 58.00
7.5 5 58 12.59 28 20 49.79 57 38.20
8.0 6 28 39.99 28 17 53.86 57 17.58
8.5 6 58 35.69 27 50 11.40 56 56.53
9.0 7 27 46.86 +26 59 19.41 56 35.47

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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June 9.0 7 27 46.86 +26 59 19.41 56 35.47
9.5 7 56 04.03 25 47 21.22 56 14.79
10.0 8 23 21.47 24 16 35.57 55 54.86
10.5 8 49 37.11 22 29 26.65 55 36.05
11.0 9 14 51.98 20 28 16.06 55 18.66
11.5 9 39 09.63 18 15 17.29 55 03.00
12.0 10 02 35.42 +15 52 32.59 54 49.29
12.5 10 25 15.95 13 21 51.79 54 37.76
13.0 10 47 18.62 10 44 52.65 54 28.55
13.5 11 08 51.27 8 03 02.17 54 21.80
14.0 11 30 01.99 5 17 38.57 54 17.58
14.5 11 50 58.98 +2 29 53.63 54 15.94
15.0 12 11 50.48 -0 19 04.77 54 16.88
15.5 12 32 44.78 3 08 10.02 54 20.38
16.0 12 53 50.14 5 56 14.12 54 26.36
16.5 13 15 14.83 8 42 05.04 54 34.72
17.0 13 37 07.06 11 24 24.15 54 45.31
17.5 13 59 34.86 14 01 43.81 54 57.97
18.0 14 22 45.94 -16 32 25.33 55 12.47
18.5 14 46 47.37 18 54 37.40 55 28.57
19.0 15 11 45.17 21 06 15.54 55 45.99
19.5 15 37 43.76 23 05 02.84 56 04.43
20.0 16 04 45.26 24 48 32.64 56 23.56
20.5 16 32 48.86 26 14 13.53 56 43.04
21.0 17 01 50.12 -27 19 36.92 57 02.52
21.5 17 31 40.76 28 02 26.93 57 21.66
22.0 18 02 08.73 28 20 51.51 57 40.12
22.5 18 32 59.08 28 13 33.22 57 57.61
23.0 19 03 55.31 27 39 57.54 58 13.84
23.5 19 34 41.05 26 40 16.96 58 28.58
24.0 20 05 01.78 -25 15 30.04 58 41.67
24.5 20 34 46.16 23 27 15.87 58 52.97
25.0 21 03 46.75 21 17 45.31 59 02.43
25.5 21 32 00.16 18 49 31.20 59 10.01
26.0 21 59 26.72 16 05 18.93 59 15.75
26.5 22 26 09.83 13 07 58.86 59 19.71
27.0 22 52 15.26 -10 00 20.89 59 21.99
27.5 23 17 50.49 6 45 11.25 59 22.68
28.0 23 43 04.13 3 25 11.17 59 21.91
28.5 0 08 05.45 -0 02 56.99 59 19.77
29.0 0 33 04.01 +3 18 58.79 59 16.36
29.5 0 58 09.36 6 38 05.85 59 11.75
30.0 1 23 30.75 +9 51 54.40 59 06.00
30.5 1 49 16.77 12 57 53.67 58 59.16
July 1.0 2 15 34.96 15 53 31.26 58 51.23
1.5 2 42 31.34 18 36 13.48 58 42.23
2.0 3 10 09.81 +21 03 27.25 58 32.16

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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July 1.0 2 15 34.96 +15 53 31.26 58 51.23
1.5 2 42 31.34 18 36 13.48 58 42.23
2.0 3 10 09.81 21 03 27.25 58 32.16
2.5 3 38 31.55 23 12 43.90 58 21.04
3.0 4 07 34.45 25 01 44.87 58 08.87
3.5 4 37 12.77 26 28 29.13 57 55.70
4.0 5 07 17.16 +27 31 21.37 57 41.59
4.5 5 37 35.14 28 09 19.88 57 26.62
5.0 6 07 52.18 28 22 02.26 57 10.92
5.5 6 37 53.11 28 09 47.70 56 54.64
6.0 7 07 23.63 27 33 35.13 56 37.96
6.5 7 36 11.67 26 34 57.37 56 21.10
7.0 8 04 08.28 +25 15 52.72 56 04.30
7.5 8 31 07.99 23 38 35.30 55 47.80
8.0 8 57 08.75 21 45 25.99 55 31.86
8.5 9 22 11.43 19 38 44.86 55 16.74
9.0 9 46 19.30 17 20 45.67 55 02.71
9.5 10 09 37.39 14 53 32.50 54 50.02
10.0 10 32 11.97 +12 18 58.14 54 38.90
10.5 10 54 10.09 9 38 43.93 54 29.58
11.0 11 15 39.30 6 54 20.62 54 22.24
11.5 11 36 47.44 4 07 09.90 54 17.06
12.0 11 57 42.50 +1 18 26.40 54 14.19
12.5 12 18 32.57 -1 30 40.03 54 13.74
13.0 12 39 25.79 -4 19 01.94 54 15.80
13.5 13 00 30.37 7 05 31.66 54 20.40
14.0 13 21 54.54 9 48 58.73 54 27.57
14.5 13 43 46.52 12 28 07.30 54 37.29
15.0 14 06 14.42 15 01 33.58 54 49.48
15.5 14 29 26.05 17 27 43.51 55 04.04
16.0 14 53 28.66 -19 44 50.92 55 20.81
16.5 15 18 28.50 21 50 56.44 55 39.59
17.0 15 44 30.26 23 43 47.73 56 00.12
17.5 16 11 36.42 25 21 01.48 56 22.08
18.0 16 39 46.47 26 40 07.87 56 45.13
18.5 17 08 56.32 27 38 37.76 57 08.85
19.0 17 38 57.88 -28 14 12.42 57 32.79
19.5 18 09 39.23 28 24 55.14 57 56.49
20.0 18 40 45.38 28 09 22.93 58 19.42
20.5 19 11 59.59 27 26 56.18 58 41.11
21.0 19 43 05.19 26 17 44.42 59 01.07
21.5 20 13 47.25 24 42 46.77 59 18.86
22.0 20 43 54.08 -22 43 47.49 59 34.10
22.5 21 13 17.94 20 23 07.73 59 46.49
23.0 21 41 55.24 17 43 35.40 59 55.83
23.5 22 09 46.19 14 48 15.07 60 02.00
24.0 22 36 54.13 -11 40 19.13 60 05.00

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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July 24.0 22 36 54.13 -11 40 19.13 60 05.00
24.5 23 03 24.85 8 23 00.89 60 04.93
25.0 23 29 25.81 4 59 29.90 60 01.97
25.5 23 55 05.58 -1 32 49.10 59 56.37
26.0 0 20 33.29 +1 54 06.36 59 48.43
26.5 0 45 58.30 5 18 29.08 59 38.47
27.0 1 11 29.79 +8 37 38.69 59 26.84
27.5 1 37 16.44 11 49 00.68 59 13.86
28.0 2 03 26.09 14 50 05.37 58 59.84
28.5 2 30 05.33 17 38 27.31 58 45.06
29.0 2 57 18.99 20 11 45.61 58 29.74
29.5 3 25 09.67 22 27 45.59 58 14.10
30.0 3 53 37.20 +24 24 21.86 57 58.28
30.5 4 22 38.28 25 59 42.98 57 42.41
31.0 4 52 06.36 27 12 17.26 57 26.58
31.5 5 21 51.84 28 00 58.86 57 10.85
Aug. 1.0 5 51 42.75 28 25 13.24 56 55.28
1.5 6 21 25.82 28 25 00.48 56 39.90
2.0 6 50 47.74 +28 00 55.85 56 24.76
2.5 7 19 36.44 27 14 07.11 56 09.89
3.0 7 47 42.10 26 06 09.12 55 55.36
3.5 8 14 57.76 24 38 56.67 55 41.22
4.0 8 41 19.50 22 54 36.83 55 27.57
4.5 9 06 46.32 20 55 21.83 55 14.49
5.0 9 31 19.65 +18 43 23.26 55 02.11
5.5 9 55 02.95 16 20 47.76 54 50.56
6.0 10 18 01.09 13 49 34.37 54 39.99
6.5 10 40 20.02 11 11 33.13 54 30.54
7.0 11 02 06.35 8 28 24.82 54 22.40
7.5 11 23 27.12 5 41 41.48 54 15.72
8.0 11 44 29.65 +2 52 47.49 54 10.67
8.5 12 05 21.39 +0 03 01.02 54 07.42
9.0 12 26 09.90 -2 46 24.19 54 06.13
9.5 12 47 02.84 5 34 16.90 54 06.93
10.0 13 08 07.87 8 19 26.29 54 09.95
10.5 13 29 32.73 11 00 39.76 54 15.30
11.0 13 51 25.12 -13 36 40.73 54 23.06
11.5 14 13 52.60 16 06 06.38 54 33.29
12.0 14 37 02.45 18 27 25.66 54 45.99
12.5 15 01 01.38 20 38 57.58 55 01.16
13.0 15 25 55.15 22 38 50.20 55 18.72
13.5 15 51 48.07 24 25 00.67 55 38.56
14.0 16 18 42.37 -25 55 16.81 56 00.51
14.5 16 46 37.62 27 07 20.72 56 24.32
15.0 17 15 30.12 27 58 54.72 56 49.70
15.5 17 45 12.61 28 27 49.57 57 16.27
16.0 18 15 34.40 -28 32 14.43 57 43.58

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Aug. 16.0 18 15 34.40 -28 32 14.43 57 43.58
16.5 18 46 22.03 28 10 47.19 58 11.13
17.0 19 17 20.44 27 22 43.64 58 38.34
17.5 19 48 14.48 26 08 03.69 59 04.60
18.0 20 18 50.49 24 27 33.53 59 29.26
18.5 20 48 57.58 22 22 43.73 59 51.70
19.0 21 18 28.40 -19 55 43.76 60 11.31
19.5 21 47 19.37 17 09 14.47 60 27.54
20.0 22 15 30.45 14 06 19.77 60 39.96
20.5 22 43 04.61 10 50 18.60 60 48.24
21.0 23 10 07.16 7 24 37.93 60 52.23
21.5 23 36 45.10 3 52 46.99 60 51.89
22.0 0 03 06.53 -0 18 12.89 60 47.38
22.5 0 29 20.08 +3 15 42.64 60 38.96
23.0 0 55 34.51 6 45 45.33 60 27.02
23.5 1 21 58.28 10 08 49.73 60 12.04
24.0 1 48 39.13 13 21 59.96 59 54.54
24.5 2 15 43.68 16 22 30.31 59 35.08
25.0 2 43 16.92 +19 07 46.08 59 14.19
25.5 3 11 21.77 21 35 24.95 58 52.38
26.0 3 39 58.57 23 43 19.26 58 30.12
26.5 4 09 04.77 25 29 39.31 58 07.80
27.0 4 38 34.75 26 52 57.41 57 45.77
27.5 5 08 20.06 27 52 12.14 57 24.29
28.0 5 38 09.95 +28 26 52.08 57 03.58
28.5 6 07 52.32 28 36 57.99 56 43.79
29.0 6 37 14.82 28 23 02.72 56 25.03
29.5 7 06 06.08 27 46 08.66 56 07.36
30.0 7 34 16.62 26 47 42.96 55 50.82
30.5 8 01 39.47 25 29 31.43 55 35.41
31.0 8 28 10.49 +23 53 31.89 55 21.13
31.5 8 53 48.20 22 01 48.08 55 07.96
Sept. 1.0 9 18 33.49 19 56 24.59 54 55.89
1.5 9 42 29.20 17 39 23.03 54 44.91
2.0 10 05 39.62 15 12 39.66 54 35.01
2.5 10 28 10.10 12 38 03.98 54 26.21
3.0 10 50 06.70 +9 57 18.38 54 18.52
3.5 11 11 35.92 7 11 58.31 54 11.99
4.0 11 32 44.54 4 23 32.98 54 06.68
4.5 11 53 39.49 +1 33 26.36 54 02.66
5.0 12 14 27.76 -1 17 01.65 54 00.02
5.5 12 35 16.40 -4 06 33.87 53 58.85
6.0 12 56 12.48 -6 53 54.42 53 59.28
6.5 13 17 23.02 9 37 47.15 54 01.40
7.0 13 38 55.04 12 16 54.11 54 05.35
7.5 14 00 55.41 14 49 53.94 54 11.22
8.0 14 23 30.75 -17 15 20.38 54 19.13

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Sept. 8.0 14 23 30.75 -17 15 20.38 54 19.13
8.5 14 46 47.28 19 31 40.96 54 29.18
9.0 15 10 50.49 21 37 15.99 54 41.42
9.5 15 35 44.84 23 30 18.32 54 55.92
10.0 16 01 33.30 25 08 53.84 55 12.69
10.5 16 28 16.85 26 31 03.40 55 31.70
11.0 16 55 54.06 -27 34 46.14 55 52.89
11.5 17 24 20.70 28 18 04.51 56 16.13
12.0 17 53 29.68 28 39 10.78 56 41.21
12.5 18 23 11.28 28 36 34.47 57 07.89
13.0 18 53 13.83 28 09 09.76 57 35.82
13.5 19 23 24.71 27 16 21.85 58 04.58
14.0 19 53 31.62 -25 58 11.27 58 33.64
14.5 20 23 23.68 24 15 15.59 59 02.44
15.0 20 52 52.46 22 08 48.54 59 30.30
15.5 21 21 52.52 19 40 37.13 59 56.54
16.0 21 50 21.56 16 52 57.49 60 20.42
16.5 22 18 20.25 13 48 30.21 60 41.23
17.0 22 45 51.84 -10 30 15.71 60 58.32
17.5 23 13 01.61 7 01 29.81 61 11.12
18.0 23 39 56.37 -3 25 39.61 61 19.21
18.5 0 06 43.91 +0 13 40.36 61 22.33
19.0 0 33 32.51 3 52 51.95 61 20.39
19.5 1 00 30.46 7 28 16.99 61 13.53
20.0 1 27 45.62 +10 56 20.90 61 02.03
20.5 1 55 24.85 14 13 36.30 60 46.36
21.0 2 23 33.55 17 16 46.64 60 27.08
21.5 2 52 14.99 20 02 50.16 60 04.85
22.0 3 21 29.80 22 29 04.19 59 40.35
22.5 3 51 15.53 24 33 09.95 59 14.28
23.0 4 21 26.41 +26 13 17.50 58 47.29
23.5 4 51 53.54 27 28 10.39 58 19.99
24.0 5 22 25.43 28 17 09.17 57 52.91
24.5 5 52 49.07 28 40 12.74 57 26.50
25.0 6 22 51.18 28 37 57.05 57 01.12
25.5 6 52 19.47 28 11 30.89 56 37.06
26.0 7 21 03.78 +27 22 29.45 56 14.54
26.5 7 48 56.75 26 12 46.54 55 53.70
27.0 8 15 54.03 24 44 26.86 55 34.65
27.5 8 41 54.23 22 59 39.05 55 17.41
28.0 9 06 58.44 21 00 30.43 55 01.99
28.5 9 31 09.81 18 49 03.31 54 48.37
29.0 9 54 32.97 +16 27 12.97 54 36.49
29.5 10 17 13.60 13 56 46.90 54 26.30
30.0 10 39 18.03 11 19 24.92 54 17.72
30.5 11 00 52.98 8 36 40.04 54 10.68
Oct. 1.0 11 22 05.37 +5 49 59.51 54 05.11

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Oct. 1.0 11 22 05.37 +5 49 59.51 54 05.11
1.5 11 43 02.21 3 00 46.24 54 00.94
2.0 12 03 50.47 +0 10 20.10 53 58.13
2.5 12 24 37.10 -2 40 00.67 53 56.65
3.0 12 45 28.98 5 28 58.11 53 56.46
3.5 13 06 32.89 8 15 13.29 53 57.59
4.0 13 27 55.48 -10 57 25.11 54 00.03
4.5 13 49 43.20 13 34 09.20 54 03.83
5.0 14 12 02.20 16 03 57.01 54 09.03
5.5 14 34 58.16 18 25 15.07 54 15.70
6.0 14 58 36.06 20 36 24.67 54 23.90
6.5 15 22 59.90 22 35 42.02 54 33.71
7.0 15 48 12.33 -24 21 19.13 54 45.21
7.5 16 14 14.29 25 51 25.61 54 58.45
8.0 16 41 04.62 27 04 11.56 55 13.50
8.5 17 08 39.79 27 57 51.55 55 30.39
9.0 17 36 53.85 28 30 49.50 55 49.13
9.5 18 05 38.65 28 41 44.08 56 09.67
10.0 18 34 44.29 -28 29 33.99 56 31.94
10.5 19 03 59.99 27 53 42.34 56 55.81
11.0 19 33 15.01 26 53 59.50 57 21.07
11.5 20 02 19.68 25 30 44.14 57 47.44
12.0 20 31 06.21 23 44 42.53 58 14.58
12.5 20 59 29.27 21 37 06.54 58 42.04
13.0 21 27 26.24 -19 09 31.02 59 09.31
13.5 21 54 57.18 16 23 51.15 59 35.79
14.0 22 22 04.57 13 22 20.30 60 00.83
14.5 22 48 52.98 10 07 28.37 60 23.72
15.0 23 15 28.59 6 42 00.81 60 43.78
15.5 23 41 58.85 -3 08 57.72 61 00.32
16.0 0 08 31.96 +0 28 26.99 61 12.76
16.5 0 35 16.57 4 06 46.98 61 20.59
17.0 1 02 21.22 7 42 25.68 61 23.49
17.5 1 29 53.93 11 11 39.37 61 21.31
18.0 1 58 01.57 14 30 41.60 61 14.08
18.5 2 26 49.18 17 35 48.86 61 02.03
19.0 2 56 19.24 +20 23 27.66 60 45.57
19.5 3 26 30.90 22 50 22.74 60 25.24
20.0 3 57 19.48 24 53 46.25 60 01.70
20.5 4 28 36.22 26 31 26.85 59 35.67
21.0 5 00 08.71 27 41 57.62 59 07.87
21.5 5 31 41.81 28 24 41.10 58 39.02
22.0 6 02 59.19 +28 39 50.30 58 09.80
22.5 6 33 45.06 28 28 24.83 57 40.82
23.0 7 03 45.79 27 52 02.99 57 12.60
23.5 7 32 51.02 26 52 50.96 56 45.58
24.0 8 00 54.18 +25 33 11.39 56 20.13

MOON, 2024
h h

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

h m s º ' " ' "

Oct. 24.0 8 00 54.18 +25 33 11.39 56 20.13
24.5 8 27 52.48 23 55 32.95 55 56.52
25.0 8 53 46.44 22 02 22.10 55 34.96
25.5 9 18 39.17 19 55 57.52 55 15.58
26.0 9 42 35.73 17 38 27.06 54 58.46
26.5 10 05 42.47 15 11 46.63 54 43.63
27.0 10 28 06.51 +12 37 40.66 54 31.07
27.5 10 49 55.40 9 57 43.36 54 20.73
28.0 11 11 16.85 7 13 20.67 54 12.55
28.5 11 32 18.57 4 25 52.25 54 06.42
29.0 11 53 08.20 +1 36 33.73 54 02.23
29.5 12 13 53.23 -1 13 21.33 53 59.87
30.0 12 34 41.04 -4 02 39.43 53 59.21
30.5 12 55 38.82 6 50 05.38 54 00.13
31.0 13 16 53.56 9 34 20.72 54 02.52
31.5 13 38 32.01 12 14 02.42 54 06.26
Nov. 1.0 14 00 40.56 14 47 41.80 54 11.27
1.5 14 23 25.09 17 13 43.92 54 17.45
2.0 14 46 50.73 -19 30 27.34 54 24.76
2.5 15 11 01.58 21 36 04.71 54 33.15
3.0 15 36 00.35 23 28 44.04 54 42.59
3.5 16 01 47.97 25 06 31.08 54 53.06
4.0 16 28 23.20 26 27 32.79 55 04.58
4.5 16 55 42.40 27 30 01.87 55 17.17
5.0 17 23 39.41 -28 12 22.03 55 30.84
5.5 17 52 05.81 28 33 13.68 55 45.63
6.0 18 20 51.42 28 31 38.98 56 01.55
6.5 18 49 45.15 28 07 05.74 56 18.61
7.0 19 18 35.97 27 19 29.37 56 36.79
7.5 19 47 13.92 26 09 12.63 56 56.06
8.0 20 15 30.96 -24 37 03.49 57 16.33
8.5 20 43 21.57 22 44 11.66 57 37.48
9.0 21 10 42.93 20 32 04.55 57 59.31
9.5 21 37 34.94 18 02 23.56 58 21.58
10.0 22 03 59.94 15 17 01.21 58 43.97
10.5 22 30 02.36 12 17 59.45 59 06.11
11.0 22 55 48.37 -9 07 29.11 59 27.53
11.5 23 21 25.41 5 47 50.33 59 47.75
12.0 23 47 01.92 -2 21 33.81 60 06.22
12.5 0 12 46.97 +1 08 37.87 60 22.36
13.0 0 38 49.95 4 39 48.84 60 35.64
13.5 1 05 20.17 8 08 49.35 60 45.52
14.0 1 32 26.42 +11 32 16.16 60 51.58
14.5 2 00 16.39 14 46 34.65 60 53.48
15.0 2 28 55.89 17 48 03.00 60 51.02
15.5 2 58 28.01 20 32 58.89 60 44.15
16.0 3 28 52.18 +22 57 48.97 60 33.00

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

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Nov. 16.0 3 28 52.18 +22 57 48.97 60 33.00
16.5 4 00 03.39 24 59 20.55 60 17.84
17.0 4 31 51.84 26 34 54.79 59 59.07
17.5 5 04 03.20 27 42 39.17 59 37.23
18.0 5 36 19.74 28 21 36.99 59 12.91
18.5 6 08 22.16 28 31 51.47 58 46.76
19.0 6 39 51.72 +28 14 23.00 58 19.44
19.5 7 10 32.35 27 31 00.20 57 51.60
20.0 7 40 11.97 26 24 06.53 57 23.83
20.5 8 08 43.17 24 56 25.57 56 56.69
21.0 8 36 03.02 23 10 47.49 56 30.65
21.5 9 02 12.48 21 09 58.45 56 06.11
22.0 9 27 15.47 +18 56 33.48 55 43.42
22.5 9 51 18.01 16 32 52.82 55 22.83
23.0 10 14 27.47 14 01 00.67 55 04.54
23.5 10 36 51.98 11 22 46.02 54 48.68
24.0 10 58 40.02 8 39 44.41 54 35.33
24.5 11 20 00.14 5 53 20.44 54 24.52
25.0 11 41 00.83 +3 04 50.55 54 16.25
25.5 12 01 50.44 +0 15 25.71 54 10.46
26.0 12 22 37.13 -2 33 45.77 54 07.07
26.5 12 43 28.90 5 21 35.80 54 05.98
27.0 13 04 33.53 8 06 54.04 54 07.04
27.5 13 25 58.55 10 48 25.88 54 10.12
28.0 13 47 51.22 -13 24 50.50 54 15.04
28.5 14 10 18.32 15 54 39.49 54 21.63
29.0 14 33 26.01 18 16 15.88 54 29.70
29.5 14 57 19.51 20 27 53.94 54 39.07
30.0 15 22 02.71 22 27 39.96 54 49.57
30.5 15 47 37.74 24 13 34.22 55 01.00
Dec. 1.0 16 14 04.49 -25 43 34.48 55 13.22
1.5 16 41 20.23 26 55 40.92 55 26.07
2.0 17 09 19.33 27 48 02.50 55 39.42
2.5 17 37 53.36 28 19 04.04 55 53.17
3.0 18 06 51.54 28 27 33.29 56 07.22
3.5 18 36 01.51 28 12 46.72 56 21.50
4.0 19 05 10.51 -27 34 32.99 56 35.97
4.5 19 34 06.54 26 33 13.65 56 50.60
5.0 20 02 39.50 25 09 40.75 57 05.36
5.5 20 30 41.89 23 25 12.26 57 20.23
6.0 20 58 09.29 21 21 26.25 57 35.19
6.5 21 25 00.32 19 00 14.93 57 50.21
7.0 21 51 16.39 -16 23 39.50 58 05.24
7.5 22 17 01.33 13 33 46.32 58 20.20
8.0 22 42 20.88 10 32 44.65 58 34.96
8.5 23 07 22.26 7 22 45.91 58 49.37
9.0 23 32 13.81 -4 06 04.14 59 03.25

MOON, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Horizontal

Right Ascension Declination Parallax

h m s º ' " ' "

Dec. 9.0 23 32 13.81 -4 06 04.14 59 03.25
9.5 23 57 04.62 -0 44 57.40 59 16.33
10.0 0 22 04.28 +2 38 10.21 59 28.35
10.5 0 47 22.62 6 00 46.36 59 38.98
11.0 1 13 09.33 9 20 08.45 59 47.89
11.5 1 39 33.65 12 33 22.31 59 54.73
12.0 2 06 43.77 +15 37 22.06 59 59.19
12.5 2 34 46.18 18 28 51.87 60 00.95
13.0 3 03 44.78 21 04 30.25 59 59.78
13.5 3 33 39.96 23 20 57.29 59 55.53
14.0 4 04 27.73 25 15 05.15 59 48.11
14.5 4 35 59.18 26 44 10.98 59 37.55
15.0 5 08 00.57 +27 46 10.72 59 24.01
15.5 5 40 14.25 28 19 51.30 59 07.70
16.0 6 12 20.43 28 24 58.14 58 48.98
16.5 6 43 59.35 28 02 16.07 58 28.23
17.0 7 14 53.54 27 13 23.01 58 05.94
17.5 7 44 49.40 26 00 38.03 57 42.58
18.0 8 13 38.10 +24 26 46.50 57 18.67
18.5 8 41 15.58 22 34 45.41 56 54.72
19.0 9 07 41.91 20 27 31.18 56 31.20
19.5 9 33 00.50 18 07 50.78 56 08.55
20.0 9 57 17.10 15 38 16.53 55 47.19
20.5 10 20 39.00 13 01 03.86 55 27.44
21.0 10 43 14.40 +10 18 11.27 55 09.62
21.5 11 05 11.95 7 31 21.79 54 53.96
22.0 11 26 40.42 4 42 05.29 54 40.65
22.5 11 47 48.57 +1 51 41.26 54 29.85
23.0 12 08 45.06 -0 58 38.27 54 21.63
23.5 12 29 38.38 3 47 45.80 54 16.06
24.0 12 50 36.87 -6 34 35.48 54 13.13
24.5 13 11 48.68 9 18 00.41 54 12.82
25.0 13 33 21.76 11 56 50.07 54 15.05
25.5 13 55 23.79 14 29 48.03 54 19.73
26.0 14 18 01.98 16 55 29.96 54 26.71
26.5 14 41 22.94 19 12 22.25 54 35.83
27.0 15 05 32.25 -21 18 41.24 54 46.88
27.5 15 30 34.13 23 12 33.65 54 59.65
28.0 15 56 30.86 24 51 58.35 55 13.87
28.5 16 23 22.30 26 14 49.87 55 29.27
29.0 16 51 05.36 27 19 03.93 55 45.59
29.5 17 19 33.80 28 02 44.57 56 02.51
30.0 17 48 38.26 -28 24 12.57 56 19.75
30.5 18 18 06.77 28 22 13.90 56 37.02
31.0 18 47 45.76 27 56 06.87 56 54.06
31.5 19 17 21.29 27 05 46.58 57 10.61
32.0 19 46 40.48 -25 51 45.94 57 26.46

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
Jan. 0 18.02 L 0 15 41.9 +14 21.8 Jan. 23 U 23 22 47.9 +27 45.2
1 19.02 U 1 04 02.6 11 46.2 24 12.50 L 24 11 14.6 26 58.2
1 L 1 16 22.7 9 04.4 24 U 24 23 40.6 25 50.3
2 20.02 U 2 04 42.5 6 17.9 25 13.50 L 25 12 05.8 24 23.3
2 L 2 17 02.1 3 27.9 26 14.50 U 26 00 30.2 22 39.2
3 21.02 U 3 05 21.5 +0 35.4 26 L 26 12 53.6 20 40.3
3 L 3 17 41.1 -2 18.1 27 15.50 U 27 01 16.2 +18 28.5
4 22.02 U 4 06 00.9 5 11.4 27 L 27 13 38.0 16 06.0
4 L 4 18 21.1 8 03.5 28 16.50 U 28 01 59.1 13 34.5
5 23.02 U 5 06 41.8 10 52.8 28 L 28 14 19.6 10 55.9
5 L 5 19 03.3 13 37.7 29 17.50 U 29 02 39.6 8 11.7
6 24.02 U 6 07 25.7 16 16.4 29 L 29 14 59.3 5 23.4
6 L 6 19 49.1 -18 46.5 30 18.50 U 30 03 18.8 +2 32.3
7 25.02 U 7 08 13.7 21 05.6 30 L 30 15 38.1 -0 20.2
7 L 7 20 39.7 23 10.7 31 19.50 U 31 03 57.6 3 13.0
8 26.02 U 8 09 06.9 24 58.4 31 L 31 16 17.2 6 04.9
8 L 8 21 35.5 26 25.5 Feb. 1 20.50 U 1 04 37.2 8 54.5
9 27.02 U 9 10 05.3 27 28.1 1 L 1 16 57.7 11 40.4
9 L 9 22 36.2 -28 03.5 2 21.50 U 2 05 18.9 -14 21.2
10 28.02 U 10 11 07.7 28 08.8 2 L 2 17 40.9 16 55.0
10 L 10 23 39.7 27 42.9 3 22.50 U 3 06 03.9 19 19.9
11 29.02 U 11 12 11.5 26 45.2 3 L 3 18 28.0 21 33.5
12 0.5 L 12 00 43.0 25 17.0 4 23.50 U 4 06 53.3 23 33.2
12 U 12 13 13.7 23 20.5 4 L 4 19 19.9 25 16.2
13 1.5 L 13 01 43.4 -20 58.8 5 24.50 U 5 07 47.8 -26 39.2
13 U 13 14 12.1 18 15.9 5 L 5 20 17.0 27 39.0
14 2.5 L 14 02 39.7 15 15.6 6 25.50 U 6 08 47.1 28 12.5
14 U 14 15 06.3 12 02.3 6 L 6 21 18.2 28 17.3
15 3.5 L 15 03 32.0 8 39.6 7 26.50 U 7 09 49.7 27 51.4
15 U 15 15 56.9 5 11.3 7 L 7 22 21.3 26 54.1
16 4.5 L 16 04 21.3 -1 40.8 8 27.50 U 8 10 52.8 -25 26.0
16 U 16 16 45.4 +1 49.0 8 L 8 23 23.6 23 28.4
17 5.5 L 17 05 09.2 5 15.0 9 28.50 U 9 11 53.8 21 04.4
17 U 17 17 33.0 8 34.9 10 0.04 L 10 00 23.0 18 17.2
18 6.5 L 18 05 57.0 11 46.1 10 U 10 12 51.3 15 11.1
18 U 18 18 21.3 14 46.4 11 1.04 L 11 01 18.7 11 50.2
19 7.5 L 19 06 46.1 +17 33.5 11 U 11 13 45.2 -8 18.9
19 U 19 19 11.3 20 05.2 12 2.04 L 12 02 11.1 4 41.2
20 8.5 L 20 07 37.1 22 19.5 12 U 12 14 36.4 -1 01.2
20 U 20 20 03.4 24 14.4 13 3.04 L 13 03 01.4 +2 37.4
21 9.5 L 21 08 30.4 25 48.2 13 U 13 15 26.2 6 11.2
21 U 21 20 57.7 26 59.5 14 4.04 L 14 03 51.0 9 37.2
22 10.5 L 22 09 25.3 +27 47.0 14 U 14 16 16.0 +12 52.6
22 U 22 21 53.1 28 10.4 15 5.04 L 15 04 41.2 15 54.7
23 11.5 L 23 10 20.7 28 09.6 15 U 15 17 06.7 18 41.3
23 U 23 22 47.9 +27 45.2 16 6.04 L 16 05 32.8 +21 10.1

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
Feb. 16 6.04 L 16 05 32.8 +21 10.1 Mar. 10 U 10 12 20.8 -4 55.5
16 U 16 17 59.3 23 19.2 11 0.63 L 11 00 46.6 -1 10.0
17 7.04 L 17 06 26.2 25 07.0 11 U 11 13 12.3 +2 35.3
17 U 17 18 53.5 26 32.1 12 1.63 L 12 01 37.9 6 16.8
18 8.04 L 18 07 21.1 27 33.5 12 U 12 14 03.6 9 50.6
18 U 18 19 48.7 28 10.6 13 2.63 L 13 02 29.5 13 13.4
19 9.04 L 19 08 16.3 +28 23.4 13 U 13 14 55.8 +16 21.9
19 U 19 20 43.6 28 12.3 14 3.63 L 14 03 22.5 19 13.1
20 10.04 L 20 09 10.5 27 38.4 14 U 14 15 49.7 21 44.7
20 U 20 21 36.7 26 42.8 15 4.63 L 15 04 17.3 23 54.3
21 11.04 L 21 10 02.1 25 27.3 15 U 15 16 45.3 25 40.3
21 U 21 22 26.8 23 53.6 16 5.63 L 16 05 13.5 27 01.4
22 12.04 L 22 10 50.6 +22 03.9 16 U 16 17 41.9 +27 56.8
22 U 22 23 13.5 20 00.0 17 6.63 L 17 06 10.2 28 26.6
23 13.04 L 23 11 35.7 17 44.0 17 U 17 18 38.2 28 31.1
23 U 23 23 57.1 15 17.7 18 7.63 L 18 07 05.7 28 11.3
24 14.04 L 24 12 18.0 12 42.9 18 U 18 19 32.6 27 28.6
25 15.04 U 25 00 38.3 10 01.3 19 8.63 L 19 07 58.6 26 24.8
25 L 25 12 58.1 +7 14.5 19 U 19 20 23.8 +25 01.7
26 16.04 U 26 01 17.7 4 23.9 20 9.63 L 20 08 48.1 23 21.5
26 L 26 13 37.1 +1 31.0 20 U 20 21 11.5 21 26.1
27 17.04 U 27 01 56.5 -1 22.9 21 10.63 L 21 09 34.1 19 17.5
27 L 27 14 16.0 4 16.4 21 U 21 21 55.9 16 57.5
28 18.04 U 28 02 35.7 7 08.2 22 11.63 L 22 10 17.0 14 28.0
28 L 28 14 55.8 -9 56.9 22 U 22 22 37.5 +11 50.5
29 19.04 U 29 03 16.3 12 40.9 23 12.63 L 23 10 57.6 9 06.6
29 L 29 15 37.5 15 18.8 23 U 23 23 17.3 6 17.9
Mar. 1 20.04 U 1 03 59.5 17 48.7 24 13.63 L 24 11 36.8 3 25.6
1 L 1 16 22.3 20 08.6 24 U 24 23 56.3 +0 31.3
2 21.04 U 2 04 46.2 22 16.4 25 14.63 L 25 12 15.7 -2 23.8
2 L 2 17 11.2 -24 09.8 26 15.63 U 26 00 35.3 -5 18.2
3 22.04 U 3 05 37.3 25 46.0 26 L 26 12 55.2 8 10.4
3 L 3 18 04.6 27 02.5 27 16.63 U 27 01 15.5 10 58.9
4 23.04 U 4 06 32.9 27 56.4 27 L 27 13 36.4 13 42.0
4 L 4 19 02.2 28 25.1 28 17.63 U 28 01 57.9 16 18.0
5 24.04 U 5 07 32.2 28 26.6 28 L 28 14 20.2 18 45.1
5 L 5 20 02.7 -27 59.2 29 18.63 U 29 02 43.4 -21 01.0
6 25.04 U 6 08 33.3 27 02.3 29 L 29 15 07.6 23 03.6
6 L 6 21 03.8 25 35.8 30 19.63 U 30 03 32.7 24 50.5
7 26.04 U 7 09 33.9 23 41.1 30 L 30 15 59.0 26 19.2
7 L 7 22 03.4 21 20.0 31 20.63 U 31 04 26.1 27 27.4
8 27.04 U 8 10 32.3 18 35.6 31 L 31 16 54.2 28 12.8
8 L 8 23 00.4 -15 31.0 Apr. 1 21.63 U 1 05 22.9 -28 33.2
9 28.04 U 9 11 27.8 12 10.1 1 L 1 17 52.2 28 27.2
9 L 9 23 54.5 8 36.8 2 22.63 U 2 06 21.7 27 53.8
10 29.04 U 10 12 20.8 -4 55.5 2 L 2 18 51.2 -26 52.7

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
Apr. 1 21.63 U 1 05 22.9 -28 33.2 Apr. 24 15.24 L 24 12 18.0 -17 08.4
1 L 1 17 52.2 28 27.2 25 16.24 U 25 00 40.8 19 33.0
2 22.63 U 2 06 21.7 27 53.8 25 L 25 13 04.6 21 45.5
2 L 2 18 51.2 26 52.7 26 17.24 U 26 01 29.4 23 43.5
3 23.63 U 3 07 20.5 25 24.3 26 L 26 13 55.2 25 24.4
3 L 3 19 49.4 -23 30.0 27 18.24 U 27 02 22.0 26 45.9
4 24.63 U 4 08 17.8 -21 11.4 27 L 27 14 49.6 -27 45.4
4 L 4 20 45.5 18 31.0 28 19.24 U 28 03 18.0 28 21.1
5 25.63 U 5 09 12.6 15 31.4 28 L 28 15 46.9 28 31.1
5 L 5 21 39.1 12 15.8 29 20.24 U 29 04 16.0 28 14.6
6 26.63 U 6 10 05.2 8 47.5 29 L 29 16 45.1 27 31.2
6 L 6 22 30.9 -5 10.1 30 21.24 U 30 05 14.1 26 21.3
7 27.63 U 7 10 56.5 -1 27.2 30 L 30 17 42.6 -24 45.9
7 L 7 23 22.0 +2 17.4 May 1 22.24 U 1 06 10.5 22 46.7
8 28.63 U 8 11 47.6 5 59.8 1 L 1 18 37.8 20 25.7
9 0.24 L 9 00 13.5 9 36.3 2 23.24 U 2 07 04.4 17 45.4
9 U 9 12 39.7 13 02.9 2 L 2 19 30.4 14 48.2
10 1.24 L 10 01 06.5 16 16.0 3 24.24 U 3 07 55.9 11 36.9
10 U 10 13 33.9 +19 12.1 3 L 3 20 20.9 -8 14.5
11 2.24 L 11 02 01.9 21 48.1 4 25.24 U 4 08 45.7 4 43.8
11 U 11 14 30.4 24 01.2 4 L 4 21 10.4 -1 08.0
12 3.24 L 12 02 59.4 25 49.1 5 26.24 U 5 09 35.1 +2 29.8
12 U 12 15 28.7 27 10.5 5 L 5 22 00.1 6 06.1
13 4.24 L 13 03 58.1 28 04.3 6 27.24 U 6 10 25.4 9 37.6
13 U 13 16 27.3 +28 30.8 6 L 6 22 51.3 +13 00.7
14 5.24 L 14 04 56.1 28 30.5 7 28.24 U 7 11 17.8 16 11.6
14 U 14 17 24.2 28 04.9 7 L 7 23 45.1 19 07.0
15 6.24 L 15 05 51.5 27 15.8 8 29.24 U 8 12 13.2 21 43.1
15 U 15 18 17.9 26 05.3 9 0.86 L 9 00 42.0 23 57.0
16 7.24 L 16 06 43.3 24 35.9 9 U 9 13 11.3 25 45.8
16 U 16 19 07.6 +22 49.8 10 1.86 L 10 01 41.1 +27 07.7
17 8.24 L 17 07 31.0 20 49.1 10 U 10 14 11.1 28 01.3
17 U 17 19 53.4 18 36.1 11 2.86 L 11 02 41.0 28 26.5
18 9.24 L 18 08 15.0 16 12.5 11 U 11 15 10.5 28 23.9
18 U 18 20 36.0 13 40.1 12 3.86 L 12 03 39.2 27 54.8
19 10.24 L 19 08 56.3 11 00.5 12 U 12 16 07.2 27 01.4
19 U 19 21 16.3 +8 15.1 13 4.86 L 13 04 34.0 +25 46.2
20 11.24 L 20 09 35.9 5 25.3 13 U 13 16 59.8 24 11.7
20 U 20 21 55.3 +2 32.3 14 5.86 L 14 05 24.4 22 20.6
21 12.24 L 21 10 14.7 -0 22.4 14 U 14 17 47.9 20 15.4
21 U 21 22 34.3 3 17.7 15 6.86 L 15 06 10.5 17 58.2
22 13.24 L 22 10 54.0 6 12.0 15 U 15 18 32.2 15 31.2
22 U 22 23 14.1 -9 03.9 16 7.86 L 16 06 53.1 +12 56.1
23 14.24 L 23 11 34.8 11 51.8 16 U 16 19 13.5 10 14.4
23 U 23 23 56.0 14 33.9 17 8.86 L 17 07 33.4 7 27.7
24 15.24 L 24 12 18.0 -17 08.4 17 U 17 19 52.9 +4 37.3

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
May 17 8.86 U 17 19 52.9 +4 37.3 June 10 3.47 L 10 03 14.6 +23 49.0
18 9.86 L 18 08 12.4 +1 44.3 10 U 10 15 39.5 21 53.7
18 U 18 20 31.8 -1 10.1 11 4.47 L 11 04 03.2 19 44.3
19 10.86 L 19 08 51.3 4 04.5 11 U 11 16 26.0 17 23.4
19 U 19 21 11.2 6 57.7 12 5.47 L 12 04 47.8 14 52.9
20 11.86 L 20 09 31.4 9 48.2 12 U 12 17 08.8 12 14.9
20 U 20 21 52.3 -12 34.6 13 6.47 L 13 05 29.2 +9 31.1
21 12.86 L 21 10 13.8 15 14.8 13 U 13 17 49.1 6 42.9
21 U 21 22 36.2 17 47.1 14 7.47 L 14 06 08.7 3 51.7
22 13.86 L 22 10 59.5 20 09.1 14 U 14 18 28.2 +0 58.6
22 U 22 23 23.8 22 18.4 15 8.47 L 15 06 47.6 -1 55.2
23 14.86 L 23 11 49.3 24 12.3 15 U 15 19 07.1 4 48.4
24 15.86 U 24 00 15.7 -25 48.1 16 9.47 L 16 07 26.9 -7 39.8
24 L 24 12 43.3 27 03.2 16 U 16 19 47.2 10 28.2
25 16.86 U 25 01 11.6 27 55.0 17 10.47 L 17 08 08.1 13 12.0
25 L 25 13 40.6 28 21.5 17 U 17 20 29.7 15 49.5
26 17.86 U 26 02 10.1 28 21.3 18 11.47 L 18 08 52.2 18 18.7
26 L 26 14 39.6 27 53.7 18 U 18 21 15.6 20 37.5
27 18.86 U 27 03 09.0 -26 58.8 19 12.47 L 19 09 40.3 -22 43.3
27 L 27 15 38.0 25 37.6 19 U 19 22 06.0 24 33.4
28 19.86 U 28 04 06.4 23 51.7 20 13.47 L 20 10 32.9 26 05.0
28 L 28 16 34.0 21 43.3 20 U 20 23 00.9 27 15.2
29 20.86 U 29 05 00.8 19 15.0 21 14.47 L 21 11 29.9 28 01.1
29 L 29 17 26.9 16 29.4 21 U 21 23 59.5 28 20.9
30 21.86 U 30 05 52.3 -13 29.3 22 15.47 L 22 12 29.6 -28 12.6
30 L 30 18 17.0 10 17.6 23 16.47 U 23 00 59.7 27 35.9
31 22.86 U 31 06 41.4 6 57.0 23 L 23 13 29.7 26 31.0
31 L 31 19 05.4 -3 30.3 24 17.47 U 24 01 59.1 24 59.0
June 1 23.86 U 1 07 29.3 +0 00.2 24 L 24 14 27.9 23 02.2
1 L 1 19 53.4 3 30.5 25 18.47 U 25 02 55.8 20 43.0
2 24.86 U 2 08 17.6 +6 58.8 25 L 25 15 22.8 -18 04.5
2 L 2 20 42.3 10 21.8 26 19.47 U 26 03 49.0 15 09.9
3 25.86 U 3 09 07.5 13 36.4 26 L 26 16 14.4 12 02.4
3 L 3 21 33.5 16 39.4 27 20.47 U 27 04 39.1 8 45.1
4 26.86 U 4 10 00.2 19 27.4 27 L 27 17 03.4 5 21.0
4 L 4 22 27.8 21 57.3 28 21.47 U 28 05 27.3 -1 53.0
5 27.86 U 5 10 56.2 +24 05.8 28 L 28 17 51.1 +1 36.1
5 L 5 23 25.3 25 50.4 29 22.47 U 29 06 14.9 5 03.5
6 28.86 U 6 11 54.9 27 08.7 29 L 29 18 38.9 8 26.6
7 0.47 L 7 00 24.9 27 59.3 30 23.47 U 30 07 03.3 11 42.7
7 U 7 12 54.8 28 21.5 30 L 30 19 28.3 14 48.9
8 1.47 L 8 01 24.4 28 15.9 July 1 24.47 U 1 07 53.9 17 42.5
8 U 8 13 53.4 +27 43.6 1 L 1 20 20.2 +20 20.5
9 2.47 L 9 02 21.5 26 46.7 2 25.47 U 2 08 47.4 22 40.2
9 U 9 14 48.7 25 27.6 2 L 2 21 15.3 24 38.9
10 3.47 L 10 03 14.6 +23 49.0 3 26.47 U 3 09 43.9 +26 14.0

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
July 1 24.47 U 1 07 53.9 +17 42.5 July 24 18.04 L 24 14 58.7 -7 32.6
1 L 1 20 20.2 20 20.5 25 19.04 U 25 03 23.4 4 00.9
2 25.47 U 2 08 47.4 22 40.2 25 L 25 15 47.9 -0 26.9
2 L 2 21 15.3 24 38.9 26 20.04 U 26 04 12.1 +3 06.5
3 26.47 U 3 09 43.9 26 14.0 26 L 26 16 36.4 6 36.0
3 L 3 22 13.1 27 23.7 27 21.04 U 27 05 00.8 9 59.0
4 27.47 U 4 10 42.5 +28 06.5 27 L 27 17 25.6 +13 12.6
4 L 4 23 12.0 28 22.0 28 22.04 U 28 05 50.9 16 14.2
5 28.47 U 5 11 41.2 28 10.4 28 L 28 18 16.7 19 01.0
6 0.04 L 6 00 09.8 27 32.9 29 23.04 U 29 06 43.2 21 30.4
6 U 6 12 37.7 26 31.2 29 L 29 19 10.5 23 40.1
7 1.04 L 7 01 04.6 25 07.7 30 24.04 U 30 07 38.3 25 27.8
7 U 7 13 30.4 +23 25.1 30 L 30 20 06.7 +26 51.4
8 2.04 L 8 01 55.2 21 25.8 31 25.04 U 31 08 35.5 27 49.7
8 U 8 14 18.9 19 12.7 31 L 31 21 04.5 28 21.6
9 3.04 L 9 02 41.5 16 48.2 Aug. 1 26.04 U 1 09 33.4 28 27.0
9 U 9 15 03.3 14 14.5 1 L 1 22 01.9 28 06.4
10 4.04 L 10 03 24.4 11 33.7 2 27.04 U 2 10 29.9 27 21.1
10 U 10 15 44.8 +8 47.5 2 L 2 22 57.1 +26 12.8
11 5.04 L 11 04 04.7 5 57.5 3 28.04 U 3 11 23.5 24 43.7
11 U 11 16 24.3 3 05.0 3 L 3 23 48.7 22 56.2
12 6.04 L 12 04 43.7 +0 11.5 4 29.04 U 4 12 13.0 20 52.9
12 U 12 17 03.1 -2 42.0 5 0.53 L 5 00 36.3 18 36.2
13 7.04 L 13 05 22.6 5 34.2 5 U 5 12 58.7 16 08.5
13 U 13 17 42.4 -8 24.0 6 1.53 L 6 01 20.3 +13 32.0
14 8.04 L 14 06 02.5 11 10.0 6 U 6 13 41.2 10 48.6
14 U 14 18 23.3 13 50.9 7 2.53 L 7 02 01.5 8 00.2
15 9.04 L 15 06 44.8 16 25.0 7 U 7 14 21.3 5 08.4
15 U 15 19 07.2 18 50.5 8 3.53 L 8 02 40.8 +2 14.6
16 10.04 L 16 07 30.6 21 05.4 8 U 8 15 00.2 -0 39.8
16 U 16 19 55.0 -23 07.2 9 4.53 L 9 03 19.6 -3 33.4
17 11.04 L 17 08 20.7 24 53.3 9 U 9 15 39.0 6 25.2
17 U 17 20 47.5 26 21.0 10 5.53 L 10 03 58.8 9 13.7
18 12.04 L 18 09 15.6 27 27.2 10 U 10 16 18.9 11 57.7
18 U 18 21 44.5 28 09.4 11 6.53 L 11 04 39.6 14 35.8
19 13.04 L 19 10 14.3 28 24.9 11 U 11 17 01.0 17 06.5
19 U 19 22 44.7 -28 12.2 12 7.53 L 12 05 23.2 -19 28.0
20 14.04 L 20 11 15.2 27 30.3 12 U 12 17 46.3 21 38.4
20 U 20 23 45.5 26 19.2 13 8.53 L 13 06 10.5 23 35.5
21 15.04 L 21 12 15.4 24 40.3 13 U 13 18 35.8 25 16.9
22 16.04 U 22 00 44.7 22 35.4 14 9.53 L 14 07 02.3 26 40.0
22 L 22 13 13.1 20 07.5 14 U 14 19 29.8 27 42.2
23 17.04 U 23 01 40.7 -17 19.7 15 10.53 L 15 07 58.3 -28 20.8
23 L 23 14 07.4 14 15.5 15 U 15 20 27.6 28 33.5
24 18.04 U 24 02 33.4 10 58.6 16 11.53 L 16 08 57.5 28 18.6
24 L 24 14 58.7 -7 32.6 16 U 16 21 27.7 -27 35.0

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
Aug. 16 11.53 U 16 21 27.7 -27 35.0 Sept. 9 5.92 L 9 04 04.5 -22 17.3
17 12.53 L 17 09 57.9 26 22.4 9 U 9 16 28.5 24 09.0
17 U 17 22 27.8 24 41.6 10 6.92 L 10 04 53.5 25 44.6
18 13.53 L 18 10 57.2 22 34.4 10 U 10 17 19.6 27 01.8
18 U 18 23 25.9 20 02.9 11 7.92 L 11 05 46.6 27 58.3
19 14.53 L 19 11 53.8 17 10.5 11 U 11 18 14.4 28 31.9
20 15.53 U 20 00 21.0 -14 00.4 12 8.92 L 12 06 43.0 -28 40.7
20 L 20 12 47.5 10 36.7 12 U 12 19 12.0 28 23.1
21 16.53 U 21 01 13.5 7 02.9 13 9.92 L 13 07 41.4 27 38.2
21 L 21 13 39.0 -3 23.0 13 U 13 20 10.7 26 25.7
22 17.53 U 22 02 04.2 +0 19.2 14 10.92 L 14 08 39.8 24 46.1
22 L 22 14 29.3 4 00.0 14 U 14 21 08.6 22 40.7
23 18.53 U 23 02 54.4 +7 36.1 15 11.92 L 15 09 36.8 -20 11.5
23 L 23 15 19.8 11 03.9 15 U 15 22 04.4 17 20.8
24 19.53 U 24 03 45.5 14 20.3 16 12.92 L 16 10 31.5 14 11.7
24 L 24 16 11.7 17 22.4 16 U 16 22 58.1 10 47.4
25 20.53 U 25 04 38.4 20 07.3 17 13.92 L 17 11 24.2 7 11.7
25 L 25 17 05.7 22 32.5 17 U 17 23 50.0 -3 28.3
26 21.53 U 26 05 33.6 +24 35.5 18 14.92 L 18 12 15.7 +0 18.8
26 L 26 18 02.0 26 14.6 19 15.92 U 19 00 41.5 4 05.8
27 22.53 U 27 06 30.7 27 28.2 19 L 19 13 07.4 7 48.5
27 L 27 18 59.7 28 15.5 20 16.92 U 20 01 33.6 11 23.0
28 23.53 U 28 07 28.6 28 36.0 20 L 20 14 00.3 14 45.6
28 L 28 19 57.2 28 30.3 21 17.92 U 21 02 27.6 17 52.6
29 24.53 U 29 08 25.4 +27 59.4 21 L 21 14 55.5 +20 40.6
29 L 29 20 52.8 27 04.8 22 18.92 U 22 03 24.0 23 06.8
30 25.53 U 30 09 19.4 25 48.5 22 L 22 15 53.0 25 08.4
30 L 30 21 45.0 24 12.6 23 19.92 U 23 04 22.5 26 43.7
31 26.53 U 31 10 09.6 22 19.7 23 L 23 16 52.2 27 51.3
31 L 31 22 33.3 20 11.9 24 20.92 U 24 05 21.9 28 30.7
Sept. 1 27.53 U 1 10 56.1 +17 51.7 24 L 24 17 51.3 +28 42.2
1 L 1 23 18.0 15 21.2 25 21.92 U 25 06 20.2 28 26.9
2 28.53 U 2 11 39.1 12 42.4 25 L 25 18 48.4 27 46.3
2 L 2 23 59.7 9 57.1 26 22.92 U 26 07 15.7 26 42.6
3 29.53 U 3 12 19.8 7 07.1 26 L 26 19 41.9 25 18.0
4 0.92 L 4 00 39.4 4 14.0 27 23.92 U 27 08 07.2 23 35.0
4 U 4 12 58.9 +1 19.2 27 L 27 20 31.4 +21 36.2
5 1.92 L 5 01 18.2 -1 35.8 28 24.92 U 28 08 54.6 19 23.8
5 U 5 13 37.6 4 29.7 28 L 28 21 16.8 16 59.9
6 2.92 L 6 01 57.1 7 21.1 29 25.92 U 29 09 38.3 14 26.7
6 U 6 14 16.9 10 08.7 29 L 29 21 59.1 11 46.0
7 3.92 L 7 02 37.1 12 51.1 30 26.92 U 30 10 19.3 8 59.4
7 U 7 14 57.8 -15 26.8 30 L 30 22 39.2 +6 08.6
8 4.92 L 8 03 19.2 17 54.3 Oct. 1 27.92 U 1 10 58.7 3 14.9
8 U 8 15 41.4 20 11.8 1 L 1 23 18.0 +0 20.0
9 5.92 L 9 04 04.5 -22 17.3 2 28.92 U 2 11 37.3 -2 35.0

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
Oct. 1 27.92 U 1 10 58.7 +3 14.9 Oct. 24 21.22 L 24 18 27.4 +22 56.3
1 L 1 23 18.0 +0 20.0 25 22.22 U 25 06 51.5 20 51.4
2 28.92 U 2 11 37.3 -2 35.0 25 L 25 19 14.6 18 33.9
2 L 2 23 56.7 5 28.5 26 23.22 U 26 07 36.7 16 06.1
3 0.22 U 3 12 16.3 8 19.2 26 L 26 19 58.0 13 29.9
4 1.22 L 4 00 36.3 11 05.7 27 24.22 U 27 08 18.6 10 47.2
4 U 4 12 56.7 -13 46.5 27 L 27 20 38.7 +7 59.4
5 2.22 L 5 01 17.7 16 19.9 28 25.22 U 28 08 58.3 5 08.1
5 U 5 13 39.4 18 44.2 28 L 28 21 17.7 +2 14.5
6 3.22 L 6 02 01.8 20 57.7 29 26.22 U 29 09 37.0 -0 39.9
6 U 6 14 25.1 22 58.3 29 L 29 21 56.3 3 34.0
7 4.22 L 7 02 49.3 24 44.1 30 27.22 U 30 10 15.8 6 26.3
7 U 7 15 14.4 -26 13.0 30 L 30 22 35.6 -9 15.6
8 5.22 L 8 03 40.4 27 22.8 31 28.22 U 31 10 55.7 12 00.3
8 U 8 16 07.2 28 11.6 31 L 31 23 16.4 14 38.9
9 6.22 L 9 04 34.6 28 37.7 Nov. 1 29.22 U 1 11 37.8 17 09.6
9 U 9 17 02.6 28 39.4 1 L 1 23 59.9 19 30.7
10 7.22 L 10 05 30.9 28 16.0 2 0.47 U 2 12 22.8 21 40.0
10 U 10 17 59.3 -27 26.8 3 1.47 L 3 00 46.6 -23 35.7
11 8.22 L 11 06 27.5 26 11.9 3 U 3 13 11.3 25 15.4
11 U 11 18 55.6 24 32.1 4 2.47 L 4 01 36.9 26 37.2
12 9.22 L 12 07 23.2 22 28.4 4 U 4 14 03.2 27 38.8
12 U 12 19 50.3 20 02.6 5 3.47 L 5 02 30.3 28 18.6
13 10.22 L 13 08 17.0 17 16.7 5 U 5 14 57.8 28 34.9
13 U 13 20 43.2 -14 13.1 6 4.47 L 6 03 25.7 -28 27.0
14 11.22 L 14 09 09.0 10 54.5 6 U 6 15 53.7 27 54.1
14 U 14 21 34.5 7 23.9 7 5.47 L 7 04 21.5 26 56.4
15 12.22 L 15 09 59.9 -3 44.5 7 U 7 16 49.1 25 34.6
15 U 15 22 25.3 +0 00.1 8 6.47 L 8 05 16.2 23 49.8
16 13.22 L 16 10 51.0 3 46.3 8 U 8 17 42.9 21 43.4
16 U 16 23 16.9 +7 30.0 9 7.47 L 9 06 08.9 -19 17.2
17 14.22 L 17 11 43.4 11 07.3 9 U 9 18 34.5 16 33.3
18 15.22 U 18 00 10.6 14 33.9 10 8.47 L 10 06 59.5 13 33.9
18 L 18 12 38.5 17 45.5 10 U 10 19 24.3 10 21.3
19 16.22 U 19 01 07.1 20 38.3 11 9.47 L 11 07 48.8 6 58.0
19 L 19 13 36.6 23 08.5 11 U 11 20 13.2 -3 26.7
20 17.22 U 20 02 06.7 +25 13.0 12 10.47 L 12 08 37.7 +0 09.7
20 L 20 14 37.3 26 49.3 12 U 12 21 02.5 3 48.2
21 18.22 U 21 03 08.2 27 55.9 13 11.47 L 13 09 27.8 7 25.3
21 L 21 15 38.9 28 32.2 13 U 13 21 53.7 10 57.5
22 19.22 U 22 04 09.4 28 38.8 14 12.47 L 14 10 20.4 14 20.7
22 L 22 16 39.0 28 17.2 14 U 14 22 48.0 17 30.9
23 20.22 U 23 05 07.9 +27 29.3 15 13.47 L 15 11 16.6 +20 23.8
23 L 23 17 35.5 26 18.0 15 U 15 23 46.1 22 55.5
24 21.22 U 24 06 02.1 24 46.0 16 14.47 L 16 12 16.6 25 02.0
24 L 24 18 27.4 +22 56.3 17 15.47 U 17 00 47.7 +26 40.4

MOON, 2024
Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric Date Age Ephemeris Geocentric
( at 0h ) Transit Declination ( at 0h ) Transit Declination
d d h m ° ' d d h m ° '
Nov. 17 15.47 U 17 00 47.7 +26 40.4 Dec. 10 8.47 L 10 07 19.5 +4 42.4
17 L 17 13 19.3 27 48.4 10 U 10 19 43.9 8 10.1
18 16.47 U 18 01 50.9 28 25.1 11 9.47 L 11 08 09.0 11 32.6
18 L 18 14 22.1 28 30.6 11 U 11 20 34.8 14 46.4
19 17.47 U 19 02 52.8 28 06.2 12 10.47 L 12 09 01.6 17 48.0
19 L 19 15 22.4 27 14.4 12 U 12 21 29.4 20 33.7
20 18.47 U 20 03 50.9 +25 58.0 13 11.47 L 13 09 58.3 +22 59.5
20 L 20 16 18.0 24 20.4 13 U 13 22 28.2 25 02.0
21 19.47 U 21 04 43.8 22 24.6 14 12.47 L 14 10 58.9 26 37.7
21 L 21 17 08.3 20 14.0 14 U 14 23 30.2 27 44.3
22 20.47 U 22 05 31.7 17 51.3 15 13.47 L 15 12 01.8 28 19.9
22 L 22 17 54.0 15 18.8 16 14.47 U 16 00 33.3 28 24.5
23 21.47 U 23 06 15.4 +12 38.9 16 L 16 13 04.1 +27 58.9
23 L 23 18 36.1 9 53.3 17 15.47 U 17 01 34.2 27 05.1
24 22.47 U 24 06 56.2 7 03.6 17 L 17 14 03.1 25 45.9
24 L 24 19 15.9 4 11.2 18 16.47 U 18 02 30.7 24 04.6
25 23.47 U 25 07 35.3 +1 17.4 18 L 18 14 57.0 22 04.6
25 L 25 19 54.6 -1 36.5 19 17.47 U 19 03 22.1 19 49.2
26 24.47 U 26 08 14.0 -4 29.4 19 L 19 15 45.8 +17 21.6
26 L 26 20 33.5 7 20.1 20 18.47 U 20 04 08.5 14 44.5
27 25.47 U 27 08 53.4 10 07.3 20 L 20 16 30.3 12 00.2
27 L 27 21 13.8 12 49.5 21 19.47 U 21 04 51.2 9 10.8
28 26.47 U 28 09 34.7 15 25.3 21 L 21 17 11.6 6 18.0
28 L 28 21 56.4 17 52.8 22 20.47 U 22 05 31.4 3 23.4
29 27.47 U 29 10 18.8 -20 10.3 22 L 22 17 51.0 +0 28.3
29 L 29 22 42.2 22 15.6 23 21.47 U 23 06 10.4 -2 26.2
30 28.47 U 30 11 06.5 24 06.4 23 L 23 18 29.9 5 18.8
30 L 30 23 31.8 25 40.5 24 22.47 U 24 06 49.5 8 08.3
Dec. 1 29.47 U 1 11 57.9 26 55.6 24 L 24 19 09.5 10 53.7
2 0.74 L 2 00 24.9 27 49.5 25 23.47 U 25 07 29.9 13 33.5
2 U 2 12 52.5 -28 20.5 25 L 25 19 51.0 -16 06.3
3 1.74 L 3 01 20.6 28 27.1 26 24.47 U 26 08 12.7 18 30.5
3 U 3 13 48.9 28 08.4 26 L 26 20 35.4 20 44.2
4 2.74 L 4 02 17.1 27 24.5 27 25.47 U 27 08 58.9 22 45.4
4 U 4 14 45.0 26 15.9 27 L 27 21 23.5 24 31.9
5 3.74 L 5 03 12.5 24 43.6 28 26.47 U 28 09 49.0 26 01.2
5 U 5 15 39.4 -22 49.3 28 L 28 22 15.6 -27 11.1
6 4.74 L 6 04 05.6 20 34.9 29 27.70 U 29 10 42.9 27 59.1
6 U 6 16 31.2 18 02.7 29 L 29 23 11.1 28 23.5
7 5.74 L 7 04 56.1 15 15.0 30 28.47 U 30 11 39.6 28 22.6
7 U 7 17 20.5 12 14.1 31 0.06 L 31 00 08.4 27 55.6
8 6.47 L 8 05 44.5 9 02.5 31 U 31 12 37.1 27 02.4
8 U 8 18 08.2 -5 42.5 32 1.06 L 32 01 05.5 -25 43.7
9 7.47 L 9 06 31.9 -2 16.7 32 U 1 13 33.4 24 01.0
9 U 9 18 55.6 +1 12.6 33 2.06 L 2 02 00.6 21 56.0
10 8.47 L 10 07 19.5 +4 42.4 33 U 2 14 27.1 -19 31.2

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0h TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
Jan. 0 +1.309 -5.517 133.72 -1.53 19 106 0.853
1 +0.041 4.661 145.86 1.54 21 109 0.780
2 -1.326 3.609 158.00 1.54 22 112 0.698
3 2.717 2.402 170.15 1.54 22 113 0.609
4 4.041 -1.084 182.30 1.55 21 113 0.515
5 5.202 +0.302 194.47 1.55 20 112 0.419
6 -6.102 +1.702 206.63 -1.55 18 109 0.324
7 6.650 3.056 218.81 1.54 15 105 0.234
8 6.771 4.295 230.98 1.54 11 99 0.151
9 6.421 5.337 243.17 1.54 6 90 0.083
10 5.602 6.097 255.35 1.54 360 78 0.032
11 4.367 6.498 267.54 1.54 354 48 0.005
12 -2.823 +6.484 279.73 -1.53 348 294 0.005
13 -1.118 6.034 291.92 1.53 344 265 0.034
14 +0.592 5.176 304.11 1.52 340 255 0.090
15 2.164 3.977 316.29 1.52 339 250 0.168
16 3.495 2.535 328.47 1.52 338 248 0.265
17 4.530 +0.959 340.64 1.52 339 247 0.372
18 +5.257 -0.643 352.80 -1.51 340 249 0.483
19 5.694 2.174 4.96 1.51 343 252 0.593
20 5.871 3.555 17.11 1.51 346 256 0.696
21 5.826 4.721 29.25 1.51 351 262 0.787
22 5.587 5.623 41.39 1.51 356 269 0.865
23 5.174 6.229 53.53 1.51 1 278 0.926
24 +4.594 -6.523 65.66 -1.51 6 290 0.969
25 3.850 6.502 77.79 1.50 11 312 0.993
26 2.942 6.180 89.92 1.50 15 47 0.998
27 1.875 5.582 102.05 1.49 18 92 0.984
28 +0.662 4.742 114.19 1.48 20 104 0.953
29 -0.666 3.701 126.32 1.47 22 109 0.906
30 -2.067 -2.504 138.46 -1.46 22 112 0.845
31 3.478 -1.197 150.61 1.45 22 113 0.772
Feb. 1 4.825 +0.172 162.76 1.44 21 112 0.688
2 6.022 1.552 174.91 1.43 19 111 0.596
3 6.973 2.889 187.07 1.41 16 108 0.499
4 7.584 4.123 199.24 1.40 12 103 0.398
5 -7.769 +5.187 211.41 -1.38 8 97 0.299
6 7.467 6.006 223.59 1.37 2 90 0.206
7 6.653 6.504 235.78 1.35 357 81 0.123
8 5.354 6.611 247.97 1.34 351 71 0.058
9 3.660 6.285 260.16 1.32 346 56 0.016
10 -1.714 5.519 272.36 1.31 342 333 0.001
11 +0.310 +4.359 284.56 -1.29 339 260 0.017
12 2.236 2.897 296.75 1.27 338 251 0.063
13 3.918 +1.256 308.95 1.25 338 248 0.133
14 5.259 -0.435 321.13 1.23 339 248 0.223
15 +6.213 -2.056 333.31 -1.22 342 250 0.326

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0h TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
Feb. 15 +6.213 -2.056 333.31 -1.22 342 250 0.326
16 6.778 3.512 345.49 1.20 345 253 0.434
17 6.981 4.734 357.66 1.19 349 259 0.541
18 6.861 5.676 9.82 1.17 354 265 0.644
19 6.467 6.312 21.98 1.15 360 272 0.738
20 5.842 6.632 34.13 1.14 5 279 0.820
21 +5.024 -6.637 46.28 -1.12 10 286 0.889
22 4.044 6.339 58.43 1.10 14 294 0.942
23 2.927 5.761 70.57 1.08 17 303 0.978
24 1.698 4.934 82.71 1.06 20 324 0.996
25 +0.380 3.896 94.85 1.04 21 83 0.997
26 -0.998 2.693 107.00 1.02 22 106 0.980
27 -2.398 -1.372 119.14 -1.00 22 111 0.947
28 3.775 +0.013 131.29 0.98 21 113 0.897
29 5.072 1.409 143.44 0.95 19 112 0.832
Mar. 1 6.221 2.762 155.60 0.93 17 110 0.754
2 7.149 4.013 167.76 0.91 14 106 0.665
3 7.776 5.102 179.93 0.88 10 101 0.567
4 -8.029 +5.967 192.11 -0.86 4 95 0.464
5 7.845 6.543 204.29 0.84 359 88 0.359
6 7.187 6.767 216.48 0.81 353 80 0.256
7 6.058 6.589 228.68 0.79 348 73 0.163
8 4.509 5.979 240.88 0.76 343 66 0.085
9 2.644 4.950 253.08 0.74 340 59 0.030
10 -0.608 +3.559 265.29 -0.71 338 40 0.003
11 +1.434 1.912 277.50 0.69 338 256 0.006
12 3.321 +0.145 289.71 0.66 339 247 0.040
13 4.920 -1.601 301.92 0.63 341 248 0.100
14 6.144 3.200 314.12 0.60 344 250 0.181
15 6.947 4.558 326.32 0.58 348 255 0.276
16 +7.324 -5.615 338.51 -0.55 353 261 0.379
17 7.300 6.340 350.70 0.53 358 267 0.483
18 6.920 6.727 2.88 0.50 4 274 0.585
19 6.236 6.785 15.06 0.47 9 281 0.681
20 5.307 6.530 27.23 0.45 13 287 0.768
21 4.189 5.989 39.40 0.42 17 292 0.843
22 +2.936 -5.193 51.56 -0.39 19 296 0.906
23 1.595 4.178 63.72 0.37 21 299 0.953
24 +0.212 2.986 75.88 0.34 22 302 0.985
25 -1.173 1.664 88.04 0.31 22 315 0.999
26 2.520 -0.264 100.20 0.28 21 111 0.996
27 3.788 +1.158 112.36 0.25 20 114 0.974
28 -4.936 +2.543 124.52 -0.23 18 113 0.934
29 5.920 3.831 136.69 0.20 15 109 0.878
30 6.691 4.961 148.86 0.17 11 105 0.805
31 7.202 5.873 161.03 0.14 6 99 0.719
Apr. 1 -7.406 +6.511 173.21 -0.12 1 92 0.622

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0 TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
Apr. 1 -7.406 +6.511 173.21 -0.12 1 92 0.622
2 7.262 6.822 185.40 0.09 355 85 0.516
3 6.744 6.761 197.59 0.07 350 78 0.406
4 5.845 6.302 209.80 0.04 345 72 0.298
5 4.590 5.440 222.00 -0.02 341 67 0.198
6 3.036 4.205 234.22 +0.01 339 64 0.111
7 -1.273 +2.667 246.44 +0.04 338 62 0.047
8 +0.578 +0.934 258.66 0.07 338 63 0.009
9 2.384 -0.857 270.89 0.10 340 237 0.001
10 4.014 2.569 283.11 0.13 342 244 0.023
11 5.352 4.077 295.34 0.15 346 250 0.071
12 6.318 5.292 307.56 0.18 351 256 0.141
13 +6.864 -6.162 319.78 +0.21 356 262 0.226
14 6.983 6.668 331.99 0.24 2 270 0.322
15 6.697 6.820 344.20 0.27 7 276 0.421
16 6.054 6.639 356.40 0.30 12 282 0.521
17 5.116 6.159 8.60 0.33 16 287 0.618
18 3.956 5.414 20.79 0.36 19 291 0.708
19 +2.646 -4.445 32.97 +0.39 20 294 0.790
20 +1.259 3.290 45.16 0.41 22 296 0.861
21 -0.138 1.996 57.34 0.44 22 296 0.920
22 1.484 -0.610 69.51 0.47 22 294 0.964
23 2.729 +0.814 81.69 0.50 20 289 0.991
24 3.827 2.217 93.86 0.53 18 197 1.000
25 -4.744 +3.537 106.03 +0.55 15 120 0.990
26 5.453 4.710 118.21 0.58 12 111 0.960
27 5.935 5.672 130.39 0.60 7 104 0.911
28 6.176 6.364 142.57 0.62 2 97 0.843
29 6.168 6.737 154.76 0.64 356 90 0.759
30 5.906 6.755 166.95 0.66 351 82 0.662
May 1 -5.389 +6.394 179.15 +0.68 346 76 0.555
2 4.623 5.655 191.36 0.70 342 71 0.442
3 3.624 4.563 203.57 0.72 340 67 0.330
4 2.417 3.168 215.79 0.75 338 65 0.226
5 -1.047 +1.554 228.02 0.77 338 65 0.135
6 +0.422 -0.172 240.25 0.79 339 68 0.064
7 +1.904 -1.885 252.49 +0.81 341 75 0.019
8 3.299 3.460 264.73 0.84 344 127 0.001
9 4.505 4.790 276.97 0.86 349 240 0.011
10 5.427 5.796 289.21 0.89 354 254 0.047
11 5.993 6.438 301.45 0.91 360 263 0.105
12 6.164 6.708 313.68 0.94 5 271 0.179
13 +5.935 -6.623 325.91 +0.96 10 278 0.265
14 5.336 6.219 338.13 0.99 14 284 0.358
15 4.422 5.536 350.35 1.01 18 288 0.454
16 3.263 4.619 2.57 1.04 20 291 0.550
17 +1.945 -3.513 14.77 +1.06 21 293 0.643

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0h TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
May 17 +1.945 -3.513 14.77 +1.06 21 293 0.643
18 +0.553 2.263 26.98 1.08 22 294 0.731
19 -0.827 -0.915 39.18 1.11 22 294 0.810
20 2.115 +0.483 51.37 1.13 21 292 0.879
21 3.241 1.875 63.56 1.15 19 288 0.934
22 4.151 3.204 75.75 1.17 16 281 0.974
23 -4.806 +4.403 87.93 +1.19 13 258 0.996
24 5.188 5.406 100.12 1.20 8 139 0.997
25 5.297 6.149 112.30 1.22 3 109 0.976
26 5.155 6.576 124.49 1.23 358 97 0.934
27 4.792 6.648 136.68 1.24 352 88 0.871
28 4.246 6.345 148.88 1.25 347 80 0.789
29 -3.556 +5.670 161.08 +1.26 343 74 0.691
30 2.750 4.654 173.29 1.27 340 70 0.583
31 1.852 3.350 185.50 1.28 339 67 0.469
June 1 -0.876 1.834 197.73 1.29 338 66 0.356
2 +0.159 +0.198 209.95 1.30 339 67 0.249
3 1.231 -1.451 222.19 1.31 340 70 0.156
4 +2.299 -3.005 234.43 +1.32 343 75 0.082
5 3.307 4.362 246.68 1.34 347 85 0.031
6 4.184 5.436 258.93 1.35 352 112 0.005
7 4.851 6.170 271.18 1.37 357 229 0.005
8 5.239 6.539 283.42 1.38 3 258 0.028
9 5.299 6.545 295.67 1.40 8 270 0.073
10 +5.008 -6.214 307.92 +1.41 13 278 0.135
11 4.378 5.589 320.16 1.43 17 284 0.210
12 3.446 4.717 332.39 1.44 19 289 0.295
13 2.277 3.650 344.63 1.46 21 292 0.386
14 +0.951 2.435 356.85 1.47 22 293 0.480
15 -0.442 -1.121 9.07 1.48 22 294 0.575
16 -1.806 +0.245 21.28 +1.50 21 293 0.667
17 3.050 1.614 33.49 1.51 20 291 0.754
18 4.087 2.930 45.70 1.52 17 287 0.832
19 4.846 4.136 57.90 1.53 14 281 0.899
20 5.278 5.167 70.09 1.54 10 273 0.952
21 5.361 5.956 82.28 1.54 5 257 0.986
22 -5.105 +6.440 94.47 +1.55 359 187 0.998
23 4.549 6.569 106.66 1.55 354 106 0.987
24 3.762 6.315 118.86 1.54 348 88 0.951
25 2.822 5.677 131.05 1.54 344 79 0.892
26 1.808 4.688 143.25 1.53 341 73 0.812
27 -0.785 3.407 155.45 1.53 339 69 0.714
28 +0.203 +1.917 167.66 +1.52 338 67 0.605
29 1.134 +0.314 179.88 1.52 338 67 0.491
30 1.998 -1.299 192.11 1.51 340 68 0.378
July 1 2.791 2.823 204.34 1.51 342 72 0.272
2 +3.505 -4.167 216.58 +1.51 346 77 0.178

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0h TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
July 1 +2.791 -2.823 204.34 +1.51 342 72 0.272
2 3.505 4.167 216.58 1.51 346 77 0.178
3 4.117 5.254 228.82 1.51 350 85 0.102
4 4.593 6.025 241.07 1.51 355 95 0.046
5 4.889 6.449 253.32 1.51 1 113 0.012
6 4.958 6.516 265.57 1.51 7 193 0.002
7 +4.763 -6.243 277.82 +1.52 11 261 0.014
8 4.284 5.664 290.08 1.52 15 277 0.046
9 3.522 4.824 302.32 1.52 18 284 0.095
10 2.504 3.776 314.57 1.53 20 289 0.159
11 +1.282 2.574 326.81 1.53 22 292 0.235
12 -0.076 -1.271 339.05 1.53 22 293 0.320
13 -1.486 +0.084 351.28 +1.53 22 293 0.411
14 2.856 1.441 3.50 1.53 20 292 0.506
15 4.089 2.751 15.72 1.54 18 289 0.601
16 5.091 3.961 27.93 1.53 16 286 0.694
17 5.780 5.012 40.14 1.53 12 280 0.782
18 6.090 5.843 52.34 1.53 7 273 0.861
19 -5.985 +6.391 64.54 +1.52 2 264 0.925
20 5.469 6.597 76.73 1.51 356 251 0.972
21 4.585 6.418 88.92 1.50 350 220 0.996
22 3.414 5.838 101.11 1.48 346 105 0.994
23 2.066 4.878 113.29 1.46 342 80 0.965
24 -0.657 3.594 125.49 1.44 339 72 0.910
25 +0.711 +2.077 137.68 +1.42 338 68 0.832
26 1.958 +0.437 149.88 1.40 338 67 0.736
27 3.038 -1.214 162.09 1.38 339 68 0.628
28 3.927 2.767 174.30 1.36 341 70 0.515
29 4.623 4.133 186.52 1.35 345 74 0.403
30 5.128 5.239 198.75 1.33 349 80 0.297
31 +5.444 -6.034 210.98 +1.32 354 87 0.204
Aug. 1 5.568 6.489 223.22 1.30 359 95 0.125
2 5.491 6.596 235.47 1.29 5 104 0.065
3 5.201 6.364 247.71 1.28 10 116 0.024
4 4.686 5.820 259.96 1.27 14 144 0.004
5 3.945 5.006 272.21 1.26 18 256 0.004
6 +2.985 -3.971 284.46 +1.25 20 281 0.023
7 1.831 2.770 296.70 1.24 21 289 0.061
8 +0.523 1.458 308.95 1.23 22 292 0.114
9 -0.883 -0.090 321.18 1.23 22 293 0.181
10 2.317 +1.281 333.42 1.22 21 293 0.259
11 3.699 2.606 345.65 1.21 19 291 0.346
12 -4.940 +3.833 357.87 +1.20 17 288 0.439
13 5.950 4.912 10.08 1.19 13 284 0.537
14 6.643 5.787 22.29 1.17 9 279 0.635
15 6.946 6.402 34.50 1.16 4 272 0.731
16 -6.808 +6.700 46.69 +1.14 358 264 0.820

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0h TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
Aug. 16 -6.808 +6.700 46.69 +1.14 358 264 0.820
17 6.211 6.632 58.88 1.12 353 256 0.896
18 5.183 6.163 71.07 1.10 347 247 0.955
19 3.793 5.290 83.25 1.07 343 232 0.990
20 2.154 4.051 95.43 1.04 340 113 0.998
21 -0.399 2.524 107.61 1.01 339 73 0.977
22 +1.336 +0.824 119.79 +0.98 338 68 0.928
23 2.933 -0.918 131.98 0.95 339 67 0.854
24 4.304 2.574 144.17 0.92 341 68 0.761
25 5.393 4.034 156.37 0.88 344 71 0.656
26 6.175 5.219 168.57 0.85 348 76 0.545
27 6.648 6.076 180.78 0.83 353 83 0.435
28 +6.822 -6.582 192.99 +0.80 358 90 0.331
29 6.717 6.732 205.22 0.78 4 97 0.237
30 6.354 6.541 217.44 0.75 9 104 0.155
31 5.755 6.036 229.68 0.73 13 111 0.090
Sept. 1 4.943 5.253 241.91 0.71 17 117 0.042
2 3.942 4.240 254.15 0.69 19 126 0.012
3 +2.778 -3.047 266.39 +0.67 21 182 0.000
4 1.483 1.730 278.62 0.65 22 286 0.008
5 +0.094 -0.346 290.86 0.64 22 293 0.033
6 -1.342 +1.051 303.09 0.62 21 294 0.075
7 2.772 2.406 315.32 0.60 20 293 0.132
8 4.132 3.666 327.55 0.59 17 291 0.203
9 -5.353 +4.782 339.77 +0.57 14 287 0.285
10 6.361 5.704 351.98 0.55 10 283 0.377
11 7.080 6.382 4.19 0.53 6 277 0.475
12 7.442 6.768 16.39 0.51 0 270 0.578
13 7.388 6.815 28.58 0.49 355 263 0.680
14 6.885 6.488 40.77 0.47 350 256 0.777
15 -5.931 +5.766 52.95 +0.44 345 249 0.864
16 4.566 4.658 65.12 0.41 341 244 0.934
17 2.869 3.215 77.29 0.37 339 239 0.981
18 -0.962 +1.527 89.46 0.34 338 210 1.000
19 +1.014 -0.276 101.63 0.30 338 66 0.988
20 2.913 -2.049 113.79 0.26 340 65 0.946
21 +4.603 -3.656 125.96 +0.22 342 68 0.879
22 5.982 4.988 138.14 0.18 346 72 0.792
23 6.982 5.973 150.32 0.15 351 79 0.692
24 7.577 6.581 162.51 0.11 357 85 0.585
25 7.769 6.810 174.70 0.08 2 93 0.479
26 7.584 6.680 186.90 0.05 8 99 0.376
27 +7.068 -6.225 199.10 +0.02 12 105 0.281
28 6.269 5.486 211.31 -0.01 16 110 0.196
29 5.244 4.510 223.53 0.04 19 114 0.125
30 4.045 3.346 235.75 0.06 21 116 0.069
Oct. 1 +2.724 -2.046 247.97 -0.08 22 118 0.028

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0h TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
Oct. 1 +2.724 -2.046 247.97 -0.08 22 118 0.028
2 +1.327 -0.665 260.19 0.11 22 117 0.006
3 -0.101 +0.743 272.41 0.13 21 306 0.000
4 1.517 2.121 284.63 0.15 20 299 0.013
5 2.878 3.413 296.85 0.17 18 295 0.044
6 4.142 4.568 309.07 0.19 15 291 0.091
7 -5.261 +5.533 321.28 -0.20 12 287 0.154
8 6.188 6.264 333.49 0.22 7 281 0.231
9 6.872 6.715 345.69 0.24 2 274 0.320
10 7.260 6.851 357.89 0.26 357 267 0.419
11 7.306 6.641 10.08 0.28 351 261 0.524
12 6.972 6.066 22.26 0.31 347 255 0.631
13 -6.235 +5.124 34.43 -0.33 343 250 0.735
14 5.099 3.843 46.60 0.36 340 246 0.830
15 3.602 2.280 58.76 0.39 338 245 0.910
16 -1.818 +0.533 70.91 0.43 338 246 0.967
17 +0.140 -1.268 83.06 0.46 339 256 0.996
18 2.130 -2.979 95.21 0.50 341 53 0.995
19 +3.999 -4.464 107.36 -0.54 344 65 0.965
20 5.605 5.618 119.52 0.57 349 72 0.907
21 6.834 6.381 131.67 0.61 355 80 0.830
22 7.618 6.737 143.83 0.64 0 87 0.738
23 7.932 6.702 156.00 0.67 6 95 0.638
24 7.796 6.318 168.17 0.70 11 101 0.536
25 +7.257 -5.633 180.35 -0.73 15 107 0.435
26 6.384 4.702 192.54 0.76 18 110 0.339
27 5.255 3.578 204.73 0.79 20 113 0.251
28 3.949 2.312 216.92 0.81 21 114 0.173
29 2.542 -0.957 229.12 0.83 22 114 0.108
30 +1.102 +0.434 241.33 0.86 22 113 0.057
31 -0.311 +1.810 253.53 -0.87 21 108 0.021
Nov. 1 1.648 3.113 265.74 0.89 19 88 0.003
2 2.870 4.291 277.95 0.91 16 320 0.003
3 3.948 5.289 290.15 0.93 13 297 0.021
4 4.857 6.058 302.35 0.94 8 288 0.058
5 5.578 6.555 314.55 0.95 3 280 0.113
6 -6.092 +6.744 326.75 -0.97 358 272 0.184
7 6.379 6.601 338.94 0.98 353 265 0.270
8 6.417 6.115 351.12 0.99 348 258 0.368
9 6.180 5.290 3.30 1.01 344 253 0.474
10 5.645 4.149 15.47 1.03 341 249 0.584
11 4.795 2.736 27.63 1.04 339 247 0.693
12 -3.632 +1.122 39.78 -1.07 338 246 0.795
13 2.184 -0.592 51.92 1.09 338 247 0.882
14 -0.514 2.288 64.07 1.11 340 252 0.948
15 +1.273 3.833 76.20 1.14 343 265 0.988
16 +3.045 -5.107 88.34 -1.17 347 6 0.999

MOON, 2024

Date The Earth's The Sun's Position Angle of Fraction

0 TT Selenographic Selenographic Axis Bright Illuminated
Long. Lat. Colong. Lat. Limb
° ° ° ° ° °
Nov. 16 +3.045 -5.107 88.34 -1.17 347 6 0.999
17 4.650 6.020 100.47 1.19 352 65 0.981
18 5.952 6.523 112.61 1.22 358 79 0.937
19 6.844 6.612 124.75 1.24 4 88 0.873
20 7.270 6.320 136.89 1.26 9 96 0.792
21 7.223 5.698 149.04 1.29 14 103 0.701
22 +6.738 -4.810 161.20 -1.31 17 107 0.605
23 5.883 3.718 173.36 1.33 20 111 0.507
24 4.743 2.481 185.52 1.34 21 113 0.411
25 3.413 -1.154 197.70 1.36 22 114 0.320
26 1.987 +0.213 209.88 1.38 22 113 0.236
27 +0.553 1.568 222.06 1.39 21 111 0.161
28 -0.811 +2.863 234.25 -1.40 19 108 0.098
29 2.040 4.044 246.44 1.42 17 102 0.049
30 3.089 5.058 258.63 1.42 14 90 0.017
Dec. 1 3.929 5.853 270.82 1.43 10 45 0.002
2 4.548 6.382 283.02 1.44 5 305 0.007
3 4.951 6.605 295.21 1.44 359 283 0.033
4 -5.152 +6.496 307.40 -1.44 354 271 0.079
5 5.166 6.047 319.59 1.45 349 263 0.144
6 5.006 5.267 331.77 1.45 345 256 0.226
7 4.678 4.186 343.94 1.45 341 252 0.323
8 4.173 2.851 356.11 1.45 339 248 0.429
9 3.482 +1.331 8.27 1.46 338 247 0.541
10 -2.591 -0.289 20.42 -1.46 338 247 0.653
11 1.501 1.909 32.56 1.47 339 249 0.758
12 -0.237 3.422 44.70 1.48 341 253 0.850
13 +1.145 4.720 56.84 1.49 345 260 0.923
14 2.553 5.706 68.96 1.49 350 272 0.973
15 3.872 6.316 81.09 1.50 355 309 0.996
16 +4.978 -6.519 93.22 -1.51 1 60 0.993
17 5.761 6.324 105.34 1.52 7 85 0.965
18 6.147 5.772 117.47 1.53 12 96 0.915
19 6.106 4.925 129.60 1.54 16 103 0.849
20 5.650 3.851 141.74 1.54 19 108 0.770
21 4.828 2.620 153.89 1.55 21 111 0.682
22 +3.717 -1.294 166.03 -1.55 22 113 0.589
23 2.408 +0.070 178.19 1.56 22 113 0.495
24 +1.000 1.421 190.35 1.56 21 113 0.401
25 -0.408 2.711 202.52 1.57 20 111 0.311
26 1.725 3.893 214.69 1.57 18 107 0.228
27 2.868 4.918 226.87 1.57 15 102 0.153
28 -3.777 +5.737 239.05 -1.57 11 96 0.090
29 4.409 6.300 251.24 1.56 6 86 0.042
30 4.751 6.563 263.42 1.56 1 68 0.012
31 4.812 6.493 275.61 1.55 355 346 0.002
32 -4.628 +6.072 287.80 -1.54 350 279 0.015

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 138 59 14.8 +7 00 19.1 0.337 2733 Feb. 15 292 35 05.1 -6 18 02.7 0.445 9155
1 144 13 20.0 6 58 20.2 0.342 4827 16 295 38 28.0 6 27 16.5 0.442 4651
2 149 17 44.3 6 53 07.0 0.347 9005 17 298 44 56.6 6 35 32.1 0.438 7698
3 154 12 31.8 6 45 00.1 0.353 4788 18 301 54 47.4 6 42 45.3 0.434 8361
4 158 57 52.8 6 34 20.0 0.359 1731 19 305 08 17.8 6 48 51.5 0.430 6719
5 163 34 02.5 6 21 26.0 0.364 9414 20 308 25 45.5 6 53 45.8 0.426 2856
6 168 01 20.4 +6 06 36.6 0.370 7452 21 311 47 29.4 -6 57 22.6 0.421 6872
7 172 20 08.5 5 50 08.9 0.376 5492 22 315 13 48.7 6 59 36.0 0.416 8879
8 176 30 50.9 5 32 18.3 0.382 3212 23 318 45 03.6 7 00 19.5 0.411 9002
9 180 33 52.8 5 13 18.7 0.388 0321 24 322 21 34.7 6 59 26.3 0.406 7382
10 184 29 40.1 4 53 22.6 0.393 6556 25 326 03 43.5 6 56 49.1 0.401 4181
11 188 18 38.7 4 32 40.9 0.399 1681 26 329 51 51.8 6 52 19.9 0.395 9578
12 192 01 14.3 +4 11 23.4 0.404 5485 27 333 46 22.0 -6 45 50.7 0.390 3773
13 195 37 52.1 3 49 38.3 0.409 7779 28 337 47 36.6 6 37 13.0 0.384 6994
14 199 08 56.6 3 27 33.1 0.414 8396 29 341 55 58.0 6 26 18.2 0.378 9491
15 202 34 51.4 3 05 14.2 0.419 7185 Mar. 1 346 11 48.4 6 12 57.7 0.373 1543
16 205 55 59.3 2 42 46.9 0.424 4016 2 350 35 29.3 5 57 03.4 0.367 3460
17 209 12 42.2 2 20 16.1 0.428 8770 3 355 07 20.9 5 38 27.4 0.361 5581
18 212 25 20.8 +1 57 45.9 0.433 1344 4 359 47 41.5 -5 17 03.2 0.355 8279
19 215 34 15.3 1 35 19.7 0.437 1647 5 4 36 46.8 4 52 45.7 0.350 1958
20 218 39 44.5 1 13 00.5 0.440 9598 6 9 34 49.5 4 25 31.8 0.344 7054
21 221 42 06.8 0 50 51.1 0.444 5126 7 14 41 57.4 3 55 21.3 0.339 4033
22 224 41 39.5 0 28 53.6 0.447 8168 8 19 58 13.3 3 22 17.3 0.334 3384
23 227 38 39.1 +0 07 10.0 0.450 8672 9 25 23 33.6 2 46 27.2 0.329 5617
24 230 33 21.7 -0 14 17.9 0.453 6589 10 30 57 46.5 -2 08 03.4 0.325 1253
25 233 26 02.6 0 35 28.7 0.456 1878 11 36 40 32.2 1 27 23.6 0.321 0815
26 236 16 56.5 0 56 20.8 0.458 4504 12 42 31 20.7 -0 44 51.2 0.317 4814
27 239 06 17.6 1 16 53.2 0.460 4437 13 48 29 32.0 +0 00 55.6 0.314 3732
28 241 54 19.7 1 37 04.6 0.462 1650 14 54 34 15.2 0 43 48.5 0.311 8013
29 244 41 16.2 1 56 53.9 0.463 6123 15 60 44 29.0 1 28 42.0 0.309 8040
30 247 27 20.1 -2 16 20.2 0.464 7839 16 66 59 02.4 +2 13 02.2 0.308 4123
31 250 12 44.1 2 35 22.4 0.465 6782 17 73 16 35.7 2 56 05.4 0.307 6483
Feb. 1 252 57 41.0 2 53 59.4 0.466 2944 18 79 35 42.9 3 37 08.2 0.307 5245
2 255 42 23.0 3 12 10.2 0.466 6317 19 85 54 54.2 4 15 30.0 0.308 0429
3 258 27 02.3 3 29 53.7 0.466 6898 20 92 12 38.2 4 50 35.0 0.309 1951
4 261 11 51.3 3 47 08.7 0.466 4685 21 98 27 25.8 5 21 53.7 0.310 9625
5 263 57 02.1 -4 03 54.0 0.465 9681 22 104 37 52.6 +5 49 03.8 0.313 3173
6 266 42 46.9 4 20 08.2 0.465 1892 23 110 42 41.2 6 11 51.1 0.316 2240
7 269 29 18.0 4 35 49.9 0.464 1327 24 116 40 44.2 6 30 09.4 0.319 6403
8 272 16 48.0 4 50 57.5 0.462 7998 25 122 31 04.4 6 43 59.7 0.323 5192
9 275 05 29.4 5 05 29.3 0.461 1920 26 128 12 56.5 6 53 29.1 0.327 8106
10 277 55 35.3 5 19 23.1 0.459 3114 27 133 45 46.6 6 58 50.0 0.332 4624
11 280 47 18.7 -5 32 37.1 0.457 1603 28 139 09 12.0 +7 00 18.5 0.337 4225
12 283 40 53.3 5 45 08.7 0.454 7416 29 144 23 00.1 6 58 13.3 0.342 6392
13 286 36 32.9 5 56 55.5 0.452 0585 30 149 27 07.3 6 52 54.5 0.348 0627
14 289 34 31.9 6 07 54.5 0.449 1150 31 154 21 37.8 6 44 42.6 0.353 6456
15 292 35 05.1 -6 18 02.7 0.445 9155 Apr. 1 159 06 42.1 +6 33 57.9 0.359 3430

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 159 06 42.1 +6 33 57.9 0.359 3430 May 17 305 14 31.1 -6 49 01.8 0.430 5414
2 163 42 35.7 6 21 00.1 0.365 1132 18 308 32 06.4 6 53 53.7 0.426 1484
3 168 09 38.1 6 06 07.5 0.370 9179 19 311 53 58.3 6 57 28.0 0.421 5436
4 172 28 11.3 5 49 36.9 0.376 7217 20 315 20 26.4 6 59 38.8 0.416 7381
5 176 38 39.5 5 31 44.0 0.382 4926 21 318 51 50.5 7 00 19.4 0.411 7447
6 180 41 28.0 5 12 42.4 0.388 2016 22 322 28 31.7 6 59 23.1 0.406 5775
7 184 37 02.7 +4 52 44.7 0.393 8224 23 326 10 51.1 -6 56 42.5 0.401 2526
8 188 25 49.3 4 32 01.7 0.399 3315 24 329 59 10.8 6 52 09.8 0.395 7881
9 192 08 13.7 4 10 43.2 0.404 7079 25 333 53 53.1 6 45 36.8 0.390 2041
10 195 44 41.1 3 48 57.3 0.409 9327 26 337 55 20.4 6 36 55.0 0.384 5234
11 199 15 35.9 3 26 51.6 0.414 9894 27 342 03 55.2 6 25 55.8 0.378 7711
12 202 41 21.6 3 04 32.3 0.419 8629 28 346 19 59.9 6 12 30.7 0.372 9752
13 206 02 21.2 +2 42 04.9 0.424 5401 29 350 43 55.6 -5 56 31.5 0.367 1668
14 209 18 56.3 2 19 34.0 0.429 0093 30 355 16 02.5 5 37 50.4 0.361 3798
15 212 31 27.8 1 57 03.8 0.433 2602 31 359 56 39.1 5 16 21.0 0.355 6518
16 215 40 15.6 1 34 37.8 0.437 2836 June 1 4 46 00.9 4 51 58.0 0.350 0232
17 218 45 38.9 1 12 18.9 0.441 0716 2 9 44 20.3 4 24 38.7 0.344 5377
18 221 47 55.7 0 50 09.8 0.444 6171 3 14 51 45.2 3 54 22.7 0.339 2419
19 224 47 23.4 +0 28 12.7 0.447 9140 4 20 08 18.2 -3 21 13.4 0.334 1848
20 227 44 18.5 +0 06 29.6 0.450 9567 5 25 33 55.2 2 45 18.5 0.329 4176
21 230 38 57.2 -0 14 57.8 0.453 7406 6 31 08 24.5 2 06 50.1 0.324 9924
22 233 31 34.5 0 36 08.0 0.456 2616 7 36 51 25.8 1 26 06.4 0.320 9613
23 236 22 25.2 0 56 59.5 0.458 5161 8 42 42 29.0 -0 43 30.9 0.317 3754
24 239 11 43.6 1 17 31.3 0.460 5012 9 48 40 53.5 +0 00 26.8 0.314 2829
25 241 59 43.5 -1 37 42.0 0.462 2144 10 54 45 48.2 +0 45 11.9 0.311 7280
26 244 46 38.0 1 57 30.7 0.463 6534 11 60 56 11.5 1 30 04.9 0.309 7489
27 247 32 40.4 2 16 56.2 0.464 8165 12 67 10 52.0 2 14 23.5 0.308 3761
28 250 18 03.4 2 35 57.6 0.465 7025 13 73 28 30.0 2 57 23.6 0.307 6317
29 253 02 59.5 2 54 33.8 0.466 3102 14 79 47 39.1 3 38 22.1 0.307 5277
30 255 47 41.1 3 12 43.8 0.466 6390 15 86 06 49.4 4 16 38.4 0.308 0659
May 1 258 32 20.5 -3 30 26.4 0.466 6886 16 92 24 29.8 +4 51 36.9 0.309 2374
2 261 17 09.9 3 47 40.5 0.466 4588 17 98 39 11.0 5 22 48.1 0.311 0235
3 264 02 21.4 4 04 24.8 0.465 9499 18 104 49 28.8 5 49 50.3 0.313 3961
4 266 48 07.4 4 20 38.1 0.465 1625 19 110 54 06.3 6 12 29.4 0.316 3193
5 269 34 40.0 4 36 18.7 0.464 0975 20 116 51 56.0 6 30 39.3 0.319 7508
6 272 22 11.9 4 51 25.2 0.462 7561 21 122 42 01.5 6 44 21.3 0.323 6435
7 275 10 55.7 -5 05 55.8 0.461 1399 22 128 23 37.5 +6 53 42.8 0.327 9470
8 278 01 04.2 5 19 48.4 0.459 2509 23 133 56 10.7 6 58 56.2 0.332 6094
9 280 52 50.7 5 33 01.1 0.457 0916 24 139 19 18.5 7 00 17.8 0.337 5784
10 283 46 28.8 5 45 31.4 0.454 6646 25 144 32 48.8 6 58 06.2 0.342 8025
11 286 42 12.4 5 57 16.7 0.451 9735 26 149 36 38.2 6 52 41.7 0.348 2319
12 289 40 15.8 6 08 14.2 0.449 0220 27 154 30 51.1 6 44 24.7 0.353 8192
13 292 40 53.9 -6 18 20.7 0.445 8146 28 159 15 38.2 +6 33 35.6 0.359 5197
14 295 44 22.2 6 27 32.8 0.442 3566 29 163 51 15.1 6 20 33.9 0.365 2918
15 298 50 56.7 6 35 46.5 0.438 6537 30 168 18 01.3 6 05 38.0 0.371 0972
16 302 00 53.9 6 42 57.7 0.434 7128 July 1 172 36 19.2 5 49 04.6 0.376 9006
17 305 14 31.1 -6 49 01.8 0.430 5414 2 176 46 32.8 +5 31 09.3 0.382 6703

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 172 36 19.2 +5 49 04.6 0.376 9006 Aug. 16 315 27 09.0 -6 59 41.4 0.416 5851
2 176 46 32.8 5 31 09.3 0.382 6703 17 318 58 42.7 7 00 19.1 0.411 5860
3 180 49 07.4 5 12 05.8 0.388 3770 18 322 35 34.1 6 59 19.7 0.406 4137
4 184 44 29.0 4 52 06.5 0.393 9949 19 326 18 04.5 6 56 35.7 0.401 0842
5 188 33 03.4 4 31 22.3 0.399 5003 20 330 06 35.8 6 51 59.4 0.395 6157
6 192 15 16.3 4 10 02.7 0.404 8724 21 334 01 30.3 6 45 22.4 0.390 0284
7 195 51 32.9 +3 48 16.2 0.410 0925 22 338 03 10.7 -6 36 36.5 0.384 3451
8 199 22 17.6 3 26 09.9 0.415 1437 23 342 11 59.3 6 25 32.9 0.378 5911
9 202 47 54.1 3 03 50.3 0.420 0114 24 346 28 18.2 6 12 03.1 0.372 7944
10 206 08 45.0 2 41 22.6 0.424 6824 25 350 52 29.0 5 55 58.9 0.366 9862
11 209 25 12.2 2 18 51.8 0.429 1451 26 355 24 51.5 5 37 12.7 0.361 2006
12 212 37 36.4 1 56 21.6 0.433 3891 27 360 05 44.2 5 15 37.8 0.355 4751
13 215 46 17.6 +1 33 55.8 0.437 4055 28 4 55 22.6 -4 51 09.4 0.349 8504
14 218 51 34.7 1 11 37.2 0.441 1861 29 9 53 58.8 4 23 44.6 0.344 3702
15 221 53 46.0 0 49 28.4 0.444 7240 30 15 01 40.8 3 53 23.1 0.339 0812
16 224 53 08.6 0 27 31.7 0.448 0130 31 20 18 30.8 3 20 08.6 0.334 0325
17 227 49 59.2 +0 05 49.1 0.451 0478 Sept. 1 25 44 24.5 2 44 08.6 0.329 2753
18 230 44 33.8 -0 15 37.8 0.453 8236 2 31 19 10.0 2 05 35.7 0.324 8617
19 233 37 07.5 -0 36 47.4 0.456 3363 3 37 02 26.7 -1 24 48.1 0.320 8438
20 236 27 55.1 0 57 38.4 0.458 5825 4 42 53 44.1 -0 42 09.7 0.317 2726
21 239 17 10.8 1 18 09.4 0.460 5592 5 48 52 21.5 +0 01 50.0 0.314 1964
22 242 05 08.4 1 38 19.5 0.462 2638 6 54 57 27.2 0 46 36.0 0.311 6590
23 244 52 01.1 1 58 07.5 0.463 6943 7 61 07 59.5 1 31 28.6 0.309 6983
24 247 38 02.1 2 17 32.2 0.464 8488 8 67 22 46.5 2 15 45.4 0.308 3449
25 250 23 24.0 -2 36 32.9 0.465 7261 9 73 40 28.4 +2 58 42.3 0.307 6204
26 253 08 19.4 2 55 08.2 0.466 3251 10 79 59 38.8 3 39 36.3 0.307 5365
27 255 53 00.7 3 13 17.4 0.466 6452 11 86 18 47.5 4 17 46.9 0.308 0945
28 258 37 40.2 3 30 59.1 0.466 6860 12 92 36 23.4 4 52 38.7 0.309 2855
29 261 22 30.1 3 48 12.3 0.466 4474 13 98 50 57.4 5 23 42.5 0.311 0903
30 264 07 42.5 4 04 55.7 0.465 9298 14 105 01 05.5 5 50 36.6 0.313 4805
31 266 53 29.7 -4 21 07.9 0.465 1337 15 111 05 31.1 +6 13 07.3 0.316 4201
Aug. 1 269 40 04.0 4 36 47.6 0.464 0600 16 117 03 07.0 6 31 08.9 0.319 8666
2 272 27 37.9 4 51 52.9 0.462 7100 17 122 52 57.1 6 44 42.7 0.323 7727
3 275 16 24.1 5 06 22.3 0.461 0852 18 128 34 16.5 6 53 56.2 0.328 0880
4 278 06 35.5 5 20 13.8 0.459 1878 19 134 06 32.3 6 59 02.1 0.332 7606
5 280 58 25.3 5 33 25.2 0.457 0200 20 139 29 22.2 7 00 16.8 0.337 7382
6 283 52 07.1 -5 45 54.1 0.454 5847 21 144 42 34.4 +6 57 59.0 0.342 9693
7 286 47 54.8 5 57 38.0 0.451 8854 22 149 46 05.7 6 52 28.7 0.348 4042
8 289 46 02.8 6 08 33.9 0.448 9258 23 154 40 00.8 6 44 06.7 0.353 9955
9 292 46 46.0 6 18 38.8 0.445 7105 24 159 24 30.4 6 33 13.2 0.359 6987
10 295 50 19.9 6 27 49.1 0.442 2447 25 163 59 50.5 6 20 07.7 0.365 4723
11 298 57 00.4 6 36 00.9 0.438 5343 26 168 26 20.6 6 05 08.5 0.371 2780
12 302 07 04.3 -6 43 10.1 0.434 5860 27 172 44 23.0 +5 48 32.4 0.377 0808
13 305 20 48.7 6 49 12.1 0.430 4076 28 176 54 22.0 5 30 34.7 0.382 8488
14 308 38 31.7 6 54 01.6 0.426 0078 29 180 56 42.8 5 11 29.3 0.388 5530
15 312 00 32.0 6 57 33.4 0.421 3966 30 184 51 51.3 4 51 28.5 0.394 1676
16 315 27 09.0 -6 59 41.4 0.416 5851 Oct. 1 188 40 13.5 +4 30 43.0 0.399 6692

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 188 40 13.5 +4 30 43.0 0.399 6692 Nov. 16 330 13 59.6 -6 51 48.8 0.395 4452
2 192 22 15.0 4 09 22.5 0.405 0367 17 334 09 06.4 6 45 08.0 0.389 8548
3 195 58 21.0 3 47 35.2 0.410 2517 18 338 10 59.5 6 36 17.9 0.384 1691
4 199 28 55.9 3 25 28.5 0.415 2974 19 342 20 01.7 6 25 09.9 0.378 4135
5 202 54 23.2 3 03 08.5 0.420 1591 20 346 36 34.9 6 11 35.4 0.372 6161
6 206 15 05.7 2 40 40.7 0.424 8237 21 351 01 00.4 5 55 26.3 0.366 8083
7 209 31 25.0 +2 18 09.8 0.429 2797 22 355 33 38.5 -5 36 34.9 0.361 0242
8 212 43 42.1 1 55 39.8 0.433 5167 23 360 14 47.0 5 14 54.8 0.355 3014
9 215 52 16.7 1 33 14.0 0.437 5258 24 5 04 41.7 4 50 21.0 0.349 6807
10 218 57 27.8 1 10 55.7 0.441 2989 25 10 03 34.6 4 22 50.6 0.344 2058
11 221 59 33.6 0 48 47.3 0.444 8292 26 15 11 33.3 3 52 23.8 0.338 9237
12 224 58 51.3 0 26 51.0 0.448 1104 27 20 28 39.9 3 19 03.9 0.333 8834
13 227 55 37.5 +0 05 08.8 0.451 1371 28 25 54 50.0 -2 42 59.0 0.329 1362
14 230 50 08.2 -0 16 17.6 0.453 9048 29 31 29 51.4 2 04 21.7 0.324 7342
15 233 42 38.4 0 37 26.6 0.456 4093 30 37 13 23.1 1 23 30.4 0.320 7295
16 236 33 23.0 0 58 17.0 0.458 6472 Dec. 1 43 04 54.4 -0 40 49.0 0.317 1730
17 239 22 36.2 1 18 47.4 0.460 6154 2 49 03 44.2 +0 03 12.7 0.314 1129
18 242 10 31.6 1 38 56.8 0.462 3116 3 55 09 00.6 0 47 59.4 0.311 5928
19 244 57 22.5 -1 58 44.1 0.463 7334 4 61 19 41.5 +1 32 51.5 0.309 6506
20 247 43 22.1 2 18 08.1 0.464 8794 5 67 34 34.8 2 17 06.4 0.308 3163
21 250 28 43.1 2 37 08.0 0.465 7481 6 73 52 20.3 3 00 00.1 0.307 6114
22 253 13 38.0 2 55 42.6 0.466 3384 7 80 11 31.5 3 40 49.6 0.307 5472
23 255 58 19.1 3 13 50.9 0.466 6499 8 86 30 38.3 4 18 54.6 0.308 1249
24 258 42 58.8 3 31 31.8 0.466 6820 9 92 48 09.5 4 53 39.7 0.309 3351
25 261 27 49.2 -3 48 44.0 0.466 4348 10 99 02 36.2 +5 24 36.0 0.311 1582
26 264 13 02.5 4 05 26.5 0.465 9086 11 105 12 34.5 5 51 22.2 0.313 5658
27 266 58 51.0 4 21 37.7 0.465 1039 12 111 16 48.1 6 13 44.6 0.316 5215
28 269 45 27.1 4 37 16.3 0.464 0216 13 117 14 10.2 6 31 37.9 0.319 9827
29 272 33 03.1 4 52 20.6 0.462 6631 14 123 03 44.9 6 45 03.5 0.323 9020
30 275 21 51.8 5 06 48.9 0.461 0299 15 128 44 47.8 6 54 09.2 0.328 2289
31 278 12 06.0 -5 20 39.1 0.459 1241 16 134 16 46.2 +6 59 07.8 0.332 9114
Nov. 1 281 03 59.2 5 33 49.2 0.456 9480 17 139 39 18.4 7 00 15.6 0.337 8973
2 283 57 44.7 5 46 16.7 0.454 5046 18 144 52 12.5 6 57 51.6 0.343 1352
3 286 53 36.5 5 57 59.2 0.451 7972 19 149 55 25.9 6 52 15.7 0.348 5754
4 289 51 49.2 6 08 53.6 0.448 8296 20 154 49 03.3 6 43 48.8 0.354 1706
5 292 52 37.5 6 18 56.8 0.445 6066 21 159 33 15.8 6 32 51.0 0.359 8763
6 295 56 17.0 -6 28 05.3 0.442 1332 22 164 08 19.2 +6 19 41.7 0.365 6512
7 299 03 03.6 6 36 15.3 0.438 4154 23 168 34 33.4 6 04 39.3 0.371 4571
8 302 13 14.0 6 43 22.4 0.434 4600 24 172 52 20.6 5 48 00.4 0.377 2591
9 305 27 05.6 6 49 22.2 0.430 2747 25 177 02 05.1 5 30 00.5 0.383 0254
10 308 44 56.3 6 54 09.4 0.425 8683 26 181 04 12.2 5 10 53.2 0.388 7271
11 312 07 04.9 6 57 38.7 0.421 2508 27 184 59 07.9 4 50 50.8 0.394 3384
12 315 33 50.7 -6 59 44.0 0.416 4334 28 188 47 18.1 +4 30 04.2 0.399 8359
13 319 05 34.0 7 00 18.8 0.411 4288 29 192 29 08.3 4 08 42.7 0.405 1989
14 322 42 35.6 6 59 16.2 0.406 2515 30 196 05 03.9 3 46 54.8 0.410 4087
15 326 25 16.8 6 56 28.8 0.400 9176 31 199 35 29.0 3 24 47.5 0.415 4489
16 330 13 59.6 -6 51 48.8 0.395 4452 32 203 00 47.3 +3 02 27.2 0.420 3046


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 262 32 46.3 +3 06 25.4 Feb. 15 315 38 41.0 -2 01 50.9
1 262 16 54.7 3 03 54.1 16 317 19 01.5 2 03 35.2
2 262 10 56.7 2 59 58.4 17 319 00 14.1 2 04 56.5
3 262 14 16.0 2 54 51.7 18 320 42 19.6 2 05 54.2
4 262 26 11.0 2 48 45.8 19 322 25 18.8 2 06 27.6
5 262 45 58.3 2 41 51.5 20 324 09 12.5 2 06 35.9
6 263 12 54.5 +2 34 18.1 21 325 54 01.6 -2 06 18.3
7 263 46 17.8 2 26 13.5 22 327 39 46.5 2 05 34.2
8 264 25 29.1 2 17 44.6 23 329 26 27.8 2 04 22.7
9 265 09 52.1 2 08 57.2 24 331 14 05.8 2 02 43.0
10 265 58 53.9 1 59 56.2 25 333 02 40.5 2 00 34.2
11 266 52 04.7 1 50 45.8 26 334 52 11.8 1 57 55.6
12 267 48 58.0 +1 41 29.5 27 336 42 39.0 -1 54 46.3
13 268 49 10.1 1 32 10.1 28 338 34 01.1 1 51 05.4
14 269 52 20.1 1 22 50.1 29 340 26 16.4 1 46 52.2
15 270 58 09.6 1 13 31.7 Mar. 1 342 19 22.6 1 42 06.0
16 272 06 22.7 1 04 16.6 2 344 13 16.5 1 36 46.0
17 273 16 45.1 0 55 06.3 3 346 07 54.3 1 30 51.6
18 274 29 04.5 +0 46 02.1 4 348 03 10.6 -1 24 22.5
19 275 43 10.3 0 37 05.2 5 349 58 59.0 1 17 18.1
20 276 58 53.0 0 28 16.4 6 351 55 11.6 1 09 38.5
21 278 16 04.6 0 19 36.8 7 353 51 38.9 1 01 23.6
22 279 34 38.0 0 11 06.9 8 355 48 09.5 0 52 33.8
23 280 54 27.0 +0 02 47.5 9 357 44 30.0 0 43 09.7
24 282 15 26.4 -0 05 20.8 10 359 40 24.9 -0 33 12.6
25 283 37 31.7 0 13 17.5 11 1 35 36.5 0 22 43.7
26 285 00 38.9 0 21 02.0 12 3 29 45.0 0 11 45.2
27 286 24 44.7 0 28 33.8 13 5 22 28.3 -0 00 19.5
28 287 49 46.5 0 35 52.6 14 7 13 22.3 +0 11 30.5
29 289 15 41.8 0 42 57.7 15 9 02 01.0 0 23 40.9
30 290 42 28.7 -0 49 48.9 16 10 47 57.1 +0 36 07.9
31 292 10 05.7 0 56 25.7 17 12 30 42.3 0 48 46.7
Feb. 1 293 38 31.5 1 02 47.6 18 14 09 47.7 1 01 32.1
2 295 07 45.1 1 08 54.4 19 15 44 44.6 1 14 18.7
3 296 37 45.8 1 14 45.4 20 17 15 04.6 1 27 00.6
4 298 08 33.1 1 20 20.4 21 18 40 20.8 1 39 31.6
5 299 40 06.7 -1 25 38.9 22 20 00 07.6 +1 51 45.4
6 301 12 26.5 1 30 40.4 23 21 14 01.4 2 03 35.6
7 302 45 32.4 1 35 24.5 24 22 21 40.6 2 14 55.6
8 304 19 24.6 1 39 50.7 25 23 22 46.3 2 25 38.9
9 305 54 03.3 1 43 58.6 26 24 17 02.2 2 35 39.0
10 307 29 28.9 1 47 47.6 27 25 04 14.5 2 44 49.5
11 309 05 41.9 -1 51 17.2 28 25 44 12.6 +2 53 04.0
12 310 42 42.9 1 54 27.0 29 26 16 48.9 3 00 16.3
13 312 20 32.5 1 57 16.2 30 26 41 59.1 3 06 20.3
14 313 59 11.6 1 59 44.4 31 26 59 42.5 3 11 10.3
15 315 38 41.0 -2 01 50.9 Apr. 1 27 10 02.3 +3 14 40.7


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 27 10 02.3 +3 14 40.7 May 17 31 38 01.8 -3 06 00.1
2 27 13 05.9 3 16 46.5 18 32 57 03.5 3 02 59.2
3 27 09 05.5 3 17 23.3 19 34 18 33.1 2 59 22.2
4 26 58 18.2 3 16 27.5 20 35 42 28.4 2 55 10.2
5 26 41 06.3 3 13 56.4 21 37 08 47.5 2 50 23.9
6 26 17 57.6 3 09 48.4 22 38 37 29.1 2 45 04.2
7 25 49 25.1 +3 04 03.5 23 40 08 31.9 -2 39 12.2
8 25 16 07.3 2 56 42.8 24 41 41 55.1 2 32 48.8
9 24 38 47.1 2 47 49.4 25 43 17 38.0 2 25 55.0
10 23 58 11.5 2 37 27.9 26 44 55 40.2 2 18 32.0
11 23 15 10.4 2 25 44.5 27 46 36 01.4 2 10 41.0
12 22 30 35.6 2 12 47.1 28 48 18 41.3 2 02 23.2
13 21 45 19.3 +1 58 44.6 29 50 03 39.5 -1 53 40.2
14 21 00 13.3 1 43 47.3 30 51 50 55.5 1 44 33.5
15 20 16 07.0 1 28 05.9 31 53 40 28.5 1 35 04.8
16 19 33 46.7 1 11 51.6 June 1 55 32 17.5 1 25 16.1
17 18 53 54.5 0 55 15.5 2 57 26 20.6 1 15 09.6
18 18 17 07.7 0 38 28.4 3 59 22 35.6 1 04 47.6
19 17 43 58.2 +0 21 40.6 4 61 20 59.0 -0 54 12.9
20 17 14 52.4 +0 05 01.5 5 63 21 26.4 0 43 28.2
21 16 50 11.0 -0 11 20.7 6 65 23 52.2 0 32 36.8
22 16 30 09.9 0 27 18.4 7 67 28 09.3 0 21 42.2
23 16 14 59.9 0 42 45.4 8 69 34 09.3 -0 10 47.9
24 16 04 47.6 0 57 36.6 9 71 41 41.8 +0 00 02.0
25 15 59 35.8 -1 11 47.6 10 73 50 35.4 +0 10 43.5
26 15 59 24.2 1 25 15.2 11 76 00 37.0 0 21 12.3
27 16 04 09.8 1 37 56.8 12 78 11 32.0 0 31 24.3
28 16 13 47.6 1 49 50.6 13 80 23 05.0 0 41 15.3
29 16 28 11.0 2 00 55.5 14 82 34 59.9 0 50 41.3
30 16 47 12.0 2 11 10.7 15 84 47 00.1 0 59 38.4
May 1 17 10 42.0 -2 20 35.9 16 86 58 49.0 +1 08 03.0
2 17 38 31.9 2 29 11.3 17 89 10 10.5 1 15 52.3
3 18 10 32.0 2 36 57.0 18 91 20 49.4 1 23 03.4
4 18 46 33.1 2 43 53.6 19 93 30 31.3 1 29 34.1
5 19 26 25.7 2 50 01.8 20 95 39 03.4 1 35 22.8
6 20 10 00.7 2 55 22.3 21 97 46 14.1 1 40 28.1
7 20 57 09.3 -2 59 56.0 22 99 51 53.7 +1 44 49.1
8 21 47 43.1 3 03 43.8 23 101 55 53.5 1 48 25.4
9 22 41 34.4 3 06 46.6 24 103 58 06.7 1 51 16.9
10 23 38 35.8 3 09 05.3 25 105 58 27.5 1 53 23.8
11 24 38 40.3 3 10 40.9 26 107 56 51.6 1 54 46.5
12 25 41 41.8 3 11 34.4 27 109 53 15.5 1 55 25.6
13 26 47 34.5 -3 11 46.5 28 111 47 36.8 +1 55 21.9
14 27 56 13.1 3 11 18.2 29 113 39 53.6 1 54 36.4
15 29 07 33.2 3 10 10.5 30 115 30 04.8 1 53 10.1
16 30 21 30.6 3 08 24.2 July 1 117 18 09.6 1 51 04.0
17 31 38 01.8 -3 06 00.1 2 119 04 07.3 +1 48 19.3


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 117 18 09.6 +1 51 04.0 Aug. 16 149 12 35.6 -4 47 03.1
2 119 04 07.3 1 48 19.3 17 148 22 33.6 4 43 35.4
3 120 47 57.8 1 44 57.2 18 147 31 19.2 4 38 14.1
4 122 29 40.6 1 40 58.8 19 146 39 50.3 4 30 59.5
5 124 09 15.7 1 36 25.2 20 145 49 07.5 4 21 54.5
6 125 46 42.6 1 31 17.7 21 145 00 13.1 4 11 04.1
7 127 22 00.9 +1 25 37.3 22 144 14 09.2 -3 58 35.7
8 128 55 10.0 1 19 25.3 23 143 31 55.5 3 44 38.9
9 130 26 09.3 1 12 42.7 24 142 54 28.2 3 29 24.4
10 131 54 57.7 1 05 30.6 25 142 22 38.0 3 13 04.5
11 133 21 33.8 0 57 50.1 26 141 57 09.5 2 55 52.0
12 134 45 56.2 0 49 42.3 27 141 38 40.5 2 37 59.9
13 136 08 03.0 +0 41 08.2 28 141 27 41.2 -2 19 41.2
14 137 27 51.8 0 32 09.0 29 141 24 34.8 2 01 08.5
15 138 45 20.0 0 22 45.6 30 141 29 37.3 1 42 33.6
16 140 00 24.5 0 12 59.2 31 141 42 57.8 1 24 07.5
17 141 13 01.8 +0 02 50.8 Sept. 1 142 04 39.3 1 06 00.4
18 142 23 07.9 -0 07 38.5 2 142 34 38.7 0 48 21.2
19 143 30 38.3 -0 18 27.5 3 143 12 47.8 -0 31 18.1
20 144 35 28.0 0 29 35.0 4 143 58 53.4 -0 14 58.1
21 145 37 31.5 0 40 59.8 5 144 52 37.8 +0 00 32.7
22 146 36 42.6 0 52 40.6 6 145 53 39.5 0 15 09.2
23 147 32 54.9 1 04 35.9 7 147 01 33.6 0 28 47.2
24 148 26 01.1 1 16 44.2 8 148 15 52.2 0 41 23.3
25 149 15 53.6 -1 29 03.9 9 149 36 04.9 +0 52 55.3
26 150 02 24.0 1 41 33.1 10 151 01 39.7 1 03 21.6
27 150 45 23.4 1 54 09.8 11 152 32 03.6 1 12 41.4
28 151 24 42.6 2 06 51.8 12 154 06 43.1 1 20 54.7
29 152 00 11.4 2 19 36.5 13 155 45 04.9 1 28 02.5
30 152 31 39.6 2 32 21.1 14 157 26 36.7 1 34 05.9
31 152 58 56.3 -2 45 02.6 15 159 10 47.8 +1 39 06.9
Aug. 1 153 21 50.6 2 57 37.2 16 160 57 09.0 1 43 07.9
2 153 40 11.6 3 10 01.1 17 162 45 13.8 1 46 11.6
3 153 53 48.4 3 22 09.7 18 164 34 37.9 1 48 21.0
4 154 02 30.9 3 33 58.0 19 166 24 59.7 1 49 39.1
5 154 06 09.9 3 45 20.3 20 168 16 00.2 1 50 09.2
6 154 04 37.5 -3 56 10.5 21 170 07 22.8 +1 49 54.6
7 153 57 47.8 4 06 21.8 22 171 58 53.0 1 48 58.4
8 153 45 37.5 4 15 46.9 23 173 50 18.9 1 47 23.7
9 153 28 06.4 4 24 17.8 24 175 41 30.1 1 45 13.7
10 153 05 18.4 4 31 46.3 25 177 32 18.2 1 42 31.1
11 152 37 22.2 4 38 03.8 26 179 22 36.3 1 39 18.7
12 152 04 31.9 -4 43 01.9 27 181 12 18.8 +1 35 39.2
13 151 27 07.8 4 46 32.1 28 183 01 21.4 1 31 34.8
14 150 45 36.6 4 48 26.7 29 184 49 40.7 1 27 08.1
15 150 00 32.4 4 48 38.9 30 186 37 14.2 1 22 20.9
16 149 12 35.6 -4 47 03.1 Oct. 1 188 24 00.1 +1 17 15.5


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 188 24 00.1 +1 17 15.5 Nov. 16 256 31 03.2 -2 38 28.5
2 190 09 57.2 1 11 53.4 17 257 31 06.7 2 36 53.6
3 191 55 04.7 1 06 16.6 18 258 27 33.2 2 34 31.0
4 193 39 22.4 1 00 26.6 19 259 19 54.5 2 31 16.3
5 195 22 50.4 0 54 25.0 20 260 07 38.8 2 27 05.2
6 197 05 28.9 0 48 13.1 21 260 50 10.7 2 21 52.8
7 198 47 18.6 +0 41 52.2 22 261 26 51.1 -2 15 34.0
8 200 28 19.9 0 35 23.5 23 261 56 57.7 2 08 03.8
9 202 08 33.8 0 28 48.2 24 262 19 45.2 1 59 17.1
10 203 48 01.2 0 22 07.4 25 262 34 26.6 1 49 09.0
11 205 26 42.9 0 15 22.1 26 262 40 14.5 1 37 35.7
12 207 04 40.1 0 08 33.3 27 262 36 24.3 1 24 34.1
13 208 41 53.6 +0 01 41.8 28 262 22 16.5 -1 10 03.4
14 210 18 24.5 -0 05 11.5 29 261 57 22.0 0 54 05.2
15 211 54 13.8 0 12 05.7 30 261 21 26.9 0 36 44.6
16 213 29 22.7 0 19 00.1 Dec. 1 260 34 38.3 -0 18 11.2
17 215 03 52.0 0 25 53.8 2 259 37 29.8 +0 01 20.5
18 216 37 42.8 0 32 46.2 3 258 31 06.0 0 21 30.7
19 218 10 55.9 -0 39 36.4 4 257 17 04.2 +0 41 54.9
20 219 43 32.1 0 46 23.8 5 255 57 32.4 1 02 04.8
21 221 15 32.0 0 53 07.7 6 254 35 02.8 1 21 30.5
22 222 46 56.2 0 59 47.2 7 253 12 22.2 1 39 43.2
23 224 17 44.9 1 06 21.8 8 251 52 18.8 1 56 17.2
24 225 47 58.4 1 12 50.7 9 250 37 29.3 2 10 52.2
25 227 17 36.7 -1 19 13.2 10 249 30 07.9 +2 23 15.1
26 228 46 39.8 1 25 28.4 11 248 31 58.9 2 33 19.2
27 230 15 07.2 1 31 35.7 12 247 44 13.6 2 41 04.7
28 231 42 58.5 1 37 34.2 13 247 07 31.5 2 46 36.7
29 233 10 12.7 1 43 23.2 14 246 42 04.0 2 50 04.1
30 234 36 48.8 1 49 01.7 15 246 27 39.7 2 51 38.1
31 236 02 45.4 -1 54 28.8 16 246 23 50.5 +2 51 31.1
Nov. 1 237 28 00.6 1 59 43.7 17 246 29 57.1 2 49 55.4
2 238 52 32.2 2 04 45.2 18 246 45 13.6 2 47 03.2
3 240 16 17.5 2 09 32.3 19 247 08 51.4 2 43 05.5
4 241 39 13.2 2 14 03.9 20 247 40 01.5 2 38 12.5
5 243 01 15.5 2 18 18.6 21 248 17 56.7 2 32 33.2
6 244 22 19.7 -2 22 15.2 22 249 01 52.8 +2 26 15.4
7 245 42 20.6 2 25 52.1 23 249 51 08.9 2 19 26.1
8 247 01 11.9 2 29 07.9 24 250 45 08.0 2 12 11.0
9 248 18 46.3 2 32 00.8 25 251 43 16.9 2 04 35.4
10 249 34 55.5 2 34 29.0 26 252 45 06.0 1 56 43.5
11 250 49 29.8 2 36 30.3 27 253 50 09.2 1 48 39.2
12 252 02 17.9 -2 38 02.6 28 254 58 03.6 +1 40 25.7
13 253 13 07.2 2 39 03.4 29 256 08 29.2 1 32 05.7
14 254 21 42.8 2 39 30.0 30 257 21 08.3 1 23 41.6
15 255 27 47.9 2 39 19.4 31 258 35 45.7 1 15 15.4
16 256 31 03.2 -2 38 28.5 32 259 52 08.2 +1 06 49.0


Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Jan. 0 17 28 16.84 -20 07 35.0 0.759 000 11.59 4.43 10 49 14
1 17 27 08.86 20 09 13.0 0.777 640 11.31 4.32 10 44 30
2 17 26 42.56 20 12 47.8 0.797 160 11.03 4.21 10 40 25
3 17 26 55.42 20 18 05.5 0.817 322 10.76 4.11 10 36 59
4 17 27 44.65 20 24 51.2 0.837 918 10.50 4.01 10 34 07
5 17 29 07.31 20 32 49.7 0.858 769 10.24 3.91 10 31 47

6 17 31 00.48 -20 41 46.3 0.879 721 10.00 3.82 10 29 56

7 17 33 21.36 20 51 26.7 0.900 647 9.76 3.73 10 28 32
8 17 36 07.30 21 01 38.0 0.921 439 9.54 3.65 10 27 31
9 17 39 15.87 21 12 07.9 0.942 011 9.34 3.57 10 26 53
10 17 42 44.83 21 22 45.4 0.962 291 9.14 3.49 10 26 33
11 17 46 32.15 21 33 20.6 0.982 223 8.95 3.42 10 26 31
12 17 50 36.00 -21 43 44.6 1.001 760 8.78 3.35 10 26 45
13 17 54 54.75 21 53 49.5 1.020 869 8.61 3.29 10 27 14
14 17 59 26.93 22 03 28.0 1.039 522 8.46 3.23 10 27 55
15 18 04 11.23 22 12 34.1 1.057 699 8.31 3.18 10 28 47
16 18 09 06.50 22 21 02.0 1.075 386 8.18 3.12 10 29 51
17 18 14 11.69 22 28 46.8 1.092 573 8.05 3.08 10 31 03
18 18 19 25.89 -22 35 44.2 1.109 255 7.93 3.03 10 32 25
19 18 24 48.26 22 41 50.4 1.125 428 7.81 2.99 10 33 54
20 18 30 18.08 22 47 01.8 1.141 092 7.71 2.94 10 35 30
21 18 35 54.66 22 51 15.4 1.156 247 7.61 2.91 10 37 13
22 18 41 37.43 22 54 28.5 1.170 897 7.51 2.87 10 39 02
23 18 47 25.83 22 56 38.7 1.185 045 7.42 2.84 10 40 57
24 18 53 19.39 -22 57 43.7 1.198 696 7.34 2.80 10 42 56
25 18 59 17.66 22 57 41.7 1.211 853 7.26 2.77 10 44 60
26 19 05 20.25 22 56 30.9 1.224 523 7.18 2.74 10 47 08
27 19 11 26.79 22 54 09.6 1.236 711 7.11 2.72 10 49 20
28 19 17 36.96 22 50 36.4 1.248 421 7.04 2.69 10 51 35
29 19 23 50.46 22 45 50.2 1.259 659 6.98 2.67 10 53 54
30 19 30 07.01 -22 39 49.6 1.270 430 6.92 2.64 10 56 15
31 19 36 26.37 22 32 33.8 1.280 737 6.87 2.62 10 58 40
Feb. 1 19 42 48.30 22 24 01.6 1.290 585 6.81 2.60 11 01 06
2 19 49 12.61 22 14 12.2 1.299 978 6.76 2.58 11 03 35
3 19 55 39.09 22 03 05.0 1.308 918 6.72 2.57 11 06 06
4 20 02 07.59 21 50 39.1 1.317 407 6.68 2.55 11 08 40
5 20 08 37.93 -21 36 54.0 1.325 446 6.63 2.53 11 11 14
6 20 15 09.97 21 21 49.1 1.333 037 6.60 2.52 11 13 51
7 20 21 43.58 21 05 23.8 1.340 179 6.56 2.51 11 16 29
8 20 28 18.65 20 47 37.8 1.346 871 6.53 2.49 11 19 08
9 20 34 55.05 20 28 30.6 1.353 111 6.50 2.48 11 21 49
10 20 41 32.71 20 08 01.8 1.358 895 6.47 2.47 11 24 31
11 20 48 11.52 -19 46 11.1 1.364 220 6.45 2.46 11 27 14
12 20 54 51.43 19 22 58.2 1.369 081 6.42 2.45 11 29 58
13 21 01 32.37 18 58 22.9 1.373 470 6.40 2.45 11 32 44
14 21 08 14.29 18 32 25.0 1.377 380 6.38 2.44 11 35 30
15 21 14 57.16 -18 05 04.1 1.380 802 6.37 2.43 11 38 17

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Feb. 15 21 14 57.16 -18 05 04.1 1.380 802 6.37 2.43 11 38 17
16 21 21 40.95 17 36 20.4 1.383 725 6.36 2.43 11 41 05
17 21 28 25.64 17 06 13.6 1.386 135 6.34 2.42 11 43 54
18 21 35 11.22 16 34 43.7 1.388 020 6.34 2.42 11 46 43
19 21 41 57.67 16 01 50.7 1.389 361 6.33 2.42 11 49 34
20 21 48 44.99 15 27 34.8 1.390 141 6.33 2.42 11 52 26
21 21 55 33.18 -14 51 56.0 1.390 338 6.33 2.42 11 55 18
22 22 02 22.25 14 14 54.8 1.389 930 6.33 2.42 11 58 11
23 22 09 12.20 13 36 31.3 1.388 890 6.33 2.42 12 01 06
24 22 16 03.04 12 56 46.2 1.387 191 6.34 2.42 12 04 01
25 22 22 54.76 12 15 40.1 1.384 801 6.35 2.43 12 06 57
26 22 29 47.35 11 33 13.9 1.381 688 6.36 2.43 12 09 53
27 22 36 40.81 -10 49 28.7 1.377 815 6.38 2.44 12 12 51
28 22 43 35.08 10 04 25.8 1.373 143 6.40 2.45 12 15 50
29 22 50 30.13 9 18 07.0 1.367 631 6.43 2.46 12 18 49
Mar. 1 22 57 25.86 8 30 34.4 1.361 236 6.46 2.47 12 21 49
2 23 04 22.16 7 41 50.7 1.353 913 6.50 2.48 12 24 49
3 23 11 18.88 6 51 59.0 1.345 614 6.54 2.50 12 27 50

4 23 18 15.79 -6 01 03.0 1.336 293 6.58 2.51 12 30 50

5 23 25 12.65 5 09 07.4 1.325 903 6.63 2.53 12 33 51
6 23 32 09.10 4 16 17.4 1.314 399 6.69 2.56 12 36 51
7 23 39 04.73 3 22 39.4 1.301 738 6.76 2.58 12 39 50
8 23 45 59.01 2 28 20.6 1.287 883 6.83 2.61 12 42 47
9 23 52 51.33 1 33 29.5 1.272 803 6.91 2.64 12 45 42
10 23 59 40.96 -0 38 15.6 1.256 476 7.00 2.67 12 48 33
11 0 06 27.04 +0 17 10.3 1.238 893 7.10 2.71 12 51 21
12 0 13 08.60 1 12 36.1 1.220 057 7.21 2.75 12 54 03
13 0 19 44.52 2 07 48.8 1.199 988 7.33 2.80 12 56 39
14 0 26 13.57 3 02 34.1 1.178 724 7.46 2.85 12 59 08
15 0 32 34.40 3 56 36.9 1.156 324 7.61 2.91 13 01 27
16 0 38 45.56 +4 49 41.4 1.132 866 7.76 2.97 13 03 36
17 0 44 45.52 5 41 31.3 1.108 447 7.93 3.03 13 05 33
18 0 50 32.69 6 31 50.3 1.083 185 8.12 3.10 13 07 16
19 0 56 05.45 7 20 22.0 1.057 212 8.32 3.18 13 08 44
20 1 01 22.19 8 06 50.7 1.030 677 8.53 3.26 13 09 54
21 1 06 21.33 8 51 01.1 1.003 737 8.76 3.35 13 10 47
22 1 11 01.34 +9 32 39.0 0.976 557 9.01 3.44 13 11 19
23 1 15 20.80 10 11 30.9 0.949 303 9.26 3.54 13 11 30
24 1 19 18.37 10 47 24.7 0.922 142 9.54 3.64 13 11 19
25 1 22 52.85 11 20 09.3 0.895 234 9.82 3.75 13 10 43
26 1 26 03.20 11 49 34.6 0.868 737 10.12 3.87 13 09 44
27 1 28 48.54 12 15 31.7 0.842 796 10.43 3.99 13 08 19
28 1 31 08.17 +12 37 52.8 0.817 549 10.76 4.11 13 06 28
29 1 33 01.61 12 56 31.2 0.793 123 11.09 4.24 13 04 10
30 1 34 28.57 13 11 21.1 0.769 634 11.43 4.37 13 01 27
31 1 35 29.05 13 22 18.3 0.747 188 11.77 4.50 12 58 17
Apr. 1 1 36 03.30 +13 29 19.5 0.725 880 12.12 4.63 12 54 41

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Apr. 1 1 36 03.30 +13 29 19.5 0.725 880 12.12 4.63 12 54 41
2 1 36 11.87 13 32 23.4 0.705 793 12.46 4.76 12 50 40
3 1 35 55.63 13 31 30.4 0.687 004 12.80 4.89 12 46 16
4 1 35 15.76 13 26 43.1 0.669 576 13.13 5.02 12 41 28
5 1 34 13.80 13 18 06.5 0.653 564 13.46 5.14 12 36 20
6 1 32 51.64 13 05 48.7 0.639 013 13.76 5.26 12 30 53
7 1 31 11.46 +12 50 00.8 0.625 958 14.05 5.37 12 25 09
8 1 29 15.77 12 30 57.1 0.614 422 14.31 5.47 12 19 11
9 1 27 07.31 12 08 55.5 0.604 421 14.55 5.56 12 13 02
10 1 24 49.02 11 44 16.8 0.595 956 14.76 5.64 12 06 45
11 1 22 23.97 11 17 24.7 0.589 021 14.93 5.70 12 00 23
12 1 19 55.28 10 48 45.5 0.583 599 15.07 5.76 11 53 59
13 1 17 26.03 +10 18 47.1 0.579 660 15.17 5.80 11 47 36
14 1 14 59.21 9 47 58.3 0.577 169 15.24 5.82 11 41 16
15 1 12 37.64 9 16 48.0 0.576 079 15.27 5.83 11 35 03
16 1 10 23.88 8 45 44.6 0.576 338 15.26 5.83 11 28 59
17 1 08 20.23 8 15 14.9 0.577 886 15.22 5.81 11 23 06
18 1 06 28.68 7 45 43.6 0.580 659 15.15 5.79 11 17 25

19 1 04 50.87 +7 17 32.9 0.584 591 15.04 5.75 11 11 59

20 1 03 28.16 6 51 02.2 0.589 611 14.92 5.70 11 06 48
21 1 02 21.55 6 26 27.8 0.595 651 14.76 5.64 11 01 54
22 1 01 31.77 6 04 02.8 0.602 642 14.59 5.58 10 57 16
23 1 00 59.29 5 43 57.6 0.610 515 14.40 5.50 10 52 56
24 1 00 44.33 5 26 19.7 0.619 207 14.20 5.43 10 48 53
25 1 00 46.94 +5 11 14.2 0.628 654 13.99 5.34 10 45 08
26 1 01 06.97 4 58 44.0 0.638 798 13.77 5.26 10 41 39
27 1 01 44.17 4 48 50.2 0.649 584 13.54 5.17 10 38 28
28 1 02 38.16 4 41 32.3 0.660 961 13.31 5.08 10 35 33
29 1 03 48.50 4 36 48.6 0.672 881 13.07 4.99 10 32 54
30 1 05 14.70 4 34 36.1 0.685 300 12.83 4.90 10 30 31
May 1 1 06 56.23 +4 34 51.4 0.698 179 12.60 4.81 10 28 22
2 1 08 52.53 4 37 30.1 0.711 482 12.36 4.72 10 26 29
3 1 11 03.06 4 42 27.8 0.725 175 12.13 4.63 10 24 49
4 1 13 27.28 4 49 39.4 0.739 229 11.90 4.55 10 23 22
5 1 16 04.66 4 58 59.9 0.753 616 11.67 4.46 10 22 09
6 1 18 54.71 5 10 24.1 0.768 311 11.45 4.37 10 21 08
7 1 21 56.96 +5 23 46.8 0.783 293 11.23 4.29 10 20 18
8 1 25 10.99 5 39 02.7 0.798 542 11.01 4.21 10 19 41
9 1 28 36.38 5 56 06.9 0.814 038 10.80 4.13 10 19 14
10 1 32 12.79 6 14 54.2 0.829 766 10.60 4.05 10 18 59
11 1 35 59.91 6 35 19.8 0.845 710 10.40 3.97 10 18 54
12 1 39 57.44 6 57 18.7 0.861 853 10.20 3.90 10 18 59
13 1 44 05.16 +7 20 46.4 0.878 183 10.01 3.83 10 19 15
14 1 48 22.89 7 45 38.2 0.894 686 9.83 3.76 10 19 40
15 1 52 50.46 8 11 49.6 0.911 346 9.65 3.69 10 20 16
16 1 57 27.77 8 39 16.1 0.928 150 9.47 3.62 10 21 00
17 2 02 14.75 +9 07 53.4 0.945 082 9.31 3.56 10 21 55

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

May 17 2 02 14.75 +9 07 53.4 0.945 082 9.31 3.56 10 21 55
18 2 07 11.37 9 37 37.1 0.962 127 9.14 3.49 10 22 59
19 2 12 17.63 10 08 22.9 0.979 267 8.98 3.43 10 24 13
20 2 17 33.57 10 40 06.4 0.996 484 8.83 3.37 10 25 37
21 2 22 59.28 11 12 43.1 1.013 756 8.67 3.31 10 27 11
22 2 28 34.86 11 46 08.5 1.031 060 8.53 3.26 10 28 54
23 2 34 20.44 +12 20 18.0 1.048 371 8.39 3.20 10 30 48
24 2 40 16.20 12 55 06.8 1.065 660 8.25 3.15 10 32 52
25 2 46 22.31 13 30 29.7 1.082 892 8.12 3.10 10 35 06
26 2 52 39.00 14 06 21.5 1.100 032 7.99 3.05 10 37 31
27 2 59 06.49 14 42 36.4 1.117 038 7.87 3.01 10 40 07
28 3 05 45.01 15 19 08.6 1.133 863 7.76 2.96 10 42 54
29 3 12 34.80 +15 55 51.4 1.150 454 7.64 2.92 10 45 53
30 3 19 36.08 16 32 37.9 1.166 755 7.54 2.88 10 49 04
31 3 26 49.08 17 09 20.7 1.182 701 7.44 2.84 10 52 26
June 1 3 34 13.98 17 45 51.6 1.198 221 7.34 2.80 10 56 00
2 3 41 50.93 18 22 01.9 1.213 240 7.25 2.77 10 59 47
3 3 49 40.00 18 57 42.3 1.227 674 7.16 2.74 11 03 45

4 3 57 41.20 +19 32 42.8 1.241 437 7.08 2.71 11 07 56

5 4 05 54.44 20 06 52.7 1.254 437 7.01 2.68 11 12 19
6 4 14 19.50 20 40 00.8 1.266 578 6.94 2.65 11 16 54
7 4 22 56.03 21 11 55.4 1.277 764 6.88 2.63 11 21 40
8 4 31 43.54 21 42 24.6 1.287 902 6.83 2.61 11 26 37
9 4 40 41.35 22 11 16.2 1.296 899 6.78 2.59 11 31 44
10 4 49 48.61 +22 38 18.1 1.304 672 6.74 2.58 11 37 00
11 4 59 04.32 23 03 18.6 1.311 146 6.71 2.56 11 42 24
12 5 08 27.29 23 26 06.8 1.316 259 6.68 2.55 11 47 55
13 5 17 56.17 23 46 32.6 1.319 964 6.66 2.55 11 53 31
14 5 27 29.53 24 04 27.4 1.322 232 6.65 2.54 11 59 11
15 5 37 05.81 24 19 43.8 1.323 052 6.65 2.54 12 04 53
16 5 46 43.40 +24 32 16.2 1.322 432 6.65 2.54 12 10 35
17 5 56 20.68 24 42 01.2 1.320 398 6.66 2.54 12 16 16
18 6 05 56.08 24 48 56.7 1.316 994 6.68 2.55 12 21 55
19 6 15 28.08 24 53 02.9 1.312 278 6.70 2.56 12 27 29
20 6 24 55.23 24 54 21.4 1.306 319 6.73 2.57 12 32 58
21 6 34 16.25 24 52 55.4 1.299 198 6.77 2.59 12 38 20
22 6 43 29.96 +24 48 49.5 1.291 000 6.81 2.60 12 43 34
23 6 52 35.34 24 42 09.2 1.281 814 6.86 2.62 12 48 39
24 7 01 31.51 24 33 01.3 1.271 729 6.92 2.64 12 53 35
25 7 10 17.73 24 21 32.7 1.260 835 6.97 2.66 12 58 20
26 7 18 53.42 24 07 51.3 1.249 217 7.04 2.69 13 02 54
27 7 27 18.10 23 52 04.8 1.236 957 7.11 2.72 13 07 17
28 7 35 31.41 +23 34 21.3 1.224 132 7.18 2.74 13 11 28
29 7 43 33.09 23 14 48.8 1.210 814 7.26 2.77 13 15 27
30 7 51 22.95 22 53 35.5 1.197 067 7.35 2.81 13 19 14
July 1 7 59 00.90 22 30 49.2 1.182 951 7.43 2.84 13 22 50
2 8 06 26.87 +22 06 37.5 1.168 521 7.53 2.88 13 26 13

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

July 1 7 59 00.90 +22 30 49.2 1.182 951 7.43 2.84 13 22 50
2 8 06 26.87 22 06 37.5 1.168 521 7.53 2.88 13 26 13
3 8 13 40.86 21 41 07.9 1.153 826 7.62 2.91 13 29 24
4 8 20 42.88 21 14 27.6 1.138 908 7.72 2.95 13 32 23
5 8 27 32.99 20 46 43.6 1.123 807 7.83 2.99 13 35 10
6 8 34 11.25 20 18 02.6 1.108 558 7.93 3.03 13 37 45
7 8 40 37.73 +19 48 31.0 1.093 192 8.04 3.07 13 40 09
8 8 46 52.51 19 18 15.2 1.077 735 8.16 3.12 13 42 21
9 8 52 55.66 18 47 21.1 1.062 213 8.28 3.16 13 44 21
10 8 58 47.27 18 15 54.5 1.046 646 8.40 3.21 13 46 10
11 9 04 27.39 17 44 01.2 1.031 053 8.53 3.26 13 47 47
12 9 09 56.07 17 11 46.5 1.015 453 8.66 3.31 13 49 12
13 9 15 13.33 +16 39 15.9 0.999 860 8.80 3.36 13 50 26
14 9 20 19.20 16 06 34.7 0.984 289 8.93 3.41 13 51 29
15 9 25 13.64 15 33 48.1 0.968 753 9.08 3.47 13 52 21
16 9 29 56.63 15 01 01.2 0.953 263 9.23 3.52 13 53 00
17 9 34 28.10 14 28 19.2 0.937 832 9.38 3.58 13 53 29
18 9 38 47.94 13 55 47.3 0.922 470 9.53 3.64 13 53 45

19 9 42 56.03 +13 23 30.7 0.907 190 9.69 3.70 13 53 50

20 9 46 52.21 12 51 34.7 0.892 002 9.86 3.77 13 53 42
21 9 50 36.28 12 20 04.6 0.876 918 10.03 3.83 13 53 23
22 9 54 08.01 11 49 06.0 0.861 952 10.20 3.90 13 52 51
23 9 57 27.13 11 18 44.4 0.847 115 10.38 3.97 13 52 06
24 10 00 33.34 10 49 05.7 0.832 424 10.56 4.04 13 51 08
25 10 03 26.30 +10 20 15.8 0.817 893 10.75 4.11 13 49 57
26 10 06 05.65 9 52 21.1 0.803 541 10.94 4.18 13 48 31
27 10 08 30.96 9 25 28.0 0.789 386 11.14 4.26 13 46 52
28 10 10 41.81 8 59 43.4 0.775 450 11.34 4.33 13 44 58
29 10 12 37.71 8 35 14.4 0.761 758 11.54 4.41 13 42 49
30 10 14 18.18 8 12 08.4 0.748 337 11.75 4.49 13 40 24
31 10 15 42.68 +7 50 33.3 0.735 217 11.96 4.57 13 37 43
Aug. 1 10 16 50.71 7 30 37.1 0.722 432 12.17 4.65 13 34 45
2 10 17 41.74 7 12 28.2 0.710 022 12.39 4.73 13 31 30
3 10 18 15.26 6 56 15.1 0.698 027 12.60 4.81 13 27 58
4 10 18 30.81 6 42 06.6 0.686 496 12.81 4.89 13 24 07
5 10 18 28.00 6 30 11.3 0.675 482 13.02 4.97 13 19 58
6 10 18 06.53 +6 20 38.0 0.665 041 13.22 5.05 13 15 30
7 10 17 26.20 6 13 34.6 0.655 236 13.42 5.13 13 10 44
8 10 16 27.01 6 09 08.9 0.646 135 13.61 5.20 13 05 39
9 10 15 09.12 6 07 27.6 0.637 813 13.79 5.27 13 00 16
10 10 13 32.97 6 08 36.0 0.630 347 13.95 5.33 12 54 35
11 10 11 39.26 6 12 38.0 0.623 819 14.10 5.39 12 48 37
12 10 09 29.02 +6 19 35.4 0.618 316 14.22 5.43 12 42 24
13 10 07 03.65 6 29 27.3 0.613 925 14.32 5.47 12 35 56
14 10 04 24.93 6 42 10.2 0.610 737 14.40 5.50 12 29 17
15 10 01 35.04 6 57 37.3 0.608 840 14.44 5.52 12 22 28
16 9 58 36.55 +7 15 38.4 0.608 319 14.46 5.52 12 15 31


Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Aug. 16 9 58 36.55 +7 15 38.4 0.608 319 14.46 5.52 12 15 31
17 9 55 32.41 7 35 59.9 0.609 258 14.43 5.51 12 08 31
18 9 52 25.90 7 58 24.7 0.611 730 14.38 5.49 12 01 30
19 9 49 20.55 8 22 32.7 0.615 802 14.28 5.46 11 54 32
20 9 46 20.08 8 48 01.0 0.621 529 14.15 5.41 11 47 41
21 9 43 28.29 9 14 24.8 0.628 954 13.98 5.34 11 41 00

22 9 40 48.95 +9 41 18.0 0.638 104 13.78 5.27 11 34 33

23 9 38 25.70 10 08 13.7 0.648 995 13.55 5.18 11 28 24
24 9 36 21.96 10 34 45.2 0.661 621 13.29 5.08 11 22 35
25 9 34 40.83 11 00 26.7 0.675 966 13.01 4.97 11 17 11
26 9 33 25.04 11 24 53.7 0.691 992 12.71 4.86 11 12 12
27 9 32 36.87 11 47 43.2 0.709 649 12.39 4.73 11 07 42
28 9 32 18.17 +12 08 34.4 0.728 869 12.07 4.61 11 03 41
29 9 32 30.29 12 27 08.6 0.749 568 11.73 4.48 11 00 12
30 9 33 14.14 12 43 09.0 0.771 647 11.40 4.35 10 57 14
31 9 34 30.16 12 56 21.1 0.794 993 11.06 4.23 10 54 48
Sept. 1 9 36 18.37 13 06 32.6 0.819 476 10.73 4.10 10 52 55
2 9 38 38.39 13 13 33.2 0.844 954 10.41 3.98 10 51 32
3 9 41 29.44 +13 17 14.5 0.871 273 10.09 3.86 10 50 41
4 9 44 50.42 13 17 30.2 0.898 263 9.79 3.74 10 50 18
5 9 48 39.91 13 14 16.3 0.925 751 9.50 3.63 10 50 23
6 9 52 56.21 13 07 30.6 0.953 550 9.22 3.52 10 50 55
7 9 57 37.41 12 57 13.3 0.981 474 8.96 3.42 10 51 50
8 10 02 41.40 12 43 26.7 1.009 335 8.71 3.33 10 53 07
9 10 08 05.93 +12 26 15.2 1.036 948 8.48 3.24 10 54 44
10 10 13 48.68 12 05 45.4 1.064 138 8.26 3.16 10 56 37
11 10 19 47.29 11 42 05.7 1.090 740 8.06 3.08 10 58 46
12 10 25 59.42 11 15 26.2 1.116 604 7.88 3.01 11 01 07
13 10 32 22.83 10 45 58.5 1.141 602 7.70 2.94 11 03 39
14 10 38 55.37 10 13 55.2 1.165 622 7.54 2.88 11 06 19
15 10 45 35.04 +9 39 29.6 1.188 576 7.40 2.83 11 09 05
16 10 52 20.03 9 02 55.4 1.210 396 7.27 2.78 11 11 56
17 10 59 08.72 8 24 26.5 1.231 035 7.14 2.73 11 14 49
18 11 05 59.71 7 44 16.5 1.250 463 7.03 2.69 11 17 45
19 11 12 51.77 7 02 38.5 1.268 668 6.93 2.65 11 20 41
20 11 19 43.88 6 19 45.1 1.285 652 6.84 2.61 11 23 36
21 11 26 35.21 +5 35 47.8 1.301 429 6.76 2.58 11 26 31
22 11 33 25.06 4 50 57.9 1.316 020 6.68 2.55 11 29 24
23 11 40 12.90 4 05 25.2 1.329 457 6.61 2.53 11 32 14
24 11 46 58.33 3 19 19.2 1.341 774 6.55 2.50 11 35 02
25 11 53 41.04 2 32 48.0 1.353 009 6.50 2.48 11 37 47
26 12 00 20.82 1 45 59.4 1.363 204 6.45 2.46 11 40 29
27 12 06 57.56 +0 59 00.0 1.372 400 6.41 2.45 11 43 08
28 12 13 31.20 +0 11 56.1 1.380 638 6.37 2.43 11 45 44
29 12 20 01.72 -0 35 07.0 1.387 959 6.34 2.42 11 48 17
30 12 26 29.18 1 22 04.4 1.394 403 6.31 2.41 11 50 46
Oct. 1 12 32 53.64 -2 08 51.7 1.400 008 6.28 2.40 11 53 13

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Oct. 1 12 32 53.64 -2 08 51.7 1.400 008 6.28 2.40 11 53 13
2 12 39 15.20 2 55 25.1 1.404 809 6.26 2.39 11 55 37
3 12 45 34.00 3 41 41.2 1.408 840 6.24 2.38 11 57 58
4 12 51 50.16 4 27 36.6 1.412 133 6.23 2.38 12 00 17
5 12 58 03.84 5 13 08.8 1.414 716 6.22 2.38 12 02 33
6 13 04 15.19 5 58 15.2 1.416 617 6.21 2.37 12 04 47
7 13 10 24.39 -6 42 53.4 1.417 860 6.20 2.37 12 06 59
8 13 16 31.57 7 27 01.4 1.418 468 6.20 2.37 12 09 09
9 13 22 36.92 8 10 37.3 1.418 462 6.20 2.37 12 11 17
10 13 28 40.59 8 53 39.3 1.417 860 6.20 2.37 12 13 23
11 13 34 42.73 9 36 05.9 1.416 679 6.21 2.37 12 15 28
12 13 40 43.50 10 17 55.4 1.414 933 6.22 2.37 12 17 32
13 13 46 43.04 -10 59 06.4 1.412 636 6.23 2.38 12 19 34
14 13 52 41.49 11 39 37.6 1.409 800 6.24 2.38 12 21 36
15 13 58 38.99 12 19 27.6 1.406 435 6.25 2.39 12 23 37
16 14 04 35.66 12 58 35.3 1.402 549 6.27 2.40 12 25 37
17 14 10 31.63 13 36 59.3 1.398 150 6.29 2.40 12 27 36
18 14 16 27.01 14 14 38.6 1.393 243 6.31 2.41 12 29 35

19 14 22 21.90 -14 51 32.0 1.387 834 6.34 2.42 12 31 33

20 14 28 16.39 15 27 38.3 1.381 925 6.36 2.43 12 33 31
21 14 34 10.54 16 02 56.4 1.375 518 6.39 2.44 12 35 28
22 14 40 04.43 16 37 25.0 1.368 616 6.43 2.46 12 37 26
23 14 45 58.08 17 11 03.0 1.361 217 6.46 2.47 12 39 23
24 14 51 51.54 17 43 49.1 1.353 322 6.50 2.48 12 41 20
25 14 57 44.81 -18 15 42.0 1.344 928 6.54 2.50 12 43 17
26 15 03 37.89 18 46 40.5 1.336 032 6.58 2.51 12 45 13
27 15 09 30.74 19 16 43.1 1.326 633 6.63 2.53 12 47 10
28 15 15 23.32 19 45 48.7 1.316 726 6.68 2.55 12 49 06
29 15 21 15.55 20 13 55.7 1.306 306 6.73 2.57 12 51 01
30 15 27 07.33 20 41 02.8 1.295 369 6.79 2.59 12 52 56
31 15 32 58.52 -21 07 08.5 1.283 908 6.85 2.62 12 54 51
Nov. 1 15 38 48.95 21 32 11.2 1.271 920 6.91 2.64 12 56 44
2 15 44 38.43 21 56 09.5 1.259 397 6.98 2.67 12 58 37
3 15 50 26.70 22 19 01.6 1.246 332 7.06 2.70 13 00 28
4 15 56 13.46 22 40 46.1 1.232 721 7.13 2.73 13 02 17
5 16 01 58.37 23 01 21.3 1.218 557 7.22 2.76 13 04 04
6 16 07 41.02 -23 20 45.3 1.203 834 7.31 2.79 13 05 49
7 16 13 20.94 23 38 56.6 1.188 547 7.40 2.83 13 07 31
8 16 18 57.58 23 55 53.2 1.172 693 7.50 2.87 13 09 09
9 16 24 30.30 24 11 33.5 1.156 267 7.61 2.91 13 10 43
10 16 29 58.40 24 25 55.5 1.139 268 7.72 2.95 13 12 12
11 16 35 21.04 24 38 57.4 1.121 698 7.84 3.00 13 13 34
12 16 40 37.29 -24 50 37.4 1.103 558 7.97 3.04 13 14 50
13 16 45 46.08 25 00 53.5 1.084 857 8.11 3.10 13 15 58
14 16 50 46.19 25 09 43.9 1.065 604 8.25 3.15 13 16 56
15 16 55 36.25 25 17 06.7 1.045 816 8.41 3.21 13 17 43
16 17 00 14.70 -25 22 59.8 1.025 514 8.58 3.28 13 18 18

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Nov. 16 17 00 14.70 -25 22 59.8 1.025 514 8.58 3.28 13 18 18
17 17 04 39.79 25 27 21.5 1.004 727 8.75 3.34 13 18 38
18 17 08 49.54 25 30 09.6 0.983 495 8.94 3.42 13 18 42
19 17 12 41.75 25 31 22.0 0.961 868 9.14 3.49 13 18 27
20 17 16 13.95 25 30 56.6 0.939 908 9.36 3.57 13 17 50
21 17 19 23.45 25 28 50.8 0.917 694 9.58 3.66 13 16 49

22 17 22 07.30 -25 25 02.1 0.895 324 9.82 3.75 13 15 21

23 17 24 22.34 25 19 27.6 0.872 915 10.07 3.85 13 13 23
24 17 26 05.23 25 12 04.0 0.850 611 10.34 3.95 13 10 50
25 17 27 12.57 25 02 47.8 0.828 581 10.61 4.06 13 07 40
26 17 27 40.97 24 51 35.1 0.807 025 10.90 4.16 13 03 50
27 17 27 27.32 24 38 21.9 0.786 173 11.19 4.27 12 59 17
28 17 26 28.97 -24 23 04.1 0.766 286 11.48 4.38 12 53 58
29 17 24 44.08 24 05 38.6 0.747 651 11.76 4.49 12 47 53
30 17 22 12.02 23 46 04.0 0.730 583 12.04 4.60 12 41 02
Dec. 1 17 18 53.71 23 24 21.7 0.715 406 12.29 4.70 12 33 26
2 17 14 52.03 23 00 38.2 0.702 449 12.52 4.78 12 25 10
3 17 10 12.06 22 35 06.2 0.692 021 12.71 4.86 12 16 20
4 17 05 01.14 -22 08 06.6 0.684 398 12.85 4.91 12 07 04
5 16 59 28.61 21 40 09.5 0.679 798 12.94 4.94 11 57 32
6 16 53 45.37 21 11 53.0 0.678 364 12.96 4.95 11 47 55
7 16 48 03.03 20 44 02.1 0.680 151 12.93 4.94 11 38 25
8 16 42 33.10 20 17 24.6 0.685 119 12.84 4.90 11 29 12
9 16 37 26.04 19 52 46.8 0.693 138 12.69 4.85 11 20 25
10 16 32 50.66 -19 30 50.0 0.704 001 12.49 4.77 11 12 13
11 16 28 53.62 19 12 06.5 0.717 436 12.26 4.68 11 04 41
12 16 25 39.35 18 56 58.1 0.733 131 12.00 4.58 10 57 53
13 16 23 10.20 18 45 35.6 0.750 755 11.71 4.48 10 51 49
14 16 21 26.69 18 37 59.7 0.769 971 11.42 4.36 10 46 31
15 16 20 27.92 18 34 03.0 0.790 456 11.13 4.25 10 41 56

16 16 20 11.97 -18 33 31.5 0.811 910 10.83 4.14 10 38 02

17 16 20 36.23 18 36 07.2 0.834 058 10.54 4.03 10 34 47
18 16 21 37.72 18 41 29.6 0.856 659 10.27 3.92 10 32 08
19 16 23 13.31 18 49 16.9 0.879 504 10.00 3.82 10 30 01
20 16 25 19.89 18 59 07.8 0.902 414 9.75 3.72 10 28 23
21 16 27 54.44 19 10 41.6 0.925 238 9.50 3.63 10 27 13

22 16 30 54.16 -19 23 38.7 0.947 854 9.28 3.54 10 26 26

23 16 34 16.47 19 37 41.2 0.970 159 9.06 3.46 10 26 01
24 16 37 59.00 19 52 32.9 0.992 073 8.86 3.39 10 25 55
25 16 41 59.65 20 07 58.9 1.013 531 8.68 3.32 10 26 07
26 16 46 16.53 20 23 46.3 1.034 483 8.50 3.25 10 26 33
27 16 50 47.95 20 39 43.2 1.054 891 8.34 3.19 10 27 14

28 16 55 32.44 -20 55 39.4 1.074 727 8.18 3.13 10 28 07

29 17 00 28.68 21 11 25.6 1.093 971 8.04 3.07 10 29 12
30 17 05 35.50 21 26 53.9 1.112 609 7.90 3.02 10 30 26
31 17 10 51.89 21 41 56.9 1.130 634 7.78 2.97 10 31 50
32 17 16 16.93 -21 56 28.4 1.148 042 7.66 2.93 10 33 22

VENUS, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 186 26 47.4 +3 11 58.3 0.720 4535 Apr. 2 332 53 30.3 -3 17 38.9 0.727 8904
3 189 40 46.5 3 07 49.7 0.720 6792 4 336 03 41.4 3 20 04.0 0.727 7868
5 192 54 36.6 3 03 05.6 0.720 9131 6 339 13 56.7 3 21 52.5 0.727 6694
7 196 08 17.2 2 57 46.9 0.721 1545 8 342 24 16.5 3 23 04.0 0.727 5386
9 199 21 48.0 2 51 54.6 0.721 4028 10 345 34 41.0 3 23 38.2 0.727 3948
11 202 35 08.7 2 45 30.0 0.721 6569 12 348 45 10.2 3 23 35.1 0.727 2383
13 205 48 18.8 +2 38 34.3 0.721 9163 14 351 55 44.5 -3 22 54.5 0.727 0697
15 209 01 18.4 2 31 09.0 0.722 1800 16 355 06 23.8 3 21 36.6 0.726 8895
17 212 14 07.3 2 23 15.5 0.722 4472 18 358 17 08.4 3 19 41.4 0.726 6982
19 215 26 45.2 2 14 55.5 0.722 7170 20 1 27 58.4 3 17 09.4 0.726 4964
21 218 39 12.2 2 06 10.4 0.722 9887 22 4 38 53.7 3 14 00.9 0.726 2847
23 221 51 28.3 1 57 02.0 0.723 2614 24 7 49 54.6 3 10 16.5 0.726 0638
25 225 03 33.6 +1 47 32.2 0.723 5342 26 11 01 01.1 -3 05 56.7 0.725 8343
27 228 15 28.2 1 37 42.7 0.723 8062 28 14 12 13.4 3 01 02.4 0.725 5970
29 231 27 12.3 1 27 35.4 0.724 0767 30 17 23 31.4 2 55 34.3 0.725 3526
31 234 38 46.1 1 17 12.2 0.724 3447 May 2 20 34 55.3 2 49 33.3 0.725 1018
Feb. 2 237 50 09.9 1 06 35.2 0.724 6095 4 23 46 25.2 2 43 00.7 0.724 8454
4 241 01 23.9 0 55 46.2 0.724 8702 6 26 58 01.1 2 35 57.4 0.724 5843
6 244 12 28.6 +0 44 47.4 0.725 1260 8 30 09 43.2 -2 28 24.7 0.724 3191
8 247 23 24.3 0 33 40.7 0.725 3762 10 33 21 31.5 2 20 24.1 0.724 0508
10 250 34 11.5 0 22 28.3 0.725 6199 12 36 33 26.1 2 11 56.9 0.723 7801
12 253 44 50.6 0 11 12.1 0.725 8564 14 39 45 27.2 2 03 04.6 0.723 5080
14 256 55 22.2 +0 00 05.7 0.726 0850 16 42 57 34.8 1 53 49.0 0.723 2352
16 260 05 46.7 -0 11 23.0 0.726 3050 18 46 09 48.9 1 44 11.5 0.722 9627
18 263 16 04.6 -0 22 37.8 0.726 5157 20 49 22 09.8 -1 34 14.1 0.722 6912
20 266 26 16.6 0 33 48.2 0.726 7165 22 52 34 37.4 1 23 58.6 0.722 4217
22 269 36 23.2 0 44 51.9 0.726 9067 24 55 47 12.0 1 13 26.7 0.722 1549
24 272 46 25.0 0 55 47.1 0.727 0858 26 58 59 53.4 1 02 40.6 0.721 8918
26 275 56 22.4 1 06 31.7 0.727 2533 28 62 12 41.9 0 51 42.2 0.721 6331
28 279 06 16.2 1 17 03.9 0.727 4086 30 65 25 37.5 0 40 33.6 0.721 3796
Mar. 1 282 16 06.8 -1 27 21.8 0.727 5512 June 1 68 38 40.2 -0 29 16.8 0.721 1323
3 285 25 54.9 1 37 23.4 0.727 6808 3 71 51 50.2 0 17 54.0 0.720 8918
5 288 35 41.0 1 47 07.1 0.727 7969 5 75 05 07.3 -0 06 27.4 0.720 6590
7 291 45 25.6 1 56 31.0 0.727 8991 7 78 18 31.7 +0 05 00.8 0.720 4345
9 294 55 09.4 2 05 33.5 0.727 9873 9 81 32 03.2 0 16 28.6 0.720 2191
11 298 04 52.7 2 14 12.9 0.728 0610 11 84 45 41.9 0 27 53.6 0.720 0134
13 301 14 36.2 -2 22 27.8 0.728 1202 13 87 59 27.8 +0 39 13.7 0.719 8182
15 304 24 20.2 2 30 16.6 0.728 1645 15 91 13 20.6 0 50 26.6 0.719 6341
17 307 34 05.3 2 37 38.0 0.728 1939 17 94 27 20.3 1 01 30.3 0.719 4616
19 310 43 51.8 2 44 30.5 0.728 2083 19 97 41 26.6 1 12 22.5 0.719 3013
21 313 53 40.3 2 50 53.0 0.728 2076 21 100 55 39.5 1 23 01.1 0.719 1537
23 317 03 31.0 2 56 44.3 0.728 1918 23 104 09 58.7 1 33 24.1 0.719 0193
25 320 13 24.3 -3 02 03.3 0.728 1611 25 107 24 24.0 +1 43 29.4 0.718 8986
27 323 23 20.6 3 06 49.2 0.728 1154 27 110 38 54.9 1 53 15.1 0.718 7918
29 326 33 20.2 3 11 00.9 0.728 0549 29 113 53 31.2 2 02 39.1 0.718 6994
31 329 43 23.4 3 14 37.7 0.727 9798 July 1 117 08 12.5 2 11 39.7 0.718 6217
Apr. 2 332 53 30.3 -3 17 38.9 0.727 8904 3 120 22 58.4 +2 20 15.2 0.718 5588

VENUS, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 117 08 12.5 +2 11 39.7 0.718 6217 Oct. 1 265 20 07.7 -0 29 54.2 0.726 6446
3 120 22 58.4 2 20 15.2 0.718 5588 3 268 30 16.3 0 41 00.4 0.726 8381
5 123 37 48.4 2 28 23.6 0.718 5111 5 271 40 19.7 0 51 58.9 0.727 0208
7 126 52 42.1 2 36 03.7 0.718 4786 7 274 50 18.8 1 02 47.4 0.727 1920
9 130 07 38.8 2 43 13.6 0.718 4615 9 278 00 13.9 1 13 24.2 0.727 3512
11 133 22 38.0 2 49 52.2 0.718 4599 11 281 10 05.7 1 23 47.3 0.727 4979
13 136 37 39.2 +2 55 58.0 0.718 4736 13 284 19 54.8 -1 33 54.8 0.727 6318
15 139 52 41.7 3 01 29.9 0.718 5027 15 287 29 41.7 1 43 45.0 0.727 7523
17 143 07 44.9 3 06 26.7 0.718 5471 17 290 39 26.9 1 53 16.0 0.727 8591
19 146 22 48.2 3 10 47.6 0.718 6067 19 293 49 11.1 2 02 26.2 0.727 9520
21 149 37 50.7 3 14 31.7 0.718 6811 21 296 58 54.7 2 11 13.9 0.728 0305
23 152 52 52.0 3 17 38.2 0.718 7703 23 300 08 38.3 2 19 37.6 0.728 0945
25 156 07 51.2 +3 20 06.7 0.718 8739 25 303 18 22.3 -2 27 35.7 0.728 1438
27 159 22 47.6 3 21 56.6 0.718 9916 27 306 28 07.2 2 35 06.8 0.728 1783
29 162 37 40.6 3 23 07.6 0.719 1230 29 309 37 53.4 2 42 09.6 0.728 1977
31 165 52 29.4 3 23 39.5 0.719 2676 31 312 47 41.3 2 48 42.7 0.728 2022
Aug. 2 169 07 13.5 3 23 32.3 0.719 4250 Nov. 2 315 57 31.4 2 54 45.1 0.728 1916
4 172 21 52.0 3 22 46.1 0.719 5947 4 319 07 24.1 3 00 15.5 0.728 1659
6 175 36 24.4 +3 21 21.0 0.719 7762 6 322 17 19.5 -3 05 13.1 0.728 1253
8 178 50 50.0 3 19 17.4 0.719 9689 8 325 27 18.1 3 09 36.8 0.728 0699
10 182 05 08.3 3 16 35.8 0.720 1720 10 328 37 20.3 3 13 25.9 0.727 9999
12 185 19 18.7 3 13 16.7 0.720 3851 12 331 47 26.1 3 16 39.7 0.727 9153
14 188 33 20.6 3 09 20.9 0.720 6074 14 334 57 35.9 3 19 17.5 0.727 8166
16 191 47 13.7 3 04 49.1 0.720 8382 16 338 07 49.9 3 21 18.8 0.727 7040
18 195 00 57.4 +2 59 42.3 0.721 0767 18 341 18 08.4 -3 22 43.3 0.727 5778
20 198 14 31.5 2 54 01.7 0.721 3223 20 344 28 31.4 3 23 30.6 0.727 4385
22 201 27 55.5 2 47 48.2 0.721 5741 22 347 38 59.2 3 23 40.5 0.727 2863
24 204 41 09.1 2 41 03.3 0.721 8313 24 350 49 31.9 3 23 13.0 0.727 1219
26 207 54 12.3 2 33 48.2 0.722 0931 26 354 00 09.7 3 22 08.1 0.726 9457
28 211 07 04.7 2 26 04.4 0.722 3588 28 357 10 52.7 3 20 26.0 0.726 7581
30 214 19 46.3 +2 17 53.4 0.722 6273 30 0 21 41.0 -3 18 06.8 0.726 5599
Sept. 1 217 32 17.0 2 09 16.9 0.722 8980 Dec. 2 3 32 34.6 3 15 11.0 0.726 3516
3 220 44 36.8 2 00 16.6 0.723 1699 4 6 43 33.8 3 11 39.1 0.726 1339
5 223 56 45.7 1 50 54.0 0.723 4423 6 9 54 38.6 3 07 31.6 0.725 9073
7 227 08 44.0 1 41 11.2 0.723 7142 8 13 05 49.0 3 02 49.2 0.725 6726
9 230 20 31.6 1 31 09.9 0.723 9848 10 16 17 05.2 2 57 32.8 0.725 4306
11 233 32 08.9 +1 20 52.1 0.724 2532 12 19 28 27.2 -2 51 43.2 0.725 1819
13 236 43 36.1 1 10 19.6 0.724 5188 14 22 39 55.2 2 45 21.5 0.724 9273
15 239 54 53.4 0 59 34.6 0.724 7805 16 25 51 29.3 2 38 28.7 0.724 6677
17 243 06 01.3 0 48 39.0 0.725 0376 18 29 03 09.4 2 31 06.2 0.724 4037
19 246 17 00.1 0 37 34.8 0.725 2893 20 32 14 55.8 2 23 15.2 0.724 1363
21 249 27 50.3 0 26 24.2 0.725 5349 22 35 26 48.4 2 14 57.1 0.723 8663
23 252 38 32.2 +0 15 09.1 0.725 7735 24 38 38 47.4 -2 06 13.4 0.723 5945
25 255 49 06.4 +0 03 51.7 0.726 0045 26 41 50 52.9 1 57 05.7 0.723 3218
27 258 59 33.4 -0 07 26.1 0.726 2271 28 45 03 05.0 1 47 35.6 0.723 0489
29 262 09 53.7 0 18 42.0 0.726 4407 30 48 15 23.7 1 37 45.0 0.722 7769
Oct. 1 265 20 07.7 -0 29 54.2 0.726 6446 32 51 27 49.2 -1 27 35.5 0.722 5065

VENUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 241 23 45.0 +1 58 43.7 Feb. 15 297 55 59.9 -0 02 53.0
1 242 36 40.8 1 56 59.4 16 299 10 12.0 0 05 43.2
2 243 49 40.2 1 55 10.9 17 300 24 24.5 0 08 32.0
3 245 02 43.0 1 53 18.1 18 301 38 37.3 0 11 19.3
4 246 15 49.3 1 51 21.4 19 302 52 50.4 0 14 05.1
5 247 28 58.8 1 49 20.8 20 304 07 03.8 0 16 49.1
6 248 42 11.5 +1 47 16.4 21 305 21 17.4 -0 19 31.3
7 249 55 27.2 1 45 08.3 22 306 35 31.2 0 22 11.7
8 251 08 45.9 1 42 56.8 23 307 49 45.3 0 24 50.0
9 252 22 07.3 1 40 41.9 24 309 03 59.6 0 27 26.3
10 253 35 31.4 1 38 23.7 25 310 18 14.2 0 30 00.4
11 254 48 57.9 1 36 02.5 26 311 32 29.1 0 32 32.2
12 256 02 26.7 +1 33 38.2 27 312 46 44.2 -0 35 01.6
13 257 15 57.6 1 31 11.1 28 314 00 59.6 0 37 28.6
14 258 29 30.4 1 28 41.2 29 315 15 15.3 0 39 53.1
15 259 43 05.2 1 26 08.7 Mar. 1 316 29 31.3 0 42 14.9
16 260 56 41.7 1 23 33.7 2 317 43 47.6 0 44 33.9
17 262 10 20.0 1 20 56.4 3 318 58 04.2 0 46 50.2
18 263 24 00.0 +1 18 16.7 4 320 12 21.1 -0 49 03.6
19 264 37 41.8 1 15 35.0 5 321 26 38.1 0 51 14.0
20 265 51 25.2 1 12 51.2 6 322 40 55.3 0 53 21.4
21 267 05 10.3 1 10 05.6 7 323 55 12.6 0 55 25.8
22 268 18 57.1 1 07 18.2 8 325 09 29.8 0 57 26.9
23 269 32 45.4 1 04 29.2 9 326 23 47.0 0 59 24.8
24 270 46 35.3 +1 01 38.7 10 327 38 04.0 -1 01 19.5
25 272 00 26.7 0 58 46.8 11 328 52 20.7 1 03 10.7
26 273 14 19.6 0 55 53.6 12 330 06 37.2 1 04 58.6
27 274 28 13.9 0 52 59.4 13 331 20 53.5 1 06 43.1
28 275 42 09.6 0 50 04.1 14 332 35 09.5 1 08 24.0
29 276 56 06.6 0 47 08.0 15 333 49 25.1 1 10 01.5
30 278 10 05.1 +0 44 11.2 16 335 03 40.5 -1 11 35.3
31 279 24 04.8 0 41 13.8 17 336 17 55.4 1 13 05.5
Feb. 1 280 38 05.8 0 38 15.9 18 337 32 10.0 1 14 32.0
2 281 52 08.1 0 35 17.7 19 338 46 24.1 1 15 54.9
3 283 06 11.6 0 32 19.3 20 340 00 37.9 1 17 13.9
4 284 20 16.3 0 29 20.9 21 341 14 51.2 1 18 29.2
5 285 34 22.1 +0 26 22.4 22 342 29 04.1 -1 19 40.7
6 286 48 28.9 0 23 24.2 23 343 43 16.6 1 20 48.3
7 288 02 36.7 0 20 26.2 24 344 57 28.8 1 21 52.0
8 289 16 45.2 0 17 28.7 25 346 11 40.6 1 22 51.8
9 290 30 54.5 0 14 31.6 26 347 25 52.1 1 23 47.6
10 291 45 04.4 0 11 35.3 27 348 40 03.4 1 24 39.5
11 292 59 14.7 +0 08 39.7 28 349 54 14.4 -1 25 27.4
12 294 13 25.4 0 05 44.9 29 351 08 25.2 1 26 11.3
13 295 27 36.6 +0 02 51.2 30 352 22 35.8 1 26 51.1
14 296 41 48.0 -0 00 01.5 31 353 36 46.2 1 27 26.9
15 297 55 59.9 -0 02 53.0 Apr. 1 354 50 56.4 -1 27 58.7

VENUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 354 50 56.4 -1 27 58.7 May 17 51 34 13.5 -0 45 43.7
2 356 05 06.4 1 28 26.4 18 52 48 01.5 0 43 39.6
3 357 19 16.1 1 28 50.1 19 54 01 49.0 0 41 33.7
4 358 33 25.4 1 29 09.6 20 55 15 36.1 0 39 26.1
5 359 47 34.4 1 29 25.2 21 56 29 22.8 0 37 16.8
6 1 01 43.0 1 29 36.7 22 57 43 09.2 0 35 06.0
7 2 15 51.2 -1 29 44.1 23 58 56 55.3 -0 32 53.7
8 3 29 58.9 1 29 47.5 24 60 10 41.1 0 30 40.0
9 4 44 06.2 1 29 47.0 25 61 24 26.8 0 28 25.0
10 5 58 12.9 1 29 42.4 26 62 38 12.3 0 26 08.9
11 7 12 19.1 1 29 33.9 27 63 51 57.6 0 23 51.6
12 8 26 24.8 1 29 21.4 28 65 05 42.7 0 21 33.3
13 9 40 29.8 -1 29 05.0 29 66 19 27.8 -0 19 14.1
14 10 54 34.2 1 28 44.7 30 67 33 12.7 0 16 54.0
15 12 08 37.9 1 28 20.6 31 68 46 57.5 0 14 33.3
16 13 22 41.0 1 27 52.6 June 1 70 00 42.3 0 12 11.9
17 14 36 43.3 1 27 20.8 2 71 14 27.0 0 09 50.0
18 15 50 44.9 1 26 45.2 3 72 28 11.7 0 07 27.8
19 17 04 45.9 -1 26 05.9 4 73 41 56.0 -0 05 05.5
20 18 18 46.2 1 25 22.8 5 74 55 43.4 0 02 43.0
21 19 32 45.9 1 24 36.1 6 76 09 27.1 -0 00 19.3
22 20 46 45.0 1 23 45.7 7 77 23 11.7 +0 02 03.7
23 22 00 43.7 1 22 51.8 8 78 36 56.2 0 04 26.6
24 23 14 41.8 1 21 54.3 9 79 50 40.7 0 06 49.3
25 24 28 39.5 -1 20 53.2 10 81 04 24.9 +0 09 11.6
26 25 42 36.9 1 19 48.7 11 82 18 09.0 0 11 33.6
27 26 56 33.8 1 18 40.8 12 83 31 52.8 0 13 55.1
28 28 10 30.4 1 17 29.5 13 84 45 36.3 0 16 16.1
29 29 24 26.7 1 16 14.9 14 85 59 19.7 0 18 36.4
30 30 38 22.7 1 14 57.1 15 87 13 02.8 0 20 55.9
May 1 31 52 18.2 -1 13 36.1 16 88 26 45.8 +0 23 14.5
2 33 06 13.5 1 12 11.9 17 89 40 28.6 0 25 32.2
3 34 20 08.4 1 10 44.7 18 90 54 11.3 0 27 48.8
4 35 34 02.9 1 09 14.5 19 92 07 53.9 0 30 04.3
5 36 47 57.0 1 07 41.3 20 93 21 36.5 0 32 18.5
6 38 01 50.8 1 06 05.4 21 94 35 19.0 0 34 31.5
7 39 15 44.3 -1 04 26.6 22 95 49 01.5 +0 36 43.0
8 40 29 37.4 1 02 45.1 23 97 02 44.0 0 38 53.0
9 41 43 30.1 1 01 01.1 24 98 16 26.6 0 41 01.4
10 42 57 22.4 0 59 14.5 25 99 30 09.1 0 43 08.1
11 44 11 14.3 0 57 25.4 26 100 43 51.7 0 45 13.0
12 45 25 05.6 0 55 33.9 27 101 57 34.4 0 47 16.0
13 46 38 56.3 -0 53 40.2 28 103 11 17.2 +0 49 17.1
14 47 52 46.5 0 51 44.2 29 104 25 00.3 0 51 16.1
15 49 06 36.0 0 49 46.0 30 105 38 43.5 0 53 13.0
16 50 20 25.1 0 47 45.9 July 1 106 52 27.0 0 55 07.6
17 51 34 13.5 -0 45 43.7 2 108 06 10.8 +0 56 59.8

VENUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 106 52 27.0 +0 55 07.6 Aug. 16 163 22 51.6 +1 23 56.1
2 108 06 10.8 0 56 59.8 17 164 36 27.9 1 23 01.8
3 109 19 54.8 0 58 49.7 18 165 50 03.6 1 22 03.5
4 110 33 39.0 1 00 37.1 19 167 03 38.6 1 21 01.2
5 111 47 23.3 1 02 21.9 20 168 17 13.0 1 19 54.8
6 113 01 07.7 1 04 04.0 21 169 30 46.6 1 18 44.5
7 114 14 52.2 +1 05 43.4 22 170 44 19.7 +1 17 30.1
8 115 28 36.6 1 07 20.0 23 171 57 52.2 1 16 11.8
9 116 42 20.9 1 08 53.7 24 173 11 24.3 1 14 49.6
10 117 56 05.1 1 10 24.4 25 174 24 56.0 1 13 23.5
11 119 09 49.3 1 11 52.2 26 175 38 27.2 1 11 53.6
12 120 23 33.3 1 13 16.8 27 176 51 58.0 1 10 19.8
13 121 37 17.2 +1 14 38.3 28 178 05 28.4 +1 08 42.2
14 122 51 00.9 1 15 56.6 29 179 18 58.3 1 07 01.0
15 124 04 44.5 1 17 11.6 30 180 32 27.7 1 05 16.0
16 125 18 28.0 1 18 23.3 31 181 45 56.5 1 03 27.5
17 126 32 11.4 1 19 31.6 Sept. 1 182 59 24.7 1 01 35.3
18 127 45 54.6 1 20 36.4 2 184 12 52.3 0 59 39.7
19 128 59 37.7 +1 21 37.8 3 185 26 19.1 +0 57 40.6
20 130 13 20.7 1 22 35.6 4 186 39 45.3 0 55 38.1
21 131 27 03.5 1 23 29.8 5 187 53 10.7 0 53 32.3
22 132 40 46.1 1 24 20.3 6 189 06 35.3 0 51 23.3
23 133 54 28.5 1 25 07.2 7 190 19 59.1 0 49 11.1
24 135 08 10.8 1 25 50.3 8 191 33 22.1 0 46 55.8
25 136 21 53.0 +1 26 29.6 9 192 46 44.1 +0 44 37.5
26 137 35 35.2 1 27 05.1 10 194 00 05.3 0 42 16.3
27 138 49 17.4 1 27 36.7 11 195 13 25.5 0 39 52.2
28 140 02 59.7 1 28 04.4 12 196 26 44.7 0 37 25.3
29 141 16 42.0 1 28 28.1 13 197 40 02.8 0 34 55.7
30 142 30 24.4 1 28 47.8 14 198 53 19.8 0 32 23.5
31 143 44 06.9 +1 29 03.5 15 200 06 35.6 +0 29 48.8
Aug. 1 144 57 49.3 1 29 15.2 16 201 19 50.2 0 27 11.7
2 146 11 31.6 1 29 22.8 17 202 33 03.5 0 24 32.2
3 147 25 13.9 1 29 26.3 18 203 46 15.7 0 21 50.4
4 148 38 55.9 1 29 25.7 19 204 59 26.7 0 19 06.5
5 149 52 37.7 1 29 21.0 20 206 12 36.7 0 16 20.5
6 151 06 19.2 +1 29 12.2 21 207 25 45.6 +0 13 32.4
7 152 20 00.3 1 28 59.2 22 208 38 53.6 0 10 42.5
8 153 33 41.1 1 28 42.1 23 209 52 00.7 0 07 50.8
9 154 47 21.6 1 28 20.8 24 211 05 06.9 0 04 57.4
10 156 01 01.6 1 27 55.4 25 212 18 12.1 +0 02 02.4
11 157 14 41.1 1 27 25.8 26 213 31 16.3 -0 00 54.1
12 158 28 20.3 +1 26 52.1 27 214 44 19.6 -0 03 51.9
13 159 41 58.9 1 26 14.3 28 215 57 21.8 0 06 51.1
14 160 55 37.0 1 25 32.3 29 217 10 23.1 0 09 51.4
15 162 09 14.6 1 24 46.3 30 218 23 23.2 0 12 52.7
16 163 22 51.6 +1 23 56.1 Oct. 1 219 36 22.3 -0 15 55.0

VENUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 219 36 22.3 -0 15 55.0 Nov. 16 275 02 16.3 -2 15 58.5
2 220 49 20.2 0 18 58.0 17 276 13 32.4 2 17 21.0
3 222 02 17.0 0 22 01.7 18 277 24 44.4 2 18 38.3
4 223 15 12.7 0 25 06.0 19 278 35 52.2 2 19 50.3
5 224 28 07.2 0 28 10.8 20 279 46 55.8 2 20 56.9
6 225 41 00.4 0 31 15.8 21 280 57 55.0 2 21 58.0
7 226 53 52.3 -0 34 21.0 22 282 08 49.7 -2 22 53.5
8 228 06 42.9 0 37 26.3 23 283 19 39.9 2 23 43.2
9 229 19 32.0 0 40 31.5 24 284 30 25.4 2 24 27.1
10 230 32 19.6 0 43 36.6 25 285 41 06.0 2 25 05.0
11 231 45 05.6 0 46 41.3 26 286 51 41.8 2 25 36.8
12 232 57 49.9 0 49 45.6 27 288 02 12.5 2 26 02.4
13 234 10 32.5 -0 52 49.3 28 289 12 38.0 -2 26 21.7
14 235 23 13.2 0 55 52.3 29 290 22 58.1 2 26 34.6
15 236 35 52.1 0 58 54.5 30 291 33 12.6 2 26 41.0
16 237 48 29.1 1 01 55.7 Dec. 1 292 43 21.3 2 26 40.8
17 239 01 04.2 1 04 55.9 2 293 53 24.0 2 26 33.9
18 240 13 37.6 1 07 54.9 3 295 03 20.4 2 26 20.2
19 241 26 09.2 -1 10 52.5 4 296 13 10.2 -2 25 59.5
20 242 38 39.0 1 13 48.8 5 297 22 53.2 2 25 31.8
21 243 51 07.1 1 16 43.4 6 298 32 29.0 2 24 57.1
22 245 03 33.4 1 19 36.4 7 299 41 57.2 2 24 15.2
23 246 15 58.0 1 22 27.5 8 300 51 17.7 2 23 26.0
24 247 28 20.7 1 25 16.7 9 302 00 30.0 2 22 29.5
25 248 40 41.5 -1 28 03.7 10 303 09 33.9 -2 21 25.5
26 249 53 00.5 1 30 48.6 11 304 18 29.0 2 20 14.1
27 251 05 17.6 1 33 31.0 12 305 27 15.1 2 18 55.0
28 252 17 32.7 1 36 11.0 13 306 35 51.8 2 17 28.4
29 253 29 45.8 1 38 48.3 14 307 44 18.9 2 15 54.0
30 254 41 56.9 1 41 22.9 15 308 52 36.1 2 14 11.8
31 255 54 05.9 -1 43 54.6 16 310 00 43.0 -2 12 21.8
Nov. 1 257 06 12.7 1 46 23.2 17 311 08 39.3 2 10 23.9
2 258 18 17.3 1 48 48.6 18 312 16 24.7 2 08 17.9
3 259 30 19.5 1 51 10.8 19 313 23 58.9 2 06 03.9
4 260 42 19.3 1 53 29.4 20 314 31 21.6 2 03 41.8
5 261 54 16.6 1 55 44.6 21 315 38 32.4 2 01 11.4
6 263 06 11.1 -1 57 56.0 22 316 45 31.1 -1 58 32.8
7 264 18 02.8 2 00 03.5 23 317 52 17.3 1 55 45.9
8 265 29 51.5 2 02 07.2 24 318 58 50.6 1 52 50.5
9 266 41 37.0 2 04 06.7 25 320 05 10.7 1 49 46.7
10 267 53 19.2 2 06 02.0 26 321 11 17.0 1 46 34.4
11 269 04 58.0 2 07 53.0 27 322 17 09.2 1 43 13.6
12 270 16 33.2 -2 09 39.5 28 323 22 46.8 -1 39 44.1
13 271 28 04.7 2 11 21.4 29 324 28 09.4 1 36 06.0
14 272 39 32.4 2 12 58.6 30 325 33 16.2 1 32 19.2
15 273 50 56.3 2 14 31.0 31 326 38 06.8 1 28 23.6
16 275 02 16.3 -2 15 58.5 32 327 42 40.5 -1 24 19.2

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Jan. 0 15 58 47.70 -18 30 04.6 1.175 717 7.48 7.09 9 22 33
1 16 03 47.90 18 46 08.6 1.182 018 7.44 7.06 9 23 37
2 16 08 49.28 19 01 44.4 1.188 290 7.40 7.02 9 24 42
3 16 13 51.84 19 16 51.2 1.194 533 7.36 6.98 9 25 49
4 16 18 55.54 19 31 28.2 1.200 747 7.32 6.95 9 26 56
5 16 24 00.38 19 45 34.9 1.206 931 7.29 6.91 9 28 05
6 16 29 06.32 -19 59 10.5 1.213 086 7.25 6.88 9 29 15
7 16 34 13.35 20 12 14.5 1.219 210 7.21 6.84 9 30 26
8 16 39 21.43 20 24 46.0 1.225 303 7.18 6.81 9 31 38
9 16 44 30.53 20 36 44.6 1.231 366 7.14 6.77 9 32 51
10 16 49 40.62 20 48 09.6 1.237 397 7.11 6.74 9 34 05
11 16 54 51.65 20 59 00.4 1.243 398 7.07 6.71 9 35 20
12 17 00 03.59 -21 09 16.5 1.249 367 7.04 6.68 9 36 36
13 17 05 16.38 21 18 57.3 1.255 305 7.01 6.64 9 37 52
14 17 10 30.00 21 28 02.4 1.261 213 6.97 6.61 9 39 10
15 17 15 44.38 21 36 31.1 1.267 090 6.94 6.58 9 40 28
16 17 20 59.51 21 44 23.2 1.272 936 6.91 6.55 9 41 47
17 17 26 15.32 21 51 38.0 1.278 753 6.88 6.52 9 43 06

18 17 31 31.78 -21 58 15.3 1.284 539 6.85 6.49 9 44 27

19 17 36 48.84 22 04 14.6 1.290 296 6.82 6.46 9 45 47
20 17 42 06.46 22 09 35.7 1.296 023 6.79 6.44 9 47 09
21 17 47 24.60 22 14 18.2 1.301 721 6.76 6.41 9 48 31
22 17 52 43.19 22 18 21.9 1.307 389 6.73 6.38 9 49 53
23 17 58 02.19 22 21 46.4 1.313 028 6.70 6.35 9 51 16
24 18 03 21.55 -22 24 31.6 1.318 637 6.67 6.32 9 52 39
25 18 08 41.21 22 26 37.2 1.324 217 6.64 6.30 9 54 02
26 18 14 01.12 22 28 03.1 1.329 766 6.61 6.27 9 55 25
27 18 19 21.23 22 28 49.1 1.335 286 6.59 6.25 9 56 49
28 18 24 41.47 22 28 55.0 1.340 775 6.56 6.22 9 58 13
29 18 30 01.81 22 28 20.7 1.346 233 6.53 6.20 9 59 37
30 18 35 22.18 -22 27 06.2 1.351 661 6.51 6.17 10 01 01
31 18 40 42.52 22 25 11.5 1.357 057 6.48 6.15 10 02 25
Feb. 1 18 46 02.79 22 22 36.5 1.362 422 6.45 6.12 10 03 48
2 18 51 22.93 22 19 21.3 1.367 755 6.43 6.10 10 05 12
3 18 56 42.88 22 15 26.0 1.373 056 6.40 6.07 10 06 35
4 19 02 02.59 22 10 50.6 1.378 325 6.38 6.05 10 07 58
5 19 07 22.01 -22 05 35.2 1.383 561 6.36 6.03 10 09 21
6 19 12 41.07 21 59 40.1 1.388 765 6.33 6.01 10 10 44
7 19 17 59.73 21 53 05.5 1.393 935 6.31 5.98 10 12 06
8 19 23 17.93 21 45 51.5 1.399 072 6.29 5.96 10 13 27
9 19 28 35.61 21 37 58.5 1.404 175 6.26 5.94 10 14 48
10 19 33 52.72 21 29 26.7 1.409 245 6.24 5.92 10 16 08
11 19 39 09.22 -21 20 16.4 1.414 282 6.22 5.90 10 17 28
12 19 44 25.04 21 10 27.9 1.419 284 6.20 5.88 10 18 47
13 19 49 40.17 21 00 01.7 1.424 254 6.17 5.86 10 20 06
14 19 54 54.54 20 48 58.1 1.429 191 6.15 5.84 10 21 23
15 20 00 08.14 -20 37 17.5 1.434 095 6.13 5.82 10 22 40

VENUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Feb. 15 20 00 08.14 -20 37 17.5 1.434 095 6.13 5.82 10 22 40
16 20 05 20.92 20 25 00.4 1.438 967 6.11 5.80 10 23 56
17 20 10 32.85 20 12 07.2 1.443 807 6.09 5.78 10 25 11
18 20 15 43.90 19 58 38.5 1.448 615 6.07 5.76 10 26 25
19 20 20 54.05 19 44 34.7 1.453 391 6.05 5.74 10 27 38
20 20 26 03.27 19 29 56.3 1.458 135 6.03 5.72 10 28 51
21 20 31 11.53 -19 14 43.9 1.462 847 6.01 5.70 10 30 02
22 20 36 18.81 18 58 58.0 1.467 528 5.99 5.68 10 31 12
23 20 41 25.10 18 42 39.1 1.472 176 5.97 5.67 10 32 22
24 20 46 30.38 18 25 47.9 1.476 792 5.95 5.65 10 33 30
25 20 51 34.63 18 08 24.8 1.481 376 5.94 5.63 10 34 37
26 20 56 37.84 17 50 30.5 1.485 928 5.92 5.61 10 35 43

27 21 01 40.02 -17 32 05.6 1.490 446 5.90 5.60 10 36 49

28 21 06 41.14 17 13 10.6 1.494 932 5.88 5.58 10 37 53
29 21 11 41.21 16 53 46.3 1.499 384 5.87 5.56 10 38 56
Mar. 1 21 16 40.22 16 33 53.3 1.503 803 5.85 5.55 10 39 58
2 21 21 38.18 16 13 32.1 1.508 187 5.83 5.53 10 40 59
3 21 26 35.08 15 52 43.5 1.512 537 5.81 5.51 10 41 59

4 21 31 30.93 -15 31 28.2 1.516 853 5.80 5.50 10 42 58

5 21 36 25.73 15 09 46.8 1.521 133 5.78 5.48 10 43 56
6 21 41 19.48 14 47 40.0 1.525 378 5.77 5.47 10 44 52
7 21 46 12.19 14 25 08.6 1.529 586 5.75 5.45 10 45 48
8 21 51 03.86 14 02 13.3 1.533 758 5.73 5.44 10 46 43
9 21 55 54.50 13 38 54.7 1.537 894 5.72 5.42 10 47 36

10 22 00 44.13 -13 15 13.7 1.541 993 5.70 5.41 10 48 29

11 22 05 32.75 12 51 10.8 1.546 054 5.69 5.39 10 49 21
12 22 10 20.38 12 26 46.9 1.550 079 5.67 5.38 10 50 11
13 22 15 07.05 12 02 02.6 1.554 067 5.66 5.37 10 51 01
14 22 19 52.77 11 36 58.8 1.558 018 5.64 5.35 10 51 50
15 22 24 37.56 11 11 36.0 1.561 932 5.63 5.34 10 52 38
16 22 29 21.46 -10 45 55.1 1.565 810 5.62 5.33 10 53 25
17 22 34 04.47 10 19 56.8 1.569 651 5.60 5.31 10 54 11
18 22 38 46.63 9 53 41.8 1.573 456 5.59 5.30 10 54 56
19 22 43 27.97 9 27 10.8 1.577 225 5.58 5.29 10 55 40
20 22 48 08.50 9 00 24.6 1.580 957 5.56 5.28 10 56 24
21 22 52 48.27 8 33 23.8 1.584 653 5.55 5.26 10 57 07
22 22 57 27.31 -8 06 09.1 1.588 312 5.54 5.25 10 57 49
23 23 02 05.64 7 38 41.3 1.591 934 5.52 5.24 10 58 31
24 23 06 43.31 7 11 01.0 1.595 520 5.51 5.23 10 59 11
25 23 11 20.34 6 43 08.9 1.599 068 5.50 5.22 10 59 52
26 23 15 56.78 6 15 05.8 1.602 579 5.49 5.20 11 00 31
27 23 20 32.66 5 46 52.3 1.606 052 5.48 5.19 11 01 10
28 23 25 08.02 -5 18 29.1 1.609 487 5.46 5.18 11 01 49
29 23 29 42.90 4 49 57.0 1.612 884 5.45 5.17 11 02 27
30 23 34 17.33 4 21 16.5 1.616 241 5.44 5.16 11 03 05
31 23 38 51.36 3 52 28.4 1.619 559 5.43 5.15 11 03 42
Apr. 1 23 43 25.02 -3 23 33.4 1.622 838 5.42 5.14 11 04 19

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Apr. 1 23 43 25.02 -3 23 33.4 1.622 838 5.42 5.14 11 04 19
2 23 47 58.35 2 54 32.3 1.626 076 5.41 5.13 11 04 56
3 23 52 31.38 2 25 25.7 1.629 273 5.40 5.12 11 05 32
4 23 57 04.15 1 56 14.3 1.632 428 5.39 5.11 11 06 08
5 0 01 36.70 1 26 58.9 1.635 541 5.38 5.10 11 06 44
6 0 06 09.07 0 57 40.2 1.638 612 5.37 5.09 11 07 20
7 0 10 41.29 -0 28 19.0 1.641 639 5.36 5.08 11 07 56
8 0 15 13.40 +0 01 04.2 1.644 623 5.35 5.07 11 08 31
9 0 19 45.45 0 30 28.5 1.647 563 5.34 5.06 11 09 07
10 0 24 17.47 0 59 53.3 1.650 459 5.33 5.05 11 09 42
11 0 28 49.50 1 29 17.8 1.653 310 5.32 5.04 11 10 18
12 0 33 21.57 1 58 41.3 1.656 118 5.31 5.04 11 10 53
13 0 37 53.74 +2 28 03.1 1.658 881 5.30 5.03 11 11 29
14 0 42 26.03 2 57 22.5 1.661 600 5.29 5.02 11 12 05
15 0 46 58.48 3 26 38.7 1.664 274 5.28 5.01 11 12 41
16 0 51 31.14 3 55 51.1 1.666 905 5.28 5.00 11 13 17
17 0 56 04.03 4 24 59.0 1.669 490 5.27 5.00 11 13 53
18 1 00 37.21 4 54 01.6 1.672 032 5.26 4.99 11 14 30

19 1 05 10.71 +5 22 58.3 1.674 529 5.25 4.98 11 15 07

20 1 09 44.57 5 51 48.3 1.676 980 5.24 4.97 11 15 45
21 1 14 18.84 6 20 31.0 1.679 387 5.24 4.97 11 16 23
22 1 18 53.55 6 49 05.7 1.681 749 5.23 4.96 11 17 01
23 1 23 28.74 7 17 31.6 1.684 065 5.22 4.95 11 17 40
24 1 28 04.46 7 45 48.1 1.686 336 5.21 4.95 11 18 20
25 1 32 40.74 +8 13 54.6 1.688 560 5.21 4.94 11 18 60
26 1 37 17.62 8 41 50.2 1.690 738 5.20 4.93 11 19 40
27 1 41 55.15 9 09 34.2 1.692 869 5.19 4.93 11 20 21
28 1 46 33.34 9 37 06.1 1.694 953 5.19 4.92 11 21 03
29 1 51 12.25 10 04 25.0 1.696 989 5.18 4.91 11 21 46
30 1 55 51.89 10 31 30.3 1.698 976 5.18 4.91 11 22 30
May 1 2 00 32.31 +10 58 21.1 1.700 914 5.17 4.90 11 23 14
2 2 05 13.53 11 24 56.8 1.702 803 5.16 4.90 11 23 59
3 2 09 55.58 11 51 16.6 1.704 642 5.16 4.89 11 24 45
4 2 14 38.49 12 17 19.8 1.706 430 5.15 4.89 11 25 32
5 2 19 22.30 12 43 05.6 1.708 166 5.15 4.88 11 26 19
6 2 24 07.02 13 08 33.3 1.709 850 5.14 4.88 11 27 08
7 2 28 52.69 +13 33 42.1 1.711 482 5.14 4.87 11 27 58
8 2 33 39.32 13 58 31.4 1.713 061 5.13 4.87 11 28 48
9 2 38 26.93 14 23 00.3 1.714 587 5.13 4.86 11 29 40
10 2 43 15.56 14 47 08.1 1.716 059 5.12 4.86 11 30 32
11 2 48 05.20 15 10 54.1 1.717 478 5.12 4.86 11 31 26
12 2 52 55.87 15 34 17.6 1.718 844 5.12 4.85 11 32 21
13 2 57 47.59 +15 57 17.7 1.720 155 5.11 4.85 11 33 16
14 3 02 40.38 16 19 53.8 1.721 413 5.11 4.84 11 34 13
15 3 07 34.23 16 42 05.1 1.722 618 5.11 4.84 11 35 11
16 3 12 29.17 17 03 50.9 1.723 769 5.10 4.84 11 36 10
17 3 17 25.20 +17 25 10.5 1.724 866 5.10 4.84 11 37 10

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
May 17 3 17 25.20 +17 25 10.5 1.724 866 5.10 4.84 11 37 10
18 3 22 22.33 17 46 03.2 1.725 909 5.10 4.83 11 38 11
19 3 27 20.58 18 06 28.2 1.726 898 5.09 4.83 11 39 13
20 3 32 19.93 18 26 25.0 1.727 834 5.09 4.83 11 40 17
21 3 37 20.40 18 45 52.8 1.728 715 5.09 4.82 11 41 21
22 3 42 21.99 19 04 50.9 1.729 542 5.08 4.82 11 42 27

23 3 47 24.69 +19 23 18.7 1.730 315 5.08 4.82 11 43 34

24 3 52 28.50 19 41 15.4 1.731 033 5.08 4.82 11 44 42
25 3 57 33.42 19 58 40.6 1.731 697 5.08 4.82 11 45 50
26 4 02 39.42 20 15 33.5 1.732 306 5.08 4.81 11 47 00
27 4 07 46.51 20 31 53.4 1.732 859 5.07 4.81 11 48 12
28 4 12 54.66 20 47 39.8 1.733 357 5.07 4.81 11 49 24
29 4 18 03.85 +21 02 52.0 1.733 799 5.07 4.81 11 50 37
30 4 23 14.07 21 17 29.4 1.734 184 5.07 4.81 11 51 51
31 4 28 25.30 21 31 31.4 1.734 512 5.07 4.81 11 53 06
June 1 4 33 37.50 21 44 57.5 1.734 782 5.07 4.81 11 54 23
2 4 38 50.64 21 57 46.9 1.734 995 5.07 4.81 11 55 40
3 4 44 04.71 22 09 59.3 1.735 149 5.07 4.81 11 56 58
4 4 49 19.64 +22 21 33.7 1.735 244 5.07 4.81 11 58 17
5 4 54 35.64 22 32 30.3 1.735 280 5.07 4.81 11 59 37
6 4 59 52.18 22 42 49.0 1.735 257 5.07 4.81 12 00 57
7 5 05 09.56 22 52 28.1 1.735 173 5.07 4.81 12 02 18
8 5 10 27.66 23 01 27.7 1.735 030 5.07 4.81 12 03 40
9 5 15 46.44 23 09 47.4 1.734 827 5.07 4.81 12 05 03
10 5 21 05.84 +23 17 26.9 1.734 564 5.07 4.81 12 06 26
11 5 26 25.80 23 24 25.7 1.734 242 5.07 4.81 12 07 50
12 5 31 46.28 23 30 43.6 1.733 860 5.07 4.81 12 09 14
13 5 37 07.23 23 36 20.2 1.733 418 5.07 4.81 12 10 39
14 5 42 28.59 23 41 15.3 1.732 917 5.07 4.81 12 12 04
15 5 47 50.31 23 45 28.6 1.732 357 5.08 4.81 12 13 29

16 5 53 12.34 +23 48 59.9 1.731 738 5.08 4.82 12 14 55

17 5 58 34.61 23 51 49.1 1.731 060 5.08 4.82 12 16 21
18 6 03 57.08 23 53 56.0 1.730 324 5.08 4.82 12 17 47
19 6 09 19.68 23 55 20.5 1.729 529 5.08 4.82 12 19 13
20 6 14 42.36 23 56 02.5 1.728 676 5.09 4.82 12 20 39
21 6 20 05.06 23 56 01.9 1.727 765 5.09 4.83 12 22 06

22 6 25 27.73 +23 55 18.8 1.726 796 5.09 4.83 12 23 32

23 6 30 50.30 23 53 53.1 1.725 769 5.10 4.83 12 24 58
24 6 36 12.72 23 51 44.9 1.724 684 5.10 4.84 12 26 24
25 6 41 34.92 23 48 54.3 1.723 542 5.10 4.84 12 27 49
26 6 46 56.86 23 45 21.2 1.722 341 5.11 4.84 12 29 14
27 6 52 18.48 23 41 05.9 1.721 083 5.11 4.85 12 30 39

28 6 57 39.71 +23 36 08.5 1.719 767 5.11 4.85 12 32 04

29 7 03 00.52 23 30 29.0 1.718 392 5.12 4.85 12 33 28
30 7 08 20.84 23 24 07.8 1.716 959 5.12 4.86 12 34 52
July 1 7 13 40.63 23 17 05.0 1.715 467 5.13 4.86 12 36 15
2 7 18 59.84 +23 09 20.9 1.713 915 5.13 4.87 12 37 37

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
July 1 7 13 40.63 +23 17 05.0 1.715 467 5.13 4.86 12 36 15
2 7 18 59.84 23 09 20.9 1.713 915 5.13 4.87 12 37 37
3 7 24 18.40 23 00 56.0 1.712 305 5.14 4.87 12 38 59
4 7 29 36.28 22 51 50.4 1.710 635 5.14 4.88 12 40 20
5 7 34 53.42 22 42 04.5 1.708 906 5.15 4.88 12 41 40
6 7 40 09.77 22 31 38.8 1.707 118 5.15 4.89 12 42 59

7 7 45 25.28 +22 20 33.6 1.705 270 5.16 4.89 12 44 18

8 7 50 39.92 22 08 49.4 1.703 364 5.16 4.90 12 45 36
9 7 55 53.63 21 56 26.6 1.701 398 5.17 4.90 12 46 52
10 8 01 06.38 21 43 25.7 1.699 375 5.17 4.91 12 48 08
11 8 06 18.14 21 29 47.3 1.697 293 5.18 4.91 12 49 23
12 8 11 28.88 21 15 31.7 1.695 153 5.19 4.92 12 50 36
13 8 16 38.56 +21 00 39.6 1.692 956 5.19 4.93 12 51 49
14 8 21 47.16 20 45 11.5 1.690 703 5.20 4.93 12 53 01
15 8 26 54.65 20 29 08.0 1.688 392 5.21 4.94 12 54 11
16 8 32 01.02 20 12 29.7 1.686 026 5.22 4.95 12 55 20
17 8 37 06.25 19 55 17.2 1.683 604 5.22 4.95 12 56 28
18 8 42 10.32 19 37 31.1 1.681 127 5.23 4.96 12 57 35
19 8 47 13.22 +19 19 12.1 1.678 595 5.24 4.97 12 58 41
20 8 52 14.93 19 00 20.7 1.676 010 5.25 4.98 12 59 46
21 8 57 15.45 18 40 57.7 1.673 370 5.26 4.98 13 00 49
22 9 02 14.76 18 21 03.7 1.670 678 5.26 4.99 13 01 51
23 9 07 12.88 18 00 39.4 1.667 933 5.27 5.00 13 02 52
24 9 12 09.79 17 39 45.4 1.665 136 5.28 5.01 13 03 52
25 9 17 05.50 +17 18 22.4 1.662 286 5.29 5.02 13 04 50
26 9 22 00.02 16 56 31.0 1.659 385 5.30 5.03 13 05 48
27 9 26 53.36 16 34 11.9 1.656 431 5.31 5.03 13 06 44
28 9 31 45.52 16 11 25.8 1.653 426 5.32 5.04 13 07 39
29 9 36 36.52 15 48 13.4 1.650 369 5.33 5.05 13 08 33
30 9 41 26.37 15 24 35.5 1.647 260 5.34 5.06 13 09 25

31 9 46 15.08 +15 00 32.6 1.644 099 5.35 5.07 13 10 17

Aug. 1 9 51 02.66 14 36 05.6 1.640 886 5.36 5.08 13 11 07
2 9 55 49.12 14 11 15.3 1.637 622 5.37 5.09 13 11 57
3 10 00 34.49 13 46 02.3 1.634 306 5.38 5.10 13 12 45
4 10 05 18.77 13 20 27.3 1.630 939 5.39 5.11 13 13 32
5 10 10 01.99 12 54 31.2 1.627 521 5.40 5.12 13 14 18

6 10 14 44.17 +12 28 14.6 1.624 052 5.41 5.14 13 15 03

7 10 19 25.33 12 01 38.3 1.620 533 5.43 5.15 13 15 47
8 10 24 05.50 11 34 43.0 1.616 964 5.44 5.16 13 16 30
9 10 28 44.69 11 07 29.5 1.613 346 5.45 5.17 13 17 13
10 10 33 22.95 10 39 58.5 1.609 679 5.46 5.18 13 17 54
11 10 38 00.29 10 12 10.7 1.605 963 5.48 5.19 13 18 34

12 10 42 36.76 +9 44 06.9 1.602 199 5.49 5.21 13 19 14

13 10 47 12.38 9 15 47.8 1.598 388 5.50 5.22 13 19 52
14 10 51 47.18 8 47 14.1 1.594 531 5.52 5.23 13 20 30
15 10 56 21.19 8 18 26.6 1.590 627 5.53 5.24 13 21 07
16 11 00 54.46 +7 49 26.0 1.586 678 5.54 5.26 13 21 43

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Aug. 16 11 00 54.46 +7 49 26.0 1.586 678 5.54 5.26 13 21 43
17 11 05 27.01 7 20 13.0 1.582 684 5.56 5.27 13 22 19
18 11 09 58.88 6 50 48.4 1.578 646 5.57 5.28 13 22 54
19 11 14 30.10 6 21 12.9 1.574 564 5.59 5.30 13 23 28
20 11 19 00.72 5 51 27.1 1.570 440 5.60 5.31 13 24 02
21 11 23 30.77 5 21 31.8 1.566 274 5.61 5.32 13 24 35

22 11 28 00.30 +4 51 27.7 1.562 066 5.63 5.34 13 25 08

23 11 32 29.35 4 21 15.4 1.557 816 5.65 5.35 13 25 40
24 11 36 57.97 3 50 55.6 1.553 526 5.66 5.37 13 26 12
25 11 41 26.20 3 20 28.9 1.549 195 5.68 5.38 13 26 44
26 11 45 54.09 2 49 56.2 1.544 823 5.69 5.40 13 27 15
27 11 50 21.67 2 19 18.0 1.540 411 5.71 5.41 13 27 46
28 11 54 48.98 +1 48 35.2 1.535 959 5.73 5.43 13 28 16
29 11 59 16.07 1 17 48.3 1.531 466 5.74 5.45 13 28 47
30 12 03 42.98 0 46 58.2 1.526 932 5.76 5.46 13 29 17
31 12 08 09.74 +0 16 05.5 1.522 359 5.78 5.48 13 29 47
Sept. 1 12 12 36.40 -0 14 49.0 1.517 746 5.79 5.49 13 30 17
2 12 17 03.00 0 45 44.6 1.513 093 5.81 5.51 13 30 47
3 12 21 29.58 -1 16 40.7 1.508 401 5.83 5.53 13 31 17
4 12 25 56.18 1 47 36.4 1.503 669 5.85 5.55 13 31 47
5 12 30 22.84 2 18 31.0 1.498 899 5.87 5.56 13 32 18
6 12 34 49.60 2 49 23.9 1.494 091 5.89 5.58 13 32 48
7 12 39 16.51 3 20 14.3 1.489 244 5.91 5.60 13 33 18
8 12 43 43.61 3 51 01.5 1.484 360 5.92 5.62 13 33 49
9 12 48 10.93 -4 21 44.7 1.479 438 5.94 5.64 13 34 20
10 12 52 38.53 4 52 23.3 1.474 480 5.96 5.66 13 34 51
11 12 57 06.43 5 22 56.5 1.469 485 5.98 5.68 13 35 23
12 13 01 34.67 5 53 23.6 1.464 455 6.01 5.69 13 35 55
13 13 06 03.30 6 23 43.9 1.459 389 6.03 5.71 13 36 27
14 13 10 32.35 6 53 56.5 1.454 289 6.05 5.73 13 36 60

15 13 15 01.86 -7 24 00.8 1.449 156 6.07 5.76 13 37 33

16 13 19 31.87 7 53 56.0 1.443 989 6.09 5.78 13 38 07
17 13 24 02.42 8 23 41.5 1.438 789 6.11 5.80 13 38 41
18 13 28 33.55 8 53 16.4 1.433 558 6.13 5.82 13 39 16
19 13 33 05.29 9 22 40.1 1.428 296 6.16 5.84 13 39 52
20 13 37 37.70 9 51 51.9 1.423 003 6.18 5.86 13 40 28

21 13 42 10.81 -10 20 51.1 1.417 679 6.20 5.88 13 41 05

22 13 46 44.67 10 49 37.0 1.412 326 6.23 5.91 13 41 43
23 13 51 19.30 11 18 08.8 1.406 942 6.25 5.93 13 42 21
24 13 55 54.75 11 46 25.9 1.401 529 6.27 5.95 13 43 01
25 14 00 31.05 12 14 27.4 1.396 086 6.30 5.97 13 43 41
26 14 05 08.23 12 42 12.6 1.390 613 6.32 6.00 13 44 22

27 14 09 46.32 -13 09 40.8 1.385 110 6.35 6.02 13 45 04

28 14 14 25.34 13 36 51.2 1.379 578 6.37 6.05 13 45 47
29 14 19 05.33 14 03 43.0 1.374 016 6.40 6.07 13 46 31
30 14 23 46.31 14 30 15.5 1.368 425 6.43 6.09 13 47 16
Oct. 1 14 28 28.31 -14 56 27.8 1.362 804 6.45 6.12 13 48 02

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Oct. 1 14 28 28.31 -14 56 27.8 1.362 804 6.45 6.12 13 48 02
2 14 33 11.35 15 22 19.3 1.357 154 6.48 6.15 13 48 49
3 14 37 55.45 15 47 49.0 1.351 475 6.51 6.17 13 49 38
4 14 42 40.63 16 12 56.4 1.345 767 6.53 6.20 13 50 27
5 14 47 26.91 16 37 40.5 1.340 029 6.56 6.22 13 51 17
6 14 52 14.30 17 02 00.7 1.334 264 6.59 6.25 13 52 09
7 14 57 02.82 -17 25 56.1 1.328 469 6.62 6.28 13 53 01
8 15 01 52.48 17 49 26.0 1.322 647 6.65 6.31 13 53 55
9 15 06 43.28 18 12 29.6 1.316 797 6.68 6.33 13 54 50
10 15 11 35.22 18 35 06.2 1.310 919 6.71 6.36 13 55 46
11 15 16 28.32 18 57 14.9 1.305 014 6.74 6.39 13 56 43
12 15 21 22.56 19 18 55.1 1.299 082 6.77 6.42 13 57 42
13 15 26 17.95 -19 40 06.0 1.293 124 6.80 6.45 13 58 41
14 15 31 14.48 20 00 46.8 1.287 141 6.83 6.48 13 59 42
15 15 36 12.15 20 20 56.8 1.281 132 6.86 6.51 14 00 44
16 15 41 10.95 20 40 35.3 1.275 099 6.90 6.54 14 01 47
17 15 46 10.88 20 59 41.6 1.269 042 6.93 6.57 14 02 51
18 15 51 11.92 21 18 15.1 1.262 961 6.96 6.60 14 03 56

19 15 56 14.08 -21 36 15.0 1.256 858 7.00 6.64 14 05 02

20 16 01 17.33 21 53 40.8 1.250 731 7.03 6.67 14 06 10
21 16 06 21.66 22 10 31.7 1.244 583 7.07 6.70 14 07 18
22 16 11 27.04 22 26 47.2 1.238 412 7.10 6.73 14 08 28
23 16 16 33.46 22 42 26.7 1.232 218 7.14 6.77 14 09 38
24 16 21 40.87 22 57 29.4 1.226 003 7.17 6.80 14 10 50
25 16 26 49.26 -23 11 54.9 1.219 765 7.21 6.84 14 12 02
26 16 31 58.59 23 25 42.5 1.213 504 7.25 6.87 14 13 16
27 16 37 08.81 23 38 51.6 1.207 221 7.28 6.91 14 14 30
28 16 42 19.90 23 51 21.7 1.200 916 7.32 6.94 14 15 45
29 16 47 31.81 24 03 12.2 1.194 588 7.36 6.98 14 17 01
30 16 52 44.49 24 14 22.7 1.188 238 7.40 7.02 14 18 17
31 16 57 57.89 -24 24 52.7 1.181 865 7.44 7.06 14 19 35
Nov. 1 17 03 11.97 24 34 41.7 1.175 470 7.48 7.10 14 20 53
2 17 08 26.66 24 43 49.3 1.169 052 7.52 7.13 14 22 11
3 17 13 41.92 24 52 15.1 1.162 612 7.56 7.17 14 23 30
4 17 18 57.67 24 59 58.8 1.156 149 7.61 7.21 14 24 50
5 17 24 13.85 25 06 60.0 1.149 663 7.65 7.25 14 26 10
6 17 29 30.41 -25 13 18.4 1.143 155 7.69 7.30 14 27 30
7 17 34 47.25 25 18 53.7 1.136 626 7.74 7.34 14 28 51
8 17 40 04.32 25 23 45.8 1.130 074 7.78 7.38 14 30 11
9 17 45 21.54 25 27 54.3 1.123 500 7.83 7.42 14 31 32
10 17 50 38.84 25 31 19.2 1.116 906 7.87 7.47 14 32 53
11 17 55 56.14 25 34 00.2 1.110 290 7.92 7.51 14 34 14
12 18 01 13.37 -25 35 57.3 1.103 654 7.97 7.56 14 35 34
13 18 06 30.45 25 37 10.4 1.096 998 8.02 7.60 14 36 55
14 18 11 47.32 25 37 39.5 1.090 322 8.07 7.65 14 38 15
15 18 17 03.90 25 37 24.6 1.083 627 8.12 7.70 14 39 35
16 18 22 20.13 -25 36 25.8 1.076 914 8.17 7.74 14 40 54

VENUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Nov. 16 18 22 20.13 -25 36 25.8 1.076 914 8.17 7.74 14 40 54
17 18 27 35.93 25 34 43.2 1.070 183 8.22 7.79 14 42 13
18 18 32 51.24 25 32 16.9 1.063 435 8.27 7.84 14 43 32
19 18 38 05.97 25 29 07.0 1.056 668 8.32 7.89 14 44 50
20 18 43 20.07 25 25 13.7 1.049 885 8.38 7.94 14 46 07
21 18 48 33.46 25 20 37.3 1.043 084 8.43 8.00 14 47 23
22 18 53 46.07 -25 15 17.9 1.036 267 8.49 8.05 14 48 39
23 18 58 57.84 25 09 15.9 1.029 432 8.54 8.10 14 49 54
24 19 04 08.70 25 02 31.4 1.022 580 8.60 8.16 14 51 08
25 19 09 18.59 24 55 04.8 1.015 710 8.66 8.21 14 52 20
26 19 14 27.45 24 46 56.6 1.008 824 8.72 8.27 14 53 32
27 19 19 35.20 24 38 07.0 1.001 920 8.78 8.32 14 54 43
28 19 24 41.80 -24 28 36.5 0.994 999 8.84 8.38 14 55 52
29 19 29 47.18 24 18 25.6 0.988 061 8.90 8.44 14 56 60
30 19 34 51.28 24 07 34.7 0.981 105 8.96 8.50 14 58 07
Dec. 1 19 39 54.04 23 56 04.3 0.974 132 9.03 8.56 14 59 12
2 19 44 55.41 23 43 55.1 0.967 142 9.09 8.62 15 00 16
3 19 49 55.33 23 31 07.5 0.960 134 9.16 8.69 15 01 19

4 19 54 53.75 -23 17 42.2 0.953 108 9.23 8.75 15 02 19

5 19 59 50.62 23 03 39.8 0.946 066 9.30 8.82 15 03 19
6 20 04 45.87 22 49 00.9 0.939 006 9.37 8.88 15 04 17
7 20 09 39.47 22 33 46.2 0.931 930 9.44 8.95 15 05 13
8 20 14 31.36 22 17 56.3 0.924 837 9.51 9.02 15 06 07
9 20 19 21.51 22 01 32.1 0.917 728 9.58 9.09 15 06 59
10 20 24 09.88 -21 44 34.1 0.910 603 9.66 9.16 15 07 50
11 20 28 56.42 21 27 03.1 0.903 463 9.73 9.23 15 08 39
12 20 33 41.11 21 08 59.9 0.896 308 9.81 9.30 15 09 26
13 20 38 23.92 20 50 25.2 0.889 139 9.89 9.38 15 10 11
14 20 43 04.81 20 31 19.9 0.881 956 9.97 9.46 15 10 54
15 20 47 43.77 20 11 44.6 0.874 760 10.05 9.53 15 11 35
16 20 52 20.78 -19 51 40.2 0.867 553 10.14 9.61 15 12 14
17 20 56 55.80 19 31 07.4 0.860 333 10.22 9.69 15 12 52
18 21 01 28.82 19 10 07.1 0.853 102 10.31 9.78 15 13 27
19 21 05 59.83 18 48 40.0 0.845 860 10.40 9.86 15 13 60
20 21 10 28.81 18 26 46.9 0.838 607 10.49 9.95 15 14 31
21 21 14 55.75 18 04 28.5 0.831 344 10.58 10.03 15 15 00
22 21 19 20.64 -17 41 45.7 0.824 071 10.67 10.12 15 15 27
23 21 23 43.47 17 18 39.3 0.816 787 10.77 10.21 15 15 52
24 21 28 04.22 16 55 10.1 0.809 494 10.86 10.30 15 16 15
25 21 32 22.90 16 31 18.8 0.802 191 10.96 10.40 15 16 36
26 21 36 39.49 16 07 06.3 0.794 879 11.06 10.49 15 16 55
27 21 40 53.98 15 42 33.4 0.787 558 11.17 10.59 15 17 11
28 21 45 06.36 -15 17 40.9 0.780 227 11.27 10.69 15 17 26
29 21 49 16.62 14 52 29.7 0.772 888 11.38 10.79 15 17 38
30 21 53 24.75 14 27 00.6 0.765 539 11.49 10.89 15 17 48
31 21 57 30.74 14 01 14.5 0.758 183 11.60 11.00 15 17 56
32 22 01 34.57 -13 35 12.3 0.750 818 11.71 11.11 15 18 02

MARS, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 258 54 23.1 -0 54 05.5 1.480 6608 Apr. 2 313 28 45.8 -1 50 19.1 1.390 9569
3 260 00 47.2 0 55 57.1 1.478 1160 4 314 43 59.3 1 50 33.4 1.389 9622
5 261 07 25.2 0 57 48.0 1.475 5830 6 315 59 19.1 1 50 44.6 1.389 0205
7 262 14 16.9 0 59 37.9 1.473 0629 8 317 14 44.9 1 50 52.6 1.388 1324
9 263 21 22.4 1 01 26.8 1.470 5567 10 318 30 16.3 1 50 57.3 1.387 2983
11 264 28 41.7 1 03 14.7 1.468 0652 12 319 45 53.0 1 50 58.9 1.386 5188
13 265 36 14.7 -1 05 01.5 1.465 5897 14 321 01 34.6 -1 50 57.3 1.385 7943
15 266 44 01.5 1 06 47.1 1.463 1310 16 322 17 20.7 1 50 52.4 1.385 1252
17 267 52 02.1 1 08 31.6 1.460 6901 18 323 33 11.1 1 50 44.2 1.384 5118
19 269 00 16.3 1 10 14.7 1.458 2682 20 324 49 05.3 1 50 32.9 1.383 9545
21 270 08 44.1 1 11 56.5 1.455 8662 22 326 05 03.0 1 50 18.3 1.383 4537
23 271 17 25.5 1 13 37.0 1.453 4850 24 327 21 03.8 1 50 00.4 1.383 0096
25 272 26 20.5 -1 15 16.0 1.451 1259 26 328 37 07.2 -1 49 39.4 1.382 6224
27 273 35 29.0 1 16 53.5 1.448 7897 28 329 53 13.0 1 49 15.0 1.382 2925
29 274 44 50.9 1 18 29.4 1.446 4775 30 331 09 20.8 1 48 47.5 1.382 0199
31 275 54 26.2 1 20 03.8 1.444 1903 May 2 332 25 30.1 1 48 16.7 1.381 8048
Feb. 2 277 04 14.7 1 21 36.4 1.441 9291 4 333 41 40.6 1 47 42.8 1.381 6474
4 278 14 16.3 1 23 07.3 1.439 6949 6 334 57 52.0 1 47 05.7 1.381 5478
6 279 24 31.1 -1 24 36.4 1.437 4888 8 336 14 03.7 -1 46 25.4 1.381 5059
8 280 34 58.8 1 26 03.6 1.435 3117 10 337 30 15.4 1 45 42.0 1.381 5219
10 281 45 39.3 1 27 29.0 1.433 1647 12 338 46 26.8 1 44 55.4 1.381 5957
12 282 56 32.5 1 28 52.3 1.431 0488 14 340 02 37.5 1 44 05.8 1.381 7273
14 284 07 38.4 1 30 13.7 1.428 9649 16 341 18 47.0 1 43 13.2 1.381 9166
16 285 18 56.7 1 31 32.9 1.426 9140 18 342 34 55.1 1 42 17.5 1.382 1635
18 286 30 27.2 -1 32 50.0 1.424 8971 20 343 51 01.2 -1 41 18.8 1.382 4678
20 287 42 10.0 1 34 04.9 1.422 9152 22 345 07 05.0 1 40 17.2 1.382 8294
22 288 54 04.7 1 35 17.5 1.420 9692 24 346 23 06.2 1 39 12.7 1.383 2481
24 290 06 11.2 1 36 27.8 1.419 0601 26 347 39 04.4 1 38 05.3 1.383 7236
26 291 18 29.3 1 37 35.8 1.417 1889 28 348 54 59.1 1 36 55.1 1.384 2556
28 292 30 58.9 1 38 41.3 1.415 3564 30 350 10 50.1 1 35 42.1 1.384 8440
Mar. 1 293 43 39.6 -1 39 44.4 1.413 5635 June 1 351 26 37.0 -1 34 26.4 1.385 4882
3 294 56 31.4 1 40 44.9 1.411 8112 3 352 42 19.3 1 33 08.1 1.386 1881
5 296 09 34.0 1 41 42.9 1.410 1004 5 353 57 56.8 1 31 47.1 1.386 9430
7 297 22 47.3 1 42 38.2 1.408 4318 7 355 13 29.1 1 30 23.5 1.387 7528
9 298 36 10.8 1 43 30.8 1.406 8065 9 356 28 55.8 1 28 57.4 1.388 6168
11 299 49 44.5 1 44 20.8 1.405 2252 11 357 44 16.6 1 27 28.9 1.389 5346
13 301 03 28.0 -1 45 08.0 1.403 6887 13 358 59 31.1 -1 25 58.0 1.390 5058
15 302 17 21.2 1 45 52.3 1.402 1978 15 360 14 39.2 1 24 24.7 1.391 5297
17 303 31 23.7 1 46 33.9 1.400 7534 17 1 29 40.3 1 22 49.2 1.392 6058
19 304 45 35.2 1 47 12.5 1.399 3562 19 2 44 34.1 1 21 11.4 1.393 7335
21 305 59 55.6 1 47 48.2 1.398 0069 21 3 59 20.5 1 19 31.5 1.394 9122
23 307 14 24.4 1 48 21.0 1.396 7063 23 5 13 59.0 1 17 49.6 1.396 1412
25 308 29 01.5 -1 48 50.7 1.395 4551 25 6 28 29.4 -1 16 05.6 1.397 4199
27 309 43 46.5 1 49 17.4 1.394 2539 27 7 42 51.3 1 14 19.7 1.398 7476
29 310 58 39.1 1 49 41.1 1.393 1034 29 8 57 04.6 1 12 31.9 1.400 1236
31 312 13 39.0 1 50 01.7 1.392 0042 July 1 10 11 08.8 1 10 42.3 1.401 5472
Apr. 2 313 28 45.8 -1 50 19.1 1.390 9569 3 11 25 03.8 -1 08 51.0 1.403 0175

MARS, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 10 11 08.8 -1 10 42.3 1.401 5472 Oct. 1 63 24 25.8 +0 26 12.2 1.502 8062
3 11 25 03.8 1 08 51.0 1.403 0175 3 64 28 39.5 0 28 12.9 1.505 4170
5 12 38 49.3 1 06 58.0 1.404 5338 5 65 32 39.8 0 30 12.5 1.508 0295
7 13 52 25.0 1 05 03.4 1.406 0954 7 66 36 26.8 0 32 11.1 1.510 6430
9 15 05 50.6 1 03 07.3 1.407 7014 9 67 40 00.7 0 34 08.6 1.513 2564
11 16 19 06.0 1 01 09.7 1.409 3509 11 68 43 21.5 0 36 05.0 1.515 8690
13 17 32 10.9 -0 59 10.7 1.411 0432 13 69 46 29.3 +0 38 00.3 1.518 4798
15 18 45 05.1 0 57 10.5 1.412 7773 15 70 49 24.1 0 39 54.4 1.521 0879
17 19 57 48.3 0 55 09.0 1.414 5525 17 71 52 06.0 0 41 47.4 1.523 6925
19 21 10 20.4 0 53 06.3 1.416 3677 19 72 54 35.2 0 43 39.1 1.526 2927
21 22 22 41.2 0 51 02.5 1.418 2221 21 73 56 51.6 0 45 29.5 1.528 8878
23 23 34 50.4 0 48 57.7 1.420 1147 23 74 58 55.5 0 47 18.8 1.531 4768
25 24 46 48.0 -0 46 52.0 1.422 0447 25 76 00 46.9 +0 49 06.7 1.534 0589
27 25 58 33.6 0 44 45.4 1.424 0111 27 77 02 25.9 0 50 53.3 1.536 6334
29 27 10 07.2 0 42 37.9 1.426 0129 29 78 03 52.6 0 52 38.6 1.539 1993
31 28 21 28.6 0 40 29.8 1.428 0491 31 79 05 07.1 0 54 22.5 1.541 7560
Aug. 2 29 32 37.7 0 38 20.9 1.430 1189 Nov. 2 80 06 09.5 0 56 05.1 1.544 3027
4 30 43 34.3 0 36 11.5 1.432 2211 4 81 06 59.9 0 57 46.2 1.546 8385
6 31 54 18.2 -0 34 01.4 1.434 3549 6 82 07 38.5 +0 59 26.0 1.549 3628
8 33 04 49.4 0 31 51.0 1.436 5192 8 83 08 05.4 1 01 04.3 1.551 8747
10 34 15 07.7 0 29 40.1 1.438 7131 10 84 08 20.5 1 02 41.2 1.554 3736
12 35 25 13.0 0 27 28.9 1.440 9354 12 85 08 24.2 1 04 16.6 1.556 8586
14 36 35 05.3 0 25 17.4 1.443 1853 14 86 08 16.5 1 05 50.6 1.559 3292
16 37 44 44.4 0 23 05.7 1.445 4617 16 87 07 57.6 1 07 23.0 1.561 7846
18 38 54 10.3 -0 20 53.8 1.447 7636 18 88 07 27.4 +1 08 54.0 1.564 2241
20 40 03 22.9 0 18 41.9 1.450 0900 20 89 06 46.3 1 10 23.4 1.566 6469
22 41 12 22.0 0 16 29.9 1.452 4398 22 90 05 54.2 1 11 51.3 1.569 0526
24 42 21 07.8 0 14 18.0 1.454 8121 24 91 04 51.4 1 13 17.7 1.571 4403
26 43 29 40.0 0 12 06.2 1.457 2057 26 92 03 38.0 1 14 42.5 1.573 8095
28 44 37 58.6 0 09 54.4 1.459 6198 28 93 02 14.1 1 16 05.8 1.576 1594
30 45 46 03.6 -0 07 43.0 1.462 0533 30 94 00 39.8 +1 17 27.5 1.578 4896
Sept. 1 46 53 55.0 0 05 31.7 1.464 5051 Dec. 2 94 58 55.3 1 18 47.6 1.580 7993
3 48 01 32.7 0 03 20.8 1.466 9743 4 95 57 00.7 1 20 06.1 1.583 0879
5 49 08 56.8 -0 01 10.3 1.469 4598 6 96 54 56.1 1 21 23.1 1.585 3550
7 50 16 07.2 +0 00 59.9 1.471 9606 8 97 52 41.7 1 22 38.4 1.587 5998
9 51 23 03.8 0 03 09.6 1.474 4758 10 98 50 17.7 1 23 52.2 1.589 8218
11 52 29 46.7 +0 05 18.8 1.477 0043 12 99 47 44.1 +1 25 04.3 1.592 0204
13 53 36 16.0 0 07 27.4 1.479 5451 14 100 45 01.1 1 26 14.8 1.594 1952
15 54 42 31.5 0 09 35.4 1.482 0973 16 101 42 08.8 1 27 23.7 1.596 3455
17 55 48 33.4 0 11 42.7 1.484 6598 18 102 39 07.4 1 28 31.0 1.598 4708
19 56 54 21.6 0 13 49.3 1.487 2317 20 103 35 57.1 1 29 36.6 1.600 5706
21 57 59 56.2 0 15 55.2 1.489 8120 22 104 32 37.9 1 30 40.7 1.602 6444
23 59 05 17.2 +0 18 00.4 1.492 3998 24 105 29 10.1 +1 31 43.0 1.604 6918
25 60 10 24.5 0 20 04.7 1.494 9940 26 106 25 33.7 1 32 43.8 1.606 7121
27 61 15 18.4 0 22 08.1 1.497 5938 28 107 21 48.9 1 33 42.8 1.608 7050
29 62 19 58.9 0 24 10.6 1.500 1982 30 108 17 55.9 1 34 40.3 1.610 6699
Oct. 1 63 24 25.8 +0 26 12.2 1.502 8062 32 109 13 54.7 +1 35 36.1 1.612 6065

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 266 34 00.2 -0 32 26.7 Feb. 15 301 20 29.1 -0 57 14.2
1 267 18 27.9 0 33 01.8 16 302 06 37.6 0 57 42.3
2 268 02 58.4 0 33 36.8 17 302 52 47.6 0 58 10.1
3 268 47 31.6 0 34 11.8 18 303 38 59.0 0 58 37.6
4 269 32 07.5 0 34 46.7 19 304 25 11.8 0 59 04.9
5 270 16 46.2 0 35 21.5 20 305 11 25.9 0 59 32.0
6 271 01 27.6 -0 35 56.2 21 305 57 41.5 -0 59 58.8
7 271 46 11.8 0 36 30.9 22 306 43 58.3 1 00 25.3
8 272 30 58.6 0 37 05.4 23 307 30 16.5 1 00 51.6
9 273 15 48.1 0 37 39.8 24 308 16 35.9 1 01 17.6
10 274 00 40.2 0 38 14.2 25 309 02 56.7 1 01 43.3
11 274 45 34.8 0 38 48.4 26 309 49 18.7 1 02 08.8
12 275 30 31.9 -0 39 22.5 27 310 35 42.0 -1 02 33.9
13 276 15 31.4 0 39 56.5 28 311 22 06.6 1 02 58.8
14 277 00 33.1 0 40 30.4 29 312 08 32.4 1 03 23.3
15 277 45 37.1 0 41 04.2 Mar. 1 312 54 59.5 1 03 47.5
16 278 30 43.3 0 41 37.8 2 313 41 27.9 1 04 11.4
17 279 15 51.8 0 42 11.3 3 314 27 57.4 1 04 35.0
18 280 01 02.5 -0 42 44.7 4 315 14 28.1 -1 04 58.3
19 280 46 15.5 0 43 17.9 5 316 01 00.0 1 05 21.2
20 281 31 30.7 0 43 51.0 6 316 47 32.8 1 05 43.8
21 282 16 48.2 0 44 24.0 7 317 34 06.6 1 06 06.0
22 283 02 07.9 0 44 56.9 8 318 20 41.2 1 06 27.9
23 283 47 29.8 0 45 29.6 9 319 07 16.6 1 06 49.4
24 284 32 53.9 -0 46 02.2 10 319 53 52.6 -1 07 10.5
25 285 18 20.2 0 46 34.6 11 320 40 29.3 1 07 31.3
26 286 03 48.6 0 47 06.9 12 321 27 06.5 1 07 51.8
27 286 49 19.2 0 47 39.1 13 322 13 44.3 1 08 11.9
28 287 34 52.0 0 48 11.1 14 323 00 22.6 1 08 31.6
29 288 20 26.9 0 48 43.0 15 323 47 01.3 1 08 50.9
30 289 06 04.0 -0 49 14.6 16 324 33 40.5 -1 09 09.9
31 289 51 43.2 0 49 46.1 17 325 20 20.0 1 09 28.5
Feb. 1 290 37 24.6 0 50 17.5 18 326 06 59.9 1 09 46.8
2 291 23 08.1 0 50 48.6 19 326 53 40.0 1 10 04.6
3 292 08 53.7 0 51 19.6 20 327 40 20.3 1 10 22.1
4 292 54 41.5 0 51 50.3 21 328 27 00.9 1 10 39.2
5 293 40 31.4 -0 52 20.9 22 329 13 41.6 -1 10 55.9
6 294 26 23.3 0 52 51.2 23 330 00 22.5 1 11 12.2
7 295 12 17.1 0 53 21.4 24 330 47 03.5 1 11 28.1
8 295 58 12.9 0 53 51.3 25 331 33 44.7 1 11 43.6
9 296 44 10.4 0 54 21.0 26 332 20 26.1 1 11 58.7
10 297 30 09.6 0 54 50.4 27 333 07 07.6 1 12 13.4
11 298 16 10.4 -0 55 19.7 28 333 53 49.2 -1 12 27.6
12 299 02 12.8 0 55 48.7 29 334 40 30.9 1 12 41.4
13 299 48 16.7 0 56 17.4 30 335 27 12.8 1 12 54.7
14 300 34 22.2 0 56 45.9 31 336 13 54.7 1 13 07.7
15 301 20 29.1 -0 57 14.2 Apr. 1 337 00 36.6 -1 13 20.1

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 337 00 36.6 -1 13 20.1 May 17 12 32 06.7 -1 14 06.4
2 337 47 18.4 1 13 32.1 18 13 17 47.1 1 13 55.3
3 338 34 00.0 1 13 43.6 19 14 03 25.1 1 13 43.6
4 339 20 41.4 1 13 54.7 20 14 49 00.6 1 13 31.5
5 340 07 22.5 1 14 05.3 21 15 34 33.6 1 13 18.8
6 340 54 03.2 1 14 15.4 22 16 20 04.2 1 13 05.5
7 341 40 43.4 -1 14 25.1 23 17 05 32.3 -1 12 51.7
8 342 27 23.0 1 14 34.3 24 17 50 57.9 1 12 37.4
9 343 14 02.1 1 14 43.0 25 18 36 21.0 1 12 22.5
10 344 00 40.5 1 14 51.3 26 19 21 41.6 1 12 07.0
11 344 47 18.2 1 14 59.1 27 20 06 59.5 1 11 51.0
12 345 33 55.1 1 15 06.4 28 20 52 14.8 1 11 34.5
13 346 20 31.3 -1 15 13.3 29 21 37 27.3 -1 11 17.4
14 347 07 06.5 1 15 19.7 30 22 22 37.0 1 10 59.7
15 347 53 40.7 1 15 25.6 31 23 07 43.8 1 10 41.5
16 348 40 13.9 1 15 31.1 June 1 23 52 47.8 1 10 22.8
17 349 26 46.0 1 15 36.1 2 24 37 48.8 1 10 03.5
18 350 13 17.1 1 15 40.5 3 25 22 46.7 1 09 43.7
19 350 59 47.0 -1 15 44.5 4 26 07 41.6 -1 09 23.4
20 351 46 15.8 1 15 48.1 5 26 52 33.4 1 09 02.6
21 352 32 43.5 1 15 51.1 6 27 37 21.9 1 08 41.2
22 353 19 10.0 1 15 53.6 7 28 22 07.1 1 08 19.4
23 354 05 35.4 1 15 55.6 8 29 06 48.9 1 07 57.0
24 354 51 59.7 1 15 57.1 9 29 51 27.2 1 07 34.1
25 355 38 22.8 -1 15 58.1 10 30 36 01.8 -1 07 10.7
26 356 24 44.7 1 15 58.6 11 31 20 32.8 1 06 46.8
27 357 11 05.4 1 15 58.5 12 32 05 00.2 1 06 22.4
28 357 57 24.8 1 15 57.9 13 32 49 23.8 1 05 57.5
29 358 43 43.0 1 15 56.8 14 33 33 43.8 1 05 32.0
30 359 29 59.8 1 15 55.1 15 34 17 59.9 1 05 06.1
May 1 0 16 15.1 -1 15 52.9 16 35 02 12.4 -1 04 39.6
2 1 02 28.9 1 15 50.2 17 35 46 21.1 1 04 12.6
3 1 48 41.1 1 15 46.9 18 36 30 26.1 1 03 45.1
4 2 34 51.6 1 15 43.2 19 37 14 27.3 1 03 17.0
5 3 21 00.4 1 15 38.8 20 37 58 24.8 1 02 48.4
6 4 07 07.4 1 15 34.0 21 38 42 18.5 1 02 19.3
7 4 53 12.6 -1 15 28.6 22 39 26 08.5 -1 01 49.7
8 5 39 15.8 1 15 22.7 23 40 09 54.6 1 01 19.5
9 6 25 17.1 1 15 16.3 24 40 53 36.8 1 00 48.8
10 7 11 16.3 1 15 09.4 25 41 37 15.1 1 00 17.6
11 7 57 13.3 1 15 01.9 26 42 20 49.5 0 59 45.9
12 8 43 08.1 1 14 54.0 27 43 04 19.8 0 59 13.6
13 9 29 00.6 -1 14 45.5 28 43 47 46.0 -0 58 40.8
14 10 14 50.8 1 14 36.5 29 44 31 08.2 0 58 07.5
15 11 00 38.5 1 14 27.0 30 45 14 26.2 0 57 33.7
16 11 46 23.8 1 14 16.9 July 1 45 57 40.0 0 56 59.5
17 12 32 06.7 -1 14 06.4 2 46 40 49.5 -0 56 24.7

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 45 57 40.0 -0 56 59.5 Aug. 16 77 33 27.4 -0 21 57.7
2 46 40 49.5 0 56 24.7 17 78 12 17.8 0 21 00.5
3 47 23 54.6 0 55 49.4 18 78 51 01.2 0 20 02.8
4 48 06 55.3 0 55 13.7 19 79 29 37.4 0 19 04.6
5 48 49 51.4 0 54 37.5 20 80 08 06.5 0 18 05.8
6 49 32 42.9 0 54 00.8 21 80 46 28.4 0 17 06.5
7 50 15 29.5 -0 53 23.6 22 81 24 43.1 -0 16 06.6
8 50 58 11.3 0 52 46.0 23 82 02 50.4 0 15 06.2
9 51 40 48.2 0 52 07.8 24 82 40 50.4 0 14 05.4
10 52 23 20.2 0 51 29.2 25 83 18 42.8 0 13 04.0
11 53 05 47.2 0 50 50.1 26 83 56 27.7 0 12 02.0
12 53 48 09.1 0 50 10.6 27 84 34 04.8 0 10 59.6
13 54 30 26.1 -0 49 30.5 28 85 11 33.9 -0 09 56.7
14 55 12 38.0 0 48 50.0 29 85 48 55.0 0 08 53.2
15 55 54 44.8 0 48 08.9 30 86 26 07.7 0 07 49.2
16 56 36 46.6 0 47 27.4 31 87 03 12.0 0 06 44.6
17 57 18 43.3 0 46 45.4 Sept. 1 87 40 07.7 0 05 39.6
18 58 00 34.9 0 46 02.8 2 88 16 54.7 0 04 34.0
19 58 42 21.5 -0 45 19.8 3 88 53 32.7 -0 03 27.8
20 59 24 02.8 0 44 36.2 4 89 30 01.8 0 02 21.1
21 60 05 39.0 0 43 52.2 5 90 06 21.8 0 01 13.8
22 60 47 10.0 0 43 07.7 6 90 42 32.5 -0 00 05.9
23 61 28 35.7 0 42 22.6 7 91 18 33.9 +0 01 02.6
24 62 09 56.0 0 41 37.1 8 91 54 25.8 0 02 11.6
25 62 51 11.0 -0 40 51.0 9 92 30 08.2 +0 03 21.3
26 63 32 20.6 0 40 04.5 10 93 05 41.0 0 04 31.6
27 64 13 24.8 0 39 17.5 11 93 41 03.9 0 05 42.6
28 64 54 23.5 0 38 30.0 12 94 16 17.0 0 06 54.2
29 65 35 16.7 0 37 42.0 13 94 51 20.1 0 08 06.4
30 66 16 04.1 0 36 53.6 14 95 26 13.0 0 09 19.3
31 66 56 45.8 -0 36 04.7 15 96 00 55.7 +0 10 32.8
Aug. 1 67 37 21.6 0 35 15.4 16 96 35 28.0 0 11 47.1
2 68 17 51.3 0 34 25.6 17 97 09 49.8 0 13 02.0
3 68 58 14.9 0 33 35.3 18 97 44 01.0 0 14 17.6
4 69 38 32.3 0 32 44.5 19 98 18 01.5 0 15 33.8
5 70 18 43.2 0 31 53.3 20 98 51 51.2 0 16 50.8
6 70 58 47.7 -0 31 01.6 21 99 25 29.8 +0 18 08.4
7 71 38 45.8 0 30 09.5 22 99 58 57.3 0 19 26.8
8 72 18 37.2 0 29 16.8 23 100 32 13.4 0 20 45.8
9 72 58 22.1 0 28 23.7 24 101 05 17.8 0 22 05.5
10 73 38 00.2 0 27 30.1 25 101 38 10.3 0 23 26.0
11 74 17 31.7 0 26 36.0 26 102 10 50.4 0 24 47.2
12 74 56 56.5 -0 25 41.3 27 102 43 18.1 +0 26 09.1
13 75 36 14.5 0 24 46.2 28 103 15 33.0 0 27 31.7
14 76 15 25.7 0 23 50.6 29 103 47 34.8 0 28 55.1
15 76 54 30.0 0 22 54.4 30 104 19 23.2 0 30 19.3
16 77 33 27.4 -0 21 57.7 Oct. 1 104 50 58.2 +0 31 44.3

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 104 50 58.2 +0 31 44.3 Nov. 16 123 28 29.0 +1 55 42.9
2 105 22 19.3 0 33 10.1 17 123 42 44.9 1 58 02.7
3 105 53 26.3 0 34 36.7 18 123 56 26.5 2 00 24.0
4 106 24 19.1 0 36 04.2 19 124 09 32.8 2 02 46.7
5 106 54 57.3 0 37 32.5 20 124 22 03.0 2 05 10.8
6 107 25 20.7 0 39 01.7 21 124 33 56.3 2 07 36.3
7 107 55 29.0 +0 40 31.8 22 124 45 11.9 +2 10 03.3
8 108 25 22.1 0 42 02.9 23 124 55 49.1 2 12 31.7
9 108 54 59.6 0 43 34.8 24 125 05 47.0 2 15 01.5
10 109 24 21.2 0 45 07.7 25 125 15 04.9 2 17 32.6
11 109 53 26.7 0 46 41.5 26 125 23 41.9 2 20 05.1
12 110 22 15.9 0 48 16.4 27 125 31 37.4 2 22 39.0
13 110 50 48.4 +0 49 52.2 28 125 38 50.7 +2 25 14.2
14 111 19 03.9 0 51 29.0 29 125 45 20.9 2 27 50.6
15 111 47 02.3 0 53 06.9 30 125 51 07.5 2 30 28.3
16 112 14 43.2 0 54 45.7 Dec. 1 125 56 09.6 2 33 07.2
17 112 42 06.4 0 56 25.6 2 126 00 26.7 2 35 47.2
18 113 09 11.7 0 58 06.6 3 126 03 58.1 2 38 28.3
19 113 35 58.5 +0 59 48.6 4 126 06 43.3 +2 41 10.3
20 114 02 26.6 1 01 31.6 5 126 08 41.7 2 43 53.4
21 114 28 35.6 1 03 15.8 6 126 09 52.6 2 46 37.2
22 114 54 24.8 1 05 01.0 7 126 10 15.8 2 49 21.9
23 115 19 53.8 1 06 47.3 8 126 09 50.8 2 52 07.2
24 115 45 02.2 1 08 34.8 9 126 08 37.2 2 54 53.0
25 116 09 49.4 +1 10 23.4 10 126 06 34.7 +2 57 39.3
26 116 34 14.9 1 12 13.2 11 126 03 43.1 3 00 25.8
27 116 58 18.2 1 14 04.2 12 126 00 02.1 3 03 12.5
28 117 21 58.8 1 15 56.4 13 125 55 31.5 3 05 59.3
29 117 45 16.2 1 17 49.8 14 125 50 11.1 3 08 45.9
30 118 08 09.9 1 19 44.5 15 125 44 00.7 3 11 32.3
31 118 30 39.4 +1 21 40.4 16 125 37 00.2 +3 14 18.2
Nov. 1 118 52 44.3 1 23 37.6 17 125 29 09.4 3 17 03.5
2 119 14 23.9 1 25 36.2 18 125 20 28.2 3 19 48.0
3 119 35 37.7 1 27 36.1 19 125 10 56.8 3 22 31.6
4 119 56 25.3 1 29 37.4 20 125 00 35.3 3 25 14.0
5 120 16 46.1 1 31 40.0 21 124 49 24.0 3 27 55.1
6 120 36 39.6 +1 33 44.0 22 124 37 23.3 +3 30 34.6
7 120 56 05.1 1 35 49.5 23 124 24 33.8 3 33 12.3
8 121 15 02.2 1 37 56.3 24 124 10 56.1 3 35 48.0
9 121 33 30.3 1 40 04.6 25 123 56 31.0 3 38 21.4
10 121 51 28.8 1 42 14.3 26 123 41 19.5 3 40 52.4
11 122 08 57.3 1 44 25.5 27 123 25 22.6 3 43 20.7
12 122 25 55.1 +1 46 38.1 28 123 08 41.5 +3 45 46.0
13 122 42 21.7 1 48 52.1 29 122 51 17.7 3 48 08.1
14 122 58 16.7 1 51 07.6 30 122 33 12.6 3 50 26.7
15 123 13 39.3 1 53 24.5 31 122 14 28.0 3 52 41.6
16 123 28 29.0 +1 55 42.9 32 121 55 05.5 +3 54 52.6

MARS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Jan. 0 17 44 58.43 -23 56 03.8 2.426 847 3.62 1.93 11 07 59
1 17 48 12.91 23 57 40.9 2.423 821 3.63 1.93 11 07 17
2 17 51 27.66 23 59 03.1 2.420 769 3.63 1.93 11 06 36
3 17 54 42.68 24 00 10.1 2.417 692 3.64 1.94 11 05 54
4 17 57 57.94 24 01 02.0 2.414 590 3.64 1.94 11 05 13
5 18 01 13.44 24 01 38.7 2.411 463 3.65 1.94 11 04 32

6 18 04 29.17 -24 02 00.1 2.408 311 3.65 1.94 11 03 51

7 18 07 45.10 24 02 06.2 2.405 134 3.66 1.95 11 03 11
8 18 11 01.23 24 01 57.0 2.401 933 3.66 1.95 11 02 31
9 18 14 17.54 24 01 32.3 2.398 708 3.67 1.95 11 01 50
10 18 17 34.01 24 00 52.3 2.395 459 3.67 1.95 11 01 10
11 18 20 50.63 23 59 56.8 2.392 186 3.68 1.96 11 00 30
12 18 24 07.37 -23 58 45.9 2.388 890 3.68 1.96 10 59 51
13 18 27 24.21 23 57 19.5 2.385 571 3.69 1.96 10 59 11
14 18 30 41.15 23 55 37.5 2.382 231 3.69 1.96 10 58 31
15 18 33 58.15 23 53 40.1 2.378 869 3.70 1.97 10 57 52
16 18 37 15.21 23 51 27.1 2.375 486 3.70 1.97 10 57 13
17 18 40 32.32 23 48 58.6 2.372 084 3.71 1.97 10 56 33
18 18 43 49.46 -23 46 14.5 2.368 663 3.71 1.98 10 55 54
19 18 47 06.62 23 43 15.0 2.365 224 3.72 1.98 10 55 14
20 18 50 23.78 23 39 59.9 2.361 768 3.72 1.98 10 54 35
21 18 53 40.94 23 36 29.4 2.358 295 3.73 1.98 10 53 56
22 18 56 58.09 23 32 43.5 2.354 806 3.73 1.99 10 53 16
23 19 00 15.19 23 28 42.2 2.351 302 3.74 1.99 10 52 37
24 19 03 32.26 -23 24 25.5 2.347 783 3.75 1.99 10 51 57
25 19 06 49.26 23 19 53.6 2.344 249 3.75 2.00 10 51 18
26 19 10 06.19 23 15 06.3 2.340 701 3.76 2.00 10 50 38
27 19 13 23.04 23 10 03.8 2.337 139 3.76 2.00 10 49 58
28 19 16 39.79 23 04 46.1 2.333 564 3.77 2.01 10 49 18
29 19 19 56.43 22 59 13.2 2.329 975 3.77 2.01 10 48 38

30 19 23 12.96 -22 53 25.3 2.326 374 3.78 2.01 10 47 58

31 19 26 29.35 22 47 22.2 2.322 759 3.79 2.01 10 47 18
Feb. 1 19 29 45.61 22 41 04.2 2.319 132 3.79 2.02 10 46 38
2 19 33 01.71 22 34 31.2 2.315 493 3.80 2.02 10 45 57
3 19 36 17.66 22 27 43.3 2.311 841 3.80 2.02 10 45 17
4 19 39 33.43 22 20 40.7 2.308 177 3.81 2.03 10 44 36

5 19 42 49.02 -22 13 23.4 2.304 501 3.82 2.03 10 43 55

6 19 46 04.41 22 05 51.6 2.300 813 3.82 2.03 10 43 14
7 19 49 19.60 21 58 05.2 2.297 113 3.83 2.04 10 42 32
8 19 52 34.55 21 50 04.5 2.293 401 3.83 2.04 10 41 50
9 19 55 49.27 21 41 49.5 2.289 679 3.84 2.04 10 41 09
10 19 59 03.74 21 33 20.4 2.285 945 3.85 2.05 10 40 26

11 20 02 17.94 -21 24 37.2 2.282 200 3.85 2.05 10 39 44

12 20 05 31.86 21 15 40.0 2.278 446 3.86 2.05 10 39 01
13 20 08 45.49 21 06 29.1 2.274 683 3.87 2.06 10 38 18
14 20 11 58.83 20 57 04.4 2.270 911 3.87 2.06 10 37 35
15 20 15 11.87 -20 47 26.1 2.267 131 3.88 2.06 10 36 51

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Feb. 15 20 15 11.87 -20 47 26.1 2.267 131 3.88 2.06 10 36 51
16 20 18 24.61 20 37 34.5 2.263 344 3.89 2.07 10 36 07
17 20 21 37.03 20 27 29.5 2.259 551 3.89 2.07 10 35 23
18 20 24 49.14 20 17 11.4 2.255 752 3.90 2.07 10 34 38
19 20 28 00.92 20 06 40.2 2.251 948 3.91 2.08 10 33 53
20 20 31 12.36 19 55 56.3 2.248 139 3.91 2.08 10 33 08

21 20 34 23.47 -19 44 59.5 2.244 326 3.92 2.09 10 32 23

22 20 37 34.23 19 33 50.3 2.240 509 3.93 2.09 10 31 37
23 20 40 44.64 19 22 28.5 2.236 689 3.93 2.09 10 30 50
24 20 43 54.71 19 10 54.5 2.232 865 3.94 2.10 10 30 04
25 20 47 04.41 18 59 08.2 2.229 039 3.95 2.10 10 29 17
26 20 50 13.76 18 47 10.0 2.225 209 3.95 2.10 10 28 30
27 20 53 22.76 -18 34 59.9 2.221 377 3.96 2.11 10 27 42
28 20 56 31.39 18 22 38.0 2.217 543 3.97 2.11 10 26 54
29 20 59 39.66 18 10 04.6 2.213 705 3.97 2.11 10 26 05
Mar. 1 21 02 47.57 17 57 19.7 2.209 866 3.98 2.12 10 25 17
2 21 05 55.11 17 44 23.5 2.206 024 3.99 2.12 10 24 28
3 21 09 02.29 17 31 16.3 2.202 179 3.99 2.13 10 23 38
4 21 12 09.09 -17 17 58.2 2.198 332 4.00 2.13 10 22 48
5 21 15 15.53 17 04 29.3 2.194 483 4.01 2.13 10 21 58
6 21 18 21.59 16 50 49.9 2.190 631 4.01 2.14 10 21 07
7 21 21 27.27 16 37 00.1 2.186 776 4.02 2.14 10 20 16
8 21 24 32.56 16 23 00.1 2.182 919 4.03 2.14 10 19 25
9 21 27 37.47 16 08 50.2 2.179 059 4.04 2.15 10 18 33
10 21 30 41.98 -15 54 30.4 2.175 197 4.04 2.15 10 17 41
11 21 33 46.10 15 40 01.1 2.171 334 4.05 2.16 10 16 48
12 21 36 49.83 15 25 22.3 2.167 469 4.06 2.16 10 15 55
13 21 39 53.17 15 10 34.2 2.163 603 4.06 2.16 10 15 02
14 21 42 56.12 14 55 37.1 2.159 736 4.07 2.17 10 14 08
15 21 45 58.68 14 40 31.2 2.155 870 4.08 2.17 10 13 14
16 21 49 00.85 -14 25 16.6 2.152 004 4.09 2.17 10 12 20
17 21 52 02.64 14 09 53.6 2.148 140 4.09 2.18 10 11 25
18 21 55 04.05 13 54 22.4 2.144 278 4.10 2.18 10 10 29
19 21 58 05.08 13 38 43.0 2.140 417 4.11 2.19 10 09 34
20 22 01 05.73 13 22 55.8 2.136 559 4.12 2.19 10 08 38
21 22 04 06.00 13 07 00.9 2.132 703 4.12 2.19 10 07 41
22 22 07 05.91 -12 50 58.5 2.128 850 4.13 2.20 10 06 45
23 22 10 05.45 12 34 48.7 2.125 001 4.14 2.20 10 05 47
24 22 13 04.63 12 18 31.8 2.121 154 4.15 2.21 10 04 50
25 22 16 03.46 12 02 07.9 2.117 310 4.15 2.21 10 03 52
26 22 19 01.94 11 45 37.2 2.113 469 4.16 2.21 10 02 54
27 22 22 00.08 11 28 59.8 2.109 632 4.17 2.22 10 01 55
28 22 24 57.89 -11 12 16.1 2.105 797 4.18 2.22 10 00 57
29 22 27 55.37 10 55 26.0 2.101 965 4.18 2.23 9 59 57
30 22 30 52.53 10 38 29.9 2.098 136 4.19 2.23 9 58 58
31 22 33 49.37 10 21 27.9 2.094 309 4.20 2.23 9 57 58
Apr. 1 22 36 45.90 -10 04 20.2 2.090 485 4.21 2.24 9 56 58

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Apr. 1 22 36 45.90 -10 04 20.2 2.090 485 4.21 2.24 9 56 58
2 22 39 42.12 9 47 07.1 2.086 662 4.21 2.24 9 55 58
3 22 42 38.03 9 29 48.6 2.082 841 4.22 2.25 9 54 57
4 22 45 33.65 9 12 25.2 2.079 022 4.23 2.25 9 53 56
5 22 48 28.96 8 54 56.8 2.075 204 4.24 2.26 9 52 55
6 22 51 23.97 8 37 23.9 2.071 387 4.25 2.26 9 51 53

7 22 54 18.69 -8 19 46.4 2.067 571 4.25 2.26 9 50 51

8 22 57 13.12 8 02 04.8 2.063 756 4.26 2.27 9 49 49
9 23 00 07.27 7 44 19.1 2.059 942 4.27 2.27 9 48 46
10 23 03 01.15 7 26 29.6 2.056 129 4.28 2.28 9 47 44
11 23 05 54.75 7 08 36.4 2.052 318 4.28 2.28 9 46 41
12 23 08 48.09 6 50 39.9 2.048 509 4.29 2.28 9 45 37
13 23 11 41.17 -6 32 40.1 2.044 703 4.30 2.29 9 44 34
14 23 14 34.00 6 14 37.3 2.040 899 4.31 2.29 9 43 30
15 23 17 26.57 5 56 31.8 2.037 098 4.32 2.30 9 42 26
16 23 20 18.90 5 38 23.6 2.033 300 4.33 2.30 9 41 22
17 23 23 11.00 5 20 13.0 2.029 505 4.33 2.31 9 40 17
18 23 26 02.87 5 02 00.2 2.025 714 4.34 2.31 9 39 12
19 23 28 54.52 -4 43 45.3 2.021 926 4.35 2.31 9 38 08
20 23 31 45.95 4 25 28.5 2.018 142 4.36 2.32 9 37 02
21 23 34 37.19 4 07 10.0 2.014 361 4.37 2.32 9 35 57
22 23 37 28.23 3 48 50.0 2.010 583 4.37 2.33 9 34 52
23 23 40 19.09 3 30 28.6 2.006 808 4.38 2.33 9 33 46
24 23 43 09.77 3 12 06.0 2.003 036 4.39 2.34 9 32 40
25 23 46 00.29 -2 53 42.4 1.999 267 4.40 2.34 9 31 34
26 23 48 50.66 2 35 17.9 1.995 500 4.41 2.35 9 30 28
27 23 51 40.87 2 16 52.8 1.991 735 4.42 2.35 9 29 21
28 23 54 30.95 1 58 27.2 1.987 972 4.42 2.35 9 28 15
29 23 57 20.89 1 40 01.3 1.984 210 4.43 2.36 9 27 08
30 0 00 10.70 1 21 35.3 1.980 449 4.44 2.36 9 26 01
May 1 0 03 00.39 -1 03 09.4 1.976 688 4.45 2.37 9 24 55
2 0 05 49.96 0 44 43.8 1.972 927 4.46 2.37 9 23 48
3 0 08 39.41 0 26 18.6 1.969 165 4.47 2.38 9 22 41
4 0 11 28.75 -0 07 54.2 1.965 401 4.47 2.38 9 21 33
5 0 14 18.00 +0 10 29.3 1.961 637 4.48 2.39 9 20 26
6 0 17 07.14 0 28 51.8 1.957 871 4.49 2.39 9 19 19
7 0 19 56.20 +0 47 13.0 1.954 102 4.50 2.39 9 18 11
8 0 22 45.17 1 05 32.8 1.950 332 4.51 2.40 9 17 04
9 0 25 34.07 1 23 50.9 1.946 560 4.52 2.40 9 15 56
10 0 28 22.89 1 42 07.2 1.942 787 4.53 2.41 9 14 48
11 0 31 11.63 2 00 21.4 1.939 011 4.54 2.41 9 13 40
12 0 34 00.32 2 18 33.4 1.935 234 4.54 2.42 9 12 33
13 0 36 48.94 +2 36 43.0 1.931 456 4.55 2.42 9 11 25
14 0 39 37.50 2 54 50.0 1.927 676 4.56 2.43 9 10 17
15 0 42 26.01 3 12 54.3 1.923 895 4.57 2.43 9 09 09
16 0 45 14.49 3 30 55.6 1.920 112 4.58 2.44 9 08 01
17 0 48 02.92 +3 48 53.8 1.916 328 4.59 2.44 9 06 53

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
May 17 0 48 02.92 +3 48 53.8 1.916 328 4.59 2.44 9 06 53
18 0 50 51.33 4 06 48.8 1.912 543 4.60 2.45 9 05 45
19 0 53 39.73 4 24 40.4 1.908 755 4.61 2.45 9 04 36
20 0 56 28.11 4 42 28.4 1.904 966 4.62 2.46 9 03 28
21 0 59 16.49 5 00 12.8 1.901 174 4.63 2.46 9 02 20
22 1 02 04.87 5 17 53.3 1.897 380 4.63 2.47 9 01 12

23 1 04 53.27 +5 35 29.8 1.893 583 4.64 2.47 9 00 04

24 1 07 41.69 5 53 02.1 1.889 783 4.65 2.48 8 58 56
25 1 10 30.14 6 10 30.2 1.885 979 4.66 2.48 8 57 48
26 1 13 18.62 6 27 53.8 1.882 171 4.67 2.49 8 56 40
27 1 16 07.13 6 45 12.7 1.878 357 4.68 2.49 8 55 32
28 1 18 55.69 7 02 26.9 1.874 539 4.69 2.50 8 54 24
29 1 21 44.28 +7 19 36.1 1.870 714 4.70 2.50 8 53 16
30 1 24 32.93 7 36 40.2 1.866 882 4.71 2.51 8 52 08
31 1 27 21.62 7 53 38.9 1.863 043 4.72 2.51 8 51 00
June 1 1 30 10.37 8 10 32.2 1.859 196 4.73 2.52 8 49 53
2 1 32 59.17 8 27 19.8 1.855 341 4.74 2.52 8 48 45
3 1 35 48.04 8 44 01.7 1.851 476 4.75 2.53 8 47 37
4 1 38 36.97 +9 00 37.5 1.847 603 4.76 2.53 8 46 30
5 1 41 25.97 9 17 07.2 1.843 719 4.77 2.54 8 45 22
6 1 44 15.03 9 33 30.7 1.839 826 4.78 2.54 8 44 15
7 1 47 04.16 9 49 47.6 1.835 924 4.79 2.55 8 43 08
8 1 49 53.35 10 05 58.0 1.832 011 4.80 2.55 8 42 00
9 1 52 42.61 10 22 01.5 1.828 088 4.81 2.56 8 40 53
10 1 55 31.93 +10 37 58.1 1.824 156 4.82 2.57 8 39 46
11 1 58 21.32 10 53 47.7 1.820 213 4.83 2.57 8 38 39
12 2 01 10.78 11 09 30.0 1.816 261 4.84 2.58 8 37 32
13 2 04 00.31 11 25 04.9 1.812 298 4.85 2.58 8 36 25
14 2 06 49.92 11 40 32.4 1.808 325 4.86 2.59 8 35 18
15 2 09 39.60 11 55 52.2 1.804 342 4.87 2.59 8 34 11
16 2 12 29.37 +12 11 04.3 1.800 348 4.88 2.60 8 33 04
17 2 15 19.22 12 26 08.5 1.796 343 4.90 2.61 8 31 58
18 2 18 09.17 12 41 04.8 1.792 328 4.91 2.61 8 30 51
19 2 20 59.21 12 55 53.0 1.788 300 4.92 2.62 8 29 45
20 2 23 49.34 13 10 33.0 1.784 261 4.93 2.62 8 28 39
21 2 26 39.57 13 25 04.7 1.780 210 4.94 2.63 8 27 32
22 2 29 29.90 +13 39 28.1 1.776 146 4.95 2.63 8 26 26
23 2 32 20.32 13 53 42.9 1.772 069 4.96 2.64 8 25 20
24 2 35 10.84 14 07 49.0 1.767 978 4.97 2.65 8 24 14
25 2 38 01.46 14 21 46.4 1.763 872 4.99 2.65 8 23 08
26 2 40 52.18 14 35 34.9 1.759 751 5.00 2.66 8 22 02
27 2 43 42.98 14 49 14.3 1.755 614 5.01 2.67 8 20 57
28 2 46 33.88 +15 02 44.6 1.751 460 5.02 2.67 8 19 51
29 2 49 24.87 15 16 05.6 1.747 289 5.03 2.68 8 18 46
30 2 52 15.95 15 29 17.2 1.743 100 5.05 2.68 8 17 40
July 1 2 55 07.11 15 42 19.4 1.738 892 5.06 2.69 8 16 35
2 2 57 58.36 +15 55 11.9 1.734 665 5.07 2.70 8 15 30

MARS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

July 1 2 55 07.11 +15 42 19.4 1.738 892 5.06 2.69 8 16 35
2 2 57 58.36 15 55 11.9 1.734 665 5.07 2.70 8 15 30
3 3 00 49.68 16 07 54.7 1.730 419 5.08 2.70 8 14 25
4 3 03 41.07 16 20 27.6 1.726 154 5.09 2.71 8 13 20
5 3 06 32.52 16 32 50.7 1.721 868 5.11 2.72 8 12 15
6 3 09 24.02 16 45 03.7 1.717 563 5.12 2.72 8 11 10
7 3 12 15.57 +16 57 06.5 1.713 238 5.13 2.73 8 10 05
8 3 15 07.16 17 08 59.1 1.708 892 5.15 2.74 8 08 60
9 3 17 58.78 17 20 41.3 1.704 527 5.16 2.75 8 07 55
10 3 20 50.43 17 32 13.2 1.700 141 5.17 2.75 8 06 50
11 3 23 42.11 17 43 34.5 1.695 736 5.19 2.76 8 05 45
12 3 26 33.80 17 54 45.3 1.691 309 5.20 2.77 8 04 40
13 3 29 25.52 +18 05 45.4 1.686 863 5.21 2.77 8 03 36
14 3 32 17.25 18 16 34.8 1.682 395 5.23 2.78 8 02 31
15 3 35 08.99 18 27 13.5 1.677 907 5.24 2.79 8 01 26
16 3 38 00.73 18 37 41.4 1.673 398 5.26 2.80 8 00 21
17 3 40 52.48 18 47 58.5 1.668 868 5.27 2.80 7 59 16
18 3 43 44.23 18 58 04.6 1.664 316 5.28 2.81 7 58 12

19 3 46 35.96 +19 07 59.9 1.659 742 5.30 2.82 7 57 07

20 3 49 27.68 19 17 44.2 1.655 146 5.31 2.83 7 56 02
21 3 52 19.39 19 27 17.5 1.650 527 5.33 2.84 7 54 57
22 3 55 11.06 19 36 39.7 1.645 885 5.34 2.84 7 53 52
23 3 58 02.69 19 45 50.8 1.641 220 5.36 2.85 7 52 48
24 4 00 54.29 19 54 50.8 1.636 529 5.37 2.86 7 51 43
25 4 03 45.83 +20 03 39.5 1.631 813 5.39 2.87 7 50 38
26 4 06 37.31 20 12 17.0 1.627 072 5.40 2.88 7 49 33
27 4 09 28.73 20 20 43.1 1.622 303 5.42 2.88 7 48 27
28 4 12 20.07 20 28 57.9 1.617 508 5.44 2.89 7 47 22
29 4 15 11.32 20 37 01.4 1.612 684 5.45 2.90 7 46 17
30 4 18 02.48 20 44 53.4 1.607 833 5.47 2.91 7 45 12
31 4 20 53.52 +20 52 34.1 1.602 953 5.49 2.92 7 44 06
Aug. 1 4 23 44.43 21 00 03.4 1.598 044 5.50 2.93 7 43 00
2 4 26 35.19 21 07 21.2 1.593 107 5.52 2.94 7 41 55
3 4 29 25.80 21 14 27.5 1.588 140 5.54 2.95 7 40 49
4 4 32 16.23 21 21 22.4 1.583 145 5.55 2.96 7 39 43
5 4 35 06.48 21 28 05.8 1.578 121 5.57 2.97 7 38 36
6 4 37 56.53 +21 34 37.7 1.573 067 5.59 2.98 7 37 30
7 4 40 46.36 21 40 58.2 1.567 985 5.61 2.98 7 36 23
8 4 43 35.97 21 47 07.2 1.562 873 5.63 2.99 7 35 16
9 4 46 25.35 21 53 04.8 1.557 733 5.65 3.00 7 34 09
10 4 49 14.48 21 58 51.0 1.552 564 5.66 3.01 7 33 01
11 4 52 03.36 22 04 25.8 1.547 366 5.68 3.02 7 31 54
12 4 54 51.98 +22 09 49.3 1.542 139 5.70 3.03 7 30 46
13 4 57 40.32 22 15 01.6 1.536 883 5.72 3.05 7 29 37
14 5 00 28.38 22 20 02.6 1.531 598 5.74 3.06 7 28 29
15 5 03 16.13 22 24 52.4 1.526 284 5.76 3.07 7 27 20
16 5 06 03.59 +22 29 31.2 1.520 940 5.78 3.08 7 26 11

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Aug. 16 5 06 03.59 +22 29 31.2 1.520 940 5.78 3.08 7 26 11
17 5 08 50.72 22 33 58.9 1.515 567 5.80 3.09 7 25 01
18 5 11 37.52 22 38 15.5 1.510 165 5.82 3.10 7 23 52
19 5 14 23.97 22 42 21.2 1.504 732 5.84 3.11 7 22 42
20 5 17 10.07 22 46 16.0 1.499 269 5.87 3.12 7 21 31
21 5 19 55.81 22 49 60.0 1.493 775 5.89 3.13 7 20 20

22 5 22 41.17 +22 53 33.1 1.488 250 5.91 3.14 7 19 09

23 5 25 26.13 22 56 55.4 1.482 692 5.93 3.16 7 17 57
24 5 28 10.70 23 00 07.1 1.477 102 5.95 3.17 7 16 45
25 5 30 54.85 23 03 08.1 1.471 478 5.98 3.18 7 15 33
26 5 33 38.57 23 05 58.6 1.465 821 6.00 3.19 7 14 20
27 5 36 21.83 23 08 38.7 1.460 131 6.02 3.21 7 13 06
28 5 39 04.63 +23 11 08.4 1.454 406 6.05 3.22 7 11 53
29 5 41 46.93 23 13 27.9 1.448 648 6.07 3.23 7 10 38
30 5 44 28.72 23 15 37.2 1.442 855 6.09 3.24 7 09 23
31 5 47 09.98 23 17 36.5 1.437 029 6.12 3.26 7 08 08
Sept. 1 5 49 50.70 23 19 25.8 1.431 169 6.14 3.27 7 06 52
2 5 52 30.84 23 21 05.2 1.425 275 6.17 3.28 7 05 36
3 5 55 10.41 +23 22 34.9 1.419 348 6.20 3.30 7 04 18
4 5 57 49.38 23 23 55.0 1.413 387 6.22 3.31 7 03 01
5 6 00 27.74 23 25 05.5 1.407 394 6.25 3.33 7 01 42
6 6 03 05.47 23 26 06.7 1.401 368 6.28 3.34 7 00 24
7 6 05 42.55 23 26 58.7 1.395 310 6.30 3.35 6 59 04
8 6 08 18.99 23 27 41.5 1.389 219 6.33 3.37 6 57 44
9 6 10 54.76 +23 28 15.4 1.383 097 6.36 3.38 6 56 23
10 6 13 29.84 23 28 40.5 1.376 943 6.39 3.40 6 55 01
11 6 16 04.23 23 28 56.9 1.370 758 6.42 3.41 6 53 39
12 6 18 37.91 23 29 04.9 1.364 542 6.44 3.43 6 52 16
13 6 21 10.87 23 29 04.5 1.358 294 6.47 3.45 6 50 52
14 6 23 43.09 23 28 56.0 1.352 016 6.50 3.46 6 49 28
15 6 26 14.56 +23 28 39.4 1.345 708 6.53 3.48 6 48 03
16 6 28 45.26 23 28 15.0 1.339 368 6.57 3.49 6 46 37
17 6 31 15.19 23 27 42.8 1.332 998 6.60 3.51 6 45 10
18 6 33 44.33 23 27 03.0 1.326 597 6.63 3.53 6 43 42
19 6 36 12.66 23 26 15.7 1.320 165 6.66 3.55 6 42 14
20 6 38 40.18 23 25 21.2 1.313 701 6.69 3.56 6 40 45
21 6 41 06.88 +23 24 19.5 1.307 206 6.73 3.58 6 39 15
22 6 43 32.72 23 23 11.0 1.300 679 6.76 3.60 6 37 44
23 6 45 57.70 23 21 55.6 1.294 120 6.80 3.62 6 36 12
24 6 48 21.79 23 20 33.8 1.287 529 6.83 3.63 6 34 40
25 6 50 44.97 23 19 05.6 1.280 907 6.87 3.65 6 33 06
26 6 53 07.21 23 17 31.3 1.274 253 6.90 3.67 6 31 32
27 6 55 28.50 +23 15 51.1 1.267 568 6.94 3.69 6 29 56
28 6 57 48.80 23 14 05.1 1.260 852 6.97 3.71 6 28 20
29 7 00 08.10 23 12 13.6 1.254 107 7.01 3.73 6 26 42
30 7 02 26.39 23 10 16.7 1.247 331 7.05 3.75 6 25 04
Oct. 1 7 04 43.63 +23 08 14.8 1.240 527 7.09 3.77 6 23 24

MARS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Oct. 1 7 04 43.63 +23 08 14.8 1.240 527 7.09 3.77 6 23 24
2 7 06 59.82 23 06 08.0 1.233 695 7.13 3.79 6 21 44
3 7 09 14.92 23 03 56.5 1.226 834 7.17 3.81 6 20 02
4 7 11 28.93 23 01 40.5 1.219 947 7.21 3.84 6 18 20
5 7 13 41.83 22 59 20.4 1.213 033 7.25 3.86 6 16 36
6 7 15 53.60 22 56 56.3 1.206 095 7.29 3.88 6 14 51

7 7 18 04.21 +22 54 28.5 1.199 131 7.33 3.90 6 13 05

8 7 20 13.66 22 51 57.2 1.192 143 7.38 3.93 6 11 17
9 7 22 21.92 22 49 22.7 1.185 133 7.42 3.95 6 09 29
10 7 24 28.97 22 46 45.1 1.178 100 7.46 3.97 6 07 39
11 7 26 34.81 22 44 04.9 1.171 045 7.51 4.00 6 05 48
12 7 28 39.39 22 41 22.1 1.163 969 7.56 4.02 6 03 56
13 7 30 42.72 +22 38 37.0 1.156 874 7.60 4.05 6 02 03
14 7 32 44.77 22 35 49.9 1.149 758 7.65 4.07 6 00 08
15 7 34 45.52 22 33 01.0 1.142 624 7.70 4.10 5 58 12
16 7 36 44.96 22 30 10.5 1.135 471 7.74 4.12 5 56 15
17 7 38 43.07 22 27 18.7 1.128 299 7.79 4.15 5 54 16
18 7 40 39.83 22 24 25.7 1.121 110 7.84 4.17 5 52 16
19 7 42 35.22 +22 21 31.9 1.113 903 7.89 4.20 5 50 15
20 7 44 29.22 22 18 37.6 1.106 680 7.95 4.23 5 48 12
21 7 46 21.78 22 15 43.0 1.099 440 8.00 4.26 5 46 08
22 7 48 12.90 22 12 48.4 1.092 184 8.05 4.28 5 44 02
23 7 50 02.52 22 09 54.2 1.084 913 8.11 4.31 5 41 55
24 7 51 50.61 22 07 00.6 1.077 628 8.16 4.34 5 39 47
25 7 53 37.16 +22 04 07.9 1.070 330 8.22 4.37 5 37 36
26 7 55 22.11 22 01 16.5 1.063 021 8.27 4.40 5 35 25
27 7 57 05.45 21 58 26.5 1.055 701 8.33 4.43 5 33 11
28 7 58 47.14 21 55 38.4 1.048 371 8.39 4.46 5 30 56
29 8 00 27.14 21 52 52.5 1.041 034 8.45 4.50 5 28 40
30 8 02 05.44 21 50 08.9 1.033 691 8.51 4.53 5 26 21

31 8 03 41.99 +21 47 28.2 1.026 343 8.57 4.56 5 24 01

Nov. 1 8 05 16.76 21 44 50.5 1.018 992 8.63 4.59 5 21 39
2 8 06 49.73 21 42 16.2 1.011 639 8.69 4.63 5 19 15
3 8 08 20.86 21 39 45.6 1.004 287 8.76 4.66 5 16 50
4 8 09 50.11 21 37 19.1 0.996 937 8.82 4.69 5 14 22
5 8 11 17.47 21 34 56.9 0.989 590 8.89 4.73 5 11 53

6 8 12 42.88 +21 32 39.4 0.982 249 8.95 4.76 5 09 22

7 8 14 06.32 21 30 26.9 0.974 915 9.02 4.80 5 06 48
8 8 15 27.75 21 28 19.8 0.967 591 9.09 4.84 5 04 13
9 8 16 47.15 21 26 18.2 0.960 278 9.16 4.87 5 01 36
10 8 18 04.47 21 24 22.5 0.952 977 9.23 4.91 4 58 56
11 8 19 19.68 21 22 33.0 0.945 692 9.30 4.95 4 56 15

12 8 20 32.75 +21 20 50.0 0.938 422 9.37 4.99 4 53 31

13 8 21 43.65 21 19 13.7 0.931 171 9.44 5.03 4 50 45
14 8 22 52.33 21 17 44.5 0.923 940 9.52 5.07 4 47 57
15 8 23 58.77 21 16 22.6 0.916 730 9.59 5.11 4 45 07
16 8 25 02.93 +21 15 08.5 0.909 543 9.67 5.15 4 42 15

MARS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Nov. 16 8 25 02.93 +21 15 08.5 0.909 543 9.67 5.15 4 42 15
17 8 26 04.75 21 14 02.3 0.902 381 9.75 5.19 4 39 20
18 8 27 04.19 21 13 04.4 0.895 245 9.82 5.23 4 36 23
19 8 28 01.19 21 12 15.2 0.888 139 9.90 5.27 4 33 23
20 8 28 55.70 21 11 35.1 0.881 064 9.98 5.31 4 30 21
21 8 29 47.68 21 11 04.2 0.874 022 10.06 5.35 4 27 16

22 8 30 37.06 +21 10 43.0 0.867 017 10.14 5.40 4 24 09

23 8 31 23.79 21 10 31.8 0.860 050 10.23 5.44 4 20 59
24 8 32 07.83 21 10 30.8 0.853 126 10.31 5.49 4 17 46
25 8 32 49.11 21 10 40.3 0.846 246 10.39 5.53 4 14 31
26 8 33 27.60 21 11 00.7 0.839 414 10.48 5.58 4 11 13
27 8 34 03.24 21 11 32.2 0.832 633 10.56 5.62 4 07 52
28 8 34 35.97 +21 12 15.0 0.825 906 10.65 5.67 4 04 28
29 8 35 05.76 21 13 09.4 0.819 238 10.73 5.71 4 01 01
30 8 35 32.55 21 14 15.6 0.812 631 10.82 5.76 3 57 32
Dec. 1 8 35 56.30 21 15 33.8 0.806 088 10.91 5.81 3 53 59
2 8 36 16.96 21 17 04.3 0.799 615 11.00 5.85 3 50 23
3 8 36 34.48 21 18 47.1 0.793 214 11.09 5.90 3 46 44
4 8 36 48.83 +21 20 42.5 0.786 889 11.18 5.95 3 43 02
5 8 36 59.95 21 22 50.5 0.780 645 11.27 6.00 3 39 17
6 8 37 07.83 21 25 11.3 0.774 484 11.35 6.04 3 35 28
7 8 37 12.41 21 27 44.8 0.768 411 11.44 6.09 3 31 36
8 8 37 13.66 21 30 31.1 0.762 429 11.53 6.14 3 27 41
9 8 37 11.56 21 33 30.1 0.756 543 11.62 6.19 3 23 42
10 8 37 06.08 +21 36 41.8 0.750 756 11.71 6.23 3 19 41
11 8 36 57.19 21 40 06.2 0.745 072 11.80 6.28 3 15 35
12 8 36 44.88 21 43 43.1 0.739 494 11.89 6.33 3 11 27
13 8 36 29.12 21 47 32.4 0.734 027 11.98 6.38 3 07 15
14 8 36 09.89 21 51 33.9 0.728 673 12.07 6.42 3 02 59
15 8 35 47.16 21 55 47.6 0.723 438 12.16 6.47 2 58 40
16 8 35 20.92 +22 00 13.3 0.718 325 12.24 6.52 2 54 18
17 8 34 51.15 22 04 50.7 0.713 338 12.33 6.56 2 49 52
18 8 34 17.83 22 09 39.5 0.708 481 12.41 6.61 2 45 23
19 8 33 40.96 22 14 39.5 0.703 759 12.50 6.65 2 40 50
20 8 33 00.54 22 19 50.2 0.699 176 12.58 6.69 2 36 13
21 8 32 16.58 22 25 11.3 0.694 738 12.66 6.74 2 31 33
22 8 31 29.09 +22 30 42.3 0.690 447 12.74 6.78 2 26 50
23 8 30 38.09 22 36 22.7 0.686 310 12.81 6.82 2 22 03
24 8 29 43.63 22 42 12.0 0.682 331 12.89 6.86 2 17 12
25 8 28 45.75 22 48 09.4 0.678 515 12.96 6.90 2 12 19
26 8 27 44.49 22 54 14.5 0.674 866 13.03 6.93 2 07 21
27 8 26 39.91 23 00 26.5 0.671 389 13.10 6.97 2 02 21
28 8 25 32.10 +23 06 44.6 0.668 088 13.16 7.01 1 57 18
29 8 24 21.13 23 13 08.1 0.664 968 13.22 7.04 1 52 11
30 8 23 07.09 23 19 36.1 0.662 034 13.28 7.07 1 47 01
31 8 21 50.09 23 26 07.9 0.659 288 13.34 7.10 1 41 48
32 8 20 30.25 +23 32 42.5 0.656 737 13.39 7.13 1 36 33

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 45 50 17.8 -1 03 56.4 4.984 8970 Apr. 2 54 07 40.6 -0 56 47.5 5.004 4420
3 46 01 09.0 1 03 47.8 4.985 2792 4 54 18 26.7 0 56 37.4 5.004 9098
5 46 12 00.1 1 03 39.2 4.985 6633 6 54 29 12.6 0 56 27.2 5.005 3794
7 46 22 51.1 1 03 30.7 4.986 0494 8 54 39 58.4 0 56 17.1 5.005 8507
9 46 33 42.0 1 03 22.0 4.986 4375 10 54 50 44.1 0 56 06.8 5.006 3237
11 46 44 32.7 1 03 13.3 4.986 8275 12 55 01 29.7 0 55 56.6 5.006 7985
13 46 55 23.4 -1 03 04.6 4.987 2195 14 55 12 15.1 -0 55 46.4 5.007 2750
15 47 06 14.0 1 02 55.9 4.987 6134 16 55 23 00.4 0 55 36.0 5.007 7533
17 47 17 04.5 1 02 47.0 4.988 0092 18 55 33 45.6 0 55 25.7 5.008 2333
19 47 27 54.8 1 02 38.2 4.988 4070 20 55 44 30.7 0 55 15.4 5.008 7149
21 47 38 45.1 1 02 29.4 4.988 8067 22 55 55 15.6 0 55 05.0 5.009 1983
23 47 49 35.2 1 02 20.5 4.989 2083 24 56 06 00.5 0 54 54.6 5.009 6834
25 48 00 25.3 -1 02 11.6 4.989 6118 26 56 16 45.2 -0 54 44.1 5.010 1702
27 48 11 15.3 1 02 02.6 4.990 0173 28 56 27 29.7 0 54 33.6 5.010 6587
29 48 22 05.1 1 01 53.6 4.990 4246 30 56 38 14.2 0 54 23.1 5.011 1489
31 48 32 54.8 1 01 44.5 4.990 8339 May 2 56 48 58.5 0 54 12.6 5.011 6407
Feb. 2 48 43 44.4 1 01 35.5 4.991 2451 4 56 59 42.6 0 54 02.0 5.012 1343
4 48 54 33.9 1 01 26.4 4.991 6581 6 57 10 26.7 0 53 51.4 5.012 6295
6 49 05 23.3 -1 01 17.2 4.992 0731 8 57 21 10.6 -0 53 40.8 5.013 1263
8 49 16 12.6 1 01 08.0 4.992 4900 10 57 31 54.4 0 53 30.2 5.013 6249
10 49 27 01.8 1 00 58.8 4.992 9087 12 57 42 38.1 0 53 19.5 5.014 1250
12 49 37 50.9 1 00 49.6 4.993 3293 14 57 53 21.6 0 53 08.8 5.014 6269
14 49 48 39.8 1 00 40.3 4.993 7518 16 58 04 05.0 0 52 58.0 5.015 1304
16 49 59 28.7 1 00 31.0 4.994 1762 18 58 14 48.3 0 52 47.3 5.015 6355
18 50 10 17.4 -1 00 21.6 4.994 6024 20 58 25 31.5 -0 52 36.5 5.016 1423
20 50 21 06.1 1 00 12.3 4.995 0305 22 58 36 14.5 0 52 25.7 5.016 6506
22 50 31 54.6 1 00 02.8 4.995 4605 24 58 46 57.4 0 52 14.8 5.017 1607
24 50 42 43.0 0 59 53.4 4.995 8923 26 58 57 40.1 0 52 03.9 5.017 6723
26 50 53 31.3 0 59 43.9 4.996 3259 28 59 08 22.8 0 51 53.0 5.018 1855
28 51 04 19.5 0 59 34.4 4.996 7614 30 59 19 05.3 0 51 42.1 5.018 7004
Mar. 1 51 15 07.5 -0 59 24.8 4.997 1987 June 1 59 29 47.6 -0 51 31.1 5.019 2168
3 51 25 55.5 0 59 15.2 4.997 6379 3 59 40 29.8 0 51 20.1 5.019 7349
5 51 36 43.3 0 59 05.6 4.998 0789 5 59 51 11.9 0 51 09.1 5.020 2545
7 51 47 31.0 0 58 55.9 4.998 5217 7 60 01 53.9 0 50 58.0 5.020 7757
9 51 58 18.6 0 58 46.3 4.998 9664 9 60 12 35.7 0 50 47.0 5.021 2985
11 52 09 06.1 0 58 36.5 4.999 4128 11 60 23 17.4 0 50 35.9 5.021 8229
13 52 19 53.5 -0 58 26.8 4.999 8611 13 60 33 58.9 -0 50 24.7 5.022 3489
15 52 30 40.7 0 58 17.0 5.000 3111 15 60 44 40.3 0 50 13.6 5.022 8764
17 52 41 27.8 0 58 07.2 5.000 7630 17 60 55 21.6 0 50 02.4 5.023 4054
19 52 52 14.9 0 57 57.3 5.001 2166 19 61 06 02.8 0 49 51.1 5.023 9361
21 53 03 01.8 0 57 47.5 5.001 6721 21 61 16 43.8 0 49 39.9 5.024 4682
23 53 13 48.5 0 57 37.5 5.002 1293 23 61 27 24.6 0 49 28.6 5.025 0019
25 53 24 35.2 -0 57 27.6 5.002 5883 25 61 38 05.4 -0 49 17.4 5.025 5372
27 53 35 21.7 0 57 17.6 5.003 0490 27 61 48 46.0 0 49 06.0 5.026 0740
29 53 46 08.2 0 57 07.6 5.003 5116 29 61 59 26.4 0 48 54.7 5.026 6123
31 53 56 54.5 0 56 57.5 5.003 9759 July 1 62 10 06.7 0 48 43.3 5.027 1521
Apr. 2 54 07 40.6 -0 56 47.5 5.004 4420 3 62 20 47.0 -0 48 31.9 5.027 6935

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 62 10 06.7 -0 48 43.3 5.027 1521 Oct. 1 70 18 26.3 -0 39 34.8 5.053 5357
3 62 20 47.0 0 48 31.9 5.027 6935 3 70 28 59.8 0 39 22.4 5.054 1408
5 62 31 27.0 0 48 20.5 5.028 2363 5 70 39 33.1 0 39 09.9 5.054 7472
7 62 42 06.9 0 48 09.1 5.028 7807 7 70 50 06.3 0 38 57.5 5.055 3548
9 62 52 46.7 0 47 57.6 5.029 3266 9 71 00 39.3 0 38 45.0 5.055 9636
11 63 03 26.3 0 47 46.1 5.029 8739 11 71 11 12.1 0 38 32.5 5.056 5737
13 63 14 05.7 -0 47 34.6 5.030 4228 13 71 21 44.8 -0 38 20.0 5.057 1850
15 63 24 45.1 0 47 23.0 5.030 9731 15 71 32 17.4 0 38 07.4 5.057 7976
17 63 35 24.3 0 47 11.5 5.031 5249 17 71 42 49.8 0 37 54.9 5.058 4113
19 63 46 03.4 0 46 59.9 5.032 0782 19 71 53 22.0 0 37 42.3 5.059 0263
21 63 56 42.3 0 46 48.3 5.032 6330 21 72 03 54.1 0 37 29.7 5.059 6424
23 64 07 21.0 0 46 36.6 5.033 1892 23 72 14 26.0 0 37 17.1 5.060 2598
25 64 17 59.7 -0 46 25.0 5.033 7469 25 72 24 57.8 -0 37 04.4 5.060 8783
27 64 28 38.1 0 46 13.3 5.034 3061 27 72 35 29.4 0 36 51.8 5.061 4980
29 64 39 16.5 0 46 01.5 5.034 8667 29 72 46 00.9 0 36 39.1 5.062 1189
31 64 49 54.7 0 45 49.8 5.035 4287 31 72 56 32.2 0 36 26.4 5.062 7410
Aug. 2 65 00 32.8 0 45 38.0 5.035 9922 Nov. 2 73 07 03.3 0 36 13.7 5.063 3642
4 65 11 10.7 0 45 26.3 5.036 5571 4 73 17 34.3 0 36 01.0 5.063 9886
6 65 21 48.4 -0 45 14.5 5.037 1234 6 73 28 05.2 -0 35 48.3 5.064 6141
8 65 32 26.1 0 45 02.6 5.037 6911 8 73 38 35.9 0 35 35.5 5.065 2408
10 65 43 03.6 0 44 50.8 5.038 2603 10 73 49 06.4 0 35 22.7 5.065 8686
12 65 53 40.9 0 44 38.9 5.038 8309 12 73 59 36.8 0 35 10.0 5.066 4975
14 66 04 18.1 0 44 27.0 5.039 4028 14 74 10 07.0 0 34 57.2 5.067 1276
16 66 14 55.1 0 44 15.1 5.039 9762 16 74 20 37.0 0 34 44.3 5.067 7588
18 66 25 32.0 -0 44 03.1 5.040 5509 18 74 31 06.9 -0 34 31.5 5.068 3910
20 66 36 08.8 0 43 51.1 5.041 1271 20 74 41 36.7 0 34 18.6 5.069 0244
22 66 46 45.4 0 43 39.1 5.041 7046 22 74 52 06.3 0 34 05.8 5.069 6589
24 66 57 21.9 0 43 27.1 5.042 2835 24 75 02 35.7 0 33 52.9 5.070 2945
26 67 07 58.2 0 43 15.1 5.042 8638 26 75 13 05.0 0 33 40.0 5.070 9311
28 67 18 34.3 0 43 03.0 5.043 4454 28 75 23 34.1 0 33 27.1 5.071 5689
30 67 29 10.4 -0 42 50.9 5.044 0284 30 75 34 03.0 -0 33 14.2 5.072 2077
Sept. 1 67 39 46.2 0 42 38.8 5.044 6127 Dec. 2 75 44 31.8 0 33 01.2 5.072 8476
3 67 50 21.9 0 42 26.7 5.045 1984 4 75 55 00.5 0 32 48.2 5.073 4885
5 68 00 57.5 0 42 14.6 5.045 7854 6 76 05 28.9 0 32 35.3 5.074 1305
7 68 11 32.9 0 42 02.4 5.046 3738 8 76 15 57.2 0 32 22.3 5.074 7735
9 68 22 08.2 0 41 50.2 5.046 9634 10 76 26 25.4 0 32 09.2 5.075 4175
11 68 32 43.3 -0 41 38.0 5.047 5544 12 76 36 53.4 -0 31 56.2 5.076 0626
13 68 43 18.3 0 41 25.8 5.048 1467 14 76 47 21.2 0 31 43.2 5.076 7087
15 68 53 53.1 0 41 13.5 5.048 7403 16 76 57 48.9 0 31 30.2 5.077 3559
17 69 04 27.8 0 41 01.3 5.049 3353 18 77 08 16.4 0 31 17.1 5.078 0040
19 69 15 02.4 0 40 49.0 5.049 9315 20 77 18 43.8 0 31 04.0 5.078 6531
21 69 25 36.7 0 40 36.7 5.050 5290 22 77 29 10.9 0 30 50.9 5.079 3033
23 69 36 10.9 -0 40 24.3 5.051 1278 24 77 39 38.0 -0 30 37.8 5.079 9544
25 69 46 45.0 0 40 12.0 5.051 7278 26 77 50 04.9 0 30 24.7 5.080 6066
27 69 57 18.9 0 39 59.6 5.052 3292 28 78 00 31.6 0 30 11.6 5.081 2597
29 70 07 52.7 0 39 47.2 5.052 9318 30 78 10 58.1 0 29 58.4 5.081 9138
Oct. 1 70 18 26.3 -0 39 34.8 5.053 5357 32 78 21 24.5 -0 29 45.2 5.082 5688


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 35 34 51.8 -1 11 26.2 Feb. 15 38 58 53.9 -0 58 19.3
1 35 34 56.7 1 11 07.7 16 39 07 19.1 0 58 04.6
2 35 35 13.9 1 10 49.3 17 39 15 52.6 0 57 50.0
3 35 35 43.7 1 10 30.9 18 39 24 34.4 0 57 35.6
4 35 36 25.8 1 10 12.5 19 39 33 24.3 0 57 21.3
5 35 37 20.5 1 09 54.1 20 39 42 22.2 0 57 07.1
6 35 38 27.5 -1 09 35.7 21 39 51 27.9 -0 56 53.0
7 35 39 47.1 1 09 17.3 22 40 00 41.2 0 56 39.1
8 35 41 19.0 1 08 59.0 23 40 10 02.1 0 56 25.3
9 35 43 03.3 1 08 40.7 24 40 19 30.4 0 56 11.7
10 35 45 00.0 1 08 22.4 25 40 29 06.0 0 55 58.1
11 35 47 08.9 1 08 04.2 26 40 38 48.9 0 55 44.7
12 35 49 30.0 -1 07 46.0 27 40 48 38.8 -0 55 31.5
13 35 52 03.1 1 07 27.8 28 40 58 35.8 0 55 18.3
14 35 54 48.3 1 07 09.7 29 41 08 39.8 0 55 05.3
15 35 57 45.3 1 06 51.7 Mar. 1 41 18 50.6 0 54 52.5
16 36 00 54.2 1 06 33.7 2 41 29 08.2 0 54 39.7
17 36 04 14.9 1 06 15.8 3 41 39 32.4 0 54 27.1
18 36 07 47.3 -1 05 57.9 4 41 50 03.2 -0 54 14.5
19 36 11 31.4 1 05 40.2 5 42 00 40.5 0 54 02.2
20 36 15 27.0 1 05 22.5 6 42 11 24.1 0 53 49.9
21 36 19 34.0 1 05 04.9 7 42 22 13.9 0 53 37.7
22 36 23 52.3 1 04 47.4 8 42 33 09.7 0 53 25.7
23 36 28 21.7 1 04 30.0 9 42 44 11.5 0 53 13.8
24 36 33 02.2 -1 04 12.7 10 42 55 19.1 -0 53 02.0
25 36 37 53.7 1 03 55.5 11 43 06 32.5 0 52 50.3
26 36 42 55.9 1 03 38.4 12 43 17 51.5 0 52 38.8
27 36 48 08.8 1 03 21.4 13 43 29 16.0 0 52 27.3
28 36 53 32.3 1 03 04.5 14 43 40 46.1 0 52 16.0
29 36 59 06.3 1 02 47.7 15 43 52 21.5 0 52 04.9
30 37 04 50.6 -1 02 31.0 16 44 04 02.2 -0 51 53.8
31 37 10 45.3 1 02 14.4 17 44 15 47.9 0 51 42.9
Feb. 1 37 16 50.2 1 01 58.0 18 44 27 38.6 0 51 32.1
2 37 23 05.2 1 01 41.6 19 44 39 34.2 0 51 21.4
3 37 29 30.3 1 01 25.4 20 44 51 34.4 0 51 10.9
4 37 36 05.4 1 01 09.2 21 45 03 39.2 0 51 00.4
5 37 42 50.3 -1 00 53.2 22 45 15 48.5 -0 50 50.1
6 37 49 44.9 1 00 37.3 23 45 28 02.3 0 50 40.0
7 37 56 49.2 1 00 21.5 24 45 40 20.3 0 50 29.9
8 38 04 03.0 1 00 05.8 25 45 52 42.6 0 50 20.0
9 38 11 26.1 0 59 50.3 26 46 05 09.0 0 50 10.1
10 38 18 58.4 0 59 34.8 27 46 17 39.6 0 50 00.4
11 38 26 39.8 -0 59 19.5 28 46 30 14.1 -0 49 50.8
12 38 34 30.1 0 59 04.2 29 46 42 52.7 0 49 41.3
13 38 42 29.3 0 58 49.1 30 46 55 35.1 0 49 32.0
14 38 50 37.3 0 58 34.2 31 47 08 21.3 0 49 22.7
15 38 58 53.9 -0 58 19.3 Apr. 1 47 21 11.2 -0 49 13.5


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 47 21 11.2 -0 49 13.5 May 17 57 53 09.7 -0 44 00.7
2 47 34 04.7 0 49 04.5 18 58 07 19.2 0 43 56.3
3 47 47 01.8 0 48 55.5 19 58 21 28.1 0 43 51.9
4 48 00 02.2 0 48 46.7 20 58 35 37.1 0 43 47.1
5 48 13 05.9 0 48 37.9 21 58 49 46.1 0 43 42.6
6 48 26 12.8 0 48 29.3 22 59 03 54.9 0 43 38.2
7 48 39 22.8 -0 48 20.7 23 59 18 03.2 -0 43 34.0
8 48 52 35.8 0 48 12.3 24 59 32 11.3 0 43 29.8
9 49 05 51.9 0 48 04.0 25 59 46 18.8 0 43 25.7
10 49 19 10.9 0 47 55.8 26 60 00 25.9 0 43 21.6
11 49 32 32.7 0 47 47.6 27 60 14 32.4 0 43 17.7
12 49 45 57.3 0 47 39.6 28 60 28 38.2 0 43 13.8
13 49 59 24.5 -0 47 31.7 29 60 42 43.3 -0 43 10.0
14 50 12 54.2 0 47 23.9 30 60 56 47.5 0 43 06.3
15 50 26 26.3 0 47 16.3 31 61 10 50.9 0 43 02.6
16 50 40 00.7 0 47 08.7 June 1 61 24 53.3 0 42 59.0
17 50 53 37.2 0 47 01.2 2 61 38 54.7 0 42 55.5
18 51 07 15.9 0 46 53.9 3 61 52 55.1 0 42 52.1
19 51 20 56.6 -0 46 46.6 4 62 06 54.4 -0 42 48.7
20 51 34 39.2 0 46 39.4 5 62 20 52.6 0 42 45.4
21 51 48 23.7 0 46 32.4 6 62 34 49.6 0 42 42.2
22 52 02 10.1 0 46 25.4 7 62 48 45.2 0 42 39.1
23 52 15 58.2 0 46 18.6 8 63 02 39.4 0 42 36.0
24 52 29 48.1 0 46 11.8 9 63 16 32.1 0 42 33.0
25 52 43 39.7 -0 46 05.1 10 63 30 23.1 -0 42 30.1
26 52 57 32.9 0 45 58.5 11 63 44 12.3 0 42 27.3
27 53 11 27.6 0 45 52.0 12 63 57 59.8 0 42 24.6
28 53 25 23.8 0 45 45.6 13 64 11 45.3 0 42 21.9
29 53 39 21.4 0 45 39.3 14 64 25 29.0 0 42 19.3
30 53 53 20.3 0 45 33.1 15 64 39 10.7 0 42 16.8
May 1 54 07 20.4 -0 45 26.9 16 64 52 50.3 -0 42 14.3
2 54 21 21.7 0 45 20.9 17 65 06 27.9 0 42 11.9
3 54 35 24.0 0 45 14.9 18 65 20 03.3 0 42 09.6
4 54 49 27.3 0 45 09.0 19 65 33 36.5 0 42 07.3
5 55 03 31.6 0 45 03.2 20 65 47 07.6 0 42 05.1
6 55 17 36.7 0 44 57.5 21 66 00 36.3 0 42 03.0
7 55 31 42.6 -0 44 51.9 22 66 14 02.6 -0 42 00.9
8 55 45 49.4 0 44 46.3 23 66 27 26.5 0 41 58.9
9 55 59 56.9 0 44 40.9 24 66 40 47.9 0 41 57.0
10 56 14 04.9 0 44 35.5 25 66 54 06.6 0 41 55.1
11 56 28 13.5 0 44 30.3 26 67 07 22.6 0 41 53.3
12 56 42 22.4 0 44 25.1 27 67 20 35.8 0 41 51.5
13 56 56 31.6 -0 44 20.0 28 67 33 46.2 -0 41 49.8
14 57 10 41.0 0 44 15.0 29 67 46 53.6 0 41 48.2
15 57 24 50.6 0 44 10.2 30 67 59 58.2 0 41 46.6
16 57 39 00.1 0 44 05.4 July 1 68 12 59.8 0 41 45.1
17 57 53 09.7 -0 44 00.7 2 68 25 58.3 -0 41 43.7


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 68 12 59.8 -0 41 45.1 Aug. 16 76 52 55.6 -0 41 39.8
2 68 25 58.3 0 41 43.7 17 77 01 56.5 0 41 40.9
3 68 38 53.6 0 41 42.3 18 77 10 50.1 0 41 42.0
4 68 51 45.7 0 41 41.0 19 77 19 36.2 0 41 43.1
5 69 04 34.4 0 41 39.8 20 77 28 14.6 0 41 44.2
6 69 17 19.7 0 41 38.6 21 77 36 45.3 0 41 45.4
7 69 30 01.3 -0 41 37.5 22 77 45 08.3 -0 41 46.7
8 69 42 39.2 0 41 36.5 23 77 53 23.4 0 41 47.9
9 69 55 13.3 0 41 35.5 24 78 01 30.5 0 41 49.2
10 70 07 43.6 0 41 34.6 25 78 09 29.6 0 41 50.5
11 70 20 09.9 0 41 33.8 26 78 17 20.6 0 41 51.9
12 70 32 32.2 0 41 33.0 27 78 25 03.2 0 41 53.3
13 70 44 50.4 -0 41 32.3 28 78 32 37.5 -0 41 54.7
14 70 57 04.4 0 41 31.6 29 78 40 03.2 0 41 56.2
15 71 09 14.3 0 41 31.0 30 78 47 20.1 0 41 57.7
16 71 21 19.9 0 41 30.5 31 78 54 28.2 0 41 59.3
17 71 33 21.2 0 41 30.0 Sept. 1 79 01 27.3 0 42 00.8
18 71 45 18.1 0 41 29.6 2 79 08 17.3 0 42 02.4
19 71 57 10.5 -0 41 29.2 3 79 14 58.1 -0 42 04.1
20 72 08 58.3 0 41 28.9 4 79 21 29.5 0 42 05.7
21 72 20 41.4 0 41 28.6 5 79 27 51.6 0 42 07.4
22 72 32 19.7 0 41 28.4 6 79 34 04.2 0 42 09.1
23 72 43 53.2 0 41 28.2 7 79 40 07.2 0 42 10.8
24 72 55 21.7 0 41 28.1 8 79 46 00.5 0 42 12.5
25 73 06 45.1 -0 41 28.0 9 79 51 44.1 -0 42 14.2
26 73 18 03.4 0 41 28.0 10 79 57 17.9 0 42 15.9
27 73 29 16.6 0 41 28.0 11 80 02 41.7 0 42 17.7
28 73 40 24.6 0 41 28.1 12 80 07 55.4 0 42 19.4
29 73 51 27.2 0 41 28.2 13 80 12 59.1 0 42 21.2
30 74 02 24.4 0 41 28.4 14 80 17 52.4 0 42 22.9
31 74 13 16.0 -0 41 28.7 15 80 22 35.4 -0 42 24.6
Aug. 1 74 24 02.0 0 41 29.0 16 80 27 08.0 0 42 26.3
2 74 34 42.2 0 41 29.4 17 80 31 29.9 0 42 28.1
3 74 45 16.4 0 41 29.8 18 80 35 41.2 0 42 29.8
4 74 55 44.6 0 41 30.3 19 80 39 41.9 0 42 31.5
5 75 06 06.6 0 41 30.8 20 80 43 31.8 0 42 33.2
6 75 16 22.4 -0 41 31.4 21 80 47 10.8 -0 42 34.8
7 75 26 31.7 0 41 32.0 22 80 50 39.0 0 42 36.5
8 75 36 34.6 0 41 32.7 23 80 53 56.2 0 42 38.2
9 75 46 31.0 0 41 33.5 24 80 57 02.2 0 42 39.8
10 75 56 20.8 0 41 34.2 25 80 59 57.0 0 42 41.5
11 76 06 03.8 0 41 35.1 26 81 02 40.4 0 42 43.1
12 76 15 40.1 -0 41 35.9 27 81 05 12.2 -0 42 44.7
13 76 25 09.5 0 41 36.9 28 81 07 32.6 0 42 46.3
14 76 34 31.9 0 41 37.8 29 81 09 41.2 0 42 47.9
15 76 43 47.3 0 41 38.8 30 81 11 38.1 0 42 49.4
16 76 52 55.6 -0 41 39.8 Oct. 1 81 13 23.2 -0 42 50.9


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 81 13 23.2 -0 42 50.9 Nov. 16 79 03 55.8 -0 42 22.9
2 81 14 56.5 0 42 52.4 17 78 57 06.7 0 42 18.9
3 81 16 17.9 0 42 53.8 18 78 50 10.4 0 42 14.7
4 81 17 27.4 0 42 55.2 19 78 43 07.3 0 42 10.4
5 81 18 24.9 0 42 56.5 20 78 35 57.4 0 42 05.8
6 81 19 10.5 0 42 57.8 21 78 28 41.1 0 42 01.1
7 81 19 44.2 -0 42 59.0 22 78 21 18.8 -0 41 56.2
8 81 20 05.8 0 43 00.2 23 78 13 50.6 0 41 51.1
9 81 20 15.4 0 43 01.3 24 78 06 17.0 0 41 45.8
10 81 20 12.9 0 43 02.3 25 77 58 38.3 0 41 40.3
11 81 19 58.4 0 43 03.2 26 77 50 54.8 0 41 34.6
12 81 19 31.7 0 43 04.1 27 77 43 07.0 0 41 28.7
13 81 18 53.0 -0 43 04.9 28 77 35 15.1 -0 41 22.6
14 81 18 02.1 0 43 05.6 29 77 27 19.6 0 41 16.3
15 81 16 59.2 0 43 06.2 30 77 19 20.9 0 41 09.8
16 81 15 44.2 0 43 06.7 Dec. 1 77 11 19.4 0 41 03.1
17 81 14 17.2 0 43 07.2 2 77 03 15.3 0 40 56.1
18 81 12 38.3 0 43 07.5 3 76 55 09.2 0 40 49.0
19 81 10 47.6 -0 43 07.8 4 76 47 01.3 -0 40 41.7
20 81 08 44.9 0 43 08.0 5 76 38 52.1 0 40 34.1
21 81 06 30.4 0 43 08.0 6 76 30 41.9 0 40 26.4
22 81 04 04.1 0 43 08.0 7 76 22 31.1 0 40 18.5
23 81 01 25.9 0 43 07.9 8 76 14 20.0 0 40 10.3
24 80 58 35.9 0 43 07.6 9 76 06 09.2 0 40 02.0
25 80 55 34.1 -0 43 07.3 10 75 57 59.0 -0 39 53.5
26 80 52 20.6 0 43 06.8 11 75 49 49.8 0 39 44.8
27 80 48 55.5 0 43 06.3 12 75 41 42.1 0 39 35.9
28 80 45 19.0 0 43 05.6 13 75 33 36.1 0 39 26.8
29 80 41 31.0 0 43 04.7 14 75 25 32.3 0 39 17.6
30 80 37 31.8 0 43 03.8 15 75 17 31.0 0 39 08.2
31 80 33 21.5 -0 43 02.7 16 75 09 32.6 -0 38 58.7
Nov. 1 80 29 00.3 0 43 01.4 17 75 01 37.2 0 38 48.9
2 80 24 28.3 0 43 00.0 18 74 53 45.4 0 38 39.1
3 80 19 45.6 0 42 58.5 19 74 45 57.3 0 38 29.0
4 80 14 52.6 0 42 56.8 20 74 38 13.3 0 38 18.8
5 80 09 49.3 0 42 54.9 21 74 30 33.8 0 38 08.5
6 80 04 35.9 -0 42 52.9 22 74 22 59.2 -0 37 58.0
7 79 59 12.7 0 42 50.7 23 74 15 29.8 0 37 47.4
8 79 53 39.8 0 42 48.3 24 74 08 05.9 0 37 36.6
9 79 47 57.4 0 42 45.8 25 74 00 48.0 0 37 25.7
10 79 42 05.7 0 42 43.0 26 73 53 36.4 0 37 14.6
11 79 36 05.0 0 42 40.1 27 73 46 31.3 0 37 03.4
12 79 29 55.6 -0 42 37.0 28 73 39 33.2 -0 36 52.1
13 79 23 37.7 0 42 33.8 29 73 32 42.3 0 36 40.7
14 79 17 11.5 0 42 30.3 30 73 25 59.0 0 36 29.1
15 79 10 37.5 0 42 26.7 31 73 19 23.4 0 36 17.4
16 79 03 55.8 -0 42 22.9 32 73 12 56.0 -0 36 05.6

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Jan. 0 2 14 44.63 +12 15 31.3 4.466 953 1.97 20.61 19 34 52
1 2 14 44.52 12 15 50.3 4.481 460 1.96 20.54 19 30 56
2 2 14 45.22 12 16 13.4 4.496 087 1.96 20.48 19 27 02
3 2 14 46.72 12 16 40.7 4.510 831 1.95 20.41 19 23 08
4 2 14 49.02 12 17 12.0 4.525 687 1.94 20.34 19 19 15
5 2 14 52.12 12 17 47.4 4.540 649 1.94 20.27 19 15 23

6 2 14 56.02 +12 18 27.0 4.555 715 1.93 20.21 19 11 31

7 2 15 00.73 12 19 10.6 4.570 877 1.92 20.14 19 07 41
8 2 15 06.23 12 19 58.3 4.586 133 1.92 20.07 19 03 51
9 2 15 12.54 12 20 50.0 4.601 477 1.91 20.01 19 00 02
10 2 15 19.64 12 21 45.8 4.616 903 1.90 19.94 18 56 14
11 2 15 27.53 12 22 45.6 4.632 408 1.90 19.87 18 52 26
12 2 15 36.20 +12 23 49.4 4.647 986 1.89 19.81 18 48 40
13 2 15 45.66 12 24 57.1 4.663 631 1.89 19.74 18 44 54
14 2 15 55.89 12 26 08.8 4.679 340 1.88 19.67 18 41 09
15 2 16 06.89 12 27 24.2 4.695 106 1.87 19.61 18 37 24
16 2 16 18.66 12 28 43.5 4.710 925 1.87 19.54 18 33 41
17 2 16 31.20 12 30 06.5 4.726 791 1.86 19.48 18 29 58
18 2 16 44.49 +12 31 33.3 4.742 701 1.85 19.41 18 26 16
19 2 16 58.54 12 33 03.7 4.758 649 1.85 19.35 18 22 34
20 2 17 13.34 12 34 37.8 4.774 632 1.84 19.28 18 18 54
21 2 17 28.87 12 36 15.5 4.790 644 1.84 19.22 18 15 14
22 2 17 45.15 12 37 56.8 4.806 682 1.83 19.15 18 11 35
23 2 18 02.15 12 39 41.6 4.822 741 1.82 19.09 18 07 56
24 2 18 19.87 +12 41 29.9 4.838 818 1.82 19.03 18 04 18
25 2 18 38.30 12 43 21.6 4.854 908 1.81 18.96 18 00 41
26 2 18 57.43 12 45 16.6 4.871 007 1.81 18.90 17 57 05
27 2 19 17.26 12 47 15.0 4.887 113 1.80 18.84 17 53 29
28 2 19 37.78 12 49 16.5 4.903 220 1.79 18.78 17 49 54
29 2 19 58.99 12 51 21.3 4.919 325 1.79 18.71 17 46 20

30 2 20 20.88 +12 53 29.3 4.935 425 1.78 18.65 17 42 46

31 2 20 43.45 12 55 40.3 4.951 515 1.78 18.59 17 39 13
Feb. 1 2 21 06.68 12 57 54.5 4.967 591 1.77 18.53 17 35 41
2 2 21 30.59 13 00 11.6 4.983 651 1.76 18.47 17 32 09
3 2 21 55.15 13 02 31.8 4.999 689 1.76 18.41 17 28 39
4 2 22 20.37 13 04 54.9 5.015 703 1.75 18.35 17 25 08

5 2 22 46.24 +13 07 20.9 5.031 688 1.75 18.30 17 21 38

6 2 23 12.75 13 09 49.9 5.047 641 1.74 18.24 17 18 09
7 2 23 39.90 13 12 21.6 5.063 557 1.74 18.18 17 14 41
8 2 24 07.67 13 14 56.1 5.079 434 1.73 18.12 17 11 13
9 2 24 36.06 13 17 33.3 5.095 265 1.73 18.07 17 07 46
10 2 25 05.06 13 20 13.2 5.111 049 1.72 18.01 17 04 19

11 2 25 34.67 +13 22 55.6 5.126 780 1.72 17.96 17 00 53

12 2 26 04.87 13 25 40.5 5.142 455 1.71 17.90 16 57 28
13 2 26 35.66 13 28 27.9 5.158 070 1.70 17.85 16 54 03
14 2 27 07.04 13 31 17.7 5.173 622 1.70 17.79 16 50 39
15 2 27 38.99 +13 34 09.8 5.189 106 1.69 17.74 16 47 15

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Feb. 15 2 27 38.99 +13 34 09.8 5.189 106 1.69 17.74 16 47 15
16 2 28 11.52 13 37 04.3 5.204 520 1.69 17.69 16 43 52
17 2 28 44.61 13 40 01.0 5.219 860 1.68 17.64 16 40 29
18 2 29 18.25 13 42 59.9 5.235 124 1.68 17.59 16 37 07
19 2 29 52.44 13 46 00.9 5.250 307 1.67 17.53 16 33 45
20 2 30 27.16 13 49 04.0 5.265 409 1.67 17.48 16 30 24
21 2 31 02.42 +13 52 09.1 5.280 425 1.67 17.43 16 27 04
22 2 31 38.19 13 55 16.2 5.295 354 1.66 17.39 16 23 44
23 2 32 14.47 13 58 25.2 5.310 192 1.66 17.34 16 20 25
24 2 32 51.26 14 01 36.0 5.324 936 1.65 17.29 16 17 06
25 2 33 28.54 14 04 48.6 5.339 585 1.65 17.24 16 13 47
26 2 34 06.32 14 08 02.9 5.354 136 1.64 17.19 16 10 29
27 2 34 44.59 +14 11 18.9 5.368 586 1.64 17.15 16 07 12
28 2 35 23.33 14 14 36.6 5.382 933 1.63 17.10 16 03 55
29 2 36 02.56 14 17 55.8 5.397 174 1.63 17.06 16 00 38
Mar. 1 2 36 42.25 14 21 16.6 5.411 307 1.63 17.01 15 57 22
2 2 37 22.42 14 24 38.9 5.425 328 1.62 16.97 15 54 06
3 2 38 03.04 14 28 02.7 5.439 237 1.62 16.93 15 50 51

4 2 38 44.11 +14 31 28.0 5.453 029 1.61 16.88 15 47 36

5 2 39 25.64 14 34 54.6 5.466 703 1.61 16.84 15 44 22
6 2 40 07.60 14 38 22.5 5.480 255 1.60 16.80 15 41 08
7 2 40 50.00 14 41 51.8 5.493 684 1.60 16.76 15 37 55
8 2 41 32.82 14 45 22.3 5.506 986 1.60 16.72 15 34 42
9 2 42 16.05 14 48 53.9 5.520 159 1.59 16.68 15 31 29
10 2 42 59.70 +14 52 26.7 5.533 199 1.59 16.64 15 28 17
11 2 43 43.75 14 56 00.4 5.546 105 1.59 16.60 15 25 05
12 2 44 28.20 14 59 35.2 5.558 875 1.58 16.56 15 21 54
13 2 45 13.05 15 03 10.9 5.571 504 1.58 16.52 15 18 43
14 2 45 58.29 15 06 47.6 5.583 992 1.57 16.49 15 15 32
15 2 46 43.91 15 10 25.1 5.596 336 1.57 16.45 15 12 22
16 2 47 29.90 +15 14 03.5 5.608 534 1.57 16.41 15 09 12
17 2 48 16.26 15 17 42.6 5.620 585 1.56 16.38 15 06 02
18 2 49 02.98 15 21 22.5 5.632 487 1.56 16.34 15 02 53
19 2 49 50.04 15 25 03.0 5.644 238 1.56 16.31 14 59 44
20 2 50 37.45 15 28 44.1 5.655 837 1.55 16.28 14 56 36
21 2 51 25.20 15 32 25.8 5.667 283 1.55 16.24 14 53 27
22 2 52 13.27 +15 36 08.0 5.678 573 1.55 16.21 14 50 20
23 2 53 01.67 15 39 50.7 5.689 707 1.55 16.18 14 47 12
24 2 53 50.38 15 43 33.8 5.700 683 1.54 16.15 14 44 05
25 2 54 39.42 15 47 17.3 5.711 500 1.54 16.12 14 40 58
26 2 55 28.76 15 51 01.1 5.722 156 1.54 16.09 14 37 51
27 2 56 18.40 15 54 45.2 5.732 650 1.53 16.06 14 34 45
28 2 57 08.35 +15 58 29.6 5.742 981 1.53 16.03 14 31 39
29 2 57 58.60 16 02 14.3 5.753 147 1.53 16.00 14 28 33
30 2 58 49.14 16 05 59.2 5.763 146 1.53 15.97 14 25 28
31 2 59 39.96 16 09 44.3 5.772 979 1.52 15.95 14 22 23
Apr. 1 3 00 31.07 +16 13 29.5 5.782 642 1.52 15.92 14 19 18

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Apr. 1 3 00 31.07 +16 13 29.5 5.782 642 1.52 15.92 14 19 18
2 3 01 22.46 16 17 14.9 5.792 135 1.52 15.89 14 16 13
3 3 02 14.11 16 21 00.3 5.801 455 1.52 15.87 14 13 09
4 3 03 06.02 16 24 45.8 5.810 603 1.51 15.84 14 10 05
5 3 03 58.19 16 28 31.2 5.819 574 1.51 15.82 14 07 01
6 3 04 50.61 16 32 16.6 5.828 370 1.51 15.80 14 03 57

7 3 05 43.28 +16 36 01.8 5.836 986 1.51 15.77 14 00 54

8 3 06 36.19 16 39 46.9 5.845 423 1.50 15.75 13 57 51
9 3 07 29.33 16 43 31.8 5.853 678 1.50 15.73 13 54 48
10 3 08 22.71 16 47 16.5 5.861 751 1.50 15.71 13 51 45
11 3 09 16.32 16 51 00.9 5.869 640 1.50 15.68 13 48 43
12 3 10 10.16 16 54 45.1 5.877 344 1.50 15.66 13 45 41
13 3 11 04.20 +16 58 28.9 5.884 862 1.49 15.64 13 42 39
14 3 11 58.46 17 02 12.4 5.892 194 1.49 15.62 13 39 37
15 3 12 52.91 17 05 55.5 5.899 339 1.49 15.61 13 36 35
16 3 13 47.55 17 09 38.2 5.906 296 1.49 15.59 13 33 34
17 3 14 42.38 17 13 20.4 5.913 066 1.49 15.57 13 30 32
18 3 15 37.39 17 17 02.0 5.919 646 1.49 15.55 13 27 31
19 3 16 32.58 +17 20 43.2 5.926 038 1.48 15.53 13 24 30
20 3 17 27.94 17 24 23.7 5.932 240 1.48 15.52 13 21 30
21 3 18 23.46 17 28 03.6 5.938 252 1.48 15.50 13 18 29
22 3 19 19.15 17 31 42.8 5.944 074 1.48 15.49 13 15 29
23 3 20 15.00 17 35 21.4 5.949 705 1.48 15.47 13 12 29
24 3 21 11.01 17 38 59.3 5.955 145 1.48 15.46 13 09 28
25 3 22 07.17 +17 42 36.5 5.960 393 1.48 15.45 13 06 29
26 3 23 03.49 17 46 12.9 5.965 449 1.47 15.43 13 03 29
27 3 23 59.94 17 49 48.7 5.970 313 1.47 15.42 13 00 29
28 3 24 56.54 17 53 23.6 5.974 983 1.47 15.41 12 57 30
29 3 25 53.27 17 56 57.8 5.979 459 1.47 15.40 12 54 30
30 3 26 50.14 18 00 31.2 5.983 741 1.47 15.39 12 51 31

May 1 3 27 47.12 +18 04 03.7 5.987 828 1.47 15.37 12 48 32

2 3 28 44.22 18 07 35.3 5.991 719 1.47 15.36 12 45 33
3 3 29 41.44 18 11 06.0 5.995 414 1.47 15.36 12 42 34
4 3 30 38.76 18 14 35.7 5.998 912 1.47 15.35 12 39 35
5 3 31 36.18 18 18 04.5 6.002 211 1.47 15.34 12 36 36
6 3 32 33.71 18 21 32.2 6.005 312 1.46 15.33 12 33 38

7 3 33 31.34 +18 24 58.9 6.008 214 1.46 15.32 12 30 39

8 3 34 29.06 18 28 24.5 6.010 916 1.46 15.32 12 27 41
9 3 35 26.87 18 31 49.1 6.013 418 1.46 15.31 12 24 43
10 3 36 24.76 18 35 12.7 6.015 720 1.46 15.30 12 21 44
11 3 37 22.73 18 38 35.1 6.017 821 1.46 15.30 12 18 46
12 3 38 20.76 18 41 56.3 6.019 723 1.46 15.29 12 15 48

13 3 39 18.85 +18 45 16.4 6.021 425 1.46 15.29 12 12 50

14 3 40 17.00 18 48 35.4 6.022 927 1.46 15.28 12 09 52
15 3 41 15.19 18 51 53.0 6.024 230 1.46 15.28 12 06 54
16 3 42 13.43 18 55 09.4 6.025 334 1.46 15.28 12 03 56
17 3 43 11.71 +18 58 24.5 6.026 239 1.46 15.28 12 00 58

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
May 17 3 43 11.71 +18 58 24.5 6.026 239 1.46 15.28 12 00 58
18 3 44 10.02 19 01 38.2 6.026 946 1.46 15.27 11 58 00
19 3 45 08.34 19 04 50.5 6.027 454 1.46 15.27 11 55 02
20 3 46 06.69 19 08 02.0 6.027 765 1.46 15.27 11 52 05
21 3 47 05.09 19 11 12.0 6.027 878 1.46 15.27 11 49 07
22 3 48 03.50 19 14 20.6 6.027 795 1.46 15.27 11 46 09

23 3 49 01.94 +19 17 27.8 6.027 514 1.46 15.27 11 43 11

24 3 50 00.38 19 20 33.7 6.027 036 1.46 15.27 11 40 13
25 3 50 58.84 19 23 38.2 6.026 363 1.46 15.28 11 37 16
26 3 51 57.29 19 26 41.3 6.025 493 1.46 15.28 11 34 18
27 3 52 55.75 19 29 43.1 6.024 427 1.46 15.28 11 31 20
28 3 53 54.20 19 32 43.4 6.023 165 1.46 15.28 11 28 22
29 3 54 52.63 +19 35 42.3 6.021 707 1.46 15.29 11 25 25
30 3 55 51.04 19 38 39.8 6.020 053 1.46 15.29 11 22 27
31 3 56 49.43 19 41 35.7 6.018 203 1.46 15.30 11 19 29
June 1 3 57 47.79 19 44 30.2 6.016 157 1.46 15.30 11 16 31
2 3 58 46.12 19 47 23.1 6.013 914 1.46 15.31 11 13 33
3 3 59 44.42 19 50 14.5 6.011 476 1.46 15.31 11 10 36
4 4 00 42.68 +19 53 04.4 6.008 842 1.46 15.32 11 07 38
5 4 01 40.89 19 55 52.8 6.006 012 1.46 15.33 11 04 40
6 4 02 39.06 19 58 39.6 6.002 987 1.46 15.34 11 01 42
7 4 03 37.17 20 01 24.9 5.999 768 1.47 15.34 10 58 43
8 4 04 35.21 20 04 08.6 5.996 354 1.47 15.35 10 55 45
9 4 05 33.18 20 06 50.8 5.992 748 1.47 15.36 10 52 47
10 4 06 31.07 +20 09 31.3 5.988 949 1.47 15.37 10 49 49
11 4 07 28.87 20 12 10.2 5.984 958 1.47 15.38 10 46 50
12 4 08 26.59 20 14 47.5 5.980 778 1.47 15.39 10 43 52
13 4 09 24.20 20 17 23.2 5.976 407 1.47 15.40 10 40 53
14 4 10 21.71 20 19 57.2 5.971 849 1.47 15.42 10 37 54
15 4 11 19.12 20 22 29.5 5.967 102 1.47 15.43 10 34 56

16 4 12 16.42 +20 25 00.2 5.962 169 1.47 15.44 10 31 57

17 4 13 13.61 20 27 29.2 5.957 051 1.48 15.45 10 28 58
18 4 14 10.68 20 29 56.6 5.951 748 1.48 15.47 10 25 58
19 4 15 07.63 20 32 22.2 5.946 262 1.48 15.48 10 22 59
20 4 16 04.45 20 34 46.3 5.940 593 1.48 15.50 10 19 60
21 4 17 01.15 20 37 08.7 5.934 742 1.48 15.51 10 17 00

22 4 17 57.70 +20 39 29.4 5.928 711 1.48 15.53 10 14 00

23 4 18 54.12 20 41 48.5 5.922 499 1.48 15.54 10 11 01
24 4 19 50.38 20 44 06.0 5.916 109 1.49 15.56 10 08 01
25 4 20 46.49 20 46 21.8 5.909 540 1.49 15.58 10 05 00
26 4 21 42.44 20 48 35.9 5.902 793 1.49 15.60 10 02 00
27 4 22 38.22 20 50 48.3 5.895 869 1.49 15.61 9 58 60

28 4 23 33.83 +20 52 59.0 5.888 769 1.49 15.63 9 55 59

29 4 24 29.26 20 55 08.0 5.881 492 1.50 15.65 9 52 58
30 4 25 24.52 20 57 15.2 5.874 040 1.50 15.67 9 49 57
July 1 4 26 19.59 20 59 20.8 5.866 414 1.50 15.69 9 46 56
2 4 27 14.47 +21 01 24.7 5.858 614 1.50 15.71 9 43 55

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
July 1 4 26 19.59 +20 59 20.8 5.866 414 1.50 15.69 9 46 56
2 4 27 14.47 21 01 24.7 5.858 614 1.50 15.71 9 43 55
3 4 28 09.16 21 03 26.9 5.850 642 1.50 15.74 9 40 53
4 4 29 03.64 21 05 27.4 5.842 499 1.51 15.76 9 37 51
5 4 29 57.91 21 07 26.2 5.834 185 1.51 15.78 9 34 49
6 4 30 51.96 21 09 23.4 5.825 702 1.51 15.80 9 31 47

7 4 31 45.78 +21 11 18.8 5.817 052 1.51 15.83 9 28 45

8 4 32 39.35 21 13 12.6 5.808 237 1.51 15.85 9 25 42
9 4 33 32.69 21 15 04.6 5.799 257 1.52 15.87 9 22 39
10 4 34 25.77 21 16 54.9 5.790 114 1.52 15.90 9 19 36
11 4 35 18.60 21 18 43.6 5.780 811 1.52 15.93 9 16 32
12 4 36 11.17 21 20 30.5 5.771 349 1.52 15.95 9 13 29
13 4 37 03.46 +21 22 15.7 5.761 729 1.53 15.98 9 10 25
14 4 37 55.49 21 23 59.2 5.751 953 1.53 16.00 9 07 21
15 4 38 47.24 21 25 41.0 5.742 024 1.53 16.03 9 04 16
16 4 39 38.71 21 27 21.1 5.731 942 1.53 16.06 9 01 11
17 4 40 29.90 21 28 59.6 5.721 710 1.54 16.09 8 58 06
18 4 41 20.79 21 30 36.5 5.711 329 1.54 16.12 8 55 01
19 4 42 11.38 +21 32 11.7 5.700 800 1.54 16.15 8 51 55
20 4 43 01.66 21 33 45.3 5.690 126 1.55 16.18 8 48 49
21 4 43 51.63 21 35 17.3 5.679 309 1.55 16.21 8 45 43
22 4 44 41.28 21 36 47.7 5.668 348 1.55 16.24 8 42 36
23 4 45 30.60 21 38 16.5 5.657 247 1.55 16.27 8 39 29
24 4 46 19.58 21 39 43.7 5.646 006 1.56 16.31 8 36 22
25 4 47 08.22 +21 41 09.3 5.634 627 1.56 16.34 8 33 14
26 4 47 56.51 21 42 33.2 5.623 110 1.56 16.37 8 30 06
27 4 48 44.45 21 43 55.5 5.611 459 1.57 16.41 8 26 58
28 4 49 32.04 21 45 16.3 5.599 673 1.57 16.44 8 23 49
29 4 50 19.26 21 46 35.4 5.587 755 1.57 16.48 8 20 40
30 4 51 06.11 21 47 53.0 5.575 706 1.58 16.51 8 17 31

31 4 51 52.58 +21 49 09.1 5.563 529 1.58 16.55 8 14 21

Aug. 1 4 52 38.66 21 50 23.6 5.551 224 1.58 16.58 8 11 11
2 4 53 24.34 21 51 36.6 5.538 796 1.59 16.62 8 08 00
3 4 54 09.60 21 52 48.1 5.526 245 1.59 16.66 8 04 49
4 4 54 54.45 21 53 58.1 5.513 573 1.59 16.70 8 01 38
5 4 55 38.87 21 55 06.6 5.500 784 1.60 16.74 7 58 26

6 4 56 22.86 +21 56 13.6 5.487 880 1.60 16.78 7 55 14

7 4 57 06.40 21 57 19.0 5.474 864 1.61 16.82 7 52 01
8 4 57 49.49 21 58 23.0 5.461 737 1.61 16.86 7 48 48
9 4 58 32.13 21 59 25.5 5.448 503 1.61 16.90 7 45 34
10 4 59 14.30 22 00 26.6 5.435 163 1.62 16.94 7 42 20
11 4 59 56.00 22 01 26.1 5.421 722 1.62 16.98 7 39 05

12 5 00 37.23 +22 02 24.3 5.408 181 1.63 17.02 7 35 50

13 5 01 17.98 22 03 21.1 5.394 543 1.63 17.07 7 32 35
14 5 01 58.24 22 04 16.5 5.380 810 1.63 17.11 7 29 19
15 5 02 38.01 22 05 10.5 5.366 986 1.64 17.15 7 26 02
16 5 03 17.27 +22 06 03.2 5.353 073 1.64 17.20 7 22 45

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Aug. 16 5 03 17.27 +22 06 03.2 5.353 073 1.64 17.20 7 22 45
17 5 03 56.01 22 06 54.6 5.339 073 1.65 17.24 7 19 28
18 5 04 34.24 22 07 44.7 5.324 989 1.65 17.29 7 16 10
19 5 05 11.94 22 08 33.5 5.310 823 1.66 17.33 7 12 51
20 5 05 49.09 22 09 21.0 5.296 579 1.66 17.38 7 09 32
21 5 06 25.70 22 10 07.2 5.282 258 1.66 17.43 7 06 12

22 5 07 01.76 +22 10 52.1 5.267 862 1.67 17.48 7 02 52

23 5 07 37.27 22 11 35.7 5.253 394 1.67 17.52 6 59 32
24 5 08 12.21 22 12 18.0 5.238 856 1.68 17.57 6 56 10
25 5 08 46.58 22 12 59.2 5.224 251 1.68 17.62 6 52 48
26 5 09 20.37 22 13 39.1 5.209 582 1.69 17.67 6 49 26
27 5 09 53.58 22 14 17.8 5.194 852 1.69 17.72 6 46 03
28 5 10 26.18 +22 14 55.3 5.180 062 1.70 17.77 6 42 39
29 5 10 58.17 22 15 31.7 5.165 218 1.70 17.82 6 39 15
30 5 11 29.54 22 16 06.9 5.150 321 1.71 17.87 6 35 50
31 5 12 00.28 22 16 41.0 5.135 375 1.71 17.93 6 32 25
Sept. 1 5 12 30.38 22 17 14.0 5.120 384 1.72 17.98 6 28 58
2 5 12 59.83 22 17 45.8 5.105 351 1.72 18.03 6 25 32
3 5 13 28.62 +22 18 16.6 5.090 280 1.73 18.09 6 22 04
4 5 13 56.75 22 18 46.2 5.075 174 1.73 18.14 6 18 36
5 5 14 24.21 22 19 14.7 5.060 037 1.74 18.19 6 15 07
6 5 14 50.98 22 19 42.2 5.044 873 1.74 18.25 6 11 38
7 5 15 17.07 22 20 08.6 5.029 685 1.75 18.30 6 08 08
8 5 15 42.47 22 20 34.0 5.014 478 1.75 18.36 6 04 37
9 5 16 07.18 +22 20 58.4 4.999 255 1.76 18.41 6 01 05
10 5 16 31.17 22 21 21.7 4.984 019 1.76 18.47 5 57 33
11 5 16 54.46 22 21 44.2 4.968 776 1.77 18.53 5 54 00
12 5 17 17.02 22 22 05.7 4.953 527 1.78 18.58 5 50 27
13 5 17 38.86 22 22 26.2 4.938 278 1.78 18.64 5 46 52
14 5 17 59.96 22 22 45.9 4.923 032 1.79 18.70 5 43 17

15 5 18 20.32 +22 23 04.6 4.907 793 1.79 18.76 5 39 41

16 5 18 39.92 22 23 22.5 4.892 564 1.80 18.82 5 36 05
17 5 18 58.77 22 23 39.5 4.877 349 1.80 18.88 5 32 27
18 5 19 16.85 22 23 55.5 4.862 151 1.81 18.93 5 28 49
19 5 19 34.17 22 24 10.7 4.846 973 1.81 18.99 5 25 11
20 5 19 50.72 22 24 25.0 4.831 821 1.82 19.05 5 21 31

21 5 20 06.48 +22 24 38.4 4.816 696 1.83 19.11 5 17 51

22 5 20 21.47 22 24 50.9 4.801 603 1.83 19.17 5 14 09
23 5 20 35.66 22 25 02.7 4.786 546 1.84 19.23 5 10 27
24 5 20 49.05 22 25 13.6 4.771 529 1.84 19.29 5 06 45
25 5 21 01.64 22 25 23.8 4.756 556 1.85 19.35 5 03 01
26 5 21 13.40 22 25 33.1 4.741 631 1.85 19.42 4 59 17

27 5 21 24.34 +22 25 41.7 4.726 759 1.86 19.48 4 55 31

28 5 21 34.44 22 25 49.5 4.711 945 1.87 19.54 4 51 45
29 5 21 43.70 22 25 56.5 4.697 193 1.87 19.60 4 47 59
30 5 21 52.12 22 26 02.7 4.682 508 1.88 19.66 4 44 11
Oct. 1 5 21 59.69 +22 26 08.2 4.667 894 1.88 19.72 4 40 22


Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Oct. 1 5 21 59.69 +22 26 08.2 4.667 894 1.88 19.72 4 40 22
2 5 22 06.41 22 26 12.8 4.653 357 1.89 19.78 4 36 33
3 5 22 12.28 22 26 16.7 4.638 901 1.90 19.85 4 32 43
4 5 22 17.29 22 26 19.8 4.624 531 1.90 19.91 4 28 52
5 5 22 21.44 22 26 22.2 4.610 251 1.91 19.97 4 24 60
6 5 22 24.72 22 26 23.8 4.596 068 1.91 20.03 4 21 07

7 5 22 27.15 +22 26 24.7 4.581 984 1.92 20.09 4 17 13

8 5 22 28.71 22 26 24.9 4.568 007 1.93 20.15 4 13 19
9 5 22 29.41 22 26 24.4 4.554 139 1.93 20.21 4 09 23
10 5 22 29.23 22 26 23.2 4.540 386 1.94 20.28 4 05 27
11 5 22 28.19 22 26 21.4 4.526 753 1.94 20.34 4 01 30
12 5 22 26.28 22 26 18.8 4.513 244 1.95 20.40 3 57 32
13 5 22 23.49 +22 26 15.6 4.499 863 1.95 20.46 3 53 33
14 5 22 19.84 22 26 11.6 4.486 616 1.96 20.52 3 49 34
15 5 22 15.31 22 26 06.9 4.473 506 1.97 20.58 3 45 33
16 5 22 09.92 22 26 01.5 4.460 538 1.97 20.64 3 41 32
17 5 22 03.66 22 25 55.3 4.447 716 1.98 20.70 3 37 29
18 5 21 56.55 22 25 48.4 4.435 044 1.98 20.76 3 33 26
19 5 21 48.58 +22 25 40.8 4.422 528 1.99 20.82 3 29 22
20 5 21 39.75 22 25 32.4 4.410 170 1.99 20.87 3 25 18
21 5 21 30.08 22 25 23.4 4.397 976 2.00 20.93 3 21 12
22 5 21 19.54 22 25 13.6 4.385 951 2.01 20.99 3 17 05
23 5 21 08.16 22 25 03.2 4.374 099 2.01 21.05 3 12 58
24 5 20 55.93 22 24 52.0 4.362 425 2.02 21.10 3 08 50
25 5 20 42.85 +22 24 40.0 4.350 934 2.02 21.16 3 04 41
26 5 20 28.93 22 24 27.3 4.339 631 2.03 21.21 3 00 31
27 5 20 14.17 22 24 13.9 4.328 521 2.03 21.27 2 56 20
28 5 19 58.59 22 23 59.7 4.317 609 2.04 21.32 2 52 09
29 5 19 42.19 22 23 44.7 4.306 900 2.04 21.38 2 47 56
30 5 19 24.98 22 23 28.9 4.296 399 2.05 21.43 2 43 43
31 5 19 06.97 +22 23 12.4 4.286 110 2.05 21.48 2 39 29
Nov. 1 5 18 48.18 22 22 55.1 4.276 038 2.06 21.53 2 35 15
2 5 18 28.62 22 22 37.0 4.266 188 2.06 21.58 2 30 59
3 5 18 08.29 22 22 18.1 4.256 565 2.07 21.63 2 26 43
4 5 17 47.21 22 21 58.5 4.247 172 2.07 21.68 2 22 26
5 5 17 25.40 22 21 38.1 4.238 016 2.08 21.72 2 18 09
6 5 17 02.86 +22 21 17.0 4.229 098 2.08 21.77 2 13 50
7 5 16 39.62 22 20 55.1 4.220 425 2.08 21.81 2 09 31
8 5 16 15.68 22 20 32.5 4.211 999 2.09 21.86 2 05 11
9 5 15 51.06 22 20 09.1 4.203 825 2.09 21.90 2 00 51
10 5 15 25.77 22 19 45.0 4.195 905 2.10 21.94 1 56 30
11 5 14 59.84 22 19 20.1 4.188 245 2.10 21.98 1 52 08
12 5 14 33.28 +22 18 54.3 4.180 846 2.10 22.02 1 47 46
13 5 14 06.12 22 18 27.8 4.173 713 2.11 22.06 1 43 23
14 5 13 38.36 22 18 00.5 4.166 848 2.11 22.09 1 38 59
15 5 13 10.04 22 17 32.4 4.160 254 2.11 22.13 1 34 35
16 5 12 41.18 +22 17 03.5 4.153 934 2.12 22.16 1 30 10

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Nov. 16 5 12 41.18 +22 17 03.5 4.153 934 2.12 22.16 1 30 10
17 5 12 11.78 22 16 33.9 4.147 892 2.12 22.19 1 25 45
18 5 11 41.88 22 16 03.5 4.142 130 2.12 22.23 1 21 20
19 5 11 11.47 22 15 32.5 4.136 651 2.13 22.25 1 16 53
20 5 10 40.60 22 15 00.7 4.131 458 2.13 22.28 1 12 27
21 5 10 09.26 22 14 28.2 4.126 555 2.13 22.31 1 07 60

22 5 09 37.49 +22 13 54.9 4.121 944 2.13 22.33 1 03 32

23 5 09 05.31 22 13 21.0 4.117 628 2.14 22.36 0 59 04
24 5 08 32.74 22 12 46.3 4.113 610 2.14 22.38 0 54 36
25 5 07 59.80 22 12 10.9 4.109 893 2.14 22.40 0 50 07
26 5 07 26.53 22 11 34.9 4.106 478 2.14 22.42 0 45 38
27 5 06 52.95 22 10 58.2 4.103 368 2.14 22.44 0 41 09
28 5 06 19.09 +22 10 20.9 4.100 566 2.14 22.45 0 36 39
29 5 05 44.97 22 09 43.0 4.098 072 2.15 22.46 0 32 09
30 5 05 10.62 22 09 04.5 4.095 890 2.15 22.48 0 27 39
Dec. 1 5 04 36.07 22 08 25.5 4.094 020 2.15 22.49 0 23 09
2 5 04 01.35 22 07 46.1 4.092 464 2.15 22.50 0 18 39
3 5 03 26.48 22 07 06.1 4.091 223 2.15 22.50 0 14 08
4 5 02 51.49 +22 06 25.8 4.090 298 2.15 22.51 0 09 37
5 5 02 16.41 22 05 45.1 4.089 689 2.15 22.51 0 05 07
6 5 01 41.27 22 05 04.0 4.089 398 2.15 22.51 0 00 36
7 5 01 06.08 22 04 22.5 4.089 423 2.15 22.51 23 51 34
8 5 00 30.88 22 03 40.8 4.089 766 2.15 22.51 23 47 03
9 4 59 55.71 22 02 58.7 4.090 425 2.15 22.51 23 42 32
10 4 59 20.58 +22 02 16.4 4.091 401 2.15 22.50 23 38 02
11 4 58 45.53 22 01 33.9 4.092 693 2.15 22.49 23 33 31
12 4 58 10.58 22 00 51.2 4.094 299 2.15 22.48 23 29 00
13 4 57 35.77 22 00 08.4 4.096 220 2.15 22.47 23 24 30
14 4 57 01.12 21 59 25.5 4.098 454 2.15 22.46 23 19 60
15 4 56 26.65 21 58 42.7 4.101 000 2.14 22.45 23 15 30

16 4 55 52.39 +21 57 59.8 4.103 858 2.14 22.43 23 11 00

17 4 55 18.35 21 57 17.0 4.107 025 2.14 22.42 23 06 31
18 4 54 44.57 21 56 34.4 4.110 502 2.14 22.40 23 02 01
19 4 54 11.06 21 55 51.9 4.114 287 2.14 22.38 22 57 32
20 4 53 37.85 21 55 09.6 4.118 379 2.14 22.35 22 53 04
21 4 53 04.96 21 54 27.5 4.122 776 2.13 22.33 22 48 35

22 4 52 32.43 +21 53 45.7 4.127 477 2.13 22.30 22 44 08

23 4 52 00.27 21 53 04.2 4.132 479 2.13 22.28 22 39 40
24 4 51 28.52 21 52 23.1 4.137 783 2.13 22.25 22 35 13
25 4 50 57.19 21 51 42.4 4.143 384 2.12 22.22 22 30 46
26 4 50 26.31 21 51 02.2 4.149 281 2.12 22.19 22 26 20
27 4 49 55.90 21 50 22.5 4.155 472 2.12 22.15 22 21 54

28 4 49 25.99 +21 49 43.5 4.161 954 2.11 22.12 22 17 29

29 4 48 56.61 21 49 05.1 4.168 724 2.11 22.08 22 13 05
30 4 48 27.76 21 48 27.5 4.175 780 2.11 22.05 22 08 41
31 4 47 59.47 21 47 50.6 4.183 118 2.10 22.01 22 04 17
32 4 47 31.77 +21 47 14.6 4.190 735 2.10 21.97 21 59 54

SATURN, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 337 53 25.8 -1 43 39.1 9.737 8262 Apr. 2 340 51 21.1 -1 49 03.4 9.711 5456
3 337 57 17.3 1 43 46.4 9.737 2609 4 340 55 13.8 1 49 10.2 9.710 9682
5 338 01 08.8 1 43 53.6 9.736 6953 6 340 59 06.5 1 49 17.1 9.710 3905
7 338 05 00.3 1 44 00.8 9.736 1294 8 341 02 59.3 1 49 24.0 9.709 8126
9 338 08 51.9 1 44 07.9 9.735 5633 10 341 06 52.1 1 49 30.8 9.709 2345
11 338 12 43.4 1 44 15.1 9.734 9969 12 341 10 44.9 1 49 37.7 9.708 6561
13 338 16 35.0 -1 44 22.3 9.734 4302 14 341 14 37.8 -1 49 44.5 9.708 0775
15 338 20 26.7 1 44 29.5 9.733 8633 16 341 18 30.7 1 49 51.3 9.707 4986
17 338 24 18.3 1 44 36.6 9.733 2960 18 341 22 23.6 1 49 58.1 9.706 9194
19 338 28 10.0 1 44 43.8 9.732 7285 20 341 26 16.5 1 50 05.0 9.706 3401
21 338 32 01.7 1 44 50.9 9.732 1608 22 341 30 09.4 1 50 11.8 9.705 7604
23 338 35 53.4 1 44 58.1 9.731 5927 24 341 34 02.4 1 50 18.6 9.705 1806
25 338 39 45.2 -1 45 05.2 9.731 0244 26 341 37 55.4 -1 50 25.4 9.704 6005
27 338 43 37.0 1 45 12.3 9.730 4559 28 341 41 48.5 1 50 32.1 9.704 0201
29 338 47 28.8 1 45 19.4 9.729 8870 30 341 45 41.5 1 50 38.9 9.703 4395
31 338 51 20.6 1 45 26.5 9.729 3179 May 2 341 49 34.6 1 50 45.7 9.702 8587
Feb. 2 338 55 12.5 1 45 33.7 9.728 7486 4 341 53 27.8 1 50 52.5 9.702 2776
4 338 59 04.4 1 45 40.7 9.728 1789 6 341 57 20.9 1 50 59.2 9.701 6963
6 339 02 56.3 -1 45 47.9 9.727 6090 8 342 01 14.1 -1 51 05.9 9.701 1147
8 339 06 48.2 1 45 54.9 9.727 0389 10 342 05 07.3 1 51 12.7 9.700 5330
10 339 10 40.2 1 46 02.0 9.726 4684 12 342 09 00.5 1 51 19.4 9.699 9509
12 339 14 32.2 1 46 09.1 9.725 8977 14 342 12 53.8 1 51 26.1 9.699 3687
14 339 18 24.3 1 46 16.1 9.725 3268 16 342 16 47.1 1 51 32.9 9.698 7862
16 339 22 16.3 1 46 23.2 9.724 7555 18 342 20 40.4 1 51 39.6 9.698 2034
18 339 26 08.4 -1 46 30.2 9.724 1841 20 342 24 33.8 -1 51 46.3 9.697 6205
20 339 30 00.5 1 46 37.3 9.723 6123 22 342 28 27.1 1 51 53.0 9.697 0373
22 339 33 52.6 1 46 44.3 9.723 0403 24 342 32 20.5 1 51 59.6 9.696 4538
24 339 37 44.8 1 46 51.3 9.722 4680 26 342 36 14.0 1 52 06.3 9.695 8702
26 339 41 37.0 1 46 58.3 9.721 8955 28 342 40 07.4 1 52 13.0 9.695 2863
28 339 45 29.2 1 47 05.3 9.721 3227 30 342 44 00.9 1 52 19.7 9.694 7022
Mar. 1 339 49 21.5 -1 47 12.4 9.720 7496 June 1 342 47 54.4 -1 52 26.3 9.694 1178
3 339 53 13.7 1 47 19.3 9.720 1763 3 342 51 47.9 1 52 32.9 9.693 5332
5 339 57 06.0 1 47 26.3 9.719 6027 5 342 55 41.5 1 52 39.6 9.692 9484
7 340 00 58.4 1 47 33.3 9.719 0289 7 342 59 35.1 1 52 46.2 9.692 3634
9 340 04 50.7 1 47 40.3 9.718 4548 9 343 03 28.7 1 52 52.9 9.691 7781
11 340 08 43.1 1 47 47.2 9.717 8804 11 343 07 22.4 1 52 59.5 9.691 1926
13 340 12 35.5 -1 47 54.2 9.717 3058 13 343 11 16.0 -1 53 06.1 9.690 6069
15 340 16 27.9 1 48 01.2 9.716 7309 15 343 15 09.7 1 53 12.7 9.690 0210
17 340 20 20.4 1 48 08.1 9.716 1558 17 343 19 03.5 1 53 19.3 9.689 4348
19 340 24 12.9 1 48 15.0 9.715 5804 19 343 22 57.2 1 53 25.8 9.688 8485
21 340 28 05.4 1 48 21.9 9.715 0047 21 343 26 51.0 1 53 32.4 9.688 2619
23 340 31 58.0 1 48 28.9 9.714 4288 23 343 30 44.8 1 53 39.0 9.687 6751
25 340 35 50.5 -1 48 35.8 9.713 8527 25 343 34 38.7 -1 53 45.5 9.687 0881
27 340 39 43.2 1 48 42.7 9.713 2763 27 343 38 32.5 1 53 52.1 9.686 5009
29 340 43 35.8 1 48 49.6 9.712 6996 29 343 42 26.5 1 53 58.6 9.685 9134
31 340 47 28.4 1 48 56.5 9.712 1227 July 1 343 46 20.4 1 54 05.2 9.685 3258
Apr. 2 340 51 21.1 -1 49 03.4 9.711 5456 3 343 50 14.3 -1 54 11.7 9.684 7379

SATURN, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 343 46 20.4 -1 54 05.2 9.685 3258 Oct. 1 346 46 11.7 -1 58 56.9 9.658 0756
3 343 50 14.3 1 54 11.7 9.684 7379 3 346 50 06.9 1 59 03.1 9.657 4787
5 343 54 08.3 1 54 18.2 9.684 1498 5 346 54 02.2 1 59 09.2 9.656 8816
7 343 58 02.3 1 54 24.7 9.683 5615 7 346 57 57.5 1 59 15.3 9.656 2843
9 344 01 56.4 1 54 31.2 9.682 9730 9 347 01 52.9 1 59 21.5 9.655 6868
11 344 05 50.4 1 54 37.7 9.682 3843 11 347 05 48.3 1 59 27.6 9.655 0892
13 344 09 44.5 -1 54 44.2 9.681 7954 13 347 09 43.7 -1 59 33.7 9.654 4914
15 344 13 38.7 1 54 50.7 9.681 2063 15 347 13 39.1 1 59 39.8 9.653 8934
17 344 17 32.8 1 54 57.1 9.680 6170 17 347 17 34.6 1 59 45.9 9.653 2952
19 344 21 27.0 1 55 03.6 9.680 0275 19 347 21 30.1 1 59 51.9 9.652 6969
21 344 25 21.2 1 55 10.0 9.679 4377 21 347 25 25.6 1 59 58.0 9.652 0983
23 344 29 15.4 1 55 16.5 9.678 8478 23 347 29 21.1 2 00 04.1 9.651 4996
25 344 33 09.7 -1 55 22.9 9.678 2576 25 347 33 16.7 -2 00 10.1 9.650 9007
27 344 37 04.0 1 55 29.4 9.677 6673 27 347 37 12.4 2 00 16.2 9.650 3016
29 344 40 58.3 1 55 35.8 9.677 0767 29 347 41 08.0 2 00 22.2 9.649 7024
31 344 44 52.7 1 55 42.2 9.676 4860 31 347 45 03.6 2 00 28.2 9.649 1030
Aug. 2 344 48 47.1 1 55 48.6 9.675 8950 Nov. 2 347 48 59.4 2 00 34.3 9.648 5034
4 344 52 41.4 1 55 55.0 9.675 3039 4 347 52 55.1 2 00 40.3 9.647 9036
6 344 56 35.9 -1 56 01.4 9.674 7125 6 347 56 50.8 -2 00 46.3 9.647 3037
8 345 00 30.4 1 56 07.8 9.674 1210 8 348 00 46.6 2 00 52.2 9.646 7035
10 345 04 24.9 1 56 14.1 9.673 5292 10 348 04 42.4 2 00 58.2 9.646 1032
12 345 08 19.4 1 56 20.5 9.672 9373 12 348 08 38.3 2 01 04.2 9.645 5028
14 345 12 13.9 1 56 26.9 9.672 3451 14 348 12 34.1 2 01 10.2 9.644 9021
16 345 16 08.5 1 56 33.2 9.671 7528 16 348 16 30.0 2 01 16.1 9.644 3013
18 345 20 03.1 -1 56 39.5 9.671 1602 18 348 20 26.0 -2 01 22.1 9.643 7004
20 345 23 57.7 1 56 45.9 9.670 5675 20 348 24 21.9 2 01 28.0 9.643 0992
22 345 27 52.4 1 56 52.2 9.669 9745 22 348 28 17.9 2 01 34.0 9.642 4979
24 345 31 47.1 1 56 58.5 9.669 3814 24 348 32 13.9 2 01 39.9 9.641 8964
26 345 35 41.8 1 57 04.8 9.668 7881 26 348 36 10.0 2 01 45.8 9.641 2948
28 345 39 36.6 1 57 11.1 9.668 1946 28 348 40 06.0 2 01 51.7 9.640 6929
30 345 43 31.3 -1 57 17.4 9.667 6008 30 348 44 02.2 -2 01 57.6 9.640 0910
Sept. 1 345 47 26.1 1 57 23.7 9.667 0069 Dec. 2 348 47 58.3 2 02 03.5 9.639 4888
3 345 51 21.0 1 57 30.0 9.666 4128 4 348 51 54.5 2 02 09.3 9.638 8865
5 345 55 15.8 1 57 36.2 9.665 8185 6 348 55 50.6 2 02 15.2 9.638 2840
7 345 59 10.7 1 57 42.5 9.665 2240 8 348 59 46.9 2 02 21.1 9.637 6814
9 346 03 05.7 1 57 48.7 9.664 6294 10 349 03 43.1 2 02 26.9 9.637 0786
11 346 07 00.6 -1 57 55.0 9.664 0345 12 349 07 39.4 -2 02 32.8 9.636 4757
13 346 10 55.6 1 58 01.2 9.663 4394 14 349 11 35.7 2 02 38.6 9.635 8726
15 346 14 50.6 1 58 07.5 9.662 8442 16 349 15 32.0 2 02 44.4 9.635 2693
17 346 18 45.6 1 58 13.7 9.662 2488 18 349 19 28.4 2 02 50.2 9.634 6659
19 346 22 40.7 1 58 19.9 9.661 6531 20 349 23 24.8 2 02 56.0 9.634 0623
21 346 26 35.8 1 58 26.1 9.661 0573 22 349 27 21.2 2 03 01.9 9.633 4586
23 346 30 30.9 -1 58 32.3 9.660 4614 24 349 31 17.6 -2 03 07.6 9.632 8548
25 346 34 26.1 1 58 38.4 9.659 8652 26 349 35 14.1 2 03 13.4 9.632 2508
27 346 38 21.2 1 58 44.6 9.659 2688 28 349 39 10.6 2 03 19.2 9.631 6466
29 346 42 16.4 1 58 50.8 9.658 6723 30 349 43 07.2 2 03 24.9 9.631 0423
Oct. 1 346 46 11.7 -1 58 56.9 9.658 0756 32 349 47 03.7 -2 03 30.7 9.630 4378

SATURN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 333 09 20.1 -1 38 07.3 Feb. 15 338 05 21.9 -1 36 45.1
1 333 14 36.6 1 38 02.9 16 338 12 35.5 1 36 46.2
2 333 19 57.1 1 37 58.6 17 338 19 50.1 1 36 47.6
3 333 25 21.6 1 37 54.4 18 338 27 05.5 1 36 49.0
4 333 30 50.1 1 37 50.3 19 338 34 21.7 1 36 50.6
5 333 36 22.5 1 37 46.3 20 338 41 38.5 1 36 52.4
6 333 41 58.8 -1 37 42.5 21 338 48 55.9 -1 36 54.3
7 333 47 38.9 1 37 38.7 22 338 56 13.8 1 36 56.3
8 333 53 22.8 1 37 35.1 23 339 03 32.1 1 36 58.4
9 333 59 10.4 1 37 31.5 24 339 10 50.7 1 37 00.7
10 334 05 01.6 1 37 28.1 25 339 18 09.7 1 37 03.2
11 334 10 56.4 1 37 24.7 26 339 25 28.9 1 37 05.8
12 334 16 54.6 -1 37 21.5 27 339 32 48.4 -1 37 08.5
13 334 22 56.1 1 37 18.4 28 339 40 07.9 1 37 11.5
14 334 29 00.8 1 37 15.4 29 339 47 27.4 1 37 14.5
15 334 35 08.7 1 37 12.5 Mar. 1 339 54 47.1 1 37 17.5
16 334 41 19.7 1 37 09.8 2 340 02 06.8 1 37 20.7
17 334 47 33.7 1 37 07.1 3 340 09 26.5 1 37 24.0
18 334 53 50.7 -1 37 04.6 4 340 16 46.0 -1 37 27.5
19 335 00 10.7 1 37 02.2 5 340 24 05.4 1 37 31.2
20 335 06 33.6 1 36 59.9 6 340 31 24.5 1 37 35.0
21 335 12 59.2 1 36 57.8 7 340 38 43.1 1 37 38.9
22 335 19 27.6 1 36 55.7 8 340 46 01.3 1 37 43.0
23 335 25 58.7 1 36 53.8 9 340 53 18.8 1 37 47.2
24 335 32 32.3 -1 36 52.0 10 341 00 35.7 -1 37 51.5
25 335 39 08.4 1 36 50.4 11 341 07 51.9 1 37 56.0
26 335 45 46.8 1 36 48.8 12 341 15 07.3 1 38 00.6
27 335 52 27.6 1 36 47.4 13 341 22 21.9 1 38 05.3
28 335 59 10.6 1 36 46.1 14 341 29 35.7 1 38 10.2
29 336 05 55.8 1 36 45.0 15 341 36 48.6 1 38 15.3
30 336 12 43.2 -1 36 43.9 16 341 44 00.4 -1 38 20.4
31 336 19 32.6 1 36 43.0 17 341 51 11.2 1 38 25.7
Feb. 1 336 26 24.1 1 36 42.3 18 341 58 20.8 1 38 31.2
2 336 33 17.6 1 36 41.6 19 342 05 29.2 1 38 36.8
3 336 40 13.1 1 36 41.1 20 342 12 36.2 1 38 42.5
4 336 47 10.4 1 36 40.7 21 342 19 41.9 1 38 48.4
5 336 54 09.6 -1 36 40.5 22 342 26 46.0 -1 38 54.4
6 337 01 10.5 1 36 40.4 23 342 33 48.7 1 39 00.6
7 337 08 13.0 1 36 40.4 24 342 40 49.8 1 39 06.9
8 337 15 17.2 1 36 40.5 25 342 47 49.2 1 39 13.3
9 337 22 22.7 1 36 40.7 26 342 54 47.1 1 39 19.9
10 337 29 29.6 1 36 41.1 27 343 01 43.2 1 39 26.6
11 337 36 37.8 -1 36 41.6 28 343 08 37.6 -1 39 33.4
12 337 43 47.1 1 36 42.3 29 343 15 30.1 1 39 40.4
13 337 50 57.6 1 36 43.1 30 343 22 20.9 1 39 47.5
14 337 58 09.2 1 36 44.0 31 343 29 09.7 1 39 54.8
15 338 05 21.9 -1 36 45.1 Apr. 1 343 35 56.6 -1 40 02.2

SATURN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 343 35 56.6 -1 40 02.2 May 17 347 53 06.1 -1 48 00.7
2 343 42 41.4 1 40 09.7 18 347 57 08.0 1 48 13.9
3 343 49 24.0 1 40 17.3 19 348 01 05.0 1 48 27.1
4 343 56 04.3 1 40 25.1 20 348 04 57.2 1 48 40.5
5 344 02 42.4 1 40 33.0 21 348 08 44.5 1 48 53.9
6 344 09 18.0 1 40 41.1 22 348 12 26.9 1 49 07.4
7 344 15 51.1 -1 40 49.2 23 348 16 04.3 -1 49 21.1
8 344 22 21.7 1 40 57.6 24 348 19 36.7 1 49 34.8
9 344 28 49.8 1 41 06.0 25 348 23 04.1 1 49 48.6
10 344 35 15.2 1 41 14.6 26 348 26 26.4 1 50 02.4
11 344 41 38.1 1 41 23.3 27 348 29 43.6 1 50 16.4
12 344 47 58.2 1 41 32.2 28 348 32 55.4 1 50 30.4
13 344 54 15.5 -1 41 41.1 29 348 36 02.0 -1 50 44.5
14 345 00 29.9 1 41 50.3 30 348 39 03.2 1 50 58.7
15 345 06 41.4 1 41 59.5 31 348 41 59.0 1 51 13.0
16 345 12 49.8 1 42 08.9 June 1 348 44 49.4 1 51 27.3
17 345 18 55.1 1 42 18.4 2 348 47 34.3 1 51 41.7
18 345 24 57.2 1 42 28.1 3 348 50 13.7 1 51 56.2
19 345 30 56.1 -1 42 37.9 4 348 52 47.6 -1 52 10.7
20 345 36 51.7 1 42 47.8 5 348 55 16.0 1 52 25.3
21 345 42 44.0 1 42 57.8 6 348 57 38.9 1 52 40.0
22 345 48 33.0 1 43 08.0 7 348 59 56.1 1 52 54.7
23 345 54 18.5 1 43 18.3 8 349 02 07.7 1 53 09.5
24 346 00 00.7 1 43 28.7 9 349 04 13.5 1 53 24.4
25 346 05 39.4 -1 43 39.2 10 349 06 13.6 -1 53 39.3
26 346 11 14.6 1 43 49.9 11 349 08 07.8 1 53 54.2
27 346 16 46.2 1 44 00.7 12 349 09 56.2 1 54 09.2
28 346 22 14.1 1 44 11.6 13 349 11 38.7 1 54 24.3
29 346 27 38.4 1 44 22.6 14 349 13 15.4 1 54 39.3
30 346 32 58.9 1 44 33.8 15 349 14 46.2 1 54 54.5
May 1 346 38 15.5 -1 44 45.0 16 349 16 11.2 -1 55 09.6
2 346 43 28.1 1 44 56.4 17 349 17 30.3 1 55 24.8
3 346 48 36.7 1 45 07.9 18 349 18 43.6 1 55 40.0
4 346 53 41.2 1 45 19.5 19 349 19 51.0 1 55 55.2
5 346 58 41.5 1 45 31.2 20 349 20 52.6 1 56 10.4
6 347 03 37.7 1 45 43.1 21 349 21 48.3 1 56 25.7
7 347 08 29.8 -1 45 55.0 22 349 22 38.1 -1 56 41.0
8 347 13 17.5 1 46 07.1 23 349 23 22.0 1 56 56.2
9 347 18 01.0 1 46 19.3 24 349 23 59.9 1 57 11.5
10 347 22 40.2 1 46 31.6 25 349 24 31.8 1 57 26.8
11 347 27 14.9 1 46 44.0 26 349 24 57.7 1 57 42.1
12 347 31 45.1 1 46 56.5 27 349 25 17.5 1 57 57.3
13 347 36 10.7 -1 47 09.2 28 349 25 31.3 -1 58 12.6
14 347 40 31.6 1 47 21.9 29 349 25 39.1 1 58 27.8
15 347 44 47.9 1 47 34.7 30 349 25 40.9 1 58 43.0
16 347 48 59.4 1 47 47.7 July 1 349 25 36.7 1 58 58.2
17 347 53 06.1 -1 48 00.7 2 349 25 26.5 -1 59 13.4

SATURN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 349 25 36.7 -1 58 58.2 Aug. 16 347 43 19.0 -2 08 59.5
2 349 25 26.5 1 59 13.4 17 347 39 19.8 2 09 08.7
3 349 25 10.4 1 59 28.6 18 347 35 17.5 2 09 17.7
4 349 24 48.3 1 59 43.7 19 347 31 12.3 2 09 26.4
5 349 24 20.3 1 59 58.8 20 347 27 04.2 2 09 34.9
6 349 23 46.2 2 00 13.9 21 347 22 53.5 2 09 43.2
7 349 23 06.2 -2 00 28.9 22 347 18 40.1 -2 09 51.2
8 349 22 20.1 2 00 43.8 23 347 14 24.3 2 09 58.9
9 349 21 28.1 2 00 58.8 24 347 10 06.3 2 10 06.4
10 349 20 30.2 2 01 13.6 25 347 05 46.1 2 10 13.7
11 349 19 26.4 2 01 28.4 26 347 01 23.9 2 10 20.7
12 349 18 16.7 2 01 43.1 27 346 56 59.9 2 10 27.4
13 349 17 01.3 -2 01 57.8 28 346 52 34.1 -2 10 33.9
14 349 15 40.1 2 02 12.4 29 346 48 06.6 2 10 40.1
15 349 14 13.2 2 02 26.9 30 346 43 37.6 2 10 46.1
16 349 12 40.8 2 02 41.3 31 346 39 07.3 2 10 51.8
17 349 11 02.7 2 02 55.6 Sept. 1 346 34 35.6 2 10 57.2
18 349 09 19.2 2 03 09.8 2 346 30 02.8 2 11 02.4
19 349 07 30.2 -2 03 23.9 3 346 25 29.1 -2 11 07.3
20 349 05 35.7 2 03 37.9 4 346 20 54.6 2 11 11.9
21 349 03 35.8 2 03 51.8 5 346 16 19.4 2 11 16.2
22 349 01 30.4 2 04 05.6 6 346 11 43.8 2 11 20.3
23 348 59 19.7 2 04 19.2 7 346 07 07.9 2 11 24.0
24 348 57 03.7 2 04 32.7 8 346 02 31.8 2 11 27.5
25 348 54 42.3 -2 04 46.1 9 345 57 55.8 -2 11 30.8
26 348 52 15.8 2 04 59.4 10 345 53 20.0 2 11 33.7
27 348 49 44.1 2 05 12.5 11 345 48 44.5 2 11 36.3
28 348 47 07.5 2 05 25.5 12 345 44 09.5 2 11 38.7
29 348 44 25.8 2 05 38.4 13 345 39 35.1 2 11 40.8
30 348 41 39.3 2 05 51.1 14 345 35 01.4 2 11 42.6
31 348 38 48.0 -2 06 03.6 15 345 30 28.5 -2 11 44.1
Aug. 1 348 35 52.0 2 06 16.0 16 345 25 56.6 2 11 45.3
2 348 32 51.2 2 06 28.2 17 345 21 25.8 2 11 46.3
3 348 29 45.8 2 06 40.3 18 345 16 56.2 2 11 47.0
4 348 26 35.8 2 06 52.2 19 345 12 28.0 2 11 47.4
5 348 23 21.3 2 07 03.9 20 345 08 01.4 2 11 47.5
6 348 20 02.5 -2 07 15.4 21 345 03 36.5 -2 11 47.4
7 348 16 39.3 2 07 26.7 22 344 59 13.5 2 11 47.0
8 348 13 12.1 2 07 37.9 23 344 54 52.5 2 11 46.3
9 348 09 40.8 2 07 48.8 24 344 50 33.6 2 11 45.3
10 348 06 05.5 2 07 59.6 25 344 46 17.0 2 11 44.1
11 348 02 26.5 2 08 10.1 26 344 42 02.7 2 11 42.7
12 347 58 43.9 -2 08 20.4 27 344 37 50.8 -2 11 40.9
13 347 54 57.7 2 08 30.5 28 344 33 41.6 2 11 38.9
14 347 51 08.1 2 08 40.4 29 344 29 35.1 2 11 36.7
15 347 47 15.1 2 08 50.1 30 344 25 31.5 2 11 34.2
16 347 43 19.0 -2 08 59.5 Oct. 1 344 21 30.8 -2 11 31.4

SATURN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 344 21 30.8 -2 11 31.4 Nov. 16 342 41 33.9 -2 05 59.2
2 344 17 33.4 2 11 28.4 17 342 41 39.7 2 05 49.2
3 344 13 39.3 2 11 25.2 18 342 41 51.8 2 05 39.2
4 344 09 48.7 2 11 21.7 19 342 42 10.3 2 05 29.2
5 344 06 01.7 2 11 18.0 20 342 42 35.1 2 05 19.1
6 344 02 18.4 2 11 14.0 21 342 43 06.1 2 05 09.0
7 343 58 39.0 -2 11 09.8 22 342 43 43.5 -2 04 58.9
8 343 55 03.6 2 11 05.3 23 342 44 27.2 2 04 48.8
9 343 51 32.3 2 11 00.7 24 342 45 17.1 2 04 38.7
10 343 48 05.2 2 10 55.8 25 342 46 13.4 2 04 28.5
11 343 44 42.3 2 10 50.7 26 342 47 16.1 2 04 18.4
12 343 41 23.8 2 10 45.3 27 342 48 25.1 2 04 08.2
13 343 38 09.7 -2 10 39.8 28 342 49 40.4 -2 03 58.1
14 343 35 00.2 2 10 34.0 29 342 51 02.1 2 03 47.9
15 343 31 55.2 2 10 28.1 30 342 52 30.2 2 03 37.8
16 343 28 55.0 2 10 21.9 Dec. 1 342 54 04.5 2 03 27.7
17 343 25 59.5 2 10 15.6 2 342 55 45.2 2 03 17.5
18 343 23 09.1 2 10 09.0 3 342 57 32.2 2 03 07.5
19 343 20 23.6 -2 10 02.3 4 342 59 25.4 -2 02 57.4
20 343 17 43.3 2 09 55.4 5 343 01 24.7 2 02 47.3
21 343 15 08.2 2 09 48.4 6 343 03 30.2 2 02 37.3
22 343 12 38.4 2 09 41.1 7 343 05 41.7 2 02 27.4
23 343 10 13.8 2 09 33.8 8 343 07 59.2 2 02 17.4
24 343 07 54.6 2 09 26.2 9 343 10 22.7 2 02 07.5
25 343 05 40.7 -2 09 18.5 10 343 12 52.2 -2 01 57.7
26 343 03 32.4 2 09 10.7 11 343 15 27.6 2 01 47.9
27 343 01 29.6 2 09 02.7 12 343 18 09.0 2 01 38.1
28 342 59 32.5 2 08 54.5 13 343 20 56.3 2 01 28.5
29 342 57 41.0 2 08 46.2 14 343 23 49.5 2 01 18.8
30 342 55 55.4 2 08 37.8 15 343 26 48.4 2 01 09.3
31 342 54 15.7 -2 08 29.3 16 343 29 53.1 -2 00 59.8
Nov. 1 342 52 41.9 2 08 20.6 17 343 33 03.5 2 00 50.4
2 342 51 14.1 2 08 11.9 18 343 36 19.4 2 00 41.1
3 342 49 52.4 2 08 03.0 19 343 39 40.9 2 00 31.8
4 342 48 36.8 2 07 54.0 20 343 43 07.8 2 00 22.6
5 342 47 27.4 2 07 44.8 21 343 46 40.2 2 00 13.5
6 342 46 24.1 -2 07 35.6 22 343 50 18.0 -2 00 04.5
7 342 45 27.0 2 07 26.3 23 343 54 01.2 1 59 55.6
8 342 44 36.1 2 07 16.9 24 343 57 49.8 1 59 46.7
9 342 43 51.4 2 07 07.5 25 344 01 43.7 1 59 37.9
10 342 43 13.0 2 06 57.9 26 344 05 42.9 1 59 29.3
11 342 42 40.7 2 06 48.3 27 344 09 47.4 1 59 20.7
12 342 42 14.7 -2 06 38.6 28 344 13 57.0 -1 59 12.2
13 342 41 55.0 2 06 28.8 29 344 18 11.9 1 59 03.8
14 342 41 41.6 2 06 19.0 30 344 22 31.8 1 58 55.5
15 342 41 34.6 2 06 09.1 31 344 26 56.6 1 58 47.3
16 342 41 33.9 -2 05 59.2 32 344 31 26.5 -1 58 39.2

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Jan. 0 22 22 46.81 -11 52 19.6 10.281 301 0.86 7.18 15 43 45
1 22 23 06.78 11 50 20.8 10.294 649 0.85 7.17 15 40 09
2 22 23 27.00 11 48 20.5 10.307 836 0.85 7.16 15 36 34
3 22 23 47.48 11 46 18.8 10.320 860 0.85 7.15 15 32 58
4 22 24 08.21 11 44 15.6 10.333 716 0.85 7.14 15 29 23
5 22 24 29.19 11 42 11.1 10.346 403 0.85 7.13 15 25 48
6 22 24 50.40 -11 40 05.1 10.358 915 0.85 7.13 15 22 14
7 22 25 11.86 11 37 57.7 10.371 251 0.85 7.12 15 18 39
8 22 25 33.56 11 35 49.0 10.383 407 0.85 7.11 15 15 05
9 22 25 55.49 11 33 39.0 10.395 379 0.85 7.10 15 11 31
10 22 26 17.64 11 31 27.6 10.407 164 0.85 7.09 15 07 57
11 22 26 40.02 11 29 15.0 10.418 758 0.84 7.09 15 04 24
12 22 27 02.61 -11 27 01.2 10.430 160 0.84 7.08 15 00 50
13 22 27 25.41 11 24 46.1 10.441 365 0.84 7.07 14 57 17
14 22 27 48.41 11 22 29.9 10.452 370 0.84 7.06 14 53 44
15 22 28 11.61 11 20 12.6 10.463 174 0.84 7.06 14 50 12
16 22 28 35.00 11 17 54.1 10.473 773 0.84 7.05 14 46 39
17 22 28 58.57 11 15 34.5 10.484 165 0.84 7.04 14 43 07

18 22 29 22.34 -11 13 13.8 10.494 347 0.84 7.03 14 39 35

19 22 29 46.29 11 10 52.0 10.504 319 0.84 7.03 14 36 03
20 22 30 10.41 11 08 29.2 10.514 077 0.84 7.02 14 32 31
21 22 30 34.72 11 06 05.3 10.523 620 0.84 7.01 14 28 59
22 22 30 59.19 11 03 40.5 10.532 947 0.83 7.01 14 25 28
23 22 31 23.82 11 01 14.7 10.542 054 0.83 7.00 14 21 56
24 22 31 48.62 -10 58 48.0 10.550 941 0.83 7.00 14 18 25
25 22 32 13.56 10 56 20.4 10.559 606 0.83 6.99 14 14 54
26 22 32 38.66 10 53 51.9 10.568 046 0.83 6.99 14 11 23
27 22 33 03.90 10 51 22.6 10.576 261 0.83 6.98 14 07 53
28 22 33 29.27 10 48 52.5 10.584 249 0.83 6.97 14 04 22
29 22 33 54.78 10 46 21.5 10.592 007 0.83 6.97 14 00 52
30 22 34 20.42 -10 43 49.8 10.599 534 0.83 6.96 13 57 21
31 22 34 46.19 10 41 17.3 10.606 828 0.83 6.96 13 53 51
Feb. 1 22 35 12.09 10 38 44.0 10.613 888 0.83 6.96 13 50 21
2 22 35 38.11 10 36 10.0 10.620 712 0.83 6.95 13 46 51
3 22 36 04.24 10 33 35.3 10.627 298 0.83 6.95 13 43 21
4 22 36 30.49 10 30 59.9 10.633 645 0.83 6.94 13 39 52
5 22 36 56.86 -10 28 23.8 10.639 750 0.83 6.94 13 36 22
6 22 37 23.33 10 25 47.1 10.645 613 0.83 6.93 13 32 52
7 22 37 49.90 10 23 09.8 10.651 231 0.83 6.93 13 29 23
8 22 38 16.56 10 20 31.9 10.656 603 0.83 6.93 13 25 54
9 22 38 43.32 10 17 53.4 10.661 728 0.82 6.92 13 22 24
10 22 39 10.15 10 15 14.5 10.666 603 0.82 6.92 13 18 55
11 22 39 37.06 -10 12 35.2 10.671 229 0.82 6.92 13 15 26
12 22 40 04.04 10 09 55.4 10.675 604 0.82 6.91 13 11 57
13 22 40 31.09 10 07 15.1 10.679 726 0.82 6.91 13 08 28
14 22 40 58.20 10 04 34.4 10.683 596 0.82 6.91 13 04 59
15 22 41 25.37 -10 01 53.4 10.687 214 0.82 6.91 13 01 30

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Feb. 15 22 41 25.37 -10 01 53.4 10.687 214 0.82 6.91 13 01 30
16 22 41 52.61 9 59 12.0 10.690 577 0.82 6.91 12 58 02
17 22 42 19.90 9 56 30.2 10.693 688 0.82 6.90 12 54 33
18 22 42 47.24 9 53 48.2 10.696 544 0.82 6.90 12 51 04
19 22 43 14.62 9 51 05.9 10.699 147 0.82 6.90 12 47 36
20 22 43 42.04 9 48 23.3 10.701 495 0.82 6.90 12 44 07
21 22 44 09.49 -9 45 40.6 10.703 590 0.82 6.90 12 40 38
22 22 44 36.97 9 42 57.7 10.705 430 0.82 6.90 12 37 10
23 22 45 04.48 9 40 14.7 10.707 015 0.82 6.89 12 33 41
24 22 45 32.00 9 37 31.5 10.708 347 0.82 6.89 12 30 13
25 22 45 59.54 9 34 48.3 10.709 423 0.82 6.89 12 26 44
26 22 46 27.10 9 32 05.0 10.710 245 0.82 6.89 12 23 16
27 22 46 54.66 -9 29 21.6 10.710 813 0.82 6.89 12 19 47
28 22 47 22.22 9 26 38.2 10.711 125 0.82 6.89 12 16 19
29 22 47 49.79 9 23 54.8 10.711 183 0.82 6.89 12 12 50
Mar. 1 22 48 17.35 9 21 11.3 10.710 986 0.82 6.89 12 09 22
2 22 48 44.91 9 18 27.8 10.710 533 0.82 6.89 12 05 53
3 22 49 12.48 9 15 44.3 10.709 826 0.82 6.89 12 02 25

4 22 49 40.03 -9 13 00.9 10.708 863 0.82 6.89 11 58 56

5 22 50 07.56 9 10 17.6 10.707 646 0.82 6.89 11 55 28
6 22 50 35.07 9 07 34.5 10.706 173 0.82 6.90 11 51 59
7 22 51 02.56 9 04 51.6 10.704 446 0.82 6.90 11 48 31
8 22 51 30.01 9 02 08.8 10.702 463 0.82 6.90 11 45 02
9 22 51 57.43 8 59 26.3 10.700 227 0.82 6.90 11 41 33
10 22 52 24.79 -8 56 44.1 10.697 736 0.82 6.90 11 38 05
11 22 52 52.11 8 54 02.2 10.694 991 0.82 6.90 11 34 36
12 22 53 19.38 8 51 20.6 10.691 994 0.82 6.90 11 31 07
13 22 53 46.60 8 48 39.4 10.688 746 0.82 6.91 11 27 38
14 22 54 13.76 8 45 58.4 10.685 247 0.82 6.91 11 24 09
15 22 54 40.87 8 43 17.9 10.681 498 0.82 6.91 11 20 40
16 22 55 07.91 -8 40 37.8 10.677 502 0.82 6.91 11 17 11
17 22 55 34.88 8 37 58.1 10.673 260 0.82 6.92 11 13 42
18 22 56 01.77 8 35 18.9 10.668 773 0.82 6.92 11 10 13
19 22 56 28.59 8 32 40.2 10.664 042 0.82 6.92 11 06 44
20 22 56 55.32 8 30 02.1 10.659 069 0.83 6.93 11 03 14
21 22 57 21.96 8 27 24.6 10.653 855 0.83 6.93 10 59 45
22 22 57 48.51 -8 24 47.6 10.648 402 0.83 6.93 10 56 15
23 22 58 14.96 8 22 11.3 10.642 711 0.83 6.94 10 52 46
24 22 58 41.32 8 19 35.7 10.636 784 0.83 6.94 10 49 16
25 22 59 07.57 8 17 00.6 10.630 621 0.83 6.94 10 45 46
26 22 59 33.71 8 14 26.3 10.624 225 0.83 6.95 10 42 16
27 22 59 59.75 8 11 52.6 10.617 596 0.83 6.95 10 38 46
28 23 00 25.68 -8 09 19.7 10.610 737 0.83 6.96 10 35 16
29 23 00 51.50 8 06 47.5 10.603 647 0.83 6.96 10 31 46
30 23 01 17.20 8 04 16.0 10.596 330 0.83 6.97 10 28 15
31 23 01 42.78 8 01 45.3 10.588 786 0.83 6.97 10 24 45
Apr. 1 23 02 08.24 -7 59 15.5 10.581 017 0.83 6.98 10 21 14

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Apr. 1 23 02 08.24 -7 59 15.5 10.581 017 0.83 6.98 10 21 14
2 23 02 33.57 7 56 46.5 10.573 024 0.83 6.98 10 17 43
3 23 02 58.76 7 54 18.4 10.564 808 0.83 6.99 10 14 13
4 23 03 23.81 7 51 51.2 10.556 372 0.83 6.99 10 10 42
5 23 03 48.72 7 49 24.9 10.547 716 0.83 7.00 10 07 10
6 23 04 13.47 7 46 59.7 10.538 843 0.83 7.00 10 03 39
7 23 04 38.07 -7 44 35.4 10.529 755 0.84 7.01 10 00 08
8 23 05 02.52 7 42 12.2 10.520 453 0.84 7.02 9 56 36
9 23 05 26.80 7 39 50.0 10.510 939 0.84 7.02 9 53 04
10 23 05 50.92 7 37 28.9 10.501 217 0.84 7.03 9 49 32
11 23 06 14.88 7 35 08.8 10.491 289 0.84 7.04 9 45 60
12 23 06 38.67 7 32 49.9 10.481 157 0.84 7.04 9 42 28
13 23 07 02.29 -7 30 32.1 10.470 824 0.84 7.05 9 38 55
14 23 07 25.72 7 28 15.5 10.460 294 0.84 7.06 9 35 22
15 23 07 48.98 7 26 00.1 10.449 568 0.84 7.06 9 31 50
16 23 08 12.04 7 23 46.0 10.438 649 0.84 7.07 9 28 17
17 23 08 34.91 7 21 33.1 10.427 541 0.84 7.08 9 24 43
18 23 08 57.59 7 19 21.6 10.416 245 0.84 7.09 9 21 10

19 23 09 20.07 -7 17 11.3 10.404 765 0.85 7.09 9 17 36

20 23 09 42.34 7 15 02.4 10.393 104 0.85 7.10 9 14 02
21 23 10 04.41 7 12 54.9 10.381 263 0.85 7.11 9 10 28
22 23 10 26.27 7 10 48.7 10.369 246 0.85 7.12 9 06 54
23 23 10 47.92 7 08 43.9 10.357 055 0.85 7.13 9 03 20
24 23 11 09.36 7 06 40.5 10.344 693 0.85 7.14 8 59 45
25 23 11 30.59 -7 04 38.5 10.332 162 0.85 7.14 8 56 10
26 23 11 51.60 7 02 37.9 10.319 466 0.85 7.15 8 52 35
27 23 12 12.39 7 00 38.8 10.306 606 0.85 7.16 8 48 60
28 23 12 32.95 6 58 41.2 10.293 585 0.85 7.17 8 45 24
29 23 12 53.29 6 56 45.1 10.280 407 0.86 7.18 8 41 48
30 23 13 13.39 6 54 50.6 10.267 073 0.86 7.19 8 38 12
May 1 23 13 33.26 -6 52 57.6 10.253 586 0.86 7.20 8 34 36
2 23 13 52.88 6 51 06.3 10.239 949 0.86 7.21 8 30 60
3 23 14 12.25 6 49 16.6 10.226 166 0.86 7.22 8 27 23
4 23 14 31.37 6 47 28.6 10.212 238 0.86 7.23 8 23 46
5 23 14 50.24 6 45 42.2 10.198 169 0.86 7.24 8 20 09
6 23 15 08.85 6 43 57.6 10.183 963 0.86 7.25 8 16 31
7 23 15 27.20 -6 42 14.6 10.169 622 0.86 7.26 8 12 54
8 23 15 45.29 6 40 33.4 10.155 151 0.87 7.27 8 09 16
9 23 16 03.11 6 38 53.9 10.140 554 0.87 7.28 8 05 37
10 23 16 20.67 6 37 16.2 10.125 833 0.87 7.29 8 01 59
11 23 16 37.96 6 35 40.3 10.110 993 0.87 7.30 7 58 20
12 23 16 54.97 6 34 06.3 10.096 037 0.87 7.31 7 54 41
13 23 17 11.70 -6 32 34.1 10.080 970 0.87 7.32 7 51 02
14 23 17 28.14 6 31 03.8 10.065 796 0.87 7.33 7 47 22
15 23 17 44.29 6 29 35.5 10.050 518 0.87 7.34 7 43 42
16 23 18 00.16 6 28 09.0 10.035 139 0.88 7.36 7 40 02
17 23 18 15.72 -6 26 44.5 10.019 665 0.88 7.37 7 36 21

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

May 17 23 18 15.72 -6 26 44.5 10.019 665 0.88 7.37 7 36 21
18 23 18 30.99 6 25 22.0 10.004 097 0.88 7.38 7 32 40
19 23 18 45.97 6 24 01.4 9.988 441 0.88 7.39 7 28 59
20 23 19 00.64 6 22 42.8 9.972 700 0.88 7.40 7 25 18
21 23 19 15.02 6 21 26.2 9.956 876 0.88 7.41 7 21 36
22 23 19 29.09 6 20 11.6 9.940 975 0.88 7.43 7 17 54
23 23 19 42.86 -6 18 59.0 9.925 000 0.89 7.44 7 14 12
24 23 19 56.32 6 17 48.4 9.908 953 0.89 7.45 7 10 29
25 23 20 09.47 6 16 39.8 9.892 840 0.89 7.46 7 06 46
26 23 20 22.31 6 15 33.3 9.876 662 0.89 7.47 7 03 03
27 23 20 34.84 6 14 28.9 9.860 425 0.89 7.49 6 59 20
28 23 20 47.04 6 13 26.6 9.844 131 0.89 7.50 6 55 36
29 23 20 58.91 -6 12 26.5 9.827 784 0.89 7.51 6 51 51
30 23 21 10.46 6 11 28.5 9.811 387 0.90 7.52 6 48 07
31 23 21 21.67 6 10 32.7 9.794 946 0.90 7.54 6 44 22
June 1 23 21 32.55 6 09 39.1 9.778 463 0.90 7.55 6 40 37
2 23 21 43.09 6 08 47.6 9.761 943 0.90 7.56 6 36 51
3 23 21 53.30 6 07 58.4 9.745 391 0.90 7.57 6 33 06

4 23 22 03.17 -6 07 11.4 9.728 809 0.90 7.59 6 29 19

5 23 22 12.70 6 06 26.6 9.712 204 0.91 7.60 6 25 33
6 23 22 21.89 6 05 44.0 9.695 579 0.91 7.61 6 21 46
7 23 22 30.74 6 05 03.7 9.678 939 0.91 7.63 6 17 59
8 23 22 39.23 6 04 25.6 9.662 289 0.91 7.64 6 14 11
9 23 22 47.38 6 03 49.9 9.645 634 0.91 7.65 6 10 23
10 23 22 55.17 -6 03 16.5 9.628 978 0.91 7.67 6 06 35
11 23 23 02.60 6 02 45.4 9.612 325 0.91 7.68 6 02 46
12 23 23 09.67 6 02 16.6 9.595 681 0.92 7.69 5 58 57
13 23 23 16.39 6 01 50.2 9.579 049 0.92 7.71 5 55 08
14 23 23 22.74 6 01 26.1 9.562 434 0.92 7.72 5 51 18
15 23 23 28.74 6 01 04.3 9.545 841 0.92 7.73 5 47 28
16 23 23 34.37 -6 00 44.9 9.529 274 0.92 7.75 5 43 38
17 23 23 39.65 6 00 27.8 9.512 737 0.92 7.76 5 39 47
18 23 23 44.56 6 00 13.0 9.496 234 0.93 7.77 5 35 56
19 23 23 49.11 6 00 00.5 9.479 770 0.93 7.79 5 32 05
20 23 23 53.31 5 59 50.3 9.463 348 0.93 7.80 5 28 13
21 23 23 57.14 5 59 42.4 9.446 974 0.93 7.81 5 24 21
22 23 24 00.61 -5 59 36.9 9.430 651 0.93 7.83 5 20 28
23 23 24 03.72 5 59 33.7 9.414 383 0.93 7.84 5 16 35
24 23 24 06.46 5 59 32.8 9.398 174 0.94 7.85 5 12 42
25 23 24 08.82 5 59 34.4 9.382 028 0.94 7.87 5 08 48
26 23 24 10.82 5 59 38.2 9.365 950 0.94 7.88 5 04 54
27 23 24 12.45 5 59 44.5 9.349 944 0.94 7.90 5 00 60
28 23 24 13.70 -5 59 53.1 9.334 014 0.94 7.91 4 57 05
29 23 24 14.58 6 00 04.1 9.318 165 0.94 7.92 4 53 10
30 23 24 15.09 6 00 17.4 9.302 401 0.95 7.94 4 49 15
July 1 23 24 15.23 6 00 33.0 9.286 726 0.95 7.95 4 45 19
2 23 24 15.00 -6 00 50.9 9.271 147 0.95 7.96 4 41 23

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

July 1 23 24 15.23 -6 00 33.0 9.286 726 0.95 7.95 4 45 19
2 23 24 15.00 6 00 50.9 9.271 147 0.95 7.96 4 41 23
3 23 24 14.41 6 01 11.2 9.255 667 0.95 7.98 4 37 26
4 23 24 13.45 6 01 33.8 9.240 291 0.95 7.99 4 33 29
5 23 24 12.12 6 01 58.7 9.225 025 0.95 8.00 4 29 32
6 23 24 10.42 6 02 25.9 9.209 873 0.95 8.02 4 25 34
7 23 24 08.35 -6 02 55.5 9.194 840 0.96 8.03 4 21 36
8 23 24 05.91 6 03 27.3 9.179 931 0.96 8.04 4 17 38
9 23 24 03.10 6 04 01.5 9.165 150 0.96 8.05 4 13 39
10 23 23 59.92 6 04 37.9 9.150 502 0.96 8.07 4 09 40
11 23 23 56.38 6 05 16.6 9.135 992 0.96 8.08 4 05 40
12 23 23 52.47 6 05 57.5 9.121 623 0.96 8.09 4 01 40
13 23 23 48.21 -6 06 40.6 9.107 401 0.97 8.11 3 57 40
14 23 23 43.59 6 07 25.9 9.093 329 0.97 8.12 3 53 40
15 23 23 38.62 6 08 13.3 9.079 412 0.97 8.13 3 49 39
16 23 23 33.31 6 09 02.9 9.065 654 0.97 8.14 3 45 37
17 23 23 27.64 6 09 54.5 9.052 059 0.97 8.16 3 41 36
18 23 23 21.64 6 10 48.3 9.038 631 0.97 8.17 3 37 34

19 23 23 15.29 -6 11 44.1 9.025 373 0.97 8.18 3 33 32

20 23 23 08.60 6 12 41.9 9.012 290 0.98 8.19 3 29 29
21 23 23 01.58 6 13 41.7 8.999 385 0.98 8.20 3 25 26
22 23 22 54.22 6 14 43.6 8.986 663 0.98 8.21 3 21 23
23 23 22 46.52 6 15 47.5 8.974 125 0.98 8.23 3 17 19
24 23 22 38.49 6 16 53.4 8.961 778 0.98 8.24 3 13 15
25 23 22 30.13 -6 18 01.2 8.949 624 0.98 8.25 3 09 11
26 23 22 21.45 6 19 10.9 8.937 667 0.98 8.26 3 05 06
27 23 22 12.45 6 20 22.5 8.925 911 0.99 8.27 3 01 02
28 23 22 03.13 6 21 35.9 8.914 361 0.99 8.28 2 56 56
29 23 21 53.50 6 22 51.1 8.903 020 0.99 8.29 2 52 51
30 23 21 43.57 6 24 08.1 8.891 893 0.99 8.30 2 48 45
31 23 21 33.34 -6 25 26.8 8.880 984 0.99 8.31 2 44 39
Aug. 1 23 21 22.81 6 26 47.2 8.870 296 0.99 8.32 2 40 32
2 23 21 11.98 6 28 09.4 8.859 835 0.99 8.33 2 36 26
3 23 21 00.86 6 29 33.1 8.849 603 0.99 8.34 2 32 19
4 23 20 49.46 6 30 58.6 8.839 604 0.99 8.35 2 28 11
5 23 20 37.77 6 32 25.6 8.829 843 1.00 8.36 2 24 04
6 23 20 25.81 -6 33 54.1 8.820 322 1.00 8.37 2 19 56
7 23 20 13.57 6 35 24.1 8.811 045 1.00 8.38 2 15 48
8 23 20 01.08 6 36 55.6 8.802 016 1.00 8.39 2 11 40
9 23 19 48.33 6 38 28.4 8.793 238 1.00 8.40 2 07 31
10 23 19 35.33 6 40 02.6 8.784 713 1.00 8.40 2 03 22
11 23 19 22.09 6 41 38.0 8.776 445 1.00 8.41 1 59 13
12 23 19 08.62 -6 43 14.7 8.768 436 1.00 8.42 1 55 04
13 23 18 54.93 6 44 52.5 8.760 689 1.00 8.43 1 50 54
14 23 18 41.01 6 46 31.5 8.753 206 1.00 8.43 1 46 44
15 23 18 26.89 6 48 11.5 8.745 991 1.01 8.44 1 42 34
16 23 18 12.56 -6 49 52.6 8.739 044 1.01 8.45 1 38 24

SATURN, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Aug. 16 23 18 12.56 -6 49 52.6 8.739 044 1.01 8.45 1 38 24
17 23 17 58.03 6 51 34.6 8.732 369 1.01 8.45 1 34 14
18 23 17 43.30 6 53 17.7 8.725 967 1.01 8.46 1 30 03
19 23 17 28.39 6 55 01.6 8.719 841 1.01 8.47 1 25 53
20 23 17 13.29 6 56 46.4 8.713 991 1.01 8.47 1 21 42
21 23 16 58.02 6 58 32.0 8.708 421 1.01 8.48 1 17 31

22 23 16 42.58 -7 00 18.3 8.703 133 1.01 8.48 1 13 19

23 23 16 26.98 7 02 05.4 8.698 127 1.01 8.49 1 09 08
24 23 16 11.23 7 03 53.1 8.693 408 1.01 8.49 1 04 56
25 23 15 55.35 7 05 41.3 8.688 975 1.01 8.50 1 00 45
26 23 15 39.33 7 07 30.1 8.684 832 1.01 8.50 0 56 33
27 23 15 23.19 7 09 19.4 8.680 981 1.01 8.50 0 52 21
28 23 15 06.93 -7 11 09.1 8.677 424 1.01 8.51 0 48 09
29 23 14 50.55 7 12 59.1 8.674 162 1.01 8.51 0 43 56
30 23 14 34.08 7 14 49.5 8.671 197 1.01 8.51 0 39 44
31 23 14 17.51 7 16 40.2 8.668 530 1.01 8.52 0 35 32
Sept. 1 23 14 00.85 7 18 31.1 8.666 163 1.01 8.52 0 31 19
2 23 13 44.12 7 20 22.2 8.664 098 1.02 8.52 0 27 07
3 23 13 27.32 -7 22 13.4 8.662 334 1.02 8.52 0 22 54
4 23 13 10.46 7 24 04.6 8.660 873 1.02 8.52 0 18 41
5 23 12 53.54 7 25 55.7 8.659 716 1.02 8.52 0 14 29
6 23 12 36.60 7 27 46.8 8.658 863 1.02 8.53 0 10 16
7 23 12 19.62 7 29 37.7 8.658 314 1.02 8.53 0 06 03
8 23 12 02.63 7 31 28.3 8.658 069 1.02 8.53 0 01 50
9 23 11 45.63 -7 33 18.6 8.658 129 1.02 8.53 23 53 25
10 23 11 28.63 7 35 08.6 8.658 494 1.02 8.53 23 49 12
11 23 11 11.64 7 36 58.1 8.659 162 1.02 8.53 23 44 59
12 23 10 54.68 7 38 47.2 8.660 135 1.02 8.52 23 40 46
13 23 10 37.74 7 40 35.8 8.661 410 1.02 8.52 23 36 34
14 23 10 20.84 7 42 23.8 8.662 987 1.02 8.52 23 32 21
15 23 10 03.98 -7 44 11.2 8.664 866 1.01 8.52 23 28 08
16 23 09 47.16 7 45 57.9 8.667 046 1.01 8.52 23 23 56
17 23 09 30.41 7 47 43.9 8.669 525 1.01 8.51 23 19 43
18 23 09 13.73 7 49 29.2 8.672 302 1.01 8.51 23 15 31
19 23 08 57.12 7 51 13.6 8.675 378 1.01 8.51 23 11 19
20 23 08 40.59 7 52 57.2 8.678 751 1.01 8.51 23 07 06
21 23 08 24.17 -7 54 39.7 8.682 419 1.01 8.50 23 02 54
22 23 08 07.86 7 56 21.3 8.686 383 1.01 8.50 22 58 42
23 23 07 51.65 7 58 01.8 8.690 641 1.01 8.49 22 54 30
24 23 07 35.58 7 59 41.3 8.695 193 1.01 8.49 22 50 19
25 23 07 19.63 8 01 19.6 8.700 037 1.01 8.49 22 46 07
26 23 07 03.82 8 02 56.7 8.705 171 1.01 8.48 22 41 55
27 23 06 48.15 -8 04 32.6 8.710 595 1.01 8.47 22 37 44
28 23 06 32.64 8 06 07.3 8.716 307 1.01 8.47 22 33 33
29 23 06 17.29 8 07 40.6 8.722 304 1.01 8.46 22 29 22
30 23 06 02.11 8 09 12.5 8.728 586 1.01 8.46 22 25 11
Oct. 1 23 05 47.10 -8 10 43.1 8.735 150 1.01 8.45 22 21 00

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Oct. 1 23 05 47.10 -8 10 43.1 8.735 150 1.01 8.45 22 21 00
2 23 05 32.29 8 12 12.1 8.741 993 1.01 8.44 22 16 50
3 23 05 17.68 8 13 39.6 8.749 113 1.01 8.44 22 12 40
4 23 05 03.27 8 15 05.5 8.756 508 1.00 8.43 22 08 30
5 23 04 49.08 8 16 29.7 8.764 174 1.00 8.42 22 04 20
6 23 04 35.11 8 17 52.3 8.772 109 1.00 8.42 22 00 10
7 23 04 21.38 -8 19 13.1 8.780 310 1.00 8.41 21 56 01
8 23 04 07.88 8 20 32.2 8.788 774 1.00 8.40 21 51 52
9 23 03 54.64 8 21 49.4 8.797 497 1.00 8.39 21 47 43
10 23 03 41.65 8 23 04.8 8.806 476 1.00 8.38 21 43 34
11 23 03 28.91 8 24 18.4 8.815 707 1.00 8.37 21 39 26
12 23 03 16.44 8 25 30.0 8.825 187 1.00 8.36 21 35 18
13 23 03 04.24 -8 26 39.7 8.834 913 1.00 8.36 21 31 10
14 23 02 52.31 8 27 47.5 8.844 880 0.99 8.35 21 27 03
15 23 02 40.66 8 28 53.3 8.855 084 0.99 8.34 21 22 55
16 23 02 29.30 8 29 57.1 8.865 524 0.99 8.33 21 18 48
17 23 02 18.23 8 30 58.8 8.876 193 0.99 8.32 21 14 42
18 23 02 07.47 8 31 58.4 8.887 091 0.99 8.31 21 10 35

19 23 01 57.01 -8 32 55.9 8.898 212 0.99 8.30 21 06 29

20 23 01 46.86 8 33 51.3 8.909 553 0.99 8.29 21 02 24
21 23 01 37.04 8 34 44.5 8.921 111 0.99 8.27 20 58 18
22 23 01 27.53 8 35 35.5 8.932 883 0.98 8.26 20 54 13
23 23 01 18.35 8 36 24.3 8.944 864 0.98 8.25 20 50 08
24 23 01 09.49 8 37 10.9 8.957 052 0.98 8.24 20 46 04
25 23 01 00.97 -8 37 55.3 8.969 441 0.98 8.23 20 41 60
26 23 00 52.79 8 38 37.4 8.982 029 0.98 8.22 20 37 56
27 23 00 44.94 8 39 17.2 8.994 810 0.98 8.21 20 33 53
28 23 00 37.45 8 39 54.8 9.007 781 0.98 8.20 20 29 50
29 23 00 30.30 8 40 30.0 9.020 937 0.97 8.18 20 25 47
30 23 00 23.51 8 41 02.8 9.034 274 0.97 8.17 20 21 45
31 23 00 17.08 -8 41 33.3 9.047 787 0.97 8.16 20 17 43
Nov. 1 23 00 11.02 8 42 01.3 9.061 471 0.97 8.15 20 13 41
2 23 00 05.33 8 42 26.9 9.075 322 0.97 8.13 20 09 40
3 23 00 00.02 8 42 50.1 9.089 335 0.97 8.12 20 05 39
4 22 59 55.08 8 43 10.8 9.103 504 0.97 8.11 20 01 38
5 22 59 50.52 8 43 29.0 9.117 825 0.96 8.10 19 57 38
6 22 59 46.35 -8 43 44.8 9.132 293 0.96 8.08 19 53 38
7 22 59 42.56 8 43 58.2 9.146 902 0.96 8.07 19 49 39
8 22 59 39.15 8 44 09.0 9.161 648 0.96 8.06 19 45 40
9 22 59 36.12 8 44 17.5 9.176 525 0.96 8.04 19 41 41
10 22 59 33.48 8 44 23.4 9.191 528 0.96 8.03 19 37 43
11 22 59 31.22 8 44 26.9 9.206 652 0.96 8.02 19 33 45
12 22 59 29.35 -8 44 27.9 9.221 892 0.95 8.00 19 29 48
13 22 59 27.87 8 44 26.5 9.237 244 0.95 7.99 19 25 51
14 22 59 26.78 8 44 22.6 9.252 702 0.95 7.98 19 21 54
15 22 59 26.09 8 44 16.1 9.268 262 0.95 7.96 19 17 58
16 22 59 25.79 -8 44 07.2 9.283 918 0.95 7.95 19 14 02

SATURN, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Nov. 16 22 59 25.79 -8 44 07.2 9.283 918 0.95 7.95 19 14 02
17 22 59 25.89 8 43 55.7 9.299 668 0.95 7.94 19 10 07
18 22 59 26.39 8 43 41.8 9.315 505 0.94 7.92 19 06 11
19 22 59 27.28 8 43 25.5 9.331 426 0.94 7.91 19 02 17
20 22 59 28.56 8 43 06.7 9.347 426 0.94 7.90 18 58 22
21 22 59 30.23 8 42 45.5 9.363 501 0.94 7.88 18 54 28
22 22 59 32.29 -8 42 21.8 9.379 644 0.94 7.87 18 50 35
23 22 59 34.75 8 41 55.7 9.395 852 0.94 7.86 18 46 42
24 22 59 37.59 8 41 27.1 9.412 120 0.93 7.84 18 42 49
25 22 59 40.83 8 40 56.2 9.428 442 0.93 7.83 18 38 57
26 22 59 44.47 8 40 22.7 9.444 814 0.93 7.82 18 35 05
27 22 59 48.50 8 39 46.8 9.461 230 0.93 7.80 18 31 13
28 22 59 52.92 -8 39 08.5 9.477 686 0.93 7.79 18 27 22
29 22 59 57.74 8 38 27.7 9.494 175 0.93 7.78 18 23 31
30 23 00 02.95 8 37 44.5 9.510 694 0.92 7.76 18 19 41
Dec. 1 23 00 08.56 8 36 58.9 9.527 236 0.92 7.75 18 15 51
2 23 00 14.56 8 36 10.9 9.543 796 0.92 7.73 18 12 01
3 23 00 20.95 8 35 20.4 9.560 370 0.92 7.72 18 08 12

4 23 00 27.73 -8 34 27.6 9.576 951 0.92 7.71 18 04 23

5 23 00 34.89 8 33 32.5 9.593 535 0.92 7.69 18 00 34
6 23 00 42.43 8 32 35.0 9.610 116 0.92 7.68 17 56 46
7 23 00 50.35 8 31 35.2 9.626 690 0.91 7.67 17 52 58
8 23 00 58.65 8 30 33.2 9.643 251 0.91 7.66 17 49 11
9 23 01 07.31 8 29 28.8 9.659 794 0.91 7.64 17 45 24
10 23 01 16.35 -8 28 22.2 9.676 314 0.91 7.63 17 41 37
11 23 01 25.76 8 27 13.4 9.692 808 0.91 7.62 17 37 51
12 23 01 35.54 8 26 02.3 9.709 270 0.91 7.60 17 34 05
13 23 01 45.68 8 24 48.9 9.725 695 0.90 7.59 17 30 20
14 23 01 56.20 8 23 33.4 9.742 081 0.90 7.58 17 26 34
15 23 02 07.07 8 22 15.6 9.758 421 0.90 7.56 17 22 49
16 23 02 18.30 -8 20 55.7 9.774 713 0.90 7.55 17 19 05
17 23 02 29.88 8 19 33.7 9.790 953 0.90 7.54 17 15 21
18 23 02 41.81 8 18 09.6 9.807 135 0.90 7.53 17 11 37
19 23 02 54.09 8 16 43.4 9.823 256 0.90 7.51 17 07 54
20 23 03 06.70 8 15 15.2 9.839 311 0.89 7.50 17 04 10
21 23 03 19.66 8 13 44.9 9.855 296 0.89 7.49 17 00 28
22 23 03 32.95 -8 12 12.6 9.871 208 0.89 7.48 16 56 45
23 23 03 46.58 8 10 38.2 9.887 040 0.89 7.47 16 53 03
24 23 04 00.54 8 09 01.8 9.902 790 0.89 7.45 16 49 21
25 23 04 14.83 8 07 23.4 9.918 452 0.89 7.44 16 45 40
26 23 04 29.45 8 05 43.1 9.934 022 0.89 7.43 16 41 59
27 23 04 44.40 8 04 00.7 9.949 496 0.88 7.42 16 38 18
28 23 04 59.68 -8 02 16.5 9.964 870 0.88 7.41 16 34 37
29 23 05 15.27 8 00 30.2 9.980 139 0.88 7.40 16 30 57
30 23 05 31.18 7 58 42.1 9.995 298 0.88 7.39 16 27 17
31 23 05 47.40 7 56 52.2 10.010 343 0.88 7.37 16 23 38
32 23 06 03.92 -7 55 00.4 10.025 271 0.88 7.36 16 19 58

URANUS, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 51 36 19.3 -0 17 46.1 19.613 4274 Apr. 2 52 38 39.0 -0 16 59.4 19.598 6251
3 51 37 40.5 0 17 45.1 19.613 1079 4 52 40 00.4 0 16 58.4 19.598 3009
5 51 39 01.8 0 17 44.0 19.612 7883 6 52 41 21.7 0 16 57.4 19.597 9766
7 51 40 23.0 0 17 43.0 19.612 4686 8 52 42 43.1 0 16 56.3 19.597 6522
9 51 41 44.3 0 17 42.0 19.612 1488 10 52 44 04.5 0 16 55.3 19.597 3277
11 51 43 05.5 0 17 41.0 19.611 8289 12 52 45 25.9 0 16 54.3 19.597 0031
13 51 44 26.8 -0 17 40.0 19.611 5089 14 52 46 47.2 -0 16 53.3 19.596 6784
15 51 45 48.0 0 17 39.0 19.611 1888 16 52 48 08.6 0 16 52.3 19.596 3535
17 51 47 09.3 0 17 38.0 19.610 8685 18 52 49 30.0 0 16 51.2 19.596 0286
19 51 48 30.6 0 17 37.0 19.610 5482 20 52 50 51.4 0 16 50.2 19.595 7036
21 51 49 51.8 0 17 35.9 19.610 2278 22 52 52 12.8 0 16 49.2 19.595 3785
23 51 51 13.1 0 17 34.9 19.609 9073 24 52 53 34.2 0 16 48.2 19.595 0533
25 51 52 34.4 -0 17 33.9 19.609 5866 26 52 54 55.5 -0 16 47.2 19.594 7279
27 51 53 55.6 0 17 32.9 19.609 2659 28 52 56 16.9 0 16 46.1 19.594 4025
29 51 55 16.9 0 17 31.9 19.608 9451 30 52 57 38.3 0 16 45.1 19.594 0770
31 51 56 38.1 0 17 30.9 19.608 6242 May 2 52 58 59.7 0 16 44.1 19.593 7513
Feb. 2 51 57 59.4 0 17 29.9 19.608 3031 4 53 00 21.1 0 16 43.1 19.593 4256
4 51 59 20.7 0 17 28.9 19.607 9820 6 53 01 42.5 0 16 42.0 19.593 0997
6 52 00 42.0 -0 17 27.8 19.607 6608 8 53 03 03.9 -0 16 41.0 19.592 7738
8 52 02 03.3 0 17 26.8 19.607 3394 10 53 04 25.4 0 16 40.0 19.592 4477
10 52 03 24.6 0 17 25.8 19.607 0180 12 53 05 46.8 0 16 39.0 19.592 1215
12 52 04 45.9 0 17 24.8 19.606 6965 14 53 07 08.2 0 16 37.9 19.591 7953
14 52 06 07.1 0 17 23.8 19.606 3748 16 53 08 29.6 0 16 36.9 19.591 4689
16 52 07 28.5 0 17 22.8 19.606 0531 18 53 09 51.0 0 16 35.9 19.591 1424
18 52 08 49.8 -0 17 21.8 19.605 7313 20 53 11 12.5 -0 16 34.9 19.590 8158
20 52 10 11.0 0 17 20.8 19.605 4093 22 53 12 33.9 0 16 33.8 19.590 4891
22 52 11 32.4 0 17 19.7 19.605 0873 24 53 13 55.3 0 16 32.8 19.590 1623
24 52 12 53.7 0 17 18.7 19.604 7651 26 53 15 16.8 0 16 31.8 19.589 8354
26 52 14 15.0 0 17 17.7 19.604 4429 28 53 16 38.2 0 16 30.8 19.589 5084
28 52 15 36.3 0 17 16.7 19.604 1206 30 53 17 59.6 0 16 29.8 19.589 1813
Mar. 1 52 16 57.6 -0 17 15.7 19.603 7981 June 1 53 19 21.1 -0 16 28.7 19.588 8541
3 52 18 18.9 0 17 14.7 19.603 4756 3 53 20 42.5 0 16 27.7 19.588 5268
5 52 19 40.3 0 17 13.6 19.603 1529 5 53 22 03.9 0 16 26.7 19.588 1993
7 52 21 01.6 0 17 12.6 19.602 8302 7 53 23 25.4 0 16 25.6 19.587 8718
9 52 22 22.9 0 17 11.6 19.602 5073 9 53 24 46.8 0 16 24.6 19.587 5441
11 52 23 44.2 0 17 10.6 19.602 1844 11 53 26 08.3 0 16 23.6 19.587 2164
13 52 25 05.5 -0 17 09.6 19.601 8613 13 53 27 29.7 -0 16 22.6 19.586 8885
15 52 26 26.9 0 17 08.6 19.601 5382 15 53 28 51.2 0 16 21.6 19.586 5606
17 52 27 48.2 0 17 07.6 19.601 2149 17 53 30 12.7 0 16 20.5 19.586 2325
19 52 29 09.6 0 17 06.5 19.600 8915 19 53 31 34.1 0 16 19.5 19.585 9043
21 52 30 30.9 0 17 05.5 19.600 5681 21 53 32 55.6 0 16 18.5 19.585 5760
23 52 31 52.2 0 17 04.5 19.600 2445 23 53 34 17.1 0 16 17.4 19.585 2476
25 52 33 13.6 -0 17 03.5 19.599 9208 25 53 35 38.6 -0 16 16.4 19.584 9191
27 52 34 35.0 0 17 02.5 19.599 5970 27 53 37 00.0 0 16 15.4 19.584 5905
29 52 35 56.3 0 17 01.4 19.599 2731 29 53 38 21.5 0 16 14.4 19.584 2619
31 52 37 17.7 0 17 00.4 19.598 9491 July 1 53 39 43.0 0 16 13.3 19.583 9331
Apr. 2 52 38 39.0 -0 16 59.4 19.598 6251 3 53 41 04.5 -0 16 12.3 19.583 6042

URANUS, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 53 39 43.0 -0 16 13.3 19.583 9331 Oct. 1 54 42 14.0 -0 15 25.8 19.568 7021
3 53 41 04.5 0 16 12.3 19.583 6042 3 54 43 35.6 0 15 24.8 19.568 3688
5 53 42 25.9 0 16 11.3 19.583 2752 5 54 44 57.2 0 15 23.8 19.568 0353
7 53 43 47.4 0 16 10.2 19.582 9461 7 54 46 18.8 0 15 22.7 19.567 7017
9 53 45 08.9 0 16 09.2 19.582 6169 9 54 47 40.4 0 15 21.7 19.567 3681
11 53 46 30.4 0 16 08.2 19.582 2875 11 54 49 02.0 0 15 20.7 19.567 0343
13 53 47 51.9 -0 16 07.2 19.581 9581 13 54 50 23.7 -0 15 19.6 19.566 7004
15 53 49 13.4 0 16 06.1 19.581 6286 15 54 51 45.3 0 15 18.6 19.566 3665
17 53 50 34.9 0 16 05.1 19.581 2990 17 54 53 06.9 0 15 17.6 19.566 0324
19 53 51 56.4 0 16 04.1 19.580 9693 19 54 54 28.5 0 15 16.5 19.565 6983
21 53 53 17.9 0 16 03.0 19.580 6395 21 54 55 50.2 0 15 15.5 19.565 3640
23 53 54 39.4 0 16 02.0 19.580 3096 23 54 57 11.8 0 15 14.4 19.565 0297
25 53 56 01.0 -0 16 01.0 19.579 9796 25 54 58 33.4 -0 15 13.4 19.564 6953
27 53 57 22.5 0 15 59.9 19.579 6496 27 54 59 55.1 0 15 12.3 19.564 3607
29 53 58 44.0 0 15 58.9 19.579 3194 29 55 01 16.7 0 15 11.3 19.564 0261
31 54 00 05.5 0 15 57.9 19.578 9891 31 55 02 38.4 0 15 10.2 19.563 6914
Aug. 2 54 01 27.0 0 15 56.9 19.578 6587 Nov. 2 55 04 00.0 0 15 09.2 19.563 3565
4 54 02 48.6 0 15 55.8 19.578 3282 4 55 05 21.7 0 15 08.2 19.563 0216
6 54 04 10.1 -0 15 54.8 19.577 9976 6 55 06 43.3 -0 15 07.1 19.562 6866
8 54 05 31.6 0 15 53.7 19.577 6669 8 55 08 05.0 0 15 06.1 19.562 3514
10 54 06 53.1 0 15 52.7 19.577 3362 10 55 09 26.6 0 15 05.1 19.562 0162
12 54 08 14.7 0 15 51.7 19.577 0053 12 55 10 48.3 0 15 04.0 19.561 6809
14 54 09 36.2 0 15 50.7 19.576 6743 14 55 12 09.9 0 15 03.0 19.561 3454
16 54 10 57.8 0 15 49.6 19.576 3433 16 55 13 31.6 0 15 01.9 19.561 0099
18 54 12 19.3 -0 15 48.6 19.576 0121 18 55 14 53.3 -0 15 00.9 19.560 6743
20 54 13 40.8 0 15 47.6 19.575 6808 20 55 16 15.0 0 14 59.9 19.560 3385
22 54 15 02.4 0 15 46.5 19.575 3495 22 55 17 36.6 0 14 58.8 19.560 0027
24 54 16 24.0 0 15 45.5 19.575 0180 24 55 18 58.3 0 14 57.8 19.559 6668
26 54 17 45.5 0 15 44.5 19.574 6865 26 55 20 20.0 0 14 56.7 19.559 3307
28 54 19 07.1 0 15 43.4 19.574 3549 28 55 21 41.7 0 14 55.7 19.558 9946
30 54 20 28.6 -0 15 42.4 19.574 0231 30 55 23 03.4 -0 14 54.7 19.558 6583
Sept. 1 54 21 50.2 0 15 41.4 19.573 6913 Dec. 2 55 24 25.1 0 14 53.6 19.558 3219
3 54 23 11.8 0 15 40.3 19.573 3594 4 55 25 46.8 0 14 52.6 19.557 9855
5 54 24 33.3 0 15 39.3 19.573 0273 6 55 27 08.4 0 14 51.5 19.557 6489
7 54 25 54.9 0 15 38.3 19.572 6952 8 55 28 30.1 0 14 50.5 19.557 3123
9 54 27 16.5 0 15 37.2 19.572 3630 10 55 29 51.9 0 14 49.5 19.556 9755
11 54 28 38.0 -0 15 36.2 19.572 0307 12 55 31 13.6 -0 14 48.4 19.556 6386
13 54 29 59.6 0 15 35.2 19.571 6982 14 55 32 35.2 0 14 47.4 19.556 3016
15 54 31 21.2 0 15 34.1 19.571 3657 16 55 33 56.9 0 14 46.3 19.555 9645
17 54 32 42.8 0 15 33.1 19.571 0331 18 55 35 18.7 0 14 45.3 19.555 6273
19 54 34 04.4 0 15 32.0 19.570 7004 20 55 36 40.4 0 14 44.2 19.555 2900
21 54 35 26.0 0 15 31.0 19.570 3676 22 55 38 02.1 0 14 43.2 19.554 9526
23 54 36 47.6 -0 15 30.0 19.570 0347 24 55 39 23.8 -0 14 42.1 19.554 6151
25 54 38 09.2 0 15 28.9 19.569 7017 26 55 40 45.5 0 14 41.1 19.554 2775
27 54 39 30.8 0 15 27.9 19.569 3686 28 55 42 07.3 0 14 40.1 19.553 9398
29 54 40 52.4 0 15 26.9 19.569 0354 30 55 43 29.0 0 14 39.0 19.553 6020
Oct. 1 54 42 14.0 -0 15 25.8 19.568 7021 32 55 44 50.7 -0 14 38.0 19.553 2641

URANUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 49 24 22.5 -0 18 23.3 Feb. 15 49 14 30.5 -0 17 18.8
1 49 23 02.3 0 18 22.0 16 49 15 30.9 0 17 17.4
2 49 21 44.8 0 18 20.7 17 49 16 34.3 0 17 16.0
3 49 20 30.0 0 18 19.4 18 49 17 40.8 0 17 14.6
4 49 19 17.9 0 18 18.1 19 49 18 50.3 0 17 13.2
5 49 18 08.6 0 18 16.8 20 49 20 02.8 0 17 11.8
6 49 17 02.1 -0 18 15.5 21 49 21 18.2 -0 17 10.4
7 49 15 58.5 0 18 14.1 22 49 22 36.5 0 17 09.0
8 49 14 57.8 0 18 12.8 23 49 23 57.7 0 17 07.7
9 49 14 00.1 0 18 11.4 24 49 25 21.8 0 17 06.3
10 49 13 05.3 0 18 10.0 25 49 26 48.6 0 17 04.9
11 49 12 13.5 0 18 08.7 26 49 28 18.3 0 17 03.6
12 49 11 24.6 -0 18 07.3 27 49 29 50.8 -0 17 02.3
13 49 10 38.7 0 18 05.9 28 49 31 26.2 0 17 00.9
14 49 09 55.8 0 18 04.5 29 49 33 04.3 0 16 59.6
15 49 09 15.8 0 18 03.1 Mar. 1 49 34 45.2 0 16 58.3
16 49 08 38.9 0 18 01.7 2 49 36 28.9 0 16 57.0
17 49 08 05.0 0 18 00.3 3 49 38 15.4 0 16 55.7
18 49 07 34.2 -0 17 58.9 4 49 40 04.7 -0 16 54.4
19 49 07 06.6 0 17 57.4 5 49 41 56.6 0 16 53.1
20 49 06 42.1 0 17 56.0 6 49 43 51.2 0 16 51.8
21 49 06 20.8 0 17 54.6 7 49 45 48.3 0 16 50.5
22 49 06 02.6 0 17 53.1 8 49 47 48.1 0 16 49.2
23 49 05 47.6 0 17 51.7 9 49 49 50.3 0 16 48.0
24 49 05 35.7 -0 17 50.3 10 49 51 55.0 -0 16 46.7
25 49 05 27.0 0 17 48.8 11 49 54 02.1 0 16 45.5
26 49 05 21.3 0 17 47.4 12 49 56 11.7 0 16 44.2
27 49 05 18.8 0 17 46.0 13 49 58 23.8 0 16 43.0
28 49 05 19.4 0 17 44.5 14 50 00 38.3 0 16 41.8
29 49 05 23.1 0 17 43.1 15 50 02 55.2 0 16 40.6
30 49 05 29.9 -0 17 41.7 16 50 05 14.6 -0 16 39.4
31 49 05 39.9 0 17 40.2 17 50 07 36.2 0 16 38.2
Feb. 1 49 05 53.1 0 17 38.8 18 50 10 00.1 0 16 37.0
2 49 06 09.4 0 17 37.4 19 50 12 26.1 0 16 35.8
3 49 06 29.0 0 17 35.9 20 50 14 54.3 0 16 34.7
4 49 06 51.8 0 17 34.5 21 50 17 24.6 0 16 33.5
5 49 07 17.8 -0 17 33.1 22 50 19 57.0 -0 16 32.4
6 49 07 47.0 0 17 31.6 23 50 22 31.4 0 16 31.3
7 49 08 19.4 0 17 30.2 24 50 25 07.8 0 16 30.2
8 49 08 55.0 0 17 28.8 25 50 27 46.2 0 16 29.1
9 49 09 33.7 0 17 27.3 26 50 30 26.5 0 16 28.0
10 49 10 15.4 0 17 25.9 27 50 33 08.8 0 16 26.9
11 49 11 00.3 -0 17 24.5 28 50 35 53.0 -0 16 25.8
12 49 11 48.2 0 17 23.0 29 50 38 39.1 0 16 24.8
13 49 12 39.2 0 17 21.6 30 50 41 27.1 0 16 23.7
14 49 13 33.3 0 17 20.2 31 50 44 17.0 0 16 22.7
15 49 14 30.5 -0 17 18.8 Apr. 1 50 47 08.6 -0 16 21.7

URANUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 50 47 08.6 -0 16 21.7 May 17 53 18 48.7 -0 15 47.6
2 50 50 01.9 0 16 20.7 18 53 22 17.4 0 15 47.2
3 50 52 57.0 0 16 19.7 19 53 25 45.9 0 15 46.8
4 50 55 53.6 0 16 18.7 20 53 29 14.2 0 15 46.3
5 50 58 51.8 0 16 17.7 21 53 32 42.2 0 15 45.9
6 51 01 51.6 0 16 16.7 22 53 36 10.0 0 15 45.5
7 51 04 52.8 -0 16 15.8 23 53 39 37.5 -0 15 45.2
8 51 07 55.4 0 16 14.8 24 53 43 04.6 0 15 44.8
9 51 10 59.6 0 16 13.9 25 53 46 31.4 0 15 44.4
10 51 14 05.2 0 16 13.0 26 53 49 57.7 0 15 44.1
11 51 17 12.2 0 16 12.0 27 53 53 23.6 0 15 43.7
12 51 20 20.7 0 16 11.1 28 53 56 48.8 0 15 43.4
13 51 23 30.4 -0 16 10.3 29 54 00 13.5 -0 15 43.1
14 51 26 41.4 0 16 09.4 30 54 03 37.5 0 15 42.8
15 51 29 53.6 0 16 08.5 31 54 07 00.9 0 15 42.5
16 51 33 06.8 0 16 07.7 June 1 54 10 23.5 0 15 42.2
17 51 36 21.2 0 16 06.8 2 54 13 45.3 0 15 41.9
18 51 39 36.5 0 16 06.0 3 54 17 06.5 0 15 41.7
19 51 42 52.9 -0 16 05.2 4 54 20 26.9 -0 15 41.4
20 51 46 10.1 0 16 04.4 5 54 23 46.5 0 15 41.2
21 51 49 28.4 0 16 03.6 6 54 27 05.3 0 15 40.9
22 51 52 47.5 0 16 02.9 7 54 30 23.1 0 15 40.7
23 51 56 07.5 0 16 02.1 8 54 33 40.1 0 15 40.5
24 51 59 28.3 0 16 01.4 9 54 36 56.0 0 15 40.3
25 52 02 50.0 -0 16 00.7 10 54 40 10.8 -0 15 40.2
26 52 06 12.5 0 15 59.9 11 54 43 24.4 0 15 40.0
27 52 09 35.8 0 15 59.2 12 54 46 36.9 0 15 39.8
28 52 12 59.7 0 15 58.5 13 54 49 48.1 0 15 39.7
29 52 16 24.4 0 15 57.9 14 54 52 58.2 0 15 39.6
30 52 19 49.6 0 15 57.2 15 54 56 06.9 0 15 39.4
May 1 52 23 15.3 -0 15 56.5 16 54 59 14.4 -0 15 39.3
2 52 26 41.6 0 15 55.9 17 55 02 20.7 0 15 39.2
3 52 30 08.2 0 15 55.2 18 55 05 25.6 0 15 39.2
4 52 33 35.3 0 15 54.6 19 55 08 29.1 0 15 39.1
5 52 37 02.7 0 15 54.0 20 55 11 31.3 0 15 39.0
6 52 40 30.5 0 15 53.4 21 55 14 32.1 0 15 38.9
7 52 43 58.7 -0 15 52.8 22 55 17 31.5 -0 15 38.9
8 52 47 27.2 0 15 52.2 23 55 20 29.4 0 15 38.9
9 52 50 55.9 0 15 51.7 24 55 23 25.7 0 15 38.8
10 52 54 25.0 0 15 51.1 25 55 26 20.4 0 15 38.8
11 52 57 54.2 0 15 50.6 26 55 29 13.4 0 15 38.8
12 53 01 23.6 0 15 50.1 27 55 32 04.7 0 15 38.8
13 53 04 53.3 -0 15 50.1 28 55 34 54.3 -0 15 38.8
14 53 08 21.1 0 15 49.3 29 55 37 42.2 0 15 38.8
15 53 11 50.6 0 15 48.6 30 55 40 28.4 0 15 38.8
16 53 15 19.8 0 15 48.1 July 1 55 43 12.8 0 15 38.8
17 53 18 48.7 -0 15 47.6 2 55 45 55.4 -0 15 38.9

URANUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 55 43 12.8 -0 15 38.8 Aug. 16 57 08 24.8 -0 15 47.9
2 55 45 55.4 0 15 38.9 17 57 09 13.4 0 15 48.2
3 55 48 36.3 0 15 38.9 18 57 09 59.1 0 15 48.5
4 55 51 15.3 0 15 39.0 19 57 10 41.8 0 15 48.8
5 55 53 52.4 0 15 39.0 20 57 11 21.4 0 15 49.1
6 55 56 27.5 0 15 39.1 21 57 11 58.1 0 15 49.4
7 55 59 00.6 -0 15 39.2 22 57 12 31.7 -0 15 49.6
8 56 01 31.6 0 15 39.3 23 57 13 02.3 0 15 49.9
9 56 04 00.5 0 15 39.4 24 57 13 30.0 0 15 50.2
10 56 06 27.3 0 15 39.5 25 57 13 54.7 0 15 50.5
11 56 08 51.9 0 15 39.6 26 57 14 16.5 0 15 50.8
12 56 11 14.3 0 15 39.8 27 57 14 35.3 0 15 51.1
13 56 13 34.5 -0 15 39.9 28 57 14 51.1 -0 15 51.4
14 56 15 52.5 0 15 40.1 29 57 15 03.9 0 15 51.7
15 56 18 08.3 0 15 40.2 30 57 15 13.6 0 15 52.0
16 56 20 21.9 0 15 40.4 31 57 15 20.2 0 15 52.3
17 56 22 33.2 0 15 40.5 Sept. 1 57 15 23.7 0 15 52.6
18 56 24 42.3 0 15 40.7 2 57 15 24.1 0 15 52.9
19 56 26 49.1 -0 15 40.9 3 57 15 21.5 -0 15 53.1
20 56 28 53.5 0 15 41.1 4 57 15 15.7 0 15 53.4
21 56 30 55.5 0 15 41.3 5 57 15 07.0 0 15 53.7
22 56 32 55.0 0 15 41.5 6 57 14 55.2 0 15 54.0
23 56 34 52.1 0 15 41.7 7 57 14 40.4 0 15 54.3
24 56 36 46.6 0 15 41.9 8 57 14 22.6 0 15 54.5
25 56 38 38.6 -0 15 42.1 9 57 14 01.8 -0 15 54.8
26 56 40 28.1 0 15 42.3 10 57 13 38.1 0 15 55.1
27 56 42 15.0 0 15 42.5 11 57 13 11.5 0 15 55.3
28 56 43 59.4 0 15 42.7 12 57 12 41.9 0 15 55.6
29 56 45 41.3 0 15 43.0 13 57 12 09.4 0 15 55.8
30 56 47 20.5 0 15 43.2 14 57 11 34.0 0 15 56.1
31 56 48 57.2 -0 15 43.4 15 57 10 55.6 -0 15 56.3
Aug. 1 56 50 31.3 0 15 43.7 16 57 10 14.3 0 15 56.5
2 56 52 02.6 0 15 43.9 17 57 09 30.0 0 15 56.7
3 56 53 31.2 0 15 44.2 18 57 08 42.7 0 15 56.9
4 56 54 57.0 0 15 44.4 19 57 07 52.7 0 15 57.1
5 56 56 20.0 0 15 44.7 20 57 06 59.8 0 15 57.3
6 56 57 40.1 -0 15 45.0 21 57 06 04.1 -0 15 57.5
7 56 58 57.4 0 15 45.3 22 57 05 05.8 0 15 57.7
8 57 00 11.8 0 15 45.6 23 57 04 04.7 0 15 57.8
9 57 01 23.4 0 15 45.8 24 57 03 00.8 0 15 58.0
10 57 02 32.2 0 15 46.1 25 57 01 54.3 0 15 58.2
11 57 03 38.1 0 15 46.4 26 57 00 45.0 0 15 58.3
12 57 04 41.1 -0 15 46.7 27 56 59 32.9 -0 15 58.5
13 57 05 41.3 0 15 47.0 28 56 58 18.2 0 15 58.6
14 57 06 38.7 0 15 47.3 29 56 57 00.7 0 15 58.7
15 57 07 33.2 0 15 47.6 30 56 55 40.6 0 15 58.9
16 57 08 24.8 -0 15 47.9 Oct. 1 56 54 17.9 -0 15 59.0

URANUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 56 54 17.9 -0 15 59.0 Nov. 16 55 17 16.0 -0 15 50.0
2 56 52 52.6 0 15 59.1 17 55 14 46.0 0 15 49.4
3 56 51 24.8 0 15 59.2 18 55 12 16.1 0 15 48.9
4 56 49 54.6 0 15 59.2 19 55 09 46.2 0 15 48.3
5 56 48 21.9 0 15 59.3 20 55 07 16.4 0 15 47.7
6 56 46 46.9 0 15 59.4 21 55 04 46.7 0 15 47.1
7 56 45 09.5 -0 15 59.4 22 55 02 17.2 -0 15 46.5
8 56 43 29.9 0 15 59.5 23 54 59 47.9 0 15 45.8
9 56 41 48.1 0 15 59.5 24 54 57 19.0 0 15 45.2
10 56 40 04.0 0 15 59.5 25 54 54 50.4 0 15 44.5
11 56 38 17.8 0 15 59.5 26 54 52 22.4 0 15 43.8
12 56 36 29.3 0 15 59.5 27 54 49 55.0 0 15 43.1
13 56 34 38.8 -0 15 59.4 28 54 47 28.2 -0 15 42.4
14 56 32 46.1 0 15 59.4 29 54 45 02.2 0 15 41.7
15 56 30 51.4 0 15 59.3 30 54 42 37.0 0 15 40.9
16 56 28 54.7 0 15 59.3 Dec. 1 54 40 12.7 0 15 40.2
17 56 26 56.1 0 15 59.2 2 54 37 49.3 0 15 39.4
18 56 24 55.6 0 15 59.1 3 54 35 27.0 0 15 38.6
19 56 22 53.4 -0 15 59.0 4 54 33 05.7 -0 15 37.8
20 56 20 49.6 0 15 58.8 5 54 30 45.5 0 15 37.0
21 56 18 44.0 0 15 58.7 6 54 28 26.4 0 15 36.1
22 56 16 36.8 0 15 58.5 7 54 26 08.6 0 15 35.3
23 56 14 27.9 0 15 58.4 8 54 23 52.0 0 15 34.4
24 56 12 17.5 0 15 58.2 9 54 21 36.7 0 15 33.5
25 56 10 05.4 -0 15 58.0 10 54 19 22.8 -0 15 32.6
26 56 07 51.9 0 15 57.8 11 54 17 10.5 0 15 31.7
27 56 05 36.8 0 15 57.6 12 54 14 59.7 0 15 30.8
28 56 03 20.4 0 15 57.4 13 54 12 50.6 0 15 29.8
29 56 01 02.7 0 15 57.1 14 54 10 43.2 0 15 28.9
30 55 58 43.7 0 15 56.9 15 54 08 37.6 0 15 27.9
31 55 56 23.6 -0 15 56.6 16 54 06 33.7 -0 15 26.9
Nov. 1 55 54 02.3 0 15 56.3 17 54 04 31.6 0 15 25.9
2 55 51 40.1 0 15 56.0 18 54 02 31.3 0 15 24.9
3 55 49 16.9 0 15 55.7 19 54 00 32.9 0 15 23.9
4 55 46 52.9 0 15 55.4 20 53 58 36.4 0 15 22.9
5 55 44 28.0 0 15 55.0 21 53 56 41.8 0 15 21.9
6 55 42 02.4 -0 15 54.6 22 53 54 49.3 -0 15 20.8
7 55 39 36.0 0 15 54.3 23 53 52 58.9 0 15 19.8
8 55 37 09.0 0 15 53.8 24 53 51 10.6 0 15 18.7
9 55 34 41.3 0 15 53.4 25 53 49 24.6 0 15 17.6
10 55 32 13.1 0 15 53.0 26 53 47 40.8 0 15 16.6
11 55 29 44.3 0 15 52.5 27 53 45 59.4 0 15 15.5
12 55 27 15.1 -0 15 52.0 28 53 44 20.4 -0 15 14.4
13 55 24 45.6 0 15 51.6 29 53 42 43.9 0 15 13.2
14 55 22 15.9 0 15 51.1 30 53 41 09.8 0 15 12.1
15 55 19 46.0 0 15 50.5 31 53 39 38.3 0 15 11.0
16 55 17 16.0 -0 15 50.0 32 53 38 09.2 -0 15 09.8

URANUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Jan. 0 3 08 10.16 +17 17 06.2 18.962 247 0.46 1.85 20 28 04
1 3 08 04.75 17 16 45.8 18.975 371 0.46 1.85 20 24 03
2 3 07 59.51 17 16 26.1 18.988 692 0.46 1.84 20 20 02
3 3 07 54.46 17 16 07.0 19.002 205 0.46 1.84 20 16 01
4 3 07 49.59 17 15 48.7 19.015 905 0.46 1.84 20 12 01
5 3 07 44.91 17 15 31.2 19.029 790 0.46 1.84 20 08 00
6 3 07 40.42 +17 15 14.4 19.043 853 0.46 1.84 20 03 60
7 3 07 36.12 17 14 58.3 19.058 090 0.46 1.84 19 59 60
8 3 07 32.02 17 14 43.1 19.072 498 0.46 1.84 19 56 00
9 3 07 28.11 17 14 28.7 19.087 070 0.46 1.83 19 52 00
10 3 07 24.41 17 14 15.1 19.101 802 0.46 1.83 19 48 01
11 3 07 20.90 17 14 02.3 19.116 689 0.46 1.83 19 44 02
12 3 07 17.59 +17 13 50.4 19.131 725 0.46 1.83 19 40 03
13 3 07 14.48 17 13 39.3 19.146 906 0.46 1.83 19 36 04
14 3 07 11.57 17 13 29.0 19.162 225 0.46 1.83 19 32 05
15 3 07 08.86 17 13 19.5 19.177 678 0.46 1.83 19 28 07
16 3 07 06.35 17 13 10.9 19.193 258 0.46 1.82 19 24 09
17 3 07 04.05 17 13 03.0 19.208 960 0.46 1.82 19 20 11

18 3 07 01.95 +17 12 56.0 19.224 779 0.46 1.82 19 16 13

19 3 07 00.07 17 12 49.8 19.240 709 0.46 1.82 19 12 15
20 3 06 58.40 17 12 44.5 19.256 745 0.46 1.82 19 08 18
21 3 06 56.94 17 12 40.0 19.272 883 0.46 1.82 19 04 20
22 3 06 55.70 17 12 36.4 19.289 115 0.46 1.82 19 00 24
23 3 06 54.66 17 12 33.7 19.305 439 0.46 1.81 18 56 27
24 3 06 53.84 +17 12 31.9 19.321 848 0.46 1.81 18 52 30
25 3 06 53.22 17 12 30.9 19.338 338 0.45 1.81 18 48 34
26 3 06 52.82 17 12 30.8 19.354 903 0.45 1.81 18 44 38
27 3 06 52.62 17 12 31.5 19.371 539 0.45 1.81 18 40 42
28 3 06 52.63 17 12 33.1 19.388 240 0.45 1.81 18 36 46
29 3 06 52.85 17 12 35.5 19.405 003 0.45 1.80 18 32 50
30 3 06 53.28 +17 12 38.8 19.421 821 0.45 1.80 18 28 55
31 3 06 53.92 17 12 42.9 19.438 689 0.45 1.80 18 25 00
Feb. 1 3 06 54.78 17 12 47.9 19.455 603 0.45 1.80 18 21 05
2 3 06 55.85 17 12 53.7 19.472 557 0.45 1.80 18 17 10
3 3 06 57.14 17 13 00.4 19.489 547 0.45 1.80 18 13 16
4 3 06 58.64 17 13 08.0 19.506 567 0.45 1.80 18 09 22
5 3 07 00.36 +17 13 16.4 19.523 611 0.45 1.79 18 05 28
6 3 07 02.29 17 13 25.8 19.540 675 0.45 1.79 18 01 34
7 3 07 04.44 17 13 36.0 19.557 753 0.45 1.79 17 57 40
8 3 07 06.80 17 13 47.1 19.574 840 0.45 1.79 17 53 47
9 3 07 09.37 17 13 59.1 19.591 930 0.45 1.79 17 49 54
10 3 07 12.15 17 14 11.9 19.609 017 0.45 1.79 17 46 01
11 3 07 15.13 +17 14 25.5 19.626 096 0.45 1.78 17 42 08
12 3 07 18.32 17 14 40.0 19.643 161 0.45 1.78 17 38 15
13 3 07 21.72 17 14 55.3 19.660 207 0.45 1.78 17 34 23
14 3 07 25.33 17 15 11.3 19.677 228 0.45 1.78 17 30 31
15 3 07 29.15 +17 15 28.3 19.694 218 0.45 1.78 17 26 39

URANUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Feb. 15 3 07 29.15 +17 15 28.3 19.694 218 0.45 1.78 17 26 39
16 3 07 33.17 17 15 46.0 19.711 173 0.45 1.78 17 22 47
17 3 07 37.41 17 16 04.6 19.728 087 0.45 1.78 17 18 55
18 3 07 41.85 17 16 24.0 19.744 957 0.45 1.77 17 15 04
19 3 07 46.50 17 16 44.2 19.761 775 0.45 1.77 17 11 13
20 3 07 51.34 17 17 05.2 19.778 539 0.44 1.77 17 07 22
21 3 07 56.38 +17 17 27.1 19.795 244 0.44 1.77 17 03 31
22 3 08 01.62 17 17 49.7 19.811 884 0.44 1.77 16 59 41
23 3 08 07.05 17 18 13.1 19.828 456 0.44 1.77 16 55 50
24 3 08 12.67 17 18 37.2 19.844 954 0.44 1.76 16 52 00
25 3 08 18.48 17 19 02.1 19.861 375 0.44 1.76 16 48 10
26 3 08 24.49 17 19 27.7 19.877 714 0.44 1.76 16 44 20
27 3 08 30.68 +17 19 54.0 19.893 966 0.44 1.76 16 40 31
28 3 08 37.06 17 20 21.1 19.910 128 0.44 1.76 16 36 41
29 3 08 43.64 17 20 48.9 19.926 195 0.44 1.76 16 32 52
Mar. 1 3 08 50.40 17 21 17.4 19.942 162 0.44 1.76 16 29 03
2 3 08 57.35 17 21 46.7 19.958 025 0.44 1.75 16 25 14
3 3 09 04.49 17 22 16.7 19.973 780 0.44 1.75 16 21 25

4 3 09 11.81 +17 22 47.4 19.989 423 0.44 1.75 16 17 37

5 3 09 19.32 17 23 18.8 20.004 948 0.44 1.75 16 13 49
6 3 09 27.00 17 23 50.9 20.020 352 0.44 1.75 16 10 00
7 3 09 34.86 17 24 23.8 20.035 629 0.44 1.75 16 06 12
8 3 09 42.89 17 24 57.3 20.050 776 0.44 1.75 16 02 25
9 3 09 51.09 17 25 31.4 20.065 788 0.44 1.75 15 58 37
10 3 09 59.46 +17 26 06.2 20.080 660 0.44 1.74 15 54 50
11 3 10 07.99 17 26 41.6 20.095 388 0.44 1.74 15 51 02
12 3 10 16.69 17 27 17.6 20.109 967 0.44 1.74 15 47 15
13 3 10 25.56 17 27 54.1 20.124 393 0.44 1.74 15 43 28
14 3 10 34.60 17 28 31.4 20.138 663 0.44 1.74 15 39 41
15 3 10 43.80 17 29 09.2 20.152 772 0.44 1.74 15 35 55
16 3 10 53.16 +17 29 47.6 20.166 716 0.44 1.74 15 32 08
17 3 11 02.67 17 30 26.6 20.180 492 0.44 1.74 15 28 22
18 3 11 12.34 17 31 06.2 20.194 098 0.44 1.73 15 24 36
19 3 11 22.16 17 31 46.3 20.207 528 0.44 1.73 15 20 50
20 3 11 32.13 17 32 27.0 20.220 781 0.43 1.73 15 17 04
21 3 11 42.23 17 33 08.3 20.233 853 0.43 1.73 15 13 18
22 3 11 52.48 +17 33 50.0 20.246 741 0.43 1.73 15 09 32
23 3 12 02.87 17 34 32.2 20.259 441 0.43 1.73 15 05 47
24 3 12 13.39 17 35 14.9 20.271 952 0.43 1.73 15 02 01
25 3 12 24.05 17 35 58.0 20.284 270 0.43 1.73 14 58 16
26 3 12 34.84 17 36 41.6 20.296 392 0.43 1.73 14 54 31
27 3 12 45.76 17 37 25.7 20.308 316 0.43 1.72 14 50 46
28 3 12 56.82 +17 38 10.2 20.320 039 0.43 1.72 14 47 01
29 3 13 08.01 17 38 55.2 20.331 557 0.43 1.72 14 43 17
30 3 13 19.32 17 39 40.6 20.342 868 0.43 1.72 14 39 32
31 3 13 30.76 17 40 26.4 20.353 969 0.43 1.72 14 35 48
Apr. 1 3 13 42.33 +17 41 12.7 20.364 858 0.43 1.72 14 32 03

URANUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Apr. 1 3 13 42.33 +17 41 12.7 20.364 858 0.43 1.72 14 32 03
2 3 13 54.01 17 41 59.4 20.375 531 0.43 1.72 14 28 19
3 3 14 05.81 17 42 46.6 20.385 986 0.43 1.72 14 24 35
4 3 14 17.72 17 43 34.1 20.396 220 0.43 1.72 14 20 51
5 3 14 29.73 17 44 21.9 20.406 230 0.43 1.72 14 17 07
6 3 14 41.85 17 45 10.1 20.416 013 0.43 1.72 14 13 23
7 3 14 54.07 +17 45 58.7 20.425 567 0.43 1.71 14 09 40
8 3 15 06.39 17 46 47.5 20.434 888 0.43 1.71 14 05 56
9 3 15 18.82 17 47 36.6 20.443 974 0.43 1.71 14 02 13
10 3 15 31.35 17 48 26.0 20.452 823 0.43 1.71 13 58 29
11 3 15 43.97 17 49 15.7 20.461 432 0.43 1.71 13 54 46
12 3 15 56.70 17 50 05.8 20.469 800 0.43 1.71 13 51 03
13 3 16 09.51 +17 50 56.1 20.477 924 0.43 1.71 13 47 19
14 3 16 22.41 17 51 46.7 20.485 804 0.43 1.71 13 43 36
15 3 16 35.39 17 52 37.6 20.493 436 0.43 1.71 13 39 53
16 3 16 48.44 17 53 28.6 20.500 821 0.43 1.71 13 36 11
17 3 17 01.58 17 54 19.9 20.507 956 0.43 1.71 13 32 28
18 3 17 14.78 17 55 11.4 20.514 840 0.43 1.71 13 28 45
19 3 17 28.05 +17 56 03.1 20.521 472 0.43 1.71 13 25 02
20 3 17 41.39 17 56 55.0 20.527 852 0.43 1.71 13 21 20
21 3 17 54.79 17 57 47.0 20.533 976 0.43 1.71 13 17 37
22 3 18 08.26 17 58 39.1 20.539 846 0.43 1.70 13 13 55
23 3 18 21.79 17 59 31.4 20.545 459 0.43 1.70 13 10 12
24 3 18 35.38 18 00 23.9 20.550 814 0.43 1.70 13 06 30
25 3 18 49.03 +18 01 16.4 20.555 911 0.43 1.70 13 02 48
26 3 19 02.74 18 02 09.1 20.560 748 0.43 1.70 12 59 05
27 3 19 16.50 18 03 02.0 20.565 325 0.43 1.70 12 55 23
28 3 19 30.31 18 03 54.9 20.569 641 0.43 1.70 12 51 41
29 3 19 44.17 18 04 48.0 20.573 694 0.43 1.70 12 47 59
30 3 19 58.07 18 05 41.2 20.577 483 0.43 1.70 12 44 17
May 1 3 20 12.01 +18 06 34.4 20.581 008 0.43 1.70 12 40 35
2 3 20 25.99 18 07 27.7 20.584 267 0.43 1.70 12 36 53
3 3 20 39.99 18 08 21.1 20.587 260 0.43 1.70 12 33 11
4 3 20 54.03 18 09 14.4 20.589 985 0.43 1.70 12 29 29
5 3 21 08.09 18 10 07.8 20.592 441 0.43 1.70 12 25 47
6 3 21 22.19 18 11 01.1 20.594 628 0.43 1.70 12 22 05
7 3 21 36.30 +18 11 54.4 20.596 545 0.43 1.70 12 18 23
8 3 21 50.45 18 12 47.7 20.598 191 0.43 1.70 12 14 42
9 3 22 04.62 18 13 41.1 20.599 566 0.43 1.70 12 10 60
10 3 22 18.80 18 14 34.4 20.600 670 0.43 1.70 12 07 18
11 3 22 33.01 18 15 27.7 20.601 503 0.43 1.70 12 03 36
12 3 22 47.22 18 16 20.9 20.602 065 0.43 1.70 11 59 54
13 3 23 01.47 +18 17 13.7 20.602 357 0.43 1.70 11 56 13
14 3 23 15.58 18 18 06.8 20.602 378 0.43 1.70 11 52 31
15 3 23 29.81 18 19 00.1 20.602 130 0.43 1.70 11 48 49
16 3 23 44.02 18 19 53.1 20.601 612 0.43 1.70 11 45 07
17 3 23 58.21 +18 20 45.9 20.600 826 0.43 1.70 11 41 25

URANUS, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris

Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
May 17 3 23 58.21 +18 20 45.9 20.600 826 0.43 1.70 11 41 25
18 3 24 12.40 18 21 38.5 20.599 772 0.43 1.70 11 37 44
19 3 24 26.57 18 22 31.0 20.598 450 0.43 1.70 11 34 02
20 3 24 40.74 18 23 23.4 20.596 861 0.43 1.70 11 30 20
21 3 24 54.88 18 24 15.6 20.595 007 0.43 1.70 11 26 38
22 3 25 09.02 18 25 07.7 20.592 887 0.43 1.70 11 22 56

23 3 25 23.13 +18 25 59.6 20.590 503 0.43 1.70 11 19 14

24 3 25 37.23 18 26 51.3 20.587 854 0.43 1.70 11 15 33
25 3 25 51.30 18 27 42.9 20.584 943 0.43 1.70 11 11 51
26 3 26 05.34 18 28 34.3 20.581 770 0.43 1.70 11 08 09
27 3 26 19.36 18 29 25.6 20.578 334 0.43 1.70 11 04 27
28 3 26 33.34 18 30 16.6 20.574 638 0.43 1.70 11 00 45
29 3 26 47.27 +18 31 07.4 20.570 681 0.43 1.70 10 57 03
30 3 27 01.17 18 31 58.0 20.566 464 0.43 1.70 10 53 20
31 3 27 15.02 18 32 48.4 20.561 989 0.43 1.70 10 49 38
June 1 3 27 28.83 18 33 38.5 20.557 255 0.43 1.70 10 45 56
2 3 27 42.59 18 34 28.3 20.552 263 0.43 1.70 10 42 14
3 3 27 56.30 18 35 17.8 20.547 015 0.43 1.70 10 38 32
4 3 28 09.96 +18 36 07.1 20.541 512 0.43 1.70 10 34 49
5 3 28 23.57 18 36 56.0 20.535 754 0.43 1.71 10 31 07
6 3 28 37.13 18 37 44.8 20.529 744 0.43 1.71 10 27 24
7 3 28 50.63 18 38 33.2 20.523 482 0.43 1.71 10 23 42
8 3 29 04.06 18 39 21.3 20.516 971 0.43 1.71 10 19 59
9 3 29 17.43 18 40 09.2 20.510 212 0.43 1.71 10 16 17
10 3 29 30.72 +18 40 56.7 20.503 208 0.43 1.71 10 12 34
11 3 29 43.94 18 41 43.9 20.495 960 0.43 1.71 10 08 51
12 3 29 57.08 18 42 30.7 20.488 470 0.43 1.71 10 05 08
13 3 30 10.14 18 43 17.2 20.480 742 0.43 1.71 10 01 25
14 3 30 23.12 18 44 03.3 20.472 776 0.43 1.71 9 57 42
15 3 30 36.01 18 44 49.0 20.464 575 0.43 1.71 9 53 59
16 3 30 48.82 +18 45 34.3 20.456 142 0.43 1.71 9 50 16
17 3 31 01.54 18 46 19.2 20.447 479 0.43 1.71 9 46 33
18 3 31 14.18 18 47 03.7 20.438 587 0.43 1.71 9 42 49
19 3 31 26.73 18 47 47.9 20.429 470 0.43 1.71 9 39 06
20 3 31 39.18 18 48 31.7 20.420 129 0.43 1.71 9 35 22
21 3 31 51.55 18 49 15.0 20.410 567 0.43 1.72 9 31 39
22 3 32 03.81 +18 49 58.0 20.400 787 0.43 1.72 9 27 55
23 3 32 15.98 18 50 40.6 20.390 790 0.43 1.72 9 24 11
24 3 32 28.04 18 51 22.8 20.380 578 0.43 1.72 9 20 27
25 3 32 39.99 18 52 04.5 20.370 154 0.43 1.72 9 16 43
26 3 32 51.82 18 52 45.8 20.359 520 0.43 1.72 9 12 59
27 3 33 03.55 18 53 26.7 20.348 678 0.43 1.72 9 09 14
28 3 33 15.15 +18 54 07.0 20.337 631 0.43 1.72 9 05 30
29 3 33 26.65 18 54 46.9 20.326 379 0.43 1.72 9 01 46
30 3 33 38.02 18 55 26.3 20.314 927 0.43 1.72 8 58 01
July 1 3 33 49.28 18 56 05.2 20.303 276 0.43 1.72 8 54 16
2 3 34 00.42 +18 56 43.6 20.291 430 0.43 1.73 8 50 31

URANUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
July 1 3 33 49.28 +18 56 05.2 20.303 276 0.43 1.72 8 54 16
2 3 34 00.42 18 56 43.6 20.291 430 0.43 1.73 8 50 31
3 3 34 11.44 18 57 21.6 20.279 390 0.43 1.73 8 46 46
4 3 34 22.33 18 57 59.0 20.267 160 0.43 1.73 8 43 01
5 3 34 33.10 18 58 36.0 20.254 743 0.43 1.73 8 39 16
6 3 34 43.72 18 59 12.5 20.242 143 0.43 1.73 8 35 30

7 3 34 54.22 +18 59 48.5 20.229 362 0.43 1.73 8 31 45

8 3 35 04.57 19 00 24.0 20.216 405 0.44 1.73 8 27 59
9 3 35 14.77 19 00 58.9 20.203 274 0.44 1.73 8 24 13
10 3 35 24.83 19 01 33.3 20.189 973 0.44 1.73 8 20 28
11 3 35 34.74 19 02 07.1 20.176 506 0.44 1.74 8 16 41
12 3 35 44.51 19 02 40.4 20.162 876 0.44 1.74 8 12 55
13 3 35 54.13 +19 03 13.1 20.149 087 0.44 1.74 8 09 09
14 3 36 03.59 19 03 45.2 20.135 143 0.44 1.74 8 05 22
15 3 36 12.91 19 04 16.8 20.121 047 0.44 1.74 8 01 36
16 3 36 22.08 19 04 47.7 20.106 804 0.44 1.74 7 57 49
17 3 36 31.09 19 05 18.2 20.092 416 0.44 1.74 7 54 02
18 3 36 39.95 19 05 48.1 20.077 887 0.44 1.74 7 50 15
19 3 36 48.65 +19 06 17.4 20.063 221 0.44 1.75 7 46 27
20 3 36 57.19 19 06 46.2 20.048 421 0.44 1.75 7 42 40
21 3 37 05.56 19 07 14.4 20.033 492 0.44 1.75 7 38 52
22 3 37 13.77 19 07 42.0 20.018 435 0.44 1.75 7 35 04
23 3 37 21.81 19 08 09.0 20.003 256 0.44 1.75 7 31 16
24 3 37 29.67 19 08 35.4 19.987 957 0.44 1.75 7 27 28
25 3 37 37.36 +19 09 01.2 19.972 541 0.44 1.75 7 23 40
26 3 37 44.88 19 09 26.3 19.957 013 0.44 1.75 7 19 51
27 3 37 52.23 19 09 50.9 19.941 375 0.44 1.76 7 16 03
28 3 37 59.40 19 10 14.7 19.925 632 0.44 1.76 7 12 14
29 3 38 06.40 19 10 38.0 19.909 787 0.44 1.76 7 08 25
30 3 38 13.22 19 11 00.7 19.893 845 0.44 1.76 7 04 36

31 3 38 19.87 +19 11 22.7 19.877 808 0.44 1.76 7 00 46

Aug. 1 3 38 26.33 19 11 44.1 19.861 682 0.44 1.76 6 56 57
2 3 38 32.61 19 12 04.9 19.845 472 0.44 1.76 6 53 07
3 3 38 38.70 19 12 25.1 19.829 180 0.44 1.77 6 49 17
4 3 38 44.60 19 12 44.6 19.812 813 0.44 1.77 6 45 27
5 3 38 50.30 19 13 03.5 19.796 374 0.44 1.77 6 41 37

6 3 38 55.81 +19 13 21.7 19.779 868 0.44 1.77 6 37 46

7 3 39 01.13 19 13 39.2 19.763 301 0.44 1.77 6 33 56
8 3 39 06.25 19 13 56.1 19.746 675 0.45 1.77 6 30 05
9 3 39 11.17 19 14 12.2 19.729 997 0.45 1.77 6 26 14
10 3 39 15.90 19 14 27.7 19.713 271 0.45 1.78 6 22 22
11 3 39 20.43 19 14 42.5 19.696 502 0.45 1.78 6 18 31

12 3 39 24.77 +19 14 56.6 19.679 693 0.45 1.78 6 14 39

13 3 39 28.92 19 15 10.1 19.662 851 0.45 1.78 6 10 48
14 3 39 32.86 19 15 22.9 19.645 979 0.45 1.78 6 06 56
15 3 39 36.61 19 15 35.1 19.629 082 0.45 1.78 6 03 03
16 3 39 40.17 +19 15 46.6 19.612 165 0.45 1.79 5 59 11

URANUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Aug. 16 3 39 40.17 +19 15 46.6 19.612 165 0.45 1.79 5 59 11
17 3 39 43.51 19 15 57.5 19.595 232 0.45 1.79 5 55 18
18 3 39 46.66 19 16 07.7 19.578 287 0.45 1.79 5 51 25
19 3 39 49.60 19 16 17.2 19.561 335 0.45 1.79 5 47 32
20 3 39 52.33 19 16 26.0 19.544 380 0.45 1.79 5 43 39
21 3 39 54.85 19 16 34.2 19.527 426 0.45 1.79 5 39 46
22 3 39 57.17 +19 16 41.6 19.510 478 0.45 1.79 5 35 52
23 3 39 59.28 19 16 48.3 19.493 539 0.45 1.80 5 31 58
24 3 40 01.19 19 16 54.3 19.476 615 0.45 1.80 5 28 04
25 3 40 02.89 19 16 59.6 19.459 709 0.45 1.80 5 24 10
26 3 40 04.40 19 17 04.3 19.442 826 0.45 1.80 5 20 15
27 3 40 05.69 19 17 08.3 19.425 972 0.45 1.80 5 16 21
28 3 40 06.78 +19 17 11.6 19.409 150 0.45 1.80 5 12 26
29 3 40 07.67 19 17 14.2 19.392 367 0.45 1.81 5 08 31
30 3 40 08.34 19 17 16.2 19.375 626 0.45 1.81 5 04 35
31 3 40 08.80 19 17 17.4 19.358 934 0.45 1.81 5 00 40
Sept. 1 3 40 09.04 19 17 18.0 19.342 294 0.45 1.81 4 56 44
2 3 40 09.08 19 17 17.9 19.325 713 0.46 1.81 4 52 48

3 3 40 08.90 +19 17 17.0 19.309 196 0.46 1.81 4 48 52

4 3 40 08.51 19 17 15.5 19.292 747 0.46 1.82 4 44 56
5 3 40 07.91 19 17 13.2 19.276 372 0.46 1.82 4 40 59
6 3 40 07.10 19 17 10.2 19.260 075 0.46 1.82 4 37 03
7 3 40 06.09 19 17 06.6 19.243 863 0.46 1.82 4 33 06
8 3 40 04.87 19 17 02.2 19.227 740 0.46 1.82 4 29 09
9 3 40 03.45 +19 16 57.2 19.211 710 0.46 1.82 4 25 11
10 3 40 01.82 19 16 51.5 19.195 779 0.46 1.82 4 21 14
11 3 39 60.00 19 16 45.2 19.179 951 0.46 1.83 4 17 16
12 3 39 57.97 19 16 38.2 19.164 232 0.46 1.83 4 13 18
13 3 39 55.74 19 16 30.5 19.148 626 0.46 1.83 4 09 20
14 3 39 53.30 19 16 22.2 19.133 137 0.46 1.83 4 05 21
15 3 39 50.67 +19 16 13.3 19.117 771 0.46 1.83 4 01 23
16 3 39 47.83 19 16 03.7 19.102 530 0.46 1.83 3 57 24
17 3 39 44.78 19 15 53.4 19.087 420 0.46 1.83 3 53 25
18 3 39 41.54 19 15 42.4 19.072 445 0.46 1.84 3 49 26
19 3 39 38.10 19 15 30.8 19.057 609 0.46 1.84 3 45 27
20 3 39 34.47 19 15 18.5 19.042 917 0.46 1.84 3 41 27
21 3 39 30.65 +19 15 05.5 19.028 371 0.46 1.84 3 37 27
22 3 39 26.64 19 14 51.9 19.013 978 0.46 1.84 3 33 27
23 3 39 22.44 19 14 37.7 18.999 741 0.46 1.84 3 29 27
24 3 39 18.06 19 14 22.9 18.985 665 0.46 1.84 3 25 27
25 3 39 13.48 19 14 07.5 18.971 755 0.46 1.85 3 21 26
26 3 39 08.72 19 13 51.5 18.958 015 0.46 1.85 3 17 26
27 3 39 03.78 +19 13 34.9 18.944 450 0.46 1.85 3 13 25
28 3 38 58.64 19 13 17.6 18.931 065 0.46 1.85 3 09 24
29 3 38 53.32 19 12 59.7 18.917 865 0.46 1.85 3 05 23
30 3 38 47.82 19 12 41.2 18.904 854 0.47 1.85 3 01 21
Oct. 1 3 38 42.14 +19 12 22.1 18.892 036 0.47 1.85 2 57 20

URANUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Oct. 1 3 38 42.14 +19 12 22.1 18.892 036 0.47 1.85 2 57 20
2 3 38 36.28 19 12 02.4 18.879 416 0.47 1.85 2 53 18
3 3 38 30.25 19 11 42.1 18.867 000 0.47 1.86 2 49 16
4 3 38 24.05 19 11 21.2 18.854 790 0.47 1.86 2 45 14
5 3 38 17.69 19 10 59.7 18.842 791 0.47 1.86 2 41 12
6 3 38 11.16 19 10 37.7 18.831 007 0.47 1.86 2 37 09

7 3 38 04.48 +19 10 15.1 18.819 443 0.47 1.86 2 33 07

8 3 37 57.64 19 09 52.1 18.808 103 0.47 1.86 2 29 04
9 3 37 50.65 19 09 28.5 18.796 989 0.47 1.86 2 25 01
10 3 37 43.50 19 09 04.4 18.786 107 0.47 1.86 2 20 58
11 3 37 36.21 19 08 39.8 18.775 458 0.47 1.87 2 16 55
12 3 37 28.76 19 08 14.7 18.765 048 0.47 1.87 2 12 51
13 3 37 21.17 +19 07 49.2 18.754 878 0.47 1.87 2 08 48
14 3 37 13.44 19 07 23.1 18.744 953 0.47 1.87 2 04 44
15 3 37 05.57 19 06 56.6 18.735 275 0.47 1.87 2 00 41
16 3 36 57.55 19 06 29.5 18.725 847 0.47 1.87 1 56 37
17 3 36 49.41 19 06 02.0 18.716 672 0.47 1.87 1 52 33
18 3 36 41.15 19 05 34.0 18.707 753 0.47 1.87 1 48 29
19 3 36 32.77 +19 05 05.6 18.699 092 0.47 1.87 1 44 24
20 3 36 24.27 19 04 36.8 18.690 693 0.47 1.87 1 40 20
21 3 36 15.66 19 04 07.6 18.682 559 0.47 1.87 1 36 16
22 3 36 06.93 19 03 38.0 18.674 693 0.47 1.88 1 32 11
23 3 35 58.09 19 03 08.0 18.667 097 0.47 1.88 1 28 06
24 3 35 49.14 19 02 37.7 18.659 775 0.47 1.88 1 24 01
25 3 35 40.08 +19 02 06.9 18.652 730 0.47 1.88 1 19 56
26 3 35 30.92 19 01 35.9 18.645 964 0.47 1.88 1 15 51
27 3 35 21.66 19 01 04.4 18.639 482 0.47 1.88 1 11 46
28 3 35 12.31 19 00 32.6 18.633 284 0.47 1.88 1 07 41
29 3 35 02.87 19 00 00.5 18.627 374 0.47 1.88 1 03 36
30 3 34 53.34 18 59 28.0 18.621 754 0.47 1.88 0 59 30

31 3 34 43.73 +18 58 55.2 18.616 428 0.47 1.88 0 55 25

Nov. 1 3 34 34.05 18 58 22.2 18.611 395 0.47 1.88 0 51 19
2 3 34 24.31 18 57 48.9 18.606 660 0.47 1.88 0 47 14
3 3 34 14.49 18 57 15.3 18.602 224 0.47 1.88 0 43 08
4 3 34 04.62 18 56 41.5 18.598 088 0.47 1.88 0 39 02
5 3 33 54.70 18 56 07.6 18.594 254 0.47 1.88 0 34 57

6 3 33 44.72 +18 55 33.4 18.590 723 0.47 1.88 0 30 51

7 3 33 34.69 18 54 59.1 18.587 498 0.47 1.88 0 26 45
8 3 33 24.62 18 54 24.6 18.584 578 0.47 1.88 0 22 39
9 3 33 14.50 18 53 50.0 18.581 965 0.47 1.88 0 18 33
10 3 33 04.35 18 53 15.2 18.579 659 0.47 1.88 0 14 27
11 3 32 54.16 18 52 40.3 18.577 661 0.47 1.89 0 10 21

12 3 32 43.95 +18 52 05.2 18.575 972 0.47 1.89 0 06 15

13 3 32 33.71 18 51 30.0 18.574 591 0.47 1.89 0 02 09
14 3 32 23.46 18 50 54.7 18.573 520 0.47 1.89 23 53 57
15 3 32 13.20 18 50 19.3 18.572 757 0.47 1.89 23 49 50
16 3 32 02.93 +18 49 43.9 18.572 305 0.47 1.89 23 45 44

URANUS, 2024
Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Nov. 16 3 32 02.93 +18 49 43.9 18.572 305 0.47 1.89 23 45 44
17 3 31 52.67 18 49 08.4 18.572 161 0.47 1.89 23 41 38
18 3 31 42.41 18 48 33.0 18.572 328 0.47 1.89 23 37 32
19 3 31 32.15 18 47 57.6 18.572 805 0.47 1.89 23 33 26
20 3 31 21.90 18 47 22.2 18.573 593 0.47 1.89 23 29 20
21 3 31 11.65 18 46 46.8 18.574 692 0.47 1.89 23 25 14

22 3 31 01.42 +18 46 11.5 18.576 101 0.47 1.89 23 21 08

23 3 30 51.21 18 45 36.2 18.577 821 0.47 1.89 23 17 02
24 3 30 41.03 18 45 00.9 18.579 852 0.47 1.88 23 12 56
25 3 30 30.87 18 44 25.7 18.582 194 0.47 1.88 23 08 50
26 3 30 20.74 18 43 50.6 18.584 845 0.47 1.88 23 04 44
27 3 30 10.66 18 43 15.6 18.587 806 0.47 1.88 23 00 38
28 3 30 00.63 +18 42 40.8 18.591 076 0.47 1.88 22 56 32
29 3 29 50.64 18 42 06.1 18.594 654 0.47 1.88 22 52 26
30 3 29 40.72 18 41 31.5 18.598 538 0.47 1.88 22 48 21
Dec. 1 3 29 30.85 18 40 57.2 18.602 728 0.47 1.88 22 44 15
2 3 29 21.05 18 40 23.1 18.607 223 0.47 1.88 22 40 09
3 3 29 11.32 18 39 49.2 18.612 020 0.47 1.88 22 36 04
4 3 29 01.67 +18 39 15.6 18.617 117 0.47 1.88 22 31 58
5 3 28 52.09 18 38 42.3 18.622 514 0.47 1.88 22 27 53
6 3 28 42.58 18 38 09.3 18.628 208 0.47 1.88 22 23 48
7 3 28 33.16 18 37 36.5 18.634 196 0.47 1.88 22 19 42
8 3 28 23.83 18 37 04.0 18.640 477 0.47 1.88 22 15 37
9 3 28 14.59 18 36 31.8 18.647 047 0.47 1.88 22 11 32
10 3 28 05.44 +18 35 59.9 18.653 904 0.47 1.88 22 07 27
11 3 27 56.40 18 35 28.4 18.661 045 0.47 1.88 22 03 23
12 3 27 47.47 18 34 57.2 18.668 468 0.47 1.88 21 59 18
13 3 27 38.65 18 34 26.4 18.676 170 0.47 1.88 21 55 13
14 3 27 29.95 18 33 56.0 18.684 147 0.47 1.87 21 51 09
15 3 27 21.37 18 33 26.0 18.692 399 0.47 1.87 21 47 05

16 3 27 12.91 +18 32 56.5 18.700 920 0.47 1.87 21 43 00

17 3 27 04.57 18 32 27.4 18.709 710 0.47 1.87 21 38 56
18 3 26 56.35 18 31 58.8 18.718 765 0.47 1.87 21 34 52
19 3 26 48.27 18 31 30.6 18.728 083 0.47 1.87 21 30 48
20 3 26 40.31 18 31 02.9 18.737 660 0.47 1.87 21 26 45
21 3 26 32.49 18 30 35.7 18.747 494 0.47 1.87 21 22 41

22 3 26 24.80 +18 30 08.9 18.757 581 0.47 1.87 21 18 38

23 3 26 17.26 18 29 42.7 18.767 919 0.47 1.87 21 14 34
24 3 26 09.87 18 29 16.9 18.778 505 0.47 1.86 21 10 31
25 3 26 02.63 18 28 51.7 18.789 333 0.47 1.86 21 06 28
26 3 25 55.54 18 28 27.0 18.800 403 0.47 1.86 21 02 26
27 3 25 48.62 18 28 02.9 18.811 708 0.47 1.86 20 58 23

28 3 25 41.86 +18 27 39.4 18.823 247 0.47 1.86 20 54 20

29 3 25 35.27 18 27 16.5 18.835 013 0.47 1.86 20 50 18
30 3 25 28.85 18 26 54.2 18.847 005 0.47 1.86 20 46 16
31 3 25 22.59 18 26 32.6 18.859 217 0.47 1.86 20 42 14
32 3 25 16.51 +18 26 11.6 18.871 645 0.47 1.86 20 38 12

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 356 54 03.7 -1 14 49.3 29.903 7894 Apr. 2 357 27 44.1 -1 15 32.9 29.901 4510
3 356 54 47.6 1 14 50.2 29.903 7388 4 357 28 28.0 1 15 33.8 29.901 3998
5 356 55 31.6 1 14 51.2 29.903 6883 6 357 29 12.0 1 15 34.8 29.901 3486
7 356 56 15.5 1 14 52.1 29.903 6378 8 357 29 55.9 1 15 35.7 29.901 2974
9 356 56 59.4 1 14 53.1 29.903 5872 10 357 30 39.8 1 15 36.7 29.901 2461
11 356 57 43.3 1 14 54.0 29.903 5366 12 357 31 23.7 1 15 37.7 29.901 1949
13 356 58 27.3 -1 14 55.0 29.903 4860 14 357 32 07.6 -1 15 38.6 29.901 1436
15 356 59 11.2 1 14 55.9 29.903 4354 16 357 32 51.6 1 15 39.5 29.901 0923
17 356 59 55.1 1 14 56.9 29.903 3848 18 357 33 35.5 1 15 40.5 29.901 0410
19 357 00 39.0 1 14 57.8 29.903 3342 20 357 34 19.4 1 15 41.4 29.900 9896
21 357 01 22.9 1 14 58.8 29.903 2836 22 357 35 03.3 1 15 42.4 29.900 9383
23 357 02 06.9 1 14 59.7 29.903 2329 24 357 35 47.2 1 15 43.3 29.900 8869
25 357 02 50.8 -1 15 00.7 29.903 1823 26 357 36 31.1 -1 15 44.2 29.900 8355
27 357 03 34.7 1 15 01.6 29.903 1316 28 357 37 15.1 1 15 45.2 29.900 7841
29 357 04 18.6 1 15 02.6 29.903 0809 30 357 37 59.0 1 15 46.1 29.900 7327
31 357 05 02.5 1 15 03.5 29.903 0302 May 2 357 38 42.9 1 15 47.1 29.900 6813
Feb. 2 357 05 46.5 1 15 04.5 29.902 9795 4 357 39 26.8 1 15 48.0 29.900 6298
4 357 06 30.4 1 15 05.4 29.902 9288 6 357 40 10.7 1 15 48.9 29.900 5783
6 357 07 14.3 -1 15 06.4 29.902 8780 8 357 40 54.7 -1 15 49.9 29.900 5268
8 357 07 58.2 1 15 07.3 29.902 8273 10 357 41 38.6 1 15 50.8 29.900 4753
10 357 08 42.1 1 15 08.3 29.902 7765 12 357 42 22.5 1 15 51.8 29.900 4238
12 357 09 26.1 1 15 09.3 29.902 7258 14 357 43 06.4 1 15 52.7 29.900 3723
14 357 10 10.0 1 15 10.2 29.902 6750 16 357 43 50.3 1 15 53.6 29.900 3207
16 357 10 53.9 1 15 11.2 29.902 6241 18 357 44 34.3 1 15 54.6 29.900 2692
18 357 11 37.8 -1 15 12.1 29.902 5733 20 357 45 18.2 -1 15 55.5 29.900 2176
20 357 12 21.8 1 15 13.1 29.902 5225 22 357 46 02.1 1 15 56.5 29.900 1660
22 357 13 05.7 1 15 14.0 29.902 4716 24 357 46 46.0 1 15 57.4 29.900 1143
24 357 13 49.6 1 15 14.9 29.902 4208 26 357 47 29.9 1 15 58.3 29.900 0627
26 357 14 33.5 1 15 15.9 29.902 3699 28 357 48 13.8 1 15 59.3 29.900 0111
28 357 15 17.5 1 15 16.8 29.902 3190 30 357 48 57.7 1 16 00.2 29.899 9594
Mar. 1 357 16 01.4 -1 15 17.8 29.902 2681 June 1 357 49 41.7 -1 16 01.2 29.899 9077
3 357 16 45.3 1 15 18.7 29.902 2171 3 357 50 25.6 1 16 02.1 29.899 8560
5 357 17 29.2 1 15 19.7 29.902 1662 5 357 51 09.5 1 16 03.0 29.899 8043
7 357 18 13.1 1 15 20.6 29.902 1152 7 357 51 53.4 1 16 04.0 29.899 7526
9 357 18 57.1 1 15 21.6 29.902 0642 9 357 52 37.4 1 16 04.9 29.899 7008
11 357 19 41.0 1 15 22.5 29.902 0132 11 357 53 21.3 1 16 05.8 29.899 6491
13 357 20 24.9 -1 15 23.5 29.901 9622 13 357 54 05.2 -1 16 06.8 29.899 5973
15 357 21 08.8 1 15 24.4 29.901 9112 15 357 54 49.1 1 16 07.7 29.899 5455
17 357 21 52.7 1 15 25.4 29.901 8601 17 357 55 33.0 1 16 08.6 29.899 4937
19 357 22 36.7 1 15 26.3 29.901 8090 19 357 56 16.9 1 16 09.6 29.899 4419
21 357 23 20.6 1 15 27.2 29.901 7579 21 357 57 00.8 1 16 10.5 29.899 3901
23 357 24 04.5 1 15 28.2 29.901 7068 23 357 57 44.8 1 16 11.5 29.899 3383
25 357 24 48.4 -1 15 29.1 29.901 6557 25 357 58 28.7 -1 16 12.4 29.899 2865
27 357 25 32.3 1 15 30.1 29.901 6046 27 357 59 12.6 1 16 13.3 29.899 2346
29 357 26 16.3 1 15 31.0 29.901 5534 29 357 59 56.5 1 16 14.3 29.899 1828
31 357 27 00.2 1 15 32.0 29.901 5022 July 1 358 00 40.4 1 16 15.2 29.899 1309
Apr. 2 357 27 44.1 -1 15 32.9 29.901 4510 3 358 01 24.4 -1 16 16.1 29.899 0791

Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 358 00 40.4 -1 16 15.2 29.899 1309 Oct. 1 358 34 20.4 -1 16 58.0 29.896 7377
3 358 01 24.4 1 16 16.1 29.899 0791 3 358 35 04.3 1 16 58.9 29.896 6855
5 358 02 08.3 1 16 17.1 29.899 0272 5 358 35 48.3 1 16 59.8 29.896 6333
7 358 02 52.2 1 16 18.0 29.898 9753 7 358 36 32.2 1 17 00.8 29.896 5811
9 358 03 36.1 1 16 18.9 29.898 9234 9 358 37 16.1 1 17 01.7 29.896 5289
11 358 04 20.0 1 16 19.9 29.898 8715 11 358 37 60.0 1 17 02.6 29.896 4766
13 358 05 03.9 -1 16 20.8 29.898 8196 13 358 38 43.9 -1 17 03.5 29.896 4244
15 358 05 47.8 1 16 21.7 29.898 7677 15 358 39 27.8 1 17 04.5 29.896 3721
17 358 06 31.7 1 16 22.7 29.898 7158 17 358 40 11.7 1 17 05.4 29.896 3199
19 358 07 15.6 1 16 23.6 29.898 6639 19 358 40 55.6 1 17 06.3 29.896 2676
21 358 07 59.6 1 16 24.5 29.898 6119 21 358 41 39.5 1 17 07.2 29.896 2153
23 358 08 43.5 1 16 25.5 29.898 5600 23 358 42 23.5 1 17 08.2 29.896 1630
25 358 09 27.4 -1 16 26.4 29.898 5081 25 358 43 07.4 -1 17 09.1 29.896 1107
27 358 10 11.3 1 16 27.3 29.898 4561 27 358 43 51.3 1 17 10.0 29.896 0584
29 358 10 55.2 1 16 28.3 29.898 4042 29 358 44 35.2 1 17 10.9 29.896 0060
31 358 11 39.1 1 16 29.2 29.898 3522 31 358 45 19.1 1 17 11.9 29.895 9537
Aug. 2 358 12 23.1 1 16 30.1 29.898 3002 Nov. 2 358 46 03.0 1 17 12.8 29.895 9013
4 358 13 07.0 1 16 31.1 29.898 2482 4 358 46 46.9 1 17 13.7 29.895 8490
6 358 13 50.9 -1 16 32.0 29.898 1963 6 358 47 30.8 -1 17 14.6 29.895 7966
8 358 14 34.8 1 16 32.9 29.898 1443 8 358 48 14.7 1 17 15.6 29.895 7442
10 358 15 18.7 1 16 33.9 29.898 0923 10 358 48 58.6 1 17 16.5 29.895 6918
12 358 16 02.6 1 16 34.8 29.898 0403 12 358 49 42.5 1 17 17.4 29.895 6394
14 358 16 46.6 1 16 35.7 29.897 9883 14 358 50 26.4 1 17 18.3 29.895 5870
16 358 17 30.5 1 16 36.6 29.897 9363 16 358 51 10.3 1 17 19.2 29.895 5345
18 358 18 14.4 -1 16 37.6 29.897 8842 18 358 51 54.3 -1 17 20.1 29.895 4821
20 358 18 58.3 1 16 38.5 29.897 8322 20 358 52 38.2 1 17 21.1 29.895 4296
22 358 19 42.2 1 16 39.4 29.897 7802 22 358 53 22.1 1 17 22.0 29.895 3772
24 358 20 26.1 1 16 40.4 29.897 7281 24 358 54 06.0 1 17 22.9 29.895 3247
26 358 21 10.0 1 16 41.3 29.897 6761 26 358 54 49.9 1 17 23.8 29.895 2722
28 358 21 53.9 1 16 42.2 29.897 6240 28 358 55 33.8 1 17 24.7 29.895 2197
30 358 22 37.8 -1 16 43.2 29.897 5719 30 358 56 17.7 -1 17 25.7 29.895 1672
Sept. 1 358 23 21.8 1 16 44.1 29.897 5199 Dec. 2 358 57 01.6 1 17 26.6 29.895 1146
3 358 24 05.7 1 16 45.0 29.897 4678 4 358 57 45.5 1 17 27.5 29.895 0621
5 358 24 49.6 1 16 45.9 29.897 4157 6 358 58 29.4 1 17 28.4 29.895 0095
7 358 25 33.5 1 16 46.9 29.897 3636 8 358 59 13.3 1 17 29.3 29.894 9570
9 358 26 17.4 1 16 47.8 29.897 3115 10 358 59 57.2 1 17 30.3 29.894 9044
11 358 27 01.3 -1 16 48.7 29.897 2593 12 359 00 41.1 -1 17 31.2 29.894 8518
13 358 27 45.2 1 16 49.7 29.897 2072 14 359 01 25.1 1 17 32.1 29.894 7993
15 358 28 29.1 1 16 50.6 29.897 1551 16 359 02 09.0 1 17 33.0 29.894 7467
17 358 29 13.1 1 16 51.5 29.897 1029 18 359 02 52.9 1 17 33.9 29.894 6941
19 358 29 57.0 1 16 52.4 29.897 0508 20 359 03 36.8 1 17 34.9 29.894 6415
21 358 30 40.9 1 16 53.4 29.896 9986 22 359 04 20.7 1 17 35.8 29.894 5889
23 358 31 24.8 -1 16 54.3 29.896 9465 24 359 05 04.6 -1 17 36.7 29.894 5363
25 358 32 08.7 1 16 55.2 29.896 8943 26 359 05 48.5 1 17 37.6 29.894 4836
27 358 32 52.6 1 16 56.1 29.896 8421 28 359 06 32.4 1 17 38.5 29.894 4310
29 358 33 36.5 1 16 57.1 29.896 7899 30 359 07 16.3 1 17 39.4 29.894 3784
Oct. 1 358 34 20.4 -1 16 58.0 29.896 7377 32 359 08 00.2 -1 17 40.4 29.894 3258


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 0 355 03 42.5 -1 14 16.0 Feb. 15 356 12 35.3 -1 13 06.5
1 355 04 34.0 1 14 14.0 16 356 14 37.0 1 13 05.7
2 355 05 27.3 1 14 12.0 17 356 16 39.8 1 13 05.0
3 355 06 22.6 1 14 10.0 18 356 18 43.5 1 13 04.2
4 355 07 19.8 1 14 08.1 19 356 20 48.1 1 13 03.5
5 355 08 19.0 1 14 06.1 20 356 22 53.5 1 13 02.9
6 355 09 20.1 -1 14 04.2 21 356 24 59.7 -1 13 02.3
7 355 10 23.2 1 14 02.3 22 356 27 06.7 1 13 01.7
8 355 11 28.2 1 14 00.4 23 356 29 14.3 1 13 01.1
9 355 12 35.2 1 13 58.5 24 356 31 22.6 1 13 00.6
10 355 13 44.0 1 13 56.6 25 356 33 31.6 1 13 00.2
11 355 14 54.7 1 13 54.7 26 356 35 41.2 1 12 59.8
12 355 16 07.2 -1 13 52.9 27 356 37 51.5 -1 12 59.4
13 355 17 21.5 1 13 51.1 28 356 40 02.3 1 12 59.0
14 355 18 37.5 1 13 49.3 29 356 42 13.8 1 12 58.7
15 355 19 55.2 1 13 47.5 Mar. 1 356 44 25.8 1 12 58.5
16 355 21 14.6 1 13 45.8 2 356 46 38.4 1 12 58.2
17 355 22 35.7 1 13 44.1 3 356 48 51.5 1 12 58.1
18 355 23 58.5 -1 13 42.4 4 356 51 05.2 -1 12 57.9
19 355 25 23.0 1 13 40.7 5 356 53 19.3 1 12 57.8
20 355 26 49.3 1 13 39.0 6 356 55 33.8 1 12 57.7
21 355 28 17.2 1 13 37.4 7 356 57 48.7 1 12 57.7
22 355 29 46.7 1 13 35.8 8 357 00 03.9 1 12 57.7
23 355 31 17.9 1 13 34.2 9 357 02 19.3 1 12 57.7
24 355 32 50.6 -1 13 32.7 10 357 04 34.9 -1 12 57.8
25 355 34 24.9 1 13 31.2 11 357 06 50.7 1 12 58.0
26 355 36 00.6 1 13 29.7 12 357 09 06.7 1 12 58.1
27 355 37 37.7 1 13 28.2 13 357 11 22.9 1 12 58.3
28 355 39 16.3 1 13 26.8 14 357 13 39.3 1 12 58.6
29 355 40 56.3 1 13 25.4 15 357 15 55.9 1 12 58.9
30 355 42 37.7 -1 13 24.1 16 357 18 12.6 -1 12 59.3
31 355 44 20.5 1 13 22.7 17 357 20 29.3 1 12 59.9
Feb. 1 355 46 04.7 1 13 21.4 18 357 22 45.8 1 13 00.3
2 355 47 50.2 1 13 20.1 19 357 25 02.5 1 13 00.6
3 355 49 37.2 1 13 18.9 20 357 27 19.1 1 13 01.0
4 355 51 25.5 1 13 17.7 21 357 29 35.6 1 13 01.5
5 355 53 15.1 -1 13 16.5 22 357 31 52.0 -1 13 02.1
6 355 55 06.0 1 13 15.4 23 357 34 08.2 1 13 02.7
7 355 56 58.2 1 13 14.2 24 357 36 24.1 1 13 03.3
8 355 58 51.6 1 13 13.2 25 357 38 39.9 1 13 04.0
9 356 00 46.1 1 13 12.1 26 357 40 55.4 1 13 04.7
10 356 02 41.7 1 13 11.1 27 357 43 10.7 1 13 05.5
11 356 04 38.4 -1 13 10.1 28 357 45 25.7 -1 13 06.3
12 356 06 36.1 1 13 09.2 29 357 47 40.5 1 13 07.2
13 356 08 34.8 1 13 08.2 30 357 49 55.0 1 13 08.1
14 356 10 34.5 1 13 07.4 31 357 52 09.1 1 13 09.0
15 356 12 35.3 -1 13 06.5 Apr. 1 357 54 22.9 -1 13 10.0


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Apr. 1 357 54 22.9 -1 13 10.0 May 17 359 21 40.5 -1 14 33.6
2 357 56 36.3 1 13 11.0 18 359 23 05.1 1 14 36.1
3 357 58 49.3 1 13 12.1 19 359 24 28.0 1 14 38.7
4 358 01 01.7 1 13 13.2 20 359 25 49.4 1 14 41.3
5 358 03 13.5 1 13 14.3 21 359 27 09.2 1 14 43.9
6 358 05 24.7 1 13 15.4 22 359 28 27.3 1 14 46.5
7 358 07 35.3 -1 13 16.6 23 359 29 43.9 -1 14 49.2
8 358 09 45.3 1 13 17.9 24 359 30 58.9 1 14 51.9
9 358 11 54.6 1 13 19.2 25 359 32 12.2 1 14 54.6
10 358 14 03.4 1 13 20.5 26 359 33 23.9 1 14 57.3
11 358 16 11.5 1 13 21.8 27 359 34 33.9 1 15 00.0
12 358 18 18.9 1 13 23.2 28 359 35 42.1 1 15 02.8
13 358 20 25.6 -1 13 24.7 29 359 36 48.5 -1 15 05.6
14 358 22 31.5 1 13 26.1 30 359 37 53.2 1 15 08.4
15 358 24 36.6 1 13 27.6 31 359 38 56.0 1 15 11.2
16 358 26 40.9 1 13 29.2 June 1 359 39 57.0 1 15 14.0
17 358 28 44.2 1 13 30.8 2 359 40 56.1 1 15 16.9
18 358 30 46.5 1 13 32.4 3 359 41 53.5 1 15 19.7
19 358 32 48.0 -1 13 34.0 4 359 42 49.2 -1 15 22.6
20 358 34 48.4 1 13 35.7 5 359 43 43.0 1 15 25.5
21 358 36 47.8 1 13 37.5 6 359 44 35.1 1 15 28.4
22 358 38 46.3 1 13 39.2 7 359 45 25.3 1 15 31.3
23 358 40 43.8 1 13 41.0 8 359 46 13.7 1 15 34.2
24 358 42 40.2 1 13 42.9 9 359 47 00.2 1 15 37.2
25 358 44 35.7 -1 13 44.7 10 359 47 44.7 -1 15 40.1
26 358 46 30.1 1 13 46.6 11 359 48 27.3 1 15 43.1
27 358 48 23.4 1 13 48.6 12 359 49 07.9 1 15 46.1
28 358 50 15.7 1 13 50.5 13 359 49 46.6 1 15 49.1
29 358 52 06.8 1 13 52.5 14 359 50 23.3 1 15 52.1
30 358 53 56.7 1 13 54.5 15 359 50 58.1 1 15 55.1
May 1 358 55 45.4 -1 13 56.6 16 359 51 31.0 -1 15 58.1
2 358 57 32.9 1 13 58.7 17 359 52 02.0 1 16 01.1
3 358 59 19.0 1 14 00.8 18 359 52 31.0 1 16 04.2
4 359 01 03.8 1 14 03.0 19 359 52 58.2 1 16 07.2
5 359 02 47.2 1 14 05.1 20 359 53 23.5 1 16 10.3
6 359 04 29.4 1 14 07.4 21 359 53 46.9 1 16 13.3
7 359 06 10.2 -1 14 09.6 22 359 54 08.3 -1 16 16.3
8 359 07 49.7 1 14 11.9 23 359 54 27.9 1 16 19.4
9 359 09 27.9 1 14 14.2 24 359 54 45.5 1 16 22.4
10 359 11 04.7 1 14 16.5 25 359 55 01.0 1 16 25.5
11 359 12 40.1 1 14 18.8 26 359 55 14.6 1 16 28.5
12 359 14 14.1 1 14 21.2 27 359 55 26.2 1 16 31.6
13 359 15 46.5 -1 14 23.6 28 359 55 35.7 -1 16 34.6
14 359 17 17.4 1 14 26.1 29 359 55 43.3 1 16 37.7
15 359 18 46.7 1 14 28.6 30 359 55 48.9 1 16 40.7
16 359 20 14.4 1 14 31.1 July 1 359 55 52.6 1 16 43.7
17 359 21 40.5 -1 14 33.6 2 359 55 54.4 -1 16 46.8


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
July 1 359 55 52.6 -1 16 43.7 Aug. 16 359 25 48.6 -1 18 47.1
2 359 55 54.4 1 16 46.8 17 359 24 32.3 1 18 49.2
3 359 55 54.3 1 16 49.8 18 359 23 14.8 1 18 51.2
4 359 55 52.3 1 16 52.8 19 359 21 56.1 1 18 53.1
5 359 55 48.3 1 16 55.8 20 359 20 36.1 1 18 55.1
6 359 55 42.4 1 16 58.9 21 359 19 15.0 1 18 56.9
7 359 55 34.5 -1 17 01.9 22 359 17 52.7 -1 18 58.8
8 359 55 24.6 1 17 04.9 23 359 16 29.3 1 19 00.6
9 359 55 12.7 1 17 07.9 24 359 15 04.9 1 19 02.4
10 359 54 58.8 1 17 10.8 25 359 13 39.6 1 19 04.1
11 359 54 43.0 1 17 13.8 26 359 12 13.3 1 19 05.8
12 359 54 25.2 1 17 16.8 27 359 10 46.1 1 19 07.4
13 359 54 05.6 -1 17 19.7 28 359 09 18.0 -1 19 09.0
14 359 53 44.0 1 17 22.6 29 359 07 49.0 1 19 10.6
15 359 53 20.7 1 17 25.6 30 359 06 19.1 1 19 12.1
16 359 52 55.5 1 17 28.5 31 359 04 48.4 1 19 13.6
17 359 52 28.5 1 17 31.4 Sept. 1 359 03 16.8 1 19 15.0
18 359 51 59.7 1 17 34.2 2 359 01 44.4 1 19 16.4
19 359 51 29.1 -1 17 37.1 3 359 00 11.2 -1 19 17.7
20 359 50 56.7 1 17 39.9 4 358 58 37.4 1 19 19.0
21 359 50 22.5 1 17 42.7 5 358 57 02.8 1 19 20.2
22 359 49 46.5 1 17 45.5 6 358 55 27.7 1 19 21.4
23 359 49 08.6 1 17 48.3 7 358 53 52.0 1 19 22.6
24 359 48 28.9 1 17 51.1 8 358 52 15.8 1 19 23.7
25 359 47 47.5 -1 17 53.8 9 358 50 39.2 -1 19 24.8
26 359 47 04.2 1 17 56.5 10 358 49 02.2 1 19 25.8
27 359 46 19.2 1 17 59.2 11 358 47 24.8 1 19 26.7
28 359 45 32.6 1 18 01.9 12 358 45 47.0 1 19 27.6
29 359 44 44.3 1 18 04.5 13 358 44 08.9 1 19 28.5
30 359 43 54.4 1 18 07.1 14 358 42 30.5 1 19 29.3
31 359 43 02.9 -1 18 09.7 15 358 40 51.9 -1 19 30.1
Aug. 1 359 42 09.7 1 18 12.3 16 358 39 12.9 1 19 30.8
2 359 41 15.0 1 18 14.8 17 358 37 33.6 1 19 31.4
3 359 40 18.6 1 18 17.3 18 358 35 54.2 1 19 32.0
4 359 39 20.5 1 18 19.8 19 358 34 14.6 1 19 32.6
5 359 38 20.9 1 18 22.2 20 358 32 35.0 1 19 33.1
6 359 37 19.6 -1 18 24.7 21 358 30 55.4 -1 19 33.6
7 359 36 16.9 1 18 27.1 22 358 29 15.8 1 19 34.0
8 359 35 12.6 1 18 29.4 23 358 27 36.3 1 19 34.4
9 359 34 06.8 1 18 31.8 24 358 25 56.9 1 19 34.7
10 359 32 59.6 1 18 34.1 25 358 24 17.6 1 19 34.9
11 359 31 51.0 1 18 36.3 26 358 22 38.5 1 19 35.2
12 359 30 41.1 -1 18 38.6 27 358 20 59.4 -1 19 35.3
13 359 29 29.9 1 18 40.8 28 358 19 20.6 1 19 35.4
14 359 28 17.3 1 18 42.9 29 358 17 41.9 1 19 35.5
15 359 27 03.6 1 18 45.0 30 358 16 03.6 1 19 35.5
16 359 25 48.6 -1 18 47.1 Oct. 1 358 14 25.5 -1 19 35.5


Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Oct. 1 358 14 25.5 -1 19 35.5 Nov. 16 357 15 59.6 -1 18 46.8
2 358 12 47.8 1 19 35.5 17 357 15 17.2 1 18 44.9
3 358 11 10.5 1 19 35.3 18 357 14 36.6 1 18 43.0
4 358 09 33.7 1 19 35.2 19 357 13 57.9 1 18 41.1
5 358 07 57.4 1 19 34.9 20 357 13 21.0 1 18 39.1
6 358 06 21.7 1 19 34.7 21 357 12 45.9 1 18 37.1
7 358 04 46.7 -1 19 34.4 22 357 12 12.7 -1 18 35.1
8 358 03 12.3 1 19 34.0 23 357 11 41.3 1 18 33.1
9 358 01 38.6 1 19 33.6 24 357 11 11.9 1 18 31.1
10 358 00 05.6 1 19 33.1 25 357 10 44.3 1 18 29.0
11 357 58 33.4 1 19 32.6 26 357 10 18.7 1 18 26.9
12 357 57 01.9 1 19 32.0 27 357 09 55.2 1 18 24.9
13 357 55 31.2 -1 19 31.4 28 357 09 33.6 -1 18 22.7
14 357 54 01.2 1 19 30.8 29 357 09 14.1 1 18 20.6
15 357 52 32.1 1 19 30.1 30 357 08 56.6 1 18 18.5
16 357 51 03.9 1 19 29.3 Dec. 1 357 08 41.3 1 18 16.3
17 357 49 36.6 1 19 28.5 2 357 08 28.0 1 18 14.2
18 357 48 10.3 1 19 27.7 3 357 08 16.8 1 18 12.0
19 357 46 45.1 -1 19 26.8 4 357 08 07.7 -1 18 09.8
20 357 45 21.1 1 19 25.9 5 357 08 00.6 1 18 07.6
21 357 43 58.1 1 19 24.9 6 357 07 55.5 1 18 05.4
22 357 42 36.3 1 19 23.9 7 357 07 52.5 1 18 03.2
23 357 41 15.6 1 19 22.9 8 357 07 51.5 1 18 00.9
24 357 39 56.0 1 19 21.8 9 357 07 52.6 1 17 58.7
25 357 38 37.6 -1 19 20.7 10 357 07 55.7 -1 17 56.5
26 357 37 20.4 1 19 19.5 11 357 08 00.9 1 17 54.2
27 357 36 04.4 1 19 18.3 12 357 08 08.2 1 17 52.0
28 357 34 49.7 1 19 17.1 13 357 08 17.7 1 17 49.7
29 357 33 36.3 1 19 15.8 14 357 08 29.4 1 17 47.5
30 357 32 24.3 1 19 14.5 15 357 08 43.1 1 17 45.2
31 357 31 13.7 -1 19 13.1 16 357 08 59.0 -1 17 43.0
Nov. 1 357 30 04.5 1 19 11.7 17 357 09 17.0 1 17 40.7
2 357 28 56.9 1 19 10.3 18 357 09 37.0 1 17 38.5
3 357 27 50.8 1 19 08.8 19 357 09 59.0 1 17 36.2
4 357 26 46.3 1 19 07.3 20 357 10 23.0 1 17 34.0
5 357 25 43.3 1 19 05.8 21 357 10 49.0 1 17 31.7
6 357 24 42.0 -1 19 04.2 22 357 11 17.1 -1 17 29.5
7 357 23 42.3 1 19 02.6 23 357 11 47.2 1 17 27.3
8 357 22 44.2 1 19 01.0 24 357 12 19.5 1 17 25.0
9 357 21 47.7 1 18 59.3 25 357 12 53.7 1 17 22.8
10 357 20 52.8 1 18 57.6 26 357 13 30.1 1 17 20.6
11 357 19 59.6 1 18 55.9 27 357 14 08.6 1 17 18.4
12 357 19 08.0 -1 18 54.1 28 357 14 49.1 -1 17 16.2
13 357 18 18.2 1 18 52.3 29 357 15 31.8 1 17 14.0
14 357 17 30.2 1 18 50.5 30 357 16 16.5 1 17 11.9
15 357 16 44.0 1 18 48.7 31 357 17 03.2 1 17 09.7
16 357 15 59.6 -1 18 46.8 32 357 17 51.9 -1 17 07.5

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Jan. 0 23 43 50.16 -3 05 54.3 30.125 765 0.29 1.11 17 04 24
1 23 43 53.26 3 05 32.1 30.142 563 0.29 1.11 17 00 32
2 23 43 56.47 3 05 09.1 30.159 286 0.29 1.11 16 56 39
3 23 43 59.81 3 04 45.3 30.175 928 0.29 1.11 16 52 46
4 23 44 03.26 3 04 20.8 30.192 484 0.29 1.11 16 48 54
5 23 44 06.83 3 03 55.5 30.208 949 0.29 1.11 16 45 02

6 23 44 10.53 -3 03 29.5 30.225 318 0.29 1.11 16 41 10

7 23 44 14.34 3 03 02.7 30.241 586 0.29 1.11 16 37 18
8 23 44 18.27 3 02 35.1 30.257 749 0.29 1.11 16 33 26
9 23 44 22.32 3 02 06.8 30.273 800 0.29 1.11 16 29 34
10 23 44 26.49 3 01 37.8 30.289 735 0.29 1.11 16 25 42
11 23 44 30.77 3 01 08.0 30.305 548 0.29 1.11 16 21 51
12 23 44 35.17 -3 00 37.6 30.321 235 0.29 1.10 16 17 59
13 23 44 39.67 3 00 06.4 30.336 791 0.29 1.10 16 14 08
14 23 44 44.28 2 59 34.6 30.352 210 0.29 1.10 16 10 16
15 23 44 48.99 2 59 02.2 30.367 488 0.29 1.10 16 06 25
16 23 44 53.81 2 58 29.1 30.382 620 0.29 1.10 16 02 34
17 23 44 58.73 2 57 55.3 30.397 602 0.29 1.10 15 58 43
18 23 45 03.76 -2 57 20.9 30.412 429 0.29 1.10 15 54 53
19 23 45 08.89 2 56 45.8 30.427 098 0.29 1.10 15 51 02
20 23 45 14.13 2 56 10.0 30.441 604 0.29 1.10 15 47 11
21 23 45 19.47 2 55 33.6 30.455 943 0.29 1.10 15 43 21
22 23 45 24.92 2 54 56.6 30.470 113 0.29 1.10 15 39 30
23 23 45 30.46 2 54 19.0 30.484 108 0.29 1.10 15 35 40
24 23 45 36.10 -2 53 40.8 30.497 926 0.29 1.10 15 31 50
25 23 45 41.83 2 53 02.0 30.511 562 0.29 1.10 15 27 59
26 23 45 47.65 2 52 22.6 30.525 013 0.29 1.10 15 24 09
27 23 45 53.56 2 51 42.7 30.538 276 0.29 1.10 15 20 19
28 23 45 59.56 2 51 02.3 30.551 347 0.29 1.10 15 16 29
29 23 46 05.65 2 50 21.3 30.564 223 0.29 1.10 15 12 40

30 23 46 11.82 -2 49 39.8 30.576 899 0.29 1.10 15 08 50

31 23 46 18.08 2 48 57.7 30.589 373 0.29 1.10 15 05 00
Feb. 1 23 46 24.43 2 48 15.2 30.601 641 0.29 1.09 15 01 11
2 23 46 30.86 2 47 32.1 30.613 698 0.29 1.09 14 57 21
3 23 46 37.38 2 46 48.5 30.625 543 0.29 1.09 14 53 32
4 23 46 43.98 2 46 04.4 30.637 172 0.29 1.09 14 49 43

5 23 46 50.66 -2 45 19.7 30.648 580 0.29 1.09 14 45 53

6 23 46 57.42 2 44 34.6 30.659 764 0.29 1.09 14 42 04
7 23 47 04.26 2 43 49.1 30.670 722 0.29 1.09 14 38 15
8 23 47 11.18 2 43 03.0 30.681 449 0.29 1.09 14 34 26
9 23 47 18.16 2 42 16.6 30.691 943 0.29 1.09 14 30 37
10 23 47 25.22 2 41 29.7 30.702 200 0.29 1.09 14 26 48

11 23 47 32.33 -2 40 42.5 30.712 216 0.29 1.09 14 22 60

12 23 47 39.51 2 39 54.9 30.721 990 0.29 1.09 14 19 11
13 23 47 46.76 2 39 06.9 30.731 517 0.29 1.09 14 15 22
14 23 47 54.07 2 38 18.6 30.740 797 0.29 1.09 14 11 34
15 23 48 01.44 -2 37 29.8 30.749 826 0.29 1.09 14 07 45

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Feb. 15 23 48 01.44 -2 37 29.8 30.749 826 0.29 1.09 14 07 45
16 23 48 08.87 2 36 40.7 30.758 602 0.29 1.09 14 03 57
17 23 48 16.37 2 35 51.2 30.767 124 0.29 1.09 14 00 08
18 23 48 23.92 2 35 01.4 30.775 389 0.29 1.09 13 56 20
19 23 48 31.53 2 34 11.3 30.783 396 0.29 1.09 13 52 32
20 23 48 39.19 2 33 20.9 30.791 143 0.29 1.09 13 48 43
21 23 48 46.90 -2 32 30.2 30.798 629 0.29 1.09 13 44 55
22 23 48 54.66 2 31 39.2 30.805 851 0.29 1.09 13 41 07
23 23 49 02.46 2 30 48.0 30.812 808 0.29 1.09 13 37 19
24 23 49 10.31 2 29 56.6 30.819 499 0.29 1.09 13 33 31
25 23 49 18.19 2 29 04.9 30.825 923 0.29 1.09 13 29 43
26 23 49 26.11 2 28 13.0 30.832 076 0.29 1.09 13 25 55
27 23 49 34.08 -2 27 20.9 30.837 959 0.29 1.09 13 22 07
28 23 49 42.08 2 26 28.6 30.843 570 0.29 1.09 13 18 19
29 23 49 50.12 2 25 36.1 30.848 907 0.29 1.09 13 14 31
Mar. 1 23 49 58.19 2 24 43.4 30.853 969 0.29 1.09 13 10 43
2 23 50 06.30 2 23 50.5 30.858 754 0.28 1.09 13 06 55
3 23 50 14.45 2 22 57.4 30.863 262 0.28 1.09 13 03 07

4 23 50 22.62 -2 22 04.1 30.867 491 0.28 1.09 12 59 20

5 23 50 30.83 2 21 10.7 30.871 439 0.28 1.09 12 55 32
6 23 50 39.06 2 20 17.2 30.875 106 0.28 1.09 12 51 44
7 23 50 47.32 2 19 23.6 30.878 489 0.28 1.08 12 47 57
8 23 50 55.59 2 18 29.9 30.881 590 0.28 1.08 12 44 09
9 23 51 03.88 2 17 36.1 30.884 405 0.28 1.08 12 40 21
10 23 51 12.18 -2 16 42.3 30.886 934 0.28 1.08 12 36 34
11 23 51 20.50 2 15 48.4 30.889 177 0.28 1.08 12 32 46
12 23 51 28.83 2 14 54.5 30.891 133 0.28 1.08 12 28 58
13 23 51 37.17 2 14 00.5 30.892 802 0.28 1.08 12 25 11
14 23 51 45.53 2 13 06.6 30.894 184 0.28 1.08 12 21 23
15 23 51 53.89 2 12 12.6 30.895 279 0.28 1.08 12 17 36
16 23 52 02.27 -2 11 18.6 30.896 088 0.28 1.08 12 13 48
17 23 52 10.65 2 10 24.7 30.896 610 0.28 1.08 12 10 00
18 23 52 19.02 2 09 30.9 30.896 847 0.28 1.08 12 06 13
19 23 52 27.39 2 08 36.8 30.896 799 0.28 1.08 12 02 25
20 23 52 35.76 2 07 42.8 30.896 466 0.28 1.08 11 58 38
21 23 52 44.13 2 06 49.0 30.895 849 0.28 1.08 11 54 50
22 23 52 52.49 -2 05 55.3 30.894 949 0.28 1.08 11 51 02
23 23 53 00.84 2 05 01.8 30.893 766 0.28 1.08 11 47 15
24 23 53 09.18 2 04 08.3 30.892 300 0.28 1.08 11 43 27
25 23 53 17.50 2 03 15.0 30.890 554 0.28 1.08 11 39 40
26 23 53 25.81 2 02 21.8 30.888 526 0.28 1.08 11 35 52
27 23 53 34.11 2 01 28.7 30.886 219 0.28 1.08 11 32 04
28 23 53 42.40 -2 00 35.7 30.883 633 0.28 1.08 11 28 17
29 23 53 50.67 1 59 42.9 30.880 768 0.28 1.08 11 24 29
30 23 53 58.92 1 58 50.3 30.877 625 0.28 1.08 11 20 41
31 23 54 07.15 1 57 57.8 30.874 206 0.28 1.09 11 16 54
Apr. 1 23 54 15.37 -1 57 05.5 30.870 511 0.28 1.09 11 13 06

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Apr. 1 23 54 15.37 -1 57 05.5 30.870 511 0.28 1.09 11 13 06
2 23 54 23.55 1 56 13.4 30.866 540 0.28 1.09 11 09 18
3 23 54 31.72 1 55 21.5 30.862 296 0.28 1.09 11 05 30
4 23 54 39.85 1 54 29.8 30.857 778 0.28 1.09 11 01 42
5 23 54 47.94 1 53 38.4 30.852 988 0.29 1.09 10 57 54
6 23 54 56.00 1 52 47.3 30.847 927 0.29 1.09 10 54 07
7 23 55 04.03 -1 51 56.5 30.842 596 0.29 1.09 10 50 19
8 23 55 12.01 1 51 05.9 30.836 997 0.29 1.09 10 46 31
9 23 55 19.96 1 50 15.7 30.831 132 0.29 1.09 10 42 43
10 23 55 27.87 1 49 25.7 30.825 002 0.29 1.09 10 38 55
11 23 55 35.74 1 48 36.0 30.818 609 0.29 1.09 10 35 06
12 23 55 43.58 1 47 46.6 30.811 957 0.29 1.09 10 31 18
13 23 55 51.37 -1 46 57.5 30.805 046 0.29 1.09 10 27 30
14 23 55 59.11 1 46 08.8 30.797 881 0.29 1.09 10 23 42
15 23 56 06.80 1 45 20.4 30.790 462 0.29 1.09 10 19 54
16 23 56 14.44 1 44 32.4 30.782 794 0.29 1.09 10 16 05
17 23 56 22.03 1 43 44.8 30.774 877 0.29 1.09 10 12 17
18 23 56 29.56 1 42 57.6 30.766 716 0.29 1.09 10 08 28

19 23 56 37.03 -1 42 10.9 30.758 311 0.29 1.09 10 04 40

20 23 56 44.44 1 41 24.5 30.749 667 0.29 1.09 10 00 51
21 23 56 51.80 1 40 38.6 30.740 784 0.29 1.09 9 57 03
22 23 56 59.09 1 39 53.1 30.731 667 0.29 1.09 9 53 14
23 23 57 06.32 1 39 08.0 30.722 318 0.29 1.09 9 49 25
24 23 57 13.50 1 38 23.4 30.712 738 0.29 1.09 9 45 37
25 23 57 20.61 -1 37 39.2 30.702 931 0.29 1.09 9 41 48
26 23 57 27.66 1 36 55.4 30.692 900 0.29 1.09 9 37 59
27 23 57 34.64 1 36 12.1 30.682 646 0.29 1.09 9 34 10
28 23 57 41.56 1 35 29.3 30.672 173 0.29 1.09 9 30 21
29 23 57 48.41 1 34 46.9 30.661 483 0.29 1.09 9 26 32
30 23 57 55.19 1 34 05.0 30.650 578 0.29 1.09 9 22 42
May 1 23 58 01.90 -1 33 23.7 30.639 462 0.29 1.09 9 18 53
2 23 58 08.52 1 32 42.9 30.628 136 0.29 1.09 9 15 04
3 23 58 15.07 1 32 02.6 30.616 605 0.29 1.09 9 11 14
4 23 58 21.54 1 31 22.9 30.604 871 0.29 1.09 9 07 25
5 23 58 27.92 1 30 43.7 30.592 936 0.29 1.10 9 03 35
6 23 58 34.23 1 30 05.1 30.580 805 0.29 1.10 8 59 46
7 23 58 40.46 -1 29 27.1 30.568 480 0.29 1.10 8 55 56
8 23 58 46.61 1 28 49.6 30.555 965 0.29 1.10 8 52 06
9 23 58 52.67 1 28 12.6 30.543 264 0.29 1.10 8 48 16
10 23 58 58.66 1 27 36.3 30.530 381 0.29 1.10 8 44 26
11 23 59 04.55 1 27 00.5 30.517 320 0.29 1.10 8 40 36
12 23 59 10.36 1 26 25.3 30.504 085 0.29 1.10 8 36 46
13 23 59 16.08 -1 25 50.8 30.490 680 0.29 1.10 8 32 56
14 23 59 21.70 1 25 16.9 30.477 108 0.29 1.10 8 29 05
15 23 59 27.23 1 24 43.6 30.463 374 0.29 1.10 8 25 15
16 23 59 32.67 1 24 11.0 30.449 482 0.29 1.10 8 21 24
17 23 59 38.00 -1 23 39.0 30.435 436 0.29 1.10 8 17 34

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

May 17 23 59 38.00 -1 23 39.0 30.435 436 0.29 1.10 8 17 34
18 23 59 43.24 1 23 07.7 30.421 240 0.29 1.10 8 13 43
19 23 59 48.38 1 22 37.1 30.406 897 0.29 1.10 8 09 52
20 23 59 53.43 1 22 07.1 30.392 411 0.29 1.10 8 06 01
21 23 59 58.38 1 21 37.8 30.377 787 0.29 1.10 8 02 10
22 0 00 03.23 1 21 09.1 30.363 029 0.29 1.10 7 58 19
23 0 00 07.98 -1 20 41.1 30.348 139 0.29 1.10 7 54 28
24 0 00 12.64 1 20 13.7 30.333 122 0.29 1.10 7 50 37
25 0 00 17.20 1 19 47.0 30.317 983 0.29 1.10 7 46 45
26 0 00 21.65 1 19 21.0 30.302 723 0.29 1.11 7 42 54
27 0 00 26.00 1 18 55.7 30.287 349 0.29 1.11 7 39 02
28 0 00 30.25 1 18 31.1 30.271 862 0.29 1.11 7 35 10
29 0 00 34.39 -1 18 07.2 30.256 267 0.29 1.11 7 31 18
30 0 00 38.41 1 17 44.1 30.240 568 0.29 1.11 7 27 26
31 0 00 42.33 1 17 21.7 30.224 770 0.29 1.11 7 23 34
June 1 0 00 46.14 1 17 00.0 30.208 875 0.29 1.11 7 19 42
2 0 00 49.83 1 16 39.1 30.192 888 0.29 1.11 7 15 50
3 0 00 53.42 1 16 18.9 30.176 815 0.29 1.11 7 11 58

4 0 00 56.90 -1 15 59.4 30.160 658 0.29 1.11 7 08 05

5 0 01 00.27 1 15 40.6 30.144 424 0.29 1.11 7 04 13
6 0 01 03.53 1 15 22.6 30.128 116 0.29 1.11 7 00 20
7 0 01 06.68 1 15 05.3 30.111 740 0.29 1.11 6 56 27
8 0 01 09.72 1 14 48.7 30.095 301 0.29 1.11 6 52 34
9 0 01 12.64 1 14 32.9 30.078 803 0.29 1.11 6 48 41
10 0 01 15.44 -1 14 17.9 30.062 251 0.29 1.11 6 44 48
11 0 01 18.12 1 14 03.7 30.045 650 0.29 1.11 6 40 55
12 0 01 20.69 1 13 50.3 30.029 005 0.29 1.12 6 37 01
13 0 01 23.13 1 13 37.7 30.012 321 0.29 1.12 6 33 08
14 0 01 25.46 1 13 25.8 29.995 603 0.29 1.12 6 29 14
15 0 01 27.67 1 13 14.7 29.978 854 0.29 1.12 6 25 20
16 0 01 29.76 -1 13 04.4 29.962 080 0.29 1.12 6 21 26
17 0 01 31.73 1 12 54.9 29.945 286 0.29 1.12 6 17 33
18 0 01 33.59 1 12 46.1 29.928 475 0.29 1.12 6 13 38
19 0 01 35.33 1 12 38.1 29.911 653 0.29 1.12 6 09 44
20 0 01 36.96 1 12 30.8 29.894 823 0.29 1.12 6 05 50
21 0 01 38.47 1 12 24.3 29.877 991 0.29 1.12 6 01 55
22 0 01 39.86 -1 12 18.6 29.861 160 0.29 1.12 5 58 01
23 0 01 41.14 1 12 13.6 29.844 336 0.29 1.12 5 54 06
24 0 01 42.29 1 12 09.4 29.827 521 0.29 1.12 5 50 11
25 0 01 43.33 1 12 06.0 29.810 720 0.29 1.12 5 46 16
26 0 01 44.24 1 12 03.4 29.793 939 0.30 1.12 5 42 21
27 0 01 45.03 1 12 01.6 29.777 180 0.30 1.13 5 38 26
28 0 01 45.69 -1 12 00.6 29.760 449 0.30 1.13 5 34 31
29 0 01 46.23 1 12 00.4 29.743 750 0.30 1.13 5 30 36
30 0 01 46.66 1 12 00.9 29.727 089 0.30 1.13 5 26 40
July 1 0 01 46.97 1 12 02.2 29.710 469 0.30 1.13 5 22 44
2 0 01 47.16 -1 12 04.3 29.693 895 0.30 1.13 5 18 49

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

July 1 0 01 46.97 -1 12 02.2 29.710 469 0.30 1.13 5 22 44
2 0 01 47.16 1 12 04.3 29.693 895 0.30 1.13 5 18 49
3 0 01 47.23 1 12 07.1 29.677 374 0.30 1.13 5 14 53
4 0 01 47.19 1 12 10.7 29.660 909 0.30 1.13 5 10 57
5 0 01 47.02 1 12 15.0 29.644 506 0.30 1.13 5 07 01
6 0 01 46.74 1 12 20.2 29.628 169 0.30 1.13 5 03 05
7 0 01 46.34 -1 12 26.1 29.611 905 0.30 1.13 4 59 08
8 0 01 45.81 1 12 32.8 29.595 717 0.30 1.13 4 55 12
9 0 01 45.16 1 12 40.2 29.579 611 0.30 1.13 4 51 15
10 0 01 44.40 1 12 48.5 29.563 591 0.30 1.13 4 47 18
11 0 01 43.51 1 12 57.5 29.547 663 0.30 1.13 4 43 22
12 0 01 42.50 1 13 07.3 29.531 830 0.30 1.13 4 39 25
13 0 01 41.37 -1 13 17.8 29.516 098 0.30 1.13 4 35 28
14 0 01 40.14 1 13 29.1 29.500 471 0.30 1.14 4 31 31
15 0 01 38.78 1 13 41.0 29.484 954 0.30 1.14 4 27 33
16 0 01 37.32 1 13 53.7 29.469 550 0.30 1.14 4 23 36
17 0 01 35.74 1 14 07.1 29.454 265 0.30 1.14 4 19 38
18 0 01 34.06 1 14 21.2 29.439 101 0.30 1.14 4 15 41

19 0 01 32.26 -1 14 36.0 29.424 065 0.30 1.14 4 11 43

20 0 01 30.36 1 14 51.5 29.409 158 0.30 1.14 4 07 45
21 0 01 28.34 1 15 07.7 29.394 386 0.30 1.14 4 03 47
22 0 01 26.21 1 15 24.5 29.379 753 0.30 1.14 3 59 49
23 0 01 23.97 1 15 42.1 29.365 262 0.30 1.14 3 55 51
24 0 01 21.62 1 16 00.5 29.350 917 0.30 1.14 3 51 53
25 0 01 19.15 -1 16 19.5 29.336 722 0.30 1.14 3 47 54
26 0 01 16.58 1 16 39.2 29.322 681 0.30 1.14 3 43 56
27 0 01 13.90 1 16 59.5 29.308 799 0.30 1.14 3 39 57
28 0 01 11.12 1 17 20.5 29.295 080 0.30 1.14 3 35 59
29 0 01 08.23 1 17 42.1 29.281 528 0.30 1.14 3 31 60
30 0 01 05.25 1 18 04.4 29.268 147 0.30 1.14 3 28 01
31 0 01 02.17 -1 18 27.2 29.254 942 0.30 1.15 3 24 02
Aug. 1 0 00 58.99 1 18 50.7 29.241 918 0.30 1.15 3 20 03
2 0 00 55.70 1 19 14.9 29.229 078 0.30 1.15 3 16 04
3 0 00 52.32 1 19 39.6 29.216 426 0.30 1.15 3 12 04
4 0 00 48.84 1 20 05.0 29.203 968 0.30 1.15 3 08 05
5 0 00 45.25 1 20 30.9 29.191 707 0.30 1.15 3 04 05
6 0 00 41.57 -1 20 57.5 29.179 646 0.30 1.15 3 00 06
7 0 00 37.80 1 21 24.7 29.167 791 0.30 1.15 2 56 06
8 0 00 33.93 1 21 52.4 29.156 144 0.30 1.15 2 52 06
9 0 00 29.97 1 22 20.7 29.144 710 0.30 1.15 2 48 07
10 0 00 25.92 1 22 49.6 29.133 491 0.30 1.15 2 44 07
11 0 00 21.78 1 23 18.9 29.122 492 0.30 1.15 2 40 07
12 0 00 17.56 -1 23 48.8 29.111 716 0.30 1.15 2 36 07
13 0 00 13.27 1 24 19.1 29.101 165 0.30 1.15 2 32 06
14 0 00 08.89 1 24 50.0 29.090 843 0.30 1.15 2 28 06
15 0 00 04.43 1 25 21.2 29.080 753 0.30 1.15 0 14 35
16 23 59 59.90 -1 25 53.0 29.070 898 0.30 1.15 4 26 33

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit
h m s º ' " " " h m s
Aug. 16 23 59 59.90 -1 25 53.0 29.070 898 0.30 1.15 4 26 33
17 23 59 55.29 1 26 25.2 29.061 280 0.30 1.15 2 16 05
18 23 59 50.60 1 26 57.9 29.051 903 0.30 1.15 2 12 04
19 23 59 45.84 1 27 31.0 29.042 768 0.30 1.15 2 08 04
20 23 59 41.00 1 28 04.6 29.033 879 0.30 1.15 2 04 03
21 23 59 36.09 1 28 38.6 29.025 238 0.30 1.15 2 00 02

22 23 59 31.10 -1 29 13.0 29.016 847 0.30 1.15 1 56 01

23 23 59 26.05 1 29 47.8 29.008 709 0.30 1.15 1 52 00
24 23 59 20.94 1 30 23.0 29.000 827 0.30 1.16 1 47 59
25 23 59 15.76 1 30 58.5 28.993 205 0.30 1.16 1 43 58
26 23 59 10.53 1 31 34.4 28.985 843 0.30 1.16 1 39 57
27 23 59 05.24 1 32 10.6 28.978 746 0.30 1.16 1 35 56
28 23 58 59.89 -1 32 47.1 28.971 917 0.30 1.16 1 31 55
29 23 58 54.49 1 33 23.9 28.965 357 0.30 1.16 1 27 53
30 23 58 49.03 1 34 01.1 28.959 070 0.30 1.16 1 23 52
31 23 58 43.52 1 34 38.5 28.953 057 0.30 1.16 1 19 51
Sept. 1 23 58 37.95 1 35 16.3 28.947 322 0.30 1.16 1 15 49
2 23 58 32.34 1 35 54.3 28.941 866 0.30 1.16 1 11 48
3 23 58 26.68 -1 36 32.6 28.936 692 0.30 1.16 1 07 46
4 23 58 20.97 1 37 11.1 28.931 802 0.30 1.16 1 03 45
5 23 58 15.22 1 37 49.8 28.927 196 0.30 1.16 0 59 43
6 23 58 09.43 1 38 28.8 28.922 878 0.30 1.16 0 55 41
7 23 58 03.61 1 39 07.9 28.918 848 0.30 1.16 0 51 40
8 23 57 57.75 1 39 47.1 28.915 108 0.30 1.16 0 47 38
9 23 57 51.87 -1 40 26.5 28.911 659 0.30 1.16 0 43 36
10 23 57 45.96 1 41 06.1 28.908 502 0.30 1.16 0 39 34
11 23 57 40.03 1 41 45.7 28.905 639 0.30 1.16 0 35 32
12 23 57 34.07 1 42 25.4 28.903 069 0.30 1.16 0 31 31
13 23 57 28.10 1 43 05.2 28.900 794 0.30 1.16 0 27 29
14 23 57 22.10 1 43 45.1 28.898 814 0.30 1.16 0 23 27

15 23 57 16.08 -1 44 25.0 28.897 130 0.30 1.16 0 19 25

16 23 57 10.05 1 45 05.0 28.895 742 0.30 1.16 0 15 23
17 23 57 03.99 1 45 45.1 28.894 650 0.30 1.16 0 11 21
18 23 56 57.93 1 46 25.2 28.893 855 0.30 1.16 0 07 19
19 23 56 51.85 1 47 05.3 28.893 357 0.30 1.16 0 03 17
20 23 56 45.77 1 47 45.4 28.893 157 0.30 1.16 23 55 13

21 23 56 39.68 -1 48 25.5 28.893 254 0.30 1.16 23 51 11

22 23 56 33.60 1 49 05.5 28.893 650 0.30 1.16 23 47 09
23 23 56 27.53 1 49 45.4 28.894 345 0.30 1.16 23 43 08
24 23 56 21.45 1 50 25.2 28.895 339 0.30 1.16 23 39 06
25 23 56 15.39 1 51 04.9 28.896 634 0.30 1.16 23 35 04
26 23 56 09.32 1 51 44.6 28.898 228 0.30 1.16 23 31 02

27 23 56 03.27 -1 52 24.1 28.900 122 0.30 1.16 23 26 60

28 23 55 57.23 1 53 03.5 28.902 316 0.30 1.16 23 22 58
29 23 55 51.19 1 53 42.8 28.904 810 0.30 1.16 23 18 56
30 23 55 45.17 1 54 22.0 28.907 603 0.30 1.16 23 14 54
Oct. 1 23 55 39.17 -1 55 01.0 28.910 695 0.30 1.16 23 10 52

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Oct. 1 23 55 39.17 -1 55 01.0 28.910 695 0.30 1.16 23 10 52
2 23 55 33.19 1 55 39.8 28.914 085 0.30 1.16 23 06 50
3 23 55 27.24 1 56 18.3 28.917 773 0.30 1.16 23 02 49
4 23 55 21.31 1 56 56.7 28.921 757 0.30 1.16 22 58 47
5 23 55 15.41 1 57 34.8 28.926 036 0.30 1.16 22 54 45
6 23 55 09.55 1 58 12.6 28.930 609 0.30 1.16 22 50 43
7 23 55 03.73 -1 58 50.1 28.935 474 0.30 1.16 22 46 42
8 23 54 57.94 1 59 27.3 28.940 631 0.30 1.16 22 42 40
9 23 54 52.20 2 00 04.2 28.946 077 0.30 1.16 22 38 39
10 23 54 46.50 2 00 40.7 28.951 810 0.30 1.16 22 34 37
11 23 54 40.84 2 01 16.9 28.957 828 0.30 1.16 22 30 36
12 23 54 35.23 2 01 52.8 28.964 130 0.30 1.16 22 26 34
13 23 54 29.66 -2 02 28.3 28.970 713 0.30 1.16 22 22 33
14 23 54 24.14 2 03 03.5 28.977 575 0.30 1.16 22 18 31
15 23 54 18.67 2 03 38.3 28.984 713 0.30 1.16 22 14 30
16 23 54 13.25 2 04 12.7 28.992 126 0.30 1.16 22 10 29
17 23 54 07.89 2 04 46.6 28.999 811 0.30 1.16 22 06 28
18 23 54 02.59 2 05 20.2 29.007 766 0.30 1.15 22 02 26

19 23 53 57.35 -2 05 53.2 29.015 990 0.30 1.15 21 58 25

20 23 53 52.18 2 06 25.8 29.024 478 0.30 1.15 21 54 24
21 23 53 47.08 2 06 57.9 29.033 231 0.30 1.15 21 50 23
22 23 53 42.05 2 07 29.5 29.042 245 0.30 1.15 21 46 23
23 23 53 37.08 2 08 00.7 29.051 519 0.30 1.15 21 42 22
24 23 53 32.18 2 08 31.3 29.061 049 0.30 1.15 21 38 21
25 23 53 27.36 -2 09 01.5 29.070 834 0.30 1.15 21 34 20
26 23 53 22.60 2 09 31.1 29.080 870 0.30 1.15 21 30 20
27 23 53 17.92 2 10 00.2 29.091 155 0.30 1.15 21 26 19
28 23 53 13.31 2 10 28.8 29.101 685 0.30 1.15 21 22 19
29 23 53 08.79 2 10 56.8 29.112 459 0.30 1.15 21 18 19
30 23 53 04.34 2 11 24.2 29.123 472 0.30 1.15 21 14 18
31 23 52 59.99 -2 11 51.0 29.134 720 0.30 1.15 21 10 18
Nov. 1 23 52 55.72 2 12 17.2 29.146 201 0.30 1.15 21 06 18
2 23 52 51.54 2 12 42.8 29.157 911 0.30 1.15 21 02 18
3 23 52 47.46 2 13 07.8 29.169 846 0.30 1.15 20 58 18
4 23 52 43.47 2 13 32.0 29.182 002 0.30 1.15 20 54 19
5 23 52 39.58 2 13 55.6 29.194 374 0.30 1.15 20 50 19
6 23 52 35.78 -2 14 18.6 29.206 960 0.30 1.15 20 46 19
7 23 52 32.08 2 14 40.8 29.219 754 0.30 1.15 20 42 20
8 23 52 28.48 2 15 02.4 29.232 752 0.30 1.15 20 38 20
9 23 52 24.98 2 15 23.4 29.245 951 0.30 1.15 20 34 21
10 23 52 21.58 2 15 43.6 29.259 344 0.30 1.14 20 30 22
11 23 52 18.27 2 16 03.2 29.272 929 0.30 1.14 20 26 23
12 23 52 15.07 -2 16 22.1 29.286 701 0.30 1.14 20 22 24
13 23 52 11.98 2 16 40.2 29.300 654 0.30 1.14 20 18 25
14 23 52 08.99 2 16 57.7 29.314 786 0.30 1.14 20 14 26
15 23 52 06.11 2 17 14.3 29.329 091 0.30 1.14 20 10 27
16 23 52 03.35 -2 17 30.3 29.343 566 0.30 1.14 20 06 29

Date Apparent Apparent True Distance Hor. Semi Ephemeris
Right Ascension Declination from the Earth Parallax Diameter Transit

h m s º ' " " " h m s

Nov. 16 23 52 03.35 -2 17 30.3 29.343 566 0.30 1.14 20 06 29
17 23 52 00.70 2 17 45.4 29.358 206 0.30 1.14 20 02 30
18 23 51 58.17 2 17 59.8 29.373 007 0.30 1.14 19 58 32
19 23 51 55.74 2 18 13.4 29.387 965 0.30 1.14 19 54 34
20 23 51 53.43 2 18 26.3 29.403 076 0.30 1.14 19 50 36
21 23 51 51.23 2 18 38.4 29.418 336 0.30 1.14 19 46 38
22 23 51 49.15 -2 18 49.8 29.433 740 0.30 1.14 19 42 40
23 23 51 47.18 2 19 00.4 29.449 283 0.30 1.14 19 38 42
24 23 51 45.32 2 19 10.2 29.464 961 0.30 1.14 19 34 44
25 23 51 43.58 2 19 19.3 29.480 768 0.30 1.14 19 30 47
26 23 51 41.96 2 19 27.5 29.496 701 0.30 1.14 19 26 49
27 23 51 40.46 2 19 35.0 29.512 753 0.30 1.14 19 22 52
28 23 51 39.08 -2 19 41.6 29.528 921 0.30 1.13 19 18 55
29 23 51 37.83 2 19 47.4 29.545 198 0.30 1.13 19 14 58
30 23 51 36.71 2 19 52.4 29.561 580 0.30 1.13 19 11 01
Dec. 1 23 51 35.71 2 19 56.5 29.578 060 0.30 1.13 19 07 04
2 23 51 34.84 2 19 59.8 29.594 635 0.30 1.13 19 03 07
3 23 51 34.10 2 20 02.3 29.611 297 0.30 1.13 18 59 11

4 23 51 33.48 -2 20 03.9 29.628 042 0.30 1.13 18 55 14

5 23 51 32.99 2 20 04.7 29.644 864 0.30 1.13 18 51 18
6 23 51 32.62 2 20 04.7 29.661 758 0.30 1.13 18 47 22
7 23 51 32.38 2 20 03.8 29.678 717 0.30 1.13 18 43 26
8 23 51 32.26 2 20 02.2 29.695 737 0.30 1.13 18 39 30
9 23 51 32.26 2 19 59.7 29.712 812 0.30 1.13 18 35 34
10 23 51 32.39 -2 19 56.4 29.729 936 0.30 1.13 18 31 38
11 23 51 32.65 2 19 52.3 29.747 104 0.30 1.13 18 27 43
12 23 51 33.04 2 19 47.3 29.764 311 0.30 1.13 18 23 47
13 23 51 33.56 2 19 41.5 29.781 552 0.30 1.12 18 19 52
14 23 51 34.21 2 19 34.8 29.798 822 0.30 1.12 18 15 57
15 23 51 35.00 2 19 27.2 29.816 115 0.29 1.12 18 12 02
16 23 51 35.91 -2 19 18.8 29.833 428 0.29 1.12 18 08 07
17 23 51 36.95 2 19 09.6 29.850 754 0.29 1.12 18 04 12
18 23 51 38.11 2 18 59.6 29.868 090 0.29 1.12 18 00 18
19 23 51 39.40 2 18 48.8 29.885 430 0.29 1.12 17 56 23
20 23 51 40.81 2 18 37.2 29.902 769 0.29 1.12 17 52 29
21 23 51 42.35 2 18 24.8 29.920 101 0.29 1.12 17 48 34
22 23 51 44.01 -2 18 11.6 29.937 423 0.29 1.12 17 44 40
23 23 51 45.79 2 17 57.6 29.954 728 0.29 1.12 17 40 46
24 23 51 47.70 2 17 42.7 29.972 011 0.29 1.12 17 36 52
25 23 51 49.74 2 17 27.1 29.989 267 0.29 1.12 17 32 58
26 23 51 51.91 2 17 10.6 30.006 490 0.29 1.12 17 29 05
27 23 51 54.21 2 16 53.3 30.023 675 0.29 1.12 17 25 11
28 23 51 56.63 -2 16 35.1 30.040 817 0.29 1.12 17 21 18
29 23 51 59.18 2 16 16.2 30.057 910 0.29 1.11 17 17 24
30 23 52 01.86 2 15 56.4 30.074 949 0.29 1.11 17 13 31
31 23 52 04.66 2 15 35.9 30.091 928 0.29 1.11 17 09 38
32 23 52 07.59 -2 15 14.5 30.108 841 0.29 1.11 17 05 45

PLUTO, 2024
Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius Date Heliocentric Heliocentric Radius
Longitude Latitude Vector Longitude Latitude Vector
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 299 54 00.3 -2 50 27.5 34.922 77 July 4 300 46 33.4 -3 06 16.9 35.047 98
6 299 55 25.8 2 50 53.3 34.926 14 9 300 47 58.3 3 06 42.4 35.051 38
11 299 56 51.3 2 51 19.1 34.929 52 14 300 49 23.2 3 07 07.9 35.054 77
16 299 58 16.8 2 51 44.8 34.932 90 19 300 50 48.1 3 07 33.4 35.058 16
21 299 59 42.3 2 52 10.6 34.936 27 24 300 52 12.9 3 07 58.9 35.061 56
26 300 01 07.7 2 52 36.4 34.939 65 29 300 53 37.7 3 08 24.4 35.064 95
31 300 02 33.2 -2 53 02.1 34.943 03 Aug. 3 300 55 02.6 -3 08 49.9 35.068 35
Feb. 5 300 03 58.6 2 53 27.8 34.946 41 8 300 56 27.3 3 09 15.4 35.071 74
10 300 05 24.0 2 53 53.6 34.949 79 13 300 57 52.1 3 09 40.9 35.075 14
15 300 06 49.4 2 54 19.3 34.953 17 18 300 59 16.9 3 10 06.4 35.078 54
20 300 08 14.8 2 54 45.0 34.956 55 23 301 00 41.6 3 10 31.8 35.081 93
25 300 09 40.1 2 55 10.7 34.959 93 28 301 02 06.4 3 10 57.3 35.085 33
Mar. 1 300 11 05.5 -2 55 36.5 34.963 31 Sept. 2 301 03 31.1 -3 11 22.7 35.088 73
6 300 12 30.8 2 56 02.2 34.966 69 7 301 04 55.8 3 11 48.2 35.092 13
11 300 13 56.1 2 56 27.8 34.970 08 12 301 06 20.5 3 12 13.6 35.095 52
16 300 15 21.4 2 56 53.5 34.973 46 17 301 07 45.2 3 12 39.1 35.098 92
21 300 16 46.6 2 57 19.2 34.976 84 22 301 09 09.8 3 13 04.5 35.102 32
26 300 18 11.9 2 57 44.9 34.980 22 27 301 10 34.5 3 13 29.9 35.105 72
31 300 19 37.1 -2 58 10.5 34.983 61 Oct. 2 301 11 59.1 -3 13 55.3 35.109 12
Apr. 5 300 21 02.3 2 58 36.2 34.986 99 7 301 13 23.7 3 14 20.7 35.112 53
10 300 22 27.5 2 59 01.9 34.990 38 12 301 14 48.3 3 14 46.1 35.115 93
15 300 23 52.7 2 59 27.5 34.993 76 17 301 16 12.8 3 15 11.5 35.119 33
20 300 25 17.9 2 59 53.1 34.997 15 22 301 17 37.4 3 15 36.9 35.122 73
25 300 26 43.0 3 00 18.8 35.000 53 27 301 19 01.9 3 16 02.3 35.126 13
30 300 28 08.2 -3 00 44.4 35.003 92 Nov. 1 301 20 26.4 -3 16 27.6 35.129 54
May 5 300 29 33.3 3 01 10.0 35.007 31 6 301 21 50.9 3 16 53.0 35.132 94
10 300 30 58.4 3 01 35.6 35.010 69 11 301 23 15.4 3 17 18.3 35.136 35
15 300 32 23.5 3 02 01.2 35.014 08 16 301 24 39.9 3 17 43.7 35.139 75
20 300 33 48.5 3 02 26.8 35.017 47 21 301 26 04.4 3 18 09.0 35.143 15
25 300 35 13.6 3 02 52.4 35.020 86 26 301 27 28.8 3 18 34.4 35.146 56
30 300 36 38.6 -3 03 18.0 35.024 25 Dec. 1 301 28 53.2 -3 18 59.7 35.149 97
June 4 300 38 03.7 3 03 43.5 35.027 64 6 301 30 17.6 3 19 25.0 35.153 37
9 300 39 28.7 3 04 09.1 35.031 03 11 301 31 42.0 3 19 50.3 35.156 78
14 300 40 53.6 3 04 34.7 35.034 42 16 301 33 06.4 3 20 15.6 35.160 19
19 300 42 18.6 3 05 00.2 35.037 81 21 301 34 30.7 3 20 40.9 35.163 59
24 300 43 43.6 3 05 25.8 35.041 20 26 301 35 55.1 3 21 06.2 35.167 00
29 300 45 08.5 -3 05 51.3 35.044 59 31 301 37 19.4 -3 21 31.5 35.170 41
July 4 300 46 33.4 -3 06 16.9 35.047 98 36 301 38 43.7 -3 21 56.8 35.173 82

N.B: Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet as per resolution of IAU


PLUTO, 2024

Date Apparent Apparent Date Apparent Apparent

Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric Geocentric
Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 299 21 27.9 -2 46 02.6 July 4 301 18 55.8 -3 11 31.4
6 299 30 52.4 2 46 20.7 9 301 12 11.9 3 12 05.7
11 299 40 28.3 2 46 40.7 14 301 05 16.1 3 12 37.7
16 299 50 10.7 2 47 02.7 19 300 58 14.0 3 13 07.2
21 299 59 55.8 2 47 26.8 24 300 51 08.8 3 13 34.2
26 300 09 41.0 2 47 52.8 29 300 44 03.2 3 13 58.8
31 300 19 21.7 -2 48 20.9 Aug. 3 300 37 02.8 -3 14 20.8
Feb. 5 300 28 55.5 2 48 51.1 8 300 30 09.8 3 14 40.4
10 300 38 19.4 2 49 23.3 13 300 23 29.0 3 14 57.5
15 300 47 28.2 2 49 57.5 18 300 17 04.9 3 15 12.2
20 300 56 20.1 2 50 33.7 23 300 10 59.5 3 15 24.6
25 301 04 51.0 2 51 11.7 28 300 05 17.0 3 15 34.8

Mar. 1 301 12 58.1 -2 51 51.6 Sept. 2 300 00 00.4 -3 15 42.9

6 301 20 39.9 2 52 33.2 7 299 55 12.2 3 15 49.0
11 301 27 52.4 2 53 16.5 12 299 50 56.6 3 15 53.4
16 301 34 33.0 2 54 01.2 17 299 47 15.6 3 15 56.1
21 301 40 40.2 2 54 47.5 22 299 44 10.4 3 15 57.3
26 301 46 10.8 2 55 35.0 27 299 41 44.4 3 15 57.3
31 301 51 04.3 -2 56 23.6 Oct. 2 299 39 57.7 -3 15 56.2
Apr. 5 301 55 19.3 2 57 13.3 7 299 38 52.7 3 15 54.2
10 301 58 53.0 2 58 03.7 12 299 38 31.1 3 15 51.5
15 302 01 45.7 2 58 54.9 17 299 38 51.9 3 15 48.4
20 302 03 55.7 2 59 46.5 22 299 39 56.6 3 15 45.1
25 302 05 22.7 3 00 38.5 27 299 41 44.6 3 15 41.8

30 302 06 08.1 -3 01 30.6 Nov. 1 299 44 15.2 -3 15 38.6

May 5 302 06 10.2 3 02 22.6 6 299 47 29.2 3 15 35.9
10 302 05 30.1 3 03 14.3 11 299 51 24.9 3 15 33.7
15 302 04 08.8 3 04 05.6 16 299 56 00.4 3 15 32.4
20 302 02 06.3 3 04 56.2 21 300 01 15.4 3 15 32.0
25 301 59 25.6 3 05 46.0 26 300 07 06.5 3 15 32.9
30 301 56 08.1 -3 06 34.7 Dec. 1 300 13 32.9 -3 15 35.1
June 4 301 52 14.3 3 07 22.2 6 300 20 32.7 3 15 38.7
9 301 47 48.2 3 08 08.2 11 300 28 01.8 3 15 44.1
14 301 42 50.8 3 08 52.7 16 300 35 58.8 3 15 51.2
19 301 37 25.6 3 09 35.4 21 300 44 20.0 3 16 00.3
24 301 31 36.6 3 10 16.1 26 300 53 02.1 3 16 11.4
29 301 25 25.3 -3 10 54.9 31 301 02 03.4 -3 16 24.6
July 4 301 18 55.8 -3 11 31.4 36 301 11 19.5 -3 16 40.0

N.B : Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet as per resolution of I.A.U


PLUTO, 2024

Date Apparent Red. To Apparent Red. To True Distance Hor. Ephemeris

Right Ascension Astrom. Declination Astrom. from the Earth Parallax Transit
(J 2000.0) (J 2000.0)

h m s s ° ' " " " h m

Jan. 1 20 08 32.80 +83.71 -22 59 24.7 -242.17 35.848 082 0.25 13 26
6 20 09 12.98 83.67 22 57 42.7 243.40 35.876 660 0.25 13 07
11 20 09 53.97 83.70 22 55 59.4 244.95 35.898 103 0.24 12 48
16 20 10 35.44 83.73 22 54 16.5 246.11 35.912 253 0.24 12 29
21 20 11 17.11 83.73 22 52 34.2 247.49 35.919 053 0.24 12 10
26 20 11 58.81 83.78 22 50 53.2 249.08 35.918 531 -0.24 11 51

31 20 12 40.21 +83.80 -22 49 14.7 -250.34 35.910 736 0.24 11 32

Feb. 5 20 13 21.13 83.83 22 47 39.0 251.91 35.895 742 0.24 11 13
10 20 14 01.38 83.93 22 46 07.0 253.37 35.873 656 0.25 10 54
15 20 14 40.58 83.96 22 44 39.7 254.68 35.844 662 0.25 10 35
20 20 15 18.60 84.06 22 43 17.4 256.31 35.809 046 0.25 10 16
25 20 15 55.18 84.14 22 42 01.4 257.57 35.767 135 0.25 9 57

Mar. 1 20 16 30.09 +84.19 -22 40 51.8 -258.90 35.719 261 0.25 9 38

6 20 17 03.24 84.31 22 39 49.0 260.45 35.665 773 0.25 9 19
11 20 17 34.35 84.42 22 38 54.4 261.58 35.607 064 0.25 9 00
16 20 18 03.23 84.52 22 38 07.7 263.03 35.543 607 0.25 8 40
21 20 18 29.79 84.67 22 37 30.0 264.32 35.475 938 0.25 8 21
26 20 18 53.80 84.77 22 37 01.5 265.34 35.404 586 0.25 8 02

31 20 19 15.21 +84.90 -22 36 42.1 -266.65 35.330 074 0.25 7 43

Apr. 5 20 19 33.93 85.07 22 36 32.6 267.73 35.252 932 0.25 7 23
10 20 19 49.76 85.19 22 36 33.0 268.67 35.173 732 0.25 7 04
15 20 20 02.74 85.38 22 36 43.3 269.86 35.093 112 0.25 6 44
20 20 20 12.71 85.54 22 37 04.0 270.57 35.011 710 0.25 6 25
25 20 20 19.68 85.67 22 37 34.5 271.38 34.930 126 0.25 6 05

30 20 20 23.72 +85.87 -22 38 14.7 -272.28 34.848 939 0.25 5 46

May 5 20 20 24.74 86.05 22 39 04.9 272.71 34.768 729 0.25 5 26
10 20 20 22.77 86.22 22 40 04.2 273.43 34.690 116 0.25 5 06
15 20 20 17.91 86.43 22 41 12.7 273.88 34.613 735 0.25 4 47
20 20 20 10.14 86.59 22 42 30.0 274.06 34.540 168 0.25 4 27
25 20 19 59.67 86.77 22 43 54.9 274.46 34.469 947 0.26 4 07

30 20 19 46.59 +86.99 -22 45 27.4 -274.55 34.403 565 0.26 3 47

June 4 20 19 30.94 87.14 22 47 06.8 274.50 34.341 523 0.26 3 27
9 20 19 12.99 87.35 22 48 52.0 274.63 34.284 335 0.26 3 07
14 20 18 52.80 87.52 22 50 42.8 274.25 34.232 471 0.26 2 47
19 20 18 30.62 87.66 22 52 37.9 273.97 34.186 324 0.26 2 27
24 20 18 06.72 87.86 22 54 36.4 273.73 34.146 221 0.26 2 07

29 20 17 41.21 +88.00 -22 56 37.9 -273.03 34.112 459 0.26 1 47

July 4 20 17 14.37 88.15 22 58 40.8 272.64 34.085 335 0.26 1 27
9 20 16 46.46 88.31 23 00 44.8 271.94 34.065 122 0.26 1 07
14 20 16 17.67 88.40 23 02 48.9 271.04 34.052 004 0.26 0 47
19 20 15 48.37 88.52 23 04 51.5 270.41 34.046 083 0.26 0 27
24 20 15 18.82 88.65 23 06 52.3 269.45 34.047 399 0.26 0 06

29 20 14 49.18 +88.71 -23 08 50.3 -268.51 34.055 975 0.26 23 42

Aug. 3 20 14 19.84 88.82 23 10 44.5 267.71 34.071 825 0.26 23 22
8 20 13 50.99 88.87 23 12 34.5 266.53 34.094 893 0.26 23 02
13 20 13 22.93 88.89 23 14 19.0 265.57 34.125 026 0.26 22 42
18 20 12 56.02 +88.96 -23 15 57.2 -264.70 34.162 002 0.26 22 22
N.B: Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet as per resolution of I A U

PLUTO, 2024

Date Apparent Red. To Apparent Red. To True Distance Hor. Ephemeris

Right Ascension Astrom. Declination Astrom. from the Earth Parallax Transit
(J 2000.0) (J 2000.0)

h m s s ° ' " " " h m

Aug. 18 20 12 56.02 +88.96 -23 15 57.2 -264.70 34.162 002 0.26 22 22
23 20 12 30.37 88.97 23 17 29.1 263.51 34.205 561 0.26 22 02
28 20 12 06.30 88.98 23 18 53.3 262.76 34.255 443 0.26 21 42
Sept. 2 20 11 44.04 89.00 23 20 09.9 261.75 34.311 353 0.26 21 22
7 20 11 23.73 88.94 23 21 18.2 260.74 34.372 913 0.26 21 02
12 20 11 05.71 88.91 23 22 17.4 260.10 34.439 671 0.26 20 42

17 20 10 50.10 +88.89 -23 23 07.8 -259.22 34.511 130 0.25 20 22

22 20 10 37.01 88.82 23 23 48.7 258.59 34.586 796 0.25 20 02
27 20 10 26.66 88.79 23 24 20.0 258.14 34.666 184 0.25 19 42
Oct. 2 20 10 19.09 88.70 23 24 41.9 257.44 34.748 755 0.25 19 22
7 20 10 14.45 88.60 23 24 53.7 257.13 34.833 907 0.25 19 03
12 20 10 12.88 88.55 23 24 55.7 256.94 34.921 001 0.25 18 43

17 20 10 14.31 +88.45 -23 24 48.3 -256.59 35.009 399 0.25 18 23

22 20 10 18.83 88.38 23 24 30.9 256.80 35.098 500 0.25 18 04
27 20 10 26.43 88.31 23 24 04.6 256.75 35.187 711 0.25 17 44
Nov. 1 20 10 37.04 88.18 23 23 29.1 256.85 35.276 390 0.25 17 25
6 20 10 50.74 88.10 23 22 44.5 257.33 35.363 872 0.25 17 05
11 20 11 07.40 88.03 23 21 51.8 257.61 35.449 501 0.25 16 46

16 20 11 26.88 +87.93 -23 20 50.9 -258.20 35.532 671 0.25 16 27

21 20 11 49.16 87.89 23 19 42.4 258.97 35.612 832 0.25 16 07
26 20 12 14.02 87.80 23 18 27.2 259.52 35.689 433 0.25 15 48
Dec. 1 20 12 41.37 87.72 23 17 05.2 260.47 35.761 910 0.25 15 29
6 20 13 11.12 87.69 23 15 37.2 261.45 35.829 713 0.25 15 10
11 20 13 42.94 87.61 23 14 04.2 262.30 35.892 351 0.25 14 51

16 20 14 16.75 +87.59 -23 12 26.3 -263.65 35.949 415 0.24 14 31

21 20 14 52.30 87.57 23 10 44.8 264.68 36.000 550 0.24 14 12
26 20 15 29.33 87.51 23 09 00.1 265.85 36.045 401 0.24 13 53
31 20 16 07.74 87.50 23 07 12.6 267.32 36.083 633 0.24 13 34
36 20 16 47.22 +87.50 -23 05 23.8 -268.48 36.114 965 0.24 13 15
N.B: Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet as per resolution of I A U


Date Julian Inclina- Longitude Mean Daily Eccentricity Mean
Date tion Asc. Node Perihelion Distance Motion Longitude
246 i Ω v a n e L
° ° ° ° °
Dec'23 2 0280.5 7.0036 48.301 77.49411305 0.387 097 4.092 36 0.205 637 0.8749
Jan'24 11 0320.5 7.0036 48.301 77.49428702 0.387 101 4.092 30 0.205 637 164.5675
Feb 20 0360.5 7.0035 48.301 77.494461 0.387 099 4.092 33 0.205 637 328.2599
Mar 31 0400.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49463497 0.387 097 4.092 37 0.205 637 131.9549
May 10 0440.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49480894 0.387 101 4.092 30 0.205 637 295.6472
Jun 19 0480.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49498291 0.387 093 4.092 43 0.205 637 99.3426
Jul 29 0520.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49515688 0.387 101 4.092 30 0.205 637 263.0364
Sep 7 0560.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49533085 0.387 093 4.092 42 0.205 637 66.7304
Oct 17 0600.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49550483 0.387 100 4.092 32 0.205 637 230.4248
Nov 26 0640.5 7.0035 48.300 77.4956788 0.387 097 4.092 37 0.205 637 34.1177
Jan'25 5 0680.5 7.0035 48.300 77.49585277 0.387 100 4.092 32 0.205 637 197.8115
Feb'25 14 0720.5 7.0035 48.299 77.49602674 0.387 099 4.092 33 0.205 637 1.5038

Dec'23 2 0280.5 3.3945 76.613 131.5647896 0.723 336 1.602 12 0.006 760 137.3859
Jan'24 11 0320.5 3.3945 76.613 131.5647942 0.723 306 1.602 22 0.006 760 201.4728
Feb 20 0360.5 3.3945 76.613 131.5647989 0.723 302 1.602 23 0.006 760 265.5631
Mar 31 0400.5 3.3945 76.613 131.5648035 0.723 328 1.602 14 0.006 760 329.6517
May 10 0440.5 3.3945 76.612 131.5648081 0.723 350 1.602 07 0.006 760 33.7350
Jun 19 0480.5 3.3945 76.612 131.5648127 0.723 354 1.602 06 0.006 760 97.8151
Jul 29 0520.5 3.3944 76.612 131.5648173 0.723 332 1.602 13 0.006 760 161.8980
Sep 7 0560.5 3.3944 76.611 131.5648218 0.723 302 1.602 23 0.006 760 225.9864
Oct 17 0600.5 3.3944 76.611 131.5648264 0.723 304 1.602 22 0.006 760 290.0767
Nov 26 0640.5 3.3944 76.611 131.564831 0.723 332 1.602 13 0.006 760 354.1639
Jan'25 5 0680.5 3.3944 76.610 131.5648356 0.723 346 1.602 09 0.006 760 58.2470
Feb'25 14 0720.5 3.3944 76.610 131.5648402 0.723 342 1.602 10 0.006 760 122.3294

Dec'23 2 0280.5 0.0031 174.816 103.0145029 1.000 004 0.985 60 0.016 699 70.2522
Jan'24 11 0320.5 0.0031 174.815 103.0148562 1.000 006 0.985 60 0.016 699 109.6768
Feb 20 0360.5 0.0032 174.815 103.0152095 1.000 004 0.985 60 0.016 698 149.1010
Mar 31 0400.5 0.0032 174.815 103.0155629 0.999 994 0.985 62 0.016 698 188.5254
May 10 0440.5 0.0032 174.814 103.0159162 0.999 987 0.985 63 0.016 698 227.9500
Jun 19 0480.5 0.0032 174.814 103.0162695 0.999 993 0.985 62 0.016 698 267.3744
Jul 29 0520.5 0.0032 174.814 103.0166229 1.000 005 0.985 60 0.016 698 306.7979
Sep 7 0560.5 0.0032 174.814 103.0169762 1.000 007 0.985 60 0.016 698 346.2211
Oct 17 0600.5 0.0032 174.813 103.0173295 0.999 999 0.985 61 0.016 698 25.6451
Nov 26 0640.5 0.0033 174.813 103.0176829 0.999 996 0.985 61 0.016 698 65.0702
Jan'25 5 0680.5 0.0033 174.813 103.0180362 1.000 011 0.985 59 0.016 698 104.4950
Feb'25 14 0720.5 0.0033 174.813 103.0183895 1.000 027 0.985 57 0.016 698 143.9184

* Values labelled for the Earth are actually for the Earth/ Moon barycenter

Mean anomaly, M = L - v
Argument of perihelion, measured from node,ω = v - Ω
True anomaly, n=M + (2e - e 3/4)sin M + (5e 2/4)sin 2M + (13 e 3/12)sin 3M +…. in radians
True distance, r = a (1 - e2)/ (1 + e cos n)
Heliocentric rectangular co- ordinates, referred to the ecliptic of date, may be computed from:
x = r{ cos (n + ω ) cos Ω - sin ( n + ω ) cos i sin Ω }
y = r{ cos ( n + ω ) sin Ω + sin (n + ω ) cos i cos Ω }
z = r sin ( n + ω ) sin i


Date Julian Inclina- Longitude Mean Daily Eccentricity Mean
Date tion Asc. Node Perihelion Distance Motion Longitude
246 i Ω v a n e L
° ° ° ° °
Dec'23 2 0280.5 1.8478 49.487 336.1663898 1.523 608 0.524 08 0.093 422 253.1456
Jan'24 11 0320.5 1.8478 49.487 336.1668758 1.523 684 0.524 04 0.093 422 274.1071
Feb 20 0360.5 1.8478 49.487 336.1673618 1.523 757 0.524 00 0.093 422 295.0665
Mar 31 0400.5 1.8477 49.487 336.1678479 1.523 809 0.523 97 0.093 423 316.0243
May 10 0440.5 1.8477 49.486 336.1683339 1.523 830 0.523 96 0.093 423 336.9813
Jun 19 0480.5 1.8477 49.486 336.16882 1.523 820 0.523 97 0.093 423 357.9384
Jul 29 0520.5 1.8477 49.486 336.169306 1.523 788 0.523 98 0.093 423 18.8966
Sep 7 0560.5 1.8477 49.485 336.1697921 1.523 750 0.524 00 0.093 423 39.8563
Oct 17 0600.5 1.8477 49.485 336.1702781 1.523 720 0.524 02 0.093 423 60.8172
Nov 26 0640.5 1.8477 49.485 336.1707641 1.523 708 0.524 02 0.093 423 81.7789
Jan'25 5 0680.5 1.8477 49.484 336.1712502 1.523 713 0.524 02 0.093 423 102.7406
Feb'25 14 0720.5 1.8477 49.484 336.1717362 1.523 726 0.524 02 0.093 423 123.7019
Dec'23 2 0280.5 1.3028 100.507 14.38279322 5.204 036 0.083 06 0.048 537 40.2222
Jan'24 11 0320.5 1.3028 100.507 14.38302962 5.204 109 0.083 06 0.048 537 43.5435
Feb 20 0360.5 1.3028 100.507 14.38326603 5.204 174 0.083 06 0.048 537 46.8648
Mar 31 0400.5 1.3028 100.507 14.38350244 5.204 230 0.083 06 0.048 537 50.1859
May 10 0440.5 1.3028 100.508 14.38373885 5.204 279 0.083 06 0.048 538 53.5070
Jun 19 0480.5 1.3028 100.508 14.38397526 5.204 318 0.083 05 0.048 538 56.8280
Jul 29 0520.5 1.3028 100.508 14.38421167 5.204 349 0.083 05 0.048 538 60.1489
Sep 7 0560.5 1.3028 100.508 14.38444809 5.204 370 0.083 05 0.048 538 63.4698
Oct 17 0600.5 1.3028 100.508 14.3846845 5.204 382 0.083 05 0.048 538 66.7907
Nov 26 0640.5 1.3028 100.508 14.38492092 5.204 385 0.083 05 0.048 539 70.1116
Jan'25 5 0680.5 1.3028 100.509 14.38515734 5.204 379 0.083 05 0.048 539 73.4324
Feb'25 14 0720.5 1.3028 100.509 14.38539376 5.204 363 0.083 05 0.048 539 76.7533
Dec'23 2 0280.5 2.4895 113.604 93.19276459 9.533 892 0.033 49 0.055 465 342.4018
Jan'24 11 0320.5 2.4895 113.604 93.19338531 9.533 759 0.033 49 0.055 465 343.7438
Feb 20 0360.5 2.4895 113.604 93.19400603 9.533 631 0.033 49 0.055 464 345.0858
Mar 31 0400.5 2.4895 113.603 93.19462675 9.533 509 0.033 49 0.055 464 346.4279
May 10 0440.5 2.4895 113.603 93.19524747 9.533 392 0.033 49 0.055 464 347.7699
Jun 19 0480.5 2.4895 113.603 93.1958682 9.533 281 0.033 49 0.055 463 349.1119
Jul 29 0520.5 2.4895 113.602 93.19648892 9.533 178 0.033 49 0.055 463 350.4538
Sep 7 0560.5 2.4895 113.602 93.19710965 9.533 081 0.033 49 0.055 463 351.7958
Oct 17 0600.5 2.4895 113.602 93.19773038 9.532 993 0.033 49 0.055 462 353.1377
Nov 26 0640.5 2.4895 113.602 93.19835111 9.532 912 0.033 49 0.055 462 354.4796
Jan'25 5 0680.5 2.4895 113.601 93.19897184 9.532 839 0.033 49 0.055 461 355.8214
Feb'25 14 0720.5 2.4895 113.601 93.19959257 9.532 775 0.033 49 0.055 461 357.1632
Oct'23 23 0240.5 0.7728 74.024 173.0265504 19.174 614 0.011 74 0.046 375 55.0491
Jan'24 11 0320.5 0.7728 74.024 173.0267459 19.174 371 0.011 74 0.046 375 55.9881
Mar 31 0400.5 0.7728 74.024 173.0269414 19.174 084 0.011 74 0.046 375 56.9272
Jun 19 0480.5 0.7728 74.024 173.027137 19.173 753 0.011 74 0.046 375 57.8664
Sep 7 0560.5 0.7728 74.024 173.0273325 19.173 378 0.011 74 0.046 374 58.8056
Nov 26 0640.5 0.7728 74.024 173.0275281 19.172 959 0.011 74 0.046 374 59.7450
Feb'25 14 0720.5 0.7728 74.025 173.0277236 19.172 496 0.011 74 0.046 374 60.6845
Oct'23 23 0240.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12722831 30.082 976 0.005 97 0.009 457 357.0058
Jan'24 11 0320.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12729232 30.082 856 0.005 97 0.009 457 357.4851
Mar 31 0400.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12735633 30.082 692 0.005 97 0.009 457 357.9644
Jun 19 0480.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12742033 30.082 490 0.005 97 0.009 457 358.4435
Sep 7 0560.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12748434 30.082 253 0.005 97 0.009 457 358.9225
Nov 26 0640.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12754835 30.081 988 0.005 97 0.009 457 359.4014
Feb'25 14 0720.5 1.77001 131.783 48.12761236 30.081 701 0.005 97 0.009 457 359.8802
Distances are in astronomical units.




Barycentre S4 Centre of Mass of the Solar System

Date (In units of 10-10 a.u) Barycentre S9
(In units of 10-9 a.u)

x y z X Y Z
Jan. 0 +79697285 +27454259 +09612130 +7972124 +2743292 +0960179
10 79203142 28090806 09892975 7923098 2807542 0988538
20 78704103 28719446 10170456 7873392 2871029 1016583
30 78200000 29341071 10445008 7823004 2933793 1044332
Feb. 9 77690445 29956291 10717008 7771921 2995858 1071803
19 77174940 30565572 10986693 7720126 3057243 1099004
29 +76652769 +31169148 +11254244 +7667589 +3117954 +1125942
Mar. 10 76123134 31766908 11519675 7614278 3177981 1152616
20 75585463 32358220 11782699 7560171 3237287 1179009
30 75040006 32942522 12042985 7505288 3295839 1205102
Apr. 9 74486997 33519913 12300583 7449648 3353638 1230896
19 73926136 34090398 12555549 7393243 3410679 1256391
29 +73357084 +34653660 +12807781 +7336064 +3466942 +1281580
May 9 72779679 35209209 13057078 7278110 3522398 1306451
19 72193920 35756553 13303229 7219388 3577019 1330992
29 71599914 36295144 13545954 7159912 3630773 1355186
June 8 70997861 36824322 13784947 7099699 3683623 1379017
18 70388438 37343261 14019705 7038791 3735524 1402457
28 +69773084 +37851694 +14249970 +6977267 +3786459 +1425492
July 8 69152915 38350246 14475961 6915191 3836456 1448131
18 68528354 38839558 14697982 6852592 3885543 1470388
28 67899608 39320163 14916258 6789488 3933744 1492272
Aug. 7 67266748 39792580 15131031 6725891 3981082 1513794
17 66629606 40257254 15342531 6661800 4027575 1534964
27 +65987786 +40714555 +15550932 +6597203 +4073240 +1555789
Sept. 6 65340732 41164472 15756258 6532081 4118073 1576269
16 64688248 41606617 15958282 6466432 4162052 1596391
26 64030676 42041060 16157009 6400281 4205178 1616155
Oct. 6 63367745 42468251 16352672 6333622 4247471 1635570
16 62698764 42888245 16545413 6266430 4288932 1654643
26 +62023016 +43300700 +16735158 +6198676 +4329541 +1673369
Nov. 5 61339917 43705048 16921715 6130339 4369268 1691737
15 60649058 44100539 17104802 6061408 4408074 1709732
25 59950111 44486203 17284047 5991873 4445908 1727335
Dec. 5 59243068 44860748 17458849 5921743 4482704 1744514
15 58528810 45222772 17628490 5851070 4518391 1761233
25 +57808838 +45571685 +17792639 +5779937 +4552937 +1777475
35 +57084203 +45907426 +17951235 +5708405 +4586339 +1793235

The heliocentric equatorial rectangular co-ordinates of the barycentre of the solar system
referred to the mean equator and equinox of J 2024.5 are given by r = Pr0, where r and r0
are the column vectors of the co-ordinates X,Y, Z and X0,Y0, Z0 referred to J 2020.5 and
J 2000.0 respectively.



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
35 280 a Sculptoris 4.31 0 50 13.64 50.32 +0.025 -32 30 46.68 +0.030 -0.007
9 74 i Ceti 3.56 1 15 31.40 50.27 -0.028 -10 01 17.56 +0.010 -0.028
82 674 φ Eridani 3.56 1 20 52.77 50.41 +0.110 -58 59 09.25 -0.040 -0.082
902 9072 w Piscium 4.01 2 55 34.16 50.39 +0.095 +6 21 43.96 -0.120 -0.167
22 188 b Ceti 2.04 2 55 42.90 50.53 +0.242 -20 47 00.92 -0.020 -0.068
783 7957 h Cephei 3.43 5 01 35.35 52.66 +2.354 +71 46 58.18 +0.410 +0.368

156 1336 a Reticuli 3.35 7 51 52.01 50.57 +0.298 -78 02 23.63 +0.030 -0.015
869 8762 o Andromedae 3.62 8 07 08.41 50.32 +0.022 +43 45 02.92 +0.020 -0.017
848 8585 a Lacertae 3.77 8 28 58.19 50.50 +0.200 +53 17 26.88 -0.030 -0.070
7 39 γ Pegasi 2.83 9 29 51.52 50.30 +0.001 +12 36 02.13 +0.030 -0.011
40 334 h Ceti 3.45 12 06 41.97 50.44 +0.151 -16 07 08.18 -0.180 -0.213
803 8162 a Cephei 2.44 13 06 54.40 50.66 +0.340 +68 54 50.32 -0.060 -0.100

836 8465 z Cephei 3.35 14 18 00.05 50.35 +0.028 +61 08 53.21 +0.030 -0.008
1 15 a Andromedae* 2.06 14 38 59.12 50.35 +0.056 +25 40 48.26 -0.170 -0.207
47 402 θ Ceti 3.6 16 34 05.06 50.13 -0.163 -15 46 02.86 -0.130 -0.171
723 7310 d Draconis 3.07 17 29 10.59 51.13 +0.758 +82 53 12.61 -0.060 -0.093
59 509 t Ceti 3.5 18 09 10.50 48.92 -1.371 -24 48 16.87 +1.500 +1.463
890 8961 λ Andromedae 3.82v 18 37 32.38 50.18 -0.133 +43 46 26.80 -0.400 -0.441

1075 794 i Eridani 4.11 19 07 06.95 50.44 +0.169 -51 42 49.64 -0.050 -0.095
71 585 n Ceti 4 19 46 22.04 50.42 +0.134 -31 01 59.98 -0.040 -0.076
1033 361 z Piscium* 5.24 20 13 14.10 50.41 +0.112 -0 12 46.31 -0.060 -0.106
20 165 δ Andromedae 3.27 22 09 18.71 50.40 +0.092 +24 21 04.10 -0.110 -0.141
62 539 z Ceti 3.73 22 17 36.88 50.32 +0.025 -20 20 00.67 -0.010 -0.051
106 897 θ Eridani p 3.25 23 37 04.80 50.22 -0.051 -53 44 18.60 +0.080 +0.038

101 841 b Fornacis 4.46 26 34 51.81 50.49 +0.212 -45 51 13.50 +0.140 +0.103
1154 2015 d Doradus 4.35 26 52 10.18 49.43 -0.279 -88 15 07.14 +0.070 +0.030
50 437 h Piscium 3.62 27 09 29.31 50.32 +0.024 +5 22 44.96 +0.020 -0.015
33 269 m Andromedae 3.87 29 31 02.26 50.48 +0.173 +29 39 36.81 +0.000 -0.038
42 337 b Andromedae 2.06 30 44 49.80 50.43 +0.126 +25 56 38.14 -0.140 -0.178
863 8694 i Cephei 3.52 33 34 34.47 50.03 -0.304 +62 37 04.21 +0.020 -0.017

66 553 b Arietis* 2.64 34 18 44.05 50.36 +0.051 +8 29 17.71 -0.100 -0.138

1085 919 t3 Eridani 4.09 34 52 38.95 50.08 -0.198 -38 54 14.59 +0.030 +0.001
17 153 z Cassiopeiae 3.66 35 24 19.14 50.33 +0.016 +44 43 17.97 +0.010 -0.018
2 21 b Cassiopeiae 2.27 35 27 33.08 50.79 +0.462 +51 12 49.45 -0.440 -0.472
809 8238 b Cephei 3.23 35 52 55.10 50.39 +0.028 +71 09 17.03 +0.030 -0.008
64 544 a Trianguli 3.41 37 12 07.00 50.22 -0.079 +16 48 03.83 -0.190 -0.223

91 779 d Ceti 4.07 37 54 51.41 50.30 +0.013 -14 27 34.86 +0.020 -0.008
74 617 a Arietis 2 38 00 18.83 50.43 +0.130 +9 57 56.93 -0.170 -0.204
21 168 a Cassiopeiae 2.23 38 07 25.93 50.36 +0.036 +46 37 26.02 -0.030 -0.056
171 1465 a Doradus 3.27 38 10 50.86 50.36 +0.155 -74 34 47.72 +0.000 -0.031
104 874 h Eridani 3.89 39 05 35.87 50.30 +0.008 -24 32 46.28 -0.200 -0.233

* No. 1 : Alpheratz, Uttara Bhadrapada - 2 No. 66 : Sheratan, Asvini

No. 1033 : Revati
Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
75 622 b Trianguli 3 42 41 41.92 50.45 +0.134 +20 34 56.42 -0.060 -0.091
79 664 γ Trianguli 4.01 43 51 35.60 50.33 +0.028 +18 57 00.55 -0.030 -0.064
32 264 γ Cassiopeiae var. 44 16 16.59 50.36 +0.027 +48 49 01.53 +0.010 -0.019
73 603 γ Andromed. p 2.26 44 34 00.58 50.34 +0.024 +27 48 29.22 -0.030 -0.065
107 911 a Ceti 2.53 44 39 45.49 50.26 -0.032 -12 35 01.50 -0.040 -0.072
155 1326 a Horologii 3.86 46 10 09.61 50.16 -0.073 -61 43 47.67 -0.180 -0.211

48 403 δ Cassiopeiae 2.68 48 16 21.12 50.65 +0.323 +46 24 16.36 -0.170 -0.202
127 1084 e Eridani 3.73 48 30 13.84 49.22 -1.054 -27 42 40.91 +0.310 +0.280
100 838 41 Arietis* 3.63 48 32 44.36 50.33 +0.029 +10 27 04.59 -0.100 -0.132
135 1136 d Eridani 3.54 51 12 21.82 50.39 +0.113 -28 40 07.54 +0.770 +0.744
121 1030 o Tauri 3.6 51 30 20.16 50.21 -0.084 -9 19 55.53 -0.030 -0.059
123 1038 x Tauri 3.74 52 15 17.59 50.34 +0.049 -8 47 47.01 -0.030 -0.052

212 1922 b Doradus 3.48v 52 29 02.58 50.00 +0.072 -85 02 29.73 +0.030 +0.007
149 1231 γ Eridani 2.95 54 12 39.81 50.31 +0.039 -33 12 01.20 -0.090 -0.123
63 542 e Cassiopeiae 3.38 55 06 15.77 50.35 +0.024 +47 33 02.35 -0.010 -0.034
109 921 r Persei var. 55 15 11.52 50.41 +0.099 +20 34 34.88 -0.120 -0.139
1129 1502 a Caeli 4.45 56 29 26.84 49.88 -0.346 -62 59 08.55 -0.010 -0.032
111 936 b Persei var. 56 30 33.42 50.32 +0.003 +22 25 52.51 +0.020 -0.002

103 854 t Persei 3.95 58 15 11.24 50.31 -0.003 +34 22 26.39 +0.010 -0.005
99 834 h Persei 3.76 59 02 35.37 50.33 +0.013 +37 29 04.24 +0.010 -0.019
136 1142 17 Tauri 3.7 59 45 14.88 50.31 +0.009 +4 11 32.27 -0.020 -0.049
170 1464 v 2 Eridani 3.82 60 13 43.22 50.17 -0.076 -51 48 51.94 +0.020 -0.002
151 1251 n Tauri 3.91 60 15 42.41 50.29 +0.005 -14 26 56.12 +0.020 -0.004
139 1165 h Tauri* 2.87 60 20 04.62 50.31 +0.008 +4 03 12.21 -0.020 -0.049

108 915 γ Persei 2.93 60 21 46.26 50.31 -0.002 +34 31 58.80 +0.020 -0.004
893 8974 γ Cephei 3.21 60 26 04.68 50.64 +0.268 +64 40 24.64 +0.140 0.119
150 1239 λ Tauri 3.47v 60 58 36.89 50.29 -0.009 -7 57 25.45 +0.000 -0.011
120 1017 a Persei 1.79 62 25 21.52 50.34 +0.018 +30 07 41.30 -0.010 -0.030
144 1203 z Persei 2.85 63 27 57.31 50.30 +0.004 +11 20 10.58 +0.010 -0.011
134 1135 n Persei 3.77 64 09 53.57 50.30 -0.015 +22 09 23.29 +0.020 +0.002

131 1122 d Persei 3.01 65 08 38.18 50.33 +0.021 +27 18 15.85 -0.020 -0.040
148 1228 x Persei 4.04 65 18 52.03 50.31 +0.002 +14 56 48.14 +0.010 +0.000
147 1220 e Persei 2.89 66 01 11.26 50.33 +0.013 +19 07 02.16 -0.010 -0.029
159 1346 γ Tauri 3.65 66 08 55.98 50.40 +0.110 -5 43 46.82 -0.030 -0.044
162 1373 d Tauri 3.76 67 12 49.44 50.39 +0.101 -3 58 00.88 -0.040 -0.046
164 1409 e Tauri 3.54 68 48 28.88 50.39 +0.100 -2 33 52.53 -0.040 -0.054

168 1457 a Tauri* 0.85 70 07 54.37 50.33 +0.036 -5 27 56.57 -0.180 -0.197
p Orionis
1134 1543 3.19 72 16 13.66 50.77 +0.481 -15 22 53.42 -0.030 -0.045
186 1654 e Leporis 3.19 72 23 55.24 50.28 +0.021 -44 57 43.71 -0.070 -0.076
p Orionis
179 1552 3.69 72 26 35.79 50.28 -0.001 -16 46 08.06 +0.010 +0.001
180 1567 p5 Orionis 3.72 72 49 59.79 50.28 +0.000 -20 00 07.51 +0.010 +0.000

* No. 100 : Bharani No. 168 : Aldebaran, Rohini

No. 139 : Alcyone , Krittika.
Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
188 1666 b Eridani 2.79 75 37 03.32 50.16 -0.116 -27 51 33.18 -0.060 -0.071
1144 1702 m Leporis 3.31v 75 44 14.12 50.32 +0.051 -39 02 50.08 -0.020 -0.030
695 6927 c Draconis 3.57 76 13 52.91 45.13 +3.502 +83 34 19.31 +0.160 -0.501
181 1577 i Aurigae 2.69 76 58 53.96 50.30 +0.001 +10 27 26.69 -0.010 -0.018
194 1713 b Orionis 0.12 77 10 19.55 50.27 +0.000 -31 07 11.08 +0.010 -0.001
195 1735 t Orionis 3.6 78 11 22.39 50.25 -0.018 -29 50 04.77 +0.010 -0.007

1137 1612 z Aurigae 3.75 78 58 32.18 50.32 +0.007 +18 12 18.71 -0.020 -0.023
183 1605 e Aurigae var. 79 11 00.82 50.32 -0.001 +20 56 50.65 +0.000 -0.004
185 1641 h Aurigae 3.17 79 47 18.64 50.33 +0.024 +18 17 11.11 -0.060 -0.070
204 1829 b Leporis 2.84 80 00 53.32 50.24 -0.015 -43 54 43.54 -0.080 -0.088
201 1790 γ Orionis 1.64 81 17 19.33 50.28 -0.010 -16 48 47.19 +0.000 -0.013
178 1542 a Camelopardi 4.29 81 19 18.12 50.33 +0.001 +43 25 19.26 +0.010 +0.006

182 1603 b Camelopardi 4.03 81 36 35.54 50.31 -0.010 +37 26 02.38 -0.010 -0.015
207 1865 a Leporis 2.58 81 43 22.59 50.26 +0.001 -41 03 17.01 +0.010 +0.002
193 1708 a Aurigae 0.08 82 12 01.52 50.36 +0.046 +22 51 52.05 -0.430 -0.429
215 1956 a Columbae 2.64 82 30 42.52 50.24 +0.009 -57 22 20.44 -0.020 -0.027
206 1852 d Orionis 2.23 82 44 19.69 50.28 +0.002 -22 57 09.24 +0.000 -0.002
202 1791 b Tauri 1.65 82 55 02.19 50.31 +0.012 +5 23 13.00 -0.180 -0.176

209 1899 i Orionis 2.77 83 20 23.34 50.28 +0.000 -29 11 48.92 +0.010 +0.001
210 1903 e Orionis 1.7 83 48 21.37 50.28 +0.001 -24 30 12.06 +0.000 -0.002
(GC) 1879 l Orionis* 3.56 84 02 56.79 50.29 -0.001 -13 21 58.99 +0.000 -0.002
211 1910 z Tauri 3 85 07 36.80 50.30 +0.000 -2 11 33.76 -0.020 -0.021
217 1983 γ Leporis 3.6 85 11 07.05 49.81 -0.439 -45 49 03.35 -0.350 -0.359
219 1998 z Leporis 3.55 86 19 42.30 50.25 -0.020 -38 12 45.95 +0.000 +0.000

220 2004 k Orionis 2.06 86 44 27.05 50.27 +0.002 -33 04 03.44 +0.000 -0.002
223 2040 b Columbae 3.12 86 45 45.15 50.37 +0.136 -59 10 25.65 +0.410 +0.400
222 2035 d Leporis 3.81 87 30 40.97 50.56 +0.301 -44 17 54.47 -0.650 -0.653
907 424 a Ursae Mins. 2.02 88 54 37.99 50.43 +0.038 +66 06 15.34 -0.040 -0.035
224 2061 a Orionis* var. 89 05 49.21 50.32 +0.027 -16 01 26.04 +0.010 +0.009
226 2085 h Leporis 3.71 89 14 30.29 50.21 -0.052 -37 35 58.48 +0.140 +0.140

229 2120 h Columbae 3.96 89 57 12.46 50.26 +0.055 -66 15 04.54 -0.010 -0.014
227 2088 b Aurigae 1.9 90 15 08.38 50.25 -0.062 +21 30 40.52 +0.000 +0.000
225 2077 d Aurigae 3.72 90 15 45.79 50.41 +0.095 +30 50 51.59 -0.130 -0.125
1168 2219 k Aurigae 4.35 93 42 23.51 50.23 -0.066 +6 06 17.61 -0.260 -0.264
241 2286 m Geminorum 2.88 95 38 40.33 50.35 +0.059 -0 49 04.33 -0.110 -0.109
244 2298 8e Monocerotis 4.44 96 35 48.57 50.26 -0.019 -18 42 51.97 +0.000 +0.010

1173 2343 n Geminorum 4.15 97 08 40.62 50.29 -0.007 -3 03 12.46 -0.020 -0.014
243 2294 b Canis Maj. 1.98 97 31 46.18 50.26 -0.008 -41 15 02.62 +0.000 +0.000
240 2282 z Canis Maj. 3.02 97 43 08.62 50.26 +0.015 -53 22 10.89 +0.000 +0.003
251 2421 γ Geminorum 1.93 99 26 49.82 50.34 +0.045 -6 44 23.29 -0.040 -0.039
254 2473 e Geminorum 2.98 100 16 51.81 50.30 -0.005 +2 04 22.11 -0.020 -0.014

* No. GC : Mrgasiras . No. 224 : Betelgeuse , Mag. 0.4 to 1.3 Ardra.

Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
261 2540 θ Geminorum 3.6 101 27 57.12 50.30 +0.003 +11 01 57.96 -0.060 -0.048
256 2484 x Geminorum 3.36 101 33 02.24 50.18 -0.101 -10 06 09.56 -0.210 -0.200
257 2491 a Canis Maj cg -1.46 104 25 08.66 49.71 -0.552 -39 36 39.22 -1.260 -1.256
245 2326 a Carinae -0.72 105 17 57.11 50.22 +0.075 -75 49 15.09 +0.010 +0.024
269 2650 z Geminorum 3.79v 105 19 56.56 50.29 -0.009 -2 02 09.54 -0.020 -0.002
252 2451 n Puppis 3.17 107 29 15.45 50.22 +0.008 -66 04 17.10 -0.020 -0.006

279 2777 d Geminorum 3.53 108 51 40.93 50.27 -0.024 -0 10 32.55 -0.030 -0.016
1180 2538 k Canis Maj. 3.96 108 54 23.77 50.23 -0.013 -55 08 40.99 -0.010 +0.003
277 2763 l Geminorum 3.58 109 07 14.43 50.25 -0.042 -5 37 57.76 -0.060 -0.043
282 2821 i Geminorum 3.79 109 17 56.14 50.19 -0.109 +5 45 37.39 -0.120 -0.103
1187 2714 22 d Monocerotis 4.15 109 44 10.77 50.28 -0.002 -21 44 31.84 -0.010 +0.005
287 2891 a Gemino. Cg* 1.95 110 34 55.44 50.15 -0.155 +10 05 52.61 -0.140 -0.126

268 2618 e Canis Maj. 1.5 111 06 12.56 50.26 +0.006 -51 21 26.72 -0.010 +0.003
270 2653 o 2 Canis Maj. 3.02 111 20 36.78 50.25 -0.007 -46 07 39.45 -0.010 +0.002
1183 2646 s Canis Maj. 3.47 111 53 47.86 50.24 -0.009 -50 13 23.10 -0.010 +0.004
285 2845 b Canis Min. 2.9 112 31 59.93 50.24 -0.047 -13 29 05.32 -0.060 -0.046
317 3323 o Ursae Maj. 3.36 113 20 18.61 50.21 -0.121 +40 14 42.51 -0.160 -0.145
295 2990 b Geminorum 1.14 113 33 14.05 49.69 -0.614 +6 41 08.92 -0.170 -0.158

273 2693 d Canis Maj. 1.86 113 44 11.64 50.25 -0.006 -48 27 01.75 -0.010 +0.004
294 2985 k Geminorum 3.57 114 00 28.58 50.27 -0.024 +3 04 50.96 -0.080 -0.057
291 2943 a C. Min. cg 0.38 116 07 25.06 49.74 -0.540 -16 01 28.75 -1.150 -1.132
263 2553 t Puppis 2.93 118 03 52.93 50.36 +0.188 -72 51 03.94 -0.080 -0.056
293 2970 26 a Monocerotis 3.93 119 37 18.03 50.20 -0.078 -30 27 04.51 -0.050 -0.033
283 2827 h Canis Maj. 2.45 119 52 35.56 50.25 -0.008 -50 36 22.38 -0.020 +0.004

278 2773 p Puppis 2.7 120 38 23.68 50.22 -0.019 -58 31 20.86 -0.020 +0.002
335 3569 i Ursae Maj. 3.14 123 08 25.68 49.92 -0.399 +29 34 30.45 -0.380 -0.359
341 3594 k Ursae Maj. 3.6 124 16 47.89 50.30 -0.015 +28 58 53.31 -0.090 -0.062
312 3249 b Cancri 3.52 124 35 56.59 50.26 -0.032 -10 17 08.24 -0.080 -0.058
321 3366 h Cancri 5.33 125 44 59.27 50.26 -0.035 +1 34 23.91 -0.080 -0.054
1204 3045 x Puppis 3.34 126 22 54.85 50.26 -0.003 -44 56 13.87 -0.030 -0.003

368 3888 v Ursae Maj. 3.8 126 36 36.49 50.06 -0.261 +42 39 10.15 -0.290 -0.269
328 3475 i Cancri 4.02 126 41 19.20 50.29 -0.013 +10 25 42.53 -0.070 -0.047
358 3775 θ Ursae Maj. 3.17 127 36 07.93 49.50 -0.820 +34 53 32.68 -0.880 -0.862
1228 3449 γ Cancri 4.66 127 52 48.72 50.20 -0.092 +3 11 32.21 -0.090 -0.066
1194 2878 r Puppis 3.25 129 01 36.76 49.97 -0.262 -63 46 16.56 +0.130 +0.157
326 3461 d Cancri* 3.94 129 03 52.39 50.34 +0.043 +0 04 40.18 -0.250 -0.225

1223 3410 d Hydrae 4.16 130 38 44.64 50.23 -0.064 -12 23 26.11 -0.050 -0.024
433 4434 λ Draconis 3.84 130 40 45.44 50.32 -0.026 +57 14 35.07 -0.070 -0.040
1224 3418 s Hydrae 4.44 131 33 05.09 50.28 -0.013 -14 35 59.66 -0.050 -0.022
308 3185 r Puppis 2.81 131 43 41.36 50.14 -0.128 -43 16 04.14 +0.000 +0.023
352 3705 a Lyncis 3.13 132 11 02.23 50.08 -0.227 +17 57 56.66 -0.080 -0.054

* No. 287 : Castor, Punarvasu-2, Mag. 1.95 & 2.95. No. 326 : Pusya.

Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
1239 3627 x Cancri 5.14 133 33 11.61 50.30 +0.000 +5 25 33.50 -0.020 +0.005
550 5563 b Ursae Min. 2.08 133 40 08.71 50.35 -0.044 +72 59 21.98 -0.060 -0.031
337 3572 a Cancri 4.25 133 59 02.38 50.33 +0.041 -5 04 42.73 -0.040 -0.020
334 3547 z Hydrae 3.11 134 55 00.57 50.19 -0.101 -10 58 03.80 -0.040 -0.014
417 4301 a Ursae Maj. 1.79 135 32 31.18 50.24 -0.087 +49 40 52.66 -0.150 -0.125
(329) 3482 e Hydrae m* 3.38 136 25 41.72 50.06 -0.228 -23 26 07.04 -0.130 -0.105

472 4787 k Draconis 3.87v 136 36 09.65 50.26 -0.090 +61 45 49.85 -0.070 -0.042
306 3165 z Puppis 2.25 138 53 19.33 50.19 -0.057 -58 20 45.61 -0.030 +0.000
416 4295 b Ursae Maj. 2.37 139 46 47.95 50.40 +0.071 +45 08 06.91 +0.040 +0.073
383 4033 λ Ursae Maj. 3.45 139 53 33.06 50.15 -0.155 +29 53 11.03 -0.140 -0.103
347 3665 θ Hydrae 3.88 140 37 54.12 50.52 +0.224 -13 03 07.88 -0.280 -0.255
367 3873 e Leonis 2.98 141 02 50.31 50.26 -0.040 +9 43 00.83 -0.050 -0.026

386 4069 m Ursae Maj. 3.05 141 34 40.59 50.21 -0.101 +28 59 59.12 -0.040 -0.003
371 3905 m Leonis 3.88 141 46 17.77 50.11 -0.188 +12 20 58.77 -0.160 -0.127
569 5735 γ Ursae Min. 3.05 141 56 58.83 50.31 -0.080 +75 14 33.62 -0.050 -0.019
262 2550 a Pictoris 3.27 144 25 21.61 48.18 -1.938 -83 02 14.17 +0.110 +0.148
365 3852 o Leonis 3.52 144 35 18.05 50.17 -0.122 -3 45 22.32 -0.120 -0.081
327 3468 a Pyxidis 3.68 146 50 22.25 50.25 -0.022 -48 55 17.05 -0.030 0.006

354 3748 a Hydrae 1.98 147 37 12.79 50.26 -0.026 -22 22 51.03 -0.010 +0.026
309 3207 γ Velorum 1.78 147 41 10.25 50.24 -0.015 -64 27 45.94 -0.030 +0.004
384 4031 z Leonis 3.44 147 54 30.40 50.32 +0.020 +11 51 59.22 -0.030 +0.000
1250 3845 i Hydrae 3.91 147 59 02.04 50.36 +0.070 -14 16 34.22 -0.070 -0.044
379 3975 h Leonis 3.52 148 14 51.42 50.30 -0.001 +4 52 01.47 -0.040 -0.001
420 4335 ψ Ursae Maj. 3.01 149 09 24.94 50.26 -0.054 +35 32 19.32 -0.090 -0.055

380 3982 a Leonis* 1.35 150 10 11.48 50.06 -0.235 +0 27 56.04 -0.120 -0.082
447 4554 γ Ursae Maj. 2.44 150 49 22.64 50.42 +0.104 +47 08 35.57 +0.030 +0.065
303 3117 c Carinae 3.47 151 03 45.91 50.14 -0.105 -70 19 31.46 -0.030 +0.001
456 4660 d Ursae Maj. 3.31 151 24 41.30 50.44 +0.119 +51 39 30.38 +0.040 +0.074
364 3849 k Hydrae 5.06 153 01 03.12 50.26 -0.020 -26 35 54.82 -0.060 -0.028
1243 3718 θ Pyxidis 4.72 153 23 56.93 50.28 -0.008 -39 02 00.20 -0.050 -0.012

441 4518 c Ursae Maj. 3.71 154 00 13.46 50.13 -0.177 +41 32 40.84 -0.090 -0.048
396 4133 r Leonis 3.85 156 43 52.24 50.30 -0.005 +0 09 02.33 -0.040 -0.005
425 4377 n Ursae Maj. 3.48 156 59 49.53 50.27 -0.040 +26 09 48.57 -0.020 +0.014
521 5291 a Draconis 3.65 157 48 15.95 50.22 -0.111 +66 21 45.88 -0.070 -0.037
1261 3970 v 2 Hydrae 4.6 158 39 56.22 50.24 -0.045 -23 10 37.18 -0.030 +0.003
483 4905 e Ursae Maj. 1.77 159 16 51.10 50.46 +0.150 +54 19 12.44 +0.040 +0.070

381 3994 λ Hydrae 3.61 159 42 25.01 50.13 -0.165 -22 00 51.28 -0.200 -0.159
1270 4116 d Sextantis 5.21 160 26 52.99 50.26 -0.040 -11 20 42.64 -0.070 -0.031
345 3634 λ Velorum 2.21 161 31 31.14 50.24 -0.040 -55 52 12.34 -0.040 +0.001
422 4357 d Leonis* 2.56 161 39 39.22 50.48 +0.188 +14 20 01.83 -0.100 -0.062
423 4359 θ Leonis 3.34 163 45 56.30 50.27 -0.025 +9 40 27.20 -0.130 -0.096

* No. 329 : Aslesa. No. 422 : Zosma , Purva Phalguni-1.

No. 380 : Regulus , Magha.
Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
1227 3447 o Velorum 3.62 165 04 08.68 50.20 -0.073 -66 16 33.15 -0.040 +0.001
389 4094 m Hydrae 3.81 165 22 36.30 50.20 -0.093 -24 40 18.62 -0.160 -0.125
497 5054 z Ursae Maj. pr 2.27 166 02 53.59 50.50 +0.188 +56 22 47.54 +0.030 +0.067
1304 4527 93 Leonis* 4.53v 169 18 59.70 50.16 -0.140 +17 18 33.10 -0.110 -0.065
410 4232 n Hydrae 3.11 170 42 25.70 50.30 +0.004 -21 47 46.79 +0.180 +0.221
444 4534 b Leonis 2.14 171 57 27.55 49.88 -0.417 +12 15 53.79 -0.340 -0.306

392 4104 a Antliae 4.25 172 46 48.47 50.20 -0.089 -37 25 39.33 -0.060 -0.025
315 3307 e Carinae 1.86 173 27 40.33 50.19 -0.093 -72 40 47.88 -0.060 -0.012
1283 4287 a Crateris 4.08 174 01 37.06 49.78 -0.512 -22 43 00.45 -0.110 -0.074
485 4915 a CVn sq 2.9 174 54 34.29 50.00 -0.302 +40 07 14.08 -0.110 -0.069
426 4382 d Crateris 3.56 177 01 36.79 50.09 -0.206 -17 34 17.99 +0.100 +0.139
509 5191 h Ursae Maj. 1.86 177 16 43.04 50.14 -0.156 +54 23 14.38 -0.120 -0.083

445 4540 b Virginis 3.61 177 30 42.73 51.08 +0.789 +0 41 39.86 +0.000 +0.047
353 3734 k Velorum 2.5 179 13 40.86 50.26 -0.027 -63 43 19.03 -0.040 +0.000
531 5404 θ Bootis 4.05 182 57 32.18 50.44 +0.147 +60 06 19.10 -0.490 -0.456
639 6396 z Draconis 3.17 183 45 14.34 49.98 -0.289 84 45 39.53 -0.050 -0.013
361 3803 N Velorum 3.13 184 32 57.76 50.25 -0.056 -64 14 20.82 -0.060 -0.020
460 4689 h Virginis 3.89 184 38 42.23 50.25 -0.051 +2 35 19.55 -0.090 -0.042

492 4983 b Com 4.26 184 42 02.67 48.98 -1.319 +32 30 52.14 +0.390 +0.429
571 5744 i Draconis 3.29 185 18 01.42 50.23 -0.059 +71 05 34.80 -0.040 +0.004
351 3699 i Carinae 2.25 185 39 40.24 50.25 -0.048 -67 07 01.31 -0.050 -0.011
1326 4828 r Virginis 4.88 185 51 25.58 50.41 0.116 +13 32 31.34 -0.090 -0.049
375 3940 φVelorum 3.54 186 17 00.96 50.29 -0.019 -59 57 04.06 -0.050 -0.005
434 4450 ξ Hydrae 3.54 188 19 38.02 50.11 -0.193 -31 36 00.56 -0.170 -0.131

488 4932 e Virginis 2.83 190 16 53.70 50.02 -0.269 +16 12 12.71 -0.130 -0.090
457 4662 γ Corvi 2.59 191 03 57.71 50.14 -0.161 -14 30 07.47 -0.090 -0.045
484 4910 d Virginis 3.38 191 48 02.94 49.88 -0.415 +8 36 39.36 -0.270 -0.232
453 4630 e Corvi 3 192 00 21.96 50.22 -0.074 -19 40 28.42 -0.050 -0.018
475 4813 c Virginis 4.66 192 29 44.89 50.24 -0.060 -3 28 10.00 -0.100 -0.052
465 4757 d Corvi* 2.95 193 47 32.75 50.16 -0.140 -12 11 55.43 -0.250 -0.211

319 3347 b Volantis 3.77 195 30 25.05 50.88 +0.547 -75 35 12.68 -0.120 -0.082
471 4786 b Corvi 2.65 197 42 34.06 50.33 +0.026 -18 02 46.06 -0.090 -0.048
535 5435 γ Bootis 3.03 198 00 25.94 50.02 -0.268 +49 33 03.29 +0.050 0.079
513 5235 h Bootis 2.68 199 40 51.61 50.39 +0.095 +28 04 24.23 -0.390 -0.354
281 2803 d Volantis 3.98 199 44 42.23 50.37 -0.039 -82 28 42.59 -0.050 -0.006
501 5107 z Virginis 3.37 202 01 45.99 50.01 -0.284 +9 44 32.46 -0.100 -0.066

534 5429 r Bootis 3.58 203 07 45.85 50.09 -0.191 +42 27 02.74 +0.030 +0.066
498 5056 a Virginis* 0.98 204 11 00.15 50.27 -0.028 -2 03 22.51 -0.080 -0.041
526 5340 a Bootis* -0.04 204 34 32.12 50.01 -0.286 +30 43 09.53 -2.300 -2.265
555 5602 b Bootis 3.5 204 35 46.62 50.23 -0.039 +54 08 57.06 -0.080 -0.044
495 5020 γ Hydrae 3 207 21 37.73 50.38 +0.079 -13 44 39.97 -0.060 -0.017

* No. 1304 : Uttara Phalguni-2. No. 498 : Spica , Citra.

No. 465 : Algorel , Hasta. No. 526 : Arcturus , Svati.
Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
452 4621 d Centauri 2.6 207 49 18.95 50.28 -0.033 -44 30 41.47 -0.060 -0.026
406 4199 θ Carinae 2.76 209 31 35.48 50.29 -0.046 -62 08 27.27 -0.050 -0.012
348 3685 b Carinae 1.68 212 18 01.10 49.90 -0.463 -72 14 19.69 -0.160 -0.133
496 5028 i Centauri 2.75 213 28 04.39 50.01 -0.305 -26 01 10.73 -0.260 -0.219
563 5681 d Bootis 3.47 213 30 13.85 50.46 +0.189 +48 57 47.41 -0.110 -0.069
525 5338 i Virginis 4.08 214 08 27.28 50.43 +0.140 +7 11 41.33 -0.440 -0.409

523 5315 k Virginis 4.19 214 50 09.20 50.26 -0.039 +2 54 42.89 +0.100 +0.135
436 4467 λ Centauri 3.13 214 52 56.71 50.29 -0.045 -56 47 29.33 -0.060 -0.033
455 4656 d Crucis 2.8 216 00 13.95 50.28 -0.042 -50 25 18.39 -0.060 -0.032
468 4763 γ Crucis 1.63v 217 04 51.77 50.58 +0.257 -47 50 04.71 -0.230 -0.199
1371 5359 λ Virginis 4.52 217 17 39.50 50.27 -0.024 +0 29 19.48 -0.010 +0.023
385 4037 ω Carinae 3.32 217 46 34.01 50.30 -0.054 -67 23 04.98 -0.060 -0.033

519 5287 p Hydrae 3.27 218 57 58.70 50.39 +0.092 -13 03 08.85 -0.140 -0.115
572 5747 b Cr. Borealis 3.68 219 27 33.84 49.99 -0.286 +46 03 07.38 -0.020 +0.018
1189 2736 γ2 Volantis 3.78 220 10 44.96 49.66 -0.682 -82 37 09.18 -0.050 +0.065
545 5487 m Virginis 3.88 220 28 30.84 50.50 +0.203 +9 40 04.96 -0.300 -0.268
442 4520 λ Muscae 3.64 221 19 45.66 50.16 -0.181 -58 30 34.35 -0.080 -0.053
508 5193 m Centauri 3.04v 221 52 38.03 50.29 -0.015 -28 58 54.07 -0.050 -0.028

481 4853 b Crucis 1.25 221 59 07.82 50.28 -0.046 -48 38 28.72 -0.070 -0.039
462 4730 a Crucis A 1.33 222 12 32.80 50.30 -0.031 -52 52 52.84 -0.070 -0.032
578 5793 a Cr.Borealis 2.23 222 38 29.37 50.48 +0.201 +44 19 15.53 -0.080 -0.044
520 5288 θ Centauri 2.06 222 38 52.22 49.99 -0.317 -22 05 12.49 -0.700 -0.672
608 6092 t Herculis 3.89 224 43 50.53 50.17 -0.065 +65 49 40.02 +0.000 +0.032
512 5231 z Centauri 2.55 225 17 28.82 50.27 -0.040 -32 56 46.10 -0.100 -0.062

548 5531 a2 Librae* 2.75 225 25 27.83 50.21 -0.082 +0 19 48.16 -0.130 -0.095
504 5132 e Centauri 2.3 225 53 43.02 50.30 -0.023 -39 35 18.90 -0.060 -0.028
297 3024 z Volantis 3.95 226 05 28.28 50.30 -0.031 -79 23 23.09 -0.010 +0.034
391 4102 I Carinae 4 228 25 20.41 50.42 +0.052 -67 53 08.61 -0.050 -0.027
564 5685 b Librae 2.61 229 42 49.16 50.20 -0.089 +8 29 35.24 -0.070 -0.043
583 5867 b Serpentis 3.67 230 17 33.35 50.37 +0.093 +34 19 26.30 -0.050 -0.026

537 5440 h Centauri 2.31 230 35 24.74 50.29 -0.023 -25 30 57.17 -0.070 -0.044
474 4798 a Muscae 2.69 230 42 48.11 50.30 -0.044 -56 33 35.48 -0.070 -0.043
556 5603 s Librae 3.29 231 01 44.05 50.24 -0.059 -7 38 50.82 -0.090 -0.062
559 5652 i Librae 4.54 231 20 48.34 50.27 -0.024 -1 51 08.77 -0.070 -0.047
582 5854 a Serpentis 2.65 232 25 09.06 50.42 +0.134 +25 30 21.52 +0.060 +0.079
591 5933 γ Serpentis 3.85 233 07 47.67 51.04 +0.758 +35 11 06.74 -1.190 -1.164

541 5469 a Lupi 2.3 233 50 42.22 50.30 -0.016 -30 01 43.15 -0.050 -0.024
518 5267 b Centauri 0.61 234 07 58.07 50.30 -0.026 -44 08 25.75 -0.050 -0.032
469 4773 γ Muscae 3.87 234 21 26.56 50.28 -0.069 -58 52 24.94 -0.070 -0.045
588 5892 e Serpentis 3.71 234 40 29.29 50.40 +0.121 +24 00 16.87 +0.070 +0.091
553 5576 k Centauri 3.13 235 08 10.59 50.30 -0.011 -24 02 03.51 -0.060 -0.029

* No. 548 : Zuben el Genubi, Visakha.

Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
552 5571 b Lupi 2.68 235 22 01.08 50.29 -0.023 -25 02 57.01 -0.070 -0.048
577 5787 γ Librae 3.91 235 28 51.04 50.36 +0.061 +4 23 00.20 +0.000 +0.024
585 5881 m Serpentis 3.54 236 16 52.61 50.21 -0.082 +16 14 06.75 -0.070 -0.042
487 4923 d Muscae 3.62 236 31 56.84 50.71 +0.360 -56 46 37.82 +0.150 +0.163
566 5705 φ' Lupi 3.56 237 50 08.03 50.24 -0.067 -17 10 54.28 -0.130 -0.105
1413 5838 k Librae 4.74 238 05 58.36 50.29 -0.013 -0 01 22.11 -0.130 -0.109

579 5794 n Librae 3.58 238 57 05.19 50.29 -0.010 -8 30 36.77 -0.020 +0.001
1402 5695 d Lupi 3.22 238 59 54.87 50.30 -0.008 -21 25 44.12 -0.050 -0.029
626 6220 h Herculis 3.53 239 07 59.28 50.35 +0.116 +60 17 11.81 -0.090 -0.070
609 6095 γ Herculis 3.75 239 33 26.48 50.20 -0.072 +40 00 18.69 +0.010 +0.032
538 5460 a Centauri cg var. 239 47 10.80 45.43 -4.886 -42 36 17.50 -0.900 -0.859
401 4174 γ Chamaeleontis 4.11 240 45 36.38 50.34 -0.049 -68 05 14.17 -0.060 -0.040

558 5649 z Lupi 3.41 241 05 54.29 50.22 -0.099 -32 50 06.21 -0.120 -0.104
618 6148 b Herculis 2.77 241 26 01.83 50.14 -0.126 +42 41 57.60 -0.050 -0.034
613 6117 w Herculis 4.57 241 55 08.26 50.34 +0.067 +35 09 54.71 -0.060 -0.050
603 6056 d Ophiuchi 2.74 242 38 40.79 50.27 -0.018 +17 14 14.44 -0.170 -0.149
539 5463 a Circini 3.19 242 42 10.76 50.23 -0.104 -46 12 26.67 -0.310 -0.292
594 5953 d Scorpii* 2.32 242 54 48.46 50.29 -0.001 -1 59 21.01 -0.060 -0.038

592 5944 p Scorpii 2.89 243 16 55.30 50.29 -0.006 -5 28 42.26 -0.050 -0.027
597 5984 b Scorpii pr 2.62 243 31 56.29 50.29 -0.002 +1 00 17.28 -0.040 -0.020
605 6075 e Ophiuchi 3.24 243 51 11.52 50.37 +0.079 +16 26 13.93 +0.040 +0.055
459 4674 b Chamaeleontis 4.26 245 46 38.96 50.28 -0.083 -63 35 50.63 -0.050 -0.034
411 4234 d2 Chamaeleontis 4.45 245 59 44.73 50.36 -0.030 -67 47 38.15 -0.060 -0.048
607 6084 s Scorpii 2.89 248 08 30.39 50.29 -0.007 -4 02 25.78 -0.030 -0.022

634 6324 e Herculis 3.92 248 40 11.60 50.16 -0.085 +53 14 43.90 +0.010 +0.019
622 6175 z Ophiuchi 2.56 249 34 18.17 50.30 +0.010 +11 23 18.75 +0.010 +0.028
560 5671 γ Tr. Austrini 2.89 249 44 03.17 50.25 -0.082 -48 06 22.50 -0.070 -0.056
616 6134 a Scorpii cg* var. 250 06 15.78 50.29 -0.006 -4 34 23.03 -0.030 -0.022
620 6165 t Scorpii 2.82 251 47 56.77 50.30 -0.005 -6 07 24.87 -0.040 -0.023
633 6299 k Ophiuchi 3.2 252 09 42.80 49.94 -0.339 +31 49 58.27 -0.050 -0.046

589 5897 b Tr.Australis 2.85 252 10 55.80 50.23 -0.101 -41 57 06.72 -0.450 -0.434
653 6536 b Draconis 2.79 252 18 38.40 50.08 -0.072 +75 16 29.66 +0.000 +0.011
643 6418 p Herculis 3.16 252 24 37.94 50.18 -0.051 +59 32 52.08 -0.010 +0.000
542 5470 a Apodis 3.83 254 46 16.20 50.36 -0.002 -58 14 17.02 -0.030 -0.019
641 6410 d Herculis 3.14 255 06 22.86 50.25 -0.004 +47 40 53.45 -0.170 -0.158
628 6241 e Scorpii 2.29 255 40 23.99 49.71 -0.588 -11 44 37.72 -0.340 -0.326

1439 6247 m1 Scorpii 3.08v 256 29 51.83 50.30 -0.008 -15 25 35.04 -0.040 -0.026
1435 6229 h Arae 3.76 259 14 47.96 50.38 +0.051 -36 16 46.71 -0.030 -0.023
631 6285 z Arae 3.13 260 09 57.30 50.31 -0.018 -33 05 41.89 -0.040 -0.038
663 6588 i Herculis 3.8 260 13 55.43 50.18 -0.015 +69 15 44.99 +0.000 +0.005
638 6380 h Scorpii 3.33 261 05 07.65 50.36 +0.052 -20 11 18.62 -0.290 -0.284

* No. 594 : Dschubba, Anuradha No. 616 : Antares , Jyestha, Mag. 0.9 to 1.8.

Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
625 6217 a Tr. Austr. 1.92 261 14 17.09 50.36 0.028 -46 09 16.79 -0.040 -0.031
644 6453 θ Ophiuchi 3.27 261 44 13.67 50.30 -0.002 -1 50 48.11 -0.030 -0.020
656 6556 a Ophiuchi 2.08 262 47 31.65 50.44 +0.163 +35 49 50.30 -0.230 -0.220
611 6102 γ Apodis 3.89 263 02 39.56 50.16 -0.191 -56 00 39.21 -0.110 -0.106
649 6508 n Scorpii 2.69 264 21 17.90 50.30 +0.000 -14 00 41.86 -0.030 -0.031
645 6461 b Arae 2.85 264 32 53.07 50.31 -0.008 -32 16 05.54 -0.020 -0.026

658 6561 ξ Serpentis 3.54 264 53 17.04 50.25 -0.040 +7 55 52.43 -0.070 -0.060
652 6527 λ Scorpii* 1.63 264 55 40.93 50.31 +0.000 -13 47 30.19 -0.030 -0.029
671 6688 ξ Draconis 3.75 265 06 03.96 50.58 +0.525 +80 16 47.96 +0.080 +0.085
651 6510 a Arae 2.95 265 16 34.98 50.29 -0.031 -26 33 51.06 -0.070 -0.072
667 6623 m Herculis 3.42 265 33 49.62 49.80 -0.453 +51 05 44.06 -0.760 -0.762
665 6603 b Ophiuchi 2.77 265 40 43.20 50.22 -0.051 +27 56 15.80 +0.160 +0.158

648 6500 d Arae 3.62 265 53 54.57 50.26 -0.067 -37 21 34.82 -0.110 -0.099
654 6553 θ Scorpii 1.87 265 56 30.78 50.32 +0.016 -19 38 53.56 +0.000 -0.001
660 6580 k Scorpii 2.41 266 48 42.20 50.30 -0.005 -15 38 51.49 -0.030 -0.027
668 6629 γ Ophiuchi 3.75 266 58 28.64 50.26 -0.023 +26 06 27.38 -0.080 -0.074
i Scorpii
666 6615 3.03 267 51 53.43 50.30 +0.000 -16 43 03.27 -0.010 -0.008
669 6630 G Scorpii 3.21 268 15 38.05 50.35 +0.049 -13 37 30.62 +0.030 +0.034

676 6705 γ Draconis 2.23 268 18 36.39 50.12 -0.028 +74 55 08.57 -0.020 -0.020
661 6582 h Pavonis 3.62 268 18 56.56 50.31 -0.017 -41 18 47.06 -0.050 -0.055
672 6695 θ Herculis 3.86 268 49 08.23 50.24 +0.009 +60 40 54.61 +0.010 +0.006
674 6703 ξ Herculis 3.7 269 32 19.04 50.39 +0.139 +52 40 56.83 -0.020 -0.017
673 6698 n Ophiuchi 3.34 270 05 43.33 50.28 -0.007 +13 39 41.71 -0.120 -0.116
1471 6743 θ Arae 3.66 271 31 56.53 50.30 -0.012 -26 39 44.14 -0.020 -0.014

679 6746 γ Sagittarii 2.99 271 36 12.20 50.25 -0.056 -6 59 43.67 -0.180 -0.184
680 6771 72 Ophiuchi 3.73 272 30 06.75 50.20 -0.070 +32 59 12.70 +0.080 +0.081
681 6779 o Herculis 3.83 273 02 17.74 50.24 +0.002 +52 10 52.17 +0.010 +0.009
682 6812 m Sagittarii 3.86 273 33 20.81 50.30 +0.002 +2 20 20.57 +0.000 +0.001
683 6832 h Sagittarii 3.11 273 58 09.23 50.16 -0.138 -13 22 55.37 -0.160 -0.162
687 6859 d Sagittarii* 2.7 274 55 24.56 50.33 +0.034 -6 28 31.85 -0.030 -0.029

691 6897 a Telescopii 3.51 275 24 57.41 50.29 -0.021 -22 39 04.48 -0.050 -0.053
689 6879 e Sagittarii 1.85 275 25 14.35 50.26 -0.045 -11 03 20.49 -0.120 -0.122
688 6869 h Serpentis 3.26 276 01 01.32 49.67 -0.614 +20 25 40.33 -0.670 -0.677
692 6913 λ Sagittarii 2.81 276 39 32.58 50.24 -0.053 -2 08 23.60 -0.170 -0.183
697 6951 θ Coronae Aust. 4.64 276 53 12.22 50.34 +0.031 -19 03 59.38 -0.020 -0.024
1482 6973 a Scuti 3.85 279 21 30.14 50.25 -0.037 +14 54 54.22 -0.300 -0.310

214 1953 γ Mensae 5.19 279 54 38.24 50.37 +1.084 -79 59 21.81 -0.300 0.238
1487 7039 φ Sagittarii 3.17 280 31 26.58 50.35 +0.053 -3 57 25.22 +0.000 -0.004
1489 7063 b Scuti 4.22 282 43 19.26 50.27 -0.006 +18 10 58.64 +0.000 -0.016
706 7121 s Sagittarii* 2.02 282 43 39.75 50.31 +0.008 -3 27 10.21 -0.050 -0.055
710 7150 ξ Sagittarii 3.51 283 47 36.91 50.33 +0.032 +1 39 29.59 +0.000 -0.015

* No. 652 : Schaula , Mula. No. 706 : Nunki , Uttarasadha.

No. 687 : Purvasadha-1.
Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
1496 7234 t Sagittarii 3.32 285 10 33.96 50.22 -0.083 -5 05 36.29 -0.230 -0.243
699 7001 a Lyrae 0.03 285 39 36.11 50.73 +0.505 +61 43 54.11 +0.270 0.256
720 7264 p Sagittarii 2.89 286 35 38.53 50.29 -0.004 +1 26 02.24 -0.020 -0.035
717 7236 λ Aquilae 3.44 287 40 26.60 50.26 -0.029 +17 33 44.36 -0.070 -0.087
754 7665 d Pavonis 3.56 287 57 52.06 51.48 +1.141 -44 42 43.38 -1.430 -1.445
712 7176 e Aquilae 4.02 288 36 10.44 50.19 -0.075 +37 33 50.59 -0.060 -0.066

705 7106 b Lyrae var. 289 13 27.03 50.25 +0.005 +55 58 52.78 +0.010 -0.003
810 8254 n Octantis 3.76 290 01 53.88 50.15 -0.212 -57 47 01.08 -0.200 -0.217
716 7235 z Aquilae 2.99 290 08 13.85 50.24 -0.023 +36 10 56.14 -0.080 -0.094
713 7178 γ Lyrae 3.24 292 15 45.32 50.24 -0.003 +55 00 36.89 +0.020 +0.003
775 7913 b Pavonis 3.42 292 50 15.13 50.28 -0.055 -45 57 25.69 +0.050 +0.028
730 7377 d Aquilae 3.36 293 58 52.76 50.57 +0.294 +24 48 52.69 +0.060 +0.040

764 7790 a Pavonis 1.94 294 09 38.39 50.30 -0.025 -36 16 15.31 -0.070 -0.087
751 7623 θ1 Sagittarii 4.37 295 12 45.73 50.30 +0.001 -14 23 18.80 -0.010 -0.027
785 7986 b Indi 3.65 298 07 45.50 50.33 +0.008 -39 09 35.43 -0.010 -0.030
769 7869 a Indi 3.11 299 26 52.59 50.39 +0.078 -27 45 21.13 +0.070 0.048
1508 7405 a Vulpeculae 4.44 299 50 47.90 50.05 -0.209 +45 51 19.02 -0.060 -0.076
746 7570 h Aquilae var. 300 46 31.37 50.29 +0.010 +21 31 14.56 +0.010 -0.009

741 7525 γ Aquilae 2.72 301 16 48.99 50.30 +0.020 +31 14 27.82 +0.010 -0.005
11 98 b Hydri 2.8 301 20 07.78 53.01 +2.668 -64 48 01.60 -1.910 -1.955
1513 7488 b Sagittae 4.37 301 32 48.68 50.28 +0.003 +38 12 55.56 -0.010 -0.033
732 7417 b Cygni p 3.08 301 35 30.94 50.25 +0.002 +48 57 54.72 +0.020 -0.002
745 7557 a Aquilae* 0.77 302 07 20.68 50.98 +0.697 +29 18 10.14 +0.290 +0.262
749 7602 b Aquilae 3.71 302 45 52.44 50.22 -0.064 +26 39 12.35 -0.460 -0.481

743 7536 d Sagittae 3.82 303 43 40.88 50.28 +0.011 +38 54 37.67 +0.030 +0.006
761 7754 a2 Capricorni 3.57 304 12 03.90 50.36 +0.063 +6 55 39.78 +0.010 -0.011
762 7776 b Capricorni 3.08 304 23 23.28 50.33 +0.042 +4 35 10.39 +0.010 -0.008
756 7710 θ Aquilae 3.23 305 39 15.09 50.33 +0.041 +20 19 29.02 +0.020 -0.005
752 7635 γ Sagittae 3.47 307 23 05.39 50.36 +0.090 +39 11 16.80 +0.030 +0.006
1550 8039 γ Microscopii 4.67 308 46 27.49 50.31 +0.000 -14 40 02.97 +0.030 +0.006

841 8502 a Tucanae 2.86 310 00 54.12 50.21 -0.120 -45 24 21.44 +0.030 +0.000
146 1208 γ Hydri 3.24 310 49 37.22 50.83 +0.537 -76 45 34.57 -0.060 -0.010
781 7950 e Aquarii 3.77 312 03 55.25 50.32 +0.024 +8 04 41.39 -0.020 -0.042
1547 7990 m Aquarii 4.73 313 24 01.01 50.32 +0.035 +8 14 15.59 -0.010 -0.041
768 7852 e Delphini 4.03 314 24 07.53 50.28 +0.007 +29 04 15.56 +0.000 -0.024
726 7328 k Cygni 3.77 315 15 18.30 50.59 +0.396 +73 48 03.04 +0.110 +0.080

829 8425 a Gruis 1.74 316 15 04.62 50.38 +0.064 -32 54 59.45 -0.160 -0.191
(771) 7882 b Delphini m* 3.64 316 40 57.32 50.35 +0.070 +31 54 56.07 -0.040 -0.069
806 8204 z Capricorni 3.74 317 16 46.38 50.30 +0.008 -6 59 33.66 +0.050 +0.022
774 7906 a Delphini 3.77 317 43 18.39 50.36 +0.074 +33 01 12.94 +0.000 -0.022
822 8353 γ Gruis 3.01 317 45 47.80 50.40 +0.095 -23 03 09.20 -0.030 -0.058

* No. 745 : Altair , Sravana. No. 771 : Rotanev , Dhanistha-1.

Annual rate of Precession in longitude for the middle of the year = 50".29



Cat. BS= Star Mag. Longitude Annual Annual Latitude Annual Annual
No. HR Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. Motion Motion
º ' " " " º ' " " "
733 7420 i Cygni 3.79 318 18 18.66 50.47 +0.252 +71 26 59.78 +0.130 +0.104
778 7928 d Delphini 4.43 318 27 24.32 50.24 -0.037 +31 56 29.57 -0.010 -0.035
1541 7948 γ Delphini sq 4.27 319 42 30.44 50.17 -0.110 +32 41 57.56 -0.140 -0.177
860 8675 e Gruis 3.49 321 04 29.57 50.39 +0.077 -39 47 25.09 -0.080 -0.115
d Gruis
846 8556 3.97 321 56 47.48 50.34 +0.027 -31 20 57.23 +0.010 -0.017
812 8278 γ Capricorni 3.68 322 08 03.64 50.47 +0.172 -2 33 34.39 -0.060 -0.084

856 8636 b Gruis 2.11v 322 40 20.75 50.46 +0.145 -35 26 03.30 -0.040 -0.071
800 8131 a Equulei 3.92 323 27 31.56 50.32 +0.029 +20 07 10.35 -0.070 -0.102
808 8232 b Aquarii 2.91 323 44 13.51 50.31 +0.017 +8 36 47.90 +0.020 -0.015
819 8322 d Capricorni 2.87 323 53 09.52 50.44 +0.149 -2 36 20.80 -0.340 -0.368
1569 8264 x Aquarii 4.69 324 27 40.41 50.40 +0.103 +5 57 20.49 -0.030 -0.062
765 7796 γ Cygni 2.2 325 10 47.02 50.27 +0.007 +57 07 22.40 +0.030 -0.001

780 7949 e Cygni 2.46 328 05 22.15 50.97 +0.705 +49 25 18.90 +0.190 +0.155
815 8308 e Pegasi var. 332 13 34.54 50.32 +0.031 +22 05 54.91 +0.020 -0.011
849 8592 n Aquarii 5.2 332 53 10.64 50.46 +0.154 -10 54 12.92 -0.180 -0.218
797 8115 z Cygni 3.2 333 22 50.75 50.24 -0.031 +43 41 35.69 -0.020 -0.051
827 8414 a Aquarii 2.96 333 55 34.24 50.31 +0.015 +11 15 29.44 +0.020 -0.016
867 8728 a PsA 1.16 334 12 19.40 50.55 +0.253 -21 08 19.27 -0.260 -0.287

777 7924 a Cygni 1.25 335 39 59.64 50.28 +0.007 +59 54 18.55 +0.040 +0.001
842 8518 γ Aquarii 3.84 337 03 24.32 50.42 +0.126 +8 14 02.11 -0.010 -0.042
834 8450 θ Pegasi 3.53 337 10 35.04 50.57 +0.278 +16 20 20.92 -0.040 -0.077
861 8679 t Aquarii 4.01 338 56 17.34 50.28 -0.026 -5 39 56.08 +0.010 -0.030
866 8709 d Aquarii 3.27 339 12 57.11 50.25 -0.047 -8 11 32.05 +0.030 -0.008
3 25 e Phoenicis 3.88 339 59 35.18 50.32 +0.011 -41 57 30.09 -0.180 -0.220

850 8597 h Aquarii 4.02 340 50 03.88 50.36 +0.064 +8 21 48.22 -0.040 -0.087
792 8079 x Cygni 3.72 341 08 14.52 50.30 +0.014 +56 34 52.57 +0.030 -0.003
864 8698 λ Aquarii* 3.74 341 55 06.78 50.32 +0.025 -0 23 13.63 +0.060 +0.030
72 591 a Hydri 2.86 342 28 09.94 50.74 +0.420 -64 14 38.90 -0.160 -0.194
831 8430 i Pegasi 3.76 344 45 04.43 50.63 +0.339 +34 15 15.15 -0.070 -0.104
54 472 a Eridani 0.46 345 39 33.57 50.39 +0.084 -59 22 45.32 -0.060 -0.092

12 99 a Phoenicis 2.39 345 50 17.83 50.27 -0.042 -40 38 11.79 -0.400 -0.444
855 8634 z Pegasi 3.4 346 29 36.41 50.37 +0.072 +17 40 43.28 +0.000 -0.043
141 1175 b Reticuli 3.85 351 45 17.61 51.11 +0.797 -76 05 24.04 -0.220 -0.260
878 8852 γ Piscium 3.69 351 47 59.87 51.00 +0.713 +7 15 17.93 -0.250 -0.285
871 8781 a Pegasi 2.49 353 49 37.55 50.34 +0.043 +19 24 19.82 -0.020 -0.065
1044 440 δ Phoenicis 3.95 353 58 14.34 50.64 +0.337 -52 34 56.90 +0.070 +0.035

862 8684 m Pegasi 3.48 354 43 38.54 50.43 +0.130 +29 23 10.19 -0.070 -0.102
857 8650 h Pegasi 2.94 356 03 12.20 50.29 +0.002 +35 06 28.93 +0.010 -0.029
68 566 c Eridani 3.7 356 36 11.66 51.60 +1.308 -57 01 07.56 -0.170 -0.210
49 429 γ Phoenicis 3.41 358 29 16.39 50.11 -0.186 -47 35 09.61 -0.130 -0.167
870 8775 b Pegasi* 2.42v 359 42 59.31 50.57 +0.270 +31 08 27.70 +0.080 +0.037

* No. 864 : Satabhisaj. No. 870 : Scheat , Purva Bhadrapada-2.

BS = Bright Star Catalogue HR = Havard Revised Catalogue FK5 = Fifth Fundamental Catalogue


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
1 15 a Andromedae* 2.06 B9p Hg Mn 0 09 39.6 3.117 +104 +29 13 32.23 +19.86 -163
2 21 b Cassiopeiae* 2.27 F2 III 0 10 30.1 3.247 +685 +59 17 05.32 19.84 -181
3 25 e Phoenicis 3.88 K0 III 0 10 38.8 3.024 +118 -45 36 44.67 19.84 -181
7 39 γ Pegasi* 2.83 B2 IV 0 14 30.0 3.099 +2 +15 19 10.64 19.99 -12
9 74 i Ceti 3.56 K1 IIIb 0 20 40.6 3.056 -9 -8 41 17.87 19.92 -36
11 98 b Hydri 2.80 G1 IV 0 27 00.2 3.051 +6622 -77 06 59.69 20.23 +324
12 99 a Phoenicis 2.39 K0 III b 0 27 29.3 2.949 +183 -42 10 23.85 +19.50 -396
17 153 z Cassiopeiae 3.66 B2 IV 0 38 21.0 3.384 +22 +54 01 53.11 19.75 -9
20 165 δ Andromedae 3.27 K3 III 0 40 38.7 3.228 +106 +30 59 40.76 19.64 -92
21 168 a Cassiopeiae* 2.23 K0- IIIa 0 41 54.8 3.451 +64 +56 40 16.79 19.67 -32
22 188 b Ceti* 2.04 G9 III CH-1 CN 0.5 Ca 1 0 44 49.1 3.008 +164 -17 51 09.10 19.69 +32
33 269 m Andromedae 3.87 A5 IV-V 0 58 07.3 3.356 +130 +38 37 54.09 19.43 +33
32 264 γ Cassiopeiae* 2.47 B0 IVnpe(shell) 0 58 12.5 3.681 +36 +60 50 55.74 +19.39 -5
35 280 a Sculptoris 4.31 B4 Vp 0 59 47.1 2.884 +17 -29 13 32.06 19.37 +4
40 334 h Ceti -
3.45 K2 III CN0.5 1 09 49.4 3.019 +147 -10 03 10.75 18.98 -138
42 337 b Andromedae* +
2.06 M0 IIIa 1 11 06.7 3.384 +146 +35 44 59.20 18.97 -114
1033 361 z Piscium* 5.24 F0Vn 1 15 00.9 3.143 +97 +7 42 15.20 18.92 -56
47 402 θ Ceti 3.60 K0 IIIb 1 25 14.9 3.001 -53 -8 03 27.72 18.45 -218
48 403 δ Cassiopeiae 2.68 A5 IV 1 27 26.5 3.990 +401 +60 21 42.07 +18.55 -52
49 429 γ Phoenicis 3.41 M0 IIIa 1 29 25.6 2.597 -13 -43 11 36.22 18.33 -208
1044 440 δ Phoenicis 3.95 G9 III 1 32 16.1 2.489 +144 -48 56 45.87 18.59 +151
50 437 h Piscium 3.62 G7 IIIa 1 32 47.9 3.223 +19 +15 28 16.55 18.41 -6
54 472 a Eridani* 0.46 B3Vnp(shell) 1 38 37.4 2.225 +117 -57 06 46.36 18.18 -35
52 464 51 Andromedae 3.57 K3- III 1 39 30.6 3.723 +65 +48 45 04.92 18.07 -113
59 509 t Ceti 3.50 G8 V 1 45 12.4 2.789 -1190 -15 48 33.15 +18.82 +858
62 539 z Ceti 3.73 K0 III 1 52 40.3 2.965 +28 -10 12 53.67 17.63 -39
64 544 a Trianguli 3.41 F6 IV 1 54 29.1 3.441 +8 +29 41 49.81 17.36 -235
66 553 b Arietis* 2.64 A4 V 1 55 59.9 3.330 +68 +20 55 36.27 17.42 -111
63 542 e Cassiopeiae 3.38 B3 IV:p(shell) 1 56 11.1 4.398 +48 +63 47 21.97 17.50 -21
68 566 c Eridani 3.70 G8 III-IVCN-0.5Hδ0.5 1 56 54.6 2.329 +730 -51 29 15.83 17.78 +291
72 591 a Hydri 2.86 F0n III-IV 1 59 32.5 1.889 +368 -61 27 04.63 +17.40 +26
71 585 n Ceti 4.00 M0 IIIb 2 01 09.6 2.827 +97 -20 57 36.17 17.28 -24
73 603 γ Andromed.* p 2.26 K3- Iib 2 05 24.9 3.715 +40 +42 26 45.89 17.06 -52
70 580 50 Cassiopeiae 3.98 A1 Va 2 05 34.8 5.278 -99 +72 32 17.57 17.13 +22
74 617 a Arietis* 2.00 K2 IIIab 2 08 33.6 3.399 +138 +23 34 37.59 16.82 -149
75 622 b Trianguli 3.00 A5 IV 2 11 00.6 3.596 +122 +35 06 07.06 16.81 -41
82 674 φ Eridani 3.56 B8 V 2 17 23.1 2.141 +102 -51 23 58.76 +16.52 -27
79 664 γ Trianguli 4.01 A0 IV-Vn 2 18 46.8 3.591 +38 +33 57 33.36 16.43 -51
91 779 d Ceti 4.07 B2 IV 2 40 44.5 3.083 +9 +0 25 58.48 +15.31 -4
* No. 1 : Alpheratz, Uttara Bhadrapada - 2 No. 42 : Mirach
No. 2 : Caph No. 1033 : Revati
No. 7 : Algenib, Uttara Bhadrapada - 1 No. 54 : Achernar
No. 21 : Schedar . Mag. 2.1 to 2.6 No. 66 : Sheratan, Asvini
No. 22 : Deneb Kaitos or Diphda No. 73 : Almach, Mag. f. 5.1
No. 32 : Cih . Mag. 1.6 to 3.2 No. 74 : Hamal


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
1075 794 i Eridani 4.11 K0.5 IIIb Fe-0.5 2 41 38.0 2.367 +119 -39 45 05.76 +15.23 -32
94 801 35 Arietis 4.66 B3 V 2 44 53.8 3.540 +6 +27 48 35.73 15.06 -12
101 841 b Fornacis 4.46 G8.5 III Fe-0.5 2 50 07.0 2.512 +71 -32 18 15.00 14.92 155
100 838 41 Arietis* 3.63 B8 Vn 2 51 26.0 3.551 +50 +27 21 35.93 14.57 -118
99 834 h Persei -
3.76 K3 Ib-IIa 2 52 30.2 4.431 +20 +55 59 43.15 14.61 -14
103 854 t Persei 3.95G5 III + A4 V 2 56 00.7 4.301 +0 +52 51 39.32 14.41 -5
104 874 h Eridani 3.89 K1 IIIb 2 57 37.6 2.936 +53 -8 48 07.09 +14.10 -220
106 897 θ Eridani* p 3.25 A5 IV 2 59 11.5 2.276 -39 -40 12 27.36 14.24 +19
907 424 a Ursae Mins.* 2.02 F5-8 Ib 3 03 39.9 89.974 +2164 +89 21 56.38 13.92 -20
1085 919 t3 Eridani 4.09 A4 V 3 03 28.4 2.647 -105 -23 31 46.56 13.90 -53
107 911 a Ceti* 2.53 M1.5 IIIa 3 03 33.8 3.145 -6 +4 11 03.78 13.87 -78
108 915 γ Persei 2.93 G5 III + A2 V 3 06 35.2 4.393 0 +53 36 01.66 13.75 -5
109 921 r Persei* 3.39 M4 II 3 06 45.4 3.872 +111 +38 56 00.47 +13.64 -106
111 936 b Persei* 2.12 B8 V + F: 3 09 46.4 3.933 +3 +41 02 53.77 13.55 -1
120 1017 a Persei* 1.79 F5 Ib 3 26 05.1 4.322 +25 +49 56 46.74 12.45 -25
121 1030 o Tauri 3.60 G6 IIIa Fe-1 3 26 08.1 3.239 -45 +9 06 48.51 12.39 -78
123 1038 x Tauri 3.74 B9 Vn 3 28 30.0 3.262 +40 +9 48 59.36 12.26 -39
127 1084 e Eridani 3.73 K2 V 3 34 05.2 2.832 -658 -9 22 36.26 11.94 +23
135 1136 d Eridani 3.54 K0+IV 3 44 25.4 2.880 -61 -9 40 55.13 +11.92 +745
131 1122 d Persei 3.01 B5 III 3 44 40.8 4.305 +28 +47 51 49.39 11.12 -34
141 1175 b Reticuli 3.85 K2 III 3 44 30.9 0.774 +489 -64 43 49.28 11.24 +74
136 1142 17 Tauri 3.70 B6 III 3 46 20.1 3.578 +14 +24 11 18.60 10.99 -46
134 1135 n Persei 3.77 F5 II 3 46 52.1 4.103 -13 +42 39 13.62 11.00 -2
146 1208 γ Hydri 3.24 M2 III 3 46 53.2 -0.851 +116 -74 09 48.36 11.11 +114
139 1165 h Tauri* 2.87 B7 IIIn 3 48 56.8 3.581 +14 +24 10 44.30 +10.80 -46
142 1178 27 Tauri 3.63 B8 III 3 50 37.5 3.582 +13 +24 07 35.12 10.68 -47
144 1203 z Persei 2.85 B1 Ib 3 55 40.7 3.790 +4 +31 57 15.67 10.34 -10
149 1231 γ Eridani 2.95 M0.5 IIIb Ca-1 3 59 10.4 2.804 +42 -13 26 25.34 9.97 -112
147 1220 e Persei 2.89 B 0.5 IV 3 59 30.4 4.049 +16 +40 04 44.05 10.03 -26
148 1228 x Persei 4.04 O 7.5 IIIf 4 00 33.7 3.913 +2 +35 51 33.55 9.98 0
150 1239 l Tauri 3.47v B3 V 4 02 02.5 3.334 -4 +12 33 27.92 +9.85 -12
151 1251 n Tauri 3.91 A1 Va 4 04 27.7 3.200 +3 +6 03 19.81 9.68 -3
152 1273 48 Persei 4.04 B3 Ve 4 10 27.0 4.385 +20 +47 46 31.92 9.19 -31
155 1326 a Horologii 3.86 K2 III 4 14 48.9 1.992 +41 -42 14 06.80 8.67 -209
156 1336 a Reticuli 3.35 G8II-III 4 14 44.8 0.790 +65 -62 24 46.78 8.93 +45
159 1346 γ Tauri 3.65 G9.5 IIIab CN 0.5 4 21 11.5 3.424 +80 +15 41 05.36 8.35 -25
162 1373 d Tauri 3.76 G9.5 III CN 0.5 4 24 21.1 3.470 +75 +17 35 52.67 +8.09 -30
1121 1393 43 Eridani 3.96 K3.5-IIIb 4 24 57.5 2.257 +56 -33 57 40.78 8.13 +50
164 1409 e Tauri 3.54 G9.5 III CN 0.5 4 30 03.0 3.514 +76 +19 13 57.76 7.63 -38
171 1465 a Doradus 3.27 A0p Si 4 34 31.7 1.305 +60 -54 59 42.86 7.30 -4
170 1464 v 2 Eridani 3.82 G8.5 IIIa 4 36 30.3 2.336 -35 -30 30 48.81 +7.13 -12

* No. 907 : (Nb) : Polaris, Dhruva No. 111 : Algol , Mag. 2.1 to 3.4.
No. 100 : Bharani No. 120 : Mirphak.
No. 106 : Acamar. No. 139 : Alcyone , Krittika.
No. 107 : Menkar
No. 109 : Mag. 3.3 to 4.0.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
168 1457 a Tauri* 0.85 K5+III 4 37 19.8 3.451 +44 +16 33 23.46 +6.88 -190
172 1481 53 Eridani 3.87 K1.5IIIb 4 39 18.2 2.752 -52 -14 15 27.47 6.76 -155
1129 1502 a Caeli 4.45 F1 V 4 41 21.2 1.937 -126 -41 49 05.60 6.67 -77
1134 1543 p3 Orionis 3.19 F6 V 4 51 10.3 3.263 +313 +7 00 07.43 5.94 +10
179 1552 p4 Orionis 3.69 B2 III 4 52 30.8 3.202 -1 +5 38 42.18 5.82 +1
180 1567 p5 Orionis 3.72 B2 III 4 55 31.8 3.131 0 +2 28 43.96 5.56 0
178 1542 a Camelopardi 4.29 O9.5 Ia 4 56 30.2 6.014 -1 +66 22 50.61 +5.49 +6
181 1577 i Aurigae 2.69 K3 II 4 58 35.6 3.919 +3 +33 12 09.14 5.29 -18
183 1605 e Aurigae* 2.99V A9 Ia 5 03 43.9 4.321 -1 +43 51 24.92 4.87 -4
1137 1612 z Aurigae 3.75 K5II + B5 V 5 04 11.7 4.208 +8 +41 06 32.59 4.81 -22
182 1603 b Camelopardi 4.03 G1 Ib-Iia 5 05 36.5 5.367 -9 +60 28 29.37 4.70 -16
186 1654 e Leporis 3.19 K4 III 5 06 30.0 2.543 +18 -22 20 22.94 4.56 -74
185 1641 h Aurigae 3.17 B3 V 5 08 14.2 4.221 +26 +41 15 54.25 +4.42 -68
188 1666 b Eridani* 2.79 A3 IVn 5 09 03.3 2.954 -63 -5 03 23.69 4.34 -81
1144 1702 m Leporis 3.31 B9p Hg Mn 5 14 02.0 2.699 +30 -16 10 41.62 3.97 -26
194 1713 b Orionis* 0.12 B8 Ia 5 15 43.0 2.887 0 -8 10 30.48 3.85 -1
193 1708 a Aurigae* 0.08G6 III + G2 III 5 18 30.2 4.444 +71 +46 01 12.83 3.18 -425
195 1735 t Orionis 3.60 B5 III 5 18 47.8 2.917 -10 -6 49 11.00 3.58 -8
1147 1765 22 Orionis 4.73 B2 IV-V 5 23 00.9 3.067 0 -0 21 36.87 +3.22 -1
201 1790 γ Orionis* 1.64 B2 III 5 26 26.8 3.222 -6 +6 22 11.43 2.91 -14
202 1791 b Tauri* 1.65 B7 III 5 27 50.6 3.799 +17 +28 37 32.70 2.63 -175
204 1829 b Leporis 2.84 G5 II 5 29 17.8 2.574 -3 -20 44 29.56 2.59 -89
214 1953 γ Mensae 5.19 K2 III 5 30 55.5 2.338 +321 -76 19 19.63 2.82 +282
206 1852 d Orionis* 2.23 O9.5 II 5 33 15.6 3.069 +1 -0 16 58.44 2.33 -2
207 1865 a Leporis* 2.58 F0 Ib 5 33 48.7 2.649 +1 -17 48 23.08 +2.29 +2
212 1922 b Doradus 3.76v F7-G2 Ib 5 33 50.4 0.529 +3 -62 28 27.11 2.29 +9
(GC) 1879 l Orionis* 3.54 O8 IIIf 5 36 29.3 3.308 -1 +9 56 54.65 2.05 -2
209 1899 i Orionis 2.77 O9 III 5 36 38.0 2.938 0 -5 53 44.33 2.04 +1
210 1903 e Orionis* 1.70 B0 Ia 5 37 27.5 3.048 +1 -1 11 17.53 1.97 -2
211 1910 z Tauri 3.00 B2 IIIpe (shell) 5 39 06.6 3.590 0 +21 09 18.80 1.80 -21
215 1956 a Columbae* 2.64 B7 IV 5 40 32.2 2.176 +5 -34 03 45.06 +1.67 -26
1154 2015 d Doradus 4.35 A7 V+n 5 44 49.1 0.114 -49 -65 43 35.20 1.33 +8
217 1983 γ Leporis 3.60 F7 V 5 45 29.1 2.503 -212 -22 26 31.19 0.90 -369
219 1998 z Leporis 3.55 A2 Van 5 48 04.0 2.721 -11 -14 48 52.39 1.04 -1
220 2004 k Orionis* 2.06 B0.5 Ia 5 48 55.2 2.848 +1 -9 39 45.83 0.97 -2
223 2040 b Columbae 3.12 K1.5 III 5 51 49.5 2.119 +49 -35 45 37.92 1.12 +401
222 2035 d Leporis 3.81 K0 III Fe 1.5 CH 0.5 5 52 22.5 2.582 +161 -20 52 43.33 +0.02 -649
224 2061 a Orionis* 0.5 M1 M2 Ia Iab 5 56 29.9 3.251 +17 +7 24 34.48 +0.31 +9
No. 168 : Aldebaran, Rohini
* No. 183 : Mag. 2.9 to 3.8. No. 207 : Arneb .
No. 188 : C ursa . No. GC : Mrgasiras .
No. 194 : Rigel. No. 210 : Alnilam.
No. 193 : Capella , Brahmahridaya. No. 215 : Phakt .
No. 201 : Bellatrix. No. 220 : Saiph .
No. 202 : El Nath , Agni. No. 224 : Betelgeuse , Mag. 0.4 to 1.3 Ardra.
No. 206 : Mintaka .


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
226 2085 h Leporis 3.71 F1 V 5 57 31.3 2.735 -28 -14 09 53.95 +0.36 +139
229 2120 h Columbae 3.96 G8/K1 II 5 59 53.9 1.840 +20 -42 48 54.16 -0.01 -14
227 2088 b Aurigae* 1.90 A1 IV 6 01 19.6 4.404 -54 +44 56 49.87 0.12 0
225 2077 d Aurigae* 3.72 K0- III 6 01 32.7 4.943 +92 +54 17 00.72 0.26 -126
1163 2134 1 Geminorum 4.16 G5 III-IV 6 05 36.6 3.649 -6 +23 15 35.29 0.59 -100
1168 2219 k Aurigae 4.35 G9 IIIb 6 16 56.4 3.823 -57 +29 29 11.94 1.74 -262
240 2282 z Canis Maj. 3.02 B2.5 V 6 21 15.3 2.306 +7 -30 04 32.66 -1.85 +3
243 2294 b Canis Maj.* 1.98 B1 II-III 6 23 46.7 2.644 -4 -17 58 11.07 2.08 0
241 2286 m Geminorum 2.88 M3 IIIab 6 24 26.5 3.630 +39 +22 29 55.38 2.24 -111
245 2326 a Carinae* -0.7 A9 II 6 24 29.8 1.333 +25 -52 42 35.80 2.12 +21
244 2298 8e Monocerotis 4.44 A6 IV 6 25 04.0 3.181 -12 +4 34 42.29 2.18 +11
1173 2343 n Geminorum 4.15 B6 III 6 30 25.1 3.562 -5 +20 11 39.78 2.67 -14
252 2451 n Puppis 3.17 B8 IIIn 6 38 30.7 1.838 +2 -43 13 06.98 -3.36 -6
251 2421 γ Geminorum* 1.93 A1 IVs 6 39 07.6 3.465 +29 +16 22 34.48 3.45 -42
254 2473 e Geminorum 2.98 G8 Ib 6 45 26.3 3.689 -4 +25 06 16.45 3.96 -13
257 2491 a Canis Maj* cg -1.5 A0m A1 Va 6 46 13.6 2.643 -387 -16 45 04.74 5.22 -1204
256 2484 xGeminorum 3.36 F5 IV 6 46 39.8 3.366 -79 +12 52 01.49 4.24 -191
262 2550 a Pictoris 3.27 A6 Vn 6 48 26.5 0.612 -96 -61 58 05.12 3.94 +269
263 2553 t Puppis 2.93 K1 III 6 50 32.7 1.490 +38 -50 38 41.22 -4.45 -70
1180 2538 k Canis Maj. 3.96 B1.5 Ive 6 50 45.4 2.243 -5 -32 32 17.40 4.40 +4
261 2540 θ Geminorum 3.60 A3 III-IV 6 54 24.1 3.949 -2 +33 55 45.48 4.76 -48
268 2618 e Canis Maj.* 1.50 B2 II 6 59 35.4 2.360 +3 -29 00 24.67 5.15 +3
1183 2646 s Canis Maj. 3.47 K7 IB 7 02 41.7 2.392 -4 -27 58 16.98 5.41 +5
270 2653 o 2 Canis Maj. 3.02 B3 Ia 7 04 02.9 2.507 -3 -23 52 14.27 5.52 +3
269 2650 z Geminorum* 3.79v F9 Ib (var) 7 05 33.6 3.555 -6 +20 31 55.92 -5.66 0
1189 2736 γ2 Volantis 3.78 G9 III 7 08 31.9 0.533 +48 -70 32 18.61 5.80 +106
273 2693 d Canis Maj. 1.86 F8 Ia 7 09 23.3 2.441 -2 -26 26 00.83 5.97 +4
1187 2714 22d Monocerotis 4.15 A1 III+ 7 13 06.9 3.064 -1 -0 32 06.59 6.28 +5
281 2803 d Volantis 3.98 F9 Ib 7 16 48.7 0.049 -12 -68 00 07.44 6.59 +5
278 2773 p Puppis 2.70 K3 Ib 7 18 00.5 2.121 -8 -37 08 34.03 6.69 +4
277 2763 l Geminorum 3.58 A4 IV 7 19 30.0 3.444 -33 +16 29 38.90 -6.85 -36
279 2777 d Geminorum 3.53 F0 V+ 7 21 35.0 3.578 -19 +21 56 06.33 7.00 -12
283 2827 h Canis Maj. 2.45 B5 Ia 7 25 03.9 2.375 -3 -29 21 08.23 7.26 +5
282 2821 i Geminorum 3.79 G9 IIIb 7 27 14.7 3.719 -93 +27 44 49.94 7.53 -86
285 2845 b Canis Min.* 2.90 B8 V 7 28 28.7 3.251 -35 +8 14 16.99 7.58 -38
1194 2878 r Puppis 3.25 K5 III 7 30 00.5 1.905 -50 -43 21 07.87 7.48 +187
287 2891 a Gemino.* cg 1.95 Alm A2 Va 7 36 09.6 3.819 -135 +31 49 57.61 -8.26 -98
291 2943 a C. Min.* cg 0.38 F5 IV-V 7 40 35.0 3.137 -477 +5 09 37.61 9.54 -1021
297 3024 z Volantis 3.95 G9 III 7 41 30.2 0.785 +67 -72 39 52.14 -8.57 +18
* No. 225 : Prajapati. No. 257 : Sirius , Lubdhaka Mag. - 1.46.
No. 227 : Menkalinam . No. 268 : Adhara.
No. 243 : Mirzam. No. 269 : Mekbuda Mag. 3.7 to 4.1.
No. 245 : Canopus , Agastya. No. 285 : Gomeisa.
No. 251 : Alhena . No. 287 : Castor, Punarvasu-2, Mag. 1.95 & 2.95.
No. 291 : Procyon , Mag. 0.38 & 11.3.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
293 2970 26a Monocerotis 3.93 G9 III Fe-1 7 42 25.1 2.866 -49 -9 36 35.73 -8.68 -19
294 2985 k Geminorum 3.57 G8 III 7 45 55.4 3.614 -24 +24 20 13.91 8.99 -52
295 2990 b Geminorum* 1.14 K0 IIIb 7 46 48.7 3.662 -474 +27 57 53.94 9.05 -44
1204 3045 x Puppis 3.34 G6 Iab-Ib 7 50 19.5 2.525 -2 -24 55 21.72 9.28 -2
301 3080 213 G. Puppis 3.73 K1/2 II + A 7 53 03.6 2.065 -8 -40 38 24.75 9.49 +3
303 3117 c Carinae 3.47 B3p Si 7 57 24.1 1.524 -32 -53 02 56.01 9.80 +21
306 3165 z Puppis 2.25 O5 Iafn 8 04 26.8 2.111 -24 -40 04 24.27 -10.34 +12
308 3185 r Puppis 2.81 F5 (Ib-II)p 8 08 35.3 2.557 -61 -24 22 34.57 10.61 +49
309 3207 γ2 Velorum 1.78 WC8 + O9I: 8 10 17.3 1.850 -4 -47 24 35.43 10.78 +6
312 3249 b Cancri 3.52 K 4 III Ba 0.5 8 17 50.6 3.249 -30 +9 06 30.03 11.39 -49
315 3307 e Carinae 1.86 K3: III + B2: V 8 23 00.9 1.225 -35 -59 35 20.63 11.70 +15
319 3347 b Volantis 3.77 K2 III 8 25 59.8 0.632 -61 -66 13 08.66 12.08 -155
316 3314 Br 1197 Hydrae 3.90 A0 Va 8 26 53.0 2.996 -44 -3 59 16.25 -12.01 -23
317 3323 o Ursae Maj. 3.36 G5 III 8 32 16.8 4.927 -182 +60 38 01.74 12.46 -107
321 3366 h Cancri 5.33 K3 III 8 34 07.3 3.460 -34 +20 21 22.40 12.53 -43
1223 3410 d Hydrae 4.16 A1 Ivnn 8 38 57.1 3.172 -44 +5 37 00.44 12.82 -7
1224 3418 s Hydrae 4.44 K1 III 8 40 02.2 3.132 -12 +3 15 13.89 12.90 -18
1227 3447 o Velorum 3.62 B3 IV 8 40 59.7 1.719 -24 -53 00 35.31 12.93 +20
1226 3445 53 G. Velorum 3.84 F0 Ia 8 41 26.4 1.994 0 -46 44 12.82 -12.98 +3
327 3468 a Pyxidis 3.68 B1.5 III 8 44 34.7 2.414 -9 -33 16 33.04 13.18 +11
1228 3449 γ Cancri 4.66 A1 Va 8 44 42.0 3.461 -76 +21 22 43.42 13.23 -39
326 3461 d Cancri* 3.94 K0 IIIb 8 46 04.4 3.400 -13 +18 03 45.49 13.51 -228
(329) 3482 e Hydrae* m +
3.38 G5: III A: 8 48 04.2 3.170 -155 +6 19 39.09 13.45 -40
328 3475 i Cancri 4.02 G8 II-III 8 48 10.5 3.616 -19 +28 40 06.98 13.46 -42
336 3571 108 G. Carinae 3.84 B7 II-III 8 55 36.0 1.354 -28 -60 44 19.85 -13.86 +38
334 3547 z Hydrae 3.11 G9 IIIa 8 56 41.2 3.167 -66 +5 51 03.07 13.95 +15
337 3572 a Cancri* 4.25 A5m 8 59 49.5 3.275 23 +11 45 41.10 14.19 -31
335 3569 i Ursae Maj. 3.14 A7 Ivn 9 00 52.4 4.074 -443 +47 56 37.28 14.45 -225
342 3614 97 G. Velorum 3.75 K2 III 9 05 00.1 2.073 -44 -47 11 46.39 14.49 -13
341 3594 k Ursae Maj. 3.60 A0 IIIn 9 05 17.2 4.064 -32 +47 03 28.34 14.55 -54
345 3634 l Velorum 2.21 K4.5 Ib 9 08 53.9 2.212 -17 -43 31 56.84 -14.70 +13
1239 3627 x Cancri 5.14 G9 IIIa Fe-0.5 CH-I 9 10 45.8 3.438 +1 +21 56 41.56 14.82 +5
348 3685 b Carinae 1.68 A1 III 9 13 27.5 0.629 -311 -69 49 06.11 14.87 +109
347 3665 θ Hydrae 3.88 B9.5 IV (C II) 9 15 38.3 3.118 +86 +2 12 34.45 15.41 -310
351 3699 i Carinae 2.25 A7 Ib 9 17 44.7 1.605 -26 -59 22 43.42 15.22 +8
352 3705 a Lyncis 3.13 K7 IIIab 9 22 32.4 3.635 -179 +34 17 15.04 15.48 +19
1243 3718 θ Pyxidis 4.72 M0.5 III 9 22 34.8 2.660 -8 -26 04 14.81 -15.50 -8
353 3734 k Velorum* 2.50 B2 IV-V 9 22 52.4 1.861 -10 -55 06 57.95 15.50 +9
354 3748 a Hydrae* 1.98 K3 II-III 9 28 47.5 2.948 -9 -8 45 57.53 15.80 +33
361 3803 N Velorum 3.13 K5 III 9 31 58.1 1.826 -39 -57 08 35.38 16.00 +4
355 3757 23 Ursae Maj. 3.67 F0 IV 9 33 26.0 4.653 +160 +62 57 10.60 16.05 +27
358 3775 θ Ursae Maj. 3.17 F6 IV 9 34 28.9 3.972 -1024 +51 33 51.09 -16.66 -529
* No. 295 : Pollux, Punarvasu-1. No. 337 : Acubens. (Aslesa.)
No. 326 : Pusya. No. 353 : Markeb .
No. 329 : Aslesa. No. 354 : Alphard .


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
1250 3845 i Hydrae 3.91 K2.5 III 9 41 06.4 3.062 +32 -1 15 18.76 -16.54 -64
364 3849 k Hydrae 5.06 B5 V 9 41 28.9 2.878 -19 -14 26 40.20 16.51 -20
365 3852 o Leonis 3.52 F5 II + A5? 9 42 27.4 3.196 -96 +9 46 46.96 16.58 -37
367 3873 e Leonis 2.98 G1 II 9 47 14.2 3.393 -34 +23 39 36.84 16.78 -11
368 3888 v Ursae Maj. 3.80 F0 IV 9 52 42.7 4.206 -379 +58 55 19.51 17.18 -150
371 3905 m Leonis 3.88 K2 III CN I Ca I 9 54 09.1 3.398 -160 +25 53 25.49 17.15 -56
375 3940 φVelorum 3.54 B5 Ib 9 57 43.5 2.115 -12 -54 41 06.40 -17.25 +3
1261 3970 v 2 Hydrae 4.60 B8 V 10 06 19.1 2.924 -25 -13 11 03.66 17.61 +18
379 3975 h Leonis 3.52 A0 Ib 10 08 39.9 3.262 -1 +16 38 31.98 17.72 0
380 3982 a Leonis* 1.35 B7 Vn 10 09 40.5 3.188 -169 +11 50 47.47 17.76 +7
381 3994 λ Hydrae 3.61 K0 III CN 0.5 10 11 47.0 2.927 -138 -12 28 33.60 17.94 -88
385 4037 ω Carinae 3.32 B8 IIIn 10 14 19.0 1.420 -76 -70 09 35.86 17.94 +7
382 4023 191 G.Velorum 3.85 A2 Va 10 15 46.1 2.529 -131 -42 14 38.86 -17.96 +45
1264 4050 187 G. Carinae 3.40 K2.5 II 10 17 54.3 2.014 -34 -61 27 18.99 18.08 +5
384 4031 z Leonis 3.44 F0 III 10 18 02.9 3.324 +13 +23 17 39.47 18.10 -7
383 4033 λ Ursae Maj. 3.45 A1 IV 10 18 33.9 3.590 -149 +42 47 27.85 18.15 -38
1268 4080 204 G.Velorum 4.83 K1 III 10 23 22.9 2.585 -20 -41 46 26.42 18.23 +56
386 4069 m Ursae Maj. 3.05 M0 III 10 23 46.8 3.548 -72 +41 22 31.36 18.27 +35
391 4102 I Carinae 4.00 F2 V 10 24 52.4 1.172 -52 -74 09 23.57 -18.37 -26
389 4094 m Hydrae 3.81 K4+ III 10 27 16.6 2.906 -89 -16 57 43.69 18.50 -80
392 4104 a Antliae 4.25 K4.5 III 10 28 16.6 2.754 -58 -31 11 35.61 18.45 +11
393 4114 196 G. Carinae 3.82 F0 Ib 10 28 47.0 2.216 -17 -58 51 54.38 18.47 0
1270 4116 d Sextantis 5.21 B9.5 V 10 30 43.4 3.047 -32 -2 51 54.91 18.55 -14
397 4140 203 G. Carinae 3.32 B4 Vne 10 32 54.0 2.148 -27 -61 48 42.75 18.60 +9
396 4133 r Leonis 3.85 B1 Iab 10 34 06.0 3.154 -4 +9 10 47.16 -18.65 -3
401 4174 γ Chamaeleontis 4.11 M0 III 10 35 44.2 0.650 -144 -78 44 05.73 18.69 +14
406 4199 θ Carinae 2.76 B0.5 Vp 10 43 50.2 2.157 -35 -64 31 23.69 18.93 +10
411 4234 d2 Chamaeleontis 4.45 B2.5 IV 10 45 58.8 0.474 -201 -80 40 10.03 19.00 +8
410 4232 n Hydrae 3.11 K1.5 IIIb Hd-0.5 10 50 50.1 2.966 +66 -16 19 20.81 18.94 +200
412 4247 46 Leonis Min. 3.83 K0+ III-IV 10 54 40.5 3.337 +70 +34 04 55.91 19.51 -279
1283 4287 a Crateris 4.08 K0+ III 11 00 58.2 2.930 -323 -18 25 46.96 -19.25 +130
416 4295 b Ursae Maj.* 2.37 A1 IV-V 11 03 18.2 3.575 +99 +56 15 01.79 19.40 +34
417 4301 a Ursae Maj.* 1.80 K0- IIIa 11 05 13.2 3.644 -167 +61 37 04.90 19.54 -66
1289 4337 260 G. Carinae 3.91 G4 0-Ia 11 09 38.7 2.588 -9 -59 06 29.22 19.56 0
420 4335 ψ Ursae Maj. 3.01 K1 III 11 11 01.9 3.346 -60 +44 21 54.37 19.61 -28
422 4357 d Leonis* 2.56 A4 IV 11 15 24.5 3.182 +101 +20 23 20.63 19.79 -130
423 4359 θ Leonis* 3.34 A2 IV (Kvar) 11 15 31.4 3.142 -42 +15 17 42.89 -19.74 -79
425 4377 n Ursae Maj. 3.48 K3- III 11 19 47.8 3.225 -20 +32 57 36.89 19.71 +28
426 4382 d Crateris 3.56 G9 IIIb CH 0.2 11 20 34.1 3.006 -84 -14 54 41.30 19.54 +208
433 4434 λ Draconis 3.84 M0 III Ca-1 11 32 49.9 3.484 -73 +69 11 44.05 19.92 -17
434 4450 ξ Hydrae 3.54 G7 III 11 34 12.7 2.965 -162 -31 59 36.25 19.95 -39
436 4467 λ Centauri 3.13 B9.5 Iin 11 36 55.4 2.804 -61 -63 09 19.86 -19.94 -5
* No. 380 : Regulus , Magha. No. 417 : Dubhe , Kratu.
No. 416 : Merak , Pulaha. No. 422 : Zosma , Purva Phalguni-1.
No. 423 : Purva Phalguni-2.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
442 4520 λ Muscae 3.64 A7 IV 11 46 46.7 2.878 -174 -66 51 52.70 -19.97 +37
441 4518 c Ursae Maj. 3.71 K0.5 IIIb 11 47 20.1 3.143 -136 +47 38 36.42 19.98 +30
1304 4527 93 Leonis* 4.53v G4 III-IV + A7 V 11 49 14.8 3.088 -106 +20 04 57.62 20.02 -3
444 4534 b Leonis* 2.14 A3 Va 11 50 18.5 3.056 -342 +14 26 06.02 20.14 -114
445 4540 b Virginis 3.61 F9 V 11 51 58.3 3.126 +495 +1 37 35.54 20.30 -271
447 4554 γ Ursae Maj.* 2.44 A0 Van 11 55 06.5 3.125 +107 +53 33 30.53 20.02 +12
452 4621 d Centauri 2.60 B2 IVne 12 09 38.3 3.141 -36 -50 51 31.60 -20.03 -8
453 4630 e Corvi 3.00 K2.5 IIIa 12 11 23.3 3.098 -51 -22 45 21.31 20.00 +13
455 4656 d Crucis 2.80 B2 IV 12 16 27.6 3.229 -53 -58 53 06.16 20.00 -9
456 4660 d Ursae Maj.* 3.31 A2 Van 12 16 37.7 2.940 +127 +56 53 47.82 19.98 +9
457 4662 γ Corvi* 2.59 B8p Hg Mn 12 17 04.2 3.096 -112 -17 40 40.17 19.96 +23
459 4674 b Chamaeleontis 4.26 B5 Vn 12 19 50.2 3.678 -175 -79 26 52.83 19.95 +17
460 4689 h Virginis 3.89 AI IV+ 12 21 09.6 3.073 -42 -0 48 10.01 -19.97 -18
462 4730 a Crucis*A 1.33 B0.5 IV 12 27 58.8 3.393 -53 -63 14 04.43 19.90 -12
465 4757 d Corvi* 2.95 B9.5 IV-n 12 31 08.1 3.115 -146 -16 39 05.64 19.99 -138
468 4763 γ Crucis 1.63v M3.5 III 12 32 32.4 3.372 +29 -57 15 00.22 20.10 -262
469 4773 γ Muscae 3.87 B5 V 12 33 57.7 3.680 -127 -72 16 04.58 19.82 -2
472 4787 k Draconis 3.87v B6 IIIpe 12 34 30.9 2.524 -112 +69 39 12.27 19.80 +12
471 4786 b Corvi 2.65 G5 IIb 12 35 40.7 3.166 +2 -23 31 54.93 -19.85 -54
474 4798 a Muscae 2.69 B2 IV-V 12 38 40.3 3.659 -90 -69 16 12.59 19.77 -13
475 4813 c Virginis 4.66 K2 III CN 1.5 12 40 30.8 3.104 -51 -8 07 48.45 19.75 -25
1326 4828 r Virginis 4.88 A0 Va(λ Boo) 12 43 07.5 3.037 +57 +10 06 03.31 19.78 -90
481 4853 b Crucis 1.25 B0.5 III 12 49 10.2 3.558 -63 -59 49 19.89 19.60 -14
483 4905 e Ursae Maj.* 1.77 A0p Cr 12 55 06.0 2.620 +132 +55 49 38.15 19.47 -6
484 4910 d Virginis* 3.38 M3+III 12 56 50.3 3.025 -313 +3 15 53.10 -19.48 -54
485 4915 a CVn sq* 2.90 A0p Si Eu 12 57 10.2 2.796 -198 +38 11 11.46 19.36 +56
488 4932 e Virginis* 2.83 G8 IIIab 13 03 23.8 2.987 -185 +10 49 40.65 19.26 +20
487 4923 d Muscae 3.62 K2 III 13 03 59.7 4.242 +544 -71 40 48.90 19.29 -20
492 4983 b Com 4.26 F9.5 V 13 13 00.9 2.795 -604 +27 45 16.29 18.15 +881
495 5020 γ Hydrae 3.00 G8 IIIa 13 20 15.5 3.278 +47 -23 18 00.47 18.87 -45
496 5028 i Centauri 2.75 A2 Va 13 21 59.0 3.398 -284 -36 50 26.88 -18.86 -86
497 5054 z Ursae Maj.*pr +
2.27 A1 Va (Si) 13 24 54.5 2.404 +141 +54 47 52.80 18.70 -20
498 5056 a Virginis* 0.98 B1 V 13 26 29.2 3.171 -28 -11 17 18.39 18.66 -28
501 5107 z Virginis 3.37 A2 IV- 13 35 56.6 3.063 -190 -0 43 13.53 18.27 +42
504 5132 e Centauri 2.30 B1 III 13 41 27.3 3.848 -32 -53 35 23.81 18.13 -17
509 5191 h Ursae Maj.* 1.86 B3 V 13 48 30.2 2.357 -125 +49 11 30.19 17.85 -11
508 5193 m Centauri 3.04 B2 IV-Vpne(shell) 13 51 06.2 3.646 -21 -42 35 41.21 -17.75 -20
513 5235 h Bootis 2.68 G0 IV 13 55 51.1 2.857 -44 +18 16 32.72 17.89 -358
512 5231 z Centauri 2.55 B2.5 IV 13 57 04.9 3.780 -56 -47 24 28.30 -17.52 -42
* No. 1304 : Uttara Phalguni-2. No. 483 : Alioth, Angira.
No. 444 : Denebola, Uttara Phalguni-1. No. 484 : Minelauva.
No. 447 : Phecda or Phad, Pulastya. No. 485 : 12 Canum Venaticorum, Mag. p 2.9 & 5.4
No. 456 : Megrez, Atri. No. 488 : Vindemiatrix.
No. 457 : Minkar. No. 497 : Mizar , Vasista. Mag. f . 4.0.
No. 462 : Acrux . No. 498 : Spica , Citra.
No. 465 : Algorel , Hasta. No. 509 : Alkaid, Benetnasch, Marichi.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
521 5291 a Draconis* 3.65 A0 III 14 05 03.2 1.629 -84 +64 15 33.40 -17.11 +18
518 5267 b Centauri* 0.61 B1 III 14 05 34.5 4.301 -43 -60 29 23.39 17.13 -19
519 5287 p Hydrae 3.27 K2- III Fe-0.5 14 07 46.4 3.436 +33 -26 47 57.39 17.15 -139
520 5288 θ Centauri 2.06 K0 IIIb 14 08 08.0 3.557 -429 -36 29 21.84 17.51 -520
523 5315 k Virginis 4.19 K2.5 III Fe-0.5 14 14 12.4 3.211 +5 -10 23 11.99 16.56 +140
526 5340 a Bootis* -0.04K1.5 III Fe-0.514 16 46.8 2.739 -769 +19 03 20.91 18.58 -2000
525 5338 i Virginis 4.08 F7 III-IV 14 17 18.2 3.156 -2 -6 06 58.91 -16.98 -432
1371 5359 λ Virginis 4.52 A5m: 14 20 26.4 3.259 -11 -13 28 57.76 16.36 +30
531 5404 θ Bootis 4.05 F7 V 14 26 01.8 2.042 -253 +51 44 17.82 16.51 -398
534 5429 r Bootis 3.58 K3 III 14 32 53.1 2.585 -77 +30 15 53.58 15.63 +119
535 5435 γ Bootis 3.03 A7 IV+ 14 33 03.8 2.415 -97 +38 12 07.31 15.58 +153
537 5440 h Centauri 2.31 B1.5 IVpne(shell) 14 37 04.4 3.841 -31 -42 15 50.45 15.55 -35
538 5460 a Centauri* cg 0.00 K1 V 14 41 16.9 4.131 -5000 -60 56 05.96 -14.59 +691
541 5469 a Lupi 2.30 B1.5 III 14 43 34.3 4.028 -21 -47 29 30.29 15.17 -18
545 5487 m Virginis 3.88 F2 V 14 44 21.3 3.171 +73 -5 45 48.30 15.42 -316
539 5463 a Circini 3.19 A 7p Sr Eu 14 44 31.0 4.937 -302 -65 04 47.47 15.33 -232
544 5485 371 G.Cen 4.05 K3 IIIb 14 45 09.8 3.694 -52 -35 16 39.79 15.24 -180
547 5511 109 Virginis 3.72 A0 Ivnn 14 47 29.4 3.040 -76 +1 47 26.99 14.95 -27
542 5470 a Apodis 3.83 K3 III CN 0.5 14 51 01.4 7.802 -41 -79 08 44.37 -14.73 -16
550 5563 b Ursae Min.* 2.08 K4- III 14 50 39.6 -0.101 -76 +74 03 19.04 14.72 +12
548 5531 a2Librae* 2.75 A3 III-IV 14 52 14.3 3.332 -73 -16 08 31.82 14.71 -67
552 5571 b Lupi 2.68 B2 IV 15 00 08.9 3.961 -32 -43 13 51.57 14.20 -39
553 5576 k Centauri 3.13 B2 V 15 00 45.9 3.933 -17 -42 12 03.23 14.15 -24
555 5602 b Bootis 3.50 G8 IIIa Fe-0.5 15 02 52.1 2.261 -35 +40 17 41.87 14.02 -28
556 5603 s Librae 3.29 M2.5 III 15 05 30.6 3.529 -54 -25 22 36.05 -13.87 -43
559 5652 i Librae* 4.54 B9p Si 15 13 37.4 3.434 -25 -19 52 58.31 13.34 -39
558 5649 z Lupi 3.41 G8 III 15 14 03.6 4.353 -122 -52 11 25.86 13.35 -73
563 5681 d Bootis 3.47 G8 III Fe-I 15 16 29.5 2.421 +69 +33 13 28.41 13.23 -112
564 5685 b Librae* 2.61 B8 IIIn 15 18 19.7 3.239 -65 -9 28 18.45 13.01 -19
560 5671 γ Tr. Austrini 2.89 A1 III 15 21 14.0 5.708 -132 -68 46 02.65 12.83 -31
569 5735 γ Ursae Min. 3.05 A 3 III 15 20 42.5 -0.040 -40 +71 44 48.54 -12.81 +20
1402 5695 d Lupi 3.22 B1.5 IVn 15 22 59.4 3.965 -13 -40 44 04.07 12.71 -26
566 5705 φ' Lupi 3.56 K4 III 15 23 22.1 3.830 -74 -36 20 54.46 12.74 -85
571 5744 i Draconis 3.29 K2 III 15 25 28.7 1.345 -12 +58 52 51.25 12.49 +17
572 5747 b Cr. Borealis 3.68 F0p Cr Eu 15 28 50.4 2.476 -137 +29 01 20.96 12.19 +86
578 5793 a Cr.Borealis* 2.23 A0 IV 15 35 43.6 2.543 +91 +26 38 00.78 11.89 -88
577 5787 γ Librae 3.91 G8.5 III 15 36 54.0 3.368 +45 -14 52 10.43 -11.71 +9
579 5794 n Librae 3.58 K3.5 III 15 38 31.1 3.659 -7 -28 12 51.63 11.60 +3
1413 5838 k Librae -
4.74 M0 IIIb 15 43 21.8 3.470 -26 -19 45 23.37 11.36 -103
582 5854 a Serpentis* 2.65 K2 IIIb CN I 15 45 28.6 2.961 +92 +6 21 00.43 -11.05 +47
* No. 518 : Agena . No. 550 : Kochab .
No. 521 : Thuban . No. 559 : Visakha.
No. 526 : Arcturus , Svati. No. 564 : Zuben es Chamali.
No. 538 : Rigil Kentaurus Mag. 0.33 & 1.70. No. 578 : Margarita, Alphecca.
No. 548 : Zuben el Genubi, Visakha. No. 582 : Unukalhaly.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
583 5867 b Serpentis 3.67 A2 IV 15 47 19.2 2.773 +46 15 20 47.79 -11.01 -45
585 5881 m Serpentis 3.54 A0 III 15 50 54.1 3.139 -57 -3 30 12.76 10.73 -24
588 5892 e Serpentis 3.71 A5m 15 52 02.4 2.997 86 +4 24 20.14 10.55 +63
589 5897 b Tr.Australis 2.85 F0 1V 15 57 19.4 5.352 -283 -63 30 12.59 10.62 -398
591 5933 γ Serpentis 3.85 F6 V 15 57 35.2 2.776 +218 +15 34 59.47 11.48 -1281
592 5944 p Scorpii 2.89 B1 V + B2 V 16 00 20.3 3.644 -8 -26 10 57.64 10.02 -26
594 5953 d Scorpii* 2.32 B0.3 IV 16 01 47.2 3.560 -8 -22 41 22.13 -9.91 -22
597 5984 b Scorpii*pr 2.62 B0.5 V 16 06 51.9 3.500 -4 -19 52 13.98 9.52 -19
603 6056 d Ophiuchi 2.74 M0.5 III 16 15 37.9 3.151 -29 -3 45 20.25 8.96 -143
605 6075 e Ophiuchi 3.24 G9.5 IIIb Fe-0.5 16 19 37.2 3.182 +57 -4 45 01.50 8.46 +41
608 6092 t Herculis 3.89 B5 IV 16 20 28.7 1.808 -11 +46 15 21.88 8.39 +40
607 6084 s Scorpii 2.89 B1 III 16 22 40.9 3.659 -8 -25 38 58.43 8.28 -21
609 6095 γ Herculis 3.75 A9 IIIbn 16 23 00.1 2.650 -33 +19 05 49.53 -8.19 +43
613 6117 w Herculis 4.57 B9 p Cr 16 26 32.9 2.773 +30 +13 58 42.46 8.01 -59
616 6134 a Scorpii* cg 0.96 M1.5 Iab-Ib 16 30 54.8 3.691 -7 -26 29 03.24 7.62 -20
618 6148 b Herculis 2.77 G7 III a Fe-0.5 16 31 16.5 2.583 -70 +21 26 15.77 7.58 -15
611 6102 γ Apodis 3.89 G8/K0 III 16 37 17.2 9.429 -452 -78 56 48.76 7.15 -77
620 6165 t Scorpii 2.82 B0 V 16 37 24.7 3.747 -6 -28 15 52.94 7.09 -22
622 6175 z Ophiuchi 2.56 O9.5 Vn 16 38 30.6 3.311 +9 -10 36 53.21 -6.95 +26
626 6220 h Herculis 3.53 G7 III Fe-1 16 43 44.2 2.061 +32 +38 52 37.03 6.63 -82
625 6217 a Tr. Austr.* 1.92 K2 IIb-IIIa 16 51 16.8 6.415 +26 -69 04 08.36 5.95 -34
1438 6243 20 Ophiuchi 4.65 F7 III 16 51 11.5 3.326 +65 -10 49 27.79 6.02 -92
628 6241 e Scorpii 2.29 K2 III 16 51 45.3 3.899 -493 -34 20 07.69 6.14 -257
1435 6229 h Arae 3.76 K5 III 16 51 54.8 5.213 +49 -59 04 55.75 5.90 -28
1439 6247 m1 Scorpii 3.08v B1.5 IVn 16 53 32.1 4.078 -9 -38 05 13.46 -5.76 -25
633 6299 k Ophiuchi 3.20 K2 III 16 58 49.8 2.844 -197 +9 20 19.12 5.30 -11
631 6285 z Arae 3.13 K4 III 17 00 39.4 4.990 -23 -56 01 33.23 5.17 -36
634 6324 e Herculis 3.92 A0 IV+ 17 01 13.7 2.299 -36 +30 53 30.26 5.06 +27
635 6355 60 Herculis 4.91 A4 IV 17 06 30.9 2.786 +35 +12 42 32.04 4.64 -10
639 6396 z Draconis 3.17 B6 III 17 08 51.8 0.189 -33 +65 41 04.59 4.41 +22
638 6380 h Scorpii 3.33 F2 V:p(Cr) 17 13 54.8 4.310 +23 -43 16 07.94 -4.29 -287
643 6418 p Herculis 3.16 K3 II 17 15 54.1 2.093 -22 +36 46 58.30 3.83 +4
641 6410 d Herculis 3.14 A1 Vann 17 16 02.4 2.468 -15 +24 48 42.66 3.98 -157
644 6453 θ Ophiuchi 3.27 B2 IV 17 23 31.0 3.691 -3 -25 01 18.17 3.20 -20
645 6461 b Arae 2.85 K3 Ib-IIa 17 27 20.5 5.002 -9 -55 33 00.13 2.87 -25
1457 6486 44 Ophiuchi 4.17 A9m: 17 27 52.1 3.670 0 -24 11 44.19 2.92 -116
653 6536 b Draconis 2.79 G2 Ib-IIa 17 30 59.3 1.360 -17 +52 17 02.90 -2.52 +15
649 6508 v Scorpii 2.69 B2 IV 17 32 25.9 4.086 -1 -37 18 46.49 2.44 -31
648 6500 d Arae 3.62 B8 Vn 17 33 18.9 5.432 -79 -60 42 03.45 2.42 -96
651 6510 a Arae 2.95 B2 Vne 17 33 44.4 4.648 -32 -49 53 34.17 2.36 -70
652 6527 λ Scorpii* 1.63 B1.5 IV 17 35 16.5 4.081 -1 -37 07 09.08 2.19 -29
656 6556 a Ophiuchi* 2.08 A5 Vnn 17 36 04.4 2.788 +83 +12 32 38.21 -2.31 -226
* No. 594 : Dschubba, Anuradha No. 625 : Atria.
No. 597 : Graffias, Mag. 2.9, 5.1 No. 652 : Schaula , Mula.
No. 616 : Antares , Jyestha, Mag. 0.9 to 1.8. No. 656 : Ras Alhague.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
658 6561 ξ Serpentis 3.54 F0 IIIb 17 38 59.5 3.439 -29 -15 24 42.65 -1.89 -58
654 6553 θ Scorpii 1.87 F1 III 17 39 04.9 4.318 +14 -43 00 38.89 1.83 -2
663 6588 i Herculis 3.80 B3 IV 17 40 09.5 1.697 -5 +45 59 39.83 1.73 +5
660 6580 k Scorpii 2.41 B1.5 III 17 44 11.1 4.156 -5 -39 02 24.41 1.41 -27
665 6603 b Ophiuchi 2.77 K2 III CN 0.5 17 44 41.0 2.966 -27 +4 33 32.08 1.18 159
667 6623 m Herculis 3.42 G5IV 17 47 25.1 2.352 -232 +27 42 27.97 1.85 -752
661 6582 h Pavonis 3.62 K1 IIIa CN I 17 48 08.5 5.900 -21 -64 43 55.07 -1.09 -54
668 6629 γ Ophiuchi 3.75 A0 Van 17 49 07.3 3.011 -14 +2 41 59.77 1.02 -74
666 6615 i1 Scorpii 3.03 F2 Ia 17 49 18.0 4.201 0 -40 08 02.31 0.94 -8
669 6630 G Scorpii 3.21 K2 III 17 51 31.6 4.087 +41 -37 02 54.98 0.71 +33
671 6688 ξ Draconis 3.75 K2 III 17 53 57.2 1.040 +114 +56 52 10.11 0.45 +80
672 6695 θ Herculis 3.86 K1 IIa CN2 17 57 05.6 2.060 +4 +37 14 54.93 0.25 +6
676 6705 γ Draconis* 2.23 K5 III 17 57 10.6 1.396 -8 +51 29 13.07 -0.27 -19
674 6703 ξ Herculis 3.70 G8.5 III 17 58 43.1 2.334 +64 +29 14 48.28 0.13 -17
673 6698 n Ophiuchi 3.34 G 9 IIIa 18 00 22.6 3.305 -4 -9 46 28.58 -0.08 -116
677 6714 67 Ophiuchi 3.97 B5 Ib 18 01 52.4 3.007 +1 +2 55 56.09 +0.16 -8
679 6746 γ Sagittarii 2.99 K0+ III 18 07 22.9 3.855 -41 -30 25 17.10 0.46 -185
1471 6743 θ Arae 3.66 B2 Ib 18 08 32.3 4.670 -10 -50 05 13.67 0.73 -14
680 6771 72 Ophiuchi 3.73 A5 IV-V 18 08 30.7 2.846 -41 +9 34 08.81 +0.82 +80
681 6779 o Herculis 3.83 A0 II-III 18 08 29.9 2.342 +1 +28 46 02.42 0.75 +10
682 6812 m Sagittarii 3.86 B9 Ia 18 15 13.7 3.589 +1 -21 03 00.72 1.33 +1
683 6832 h Sagittarii 3.11 M3.5 IIIab 18 19 17.1 4.059 -106 -36 45 06.74 1.52 -167
695 6927 c Draconis 3.57 F7 V 18 20 36.7 -1.088 +1201 +72 44 34.39 1.45 -345
687 6859 d Sagittarii* 2.70 K2.5 IIIa CN 0.5 18 22 33.7 3.840 +27 -29 48 55.42 1.94 -28
688 6869 h Serpentis 3.26 K0 III-IV 18 22 34.7 3.106 -364 -2 53 25.97 +1.27 -702
690 6895 109 Herculis 3.84 K2 IIIab 18 24 44.6 2.559 +141 +21 46 56.95 1.92 -242
689 6879 e Sagittarii* -
1.85 A0 II n(shell) 18 25 47.9 3.980 -31 -34 22 14.35 2.13 -124
691 6897 a Telescopii 3.51 B3 IV 18 28 47.3 4.444 -15 -45 57 08.16 2.46 -54
692 6913 λ Sagittarii 2.81 K1 IIIb 18 29 28.9 3.702 -32 -25 24 21.30 2.39 -185
697 6951 θ Coronae Aust. 4.64 G8 III 18 35 15.0 4.279 +28 -42 17 32.26 3.05 -22
1482 6973 a Scuti 3.85 K3 III 18 36 32.4 3.265 -10 -8 13 29.73 +2.87 -312
699 7001 a Lyrae* 0.03 A0 Va 18 37 46.1 2.033 +172 +38 48 27.86 3.57 +287
1487 7039 φ Sagittarii 3.17 B8 III 18 47 11.2 3.745 +40 -26 57 48.03 4.10 +1
1489 7063 b Scuti 4.22 G4 IIa 18 48 28.5 3.183 -3 -4 43 11.04 4.19 -16
705 7106 b Lyrae* 3.45 B7 Vpe(shell) 18 50 59.1 2.217 +3 +33 23 32.97 4.42 -3
706 7121 s Sagittarii* 2.02 B3 IV 18 56 47.0 3.716 +10 -26 15 50.72 4.86 -54
710 7150 ξ2 Sagittarii 3.51 K1 III 18 59 11.4 3.575 +24 -21 04 20.36 +5.11 -12
713 7178 γ Lyrae 3.24 B9 II 18 59 51.6 2.246 -2 +32 43 28.33 5.18 +2
712 7176 e Aquilae -
4.02 K1 III CN 0.5 19 00 44.1 2.724 -35 +15 06 11.46 5.18 -74
716 7235 z Aquilae 2.99 A0 Vann 19 06 32.2 2.758 -3 +13 54 05.48 5.64 -96
717 7236 λ Aquilae 3.44 A0 IVp(wk 4481) 19 07 32.9 3.183 -11 -4 50 38.04 5.73 -90
1496 7234 t Sagittarii 3.32 K1.5 IIIb 19 08 28.1 3.740 -40 -27 37 56.75 +5.65 -251
No. 676 : Eltanin. No. 699 : Vega , Abhijit.
No. 687 : Purvasadha-1. No. 705 : Sheliak Mag. 3.3 to 4.3.
No. 689 : Kaus Australis , Purvasadha-2. No. 706 : Nunki , Uttarasadha.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
720 7264 p Sagittarii 2.89 F2 II-III 19 11 13.2 3.563 0 -20 58 57.27 +6.09 -35
723 7310 d Draconis 3.07 G9 III 19 12 33.2 -0.005 +164 +67 42 16.71 6.33 +93
726 7328 k Cygni 3.77 G9 III 19 17 40.1 1.384 +65 +53 24 52.27 6.79 +125
730 7377 d Aquilae 3.36 F2 IV-V 19 26 44.0 3.024 +171 +3 09 55.38 7.49 +83
1508 7405 a Vulpeculae 4.44 M0.5 IIIb 19 29 43.5 2.498 -92 +24 42 57.41 7.54 -106
733 7420 i Cygni 3.79 A4 V 19 30 19.4 1.511 +21 +51 46 58.38 7.83 +130
732 7417 b Cygni*p 3.08 K3 II + B9.5 V 19 31 42.6 2.421 +2 +28 00 45.10 +7.81 -2
1513 7488 b Sagittae 4.37 G8 IIIa CN 0.5 19 42 09.0 2.695 +7 +17 32 03.58 8.61 -32
741 7525 γ Aquilae 2.72 K3 II 19 47 25.5 2.852 +12 +10 40 28.44 9.05 -2
743 7536 d Sagittae 3.82 M2 II + A0 V 19 48 28.8 2.676 +5 +18 35 46.34 9.14 +8
745 7557 a Aquilae* 0.77 A7 Vnn 19 51 58.7 2.926 +362 +8 56 04.86 9.79 +387
746 7570 h Aquilae 3.90V. F6-GI Ib 19 53 43.2 3.054 +7 +1 04 12.79 9.53 -7
749 7602 b Aquilae* 3.71 G8 IV 19 56 31.0 2.946 +33 +6 28 10.38 +9.27 -482
752 7635 γ Sagittae 3.47 M0- III 19 59 50.8 2.669 +46 +19 33 36.59 10.03 +24
751 7623 θ1 Sagittarii 4.37 B2.5 IV 20 01 19.5 3.890 +5 -35 12 28.88 10.09 -26
754 7665 d Pavonis 3.56 G6/8 IV 20 11 06.3 5.812 +1998 -66 06 59.41 9.72 -1125
756 7710 θ Aquilae 3.23 B9.5 III 20 12 34.1 3.093 +26 -0 44 49.87 10.96 +4
757 7735 31 o 2 Cygni 3.79 K2 II+ B4 V 20 14 24.2 1.890 +4 +46 48 59.98 11.09 +3
761 7754 a2 Capricorni* 3.57 G9III 20 19 24.7 3.322 +44 -12 28 01.92 +11.46 +4
762 7776 b Capricorni 3.08 K0 II: + A5n: V: 20 22 23.1 3.363 +29 -14 42 08.33 11.67 +2
765 7796 γ Cygni 2.20 F8 Ib 20 23 06.5 2.155 +4 +40 20 10.45 11.72 0
764 7790 a Pavonis 1.94 B2.5 V 20 27 34.2 4.700 +9 -56 39 15.44 11.94 -89
768 7852 e Delphini 4.03 B6 III 20 34 23.0 2.866 +9 +11 23 16.61 12.48 -22
(771) 7882 b Delphini*m 3.64 F5 IV 20 38 41.9 2.814 +81 +14 40 53.68 12.75 -47
769 7869 a Indi 3.11 K0 III CN-1 20 39 16.8 4.189 +52 -47 12 14.77 +12.90 +66
774 7906 a Delphini* 3.77 B9 IV 20 40 46.6 2.787 +46 +15 59 59.20 12.93 -2
777 7924 a Cygni* 1.25 A2 Ia 20 42 16.1 2.048 +3 +45 22 08.02 13.04 +2
778 7928 d Delphini 4.43 F0m 20 44 36.2 2.801 -13 +15 09 49.55 13.14 -43
783 7957 h Cephei 3.43 K0 IV 20 45 47.0 1.209 +119 +61 56 04.33 14.08 +819
775 7913 b Pavonis 3.42 A6 IV- 20 47 08.1 5.317 -76 -66 06 45.72 13.37 +11
780 7949 e Cygni 2.46 K0 III 20 47 12.2 2.431 +286 +34 03 47.46 +13.69 +329
1541 7948 γ Delphini sq 4.27 K1 IV 20 47 47.7 2.784 -22 +16 12 49.93 13.20 -197
781 7950 e Aquarii 3.77 A1 III- 20 49 00.0 3.242 +24 -9 24 16.48 13.44 -34
1547 7990 m Aquarii 4.73 F2m 20 53 58.4 3.230 +30 -8 53 23.74 13.76 -30
785 7986 b Indi 3.65 K1 II 20 56 42.3 4.633 +21 -58 21 34.91 13.94 -26
1550 8039 γ Microscopii 4.67 G8 III 21 02 47.3 3.662 -2 -32 09 37.51 14.35 +5
792 8079 x Cygni 3.72 K4.5 Ib-II 21 05 49.4 2.187 +8 +44 01 35.57 +14.53 +1
797 8115 z Cygni 3.20 G8+ III-IIIa Ba 0.5 21 13 58.8 2.557 +1 +30 19 42.69 14.95 -56
800 8131 a Equulei 3.92 G2 II-III + A4 V 21 17 02.9 2.998 +39 +5 21 01.30 15.10 -88
803 8162 a Cephei* 2.44 A7 V n
21 19 09.7 1.427 +219 +62 41 23.89 15.36 +50
806 8204 z Capricorni 3.74 G4 Ib: Ba 2 21 28 03.7 3.413 +1 -22 18 14.14 +15.82 +23
* No. 732 : Albireo ., Mag. f . 5.4. No. 771 : Rotanev , Dhanistha-1.
No. 745 : Altair , Sravana. No. 774 : Saulocin, Dhanistha-2.
No. 749 : Alshain . No. 777 : Deneb.
No. 761 : Giedi or Algedi. No. 803 : Alderamin.


(The Annual Variations are for the middle of the year)

Cat. BS Star Mag. Spec- Right Ascension Annual Annual Declination Annual Annual
No. =HR tral Type Variation Proper Variation Proper
FK5 No. motion motion

s "
h m s s (0.0001) º ' " " (0.001)
809 8238 b Cephei 3.23 B1 III 21 28 58.0 0.745 +21 +70 40 06.79 +15.85 +7
808 8232 b Aquarii* 2.91 G0 Ib 21 32 50.8 3.153 +14 -5 27 44.04 16.04 -8
1569 8264 x Aquarii 4.69 A5 Vn 21 39 03.2 3.188 +78 -7 44 35.56 16.34 -25
812 8278 γ Capricorni 3.68 A7 m: 21 41 26.7 3.314 +132 -16 33 01.80 16.47 -23
810 8254 n Octantis 3.76 K0 III 21 44 06.3 6.397 +141 -77 16 44.44 16.38 -240
815 8308 e Pegasi* 2.34 K2 Ib-II 21 45 23.4 2.947 +21 +9 59 17.93 16.68 -1
819 8322 d Capricorni 2.87 F2m 21 48 23.4 3.302 +183 -16 00 54.05 +16.53 -296
822 8353 γ Gruis 3.01 B8 IV-Vs 21 55 24.3 3.609 +86 -37 14 54.70 17.13 -21
827 8414 a Aquarii* 2.96 G2 Ib 22 07 02.5 3.079 +13 -0 11 59.76 17.65 -10
831 8430 i Pegasi 3.76 F5 V 22 08 09.2 2.799 +220 +25 27 56.06 17.73 +25
829 8425 a Gruis* 1.74 B7 Vn 22 09 45.9 3.747 +126 -46 50 28.73 17.62 -151
834 8450 θ Pegasi 3.53 A2m AI IV-V 22 11 26.1 3.026 +185 +6 19 09.28 17.86 +27
836 8465 z Cephei 3.35 K1.5 Ib 22 11 42.5 2.092 +19 +58 19 21.41 +17.85 +4
841 8502 a Tucanae 2.86 K3 III 22 20 09.5 4.048 -96 -60 08 11.23 18.13 -43
842 8518 γ Aquarii 3.84 B9.5 III-IV 22 22 55.2 3.096 +88 -1 15 47.19 18.28 +7
846 8556 d1 Gruis 3.97 G6/8 III 22 30 43.5 3.557 +26 -43 22 10.60 18.53 -5
848 8585 a Lacertae 3.77 A1 Va 22 32 18.4 2.487 +144 +50 24 32.62 18.61 +19
849 8592 v Aquarii 5.20 F5 V 22 36 01.8 3.271 +158 -20 34 55.17 18.57 -144
850 8597 h Aquarii 4.02 B9 IV-V:n 22 36 36.9 3.081 +61 +0 00 34.02 +18.67 -56
855 8634 z Pegasi 3.40 B8.5 III 22 42 41.1 2.995 +55 +10 57 35.46 18.90 -12
856 8636 b Gruis 2.10 M4.5 III 22 44 07.2 3.551 +133 -46 45 21.04 18.94 -8
857 8650 h Pegasi 2.94 G8 II + F0V 22 44 09.3 2.822 +11 +30 20 59.88 18.93 -25
860 8675 e Gruis 3.49 A2 Va 22 50 01.3 3.586 +115 -51 11 14.64 19.04 -71
863 8694 i Cephei 3.52 K0- III 22 50 33.5 2.155 -108 +66 19 46.83 19.00 -125
861 8679 t Aquarii 4.01 M0 III 22 50 53.2 3.170 -8 -13 27 45.91 +19.10 -38
862 8684 m Pegasi 3.48 G8+ III 22 51 11.3 2.904 +108 +24 43 53.37 19.10 -42
864 8698 λ Aquarii* 3.74 M2.5 III Fe-0.5 22 53 53.5 3.126 +8 -7 26 55.34 19.25 +37
866 8709 d Aquarii 3.27 A3 IV-V 22 55 56.9 3.176 -28 -15 41 23.98 19.24 -25
867 8728 a PsA* 1.16 A3 Va 22 58 60.0 3.300 +255 -29 29 30.78 19.17 -164
869 8762 o Andromedae 3.62 B6 pe (shell) 23 03 03.2 2.777 +20 +42 27 29.00 19.42 -6
870 8775 b Pegasi* 2.42 M2.5 II-III 23 04 57.9 2.919 +143 +28 12 58.10 +19.60 +138
871 8781 a Pegasi* 2.49 A0 III-IV 23 05 59.0 2.994 +44 +15 20 15.01 19.44 -42
873 8812 88 Aquarii 3.66 K1.5 III 23 10 45.0 3.189 +40 -21 02 20.43 19.61 +31
878 8852 γ Piscium 3.69 G9 III: Fe-2 23 18 26.2 3.112 +509 +3 24 59.33 19.73 +17
890 8961 λ Andromedae 3.82v G8 III-IV 23 38 46.3 2.960 +157 +46 35 27.92 19.53 -421
893 8974 γ Cephei 3.21 K1 III-IV CN I 23 40 22.5 2.527 -213 +77 46 09.63 20.12 +151
902 9072 w Piscium 4.01 F4V 0 00 34.3 3.086 +103 +6 59 56.03 +19.93 -115
BS = Bright Star Catalogue HR = Havard Revised Catalogue FK5 = Fifth Fundamental Catalogue
* No. 808 : Sadalsuud. No. 864 : Satabhisaj.
No. 815 : Enif . Mag. 0.7 to 3.5. No. 867 : Fomalhaut .
No. 827 : Sadalmelik. No. 870 : Scheat , Purva Bhadrapada-2.
No. 829 : Al Nair. No. 871 : Markab , Purva Bhadrapada-1.


Name g Pegasi (HR39) a Phoenicis (HR 99) b Ceti (HR 188) b Andromedae (HR 337)
Mag. Spect. 2.83 B2 IV 2.39 K0 III b 2.04 G9 III CH-1 CN 0.5 Ca 1 2.06 M0+IIIa
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 0 14 28 +15 19 03 0 27 28 -42 10 49 0 44 47 -17 51 27 1 11 05 +35 45 01
11 0 14 28 15 19 02 0 27 28 42 10 49 0 44 47 17 51 28 1 11 04 35 45 01
21 0 14 28 15 19 01 0 27 28 42 10 48 0 44 47 17 51 28 1 11 04 35 44 60
31 0 14 28 15 19 01 0 27 28 42 10 47 0 44 47 17 51 28 1 11 04 35 44 59
Feb. 10 0 14 27 15 18 60 0 27 27 42 10 45 0 44 47 17 51 27 1 11 04 35 44 58
20 0 14 27 15 18 59 0 27 27 42 10 44 0 44 47 17 51 27 1 11 04 35 44 56

Mar. 1 0 14 27 +15 18 58 0 27 27 -42 10 42 0 44 47 -17 51 26 1 11 04 +35 44 55

11 0 14 27 15 18 57 0 27 27 42 10 39 0 44 47 17 51 25 1 11 04 35 44 53
21 0 14 27 15 18 56 0 27 27 42 10 36 0 44 47 17 51 23 1 11 04 35 44 52
31 0 14 27 15 18 56 0 27 27 42 10 34 0 44 47 17 51 22 1 11 04 35 44 50
Apr. 10 0 14 28 15 18 56 0 27 27 42 10 31 0 44 47 17 51 20 1 11 04 35 44 49
20 0 14 28 15 18 56 0 27 28 42 10 27 0 44 47 17 51 18 1 11 04 35 44 48

30 0 14 28 +15 18 57 0 27 28 -42 10 24 0 44 47 -17 51 16 1 11 04 +35 44 47

May 10 0 14 28 15 18 57 0 27 28 42 10 21 0 44 47 17 51 13 1 11 04 35 44 46
20 0 14 28 15 18 59 0 27 28 42 10 18 0 44 48 17 51 11 1 11 04 35 44 46
30 0 14 29 15 19 00 0 27 29 42 10 15 0 44 48 17 51 08 1 11 05 35 44 47
June 9 0 14 29 15 19 02 0 27 29 42 10 13 0 44 48 17 51 06 1 11 05 35 44 47
19 0 14 29 15 19 04 0 27 29 42 10 11 0 44 49 17 51 04 1 11 05 35 44 48

29 0 14 30 +15 19 06 0 27 30 -42 10 09 0 44 49 -17 51 02 1 11 06 +35 44 50

July 9 0 14 30 15 19 08 0 27 30 42 10 07 0 44 49 17 50 60 1 11 06 35 44 52
19 0 14 30 15 19 10 0 27 31 42 10 06 0 44 50 17 50 58 1 11 07 35 44 53
29 0 14 31 15 19 12 0 27 31 42 10 06 0 44 50 17 50 57 1 11 07 35 44 56
Aug. 8 0 14 31 15 19 15 0 27 31 42 10 05 0 44 50 17 50 55 1 11 07 35 44 58
18 0 14 31 15 19 17 0 27 32 42 10 06 0 44 50 17 50 55 1 11 08 35 45 00

28 0 14 31 +15 19 19 0 27 32 -42 10 07 0 44 51 -17 50 54 1 11 08 +35 45 03

Sept. 7 0 14 32 15 19 20 0 27 32 42 10 08 0 44 51 17 50 54 1 11 08 35 45 05
17 0 14 32 15 19 22 0 27 32 42 10 10 0 44 51 17 50 55 1 11 08 35 45 08
27 0 14 32 15 19 23 0 27 32 42 10 11 0 44 51 17 50 55 1 11 08 35 45 10
Oct. 7 0 14 32 15 19 24 0 27 32 42 10 14 0 44 51 17 50 56 1 11 09 35 45 12
17 0 14 32 15 19 25 0 27 32 42 10 16 0 44 51 17 50 57 1 11 09 35 45 14

27 0 14 32 +15 19 26 0 27 32 -42 10 18 0 44 51 -17 50 58 1 11 09 +35 45 16

Nov. 6 0 14 32 15 19 26 0 27 32 42 10 20 0 44 51 17 50 60 1 11 09 35 45 18
16 0 14 32 15 19 27 0 27 32 42 10 22 0 44 51 17 51 01 1 11 09 35 45 19
26 0 14 32 15 19 27 0 27 32 42 10 24 0 44 51 17 51 02 1 11 09 35 45 21
Dec. 6 0 14 32 15 19 27 0 27 32 42 10 25 0 44 51 17 51 03 1 11 09 35 45 22
16 0 14 31 15 19 26 0 27 32 42 10 26 0 44 51 17 51 04 1 11 08 35 45 22

26 0 14 31 +15 19 26 0 27 31 -42 10 27 0 44 51 -17 51 05 1 11 08 +35 45 22

36 0 14 31 +15 19 25 0 27 31 -42 10 27 0 44 51 -17 51 06 1 11 08 +35 45 22


Name z Ceti (HR 539) n Ceti (HR 585) a Arietis (HR 617) a Ceti (HR 911)
Mag. Spect. 3.73 K0 III 4.00 M0 IIIb 2.00 K2 IIIab 2.53 M1.5 IIIa
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 1 52 39 -10 13 05 2 01 09 -20 57 51 2 08 32 +23 34 38 3 03 33 +4 11 01
11 1 52 39 10 13 06 2 01 08 20 57 52 2 08 32 23 34 38 3 03 33 4 11 00
21 1 52 39 10 13 07 2 01 08 20 57 53 2 08 32 23 34 37 3 03 32 4 10 60
31 1 52 39 10 13 07 2 01 08 20 57 53 2 08 32 23 34 37 3 03 32 4 10 59
Feb. 10 1 52 39 10 13 07 2 01 08 20 57 53 2 08 31 23 34 36 3 03 32 4 10 59
20 1 52 38 10 13 07 2 01 08 20 57 52 2 08 31 23 34 35 3 03 32 4 10 58

Mar. 1 1 52 38 -10 13 07 2 01 08 -20 57 52 2 08 31 +23 34 34 3 03 32 +4 10 58

11 1 52 38 10 13 06 2 01 08 20 57 50 2 08 31 23 34 34 3 03 32 4 10 58
21 1 52 38 10 13 05 2 01 08 20 57 49 2 08 31 23 34 33 3 03 32 4 10 58
31 1 52 38 10 13 05 2 01 07 20 57 48 2 08 31 23 34 32 3 03 32 4 10 58
Apr. 10 1 52 38 10 13 03 2 01 07 20 57 46 2 08 31 23 34 31 3 03 32 4 10 59
20 1 52 38 10 13 01 2 01 08 20 57 43 2 08 31 23 34 31 3 03 32 4 10 60

30 1 52 38 -10 12 60 2 01 08 -20 57 41 2 08 31 +23 34 31 3 03 32 +4 11 00

May 10 1 52 38 10 12 58 2 01 08 20 57 39 2 08 31 23 34 31 3 03 32 4 11 01
20 1 52 39 10 12 56 2 01 08 20 57 36 2 08 31 23 34 31 3 03 32 4 11 02
30 1 52 39 10 12 53 2 01 08 20 57 33 2 08 32 23 34 32 3 03 32 4 11 04
June 9 1 52 39 10 12 51 2 01 08 20 57 31 2 08 32 23 34 32 3 03 32 4 11 05
19 1 52 39 10 12 49 2 01 09 20 57 28 2 08 32 23 34 33 3 03 32 4 11 07

29 1 52 40 -10 12 46 2 01 09 -20 57 26 2 08 33 +23 34 35 3 03 33 +4 11 09

July 9 1 52 40 10 12 44 2 01 09 20 57 23 2 08 33 23 34 36 3 03 33 4 11 11
19 1 52 40 10 12 42 2 01 10 20 57 21 2 08 33 23 34 38 3 03 33 4 11 12
29 1 52 41 10 12 41 2 01 10 20 57 20 2 08 34 23 34 40 3 03 34 4 11 14
Aug. 8 1 52 41 10 12 39 2 01 10 20 57 18 2 08 34 23 34 42 3 03 34 4 11 16
18 1 52 41 10 12 38 2 01 11 20 57 17 2 08 34 23 34 43 3 03 34 4 11 17

28 1 52 41 -10 12 37 2 01 11 -20 57 17 2 08 35 +23 34 45 3 03 35 +4 11 18

Sept. 7 1 52 42 10 12 37 2 01 11 20 57 17 2 08 35 23 34 47 3 03 35 4 11 19
17 1 52 42 10 12 36 2 01 11 20 57 17 2 08 35 23 34 49 3 03 35 4 11 20
27 1 52 42 10 12 36 2 01 12 20 57 18 2 08 35 23 34 50 3 03 35 4 11 21
Oct. 7 1 52 42 10 12 37 2 01 12 20 57 19 2 08 35 23 34 51 3 03 36 4 11 21
17 1 52 42 10 12 38 2 01 12 20 57 20 2 08 36 23 34 53 3 03 36 4 11 21

27 1 52 42 -10 12 38 2 01 12 -20 57 21 2 08 36 +23 34 54 3 03 36 +4 11 21

Nov. 6 1 52 42 10 12 40 2 01 12 20 57 23 2 08 36 23 34 55 3 03 36 4 11 20
16 1 52 42 10 12 41 2 01 12 20 57 25 2 08 36 23 34 56 3 03 36 4 11 20
26 1 52 42 10 12 42 2 01 12 20 57 27 2 08 36 23 34 56 3 03 36 4 11 19
Dec. 6 1 52 42 10 12 43 2 01 12 20 57 28 2 08 36 23 34 57 3 03 36 4 11 18
16 1 52 42 10 12 44 2 01 12 20 57 30 2 08 36 23 34 57 3 03 36 4 11 18

26 1 52 42 -10 12 45 2 01 12 -20 57 31 2 08 36 +23 34 57 3 03 36 +4 11 17

36 1 52 42 -10 12 46 2 01 12 -20 57 32 2 08 36 +23 34 57 3 03 36 +4 11 16


Name h Tauri (HR 1165) a Tauri (HR 1457) b Eridani (HR 1666) γ Orionis (HR 1790)
Mag. Spect. 2.87 B7 IIIn 0.85 K5 III 2.79 A3 IVn 1.64 B2 III
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 3 48 56 +24 10 49 4 37 19 +16 33 28 5 09 03 -5 03 20 5 26 26 +6 22 17
11 3 48 56 24 10 49 4 37 19 16 33 28 5 09 03 5 03 22 5 26 26 6 22 16
21 3 48 55 24 10 49 4 37 19 16 33 28 5 09 03 5 03 23 5 26 26 6 22 15
31 3 48 55 24 10 49 4 37 19 16 33 28 5 09 03 5 03 24 5 26 26 6 22 15
Feb. 10 3 48 55 24 10 49 4 37 19 16 33 28 5 09 03 5 03 25 5 26 26 6 22 14
20 3 48 55 24 10 49 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 26 5 26 26 6 22 14

Mar. 1 3 48 55 +24 10 48 4 37 18 +16 33 27 5 09 02 -5 03 26 5 26 26 +6 22 14

11 3 48 55 24 10 48 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 26 5 26 26 6 22 14
21 3 48 55 24 10 47 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 26 5 26 25 6 22 14
31 3 48 54 24 10 47 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 26 5 26 25 6 22 14
Apr. 10 3 48 54 24 10 46 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 25 5 26 25 6 22 14
20 3 48 54 24 10 46 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 24 5 26 25 6 22 14

30 3 48 54 +24 10 45 4 37 18 +16 33 26 5 09 01 -5 03 23 5 26 25 +6 22 15
May 10 3 48 54 24 10 45 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 01 5 03 22 5 26 25 6 22 15
20 3 48 54 24 10 45 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 01 5 03 21 5 26 25 6 22 16
30 3 48 55 24 10 45 4 37 18 16 33 27 5 09 02 5 03 19 5 26 25 6 22 17
June 9 3 48 55 24 10 45 4 37 18 16 33 28 5 09 02 5 03 18 5 26 25 6 22 18
19 3 48 55 24 10 46 4 37 18 16 33 28 5 09 02 5 03 16 5 26 25 6 22 19

29 3 48 55 +24 10 47 4 37 18 +16 33 29 5 09 02 -5 03 14 5 26 25 +6 22 20
July 9 3 48 56 24 10 47 4 37 19 16 33 30 5 09 02 5 03 12 5 26 25 6 22 21
19 3 48 56 24 10 48 4 37 19 16 33 31 5 09 02 5 03 11 5 26 26 6 22 22
29 3 48 56 24 10 49 4 37 19 16 33 32 5 09 03 5 03 09 5 26 26 6 22 24
Aug. 8 3 48 57 24 10 51 4 37 19 16 33 33 5 09 03 5 03 07 5 26 26 6 22 25
18 3 48 57 24 10 52 4 37 20 16 33 34 5 09 03 5 03 06 5 26 27 6 22 26

28 3 48 57 +24 10 53 4 37 20 +16 33 35 5 09 03 -5 03 05 5 26 27 +6 22 26
Sept. 7 3 48 58 24 10 54 4 37 20 16 33 36 5 09 04 5 03 04 5 26 27 6 22 27
17 3 48 58 24 10 55 4 37 21 16 33 36 5 09 04 5 03 04 5 26 27 6 22 28
27 3 48 58 24 10 56 4 37 21 16 33 37 5 09 04 5 03 04 5 26 28 6 22 28
Oct. 7 3 48 58 24 10 57 4 37 21 16 33 37 5 09 05 5 03 04 5 26 28 6 22 28
17 3 48 59 24 10 58 4 37 21 16 33 38 5 09 05 5 03 05 5 26 28 6 22 27

27 3 48 59 +24 10 59 4 37 22 +16 33 38 5 09 05 -5 03 05 5 26 29 +6 22 27
Nov. 6 3 48 59 24 10 59 4 37 22 16 33 37 5 09 05 5 03 07 5 26 29 6 22 26
16 3 48 59 24 10 60 4 37 22 16 33 37 5 09 06 5 03 08 5 26 29 6 22 25
26 3 48 59 24 11 00 4 37 22 16 33 37 5 09 06 5 03 10 5 26 29 6 22 24
Dec. 6 3 48 59 24 11 01 4 37 23 16 33 37 5 09 06 5 03 11 5 26 29 6 22 23
16 3 48 60 24 11 01 4 37 23 16 33 37 5 09 06 5 03 13 5 26 30 6 22 22

26 3 48 60 +24 11 01 4 37 23 +16 33 37 5 09 06 -5 03 14 5 26 30 +6 22 21
36 3 48 60 +24 11 02 4 37 23 +16 33 37 5 09 06 -5 03 16 5 26 30 +6 22 21


Name b Leporis (HR 1829) i Orionis (HR 1899) a Columbae (HR 1956) k Orionis (HR 2004)
Mag. Spect. 2.84 G5 II 2.77 O9 III 2.64 B7 IV 2.06 B0.5 Ia
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 5 29 18 -20 44 27 5 36 38 -5 53 40 5 40 33 -34 03 42 5 48 55 -9 39 40
11 5 29 18 20 44 29 5 36 38 5 53 41 5 40 33 34 03 45 5 48 55 9 39 42
21 5 29 18 20 44 31 5 36 38 5 53 43 5 40 32 34 03 47 5 48 55 9 39 44
31 5 29 18 20 44 32 5 36 37 5 53 44 5 40 32 34 03 49 5 48 55 9 39 45
Feb. 10 5 29 17 20 44 34 5 36 37 5 53 45 5 40 32 34 03 51 5 48 55 9 39 46
20 5 29 17 20 44 35 5 36 37 5 53 45 5 40 32 34 03 52 5 48 55 9 39 47

Mar. 1 5 29 17 -20 44 35 5 36 37 -5 53 46 5 40 32 -34 03 53 5 48 54 -9 39 48

11 5 29 17 20 44 35 5 36 37 5 53 46 5 40 32 34 03 53 5 48 54 9 39 48
21 5 29 17 20 44 35 5 36 37 5 53 46 5 40 31 34 03 53 5 48 54 9 39 48
31 5 29 16 20 44 35 5 36 37 5 53 46 5 40 31 34 03 53 5 48 54 9 39 48
Apr. 10 5 29 16 20 44 34 5 36 36 5 53 45 5 40 31 34 03 52 5 48 54 9 39 47
20 5 29 16 20 44 33 5 36 36 5 53 44 5 40 31 34 03 51 5 48 54 9 39 46

30 5 29 16 -20 44 32 5 36 36 -5 53 44 5 40 31 -34 03 49 5 48 53 -9 39 46
May 10 5 29 16 20 44 30 5 36 36 5 53 43 5 40 30 34 03 47 5 48 53 9 39 44
20 5 29 16 20 44 28 5 36 36 5 53 41 5 40 30 34 03 45 5 48 53 9 39 43
30 5 29 16 20 44 26 5 36 36 5 53 40 5 40 30 34 03 42 5 48 53 9 39 41
June 9 5 29 16 20 44 23 5 36 36 5 53 38 5 40 30 34 03 39 5 48 53 9 39 40
19 5 29 16 20 44 21 5 36 36 5 53 37 5 40 30 34 03 36 5 48 53 9 39 38

29 5 29 16 -20 44 18 5 36 36 -5 53 35 5 40 31 -34 03 33 5 48 54 -9 39 36
July 9 5 29 16 20 44 16 5 36 37 5 53 33 5 40 31 34 03 30 5 48 54 9 39 34
19 5 29 17 20 44 14 5 36 37 5 53 31 5 40 31 34 03 28 5 48 54 9 39 32
29 5 29 17 20 44 11 5 36 37 5 53 30 5 40 31 34 03 25 5 48 54 9 39 30
Aug. 8 5 29 17 20 44 09 5 36 37 5 53 28 5 40 31 34 03 23 5 48 54 9 39 28
18 5 29 17 20 44 08 5 36 38 5 53 27 5 40 32 34 03 21 5 48 55 9 39 27

28 5 29 18 -20 44 07 5 36 38 -5 53 26 5 40 32 -34 03 19 5 48 55 -9 39 26
Sept. 7 5 29 18 20 44 06 5 36 38 5 53 25 5 40 32 34 03 18 5 48 55 9 39 25
17 5 29 18 20 44 05 5 36 38 5 53 24 5 40 33 34 03 18 5 48 56 9 39 25
27 5 29 19 20 44 05 5 36 39 5 53 25 5 40 33 34 03 18 5 48 56 9 39 25
Oct. 7 5 29 19 20 44 06 5 36 39 5 53 25 5 40 33 34 03 19 5 48 56 9 39 25
17 5 29 19 20 44 07 5 36 39 5 53 25 5 40 34 34 03 20 5 48 56 9 39 26

27 5 29 19 -20 44 08 5 36 40 -5 53 26 5 40 34 -34 03 21 5 48 57 -9 39 27
Nov. 6 5 29 20 20 44 10 5 36 40 5 53 28 5 40 34 34 03 24 5 48 57 9 39 29
16 5 29 20 20 44 12 5 36 40 5 53 29 5 40 34 34 03 26 5 48 57 9 39 30
26 5 29 20 20 44 14 5 36 40 5 53 31 5 40 35 34 03 29 5 48 57 9 39 32
Dec. 6 5 29 20 20 44 17 5 36 41 5 53 33 5 40 35 34 03 32 5 48 58 9 39 34
16 5 29 20 20 44 20 5 36 41 5 53 34 5 40 35 34 03 35 5 48 58 9 39 36

26 5 29 20 -20 44 22 5 36 41 -5 53 36 5 40 35 -34 03 38 5 48 58 -9 39 38
36 5 29 21 -20 44 24 5 36 41 -5 53 38 5 40 35 -34 03 41 5 48 58 -9 39 40


Name a Orionis (HR 2061) z Canis Majoris (HR 2282) a Carinae (HR 2326) γ Geminorum (HR 2421)
Mag. Spect. 0.4 - 1.3 M1 M2 Ia Iab 3.02 B2.5V -0.72 A9 II 1.93 A1 IVs
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 5 56 29 +7 24 42 6 21 15 -30 04 25 6 24 31 -52 42 28 6 39 07 +16 22 42
11 5 56 29 7 24 40 6 21 15 30 04 28 6 24 31 52 42 32 6 39 07 16 22 42
21 5 56 29 7 24 40 6 21 15 30 04 31 6 24 31 52 42 35 6 39 07 16 22 42
31 5 56 29 7 24 39 6 21 15 30 04 33 6 24 31 52 42 38 6 39 07 16 22 42
Feb. 10 5 56 29 7 24 39 6 21 15 30 04 35 6 24 31 52 42 40 6 39 07 16 22 41
20 5 56 29 7 24 38 6 21 15 30 04 37 6 24 30 52 42 42 6 39 07 16 22 41

Mar. 1 5 56 29 +7 24 38 6 21 15 -30 04 38 6 24 30 -52 42 44 6 39 07 +16 22 41

11 5 56 29 7 24 38 6 21 15 30 04 39 6 24 30 52 42 45 6 39 07 16 22 42
21 5 56 29 7 24 38 6 21 15 30 04 39 6 24 29 52 42 45 6 39 07 16 22 42
31 5 56 29 7 24 38 6 21 14 30 04 39 6 24 29 52 42 46 6 39 06 16 22 42
Apr. 10 5 56 28 7 24 38 6 21 14 30 04 38 6 24 29 52 42 45 6 39 06 16 22 42
20 5 56 28 7 24 39 6 21 14 30 04 38 6 24 28 52 42 44 6 39 06 16 22 42

30 5 56 28 +7 24 39 6 21 14 -30 04 36 6 24 28 -52 42 43 6 39 06 +16 22 42

May 10 5 56 28 7 24 39 6 21 14 30 04 35 6 24 28 52 42 41 6 39 06 16 22 42
20 5 56 28 7 24 40 6 21 13 30 04 33 6 24 28 52 42 38 6 39 06 16 22 43
30 5 56 28 7 24 41 6 21 13 30 04 31 6 24 27 52 42 36 6 39 06 16 22 43
June 9 5 56 28 7 24 42 6 21 13 30 04 28 6 24 27 52 42 33 6 39 06 16 22 43
19 5 56 28 7 24 43 6 21 13 30 04 26 6 24 27 52 42 29 6 39 06 16 22 43

29 5 56 28 +7 24 44 6 21 14 -30 04 23 6 24 27 -52 42 26 6 39 06 +16 22 44

July 9 5 56 29 7 24 45 6 21 14 30 04 20 6 24 27 52 42 23 6 39 06 16 22 44
19 5 56 29 7 24 46 6 21 14 30 04 18 6 24 28 52 42 20 6 39 06 16 22 44
29 5 56 29 7 24 47 6 21 14 30 04 15 6 24 28 52 42 17 6 39 06 16 22 45
Aug. 8 5 56 29 7 24 48 6 21 14 30 04 12 6 24 28 52 42 14 6 39 07 16 22 45
18 5 56 30 7 24 48 6 21 15 30 04 11 6 24 28 52 42 11 6 39 07 16 22 45

28 5 56 30 +7 24 49 6 21 15 -30 04 09 6 24 29 -52 42 09 6 39 07 +16 22 45

Sept. 7 5 56 30 7 24 50 6 21 15 30 04 08 6 24 29 52 42 08 6 39 08 16 22 45
17 5 56 30 7 24 50 6 21 15 30 04 07 6 24 30 52 42 07 6 39 08 16 22 45
27 5 56 31 7 24 50 6 21 16 30 04 07 6 24 30 52 42 07 6 39 08 16 22 45
Oct. 7 5 56 31 7 24 50 6 21 16 30 04 07 6 24 30 52 42 07 6 39 08 16 22 45
17 5 56 31 7 24 49 6 21 16 30 04 08 6 24 31 52 42 08 6 39 09 16 22 44

27 5 56 32 +7 24 49 6 21 17 -30 04 10 6 24 31 -52 42 10 6 39 09 +16 22 44

Nov. 6 5 56 32 7 24 48 6 21 17 30 04 12 6 24 32 52 42 12 6 39 09 16 22 43
16 5 56 32 7 24 47 6 21 17 30 04 14 6 24 32 52 42 15 6 39 10 16 22 42
26 5 56 32 7 24 46 6 21 17 30 04 16 6 24 32 52 42 17 6 39 10 16 22 41
Dec. 6 5 56 33 7 24 45 6 21 18 30 04 19 6 24 32 52 42 21 6 39 10 16 22 41
16 5 56 33 7 24 44 6 21 18 30 04 22 6 24 33 52 42 25 6 39 10 16 22 40

26 5 56 33 +7 24 43 6 21 18 -30 04 25 6 24 33 -52 42 28 6 39 11 +16 22 39

36 5 56 33 +7 24 42 6 21 18 -30 04 28 6 24 33 -52 42 32 6 39 11 +16 22 39


Name aCanis MajorisA(HR2491) o2 Canis Majoris(HR 2653) b Canis Minoris(HR 2845) a Canis Minoris A(HR 2943)
Mag. Spect. -1.46 A0m A1 Va 3.02 B3 Ia 2.90 B8 V 0.38 F5 IV-V
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 6 46 13 -16 44 56 7 04 03 -23 52 03 7 28 28 +8 14 27 7 40 34 +5 09 48
11 6 46 14 16 44 58 7 04 03 23 52 06 7 28 28 8 14 26 7 40 35 5 09 47
21 6 46 14 16 45 00 7 04 03 23 52 09 7 28 28 8 14 25 7 40 35 5 09 46
31 6 46 14 16 45 02 7 04 03 23 52 11 7 28 28 8 14 24 7 40 35 5 09 45
Feb. 10 6 46 13 16 45 04 7 04 03 23 52 13 7 28 28 8 14 24 7 40 35 5 09 44
20 6 46 13 16 45 05 7 04 03 23 52 15 7 28 28 8 14 23 7 40 35 5 09 43

Mar. 1 6 46 13 -16 45 06 7 04 03 -23 52 16 7 28 28 +8 14 23 7 40 35 +5 09 43

11 6 46 13 16 45 07 7 04 02 23 52 17 7 28 28 8 14 23 7 40 34 5 09 43
21 6 46 13 16 45 07 7 04 02 23 52 18 7 28 28 8 14 23 7 40 34 5 09 43
31 6 46 13 16 45 08 7 04 02 23 52 18 7 28 28 8 14 23 7 40 34 5 09 43
Apr. 10 6 46 12 16 45 07 7 04 02 23 52 18 7 28 28 8 14 23 7 40 34 5 09 43
20 6 46 12 16 45 07 7 04 02 23 52 18 7 28 28 8 14 24 7 40 34 5 09 43

30 6 46 12 -16 45 06 7 04 02 -23 52 17 7 28 27 +8 14 24 7 40 34 +5 09 43
May 10 6 46 12 16 45 05 7 04 01 23 52 16 7 28 27 8 14 24 7 40 34 5 09 44
20 6 46 12 16 45 03 7 04 01 23 52 14 7 28 27 8 14 25 7 40 34 5 09 44
30 6 46 12 16 45 02 7 04 01 23 52 12 7 28 27 8 14 25 7 40 33 5 09 45
June 9 6 46 12 16 44 60 7 04 01 23 52 11 7 28 27 8 14 26 7 40 33 5 09 46
19 6 46 12 16 44 58 7 04 01 23 52 08 7 28 27 8 14 26 7 40 33 5 09 46

29 6 46 12 -16 44 56 7 04 01 -23 52 06 7 28 27 +8 14 27 7 40 33 +5 09 47
July 9 6 46 12 16 44 54 7 04 01 23 52 04 7 28 27 8 14 28 7 40 34 5 09 48
19 6 46 12 16 44 52 7 04 01 23 52 01 7 28 27 8 14 28 7 40 34 5 09 49
29 6 46 12 16 44 50 7 04 02 23 51 59 7 28 28 8 14 29 7 40 34 5 09 49
Aug. 8 6 46 13 16 44 48 7 04 02 23 51 57 7 28 28 8 14 30 7 40 34 5 09 50
18 6 46 13 16 44 47 7 04 02 23 51 55 7 28 28 8 14 30 7 40 34 5 09 50

28 6 46 13 -16 44 45 7 04 02 -23 51 54 7 28 28 +8 14 30 7 40 34 +5 09 51
Sept. 7 6 46 13 16 44 44 7 04 02 23 51 52 7 28 28 8 14 30 7 40 35 5 09 51
17 6 46 14 16 44 44 7 04 03 23 51 51 7 28 29 8 14 30 7 40 35 5 09 51
27 6 46 14 16 44 44 7 04 03 23 51 51 7 28 29 8 14 30 7 40 35 5 09 50
Oct. 7 6 46 14 16 44 44 7 04 03 23 51 51 7 28 29 8 14 29 7 40 35 5 09 50
17 6 46 15 16 44 45 7 04 04 23 51 52 7 28 30 8 14 29 7 40 36 5 09 49

27 6 46 15 -16 44 46 7 04 04 -23 51 53 7 28 30 +8 14 28 7 40 36 +5 09 48
Nov. 6 6 46 15 16 44 48 7 04 04 23 51 55 7 28 30 8 14 26 7 40 36 5 09 47
16 6 46 16 16 44 50 7 04 05 23 51 57 7 28 31 8 14 25 7 40 37 5 09 45
26 6 46 16 16 44 52 7 04 05 23 51 59 7 28 31 8 14 24 7 40 37 5 09 44
Dec. 6 6 46 16 16 44 55 7 04 05 23 52 02 7 28 31 8 14 22 7 40 37 5 09 42
16 6 46 16 16 44 57 7 04 05 23 52 05 7 28 31 8 14 21 7 40 38 5 09 40

26 6 46 16 -16 44 59 7 04 05 -23 52 07 7 28 32 +8 14 20 7 40 38 +5 09 39
36 6 46 16 -16 45 02 7 04 06 -23 52 10 7 28 32 +8 14 19 7 40 38 +5 09 38


Name b Geminorum(HR 2990) x Puppis(HR 3045) r Puppis(HR 3185) z Hydrae(HR 3547)
Mag. Spect. 1.14 K0 IIIb 3.34 G6 Iab-Ib 2.81 F5 (Ib-II)p 3.11 G9 IIIa
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 7 46 48 +27 58 03 7 50 19 -24 55 07 8 08 35 -24 22 19 8 56 40 +5 51 15
11 7 46 48 27 58 02 7 50 19 24 55 10 8 08 35 24 22 23 8 56 41 5 51 13
21 7 46 48 27 58 03 7 50 20 24 55 13 8 08 35 24 22 25 8 56 41 5 51 12
31 7 46 48 27 58 03 7 50 20 24 55 16 8 08 35 24 22 28 8 56 41 5 51 11
Feb. 10 7 46 49 27 58 04 7 50 20 24 55 18 8 08 35 24 22 30 8 56 41 5 51 10
20 7 46 48 27 58 04 7 50 19 24 55 20 8 08 35 24 22 33 8 56 41 5 51 09

Mar. 1 7 46 48 +27 58 05 7 50 19 -24 55 22 8 08 35 -24 22 34 8 56 41 +5 51 09

11 7 46 48 27 58 06 7 50 19 24 55 23 8 08 35 24 22 36 8 56 41 5 51 09
21 7 46 48 27 58 06 7 50 19 24 55 24 8 08 35 24 22 37 8 56 41 5 51 08
31 7 46 48 27 58 07 7 50 19 24 55 25 8 08 35 24 22 38 8 56 41 5 51 08
Apr. 10 7 46 48 27 58 07 7 50 19 24 55 25 8 08 35 24 22 38 8 56 41 5 51 09
20 7 46 48 27 58 08 7 50 19 24 55 25 8 08 34 24 22 38 8 56 41 5 51 09

30 7 46 47 +27 58 08 7 50 18 -24 55 25 8 08 34 -24 22 38 8 56 40 +5 51 09

May 10 7 46 47 27 58 08 7 50 18 24 55 24 8 08 34 24 22 37 8 56 40 5 51 10
20 7 46 47 27 58 08 7 50 18 24 55 23 8 08 34 24 22 36 8 56 40 5 51 10
30 7 46 47 27 58 07 7 50 18 24 55 21 8 08 34 24 22 35 8 56 40 5 51 11
June 9 7 46 47 27 58 07 7 50 18 24 55 20 8 08 34 24 22 33 8 56 40 5 51 11
19 7 46 47 27 58 07 7 50 18 24 55 18 8 08 34 24 22 31 8 56 40 5 51 12

29 7 46 47 +27 58 06 7 50 18 -24 55 15 8 08 34 -24 22 29 8 56 40 +5 51 13

July 9 7 46 47 27 58 06 7 50 18 24 55 13 8 08 34 24 22 27 8 56 40 5 51 13
19 7 46 47 27 58 05 7 50 18 24 55 11 8 08 34 24 22 25 8 56 40 5 51 14
29 7 46 48 27 58 05 7 50 18 24 55 09 8 08 34 24 22 23 8 56 40 5 51 14
Aug. 8 7 46 48 27 58 04 7 50 18 24 55 07 8 08 34 24 22 21 8 56 40 5 51 15
18 7 46 48 27 58 03 7 50 18 24 55 05 8 08 34 24 22 19 8 56 40 5 51 15

28 7 46 48 +27 58 02 7 50 19 -24 55 03 8 08 34 -24 22 17 8 56 40 +5 51 15

Sept. 7 7 46 48 27 58 02 7 50 19 24 55 02 8 08 34 24 22 16 8 56 41 5 51 15
17 7 46 49 27 58 01 7 50 19 24 55 01 8 08 35 24 22 15 8 56 41 5 51 15
27 7 46 49 27 57 60 7 50 19 24 55 00 8 08 35 24 22 14 8 56 41 5 51 14
Oct. 7 7 46 49 27 57 59 7 50 20 24 55 00 8 08 35 24 22 14 8 56 41 5 51 13
17 7 46 50 27 57 58 7 50 20 24 55 01 8 08 36 24 22 15 8 56 42 5 51 12

27 7 46 50 +27 57 57 7 50 20 -24 55 02 8 08 36 -24 22 16 8 56 42 +5 51 11

Nov. 6 7 46 50 27 57 56 7 50 21 24 55 03 8 08 36 24 22 17 8 56 42 5 51 09
16 7 46 51 27 57 55 7 50 21 24 55 05 8 08 37 24 22 19 8 56 43 5 51 08
26 7 46 51 27 57 54 7 50 21 24 55 07 8 08 37 24 22 21 8 56 43 5 51 06
Dec. 6 7 46 51 27 57 54 7 50 22 24 55 10 8 08 37 24 22 24 8 56 43 5 51 04
16 7 46 52 27 57 53 7 50 22 24 55 13 8 08 37 24 22 26 8 56 44 5 51 02

26 7 46 52 +27 57 53 7 50 22 -24 55 16 8 08 38 -24 22 29 8 56 44 +5 51 01

36 7 46 52 +27 57 53 7 50 22 -24 55 19 8 08 38 -24 22 32 8 56 44 +5 50 59


Name l Velorum(HR 3634) a Hydrae(HR 3748) a Leonis(HR 3982) a Antliae(HR 4104)
Mag. Spect. 2.21 K4.5 Ib 1.98 K3 II-III 1.35 B7 Vn 4.25 K4.5 III
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 9 08 54 -43 31 35 9 28 47 -8 45 42 10 09 39 +11 50 57 10 28 15 -31 11 13
11 9 08 54 43 31 38 9 28 47 8 45 44 10 09 40 11 50 56 10 28 16 31 11 16
21 9 08 54 43 31 42 9 28 47 8 45 47 10 09 40 11 50 54 10 28 16 31 11 19
31 9 08 54 43 31 45 9 28 47 8 45 49 10 09 40 11 50 54 10 28 16 31 11 22
Feb. 10 9 08 54 43 31 49 9 28 47 8 45 51 10 09 40 11 50 53 10 28 16 31 11 26
20 9 08 54 43 31 52 9 28 47 8 45 52 10 09 40 11 50 52 10 28 16 31 11 28

Mar. 1 9 08 54 -43 31 55 9 28 47 -8 45 53 10 09 40 +11 50 52 10 28 17 -31 11 31

11 9 08 54 43 31 57 9 28 47 8 45 55 10 09 41 11 50 52 10 28 17 31 11 34
21 9 08 54 43 31 60 9 28 47 8 45 56 10 09 41 11 50 52 10 28 17 31 11 36
31 9 08 54 43 32 01 9 28 47 8 45 56 10 09 40 11 50 53 10 28 16 31 11 38
Apr. 10 9 08 54 43 32 03 9 28 47 8 45 56 10 09 40 11 50 53 10 28 16 31 11 39
20 9 08 53 43 32 04 9 28 47 8 45 57 10 09 40 11 50 54 10 28 16 31 11 40

30 9 08 53 -43 32 04 9 28 47 -8 45 57 10 09 40 +11 50 54 10 28 16 -31 11 41

May 10 9 08 53 43 32 04 9 28 47 8 45 56 10 09 40 11 50 55 10 28 16 31 11 42
20 9 08 53 43 32 04 9 28 47 8 45 56 10 09 40 11 50 55 10 28 16 31 11 42
30 9 08 52 43 32 03 9 28 46 8 45 55 10 09 40 11 50 56 10 28 16 31 11 42
June 9 9 08 52 43 32 02 9 28 46 8 45 54 10 09 40 11 50 56 10 28 16 31 11 41
19 9 08 52 43 32 00 9 28 46 8 45 53 10 09 40 11 50 57 10 28 15 31 11 40

29 9 08 52 -43 31 58 9 28 46 -8 45 52 10 09 40 +11 50 57 10 28 15 -31 11 39

July 9 9 08 52 43 31 56 9 28 46 8 45 51 10 09 40 11 50 57 10 28 15 31 11 38
19 9 08 52 43 31 53 9 28 46 8 45 50 10 09 39 11 50 57 10 28 15 31 11 36
29 9 08 52 43 31 51 9 28 46 8 45 49 10 09 39 11 50 58 10 28 15 31 11 34
Aug. 8 9 08 52 43 31 48 9 28 46 8 45 48 10 09 40 11 50 57 10 28 15 31 11 32
18 9 08 52 43 31 46 9 28 46 8 45 47 10 09 40 11 50 57 10 28 15 31 11 30

28 9 08 52 -43 31 43 9 28 47 -8 45 46 10 09 40 +11 50 57 10 28 15 -31 11 28

Sept. 7 9 08 52 43 31 41 9 28 47 8 45 45 10 09 40 11 50 56 10 28 15 31 11 26
17 9 08 52 43 31 39 9 28 47 8 45 45 10 09 40 11 50 55 10 28 15 31 11 25
27 9 08 53 43 31 38 9 28 47 8 45 45 10 09 40 11 50 54 10 28 15 31 11 24
Oct. 7 9 08 53 43 31 36 9 28 47 8 45 45 10 09 40 11 50 53 10 28 16 31 11 23
17 9 08 53 43 31 36 9 28 48 8 45 45 10 09 41 11 50 52 10 28 16 31 11 22

27 9 08 54 -43 31 36 9 28 48 -8 45 46 10 09 41 +11 50 50 10 28 16 -31 11 22

Nov. 6 9 08 54 43 31 37 9 28 48 8 45 48 10 09 41 11 50 48 10 28 16 31 11 23
16 9 08 55 43 31 38 9 28 48 8 45 49 10 09 41 11 50 46 10 28 17 31 11 24
26 9 08 55 43 31 40 9 28 49 8 45 51 10 09 42 11 50 44 10 28 17 31 11 25
Dec. 6 9 08 55 43 31 43 9 28 49 8 45 53 10 09 42 11 50 42 10 28 18 31 11 27
16 9 08 56 43 31 46 9 28 49 8 45 56 10 09 43 11 50 40 10 28 18 31 11 29

26 9 08 56 -43 31 49 9 28 50 -8 45 58 10 09 43 +11 50 39 10 28 18 -31 11 32

36 9 08 56 -43 31 52 9 28 50 -8 46 00 10 09 43 +11 50 37 10 28 19 -31 11 35


Name n Hydrae(HR 4232) ξ Hydrae(HR 4450) b Leonis (HR 4534) γ Corvi(HR 4662)
Mag. Spect. 3.11 K1.5 IIIb Hd-0.5 3.54 G7 III 2.14 A3 Va 2.59 B8p Hg Mn
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 10 50 49 -16 19 03 11 34 11 -31 59 14 11 50 17 +14 26 12 12 17 02 -17 40 24
11 10 50 49 16 19 06 11 34 11 -31 59 16 11 50 17 14 26 10 12 17 03 17 40 26
21 10 50 49 16 19 08 11 34 12 -31 59 19 11 50 18 14 26 09 12 17 03 17 40 28
31 10 50 50 16 19 10 11 34 12 -31 59 22 11 50 18 14 26 08 12 17 03 17 40 31
Feb. 10 10 50 50 16 19 13 11 34 12 -31 59 25 11 50 18 14 26 07 12 17 04 17 40 33
20 10 50 50 16 19 15 11 34 12 -31 59 28 11 50 18 14 26 06 12 17 04 17 40 35

Mar. 1 10 50 50 -16 19 17 11 34 13 -31 59 31 11 50 19 +14 26 06 12 17 04 -17 40 37

11 10 50 50 16 19 19 11 34 13 -31 59 33 11 50 19 14 26 06 12 17 04 17 40 39
21 10 50 50 16 19 20 11 34 13 -31 59 36 11 50 19 14 26 06 12 17 04 17 40 41
31 10 50 50 16 19 21 11 34 13 -31 59 38 11 50 19 14 26 07 12 17 04 17 40 42
Apr. 10 10 50 50 16 19 22 11 34 13 -31 59 40 11 50 19 14 26 08 12 17 04 17 40 43
20 10 50 50 16 19 23 11 34 13 -31 59 41 11 50 19 14 26 09 12 17 04 17 40 44

30 10 50 50 -16 19 23 11 34 13 -31 59 43 11 50 19 +14 26 09 12 17 04 -17 40 45

May 10 10 50 50 16 19 24 11 34 12 -31 59 44 11 50 19 14 26 10 12 17 04 17 40 45
20 10 50 50 16 19 23 11 34 12 -31 59 44 11 50 19 14 26 11 12 17 04 17 40 45
30 10 50 50 16 19 23 11 34 12 -31 59 45 11 50 18 14 26 12 12 17 04 17 40 46
June 9 10 50 49 16 19 23 11 34 12 -31 59 45 11 50 18 14 26 13 12 17 04 17 40 45
19 10 50 49 16 19 22 11 34 12 -31 59 44 11 50 18 14 26 14 12 17 04 17 40 45

29 10 50 49 -16 19 21 11 34 12 -31 59 43 11 50 18 +14 26 14 12 17 04 -17 40 44

July 9 10 50 49 16 19 20 11 34 12 -31 59 43 11 50 18 14 26 14 12 17 04 17 40 44
19 10 50 49 16 19 19 11 34 12 -31 59 41 11 50 18 14 26 14 12 17 04 17 40 43
29 10 50 49 16 19 18 11 34 11 -31 59 40 11 50 18 14 26 14 12 17 03 17 40 42
Aug. 8 10 50 49 16 19 16 11 34 11 -31 59 38 11 50 18 14 26 14 12 17 03 17 40 41
18 10 50 49 16 19 15 11 34 11 -31 59 37 11 50 18 14 26 14 12 17 03 17 40 40

28 10 50 49 -16 19 14 11 34 11 -31 59 35 11 50 18 +14 26 13 12 17 03 -17 40 39

Sept. 7 10 50 49 16 19 13 11 34 11 -31 59 33 11 50 18 14 26 12 12 17 03 17 40 38
17 10 50 49 16 19 12 11 34 11 -31 59 31 11 50 18 14 26 11 12 17 03 17 40 38
27 10 50 49 16 19 12 11 34 11 -31 59 30 11 50 18 14 26 10 12 17 03 17 40 37
Oct. 7 10 50 49 16 19 11 11 34 12 -31 59 29 11 50 18 14 26 08 12 17 03 17 40 36
17 10 50 50 16 19 11 11 34 12 -31 59 28 11 50 18 14 26 07 12 17 03 17 40 36

27 10 50 50 -16 19 12 11 34 12 -31 59 28 11 50 18 +14 26 04 12 17 04 -17 40 37

Nov. 6 10 50 50 16 19 13 11 34 12 -31 59 28 11 50 19 14 26 02 12 17 04 17 40 37
16 10 50 51 16 19 14 11 34 13 -31 59 28 11 50 19 14 26 00 12 17 04 17 40 38
26 10 50 51 16 19 16 11 34 13 -31 59 29 11 50 19 14 25 58 12 17 04 17 40 39
Dec. 6 10 50 51 16 19 18 11 34 13 -31 59 31 11 50 20 14 25 55 12 17 05 17 40 41
16 10 50 52 16 19 20 11 34 14 -31 59 32 11 50 20 14 25 53 12 17 05 17 40 43

26 10 50 52 -16 19 22 11 34 14 -31 59 34 11 50 20 +14 25 51 12 17 05 -17 40 45

36 10 50 52 -16 19 25 11 34 14 -31 59 37 11 50 21 +14 25 49 12 17 06 -17 40 47


Name b Corvi (HR 4786) d Virginis(HR 4910) e Virginis(HR4932) i Centauri (HR 5028)
Mag. Spect. 2.65 G5 Iib 3.38 M3+III 2.83 G8 IIIab 2.75 A2 Va
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 12 35 39 -23 31 37 12 56 48 +3 16 01 13 03 22 +10 49 45 13 21 56 -36 50 07
11 12 35 39 23 31 39 12 56 49 3 15 58 13 03 22 10 49 43 13 21 57 36 50 09
21 12 35 39 23 31 42 12 56 49 3 15 56 13 03 23 10 49 41 13 21 57 36 50 11
31 12 35 40 23 31 44 12 56 49 3 15 55 13 03 23 10 49 39 13 21 57 36 50 13
Feb. 10 12 35 40 23 31 47 12 56 50 3 15 53 13 03 23 10 49 38 13 21 58 36 50 16
20 12 35 40 23 31 49 12 56 50 3 15 52 13 03 23 10 49 37 13 21 58 36 50 18

Mar. 1 12 35 40 -23 31 51 12 56 50 +3 15 51 13 03 24 +10 49 37 13 21 58 -36 50 21

11 12 35 41 23 31 53 12 56 50 3 15 50 13 03 24 10 49 36 13 21 59 36 50 23
21 12 35 41 23 31 55 12 56 50 3 15 50 13 03 24 10 49 36 13 21 59 36 50 26
31 12 35 41 23 31 57 12 56 51 3 15 50 13 03 24 10 49 37 13 21 59 36 50 28
Apr. 10 12 35 41 23 31 58 12 56 51 3 15 50 13 03 24 10 49 38 13 21 59 36 50 30
20 12 35 41 23 31 60 12 56 51 3 15 50 13 03 24 10 49 38 13 21 59 36 50 32

30 12 35 41 -23 32 01 12 56 51 +3 15 51 13 03 24 +10 49 39 13 21 59 -36 50 34

May 10 12 35 41 23 32 01 12 56 51 3 15 51 13 03 24 10 49 40 13 21 59 36 50 35
20 12 35 41 23 32 02 12 56 51 3 15 52 13 03 24 10 49 41 13 21 59 36 50 37
30 12 35 41 23 32 02 12 56 51 3 15 53 13 03 24 10 49 42 13 21 59 36 50 38
June 9 12 35 41 23 32 03 12 56 50 3 15 53 13 03 24 10 49 43 13 21 59 36 50 39
19 12 35 40 23 32 02 12 56 50 3 15 54 13 03 24 10 49 44 13 21 59 36 50 39

29 12 35 40 -23 32 02 12 56 50 +3 15 55 13 03 24 +10 49 45 13 21 59 -36 50 39

July 9 12 35 40 23 32 02 12 56 50 3 15 55 13 03 24 10 49 45 13 21 59 36 50 39
19 12 35 40 23 32 01 12 56 50 3 15 56 13 03 24 10 49 46 13 21 58 36 50 39
29 12 35 40 23 31 60 12 56 50 3 15 56 13 03 24 10 49 46 13 21 58 36 50 38
Aug. 8 12 35 40 23 31 59 12 56 50 3 15 56 13 03 23 10 49 46 13 21 58 36 50 37
18 12 35 40 23 31 58 12 56 50 3 15 57 13 03 23 10 49 46 13 21 58 36 50 36

28 12 35 40 -23 31 56 12 56 50 +3 15 57 13 03 23 +10 49 45 13 21 58 -36 50 35

Sept. 7 12 35 40 23 31 55 12 56 50 3 15 57 13 03 23 10 49 45 13 21 58 36 50 33
17 12 35 40 23 31 54 12 56 50 3 15 56 13 03 23 10 49 44 13 21 58 36 50 32
27 12 35 40 23 31 53 12 56 50 3 15 55 13 03 23 10 49 43 13 21 58 36 50 30
Oct. 7 12 35 40 23 31 52 12 56 50 3 15 55 13 03 23 10 49 42 13 21 58 36 50 29
17 12 35 40 23 31 52 12 56 50 3 15 54 13 03 23 10 49 40 13 21 58 36 50 27

27 12 35 40 -23 31 52 12 56 50 +3 15 52 13 03 23 +10 49 38 13 21 58 -36 50 26

Nov. 6 12 35 40 23 31 52 12 56 50 3 15 51 13 03 24 10 49 36 13 21 58 36 50 25
16 12 35 41 23 31 52 12 56 50 3 15 49 13 03 24 10 49 34 13 21 58 36 50 25
26 12 35 41 23 31 53 12 56 51 3 15 47 13 03 24 10 49 32 13 21 59 36 50 25
Dec. 6 12 35 41 23 31 55 12 56 51 3 15 44 13 03 24 10 49 29 13 21 59 36 50 25
16 12 35 42 23 31 56 12 56 51 3 15 42 13 03 25 10 49 27 13 21 59 36 50 26

26 12 35 42 -23 31 58 12 56 52 +3 15 40 13 03 25 +10 49 25 13 21 60 -36 50 27

36 12 35 42 -23 32 00 12 56 52 +3 15 38 13 03 25 +10 49 22 13 22 00 -36 50 29


Name a Virginis(HR 5056) θ Centauri (HR 5288) a2 Librae (HR 5531) b Lupi (HR 5571)
Mag. Spect. 0.98 B1 V 2.06 K0 IIIb 2.75 A3 III-IV 2.68 B2 IV
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 13 26 27 -11 17 08 14 08 05 -36 29 05 14 52 11 -16 08 25 15 00 05 -43 13 38
11 13 26 27 11 17 10 14 08 05 36 29 06 14 52 12 16 08 26 15 00 05 43 13 38
21 13 26 28 11 17 12 14 08 06 36 29 08 14 52 12 16 08 28 15 00 06 43 13 39
31 13 26 28 11 17 14 14 08 06 36 29 10 14 52 12 16 08 30 15 00 06 43 13 41
Feb. 10 13 26 28 11 17 16 14 08 06 36 29 12 14 52 13 16 08 32 15 00 07 43 13 42
20 13 26 29 11 17 17 14 08 07 36 29 14 14 52 13 16 08 33 15 00 07 43 13 44

Mar. 1 13 26 29 -11 17 19 14 08 07 -36 29 16 14 52 13 -16 08 34 15 00 07 -43 13 45

11 13 26 29 11 17 20 14 08 07 36 29 19 14 52 14 16 08 36 15 00 08 43 13 48
21 13 26 29 11 17 22 14 08 08 36 29 21 14 52 14 16 08 37 15 00 08 43 13 50
31 13 26 29 11 17 22 14 08 08 36 29 23 14 52 14 16 08 38 15 00 08 43 13 51
Apr. 10 13 26 29 11 17 23 14 08 08 36 29 25 14 52 14 16 08 39 15 00 09 43 13 54
20 13 26 29 11 17 24 14 08 08 36 29 27 14 52 14 16 08 39 15 00 09 43 13 56

30 13 26 29 -11 17 24 14 08 08 -36 29 28 14 52 15 -16 08 40 15 00 09 -43 13 57

May 10 13 26 29 11 17 24 14 08 08 36 29 30 14 52 15 16 08 40 15 00 09 43 13 59
20 13 26 29 11 17 24 14 08 08 36 29 31 14 52 15 16 08 40 15 00 09 43 14 01
30 13 26 29 11 17 24 14 08 08 36 29 33 14 52 15 16 08 40 15 00 09 43 14 03
June 9 13 26 29 11 17 24 14 08 08 36 29 34 14 52 15 16 08 40 15 00 09 43 14 04
19 13 26 29 11 17 23 14 08 08 36 29 34 14 52 15 16 08 40 15 00 09 43 14 05

29 13 26 29 -11 17 23 14 08 08 -36 29 35 14 52 15 -16 08 40 15 00 09 -43 14 07

July 9 13 26 29 11 17 23 14 08 08 36 29 35 14 52 15 16 08 40 15 00 09 43 14 07
19 13 26 29 11 17 22 14 08 08 36 29 35 14 52 15 16 08 39 15 00 09 43 14 08
29 13 26 29 11 17 21 14 08 08 36 29 35 14 52 14 16 08 39 15 00 09 43 14 08
Aug. 8 13 26 29 11 17 21 14 08 08 36 29 34 14 52 14 16 08 39 15 00 09 43 14 08
18 13 26 29 11 17 20 14 08 07 36 29 33 14 52 14 16 08 38 15 00 09 43 14 07

28 13 26 29 -11 17 20 14 08 07 -36 29 32 14 52 14 -16 08 38 15 00 08 -43 14 07

Sept. 7 13 26 29 11 17 19 14 08 07 36 29 31 14 52 14 16 08 37 15 00 08 43 14 06
17 13 26 29 11 17 19 14 08 07 36 29 30 14 52 14 16 08 37 15 00 08 43 14 05
27 13 26 29 11 17 19 14 08 07 36 29 29 14 52 14 16 08 37 15 00 08 43 14 03
Oct. 7 13 26 28 11 17 19 14 08 07 36 29 27 14 52 14 16 08 36 15 00 08 43 14 02
17 13 26 29 11 17 19 14 08 07 36 29 26 14 52 14 16 08 36 15 00 08 43 14 00

27 13 26 29 -11 17 19 14 08 07 -36 29 25 14 52 14 -16 08 36 15 00 08 -43 13 59

Nov. 6 13 26 29 11 17 20 14 08 07 36 29 24 14 52 14 16 08 36 15 00 08 43 13 57
16 13 26 29 11 17 21 14 08 07 36 29 23 14 52 14 16 08 37 15 00 08 43 13 56
26 13 26 29 11 17 22 14 08 07 36 29 23 14 52 14 16 08 38 15 00 08 43 13 55
Dec. 6 13 26 30 11 17 24 14 08 08 36 29 23 14 52 14 16 08 38 15 00 08 43 13 54
16 13 26 30 11 17 25 14 08 08 36 29 23 14 52 15 16 08 39 15 00 09 43 13 54

26 13 26 30 -11 17 27 14 08 09 -36 29 24 14 52 15 -16 08 41 15 00 09 -43 13 54

36 13 26 31 -11 17 29 14 08 09 -36 29 25 14 52 15 -16 08 42 15 00 10 -43 13 54


Name b Librae(HR 5685) a Serpentis (HR 5854) d Scorpii (HR 5953) d Ophiuchi (HR 6056)
Mag. Spect. 2.61 B8 IIIn 2.65 K2 IIIb CN I 2.32 B0.3 IV 2.74 M0.5 III
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 15 18 17 -9 28 15 15 45 26 +6 20 57 16 01 44 -22 41 20 16 15 35 -3 45 23
11 15 18 17 9 28 17 15 45 26 6 20 55 16 01 44 22 41 21 16 15 35 3 45 24
21 15 18 17 9 28 19 15 45 26 6 20 53 16 01 44 22 41 22 16 15 35 3 45 26
31 15 18 18 9 28 20 15 45 27 6 20 51 16 01 45 22 41 23 16 15 36 3 45 28
Feb. 10 15 18 18 9 28 22 15 45 27 6 20 50 16 01 45 22 41 24 16 15 36 3 45 29
20 15 18 18 9 28 23 15 45 27 6 20 49 16 01 45 22 41 25 16 15 36 3 45 30

Mar. 1 15 18 19 -9 28 24 15 45 28 +6 20 48 16 01 46 -22 41 26 16 15 37 -3 45 31
11 15 18 19 9 28 26 15 45 28 6 20 47 16 01 46 22 41 27 16 15 37 3 45 32
21 15 18 19 9 28 26 15 45 28 6 20 47 16 01 46 22 41 28 16 15 37 3 45 32
31 15 18 19 9 28 27 15 45 28 6 20 47 16 01 47 22 41 29 16 15 38 3 45 32
Apr. 10 15 18 20 9 28 27 15 45 29 6 20 48 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 32
20 15 18 20 9 28 27 15 45 29 6 20 48 16 01 47 22 41 31 16 15 38 3 45 32

30 15 18 20 -9 28 27 15 45 29 +6 20 49 16 01 47 -22 41 31 16 15 38 -3 45 31
May 10 15 18 20 9 28 27 15 45 29 6 20 50 16 01 48 22 41 31 16 15 38 3 45 31
20 15 18 20 9 28 27 15 45 29 6 20 52 16 01 48 22 41 32 16 15 39 3 45 30
30 15 18 20 9 28 27 15 45 29 6 20 53 16 01 48 22 41 32 16 15 39 3 45 29
June 9 15 18 20 9 28 26 15 45 29 6 20 54 16 01 48 22 41 32 16 15 39 3 45 28
19 15 18 20 9 28 26 15 45 29 6 20 56 16 01 48 22 41 33 16 15 39 3 45 28

29 15 18 20 -9 28 25 15 45 29 +6 20 57 16 01 48 -22 41 33 16 15 39 -3 45 27
July 9 15 18 20 9 28 25 15 45 29 6 20 58 16 01 48 22 41 33 16 15 39 3 45 26
19 15 18 20 9 28 24 15 45 29 6 20 59 16 01 48 22 41 33 16 15 39 3 45 25
29 15 18 20 9 28 24 15 45 29 6 20 59 16 01 48 22 41 33 16 15 39 3 45 25
Aug. 8 15 18 20 9 28 24 15 45 29 6 20 60 16 01 48 22 41 33 16 15 39 3 45 24
18 15 18 20 9 28 23 15 45 29 6 21 00 16 01 48 22 41 33 16 15 38 3 45 24

28 15 18 20 -9 28 23 15 45 29 +6 21 01 16 01 47 -22 41 32 16 15 38 -3 45 24
Sept. 7 15 18 20 9 28 23 15 45 29 6 21 01 16 01 47 22 41 32 16 15 38 3 45 24
17 15 18 19 9 28 23 15 45 29 6 21 00 16 01 47 22 41 32 16 15 38 3 45 24
27 15 18 19 9 28 22 15 45 28 6 20 60 16 01 47 22 41 31 16 15 38 3 45 24
Oct. 7 15 18 19 9 28 22 15 45 28 6 20 59 16 01 47 22 41 31 16 15 38 3 45 24
17 15 18 19 9 28 23 15 45 28 6 20 58 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 24

27 15 18 19 -9 28 23 15 45 28 +6 20 57 16 01 47 -22 41 30 16 15 38 -3 45 25
Nov. 6 15 18 19 9 28 23 15 45 28 6 20 56 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 25
16 15 18 19 9 28 24 15 45 28 6 20 54 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 26
26 15 18 19 9 28 25 15 45 28 6 20 52 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 28
Dec. 6 15 18 20 9 28 27 15 45 29 6 20 50 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 29
16 15 18 20 9 28 28 15 45 29 6 20 48 16 01 47 22 41 30 16 15 38 3 45 30

26 15 18 20 -9 28 29 15 45 29 +6 20 46 16 01 48 -22 41 31 16 15 38 -3 45 32
36 15 18 21 -9 28 31 15 45 29 +6 20 44 16 01 48 -22 41 32 16 15 38 -3 45 34


Name a Scorpii A (HR 6134) z Ophiuchi (HR 6175) e Scorpii (HR 6241) θ Ophiuchi(HR 6453)
Mag. Spect. 0.9 - 1.8 M1.5 Iab-Ib 2.56 O9.5 Vn 2.29 K2 III 3.27 B2 IV
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 16 30 51 -26 29 03 16 38 27 -10 36 56 16 51 41 -34 20 08 17 23 27 -25 01 23
11 16 30 51 26 29 03 16 38 28 10 36 57 16 51 42 34 20 07 17 23 27 25 01 23
21 16 30 52 26 29 04 16 38 28 10 36 58 16 51 42 34 20 07 17 23 28 25 01 23
31 16 30 52 26 29 05 16 38 28 10 36 60 16 51 42 34 20 08 17 23 28 25 01 24
Feb. 10 16 30 53 26 29 05 16 38 29 10 37 01 16 51 43 34 20 08 17 23 28 25 01 24
20 16 30 53 26 29 06 16 38 29 10 37 02 16 51 43 34 20 09 17 23 29 25 01 25

Mar. 1 16 30 53 -26 29 07 16 38 29 -10 37 03 16 51 43 -34 20 09 17 23 29 -25 01 25

11 16 30 54 26 29 08 16 38 29 10 37 04 16 51 44 34 20 10 17 23 29 25 01 26
21 16 30 54 26 29 09 16 38 30 10 37 04 16 51 44 34 20 11 17 23 30 25 01 26
31 16 30 54 26 29 09 16 38 30 10 37 04 16 51 44 34 20 11 17 23 30 25 01 26
Apr. 10 16 30 54 26 29 10 16 38 30 10 37 04 16 51 45 34 20 12 17 23 30 25 01 26
20 16 30 55 26 29 11 16 38 31 10 37 04 16 51 45 34 20 13 17 23 31 25 01 27

30 16 30 55 -26 29 11 16 38 31 -10 37 04 16 51 45 -34 20 14 17 23 31 -25 01 27

May 10 16 30 55 26 29 12 16 38 31 10 37 04 16 51 46 34 20 15 17 23 31 25 01 27
20 16 30 55 26 29 12 16 38 31 10 37 03 16 51 46 34 20 16 17 23 31 25 01 27
30 16 30 56 26 29 13 16 38 31 10 37 03 16 51 46 34 20 17 17 23 32 25 01 27
June 9 16 30 56 26 29 13 16 38 31 10 37 02 16 51 46 34 20 17 17 23 32 25 01 27
19 16 30 56 26 29 14 16 38 32 10 37 02 16 51 46 34 20 18 17 23 32 25 01 28

29 16 30 56 -26 29 14 16 38 32 -10 37 01 16 51 46 -34 20 19 17 23 32 -25 01 28

July 9 16 30 56 26 29 14 16 38 32 10 37 01 16 51 46 34 20 20 17 23 32 25 01 28
19 16 30 56 26 29 15 16 38 32 10 37 00 16 51 46 34 20 20 17 23 32 25 01 28
29 16 30 56 26 29 15 16 38 31 10 36 60 16 51 46 34 20 21 17 23 32 25 01 29
Aug. 8 16 30 56 26 29 15 16 38 31 10 36 60 16 51 46 34 20 22 17 23 32 25 01 29
18 16 30 55 26 29 15 16 38 31 10 36 59 16 51 46 34 20 22 17 23 32 25 01 29

28 16 30 55 -26 29 15 16 38 31 -10 36 59 16 51 46 -34 20 22 17 23 32 -25 01 29

Sept. 7 16 30 55 26 29 15 16 38 31 10 36 59 16 51 46 34 20 22 17 23 32 25 01 29
17 16 30 55 26 29 14 16 38 31 10 36 59 16 51 46 34 20 22 17 23 31 25 01 29
27 16 30 55 26 29 14 16 38 31 10 36 59 16 51 45 34 20 21 17 23 31 25 01 29
Oct. 7 16 30 55 26 29 13 16 38 31 10 36 59 16 51 45 34 20 20 17 23 31 25 01 29
17 16 30 55 26 29 13 16 38 30 10 36 59 16 51 45 34 20 20 17 23 31 25 01 28

27 16 30 54 -26 29 12 16 38 30 -10 36 59 16 51 45 -34 20 19 17 23 31 -25 01 28

Nov. 6 16 30 54 26 29 12 16 38 30 10 36 59 16 51 45 34 20 18 17 23 31 25 01 28
16 16 30 54 26 29 11 16 38 30 10 36 60 16 51 45 34 20 17 17 23 31 25 01 27
26 16 30 55 26 29 11 16 38 30 10 37 01 16 51 45 34 20 17 17 23 31 25 01 27
Dec. 6 16 30 55 26 29 11 16 38 31 10 37 01 16 51 45 34 20 16 17 23 31 25 01 27
16 16 30 55 26 29 11 16 38 31 10 37 02 16 51 45 34 20 15 17 23 31 25 01 27

26 16 30 55 -26 29 11 16 38 31 -10 37 04 16 51 45 -34 20 15 17 23 31 -25 01 27

36 16 30 55 -26 29 12 16 38 31 -10 37 05 16 51 46 -34 20 15 17 23 31 -25 01 27


Name λ Scorpii (HR 6527) a Ophiuchi(HR 6556) b Ophiuchi (HR 6603) d Sagittarii (HR 6859)
Mag. Spect. 1.63 B1.5 IV 2.08 A5 Vnn 2.77 K2 III CN 0.5 2.70 K2.5 IIIa CN 0.5
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 17 35 12 -37 07 14 17 36 01 +12 32 29 17 44 38 +4 33 23 18 22 30 -29 49 05
11 17 35 13 37 07 13 17 36 01 12 32 27 17 44 38 4 33 21 18 22 30 29 49 04
21 17 35 13 37 07 13 17 36 02 12 32 25 17 44 38 4 33 20 18 22 30 29 49 04
31 17 35 13 37 07 12 17 36 02 12 32 23 17 44 39 4 33 18 18 22 31 29 49 04
Feb. 10 17 35 14 37 07 12 17 36 02 12 32 21 17 44 39 4 33 16 18 22 31 29 49 04
20 17 35 14 37 07 12 17 36 03 12 32 20 17 44 39 4 33 15 18 22 31 29 49 03

Mar. 1 17 35 14 -37 07 12 17 36 03 +12 32 19 17 44 39 +4 33 14 18 22 31 -29 49 03

11 17 35 15 37 07 13 17 36 03 12 32 18 17 44 40 4 33 14 18 22 32 29 49 03
21 17 35 15 37 07 13 17 36 03 12 32 18 17 44 40 4 33 14 18 22 32 29 49 03
31 17 35 15 37 07 13 17 36 04 12 32 18 17 44 40 4 33 14 18 22 33 29 49 03
Apr. 10 17 35 16 37 07 14 17 36 04 12 32 19 17 44 41 4 33 14 18 22 33 29 49 03
20 17 35 16 37 07 14 17 36 04 12 32 20 17 44 41 4 33 15 18 22 33 29 49 03

30 17 35 16 -37 07 14 17 36 05 +12 32 21 17 44 41 +4 33 16 18 22 34 -29 49 02

May 10 17 35 17 37 07 15 17 36 05 12 32 23 17 44 41 4 33 18 18 22 34 29 49 02
20 17 35 17 37 07 16 17 36 05 12 32 24 17 44 42 4 33 19 18 22 34 29 49 02
30 17 35 17 37 07 17 17 36 05 12 32 26 17 44 42 4 33 20 18 22 34 29 49 02
June 9 17 35 18 37 07 17 17 36 05 12 32 28 17 44 42 4 33 22 18 22 35 29 49 02
19 17 35 18 37 07 18 17 36 05 12 32 30 17 44 42 4 33 24 18 22 35 29 49 03

29 17 35 18 -37 07 19 17 36 06 +12 32 32 17 44 42 +4 33 25 18 22 35 -29 49 03

July 9 17 35 18 37 07 20 17 36 06 12 32 34 17 44 42 4 33 27 18 22 35 29 49 03
19 17 35 18 37 07 21 17 36 06 12 32 36 17 44 42 4 33 28 18 22 35 29 49 04
29 17 35 18 37 07 22 17 36 05 12 32 37 17 44 42 4 33 29 18 22 35 29 49 04
Aug. 8 17 35 18 37 07 23 17 36 05 12 32 38 17 44 42 4 33 30 18 22 35 29 49 05
18 17 35 18 37 07 23 17 36 05 12 32 39 17 44 42 4 33 31 18 22 35 29 49 05

28 17 35 17 -37 07 23 17 36 05 +12 32 40 17 44 42 +4 33 31 18 22 35 -29 49 06

Sept. 7 17 35 17 37 07 24 17 36 05 12 32 40 17 44 42 4 33 32 18 22 35 29 49 06
17 17 35 17 37 07 24 17 36 05 12 32 40 17 44 42 4 33 32 18 22 35 29 49 07
27 17 35 17 37 07 24 17 36 05 12 32 40 17 44 41 4 33 32 18 22 35 29 49 07
Oct. 7 17 35 17 37 07 23 17 36 04 12 32 40 17 44 41 4 33 32 18 22 34 29 49 07
17 17 35 16 37 07 23 17 36 04 12 32 39 17 44 41 4 33 31 18 22 34 29 49 07

27 17 35 16 -37 07 22 17 36 04 +12 32 38 17 44 41 +4 33 30 18 22 34 -29 49 06

Nov. 6 17 35 16 37 07 21 17 36 04 12 32 37 17 44 41 4 33 30 18 22 34 29 49 06
16 17 35 16 37 07 20 17 36 04 12 32 35 17 44 41 4 33 28 18 22 34 29 49 06
26 17 35 16 37 07 20 17 36 04 12 32 33 17 44 41 4 33 27 18 22 34 29 49 05
Dec. 6 17 35 16 37 07 19 17 36 04 12 32 32 17 44 41 4 33 26 18 22 34 29 49 05
16 17 35 16 37 07 18 17 36 04 12 32 30 17 44 41 4 33 24 18 22 34 29 49 04

26 17 35 17 -37 07 17 17 36 04 +12 32 27 17 44 41 +4 33 22 18 22 34 -29 49 04

36 17 35 17 -37 07 16 17 36 04 +12 32 25 17 44 41 +4 33 20 18 22 34 -29 49 03


Name e Sagittarii (HR 6879) s Sagittarii (HR 7121) z Aquilae (HR 7235) γ Aquilae(HR 7525)
Mag. Spect. 1.85 A0 II n(shell) 2.02 B3 IV 2.99 A0 Vann 2.72 K3 II
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 18 25 44 -34 22 24 18 56 43 -26 16 04 19 06 29 +13 53 54 19 47 22 +10 40 15
11 18 25 44 34 22 23 18 56 43 26 16 03 19 06 29 13 53 52 19 47 22 10 40 14
21 18 25 44 34 22 23 18 56 44 26 16 03 19 06 29 13 53 50 19 47 22 10 40 12
31 18 25 44 34 22 22 18 56 44 26 16 03 19 06 29 13 53 48 19 47 23 10 40 10
Feb. 10 18 25 45 34 22 22 18 56 44 26 16 02 19 06 30 13 53 46 19 47 23 10 40 09
20 18 25 45 34 22 21 18 56 44 26 16 02 19 06 30 13 53 45 19 47 23 10 40 08

Mar. 1 18 25 45 -34 22 21 18 56 45 -26 16 02 19 06 30 +13 53 43 19 47 23 +10 40 06

11 18 25 46 34 22 21 18 56 45 26 16 01 19 06 30 13 53 42 19 47 23 10 40 06
21 18 25 46 34 22 20 18 56 45 26 16 01 19 06 31 13 53 42 19 47 24 10 40 06
31 18 25 47 34 22 20 18 56 46 26 16 00 19 06 31 13 53 42 19 47 24 10 40 06
Apr. 10 18 25 47 34 22 20 18 56 46 26 15 60 19 06 31 13 53 43 19 47 24 10 40 06
20 18 25 47 34 22 20 18 56 46 26 15 59 19 06 32 13 53 44 19 47 25 10 40 07

30 18 25 48 -34 22 20 18 56 47 -26 15 59 19 06 32 +13 53 45 19 47 25 +10 40 08

May 10 18 25 48 34 22 20 18 56 47 26 15 58 19 06 32 13 53 47 19 47 25 10 40 10
20 18 25 48 34 22 20 18 56 47 26 15 58 19 06 32 13 53 49 19 47 26 10 40 11
30 18 25 49 34 22 21 18 56 48 26 15 57 19 06 33 13 53 51 19 47 26 10 40 14
June 9 18 25 49 34 22 21 18 56 48 26 15 57 19 06 33 13 53 53 19 47 26 10 40 16
19 18 25 49 34 22 21 18 56 48 26 15 57 19 06 33 13 53 55 19 47 26 10 40 18

29 18 25 49 -34 22 22 18 56 48 -26 15 57 19 06 33 +13 53 57 19 47 26 +10 40 20

July 9 18 25 49 34 22 23 18 56 48 26 15 57 19 06 33 13 53 60 19 47 27 10 40 22
19 18 25 49 34 22 23 18 56 49 26 15 57 19 06 33 13 54 02 19 47 27 10 40 24
29 18 25 49 34 22 24 18 56 49 26 15 58 19 06 34 13 54 03 19 47 27 10 40 26
Aug. 8 18 25 49 34 22 25 18 56 49 26 15 58 19 06 34 13 54 05 19 47 27 10 40 28
18 18 25 49 34 22 26 18 56 49 26 15 58 19 06 33 13 54 07 19 47 27 10 40 29

28 18 25 49 -34 22 26 18 56 48 -26 15 59 19 06 33 +13 54 08 19 47 27 +10 40 31

Sept. 7 18 25 49 34 22 27 18 56 48 26 15 59 19 06 33 13 54 09 19 47 27 10 40 31
17 18 25 49 34 22 27 18 56 48 26 15 60 19 06 33 13 54 09 19 47 27 10 40 32
27 18 25 49 34 22 27 18 56 48 26 15 60 19 06 33 13 54 10 19 47 26 10 40 33
Oct. 7 18 25 48 34 22 27 18 56 48 26 16 00 19 06 33 13 54 10 19 47 26 10 40 33
17 18 25 48 34 22 27 18 56 48 26 16 00 19 06 33 13 54 09 19 47 26 10 40 33

27 18 25 48 -34 22 27 18 56 47 -26 16 00 19 06 32 +13 54 09 19 47 26 +10 40 33

Nov. 6 18 25 48 34 22 26 18 56 47 26 16 00 19 06 32 13 54 08 19 47 26 10 40 32
16 18 25 48 34 22 26 18 56 47 26 15 60 19 06 32 13 54 07 19 47 26 10 40 31
26 18 25 48 34 22 25 18 56 47 26 15 60 19 06 32 13 54 06 19 47 26 10 40 30
Dec. 6 18 25 48 34 22 24 18 56 47 26 15 59 19 06 32 13 54 04 19 47 25 10 40 29
16 18 25 48 34 22 23 18 56 47 26 15 59 19 06 32 13 54 03 19 47 25 10 40 28

26 18 25 48 -34 22 23 18 56 47 -26 15 59 19 06 32 +13 54 00 19 47 25 +10 40 26

36 18 25 48 -34 22 22 18 56 47 -26 15 59 19 06 32 +13 53 58 19 47 26 +10 40 24


Name a Aquilae(HR 7557) γ Cygni (HR 7796) a Cygni (HR 7924) b Aquarii (HR 8232)
Mag. Spect. 0.77 A7 Vnn 2.20 F8 Ib 1.25 A2 Ia 2.91 G0 Ib
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 19 51 56 +8 55 51 20 23 03 +40 20 02 20 42 13 45 22 01 21 32 48 -5 28 01
11 19 51 56 8 55 50 20 23 03 40 19 59 20 42 13 45 21 58 21 32 48 5 28 02
21 19 51 56 8 55 48 20 23 03 40 19 56 20 42 13 45 21 55 21 32 48 5 28 03
31 19 51 56 8 55 46 20 23 03 40 19 53 20 42 13 45 21 52 21 32 48 5 28 03
Feb. 10 19 51 56 8 55 45 20 23 04 40 19 50 20 42 13 45 21 49 21 32 48 5 28 03
20 19 51 56 8 55 44 20 23 04 40 19 48 20 42 13 45 21 46 21 32 48 5 28 03

Mar. 1 19 51 56 +8 55 43 20 23 04 +40 19 45 20 42 13 45 21 44 21 32 48 -5 28 04
11 19 51 57 8 55 42 20 23 04 40 19 43 20 42 13 45 21 41 21 32 48 5 28 03
21 19 51 57 8 55 42 20 23 04 40 19 42 20 42 14 45 21 40 21 32 49 5 28 03
31 19 51 57 8 55 42 20 23 05 40 19 41 20 42 14 45 21 39 21 32 49 5 28 02
Apr. 10 19 51 58 8 55 43 20 23 05 40 19 41 20 42 14 45 21 38 21 32 49 5 28 01
20 19 51 58 8 55 44 20 23 05 40 19 42 20 42 15 45 21 39 21 32 49 5 27 60

30 19 51 58 +8 55 45 20 23 06 +40 19 43 20 42 15 45 21 39 21 32 50 -5 27 58
May 10 19 51 58 8 55 47 20 23 06 40 19 44 20 42 16 45 21 41 21 32 50 5 27 57
20 19 51 59 8 55 48 20 23 06 40 19 46 20 42 16 45 21 42 21 32 50 5 27 55
30 19 51 59 8 55 50 20 23 07 40 19 48 20 42 16 45 21 45 21 32 51 5 27 53
June 9 19 51 59 8 55 53 20 23 07 40 19 51 20 42 17 45 21 47 21 32 51 5 27 51
19 19 51 60 8 55 55 20 23 07 40 19 54 20 42 17 45 21 50 21 32 51 5 27 49

29 19 51 60 +8 55 57 20 23 08 +40 19 57 20 42 17 45 21 53 21 32 52 -5 27 48
July 9 19 51 60 8 55 59 20 23 08 40 20 01 20 42 17 45 21 57 21 32 52 5 27 46
19 19 51 60 8 56 01 20 23 08 40 20 04 20 42 18 45 22 00 21 32 52 5 27 45
29 19 52 00 8 56 03 20 23 08 40 20 07 20 42 18 45 22 04 21 32 52 5 27 43
Aug. 8 19 52 00 8 56 04 20 23 08 40 20 10 20 42 18 45 22 07 21 32 52 5 27 42
18 19 52 00 8 56 06 20 23 08 40 20 13 20 42 18 45 22 10 21 32 52 5 27 41

28 19 52 00 +8 56 07 20 23 08 +40 20 16 20 42 18 45 22 13 21 32 52 -5 27 41
Sept. 7 19 51 60 8 56 08 20 23 08 40 20 18 20 42 17 45 22 15 21 32 52 5 27 40
17 19 51 60 8 56 08 20 23 08 40 20 20 20 42 17 45 22 18 21 32 52 5 27 40
27 19 51 60 8 56 09 20 23 07 40 20 22 20 42 17 45 22 20 21 32 52 5 27 40
Oct. 7 19 51 60 8 56 09 20 23 07 40 20 23 20 42 17 45 22 21 21 32 52 5 27 40
17 19 51 59 8 56 09 20 23 07 40 20 23 20 42 17 45 22 22 21 32 52 5 27 40

27 19 51 59 +8 56 09 20 23 07 +40 20 24 20 42 16 45 22 23 21 32 52 -5 27 40
Nov. 6 19 51 59 8 56 08 20 23 06 40 20 23 20 42 16 45 22 23 21 32 52 5 27 41
16 19 51 59 8 56 07 20 23 06 40 20 23 20 42 16 45 22 22 21 32 52 5 27 41
26 19 51 59 8 56 06 20 23 06 40 20 21 20 42 16 45 22 21 21 32 52 5 27 42
Dec. 6 19 51 59 8 56 05 20 23 06 40 20 20 20 42 15 45 22 20 21 32 52 5 27 42
16 19 51 59 8 56 04 20 23 06 40 20 18 20 42 15 45 22 18 21 32 52 5 27 43

26 19 51 59 +8 56 02 20 23 06 +40 20 15 20 42 15 45 22 16 21 32 51 -5 27 44
36 19 51 59 +8 56 01 20 23 06 +40 20 13 20 42 15 45 22 13 21 32 51 -5 27 44


Name e Pegasi (HR 8308) a Aquarii (HR 8414)) d Aquarii (HR 8709) a Pegasi (HR 8781)
Mag. Spect. 0.7 - 3.5 K2 Ib-II 2.96 G2 Ib 3.27 A3 IV-V 2.49 A0 III-IV
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
Jan. 1 21 45 21 +9 59 05 22 06 60 -0 12 16 22 55 54 -15 41 44 23 05 56 +15 20 05
11 21 45 20 9 59 03 22 06 60 0 12 17 22 55 54 15 41 45 23 05 56 15 20 04
21 21 45 20 9 59 02 22 06 60 0 12 17 22 55 54 15 41 45 23 05 56 15 20 03
31 21 45 20 9 59 01 22 06 60 0 12 18 22 55 54 15 41 44 23 05 56 15 20 01
Feb. 10 21 45 21 9 58 60 22 06 60 0 12 19 22 55 54 15 41 44 23 05 56 15 20 00
20 21 45 21 9 58 59 22 06 60 0 12 19 22 55 54 15 41 43 23 05 56 15 19 59

Mar. 1 21 45 21 +9 58 58 22 06 60 -0 12 19 22 55 54 -15 41 43 23 05 56 +15 19 58

11 21 45 21 9 58 57 22 07 00 0 12 19 22 55 54 15 41 42 23 05 56 15 19 57
21 21 45 21 9 58 57 22 07 00 0 12 19 22 55 55 15 41 40 23 05 56 15 19 57
31 21 45 21 9 58 57 22 07 00 0 12 18 22 55 55 15 41 39 23 05 57 15 19 56
Apr. 10 21 45 22 9 58 57 22 07 01 0 12 18 22 55 55 15 41 37 23 05 57 15 19 56
20 21 45 22 9 58 58 22 07 01 0 12 17 22 55 55 15 41 35 23 05 57 15 19 57

30 21 45 22 +9 58 59 22 07 01 -0 12 15 22 55 55 -15 41 33 23 05 57 +15 19 57
May 10 21 45 22 9 59 00 22 07 01 0 12 14 22 55 56 15 41 31 23 05 58 15 19 58
20 21 45 23 9 59 02 22 07 02 0 12 12 22 55 56 15 41 29 23 05 58 15 19 60
30 21 45 23 9 59 04 22 07 02 0 12 10 22 55 56 15 41 27 23 05 58 15 20 01
June 9 21 45 23 9 59 06 22 07 02 0 12 08 22 55 57 15 41 25 23 05 58 15 20 03
19 21 45 24 9 59 08 22 07 03 0 12 06 22 55 57 15 41 23 23 05 59 15 20 05

29 21 45 24 +9 59 11 22 07 03 -0 12 04 22 55 57 -15 41 22 23 05 59 +15 20 08
July 9 21 45 24 9 59 13 22 07 03 0 12 02 22 55 58 15 41 20 23 05 59 15 20 10
19 21 45 24 9 59 15 22 07 04 0 12 00 22 55 58 15 41 19 23 05 60 15 20 13
29 21 45 25 9 59 17 22 07 04 0 11 59 22 55 58 15 41 18 23 05 60 15 20 15
Aug. 8 21 45 25 9 59 19 22 07 04 0 11 57 22 55 58 15 41 17 23 06 00 15 20 17
18 21 45 25 9 59 21 22 07 04 0 11 56 22 55 59 15 41 16 23 06 00 15 20 19

28 21 45 25 +9 59 23 22 07 04 -0 11 55 22 55 59 -15 41 16 23 06 00 +15 20 21
Sept. 7 21 45 25 9 59 24 22 07 04 0 11 54 22 55 59 15 41 16 23 06 01 15 20 23
17 21 45 25 9 59 25 22 07 04 0 11 53 22 55 59 15 41 17 23 06 01 15 20 25
27 21 45 25 9 59 26 22 07 04 0 11 53 22 55 59 15 41 17 23 06 01 15 20 26
Oct. 7 21 45 25 9 59 27 22 07 04 0 11 53 22 55 59 15 41 18 23 06 01 15 20 27
17 21 45 25 9 59 27 22 07 04 0 11 53 22 55 59 15 41 19 23 06 01 15 20 28

27 21 45 24 +9 59 27 22 07 04 -0 11 53 22 55 59 -15 41 19 23 06 00 +15 20 29
Nov. 6 21 45 24 9 59 27 22 07 04 0 11 53 22 55 59 15 41 20 23 06 00 15 20 29
16 21 45 24 9 59 27 22 07 04 0 11 54 22 55 58 15 41 21 23 06 00 15 20 29
26 21 45 24 9 59 26 22 07 03 0 11 54 22 55 58 15 41 22 23 06 00 15 20 29
Dec. 6 21 45 24 9 59 26 22 07 03 0 11 55 22 55 58 15 41 22 23 06 00 15 20 28
16 21 45 24 9 59 25 22 07 03 0 11 55 22 55 58 15 41 23 23 05 60 15 20 28

26 21 45 24 +9 59 23 22 07 03 -0 11 56 22 55 58 -15 41 23 23 05 60 +15 20 27
36 21 45 24 +9 59 22 22 07 03 -0 11 57 22 55 58 -15 41 23 23 05 60 +15 20 26



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
Jan. 0 -0.5041 -12.235 -8.010 -3.027 +20.563 -7 +0.248 +0.027
1 0.5014 12.181 8.060 3.356 20.504 7 0.184 0.067
2 0.4986 12.140 8.099 3.685 20.439 7 +0.088 0.096
3 0.4959 12.107 8.123 4.012 20.368 7 -0.028 0.108
4 0.4932 12.076 8.128 4.339 20.290 7 0.146 0.102
5 0.4904 12.038 8.115 4.665 20.206 7 0.248 0.077
6 -0.4877 -11.988 -8.087 -4.989 +20.115 -7 -0.318 +0.036
7 0.4849 11.919 8.051 5.312 20.018 7 0.341 -0.014
8 0.4822 11.828 8.014 5.634 19.915 7 0.306 0.065
9 0.4795 11.715 7.988 5.954 19.805 6 0.215 0.106
10 0.4767 11.585 7.984 6.273 19.688 6 -0.081 0.125
11 0.4740 11.449 8.010 6.590 19.565 6 +0.068 0.116
12 -0.4713 -11.323 -8.065 -6.904 +19.435 -6 +0.195 -0.077
13 0.4685 11.218 8.141 7.216 19.298 6 0.269 -0.018
14 0.4658 11.143 8.223 7.526 19.155 5 0.270 +0.046
15 0.4630 11.095 8.292 7.832 19.006 6 0.203 0.098
16 0.4603 11.066 8.337 8.136 18.851 6 +0.092 0.124
17 0.4576 11.041 8.350 8.436 18.690 6 -0.030 0.119
18 -0.4548 -11.007 -8.338 -8.734 +18.524 -6 -0.128 +0.086
19 0.4521 10.956 8.307 9.028 18.351 6 0.181 +0.036
20 0.4493 10.884 8.272 9.319 18.174 6 0.179 -0.019
21 0.4466 10.792 8.244 9.607 17.991 6 0.127 0.067
22 0.4439 10.686 8.232 9.892 17.804 5 -0.039 0.100
23 0.4411 10.575 8.242 10.174 17.611 5 +0.065 0.112
24 -0.4384 -10.467 -8.274 -10.452 +17.413 -5 +0.163 -0.101
25 0.4357 10.368 8.324 10.728 17.210 5 0.237 0.073
26 0.4329 10.286 8.387 11.000 17.002 5 0.273 -0.031
27 0.4302 10.222 8.455 11.268 16.790 5 0.264 +0.014
28 0.4274 10.176 8.520 11.534 16.572 5 0.211 0.057
29 0.4247 10.146 8.575 11.796 16.350 5 0.123 0.089
30 -0.4220 -10.125 -8.615 -12.055 +16.122 -5 +0.011 +0.107
31 0.4192 10.107 8.637 12.310 15.890 5 -0.109 0.106
Feb. 1 0.4165 10.087 8.640 12.561 15.653 5 0.219 0.086
2 0.4138 10.056 8.627 12.809 15.411 5 0.302 0.050
3 0.4110 10.010 8.604 13.053 15.165 5 0.343 +0.004
4 0.4083 9.944 8.577 13.293 14.913 5 0.334 -0.046
5 -0.4055 -9.857 -8.555 -13.529 +14.657 -5 -0.270 -0.091
6 0.4028 9.752 8.549 13.762 14.395 5 0.158 0.120
7 0.4001 9.636 8.569 13.989 14.129 5 -0.016 0.123
8 0.3973 9.520 8.618 14.213 13.859 5 +0.124 0.097
9 0.3946 9.420 8.693 14.432 13.583 5 0.227 -0.044
10 0.3919 9.347 8.781 14.646 13.303 4 0.264 +0.021
11 -0.3891 -9.305 -8.865 -14.855 +13.019 -4 +0.226 +0.082
12 0.3864 9.287 8.925 15.058 12.731 5 0.128 0.121
13 0.3836 9.280 8.953 15.257 12.439 5 +0.005 0.127
14 0.3809 9.268 8.949 15.450 12.143 5 -0.104 0.101
15 -0.3782 -9.239 -8.922 -15.638 +11.844 -5 -0.169 +0.052



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
Feb. 15 -0.3782 -9.239 -8.922 -15.638 +11.844 -5 -0.169 +0.052
16 0.3754 9.188 8.886 15.821 11.542 5 0.177 -0.005
17 0.3727 9.116 8.855 15.998 11.236 5 0.131 0.057
18 0.3700 9.029 8.838 16.171 10.928 5 -0.046 0.094
19 0.3672 8.935 8.842 16.338 10.618 5 +0.058 0.111
20 0.3645 8.842 8.867 16.500 10.304 5 0.159 0.105
21 -0.3617 -8.759 -8.911 -16.657 +9.988 -5 +0.239 -0.081
22 0.3590 8.691 8.969 16.809 9.670 4 0.283 -0.042
23 0.3563 8.640 9.033 16.956 9.349 4 0.285 +0.003
24 0.3535 8.607 9.095 17.098 9.026 5 0.243 0.047
25 0.3508 8.589 9.148 17.235 8.700 5 0.162 0.083
26 0.3480 8.584 9.187 17.367 8.372 5 +0.054 0.104
27 -0.3453 -8.583 -9.207 -17.494 +8.042 -5 -0.066 +0.108
28 0.3426 8.580 9.209 17.616 7.709 5 0.180 0.094
29 0.3398 8.570 9.193 17.733 7.374 5 0.273 0.062
Mar. 1 0.3371 8.545 9.164 17.844 7.038 5 0.328 +0.018
2 0.3344 8.502 9.129 17.950 6.699 5 0.337 -0.031
3 0.3316 8.439 9.098 18.051 6.358 5 0.295 -0.076
4 -0.3289 -8.357 -9.077 -18.147 +6.015 -5 -0.206 -0.110
5 0.3261 8.263 9.077 18.237 5.669 5 -0.084 0.123
6 0.3234 8.164 9.103 18.322 5.322 5 +0.051 0.109
7 0.3207 8.073 9.155 18.400 4.974 5 0.166 0.069
8 0.3179 8.003 9.226 18.474 4.623 5 0.231 -0.008
9 0.3152 7.960 9.301 18.541 4.271 5 0.227 +0.057
10 -0.3125 -7.945 -9.362 -18.602 +3.917 -5 +0.153 +0.109
11 0.3097 7.948 9.393 18.656 3.563 5 +0.036 0.131
12 0.3070 7.952 9.388 18.705 3.207 5 -0.084 0.117
13 0.3042 7.942 9.352 18.748 2.852 6 0.169 0.074
14 0.3015 7.908 9.300 18.784 2.495 6 0.194 +0.015
15 0.2988 7.851 9.248 18.814 2.139 6 0.158 -0.043
16 -0.2960 -7.774 -9.209 -18.839 +1.783 -6 -0.073 -0.087
17 0.2933 7.687 9.190 18.858 1.427 5 +0.036 0.110
18 0.2906 7.600 9.195 18.871 1.072 5 0.146 0.110
19 0.2878 7.521 9.219 18.878 0.717 5 0.237 0.089
20 0.2851 7.456 9.258 18.881 0.362 5 0.292 0.053
21 0.2823 7.408 9.304 18.877 +0.008 5 0.305 -0.008
22 -0.2796 -7.378 -9.351 -18.868 -0.346 -5 +0.273 +0.037
23 0.2769 7.364 9.390 18.854 0.699 6 0.201 0.076
24 0.2741 7.361 9.415 18.835 1.052 6 +0.099 0.101
25 0.2714 7.365 9.423 18.810 1.404 6 -0.020 0.110
26 0.2687 7.369 9.411 18.780 1.755 6 0.137 0.100
27 0.2659 7.365 9.381 18.745 2.105 6 0.237 0.072
28 -0.2632 -7.348 -9.337 -18.704 -2.455 -6 -0.303 +0.031
29 0.2604 7.313 9.286 18.658 2.803 6 0.324 -0.017
30 0.2577 7.258 9.235 18.607 3.151 6 0.297 0.064
31 0.2550 7.184 9.193 18.551 3.498 6 0.223 0.101
Apr. 1 -0.2522 -7.097 -9.169 -18.489 -3.844 -6 -0.115 -0.120



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
Apr. 1 -0.2522 -7.097 -9.169 -18.489 -3.844 -6 -0.115 -0.120
2 0.2495 7.003 9.169 18.422 4.189 6 +0.008 0.114
3 0.2467 6.913 9.193 18.350 4.533 6 0.121 0.083
4 0.2440 6.838 9.238 18.272 4.876 6 0.198 -0.031
5 0.2413 6.785 9.292 18.188 5.218 6 0.216 +0.031
6 0.2385 6.759 9.341 18.099 5.558 6 0.168 0.089
7 -0.2358 -6.753 -9.368 -18.004 -5.896 -6 +0.065 +0.124
8 0.2331 6.756 9.361 17.904 6.232 6 -0.059 0.127
9 0.2303 6.751 9.320 17.797 6.567 7 0.164 0.096
10 0.2276 6.725 9.255 17.685 6.898 7 0.217 +0.041
11 0.2248 6.671 9.181 17.568 7.228 7 0.202 -0.021
12 0.2221 6.594 9.116 17.445 7.554 7 0.127 -0.075
13 -0.2194 -6.500 -9.072 -17.317 -7.877 -6 -0.015 -0.108
14 0.2166 6.403 9.051 17.184 8.197 6 +0.107 0.115
15 0.2139 6.311 9.054 17.047 8.514 6 0.214 0.100
16 0.2112 6.233 9.075 16.904 8.828 6 0.287 0.066
17 0.2084 6.171 9.105 16.757 9.139 6 0.315 -0.022
18 0.2057 6.128 9.138 16.606 9.447 6 0.297 +0.025
19 -0.2029 -6.101 -9.165 -16.450 -9.751 -6 +0.235 +0.067
20 0.2002 6.087 9.181 16.289 10.052 6 0.140 0.096
21 0.1975 6.081 9.179 16.124 10.350 7 +0.024 0.110
22 0.1947 6.075 9.159 15.955 10.645 7 -0.095 0.105
23 0.1920 6.064 9.120 15.782 10.936 7 0.201 0.081
24 0.1893 6.040 9.065 15.605 11.224 7 0.277 +0.043
25 -0.1865 -5.999 -9.002 -15.424 -11.509 -7 -0.309 -0.005
26 0.1838 5.937 8.937 15.238 11.790 7 0.293 0.053
27 0.1810 5.856 8.881 15.049 12.068 7 0.229 0.093
28 0.1783 5.760 8.841 14.855 12.343 7 0.128 0.116
29 0.1756 5.656 8.824 14.657 12.614 7 -0.009 0.117
30 0.1728 5.554 8.832 14.455 12.882 6 +0.104 0.092
May 1 -0.1701 -5.464 -8.861 -14.249 -13.147 -6 +0.186 -0.046
2 0.1674 5.394 8.902 14.039 13.408 6 0.215 +0.012
3 0.1646 5.347 8.943 13.825 13.665 6 0.183 0.070
4 0.1619 5.323 8.968 13.606 13.919 6 +0.096 0.112
5 0.1591 5.310 8.966 13.383 14.168 7 -0.024 0.127
6 0.1564 5.296 8.931 13.156 14.413 7 0.141 0.110
7 -0.1537 -5.266 -8.869 -12.925 -14.654 -7 -0.220 +0.064
8 0.1509 5.211 8.791 12.690 14.890 7 0.236 +0.004
9 0.1482 5.128 8.715 12.451 15.121 7 0.185 -0.056
10 0.1454 5.024 8.655 12.209 15.347 6 -0.082 0.099
11 0.1427 4.910 8.620 11.963 15.568 6 +0.045 0.117
12 0.1400 4.797 8.611 11.714 15.783 6 0.167 0.110
13 -0.1372 -4.696 -8.623 -11.462 -15.994 -6 +0.260 -0.081
14 0.1345 4.611 8.650 11.207 16.200 6 0.308 -0.038
15 0.1318 4.546 8.682 10.949 16.401 6 0.307 +0.010
16 0.1290 4.499 8.710 10.688 16.596 6 0.259 0.055
17 -0.1263 -4.466 -8.729 -10.425 -16.787 -6 +0.173 +0.089



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
May 17 -0.1263 -4.466 -8.729 -10.425 -16.787 -6 +0.173 +0.089
18 0.1235 4.443 8.733 10.159 16.972 6 +0.063 0.108
19 0.1208 4.423 8.718 9.891 17.153 6 -0.057 0.108
20 0.1181 4.399 8.685 9.620 17.329 6 0.168 0.090
21 0.1153 4.364 8.636 9.348 17.499 6 0.254 0.055
22 0.1126 4.313 8.576 9.073 17.665 6 0.300 +0.009
23 -0.1099 -4.242 -8.512 -8.796 -17.826 -6 -0.296 -0.040
24 0.1071 4.150 8.455 8.516 17.982 6 0.241 0.084
25 0.1044 4.041 8.413 8.235 18.133 6 0.145 0.113
26 0.1016 3.921 8.394 7.952 18.279 6 -0.024 0.119
27 0.0989 3.803 8.401 7.666 18.421 6 +0.095 0.100
28 0.0962 3.694 8.431 7.378 18.558 5 0.186 0.058
29 -0.0934 -3.606 -8.476 -7.088 -18.689 -5 +0.227 -0.002
30 0.0907 3.541 8.523 6.796 18.816 5 0.207 +0.056
31 0.0880 3.498 8.559 6.502 18.938 5 0.131 0.102
June 1 0.0852 3.470 8.570 6.206 19.054 5 +0.017 0.124
2 0.0825 3.445 8.553 5.907 19.165 5 -0.104 0.116
3 0.0797 3.408 8.508 5.607 19.271 6 0.199 0.079
4 -0.0770 -3.351 -8.444 -5.305 -19.370 -5 -0.241 +0.024
5 0.0743 3.267 8.376 5.001 19.464 5 0.218 -0.036
6 0.0715 3.159 8.319 4.695 19.552 5 0.136 0.085
7 0.0688 3.036 8.284 4.388 19.633 5 -0.017 0.114
8 0.0661 2.910 8.275 4.080 19.709 5 +0.111 0.116
9 0.0633 2.792 8.292 3.771 19.779 5 0.219 0.094
10 -0.0606 -2.689 -8.326 -3.462 -19.842 -4 +0.287 -0.055
11 0.0578 2.605 8.369 3.151 19.900 4 0.306 -0.007
12 0.0551 2.541 8.412 2.841 19.951 4 0.274 +0.040
13 0.0524 2.494 8.448 2.529 19.997 4 0.200 0.079
14 0.0496 2.459 8.470 2.218 20.037 4 +0.096 0.104
15 0.0469 2.430 8.474 1.906 20.072 4 -0.023 0.110
16 -0.0441 -2.399 -8.460 -1.594 -20.101 -5 -0.139 +0.098
17 0.0414 2.360 8.429 1.282 20.124 5 0.234 0.067
18 0.0387 2.307 8.385 0.970 20.141 5 0.294 +0.024
19 0.0359 2.235 8.336 0.658 20.153 5 0.306 -0.025
20 0.0332 2.142 8.290 0.346 20.160 4 0.267 0.072
21 0.0305 2.031 8.256 -0.035 20.161 4 0.179 0.107
22 -0.0277 -1.906 -8.245 +0.277 -20.158 -4 -0.059 -0.121
23 0.0250 1.778 8.259 0.588 20.149 4 +0.070 0.109
24 0.0222 1.658 8.300 0.899 20.134 4 0.177 0.072
25 0.0195 1.558 8.359 1.210 20.115 3 0.236 -0.017
26 0.0168 1.482 8.423 1.521 20.090 3 0.233 +0.043
27 0.0140 1.431 8.478 1.832 20.060 3 0.169 0.093
28 -0.0113 -1.398 -8.512 +2.143 -20.025 -4 +0.060 +0.121
29 0.0086 1.370 8.516 2.453 19.984 4 -0.062 0.120
30 0.0058 1.335 8.493 2.763 19.937 5 0.166 0.090
July 1 0.0031 1.282 8.450 3.073 19.884 5 0.223 +0.039
2 -0.0003 -1.205 -8.400 +3.383 -19.826 -4 -0.221 -0.019



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
July 1 -0.0031 -1.282 -8.450 +3.073 -19.884 -5 -0.223 +0.039
2 -0.0003 1.205 8.400 3.383 19.826 4 0.221 -0.019
3 +0.0024 1.105 8.356 3.691 19.761 4 0.160 0.072
4 0.0051 0.988 8.330 3.999 19.690 3 -0.055 0.107
5 0.0079 0.864 8.329 4.306 19.614 3 +0.068 0.117
6 0.0106 0.743 8.354 4.611 19.531 3 0.181 0.103
7 +0.0133 -0.636 -8.399 +4.915 -19.443 -2 +0.263 -0.069
8 0.0161 0.547 8.456 5.217 19.349 2 0.299 -0.023
9 0.0188 0.479 8.517 5.518 19.249 2 0.284 +0.026
10 0.0216 0.430 8.572 5.817 19.143 2 0.223 0.068
11 0.0243 0.395 8.614 6.113 19.032 2 0.127 0.098
12 0.0270 0.368 8.640 6.408 18.915 3 +0.011 0.110
13 +0.0298 -0.342 -8.647 +6.701 -18.793 -3 -0.108 +0.103
14 0.0325 0.311 8.637 6.992 18.666 3 0.212 0.079
15 0.0352 0.268 8.612 7.280 18.533 3 0.286 +0.040
16 0.0380 0.209 8.580 7.566 18.396 3 0.316 -0.008
17 0.0407 0.130 8.547 7.850 18.254 3 0.296 0.057
18 0.0435 -0.031 8.522 8.131 18.106 2 0.226 0.097
19 +0.0462 +0.083 -8.516 +8.410 -17.955 -2 -0.115 -0.119
20 0.0489 0.205 8.535 8.687 17.798 2 +0.016 0.117
21 0.0517 0.324 8.582 8.961 17.637 2 0.139 0.088
22 0.0544 0.426 8.651 9.233 17.471 2 0.224 -0.036
23 0.0572 0.503 8.730 9.502 17.301 2 0.246 +0.026
24 0.0599 0.553 8.805 9.769 17.126 2 0.200 0.083
25 +0.0626 +0.581 -8.859 +10.035 -16.947 -2 +0.102 +0.119
26 0.0654 0.600 8.883 10.297 16.763 2 -0.021 0.125
27 0.0681 0.622 8.877 10.558 16.574 2 0.131 0.100
28 0.0708 0.661 8.849 10.816 16.380 2 0.200 +0.052
29 0.0736 0.721 8.810 11.071 16.181 2 0.211 -0.006
30 0.0763 0.805 8.774 11.324 15.977 2 0.164 0.060
31 +0.0791 +0.907 -8.755 +11.573 -15.768 -2 -0.071 -0.100
Aug. 1 0.0818 1.017 8.758 11.820 15.554 2 +0.046 0.116
2 0.0845 1.125 8.785 12.063 15.335 1 0.160 0.109
3 0.0873 1.223 8.834 12.303 15.112 1 0.249 0.080
4 0.0900 1.305 8.897 12.539 14.883 1 0.297 -0.036
5 0.0927 1.366 8.966 12.771 14.650 1 0.296 +0.012
6 +0.0955 +1.407 -9.030 +13.000 -14.412 -1 +0.247 +0.057
7 0.0982 1.433 9.084 13.225 14.170 1 0.159 0.090
8 0.1010 1.448 9.122 13.445 13.924 1 +0.047 0.108
9 0.1037 1.459 9.141 13.662 13.674 2 -0.073 0.107
10 0.1064 1.474 9.142 13.875 13.420 2 0.184 0.088
11 0.1092 1.498 9.127 14.083 13.162 2 0.269 0.053
12 +0.1119 +1.537 -9.102 +14.288 -12.900 -2 -0.316 +0.008
13 0.1146 1.595 9.074 14.488 12.635 2 0.315 -0.040
14 0.1174 1.671 9.050 14.684 12.366 2 0.266 0.083
15 0.1201 1.764 9.040 14.875 12.094 2 0.173 0.112
16 +0.1229 +1.868 -9.052 +15.063 -11.819 -1 -0.051 -0.120



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
Aug. 16 +0.1229 +1.868 -9.052 +15.063 -11.819 -1 -0.051 -0.120
17 0.1256 1.973 9.089 15.246 11.541 1 +0.076 0.102
18 0.1283 2.069 9.152 15.425 11.260 1 0.180 -0.058
19 0.1311 2.143 9.231 15.600 10.976 1 0.232 +0.002
20 0.1338 2.190 9.312 15.771 10.689 1 0.216 0.065
21 0.1366 2.211 9.377 15.938 10.399 1 0.135 0.112
22 +0.1393 +2.216 -9.413 +16.101 -10.106 -1 +0.016 +0.129
23 0.1420 2.220 9.414 16.260 9.810 2 -0.103 0.113
24 0.1448 2.239 9.387 16.415 9.511 2 0.185 0.069
25 0.1475 2.280 9.345 16.565 9.209 2 0.208 +0.010
26 0.1502 2.346 9.303 16.711 8.903 2 0.169 -0.049
27 0.1530 2.431 9.275 16.853 8.594 2 -0.081 0.093
28 +0.1557 +2.526 -9.269 +16.990 -8.282 -1 +0.034 -0.115
29 0.1585 2.621 9.287 17.123 7.968 1 0.151 0.113
30 0.1612 2.708 9.326 17.250 7.650 1 0.246 0.088
31 0.1639 2.778 9.381 17.372 7.329 1 0.303 -0.048
Sept. 1 0.1667 2.830 9.443 17.490 7.006 1 0.312 +0.000
2 0.1694 2.862 9.503 17.602 6.680 1 0.274 0.046
3 +0.1721 +2.878 -9.553 +17.708 -6.352 -1 +0.195 +0.083
4 0.1749 2.881 9.588 17.810 6.022 2 +0.087 0.105
5 0.1776 2.880 9.604 17.906 5.689 2 -0.033 0.109
6 0.1804 2.880 9.601 17.996 5.355 2 0.148 0.095
7 0.1831 2.888 9.582 18.081 5.019 2 0.242 0.065
8 0.1858 2.910 9.550 18.161 4.682 2 0.301 +0.022
9 +0.1886 +2.948 -9.513 +18.235 -4.343 -2 -0.317 -0.025
10 0.1913 3.005 9.478 18.304 4.003 2 0.287 0.069
11 0.1940 3.079 9.453 18.367 3.662 2 0.213 0.103
12 0.1968 3.166 9.446 18.425 3.320 2 -0.107 0.118
13 0.1995 3.258 9.461 18.478 2.977 2 +0.013 0.110
14 0.2023 3.345 9.501 18.525 2.634 2 0.123 0.077
15 +0.2050 +3.418 -9.561 +18.567 -2.290 -2 +0.195 -0.024
16 0.2077 3.467 9.630 18.604 1.945 2 0.208 +0.039
17 0.2105 3.489 9.691 18.636 1.600 2 0.154 0.095
18 0.2132 3.490 9.727 18.663 1.254 2 +0.048 0.128
19 0.2159 3.484 9.729 18.685 0.908 2 -0.077 0.126
20 0.2187 3.487 9.697 18.702 0.562 2 0.178 0.090
21 +0.2214 +3.513 -9.641 +18.714 -0.214 -3 -0.221 +0.032
22 0.2242 3.566 9.579 18.721 +0.134 3 0.196 -0.032
23 0.2269 3.643 9.528 18.723 0.483 2 -0.111 0.084
24 0.2296 3.733 9.499 18.719 0.833 2 +0.009 0.114
25 0.2324 3.827 9.495 18.710 1.183 2 0.134 0.117
26 0.2351 3.912 9.514 18.696 1.533 2 0.241 0.097
27 +0.2379 +3.983 -9.550 +18.675 +1.884 -2 +0.310 -0.059
28 0.2406 4.035 9.595 18.649 2.235 2 0.331 -0.012
29 0.2433 4.068 9.640 18.618 2.586 2 0.304 +0.035
30 0.2461 4.083 9.676 18.580 2.936 2 0.233 0.075
Oct. 1 +0.2488 +4.086 -9.698 +18.536 +3.286 -2 +0.131 +0.102



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
Oct. 1 +0.2488 +4.086 -9.698 +18.536 +3.286 -2 +0.131 +0.102
2 0.2515 4.083 9.702 18.487 3.635 3 +0.012 0.110
3 0.2543 4.080 9.687 18.432 3.984 3 -0.106 0.101
4 0.2570 4.085 9.654 18.371 4.331 3 0.207 0.074
5 0.2598 4.102 9.607 18.305 4.678 3 0.276 +0.034
6 0.2625 4.135 9.554 18.232 5.023 3 0.304 -0.012
7 +0.2652 +4.187 -9.500 +18.154 +5.367 -3 -0.287 -0.057
8 0.2680 4.256 9.455 18.070 5.709 3 0.228 0.094
9 0.2707 4.339 9.426 17.981 6.049 3 0.135 0.114
10 0.2734 4.429 9.417 17.886 6.388 3 -0.025 0.113
11 0.2762 4.518 9.430 17.786 6.724 3 +0.081 0.089
12 0.2789 4.596 9.464 17.681 7.058 3 0.159 -0.044
13 +0.2817 +4.655 -9.511 +17.570 +7.390 -3 +0.190 +0.014
14 0.2844 4.691 9.558 17.455 7.720 3 0.160 0.073
15 0.2871 4.704 9.588 17.334 8.048 3 +0.073 0.116
16 0.2899 4.705 9.589 17.209 8.373 3 -0.048 0.130
17 0.2926 4.707 9.555 17.079 8.696 3 0.165 0.109
18 0.2953 4.728 9.490 16.944 9.016 3 0.237 +0.059
19 +0.2981 +4.777 -9.411 +16.804 +9.335 -3 -0.239 -0.007
20 0.3008 4.855 9.335 16.660 9.651 3 0.170 0.068
21 0.3036 4.954 9.278 16.511 9.966 3 -0.049 0.109
22 0.3063 5.061 9.249 16.356 10.278 3 +0.090 0.122
23 0.3090 5.163 9.247 16.197 10.588 3 0.215 0.108
24 0.3118 5.251 9.266 16.032 10.895 3 0.303 -0.073
25 +0.3145 +5.319 -9.296 +15.862 +11.200 -3 +0.342 -0.026
26 0.3172 5.368 9.327 15.687 11.502 3 0.329 +0.023
27 0.3200 5.398 9.353 15.507 11.801 3 0.269 0.066
28 0.3227 5.416 9.366 15.322 12.096 3 0.174 0.097
29 0.3255 5.425 9.361 15.132 12.389 3 +0.058 0.110
30 0.3282 5.433 9.338 14.936 12.677 3 -0.062 0.105
31 +0.3309 +5.448 -9.296 +14.736 +12.963 -3 -0.168 +0.082
Nov. 1 0.3337 5.474 9.241 14.531 13.244 4 0.247 0.045
2 0.3364 5.517 9.177 14.321 13.521 4 0.285 +0.000
3 0.3392 5.578 9.112 14.106 13.794 4 0.278 -0.046
4 0.3419 5.657 9.053 13.886 14.063 3 0.228 0.085
5 0.3446 5.751 9.010 13.662 14.328 3 0.143 0.110
6 +0.3474 +5.853 -8.986 +13.434 +14.588 -3 -0.039 -0.114
7 0.3501 5.956 8.985 13.201 14.843 3 +0.064 0.096
8 0.3528 6.050 9.005 12.964 15.093 3 0.145 0.057
9 0.3556 6.128 9.039 12.724 15.339 3 0.184 -0.004
10 0.3583 6.185 9.077 12.479 15.580 3 0.169 +0.053
11 0.3611 6.221 9.105 12.231 15.816 3 +0.097 0.101
12 +0.3638 +6.241 -9.110 +11.979 +16.047 -3 -0.014 +0.126
13 0.3665 6.257 9.085 11.724 16.273 3 0.137 0.119
14 0.3693 6.285 9.028 11.466 16.495 3 0.233 0.081
15 0.3720 6.337 8.950 11.205 16.712 3 0.270 +0.021
16 +0.3747 +6.419 -8.866 +10.940 +16.924 -3 -0.232 -0.043



Date t A B C D E dy de
" " " " (0.0001)
Nov. 16 +0.3747 +6.419 -8.866 +10.940 +16.924 -3 -0.232 -0.043
17 0.3775 6.528 8.796 10.672 17.132 3 -0.129 -0.095
18 0.3802 6.653 8.751 10.401 17.335 3 +0.013 -0.122
19 0.3830 6.779 8.737 10.126 17.533 2 0.156 -0.118
20 0.3857 6.894 8.748 9.848 17.727 2 0.269 -0.089
21 0.3884 6.989 8.776 9.566 17.916 2 0.333 -0.044
22 +0.3912 +7.063 -8.810 +9.281 +18.099 -2 +0.340 +0.007
23 0.3939 7.117 8.840 8.993 18.278 2 0.296 0.054
24 0.3966 7.155 8.859 8.702 18.451 2 0.211 0.089
25 0.3994 7.184 8.862 8.407 18.619 2 +0.099 0.108
26 0.4021 7.209 8.847 8.110 18.781 2 -0.021 0.108
27 0.4049 7.238 8.813 7.809 18.937 2 0.132 0.090
28 +0.4076 +7.278 -8.765 +7.506 +19.088 -2 -0.219 +0.056
29 0.4103 7.333 8.707 7.199 19.232 2 0.269 +0.012
30 0.4131 7.406 8.646 6.891 19.370 2 0.273 -0.035
Dec. 1 0.4158 7.498 8.591 6.579 19.502 2 0.232 0.077
2 0.4185 7.606 8.549 6.265 19.628 2 0.152 0.106
3 0.4213 7.724 8.527 5.950 19.748 2 -0.048 0.115
4 +0.4240 +7.844 -8.529 +5.632 +19.861 -2 +0.059 0.102
5 0.4268 7.956 8.553 5.312 19.967 1 0.147 0.067
6 0.4295 8.053 8.593 4.991 20.067 1 0.195 -0.017
7 0.4322 8.129 8.640 4.668 20.160 1 0.190 +0.040
8 0.4350 8.183 8.680 4.344 20.247 1 0.129 0.089
9 0.4377 8.221 8.701 4.019 20.327 1 +0.026 0.119
10 +0.4405 +8.251 -8.696 +3.693 +20.401 -1 -0.097 +0.122
11 0.4432 8.287 8.661 3.366 20.469 1 0.205 0.094
12 0.4459 8.342 8.604 3.038 20.531 1 0.268 +0.043
13 0.4487 8.423 8.535 2.710 20.586 1 0.264 -0.019
14 0.4514 8.532 8.472 2.381 20.636 1 0.191 0.077
15 0.4541 8.662 8.430 2.051 20.680 1 -0.066 0.114
16 +0.4569 +8.800 -8.417 +1.721 +20.718 -1 +0.080 -0.124
17 0.4596 8.933 8.433 1.390 20.749 +0 0.212 0.104
18 0.4624 9.049 8.472 1.059 20.775 0 0.301 0.064
19 0.4651 9.143 8.521 0.726 20.795 0 0.334 -0.012
20 0.4678 9.214 8.571 0.394 20.809 0 0.310 +0.038
21 0.4706 9.267 8.612 +0.060 20.816 0 0.238 0.079
22 +0.4733 +9.306 -8.637 -0.273 +20.817 +0 +0.134 +0.104
23 0.4760 9.339 8.644 0.608 20.812 0 +0.015 0.111
24 0.4788 9.374 8.633 0.942 20.800 0 -0.100 0.098
25 0.4815 9.417 8.606 1.276 20.782 0 0.196 0.068
26 0.4843 9.473 8.568 1.610 20.756 0 0.258 +0.026
27 0.4870 9.546 8.525 1.945 20.725 0 0.276 -0.021
28 +0.4897 +9.637 -8.485 -2.278 +20.686 +0 -0.249 -0.065
29 0.4925 9.746 8.456 2.612 20.641 0 0.178 0.100
30 0.4952 9.867 8.446 2.944 20.589 0 -0.075 0.116
31 0.4979 9.992 8.460 3.276 20.530 0 +0.039 0.109
32 +0.5007 +10.112 -8.497 -3.607 +20.464 +0 +0.140 -0.079




Date 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h

12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h

Jan. -3 -3 -3 -2 -1 0 2 2 2 1 0 -1 -3 -3
7 -4 -4 -4 -2 0 2 3 3 3 1 -1 -3 -4
17 -5 -6 -6 -4 -2 1 4 5 5 3 1 -2 -5
27 -5 -7 -7 -6 -3 0 4 6 6 5 2 -1 -5
Feb. 6 -4 -7 -9 -8 -5 -1 3 6 8 7 4 0 -4
16 -2 -7 -10 -10 -8 -4 1 6 9 9 7 3 -2
26 0 -6 -10 -12 -10 -6 -1 5 9 11 9 5 0
Mar. 8 3 -4 -10 -13 -13 -9 -4 3 9 12 12 8 3
18 5 -1 -8 -13 -14 -12 -6 0 7 12 13 11 5
28 8 2 -6 -12 -15 -14 -9 -3 5 11 14 13 8
Apr. 7 11 4 -3 -10 -14 -15 -12 -5 2 9 13 14 11
17 12 7 0 -8 -13 -15 -13 -8 -1 7 12 14 12
27 13 9 3 -5 -11 -15 -14 -10 -4 4 10 14 13
May 7 14 11 5 -2 -9 -13 -15 -12 -6 1 8 12 14
17 13 12 7 1 -6 -11 -14 -13 -8 -2 5 10 13
27 11 11 9 3 -3 -9 -12 -12 -10 -4 2 8 11
June 6 9 11 9 5 0 -6 -10 -12 -10 -6 -1 5 9
16 7 9 9 6 2 -4 -8 -10 -10 -7 -3 3 7
26 4 7 8 6 3 -1 -5 -8 -9 -7 -4 0 4
July 6 2 5 6 6 4 1 -3 -6 -7 -7 -5 -2 2
16 0 3 5 5 4 2 -1 -4 -6 -6 -5 -3 0
26 -1 1 3 4 3 2 0 -2 -4 -5 -4 -3 -1
Aug. 5 -2 -1 1 2 3 2 1 0 -2 -3 -4 -3 -2
15 -2 -2 0 1 1 2 1 1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -2
25 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 0 0 -1 -2 -2
Sept. 4 -1 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 -1
14 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 0 0
24 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 0 1 1 1 1
Oct. 4 2 2 1 -1 -2 -3 -3 -3 -2 0 1 2 2
14 3 3 2 1 -1 -3 -4 -4 -3 -2 0 2 3
24 3 4 4 3 1 -2 -4 -5 -5 -4 -2 1 3
Nov. 3 3 5 6 5 3 0 -4 -6 -7 -6 -4 -1 3
13 1 5 7 8 6 2 -2 -6 -8 -9 -7 -3 1
23 0 5 9 10 8 5 -1 -6 -10 -11 -9 -6 0
Dec. 3 -3 4 9 12 11 8 2 -5 -10 -13 -12 -9 -3
13 -6 1 8 13 14 11 5 -2 -9 -14 -15 -12 -6
23 -10 -2 7 13 16 14 9 1 -8 -14 -17 -15 -10
33 -13 -5 4 12 17 17 12 4 -5 -13 -18 -18 -13
The second-order day number J given in this table in units of 0 .00001
The apparent right ascension of a star is given by:
a = a1 + tma/100 + Aa + Bb + Cc + Dd + E + J tan2d1

Where the position (a1, d1) and centennial proper motion in right ascension (ma) are referred to
the mean equator and equinox of J 2024.5




Date 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h

12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h

Jan. -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2
7 -4 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -6 -5 -4
17 -7 -5 -2 -1 0 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -9 -9 -6
27 -10 -8 -5 -3 -1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -9 -11 -11 -10
Feb. 6 -13 -11 -8 -4 -2 -1 -1 -3 -6 -9 -12 -13 -13
16 -15 -14 -10 -7 -3 -1 -1 -2 -6 -9 -13 -15 -15
26 -18 -17 -13 -9 -5 -2 -1 -2 -5 -9 -13 -16 -18
Mar. 8 -19 -19 -16 -12 -7 -3 -1 -1 -3 -8 -13 -17 -19
18 -20 -21 -19 -15 -10 -5 -2 -1 -2 -6 -11 -16 -20
28 -20 -22 -21 -18 -13 -7 -3 -1 -1 -5 -10 -15 -20
Apr. 7 -19 -22 -22 -20 -15 -10 -4 -1 -1 -3 -8 -14 -19
17 -17 -21 -22 -21 -17 -12 -6 -2 -1 -2 -6 -11 -17
27 -14 -19 -22 -22 -19 -14 -8 -3 -1 -1 -4 -9 -14
May 7 -12 -17 -21 -22 -20 -16 -10 -5 -1 -1 -2 -7 -12
17 -9 -14 -18 -20 -19 -16 -11 -6 -2 -1 -1 -5 -9
27 -7 -11 -16 -18 -19 -16 -12 -8 -4 -1 -1 -3 -7
June 6 -5 -9 -13 -16 -17 -16 -13 -9 -5 -2 -1 -2 -5
16 -3 -6 -10 -13 -15 -15 -13 -9 -6 -2 -1 -1 -3
26 -2 -4 -7 -10 -12 -13 -12 -9 -6 -3 -1 -1 -2
July 6 -1 -2 -5 -7 -10 -11 -10 -9 -6 -4 -2 -1 -1
16 -1 -1 -3 -5 -7 -9 -9 -8 -6 -4 -2 -1 -1
26 -1 -1 -2 -3 -5 -6 -7 -7 -6 -4 -3 -1 -1
Aug. 5 -1 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
15 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4 -3 -2 -1
25 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2
Sept. 4 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
14 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2
24 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -3
Oct. 4 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2
14 -2 -3 -5 -5 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -2
24 -2 -3 -5 -7 -8 -8 -7 -5 -3 -2 -1 -1 -2
Nov. 3 -1 -3 -5 -8 -10 -10 -10 -8 -5 -3 -1 -1 -1
13 -1 -2 -5 -8 -11 -13 -13 -11 -9 -5 -2 -1 -1
23 -1 -2 -4 -8 -12 -15 -16 -15 -12 -8 -4 -2 -1
Dec. 3 -1 -1 -4 -8 -13 -17 -19 -18 -16 -11 -7 -3 -1
13 -1 -1 -3 -7 -12 -18 -21 -22 -20 -15 -10 -5 -1
23 -3 -1 -2 -6 -12 -18 -23 -25 -23 -19 -13 -7 -3
33 -4 -1 -1 -4 -10 -17 -23 -27 -27 -23 -17 -10 -4
The second-order day number J' given in this table in units of 0".0001
The apparent declination of a star is given by:
d = d1 + tmd/100 + Aa' + Bb' + Cc' + J ' tand1

Where the declination (d1) and centennial proper motion in declination (md) are referred to the
mean equator and equinox of J 2024.5




Date 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h

12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h

Jan. -3 6 14 18 17 11 3 -7 -15 -19 -18 -12 -4 6

7 2 10 15 16 12 5 -3 -11 -16 -17 -13 -6 2
17 -1 7 12 14 12 7 0 -8 -13 -15 -13 -8 -1
27 -3 3 8 11 11 7 2 -4 -9 -12 -12 -8 -3
Feb. 6 -5 0 5 8 9 8 4 -1 -6 -9 -10 -9 -5
16 -5 -1 3 6 7 7 4 0 -4 -7 -8 -8 -5
26 -5 -3 0 3 5 5 4 2 -1 -4 -6 -6 -5
Mar. 8 -4 -3 -1 1 2 3 3 2 0 -2 -3 -4 -4
18 -3 -3 -2 -1 1 2 2 2 1 0 -2 -3 -3
28 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 0 1 1 1 1 0 -1 -2
Apr. 7 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1
17 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 0
27 1 1 0 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 1 1
May 7 1 1 1 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 0 1
17 0 1 2 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 -2 -1 0
27 -1 1 2 3 3 2 0 -2 -3 -4 -4 -3 -1
June 6 -2 0 2 4 4 3 1 -1 -3 -5 -5 -4 -2
16 -4 -2 1 4 5 5 3 1 -2 -5 -6 -6 -4
26 -6 -4 0 3 6 7 5 3 -1 -4 -7 -8 -6
July 6 -8 -6 -2 2 6 8 7 5 1 -3 -7 -9 -8
16 -10 -8 -4 1 5 8 9 7 3 -2 -6 -9 -10
26 -11 -10 -7 -2 4 8 10 9 6 1 -5 -9 -11
Aug. 5 -12 -12 -9 -4 2 7 11 11 8 3 -3 -8 -12
15 -11 -13 -11 -7 0 6 10 12 10 6 -1 -7 -11
25 -10 -13 -13 -9 -3 3 9 12 12 8 2 -4 -10
Sept. 4 -8 -13 -14 -11 -6 1 7 12 13 10 5 -2 -8
14 -6 -11 -14 -13 -8 -2 5 10 13 12 7 1 -6
24 -3 -9 -13 -13 -10 -5 2 8 12 12 9 4 -3
Oct. 4 0 -7 -11 -13 -12 -7 -1 6 10 12 11 6 0
14 2 -4 -9 -12 -12 -9 -3 3 8 11 11 8 2
24 4 -1 -7 -10 -11 -9 -5 0 6 9 10 8 4
Nov. 3 6 1 -4 -8 -10 -10 -7 -2 3 7 9 9 6
13 6 3 -2 -6 -9 -9 -7 -4 1 5 8 8 6
23 6 4 0 -4 -6 -8 -7 -5 -1 3 5 7 6
Dec. 3 5 4 1 -2 -4 -6 -6 -5 -2 1 3 5 5
13 4 4 2 0 -2 -4 -5 -5 -3 -1 1 3 4
23 2 3 2 1 -1 -3 -3 -4 -3 -2 0 2 2
33 1 1 1 1 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 0 1
The second-order day number J given in this table in units of 0s.00001
The apparent right ascension of a star is given by:
a = a1 + tma/100 + Aa + Bb + Cc + Dd + E + J tan d1

Where the position (a1, d1) and centennial proper motion in right ascension (ma) are referred to
the mean equator and equinox of J 2024.5




Date 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h

12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h

Jan. -3 -1 -5 -12 -19 -25 -28 -27 -23 -17 -10 -4 -1 -1

7 -1 -3 -9 -15 -21 -25 -25 -23 -17 -11 -5 -1 -1
17 -1 -2 -6 -11 -17 -20 -22 -21 -17 -11 -6 -2 -1
27 -1 -1 -3 -8 -12 -16 -18 -18 -15 -11 -7 -3 -1
Feb. 6 -1 -1 -2 -5 -9 -12 -15 -15 -14 -11 -7 -4 -1
16 -2 -1 -1 -3 -6 -9 -11 -12 -12 -10 -7 -4 -2
26 -2 -1 -1 -1 -3 -5 -7 -9 -9 -8 -6 -4 -2
Mar. 8 -3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 -4 -6 -6 -6 -5 -4 -3
18 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -4 -4 -3
28 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3
Apr. 7 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2
17 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2
27 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
May 7 -1 -1 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
17 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -4 -4 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1
27 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -5 -5 -3 -2 -1 -1
June 6 -1 -1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -7 -7 -7 -5 -4 -2 -1
16 -2 -1 -1 -2 -4 -6 -8 -9 -9 -8 -6 -4 -2
26 -3 -1 -1 -1 -4 -6 -9 -11 -11 -10 -8 -6 -3
July 6 -5 -2 -1 -1 -3 -6 -9 -12 -13 -13 -11 -8 -5
16 -7 -3 -1 -1 -2 -5 -9 -12 -14 -15 -13 -10 -7
26 -9 -5 -2 -1 -1 -4 -8 -12 -15 -17 -16 -13 -9
Aug. 5 -12 -7 -3 -1 -1 -3 -7 -11 -15 -18 -18 -16 -12
15 -14 -10 -5 -2 -1 -2 -5 -10 -14 -18 -19 -18 -14
25 -17 -12 -7 -3 -1 -1 -4 -8 -13 -17 -20 -20 -17
Sept. 4 -19 -15 -10 -5 -1 -1 -2 -6 -12 -16 -20 -21 -19
14 -20 -16 -11 -6 -2 -1 -1 -5 -9 -15 -19 -20 -20
24 -20 -18 -13 -8 -4 -1 -1 -3 -7 -12 -17 -20 -20
Oct. 4 -20 -18 -15 -10 -5 -2 -1 -2 -5 -10 -15 -18 -20
14 -18 -18 -16 -11 -7 -3 -1 -1 -3 -7 -12 -16 -18
24 -16 -17 -15 -12 -8 -4 -1 -1 -2 -5 -9 -13 -16
Nov. 3 -14 -15 -15 -12 -9 -5 -2 -1 -1 -3 -7 -10 -14
13 -11 -13 -13 -12 -9 -6 -3 -1 -1 -2 -5 -8 -11
23 -8 -10 -11 -11 -9 -6 -4 -1 -1 -1 -3 -5 -8
Dec. 3 -6 -8 -9 -9 -8 -6 -4 -2 -1 -1 -2 -3 -6
13 -4 -5 -7 -7 -7 -6 -4 -2 -1 -1 -1 -2 -4
23 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -5 -4 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2
33 -1 -2 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1
The second-order day number J' given in this table in units of 0".0001
The apparent declination of a star is given by:
d = d1 + tmd/100 + Aa ' + Bb ' + Cc ' + J ' tand1

Where the declination (d1) and centennial proper motion in declination (md) are referred to the
mean equator and equinox of J 2024.5


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

Jan. 0 -0.156 564 23 +0.889 108 83 +0.385 644 49 -1727 7669 -244 6571 -106 0152
1 0.173 818 50 0.886 523 95 0.384 524 44 1723 0013 272 3085 117 9906
2 0.191 022 51 0.883 662 85 0.383 284 76 1717 7114 299 9015 129 9428
3 0.208 170 97 0.880 526 14 0.381 925 68 1711 8937 327 4282 141 8687
4 0.225 258 61 0.877 114 53 0.380 447 48 1705 5449 354 8806 153 7653
5 0.242 280 09 0.873 428 81 0.378 850 48 1698 6612 382 2502 165 6287
6 -0.259 230 04 +0.869 469 84 +0.377 135 03 -1691 2389 -409 5277 -177 4555
7 0.276 103 06 0.865 238 59 0.375 301 51 1683 2738 436 7032 189 2415
8 0.292 893 69 0.860 736 15 0.373 350 35 1674 7609 463 7655 200 9816
9 0.309 596 43 0.855 963 70 0.371 282 05 1665 6959 490 7015 212 6701
10 0.326 205 75 0.850 922 59 0.369 097 14 1656 0750 517 4961 224 3000
11 0.342 716 07 0.845 614 31 0.366 796 27 1645 8960 544 1314 235 8628
12 -0.359 121 82 +0.840 040 56 +0.364 380 14 -1635 1607 -570 5880 -247 3489
13 0.375 417 45 0.834 203 21 0.361 849 58 1623 8753 596 8461 258 7487
14 0.391 597 53 0.828 104 36 0.359 205 49 1612 0504 622 8869 270 0524
15 0.407 656 71 0.821 746 25 0.356 448 88 1599 7007 648 6945 281 2521
16 0.423 589 85 0.815 131 29 0.353 580 81 1586 8428 674 2566 292 3419
17 0.439 391 93 0.808 261 97 0.350 602 42 1573 4938 699 5649 303 3174
18 -0.455 058 14 +0.801 140 85 +0.347 514 85 -1559 6697 -724 6143 -314 1765
19 0.470 583 79 0.793 770 55 0.344 319 28 1545 3843 749 4019 324 9181
20 0.485 964 33 0.786 153 69 0.341 016 88 1530 6497 773 9264 335 5421
21 0.501 195 32 0.778 292 91 0.337 608 83 1515 4753 798 1871 346 0488
22 0.516 272 39 0.770 190 83 0.334 096 30 1499 8687 822 1834 356 4387
23 0.531 191 27 0.761 850 12 0.330 480 45 1483 8362 845 9150 366 7123
24 -0.545 947 71 +0.753 273 42 +0.326 762 44 -1467 3820 -869 3806 -376 8696
25 0.560 537 52 0.744 463 40 0.322 943 44 1450 5094 892 5791 386 9113
26 0.574 956 51 0.735 422 74 0.319 024 60 1433 2208 915 5081 396 8367
27 0.589 200 55 0.726 154 14 0.315 007 10 1415 5176 938 1646 406 6451
28 0.603 265 49 0.716 660 36 0.310 892 09 1397 4009 960 5447 416 3354
29 0.617 147 19 0.706 944 19 0.306 680 79 1378 8716 982 6435 425 9059
30 -0.630 841 55 +0.697 008 45 +0.302 374 38 -1359 9307 -1004 4558 -435 3547
31 0.644 344 44 0.686 856 05 0.297 974 11 1340 5790 1025 9755 444 6794
Feb. 1 0.657 651 76 0.676 489 94 0.293 481 22 1320 8177 1047 1960 453 8773
2 0.670 759 43 0.665 913 15 0.288 896 99 1300 6477 1068 1103 462 9456
3 0.683 663 36 0.655 128 78 0.284 222 75 1280 0700 1088 7109 471 8810
4 0.696 359 47 0.644 140 00 0.279 459 83 1259 0854 1108 9897 480 6801
5 -0.708 843 71 +0.632 950 09 +0.274 609 61 -1237 6943 -1128 9371 -489 3385
6 0.721 112 01 0.621 562 40 0.269 673 54 1215 8973 1148 5425 497 8514
7 0.733 160 31 0.609 980 42 0.264 653 09 1193 6958 1167 7929 506 2125
8 0.744 984 58 0.598 207 77 0.259 549 82 1171 0930 1186 6733 514 4146
9 0.756 580 85 0.586 248 24 0.254 365 36 1148 0957 1205 1670 522 4492
10 0.767 945 22 0.574 105 78 0.249 101 43 1124 7151 1223 2569 530 3073
11 -0.779 073 93 +0.561 784 50 +0.243 759 83 -1100 9677 -1240 9271 -537 9811
12 0.789 963 42 0.549 288 68 0.238 342 44 1076 8738 1258 1654 545 4640
13 0.800 610 33 0.536 622 66 0.232 851 20 1052 4560 1274 9643 552 7519
14 0.811 011 53 0.523 790 87 0.227 288 06 1027 7365 1291 3208 559 8434
15 -0.821 164 12 +0.510 797 72 +0.221 654 98 -1002 7351 -1307 2356 -566 7389
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0 TT
Jan. 0 -1696 -534 217 -232 104 +534 208 -1427 -4500 +232 125 +3260 -269
1 1697 534 278 232 130 534 269 1427 4525 232 151 3285 270
2 1697 534 323 232 150 534 314 1428 4544 232 171 3304 270
3 1697 534 360 232 166 534 351 1428 4556 232 187 3315 270
4 1697 534 396 232 182 534 386 1428 4558 232 203 3317 270
5 1698 534 437 232 200 534 428 1428 4552 232 221 3311 270
6 -1698 -534 493 -232 224 +534 484 -1428 -4539 +232 245 +3298 -270
7 1699 534 570 232 257 534 561 1429 4521 232 278 3279 270
8 1699 534 671 232 301 534 662 1429 4503 232 322 3261 270
9 1700 534 798 232 356 534 789 1430 4491 232 377 3248 270
10 1701 534 943 232 419 534 934 1431 4489 232 440 3246 270
11 1702 535 094 232 485 535 085 1432 4502 232 506 3258 270
12 -1703 -535 236 -232 546 +535 227 -1432 -4529 +232 567 +3285 -270
13 1704 535 353 232 597 535 344 1433 4567 232 618 3321 271
14 1704 535 437 232 634 535 428 1434 4606 232 655 3361 271
15 1704 535 490 232 657 535 481 1434 4640 232 678 3394 271
16 1705 535 523 232 671 535 513 1434 4662 232 693 3416 271
17 1705 535 551 232 683 535 541 1434 4669 232 705 3422 271
18 -1705 -535 588 -232 699 +535 579 -1434 -4662 +232 721 +3416 -271
19 1705 535 645 232 724 535 636 1435 4648 232 746 3401 271
20 1706 535 726 232 759 535 716 1435 4631 232 781 3384 271
21 1707 535 828 232 804 535 819 1436 4618 232 825 3370 271
22 1707 535 946 232 855 535 937 1436 4612 232 876 3364 271
23 1708 536 071 232 909 536 061 1437 4617 232 930 3369 271
24 -1709 -536 192 -232 961 +536 183 -1438 -4633 +232 983 +3384 -271
25 1710 536 301 233 009 536 292 1438 4657 233 031 3408 272
26 1710 536 393 233 049 536 384 1439 4688 233 071 3438 272
27 1711 536 465 233 080 536 455 1439 4721 233 102 3471 272
28 1711 536 516 233 102 536 506 1439 4753 233 124 3502 272
29 1711 536 550 233 117 536 541 1440 4780 233 139 3529 272
30 -1711 -536 574 -233 127 +536 564 -1440 -4799 +233 150 +3548 -272
31 1711 536 593 233 136 536 583 1440 4810 233 158 3559 272
Feb. 1 1712 536 616 233 146 536 606 1440 4812 233 168 3560 272
2 1712 536 650 233 160 536 640 1440 4806 233 183 3554 272
3 1712 536 701 233 183 536 691 1440 4794 233 205 3542 272
4 1713 536 774 233 215 536 765 1441 4781 233 237 3529 272
5 -1713 -536 871 -233 257 +536 862 -1441 -4770 +233 279 +3518 -272
6 1714 536 989 233 308 536 979 1442 4768 233 330 3515 272
7 1715 537 119 233 364 537 109 1443 4778 233 386 3524 272
8 1716 537 248 233 420 537 238 1443 4802 233 442 3548 273
9 1716 537 359 233 468 537 350 1444 4838 233 491 3584 273
10 1717 537 441 233 504 537 431 1444 4881 233 527 3626 273
11 -1717 -537 488 -233 525 +537 478 -1445 -4922 +233 548 +3667 -273
12 1717 537 508 233 533 537 498 1445 4952 233 556 3696 273
13 1717 537 516 233 537 537 506 1445 4965 233 560 3710 273
14 1717 537 530 233 543 537 520 1445 4963 233 566 3708 273
15 -1718 -537 562 -233 557 +537 552 -1445 -4950 +233 580 +3694 -273


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

Feb. 15 -0.821 164 12 +0.510 797 72 +0.221 654 98 -1002 7351 -1307 2356 -566 7389
16 0.831 065 35 0.497 647 62 0.215 953 92 977 4683 1322 7117 573 4405
17 0.840 712 65 0.484 344 93 0.210 186 81 951 9496 1337 7529 579 9505
18 0.850 103 54 0.470 894 00 0.204 355 54 926 1899 1352 3632 586 2714
19 0.859 235 67 0.457 299 10 0.198 462 01 900 1975 1366 5459 592 4052
20 0.868 106 74 0.443 564 50 0.192 508 06 873 9801 1380 3033 598 3541
21 -0.876 714 54 +0.429 694 44 +0.186 495 54 -847 5439 -1393 6378 -604 1194
22 0.885 056 91 0.415 693 15 0.180 426 28 820 8943 1406 5505 609 7025
23 0.893 131 73 0.401 564 83 0.174 302 09 794 0360 1419 0422 615 1043
24 0.900 936 95 0.387 313 70 0.168 124 79 766 9733 1431 1129 620 3253
25 0.908 470 53 0.372 943 98 0.161 896 19 739 7100 1442 7622 625 3657
26 0.915 730 49 0.358 459 87 0.155 618 08 712 2498 1453 9889 630 2254
27 -0.922 714 88 +0.343 865 62 +0.149 292 28 -684 5958 -1464 7910 -634 9037
28 0.929 421 77 0.329 165 47 0.142 920 61 656 7514 1475 1660 639 4001
29 0.935 849 28 0.314 363 73 0.136 504 89 628 7199 1485 1111 643 7130
Mar. 1 0.941 995 56 0.299 464 70 0.130 046 97 600 5045 1494 6222 647 8409
2 0.947 858 77 0.284 472 74 0.123 548 70 572 1087 1503 6952 651 7820
3 0.953 437 14 0.269 392 27 0.117 011 96 543 5357 1512 3249 655 5339
4 -0.958 728 91 +0.254 227 74 +0.110 438 66 -514 7891 -1520 5055 -659 0937
5 0.963 732 36 0.238 983 69 0.103 830 74 485 8727 1528 2293 662 4577
6 0.968 445 81 0.223 664 71 0.097 190 17 456 7912 1535 4876 665 6215
7 0.972 867 65 0.208 275 52 0.090 518 99 427 5512 1542 2698 668 5794
8 0.976 996 34 0.192 820 94 0.083 819 29 398 1626 1548 5641 671 3252
9 0.980 830 45 0.177 305 91 0.077 093 22 368 6393 1554 3582 673 8522
10 -0.984 368 74 +0.161 735 48 +0.070 343 00 -338 9997 -1559 6416 -676 1547
11 0.987 610 14 0.146 114 80 0.063 570 89 309 2664 1564 4072 678 2284
12 0.990 553 84 0.130 449 07 0.056 779 20 279 4643 1568 6529 680 0718
13 0.993 199 27 0.114 743 47 0.049 970 22 249 6167 1572 3813 681 6862
14 0.995 546 09 0.099 003 14 0.043 146 22 219 7446 1575 5996 683 0748
15 0.997 594 14 0.083 233 15 0.036 309 46 189 8647 1578 3168 684 2426
16 -0.999 343 40 +0.067 438 45 +0.029 462 09 -159 9895 -1580 5422 -685 1945
17 1.000 793 97 0.051 623 91 0.022 606 27 130 1287 1582 2848 685 9354
18 1.001 946 05 0.035 794 33 0.015 744 07 100 2899 1583 5524 686 4694
19 1.002 799 87 0.019 954 43 0.008 877 56 70 4790 1584 3516 686 8003
20 1.003 355 74 +0.004 108 84 +0.002 008 73 40 7012 1584 6881 686 9312
21 1.003 614 02 -0.011 737 81 -0.004 860 41 -10 9618 1584 5667 686 8648
22 -1.003 575 12 -0.027 580 98 -0.011 727 91 +18 7347 -1583 9915 -686 6032
23 1.003 239 48 0.043 416 14 0.018 591 83 48 3845 1582 9662 686 1486
24 1.002 607 59 0.059 238 81 0.025 450 25 77 9837 1581 4939 685 5028
25 1.001 679 99 0.075 044 54 0.032 301 25 107 5286 1579 5775 684 6672
26 1.000 457 21 0.090 828 89 0.039 142 96 137 0164 1577 2187 683 6428
27 0.998 939 86 0.106 587 44 0.045 973 48 166 4440 1574 4188 682 4303
28 -0.997 128 54 -0.122 315 80 -0.052 790 94 +195 8087 -1571 1784 -681 0300
29 0.995 023 90 0.138 009 54 0.059 593 46 225 1078 1567 4972 679 4418
30 0.992 626 61 0.153 664 27 0.066 379 15 254 3380 1563 3738 677 6649
31 0.989 937 38 0.169 275 54 0.073 146 12 283 4961 1558 8063 675 6979
Apr. 1 -0.986 956 95 -0.184 838 90 -0.079 892 47 +312 5781 -1553 7916 -673 5393
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0h TT
Feb. 15 -1718 -537 562 -233 557 +537 552 -1445 -4950 +233 580 +3694 -273
16 1718 537 619 233 581 537 609 1445 4933 233 605 3677 273
17 1719 537 699 233 616 537 689 1446 4917 233 639 3661 273
18 1719 537 796 233 658 537 786 1446 4910 233 681 3653 273
19 1720 537 901 233 704 537 891 1447 4911 233 727 3654 273
20 1720 538 005 233 749 537 995 1447 4924 233 772 3666 273
21 -1721 -538 098 -233 789 +538 088 -1448 -4946 +233 812 +3687 -273
22 1722 538 174 233 822 538 164 1448 4974 233 846 3715 273
23 1722 538 231 233 847 538 221 1449 5005 233 871 3746 274
24 1722 538 268 233 863 538 258 1449 5035 233 887 3776 274
25 1722 538 287 233 872 538 277 1449 5061 233 895 3802 274
26 1722 538 294 233 875 538 283 1449 5080 233 899 3821 274
27 -1722 -538 295 -233 875 +538 284 -1449 -5090 +233 899 +3831 -274
28 1722 538 297 233 876 538 287 1449 5091 233 900 3831 274
29 1722 538 309 233 881 538 299 1449 5083 233 905 3824 274
Mar. 1 1723 538 337 233 893 538 326 1449 5069 233 917 3810 274
2 1723 538 385 233 914 538 375 1449 5052 233 938 3793 274
3 1723 538 455 233 945 538 445 1450 5036 233 969 3777 274
4 -1724 -538 546 -233 984 +538 536 -1450 -5027 +234 008 +3767 -274
5 1725 538 652 234 030 538 641 1451 5027 234 054 3766 274
6 1725 538 762 234 078 538 751 1451 5040 234 102 3778 274
7 1726 538 863 234 122 538 853 1452 5065 234 146 3803 274
8 1726 538 942 234 156 538 932 1452 5100 234 180 3838 274
9 1727 538 990 234 177 538 979 1453 5136 234 201 3874 274
10 -1727 -539 006 -234 184 +538 996 -1453 -5166 +234 209 +3904 -274
11 1727 539 003 234 183 538 993 1453 5181 234 207 3919 274
12 1727 538 999 234 181 538 988 1453 5179 234 205 3916 274
13 1727 539 009 234 186 538 999 1453 5161 234 210 3899 274
14 1727 539 046 234 202 539 036 1453 5136 234 226 3873 274
15 1728 539 111 234 230 539 100 1453 5111 234 254 3848 274
16 -1728 -539 197 -234 267 +539 186 -1454 -5092 +234 291 +3829 -275
17 1729 539 293 234 309 539 283 1454 5083 234 333 3819 275
18 1729 539 391 234 351 539 380 1455 5085 234 375 3821 275
19 1730 539 479 234 390 539 468 1455 5097 234 414 3832 275
20 1730 539 552 234 421 539 541 1456 5116 234 445 3851 275
21 1731 539 606 234 445 539 595 1456 5139 234 469 3874 275
22 -1731 -539 639 -234 459 +539 629 -1456 -5162 +234 484 +3896 -275
23 1731 539 655 234 466 539 645 1456 5181 234 491 3915 275
24 1731 539 658 234 467 539 647 1456 5193 234 492 3928 275
25 1731 539 653 234 465 539 643 1456 5197 234 490 3932 275
26 1731 539 649 234 464 539 639 1456 5191 234 488 3926 275
27 1731 539 653 234 466 539 643 1456 5177 234 490 3911 275
28 -1731 -539 673 -234 474 +539 662 -1456 -5155 +234 498 +3890 -275
29 1731 539 712 234 491 539 701 1457 5130 234 515 3865 275
30 1732 539 773 234 518 539 763 1457 5105 234 542 3840 275
31 1732 539 855 234 553 539 845 1457 5085 234 577 3819 275
Apr. 1 -1733 -539 953 -234 596 +539 942 -1458 -5074 +234 620 +3807 -275


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

Apr. 1 -0.986 956 95 -0.184 838 90 -0.079 892 47 +312 5781 -1553 7916 -673 5393
2 0.983 686 09 0.200 349 87 0.086 616 26 341 5793 1548 3258 671 1867
3 0.980 125 65 0.215 803 90 0.093 315 54 370 4935 1542 4034 668 6370
4 0.976 276 54 0.231 196 39 0.099 988 33 399 3130 1536 0183 665 8865
5 0.972 139 74 0.246 522 70 0.106 632 59 428 0267 1529 1636 662 9310
6 0.967 716 40 0.261 778 08 0.113 246 25 456 6202 1521 8329 659 7667
7 -0.963 007 80 -0.276 957 75 -0.119 827 22 +485 0758 -1514 0214 -656 3903
8 0.958 015 42 0.292 056 89 0.126 373 35 513 3718 1505 7272 652 8002
9 0.952 740 97 0.307 070 70 0.132 882 51 541 4856 1496 9537 648 9972
10 0.947 186 39 0.321 994 39 0.139 352 59 569 3955 1487 7083 644 9849
11 0.941 353 80 0.336 823 33 0.145 781 53 597 0827 1478 0028 640 7688
12 0.935 245 52 0.351 552 96 0.152 167 31 624 5331 1467 8505 636 3556
13 -0.928 863 96 -0.366 178 89 -0.158 508 01 +651 7365 -1457 2654 -631 7527
14 0.922 211 64 0.380 696 87 0.164 801 76 678 6863 1446 2607 626 9666
15 0.915 291 10 0.395 102 75 0.171 046 75 705 3782 1434 8475 622 0030
16 0.908 104 94 0.409 392 49 0.177 241 24 731 8093 1423 0358 616 8672
17 0.900 655 79 0.423 562 16 0.183 383 54 757 9771 1410 8342 611 5635
18 0.892 946 29 0.437 607 90 0.189 471 97 783 8792 1398 2503 606 0957
19 -0.884 979 10 -0.451 525 92 -0.195 504 91 +809 5137 -1385 2909 -600 4672
20 0.876 756 91 0.465 312 49 0.201 480 78 834 8786 1371 9624 594 6810
21 0.868 282 43 0.478 963 96 0.207 398 02 859 9722 1358 2708 588 7401
22 0.859 558 37 0.492 476 71 0.213 255 08 884 7934 1344 2215 582 6471
23 0.850 587 47 0.505 847 21 0.219 050 46 909 3412 1329 8192 576 4043
24 0.841 372 46 0.519 071 93 0.224 782 67 933 6152 1315 0678 570 0134
25 -0.831 916 08 -0.532 147 41 -0.230 450 24 +957 6149 -1299 9707 -563 4756
26 0.822 221 08 0.545 070 20 0.236 051 70 981 3399 1284 5296 556 7917
27 0.812 290 20 0.557 836 86 0.241 585 59 1004 7894 1268 7453 549 9619
28 0.802 126 22 0.570 443 96 0.247 050 45 1027 9619 1252 6176 542 9853
29 0.791 731 90 0.582 888 07 0.252 444 80 1050 8546 1236 1452 535 8609
30 0.781 110 07 0.595 165 71 0.257 767 16 1073 4634 1219 3260 528 5869
May 1 -0.770 263 60 -0.607 273 42 -0.263 016 03 +1095 7825 -1202 1572 -521 1614
2 0.759 195 41 0.619 207 68 0.268 189 88 1117 8038 1184 6358 513 5819
3 0.747 908 55 0.630 964 95 0.273 287 15 1139 5164 1166 7590 505 8462
4 0.736 406 16 0.642 541 67 0.278 306 28 1160 9070 1148 5253 497 9528
5 0.724 691 54 0.653 934 27 0.283 245 68 1181 9593 1129 9348 489 9007
6 0.712 768 16 0.665 139 19 0.288 103 77 1202 6556 1110 9912 481 6910
7 -0.700 639 68 -0.676 152 94 -0.292 878 98 +1222 9770 -1091 7016 -473 3267
8 0.688 309 92 0.686 972 10 0.297 569 80 1242 9066 1072 0772 464 8126
9 0.675 782 90 0.697 593 41 0.302 174 76 1262 4299 1052 1323 456 1559
10 0.663 062 72 0.708 013 73 0.306 692 47 1281 5367 1031 8828 447 3643
11 0.650 153 57 0.718 230 11 0.311 121 62 1300 2210 1011 3448 438 4460
12 0.637 059 71 0.728 239 72 0.315 460 99 1318 4799 990 5336 429 4085
13 -0.623 785 39 -0.738 039 91 -0.319 709 42 +1336 3130 -969 4627 -420 2586
14 0.610 334 87 0.747 628 15 0.323 865 81 1353 7210 948 1434 411 0021
15 0.596 712 39 0.757 001 99 0.327 929 12 1370 7052 926 5863 401 6440
16 0.582 922 17 0.766 159 11 0.331 898 36 1387 2670 904 8004 392 1887
17 -0.568 968 45 -0.775 097 26 -0.335 772 58 +1403 4078 -882 7937 -382 6401
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0h TT
Apr. 1 -1733 -539 953 -234 596 +539 942 -1458 -5074 +234 620 +3807 -275
2 1734 540 057 234 641 540 047 1458 5074 234 665 3807 275
3 1734 540 158 234 685 540 147 1459 5086 234 709 3818 276
4 1735 540 242 234 721 540 232 1459 5108 234 745 3840 276
5 1735 540 301 234 747 540 290 1460 5134 234 771 3866 276
6 1735 540 331 234 760 540 320 1460 5158 234 784 3890 276
7 -1735 -540 337 -234 762 +540 326 -1460 -5171 +234 787 +3903 -276
8 1735 540 333 234 761 540 323 1460 5168 234 785 3900 276
9 1735 540 338 234 763 540 328 1460 5148 234 788 3880 276
10 1736 540 367 234 776 540 357 1460 5117 234 800 3848 276
11 1736 540 427 234 802 540 416 1460 5081 234 826 3812 276
12 1737 540 514 234 839 540 503 1461 5050 234 863 3780 276
13 -1737 -540 618 -234 885 +540 607 -1461 -5028 +234 908 +3758 -276
14 1738 540 727 234 932 540 716 1462 5018 234 956 3748 276
15 1739 540 829 234 976 540 819 1463 5020 235 000 3749 276
16 1739 540 917 235 015 540 907 1463 5030 235 038 3759 276
17 1740 540 986 235 045 540 976 1463 5045 235 068 3774 276
18 1740 541 035 235 066 541 024 1464 5061 235 090 3789 276
19 -1740 -541 064 -235 079 +541 054 -1464 -5075 +235 103 +3803 -276
20 1740 541 080 235 085 541 069 1464 5082 235 109 3810 276
21 1740 541 087 235 088 541 076 1464 5082 235 112 3809 276
22 1740 541 092 235 091 541 082 1464 5072 235 115 3800 276
23 1740 541 105 235 096 541 094 1464 5053 235 120 3781 276
24 1741 541 131 235 108 541 121 1464 5026 235 132 3754 277
25 -1741 -541 177 -235 128 +541 167 -1464 -4996 +235 152 +3723 -277
26 1741 541 246 235 158 541 236 1465 4964 235 181 3691 277
27 1742 541 337 235 197 541 327 1465 4937 235 220 3664 277
28 1743 541 444 235 244 541 434 1466 4918 235 267 3644 277
29 1743 541 561 235 294 541 550 1467 4910 235 317 3636 277
30 1744 541 675 235 344 541 665 1467 4914 235 367 3639 277
May 1 -1745 -541 775 -235 388 +541 765 -1468 -4928 +235 411 +3653 -277
2 1745 541 854 235 422 541 844 1468 4948 235 445 3673 277
3 1745 541 905 235 444 541 895 1468 4968 235 467 3692 277
4 1746 541 933 235 456 541 923 1469 4981 235 480 3705 277
5 1746 541 947 235 462 541 937 1469 4980 235 486 3704 277
6 1746 541 962 235 469 541 952 1469 4963 235 492 3687 277
7 -1746 -541 995 -235 483 +541 985 -1469 -4933 +235 506 +3657 -277
8 1746 542 057 235 510 542 047 1469 4896 235 533 3619 277
9 1747 542 149 235 550 542 139 1470 4859 235 573 3582 278
10 1748 542 265 235 600 542 255 1470 4830 235 623 3552 278
11 1749 542 393 235 656 542 383 1471 4813 235 678 3535 278
12 1749 542 519 235 710 542 509 1472 4809 235 733 3530 278
13 -1750 -542 632 -235 760 +542 622 -1472 -4815 +235 782 +3536 -278
14 1751 542 727 235 801 542 717 1473 4828 235 823 3548 278
15 1751 542 800 235 832 542 790 1473 4844 235 855 3564 278
16 1752 542 852 235 855 542 842 1474 4858 235 878 3578 278
17 -1752 -542 889 -235 871 +542 879 -1474 -4867 +235 894 +3587 -278


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

May 17 -0.568 968 45 -0.775 097 26 -0.335 772 58 +1403 4078 -882 7937 -382 6401
18 0.554 855 42 0.783 814 28 0.339 550 87 1419 1290 860 5742 373 0019
19 0.540 587 26 0.792 308 06 0.343 232 33 1434 4320 838 1490 363 2773
20 0.526 168 16 0.800 576 59 0.346 816 14 1449 3187 815 5250 353 4697
21 0.511 602 27 0.808 617 92 0.350 301 46 1463 7915 792 7081 343 5815
22 0.496 893 70 0.816 430 13 0.353 687 51 1477 8531 769 7038 333 6153
23 -0.482 046 57 -0.824 011 38 -0.356 973 51 +1491 5062 -746 5163 -323 5726
24 0.467 064 93 0.831 359 86 0.360 158 71 1504 7538 723 1484 313 4545
25 0.451 952 84 0.838 473 75 0.363 242 35 1517 5981 699 6015 303 2612
26 0.436 714 31 0.845 351 29 0.366 223 68 1530 0400 675 8756 292 9919
27 0.421 353 38 0.851 990 67 0.369 101 93 1542 0789 651 9698 282 6456
28 0.405 874 08 0.858 390 08 0.371 876 33 1553 7120 627 8824 272 2205
29 -0.390 280 51 -0.864 547 70 -0.374 546 07 +1564 9339 -603 6116 -261 7149
30 0.374 576 80 0.870 461 70 0.377 110 35 1575 7368 579 1567 251 1276
31 0.358 767 20 0.876 130 22 0.379 568 35 1586 1106 554 5177 240 4575
June 1 0.342 856 06 0.881 551 44 0.381 919 23 1596 0436 529 6966 229 7049
2 0.326 847 85 0.886 723 56 0.384 162 18 1605 5219 504 6980 218 8712
3 0.310 747 18 0.891 644 84 0.386 296 39 1614 5318 479 5295 207 9595
4 -0.294 558 82 -0.896 313 62 -0.388 321 12 +1623 0601 -454 2014 -196 9742
5 0.278 287 63 0.900 728 38 0.390 235 65 1631 0951 428 7270 185 9218
6 0.261 938 59 0.904 887 72 0.392 039 36 1638 6283 403 1216 174 8097
7 0.245 516 75 0.908 790 43 0.393 731 67 1645 6543 377 4018 163 6458
8 0.229 027 20 0.912 435 43 0.395 312 13 1652 1715 351 5841 152 4384
9 0.212 475 01 0.915 821 84 0.396 780 32 1658 1811 325 6836 141 1950
10 -0.195 865 26 -0.918 948 88 -0.398 135 93 +1663 6862 -299 7143 -129 9226
11 0.179 202 96 0.921 815 93 0.399 378 70 1668 6916 273 6881 118 6269
12 0.162 493 08 0.924 422 48 0.400 508 41 1673 2022 247 6154 107 3131
13 0.145 740 55 0.926 768 12 0.401 524 91 1677 2228 221 5058 95 9856
14 0.128 950 24 0.928 852 50 0.402 428 09 1680 7587 195 3676 84 6482
15 0.112 126 97 0.930 675 40 0.403 217 86 1683 8145 169 2082 73 3045
16 -0.095 275 53 -0.932 236 62 -0.403 894 17 +1686 3951 -143 0353 -61 9579
17 0.078 400 64 0.933 536 08 0.404 457 01 1688 5059 116 8557 50 6114
18 0.061 506 96 0.934 573 73 0.404 906 41 1690 1522 90 6753 39 2677
19 0.044 599 12 0.935 349 60 0.405 242 38 1691 3399 64 4996 27 9289
20 0.027 681 67 0.935 863 76 0.405 465 01 1692 0753 38 3326 16 5968
21 -0.010 759 10 0.936 116 29 0.405 574 35 1692 3645 -12 1769 -5 2720
22 +0.006 164 15 -0.936 107 33 -0.405 570 47 +1692 2128 +13 9664 +6 0457
23 0.023 083 70 0.935 837 00 0.405 453 45 1691 6240 40 0985 17 3572
24 0.039 995 18 0.935 305 40 0.405 223 34 1690 5993 66 2211 28 6645
25 0.056 894 22 0.934 512 60 0.404 880 17 1689 1373 92 3362 39 9697
26 0.073 776 45 0.933 458 69 0.404 423 95 1687 2335 118 4460 51 2744
27 0.090 637 40 0.932 143 70 0.403 854 68 1684 8801 144 5503 62 5796
28 +0.107 472 52 -0.930 567 71 -0.403 172 36 +1682 0679 +170 6470 +73 8852
29 0.124 277 19 0.928 730 80 0.402 376 98 1678 7866 196 7311 85 1894
30 0.141 046 66 0.926 633 15 0.401 468 58 1675 0259 222 7952 96 4892
July 1 0.157 776 08 0.924 275 00 0.400 447 23 1670 7761 248 8287 107 7797
2 +0.174 460 52 -0.921 656 72 -0.399 313 04 +1666 0296 +274 8192 +119 0553
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0h TT
May 17 -1752 -542 889 -235 871 +542 879 -1474 -4867 +235 894 +3587 -278
18 1752 542 914 235 882 542 904 1474 4869 235 905 3588 278
19 1752 542 937 235 892 542 927 1474 4862 235 915 3581 278
20 1752 542 963 235 904 542 953 1474 4846 235 926 3565 278
21 1753 543 002 235 920 542 992 1474 4822 235 943 3541 278
22 1753 543 059 235 945 543 049 1475 4793 235 968 3512 278
23 -1753 -543 138 -235 980 +543 129 -1475 -4763 +236 002 +3481 -279
24 1754 543 241 236 024 543 231 1476 4735 236 046 3453 279
25 1755 543 363 236 077 543 353 1476 4715 236 099 3432 279
26 1756 543 496 236 135 543 486 1477 4706 236 157 3423 279
27 1757 543 629 236 192 543 619 1478 4710 236 215 3426 279
28 1757 543 750 236 245 543 740 1478 4725 236 267 3440 279
29 -1758 -543 849 -236 288 +543 839 -1479 -4747 +236 310 +3462 -279
30 1759 543 921 236 319 543 911 1479 4770 236 342 3484 279
31 1759 543 969 236 340 543 959 1480 4787 236 363 3501 279
June 1 1759 544 000 236 354 543 990 1480 4793 236 376 3507 279
2 1759 544 028 236 366 544 019 1480 4785 236 389 3499 279
3 1759 544 069 236 384 544 059 1480 4763 236 406 3477 279
4 -1760 -544 133 -236 411 +544 123 -1480 -4732 +236 434 +3446 -280
5 1760 544 227 236 452 544 217 1481 4700 236 474 3413 280
6 1761 544 347 236 504 544 337 1482 4672 236 526 3385 280
7 1762 544 484 236 564 544 474 1482 4655 236 585 3367 280
8 1763 544 624 236 625 544 615 1483 4651 236 647 3362 280
9 1764 544 757 236 682 544 748 1484 4659 236 704 3370 280
10 -1765 -544 872 -236 732 +544 863 -1484 -4676 +236 754 +3386 -280
11 1765 544 965 236 773 544 956 1485 4698 236 795 3407 280
12 1766 545 037 236 804 545 027 1485 4719 236 826 3428 280
13 1766 545 089 236 826 545 079 1486 4736 236 849 3445 281
14 1766 545 128 236 843 545 118 1486 4747 236 866 3456 281
15 1767 545 161 236 858 545 151 1486 4749 236 880 3458 281
16 -1767 -545 195 -236 872 +545 185 -1486 -4742 +236 895 +3451 -281
17 1767 545 238 236 891 545 228 1486 4727 236 913 3436 281
18 1767 545 297 236 917 545 287 1487 4706 236 939 3415 281
19 1768 545 377 236 952 545 368 1487 4683 236 974 3390 281
20 1769 545 481 236 997 545 471 1488 4660 237 018 3368 281
21 1769 545 605 237 051 545 596 1488 4645 237 073 3351 281
22 -1770 -545 745 -237 111 +545 735 -1489 -4639 +237 133 +3345 -281
23 1771 545 888 237 173 545 879 1490 4647 237 195 3352 281
24 1772 546 022 237 231 546 012 1491 4667 237 253 3371 282
25 1773 546 134 237 280 546 124 1491 4695 237 302 3399 282
26 1773 546 218 237 317 546 209 1492 4727 237 339 3431 282
27 1774 546 275 237 341 546 265 1492 4754 237 364 3457 282
28 -1774 -546 312 -237 358 +546 303 -1492 -4770 +237 380 +3473 -282
29 1774 546 343 237 371 546 333 1493 4773 237 394 3476 282
30 1774 546 382 237 388 546 372 1493 4762 237 410 3464 282
July 1 1775 546 441 237 414 546 431 1493 4741 237 436 3443 282
2 -1775 -546 527 -237 451 +546 517 -1494 -4717 +237 473 +3419 -282


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

July 1 +0.157 776 08 -0.924 275 00 -0.400 447 23 +1670 7761 +248 8287 +107 7797
2 0.174 460 52 0.921 656 72 0.399 313 04 1666 0296 274 8192 119 0553
3 0.191 094 99 0.918 778 81 0.398 066 19 1660 7806 300 7525 130 3092
4 0.207 674 45 0.915 641 91 0.396 706 95 1655 0264 326 6134 141 5335
5 0.224 193 84 0.912 246 84 0.395 235 65 1648 7673 352 3860 152 7211
6 0.240 648 12 0.908 594 54 0.393 652 68 1642 0058 378 0555 163 8642
7 +0.257 032 30 -0.904 686 12 -0.391 958 53 +1634 7471 +403 6077 +174 9559
8 0.273 341 43 0.900 522 82 0.390 153 75 1626 9980 429 0299 185 9900
9 0.289 570 65 0.896 105 99 0.388 238 94 1618 7663 454 3111 196 9611
10 0.305 715 17 0.891 437 10 0.386 214 76 1610 0603 479 4413 207 8644
11 0.321 770 30 0.886 517 69 0.384 081 89 1600 8883 504 4124 218 6961
12 0.337 731 41 0.881 349 41 0.381 841 08 1591 2585 529 2168 229 4528
13 +0.353 593 97 -0.875 933 94 -0.379 493 10 +1581 1790 +553 8477 +240 1312
14 0.369 353 52 0.870 273 05 0.377 038 73 1570 6581 578 2989 250 7289
15 0.385 005 69 0.864 368 58 0.374 478 80 1559 7037 602 5645 261 2431
16 0.400 546 18 0.858 222 40 0.371 814 15 1548 3244 626 6396 271 6718
17 0.415 970 79 0.851 836 44 0.369 045 66 1536 5290 650 5199 282 0132
18 0.431 275 40 0.845 212 66 0.366 174 18 1524 3265 674 2024 292 2663
19 +0.446 455 99 -0.838 353 05 -0.363 200 62 +1511 7260 +697 6857 +302 4312
20 0.461 508 62 0.831 259 61 0.360 125 85 1498 7356 720 9703 312 5086
21 0.476 429 43 0.823 934 30 0.356 950 74 1485 3612 744 0585 322 5004
22 0.491 214 58 0.816 379 08 0.353 676 12 1471 6065 766 9539 332 4093
23 0.505 860 29 0.808 595 85 0.350 302 82 1457 4711 789 6603 342 2380
24 0.520 362 72 0.800 586 50 0.346 831 62 1442 9509 812 1802 351 9888
25 +0.534 718 00 -0.792 352 87 -0.343 263 30 +1428 0390 +834 5136 +361 6626
26 0.548 922 17 0.783 896 85 0.339 598 63 1412 7268 856 6575 371 2585
27 0.562 971 17 0.775 220 37 0.335 838 40 1397 0057 878 6050 380 7737
28 0.576 860 89 0.766 325 44 0.331 983 44 1380 8684 900 3465 390 2038
29 0.590 587 14 0.757 214 17 0.328 034 62 1364 3100 921 8699 399 5430
30 0.604 145 68 0.747 888 81 0.323 992 90 1347 3279 943 1617 408 7849
31 +0.617 532 29 -0.738 351 75 -0.319 859 27 +1329 9228 +964 2082 +417 9225
Aug. 1 0.630 742 73 0.728 605 51 0.315 634 82 1312 0972 984 9951 426 9487
2 0.643 772 85 0.718 652 76 0.311 320 69 1293 8565 1005 5089 435 8571
3 0.656 618 50 0.708 496 29 0.306 918 10 1275 2075 1025 7370 444 6411
4 0.669 275 66 0.698 139 01 0.302 428 31 1256 1592 1045 6673 453 2949
5 0.681 740 39 0.687 583 97 0.297 852 65 1236 7215 1065 2897 461 8134
6 +0.694 008 83 -0.676 834 28 -0.293 192 50 +1216 9050 +1084 5951 +470 1922
7 0.706 077 26 0.665 893 15 0.288 449 28 1196 7209 1103 5756 478 4276
8 0.717 942 06 0.654 763 87 0.283 624 44 1176 1804 1122 2247 486 5164
9 0.729 599 72 0.643 449 78 0.278 719 45 1155 2946 1140 5367 494 4563
10 0.741 046 84 0.631 954 28 0.273 735 82 1134 0745 1158 5068 502 2447
11 0.752 280 13 0.620 280 80 0.268 675 07 1112 5308 1176 1308 509 8803
12 +0.763 296 41 -0.608 432 83 -0.263 538 73 +1090 6747 +1193 4048 +517 3613
13 0.774 092 62 0.596 413 88 0.258 328 36 1068 5168 1210 3263 524 6865
14 0.784 665 78 0.584 227 48 0.253 045 52 1046 0684 1226 8930 531 8556
15 0.795 013 06 0.571 877 20 0.247 691 77 1023 3408 1243 1040 538 8684
16 +0.805 131 70 -0.559 366 59 -0.242 268 67 +1000 3450 +1258 9600 +545 7258
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0h TT
July 1 -1775 -546 441 -237 414 +546 431 -1493 -4741 +237 436 +3443 -282
2 1775 546 527 237 451 546 517 1494 4717 237 473 3419 282
3 1776 546 638 237 499 546 629 1494 4696 237 521 3397 282
4 1777 546 769 237 556 546 760 1495 4683 237 578 3384 282
5 1778 546 908 237 616 546 898 1496 4683 237 638 3384 282
6 1779 547 042 237 674 547 032 1496 4695 237 697 3395 283
7 -1780 -547 162 -237 726 +547 152 -1497 -4717 +237 749 +3416 -283
8 1780 547 261 237 769 547 251 1498 4745 237 792 3444 283
9 1781 547 337 237 802 547 327 1498 4775 237 825 3473 283
10 1781 547 392 237 826 547 382 1498 4802 237 849 3500 283
11 1781 547 431 237 843 547 421 1498 4823 237 866 3520 283
12 1781 547 461 237 856 547 451 1499 4835 237 879 3533 283
13 -1782 -547 489 -237 869 +547 479 -1499 -4839 +237 892 +3536 -283
14 1782 547 524 237 884 547 514 1499 4834 237 907 3531 283
15 1782 547 571 237 904 547 561 1499 4822 237 927 3519 283
16 1783 547 638 237 933 547 628 1500 4806 237 956 3503 283
17 1783 547 726 237 971 547 716 1500 4790 237 994 3487 283
18 1784 547 836 238 019 547 826 1501 4779 238 042 3475 283
19 -1785 -547 964 -238 075 +547 954 -1501 -4776 +238 097 +3471 -284
20 1786 548 100 238 134 548 090 1502 4786 238 156 3480 284
21 1786 548 232 238 191 548 222 1503 4808 238 214 3503 284
22 1787 548 347 238 241 548 337 1503 4842 238 264 3536 284
23 1788 548 433 238 278 548 423 1504 4881 238 302 3574 284
24 1788 548 489 238 303 548 478 1504 4918 238 326 3610 284
25 -1788 -548 520 -238 316 +548 510 -1504 -4944 +238 340 +3637 -284
26 1788 548 540 238 325 548 530 1505 4956 238 348 3648 284
27 1789 548 565 238 336 548 555 1505 4953 238 359 3645 284
28 1789 548 608 238 354 548 597 1505 4939 238 378 3631 284
29 1789 548 676 238 384 548 665 1505 4920 238 407 3612 284
30 1790 548 769 238 424 548 759 1506 4903 238 448 3595 284
31 -1791 -548 882 -238 474 +548 872 -1506 -4894 +238 497 +3585 -284
Aug. 1 1792 549 005 238 527 548 995 1507 4896 238 550 3586 285
2 1792 549 126 238 580 549 116 1508 4909 238 603 3599 285
3 1793 549 236 238 627 549 226 1508 4933 238 651 3622 285
4 1794 549 327 238 666 549 316 1509 4964 238 690 3653 285
5 1794 549 395 238 696 549 385 1509 4997 238 720 3686 285
6 -1794 -549 441 -238 716 +549 431 -1510 -5029 +238 740 +3718 -285
7 1795 549 469 238 728 549 459 1510 5055 238 753 3744 285
8 1795 549 486 238 736 549 476 1510 5074 238 760 3762 285
9 1795 549 499 238 741 549 488 1510 5083 238 766 3771 285
10 1795 549 515 238 749 549 505 1510 5083 238 773 3771 285
11 1795 549 542 238 760 549 532 1510 5076 238 785 3764 285
12 -1795 -549 586 -238 779 +549 575 -1510 -5064 +238 803 +3752 -285
13 1796 549 649 238 807 549 639 1511 5050 238 831 3738 285
14 1796 549 734 238 844 549 724 1511 5039 238 868 3726 285
15 1797 549 838 238 889 549 827 1512 5035 238 913 3721 285
16 -1798 -549 954 -238 939 +549 944 -1512 -5040 +238 963 +3726 -286


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

Aug. 16 +0.805 131 70 -0.559 366 59 -0.242 268 67 +1000 3450 +1258 9600 +545 7258
17 0.815 019 09 0.546 699 18 0.236 777 77 977 0910 1274 4635 552 4296
18 0.824 672 69 0.533 878 48 0.231 220 58 953 5872 1289 6189 558 9827
19 0.834 090 02 0.520 907 94 0.225 598 60 929 8386 1304 4320 565 3887
20 0.843 268 65 0.507 790 96 0.219 913 28 905 8460 1318 9085 571 6515
21 0.852 206 12 0.494 530 88 0.214 166 04 881 6063 1333 0527 577 7740
22 +0.860 899 93 -0.481 131 01 -0.208 358 27 +857 1131 +1346 8657 +583 7573
23 0.869 347 51 0.467 594 68 0.202 491 36 832 3585 1360 3443 589 6006
24 0.877 546 21 0.453 925 26 0.196 566 73 807 3357 1373 4813 595 3004
25 0.885 493 32 0.440 126 23 0.190 585 85 782 0405 1386 2661 600 8515
26 0.893 186 11 0.426 201 16 0.184 550 22 756 4721 1398 6862 606 2478
27 0.900 621 86 0.412 153 76 0.178 461 43 730 6330 1410 7289 611 4828
28 +0.907 797 88 -0.397 987 88 -0.172 321 12 +704 5289 +1422 3818 +616 5501
29 0.914 711 58 0.383 707 47 0.166 131 01 678 1676 1433 6328 621 4436
30 0.921 360 41 0.369 316 60 0.159 892 85 651 5588 1444 4719 626 1581
31 0.927 741 96 0.354 819 43 0.153 608 46 624 7134 1454 8892 630 6887
Sept. 1 0.933 853 93 0.340 220 24 0.147 279 70 597 6431 1464 8768 635 0313
2 0.939 694 12 0.325 523 36 0.140 908 47 570 3607 1474 4275 639 1822
3 +0.945 260 48 -0.310 733 17 -0.134 496 70 +542 8792 +1483 5353 +643 1387
4 0.950 551 08 0.295 854 14 0.128 046 35 515 2118 1492 1956 646 8982
5 0.955 564 14 0.280 890 76 0.121 559 40 487 3722 1500 4046 650 4591
6 0.960 298 00 0.265 847 56 0.115 037 84 459 3736 1508 1594 653 8201
7 0.964 751 13 0.250 729 09 0.108 483 67 431 2292 1515 4584 656 9804
8 0.968 922 14 0.235 539 92 0.101 898 90 402 9520 1522 3003 659 9397
9 +0.972 809 77 -0.220 284 61 -0.095 285 55 +374 5550 +1528 6847 +662 6979
10 0.976 412 88 0.204 967 75 0.088 645 61 346 0507 1534 6121 665 2555
11 0.979 730 47 0.189 593 89 0.081 981 10 317 4518 1540 0837 667 6136
12 0.982 761 64 0.174 167 59 0.075 294 00 288 7711 1545 1017 669 7733
13 0.985 505 65 0.158 693 35 0.068 586 29 260 0202 1549 6702 671 7370
14 0.987 961 85 0.143 175 66 0.061 859 90 231 2100 1553 7945 673 5081
15 +0.990 129 69 -0.127 618 92 -0.055 116 76 +202 3499 +1557 4813 +675 0904
16 0.992 008 70 0.112 027 47 0.048 358 71 173 4454 1560 7392 676 4888
17 0.993 598 45 0.096 405 54 0.041 587 58 144 4983 1563 5763 677 7079
18 0.994 898 52 0.080 757 32 0.034 805 13 115 5066 1565 9991 678 7517
19 0.995 908 42 0.065 086 93 0.028 013 12 86 4641 1568 0108 679 6222
20 0.996 627 61 0.049 398 48 0.021 213 27 57 3640 1569 6096 680 3188
21 +0.997 055 49 -0.033 696 13 -0.014 407 33 +28 2009 +1570 7894 +680 8385
22 0.997 191 41 0.017 984 12 0.007 597 11 -1 0274 1571 5405 681 1762
23 0.997 034 73 -0.002 266 79 -0.000 784 44 30 3184 1571 8519 681 3260
24 0.996 584 85 +0.013 451 41 +0.006 028 77 59 6658 1571 7125 681 2819
25 0.995 841 26 0.029 165 93 0.012 840 54 89 0600 1571 1125 681 0387
26 0.994 803 53 0.044 872 10 0.019 648 86 118 4891 1570 0438 680 5920
27 +0.993 471 40 +0.060 565 22 +0.026 451 69 -147 9405 +1568 4998 +679 9382
28 0.991 844 69 0.076 240 50 0.033 246 93 177 4005 1566 4756 679 0745
29 0.989 923 41 0.091 893 12 0.040 032 47 206 8549 1563 9674 677 9988
30 0.987 707 66 0.107 518 22 0.046 806 19 236 2899 1560 9724 676 7096
Oct. 1 +0.985 197 72 +0.123 110 94 +0.053 565 95 -265 6908 +1557 4891 +675 2058
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0 TT
Aug. 16 -1798 -549 954 -238 939 +549 944 -1512 -5040 +238 963 +3726 -286
17 1798 550 072 238 990 550 062 1513 5059 239 015 3744 286
18 1799 550 179 239 037 550 169 1514 5090 239 061 3774 286
19 1800 550 262 239 073 550 252 1514 5128 239 097 3813 286
20 1800 550 314 239 095 550 304 1514 5168 239 120 3852 286
21 1800 550 337 239 105 550 326 1514 5199 239 130 3883 286
22 -1800 -550 342 -239 108 +550 331 -1514 -5217 +239 133 +3901 -286
23 1800 550 347 239 110 550 336 1514 5217 239 135 3901 286
24 1800 550 368 239 119 550 357 1515 5204 239 144 3888 286
25 1801 550 414 239 139 550 403 1515 5184 239 164 3867 286
26 1801 550 487 239 171 550 477 1515 5164 239 196 3847 286
27 1802 550 582 239 212 550 571 1516 5150 239 237 3833 286
28 -1803 -550 688 -239 258 +550 678 -1516 -5148 +239 283 +3830 -286
29 1803 550 795 239 304 550 784 1517 5157 239 329 3838 286
30 1804 550 891 239 346 550 881 1517 5176 239 371 3857 287
31 1804 550 971 239 381 550 960 1518 5203 239 406 3884 287
Sept. 1 1805 551 028 239 406 551 017 1518 5233 239 431 3913 287
2 1805 551 064 239 421 551 053 1518 5262 239 447 3943 287
3 -1805 -551 081 -239 429 +551 070 -1519 -5287 +239 454 +3967 -287
4 1805 551 085 239 431 551 074 1519 5304 239 456 3984 287
5 1805 551 084 239 430 551 072 1519 5312 239 455 3992 287
6 1805 551 084 239 430 551 072 1519 5310 239 456 3991 287
7 1805 551 093 239 434 551 081 1519 5301 239 459 3981 287
8 1805 551 117 239 444 551 106 1519 5285 239 470 3966 287
9 -1806 -551 160 -239 463 +551 149 -1519 -5267 +239 489 +3947 -287
10 1806 551 223 239 491 551 212 1519 5250 239 516 3930 287
11 1807 551 306 239 527 551 295 1520 5238 239 552 3918 287
12 1807 551 402 239 568 551 391 1520 5235 239 594 3914 287
13 1808 551 505 239 613 551 494 1521 5243 239 638 3921 287
14 1809 551 603 239 656 551 592 1521 5262 239 681 3940 287
15 -1809 -551 684 -239 691 +551 673 -1522 -5292 +239 716 +3969 -287
16 1809 551 739 239 714 551 727 1522 5325 239 740 4003 287
17 1810 551 763 239 725 551 752 1522 5355 239 751 4032 287
18 1810 551 764 239 726 551 753 1522 5373 239 752 4050 287
19 1810 551 757 239 722 551 745 1522 5374 239 748 4051 287
20 1810 551 760 239 724 551 749 1522 5358 239 750 4035 287
21 -1810 -551 789 -239 737 +551 778 -1522 -5331 +239 762 +4008 -288
22 1810 551 848 239 762 551 837 1523 5301 239 788 3978 288
23 1811 551 934 239 800 551 923 1523 5276 239 825 3953 288
24 1811 552 035 239 844 552 024 1524 5262 239 869 3938 288
25 1812 552 139 239 889 552 128 1524 5261 239 914 3936 288
26 1813 552 235 239 930 552 224 1525 5270 239 956 3945 288
27 -1813 -552 314 -239 965 +552 303 -1525 -5288 +239 990 +3963 -288
28 1814 552 372 239 990 552 361 1526 5310 240 016 3984 288
29 1814 552 409 240 006 552 398 1526 5332 240 032 4006 288
30 1814 552 426 240 013 552 415 1526 5350 240 039 4024 288
Oct. 1 -1814 -552 430 -240 015 +552 419 -1526 -5361 +240 041 +4035 -288


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

Oct. 1 +0.985 197 72 +0.123 110 94 +0.053 565 95 -265 6908 +1557 4891 +675 2058
2 0.982 394 01 0.138 666 37 0.060 309 59 295 0434 1553 5167 673 4870
3 0.979 297 07 0.154 179 64 0.067 034 97 324 3331 1549 0552 671 5532
4 0.975 907 60 0.169 645 85 0.073 739 94 353 5456 1544 1061 669 4049
5 0.972 226 46 0.185 060 14 0.080 422 36 382 6664 1538 6714 667 0431
6 0.968 254 62 0.200 417 67 0.087 080 09 411 6818 1532 7539 664 4693
7 +0.963 993 22 +0.215 713 63 +0.093 711 04 -440 5781 +1526 3580 +661 6857
8 0.959 443 50 0.230 943 25 0.100 313 12 469 3421 1519 4880 658 6944
9 0.954 606 86 0.246 101 83 0.106 884 25 497 9610 1512 1499 655 4984
10 0.949 484 81 0.261 184 71 0.113 422 41 526 4231 1504 3503 652 1015
11 0.944 078 96 0.276 187 32 0.119 925 62 554 7168 1496 0971 648 5075
12 0.938 391 07 0.291 105 17 0.126 391 92 582 8323 1487 3995 644 7214
13 +0.932 422 94 +0.305 933 86 +0.132 819 43 -610 7620 +1478 2676 +640 7485
14 0.926 176 46 0.320 669 11 0.139 206 29 638 5007 1468 7125 636 5945
15 0.919 653 56 0.335 306 74 0.145 550 73 666 0473 1458 7447 632 2654
16 0.912 856 15 0.349 842 66 0.151 851 03 693 4042 1448 3736 627 7658
17 0.905 786 09 0.364 272 88 0.158 105 49 720 5769 1437 6044 623 0987
18 0.898 445 20 0.378 593 43 0.164 312 45 747 5720 1426 4384 618 2646
19 +0.890 835 23 +0.392 800 31 +0.170 470 22 -774 3943 +1414 8719 +613 2613
20 0.882 957 89 0.406 889 51 0.176 577 10 801 0453 1402 8981 608 0849
21 0.874 814 90 0.420 856 89 0.182 631 32 827 5214 1390 5085 602 7305
22 0.866 408 07 0.434 698 26 0.188 631 10 853 8144 1377 6953 597 1933
23 0.857 739 26 0.448 409 36 0.194 574 57 879 9130 1364 4524 591 4697
24 0.848 810 50 0.461 985 87 0.200 459 86 905 8040 1350 7758 585 5573
25 +0.839 623 92 +0.475 423 43 +0.206 285 08 -931 4732 +1336 6639 +579 4542
26 0.830 181 82 0.488 717 69 0.212 048 31 956 9062 1322 1163 573 1602
27 0.820 486 64 0.501 864 31 0.217 747 65 982 0889 1307 1345 566 6755
28 0.810 540 93 0.514 858 94 0.223 381 19 1007 0074 1291 7209 560 0008
29 0.800 347 41 0.527 697 29 0.228 947 03 1031 6478 1275 8785 553 1372
30 0.789 908 94 0.540 375 09 0.234 443 31 1055 9968 1259 6112 546 0863
31 +0.779 228 50 +0.552 888 12 +0.239 868 14 -1080 0404 +1242 9238 +538 8505
Nov. 1 0.768 309 20 0.565 232 19 0.245 219 71 1103 7654 1225 8221 531 4320
2 0.757 154 30 0.577 403 20 0.250 496 18 1127 1584 1208 3126 523 8338
3 0.745 767 18 0.589 397 11 0.255 695 80 1150 2066 1190 4028 516 0597
4 0.734 151 35 0.601 209 95 0.260 816 81 1172 8976 1172 1017 508 1138
5 0.722 310 45 0.612 837 87 0.265 857 52 1195 2199 1153 4188 500 0007
6 +0.710 248 22 +0.624 277 09 +0.270 816 28 -1217 1628 +1134 3648 +491 7256
7 0.697 968 49 0.635 523 97 0.275 691 51 1238 7170 1114 9512 483 2944
8 0.685 475 20 0.646 574 96 0.280 481 67 1259 8746 1095 1904 474 7131
9 0.672 772 35 0.657 426 66 0.285 185 29 1280 6292 1075 0956 465 9881
10 0.659 863 98 0.668 075 80 0.289 800 97 1300 9770 1054 6800 457 1262
11 0.646 754 17 0.678 519 24 0.294 327 38 1320 9168 1033 9573 448 1342
12 +0.633 447 00 +0.688 753 97 +0.298 763 25 -1340 4497 +1012 9400 +439 0184
13 0.619 946 51 0.698 777 09 0.303 107 35 1359 5805 991 6389 429 7840
14 0.606 256 71 0.708 585 82 0.307 358 54 1378 3158 970 0615 420 4344
15 0.592 381 49 0.718 177 41 0.311 515 67 1396 6629 948 2117 410 9715
16 +0.578 324 72 +0.727 549 15 +0.315 577 59 -1414 6274 +926 0890 +401 3941
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0 TT
Oct. 1 -1814 -552 430 -240 015 +552 419 -1526 -5361 +240 041 +4035 -288
2 1814 552 426 240 013 552 415 1526 5363 240 039 4037 288
3 1814 552 423 240 012 552 412 1526 5355 240 038 4029 288
4 1814 552 428 240 014 552 416 1526 5339 240 040 4013 288
5 1814 552 447 240 022 552 435 1526 5316 240 048 3990 288
6 1814 552 484 240 039 552 473 1526 5290 240 064 3964 288
7 -1815 -552 542 -240 064 +552 531 -1527 -5265 +240 089 +3938 -288
8 1815 552 619 240 097 552 608 1527 5243 240 123 3916 288
9 1816 552 712 240 138 552 701 1528 5229 240 163 3901 288
10 1816 552 812 240 181 552 801 1528 5225 240 206 3897 289
11 1817 552 911 240 224 552 900 1529 5231 240 249 3903 289
12 1818 552 999 240 262 552 988 1529 5248 240 288 3920 289
13 -1818 -553 065 -240 291 +553 054 -1529 -5271 +240 317 +3942 -289
14 1818 553 105 240 308 553 094 1530 5294 240 334 3965 289
15 1818 553 120 240 315 553 109 1530 5309 240 341 3980 289
16 1818 553 120 240 315 553 109 1530 5310 240 341 3980 289
17 1819 553 123 240 316 553 112 1530 5293 240 342 3964 289
18 1819 553 146 240 326 553 135 1530 5261 240 352 3932 289
19 -1819 -553 201 -240 350 +553 190 -1530 -5223 +240 375 +3893 -289
20 1820 553 288 240 388 553 277 1531 5186 240 413 3856 289
21 1820 553 398 240 436 553 388 1531 5159 240 461 3829 289
22 1821 553 518 240 488 553 507 1532 5146 240 512 3814 289
23 1822 553 631 240 537 553 621 1533 5145 240 562 3813 289
24 1822 553 729 240 580 553 719 1533 5154 240 605 3822 290
25 -1823 -553 806 -240 613 +553 795 -1534 -5169 +240 638 +3836 -290
26 1823 553 861 240 637 553 850 1534 5184 240 662 3851 290
27 1824 553 895 240 652 553 884 1534 5197 240 677 3864 290
28 1824 553 914 240 660 553 903 1534 5203 240 685 3870 290
29 1824 553 924 240 664 553 913 1534 5201 240 690 3868 290
30 1824 553 934 240 669 553 923 1534 5190 240 694 3857 290
31 -1824 -553 950 -240 676 +553 939 -1534 -5170 +240 701 +3837 -290
Nov. 1 1824 553 979 240 688 553 968 1535 5143 240 713 3810 290
2 1824 554 027 240 709 554 016 1535 5112 240 734 3778 290
3 1825 554 095 240 739 554 084 1535 5080 240 763 3746 290
4 1825 554 184 240 777 554 173 1536 5052 240 802 3718 290
5 1826 554 289 240 823 554 278 1536 5031 240 847 3696 290
6 -1827 -554 403 -240 872 +554 392 -1537 -5020 +240 896 +3685 -290
7 1828 554 517 240 922 554 507 1538 5020 240 946 3684 290
8 1828 554 623 240 968 554 612 1538 5030 240 992 3693 290
9 1829 554 710 241 006 554 700 1539 5047 241 030 3710 291
10 1829 554 774 241 033 554 763 1539 5065 241 058 3728 291
11 1830 554 814 241 051 554 803 1539 5079 241 075 3742 291
12 -1830 -554 836 -241 060 +554 825 -1539 -5082 +241 085 +3744 -291
13 1830 554 854 241 068 554 844 1539 5070 241 093 3732 291
14 1830 554 885 241 082 554 874 1540 5042 241 106 3705 291
15 1830 554 943 241 107 554 932 1540 5004 241 131 3666 291
16 -1831 -555 035 -241 147 +555 024 -1540 -4964 +241 171 +3625 -291


Date . . .
0h T.D.B. X Y Z X Y Z

Nov. 16 +0.578 324 72 +0.727 549 15 +0.315 577 59 -1414 6274 +926 0890 +401 3941
17 0.564 090 21 0.736 698 27 0.319 543 16 1432 2116 903 6899 391 6997
18 0.549 681 77 0.745 622 01 0.323 411 18 1449 4132 881 0099 381 8851
19 0.535 103 24 0.754 317 52 0.327 180 45 1466 2255 858 0447 371 9472
20 0.520 358 59 0.762 781 94 0.330 849 71 1482 6384 834 7919 361 8838
21 0.505 451 85 0.771 012 40 0.334 417 70 1498 6401 811 2516 351 6941
22 +0.490 387 20 +0.779 006 02 +0.337 883 17 -1514 2179 +787 4263 +341 3788
23 0.475 168 94 0.786 759 99 0.341 244 87 1529 3595 763 3204 330 9394
24 0.459 801 50 0.794 271 52 0.344 501 55 1544 0530 738 9396 320 3779
25 0.444 289 41 0.801 537 89 0.347 652 03 1558 2871 714 2910 309 6972
26 0.428 637 33 0.808 556 47 0.350 695 11 1572 0512 689 3816 298 9007
27 0.412 849 99 0.815 324 68 0.353 629 66 1585 3348 664 2198 287 9916
28 +0.396 932 26 +0.821 840 05 +0.356 454 58 -1598 1278 +638 8143 +276 9740
29 0.380 889 10 0.828 100 18 0.359 168 80 1610 4201 613 1746 265 8521
30 0.364 725 56 0.834 102 79 0.361 771 29 1622 2020 587 3110 254 6305
Dec. 1 0.348 446 80 0.839 845 69 0.364 261 09 1633 4639 561 2349 243 3147
2 0.332 058 05 0.845 326 83 0.366 637 29 1644 1974 534 9591 231 9106
3 0.315 564 64 0.850 544 26 0.368 899 03 1654 3947 508 4973 220 4248
4 +0.298 971 96 +0.855 496 20 +0.371 045 54 -1664 0496 +481 8644 +208 8644
5 0.282 285 47 0.860 181 02 0.373 076 10 1673 1581 455 0757 197 2367
6 0.265 510 63 0.864 597 25 0.374 990 07 1681 7181 428 1473 185 5498
7 0.248 652 93 0.868 743 56 0.376 786 92 1689 7297 401 0951 173 8113
8 0.231 717 85 0.872 618 79 0.378 466 15 1697 1952 373 9344 162 0286
9 0.214 710 83 0.876 221 93 0.380 027 37 1704 1198 346 6799 150 2087
10 +0.197 637 24 +0.879 552 12 +0.381 470 22 -1710 5102 +319 3441 +138 3578
11 0.180 502 38 0.882 608 58 0.382 794 44 1716 3751 291 9377 126 4805
12 0.163 311 46 0.885 390 66 0.383 999 76 1721 7242 264 4687 114 5802
13 0.146 069 58 0.887 897 76 0.385 085 97 1726 5669 236 9412 102 6584
14 0.128 781 78 0.890 129 30 0.386 052 85 1730 9107 209 3571 90 7151
15 0.111 453 02 0.892 084 71 0.386 900 19 1734 7606 181 7153 78 7489
16 +0.094 088 22 +0.893 763 41 +0.387 627 75 -1738 1171 +154 0141 +66 7576
17 0.076 692 33 0.895 164 79 0.388 235 26 1740 9772 126 2523 54 7396
18 0.059 270 35 0.896 288 25 0.388 722 45 1743 3352 98 4300 42 6942
19 0.041 827 32 0.897 133 20 0.389 089 05 1745 1833 70 5499 30 6217
20 0.024 368 41 0.897 699 07 0.389 334 80 1746 5132 42 6170 18 5235
21 +0.006 898 82 0.897 985 38 0.389 459 44 1747 3166 +14 6378 +6 4024
22 -0.010 576 15 +0.897 991 70 +0.389 462 78 -1747 5865 -13 3793 -5 7382
23 0.028 051 12 0.897 717 70 0.389 344 63 1747 3163 41 4251 17 8942
24 0.045 520 65 0.897 163 14 0.389 104 86 1746 5000 69 4899 30 0615
25 0.062 979 28 0.896 327 87 0.388 743 38 1745 1326 97 5635 42 2356
26 0.080 421 45 0.895 211 87 0.388 260 14 1743 2091 125 6351 54 4113
27 0.097 841 59 0.893 815 21 0.387 655 16 1740 7249 153 6937 66 5842
28 -0.115 234 07 +0.892 138 08 +0.386 928 49 -1737 6753 -181 7271 -78 7484
29 0.132 593 20 0.890 180 80 0.386 080 24 1734 0566 209 7226 90 8977
30 0.149 913 29 0.887 943 81 0.385 110 60 1729 8652 237 6659 103 0259
31 0.167 188 59 0.885 427 71 0.384 019 82 1725 0989 265 5414 115 1251
32 -0.184 413 35 +0.882 633 26 +0.382 808 22 -1719 7578 -293 3328 -127 1876
. . .
X, Y, Z are in units of 10-9 a.u. per day



Date M11 - 1 M12 M13 M21 M22 - 1 M23 M31 M32 M33 - 1
0h TT
Nov. 16 -1831 -555 035 -241 147 +555 024 -1540 -4964 +241 171 +3625 -291
17 1832 555 157 241 200 555 146 1541 4930 241 223 3591 291
18 1833 555 296 241 260 555 286 1542 4909 241 284 3569 291
19 1834 555 437 241 321 555 426 1543 4902 241 345 3562 291
20 1835 555 565 241 377 555 555 1543 4908 241 400 3567 291
21 1835 555 672 241 423 555 662 1544 4922 241 447 3580 292
22 -1836 -555 754 -241 459 +555 744 -1544 -4939 +241 483 +3597 -292
23 1836 555 815 241 485 555 804 1545 4954 241 509 3611 292
24 1837 555 857 241 504 555 847 1545 4963 241 528 3620 292
25 1837 555 889 241 517 555 878 1545 4965 241 541 3622 292
26 1837 555 917 241 530 555 906 1545 4957 241 554 3614 292
27 1837 555 949 241 544 555 939 1545 4941 241 568 3598 292
28 -1837 -555 994 -241 563 +555 983 -1546 -4918 +241 587 +3575 -292
29 1838 556 055 241 590 556 045 1546 4890 241 613 3546 292
30 1838 556 137 241 625 556 127 1547 4860 241 649 3516 292
Dec. 1 1839 556 239 241 670 556 229 1547 4834 241 693 3489 292
2 1840 556 360 241 722 556 350 1548 4814 241 745 3469 292
3 1841 556 492 241 779 556 482 1548 4804 241 802 3458 292
4 -1842 -556 626 -241 837 +556 616 -1549 -4805 +241 860 +3458 -293
5 1842 556 751 241 892 556 741 1550 4817 241 915 3470 293
6 1843 556 860 241 939 556 849 1551 4836 241 962 3489 293
7 1844 556 944 241 976 556 934 1551 4859 241 999 3511 293
8 1844 557 005 242 002 556 995 1551 4879 242 026 3531 293
9 1844 557 047 242 020 557 037 1552 4889 242 044 3541 293
10 -1845 -557 081 -242 035 +557 071 -1552 -4887 +242 059 +3538 -293
11 1845 557 121 242 053 557 111 1552 4870 242 076 3522 293
12 1845 557 182 242 079 557 172 1552 4843 242 102 3494 293
13 1846 557 272 242 118 557 262 1553 4810 242 141 3460 293
14 1847 557 394 242 171 557 384 1554 4779 242 194 3429 293
15 1848 557 540 242 234 557 530 1554 4759 242 257 3409 294
16 -1849 -557 694 -242 301 +557 684 -1555 -4753 +242 324 +3402 -294
17 1850 557 843 242 366 557 833 1556 4761 242 389 3409 294
18 1851 557 973 242 422 557 963 1557 4780 242 445 3428 294
19 1851 558 078 242 468 558 068 1557 4805 242 491 3451 294
20 1852 558 157 242 502 558 147 1558 4829 242 525 3475 294
21 1852 558 215 242 528 558 205 1558 4849 242 551 3495 294
22 -1852 -558 259 -242 547 +558 249 -1558 -4861 +242 570 +3507 -294
23 1853 558 296 242 563 558 286 1559 4865 242 586 3511 294
24 1853 558 335 242 580 558 325 1559 4860 242 603 3505 294
25 1853 558 383 242 600 558 373 1559 4847 242 624 3492 294
26 1854 558 445 242 627 558 435 1559 4828 242 651 3473 294
27 1854 558 527 242 663 558 517 1560 4808 242 686 3452 295
28 -1855 -558 629 -242 707 +558 619 -1560 -4788 +242 730 +3432 -295
29 1856 558 750 242 760 558 740 1561 4775 242 783 3418 295
30 1857 558 885 242 818 558 875 1562 4770 242 841 3413 295
31 1858 559 025 242 879 559 015 1563 4777 242 902 3419 295
32 -1858 -559 158 -242 937 +559 148 -1563 -4796 +242 960 +3437 -295


a Ursae Minoris Mag. 2.02 F5-F8 Ib
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
1 3 03 27 +89 22 10 3 02 34 +89 22 16 3 01 39 +89 22 15 3 00 56 +89 22 08
2 3 03 26 +89 22 11 3 02 32 +89 22 16 3 01 38 +89 22 15 3 00 55 +89 22 08
3 3 03 24 +89 22 11 3 02 30 +89 22 16 3 01 36 +89 22 14 3 00 54 +89 22 08
4 3 03 22 +89 22 11 3 02 29 +89 22 16 3 01 35 +89 22 14 3 00 53 +89 22 08
5 3 03 21 +89 22 11 3 02 27 +89 22 16 3 01 33 +89 22 14 3 00 52 +89 22 08

6 3 03 19 +89 22 12 3 02 26 +89 22 16 3 01 32 +89 22 14 3 00 51 +89 22 07

7 3 03 18 +89 22 12 3 02 24 +89 22 16 3 01 30 +89 22 14 3 00 50 +89 22 07
8 3 03 17 +89 22 12 3 02 22 +89 22 16 3 01 28 +89 22 14 3 00 49 +89 22 07
9 3 03 16 +89 22 12 3 02 20 +89 22 16 3 01 26 +89 22 14 3 00 48 +89 22 06
10 3 03 14 +89 22 12 3 02 18 +89 22 16 3 01 24 +89 22 14 3 00 48 +89 22 06

11 3 03 13 +89 22 13 3 02 16 +89 22 16 3 01 22 +89 22 13 3 00 47 +89 22 06

12 3 03 11 +89 22 13 3 02 13 +89 22 16 3 01 21 +89 22 13 3 00 47 +89 22 05
13 3 03 10 +89 22 13 3 02 11 +89 22 16 3 01 19 +89 22 13 3 00 47 +89 22 05
14 3 03 08 +89 22 13 3 02 09 +89 22 16 3 01 18 +89 22 13 3 00 46 +89 22 05
15 3 03 06 +89 22 14 3 02 07 +89 22 16 3 01 17 +89 22 12 3 00 46 +89 22 05

16 3 03 04 +89 22 14 3 02 06 +89 22 16 3 01 15 +89 22 12 3 00 46 +89 22 04

17 3 03 02 +89 22 14 3 02 04 +89 22 16 3 01 14 +89 22 12 3 00 45 +89 22 04
18 3 03 00 +89 22 14 3 02 02 +89 22 16 3 01 13 +89 22 12 3 00 44 +89 22 04
19 3 02 58 +89 22 14 3 02 01 +89 22 16 3 01 12 +89 22 12 3 00 44 +89 22 04
20 3 02 57 +89 22 14 3 01 59 +89 22 16 3 01 10 +89 22 12 3 00 43 +89 22 03

21 3 02 55 +89 22 14 3 01 57 +89 22 16 3 01 09 +89 22 11 3 00 43 +89 22 03

22 3 02 54 +89 22 14 3 01 55 +89 22 16 3 01 07 +89 22 11 3 00 42 +89 22 03
23 3 02 52 +89 22 15 3 01 53 +89 22 15 3 01 06 +89 22 11 3 00 42 +89 22 02
24 3 02 51 +89 22 15 3 01 51 +89 22 15 3 01 04 +89 22 11 3 00 42 +89 22 02
25 3 02 49 +89 22 15 3 01 49 +89 22 15 3 01 03 +89 22 10 3 00 42 +89 22 02

26 3 02 47 +89 22 15 3 01 47 +89 22 15 3 01 01 +89 22 10 3 00 42 +89 22 01

27 3 02 45 +89 22 15 3 01 45 +89 22 15 3 01 00 +89 22 10 3 00 42 +89 22 01
28 3 02 43 +89 22 15 3 01 43 +89 22 15 3 00 59 +89 22 10 3 00 42 +89 22 01
29 3 02 40 +89 22 15 3 01 41 +89 22 15 3 00 58 +89 22 09 3 00 43 +89 22 00
30 3 02 38 +89 22 15 3 00 57 +89 22 09 3 00 43 +89 22 00

31 3 02 36 +89 22 15 3 00 57 +89 22 09


a Ursae Minoris Mag. 2.02 F5-F8 Ib
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
1 3 00 43 +89 21 60 3 01 02 +89 21 51 3 01 47 +89 21 46 3 02 52 +89 21 44
2 3 00 43 +89 21 60 3 01 03 +89 21 51 3 01 50 +89 21 45 3 02 54 +89 21 44
3 3 00 42 +89 21 59 3 01 04 +89 21 51 3 01 52 +89 21 45 3 02 56 +89 21 44
4 3 00 42 +89 21 59 3 01 05 +89 21 50 3 01 54 +89 21 45 3 02 58 +89 21 44
5 3 00 42 +89 21 59 3 01 07 +89 21 50 3 01 56 +89 21 45 3 03 00 +89 21 45

6 3 00 42 +89 21 58 3 01 08 +89 21 50 3 01 58 +89 21 45 3 03 02 +89 21 45

7 3 00 43 +89 21 58 3 01 10 +89 21 50 3 02 00 +89 21 45 3 03 04 +89 21 45
8 3 00 43 +89 21 58 3 01 12 +89 21 49 3 02 02 +89 21 45 3 03 06 +89 21 45
9 3 00 44 +89 21 57 3 01 13 +89 21 49 3 02 04 +89 21 45 3 03 08 +89 21 45
10 3 00 45 +89 21 57 3 01 14 +89 21 49 3 02 05 +89 21 45 3 03 10 +89 21 45

11 3 00 46 +89 21 57 3 01 16 +89 21 49 3 02 07 +89 21 45 3 03 12 +89 21 45

12 3 00 46 +89 21 57 3 01 17 +89 21 49 3 02 09 +89 21 45 3 03 14 +89 21 45
13 3 00 47 +89 21 56 3 01 18 +89 21 49 3 02 11 +89 21 45 3 03 16 +89 21 45
14 3 00 47 +89 21 56 3 01 19 +89 21 48 3 02 13 +89 21 44 3 03 19 +89 21 45
15 3 00 48 +89 21 56 3 01 20 +89 21 48 3 02 15 +89 21 44 3 03 21 +89 21 45

16 3 00 48 +89 21 56 3 01 22 +89 21 48 3 02 17 +89 21 44 3 03 24 +89 21 45

17 3 00 48 +89 21 55 3 01 23 +89 21 48 3 02 19 +89 21 44 3 03 26 +89 21 45
18 3 00 49 +89 21 55 3 01 25 +89 21 47 3 02 21 +89 21 44 3 03 28 +89 21 46
19 3 00 49 +89 21 55 3 01 27 +89 21 47 3 02 24 +89 21 44 3 03 30 +89 21 46
20 3 00 50 +89 21 54 3 01 29 +89 21 47 3 02 26 +89 21 44 3 03 32 +89 21 46

21 3 00 51 +89 21 54 3 01 31 +89 21 47 3 02 28 +89 21 44 3 03 34 +89 21 46

22 3 00 52 +89 21 54 3 01 33 +89 21 47 3 02 30 +89 21 44 3 03 35 +89 21 46
23 3 00 53 +89 21 53 3 01 34 +89 21 47 3 02 32 +89 21 44 3 03 37 +89 21 46
24 3 00 54 +89 21 53 3 01 36 +89 21 47 3 02 34 +89 21 44 3 03 40 +89 21 46
25 3 00 55 +89 21 53 3 01 38 +89 21 46 3 02 36 +89 21 44 3 03 42 +89 21 47

26 3 00 56 +89 21 53 3 01 39 +89 21 46 3 02 38 +89 21 44 3 03 44 +89 21 47

27 3 00 57 +89 21 52 3 01 41 +89 21 46 3 02 40 +89 21 44 3 03 47 +89 21 47
28 3 00 58 +89 21 52 3 01 42 +89 21 46 3 02 42 +89 21 44 3 03 49 +89 21 47
29 3 00 59 +89 21 52 3 01 44 +89 21 46 3 02 44 +89 21 44 3 03 51 +89 21 47
30 3 01 00 +89 21 52 3 01 45 +89 21 46 3 02 47 +89 21 44 3 03 53 +89 21 47

31 3 01 01 +89 21 52 3 02 49 +89 21 44 3 03 55 +89 21 48



a Ursae Minoris Mag. 2.02 F5-F8 Ib
Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination Right Declination
Ascension Ascension Ascension Ascension
h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' " h m s º ' "
1 3 03 57 +89 21 48 3 04 51 +89 21 55 3 05 26 +89 22 06 3 05 32 +89 22 17
2 3 03 59 +89 21 48 3 04 52 +89 21 56 3 05 26 +89 22 06 3 05 32 +89 22 17
3 3 04 01 +89 21 48 3 04 53 +89 21 56 3 05 27 +89 22 06 3 05 31 +89 22 17
4 3 04 02 +89 21 48 3 04 55 +89 21 56 3 05 28 +89 22 07 3 05 31 +89 22 18
5 3 04 04 +89 21 49 3 04 56 +89 21 56 3 05 29 +89 22 07 3 05 31 +89 22 18

6 3 04 06 +89 21 49 3 04 58 +89 21 57 3 05 30 +89 22 07 3 05 30 +89 22 19

7 3 04 08 +89 21 49 3 04 59 +89 21 57 3 05 30 +89 22 08 3 05 29 +89 22 19
8 3 04 10 +89 21 49 3 05 01 +89 21 57 3 05 31 +89 22 08 3 05 28 +89 22 19
9 3 04 12 +89 21 49 3 05 03 +89 21 58 3 05 31 +89 22 09 3 05 27 +89 22 20
10 3 04 14 +89 21 50 3 05 04 +89 21 58 3 05 31 +89 22 09 3 05 27 +89 22 20

11 3 04 16 +89 21 50 3 05 06 +89 21 58 3 05 31 +89 22 10 3 05 26 +89 22 20

12 3 04 19 +89 21 50 3 05 07 +89 21 59 3 05 31 +89 22 10 3 05 25 +89 22 21
13 3 04 21 +89 21 50 3 05 08 +89 21 59 3 05 31 +89 22 10 3 05 25 +89 22 21
14 3 04 23 +89 21 51 3 05 09 +89 21 59 3 05 32 +89 22 11 3 05 24 +89 22 21
15 3 04 24 +89 21 51 3 05 10 +89 21 60 3 05 32 +89 22 11 3 05 24 +89 22 21

16 3 04 26 +89 21 51 3 05 11 +89 22 00 3 05 33 +89 22 11 3 05 23 +89 22 22

17 3 04 27 +89 21 51 3 05 12 +89 22 00 3 05 33 +89 22 12 3 05 23 +89 22 22
18 3 04 29 +89 21 52 3 05 13 +89 22 01 3 05 34 +89 22 12 3 05 22 +89 22 22
19 3 04 30 +89 21 52 3 05 14 +89 22 01 3 05 34 +89 22 12 3 05 21 +89 22 23
20 3 04 32 +89 21 52 3 05 16 +89 22 01 3 05 34 +89 22 13 3 05 19 +89 22 23

21 3 04 34 +89 21 52 3 05 17 +89 22 02 3 05 34 +89 22 13 3 05 18 +89 22 23

22 3 04 36 +89 21 53 3 05 18 +89 22 02 3 05 34 +89 22 14 3 05 17 +89 22 24
23 3 04 38 +89 21 53 3 05 20 +89 22 02 3 05 34 +89 22 14 3 05 15 +89 22 24
24 3 04 40 +89 21 53 3 05 21 +89 22 03 3 05 33 +89 22 14 3 05 14 +89 22 24
25 3 04 42 +89 21 53 3 05 21 +89 22 03 3 05 33 +89 22 15 3 05 13 +89 22 25

26 3 04 44 +89 21 54 3 05 22 +89 22 04 3 05 33 +89 22 15 3 05 12 +89 22 25

27 3 04 45 +89 21 54 3 05 23 +89 22 04 3 05 32 +89 22 15 3 05 11 +89 22 25
28 3 04 47 +89 21 54 3 05 23 +89 22 04 3 05 32 +89 22 16 3 05 10 +89 22 25
29 3 04 48 +89 21 55 3 05 24 +89 22 05 3 05 32 +89 22 16 3 05 09 +89 22 26
30 3 04 49 +89 21 55 3 05 24 +89 22 05 3 05 32 +89 22 16 3 05 08 +89 22 26

31 3 05 25 +89 22 05 3 05 07 +89 22 26
32 3 05 05 +89 22 26


LST 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h
a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0

m ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
0 -26.4 +27.4 -32.6 +19.6 -36.5 +10.4 -38.0 +0.5 -36.8 -9.5 -33.1 -18.8
3 26.7 27.1 32.8 19.2 36.7 9.9 38.0 +0.0 36.7 10.0 32.8 19.2
6 27.1 26.7 33.1 18.8 36.8 9.5 38.0 -0.5 36.5 10.4 32.6 19.6
9 27.4 26.4 33.3 18.3 36.9 9.0 38.0 1.0 36.4 10.9 32.3 20.1
12 27.8 26.0 33.5 17.9 37.0 8.5 37.9 1.5 36.2 11.4 32.0 20.5
15 -28.1 +25.7 -33.8 +17.4 -37.1 +8.0 -37.9 -2.0 -36.1 -11.9 -31.8 -20.9
18 28.4 25.3 34.0 17.0 37.2 7.5 37.9 2.5 35.9 12.4 31.5 21.3
21 28.8 24.9 34.2 16.5 37.3 7.0 37.8 3.0 35.8 12.8 31.2 21.7
24 29.1 24.5 34.4 16.1 37.4 6.5 37.8 3.5 35.6 13.3 30.9 22.2
27 29.4 24.1 34.6 15.6 37.5 6.0 37.8 4.0 35.4 13.8 30.6 22.6
30 -29.7 +23.7 -34.8 +15.2 -37.6 +5.5 -37.7 -4.5 -35.2 -14.2 -30.3 -23.0
33 30.0 23.4 35.0 14.7 37.6 5.0 37.6 5.0 35.0 14.7 30.0 23.4
36 30.3 23.0 35.2 14.2 37.7 4.5 37.6 5.5 34.8 15.2 29.7 23.8
39 30.6 22.6 35.4 13.8 37.8 4.0 37.5 6.0 34.6 15.6 29.4 24.1
42 30.9 22.1 35.6 13.3 37.8 3.5 37.4 6.5 34.4 16.1 29.1 24.5
45 -31.2 +21.7 -35.8 +12.8 -37.9 +3.0 -37.3 -7.0 -34.2 -16.5 -28.8 -24.9
48 31.5 21.3 35.9 12.4 37.9 2.5 37.2 7.5 34.0 17.0 28.4 25.3
51 31.8 20.9 36.1 11.9 37.9 2.0 37.1 8.0 33.8 17.4 28.1 25.7
54 32.0 20.5 36.2 11.4 37.9 1.5 37.0 8.5 33.5 17.9 27.8 26.0
57 32.3 20.1 36.4 10.9 38.0 1.0 36.9 9.0 33.3 18.3 27.4 26.4
60 -32.6 +19.6 -36.5 +10.4 -38.0 +0.5 -36.8 -9.5 -33.1 -18.8 -27.1 -26.7
Lat. a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1
0 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.2 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 -.1 .2
10 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.2 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 -.1 .2
20 -.1 -.2 .0 -.2 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .1
30 -.1 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .1
40 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1
45 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
50 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
55 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
60 .1 .1 .0 .1 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .0 -.1
62 .1 .1 .0 .1 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .0 -.1
64 .1 .2 .0 .2 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .0 -.2
66 .1 .2 .1 .2 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .1 -.2
Month a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2

Jan. .1 -.1 .2 -.1 .2 .0 .2 .0 .2 .1 .2 .1

Feb. .1 -.3 .1 -.2 .2 -.2 .2 -.1 .3 -.1 .3 .0
Mar. -.1 -.3 .0 -.3 .1 -.3 .2 -.3 .2 -.2 .3 -.2
Apr. -.2 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.1 -.4 .0 -.4 .1 -.3 .2 -.3
May -.3 -.2 -.3 -.3 -.2 -.3 -.1 -.3 .0 -.4 .1 -.4
June -.3 .0 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.2 -.2 -.3 -.2 -.3 -.1 -.3
July -.3 .1 -.3 .1 -.3 .0 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.2 -.2 -.2
Aug. -.1 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .1 -.3 .1 -.3 .0 -.3 -.1
Sept. .0 .3 .0 .3 -.1 .3 -.2 .2 -.2 .2 -.3 .1
Oct. .2 .3 .2 .3 .1 .4 .0 .4 -.1 .3 -.2 .3
Nov. .4 .2 .3 .3 .3 .4 .2 .4 .0 .4 -.1 .4
Dec. .5 .0 .5 .2 .4 .3 .3 .4 .2 .5 .1 .5

Latitude = Corrected observed altitude of Polaris + a 0 + a 1 + a 2

Azimuth of Polaris = (b 0 + b 1 + b 2)/ cos (latitude)


LST 6h 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h

a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0

m ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
0 -27.1 -26.7 -19.2 -32.9 -10.1 -36.7 -0.2 -38.0 +9.6 -36.7 +18.7 -32.9
3 26.7 27.1 18.8 33.1 9.6 36.8 +0.3 38.0 10.1 36.5 19.2 32.7
6 26.4 27.5 18.4 33.3 9.1 36.9 0.8 38.0 10.5 36.4 19.6 32.4
9 26.0 27.8 17.9 33.6 8.6 37.0 1.2 37.9 11.0 36.3 20.0 32.1
12 25.6 28.1 17.5 33.8 8.1 37.1 1.7 37.9 11.5 36.1 20.4 31.9
15 -25.3 -28.5 -17.0 -34.0 -7.6 -37.2 +2.2 -37.9 +12.0 -36.0 +20.9 -31.6
18 24.9 28.8 16.6 34.3 7.2 37.3 2.7 37.9 12.4 35.8 21.3 31.3
21 24.5 29.1 16.1 34.5 6.7 37.4 3.2 37.8 12.9 35.6 21.7 31.1
24 24.1 29.4 15.7 34.7 6.2 37.5 3.7 37.8 13.4 35.5 22.1 30.8
27 23.7 29.8 15.2 34.9 5.7 37.6 4.2 37.7 13.8 35.3 22.5 30.5
30 -23.3 -30.1 -14.8 -35.1 -5.2 -37.6 +4.7 -37.6 +14.3 -35.1 +22.9 -30.2
33 23.0 30.4 14.3 35.3 4.7 37.7 5.2 37.6 14.7 34.9 23.3 29.9
36 22.6 30.7 13.8 35.4 4.2 37.8 5.7 37.5 15.2 34.7 23.7 29.6
39 22.1 31.0 13.4 35.6 3.7 37.8 6.2 37.4 15.7 34.5 24.0 29.3
42 21.7 31.2 12.9 35.8 3.2 37.9 6.7 37.3 16.1 34.3 24.4 28.9
45 -21.3 -31.5 -12.4 -35.9 -2.7 -37.9 +7.2 -37.2 +16.6 -34.1 +24.8 -28.6
48 20.9 31.8 12.0 36.1 2.2 37.9 7.7 37.1 17.0 33.9 25.2 28.3
51 20.5 32.1 11.5 36.3 1.7 37.9 8.1 37.0 17.4 33.6 25.5 28.0
54 20.1 32.3 11.0 36.4 1.2 38.0 8.6 36.9 17.9 33.4 25.9 27.6
57 19.7 32.6 10.5 36.5 0.7 38.0 9.1 36.8 18.3 33.2 26.3 27.3
60 -19.2 -32.9 -10.1 -36.7 -0.2 -38.0 +9.6 -36.7 +18.7 -32.9 +26.6 -26.9
Lat. a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1
0 -.1 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.2
10 -.1 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.2
20 -.1 .2 -.1 .2 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.1 -.1
30 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .0 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.1
40 .0 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 -.1
45 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
50 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
55 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
60 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1
62 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1
64 .1 -.2 .1 -.2 .2 -.1 .2 .0 .2 .1 .1 .2
66 .1 -.2 .2 -.2 .2 -.1 .2 .0 .2 .1 .2 .2
Month a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2

Jan. .1 .1 .1 .1 .0 .2 .0 .2 -.1 .2 -.1 .2

Feb. .3 .1 .2 .1 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .3 .0 .3
Mar. .3 -.1 .3 -.1 .3 .1 .3 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3
Apr. .3 -.2 .3 -.2 .4 -.1 .4 .0 .3 .1 .3 .2
May .2 -.3 .3 -.3 .3 -.2 .4 -.1 .4 .0 .4 .1
June .0 -.3 .1 -.3 .2 -.3 .3 -.2 .3 -.2 .3 -.1
July -.1 -.3 -.1 -.3 .0 -.3 .1 -.3 .2 -.3 .2 -.2
Aug. -.2 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.3 .0 -.3 .1 -.3
Sept. -.3 .0 -.3 .0 -.3 -.1 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.1 -.3
Oct. -.3 .2 -.3 .2 -.4 .1 -.4 .0 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.2
Nov. -.2 .4 -.3 .4 -.4 .3 -.4 .2 -.4 .0 -.4 -.1
Dec. .0 .5 -.2 .5 -.3 .4 -.4 .3 -.5 .2 -.5 .1

Latitude = Corrected observed altitude of Polaris + a 0 + a 1 + a 2

Azimuth of Polaris = (b 0 + b 1 + b 2)/ cos (latitude)


LST 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h

a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0

m ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
0 +26.6 -26.9 +32.7 -19.2 +36.6 -10.2 +38.0 -0.5 +36.8 +9.2 +33.2 +18.3
3 27.0 26.6 32.9 18.8 36.7 9.7 38.0 +0.0 36.7 9.7 32.9 18.8
6 27.3 26.2 33.2 18.3 36.8 9.2 38.0 0.5 36.6 10.2 32.7 19.2
9 27.7 25.9 33.4 17.9 36.9 8.7 38.0 1.0 36.4 10.7 32.4 19.6
12 28.0 25.5 33.7 17.5 37.0 8.3 37.9 1.5 36.3 11.1 32.2 20.0
15 +28.3 -25.2 +33.9 -17.0 +37.2 -7.8 +37.9 +2.0 +36.1 +11.6 +31.9 +20.5
18 28.7 24.8 34.1 16.6 37.2 7.3 37.9 2.5 36.0 12.1 31.6 20.9
21 29.0 24.4 34.3 16.1 37.3 6.8 37.9 2.9 35.8 12.5 31.4 21.3
24 29.3 24.0 34.5 15.7 37.4 6.3 37.8 3.4 35.6 13.0 31.1 21.7
27 29.6 23.6 34.7 15.3 37.5 5.9 37.8 3.9 35.5 13.4 30.8 22.1
30 +29.9 -23.3 +34.9 -14.8 +37.6 -5.4 +37.7 +4.4 +35.3 +13.9 +30.5 +22.5
33 30.2 22.9 35.1 14.3 37.6 4.9 37.6 4.9 35.1 14.4 30.2 22.9
36 30.5 22.5 35.3 13.9 37.7 4.4 37.6 5.4 34.9 14.8 29.9 23.3
39 30.8 22.1 35.5 13.4 37.8 3.9 37.5 5.9 34.7 15.3 29.6 23.7
42 31.1 21.7 35.7 13.0 37.8 3.4 37.4 6.4 34.5 15.7 29.3 24.0
45 +31.4 -21.3 +35.8 -12.5 +37.9 -2.9 +37.3 +6.8 +34.3 +16.2 +29.0 +24.4
48 31.6 20.9 36.0 12.0 37.9 2.4 37.2 7.3 34.1 16.6 28.7 24.8
51 31.9 20.4 36.1 11.6 37.9 2.0 37.1 7.8 33.9 17.0 28.3 25.2
54 32.2 20.0 36.3 11.1 37.9 1.5 37.0 8.3 33.7 17.5 28.0 25.5
57 32.4 19.6 36.4 10.6 38.0 1.0 36.9 8.8 33.4 17.9 27.7 25.9
60 +32.7 -19.2 +36.6 -10.2 +38.0 -0.5 +36.8 +9.2 +33.2 +18.3 +27.3 +26.2
Lat. a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1
0 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.2 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 -.1 .2
10 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.2 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 -.1 .2
20 -.1 -.2 .0 -.2 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .1
30 -.1 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .1
40 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1
45 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
50 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
55 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
60 .1 .1 .0 .1 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .0 -.1
62 .1 .1 .0 .1 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .0 -.1
64 .1 .2 .0 .2 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .0 -.2
66 .1 .2 .1 .2 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 -.1 .1 -.2
Month a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2

Jan. -.1 .1 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.1

Feb. -.1 .3 -.1 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .1 -.3 .1 -.3 .0
Mar. .1 .3 .0 .3 -.1 .3 -.2 .3 -.2 .2 -.3 .2
Apr. .2 .3 .1 .3 .1 .4 .0 .4 -.1 .3 -.2 .3
May .3 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 .1 .4 .0 .4 -.1 .4
June .3 .0 .3 .1 .3 .2 .2 .3 .2 .3 .1 .3
July .3 -.1 .3 -.1 .3 .0 .3 .1 .3 .2 .2 .2
Aug. .1 -.2 .2 -.2 .2 -.1 .3 -.1 .3 .0 .3 .1
Sept. .0 -.3 .0 -.3 .1 -.3 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .3 -.1
Oct. -.2 -.3 -.2 -.3 -.1 -.4 .0 -.4 .1 -.3 .2 -.3
Nov. -.4 -.2 -.3 -.3 -.3 -.4 -.2 -.4 .0 -.4 .1 -.4
Dec. -.5 .0 -.5 -.2 -.4 -.3 -.3 -.4 -.2 -.5 -.1 -.5

Latitude = Corrected observed altitude of Polaris + a 0 + a 1 + a 2

Azimuth of Polaris = (b 0 + b 1 + b 2)/ cos (latitude)


LST 18h 19h 20h 21h 22h 23h

a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0 a0 b0

m ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢
0 +27.3 +26.2 +19.6 +32.4 +10.5 +36.4 +0.7 +38.0 -9.1 +36.9 -18.4 +33.3
3 27.0 26.6 19.2 32.7 10.1 36.6 +0.2 38.0 9.6 36.8 18.8 33.1
6 26.6 27.0 18.7 32.9 9.6 36.7 -0.3 38.0 10.1 36.7 19.2 32.8
9 26.3 27.3 18.3 33.2 9.1 36.8 0.7 38.0 10.6 36.5 19.7 32.6
12 25.9 27.6 17.9 33.4 8.6 36.9 1.2 38.0 11.0 36.4 20.1 32.3
15 +25.5 +28.0 +17.4 +33.6 +8.1 +37.0 -1.7 +37.9 -11.5 +36.3 -20.5 +32.1
18 25.2 28.3 17.0 33.9 7.6 37.1 2.2 37.9 12.0 36.1 20.9 31.8
21 24.8 28.6 16.5 34.1 7.2 37.2 2.7 37.9 12.5 35.9 21.3 31.5
24 24.4 28.9 16.1 34.3 6.7 37.3 3.2 37.9 12.9 35.8 21.8 31.2
27 24.0 29.3 15.6 34.5 6.2 37.4 3.7 37.8 13.4 35.6 22.2 31.0
30 +23.7 +29.6 +15.2 +34.7 +5.7 +37.5 -4.2 +37.8 -13.9 +35.4 -22.6 +30.7
33 23.3 29.9 14.7 34.9 5.2 37.6 4.7 37.7 14.3 35.3 23.0 30.4
36 22.9 30.2 14.3 35.1 4.7 37.6 5.2 37.6 14.8 35.1 23.4 30.1
39 22.5 30.5 13.8 35.3 4.2 37.7 5.7 37.6 15.2 34.9 23.7 29.7
42 22.1 30.8 13.4 35.5 3.7 37.8 6.2 37.5 15.7 34.7 24.1 29.4
45 +21.7 +31.1 +12.9 +35.6 +3.2 +37.8 -6.7 +37.4 -16.1 +34.5 -24.5 +29.1
48 21.3 31.3 12.4 35.8 2.7 37.9 7.2 37.3 16.6 34.2 24.9 28.8
51 20.9 31.6 12.0 36.0 2.2 37.9 7.7 37.2 17.0 34.0 25.3 28.5
54 20.4 31.9 11.5 36.1 1.7 37.9 8.1 37.1 17.5 33.8 25.6 28.1
57 20.0 32.2 11.0 36.3 1.2 37.9 8.6 37.0 17.9 33.6 26.0 27.8
60 +19.6 +32.4 +10.5 +36.4 +0.7 +38.0 9.1 +36.9 -18.4 +33.3 -26.4 +27.4
Lat. a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1 a1 b1
0 -.1 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.2
10 -.1 .2 -.2 .2 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.2
20 -.1 .2 -.1 .2 -.2 .1 -.2 .0 -.2 -.1 -.1 -.1
30 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .0 -.1 -.1 -.1 -.1
40 .0 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 .0 -.1 -.1
45 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
50 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
55 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
60 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1
62 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 -.1 .1 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1
64 .1 -.2 .1 -.2 .2 -.1 .2 .0 .2 .1 .1 .2
66 .1 -.2 .2 -.2 .2 -.1 .2 .0 .2 .1 .2 .2
Month a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2 a2 b2

Jan. -.1 -.1 -.1 -.2 .0 -.2 .0 -.2 .1 -.2 .1 -.2

Feb. -.3 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.2 -.1 -.2 -.1 -.3 .0 -.3
Mar. -.3 .1 -.3 .0 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.2 -.3
Apr. -.3 .2 -.3 .1 -.4 .1 -.4 .0 -.3 -.1 -.3 -.2
May -.2 .3 -.3 .3 -.3 .2 -.4 .1 -.4 .0 -.4 -.1
June .0 .3 -.1 .3 -.2 .3 -.3 .2 -.3 .2 -.3 .1
July .1 .3 .1 .3 .0 .3 -.1 .3 -.2 .3 -.2 .2
Aug. .2 .1 .2 .2 .1 .2 .1 .3 .0 .3 -.1 .3
Sept. .3 .0 .3 .0 .3 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .3
Oct. .3 -.2 .3 -.2 .4 -.1 .4 .0 .3 .1 .3 .2
Nov. .2 -.4 .3 -.3 .4 -.3 .4 -.2 .4 .0 .4 .1
Dec. .0 -.5 .2 -.5 .3 -.4 .4 -.3 .5 -.2 .5 -.1

Latitude = Corrected observed altitude of Polaris + a 0 + a 1 + a 2

Azimuth of Polaris = (b 0 + b 1 + b 2)/ cos (latitude)

To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 0 5 59 6 16 6 35 6 55 7 08 7 22 7 38 7 59 8 08 8 19 8 32 8 46 9 03
4 6 01 6 18 6 36 6 56 7 08 7 22 7 38 7 58 8 08 8 18 8 30 8 44 9 01
8 6 03 6 19 6 37 6 57 7 09 7 22 7 38 7 57 8 06 8 17 8 28 8 42 8 58
12 6 04 6 20 6 37 6 57 7 08 7 21 7 36 7 55 8 04 8 14 08 25 8 38 8 53
16 6 06 6 21 6 38 6 57 7 07 7 20 7 35 7 52 8 01 8 10 8 21 8 33 8 47
20 6 07 6 22 6 38 6 56 7 06 7 18 7 32 7 49 7 57 8 06 8 16 8 27 8 41
24 6 08 6 22 6 37 6 55 7 04 7 16 7 29 7 45 7 52 8 01 8 10 8 21 8 33
28 6 09 6 23 6 37 6 53 7 02 7 13 7 25 7 40 7 47 7 55 8 03 8 13 8 25
Feb. 1 6 10 6 22 6 36 6 51 6 59 7 09 7 21 7 35 7 41 7 48 7 56 8 05 8 16
5 6 10 6 22 6 34 6 48 6 56 7 05 7 16 7 29 7 35 7 41 7 49 7 57 8 06
9 6 11 6 21 6 33 6 45 6 53 7 01 7 11 7 22 7 28 7 34 7 40 7 48 7 56
13 6 11 6 20 6 31 6 42 6 49 6 56 7 05 7 16 7 20 7 26 7 32 7 38 7 46
17 6 11 6 19 6 28 6 39 6 45 6 51 6 59 7 08 7 13 7 17 7 22 7 28 7 35
21 6 10 6 18 6 26 6 35 6 40 6 46 6 53 7 01 7 05 7 09 7 13 7 18 7 24
25 6 10 6 16 6 23 6 31 6 35 6 40 6 46 6 53 6 56 7 00 7 03 7 08 7 12
29 6 09 6 15 6 20 6 27 6 31 6 35 6 39 6 45 6 48 6 50 6 53 6 57 7 01
Mar. 4 6 08 6 13 6 17 6 22 6 25 6 29 6 32 6 37 6 39 6 41 6 43 6 46 6 49
8 6 07 6 11 6 14 6 18 6 20 6 22 6 25 6 28 6 30 6 31 6 33 6 35 6 37
12 6 06 6 09 6 11 6 13 6 15 6 16 6 18 6 20 6 21 6 22 6 23 6 24 6 25
16 6 05 6 06 6 07 6 09 6 09 6 10 6 10 6 11 6 11 6 12 6 12 6 13 6 13
20 6 04 6 04 6 04 6 04 6 04 6 03 6 03 6 02 6 02 6 02 6 02 6 01 6 01
24 6 03 6 02 6 00 5 59 5 58 5 57 5 55 5 54 5 53 5 52 5 51 5 50 5 49
28 6 02 5 59 5 57 5 54 5 52 5 50 5 48 5 45 5 44 5 42 5 41 5 39 5 37
Apr. 1 6 01 5 57 5 54 5 49 5 47 5 44 5 40 5 36 5 35 5 32 5 30 5 28 5 25

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 0 4 44 5 01 5 16 5 30 5 37 5 44 5 52 5 59 6 03 6 06 6 10 6 14 6 18
8 4 48 5 04 5 19 5 32 5 39 5 45 5 52 5 59 6 02 6 06 6 09 6 12 6 16
16 4 52 5 07 5 20 5 33 5 39 5 44 5 50 5 57 5 59 6 02 6 05 6 07 6 11
24 4 55 5 09 5 21 5 31 5 36 5 41 5 46 5 51 5 53 5 55 5 57 5 59 6 01
Feb. 1 4 58 5 10 5 20 5 29 5 33 5 36 5 40 5 43 5 44 5 45 5 47 5 48 5 49
9 5 00 5 10 5 18 5 24 5 27 5 29 5 31 5 33 5 33 5 33 5 33 5 33 5 33
17 5 00 5 08 5 14 5 19 5 20 5 21 5 21 5 20 5 19 5 19 5 18 5 16 5 15
25 5 00 5 06 5 10 5 11 5 11 5 10 5 09 5 06 5 04 5 02 5 00 4 57 4 54
Mar. 4 4 59 5 03 5 04 5 03 5 01 4 59 4 55 4 49 4 47 4 43 4 40 4 35 4 30
12 4 58 4 59 4 58 4 54 4 51 4 46 4 40 4 32 4 28 4 23 4 18 4 11 4 04
20 4 55 4 54 4 51 4 44 4 39 4 33 4 24 4 13 4 07 4 01 3 54 3 45 3 36
28 4 53 4 50 4 43 4 34 4 27 4 18 4 07 3 53 3 46 3 38 3 28 3 17 3 04
Apr. 5 4 50 4 45 4 36 4 23 4 14 4 04 3 50 3 32 3 23 3 12 3 00 2 45 2 27

SUNSET, 2024
To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 0 18 06 17 49 17 31 17 10 16 58 16 44 16 27 16 07 15 57 15 47 15 34 15 20 15 03
4 18 08 17 51 17 34 17 13 17 01 16 47 16 31 16 11 16 02 15 51 15 39 15 25 15 09
8 18 10 17 54 17 36 17 16 17 04 16 51 16 35 16 16 16 07 15 57 15 45 15 31 15 16
12 18 12 17 56 17 39 17 19 17 08 16 55 16 40 16 21 16 12 16 03 15 51 15 39 15 24
16 18 13 17 58 17 41 17 23 17 12 16 59 16 45 16 27 16 19 16 09 15 59 15 47 15 32
20 18 14 18 00 17 44 17 26 17 16 17 04 16 50 16 33 16 25 16 16 16 06 15 55 15 42
24 18 15 18 01 17 47 17 30 17 20 17 09 16 55 16 40 16 32 16 24 16 14 16 04 15 52
28 18 16 18 03 17 49 17 33 17 24 17 13 17 01 16 46 16 39 16 31 16 23 16 13 16 02
Feb. 1 18 17 18 05 17 51 17 36 17 28 17 18 17 07 16 53 16 46 16 39 16 31 16 22 16 12
5 18 17 18 06 17 54 17 40 17 32 17 23 17 12 17 00 16 54 16 47 16 40 16 32 16 23
9 18 18 18 07 17 56 17 43 17 36 17 28 17 18 17 07 17 01 16 55 16 49 16 42 16 33
13 18 18 18 08 17 58 17 46 17 40 17 33 17 24 17 14 17 09 17 04 16 58 16 51 16 44
17 18 17 18 09 18 00 17 50 17 44 17 37 17 30 17 20 17 16 17 12 17 06 17 01 16 54
21 18 17 18 09 18 02 17 53 17 48 17 42 17 35 17 27 17 24 17 20 17 15 17 10 17 05
25 18 16 18 10 18 03 17 56 17 51 17 46 17 41 17 34 17 31 17 28 17 24 17 20 17 15
29 18 16 18 10 18 05 17 58 17 55 17 51 17 46 17 41 17 38 17 35 17 32 17 29 17 25
Mar. 4 18 15 18 11 18 06 18 01 17 58 17 55 17 52 17 47 17 45 17 43 17 41 17 38 17 35
8 18 14 18 11 18 07 18 04 18 02 18 00 17 57 17 54 17 53 17 51 17 49 17 48 17 45
12 18 13 18 11 18 09 18 06 18 05 18 04 18 02 18 00 18 00 17 59 17 58 17 57 17 55
16 18 12 18 11 18 10 18 09 18 09 18 08 18 07 18 07 18 07 18 06 18 06 18 06 18 05
20 18 11 18 11 18 11 18 12 18 12 18 12 18 13 18 13 18 14 18 14 18 14 18 15 18 15
24 18 09 18 11 18 12 18 14 18 15 18 16 18 18 18 20 18 20 18 21 18 22 18 24 18 25
28 18 08 18 11 18 13 18 16 18 18 18 20 18 23 18 26 18 27 18 29 18 31 18 32 18 35
Apr. 1 18 07 18 11 18 14 18 19 18 21 18 24 18 28 18 32 18 34 18 36 18 39 18 41 18 44

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 0 19 21 19 05 18 50 18 35 18 28 18 21 18 14 18 06 18 03 17 59 17 56 17 52 17 48
8 19 25 19 08 18 54 18 41 18 34 18 28 18 21 18 14 18 11 18 08 18 04 18 01 17 57
16 19 27 19 12 18 59 18 47 18 41 18 35 18 29 18 23 18 20 18 18 18 15 18 12 18 09
24 19 28 19 15 19 03 18 53 18 48 18 43 18 38 18 33 18 31 18 29 18 27 18 25 18 23
Feb. 1 19 29 19 17 19 07 18 59 18 55 18 51 18 48 18 45 18 43 18 42 18 41 18 40 18 39
9 19 29 19 19 19 11 19 04 19 02 18 59 18 58 18 57 18 56 18 56 18 56 18 56 18 57
17 19 28 19 20 19 14 19 10 19 09 19 08 19 08 19 09 19 10 19 10 19 12 19 13 19 15
25 19 26 19 20 19 17 19 15 19 16 19 17 19 18 19 22 19 23 19 26 19 28 19 31 19 34
Mar. 4 19 24 19 21 19 19 19 21 19 22 19 25 19 29 19 35 19 38 19 41 19 45 19 50 19 55
12 19 22 19 21 19 22 19 26 19 29 19 34 19 40 19 49 19 53 19 58 20 03 20 10 20 17
20 19 19 19 21 19 24 19 31 19 36 19 43 19 52 20 03 20 09 20 15 20 23 20 32 20 42
28 19 17 19 21 19 27 19 37 19 44 19 53 20 04 20 19 20 26 20 34 20 44 20 56 21 09
Apr. 5 19 15 19 21 19 30 19 43 19 52 20 03 20 17 20 35 20 44 20 55 21 08 21 23 21 42

To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 1 6 01 5 57 5 54 5 49 5 47 5 44 5 40 5 36 5 35 5 32 5 30 5 28 5 25
5 5 59 5 55 5 50 5 44 5 41 5 37 5 33 5 28 5 25 5 23 5 20 5 16 5 13
9 5 58 5 53 5 47 5 40 5 36 5 31 5 26 5 19 5 16 5 13 5 09 5 05 5 01
13 5 57 5 51 5 44 5 35 5 31 5 25 5 19 5 11 5 07 5 03 4 59 4 54 4 49
17 5 56 5 49 5 40 5 31 5 25 5 19 5 12 5 03 4 59 4 54 4 49 4 43 4 37
21 5 55 5 47 5 37 5 27 5 20 5 13 5 05 4 55 4 50 4 45 4 39 4 33 4 25
25 5 55 5 45 5 35 5 23 5 16 5 08 4 58 4 47 4 42 4 36 4 30 4 22 4 14
29 5 54 5 43 5 32 5 19 5 11 5 02 4 52 4 40 4 34 4 27 4 20 4 12 4 03
May 3 5 53 5 42 5 30 5 15 5 07 4 57 4 46 4 33 4 26 4 19 4 11 4 02 3 52
7 5 53 5 41 5 27 5 12 5 03 4 53 4 41 4 26 4 19 4 11 4 03 3 53 3 42
11 5 53 5 40 5 26 5 09 5 00 4 49 4 36 4 20 4 12 4 04 3 55 3 44 3 31
15 5 53 5 39 5 24 5 07 4 56 4 45 4 31 4 14 4 06 3 57 3 47 3 35 3 22
19 5 53 5 38 5 23 5 04 4 54 4 41 4 27 4 09 4 00 3 51 3 40 3 27 3 13
23 5 53 5 38 5 21 5 02 4 51 4 38 4 23 4 04 3 55 3 45 3 33 3 20 3 05
27 5 54 5 38 5 21 5 01 4 49 4 36 4 20 4 00 3 50 3 40 3 28 3 14 2 57
31 5 54 5 38 5 20 5 00 4 48 4 34 4 17 3 57 3 47 3 36 3 23 3 08 2 51
June 4 5 55 5 38 5 20 4 59 4 46 4 32 4 15 3 54 3 44 3 32 3 19 3 04 2 45
8 5 56 5 38 5 20 4 58 4 46 4 31 4 14 3 52 3 41 3 30 3 16 3 00 2 41
12 5 56 5 39 5 20 4 58 4 46 4 31 4 13 3 51 3 40 3 28 3 14 2 58 2 38
16 5 57 5 40 5 21 4 59 4 46 4 31 4 13 3 50 3 39 3 27 3 13 2 56 2 36
20 5 58 5 40 5 21 4 59 4 46 4 31 4 13 3 51 3 40 3 27 3 13 2 56 2 36
24 5 59 5 41 5 22 5 00 4 47 4 32 4 14 3 52 3 41 3 28 3 14 2 57 2 37
28 6 00 5 42 5 23 5 02 4 49 4 34 4 16 3 53 3 43 3 30 3 16 3 00 2 40
July 2 6 01 5 43 5 25 5 03 4 50 4 36 4 18 3 56 3 45 3 33 3 19 3 03 2 44

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 5 4 50 4 45 4 36 4 23 4 14 4 04 3 50 3 32 3 23 3 12 3 00 2 45 2 27
13 4 48 4 40 4 28 4 12 4 02 3 49 3 32 3 10 2 58 2 45 2 29 2 09 1 42
21 4 45 4 35 4 21 4 02 3 50 3 34 3 14 2 47 2 33 2 15 1 54 1 23 0 19
29 4 43 4 31 4 14 3 53 3 38 3 20 2 56 2 23 2 05 1 41 1 07
May 7 4 41 4 27 4 09 3 44 3 27 3 06 2 39 1 58 1 33 0 57
15 4 40 4 24 4 04 3 36 3 18 2 54 2 22 1 31 0 54
23 4 40 4 22 4 00 3 30 3 10 2 44 2 07 1 01
31 4 40 4 21 3 57 3 25 3 04 2 35 1 54 0 13
June 8 4 41 4 21 3 56 3 23 3 00 2 30 1 45
16 4 42 4 22 3 57 3 22 2 59 2 28 1 40
24 4 44 4 24 3 58 3 24 3 00 2 29 1 41
July 2 4 46 4 26 4 01 3 27 3 04 2 34 1 48
10 4 47 4 28 4 04 3 32 3 10 2 41 1 59

SUNSET, 2024
To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 1 18 07 18 11 18 14 18 19 18 21 18 24 18 28 18 32 18 34 18 36 18 39 18 41 18 44
5 18 06 18 10 18 15 18 21 18 25 18 28 18 33 18 38 18 41 18 44 18 47 18 50 18 54
9 18 05 18 10 18 17 18 24 18 28 18 33 18 38 18 45 18 48 18 51 18 55 18 59 19 04
13 18 04 18 10 18 18 18 26 18 31 18 37 18 43 18 51 18 55 18 59 19 03 19 08 19 14
17 18 03 18 11 18 19 18 29 18 34 18 41 18 48 18 57 19 01 19 06 19 11 19 17 19 24
21 18 02 18 11 18 20 18 31 18 37 18 45 18 53 19 04 19 08 19 14 19 19 19 26 19 34
25 18 01 18 11 18 21 18 34 18 41 18 49 18 58 19 10 19 15 19 21 19 28 19 35 19 44
29 18 01 18 11 18 23 18 36 18 44 18 53 19 03 19 16 19 22 19 28 19 36 19 44 19 53
May 3 18 00 18 12 18 24 18 39 18 47 18 57 19 08 19 22 19 29 19 36 19 44 19 53 20 03
7 18 00 18 12 18 26 18 41 18 50 19 01 19 13 19 28 19 35 19 43 19 52 20 02 20 13
11 18 00 18 13 18 27 18 44 18 54 19 05 19 18 19 34 19 42 19 50 20 00 20 10 20 23
15 18 00 18 14 18 29 18 47 18 57 19 09 19 23 19 40 19 48 19 57 20 07 20 19 20 32
19 18 00 18 15 18 31 18 49 19 00 19 12 19 27 19 45 19 54 20 03 20 14 20 27 20 42
23 18 00 18 16 18 32 18 52 19 03 19 16 19 31 19 50 19 59 20 10 20 21 20 35 20 50
27 18 01 18 17 18 34 18 54 19 06 19 19 19 35 19 55 20 05 20 15 20 28 20 42 20 59
31 18 01 18 18 18 36 18 56 19 08 19 22 19 39 20 00 20 09 20 21 20 33 20 48 21 06
June 4 18 02 18 19 18 37 18 58 19 11 19 25 19 42 20 03 20 14 20 25 20 39 20 54 21 13
8 18 03 18 20 18 38 19 00 19 13 19 27 19 45 20 07 20 17 20 29 20 43 20 59 21 18
12 18 04 18 21 18 40 19 02 19 14 19 29 19 47 20 09 20 20 20 32 20 46 21 03 21 23
16 18 04 18 22 18 41 19 03 19 16 19 31 19 49 20 11 20 22 20 35 20 49 21 06 21 26
20 18 05 18 23 18 42 19 04 19 17 19 32 19 50 20 13 20 24 20 36 20 50 21 07 21 28
24 18 06 18 24 18 43 19 05 19 18 19 33 19 51 20 13 20 24 20 36 20 51 21 07 21 28
28 18 07 18 24 18 43 19 05 19 18 19 33 19 51 20 13 20 24 20 36 20 50 21 07 21 27
July 2 18 08 18 25 18 44 19 05 19 18 19 33 19 50 20 12 20 23 20 35 20 48 21 04 21 24

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 5 19 15 19 21 19 30 19 43 19 52 20 03 20 17 20 35 20 44 20 55 21 08 21 23 21 42
13 19 13 19 22 19 33 19 49 20 00 20 13 20 30 20 53 21 05 21 18 21 35 21 56 22 24
21 19 12 19 23 19 37 19 56 20 08 20 24 20 45 21 13 21 27 21 45 22 08 22 40
29 19 12 19 24 19 41 20 03 20 17 20 36 21 00 21 34 21 53 22 17 22 54
May 7 19 12 19 26 19 45 20 10 20 27 20 48 21 16 21 58 22 23 23 03
15 19 13 19 29 19 50 20 17 20 36 21 00 21 32 22 25 23 04
23 19 14 19 32 19 54 20 24 20 45 21 11 21 48 22 57
31 19 16 19 35 19 58 20 31 20 52 21 21 22 03
June 8 19 18 19 37 20 02 20 36 20 59 21 29 22 14
16 19 20 19 40 20 05 20 40 21 03 21 34 22 22
24 19 21 19 41 20 07 20 41 21 05 21 36 22 24
July 2 19 23 19 42 20 07 20 41 21 04 21 34 22 20
10 19 23 19 42 20 06 20 39 21 01 21 29 22 11

To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 2 6 01 5 43 5 25 5 03 4 50 4 36 4 18 3 56 3 45 3 33 3 19 3 03 2 44
6 6 01 5 44 5 26 5 05 4 52 4 38 4 20 3 59 3 49 3 37 3 23 3 08 2 49
10 6 02 5 45 5 27 5 07 4 54 4 40 4 23 4 03 3 53 3 41 3 28 3 13 2 55
14 6 02 5 46 5 29 5 09 4 57 4 43 4 27 4 07 3 57 3 46 3 34 3 19 3 02
18 6 03 5 47 5 30 5 11 5 00 4 46 4 31 4 11 4 02 3 52 3 40 3 26 3 10
22 6 03 5 48 5 32 5 13 5 02 4 50 4 35 4 16 4 07 3 58 3 46 3 34 3 18
26 6 03 5 49 5 33 5 16 5 05 4 53 4 39 4 21 4 13 4 04 3 53 3 41 3 27
30 6 03 5 49 5 35 5 18 5 08 4 57 4 43 4 27 4 19 4 10 4 01 3 49 3 37
Aug. 3 6 03 5 50 5 36 5 20 5 11 5 00 4 48 4 32 4 25 4 17 4 08 3 58 3 46
7 6 02 5 50 5 38 5 23 5 14 5 04 4 52 4 38 4 32 4 24 4 16 4 06 3 56
11 6 02 5 51 5 39 5 25 5 17 5 08 4 57 4 44 4 38 4 31 4 24 4 15 4 05
15 6 01 5 51 5 40 5 28 5 20 5 12 5 02 4 50 4 44 4 38 4 31 4 24 4 15
19 6 00 5 51 5 41 5 30 5 23 5 16 5 07 4 56 4 51 4 45 4 39 4 32 4 24
23 5 59 5 51 5 42 5 32 5 26 5 19 5 11 5 02 4 57 4 52 4 47 4 41 4 34
27 5 58 5 51 5 43 5 34 5 29 5 23 5 16 5 08 5 04 5 00 4 55 4 50 4 44
31 5 57 5 51 5 44 5 37 5 32 5 27 5 21 5 14 5 10 5 07 5 03 4 58 4 53
Sept. 4 5 56 5 51 5 45 5 39 5 35 5 31 5 26 5 20 5 17 5 14 5 10 5 07 5 02
8 5 54 5 50 5 46 5 41 5 38 5 35 5 31 5 26 5 23 5 21 5 18 5 15 5 12
12 5 53 5 50 5 47 5 43 5 41 5 38 5 35 5 32 5 30 5 28 5 26 5 24 5 21
16 5 52 5 50 5 48 5 45 5 44 5 42 5 40 5 38 5 36 5 35 5 34 5 32 5 31
20 5 50 5 49 5 48 5 47 5 47 5 46 5 45 5 44 5 43 5 42 5 42 5 41 5 40
24 5 49 5 49 5 49 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 50 5 49 5 49
28 5 47 5 49 5 50 5 52 5 53 5 53 5 54 5 56 5 56 5 57 5 57 5 58 5 59
Oct. 2 5 46 5 49 5 51 5 54 5 56 5 57 5 59 6 02 6 03 6 04 6 05 6 07 6 08

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 2 4 46 4 26 4 01 3 27 3 04 2 34 1 48
10 4 47 4 28 4 04 3 32 3 10 2 41 1 59
18 4 49 4 31 4 08 3 38 3 17 2 51 2 13 1 00
26 4 50 4 34 4 13 3 44 3 25 3 01 2 28 1 33 0 49
Aug. 3 4 51 4 36 4 17 3 51 3 34 3 13 2 44 2 00 1 33 0 47
11 4 51 4 38 4 21 3 58 3 43 3 24 2 59 2 24 2 04 1 38 0 55
19 4 50 4 39 4 25 4 05 3 52 3 35 3 14 2 45 2 30 2 11 1 46 1 09
27 4 48 4 40 4 28 4 11 4 00 3 46 3 28 3 04 2 52 2 38 2 20 1 58 1 26
Sept. 4 4 46 4 40 4 31 4 17 4 08 3 56 3 41 3 22 3 12 3 01 2 48 2 31 2 11
12 4 44 4 40 4 33 4 22 4 15 4 06 3 54 3 38 3 30 3 21 3 11 2 59 2 44
20 4 41 4 40 4 35 4 27 4 22 4 15 4 05 3 53 3 47 3 40 3 32 3 23 3 12
28 4 39 4 39 4 37 4 32 4 28 4 23 4 16 4 07 4 02 3 57 3 51 3 44 3 36
Oct. 6 4 36 4 39 4 39 4 37 4 35 4 31 4 27 4 20 4 17 4 13 4 09 4 04 3 58

SUNSET, 2024
To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 2 18 08 18 25 18 44 19 05 19 18 19 33 19 50 20 12 20 23 20 35 20 48 21 04 21 24
6 18 08 18 25 18 44 19 05 19 17 19 32 19 49 20 10 20 21 20 32 20 46 21 01 21 20
10 18 09 18 26 18 43 19 04 19 16 19 30 19 47 20 08 20 18 20 29 20 42 20 57 21 15
14 18 10 18 26 18 43 19 03 19 15 19 28 19 44 20 05 20 14 20 25 20 37 20 51 21 08
18 18 10 18 25 18 42 19 01 19 13 19 26 19 41 20 01 20 10 20 20 20 32 20 45 21 01
22 18 10 18 25 18 41 18 59 19 10 19 23 19 38 19 56 20 05 20 14 20 25 20 38 20 53
26 18 10 18 24 18 40 18 57 19 08 19 19 19 34 19 51 19 59 20 08 20 19 20 30 20 44
30 18 10 18 23 18 38 18 55 19 04 19 16 19 29 19 45 19 53 20 01 20 11 20 22 20 35
Aug. 3 18 10 18 22 18 36 18 52 19 01 19 11 19 24 19 39 19 46 19 54 20 03 20 13 20 25
7 18 09 18 21 18 34 18 48 18 57 19 07 19 18 19 32 19 39 19 46 19 54 20 04 20 14
11 18 09 18 19 18 31 18 45 18 53 19 02 19 12 19 25 19 31 19 38 19 46 19 54 20 04
15 18 08 18 18 18 29 18 41 18 48 18 56 19 06 19 18 19 23 19 29 19 36 19 44 19 52
19 18 07 18 16 18 26 18 37 18 43 18 51 19 00 19 10 19 15 19 21 19 27 19 33 19 41
23 18 06 18 14 18 23 18 33 18 38 18 45 18 53 19 02 19 07 19 11 19 17 19 23 19 30
27 18 05 18 12 18 19 18 28 18 33 18 39 18 46 18 54 18 58 19 02 19 07 19 12 19 18
31 18 04 18 09 18 16 18 23 18 28 18 33 18 39 18 46 18 49 18 53 18 56 19 01 19 06
Sept. 4 18 02 18 07 18 12 18 19 18 22 18 26 18 31 18 37 18 40 18 43 18 46 18 50 18 54
8 18 01 18 05 18 09 18 14 18 17 18 20 18 24 18 28 18 31 18 33 18 36 18 39 18 42
12 17 59 18 02 18 05 18 09 18 11 18 13 18 16 18 20 18 21 18 23 18 25 18 27 18 30
16 17 58 18 00 18 02 18 04 18 05 18 07 18 09 18 11 18 12 18 13 18 14 18 16 18 17
20 17 57 17 57 17 58 17 59 17 59 18 00 18 01 18 02 18 03 18 03 18 04 18 04 18 05
24 17 55 17 55 17 54 17 54 17 54 17 54 17 53 17 53 17 53 17 53 17 53 17 53 17 53
28 17 54 17 52 17 51 17 49 17 48 17 47 17 46 17 45 17 44 17 43 17 43 17 42 17 41
Oct. 2 17 52 17 50 17 47 17 44 17 42 17 40 17 38 17 36 17 35 17 33 17 32 17 31 17 29

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 2 19 23 19 42 20 07 20 41 21 04 21 34 22 20
10 19 23 19 42 20 06 20 39 21 01 21 29 22 11
18 19 24 19 41 20 04 20 34 20 55 21 21 21 58 23 08
26 19 23 19 39 20 00 20 28 20 47 21 11 21 43 22 37 23 18
Aug. 3 19 22 19 36 19 55 20 20 20 37 20 58 21 27 22 09 22 35 23 17
11 19 20 19 33 19 49 20 12 20 26 20 45 21 09 21 44 22 03 22 28 23 07
19 19 17 19 28 19 42 20 02 20 15 20 31 20 51 21 20 21 35 21 53 22 16 22 51
27 19 14 19 23 19 35 19 51 20 02 20 16 20 33 20 57 21 08 21 22 21 40 22 01 22 31
Sept. 4 19 11 19 18 19 27 19 40 19 49 20 01 20 15 20 34 20 44 20 55 21 08 21 23 21 43
12 19 08 19 12 19 19 19 29 19 37 19 46 19 57 20 13 20 20 20 29 20 39 20 51 21 05
20 19 05 19 07 19 11 19 19 19 24 19 31 19 40 19 52 19 58 20 05 20 13 20 22 20 32
28 19 03 19 02 19 04 19 08 19 12 19 17 19 24 19 33 19 37 19 42 19 48 19 55 20 03
Oct. 6 19 00 18 57 18 57 18 59 19 01 19 04 19 08 19 15 19 18 19 21 19 26 19 31 19 36

To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 2 5 46 5 49 5 51 5 54 5 56 5 57 5 59 6 02 6 03 6 04 6 05 6 07 6 08
6 5 45 5 48 5 52 5 56 5 59 6 01 6 04 6 08 6 10 6 11 6 13 6 15 6 18
10 5 44 5 48 5 53 5 59 6 02 6 05 6 09 6 14 6 16 6 19 6 21 6 24 6 28
14 5 43 5 48 5 55 6 01 6 05 6 10 6 15 6 21 6 23 6 26 6 30 6 33 6 37
18 5 42 5 49 5 56 6 04 6 09 6 14 6 20 6 27 6 30 6 34 6 38 6 42 6 47
22 5 41 5 49 5 57 6 07 6 12 6 18 6 25 6 33 6 37 6 42 6 46 6 51 6 57
26 5 41 5 49 5 59 6 09 6 16 6 22 6 30 6 40 6 44 6 49 6 55 7 01 7 07
30 5 40 5 50 6 01 6 12 6 19 6 27 6 36 6 47 6 52 6 57 7 03 7 10 7 18
Nov. 3 5 40 5 51 6 02 6 16 6 23 6 31 6 41 6 53 6 59 7 05 7 12 7 19 7 28
7 5 40 5 52 6 05 6 19 6 27 6 36 6 47 7 00 7 06 7 13 7 20 7 29 7 38
11 5 41 5 53 6 07 6 22 6 31 6 41 6 52 7 07 7 13 7 20 7 29 7 38 7 48
15 5 41 5 55 6 09 6 25 6 35 6 45 6 58 7 13 7 20 7 28 7 37 7 47 7 58
19 5 42 5 56 6 11 6 28 6 38 6 50 7 03 7 19 7 27 7 36 7 45 7 56 8 08
23 5 43 5 58 6 14 6 32 6 42 6 54 7 08 7 26 7 34 7 43 7 53 8 04 8 18
27 5 44 6 00 6 16 6 35 6 46 6 59 7 13 7 31 7 40 7 50 8 00 8 13 8 27
Dec. 1 5 45 6 02 6 19 6 38 6 50 7 03 7 18 7 37 7 46 7 56 8 07 8 20 8 35
5 5 47 6 04 6 21 6 41 6 53 7 07 7 22 7 42 7 51 8 02 8 13 8 27 8 43
9 5 49 6 06 6 24 6 44 6 56 7 10 7 26 7 47 7 56 8 07 8 19 8 33 8 50
13 5 51 6 08 6 26 6 47 6 59 7 13 7 30 7 50 8 00 8 11 8 23 8 38 8 55
17 5 52 6 10 6 28 6 50 7 02 7 16 7 33 7 54 8 03 8 14 8 27 8 42 8 59
21 5 54 6 12 6 30 6 52 7 04 7 18 7 35 7 56 8 06 8 17 8 30 8 45 9 02
25 5 56 6 14 6 32 6 54 7 06 7 20 7 37 7 58 8 07 8 19 8 31 8 46 9 03
29 5 58 6 16 6 34 6 55 7 07 7 21 7 38 7 58 8 08 8 19 8 32 8 46 9 03
33 6 00 6 17 6 35 6 56 7 08 7 22 7 38 7 58 8 08 8 19 8 31 8 45 9 02

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 6 4 36 4 39 4 39 4 37 4 35 4 31 4 27 4 20 4 17 4 13 4 09 4 04 3 58
14 4 33 4 38 4 41 4 42 4 41 4 40 4 37 4 33 4 31 4 28 4 26 4 22 4 18
22 4 31 4 38 4 43 4 47 4 47 4 48 4 47 4 45 4 44 4 43 4 42 4 40 4 37
30 4 29 4 39 4 46 4 52 4 54 4 56 4 57 4 57 4 57 4 57 4 57 4 56 4 55
Nov. 7 4 29 4 40 4 49 4 57 5 00 5 04 5 06 5 09 5 10 5 11 5 11 5 12 5 12
15 4 28 4 41 4 53 5 02 5 07 5 11 5 16 5 20 5 22 5 23 5 25 5 27 5 28
23 4 29 4 44 4 57 5 08 5 14 5 19 5 25 5 30 5 33 5 35 5 38 5 40 5 43
Dec. 1 4 31 4 47 5 01 5 14 5 20 5 26 5 33 5 40 5 43 5 46 5 49 5 52 5 56
9 4 34 4 51 5 05 5 19 5 26 5 33 5 40 5 48 5 51 5 54 5 58 6 02 6 06
17 4 37 4 54 5 10 5 24 5 31 5 38 5 46 5 54 5 58 6 01 6 05 6 09 6 13
25 4 41 4 58 5 14 5 28 5 35 5 42 5 50 5 58 6 02 6 05 6 09 6 13 6 17
33 4 46 5 02 5 17 5 31 5 38 5 45 5 52 6 00 6 03 6 06 6 10 6 14 6 18
41 4 50 5 05 5 19 5 32 5 39 5 45 5 52 5 59 6 02 6 05 6 08 6 11 6 15

SUNSET, 2024
To obtain the standard time at any station, add four minutes for each degree if the station is west of
the standard meridian, or deduct four minutes for each degree if the station is east of the standard
In India, to obtain I.S.T., add 4 x ( 82º.5 - l ) mins. or deduct 4 x ( l - 82º.5 ) mins. as the station is
west or east of 82º.5 E. Longitude.
0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 2 17 52 17 50 17 47 17 44 17 42 17 40 17 38 17 36 17 35 17 33 17 32 17 31 17 29
6 17 51 17 48 17 44 17 39 17 37 17 34 17 31 17 27 17 26 17 24 17 22 17 19 17 17
10 17 50 17 45 17 40 17 35 17 31 17 28 17 24 17 19 17 17 17 14 17 11 17 08 17 05
14 17 49 17 43 17 37 17 30 17 26 17 22 17 17 17 10 17 08 17 05 17 01 16 58 16 53
18 17 48 17 41 17 34 17 26 17 21 17 16 17 10 17 02 16 59 16 55 16 51 16 47 16 42
22 17 48 17 40 17 31 17 22 17 16 17 10 17 03 16 55 16 51 16 46 16 42 16 36 16 31
26 17 47 17 38 17 29 17 18 17 12 17 05 16 57 16 47 16 43 16 38 16 32 16 26 16 19
30 17 47 17 37 17 26 17 14 17 08 17 00 16 51 16 40 16 35 16 29 16 23 16 16 16 09
Nov. 3 17 47 17 36 17 24 17 11 17 04 16 55 16 45 16 33 16 28 16 21 16 15 16 07 15 58
7 17 47 17 35 17 23 17 08 17 00 16 51 16 40 16 27 16 21 16 14 16 06 15 58 15 48
11 17 48 17 35 17 21 17 06 16 57 16 47 16 35 16 21 16 14 16 07 15 59 15 50 15 39
15 17 48 17 35 17 20 17 04 16 54 16 44 16 31 16 16 16 08 16 01 15 52 15 42 15 30
19 17 49 17 35 17 19 17 02 16 52 16 41 16 27 16 11 16 03 15 55 15 45 15 34 15 22
23 17 50 17 35 17 19 17 01 16 50 16 38 16 24 16 07 15 59 15 50 15 40 15 28 15 14
27 17 51 17 36 17 19 17 00 16 49 16 36 16 22 16 04 15 55 15 45 15 35 15 22 15 08
Dec. 1 17 53 17 37 17 19 17 00 16 48 16 35 16 20 16 01 15 52 15 42 15 31 15 18 15 02
5 17 54 17 38 17 20 17 00 16 48 16 35 16 19 15 59 15 50 15 40 15 28 15 14 14 58
9 17 56 17 39 17 21 17 00 16 48 16 35 16 18 15 58 15 49 15 38 15 26 15 12 14 55
13 17 58 17 41 17 22 17 01 16 49 16 35 16 19 15 58 15 48 15 37 15 25 15 10 14 53
17 18 00 17 43 17 24 17 03 16 50 16 36 16 20 15 59 15 49 15 38 15 25 15 11 14 53
21 18 02 17 44 17 26 17 05 16 52 16 38 16 21 16 00 15 51 15 39 15 27 15 12 14 54
25 18 04 17 47 17 28 17 07 16 54 16 40 16 24 16 03 15 53 15 42 15 29 15 14 14 57
29 18 06 17 49 17 30 17 09 16 57 16 43 16 26 16 06 15 56 15 45 15 33 15 18 15 01
33 18 08 17 51 17 33 17 12 17 00 16 46 16 30 16 10 16 00 15 50 15 37 15 23 15 07

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 6 19 00 18 57 18 57 18 59 19 01 19 04 19 08 19 15 19 18 19 21 19 26 19 31 19 36
14 18 59 18 54 18 51 18 50 18 50 18 52 18 54 18 58 19 00 19 02 19 05 19 08 19 12
22 18 58 18 51 18 45 18 42 18 41 18 41 18 41 18 43 18 44 18 45 18 46 18 48 18 50
30 18 58 18 48 18 41 18 35 18 33 18 31 18 30 18 29 18 29 18 29 18 29 18 30 18 31
Nov. 7 18 59 18 48 18 38 18 30 18 27 18 23 18 20 18 18 18 17 18 16 18 15 18 14 18 14
15 19 01 18 48 18 36 18 26 18 22 18 17 18 13 18 09 18 07 18 05 18 03 18 02 18 00
23 19 04 18 49 18 36 18 25 18 19 18 13 18 08 18 02 18 00 17 57 17 55 17 52 17 49
Dec. 1 19 07 18 51 18 37 18 24 18 18 18 11 18 05 17 58 17 55 17 52 17 49 17 46 17 42
9 19 11 18 54 18 39 18 26 18 19 18 12 18 04 17 57 17 54 17 50 17 47 17 43 17 39
17 19 15 18 58 18 43 18 28 18 21 18 14 18 06 17 58 17 55 17 51 17 47 17 43 17 39
25 19 19 19 02 18 47 18 32 18 25 18 18 18 10 18 02 17 59 17 55 17 51 17 47 17 43
33 19 23 19 06 18 51 18 37 18 30 18 23 18 16 18 09 18 05 18 02 17 58 17 55 17 50
41 19 25 19 10 18 56 18 43 18 36 18 30 18 24 18 17 18 14 18 11 18 08 18 04 18 01



Lat. 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º

Date Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast.

m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m
Jan. 1 23 49 75 23 49 75 24 51 79 26 56 85 30 64 97
9 22 48 74 23 49 75 24 51 78 26 56 85 30 64 96
17 22 48 74 22 48 74 24 51 77 26 55 84 30 63 95
25 22 47 73 22 48 73 23 50 76 25 54 83 29 62 94
Feb. 2 22 47 72 22 47 73 23 49 76 25 54 82 29 61 93
10 21 46 71 22 47 72 23 49 75 25 53 81 28 60 92
18 21 46 70 21 46 71 22 48 74 24 52 80 28 59 91
26 21 45 70 21 46 70 22 48 74 24 52 80 27 59 90
Mar. 5 21 45 69 21 46 70 22 48 73 24 52 79 27 59 90
13 21 45 69 21 45 70 22 48 73 24 52 80 27 58 90
21 21 45 69 21 45 70 22 48 73 24 52 80 27 59 91
29 21 45 69 21 46 70 22 48 74 24 52 81 27 59 92
Apr. 6 21 45 69 21 46 71 22 48 75 24 53 82 28 61 95
14 21 45 70 21 46 71 23 49 76 25 54 83 28 62 97
22 21 46 70 22 47 72 23 50 77 25 55 85 29 63 100
30 21 46 71 22 47 73 23 50 77 25 55 87 29 65 103
May 8 22 47 72 22 48 74 23 51 79 26 57 89 30 67 108
16 22 47 73 22 49 75 24 52 81 26 58 91 31 69 112
24 22 48 74 23 49 76 24 53 82 27 59 93 32 71 116
June 1 22 48 74 23 50 77 24 53 83 27 60 95 32 73 119
9 23 49 75 23 50 77 25 54 84 27 61 96 33 74 122
17 23 49 75 23 50 78 25 54 84 28 61 97 33 75 123
25 23 49 75 23 50 78 25 54 84 27 61 97 33 75 123
July 3 23 49 75 23 50 77 24 54 84 27 60 96 33 74 122
11 22 48 74 23 50 77 24 53 83 27 60 95 32 73 119
19 22 48 74 23 49 76 24 53 82 27 59 93 32 71 115
27 22 47 73 22 49 75 24 52 80 26 58 91 31 69 111
Aug. 4 22 47 72 22 48 74 23 51 79 26 56 88 30 67 106
12 21 46 71 22 47 73 23 50 78 25 55 86 29 65 103
20 21 46 70 22 47 72 23 49 76 25 54 85 29 63 99
28 21 45 70 21 46 71 22 49 75 25 53 83 28 61 96
Sept. 5 21 45 69 21 46 71 22 48 74 24 53 82 28 60 94
13 21 45 69 21 46 70 22 48 74 24 52 81 27 59 92
21 21 45 69 21 45 70 22 48 73 24 52 80 27 59 91
29 21 45 69 21 45 70 22 48 73 24 52 79 27 58 90
Oct. 7 21 45 69 21 46 70 22 48 73 24 52 79 27 58 90
15 21 45 70 21 46 70 22 48 74 24 52 80 27 59 90
23 21 46 70 21 46 71 22 48 74 24 52 80 28 59 91
31 21 46 71 22 47 72 23 49 75 25 53 81 28 60 92
Nov. 8 22 47 72 22 47 73 23 49 76 25 54 82 29 61 93
16 22 47 73 22 48 73 23 50 76 25 54 83 29 62 94
24 22 48 74 22 48 74 24 51 77 26 55 84 30 63 95
Dec. 2 22 48 74 23 49 75 24 51 78 26 56 85 30 64 96
10 23 49 75 23 49 75 24 51 78 26 56 85 30 64 97
18 23 49 75 23 49 75 24 52 79 26 56 86 31 65 98
26 23 49 75 23 49 75 24 52 79 26 56 85 31 65 98
34 23 49 75 23 49 75 24 51 78 26 56 85 30 64 97



Lat. 45º 50º 55º 60º

Date Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast. Civ. Nt. Ast.

m m m m m m m m m m m m
Jan. 0 34 71 106 38 80 119 45 93 137 57 113 165
8 33 70 105 38 78 117 44 91 135 55 111 161
16 33 69 104 37 77 116 43 88 132 52 106 156
24 32 68 102 36 75 113 41 86 129 50 102 151
Feb. 1 31 67 101 35 74 112 40 84 126 48 98 147
9 31 65 100 34 72 110 39 82 124 45 95 143
17 30 64 98 33 71 108 38 80 122 44 92 140
25 30 64 98 33 70 108 37 79 121 42 91 139
Mar. 5 29 63 98 32 70 108 36 78 121 42 90 140
13 29 64 98 32 70 108 36 79 121 42 90 142
21 29 64 99 32 71 110 36 80 125 42 92 147
29 30 65 101 33 72 113 37 81 130 43 95 155
Apr. 6 30 66 104 33 74 117 38 85 137 44 100 169
14 31 68 108 34 77 123 39 89 147 46 107 193
22 32 70 112 35 80 130 41 94 161 50 119 **
30 32 72 117 36 83 139 43 100 184 53 135 **
May 8 33 76 123 38 88 151 46 110 ** 59 169 **
16 35 79 130 40 93 167 49 121 ** 65 ** **
24 36 82 137 42 99 188 52 136 ** 74 ** **
June 1 36 84 144 43 104 ** 54 156 ** 85 ** **
9 37 86 150 44 108 ** 57 194 ** 96 ** **
17 37 87 153 45 110 ** 58 ** ** 106 ** **
25 37 87 153 45 110 ** 58 ** ** 105 ** **
July 3 37 86 150 44 107 ** 57 187 ** 95 ** **
11 36 84 144 43 103 ** 54 154 ** 83 ** **
19 35 81 137 41 98 186 51 134 ** 73 ** **
27 34 78 129 40 93 165 48 120 ** 64 ** **
Aug. 4 33 75 123 38 87 149 45 109 ** 58 165 **
12 32 72 116 36 82 138 42 100 182 53 134 **
20 31 69 111 35 79 129 41 93 160 49 118 **
28 31 67 107 34 76 122 39 88 146 46 107 192
Sept. 5 30 66 104 33 74 117 38 84 136 44 100 168
13 30 65 101 33 72 113 37 81 130 43 95 155
21 29 64 99 32 71 110 36 79 125 42 92 147
29 29 63 98 32 70 108 36 78 122 41 90 142
Oct. 7 29 63 97 32 70 107 36 78 121 42 90 139
15 30 64 98 33 70 107 37 78 121 42 90 139
23 30 64 98 33 71 108 37 80 121 43 92 140
31 31 65 99 34 72 109 38 81 123 45 94 142
Nov. 8 31 66 101 35 74 111 40 84 126 47 98 146
16 32 68 102 36 75 113 41 86 129 50 102 151
24 33 69 104 37 77 116 43 88 132 52 106 156
Dec. 2 33 70 105 38 78 117 44 91 135 55 110 161
10 34 71 106 38 80 119 45 92 137 57 113 164
18 34 71 107 39 80 120 46 93 138 58 115 166
26 34 71 107 38 80 119 46 93 138 58 114 166
34 34 71 106 38 79 119 45 92 136 56 112 163



For Use Add For Use Add For Use Add For Use Add For Use Add

July Dec. m Aug. Feb. m Sept. Mar. m Oct. Apr. m Nov. May m
1 31 +1 7 3 -8 12 10 -14 19 16 -15 26 25 -10
July Jan. 8 4 8 13 11 14 20 17 15 27 26 9
2 0 +1 9 5 9 14 12 14 21 18 15 28 27 9
3 1 0 10 6 9 15 13 14 22 19 15 29 28 9
4 2 0 11 7 9 16 14 14 23 20 15 30 29 9
5 3 0 12 8 9 17 15 15 24 21 14 Dec. May
6 4 -1 13 9 9 18 16 15 25 22 14 1 30 8
7 5 1 14 10 10 19 17 15 26 23 14 2 31 8
8 6 1 15 11 10 20 18 15 27 24 14 Dec. June
9 7 1 16 12 10 21 19 15 28 25 14 3 1 8
10 8 2 17 13 10 22 20 15 29 26 14 4 2 8
11 9 2 18 14 10 23 21 15 30 27 14 5 3 7
12 10 2 19 15 11 24 22 15 31 28 14 6 5 7
13 11 2 20 16 11 25 23 15 Nov. Apr. 7 6 7
14 12 3 21 17 11 26 24 15 1 29 14 8 7 7
15 13 3 22 18 11 27 25 15 2 30 14 9 8 6
16 14 3 23 19 11 28 26 15 Nov. May 10 9 6
17 15 3 24 19 12 29 26 15 3 1 13 11 10 6
18 16 3 25 20 12 30 27 15 4 2 13 12 11 6
19 16 4 26 21 12 Oct. Mar. 5 3 13 13 12 5
20 17 4 27 22 12 1 28 15 6 4 13 14 13 5
21 18 4 28 23 12 2 29 15 7 5 13 15 14 5
22 19 4 29 24 12 3 30 15 8 6 13 16 15 5
23 20 5 30 25 13 4 31 15 9 7 13 17 16 4
24 21 5 31 26 13 Oct. Apr. 10 8 12 18 17 4
25 22 5 Sept. Feb. 5 1 16 11 9 12 19 18 4
26 23 6 1 27 13 6 2 16 12 10 12 20 19 4
27 24 6 2 28 13 7 3 16 13 11 12 21 21 3
28 25 6 8 4 15 14 12 12 22 22 3
29 26 6 Sept. Mar. 9 5 15 15 13 12 23 23 3
30 27 7 3 1 13 10 6 15 16 14 12 24 24 3
31 28 7 4 2 13 11 7 15 17 15 11 25 25 2
Aug. Jan. 5 3 13 12 9 15 18 17 11 26 26 2
1 29 7 6 4 14 13 10 15 19 18 11 27 27 2
2 30 7 7 5 14 14 11 15 20 19 11 28 28 2
3 30 7 8 6 14 15 12 15 21 20 11 29 29 1
4 31 8 9 7 14 16 13 15 22 21 10 30 30 1
Aug. Feb. 10 8 14 17 14 15 23 22 10 Dec. July
5 1 8 11 9 14 18 15 15 24 23 10 31 1 -1
6 2 -8 12 10 -14 19 16 -15 25 24 -10 32 2 0

To obtain the times of sunrise, sunset and twilight for southern latitudes for any date, use the tables for
the same northern latitude for the corresponding date given above, and apply to the times so obtained the
correction given in the column headed 'Add'.

In the case of duration of twilight, however, take only the figures for the corresponding date without



For Use Add For Use Add For Use Add For Use Add For Use Add

Jan. July m Feb. Aug. m Mar. Sept. m Apr. Oct. m May Nov. m
0 1 0 5 9 +9 13 15 +14 19 22 +15 25 26 +10
1 3 0 6 10 9 14 16 14 20 23 15 26 27 9
2 4 0 7 11 9 15 17 14 21 24 14 27 28 9
8 12 9 16 18 15 22 25 14 28 29 9
3 5 0 9 13 9 17 19 15 23 26 14 29 30 9
4 6 +1 10 14 10 18 20 15 24 27 14 May Dec.
5 7 1 11 15 10 19 21 15 25 28 14 30 1 8
6 8 1 12 16 10 20 22 15 26 29 14 31 2 8
7 9 1 13 17 10 21 23 15 27 30 14 June Dec.
8 10 2 14 18 10 22 24 15 28 31 14 1 3 8
9 11 2 15 19 11 23 25 15 Apr. Nov. 2 4 8
10 12 2 16 20 11 24 26 15 29 1 14 3 5 7
11 13 2 17 21 11 25 27 15 30 2 14 4 5 7
12 14 3 18 22 11 26 29 15 May Nov. 5 6 7
13 15 3 19 23 11 27 30 15 1 3 13 6 7 7
14 16 3 20 25 12 Mar. Oct. 2 4 13 7 8 7
15 17 3 21 26 12 28 1 15 3 5 13 8 9 6
16 18 4 22 27 12 29 2 15 4 6 13 9 10 6
17 19 4 23 28 12 30 3 15 5 7 13 10 11 6
18 21 4 24 29 12 31 4 16 6 8 13 11 12 6
19 22 5 25 30 13 Apr. Oct. 7 9 13 12 13 5
20 23 5 26 31 13 1 5 16 8 10 12 13 14 5
21 24 5 2 6 16 9 11 12 14 15 5
22 25 5 Feb. Sept. 3 7 16 10 12 12 15 16 5
23 26 6 27 1 13 4 7 15 11 13 12 16 17 4
24 27 6 28 2 13 5 8 15 12 14 12 17 18 4
25 28 6 Mar. Sept. 6 9 15 13 15 12 18 19 4
26 29 6 1 3 13 7 10 15 14 16 12 19 20 4
27 30 7 2 4 13 8 11 15 15 16 11 20 21 3
28 31 7 3 5 13 9 12 15 16 17 11 21 21 3
Jan. Aug. 4 6 14 10 13 15 17 18 11 22 22 3
29 1 7 5 7 14 11 14 15 18 19 11 23 23 3
30 2 7 6 8 14 12 15 15 19 20 11 24 24 3
31 3 7 7 9 14 13 16 15 20 21 11 25 25 2
Feb. Aug. 8 10 14 14 17 15 21 22 10 26 26 2
1 5 8 9 11 14 15 18 15 22 23 10 27 27 2
2 6 8 10 12 14 16 19 15 23 24 10 28 28 1
3 7 8 11 13 14 17 20 15 24 25 10 29 29 1
4 8 +9 12 14 +14 18 21 +15 25 26 +10 30 30 +1

To obtain the times of sunrise, sunset and twilight for southern latitudes for any date, use the tables for
the same northern latitude for the corresponding date given above, and apply to the times so obtained the
correction given in the column headed 'Add'.

In the case of duration of twilight, however, take only the figures for the corresponding date without


Kolkata Varanasi Chennai Delhi Mumbai
Date 22º N 32' 25º N 18' 13º N 00' 28º N 35' 18º N 54'
Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 1 6 16.5 17 03.2 6 43.5 17 18.9 6 31.1 17 53.4 7 14.2 17 35.0 7 12.0 18 11.9
3 6 17.1 17 04.5 6 44.1 17 20.3 6 31.8 17 54.5 7 14.7 17 36.4 7 12.6 18 13.1
5 6 17.7 17 05.8 6 44.6 17 21.7 6 32.5 17 55.6 7 15.1 17 37.9 7 13.2 18 14.3
7 6 18.1 17 07.2 6 44.9 17 23.1 6 33.2 17 56.7 7 15.4 17 39.4 7 13.8 18 15.6
9 6 18.5 17 08.5 6 45.2 17 24.5 6 33.8 17 57.8 7 15.6 17 40.9 7 14.2 18 16.9
11 6 18.7 17 09.9 6 45.4 17 26.0 6 34.3 17 58.9 7 15.7 17 42.5 7 14.6 18 18.1
13 6 18.9 17 11.4 6 45.5 17 27.5 6 34.7 18 00.0 7 15.7 17 44.1 7 14.9 18 19.4
15 6 19.0 17 12.8 6 45.5 17 29.0 6 35.1 18 01.1 7 15.5 17 45.7 7 15.1 18 20.7
17 6 19.0 17 14.2 6 45.4 17 30.5 6 35.4 18 02.2 7 15.3 17 47.3 7 15.2 18 22.0
19 6 18.9 17 15.6 6 45.2 17 32.0 6 35.7 18 03.2 7 14.9 17 49.0 7 15.2 18 23.2
21 6 18.7 17 17.0 6 44.9 17 33.6 6 35.8 18 04.2 7 14.5 17 50.6 7 15.2 18 24.5
23 6 18.4 17 18.4 6 44.4 17 35.1 6 35.9 18 05.2 7 13.9 17 52.3 7 15.0 18 25.7
25 6 18.0 17 19.8 6 43.9 17 36.6 6 36.0 18 06.2 7 13.2 17 53.9 7 14.8 18 27.0
27 6 17.6 17 21.2 6 43.3 17 38.1 6 35.9 18 07.1 7 12.5 17 55.6 7 14.5 18 28.2
29 6 17.0 17 22.6 6 42.6 17 39.6 6 35.8 18 08.0 7 11.6 17 57.2 7 14.1 18 29.4
31 6 16.4 17 23.9 6 41.8 17 41.0 6 35.6 18 08.9 7 10.6 17 58.8 7 13.6 18 30.5
Feb. 2 6 15.6 17 25.2 6 41.0 17 42.5 6 35.3 18 09.7 7 09.5 18 00.4 7 13.1 18 31.6
4 6 14.8 17 26.5 6 40.0 17 43.9 6 34.9 18 10.5 7 08.3 18 02.0 7 12.4 18 32.7
6 6 13.9 17 27.7 6 38.9 17 45.3 6 34.5 18 11.3 7 07.1 18 03.6 7 11.7 18 33.8
8 6 13.0 17 29.0 6 37.8 17 46.7 6 34.0 18 12.0 7 05.7 18 05.1 7 10.9 18 34.8
10 6 11.9 17 30.2 6 36.6 17 48.0 6 33.5 18 12.7 7 04.3 18 06.7 7 10.0 18 35.8
12 6 10.8 17 31.3 6 35.3 17 49.3 6 32.9 18 13.3 7 02.8 18 08.2 7 09.1 18 36.8
14 6 09.6 17 32.5 6 33.9 17 50.6 6 32.2 18 13.9 7 01.2 18 09.7 7 08.1 18 37.7
16 6 08.4 17 33.6 6 32.5 17 51.9 6 31.5 18 14.5 6 59.5 18 11.1 7 07.0 18 38.6
18 6 07.1 17 34.6 6 30.9 17 53.1 6 30.7 18 15.0 6 57.8 18 12.6 7 05.9 18 39.5
20 6 05.7 17 35.7 6 29.4 17 54.3 6 29.8 18 15.5 6 56.0 18 14.0 7 04.7 18 40.3
22 6 04.3 17 36.7 6 27.8 17 55.4 6 28.9 18 16.0 6 54.1 18 15.4 7 03.5 18 41.1
24 6 02.8 17 37.7 6 26.1 17 56.6 6 27.9 18 16.4 6 52.2 18 16.8 7 02.1 18 41.9
26 6 01.3 17 38.6 6 24.3 17 57.7 6 26.9 18 16.8 6 50.2 18 18.1 7 00.8 18 42.6
28 5 59.7 17 39.5 6 22.6 17 58.8 6 25.9 18 17.1 6 48.2 18 19.4 6 59.4 18 43.4
Mar. 1 5 58.1 17 40.4 6 20.7 17 59.8 6 24.8 18 17.5 6 46.1 18 20.7 6 57.9 18 44.0
3 5 56.4 17 41.3 6 18.9 18 00.9 6 23.7 18 17.8 6 44.0 18 22.0 6 56.5 18 44.7
5 5 54.7 17 42.1 6 17.0 18 01.9 6 22.5 18 18.0 6 41.8 18 23.3 6 54.9 18 45.3
7 5 53.0 17 43.0 6 15.0 18 02.8 6 21.4 18 18.3 6 39.6 18 24.5 6 53.4 18 45.9
9 5 51.2 17 43.8 6 13.1 18 03.8 6 20.1 18 18.5 6 37.4 18 25.7 6 51.8 18 46.5
11 5 49.4 17 44.5 6 11.1 18 04.8 6 18.9 18 18.7 6 35.2 18 26.9 6 50.2 18 47.1
13 5 47.6 17 45.3 6 09.1 18 05.7 6 17.6 18 18.9 6 32.9 18 28.1 6 48.5 18 47.6
15 5 45.8 17 46.0 6 07.1 18 06.6 6 16.4 18 19.1 6 30.6 18 29.3 6 46.9 18 48.2
17 5 43.9 17 46.8 6 05.0 18 07.5 6 15.1 18 19.3 6 28.3 18 30.4 6 45.2 18 48.7
19 5 42.0 17 47.5 6 03.0 18 08.4 6 13.8 18 19.4 6 26.0 18 31.6 6 43.5 18 49.2
21 5 40.1 17 48.2 6 01.0 18 09.3 6 12.5 18 19.5 6 23.7 18 32.7 6 41.8 18 49.7
23 5 38.2 17 48.9 5 58.9 18 10.2 6 11.1 18 19.7 6 21.4 18 33.9 6 40.1 18 50.2
25 5 36.3 17 49.6 5 56.9 18 11.1 6 09.8 18 19.8 6 19.1 18 35.0 6 38.4 18 50.7
27 5 34.4 17 50.3 5 54.8 18 12.0 6 08.5 18 19.9 6 16.8 18 36.1 6 36.8 18 51.1
29 5 32.5 17 51.0 5 52.8 18 12.8 6 07.2 18 20.1 6 14.5 18 37.2 6 35.1 18 51.6
31 5 30.6 17 51.7 5 50.7 18 13.7 6 05.9 18 20.2 6 12.2 18 38.3 6 33.4 18 52.1
Apr. 2 5 28.7 17 52.4 5 48.7 18 14.6 6 04.6 18 20.3 6 09.9 18 39.5 6 31.7 18 52.6


Kolkata Varanasi Chennai Delhi Mumbai
Date 22º N 32' 25º N 18' 13º N 00' 28º N 35' 18º N 54'
Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 2 5 28.7 17 52.4 5 48.7 18 14.6 6 04.6 18 20.3 6 09.9 18 39.5 6 31.7 18 52.6
4 5 26.8 17 53.1 5 46.6 18 15.5 6 03.3 18 20.5 6 07.6 18 40.6 6 30.1 18 53.1
6 5 25.0 17 53.8 5 44.6 18 16.4 6 02.0 18 20.6 6 05.4 18 41.7 6 28.4 18 53.6
8 5 23.1 17 54.5 5 42.6 18 17.2 6 00.8 18 20.8 6 03.2 18 42.8 6 26.8 18 54.1
10 5 21.3 17 55.2 5 40.6 18 18.1 5 59.6 18 20.9 6 01.1 18 44.0 6 25.2 18 54.6
12 5 19.5 17 55.9 5 38.7 18 19.0 5 58.4 18 21.1 5 58.9 18 45.1 6 23.7 18 55.1
14 5 17.8 17 56.6 5 36.8 18 20.0 5 57.2 18 21.3 5 56.8 18 46.3 6 22.1 18 55.7
16 5 16.0 17 57.4 5 34.9 18 20.9 5 56.0 18 21.5 5 54.8 18 47.4 6 20.6 18 56.2
18 5 14.4 17 58.1 5 33.1 18 21.8 5 54.9 18 21.8 5 52.7 18 48.6 6 19.2 18 56.8
20 5 12.7 17 58.9 5 31.2 18 22.8 5 53.8 18 22.0 5 50.8 18 49.8 6 17.7 18 57.3
22 5 11.1 17 59.7 5 29.5 18 23.7 5 52.8 18 22.3 5 48.8 18 50.9 6 16.4 18 57.9
24 5 09.5 18 00.5 5 27.8 18 24.7 5 51.8 18 22.6 5 46.9 18 52.1 6 15.0 18 58.6
26 5 08.0 18 01.3 5 26.1 18 25.7 5 50.8 18 22.9 5 45.1 18 53.3 6 13.8 18 59.2
28 5 06.6 18 02.1 5 24.5 18 26.7 5 49.9 18 23.2 5 43.3 18 54.6 6 12.5 18 59.8
30 5 05.2 18 02.9 5 22.9 18 27.7 5 49.0 18 23.6 5 41.5 18 55.8 6 11.3 19 00.5
May 2 5 03.8 18 03.8 5 21.5 18 28.7 5 48.1 18 24.0 5 39.9 18 57.0 6 10.2 19 01.2
4 5 02.5 18 04.6 5 20.0 18 29.7 5 47.4 18 24.4 5 38.3 18 58.2 6 09.1 19 01.9
6 5 01.3 18 05.5 5 18.7 18 30.8 5 46.6 18 24.8 5 36.7 18 59.5 6 08.1 19 02.6
8 5 00.2 18 06.4 5 17.4 18 31.8 5 45.9 18 25.2 5 35.2 19 00.7 6 07.2 19 03.3
10 4 59.1 18 07.3 5 16.1 18 32.8 5 45.3 18 25.7 5 33.9 19 01.9 6 06.3 19 04.1
12 4 58.1 18 08.2 5 15.0 18 33.9 5 44.7 18 26.2 5 32.5 19 03.2 6 05.5 19 04.8
14 4 57.1 18 09.1 5 13.9 18 34.9 5 44.2 18 26.7 5 31.3 19 04.4 6 04.7 19 05.6
16 4 56.2 18 10.0 5 12.9 18 36.0 5 43.7 18 27.2 5 30.1 19 05.6 6 04.0 19 06.4
18 4 55.4 18 10.9 5 12.0 18 37.0 5 43.3 18 27.8 5 29.1 19 06.8 6 03.4 19 07.1
20 4 54.7 18 11.8 5 11.1 18 38.1 5 43.0 18 28.4 5 28.1 19 08.0 6 02.8 19 07.9
22 4 54.1 18 12.7 5 10.4 18 39.1 5 42.7 18 28.9 5 27.2 19 09.2 6 02.3 19 08.7
24 4 53.5 18 13.6 5 09.7 18 40.1 5 42.4 18 29.5 5 26.4 19 10.3 6 01.9 19 09.5
26 4 53.0 18 14.5 5 09.1 18 41.1 5 42.2 18 30.1 5 25.7 19 11.5 6 01.5 19 10.3
28 4 52.6 18 15.4 5 08.6 18 42.1 5 42.1 18 30.7 5 25.0 19 12.6 6 01.2 19 11.1
30 4 52.2 18 16.2 5 08.2 18 43.1 5 42.0 18 31.3 5 24.5 19 13.7 6 01.0 19 11.8
June 1 4 52.0 18 17.1 5 07.8 18 44.0 5 42.0 18 31.9 5 24.0 19 14.7 6 00.8 19 12.6
3 4 51.8 18 17.9 5 07.5 18 44.9 5 42.1 18 32.5 5 23.7 19 15.7 6 00.7 19 13.3
5 4 51.7 18 18.7 5 07.4 18 45.8 5 42.1 18 33.1 5 23.4 19 16.6 6 00.7 19 14.1
7 4 51.6 18 19.4 5 07.3 18 46.6 5 42.3 18 33.7 5 23.2 19 17.5 6 00.7 19 14.8
9 4 51.6 18 20.2 5 07.2 18 47.4 5 42.5 18 34.3 5 23.1 19 18.4 6 00.8 19 15.5
11 4 51.7 18 20.9 5 07.3 18 48.1 5 42.7 18 34.9 5 23.1 19 19.2 6 01.0 19 16.1
13 4 51.9 18 21.5 5 07.4 18 48.8 5 43.0 18 35.4 5 23.2 19 19.9 6 01.2 19 16.7
15 4 52.1 18 22.1 5 07.6 18 49.5 5 43.3 18 36.0 5 23.4 19 20.6 6 01.5 19 17.3
17 4 52.4 18 22.7 5 07.9 18 50.0 5 43.6 18 36.5 5 23.6 19 21.2 6 01.8 19 17.8
19 4 52.8 18 23.2 5 08.3 18 50.6 5 44.0 18 37.0 5 24.0 19 21.7 6 02.1 19 18.3
21 4 53.2 18 23.6 5 08.7 18 51.0 5 44.5 18 37.4 5 24.4 19 22.1 6 02.5 19 18.8
23 4 53.7 18 24.0 5 09.1 18 51.4 5 44.9 18 37.8 5 24.9 19 22.5 6 03.0 19 19.2
25 4 54.2 18 24.3 5 09.7 18 51.7 5 45.4 18 38.2 5 25.4 19 22.8 6 03.5 19 19.5
27 4 54.8 18 24.6 5 10.3 18 51.9 5 45.9 18 38.5 5 26.0 19 23.0 6 04.0 19 19.8
29 4 55.4 18 24.8 5 10.9 18 52.1 5 46.4 18 38.8 5 26.7 19 23.1 6 04.6 19 20.0
July 1 4 56.0 18 24.9 5 11.6 18 52.2 5 46.9 18 39.0 5 27.4 19 23.2 6 05.2 19 20.2
3 4 56.7 18 24.9 5 12.3 18 52.2 5 47.5 18 39.2 5 28.2 19 23.1 6 05.8 19 20.3


Kolkata Varanasi Chennai Delhi Mumbai
Date 22º N 32' 25º N 18' 13º N 00' 28º N 35' 18º N 54'
Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 1 4 56.0 18 24.9 5 11.6 18 52.2 5 46.9 18 39.0 5 27.4 19 23.2 6 05.2 19 20.2
3 4 56.7 18 24.9 5 12.3 18 52.2 5 47.5 18 39.2 5 28.2 19 23.1 6 05.8 19 20.3
5 4 57.5 18 24.9 5 13.1 18 52.1 5 48.0 18 39.4 5 29.1 19 22.9 6 06.4 19 20.3
7 4 58.2 18 24.8 5 13.9 18 51.9 5 48.6 18 39.5 5 29.9 19 22.7 6 07.1 19 20.3
9 4 59.0 18 24.6 5 14.8 18 51.7 5 49.1 18 39.5 5 30.9 19 22.4 6 07.8 19 20.2
11 4 59.8 18 24.4 5 15.6 18 51.4 5 49.7 18 39.5 5 31.8 19 21.9 6 08.5 19 20.0
13 5 00.6 18 24.0 5 16.5 18 50.9 5 50.2 18 39.4 5 32.8 19 21.4 6 09.2 19 19.8
15 5 01.4 18 23.6 5 17.5 18 50.4 5 50.8 18 39.2 5 33.8 19 20.8 6 09.9 19 19.5
17 5 02.3 18 23.1 5 18.4 18 49.8 5 51.3 18 39.0 5 34.9 19 20.1 6 10.6 19 19.1
19 5 03.1 18 22.6 5 19.3 18 49.2 5 51.9 18 38.8 5 36.0 19 19.3 6 11.3 19 18.7
21 5 04.0 18 21.9 5 20.3 18 48.4 5 52.4 18 38.5 5 37.1 19 18.4 6 12.0 19 18.1
23 5 04.9 18 21.2 5 21.3 18 47.5 5 52.9 18 38.1 5 38.2 19 17.4 6 12.7 19 17.5
25 5 05.7 18 20.4 5 22.2 18 46.6 5 53.3 18 37.6 5 39.3 19 16.3 6 13.4 19 16.9
27 5 06.6 18 19.5 5 23.2 18 45.6 5 53.8 18 37.1 5 40.4 19 15.1 6 14.1 19 16.1
29 5 07.4 18 18.6 5 24.2 18 44.5 5 54.3 18 36.6 5 41.5 19 13.9 6 14.8 19 15.3
31 5 08.3 18 17.6 5 25.1 18 43.3 5 54.7 18 36.0 5 42.6 19 12.5 6 15.4 19 14.5
Aug. 2 5 09.1 18 16.5 5 26.1 18 42.1 5 55.1 18 35.3 5 43.7 19 11.1 6 16.1 19 13.5
4 5 09.9 18 15.3 5 27.1 18 40.8 5 55.4 18 34.5 5 44.9 19 09.6 6 16.7 19 12.5
6 5 10.7 18 14.1 5 28.0 18 39.4 5 55.8 18 33.8 5 46.0 19 08.0 6 17.4 19 11.5
8 5 11.5 18 12.8 5 28.9 18 38.0 5 56.1 18 32.9 5 47.1 19 06.4 6 18.0 19 10.3
10 5 12.3 18 11.5 5 29.9 18 36.4 5 56.4 18 32.0 5 48.2 19 04.7 6 18.5 19 09.1
12 5 13.0 18 10.1 5 30.8 18 34.8 5 56.7 18 31.1 5 49.3 19 02.9 6 19.1 19 07.9
14 5 13.8 18 08.6 5 31.7 18 33.2 5 56.9 18 30.1 5 50.4 19 01.0 6 19.7 19 06.6
16 5 14.5 18 07.1 5 32.6 18 31.5 5 57.2 18 29.0 5 51.4 18 59.1 6 20.2 19 05.2
18 5 15.2 18 05.5 5 33.4 18 29.8 5 57.4 18 27.9 5 52.5 18 57.1 6 20.7 19 03.8
20 5 15.9 18 03.9 5 34.3 18 28.0 5 57.5 18 26.8 5 53.5 18 55.1 6 21.2 19 02.4
22 5 16.6 18 02.3 5 35.1 18 26.1 5 57.7 18 25.7 5 54.6 18 53.0 6 21.7 19 00.9
24 5 17.3 18 00.6 5 35.9 18 24.2 5 57.8 18 24.5 5 55.6 18 50.9 6 22.1 18 59.3
26 5 17.9 17 58.8 5 36.8 18 22.3 5 58.0 18 23.2 5 56.6 18 48.7 6 22.6 18 57.8
28 5 18.6 17 57.1 5 37.6 18 20.3 5 58.0 18 22.0 5 57.6 18 46.5 6 23.0 18 56.1
30 5 19.2 17 55.3 5 38.3 18 18.3 5 58.1 18 20.7 5 58.6 18 44.3 6 23.4 18 54.5
Sept. 1 5 19.8 17 53.4 5 39.1 18 16.3 5 58.2 18 19.3 5 59.6 18 42.0 6 23.8 18 52.8
3 5 20.4 17 51.6 5 39.9 18 14.2 5 58.2 18 18.0 6 00.5 18 39.7 6 24.2 18 51.1
5 5 21.0 17 49.7 5 40.7 18 12.1 5 58.3 18 16.6 6 01.5 18 37.3 6 24.5 18 49.4
7 5 21.6 17 47.8 5 41.4 18 10.1 5 58.3 18 15.3 6 02.5 18 35.0 6 24.9 18 47.7
9 5 22.2 17 45.8 5 42.2 18 07.9 5 58.3 18 13.9 6 03.4 18 32.6 6 25.3 18 45.9
11 5 22.7 17 43.8 5 42.9 18 05.8 5 58.3 18 12.5 6 04.4 18 30.2 6 25.6 18 44.1
13 5 23.3 17 41.9 5 43.7 18 03.7 5 58.3 18 11.0 6 05.3 18 27.8 6 26.0 18 42.3
15 5 23.9 17 39.9 5 44.4 18 01.6 5 58.4 18 09.6 6 06.3 18 25.4 6 26.3 18 40.5
17 5 24.5 17 37.9 5 45.1 17 59.4 5 58.4 18 08.2 6 07.3 18 23.0 6 26.7 18 38.8
19 5 25.0 17 35.9 5 45.9 17 57.3 5 58.4 18 06.8 6 08.2 18 20.6 6 27.0 18 37.0
21 5 25.6 17 33.9 5 46.7 17 55.1 5 58.4 18 05.4 6 09.2 18 18.2 6 27.4 18 35.2
23 5 26.2 17 31.9 5 47.4 17 53.0 5 58.4 18 04.0 6 10.2 18 15.8 6 27.7 18 33.4
25 5 26.8 17 29.9 5 48.2 17 50.9 5 58.4 18 02.6 6 11.2 18 13.4 6 28.1 18 31.6
27 5 27.4 17 27.9 5 49.0 17 48.7 5 58.5 18 01.2 6 12.2 18 11.1 6 28.5 18 29.9
29 5 28.0 17 26.0 5 49.8 17 46.6 5 58.5 17 59.9 6 13.2 18 08.7 6 28.9 18 28.1
Oct. 1 5 28.7 17 24.0 5 50.6 17 44.5 5 58.6 17 58.5 6 14.3 18 06.4 6 29.3 18 26.4


Kolkata Varanasi Chennai Delhi Mumbai
Date 22º N 32' 25º N 18' 13º N 00' 28º N 35' 18º N 54'
Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set Rise Set
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 1 5 28.7 17 24.0 5 50.6 17 44.5 5 58.6 17 58.5 6 14.3 18 06.4 6 29.3 18 26.4
3 5 29.3 17 22.1 5 51.4 17 42.4 5 58.7 17 57.2 6 15.3 18 04.2 6 29.8 18 24.7
5 5 30.0 17 20.2 5 52.2 17 40.4 5 58.8 17 55.9 6 16.4 18 01.9 6 30.2 18 23.0
7 5 30.7 17 18.3 5 53.1 17 38.4 5 58.9 17 54.6 6 17.5 17 59.7 6 30.7 18 21.4
9 5 31.4 17 16.5 5 54.0 17 36.4 5 59.0 17 53.4 6 18.6 17 57.5 6 31.2 18 19.8
11 5 32.2 17 14.7 5 54.9 17 34.4 5 59.2 17 52.2 6 19.7 17 55.3 6 31.7 18 18.3
13 5 32.9 17 12.9 5 55.8 17 32.5 5 59.4 17 51.0 6 20.9 17 53.2 6 32.2 18 16.7
15 5 33.7 17 11.2 5 56.7 17 30.6 5 59.6 17 49.9 6 22.1 17 51.2 6 32.8 18 15.3
17 5 34.5 17 09.5 5 57.7 17 28.7 5 59.9 17 48.8 6 23.3 17 49.1 6 33.4 18 13.8
19 5 35.4 17 07.9 5 58.7 17 27.0 6 00.2 17 47.7 6 24.5 17 47.2 6 34.1 18 12.4
21 5 36.3 17 06.3 5 59.8 17 25.2 6 00.5 17 46.7 6 25.8 17 45.2 6 34.7 18 11.1
23 5 37.2 17 04.8 6 00.8 17 23.6 6 00.9 17 45.8 6 27.1 17 43.4 6 35.5 18 09.9
25 5 38.1 17 03.4 6 01.9 17 21.9 6 01.3 17 44.9 6 28.4 17 41.6 6 36.2 18 08.7
27 5 39.1 17 02.0 6 03.0 17 20.4 6 01.7 17 44.1 6 29.8 17 39.8 6 37.0 18 07.5
29 5 40.1 17 00.7 6 04.2 17 18.9 6 02.2 17 43.3 6 31.2 17 38.2 6 37.8 18 06.4
31 5 41.1 16 59.4 6 05.4 17 17.5 6 02.7 17 42.6 6 32.6 17 36.6 6 38.6 18 05.4
Nov. 2 5 42.2 16 58.3 6 06.6 17 16.2 6 03.3 17 41.9 6 34.1 17 35.0 6 39.5 18 04.5
4 5 43.3 16 57.2 6 07.8 17 14.9 6 03.9 17 41.3 6 35.5 17 33.6 6 40.4 18 03.6
6 5 44.4 16 56.1 6 09.1 17 13.8 6 04.6 17 40.8 6 37.0 17 32.3 6 41.4 18 02.8
8 5 45.6 16 55.2 6 10.4 17 12.7 6 05.2 17 40.4 6 38.6 17 31.0 6 42.4 18 02.1
10 5 46.8 16 54.4 6 11.8 17 11.7 6 06.0 17 40.0 6 40.1 17 29.8 6 43.4 18 01.4
12 5 48.0 16 53.6 6 13.1 17 10.8 6 06.7 17 39.7 6 41.7 17 28.8 6 44.5 18 00.9
14 5 49.2 16 52.9 6 14.5 17 10.0 6 07.5 17 39.4 6 43.3 17 27.8 6 45.6 18 00.4
16 5 50.5 16 52.4 6 15.9 17 09.3 6 08.4 17 39.3 6 44.9 17 26.9 6 46.7 17 60.0
18 5 51.8 16 51.9 6 17.3 17 08.7 6 09.3 17 39.2 6 46.5 17 26.1 6 47.9 17 59.7
20 5 53.1 16 51.5 6 18.7 17 08.2 6 10.2 17 39.2 6 48.1 17 25.5 6 49.0 17 59.5
22 5 54.4 16 51.2 6 20.2 17 07.7 6 11.1 17 39.3 6 49.7 17 24.9 6 50.2 17 59.3
24 5 55.7 16 51.0 6 21.6 17 07.4 6 12.1 17 39.4 6 51.3 17 24.4 6 51.4 17 59.3
26 5 57.0 16 50.9 6 23.1 17 07.2 6 13.1 17 39.7 6 52.9 17 24.1 6 52.7 17 59.3
28 5 58.3 16 50.9 6 24.5 17 07.1 6 14.1 17 40.0 6 54.5 17 23.9 6 53.9 17 59.4
30 5 59.7 16 51.0 6 26.0 17 07.1 6 15.2 17 40.3 6 56.1 17 23.7 6 55.2 17 59.6
Dec. 2 6 01.0 16 51.2 6 27.4 17 07.2 6 16.3 17 40.8 6 57.6 17 23.7 6 56.4 17 59.9
4 6 02.3 16 51.4 6 28.8 17 07.4 6 17.3 17 41.3 6 59.2 17 23.8 6 57.6 18 00.2
6 6 03.6 16 51.8 6 30.2 17 07.7 6 18.4 17 41.8 7 00.6 17 24.0 6 58.9 18 00.7
8 6 04.8 16 52.3 6 31.5 17 08.1 6 19.5 17 42.5 7 02.1 17 24.4 7 00.1 18 01.2
10 6 06.1 16 52.8 6 32.9 17 08.6 6 20.6 17 43.2 7 03.5 17 24.8 7 01.3 18 01.8
12 6 07.3 16 53.4 6 34.2 17 09.2 6 21.7 17 43.9 7 04.9 17 25.3 7 02.5 18 02.4
14 6 08.5 16 54.2 6 35.4 17 09.9 6 22.8 17 44.8 7 06.2 17 25.9 7 03.7 18 03.2
16 6 09.6 16 55.0 6 36.6 17 10.6 6 23.9 17 45.6 7 07.4 17 26.7 7 04.8 18 04.0
18 6 10.7 16 55.8 6 37.7 17 11.5 6 24.9 17 46.5 7 08.6 17 27.5 7 05.9 18 04.9
20 6 11.8 16 56.8 6 38.8 17 12.4 6 25.9 17 47.5 7 09.7 17 28.4 7 07.0 18 05.8
22 6 12.8 16 57.8 6 39.8 17 13.4 6 26.9 17 48.5 7 10.7 17 29.4 7 08.0 18 06.8
24 6 13.7 16 58.9 6 40.8 17 14.5 6 27.9 17 49.5 7 11.6 17 30.5 7 09.0 18 07.8
26 6 14.6 16 60.0 6 41.6 17 15.7 6 28.8 17 50.5 7 12.5 17 31.7 7 09.9 18 08.9
28 6 15.4 17 01.2 6 42.4 17 16.9 6 29.7 17 51.6 7 13.2 17 32.9 7 10.7 18 10.0
30 6 16.1 17 02.4 6 43.1 17 18.1 6 30.6 17 52.7 7 13.9 17 34.2 7 11.5 18 11.2
32 6 16.8 17 03.7 6 43.8 17 19.4 6 31.4 17 53.8 7 14.4 17 35.6 7 12.2 18 12.4

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 0 21 44 21 33 21 22 21 09 20 52 20 30 20 54 21 39 21 33 22 03
1 22 24 22 17 22 11 22 03 21 53 21 39 21 45 22 25 22 25 22 51
2 23 04 23 01 22 59 22 56 22 52 22 47 22 33 23 10 23 18 23 39
3 23 43 23 45 23 46 23 49 23 51 23 55 23 23 23 54 ** ** ** **
4 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 10 0 26
5 0 22 0 28 0 35 0 42 0 51 1 04 0 12 0 39 1 03 1 14
6 1 05 1 15 1 26 1 39 1 55 2 16 1 05 1 28 1 59 2 05
7 1 51 2 05 2 20 2 38 3 01 3 33 2 00 2 19 2 58 2 59
8 2 41 2 59 3 19 3 42 4 10 4 52 3 00 3 15 4 00 3 57
9 3 38 3 58 4 21 4 47 5 21 6 11 4 03 4 14 5 06 4 59
10 4 38 5 01 5 25 5 53 6 29 7 24 5 07 5 17 6 11 6 03
11 5 42 6 04 6 28 6 55 7 31 8 23 6 10 6 20 7 13 7 05
12 6 45 7 05 7 26 7 51 8 21 9 06 7 08 7 21 8 09 8 04
13 7 45 8 01 8 18 8 38 9 02 9 36 7 59 8 15 8 57 8 56
14 8 41 8 53 9 05 9 18 9 35 9 58 8 44 9 06 9 38 9 43
15 9 34 9 40 9 47 9 54 10 03 10 15 9 24 9 51 10 14 10 25
16 10 23 10 24 10 25 10 26 10 28 10 30 10 01 10 33 10 48 11 05
17 11 11 11 07 11 03 10 58 10 52 10 45 10 37 11 15 11 20 11 43
18 11 59 11 50 11 41 11 30 11 17 11 00 11 14 11 56 11 53 12 21
19 12 48 12 34 12 20 12 04 11 45 11 18 11 53 12 39 12 28 13 02
20 13 39 13 22 13 03 12 42 12 16 11 40 12 34 13 26 13 07 13 45
21 14 32 14 12 13 50 13 25 12 53 12 08 13 20 14 14 13 51 14 32
22 15 27 15 05 14 41 14 14 13 39 12 47 14 10 15 07 14 39 15 24
23 16 22 16 00 15 36 15 08 14 31 13 38 15 05 16 02 15 34 16 18
24 17 16 16 55 16 32 16 05 15 31 14 41 16 01 16 57 16 31 17 15
25 18 07 17 49 17 28 17 05 16 34 15 51 16 58 17 52 17 30 18 10
26 18 55 18 39 18 22 18 03 17 39 17 04 17 54 18 44 18 28 19 05
27 19 40 19 28 19 15 19 00 18 41 18 16 18 47 19 33 19 24 19 56
28 20 21 20 13 20 05 19 55 19 43 19 27 19 38 20 20 20 18 20 45
29 21 01 20 57 20 53 20 48 20 42 20 34 20 27 21 05 21 11 21 33
30 21 40 21 40 21 41 21 41 21 42 21 42 21 16 21 49 22 02 22 20
31 22 18 22 23 22 28 22 33 22 40 22 50 22 05 22 34 22 55 23 07
Feb. 1 22 59 23 08 23 17 23 28 23 42 24 00 22 55 23 20 23 48 23 56
2 23 43 23 55 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 49 ** ** ** ** ** **
3 ** ** ** ** 0 09 0 25 0 45 1 13 ** ** 0 08 0 44 0 47
4 0 29 0 46 1 04 1 25 1 51 2 29 0 45 1 01 1 44 1 42
5 1 22 1 42 2 03 2 28 3 00 3 47 1 45 1 57 2 46 2 41
6 2 19 2 41 3 05 3 33 4 08 5 02 2 47 2 57 3 51 3 43
7 3 20 3 43 4 07 4 36 5 13 6 07 3 50 4 00 4 54 4 45
8 4 23 4 45 5 08 5 34 6 08 6 57 4 50 5 01 5 52 5 46
9 5 26 5 44 6 03 6 25 6 53 7 33 5 45 5 59 6 44 6 41
10 6 25 6 38 6 53 7 10 7 31 7 59 6 33 6 52 7 29 7 32
11 7 20 7 29 7 38 7 49 8 01 8 18 7 17 7 41 8 09 8 17
12 8 12 8 16 8 19 8 23 8 28 8 35 7 56 8 26 8 44 8 59
13 9 03 9 01 8 59 8 56 8 54 8 50 8 34 9 10 9 19 9 39
14 9 53 9 46 9 38 9 30 9 19 9 05 9 12 9 52 9 52 10 18
15 10 43 10 31 10 18 10 04 9 46 9 22 9 51 10 36 10 27 10 59
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Jan. 0 9 21 9 34 9 47 10 02 10 20 10 45 9 27 9 47 10 21 10 25
1 10 03 10 11 10 20 10 31 10 43 11 00 9 59 10 23 10 51 10 59
2 10 43 10 47 10 52 10 57 11 04 11 13 10 29 10 58 11 18 11 31
3 11 22 11 22 11 23 11 23 11 24 11 24 10 59 11 32 11 45 12 02
4 12 01 11 57 11 53 11 49 11 43 11 35 11 28 12 05 12 11 12 33
5 12 42 12 34 12 25 12 16 12 04 11 48 11 59 12 41 12 38 13 06
6 13 26 13 14 13 01 12 46 12 27 12 03 12 33 13 19 13 10 13 42
7 14 14 13 58 13 41 13 21 12 56 12 22 13 12 14 02 13 46 14 22
8 15 07 14 48 14 27 14 03 13 32 12 48 13 57 14 51 14 28 15 09
9 16 06 15 44 15 21 14 53 14 18 13 27 14 50 15 47 15 19 16 03
10 17 09 16 46 16 21 15 53 15 17 14 22 15 51 16 48 16 19 17 05
11 18 12 17 51 17 28 17 01 16 27 15 36 16 57 17 54 17 28 18 11
12 19 15 18 56 18 36 18 14 17 45 17 03 18 07 19 00 18 39 19 19
13 20 12 19 59 19 44 19 27 19 05 18 34 19 16 20 04 19 51 20 26
14 21 07 20 58 20 48 20 37 20 23 20 04 20 21 21 04 21 01 21 30
15 21 57 21 54 21 50 21 45 21 39 21 32 21 24 22 02 22 08 22 30
16 22 46 22 47 22 49 22 50 22 52 22 55 22 24 22 57 23 12 23 29
17 23 34 23 40 23 47 23 55 ** ** ** ** 23 24 23 51 ** ** ** **
18 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 04 0 17 ** ** ** ** 0 15 0 26
19 0 22 0 33 0 45 0 59 1 16 1 40 0 24 0 46 1 19 1 24
20 1 12 1 27 1 44 2 03 2 27 3 01 1 24 1 42 2 22 2 22
21 2 04 2 23 2 43 3 07 3 37 4 21 2 24 2 38 3 26 3 21
22 2 58 3 20 3 43 4 09 4 44 5 35 3 25 3 36 4 27 4 20
23 3 54 4 16 4 40 5 08 5 45 6 38 4 22 4 32 5 26 5 18
24 4 48 5 10 5 34 6 01 6 36 7 28 5 16 5 27 6 19 6 11
25 5 41 6 01 6 23 6 48 7 19 8 04 6 05 6 17 7 06 7 00
26 6 30 6 48 7 06 7 28 7 54 8 31 6 47 7 03 7 46 7 44
27 7 17 7 31 7 45 8 02 8 22 8 51 7 25 7 44 8 21 8 23
28 7 59 8 09 8 20 8 32 8 46 9 06 7 59 8 21 8 51 8 58
29 8 40 8 46 8 52 8 59 9 08 9 19 8 30 8 57 9 20 9 31
30 9 19 9 21 9 23 9 25 9 27 9 31 8 59 9 31 9 46 10 02
31 9 58 9 56 9 53 9 50 9 47 9 42 9 29 10 04 10 12 10 32
Feb. 1 10 37 10 31 10 24 10 16 10 06 9 53 9 58 10 38 10 38 11 04
2 11 19 11 09 10 57 10 44 10 28 10 06 10 30 11 14 11 08 11 38
3 12 04 11 50 11 34 11 16 10 54 10 23 11 06 11 54 11 40 12 15
4 12 54 12 35 12 16 11 53 11 25 10 45 11 47 12 39 12 18 12 58
5 13 49 13 27 13 05 12 38 12 05 11 17 12 34 13 30 13 04 13 47
6 14 48 14 25 14 01 13 33 12 56 12 02 13 30 14 27 13 59 14 44
7 15 51 15 28 15 04 14 36 14 00 13 06 14 33 15 31 15 02 15 47
8 16 54 16 33 16 12 15 47 15 15 14 27 15 42 16 36 16 12 16 55
9 17 55 17 39 17 21 17 01 16 35 15 58 16 51 17 43 17 26 18 03
10 18 52 18 40 18 28 18 14 17 57 17 32 18 00 18 46 18 38 19 10
11 19 46 19 40 19 33 19 26 19 16 19 03 19 07 19 47 19 49 20 14
12 20 37 20 36 20 35 20 34 20 33 20 32 20 11 20 45 20 57 21 16
13 21 27 21 31 21 36 21 42 21 49 21 58 21 13 21 42 22 03 22 16
14 22 16 22 26 22 36 22 48 23 03 23 24 22 15 22 38 23 09 23 16
15 23 07 23 22 23 37 23 55 ** ** ** ** 23 17 23 36 ** ** ** **
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Feb. 15 10 43 10 31 10 18 10 04 9 46 9 22 9 51 10 36 10 27 10 59
16 11 35 11 18 11 01 10 41 10 16 9 43 10 32 11 23 11 06 11 43
17 12 28 12 08 11 48 11 23 10 53 10 09 11 18 12 11 11 49 12 29
18 13 23 13 01 12 37 12 10 11 36 10 45 12 07 13 03 12 36 13 20
19 14 18 13 56 13 31 13 03 12 26 11 33 13 00 13 58 13 29 14 14
20 15 12 14 50 14 26 13 59 13 24 12 31 13 56 14 52 14 25 15 09
21 16 04 15 44 15 23 14 58 14 26 13 40 14 52 15 47 15 23 16 05
22 16 52 16 35 16 17 15 56 15 30 14 52 15 48 16 39 16 21 16 59
23 17 37 17 24 17 10 16 53 16 33 16 04 16 41 17 29 17 18 17 51
24 18 19 18 10 18 00 17 49 17 35 17 15 17 34 18 16 18 12 18 41
25 19 00 18 54 18 49 18 42 18 35 18 24 18 23 19 02 19 05 19 30
26 19 39 19 38 19 37 19 36 19 34 19 32 19 12 19 47 19 57 20 16
27 20 17 20 20 20 24 20 28 20 33 20 40 20 01 20 31 20 49 21 04
28 20 57 21 05 21 13 21 22 21 33 21 49 20 50 21 16 21 42 21 52
29 21 39 21 51 22 03 22 17 22 35 23 00 21 42 22 03 22 37 22 41
Mar. 1 22 24 22 39 22 56 23 15 23 40 ** ** 22 36 22 53 23 34 23 34
2 23 13 23 32 23 52 ** ** ** ** 0 14 23 33 23 47 ** ** ** **
3 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 15 0 46 1 30 ** ** ** ** 0 34 0 30
4 0 06 0 27 0 51 1 18 1 53 2 44 0 33 0 44 1 36 1 29
5 1 04 1 27 1 52 2 20 2 57 3 53 1 34 1 44 2 38 2 29
6 2 05 2 27 2 51 3 19 3 55 4 47 2 33 2 43 3 37 3 29
7 3 06 3 26 3 48 4 12 4 43 5 29 3 29 3 42 4 30 4 25
8 4 05 4 21 4 39 4 59 5 24 5 58 4 19 4 36 5 18 5 17
9 5 02 5 14 5 26 5 40 5 57 6 20 5 05 5 27 5 59 6 04
10 5 56 6 02 6 09 6 16 6 25 6 38 5 47 6 13 6 37 6 48
11 6 48 6 49 6 50 6 51 6 52 6 53 6 26 6 58 7 12 7 30
12 7 40 7 35 7 30 7 24 7 18 7 09 7 04 7 43 7 47 8 10
13 8 31 8 21 8 11 7 59 7 45 7 25 7 44 8 27 8 22 8 52
14 9 24 9 10 8 54 8 36 8 14 7 44 8 25 9 14 9 01 9 36
15 10 19 10 00 9 41 9 18 8 49 8 09 9 11 10 04 9 43 10 22
16 11 16 10 54 10 31 10 04 9 31 8 42 10 01 10 56 10 30 11 14
17 12 12 11 50 11 25 10 57 10 20 9 26 10 54 11 52 11 23 12 08
18 13 08 12 45 12 21 11 53 11 17 10 22 11 50 12 47 12 19 13 04
19 14 00 13 40 13 17 12 51 12 18 11 29 12 47 13 42 13 17 14 00
20 14 50 14 32 14 12 13 50 13 22 12 40 13 43 14 35 14 15 14 55
21 15 36 15 21 15 06 14 47 14 25 13 53 14 37 15 26 15 12 15 47
22 16 18 16 08 15 57 15 44 15 27 15 04 15 29 16 14 16 07 16 37
23 16 59 16 52 16 45 16 37 16 27 16 14 16 19 17 00 17 00 17 26
24 17 39 17 36 17 34 17 31 17 27 17 22 17 09 17 45 17 53 18 13
25 18 17 18 19 18 21 18 23 18 26 18 30 17 57 18 29 18 45 19 01
26 18 57 19 03 19 09 19 17 19 26 19 39 18 47 19 14 19 38 19 49
27 19 38 19 48 19 59 20 12 20 27 20 50 19 38 20 01 20 32 20 38
28 20 21 20 36 20 51 21 09 21 32 22 03 20 31 20 50 21 29 21 30
29 21 09 21 27 21 47 22 09 22 37 23 19 21 28 21 42 22 27 22 24
30 22 01 22 21 22 44 23 10 23 44 ** ** 22 25 22 37 23 28 23 22
31 22 56 23 19 23 43 ** ** ** ** 0 33 23 25 23 35 ** ** ** **
Apr. 1 23 54 ** ** ** ** 0 11 0 48 1 43 ** ** ** ** 0 29 0 20
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Feb. 15 23 07 23 22 23 37 23 55 ** ** ** ** 23 17 23 36 ** ** ** **
16 24 00 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 17 0 48 ** ** ** ** 0 14 0 15
17 ** ** 0 18 0 37 1 00 1 29 2 10 0 18 0 33 1 19 1 16
18 0 54 1 15 1 38 2 04 2 38 3 28 1 20 1 31 2 22 2 15
19 1 49 2 12 2 36 3 04 3 41 4 34 2 18 2 28 3 22 3 14
20 2 44 3 07 3 31 3 59 4 34 5 28 3 13 3 23 4 16 4 08
21 3 37 3 58 4 20 4 46 5 20 6 07 4 03 4 14 5 04 4 58
22 4 27 4 45 5 05 5 28 5 56 6 36 4 46 5 01 5 46 5 43
23 5 14 5 29 5 45 6 03 6 26 6 57 5 26 5 43 6 22 6 23
24 5 58 6 09 6 20 6 34 6 51 7 14 6 00 6 21 6 54 6 59
25 6 38 6 46 6 53 7 02 7 13 7 27 6 31 6 57 7 23 7 32
26 7 18 7 21 7 25 7 28 7 33 7 39 7 01 7 32 7 49 8 03
27 7 57 7 56 7 55 7 53 7 52 7 49 7 31 8 04 8 15 8 34
28 8 36 8 30 8 25 8 19 8 11 8 00 8 00 8 38 8 41 9 05
29 9 17 9 07 8 57 8 46 8 32 8 13 8 30 9 13 9 09 9 38
Mar. 1 10 00 9 46 9 32 9 16 8 55 8 27 9 04 9 51 9 40 10 13
2 10 46 10 29 10 11 9 50 9 24 8 47 9 42 10 33 10 15 10 53
3 11 38 11 18 10 56 10 30 9 59 9 13 10 25 11 20 10 56 11 38
4 12 33 12 11 11 47 11 19 10 43 9 51 11 16 12 13 11 45 12 30
5 13 33 13 10 12 45 12 16 11 40 10 44 12 14 13 12 12 43 13 29
6 14 34 14 12 13 49 13 22 12 47 11 56 13 19 14 15 13 48 14 32
7 15 35 15 16 14 56 14 33 14 04 13 21 14 26 15 20 14 59 15 39
8 16 33 16 19 16 04 15 46 15 24 14 53 15 35 16 24 16 11 16 46
9 17 29 17 20 17 10 16 59 16 45 16 25 16 42 17 26 17 23 17 51
10 18 21 18 17 18 14 18 09 18 04 17 57 17 49 18 26 18 32 18 55
11 19 13 19 15 19 17 19 19 19 22 19 26 18 53 19 25 19 41 19 57
12 20 04 20 11 20 19 20 28 20 39 20 55 19 57 20 23 20 49 20 59
13 20 56 21 09 21 22 21 38 21 57 22 23 21 01 21 22 21 57 22 01
14 21 50 22 07 22 25 22 46 23 13 23 51 22 06 22 22 23 05 23 04
15 22 46 23 06 23 28 23 54 ** ** ** ** 23 10 23 22 ** ** ** **
16 23 43 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 26 1 13 ** ** ** ** 0 12 0 06
17 ** ** 0 05 0 29 0 57 1 33 2 26 0 11 0 21 1 15 1 07
18 0 39 1 02 1 26 1 55 2 31 3 26 1 09 1 18 2 12 2 03
19 1 33 1 55 2 18 2 45 3 19 4 09 2 00 2 11 3 03 2 55
20 2 24 2 44 3 04 3 29 3 58 4 41 2 46 2 59 3 47 3 42
21 3 12 3 28 3 46 4 05 4 30 5 04 3 26 3 43 4 24 4 23
22 3 56 4 09 4 22 4 37 4 56 5 22 4 02 4 22 4 57 5 00
23 4 38 4 46 4 56 5 06 5 19 5 36 4 34 4 58 5 26 5 34
24 5 18 5 22 5 27 5 32 5 39 5 47 5 04 5 33 5 53 6 06
25 5 57 5 57 5 57 5 57 5 58 5 58 5 34 6 06 6 19 6 36
26 6 35 6 31 6 27 6 23 6 17 6 09 6 02 6 39 6 45 7 07
27 7 16 7 08 6 59 6 49 6 37 6 21 6 33 7 14 7 12 7 40
28 7 58 7 46 7 33 7 18 7 00 6 35 7 06 7 51 7 42 8 14
29 8 44 8 27 8 10 7 51 7 27 6 52 7 42 8 32 8 15 8 52
30 9 33 9 14 8 53 8 29 7 59 7 16 8 23 9 17 8 54 9 35
31 10 26 10 05 9 41 9 14 8 39 7 48 9 11 10 07 9 40 10 24
Apr. 1 11 24 11 00 10 36 10 07 9 30 8 34 10 05 11 02 10 33 11 19
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 1 23 54 ** ** ** ** 0 11 0 48 1 43 ** ** ** ** 0 29 0 20
2 ** ** 0 17 0 41 1 10 1 47 2 41 0 23 0 33 1 28 1 19
3 0 53 1 14 1 37 2 03 2 37 3 26 1 19 1 31 2 21 2 14
4 1 51 2 09 2 28 2 51 3 19 3 58 2 10 2 24 3 10 3 07
5 2 47 3 01 3 16 3 33 3 54 4 22 2 56 3 15 3 52 3 54
6 3 41 3 50 3 59 4 10 4 23 4 41 3 38 4 02 4 30 4 38
7 4 32 4 36 4 40 4 44 4 50 4 57 4 17 4 46 5 06 5 20
8 5 24 5 22 5 20 5 18 5 16 5 12 4 55 5 31 5 40 6 00
9 6 15 6 08 6 00 5 52 5 42 5 28 5 35 6 15 6 14 6 41
10 7 08 6 56 6 43 6 28 6 10 5 46 6 15 7 01 6 52 7 24
11 8 04 7 47 7 29 7 09 6 43 6 07 7 00 7 51 7 33 8 11
12 9 01 8 41 8 19 7 54 7 23 6 37 7 49 8 44 8 19 9 02
13 10 00 9 38 9 14 8 45 8 10 7 18 8 42 9 40 9 12 9 56
14 10 58 10 35 10 10 9 42 9 05 8 10 9 40 10 37 10 08 10 53
15 11 53 11 32 11 09 10 41 10 07 9 16 10 38 11 34 11 07 11 51
16 12 45 12 26 12 05 11 42 11 11 10 27 11 36 12 29 12 07 12 47
17 13 33 13 17 13 00 12 40 12 15 11 40 12 31 13 21 13 05 13 42
18 14 16 14 04 13 52 13 37 13 18 12 52 13 24 14 10 14 01 14 33
19 14 58 14 50 14 41 14 31 14 19 14 02 14 14 14 56 14 55 15 22
20 15 38 15 34 15 30 15 25 15 19 15 11 15 04 15 42 15 47 16 10
21 16 16 16 16 16 17 16 17 16 18 16 19 15 53 16 26 16 39 16 57
22 16 55 17 00 17 05 17 11 17 18 17 28 16 42 17 11 17 32 17 45
23 17 36 17 45 17 55 18 05 18 19 18 38 17 33 17 57 18 26 18 33
24 18 19 18 32 18 46 19 03 19 23 19 51 18 26 18 46 19 22 19 25
25 19 06 19 23 19 41 20 02 20 28 21 07 19 22 19 38 20 21 20 19
26 19 57 20 17 20 38 21 04 21 36 22 23 20 20 20 32 21 22 21 16
27 20 51 21 14 21 38 22 05 22 41 23 35 21 20 21 30 22 23 22 15
28 21 49 22 11 22 36 23 05 23 42 ** ** 22 18 22 28 23 23 23 14
29 22 47 23 09 23 33 24 00 ** ** 0 37 23 15 23 25 ** ** ** **
30 23 44 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 34 1 26 ** ** ** ** 0 17 0 10
May 1 ** ** 0 04 0 24 0 48 1 18 2 01 0 06 0 19 1 06 1 02
2 0 39 0 55 1 12 1 31 1 54 2 26 0 52 1 09 1 49 1 50
3 1 32 1 43 1 55 2 08 2 24 2 46 1 34 1 56 2 27 2 33
4 2 22 2 28 2 34 2 42 2 50 3 02 2 12 2 39 3 02 3 14
5 3 12 3 13 3 13 3 14 3 16 3 17 2 49 3 22 3 36 3 53
6 4 02 3 57 3 52 3 47 3 41 3 32 3 27 4 05 4 09 4 32
7 4 53 4 43 4 33 4 21 4 07 3 48 4 06 4 49 4 44 5 14
8 5 47 5 33 5 17 4 59 4 37 4 07 4 48 5 37 5 24 5 58
9 6 44 6 25 6 05 5 43 5 14 4 33 5 36 6 28 6 07 6 47
10 7 43 7 22 6 58 6 32 5 58 5 08 6 28 7 24 6 58 7 41
11 8 43 8 20 7 56 7 27 6 51 5 57 7 25 8 22 7 53 8 38
12 9 41 9 19 8 55 8 27 7 51 6 58 8 24 9 21 8 53 9 38
13 10 35 10 15 9 54 9 29 8 56 8 09 9 24 10 18 9 54 10 36
14 11 26 11 09 10 50 10 29 10 02 9 24 10 21 11 13 10 54 11 33
15 12 12 11 58 11 44 11 28 11 07 10 37 11 16 12 03 11 52 12 25
16 12 54 12 45 12 35 12 23 12 09 11 49 12 08 12 51 12 47 13 16
17 13 35 13 30 13 24 13 17 13 09 12 58 12 58 13 37 13 40 14 04
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Apr. 1 11 24 12 00 10 36 10 07 9 30 8 34 10 05 11 02 10 33 11 19
2 12 22 12 00 11 36 11 08 10 31 9 38 11 05 12 02 11 34 12 18
3 13 21 13 01 12 39 12 14 11 42 10 55 12 09 13 04 12 40 13 22
4 14 18 14 02 13 45 13 24 12 58 12 21 13 15 14 06 13 49 14 26
5 15 13 15 02 14 49 14 34 14 16 13 51 14 21 15 07 14 59 15 31
6 16 06 15 59 15 53 15 45 15 35 15 21 15 26 16 06 16 08 16 33
7 16 57 16 56 16 55 16 54 16 52 16 50 16 30 17 05 17 16 17 36
8 17 48 17 53 17 57 18 03 18 10 18 19 17 35 18 03 18 24 18 37
9 18 40 18 50 19 01 19 13 19 28 19 49 18 39 19 03 19 33 19 40
10 19 35 19 49 20 05 20 23 20 46 21 19 19 45 20 03 20 43 20 44
11 20 31 20 50 21 10 21 34 22 04 22 47 20 51 21 05 21 52 21 49
12 21 30 21 51 22 14 22 41 23 16 ** ** 21 56 22 07 23 00 22 52
13 22 28 22 51 23 16 23 44 ** ** 0 08 22 58 23 07 ** ** 23 53
14 23 25 23 47 ** ** ** ** 0 20 1 16 23 54 ** ** 0 02 ** **
15 ** ** ** ** 0 11 0 39 1 15 2 07 ** ** 0 03 0 57 0 48
16 0 18 0 39 1 01 1 26 1 58 2 43 0 42 0 54 1 44 1 38
17 1 08 1 26 1 44 2 05 2 32 3 09 1 25 1 40 2 24 2 22
18 1 54 2 08 2 22 2 39 2 60 3 29 2 02 2 21 2 58 3 00
19 2 36 2 46 2 57 3 09 3 24 3 44 2 36 2 59 3 29 3 35
20 3 17 3 23 3 29 3 36 3 45 3 56 3 07 3 34 3 56 4 07
21 3 56 3 57 3 59 4 01 4 04 4 07 3 36 4 07 4 22 4 38
22 4 34 4 32 4 29 4 26 4 23 4 18 4 05 4 40 4 48 5 09
23 5 15 5 08 5 01 4 52 4 42 4 29 4 35 5 15 5 15 5 41
24 5 56 5 46 5 34 5 21 5 05 4 42 5 07 5 51 5 44 6 14
25 6 41 6 26 6 10 5 53 5 30 4 59 5 42 6 31 6 16 6 52
26 7 30 7 11 6 52 6 29 6 01 5 20 6 22 7 15 6 54 7 34
27 8 22 8 01 7 39 7 12 6 39 5 50 7 08 8 04 7 38 8 21
28 9 19 8 56 8 31 8 03 7 27 6 32 8 00 8 58 8 29 9 14
29 10 16 9 54 9 30 9 01 8 24 7 30 8 58 9 56 9 28 10 12
30 11 15 10 54 10 31 10 05 9 32 8 42 10 01 10 56 10 31 11 14
May 1 12 11 11 53 11 35 11 12 10 44 10 04 11 05 11 57 11 38 12 16
2 13 05 12 51 12 37 12 20 11 59 11 30 12 08 12 56 12 45 13 19
3 13 56 13 48 13 39 13 28 13 15 12 56 13 12 13 54 13 52 14 19
4 14 46 14 42 14 39 14 35 14 29 14 22 14 13 14 51 14 57 15 20
5 15 36 15 38 15 40 15 42 15 45 15 49 15 16 15 48 16 03 16 19
6 16 26 16 33 16 41 16 50 17 01 17 16 16 18 16 45 17 11 17 20
7 17 19 17 31 17 44 17 59 18 18 18 45 17 23 17 44 18 19 18 23
8 18 14 18 30 18 49 19 10 19 37 20 14 18 29 18 45 19 29 19 27
9 19 12 19 33 19 55 20 20 20 53 21 41 19 36 19 49 20 38 20 32
10 20 12 20 34 20 58 21 27 22 03 22 56 20 41 20 51 21 45 21 36
11 21 11 21 34 21 58 22 26 23 03 23 57 21 41 21 51 22 44 22 36
12 22 08 22 29 22 52 23 18 23 52 ** ** 22 34 22 45 23 36 23 30
13 23 00 23 19 23 39 ** ** ** ** 0 40 23 20 23 34 ** ** ** **
14 23 48 ** ** ** ** 0 02 0 30 1 11 ** ** ** ** 0 20 0 16
15 ** ** 0 03 0 20 0 38 1 01 1 33 0 00 0 17 0 57 0 58
16 0 32 0 44 0 56 1 10 1 27 1 50 0 35 0 57 1 30 1 35
17 1 14 1 21 1 29 1 38 1 49 2 03 1 07 1 33 1 58 2 07
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
May 17 13 35 13 30 13 24 13 17 13 09 12 58 12 58 13 37 13 40 14 04
18 14 14 14 12 14 11 14 10 14 08 14 06 13 47 14 21 14 32 14 51
19 14 53 14 56 14 59 15 03 15 08 15 14 14 36 15 06 15 24 15 39
20 15 33 15 40 15 48 15 57 16 08 16 23 15 26 15 52 16 17 16 27
21 16 15 16 26 16 39 16 53 17 11 17 36 16 18 16 39 17 13 17 18
22 17 01 17 17 17 33 17 52 18 16 18 51 17 13 17 31 18 11 18 11
23 17 51 18 10 18 30 18 54 19 24 20 08 18 11 18 25 19 13 19 08
24 18 45 19 07 19 30 19 57 20 31 21 24 19 12 19 23 20 15 20 07
25 19 43 20 05 20 29 20 58 21 35 22 30 20 12 20 22 21 16 21 07
26 20 41 21 04 21 28 21 55 22 31 23 24 21 10 21 20 22 13 22 05
27 21 40 22 00 22 21 22 46 23 18 ** ** 22 03 22 15 23 04 22 59
28 22 35 22 52 23 10 23 31 23 56 0 03 22 51 23 07 23 49 23 48
29 23 29 23 41 23 54 ** ** ** ** 0 31 23 34 23 54 ** ** ** **
30 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 08 0 27 0 52 ** ** ** ** 0 28 0 32
31 0 18 0 26 0 34 0 43 0 54 1 09 0 12 0 37 1 03 1 13
June 1 1 07 1 09 1 12 1 15 1 19 1 24 0 48 1 19 1 36 1 51
2 1 55 1 52 1 49 1 46 1 43 1 38 1 25 2 00 2 08 2 29
3 2 44 2 36 2 28 2 18 2 07 1 53 2 02 2 43 2 41 3 09
4 3 35 3 23 3 09 2 54 2 35 2 10 2 41 3 28 3 18 3 51
5 4 29 4 12 3 55 3 34 3 08 2 32 3 26 4 16 3 59 4 36
6 5 27 5 07 4 45 4 20 3 48 3 03 4 15 5 10 4 45 5 28
7 6 27 6 04 5 41 5 13 4 37 3 45 5 10 6 07 5 39 6 23
8 7 27 7 04 6 39 6 11 5 35 4 41 6 08 7 06 6 37 7 23
9 8 23 8 02 7 40 7 13 6 39 5 49 7 09 8 05 7 39 8 22
10 9 16 8 58 8 38 8 15 7 46 7 04 8 08 9 01 8 40 9 21
11 10 05 9 50 9 34 9 15 8 52 8 19 9 05 9 54 9 40 10 15
12 10 49 10 38 10 26 10 13 9 56 9 33 9 59 10 44 10 36 11 08
13 11 31 11 24 11 16 11 08 10 57 10 43 10 50 11 31 11 31 11 57
14 12 10 12 07 12 04 12 01 11 57 11 52 11 40 12 16 12 23 12 45
15 12 49 12 50 12 52 12 54 12 56 12 59 12 28 13 00 13 16 13 32
16 13 29 13 34 13 40 13 47 13 56 14 08 13 18 13 45 14 08 14 19
17 14 09 14 19 14 30 14 42 14 57 15 19 14 09 14 32 15 02 15 09
18 14 54 15 08 15 23 15 40 16 02 16 32 15 02 15 21 15 59 16 01
19 15 42 15 59 16 18 16 40 17 09 17 49 15 59 16 14 16 59 16 56
20 16 34 16 55 17 18 17 44 18 16 19 06 16 59 17 11 18 02 17 55
21 17 32 17 54 18 18 18 46 19 23 20 17 18 00 18 10 19 04 18 56
22 18 31 18 54 19 18 19 47 20 23 21 17 19 01 19 11 20 04 19 56
23 19 32 19 53 20 15 20 41 21 14 22 01 19 57 20 08 20 59 20 52
24 20 29 20 47 21 06 21 28 21 55 22 33 20 47 21 02 21 47 21 44
25 21 25 21 38 21 53 22 09 22 29 22 57 21 33 21 52 22 28 22 30
26 22 16 22 25 22 34 22 45 22 58 23 15 22 12 22 37 23 05 23 13
27 23 05 23 09 23 13 23 17 23 23 23 31 22 50 23 19 23 38 23 52
28 23 53 23 51 23 50 23 49 23 47 23 45 23 26 ** ** ** ** ** **
29 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 59 ** ** 0 00 0 10 0 29
30 0 40 0 34 0 27 0 20 0 11 ** ** 0 02 0 41 0 43 1 08
July 1 1 30 1 19 1 07 0 53 0 37 0 15 0 39 1 25 1 17 1 48
2 2 22 2 06 1 50 1 31 1 08 0 35 1 21 2 10 1 55 2 31
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
May 17 1 14 1 21 1 29 1 38 1 49 2 03 1 07 1 33 1 58 2 07
18 1 53 1 57 2 00 2 04 2 08 2 14 1 37 2 07 2 24 2 39
19 2 32 2 31 2 30 2 29 2 27 2 25 2 06 2 40 2 50 3 10
20 3 12 3 06 3 01 2 55 2 47 2 37 2 35 3 14 3 17 3 41
21 3 53 3 43 3 33 3 22 3 08 2 49 3 07 3 50 3 45 4 14
22 4 36 4 23 4 09 3 53 3 33 3 05 3 41 4 28 4 16 4 50
23 5 24 5 07 4 48 4 27 4 01 3 24 4 19 5 11 4 52 5 31
24 6 16 5 56 5 34 5 09 4 37 3 51 5 04 5 59 5 35 6 16
25 7 12 6 50 6 26 5 58 5 23 4 29 5 55 6 52 6 24 7 09
26 8 10 7 48 7 24 6 55 6 18 5 23 6 52 7 50 7 21 8 06
27 9 10 8 48 8 25 7 58 7 24 6 32 7 54 8 51 8 24 9 08
28 10 07 9 49 9 29 9 05 8 35 7 52 8 58 9 52 9 31 10 11
29 11 01 10 47 10 31 10 13 9 50 9 17 10 02 10 51 10 37 11 13
30 11 53 11 43 11 32 11 20 11 04 10 42 11 05 11 49 11 44 12 13
31 12 41 12 36 12 31 12 25 12 17 12 06 12 05 12 44 12 48 13 12
June 1 13 30 13 30 13 30 13 30 13 30 13 30 13 05 13 39 13 52 14 10
2 14 18 14 23 14 28 14 35 14 43 14 54 14 06 14 34 14 56 15 08
3 15 08 15 18 15 29 15 42 15 58 16 19 15 08 15 31 16 02 16 08
4 16 01 16 15 16 31 16 50 17 14 17 47 16 12 16 30 17 10 17 10
5 16 57 17 16 17 36 18 00 18 30 19 14 17 17 17 31 18 18 18 14
6 17 56 18 17 18 41 19 08 19 43 20 34 18 22 18 33 19 26 19 19
7 18 56 19 19 19 43 20 11 20 47 21 42 19 25 19 35 20 29 20 20
8 19 54 20 16 20 40 21 07 21 42 22 33 20 22 20 32 21 25 21 17
9 20 49 21 09 21 31 21 55 22 25 23 10 21 12 21 25 22 13 22 08
10 21 40 21 57 22 14 22 34 23 00 23 35 21 55 22 11 22 53 22 52
11 22 26 22 39 22 53 23 09 23 28 23 54 22 32 22 52 23 28 23 31
12 23 09 23 18 23 28 23 38 23 51 ** ** 23 06 23 30 23 58 ** **
13 23 50 23 54 23 59 ** ** ** ** 0 09 23 37 ** ** ** ** 0 06
14 ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 05 0 12 0 21 ** ** 0 05 0 25 0 38
15 0 28 0 29 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 06 0 38 0 52 1 09
16 1 07 1 04 1 00 0 56 0 50 0 43 0 35 1 12 1 18 1 40
17 1 48 1 40 1 32 1 22 1 11 0 55 1 05 1 47 1 45 2 12
18 2 30 2 18 2 05 1 51 1 34 1 09 1 38 2 23 2 15 2 46
19 3 16 3 00 2 43 2 24 2 00 1 27 2 15 3 04 2 48 3 25
20 4 06 3 47 3 27 3 03 2 33 1 51 2 57 3 50 3 28 4 09
21 5 01 4 39 4 16 3 50 3 15 2 24 3 46 4 42 4 15 4 59
22 6 00 5 37 5 13 4 44 4 07 3 13 4 41 5 40 5 10 5 56
23 7 00 6 38 6 14 5 47 5 11 4 18 5 44 6 40 6 13 6 57
24 8 00 7 40 7 19 6 54 6 23 5 37 6 49 7 43 7 20 8 02
25 8 56 8 40 8 23 8 03 7 39 7 03 7 54 8 45 8 28 9 06
26 9 50 9 38 9 26 9 12 8 54 8 30 8 58 9 44 9 36 10 07
27 10 39 10 33 10 26 10 18 10 08 9 55 10 00 10 40 10 41 11 07
28 11 28 11 27 11 25 11 24 11 21 11 19 11 00 11 35 11 46 12 05
29 12 15 12 19 12 23 12 27 12 33 12 41 12 00 12 29 12 49 13 03
30 13 04 13 13 13 22 13 33 13 46 14 04 13 00 13 25 13 53 14 01
July 1 13 54 14 08 14 22 14 39 15 00 15 29 14 02 14 21 14 58 15 01
2 14 48 15 06 15 25 15 47 16 14 16 54 15 05 15 21 16 05 16 03
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 1 1 30 1 19 1 07 0 53 0 37 0 15 0 39 1 25 1 17 1 48
2 2 22 2 06 1 50 1 31 1 08 0 35 1 21 2 10 1 55 2 31
3 3 17 2 58 2 37 2 13 1 44 1 02 2 07 3 01 2 39 3 20
4 4 15 3 53 3 30 3 03 2 28 1 38 2 59 3 56 3 29 4 12
5 5 14 4 51 4 27 3 59 3 22 2 28 3 56 4 53 4 24 5 10
6 6 12 5 50 5 27 4 59 4 24 3 32 4 55 5 52 5 25 6 09
7 7 07 6 47 6 25 6 01 5 30 4 44 5 56 6 50 6 27 7 08
8 7 57 7 41 7 23 7 03 6 37 6 00 6 54 7 45 7 28 8 05
9 8 43 8 30 8 17 8 02 7 43 7 16 7 49 8 36 8 26 8 59
10 9 26 9 18 9 08 8 58 8 45 8 27 8 41 9 24 9 22 9 49
11 10 06 10 02 9 57 9 52 9 46 9 37 9 32 10 10 10 14 10 37
12 10 45 10 45 10 45 10 45 10 45 10 45 10 21 10 54 11 07 11 25
13 11 24 11 28 11 33 11 38 11 44 11 53 11 10 11 39 11 59 12 12
14 12 04 12 12 12 21 12 31 12 44 13 02 11 59 12 24 12 52 13 00
15 12 46 12 59 13 12 13 28 13 47 14 14 12 51 13 12 13 47 13 51
16 13 32 13 49 14 06 14 26 14 52 15 29 13 47 14 03 14 45 14 44
17 14 22 14 42 15 03 15 28 15 59 16 45 14 44 14 57 15 46 15 41
18 15 17 15 39 16 03 16 30 17 06 17 59 15 45 15 56 16 48 16 40
19 16 16 16 39 17 04 17 32 18 09 19 04 16 46 16 56 17 50 17 41
20 17 17 17 39 18 02 18 29 19 04 19 56 17 45 17 55 18 47 18 40
21 18 17 18 36 18 57 19 21 19 51 20 33 18 38 18 52 19 39 19 35
22 19 15 19 30 19 46 20 05 20 28 21 00 19 27 19 44 20 24 20 24
23 20 09 20 19 20 30 20 43 20 59 21 20 20 10 20 32 21 03 21 09
24 21 00 21 06 21 11 21 18 21 26 21 37 20 49 21 17 21 39 21 51
25 21 50 21 50 21 50 21 50 21 51 21 51 21 26 21 59 22 11 22 29
26 22 38 22 33 22 28 22 22 22 15 22 05 22 02 22 40 22 44 23 08
27 23 27 23 17 23 07 22 55 22 40 22 21 22 40 23 24 23 19 23 48
28 ** ** ** ** 23 49 23 31 23 10 22 39 23 20 ** ** 23 55 ** **
29 0 18 0 04 ** ** ** ** 23 44 23 04 ** ** 0 08 ** ** 0 30
30 1 12 0 54 0 34 0 11 ** ** 23 36 0 05 0 57 0 36 1 16
31 2 08 1 47 1 25 0 58 0 25 ** ** 0 54 1 50 1 24 2 07
Aug. 1 3 06 2 44 2 19 1 51 1 15 0 21 1 49 2 46 2 17 3 02
2 4 04 3 42 3 18 2 49 2 13 1 20 2 46 3 44 3 16 4 00
3 4 59 4 38 4 16 3 51 3 18 2 29 3 46 4 41 4 16 4 59
4 5 51 5 33 5 14 4 52 4 24 3 44 4 44 5 37 5 17 5 56
5 6 38 6 24 6 09 5 52 5 30 5 00 5 41 6 29 6 16 6 51
6 7 22 7 12 7 01 6 49 6 34 6 13 6 34 7 18 7 13 7 43
7 8 03 7 57 7 51 7 44 7 35 7 24 7 25 8 04 8 07 8 31
8 8 42 8 40 8 39 8 37 8 35 8 32 8 14 8 49 8 59 9 19
9 9 21 9 24 9 27 9 30 9 34 9 40 9 03 9 34 9 51 10 06
10 10 00 10 07 10 14 10 23 10 33 10 48 9 52 10 18 10 43 10 53
11 10 41 10 52 11 04 11 17 11 34 11 58 10 43 11 05 11 37 11 43
12 11 25 11 40 11 56 12 14 12 37 13 11 11 36 11 54 12 33 12 34
13 12 12 12 30 12 50 13 13 13 43 14 25 12 31 12 46 13 32 13 29
14 13 04 13 25 13 48 14 14 14 49 15 40 13 30 13 41 14 32 14 25
15 14 00 14 23 14 47 15 16 15 53 16 48 14 30 14 39 15 34 15 25
16 15 00 15 22 15 47 16 15 16 51 17 46 15 29 15 39 16 32 16 24
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
July 1 13 54 14 08 14 22 14 39 15 00 15 29 14 02 14 21 14 58 15 01
2 14 48 15 06 15 25 15 47 16 14 16 54 15 05 15 21 16 05 16 03
3 15 45 16 05 16 28 16 54 17 27 18 16 16 09 16 21 17 12 17 06
4 16 43 17 06 17 30 17 58 18 34 19 28 17 12 17 23 18 16 18 07
5 17 42 18 04 18 28 18 57 19 33 20 25 18 11 18 21 19 14 19 06
6 18 38 18 59 19 22 19 47 20 20 21 07 19 04 19 15 20 05 19 59
7 19 31 19 49 20 08 20 30 20 58 21 37 19 50 20 04 20 49 20 46
8 20 19 20 33 20 49 21 07 21 28 21 58 20 29 20 47 21 26 21 27
9 21 04 21 14 21 25 21 38 21 53 22 14 21 04 21 27 21 57 22 03
10 21 45 21 51 21 58 22 05 22 15 22 27 21 36 22 02 22 26 22 37
11 22 24 22 26 22 29 22 31 22 34 22 38 22 06 22 36 22 52 23 08
12 23 03 23 01 22 59 22 57 22 53 22 49 22 34 23 10 23 19 23 39
13 23 43 23 37 23 30 23 23 23 13 23 01 23 04 23 44 23 45 ** **
14 ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 50 23 35 23 14 23 36 ** ** ** ** 0 10
15 0 23 0 13 0 02 ** ** 23 59 23 30 ** ** 0 19 0 13 0 43
16 1 08 0 53 0 38 0 20 ** ** 23 50 0 10 0 58 0 45 1 20
17 1 56 1 38 1 19 0 56 0 29 ** ** 0 49 1 41 1 22 2 00
18 2 48 2 27 2 05 1 39 1 06 0 19 1 35 2 30 2 05 2 47
19 3 45 3 23 2 58 2 30 1 54 1 00 2 27 3 25 2 56 3 41
20 4 45 4 22 3 58 3 30 2 53 1 58 3 27 4 24 3 56 4 41
21 5 46 5 25 5 03 4 36 4 03 3 13 4 32 5 28 5 02 5 46
22 6 45 6 27 6 09 5 47 5 19 4 39 5 39 6 31 6 12 6 51
23 7 41 7 28 7 14 6 58 6 37 6 08 6 46 7 33 7 22 7 56
24 8 34 8 25 8 17 8 07 7 55 7 38 7 50 8 32 8 30 8 58
25 9 24 9 21 9 18 9 14 9 10 9 04 8 53 9 30 9 37 9 58
26 10 12 10 15 10 17 10 20 10 24 10 28 9 54 10 25 10 42 10 57
27 11 01 11 09 11 17 11 26 11 38 11 53 10 54 11 21 11 47 11 56
28 11 51 12 04 12 17 12 32 12 51 13 18 11 56 12 17 12 52 12 56
29 12 44 13 00 13 18 13 39 14 05 14 42 12 59 13 15 13 58 13 57
30 13 39 13 59 14 20 14 46 15 18 16 05 14 02 14 15 15 04 14 59
31 14 36 14 58 15 23 15 50 16 26 17 19 15 05 15 15 16 08 16 00
Aug. 1 15 34 15 57 16 21 16 50 17 26 18 20 16 04 16 13 17 08 16 59
2 16 30 16 52 17 16 17 42 18 16 19 06 16 58 17 09 18 00 17 53
3 17 24 17 43 18 04 18 27 18 57 19 39 17 45 17 59 18 45 18 41
4 18 13 18 29 18 46 19 05 19 29 20 02 18 26 18 43 19 24 19 24
5 18 59 19 11 19 24 19 38 19 56 20 20 19 03 19 24 19 58 20 02
6 19 42 19 49 19 58 20 07 20 18 20 33 19 36 20 01 20 27 20 36
7 20 21 20 25 20 29 20 33 20 38 20 45 20 06 20 35 20 54 21 08
8 21 00 21 00 20 59 20 58 20 58 20 56 20 35 21 09 21 20 21 39
9 21 39 21 35 21 30 21 24 21 17 21 07 21 04 21 42 21 46 22 09
10 22 19 22 10 22 01 21 50 21 37 21 19 21 35 22 16 22 13 22 41
11 23 01 22 48 22 34 22 19 22 00 21 34 22 07 22 53 22 43 23 16
12 23 47 23 30 23 12 22 52 22 26 21 51 22 43 23 34 23 17 23 54
13 ** ** ** ** 23 55 23 31 23 00 22 15 23 26 ** ** 23 56 ** **
14 0 36 0 16 ** ** ** ** 23 42 22 50 ** ** 0 19 ** ** 0 37
15 1 31 1 08 0 44 0 17 ** ** 23 39 0 14 1 11 0 43 1 27
16 2 28 2 05 1 41 1 12 0 35 ** ** 1 10 2 07 1 38 2 23
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Aug. 16 15 00 15 22 15 47 16 15 16 51 17 46 15 29 15 39 16 32 16 24
17 16 00 16 20 16 43 17 09 17 42 18 28 16 25 16 36 17 27 17 21
18 16 59 17 16 17 35 17 56 18 22 19 00 17 16 17 31 18 14 18 13
19 17 55 18 08 18 22 18 37 18 57 19 23 18 01 18 21 18 57 19 00
20 18 49 18 57 19 05 19 14 19 26 19 41 18 43 19 09 19 35 19 44
21 19 41 19 43 19 46 19 48 19 52 19 56 19 22 19 53 20 09 20 24
22 20 30 20 27 20 24 20 21 20 17 20 11 20 00 20 36 20 43 21 05
23 21 22 21 13 21 04 20 54 20 42 20 26 20 38 21 20 21 18 21 45
24 22 13 22 00 21 46 21 31 21 11 20 44 21 19 22 05 21 54 22 27
25 23 08 22 50 22 31 22 10 21 44 21 07 22 02 22 54 22 35 23 14
26 ** ** 23 43 23 21 22 55 22 23 21 37 22 51 23 46 23 21 ** **
27 0 04 ** ** ** ** 23 47 23 11 22 17 23 44 ** ** ** ** 0 03
28 1 02 0 39 0 15 ** ** ** ** 23 12 ** ** 0 41 0 13 0 58
29 1 59 1 37 1 12 0 43 0 06 ** ** 0 41 1 39 1 10 1 55
30 2 55 2 33 2 10 1 44 1 09 0 18 1 40 2 36 2 09 2 53
31 3 47 3 28 3 08 2 44 2 14 1 32 2 38 3 32 3 10 3 50
Sept. 1 4 35 4 19 4 03 3 44 3 21 2 46 3 35 4 24 4 09 4 45
2 5 20 5 08 4 56 4 42 4 24 4 00 4 28 5 14 5 06 5 38
3 6 01 5 54 5 46 5 38 5 27 5 12 5 20 6 01 6 01 6 27
4 6 41 6 38 6 34 6 31 6 26 6 20 6 09 6 46 6 53 7 15
5 7 20 7 21 7 22 7 24 7 26 7 29 6 58 7 31 7 46 8 02
6 7 58 8 04 8 10 8 16 8 25 8 36 7 47 8 15 8 37 8 49
7 8 38 8 48 8 58 9 10 9 25 9 46 8 37 9 00 9 31 9 37
8 9 21 9 34 9 49 10 06 10 27 10 57 9 29 9 48 10 25 10 27
9 10 06 10 23 10 42 11 03 11 31 12 10 10 22 10 38 11 22 11 20
10 10 55 11 16 11 38 12 03 12 35 13 24 11 19 11 31 12 21 12 15
11 11 48 12 11 12 35 13 03 13 39 14 33 12 17 12 27 13 21 13 12
12 12 45 13 08 13 33 14 02 14 39 15 35 13 15 13 25 14 19 14 10
13 13 44 14 05 14 29 14 56 15 31 16 22 14 11 14 21 15 14 15 06
14 14 42 15 01 15 22 15 46 16 15 16 58 15 03 15 17 16 04 15 59
15 15 39 15 54 16 100 16 29 16 52 17 24 15 51 16 08 16 48 16 48
16 16 33 16 43 16 55 17 07 17 23 17 44 16 33 16 56 17 27 17 34
17 17 26 17 31 17 37 17 43 17 50 18 00 17 14 17 42 18 03 18 15
18 18 17 18 17 18 16 18 16 18 16 18 15 17 53 18 26 18 38 18 56
19 19 09 19 03 18 57 18 50 18 41 18 30 18 31 19 11 19 13 19 38
20 20 02 19 51 19 39 19 26 19 10 18 47 19 12 19 57 19 50 20 20
21 20 57 20 41 20 24 20 05 19 42 19 08 19 56 20 45 20 29 21 06
22 21 55 21 35 21 14 20 50 20 19 19 36 20 44 21 38 21 15 21 56
23 22 54 22 32 22 08 21 41 21 05 20 13 21 37 22 34 22 06 22 51
24 23 53 23 31 23 06 22 37 22 00 21 04 22 34 23 33 23 03 23 49
25 ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 37 23 01 22 08 23 34 ** ** ** ** ** **
26 0 50 0 28 0 04 ** ** ** ** 23 21 ** ** 0 30 0 03 0 47
27 1 44 1 24 1 03 0 38 0 06 ** ** 0 32 1 27 1 04 1 45
28 2 33 2 16 1 59 1 39 1 13 0 35 1 30 2 20 2 03 2 41
29 3 19 3 06 2 52 2 36 2 17 1 50 2 24 3 11 3 01 3 34
30 4 01 3 52 3 43 3 33 3 19 3 01 3 16 3 59 3 56 4 23
Oct. 1 4 40 4 36 4 31 4 26 4 19 4 10 4 06 4 44 4 49 5 12
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Aug. 16 2 28 2 05 1 41 1 12 0 35 ** ** 1 10 2 07 1 38 2 23
17 3 29 3 06 2 42 2 15 1 39 0 46 2 12 3 09 2 41 3 26
18 4 28 4 09 3 48 3 24 2 53 2 07 3 18 4 12 3 50 4 31
19 5 27 5 11 4 54 4 35 4 11 3 37 4 25 5 16 5 00 5 37
20 6 21 6 11 6 00 5 47 5 31 5 08 5 32 6 17 6 11 6 41
21 7 14 7 09 7 03 6 57 6 49 6 38 6 37 7 17 7 20 7 44
22 8 04 8 05 8 05 8 05 8 06 8 06 7 41 8 14 8 27 8 45
23 8 55 9 00 9 07 9 14 9 22 9 34 8 44 9 12 9 35 9 46
24 9 46 9 57 10 08 10 22 10 38 11 02 9 47 10 09 10 42 10 47
25 10 39 10 54 11 11 11 31 11 55 12 29 10 51 11 09 11 50 11 50
26 11 34 11 54 12 14 12 38 13 09 13 54 11 56 12 09 12 57 12 52
27 12 31 12 53 13 17 13 45 14 20 15 12 12 59 13 10 14 02 13 55
28 13 30 13 52 14 17 14 45 15 23 16 17 13 59 14 09 15 03 14 54
29 14 26 14 48 15 12 15 40 16 15 17 07 14 54 15 05 15 58 15 50
30 15 20 15 40 16 02 16 26 16 58 17 43 15 44 15 56 16 44 16 39
31 16 10 16 27 16 45 17 06 17 32 18 08 16 26 16 42 17 25 17 23
Sept. 1 16 56 17 10 17 24 17 40 18 00 18 27 17 04 17 23 17 59 18 02
2 17 40 17 49 17 59 18 09 18 23 18 41 17 38 18 01 18 29 18 37
3 18 20 18 25 18 30 18 36 18 44 18 54 18 08 18 36 18 57 19 09
4 18 59 19 00 19 01 19 02 19 03 19 05 18 37 19 10 19 23 19 40
5 19 38 19 35 19 31 19 27 19 22 19 15 19 06 19 43 19 49 20 11
6 20 17 20 09 20 02 19 53 19 42 19 27 19 36 20 16 20 15 20 42
7 20 58 20 46 20 34 20 20 20 03 19 40 20 07 20 52 20 44 21 15
8 21 42 21 26 21 10 20 51 20 28 19 55 20 41 21 31 21 16 21 51
9 22 29 22 10 21 50 21 27 20 58 20 16 21 21 22 13 21 52 22 32
10 23 20 22 59 22 35 22 09 21 35 20 45 22 05 23 01 22 34 23 18
11 ** ** 23 52 23 28 22 59 22 22 21 27 22 56 23 54 23 25 ** **
12 0 15 ** ** ** ** 23 57 23 20 22 24 23 54 ** ** ** ** 0 10
13 1 13 0 50 0 25 ** ** ** ** 23 38 ** ** 0 52 0 23 1 08
14 2 11 1 51 1 28 1 02 0 28 ** ** 0 57 1 53 1 28 2 11
15 3 09 2 52 2 32 2 11 1 43 1 03 2 03 2 55 2 36 3 15
16 4 05 3 52 3 38 3 22 3 01 2 32 3 10 3 57 3 46 4 19
17 4 58 4 50 4 42 4 32 4 20 4 03 4 15 4 57 4 56 5 23
18 5 51 5 48 5 45 5 42 5 39 5 33 5 20 5 57 6 05 6 26
19 6 42 6 45 6 48 6 52 6 57 7 03 6 24 6 55 7 14 7 28
20 7 34 7 43 7 52 8 02 8 15 8 33 7 30 7 55 8 23 8 31
21 8 28 8 42 8 56 9 13 9 35 10 04 8 36 8 55 9 33 9 35
22 9 25 9 43 10 02 10 24 10 53 11 35 9 43 9 58 10 43 10 40
23 10 23 10 44 11 07 11 34 12 08 12 59 10 49 11 01 11 52 11 45
24 11 23 11 46 12 10 12 39 13 16 14 11 11 53 12 02 12 57 12 48
25 12 21 12 44 13 08 13 37 14 12 15 06 12 50 13 00 13 54 13 46
26 13 17 13 38 14 00 14 26 14 59 15 46 13 42 13 53 14 44 14 37
27 14 08 14 26 14 45 15 07 15 35 16 14 14 26 14 41 15 26 15 23
28 14 55 15 10 15 25 15 43 16 04 16 34 15 05 15 24 16 02 16 03
29 15 39 15 49 16 00 16 13 16 29 16 50 15 40 16 02 16 33 16 39
30 16 19 16 26 16 33 16 40 16 50 17 03 16 11 16 37 17 01 17 12
Oct. 1 16 59 17 01 17 04 17 06 17 10 17 14 16 40 17 11 17 28 17 43
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 1 4 40 4 36 4 31 4 26 4 19 4 10 4 06 4 44 4 49 5 12
2 5 20 5 19 5 19 5 19 5 19 5 19 4 55 5 29 5 41 5 59
3 5 58 6 02 6 06 6 11 6 18 6 26 5 44 6 12 6 32 6 46
4 6 37 6 46 6 55 7 05 7 18 7 35 6 33 6 58 7 26 7 34
5 7 19 7 32 7 45 7 60 8 19 8 46 7 24 7 45 8 19 8 23
6 8 03 8 19 8 36 8 57 9 22 9 58 8 17 8 34 9 16 9 15
7 8 51 9 10 9 31 9 56 10 26 11 12 9 13 9 26 10 14 10 09
8 9 42 10 04 10 27 10 55 11 30 12 22 10 09 10 20 11 13 11 05
9 10 36 10 59 11 24 11 53 12 30 13 26 11 07 11 16 12 10 12 02
10 11 33 11 55 12 19 12 48 13 24 14 17 12 02 12 12 13 05 12 57
11 12 29 12 50 13 12 13 38 14 10 14 56 12 54 13 06 13 56 13 50
12 13 25 13 42 14 01 14 21 14 48 15 25 13 42 13 57 14 40 14 38
13 14 18 14 31 14 45 15 01 15 20 15 47 14 25 14 45 15 20 15 24
14 15 11 15 19 15 27 15 37 15 48 16 04 15 05 15 30 15 57 16 06
15 16 01 16 04 16 07 16 10 16 14 16 19 15 44 16 14 16 31 16 46
16 16 52 16 50 16 47 16 43 16 39 16 34 16 22 16 58 17 05 17 27
17 17 45 17 37 17 28 17 18 17 06 16 50 17 02 17 44 17 41 18 09
18 18 40 18 26 18 12 17 56 17 36 17 09 17 45 18 31 18 20 18 54
19 19 39 19 20 19 01 18 39 18 12 17 34 18 31 19 24 19 04 19 43
20 20 39 20 18 19 55 19 29 18 55 18 07 19 25 20 20 19 55 20 37
21 21 41 21 18 20 53 20 25 19 48 18 54 20 22 21 20 20 51 21 37
22 22 41 22 18 21 54 21 26 20 49 19 55 21 23 22 20 21 52 22 37
23 23 38 23 17 22 54 22 28 21 56 21 07 22 24 23 20 22 54 23 37
24 ** ** ** ** 23 53 23 31 23 03 22 22 23 23 ** ** 23 56 ** **
25 0 29 0 11 ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 38 ** ** 0 15 ** ** 0 34
26 1 16 1 02 0 47 0 30 0 08 ** ** 0 19 1 07 0 54 1 29
27 2 00 1 50 1 39 1 27 1 12 0 51 1 12 1 56 1 51 2 20
28 2 40 2 34 2 28 2 21 2 12 2 01 2 02 2 42 2 44 3 09
29 3 19 3 18 3 16 3 14 3 12 3 09 2 51 3 27 3 36 3 56
30 3 58 4 00 4 03 4 06 4 11 4 16 3 40 4 10 4 28 4 43
31 4 37 4 44 4 51 5 00 5 10 5 25 4 29 4 55 5 20 5 31
Nov. 1 5 18 5 29 5 41 5 54 6 11 6 35 5 20 5 42 6 14 6 19
2 6 01 6 16 6 32 6 51 7 14 7 48 6 12 6 30 7 10 7 11
3 6 48 7 07 7 27 7 50 8 18 9 01 7 08 7 22 8 08 8 04
4 7 39 8 00 8 22 8 49 9 23 10 13 8 04 8 16 9 07 9 00
5 8 32 8 55 9 19 9 48 10 24 11 20 9 02 9 11 10 05 9 57
6 9 28 9 51 10 15 10 43 11 20 12 14 9 57 10 07 11 01 10 52
7 10 23 10 45 11 08 11 34 12 07 12 56 10 49 11 01 11 52 11 45
8 11 18 11 37 11 56 12 18 12 47 13 28 11 38 11 52 12 37 12 34
9 12 10 12 25 12 40 12 58 13 20 13 51 12 20 12 39 13 17 13 19
10 13 01 13 11 13 22 13 34 13 49 14 08 13 00 13 24 13 54 14 00
11 13 50 13 55 14 01 14 06 14 14 14 24 13 38 14 06 14 27 14 39
12 14 39 14 39 14 39 14 38 14 38 14 38 14 15 14 48 15 00 15 19
13 15 30 15 24 15 18 15 12 15 04 14 53 14 52 15 32 15 34 15 58
14 16 22 16 11 16 00 15 47 15 31 15 10 15 33 16 17 16 10 16 41
15 17 19 17 03 16 46 16 27 16 04 15 31 16 17 17 07 16 51 17 28
16 18 18 17 59 17 38 17 14 16 43 16 00 17 08 18 02 17 39 18 20
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Oct. 1 16 59 17 01 17 04 17 06 17 10 17 14 16 40 17 11 17 28 17 43
2 17 38 17 36 17 34 17 31 17 28 17 24 17 09 17 44 17 53 18 13
3 18 16 18 10 18 04 17 57 17 48 17 35 17 38 18 17 18 19 18 44
4 18 57 18 47 18 36 18 23 18 08 17 48 18 09 18 53 18 47 19 17
5 19 40 19 26 19 10 18 53 18 32 18 02 18 42 19 30 19 17 19 52
6 20 25 20 08 19 49 19 27 19 00 18 21 19 20 20 11 19 52 20 30
7 21 15 20 54 20 32 20 06 19 34 18 47 20 02 20 57 20 32 21 14
8 22 08 21 45 21 21 20 53 20 17 19 23 20 50 21 47 21 19 22 04
9 23 03 22 40 22 15 21 47 21 09 20 13 21 44 22 42 22 13 22 58
10 24 00 23 38 23 15 22 47 22 11 21 19 22 43 23 41 23 13 23 57
11 ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 52 23 22 22 36 23 46 ** ** ** ** ** **
12 0 56 0 37 0 16 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 40 0 18 0 59
13 1 51 1 36 1 19 1 00 0 36 0 02 0 50 1 40 1 25 2 01
14 2 43 2 33 2 21 2 08 1 52 1 30 1 54 2 39 2 32 3 03
15 3 35 3 30 3 24 3 17 3 09 2 58 2 58 3 37 3 40 4 05
16 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 26 4 02 4 35 4 48 5 06
17 5 18 5 23 5 29 5 36 5 45 5 56 5 06 5 34 5 57 6 09
18 6 11 6 22 6 34 6 47 7 05 7 28 6 12 6 35 7 08 7 13
19 7 08 7 24 7 41 8 01 8 25 9 01 7 21 7 38 8 20 8 19
20 8 07 8 27 8 49 9 14 9 46 10 32 8 30 8 43 9 32 9 27
21 9 09 9 31 9 55 10 23 10 59 11 53 9 38 9 48 10 41 10 33
22 10 10 10 33 10 58 11 27 12 03 12 58 10 40 10 50 11 44 11 36
23 11 09 11 31 11 54 12 20 12 55 13 45 11 36 11 47 12 38 12 31
24 12 03 12 22 12 42 13 06 13 36 14 17 12 24 12 37 13 24 13 20
25 12 52 13 08 13 25 13 44 14 07 14 40 13 05 13 22 14 02 14 02
26 13 37 13 49 14 02 14 16 14 33 14 57 13 41 14 02 14 35 14 40
27 14 19 14 26 14 35 14 44 14 56 15 11 14 13 14 38 15 04 15 14
28 14 59 15 02 15 06 15 10 15 16 15 23 14 43 15 13 15 31 15 45
29 15 37 15 37 15 36 15 36 15 35 15 33 15 12 15 46 15 57 16 15
30 16 16 16 11 16 06 16 00 15 54 15 44 15 41 16 19 16 23 16 46
31 16 56 16 47 16 37 16 27 16 13 15 56 16 11 16 53 16 50 17 18
Nov. 1 17 38 17 25 17 12 16 56 16 36 16 10 16 44 17 30 17 20 17 53
2 18 23 18 06 17 49 17 29 17 03 16 27 17 20 18 10 17 53 18 30
3 19 12 18 52 18 31 18 06 17 36 16 51 18 01 18 55 18 31 19 13
4 20 04 19 42 19 18 18 51 18 16 17 24 18 47 19 44 19 17 20 01
5 20 58 20 35 20 11 19 42 19 05 18 10 19 40 20 37 20 08 20 54
6 21 54 21 32 21 08 20 40 20 04 19 10 20 37 21 35 21 06 21 51
7 22 50 22 29 22 08 21 43 21 10 20 23 21 38 22 32 22 08 22 50
8 23 44 23 27 23 09 22 48 22 21 21 44 22 39 23 31 23 13 23 51
9 ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 54 23 35 23 07 23 41 ** ** ** ** ** **
10 0 35 0 22 0 09 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 28 0 18 0 51
11 1 25 1 17 1 09 0 59 0 48 0 31 0 42 1 24 1 23 1 50
12 2 13 2 11 2 08 2 05 2 02 1 57 1 44 2 19 2 28 2 49
13 3 03 3 06 3 09 3 13 3 17 3 23 2 45 3 16 3 34 3 49
14 3 54 4 02 4 11 4 21 4 34 4 51 3 49 4 14 4 42 4 51
15 4 48 5 02 5 17 5 33 5 54 6 23 4 56 5 16 5 53 5 55
16 5 47 6 05 6 24 6 46 7 15 7 56 6 05 6 20 7 05 7 02
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Nov. 16 18 18 17 59 17 38 17 14 16 43 16 00 17 08 18 02 17 39 18 20
17 19 21 18 59 18 35 18 07 17 32 16 40 18 04 19 01 18 33 19 18
18 20 24 20 01 19 37 19 08 18 31 17 36 19 05 20 03 19 34 20 19
19 21 24 21 03 20 39 20 12 19 38 18 46 20 08 21 05 20 38 21 22
20 22 20 22 01 21 41 21 17 20 47 20 03 21 11 22 04 21 43 22 23
21 23 10 22 55 22 38 22 19 21 55 21 21 22 09 22 59 22 44 23 20
22 23 56 23 44 23 32 23 18 23 01 22 36 23 05 23 50 23 42 ** **
23 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 48 23 56 ** ** ** ** 0 13
24 0 37 0 30 0 22 0 14 0 03 ** ** ** ** 0 37 0 37 1 04
25 1 17 1 14 1 11 1 08 1 03 0 57 0 46 1 23 1 30 1 52
26 1 56 1 57 1 59 2 00 2 02 2 05 1 35 2 07 2 22 2 38
27 2 35 2 40 2 46 2 53 3 01 3 13 2 23 2 51 3 14 3 26
28 3 15 3 25 3 35 3 47 4 02 4 22 3 14 3 37 4 07 4 14
29 3 58 4 11 4 26 4 43 5 04 5 34 4 06 4 25 5 02 5 04
30 4 44 5 01 5 20 5 41 6 08 6 47 5 00 5 16 6 00 5 58
Dec. 1 5 34 5 54 6 15 6 41 7 14 8 01 5 57 6 09 6 59 6 53
2 6 27 6 49 7 13 7 41 8 17 9 11 6 55 7 05 7 59 7 51
3 7 23 7 46 8 10 8 38 9 15 10 10 7 52 8 02 8 56 8 47
4 8 19 8 41 9 04 9 31 10 06 10 56 8 46 8 57 9 49 9 42
5 9 15 9 34 9 54 10 18 10 48 11 31 9 36 9 49 10 36 10 32
6 10 07 10 23 10 39 10 59 11 23 11 55 10 20 10 37 11 18 11 18
7 10 58 11 09 11 21 11 35 11 52 12 14 11 00 11 22 11 54 11 59
8 11 46 11 53 11 59 12 07 12 17 12 30 11 38 12 04 12 28 12 38
9 12 33 12 35 12 36 12 38 12 41 12 44 12 13 12 44 13 00 13 16
10 13 21 13 18 13 14 13 10 13 05 12 58 12 49 13 26 13 32 13 54
11 14 10 14 02 13 53 13 43 13 30 13 13 13 27 14 08 14 06 14 33
12 15 03 14 50 14 35 14 19 13 59 13 32 14 07 14 55 14 43 15 17
13 16 00 15 42 15 23 15 01 14 34 13 56 14 54 15 46 15 27 16 05
14 17 01 16 39 16 17 15 51 15 18 14 30 15 47 16 42 16 16 17 00
15 18 04 17 41 17 17 16 48 16 12 15 18 16 45 17 43 17 15 18 00
16 19 06 18 44 18 19 17 52 17 16 16 22 17 49 18 46 18 18 19 03
17 20 05 19 45 19 23 18 58 18 25 17 38 18 52 19 48 19 24 20 05
18 20 59 20 42 20 23 20 03 19 36 18 58 19 54 20 46 20 27 21 06
19 21 48 21 35 21 21 21 05 20 44 20 16 20 52 21 40 21 29 22 02
20 22 32 22 23 22 13 22 03 21 50 21 31 21 47 22 29 22 26 22 55
21 23 13 23 09 23 04 22 58 22 51 22 42 22 38 23 16 23 21 23 44
22 23 52 23 52 23 52 23 52 23 51 23 51 23 28 ** ** ** ** ** **
23 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 01 0 13 0 32
24 0 31 0 35 0 39 0 44 0 50 0 59 0 16 0 46 1 06 1 19
25 1 11 1 19 1 28 1 38 1 50 2 07 1 06 1 31 1 58 2 07
26 1 52 2 04 2 17 2 32 2 51 3 18 1 57 2 17 2 52 2 56
27 2 37 2 53 3 10 3 30 3 55 4 30 2 50 3 07 3 49 3 48
28 3 25 3 45 4 05 4 29 5 00 5 45 3 47 4 00 4 47 4 43
29 4 17 4 39 5 02 5 30 6 04 6 56 4 44 4 55 5 48 5 40
30 5 13 5 36 6 00 6 29 7 06 8 01 5 43 5 52 6 46 6 37
31 6 10 6 32 6 56 7 24 8 00 8 52 6 39 6 49 7 42 7 34
32 7 07 7 28 7 49 8 14 8 45 9 31 7 31 7 44 8 32 8 27
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day

Date 0º 10º 20º 30º 40º 50º Kolkata Chennai Delhi Mumbai

h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
Nov. 16 5 47 6 05 6 24 6 46 7 15 7 56 6 05 6 20 7 05 7 02
17 6 48 7 10 7 33 7 59 8 33 9 24 7 15 7 26 8 17 8 10
18 7 52 8 14 8 39 9 08 9 44 10 39 8 21 8 31 9 26 9 17
19 8 53 9 16 9 40 10 08 10 43 11 36 9 22 9 33 10 25 10 17
20 9 52 10 12 10 33 10 59 11 30 12 15 10 15 10 27 11 17 11 11
21 10 44 11 01 11 20 11 41 12 06 12 43 11 01 11 16 11 59 11 58
22 11 32 11 46 12 00 12 15 12 35 13 03 11 40 11 59 12 35 12 37
23 12 16 12 25 12 35 12 46 12 59 13 18 12 13 12 37 13 06 13 13
24 12 56 13 02 13 07 13 13 13 20 13 30 12 44 13 12 13 34 13 46
25 13 36 13 37 13 38 13 38 13 40 13 41 13 14 13 46 14 00 14 16
26 14 14 14 11 14 07 14 03 13 58 13 52 13 43 14 19 14 25 14 47
27 14 54 14 46 14 38 14 29 14 18 14 03 14 12 14 53 14 52 15 19
28 15 35 15 24 15 11 14 57 14 40 14 16 14 44 15 29 15 21 15 52
29 16 19 16 04 15 48 15 29 15 05 14 33 15 19 16 08 15 53 16 29
30 17 07 16 48 16 28 16 05 15 36 14 55 15 59 16 51 16 30 17 10
Dec. 1 17 59 17 37 17 14 16 48 16 14 15 25 16 44 17 40 17 14 17 57
2 18 53 18 30 18 06 17 38 17 01 16 07 17 35 18 32 18 04 18 49
3 19 50 19 27 19 03 18 34 17 58 17 04 18 32 19 29 19 01 19 46
4 20 46 20 25 20 03 19 37 19 03 18 14 19 32 20 28 20 02 20 45
5 21 40 21 23 21 03 20 41 20 13 19 33 20 34 21 26 21 07 21 46
6 22 31 22 18 22 03 21 47 21 26 20 55 21 35 22 23 22 11 22 45
7 23 21 23 12 23 02 22 51 22 37 22 18 22 35 23 19 23 15 23 44
8 ** ** ** ** ** ** 23 55 23 49 23 40 23 35 ** ** ** ** ** **
9 0 08 0 04 0 00 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 0 12 0 17 0 41
10 0 56 0 57 0 58 0 59 1 00 1 02 0 34 1 07 1 21 1 38
11 1 45 1 51 1 57 2 04 2 13 2 26 1 35 2 02 2 25 2 36
12 2 35 2 46 2 58 3 12 3 30 3 53 2 37 2 59 3 33 3 38
13 3 30 3 46 4 03 4 22 4 47 5 23 3 43 4 00 4 42 4 41
14 4 29 4 49 5 10 5 35 6 06 6 52 4 51 5 04 5 53 5 48
15 5 31 5 53 6 17 6 45 7 21 8 14 5 59 6 09 7 03 6 55
16 6 34 6 57 7 21 7 50 8 26 9 20 7 04 7 13 8 07 7 59
17 7 35 7 56 8 19 8 46 9 20 10 08 8 01 8 12 9 04 8 57
18 8 31 8 50 9 10 9 33 10 01 10 41 8 51 9 05 9 51 9 48
19 9 23 9 38 9 53 10 11 10 34 11 05 9 34 9 52 10 30 10 31
20 10 09 10 20 10 31 10 44 11 00 11 22 10 10 10 32 11 04 11 10
21 10 51 10 58 11 05 11 13 11 23 11 36 10 43 11 10 11 34 11 44
22 11 32 11 34 11 37 11 40 11 43 11 47 11 13 11 44 12 00 12 16
23 12 10 12 09 12 07 12 05 12 02 11 58 11 43 12 17 12 26 12 46
24 12 50 12 44 12 37 12 30 12 21 12 09 12 12 12 51 12 53 13 18
25 13 30 13 20 13 09 12 57 12 42 12 22 12 42 13 26 13 21 13 50
26 14 13 13 59 13 44 13 27 13 06 12 37 13 16 14 04 13 51 14 25
27 14 59 14 42 14 23 14 01 13 35 12 56 13 54 14 45 14 26 15 05
28 15 50 15 29 15 07 14 42 14 09 13 23 14 37 15 32 15 07 15 49
29 16 43 16 21 15 57 15 29 14 53 14 01 15 27 16 23 15 55 16 40
30 17 40 17 18 16 53 16 24 15 48 14 53 16 22 17 20 16 51 17 36
31 18 38 18 16 17 53 17 26 16 51 16 00 17 23 18 19 17 52 18 36
32 19 34 19 16 18 55 18 32 18 02 17 19 18 25 19 19 18 57 19 38
The symbol (**) indicates that the phenomenon will occur on the next day


Variation 0° 30° 60° 68° 72° 76° 80° 84° 88° 92° 96° 120° 150°
in Rising
or Setting
m m m m m m m m m m m m m m
28 + 6.4 + 4.1 + 1.8 + 1.1 + 0.8 + 0.5 + 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.4 - 0.7 - 1.1 - 2.9 - 5.3
29 6.6 4.2 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.8 1.1 3.0 5.4
30 6.9 4.4 1.9 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8 1.1 3.1 5.6
31 7.1 4.5 1.9 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8 1.2 3.2 5.8
32 7.3 4.7 2.0 1.3 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.8 1.2 3.3 6.0
33 7.6 4.8 2.1 1.3 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.2 3.4 6.2
34 7.8 5.0 2.1 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 3.5 6.4
35 8.0 5.1 2.2 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 3.6 6.6
36 8.2 5.2 2.3 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.4 3.7 6.8
37 8.5 5.4 2.3 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 3.9 6.9
38 8.7 5.5 2.4 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4 4.0 7.1
39 8.9 5.7 2.4 1.6 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.5 4.1 7.3

40 + 9.2 + 5.8 + 2.5 + 1.6 + 1.2 + 0.7 + 0.3 - 0.2 - 0.6 - 1.1 - 1.5 - 4.2 - 7.5
41 9.4 6.0 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.6 1.1 1.5 4.3 7.7
42 9.6 6.1 2.6 1.7 1.2 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.6 1.1 1.6 4.4 7.9
43 9.9 6.3 2.7 1.7 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.1 1.6 4.5 8.1
44 10.1 6.4 2.8 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.7 4.6 8.3
45 10.3 6.6 2.8 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.7 4.7 8.4
46 10.5 6.7 2.9 1.9 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.7 4.8 8.6
47 10.8 6.9 2.9 1.9 1.4 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.8 4.9 8.8
48 11.0 7.0 3.0 1.9 1.4 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.3 1.8 5.0 9.0
49 11.2 7.1 3.1 2.0 1.4 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.7 1.3 1.8 5.1 9.2

50 + 11.5 + 7.3 + 3.1 + 2.0 + 1.5 + 0.9 + 0.3 - 0.2 - 0.8 - 1.3 - 1.9 - 5.2 - 9.4
51 11.7 7.4 3.2 2.1 1.5 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.8 1.3 1.9 5.3 9.6
52 11.9 7.6 3.3 2.1 1.5 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.0 5.4 9.8
53 12.1 7.7 3.3 2.1 1.5 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.0 5.5 9.9
54 12.4 7.9 3.4 2.2 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.0 5.6 10.1
55 12.6 8.0 3.4 2.2 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.8 1.5 2.1 5.7 10.3
56 12.8 8.2 3.5 2.3 1.6 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.9 1.5 2.1 5.8 10.5
57 13.1 8.3 3.6 2.3 1.7 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.9 1.5 2.1 5.9 10.7
58 13.3 8.5 3.6 2.3 1.7 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.9 1.5 2.2 6.0 10.9
59 13.5 8.6 3.7 2.4 1.7 1.1 0.4 0.2 0.9 1.6 2.2 6.1 11.1

60 + 13.7 + 8.7 + 3.8 + 2.4 + 1.7 + 1.1 + 0.4 - 0.2 - 0.9 - 1.6 - 2.3 - 6.2 - 11.3
61 14.0 8.9 3.8 2.5 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.3 0.9 1.6 2.3 6.4 11.4
62 14.2 9.0 3.9 2.5 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.3 0.9 1.6 2.3 6.5 11.6
63 14.4 9.2 3.9 2.5 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.3 1.0 1.7 2.4 6.6 11.8
64 14.7 9.3 4.0 2.6 1.9 1.2 0.4 0.3 1.0 1.7 2.4 6.7 12.0
65 14.9 9.5 4.1 2.6 1.9 1.2 0.5 0.3 1.0 1.7 2.4 6.8 12.2
66 15.1 9.6 4.1 2.7 1.9 1.2 0.5 0.3 1.0 1.7 2.5 6.9 12.4
67 15.4 9.8 4.2 2.7 2.0 1.2 0.5 0.3 1.0 1.8 2.5 7.0 12.6
68 15.6 9.9 4.3 2.7 2.0 1.2 0.5 0.3 1.0 1.8 2.6 7.1 12.8
69 15.8 10.1 4.3 2.8 2.0 1.2 0.5 0.3 1.1 1.8 2.6 7.2 12.9

70 + 16.0 + 10.2 + 4.4 + 2.8 + 2.0 + 1.3 + 0.5 - 0.3 - 1.1 - 1.8 - 2.6 - 7.3 - 13.1
71 16.3 10.4 4.4 2.9 2.1 1.3 0.5 0.3 1.1 1.9 2.7 7.4 13.3
72 16.5 10.5 4.5 2.9 2.1 1.3 0.5 0.3 1.1 1.9 2.7 7.5 13.5
73 16.7 10.6 4.6 2.9 2.1 1.3 0.5 0.3 1.1 1.9 2.7 7.6 13.7
74 + 17.0 + 10.8 + 4.6 + 3.0 + 2.2 + 1.3 + 0.5 - 0.3 - 1.1 - 2.0 - 2.8 - 7.7 - 13.9


per 10° 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 7° 8° 9° 10° 15' 30' 45'
of Lat.
m m m m m m m m m m m m m m
5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0.1 0.3 0.4
6 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.0 0.2 0.3 0.5
7 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.0 0.2 0.4 0.5
8 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
9 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.6 4.5 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.1 9.0 0.2 0.5 0.7
10 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
11 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 11.0 0.3 0.6 0.8
12 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.8 12.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
13 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 10.4 11.7 13.0 0.3 0.7 1.0
14 1.4 2.8 4.2 5.6 7.0 8.4 9.8 11.2 12.6 14.0 0.4 0.7 1.1
15 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 0.4 0.8 1.1
16 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 9.6 11.2 12.8 14.4 16.0 0.4 0.8 1.2
17 1.7 3.4 5.1 6.8 8.5 10.2 11.9 13.6 15.3 17.0 0.4 0.9 1.3
18 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2 18.0 0.5 0.9 1.4
19 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.6 9.5 11.4 13.3 15.2 17.1 19.0 0.5 1.0 1.4

20 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
21 2.1 4.2 6.3 8.4 10.5 12.6 14.7 16.8 18.9 21.0 0.5 1.1 1.6
22 2.2 4.4 6.6 8.8 11.0 13.2 15.4 17.6 19.8 22.0 0.6 1.1 1.7
23 2.3 4.6 6.9 9.2 11.5 13.8 16.1 18.4 20.7 23.0 0.6 1.2 1.7
24 2.4 4.8 7.2 9.6 12.0 14.4 16.8 19.2 21.6 24.0 0.6 1.2 1.8
25 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 0.6 1.3 1.9
26 2.6 5.2 7.8 10.4 13.0 15.6 18.2 20.8 23.4 26.0 0.7 1.3 2.0
27 2.7 5.4 8.1 10.8 13.5 16.2 18.9 21.6 24.3 27.0 0.7 1.4 2.0
28 2.8 5.6 8.4 11.2 14.0 16.8 19.6 22.4 25.2 28.0 0.7 1.4 2.1
29 2.9 5.8 8.7 11.6 14.5 17.4 20.3 23.2 26.1 29.0 0.7 1.5 2.2
30 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 0.8 1.5 2.3
31 3.1 6.2 9.3 12.4 15.5 18.6 21.7 24.8 27.9 31.0 0.8 1.6 2.3
32 3.2 6.4 9.6 12.8 16.0 19.2 22.4 25.6 28.8 32.0 0.8 1.6 2.4
33 3.3 6.6 9.9 13.2 16.5 19.8 23.1 26.4 29.7 33.0 0.8 1.7 2.5
34 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6 17.0 20.4 23.8 27.2 30.6 34.0 0.9 1.7 2.6

35 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 17.5 21.0 24.5 28.0 31.5 35.0 0.9 1.8 2.6
36 3.6 7.2 10.8 14.4 18.0 21.6 25.2 28.8 32.4 36.0 0.9 1.8 2.7
37 3.7 7.4 11.1 14.8 18.5 22.2 25.9 29.6 33.3 37.0 0.9 1.9 2.8
38 3.8 7.6 11.4 15.2 19.0 22.8 26.6 30.4 34.2 38.0 1.0 1.9 2.9
39 3.9 7.8 11.7 15.6 19.5 23.4 27.3 31.2 35.1 39.0 1.0 2.0 2.9
40 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
41 4.1 8.2 12.3 16.4 20.5 24.6 28.7 32.8 36.9 41.0 1.0 2.1 3.1
42 4.2 8.4 12.6 16.8 21.0 25.2 29.4 33.6 37.8 42.0 1.1 2.1 3.2
43 4.3 8.6 12.9 17.2 21.5 25.8 30.1 34.4 38.7 43.0 1.1 2.2 3.2
44 4.4 8.8 13.2 17.6 22.0 26.4 30.8 35.2 39.6 44.0 1.1 2.2 3.3
45 4.5 9.0 13.5 18.0 22.5 27.0 31.5 36.0 40.5 45.0 1.1 2.3 3.4
46 4.6 9.2 13.8 18.4 23.0 27.6 32.2 36.8 41.4 46.0 1.2 2.3 3.5
47 4.7 9.4 14.1 18.8 23.5 28.2 32.9 37.6 42.3 47.0 1.2 2.4 3.5
48 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 24.0 28.8 33.6 38.4 43.2 48.0 1.2 2.4 3.6
49 4.9 9.8 14.7 19.6 24.5 29.4 34.3 39.2 44.1 49.0 1.2 2.5 3.7
50 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 1.3 2.5 3.8

67° 68° 69° 70° 71° 72° 73° 74° 75° 76° 77° 78° 79° 80° 81° 82°
m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m
0 62.0 58.0 54.0 50.0 46.0 42.0 38.0 34.0 30.0 26.0 22.0 18.0 14.0 10.0 6.0 2.0
3 61.8 57.8 53.8 49.8 45.8 41.8 37.8 33.8 29.8 25.8 21.8 17.8 13.8 9.8 5.8 1.8
6 61.6 57.6 53.6 49.6 45.6 41.6 37.6 33.6 29.6 25.6 21.6 17.6 13.6 9.6 5.6 1.6
9 61.4 57.4 53.4 49.4 45.4 41.4 37.4 33.4 29.4 25.4 21.4 17.4 13.4 9.4 5.4 1.4
12 61.2 57.2 53.2 49.2 45.2 41.2 37.2 33.2 29.2 25.2 21.2 17.2 13.2 9.2 5.2 1.2
15 61.0 57.0 53.0 49.0 45.0 41.0 37.0 33.0 29.0 25.0 21.0 17.0 13.0 9.0 5.0 1.0
18 60.8 56.8 52.8 48.8 44.8 40.8 36.8 32.8 28.8 24.8 20.8 16.8 12.8 8.8 4.8 0.8
21 60.6 56.6 52.6 48.6 44.6 40.6 36.6 32.6 28.6 24.6 20.6 16.6 12.6 8.6 4.6 0.6
24 60.4 56.4 52.4 48.4 44.4 40.4 36.4 32.4 28.4 24.4 20.4 16.4 12.4 8.4 4.4 0.4
27 60.2 56.2 52.2 48.2 44.2 40.2 36.2 32.2 28.2 24.2 20.2 16.2 12.2 8.2 4.2 0.2
30 60.0 56.0 52.0 48.0 44.0 40.0 36.0 32.0 28.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 0.0

33 59.8 55.8 51.8 47.8 43.8 39.8 35.8 31.8 27.8 23.8 19.8 15.8 11.8 7.8 3.8
36 59.6 55.6 51.6 47.6 43.6 39.6 35.6 31.6 27.6 23.6 19.6 15.6 11.6 7.6 3.6
39 59.4 55.4 51.4 47.4 43.4 39.4 35.4 31.4 27.4 23.4 19.4 15.4 11.4 7.4 3.4
42 59.2 55.2 51.2 47.2 43.2 39.2 35.2 31.2 27.2 23.2 19.2 15.2 11.2 7.2 3.2
45 59.0 55.0 51.0 47.0 43.0 39.0 35.0 31.0 27.0 23.0 19.0 15.0 11.0 7.0 3.0
48 58.8 54.8 50.8 46.8 42.8 38.8 34.8 30.8 26.8 22.8 18.8 14.8 10.8 6.8 2.8
51 58.6 54.6 50.6 46.6 42.6 38.6 34.6 30.6 26.6 22.6 18.6 14.6 10.6 6.6 2.6
54 58.4 54.4 50.4 46.4 42.4 38.4 34.4 30.4 26.4 22.4 18.4 14.4 10.4 6.4 2.4
57 58.2 54.2 50.2 46.2 42.2 38.2 34.2 30.2 26.2 22.2 18.2 14.2 10.2 6.2 2.2
60 58.0 54.0 50.0 46.0 42.0 38.0 34.0 30.0 26.0 22.0 18.0 14.0 10.0 6.0 2.0


82° 83° 84° 85° 86° 87° 88° 89° 90° 91° 92° 93° 94° 95° 96° 97°
m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m
0 2.0 6.0 10.0 14.0 18.0 22.0 26.0 30.0 34.0 38.0 42.0 46.0 50.0 54.0 58.0
3 2.2 6.2 10.2 14.2 18.2 22.2 26.2 30.2 34.2 38.2 42.2 46.2 50.2 54.2 58.2
6 2.4 6.4 10.4 14.4 18.4 22.4 26.4 30.4 34.4 38.4 42.4 46.4 50.4 54.4 58.4
9 2.6 6.6 10.6 14.6 18.6 22.6 26.6 30.6 34.6 38.6 42.6 46.6 50.6 54.6 58.6
12 2.8 6.8 10.8 14.8 18.8 22.8 26.8 30.8 34.8 38.8 42.8 46.8 50.8 54.8 58.8
15 3.0 7.0 11.0 15.0 19.0 23.0 27.0 31.0 35.0 39.0 43.0 47.0 51.0 55.0 59.0
18 3.2 7.2 11.2 15.2 19.2 23.2 27.2 31.2 35.2 39.2 43.2 47.2 51.2 55.2 59.2
21 3.4 7.4 11.4 15.4 19.4 23.4 27.4 31.4 35.4 39.4 43.4 47.4 51.4 55.4 59.4
24 3.6 7.6 11.6 15.6 19.6 23.6 27.6 31.6 35.6 39.6 43.6 47.6 51.6 55.6 59.6
27 3.8 7.8 11.8 15.8 19.8 23.8 27.8 31.8 35.8 39.8 43.8 47.8 51.8 55.8 59.8

30 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 44.0 48.0 52.0 56.0 60.0
33 0.2 4.2 8.2 12.2 16.2 20.2 24.2 28.2 32.2 36.2 40.2 44.2 48.2 52.2 56.2 60.2
36 0.4 4.4 8.4 12.4 16.4 20.4 24.4 28.4 32.4 36.4 40.4 44.4 48.4 52.4 56.4 60.4
39 0.6 4.6 8.6 12.6 16.6 20.6 24.6 28.6 32.6 36.6 40.6 44.6 48.6 52.6 56.6 60.6
42 0.8 4.8 8.8 12.8 16.8 20.8 24.8 28.8 32.8 36.8 40.8 44.8 48.8 52.8 56.8 60.8
45 1.0 5.0 9.0 13.0 17.0 21.0 25.0 29.0 33.0 37.0 41.0 45.0 49.0 53.0 57.0 61.0
48 1.2 5.2 9.2 13.2 17.2 21.2 25.2 29.2 33.2 37.2 41.2 45.2 49.2 53.2 57.2 61.2
51 1.4 5.4 9.4 13.4 17.4 21.4 25.4 29.4 33.4 37.4 41.4 45.4 49.4 53.4 57.4 61.4
54 1.6 5.6 9.6 13.6 17.6 21.6 25.6 29.6 33.6 37.6 41.6 45.6 49.6 53.6 57.6 61.6
57 1.8 5.8 9.8 13.8 17.8 21.8 25.8 29.8 33.8 37.8 41.8 45.8 49.8 53.8 57.8 61.8
60 2.0 6.0 10.0 14.0 18.0 22.0 26.0 30.0 34.0 38.0 42.0 46.0 50.0 54.0 58.0 62.0


Sunrise and Sunset

The local mean times of Sunrise and Sunset for latitudes 0° to 60° North at intervals of 4 days during the
year have been given on pages 280 to 287. The timings relate to the visibility of the upper limb of the Sun on the
horizon. From these tables the L.M.T. of rise or set for any day of the year and for any latitude of place can be
obtained by simple interpolation. If the place is in the southern hemisphere, the corrections given on pages 290 to 291
will then have to be applied to the timings for the corresponding northern latitude. For a station in India, the timings
of Sunrise and Sunset so obtained which are in L.M.T. can be reduced to I.S.T. by applying the correction given on
page 314 according to the longitude of the station.

In addition to the above details given in the publication, the timings of Sunrise and Sunset of five important
cities of India, viz., Kolkata, Varanasi, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai have been specially calculated and given in
I.S.T. on pages 292 to 295.

Sunrise and Sunset for Southern Latitudes

The timings of Sunrise and Sunset for southern latitudes, which have not been tabulated separately, can be
deduced from those for the corresponding northern latitudes by applying the corrections given on pages 290 and


The timings of the beginning of morning twilight and ending of evening twilight have been given
for latitudes 0° to 60° North on pages 280 to 287. The timings relate to the instant when the center of the Sun is 18°
below the horizon. This is now known as astronomical twilight. The period of twilight has been divided into three
parts - Civil when the Sun is 6° below the horizon, Nautical when 12° and Astronomical when 18° - and their
durations have been given separately on pages 288 and 289 at an interval of 8 days. The figures for any intermediate
date can be worked out from the tables by simple interpolation.

Moonrise and Moonset

The local mean times of Moonrise and Moonset for latitudes 0° to 50° North at 10- degrees interval
together with the timings of these events in I.S.T. for four important stations in India, Viz., Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi
and Mumbai for each day of the year have been given on pages 296 to 311 along with some supplementary tables on
pages 312 to 313. A detailed method of calculation for any station is given below.

To find the time of Moonrise and Moonset for any station the figure for the phenomena concerned given
against the date is to be taken from the table (pages 296 to 311) for the latitude just lower than the latitude of the
station, to which the following corrections will have to be applied :

(a) Correction for difference in latitude;

(b) Correction for longitude, if the place is not on the Central Meridian of India (i.e., 82°.5 E. Long);
(c) Correction for converting L.M.T. into I.S.T., when and where necessary.

These corrections are detailed below :

(a) Correction for difference in latitude - The timings of Moonrise and Moonset have been given for latitudes
0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40° and 50° North, and in local mean time. The timing for any particular latitude of place falling
within the above limits can be obtained by simple interpolation between figures for the two latitudes, one below and
the other above the latitude of the given place. For this purpose the table on page 313 can be conveniently used
wherein corrections for latitude are shown according to the variation per 10° of latitude of the timings of Moonrise
or Moonset distributed over each degree of latitude. The correction can also be calculated directly by multiplying
one-tenth of the time difference between the figures for two consecutive given latitudes by the excess of the latitude
of the station over the given lower latitude.


( Time in I.S.T. )

d h m d h m
Full Moon Dec, 23 27 06 03 Full Moon Jul 21 15 47
Last Quarter Jan, 24 04 09 00 Last Quarter Jul 28 08 22
New Moon Jan 11 17 27 New Moon Aug 04 16 43
First Quarter Jan 18 09 23 First Quarter Aug 12 20 49

Full Moon Jan 25 23 24 Full Moon Aug 19 23 56

Last Quarter Feb 03 04 48 Last Quarter Aug 26 14 56
New Moon Feb 10 04 29 New Moon Sep 03 07 26
First Quarter Feb 16 20 31 First Quarter Sep 11 11 36

Full Moon Feb 24 18 00 Full Moon Sep 18 08 04

Last Quarter Mar 03 20 53 Last Quarter Sep 25 00 20
New Moon Mar 10 14 30 New Moon Oct 03 00 19
First Quarter Mar 17 09 41 First Quarter Oct 11 00 25

Full Moon Mar 25 12 30 Full Moon Oct 17 16 56

Last Quarter Apr 02 08 45 Last Quarter Oct 24 13 33
New Moon Apr 08 23 51 New Moon Nov 01 18 17
First Quarter Apr 16 00 43 First Quarter Nov 09 11 25

Full Moon Apr 24 05 19 Full Moon Nov 16 02 58

Last Quarter May 01 16 57 Last Quarter Nov 23 06 58
New Moon May 08 08 52 New Moon Dec 01 11 51
First Quarter May 15 17 18 First Quarter Dec 08 20 57

Full Moon May 23 19 23 Full Moon Dec 15 14 32

Last Quarter May 30 22 43 Last Quarter Dec 23 03 48
New Moon Jun 06 18 08 New Moon Dec, 24 31 03 57
First Quarter Jun 14 10 48 First Quarter Jan, 25 07 05 26

Full Moon Jun 22 06 38 Full Moon Jan, 25 14 03 57

Last Quarter Jun 29 03 23 Last Quarter Jan, 25 22 02 01
New Moon Jul 06 04 27 New Moon Jan, 25 29 18 06
First Quarter Jul 14 04 19 First Quarter Jan, 25 05 13 32
320 ECLIPSES, 2024

In the year 2024, there are twoeclipses of the Sun andone eclipse of the Moon.

I April 8 Total eclipse of the Sun 320–323

II October 2 Annular eclipse of the Sun 324–327
III September 18 Partial eclipse of the Moon 328

In addition, there isone March 25 329

Penumbral eclipse of the Moon

I- Total eclipse of the Sun, 8 April, 2024, Monday.

Not visible in India.

Area of Visibility

The eclipse will be visible in the region covering Polynesia (inc. Hawaii), most of North America
(except Alaska), Central America, Greenland, Iceland, Azores.


Universal Time of Conjunction in Right Ascension :April 8d18h36m07s.01

h m s h m s
Right Ascension 1 11 39.77 1 11 39.77
Hourly Motion 134.82 9.18

 ' "  ' "

Declination 7 59 22.39 7 35 46.89
Hourly Motion 17 23.91 55.81
Equatorial Horizontal Parallax 60 56.35 08.78
True Semi-diameter 16 35.94 15 58.19


Universal Indian Latitude Longitude

Time Standard Time
d h m d h m  '  '
Eclipse begins 8 15 42.3 8 21 12.3 -14 57.3 -143 07.9
Central eclipse begins 8 16 40.0 8 22 10.0 -7 49.3 -158 32.3
Greatest eclipse* 8 18 17.3 8 23 47.3 +25 17.4 -104 08.7
Central eclipse ends 8 19 54.5 9 01 24.5 +47 37.1 -19 47.6
Eclipse ends 8 20 52.3 9 02 22.3 +40 33.4 -36 05.1

*Magnitude of the eclipse = 1.0561, Duration of eclipse = 5h10 m.

Duration of Central eclipse = 3h14 m, Maximum duration of Annular phase = 4 m 32s.
322 ECLIPSES, 2024



Terrestrial Co-ordinates of the Centre Radius of Penumbra and

Time of Shadow on the Direction of the Axis of Shadow * Umbra on the Fundamental
(TT) Fundamental Plane Plane
h m x y sin d cos d μ l1 l2
 ' "
15 40 -1.511968 -0.412741 +0.131418 +0.991327 54 34 54.0 +0.534733 -0.010288
50 -1.426730 -0.367550 +0.131461 +0.991321 57 04 56.4 +0.534753 -0.010269
16 00 -1.341488 -0.322360 +0.131504 +0.991316 59 34 58.9 +0.534772 -0.010250
10 -1.256241 -0.277172 +0.131546 +0.991310 62 05 01.3 +0.534790 -0.010231
20 -1.170990 -0.231986 +0.131589 +0.991304 64 35 03.8 +0.534808 -0.010214
30 -1.085735 -0.186802 +0.131632 +0.991299 67 05 06.2 +0.534825 -0.010197
40 -1.000476 -0.141620 +0.131675 +0.991293 69 35 08.7 +0.534841 -0.010180
50 -0.915214 -0.096441 +0.131718 +0.991287 72 05 11.1 +0.534856 -0.010165
17 00 -0.829948 -0.051264 +0.131761 +0.991282 74 35 13.6 +0.534871 -0.010150
10 -0.744679 -0.006090 +0.131803 +0.991276 77 05 16.0 +0.534885 -0.010136
20 -0.659408 +0.039082 +0.131846 +0.991270 79 35 18.4 +0.534899 -0.010123
30 -0.574133 +0.084250 +0.131889 +0.991264 82 05 20.9 +0.534911 -0.010110
40 -0.488857 +0.129416 +0.131932 +0.991259 84 35 23.3 +0.534923 -0.010098
50 -0.403578 +0.174578 +0.131975 +0.991253 87 05 25.8 +0.534934 -0.010087
18 00 -0.318297 +0.219738 +0.132017 +0.991247 89 35 28.2 +0.534945 -0.010076
10 -0.233014 +0.264893 +0.132060 +0.991242 92 05 30.7 +0.534955 -0.010066
20 -0.147731 +0.310046 +0.132103 +0.991236 94 35 33.1 +0.534964 -0.010057
30 -0.062445 +0.355194 +0.132146 +0.991230 97 05 35.5 +0.534972 -0.010049
40 +0.022841 +0.400339 +0.132189 +0.991225 99 35 38.0 +0.534980 -0.010041
50 +0.108128 +0.445480 +0.132231 +0.991219 102 05 40.4 +0.534987 -0.010034
19 00 +0.193415 +0.490616 +0.132274 +0.991213 104 35 42.9 +0.534993 -0.010028
10 +0.278703 +0.535749 +0.132317 +0.991207 107 05 45.3 +0.534999 -0.010022
20 +0.363991 +0.580877 +0.132360 +0.991202 109 35 47.7 +0.535004 -0.010018
30 +0.449278 +0.626001 +0.132403 +0.991196 112 05 50.2 +0.535008 -0.010013
40 +0.534565 +0.671120 +0.132445 +0.991190 114 35 52.6 +0.535011 -0.010010
50 +0.619852 +0.716235 +0.132488 +0.991185 117 05 55.1 +0.535014 -0.010007
20 00 +0.705138 +0.761344 +0.132531 +0.991179 119 35 57.5 +0.535016 -0.010005
10 +0.790422 +0.806449 +0.132574 +0.991173 122 05 59.9 +0.535017 -0.010004
20 +0.875705 +0.851548 +0.132617 +0.991167 124 36 02.4 +0.535018 -0.010003
30 +0.960987 +0.896642 +0.132659 +0.991162 127 06 04.8 +0.535018 -0.010004
40 +1.046267 +0.941731 +0.132702 +0.991156 129 36 07.2 +0.535017 -0.010004
50 +1.131545 +0.986815 +0.132745 +0.991150 132 06 09.7 +0.535015 -0.010006
21 00 +1.216820 +1.031892 +0.132788 +0.991144 134 36 12.1 +0.535013 -0.010008

tanf1= 0.00467585 tanf2= 0.00465259

TT Variations per minute

d x'μ' y'
hr  ' " ' "
16 7 33 23 +0.008 525 0.004 519 15 00
17 7 34 17 +0.008 527 0.004 517 15 00
18 7 35 10 +0.008 529 0.004 513 15 00
19 7 36 04 +0.008 529 0.004 513 15 00
20 7 36 57 +0.008 528 0.004 510 15 00
ξ= 0.004364ρcosφ'cos(μ+λ) = 0.004364ξsind
*d stands for declination and μ stands for hourangle
ECLIPSES, 2024 323



Terrestrial Northern Limit Central Line Southern Limit Central

Time Line
(TT) Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Duration
º ' º ' of
h m º ' º ' º ' º ' Totality
m s

Limit -7 10.6 -158 44.5 -7 49.3 -158 32.2 -8 27.8 -158 20.2 - -

16 40 - - - - -7 43.8 -157 52.1 -7 35.9 -152 58.8 2 05

16 50 -1 37.6 -138 00.6 -2 03.6 -137 01.4 -2 30.1 -136 03.5 2 53

17 00 +2 10.5 -130 34.1 +1 42.4 -129 42.4 +1 14.1 -128 51.4 3 16

17 10 +5 36.3 -125 26.1 +5 07.0 -124 37.1 +4 37.7 -123 48.6 3 34
17 20 +8 50.3 -121 24.2 +8 20.2 -120 36.6 +7 50.1 -119 49.3 3 48
17 30 +11 57.0 -118 00.3 +11 26.2 -117 13.5 +10 55.4 -116 27.1 3 59
17 40 +14 58.6 -114 59.4 +14 27.0 -114 13.4 +13 55.5 -113 27.6 4 09
17 50 +17 56.8 -112 12.1 +17 24.3 -111 26.7 +16 51.9 -110 41.6 4 16

18 00 +20 52.4 -109 31.4 +20 18.9 -108 46.7 +19 45.5 -108 02.3 4 21
18 10 +23 46.3 -106 51.6 +23 11.7 -106 07.7 +22 37.1 -105 24.1 4 24
18 20 +26 38.9 -104 07.3 +26 03.0 -103 24.5 +25 27.2 -102 41.9 4 25
18 30 +29 30.8 -101 13.0 +28 53.4 -100 31.6 +28 16.1 -99 50.5 4 23
18 40 +32 22.0 -98 02.5 +31 42.9 -97 23.2 +31 04.0 -96 44.0 4 20
18 50 +35 12.6 -94 28.4 +34 31.7 -93 51.7 +33 51.1 -93 15.3 4 15

19 00 +38 02.2 -90 20.5 +37 19.5 -89 47.8 +36 36.9 -89 15.1 4 07
19 10 +40 50.1 -85 24.8 +40 05.3 - 84 57.7 +39 20.9 - 84 30.4 3 56
19 20 +43 34.1 -79 19.6 +42 47.5 -79 00.7 +42 01.3 -78 41.4 3 43
19 30 +46 10.1 -71 27.8 +45 22.2 -71 21.6 +44 34.7 -71 14.3 3 26
19 40 +48 27.8 -60 31.9 +47 40.0 -60 47.2 +46 52.4 -61 00.1 3 05
19 50 +49 48.7 -42 09.3 +49 06.7 -43 17.8 +48 24.1 -44 18.5 2 35

Limit +48 14.7 -19 29.1 +47 37.2 -19 47.4 +46 59.8 -20 05.2 -
324 ECLIPSES, 2024

II-Annular eclipse of the Sun, 2 October, 2024, wednesday.

Not Visible in India

Area of Visibility

The eclipse will be visible in the region covering Polynesia (including Hawaii), parts of western Mexico,
Galapagos Islands, southern half of South America, parts of Antarctica, south Georgia.


Universal Time of Conjunction in Right Ascension :October 2d19h08m04s.36

h m s h m s
Right Ascension 12 37 02.37 12 37 02.37
Hourly Motion 104.39 09.08

 ' "  ' "

Declination –4 20 59.26 –3 59 26.15
Hourly Motion –14 3.73 –57.98
Equatorial Horizontal Parallax 53 56.38 08.79
True Semi-diameter 14 41.91 15 58.96


Universal Indian Latitude Longitude

Time Standard Time
d h m d h m  '  '
Eclipse begins 2 15 43.1 2 21 13.1 +16 02.0 –147 21.3
Central eclipse begins 2 16 53.6 2 22 23.6 +8 22.8 –165 33.0
Greatest eclipse* 2 18 45.0 3 00 15.0 -21 56.9 –114 31.1
Central eclipse ends 2 20 36.2 3 02 06.2 –49 28.8 –37 05.0
Eclipse ends 2 21 46.9 3 03 16.9 –41 51.8 –55 50.1

*Magnitude of the eclipse = 0.932, Duration of eclipse = 6h04 m.

Duration of Central eclipse = 3h43 m, Maximum duration of Annular phase =7 m 21s.
326 ECLIPSES, 2024


Terrestrial Co-ordinates of the Centre Radius of
Time of Shadow on the Direction of the Axis of Shadow * Penumbra and
(TT) Fundamental Plane Umbra on the
Fundamental Plane
h m x y sin d cos d μ l1 l2
 ' "
15 40 -1.539773 +0.448982 -0.068634 +0.997642 57 42 59.8 +0.569257 +0.024236
50 -1.466212 +0.408366 -0.068679 +0.997639 60 13 02.4 +0.569268 +0.024247
16 00 -1.392647 +0.367751 -0.068724 +0.997636 62 43 05.0 +0.569278 +0.024257
10 -1.319079 +0.327137 -0.068769 +0.997633 65 13 07.6 +0.569287 +0.024266
20 -1.245508 +0.286522 -0.068814 +0.997630 67 43 10.2 +0.569296 +0.024275
30 -1.171934 +0.245909 -0.068859 +0.997626 70 13 12.8 +0.569304 +0.024283
40 -1.098357 +0.205295 -0.068904 +0.997623 72 43 15.4 +0.569312 +0.024291
50 -1.024777 +0.164683 -0.068949 +0.997620 75 13 18.0 +0.569319 +0.024298
17 00 -0.951194 +0.124071 -0.068994 +0.997617 77 43 20.6 +0.569326 +0.024305
10 -0.877610 +0.083460 -0.069039 +0.997614 80 13 23.2 +0.569332 +0.024311
20 -0.804022 +0.042850 -0.069084 +0.997611 82 43 25.8 +0.569337 +0.024316
30 -0.730433 +0.002241 -0.069129 +0.997608 85 13 28.4 +0.569342 +0.024321
40 -0.656841 -0.038367 -0.069174 +0.997605 87 43 31.0 +0.569346 +0.024325
50 -0.583248 -0.078974 -0.069219 +0.997601 90 13 33.6 +0.569350 +0.024329
18 00 -0.509652 -0.119580 -0.069264 +0.997598 92 43 36.2 +0.569353 +0.024332
10 -0.436055 -0.160184 -0.069309 +0.997595 95 13 38.8 +0.569356 +0.024335
20 -0.362456 -0.200787 -0.069354 +0.997592 97 43 41.4 +0.569358 +0.024336
30 -0.288856 -0.241389 -0.069399 +0.997589 100 13 44.0 +0.569359 +0.024338
40 -0.215254 -0.281989 -0.069444 +0.997586 102 43 46.6 +0.569360 +0.024339
50 -0.141650 -0.322588 -0.069489 +0.997583 105 13 49.2 +0.569360 +0.024339
19 00 -0.068046 -0.363185 -0.069534 +0.997580 107 43 51.7 +0.569360 +0.024338
10 +0.005559 -0.403781 -0.069579 +0.997576 110 13 54.3 +0.569358 +0.024337
20 +0.079166 -0.444374 -0.069624 +0.997573 112 43 56.9 +0.569357 +0.024336
30 +0.152773 -0.484966 -0.069669 +0.997570 115 13 59.5 +0.569355 +0.024333
40 +0.226381 -0.525556 -0.069714 +0.997567 117 44 02.1 +0.569352 +0.024331
50 +0.299989 -0.566143 -0.069759 +0.997564 120 14 04.7 +0.569348 +0.024327
20 00 +0.373598 -0.606729 -0.069804 +0.997561 122 44 07.3 +0.569344 +0.024323
10 +0.447207 -0.647313 -0.069849 +0.997557 125 14 09.9 +0.569340 +0.024318
20 +0.520817 -0.687894 -0.069894 +0.997554 127 44 12.5 +0.569334 +0.024313
30 +0.594426 -0.728473 -0.069939 +0.997551 130 14 15.0 +0.569328 +0.024307
40 +0.668036 -0.769050 -0.069984 +0.997548 132 44 17.6 +0.569322 +0.024301
50 +0.741645 -0.809624 -0.070029 +0.997545 135 14 20.2 +0.569315 +0.024294
21 00 +0.815254 -0.850196 -0.070074 +0.997542 137 44 22.8 +0.569307 +0.024286
10 +0.888863 -0.890765 -0.070119 +0.997538 140 14 25.4 +0.569299 +0.024277
20 +0.962471 -0.931331 -0.070164 +0.997535 142 44 28.0 +0.569290 +0.024268
30 +1.036079 -0.971895 -0.070209 +0.997532 145 14 30.6 +0.569280 +0.024259
40 +1.109686 -1.012456 -0.070254 +0.997529 147 44 33.1 +0.569270 +0.024249
50 +1.183292 -1.053014 -0.070299 +0.997526 150 14 35.7 +0.569259 +0.024238
22 00 +1.256897 -1.093569 -0.070344 +0.997523 152 44 38.3 +0.569247 +0.024226
tanf1= 0.00469570 tanf2= 0.00467234
TT Variations per minute
hr x' y' μ'
 ' " " '
16 -3 56 26 +0.007 357 -0.004 061 15 00
17 -3 57 22 +0.007 360 -0.004 060 15 00
18 -3 58 18 +0.007 360 -0.004 060 15 00
19 -3 59 14 +0.007 361 -0.004 060 15 00
20 -4 00 10 +0.007 361 -0.004 058 15 00
21 -4 01 06 +0.007 361 -0.004 057 15 00
ξ= 0.004364ρcosφ'cos(μ+λ) = 0.004364ξsind
*d stands for declination and μ stands for hour angle
ECLIPSES, 2024 327



Terrestrial Northern Limit Central Line Southern Limit Central Line

(TT) Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Duration of
h m  '  '  '  '  '  ' m s
- -
Limit +9 50.1 -165 10.0 +8 22.8 -165 33.0 +6 54.6 -165 57.0

17 00 +6 30.8 -146 48.8 +5 37.8 -148 59.3 +4 43.9 -151 25.3 6 12

17 10 +3 25.1 -139 02.5 +2 34.8 -140 39.3 +1 43.5 -142 21.0 6 31
17 20 +0 34.2 -133 59.7 +0 13.3 -135 24.5 -1 01.9 -136 52.3 6 44
17 30 -2 09.2 -130 11.5 -2 54.5 -131 29.9 -3 40.9 -132 50.3 6 55
17 40 -4 48.0 -127 07.1 -5 31.6 -128 21.1 -6 16.1 -129 -36.9 7 04
17 50 -7 23.7 -124 30.7 -8 05.9 -125 41.8 -8 49.0 -126 54.2 7 11

18 00 -9 57.0 -122 13.2 -10 38.3 -123 22.0 -11 20.6 -124 31.9 7 17
18 10 -12 28.8 -120 08.2 -13 09.6 -121 15.2 -13 51.3 -122 23.3 7 22
18 20 -14 59.5 -118 11.1 -15 40.2 -119 16.6 -16 21.8 -120 -23.2 7 25
18 30 -17 29.6 -116 17.8 -18 -10.6 -117 22.3 -18 52.5 -118 27.6 7 28
18 40 -19 59.4 -114 25.2 -20 41.2 -115 28.7 -21 23.7 -116 33.0 7 30
18 50 -22 29.2 -112 29.8 -23 12.2 -113 32.5 -23 56.0 -114 36.0 7 31

19 00 -24 59.5 -110 28.5 -25 44.1 -111 30.3 -26 29.5 -112 32.8 7 30
19 10 -27 30.3 -108 17.4 -28 17.1 -109 18.2 -29 04.6 -110 19.7 7 29
19 20 -30 02.0 -105 52.1 -30 51.5 -106 51.7 -31 41.7 -107 51.9 7 26
19 30 -32 34.6 -103 07.3 -33 27.5 -104 05.0 -34 21.1 -105 03.3 7 23
19 40 -35 08.4 -99 55.6 -36 05.2 -100 50.5 -37 03.0 -101 45.7 7 17
19 50 -37 43.2 -96 06.7 -38 44.8 -96 57.0 -39 47.6 -97 47.3 7 10

20 00 -40 18.5 -91 24.9 -41 25.9 -92 07.6 -42 34.6 -92 49.6 7 01
20 10 -42 53.2 -85 23.7 -44 -07.3 -85 53.1 -45 23.3 -86 20.2 6 50
20 20 -45 23.9 -77 10.3 -46 46 -77 13.9 -48 10.5 -77 11.2 6 35
20 30 -47 39.8 -64 17 -49 10.1 -63 12.7 -50 43.3 -61 43.7 6 13

Limit -48 01.9 -37 36.2 -49 28.7 -37 05.2 -50 56.3 -36 32.0 - -
328 ECLIPSES, 2024
III- Partial eclipse of the Moon, 18 September, 2024, Wednesday
Not Visible in India

Eclipse will be visible in the region covering Parts of Antarctica, Western Indian Ocean, Middle East,
Africa, Europe, Atlantic Ocean, Americas (Except western most Alaska), eastern Polynesia.
The places from where the beginning of Umbral phase is visible at the time of moonset are- Crozet
Island, Madagascar, Somalia, Most parts of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Some parts of Iran, Some parts of Russia.
The places from where the ending of Umbral phase is visible at the time of moonrise are- South Pacific
Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Canada..


Universal Time of Oppositionin Right Ascension :September 18d01h48m28s.36

h m s h m s
Right Ascension 23 44 01.42 11 44 01.42
Hourly Motion 134.08 08.96

 ' "  ' "

Declination –2 52 23.72 1 43 48.00
Hourly Motion 18 12.98 -58.06
Equatorial Horizontal Parallax 61 20.01 08.75
True Semi-diameter 16 42.38 15 55.06


Position Angle The Moon being
Universal Indian measured from in the Zenith in
Time Standard Time the North Point
of Moon’s Limb Latitude Longitude
d h m d h m    ' '
Moon enters penumbra 18 0 39.3 18 06 09.3 22 -11 -3 13 36
Moon enters umbra 18 2 11.8 18 07 41.8 349 -33 -2 45 57
Middle of the eclipse* 18 2 44.2 18 08 14.2 – -41 -2 35 46
Moon leaves umbra 18 3 16.6 18 08 46.6 313 -49 -2 26 35
Moon leaves penumbra 18 4 49.2 18 10 19.2 299 -71 -1 57 55
*Magnitude of the eclipse =0.090(Moon’s diam =1.0). Distance between the centers at middle 3603 ''.8
Radius of shadow cone at Moon’s distance: Penumbra 4730".4, Umbra 2782''.1


Eastern Limit Western Limit
Moonset at beginning (2h 11.8m U.T.) Moonrise at ending (3h 16.6m U.T.)
Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude
˚ ˚  ˚ ˚  ˚ ˚  ˚ ˚ 
-50 +59 21 +10 +55 34 -50 -142 28 +10 -139 09
-40 +58 22 +20 +55 03 -40 -141 37 +20 -138 42
-30 +57 39 +30 +54 28 -30 -140 59 +30 -138 11
-20 +57 04 +40 +53 44 -20 -140 28 +40 -137 32
-10 +56 32 +50 +52 46 -10 -140 00 +50 -136 41
0 +56 03 +60 +51 16 0 -139 35 +60 -135 22
The eclipse is visible in the region west of the eastern limit and east of the western limit. Here, moonset and moonrise
times relate to visibility of the center of the Moon on the horizon.
ECLIPSES, 2024 329



Universal Indian Position Angle The Moon being
Time Standard from the North in the Zenith in
Time Point of Moon’s Latitude Longitude
Limb (N.E.S.W)**
d h m d h m   '  '
Moon enters penumbra 25 4 51.0 25 10 21.0 161 +0 38 -71 53
Middle of the eclipse* 25 7 12.8 25 12 42.8 - -1 12 -105 47
Moon leaves penumbra 25 9 34.7 25 15 04.7 257 -1 46 -140 31

* Penumbral magnitude of eclipse: 0.982

** N.E.S.W stands for North, East, South and West

Note : - A penumbral eclipse of the Moon is not to be taken as an eclipse of the Moon in
the ordinary sense,as the Moon is not covered by the real shadow of the Earth during such
an eclipse.


Sl. Date and Ingress - Egress Planet Magnitude

No. Times (U.T.) of Area of Visibility
h -- h
W. Antarctica, S.E Edge of S.America, S.Georgia &
1. Jan – 15 19.6 22.8 Neptune 7.9 S.Sandwich Is., Ascension Is.
Marion Is., Kerguelen Is., parts of Antartica, Austrelia,
Melanesia, W.Polynesia (except New Zealand),
2. Feb –12 05.5 09.1 Neptune 7.9 S. Micronesia.
3. Apr –06 09.2 11.5 Saturn 1.1 Most of Antarctica, Kerguelen Is., Marion Is.
S. Georgia & S.Sandwich Is., Marion Is., S.E. Africa,
4. Apr–07 06.5 10.5 Neptune 8.0 Madagascar, S.India, S.E. Asia, W.Indonesia
E. Polynesia, Galapagos Is., parts of S. & E. North
5. Apr–07 14.2 18.5 Venus -2.1 America, S. tip of Greenland, Iceland, Azores, Ireland.
Most of Antarctica, S.E. Australasia, S.W. Polynesia,
6. May–03 21.4 25.0 Saturn 1.2 extreme S.E. Melanesia.
S.E. Australia, most of Polynesia (except N.W.),
7. May–04 17.1 21.3 Neptune 7.9 Galapagos Is., parts of S. North America.
Eastern Edge of Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, S.E.
Asia, N.W. Indonesia, Philippines, Eastern China,
8. May–05 00.1 04.5 Mars 1.1 Japan, Extreme S.E. Russia
Southern South America, South Georgia, Ascension Is.,
parts of W. & S. Africa, Central Africa, most of East
9. May–31 06.4 10.5 Saturn 1.2 Africa.
Southern Africa, Madagascar, most of S., S.E. & E.
10. Jun –01 00.8 05.1 Neptune 7.9 Asia.
E. Australia, S.E. Melanesia, most of Polynesia, S. And
11. Jun– 27 12.8 17.1 Saturn 1.1 Central North America.
Easter Is., Galapagos Is., N. & W. South America, S.
Central America, S.E. Caribbean, N.W. Africa, most of
12. Jun–28 06.6 10.8 Neptune 7.9 W. Europe.
E. Africa, Madagascar, most of S. Asia, N.W. Indonesia,
most of China & Mongolia, Japan, southeasternmost
13. Jul –24 18.5 22.5 Saturn 0.9 Russia.
Most of Melanesia, Micronesia, W. Hawaii, most of
14. Jul– 25 12.5 16.4 Neptune 7.8 N.W. North America.
N. half of South America, Galapagos Is., S. Central
America, Cape Verde Is., Azores, N.W. Africa, most of
15. Aug–21 00.8 04.7 Saturn 0.7 Europe.
Most of N. & C. Africa, Middle East, S.E. & E. Europe,
northwesternmost China, most of Mongolia,
16. Aug–21 19.6 23.5 Neptune 7.8 Russia(except eastern parts).
17. Sep-05 07.9 10.1 Venus -3.8 Parts of Antarctica, South Sandwich Is.


Northern Australia, Melanesia, S. & E. Micronesia,
N.W. Polynesia (inc. Hawaii), central western North
18. Sep-17 08.2 12.2 Saturn 0.6
N. Polynesia, North America (except Alaska, S.E.
19. Sep-18 05.7 09.1 Neptune 7.8 U.S.A. & Mexico), W. Greenland.
Ascension Is., S. & E. Africa, Madagascar, S.E. Arabian
20. Oct-14 16.1 20.2 Saturn 0.7 Peninsula, most of S.Asia, China & Mongolia.
Africa (except S. & N.W.), most of Middle East, N.W.
India, N.W. half of China, Russia (except West and
21. Oct-15 15.2 19.0 Neptune 7.8 easternmost), northernmost Japan.
E. Polynesia, Galapagos Is. N.W. South America,
Central America, Caribbean southeasternmost U.S.A.,
22. Nov-11 -00.4 03.8 Saturn 0.9 W. Azores.
N. Polynesia, North America (except N.W. &
23. Nov-12 00.1 03.8 Neptune 7.8 Caribbean), Greenland, Iceland.
Indonesia, Philippines, N.W. edge of Australia, N.W.
24. Dec-08 06.6 10.8 Saturn 1.0 Micronesia, most of Japan, Aleutian Is.
25. Dec-09 06.9 10.4 Neptune 7.9 Asia (except western parts), Philippines, Alaska.
N.E. & N. Russia, N. Alaska, northernmost Canada,
26. Dec-18 07.8 10.8 Mars -0.9 Greenland, N.W. half of Europe, N.W. tip of Africa.


Sl. T0 H0 Y x' y' Body Occulted

No. (U.T. of Conj. in R.A.)
Right Ascension Declination
d h m h m h m s °  
1. Jan – 15 20 25.4 4 20.8 -0.9506 0.5327 0.2826 23 44 53.1 -2 -58 -34.0
2. Feb –12 6 45.1 -7 34.1 -0.6692 0.5416 0.2902 23 47 41.6 -2 -39 -41.4
3. Apr –06 9 24.5 0 38.1 -1.2025 0.5431 0.2803 23 4 23.2 -7 -46 -02.9
4. Apr–07 8 10.7 -2 38.8 -0.4158 0.5424 0.2946 23 55 6.76 -1 -51 -39.2
5. Apr–07 16 38 29 31.1 0.3871 0.4981 0.2764 0 13 50.1 0 -7 -55.8
6. May–03 22 31.7 14 7.58 -0.8260 0.5238 0.2739 23 14 30.2 -6 -47 -35.1
7. May–04 18 58.8 9 54.2 -0.2575 0.5342 0.2898 23 58 26.6 -1 -30 -51.8
8. May–05 2 25.5 17 5.92 0.1947 0.5073 0.2787 0 14 35.2 0 12 21.7
9. May–31 8 8.62 1 25.6 -0.3841 0.5278 0.2778 23 21 25.4 -6 -10 -14.2
10. Jun –01 2 53.8 19 34.6 -0.0212 0.5272 0.2851 0 0 46.6 -1 -16 -57.4
11. Jun– 27 15 0.12 20 1.92 0.0782 0.5296 0.2797 23 24 13.3 -5 -59 -49.6
12. Jun–28 8 56.5 37 23.7 0.2996 0.5263 0.2844 0 1 45.9 -1 -12 -00.4
13. Jul –24 20 46.5 17 37.4 0.3925 0.5382 0.2849 23 22 31.3 -6 -17 -52.0
14. Jul– 25 14 53.8 35 8.9 0.5689 0.5323 0.2886 0 1 17.6 -1 -16 -31.6
15. Aug–21 3 2.17 1 46.1 0.4539 0.5478 0.2898 23 16 56.1 -6 -58 -45.5
16. Aug–21 21 58.8 20 3.29 0.5732 0.5368 0.2923 23 59 31.5 -1 -29 -10.1
17. Sep-23 10 15.6 20 44.5 -1.3104 0.4309 -0.2374 12 32 17.1 -2 -31 -44.9
18. Sep-23 10 21.9 11 1.06 0.3009 0.5512 0.2899 23 9 23.2 -7 -48 -29.6
19. Sep-23 7 58.9 7 54 0.7668 0.5465 0.2987 23 56 55.9 -1 -46 -38.6
20. Oct-23 18 13.1 -3 13.4 0.1124 0.5449 0.2839 23 2 43.4 -8 -28 -37.7
21. Oct-23 17 31.8 -4 42.3 0.5778 0.5437 0.2967 23 54 14.7 -2 -4 -03.5
22. Nov-23 1 43 -17 52.6 0.0897 0.5332 0.2756 22 59 31.1 -8 -44 -27.1
23. Nov-23 2 25.1 -17 59.1 0.6201 0.5341 0.2901 23 52 14.8 -2 -16 -24.0
24. Dec-23 8 55.8 -8 53.6 0.3126 0.5242 0.2714 23 1 1.84 -8 -30 -09.5
25. Dec-23 9 18.5 -9 17.4 0.8440 0.5247 0.2840 23 51 32.3 -2 -19 -58.5
26. Dec-23 8 48.6 6 5.52 0.9590 0.5595 -0.1732 8 34 4.68 22 11 28.6


Sl. No. l a Sl. No. l a Sl. No. l a
1. 0.2725 1.00 10. 0.2725 1.00 19. 0.273 1.00
2. 0.2725 1.00 11. 0.2726 1.00 20. 0.273 1.00
3. 0.2726 1.00 12. 0.2725 1.00 21. 0.273 1.00
4. 0.2725 1.00 13. 0.2726 1.00 22. 0.273 1.00
5. 0.2729 1.00 14. 0.2725 1.00 23. 0.273 1.00
6. 0.2726 1.00 15. 0.2726 1.00 24. 0.273 1.00
7. 0.2725 1.00 16. 0.2725 1.00 25. 0.2725 1.00
8. 0.2728 1.00 17. 0.2730 1.00 26. 0.2735 1.00
9. 0.2726 1.00 18. 0.273 1.00


Sl. Date and Ingress - Egress Star

No. Times (U.T.) Area of Visibility
h -- h
1. Jan – 08 13.6 17.0 Antares Most of North America, northernmost South America.
Antares Parts of Middle East, Kazakhstan, half of China, S.Asia, S.E. Asia,
Indonesia, Philippines, extreme W. Melanesia, parts of Japan,
2. Feb –05 -00.8 03.2 W. Micronesia.
Antares S.E. North America, C. America, Caribbean, N. & E.S. America,
3. Mar –03 06.9 11.2 Ascension Is., West & W. Central Africa.
4. Mar–30 13.0 17.4 Antares Micronesia, N.E. Melanesia, most of Polynesia.
Antares N.E. Africa, parts of Middle East, southernmost India, Indonesia, most
of Philippines, N.W. Australia, extreme W. Micronesia, westernmost
5. Apr–26 18.6 23.0 Polynesia.
Antares S.E. North America, N.& E. South America, ascension Is., West & W.
6. May–24 01.2 05.4 Central Africa.
7. Jun –16 18.3 20.2 Spica S.W. Svalbard, N.E. Scandinavia, western Russia, Central Asia.
Antares Easternmost China, southern Japan, most of Micronesia, Melanesia,
8. Jun– 20 09.2 13.5 most of Polynesia.
Antares Cape Verde Is., parts of Western Africa, mopst of C., S. & E. Africa,
9. Jul –17 18.2 22.5 Madagascar.
Parts of eastern Europe, W. half of Russia, most of Asia, N. Indonesia,
10. Aug–10 08.9 12.9 Spica S. Japan, westernmost Micronesia.
Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia (except New Zealand and Hawaii),
11. Aug–14 03.1 07.5 Antares Galapagos Is.
N.E. North America, Bermuda, Azores, Ascension Is., most of W. and
12. Sep-06 15.4 19.7 Spica C. Africa.
Antares S. half of Africa, Madagascar, Kerguelen Is., W. & central Australia,
13. Sep-10 10.8 15.4 S.E. Indonesia.
Antares Galapagos Is., Easter Is., S. half of South America, S.W. edge of
14. Oct-07 17.2 21.7 Africa.
Antares S.W. Micronesia, E. Indonesia, Melanesia, N.E. Australia,
15. Nov-03 -01.2 03.4 S. Polynesia (except S. New Zealand).
Spica Most of U.S.A. & Canada, Caribbean, N.E. edge of South America,
16. Nov-27 10.5 14.9 Cape Verde Is., parts of W. Africa.
Spica E.China, most of Japan, Micronesia, most of Melanesia, Polynesia
17. Dec-24 18.1 22.7 (except New Zealand & Hawaii).
18. Oct-28 13.0 17.5 Antares Eastern Polynesia, most of S. half of South America.


Sl. T0 H0 Y x y' Body Occulted

No. (U.T. of Conj. in R.A.)
Right Ascension Declination
d h m h m h m s   
1. Jan – 8 14 59.5 5 40.4 0.8073 0.5731 -0.1220 16 30 51.4 -26 -29 -02.8
2. Feb –5 00 57.7 -6 33.2 0.5708 0.5641 -0.1186 16 30 52.3 -26 -29 -04.7
3. Mar-3 08 54.0 3 10.8 0.3698 0.5562 -0.1161 16 30 53.3 -26 -29 -07.1
4. Mar-30 15 03.1 11 7.29 0.2831 0.5534 -0.1155 16 30 54.1 -26 -29 -09.2
5. Apr–26 20 39.4 18 31 0.3219 0.5565 -0.1157 16 30 54.9 -26 -29 -11.0
6. May–24 03 10.3 2 49.4 0.3825 0.5616 -0.1154 16 30 55.4 -26 -29 -12.4
7. Jun-16 18 11.1 22 27.8 1.2962 0.4924 -0.2478 13 26 29.3 -11 -17 -23.5
8. Jun-20 11 11.2 12 38.1 0.3540 0.5639 -0.1138 16 30 55.7 -26 -29 -13.6
9. July-17 20 15.5 23 30.3 0.2040 0.5614 -0.1112 16 30 55.7 -26 -29 -14.5
10. Aug-10 10 16.6 18 8.82 0.7244 0.4883 -0.2453 13 26 28.8 -11 -17 -20.7
11. Aug-14 05 17.0 10 19.8 -0.0047 0.5549 -0.1087 16 30 55.5 -26 -29 -14.8
12. Sep-6 17 04.5 26 44.3 0.5796 0.4884 -0.2461 13 26 28.5 -11 -17 -19.3
13. Sep-10 13 08.5 19 59 -0.1588 0.5484 -0.1071 16 30 55 -26 -29 -14.4
14. Oct-7 19 28.5 4 6.5 -0.1778 0.5460 -0.1066 16 30 54.6 -26 -29 -13.2
15. Nov-3 01 06.0 -12 32.6 -0.0906 0.5486 -0.1063 16 30 54.4 -26 -29 -11.8
16. Nov-27 12 15.9 3 18.2 0.4648 0.4904 -0.2448 13 26 29.3 -11 -17 -22.3
17. Dec-24 20 11.2 13 1.22 0.1893 0.4891 -0.2426 13 26 30.2 -11 -17 -27.1
18. Dec-28 15 17.0 5 17.6 -0.0948 0.5541 -0.1030 16 30 55.2 -26 -29 -11.3

l =0.2725* and a =1.00*

*Elements l and a have identical values correct upto last significant digit (as reported) in each 18 occultations of the
bright stars.
336 PHENOMENA, 2024

Mercury Venus Mercury Venus

Date Elong. Mag. Elong. Mag. Date Elong. Mag. Elong. Mag.
° ° ° °
Jan. -4 W 10 2.6 W 38 -4.1 June 29 E 16 -0.7 E 7 -3.9
1 18 0.5 37 -4 July 4 20 -0.4 8 -3.9
6 22 -0.1 36 -4 9 23 -0.2 9 -3.9
11 23 -0.3 35 -4 14 25 0 11 -3.9
16 23 -0.3 34 -4 19 27 0.2 12 -3.9

21 W 22 -0.2 W 33 -4 24 E 27 0.4 E 14 -3.9

26 20 -0.2 32 -3.9 29 26 0.7 15 -3.9
31 18 -0.3 31 -3.9 Aug. 3 23 1.2 16 -3.8
Feb. 5 16 -0.4 30 -3.9 8 18 2 18 -3.8
10 13 -0.5 29 -3.9 13 12 3.4 19 -3.8

15 W 10 -0.7 W 28 -3.9 18 E 5 5.2 E 20 -3.8

20 7 -1 27 -3.9 23 W 8 4 22 -3.8
25 W 3 -1.5 26 -3.9 28 14 1.8 23 -3.8
Mar. 1 E 2 -1.8 24 -3.9 Sept. 2 17 0.3 24 -3.8
6 6 -1.6 23 -3.8 7 18 -0.6 25 -3.8

11 E 11 -1.3 W 22 -3.8 12 W 16 -1 E 27 -3.9

16 15 -1.1 21 -3.8 17 12 -1.2 28 -3.9
21 18 -0.7 20 -3.8 22 8 -1.4 29 -3.9
26 19 -0.1 18 -3.8 27 W 4 -1.6 30 -3.9
31 17 1.1 17 -3.8 Oct. 2 E 1 -1.6 32 -3.9

Apr. 5 E 11 2.9 W 16 -3.8 7 E 5 -1.2 E 33 -3.9

10 E 4 ---- 15 -3.8 12 8 -0.8 34 -3.9
15 W 5 5.2 13 -3.8 17 11 -0.6 35 -3.9
20 13 3.2 12 -3.8 22 14 -0.4 36 -4
25 19 1.9 11 -3.9 27 16 -0.3 37 -4

30 W 23 1.1 W 10 -3.9 Nov. 1 E 19 -0.3 E 38 -4

May 5 26 0.7 8 -3.9 6 20 -0.3 39 -4
10 26 0.4 7 -3.9 11 22 -0.3 40 -4.1
15 26 0.1 6 -3.9 16 23 -0.3 41 -4.1
20 24 -0.1 W 4 -3.9 21 22 -0.2 42 -4.1

25 W 21 -0.4 E 3 -3.9 26 E 19 0.3 E 43 -4.2

30 17 -0.7 2 ---- Dec. 1 11 2.1 43 -4.2
June 4 13 -1.1 0 ---- 6 E 1 ---- 44 -4.2
9 7 -1.6 1 ---- 11 W 11 2.1 45 -4.3
14 W 1 -2.4 3 -4 16 18 0.2 46 -4.3

19 E 5 -1.8 E 4 -3.9 21 W 21 -0.3 E 46 -4.4

24 11 -1.1 5 -3.9 26 22 -0.4 47 -4.4
29 E 16 -0.7 E 7 -3.9 31 21 -0.4 47 -4.5
36 W 20 -0.3 E 47 -4.5
Conjunction- d h d h d h d h d h d h
Inferior: Apr. 1 1 23 … Aug. 19 02 Dec. 06 02 …
Superior: Feb. 28 09 Jun. 4 16 Jun. 14 17 Sep. 30 21
N.B.- E. means that the planet is in the east of the Sun and W. means that it is in the west of the Sun
by the amount of the arc stated.
PHENOMENA, 2024 337

Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Date Elong. Mag. Elong. Mag. Elong. Mag. Elong. Elong. Elong.
° ° ° ° ° °
Jan. -9 W 10 1.4 E 126 -2.7 E 63 0.9 E. 140 E. 85 E 29
1 13 1.4 116 -2.6 53 0.9 129 75 20
11 15 1.4 106 -2.5 44 1 119 65 10
21 18 1.4 96 -2.5 35 1 109 55 E 3
31 21 1.3 87 -2.4 26 1 99 45 W 11

Feb. 10 W 23 1.3 E 78 -2.3 E 17 1 E. 88 E. 35 W 20

20 26 1.3 69 -2.2 E 8 1 79 26 30
Mar. 1 28 1.3 60 -2.2 W 2 1 69 16 40
11 30 1.2 52 -2.1 10 1 59 E. 6 50
21 W 32 1.2 E 44 -2.1 19 1.1 49 W. 4 W 59

31 35 1.2 36 -2.1 W 27 1.1 E. 40 13 E 69

Apr. 10 37 1.2 29 -2 36 1.1 31 22 79
20 W 39 1.1 E 21 -2 45 1.2 21 32 88
30 41 1.1 14 -2 54 1.2 12 41 98
May 10 43 1.1 6 -2 62 1.2 E. 3 51 108

20 45 1.1 W 1 -2 W 71 1.2 W 6 W. 60 E 117

30 W 47 1.1 8 -2 80 1.2 15 69 127
June 9 49 1 15 -2 90 1.1 24 79 137
19 51 1 23 -2 99 1.1 33 88 146
29 W 53 1 W 30 -2 108 1.1 42 98 156

July 9 56 1 37 -2 W 118 1 W 51 W. 107 E 166

19 58 0.9 45 -2.1 128 0.9 60 117 175
29 W 61 0.9 W 53 -2.1 138 0.9 70 127 173
Aug. 8 64 0.9 60 -2.2 148 0.8 79 136 164
18 67 0.8 68 -2.2 W 158 0.7 88 146 155

Sept. 28 W 70 0.8 W 77 -2.3 168 0.6 W 98 W. 156 E 145

7 74 0.7 85 -2.3 W 177 0.6 108 166 135
17 77 0.6 94 -2.4 E 171 0.6 117 W. 176 125
Oct. 27 W 82 0.5 W 103 -2.5 160 0.6 127 E 174 115
7 86 0.4 113 -2.5 150 0.7 137 164 105

17 91 0.3 123 -2.6 E 139 0.7 W 148 E 154 E 96

Nov. 27 W 97 0.2 W 133 -2.7 129 0.8 158 144 86
6 103 0 144 -2.7 119 0.8 168 133 76
16 111 -0.2 155 -2.8 109 0.9 W 179 123 66
26 W 119 -0.4 W 166 -2.8 99 0.9 E 171 113 56

Dec. 6 128 -0.6 178 -2.8 E 89 1 160 E 103 E 46

16 139 -0.8 E 171 -2.8 79 1 150 93 36
26 W 151 -1.1 159 -2.8 69 1.1 139 83 26
36 164 -1.3 148 -2.7 E 60 1.1 E 129 E 72 E 17
d h d h d h d h d h d h
Conjunction: … May 18 19 Feb 28 21 May 13 09 Mar. 17 11 Jan. 20 14
Opposition: … Dec. 7 21 Sep. 8 05 Nov.17 03 Sept.21 00 July 23 06
Magnitudes at opposition: Uranus +5.7; Neptune +7.9; Pluto +14.4
N.B. - E. means that the planet is in the east of the Sun and W. means that it is in the west of the Sun
by the amount of the arc stated.
338 PHENOMENA, 2024


d h m d h m
Direct Jan. 2 03 24 Aug. 28 21 08
Greatest elongation W Jan. 12 14 37 (23˚.5) Sep. 5 02 30 (18˚.0)
Heliacal settingW Feb. 8 05 34 Sept. 19 3 59
Superior conjuction Feb 28 08 43 Sept. 30 21 11
Heliacal rising E. Mar. 10 05 56 Oct. 23 09 43
Greatest elongation E. Mar. 24 22 34 (18˚.7) Nov. 16 08 09 (22˚.6)
Retrograde Apr. 1 22 22 Nov. 26 02 25
Heliacal setting E Apr. 5 19 28 Nov. 30 18 29
Inferior conjunction Apr. 11 23 03 Dec. 6 02 18
Heliacal rising W. Apr. 21 02 04 Dec. 10 09 32
Direct Apr. 25 12 55 Dec. 15 21 13

Greatest elongation W. May 9 21 29 (26˚.4) Dec. 25 02 30 (22˚.0)

Heliacal setting W. June 3 05 26
Superior conjuction June 14 16 33
Heliacal rising E. June 23 15 54
Greatest elongation E. July 22 06 39 (26˚.9) … … …
Retrograde Aug. 5 04 52 … … …
Heliacal setting E. Aug. 7 17 12 … … …
Inferior conjuction Aug. 19 01 59 … … …
Heliacal rising W. Aug. 25 06 49 … … …

d h m d h m
Heliacal setting W. Apr 29 17 44
Superior conjuction Jun 04 15 32
Heliacal rising E. Jun 28 11 36
Greatest elongation E. … … …
Retrograde … … …
Heliacal setting E … … … … … …
Inferior conjunction … … … … … …
Heliacal rising W. … … … … … …
Direct … … … … … …
Greatest elongation W. … … … … … …


d h m d h m d h m
Perihelion Jan. 3 00 39 Equinoxes Mar. 20 03 06 Sept. 22 12 44
Aphelion July 5 05 06 Solstices June 20 20 51 Dec. 21 09 20


d h m d h m d h m
Heliacal setting E. May 6 17 32 Feb. 15 06 57
Conjunction May 18 18 45 Feb. 28 21 25
Heliacal rising W. Jan. 14 08 33 Jun 3 01 31 Mar. 21 15 44
Retrograde Dec 6 23 31 Oct 9 07 04 June 29 19 07
Opposition … … … Dec 7 20 58 Sep 8 04 35
Direct Nov. 15 14 21



d h m d h m d h m
Conjunction May 13 09 13 Mar. 17 11 22 Jan. 20 13 46
Retrograde Sep 1 15 16 July 2 10 37 May 2 17 45
Opposition Nov. 17 2 45 Sep 21 01 17 July 23 05 38
Direct Jan. 27 07 35 Dec. 7 23 40 Oct. 12 00 27

N.B.- The heliacal risings and settings have been calcuted for 23° 11' north latitude. Here E. means east of the Sun or
the western horizon and W. means west of the Sun or the eastern horizon.



d h m d h m
Jan. 8 18 44 Moon Conj. Venus 19 08 59 Mercury Conj. Venus
9 18 24 Moon Conj. Mercury May 3 23 04 Moon Conj. Saturn
10 08 45 Moon Conj. Mars 5 02 17 Moon Conj. Mars
14 10 50 Moon Conj. Saturn 6 05 57 Moon Conj. Mercury
18 19 05 Moon conj. Jupiter 7 14 04 Moon Conj. Venus
27 14 59 Mercury Conj. Mars 8 16 30 Moon conj. Jupiter
Feb. 7 20 12 Moon Conj. Venus 23 08 29 Venus conj. Jupiter
8 07 51 Moon Conj. Mars 31 08 24 Moon Conj. Saturn
8 23 25 Moon Conj. Mercury Jun. 2 22 03 Moon Conj. Mars
11 01 44 Moon Conj. Saturn 4 10 23 Mercury conj. Jupiter

15 06 31 Moon conj. Jupiter 5 12 49 Moon conj. Jupiter

22 07 14 Venus conj. Mars 5 16 46 Moon Conj. Mercury
28 15 08 Mercury conj. Saturn 6 13 36 Moon Conj. Venus
Mar. 8 06 50 Moon Conj. Mars 17 12 42 Mercury Conj. Venus
8 18 55 Moon Conj. Venus 27 14 57 Moon Conj. Saturn
9 18 22 Moon Conj. Saturn July 1 16 19 Moon Conj. Mars
11 03 14 Moon Conj. Mercury 3 07 04 Moon conj. Jupiter
13 23 13 Moon conj. Jupiter 6 16 27 Moon Conj. Venus
21 23 10 Venus conj. Saturn 7 20 23 Moon Conj. Mercury
Apr. 6 05 07 Moon Conj. Mars 24 20 31 Moon Conj. Saturn

6 10 09 Moon Conj. Saturn 30 9 01 Moon Conj. Mars

7 16 21 Moon Conj. Venus 30 22 45 Moon conj. Jupiter
9 2 38 Moon Conj. Mercury Aug. 5 23 24 Moon Conj. Venus
10 19 19 Moon conj. Jupiter 6 5 20 Moon Conj. Mercury
10 20 36 Mars Conj.Saturn 8 3 12 Mercury Conj. Venus
340 PHENOMENA, 2023 --- contd.

d h m d h m
Aug. 14 15 22 Mars Conj. Jupiter 23 21 20 Moon Conj. Mars
21 02 45 Moon Conj. Saturn Nov. 3 06 37 Moon Conj. Mercury
27 11 50 Moon conj. Jupiter 4 23 51 Moon Conj. Venus
28 00 00 Moon Conj. Mars 11 01 39 Moon Conj. Saturn
Sep. 1 12 37 Moon Conj. Mercury 17 14 07 Moon conj. Jupiter
5 09 13 Moon Conj. Venus 20 22 15 Moon Conj. Mars
17 10 10 Moon Conj. Saturn Dec. 2 01 28 Moon Conj. Mercury
23 22 39 Moon conj. Jupiter 4 23 34 Moon Conj. Venus
25 12 40 Moon Conj. Mars 8 08 44 Moon Conj. Saturn
Oct' 2 22 22 Moon Conj. Mercury 14 18 43 Moon conj. Jupiter
5 18 28 Moon Conj. Venus 18 09 13 Moon Conj. Mars
14 18 08 Moon Conj. Saturn 29 08 29 Moon Conj. Mercury
21 07 25 Moon conj. Jupiter


d h m d h m
Jan 6 08 12 Venus 6˚ .42N. of Antares Aug. 11 22 09 Mercury 5˚ .53S. of Regulus
Jun. 1 16 52 Venus 5˚ .34N. of Aldebaran Sep. 9 06 40 Mercury 0˚ .49N. of Regulus
Jun. 8 14 57 Mercury 5˚ .45N. of Aldebaran Sep. 17 12 55 Venus 2˚ .63N. of Spica
Jun. 29 09 49 Mercury 4˚ .87S. of Pollux Oct. 9 15 15 Mercury 2˚ .66N. of Spica
July 7 06 14 Venus 5˚ .68S. of Pollux Oct. 21 06 01 Mars 5˚ .72S. of Pollux
July 13 06 57 Jupiter 4˚ .82N. of Aldebaran Oct. 25 19 01 Venus 3˚ .11N. of Antares
July 27 12 13 Mercury 2˚ .64S. of Regulus Nov. 10 04 07 Mercury 2˚ .02N. of Antares
Aug. 4 22 05 Venus 1˚ .09N. of Regulus Dec. 10 11 11 Mercury 7˚ .12N. of Antares
Aug. 5 18 44 Mars 4˚ .99N. of Aldebaran Dec. 22 00 05 Mercury 7˚ .09N. of Antares


d h m d h m
Jan. 1 15 29 Moon at Apogee Feb 28 21 25 Saturn in conjunction with Sun
2 04 06 Mercury Stationary in RA Mar. 3 15 23 LAST QUARTER
3 00 52 Earth at Perihelion 8 05 00 Mars 3˚.52N of Moon
4 03 30 LAST QUARTER 8 17 00 Venus 3˚.28N of Moon
6 08 12 Venus 6˚ .42N. of Antares 8 17 35 Mercury 0˚ 2'N. of Neptune
8 20 10 Venus 5˚.70N of Moon 9 17 28 Saturn 1˚.52N of Moon
9 18 48 Mercury 6˚.59N of Moon 10 07 04 Moon at Perlgee
10 08 31 Mars 4˚.16N of Moon 10 09 00 NEW MOON
11 11 57 NEW MOON 11 00 56 Neptune 0˚.52N of Moon
12 14 37 Mercury Greatest elongation W 11 08 00 Mercury 1˚.03N of Moon

13 10 36 Moon at Perlgee 13 00 38 Mercury in Ascending node

14 09 33 Saturn 2˚.14N of Moon 14 01 03 Jupiter 3˚.59S of Moon
15 20 25 Neptune 0˚.95N of Moon 14 11 35 Uranus 3˚.44S of Moon
Occultation 17 04 11 FIRST QUARTER
18 03 53 FIRST QUARTER 17 11 23 Neptune in conjunction with Sun
18 20 42 Jupiter 2˚.77S of Moon 17 16 36 Mercury in Perihelion
19 19 39 Uranus 2˚.96S of Moon 19 21 43 Venus in Aphelion
20 13 43 Pluto in conjunction with Sun 20 03 06 Sun enter Vernal Equinox
23 08 11 Mercury in Descending node 22 02 00 Venus 0˚ 21' N. of Saturn
25 17 54 FULL MOON 23 15 45 Moon at Apogee

27 10 50 Uranus Stationary in RA 24 22 25 Mercury in Greatest Elongation (E) 18 42'

27 16 07 Mercury 0˚ 15' N. of Mars 25 07 00 FULL MOON
27 7 1 09 Jupiter in Square with Sun 27 21 55 Mercury greatest helio. lat N.
29 08 15 Moon at Apogee Apr. 1 20 16 Mercury Stationary in RA
Feb 2 16 58 Mercury in Aphelion 2 03 15 LAST QUARTER
2 23 18 LAST QUARTER 3 10 54 Venus 0˚ 17' S. of Neptune
7 18 50 Venus 5˚.43N of Moon 6 03 51 Mars 1˚.98N of Moon
8 06 30 Mars 4˚.21N of Moon 6 09 24 Saturn 1˚.22N of Moon
8 21 59 Mercury 3˚.22N of Moon 7 08 11 Neptune 0˚.42N of Moon
8 10 4 06 Uranus in Square with Sun Occultation
9 22 59 NEW MOON 7 16 38 Venus 0˚.39S of Moon
10 18 53 Moon at Perlgee Occultation
11 00 40 Saturn 1˚.81N of Moon 7 17 51 Moon at perigee
12 06 45 Neptune 0˚.68N of Moon 8 18 21 NEW MOON : Solar Eclipse
Occultation 9 01 24 Mercury 2˚.19N of Moon
13 23 39 Venus in Descending node 10 19 54 Venus greatest helio lat. S.
14 19 50 Mars 1˚ 56' N. of Pluto 10 21 09 Jupiter 3˚.98S of Moon
15 08 16 Jupiter 3˚.16S of Moon 10 23 51 Uranus 3˚.55S of Moon

16 02 00 Uranus 3˚.23S of Moon 11 03 13 Mars 0˚ 29 'N. of Saturn

16 15 01 FIRST QUARTER 11 22 39 Mars greatest helio lat. S.
11 23 03 Mercury in inferior conjunction
17 20 44 Venus 2˚ 43' N. of Pluto 2˚ 13' .3 N of Sun
22 15 35 Venus 0˚ 38 'N. of Mars 15 19 13 FIRST QUARTER
22 22 47 Mercury greatest helio lat. S. 18 22 40 Mercury 1˚ 58' N. of Venus
24 12 30 FULL MOON 20 02 10 Moon at Apogee
25 14 59 Moon at Apogee 20 07 21 Mercury in Descending node
28 08 40 Mercury in superior conjunction 20 07 36 Jupiter 0˚ 32 'S. of Uranus
1˚ 49' .6 S of Sun 23 23 49 FULL MOON
28 14 03 Mercury 0˚12' S. of Saturn 24 08 25 Mercury Stationary in RA


d h m d h m
Apr. 29 04 03 Mars 0˚0 2' S. of Neptune June 9 10 06 Saturn in Square with Sun
30 16 15 Mercury in Aphelion 13 15 52 Mercury in Perihelion
3 22 32 Saturn 0˚.84N of Moon 14 13 35 Moon at Apogee
Occultation 14 16 33 Mercury in superior conjunction
4 03 24 Pluto Stationary in RA 0˚ 56' .9 N of Sun
4 18 55 Neptune 0˚.28N of Moon 17 12 39 Mercury 0˚ 53' N. of Venus
Occultation 20 20 51 Sun enter Summer solctice
5 02 25 Mars 0˚.2S of Moon
Occultation 20 18 03 Neptune in Square with Sun
5 22 05 Moon at Perlgee 22 01 08 FULL MOON
6 08 25 Mercury 3˚.82S of Moon 23 21 10 Mercury greatest helio. lat N.
7 16 03 Venus 3˚.51S of Moon 27 11 29 Moon at Perlgee
8 03 22 NEW MOON 27 15 00 Saturn 0˚.08S of Moon
8 10 39 Mars in Perihelion Occultation
8 12 51 Uranus 3˚.62S of Moon 28 08 56 Neptune 0˚.30S of Moon
8 18 14 Jupiter 4˚.33S of Moon Occultation
9 21 37 Mercury in Greatest Elongation W(26˚22') 29 09 49 Mercury 4˚ .87S. of Pollux
13 09 13 Uranus in conjunction with Sun
15 11 48 FIRST QUARTER 30 21 17 Saturn Stationary in RA
17 18 60 Moon at Apogee Jul 1 18 26 Mars 4˚.09S of Moon
18 09 17 Venus 0˚ 28 'S. of Uranus 2 10 07 Uranus 3˚.95S of Moon
18 18 46 Jupiter in conjunction with Sun 3 03 02 Neptune Stationary in RA
20 22 03 Mercury greatest helio lat. S. 3 08 28 Jupiter 5˚.02S of Moon
23 09 30 Venus 0˚ 12 'N. of Jupiter 5 05 01 Earth at Aphelion
23 13 53 FULL MOON 5 22 57 NEW MOON
30 17 13 LAST QUARTER 6 15 04 Venus 3˚.86S of Moon

31 01 26 Mercury 1˚ 21'S. of Uranus 7 06 14 Venus 5˚ .68S. of Pollux

31 08 09 Saturn 0˚.38N of Moon
Occultation 7 18 32 Mercury 3˚.22S of Moon
10 05 02 Venus in Perihelion
Jun. 1 02 54 Neptune 0˚.02 N of Moon 12 08 10 Moon at Apogee
Occultation 13 06 57 Jupiter 4˚ .82N. of Aldebaran
1 16 52 Venus 5˚ .34N. of Aldebaran 13 22 49 FIRST QUARTER
2 07 17 Moon at Perlgee 15 09 24 Mars 0˚ 33' S. of Uranus
2 23 37 Mars 2˚.41S of Moon 17 06 30 Mercury in Descending node
4 10 04 Mercury 0˚ 7'S. of Jupiter 21 10 17 FULL MOON
22 17 14 Mercury in Greatest Elongation E( 26˚56')
4 15 32 Venus in superior conjunction 23 05 34 Pluto in oposition with Sun
0˚ 3' .5 S of Sun
5 00 37 Uranus 3˚.74S of Moon 24 05 41 Moon at Perlgee
5 14 25 Jupiter 4˚.67S of Moon 24 20 46 Saturn 0˚.39S of Moon
5 18 28 Mercury 4˚.66S of Moon Occultation
6 03 08 Venus in Ascending node 25 14 54 Neptune 0˚.57S of Moon
6 12 38 NEW MOON Occultation
6 14 27 Venus 4˚.54S of Moon 27 12 13 Mercury 2˚ .64S. of Regulus
8 14 57 Mercury 5˚ .45N. of Aldebaran 27 15 29 Mercury in Aphelion
8 23 54 Mercury in Ascending node 28 02 52 LAST QUARTER


d h m d h m
July 29 17 30 Uranus 4˚.22S of Moon Sep 17 10 22 Saturn 0˚.31S of Moon
30 10 37 Mars 5˚.03S of Moon Occultation
30 23 53 Jupiter 5˚.38S of Moon 17 12 55 Venus 2˚ .63N. of Spica
31 15 10 Venus greatest helio. lat N. 18 02 35+ FULL MOON : Lunar Eclipse
Aug 4 08 19 Mercury Stationary in RA 18 07 35 Neptune 0˚.66S of Moon
4 11 13 NEW MOON Occultation
4 22 05 Venus 1˚ .09N. of Regulus 18 13 24 Moon at Perlgee
5 18 44 Mars 4˚ .99N. of Aldebaran 19 20 25 Mercury greatest helio. lat N.
5 22 03 Venus 1˚.74S of Moon 21 00 17 Neptune in oposition with Sun
22 07 14 Uranus 4˚.53S of Moon

6 00 02 Mercury 7˚.47S of Moon 22 12 44 Sun enter Autumnal Equinox

6 15 15 Mercury 5˚ 55' S. of Venus 23 23 21 Jupiter 5˚.83S of Moon
9 01 31 Moon at Apogee 24 18 50 LAST QUARTER
11 22 09 Mercury 5˚ .53S. of Regulus 25 11 49 Mars 4˚.90S of Moon
12 15 19 FIRST QUARTER 25 16 37 Venus in Descending node
30 21 11 Mercury in superior conjunction
14 16 50 Mars 0˚ 1' N. of Jupiter 1˚ 17' .9 N of Sun
16 11 59 Neptune Stationary in RA Oct 2 18 49 NEW MOON : Solar Eclipse
16 21 19 Mercury greatest helio lat. S. 2 19 39 Moon at Apogee
19 01 59 Mercury in inferior conjunction
4˚ 30' .2 S of Sun 3 00 02 Mercury 1˚.80N of Moon

19 18 26 FULL MOON 5 20 26 Venus 3˚.01N of Moon

19 16 05 Uranus in Square with Sun 9 07 12 Jupiter Stationary in RA
21 03 02 Saturn 0˚.46S of Moon 9 15 15 Mercury 2˚ .66N. of Spica
Occultation 10 18 55 FIRST QUARTER
21 05 03 Moon at Perlgee 12 02 13 Pluto Stationary in RA
21 21 59 Neptune 0˚.59S of Moon 13 05 53 Mercury in Descending node
Occultation 14 18 13 Saturn 0˚.11S of Moon
26 00 01 Uranus 4˚.44S of Moon Occultation
26 09 26 LAST QUARTER 15 17 32 Neptune 0˚.59S of Moon
27 12 43 Jupiter 5˚.67S of Moon Occultation

28 00 22 Mars 5˚.27S of Moon 17 00 52 Moon at Perlgee

28 02 33 Mercury Stationary in RA 17 11 26 FULL MOON
Sep 1 09 18 Mercury 5˚.03S of Moon 19 15 52 Uranus 4˚.47S of Moon
1 15 43 Uranus Stationary in RA 21 06 01 Mars 5˚ .72S. of Pollux
3 01 55 NEW MOON 21 08 04 Jupiter 5˚.81S of Moon
4 23 08 Mercury in Ascending node 23 14 44 Mercury in Aphelion
5 02 30 Mercury in Greatest ElongationW(18˚1') 23 19 55 Mars 3˚.91S of Moon
5 10 16 Venus 1˚.18N of Moon 24 08 03 LAST QUARTER
Occultation 25 19 01 Venus 3˚ .11N. of Antares
5 14 54 Moon at Apogee
29 22 50 Moon at Apogee
6 01 52 Mars in Ascending node 30 14 27 Venus in Aphelion
8 04 35 Saturn in oposition with Sun
9 06 40 Mercury 0˚ .49N. of Regulus Nov 1 12 47 NEW MOON
9 15 07 Mercury in Perihelion 3 07 36 Mercury 2˚.11N of Moon
11 06 06 FIRST QUARTER 5 00 15 Venus 3˚.10N of Moon
12 10 02 Jupiter in Square with Sun 9 05 55 FIRST QUARTER

d h m d h m
Nov 10 04 07 Mercury 2˚ .02N. of Antares Dec. 7 20 58 Mars Stationary in RA
11 01 43 Saturn 0˚.09S of Moon 7 20 58 Jupiter in oposition with Sun
Occultation 8 08 56 Saturn 0˚.31S of Moon
12 02 25 Neptune 0˚.62S of Moon Occultation
Occultation 8 11 01 Neptune Stationary in RA
12 20 34 Mercury greatest helio lat. S. 8 15 27 FIRST QUARTER
14 11 16 Moon at Perlgee 9 09 19 Neptune 0˚.83S of Moon
15 21 29 FULL MOON Occultation
16 01 13 Uranus 4˚.36S of Moon 10 11 11 Mercury 7˚ .12N. of Antares
16 05 56 Saturn Stationary in RA 12 13 22 Moon at Perlgee

16 08 09 Mercury in Greatest Elongation E(22 ˚33') 13 09 34

Uranus 4˚.35S of Moon
17 02 44 Uranus in oposition with Sun 14 19 42
Jupiter 5˚.47S of Moon
17 14 53 Jupiter 5˚.64S of Moon 15 09 02
20 21 09 Mars 2˚.44S of Moon 15 21 30
Mercury Stationary in RA
21 12 45 Venus greatest helio lat. S. 16 19 40
Mercury greatest helio. lat N.
23 01 28 LAST QUARTER 18 08 48
Mars 0˚.91S of Moon
26 04 12 Mercury Stationary in RA Occultation
26 11 56 Moon at Apogee 18 14 09 Neptune in Square with Sun
Dec 1 06 21 NEW MOON 21 09 20 Sun enter Winter solctice
1 22 20 Mercury in Ascending node 22 00 05 Mercury 7˚ .09N. of Antares

2 02 09 Mercury 4˚.95N of Moon 22 22 18 LAST QUARTER

4 22 40 Venus 2˚.26N of Moon 24 07 25 Moon at Apogee
4 16 09 Saturn in Square with Sun 25 02 30 Mercury in Greatest Elongation W( 22˚2')
6 14 23 Mercury in Perihelion 29 04 22 Mercury 6˚.39N of Moon
7 18 13 Venus 0˚ 53' N. of Pluto 30 22 27 NEW MOON



d h m d h m
Jan 4 18 53 Moon in descending node July 12 22 27 Moon in descending node
17 14 04 Moon in ascending node 26 05 31 Moon in ascending node
31 20 18 Moon in descending node Aug 9 01 06 Moon in descending node
Feb 13 17 03 Moon in ascending node 22 10 26 Moon in ascending node
27 22 54 Moon in descending node Sep 5 05 43 Moon in descending node
Mar 12 01 17 Moon in ascending node 18 19 52 Moon in ascending node
26 04 07 Moon in descending node Oct 2 11 52 Moon in descending node
Apr 8 12 19 Moon in ascending node 16 07 04 Moon in ascending node
22 10 44 Moon in descending node 29 17 44 Moon in descending node
May 5 21 54 Moon in ascending node Nov 12 15 59 Moon in ascending node
19 16 35 Moon in descending node 25 21 32 Moon in descending node
June 2 03 07 Moon in ascending node Dec 9 19 37 Moon in ascending node
15 20 18 Moon in descending node 22 23 22 Moon in descending node
29 04 25 Moon in ascending node


_______________ ________________________________ _________________________________
Mean Correction Mean Correction Mean Correction Mean Correction Mean Correction
Time Time Time Time Time
h m s m s m s s s s s
1 0 09.856 1 0.164 31 5.093 1 .003 31 .085
2 0 19.713 2 0.329 32 5.257 2 .005 32 .088
3 0 29.569 3 0.493 33 5.421 3 .008 33 .090
4 0 39.426 4 0.657 34 5.585 4 .011 34 .093
5 0 49.282 5 0.821 35 5.750 5 .014 35 .096

6 0 59.139 6 0.986 36 5.914 6 .016 36 .099

7 1 08.995 7 1.150 37 6.078 7 .019 37 .101
8 1 18.852 8 1.314 38 6.242 8 .022 38 .104
9 1 28.708 9 1.478 39 6.407 9 .025 39 .107
10 1 38.565 10 1.643 40 6.571 10 .027 40 .110

11 1 48.421 11 1.807 41 6.735 11 .030 41 .112

12 1 58.278 12 1.971 42 6.900 12 .033 42 .115
13 2 08.134 13 2.136 43 7.064 13 .036 43 .118
14 2 17.991 14 2.300 44 7.228 14 .038 44 .120
15 2 27.847 15 2.464 45 7.392 15 .041 45 .123

16 2 37.704 16 2.628 46 7.557 16 .044 46 .126

17 2 47.560 17 2.793 47 7.721 17 .047 47 .129
18 2 57.417 18 2.957 48 7.885 18 .049 48 .131
19 3 07.273 19 3.121 49 8.049 19 .052 49 .134
20 3 17.129 20 3.285 50 8.214 20 .055 50 .137

21 3 26.986 21 3.450 51 8.378 21 .057 51 .140

22 3 36.842 22 3.614 52 8.542 22 .060 52 .142
23 3 46.699 23 3.778 53 8.707 23 .063 53 .145
24 3 56.555 24 3.943 54 8.871 24 .066 54 .148
25 4.107 55 9.035 25 .068 55 .151

26 4.271 56 9.199 26 .071 56 .153

27 4.435 57 9.364 27 .074 57 .156
28 4.600 58 9.528 28 .077 58 .159
29 4.764 59 9.692 29 .079 59 .162
30 4.928 60 9.856 30 .082 60 .164

Local Apparent Sidereal time for any given local Local apparent Sidereal Time for any
mean time hour of Universal Time.
= mean Sid. Time for 0h U.T. (Pages 13 to 16) = Sid. Time for 0h U.T. (Pages 13 to 16)
— reduction for longitude of place + longitude of place (in time )
+ local mean time reckoned from midnight + Universal Time
+ correction for local mean time added (Table-I) + correction for U.T. added (Table-I)
+ Equation of Equinoxes. + Equation of Equinoxes.

N.B. The longitude of place is to be taken in time and regarded positive for places East of Greenwich.
The reduction of Sidereal Time for the longitude of place may be taken from the above table and with the
same sign as that of longitude. The correction for the L.M.T. or U.T. added should also be taken from the
above table. For details, see the examples given under the EXPLANATION.


_________________ __________________________________ _________________________________
Sidereal Correction Sidereal Correction Sidereal Correction Sidereal Correction Sidereal Correction
Time Time Time Time Time
h m s m s m s s s s s
1 0 09.830 1 0.164 31 5.079 1 .003 31 .085
2 0 19.659 2 0.328 32 5.242 2 .005 32 .087
3 0 29.489 3 0.491 33 5.406 3 .008 33 .090
4 0 39.318 4 0.655 34 5.570 4 .011 34 .093
5 0 49.148 5 0.819 35 5.734 5 .014 35 .096

6 0 58.977 6 0.983 36 5.898 6 .016 36 .098

7 1 08.807 7 1.147 37 6.062 7 .019 37 .101
8 1 18.636 8 1.311 38 6.225 8 .022` 38 .104
9 1 28.466 9 1.474 39 6.389 9 .025 39 .106
10 1 38.296 10 1.638 40 6.553 10 .027 40 .109

11 1 48.125 11 1.802 41 6.717 11 .030 41 .112

12 1 57.955 12 1.966 42 6.881 12 .033 42 .115
13 2 07.784 13 2.130 43 7.045 13 .035 43 .117
14 2 17.614 14 2.294 44 7.208 14 .038 44 .120
15 2 27.443 15 2.457 45 7.372 15 .041 45 .123

16 2 37.273 16 2.621 46 7.536 16 .044 46 .126

17 2 47.103 17 2.785 47 7.700 17 .046 47 .128
18 2 56.932 18 2.949 48 7.864 18 .049 48 .131
19 3 06.762 19 3.113 49 8.027 19 .052 49 .134
20 3 16.591 20 3.277 50 8.191 20 .055 50 .137

21 3 26.421 21 3.440 51 8.355 21 .057 51 .139

22 3 36.250 22 3.604 52 8.519 22 .060 52 .142
23 3 46.080 23 3.768 53 8.683 23 .063 53 .145
24 3 55.909 24 3.932 54 8.847 24 .066 54 .147
25 4.096 55 9.010 25 .068 55 .150

26 4.259 56 9.174 26 .071 56 .153

27 4.423 57 9.338 27 .074 57 .156
28 4.587 58 9.502 28 .076 58 .158
29 4.751 59 9.666 29 .079 59 .161
30 4.915 60 9.830 30 .082 60 .164

Local Mean Time for any given local apparent Otherwise, L.M.T. for any given Sidereal Time
Sidereal Time may be obtained as follows:-
= Time of preceding transit of First Point of Given Sidereal Time
Aries (pages 13 to 16) — Sidereal Time for 0 h U.T. (pages 13 to
+ reduction for longitude of place + reduction for longitude of place
+ given local apparent Sidereal Time — Equation = Sidereal interval since 0h L.M.T.
of Equinoxes This Sidereal interval corrected by the above
— correction for Sidereal Time added (Table-II). table gives the required local mean time.
or, Universal Time for any given Sidereal Time may be obtained as follows:-
Given Sidereal Time —longitude of place —Sidereal Time for 0h U.T. = Sidereal interval since 0h U.T.
This interval converted into Mean Solar Time by the above table gives the Universal Time required.

N.B. The reduction for longitude of place is of the same sign as that of the longitude, i.e. positive
for places East of Greenwich and negative for West. See Example under EXPLANATION.


 h m  h m  h m  m s  s  s  s
0 0 00 49 3 16 98 6 32 0 0 00 0 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.50 0.033
1 0 04 50 3 20 99 6 36 1 0 04 1 0.067 .01 .001 .51 .034
2 0 08 51 3 24 100 6 40 2 0 08 2 0.133 .02 .001 .52 .035
3 0 12 52 3 28 101 6 44 3 0 12 3 0.200 .03 .002 .53 .035
4 0 16 53 3 32 102 6 48 4 0 16 4 0.267 .04 .003 .54 .036
5 0 20 54 3 36 103 6 52 5 0 20 5 0.333 .05 .003 .55 .037
6 0 24 55 3 40 104 6 56 6 0 24 6 0.400 .06 .004 .56 .037
7 0 28 56 3 44 105 7 00 7 0 28 7 0.467 .07 .005 .57 .038
8 0 32 57 3 48 106 7 04 8 0 32 8 0.533 .08 .005 .58 .039
9 0 36 58 3 52 107 7 08 9 0 36 9 0.600 .09 .006 .59 .039
10 0 40 59 3 56 108 7 12 10 0 40 10 0.667 0.10 0.007 0.60 0.040
11 0 44 60 4 00 109 7 16 11 0 44 11 0.733 .11 .007 .61 .041
12 0 48 61 4 04 110 7 20 12 0 48 12 0.800 .12 .008 .62 .041
13 0 52 62 4 08 111 7 24 13 0 52 13 0.867 .13 .009 .63 .042
14 0 56 63 4 12 112 7 28 14 0 56 14 0.933 .14 .009 .64 .043
15 1 00 64 4 16 113 7 32 15 1 00 15 1.000 .15 .010 .65 .043
16 1 04 65 4 20 114 7 36 16 1 04 16 1.067 .16 .011 .66 .044
17 1 08 66 4 24 115 7 40 17 1 08 17 1.133 .17 .011 .67 .045
18 1 12 67 4 28 116 7 44 18 1 12 18 1.200 .18 .012 .68 .045
19 1 16 68 4 32 117 7 48 19 1 16 19 1.267 .19 .013 .69 .046
20 1 20 69 4 36 118 7 52 20 1 20 20 1.333 0.20 0.013 0.70 0.047
21 1 24 70 4 40 119 7 56 21 1 24 21 1.400 .21 .014 .71 .047
22 1 28 71 4 44 120 8 00 22 1 28 22 1.467 .22 .015 .72 .048
23 1 32 72 4 48 121 8 04 23 1 32 23 1.533 .23 .015 .73 .049
24 1 36 73 4 52 122 8 08 24 1 36 24 1.600 .24 .016 .74 .049
25 1 40 74 4 56 123 8 12 25 1 40 25 1.667 .25 .017 .75 .050
26 1 44 75 5 00 124 8 16 26 1 44 26 1.733 .26 .017 .76 .051
27 1 48 76 5 04 125 8 20 27 1 48 27 1.800 .27 .018 .77 .051
28 1 52 77 5 08 126 8 24 28 1 52 28 1.867 .28 .019 .78 .052
29 1 56 78 5 12 127 8 28 29 1 56 29 1.933 .29 .019 .79 .053
30 2 00 79 5 16 128 8 32 30 2 00 30 2.000 0.30 0.020 0.80 0.053
31 2 04 80 5 20 129 8 36 31 2 04 31 2.067 .31 .021 .81 .054
32 2 08 81 5 24 130 8 40 32 2 08 32 2.133 .32 .021 .82 .055
33 2 12 82 5 28 131 8 44 33 2 12 33 2.200 .33 .022 .83 .055
34 2 16 83 5 32 132 8 48 34 2 16 34 2.267 .34 .023 .84 .056
35 2 20 84 5 36 133 8 52 35 2 20 35 2.333 .35 .023 .85 .057
36 2 24 85 5 40 134 8 56 36 2 24 36 2.400 .36 .024 .86 .057
37 2 28 86 5 44 135 9 00 37 2 28 37 2.467 .37 .025 .87 .058
38 2 32 87 5 48 136 9 04 38 2 32 38 2.533 .38 .025 .88 .059
39 2 36 88 5 52 137 9 08 39 2 36 39 2.600 .39 .026 .89 .059
40 2 40 89 5 56 138 9 12 40 2 40 40 2.667 0.40 0.027 0.90 0.06
41 2 44 90 6 00 139 9 16 41 2 44 41 2.733 .41 .027 .91 .061
42 2 48 91 6 04 140 9 20 42 2 48 42 2.800 .42 .028 .92 .061
43 2 52 92 6 08 141 9 24 43 2 52 43 2.867 .43 .029 .93 .062
44 2 56 93 6 12 142 9 28 44 2 56 44 2.933 .44 .029 .94 .063
45 3 00 94 6 16 143 9 32 45 3 00 45 3.000 .45 .030 .95 .063
46 3 04 95 6 20 144 9 36 46 3 04 46 3.067 .46 .031 .96 .064
47 3 08 96 6 24 145 9 40 47 3 08 47 3.133 .47 .031 97 .065
48 3 12 97 6 28 146 9 44 48 3 12 48 3.200 .48 .032 .98 .065
348 TABLE-III ---- contd.


 h m  h m  h m  m s  s  s  s
147 9 48 158 10 32 169 11 16 49 3 16 49 3.267 0.49 0.033 0.99 0.066
148 9 52 159 10 36 170 11 20 50 3 20 50 3.333 0.50 0.033 1.00 0.067
149 9 56 160 10 40 171 11 24 51 3 24 51 3.400
150 10 00 161 10 44 172 11 28 52 3 28 52 3.467
151 10 04 162 10 48 173 11 32 53 3 32 53 3.533
152 10 08 163 10 52 174 11 36 54 3 36 54 3.600
153 10 12 164 10 56 175 11 40 55 3 40 55 3.667
154 10 16 165 11 00 176 11 44 56 3 44 56 3.733
155 10 20 166 11 04 177 11 48 57 3 48 57 3.800
156 10 24 167 11 08 178 11 52 58 3 52 58 3.867
157 10 28 168 11 12 179 11 56 59 3 56 59 3.933


0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h SECONDS
m             s   s  s 
0 0 00 15 00 30 00 45 00 60 00 75 00 0 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.50 7.50
1 0 15 15 15 30 15 45 15 60 15 75 15 1 0 15 .01 0.15 .51 7.65
2 0 30 15 30 30 30 45 30 60 30 75 30 2 0 30 .02 0 30 .52 7.80
3 0 45 15 45 30 45 45 45 60 45 75 45 3 0 45 .03 0.45 .53 7.95
4 1 00 16 00 31 00 46 00 61 00 76 00 4 1 00 .04 0.60 .54 8.10
5 1 15 16 15 31 15 46 15 61 15 76 15 5 1 15 .05 0.75 .55 8.25
6 1 30 16 30 31 30 46 30 61 30 76 30 6 1 30 .06 0.90 .56 8.40
7 1 45 16 45 31 45 46 45 61 45 76 45 7 1 45 .07 1.05 .57 8.55
8 2 00 17 00 32 00 47 00 62 00 77 00 8 2 00 .08 1.20 .58 8.70
9 2 15 17 15 32 15 47 15 62 15 77 15 9 2 15 .09 1.35 .59 8.85
10 2 30 17 30 32 30 47 30 62 30 77 30 10 2 30 0.10 1.50 0.60 9.00
11 2 45 17 45 32 45 47 45 62 45 77 45 11 2 45 .11 1.65 .61 9.15
12 3 00 18 00 33 00 48 00 63 00 78 00 12 3 00 .12 1.80 .62 9.30
13 3 15 18 15 33 15 48 15 63 15 78 15 13 3 15 .13 1.95 .63 9.45
14 3 30 18 30 33 30 48 30 63 30 78 30 14 3 30 .14 2.10 .64 9.60
15 3 45 18 45 33 45 48 45 63 45 78 45 15 3 45 .15 2.25 .65 9.75
16 4 00 19 00 34 00 49 00 64 00 79 00 16 4 00 .16 2.40 .66 9.90
17 4 15 19 15 34 15 49 15 64 15 79 15 17 4 15 .17 2.55 .67 10.05
18 4 30 19 30 34 30 49 30 64 30 79 30 18 4 30 .18 2.70 .68 10.20
19 4 45 19 45 34 45 49 45 64 45 79 45 19 4 45 .19 2.85 .69 10.35
20 5 00 20 00 35 00 50 00 65 00 80 00 20 5 00 .20 3.00 0.70 10.50
21 5 15 20 15 35 15 50 15 65 15 80 15 21 5 15 .21 3.15 .71 10.65
22 5 30 20 30 35 30 50 30 65 30 80 30 22 5 30 .22 3.30 .72 10.80
23 5 45 20 45 35 45 50 45 65 45 80 45 23 5 45 .23 3.45 .73 10.95
24 6 00 21 00 36 00 51 00 66 00 81 00 24 6 00 .24 3.60 .74 11.10
25 6 15 21 15 36 15 51 15 66 15 81 15 25 6 15 .25 3.75 .75 11.25
26 6 30 21 30 36 30 51 30 66 30 81 30 26 6 30 .26 3.90 .76 11.40
27 6 45 21 45 36 45 51 45 66 45 81 45 27 6 45 .27 4.05 .77 11.55
28 7 00 22 00 37 00 52 00 67 00 82 00 28 7 00 .28 4.20 .78 11.70
29 7 15 22 15 37 15 52 15 67 15 82 15 29 7 15 .29 4.35 .79 11.85
30 7 30 22 30 37 30 52 30 67 30 82 30 30 7 30 .30 4.50 0.80 12.00
TABLE-IV ---- contd. 349

0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h SECONDS
m             s   s  s 
31 7 45 22 45 37 45 52 45 67 45 82 45 31 7 45 0.31 4.65 0.81 12.15
32 8 00 23 00 38 00 53 00 68 00 83 00 32 8 00 .32 4.80 .82 12.30
33 8 15 23 15 38 15 53 15 68 15 83 15 33 8 15 .33 4.95 .83 12.45
34 8 30 23 30 38 30 53 30 68 30 83 30 34 8 30 .34 5.10 .84 12.60
35 8 45 23 45 38 45 53 45 68 45 83 45 35 8 45 .35 5.25 .85 12.75
36 9 00 24 00 39 00 54 00 69 00 84 00 36 9 00 .36 5.40 .86 12.90
37 9 15 24 15 39 15 54 15 69 15 84 15 37 9 15 .37 5.55 .87 13.05
38 9 30 24 30 39 30 54 30 69 30 84 30 38 9 30 .38 5.70 .88 13.20
39 9 45 24 45 39 45 54 45 69 45 84 45 39 9 45 .39 5.85 .89 13.35
40 10 00 25 00 40 00 55 00 70 00 85 00 40 10 00 .40 6.00 .90 13.50
41 10 15 25 15 40 15 55 15 70 15 85 15 41 10 15 .41 6.15 .91 13.65
42 10 30 25 30 40 30 55 30 70 30 85 30 42 10 30 .42 6.30 .92 13.80
43 10 45 25 45 40 45 55 45 70 45 85 45 43 10 45 .43 6.45 .93 13.95
44 11 00 26 00 41 00 56 00 71 00 86 00 44 11 00 .44 6.60 .94 14.10
45 11 15 26 15 41 15 56 15 71 15 86 15 45 11 15 .45 6.75 .95 14.25
46 11 30 26 30 41 30 56 30 71 30 86 30 46 11 30 .46 6.90 .96 14.40
47 11 45 26 45 41 45 56 45 71 45 86 45 47 11 45 .47 7.05 .97 14.55
48 12 00 27 00 42 00 57 00 72 00 87 00 48 12 00 .48 7.20 .98 14.70
49 12 15 27 15 42 15 57 15 72 15 87 15 49 12 15 .49 7.35 0.99 14.85
50 12 30 27 30 42 30 57 30 72 30 87 30 50 12 30 0.50 7.50 1.00 15.00
51 12 45 27 45 30
42 45 57 45 72 45 87 45 51 12 45
52 13 00 28 00 43 00 58 00 73 00 88 00 52 13 00
53 13 15 28 15 43 15 58 15 73 15 88 15 53 13 15
54 13 30 28 30 43 30 58 30 73 30 88 30 54 13 30 h 
55 13 45 28 45 43 45 58 45 73 45 88 45 55 13 45 6 = 90
56 14 00 29 00 44 00 59 00 74 00 89 00 56 14 00 = =
12 180
57 14 15 29 15 44 15 59 15 74 15 89 15 57 14 15 18 = 270
58 14 30 29 30 44 30 59 30 74 30 89 30 58 14 30
59 14 45 29 45 44 45 59 45 74 45 89 45 59 14 45


0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h SECONDS

m d d d d d d s d
0 0.000 000 0.041 667 0.083 333 0.125 000 0.166 667 0.208 333 0 0.000 000
1 .000 694 .042 361 .084 028 .125 694 .167 361 .209 028 1 .000 012
2 .001 389 .043 056 .084 722 .126 389 .168 056 .209 722 2 .000 023
3 .002 083 .043 750 .085 417 .127 083 .168 750 .210 417 3 .000 035
4 .002 778 .044 444 .086 111 .127 778 .169 444 .211 111 4 .000 046
5 .003 472 .045 139 .086 806 .128 472 .170 139 .211 806 5 .000 058
6 .004 167 .045 833 .087 500 .129 167 .170 833 .212 500 6 .000 069
7 .004 861 .046 528 .088 194 .129 861 .171 528 .213 194 7 .000 081
8 .005 556 .047 222 .088 889 .130 556 .172 222 .213 889 8 .000 093
9 .006 250 .047 917 .089 583 .131 250 .172 917 .214 583 9 .000 104
10 0.006 944 0.048 611 0.090 278 0.131 944 0.173 611 0.215 278 10 0.000 116
11 .007 639 .049 306 .090 972 0.132 639 .174 306 .215 972 11 .000 127
350 TABLE - V ---- contd.

0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h SECONDS

m d d d d d d s d
12 0.008 333 0.050 000 0.091 667 0.133 333 0.175 000 0.216 667 12 0.000 139
13 .009 028 .050 694 .092 361 .134 028 .175 694 .217 361 13 .000 150
14 .009 722 .051 389 .093 056 .134 722 .176 389 .218 056 14 .000 162
15 .010 417 .052 083 .093 750 .135 417 .177 083 .218 750 15 .000 174
16 .011 111 .052 778 .094 444 .136 111 .177 778 .219 444 16 .000 185
17 .011 806 .053 472 .095 139 .136 806 . 178 472 .220 139 17 .000 197
18 .012 500 .054 167 .095 833 .137 500 .179 167 .220 833 18 .000 208
19 .013 194 .054 861 .096 528 .138 194 .179 861 .221 528 19 .000 220
20 0.013 889 0.055 556 0.097 222 0.138 889 0.180 556 0.222 222 20 0.000 231
21 .014 583 056 250 .097 917 .139 583 .181 250 .222 917 21 .000 243
22 .015 278 .056 944 .098 611 .140 278 .181 944 .223 611 22 .000 255
23 .015 972 .057 639 .099 306 .140 972 182 639 .224 306 23 .000 266
24 .016 667 .058 333 .100 000 .141 667 .183 333 .225 000 24 .000 278
25 .017 361 .059 028 .100 694 .142 361 .184 028 .225 694 25 .000 289
26 .018 056 .059 722 .101 389 .143 056 .184 722 .226 389 26 .000 301
27 .018 750 .060 417 .102 083 .143 750 .185 417 .227 083 27 .000 312
28 .019 444 .061 111 .102 778 .144 444 .186 111 .227 778 28 .000 324
29 .020 139 .061 806 .103 472 .145 139 .186 806 .228 472 29 .000 336
30 0.020 833 0.062 500 0.104 167 0.145 833 0.187 500 0.229 167 30 0.000 347
31 .021 528 .063 194 .104 861 .146 528 .188 194 .229 861 31 .000 359
32 .022 222 .063 889 .105 556 .147 222 .188 889 .230 556 32 .000370
33 .022 917 .064 583 .106 250 .147 917 .189 583 .231 250 33 .000 382
34 .023 611 .065 278 .106 944 .148 611 .190 278 .231 944 34 .000 394
35 .024 306 .065 972 .107 639 .149 306 .190 972 .232 639 35 .000 405
36 .025 000 .066 667 .108 333 .150 000 .191 667 .233 333 36 .000 417
37 .025 694 .067 361 .109 028 .150 694 .192 361 .234 028 37 .000 428
38 .026 389 .068 056 .109 722 .151 389 .193 056 .234 722 38 .000 440
39 .027 083 .068 750 .110 417 .152 083 .193 750 .235 417 39 .000 451
40 0.027 778 0.069 444 0.111 111 0.152 778 0.194 444 0.236 111 40 0.000 463
41 .028 472 .070 139 .111 806 .153 472 .195 139 .236 806 41 .000 475
42 .029 167 .070 833 .112 500 .154 167 .195 833 .237 500 42 .000 486
43 .029 861 .071 528 .113 194 .154 861 .196 528 .238 194 43 .000 498
44 .030 556 .072 222 .113 889 .155 556 .197 222 .238 889 44 .000 509
45 .031 250 .072 917 .114 583 .156 250 .197 917 .239 583 45 .000 521
46 .031 944 .073 611 .115 278 .156 944 .198 611 .240 278 46 .000 532
47 .032 639 .074 306 .115 972 .157 639 .199 306 .240 972 47 .000 544
48 .033 333 .075 000 .116 667 .158 333 .200 000 .241 667 48 .000 556
49 .034 028 .075 694 .117 361 .159 028 .200 694 .242 361 49 .000 567
50 0.034 722 0.076 389 0.118 056 0.159 722 0.201 389 0.243 056 50 0.000 579
51 .035 417 .077 083 .118 750 .160 417 .202 083 .243 750 51 .000 590
52 .036 111 .077 778 .119 444 .161 111 .202 778 .244 444 52 .000 602
53 .036 806 .078 472 .120 139 .161 806 .203 472 .245 139 53 .000 613
54 .037 500 .079 167 .120 833 .162 500 .204 167 .245 833 54 .000 625
55 .038 194 .079 861 .121 528 .163 194 .204 861 .246 528 55 .000 637
56 .038 889 .080 556 .122 222 .163 889 .205 556 .247 222 56 .000 648
57 .039 583 .081 250 .122 917 .164 583 .206 250 .247 917 57 .000 660
58 .040 278 .081 944 .123 611 .165 278 .206 944 .248 611 58 .000 671
59 0.040 972 0.082 639 0.124 306 0.165 972 0.207 639 0.249 306 59 0.000 683
TABLE - V ---- contd. 351

6h 7h 8h 9h 10 h 11 h SECONDS

m d d d d d d s d
0 0.250 000 0.291 667 0.333 333 0.375 000 0.416 667 0.458 333 0 0.000 000
1 .250 694 .292 361 .334 028 .375 694 . 417 361 .459 028 1 .000 012
2 .251 389 .293 056 .334 722 .376 389 .418 056 .459 722 2 .000 023
3 .252 083 .293 750 .335 417 .377 083 .418 750 .460 417 3 .000 035
4 .252 778 .294 444 .336 111 .377 778 .419 444 .461 111 4 .000 046
5 .253 472 .295 139 .336 806 .378 472 .420 139 .461 806 5 .000 058
6 .254 167 .295 833 .337 500 .379 167 .420 833 .462 500 6 .000 069
7 .254 861 .296 528 338 194 .379 861 .421 528 . 463 194 7 .000 081
8 .255 556 .297 222 .338 889 .380 556 .422 222 . 463 889 8 .000 093
9 .256 250 .297 917 .339 583 .381 250 .422 917 .464 583 9 .000 104
10 0.256 944 0.298 611 0.340 278 0.381 944 0.423 611 0.465 278 10 0.000 116
11 .257 639 .299 306 .340 972 .382 639 .424 306 .465 972 11 .000 127
12 .258 333 .300 000 .341 667 .383 333 .425 000 .466 667 12 .000 139
13 .259 028 .300 694 .342 361 384 028 .425 694 .467 361 13 .000 150
14 .259 722 .301 389 .343 056 .384 722 .426 389 .468 056 14 .000 162
15 .260 417 .302 083 .343 750 .385 417 .427 083 .468 750 15 .000 174
16 .261 111 .302 778 .344 444 .386 111 .427 778 .469 444 16 .000 185
17 .261 806 .303 472 .345 139 .386 806 .428 472 .470 139 17 .000 197
18 .262 500 .304 167 .345 833 .387 500 .429 167 .470 833 18 .000 208
19 .263 194 .304 861 .346 528 .388 194 .429 861 .471 528 19 .000 220
20 0.263 889 0.305 556 0.347 222 0.388 889 0.430 556 0.472 222 20 0.000 231
21 .264 583 .306 250 .347 917 .389 583 .431 250 .472 917 21 .000 243
22 .265 278 .306 944 .348 611 .390 278 .431 944 .473 661 22 .000 255
23 .265 972 .307 639 .349 306 .390 972 .432 639 .474 306 23 .000 266
24 .266 667 .308 383 .350 000 .391 667 .433 333 .475 000 24 .000 278
25 .267 361 .309 028 .350 694 .392 361 .434 028 .475 694 25 .000289
26 .268 056 .309 722 .351 389 .393 056 .434 722 .476 389 26 .000 301
27 .268 750 .310 417 .352 083 .393 750 .435 417 .477 083 27 .000 312
28 .269 444 .311 111 .352 778 .394 444 .436 111 .477 778 28 .000 324
29 .270 139 .311 806 .353 472 .395 139 .436 806 .478 472 29 .000 336
30 0.270 833 0.312 500 0.354 167 0.395 833 0.437 500 0.479 167 30 0.000 347
31 .271 528 .313 194 .354 861 .396 528 .438 194 .479 861 31 .000 359
32 .272 222 .313 889 .355 556 .397 222 .438 889 .480 556 32 .000 370
33 .272 917 .314 583 .356 250 .397 917 .439 583 .481 250 33 .000 382
34 .273 611 .315 278 .356 944 .398 611 .440 278 .481 944 34 .000 394
35 .274 306 .315 972 .357 639 .399 306 .440 972 .482 639 35 .000 405
36 .275 000 .316 667 .358 333 .400 000 .441 667 .483 333 36 .000 417
37 .275 694 .317 361 .359 028 .400 694 .442 361 .484 028 37 .000 428
38 276 389 .318 056 .359 722 .401 389 .443 056 .484 722 38 .000 440
39 .277 083 .318 750 .360 417 .402 083 .443 750 .485 417 39 .000 451
40 0.277 778 0.319 444 0.361 111 0.402 778 0.444 444 0.486 111 40 0.000 463
41 .278 472 .320 139 .361 806 .403 472 .445 139 .486 806 41 .000 475
42 279 167 .320 833 .362 500 .404 167 .445 833 .487 500 42 .000 486
43 .279 861 .321 528 .363 194 .404 861 .446 528 .488 194 43 .000 498
44 .280 556 .322 222 .363 889 .405 556 .447 222 .488 889 44 .000 509
45 .281 250 .322 917 .364 583 .406 250 .447 917 .489 583 45 .000 521
46 0.281 944 0.323 611 0.365 278 0.406 944 0.448 611 0.490 278 46 0.000 532
352 TABLE - V ---- contd.

6h 7h 8h 9h 10 h 11 h SECONDS

m d d d d d d s d
47 0.282 639 0.324 306 0.365 972 0.407 639 0.449 306 0.490 972 47 0.000 544
48 .283 333 .325 000 .366 667 .408 333 .450 000 .491 667 48 .000 556
49 .284 028 .325 694 .367 361 .409 028 .450 694 .492 361 49 .000 567
50 0.284 722 0.326 389 0.368 056 0.409 722 0.451 389 0.493 056 50 0.000 579
51 .285 417 .327 083 .368 750 .410 417 .452 083 .493 750 51 .000 590
52 .286 111 .327 778 .369 444 .411 111 .452 778 .494 444 52 .000 602
53 .286 806 .328 472 . 370 139 .411 806 .453 472 .495 139 53 .000 613
54 .287 500 .329 167 .370 833 .412 500 .454 167 .495 833 54 .000 625
55 .288 194 .329 861 .371 528 .413 194 .454 861 .496 528 55 .000 637
56 .288 889 .330 556 .372 222 .413 889 .455 556 .497 222 56 .000 648
57 .289 583 .331 250 .372 917 .414 583 .456 250 .497 917 57 .000 660
58 .290 278 .331 944 .373 611 .415 278 .456 944 .498 611 58 .000 671
59 0.290 972 0.332 639 0.374 306 0.415 972 0.457 639 0.499 306 59 0.000 683


0 1 2 3 4 5

      
 
0 0.00000 0.01667 0.03333 0.05000 0.06667 0.08333
0 0.0
1 0028 1694 3361 5028 8361
6 0.1
2 0056 1722 3389 5056 6722 8389 12 0.2
3 0083 1750 3417 5083 6750 8417 18 0.3
4 0111 1778 3444 5111 6778 8444 24 0.4
5 0139 1806 3472 5139 6806 8472 30 0.5
6 0167 1833 3500 5167 6833 8500 36 0.6
7 0194 1861 3528 5194 6861 8528 42 0.7
8 0222 1889 3556 5222 6889 8556 48 0.8
9 0250 1917 3583 5250 6917 8583 54 0.9
10 0.00278 0.01944 0.03611 0.05278 0.06944 0.08611
11 0306 1972 3639 5306 6972 8639
12 0333 2000 3667 5333 7000 8667
13 0361 2028 3694 5361 7028 8694
14 0389 2056 3722 5389 7056 8722
15 0417 2083 3750 5417 7083 8750
16 0444 2111 3778 5444 7111 8778
17 0472 2139 3806 5472 7139 8806
18 0500 2167 3833 5500 7167 8833
19 0528 2194 3861 5528 7194 8861
20 0.00556 0.02222 0.03889 0.05556 0.07222 0.08889
21 0583 2250 3917 5583 7250 8917
22 0611 2278 3944 5611 7278 8944
23 0639 2306 3972 5639 7306 8972
24 0667 2333 4000 5667 7333 9000
25 0.00694 0.02361 0.04028 0.05694 0.07361 0.09028
TABLE - VI ---- contd. 353

In units of the
0 1 2 3 4 5 fifth decimal of a
        
26 0.00722 0.02389 0.04056 0.05722 0.07389 0.09056 0.00
27 0750 2417 4083 5750 7417 9083 .01
28 0778 2444 4111 5778 7444 9111 .05
29 0806 2472 4139 5806 7472 9139 .09
30 0.00833 0.02500 0.04167 0.05833 0.07500 0.09167 .12
31 0861 2528 4194 5861 7528 9194 .16
32 0889 2556 4222 5889 7556 9222 .19
33 0917 2583 4250 5917 7583 9250 .23
34 0944 2611 4278 5944 7611 9278 .26
35 0972 2639 4306 5972 7639 9306 .30
36 1000 2667 4333 6000 7667 9333 10
37 1028 2694 4361 6028 7694 9361 11
38 1056 2722 4389 6056 7722 9389 12
39 1083 2750 4417 6083 7750 9417 13
40 0.01111 0.02778 0.04444 0.06111 0.07778 0.09444 14
41 1139 2806 4472 6139 7806 9472 15
42 1167 2833 4500 6167 7833 9500 16
43 1194 2861 4528 6194 7861 9528 17
44 1222 2889 4556 6222 7889 9556 18
45 1250 2917 4583 6250 7917 9583 19
46 1278 2944 4611 6278 7944 9611 20
47 1306 2972 4639 6306 7972 9639 21
48 1333 3000 4667 6333 8000 9667 .81
49 1361 3028 4694 6361 8028 9694 .84
50 0.01389 0.03056 0.04722 0.06389 0.08056 0.09722 .88
51 1417 3083 4750 6417 8083 9750 .91
52 1444 3111 4778 6444 8111 9778 .95
53 1472 3139 4806 6472 8139 9806 0.98
54 1500 3167 4833 6500 8167 9833 1.00
55 1528 3194 4861 6528 8194 9861
56 1556 3222 4889 6556 8222 9889
57 1583 3250 4917 6583 8250 9917 In critical
58 1611 3278 4944 6611 8278 9944 cases ascend
59 0.01639 0.03306 0.04972 0.06639 0.08306 0.09972


n B E0 E1  n B E0 E1

0.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.05 0.01188 0.01544 0.00831

.01 .00248 .00328 .00167 .06 0.01410 0.01824 0.00996
.02 .00490 .00647 .00333 .07 .01628 .02094 .01161
.03 .00728 .00955 .00500 .08 .01840 .02355 .01325
.04 .00960 .01254 .00666 .09 .02048 .02607 .01488
0.05 0.01188 0.01544 0.00831 0.10 0.02250 0.02850 0.01650
354 TABLE - VII ---- contd.

n B E0  E1  n B E0  E1 

0.10 0.02250 0.02850 0.01650 0.55 0.06188 0.05981 0.06394

.11 .02448 .03084 .01811 .56 0.06160 0.05914 0.06406
.12 .02640 .03309 .01971 .57 .06128 .05842 .06413
.13 .02828 .03525 .02130 .58 .06090 .05765 .06415
.14 .03010 .03732 .02288 .59 .06048 .05685 .06410
.15 .03188 .03931 .02444 0.60 0.06000 0.05600 0.06400
.16 .03360 .04122 .02598 .61 .05948 .05511 .06384
.17 .03528 .04304 .02751 .62 .05890 .05419 .06361
.18 .03690 .04477 .02903 .63 .05828 .05322 .06333
.19 .03848 .04643 .03052 .64 .05760 .05222 .06298
0.20 0.04000 0.04800 0.03200 .65 .05688 .05119 .06256
.21 .04148 .04949 .03346 .66 .05610 .05012 .06208
.22 .04290 .05091 .03489 .67 .05528 .04901 .06154
.23 .04428 .05224 .03631 .68 .05440 .04787 .06093
.24 .04560 .05350 .03770 .69 .05348 .04670 .06025
.25 .04688 .05469 .03906 0.70 0.05250 0.04550 0.05950
.26 .04810 .05580 .04040 .71 .05148 .04427 .05868
.27 .04928 .05683 .04172 .72 .05040 .04301 .05779
.28 .05040 .05779 .04301 .73 .04928 .04172 .05683
.29 .05148 .05868 .04427 .74 .04810 .04040 .05580
0.30 0.05250 0.05950 0.04550 .75 .04688 .03906 .05469
.31 .05348 .06025 .04670 .76 .04560 .03770 .05350
.32 .05440 .06093 .04787 .77 .04428 .03631 .05224
.33 .05528 .06154 .04901 .78 .04290 .03489 .05091
.34 .05610 .06208 .05012 .79 .04148 .03346 .04949
.35 .05688 .06256 .05119 0.80 0.04000 0.03200 0.04800
.36 .05760 .06298 .05222 .81 . 03848 .03052 .04643
.37 .05828 .06333 .05322 .82 .03690 .02903 .04477
.38 .05890 .06361 .05419 .83 .03528 .02751 .04304
.39 .05948 .06384 .05511 .84 .03360 .02598 .04122
0.40 0.06000 0.06400 0.05600 .85 .03188 .02444 .03931
.41 .06048 .06410 .05685 .86 .03010 .02288 .03732
.42 .06090 .06415 .05765 .87 .02828 .02130 .03525
.43 .06128 .06413 .05842 .88 .02640 .01971 .03309
.44 .06160 .06406 .05914 .89 .02448 .01811 .03084
.45 .06188 .06394 .05981 0.90 0.02250 0.01650 0.02850
.46 .06210 .06376 .06044 .91 .02048 .01488 .02607
.47 .06228 .06352 .06103 .92 .01840 .01325 .02355
.48 .06240 .06323 .06157 .93 .01628 .01161 .02094
.49 .06248 .06289 .06206 .94 .01410 .00996 .01824
0.50 0.06250 0.06250 0.06250 .95 .01188 .00831 .01544
.51 .06248 .06206 .06289 .96 .00960 .00666 .01254
.52 .06240 .06157 .06323 .97 .00728 .00500 .00955
.53 .06228 .06103 .06352 .98 .00490 .00333 .00647
.54 .06210 .06044 .06376 0.99 .00248 .00167 .00328
0.55 0.06188 0.05981 0.06394 1.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

N.B. – The coefficients are all negative. For details about Bessel’s and Everett’s interpolation
formula, please see Explanation
(The coefficients are all negative)

n E0  E1  n E0  E1  n E0  E1 
0.000 1.000 0.050 0.950 0.100 0.900
.001 0.0002 0.0001 0.999 .051 0.0156 0.0084 .949 .101 0.0286 0.0166 .899
.0005 .0002 .0159 .0086 .0289 .0167
.002 .998 .052 .948 .102 .898
.0008 .0004 .0161 .0087 .0291 .0169
.003 .997 .053 .947 .103 .897
.0012 .0006 .0164 .0089 .0293 .0171
.004 .996 .054 .946 .104 .896
.0015 .0007 .0167 .0091 .0296 .0172
.005 .995 .055 .945 .105 .895
.0018 .0009 .0170 .0092 .0298 .0174
.006 .994 .056 .944 .106 .894
.0021 .0011 .0173 .0094 .0300 .0175
.007 .993 .057 .943 .107 .893
.0025 .0012 .0175 .0096 .0303 .0177
.008 .992 .058 .942 .108 .892
.0028 .0014 .0178 .0097 .0305 .0179
.009 .991 .059 .941 .109 .891
.0031 .0016 .0181 .0099 .0307 .0180
.010 .990 .060 .940 .110 .890
.0034 .0017 .0184 .0100 .0310 .0182
.011 .989 .061 .939 .111 .889
.0038 .0019 .0186 .0102 .0312 .0184
.012 .988 .062 .938 .112 .888
.0041 .0021 .0189 .0104 .0314 .0185
.013 .987 .063 .937 .113 .887
.0044 .0022 .0192 .0105 .0316 .0187
.014 .986 .064 .936 .114 .886
.0047 .0024 .0195 .0107 .0319 .0188
.015 .985 .065 .935 .115 .885
.0050 .0026 .0197 .0109 .0321 .0190
.016 .984 .066 .934 .116 .884
.0054 .0027 .0200 .0110 .0323 .0192
.017 .983 .067 .933 .117 .883
.0057 .0029 .0203 .0112 .0325 .0193
.018 .982 .068 .932 .118 .882
.0060 .0031 .0205 .0114 .0328 .0195
.019 .981 .069 .931 .119 .881
.0063 .0032 .0208 .0115 .0330 .0196
.020 .980 .070 .930 .120 .880
.0066 .0034 .0211 .0117 .0332 .0198
.021 .979 .071 .929 .121 .879
.0069 .0036 .0213 .0119 .0334 .0200
.022 .978 .072 .928 .122 .878
.0072 .0037 .0216 .0120 .0336 .0201
.023 .977 .073 .927 .123 .877
.0076 .0039 .0219 .0122 .0339 .0203
.024 .976 .074 .926 .124 .876
.0079 .0041 .0221 .0123 .0341 .0204
.025 .975 .075 .925 .125 .875
.0082 .0042 .0224 .0125 .0343 .0206
.026 .974 .076 .924 .126 .874
.0085 .0044 .0226 .0127 .0345 .0207
.027 .973 .077 .923 .127 .873
.0088 .0046 .0229 .0128 .0347 .0209
.028 .972 .078 .922 .128 .872
.0091 .0047 .0232 .0130 .0349 .0211
.029 .971 .079 .921 .129 .871
.0094 .0049 .0234 .0132 .0351 .0212
.030 .970 .080 .920 .130 .870
.0097 .0051 .0237 .0133 .0354 .0214
.031 .969 .081 .919 .131 .869
.0100 .0052 .0239 .0135 .0356 .0215
.032 .968 .082 .918 .132 .868
.0103 .0054 .0242 .0137 .0358 .0217
.033 .967 .083 .917 .133 .867
.0106 .0056 .0244 .0138 .0360 .0219
.034 .0109 .0057 .966 .084 .0247 .0140 .916 .134 .0362 .0220 .866
.035 .0112 .0059 .965 .085 .0249 .0141 .915 .135 .0364 .0222 .865
.036 .0115 .0061 .964 .086 .0252 .0143 .914 .136 .0366 .0223 .864
.037 .0118 .0062 .963 .087 .0255 .0145 .913 .137 .0368 .0225 .863
.038 .0121 .0064 .962 .088 .0257 .0146 .912 .138 .0370 .0226 .862
.039 .0124 .0066 .961 .089 .0259 .0148 .911 .139 .0372 .0228 .861
.040 .0127 .0067 .960 .090 .0262 .0150 .910 .140 .0374 .0230 .860
.041 .0130 .0069 .959 .091 .0264 .0151 .909 .141 .0376 .0231 .859
.042 .0133 .0071 .958 .092 .0267 .0153 .908 .142 .0378 .0233 .858
.043 .0136 .0072 .957 .093 .0269 .0154 .907 .143 .0380 .0234 .857
.044 .0139 .0074 .956 .094 .0272 .0156 .906 .144 .0382 .0236 .856
.045 .0141 .0076 .955 .095 .0274 .0158 .905 .145 .0384 .0237 .855
.046 .0144 .0077 .954 .096 .0277 .0159 . 904 .146 .0386 .0239 .854
.047 .0147 .0079 .953 .097 .0279 .0161 .903 .147 .0388 .0240 .853
.048 .0150 .0081 .952 .098 .0281 .0163 .902 .148 .0390 .0242 .852
.049 0.0153 0.0082 .951 .099 0.0284 0.0164 .901 .149 0.0392 0.0244 .851
0.050 0.950 0.100 0.900 0.150 0.850
E1  E0  n E1  E0  n E1  E0  n

Formula : f n = f0 + n Δ1/2’ + E0 Δ0 + E1 Δ1

356 TABLE - VIII ---- contd.
(The coefficients are all negative)

n E0  E1  n E0  E1  n E0  E1 
0.150 0.850 0.200 0.800 0.300 0.700
.151 0.0394 0.0245 .849 .202 0.0482 0.0321 .798 .304 0.0597 0.0457 .696
.0396 .0247 .0485 .0324 .0600 .0462
.152 .848 .204 .796 .308 .692
.0398 .0248 .0488 .0327 .0602 .0467
.153 .847 .206 .794 .312 .688
.0400 .0250 .0491 .0330 .0605 .0472
.154 .846 .208 .792 .316 .684
.0402 .0251 .0493 .0333 .0608 .0476
.155 .845 .210 .790 .320 .680
.0404 .0253 .0496 .0336 .0611 .0481
.156 .844 .212 .788 .324 .676
.0406 .0254 .0499 .0339 .0613 .0486
.157 .843 .214 .786 .328 .672
.0407 .0256 .0502 .0342 .0615 .0490
.158 .842 .216 .784 .332 .668
.0409 .0258 .0505 .0345 .0618 .0495
.159 .841 .218 .782 .336 .664
.0411 .0259 .0508 .0347 .0620 .0499
.160 .840 .220 .780 .340 .660
.0413 .0261 .0510 .0350 .0622 .0503
.161 .839 .222 .778 .344 .656
.0415 .0262 .0513 .0353 .0624 .0508
.162 .838 .224 .776 .348 .652
.0417 .0264 .0516 .0356 .0626 .0512
.163 .837 .226 .774 .352 .648
.0419 .0265 .0519 .0359 .0627 .0516
.164 .836 .228 .772 .356 .644
.0420 .0267 .0521 .0362 .0629 .0520
.165 .835 .230 .770 .360 .640
.0422 .0268 .0524 .0364 .0631 .0524
.166 .834 .232 .768 .364 .636
.0424 .0270 .0526 .0367 .0632 .0528
.167 .833 .234 .766 .368 .632
.0426 .0271 .0529 .0370 .0633 .0532
.168 .832 .236 .764 .372 .628
.0428 .0273 .0531 .0373 .0634 .0536
.169 .831 .238 .762 .376 .624
.0429 .0274 .0534 .0376 .0636 .0540
.170 .830 .240 .760 .380 .620
.0431 .0276 .0536 .0378 .0637 .0544
.171 .829 .242 .758 .384 .616
.0433 .0277 .0539 .0381 .0638 .0547
.172 .828 .244 .756 .388 .612
.0435 .0279 .0541 .0384 .0638 .0551
.173 .827 .246 .754 .392 .608
.0437 .0280 .0543 .0387 .0639 .0555
.174 .826 .248 .752 .396 .604
.0438 .0282 .0546 .0389 .0640 .0558
.175 .825 .250 .750 .400 .600
.0440 .0283 .0548 .0392 .0640 .0562
.176 .824 .252 .748 .404 .596
.0442 .0285 .0550 .0395 .0641 .0565
.177 .823 .254 .746 .408 .592
.0443 .0287 .0553 .0397 .0641 .0568
.178 .822 .256 .744 .412 .588
.0445 .0288 .0555 .0400 .0641 .0572
.179 .821 .258 .742 .416 .584
.0447 .0290 .0557 .0403 .0641 .0575
.180 .820 .260 .740 .420 .580
.0449 .0291 .0559 .0405 .0641 .0578
.181 .819 .262 .738 .424 .576
.0450 .0293 .0561 .0408 .0641 .0581
.182 .818 .264 .736 .428 .572
.0452 .0294 .0563 .0411 .0641 .0584
.183 .817 .266 .734 .432 .568
.0454 .0296 .0565 .0413 .0641 .0587
.184 .0455 .0297 .816 .268 .0567 .0416 .732 .436 .0641 .0590 .564
.185 .0457 .0299 .815 .270 .0569 .0418 .730 .440 .0640 .0593 .560
.186 .814 .272 .728 .444 .556
.0459 .0300 .0571 .0421 .0640 .0595
.187 .0460 .0302 .813 .274 .0573 .0424 .726 .448 .0639 .0598 .552
.188 .0462 .0303 .812 .276 .0575 .0426 .724 .452 .0639 .0601 .548
.189 .0463 .0304 .811 .278 .0577 .0429 .722 .456 .0638 .0603 .544
.190 .0465 .0306 .810 .280 .0579 .0431 .720 .460 .0637 .0606 .540
.191 .0467 .0307 .809 .282 .0581 .0434 .718 .464 .0636 .0608 .536
.192 .0468 .0309 .808 .284 .0582 .0436 .716 .468 .0635 .0610 .532
.193 .0470 .0310 .807 .286 .0584 .0439 .714 .472 .0634 .0613 .528
.194 .0471 .0312 .806 .288 .0586 .0441 .712 .476 .0633 .0615 .524
.195 .0473 .0313 .805 .290 .0588 .0444 .710 .480 .0632 .0617 .520
.196 .0475 .0315 .804 .292 .0589 .0446 .708 .484 .0630 .0619 .516
.197 .0476 .0316 .803 .294 .0591 .0449 .706 .488 .0629 .0621 .512
.198 .0478 .0318 .802 .296 .0593 .0451 .704 .492 .0627 .0622 .508
.199 0.0479 0.0319 .801 .298 0.0594 0.0454 .702 .496 0.0626 0.0624 .504
0.200 0.800 0.300 0.700 0.500 0.500
E1  E0  n E1  E0  n E1  E0  n

N. B. -- The table is to be used like a critical table without interpolation

TABLE – IX 357
Yr. A.D. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
0 175 7582 179 4107 183 0632 186 7157 190 3682 194 0207 197 6732 201 3257 204 9782 208 6307
20 176 4887 180 1412 183 7937 187 4462 191 0987 194 7512 198 4037 202 0562 205 7087 209 3612
40 177 2192 180 8717 184 5242 188 1767 191 8292 195 4817 199 1342 202 7867 206 4392 210 0917
60 177 9497 181 6022 185 2547 188 9072 192 5597 196 2122 199 8647 203 5172 207 1697 210 8222
80 178 6802 182 3327 185 9852 189 6377 193 2902 196 9427 200 5952 204 2477 207 9002 211 5527

Yr. A.D. 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
* * *
0 212 2832 215 9357 219 5882 223 2407 226 8932 230 5447 234 1971 237 8495 241 5020 245 1544
20 213 0137 216 6662 220 3187 223 9712 227 6237 231 2752 234 9276 238 5806 242 2324 245 8849
40 213 7442 217 3967 221 0492 224 7017 228 3542 232 0057 235 6581 239 3105 242 9629 246 6154
60 214 4747 218 1272 221 7797 225 4322 229 0847 232 7362 236 3886 240 0410 243 6934 247 3459
80 215 2052 218 8577 222 5102 226 1627 229 8152 233 4667 237 1191 240 7715 244 4239 248 0764

100 215 9357 219 5882 223 2407 226 8932 230 5447 234 1971 237 8495 241 5020 245 1544 248 8069


Year Jan. 0 Feb. 0 Mar. 0 Apr. 0 May 0 Jun. 0 July 0 Aug. 0 Sept. 0 Oct. 0 Nov. 0 Dec. 0
* *
0 0 31 60 91 121 152 182 213 244 274 305 335
1 366 397 425 456 486 517 547 578 609 639 670 700
2 731 762 790 821 851 882 912 943 974 1004 1035 1065
3 1096 1127 1155 1186 1216 1247 1277 1308 1339 1369 1400 1430
4 1461 1492 1521 1552 1582 1613 1643 1674 1705 1735 1766 1796
5 1827 1858 1886 1917 1947 1978 2008 2039 2070 2100 2131 2161
6 2192 2223 2251 2282 2312 2343 2373 2404 2435 2465 2496 2526
7 2557 2588 2616 2647 2677 2708 2738 2769 2800 2830 2861 2891
8 2922 2953 2982 3013 3043 3074 3104 3135 3166 3196 3227 3257
9 3288 3319 3347 3378 3408 3439 3469 3500 3531 3561 3592 3622
10 3353 3684 3712 3743 3773 3804 3834 3865 3896 3926 3957 3987
11 4018 4049 4077 4108 4138 4169 4199 4230 4261 4291 4322 4352
12 4383 4414 4443 4474 4504 4535 4565 4596 4627 4657 4688 4718
13 4749 4780 4808 4839 4869 4900 4930 4961 4992 5022 5053 5083
14 5114 5145 5173 5204 5234 5265 5295 5326 5357 5387 5418 5448
15 5479 5510 5538 5569 5599 5630 5660 5691 5722 5752 5783 5813
16 5844 5875 5904 5935 5965 5996 6026 6057 6088 6118 6149 6179
17 6210 6241 6269 6300 6330 6361 6391 6422 6453 6483 6514 6544
18 6575 6606 6634 6665 6695 6726 6756 6787 6818 6848 6879 6909
19 6940 6971 6999 7030 7060 7091 7121 7152 7183 7213 7244 7274

† From 1582 October 15 to 1599 December 31 inclusive, Gregorian calendar, the

numbers given by the above tables must be diminished by 10.
* The numbers given for the years 1700, 1800 and 1900 which are not leap years, are
for January - 1 and consequently the numbers 0 and 31 for January 0 and February 0 of
these years must be increased by 1 and read as 1 and 32 respectively.
N.B. To find the Julian Day Number for a B.C. date, first express the year
astronomically, i.e. diminish it by 1 and put a negative sign before it. Then make the
number positive by adding the smallest multiple of 1000. The Julian Day Number for
the date thus obtained diminished by 365250 for each multiple of 1000 added will
give the required Julian Day Number for the B.C. date in question.
The Julian Day is completed at noon. In order to obtain the Julian Day Number for
0h U.T., diminish the figure obtained from the above tables by 0.5.
The tables give the Day Numbers upto 1582, Oct. 4 for the Julian calendar and from
1582, Oct. 15 onward for the Gregorian calendar.
358 TABLE – X

Apparent Mean Apparent Mean Apparent Mean Apparent Mean

Altitude Refraction Altitude Refraction Altitude Refraction Altitude Refraction
              
-1 00 46 17.5 6 10 7 39.0 17 30 2 49.6 53 0 40.8
0 00 30 59.6 20 7 28.5 18 00 2 44.7 54 39.3
+0 10 29 09.3 30 7 18.5 18 30 2 40.0 55 37.9
20 27 28.9 40 7 08.9 19 00 2 35.6 56 36.5
30 25 57.8 6 50 6 59.7 19 30 2 31.4 57 35.1
0 40 24 34.6 7 00 6 50.8 20 00 2 27.3 58 33.8
0 50 23 18.3 7 10 6 42.3 21 00 2 19.8 59 0 32.6
1 00 22 07.9 20 6 34.1 22 00 2 12.9 60 31.2
10 21 02.6 30 6 26.3 23 00 2 06.6 61 30.0
20 20 02.4 40 6 18.7 24 00 2 00.8 62 28.8
30 19 07.0 7 50 6 11.4 25 00 1 55.4 63 27.6
1 40 18 15.6 8 00 6 04.4 26 00 1 50.4 64 26.4
1 50 17 28.2 8 10 5 57.6 27 00 1 45.7 65 0 25.2
2 00 16 44.0 20 5 51.2 28 00 1 41.3 66 24.1
10 16 02.6 30 5 44.7 29 00 1 37.2 67 23.0
20 15 24.0 40 5 38.6 30 00 1 33.4 68 21.9
30 14 48.0 8 50 5 32.6 31 00 1 29.8 69 20.8
2 40 14 14.4 9 00 5 26.8 32 00 1 26.3 70 19.7
2 50 13 42.9 9 10 5 21.3 33 00 1 23.1 71 0 18.6
3 00 13 13.5 20 5 15.9 34 00 1 20.0 72 17.6
10 12 45.8 30 5 10.6 35 00 1 17.1 73 16.5
20 12 19.6 40 5 05.5 36 00 1 14.3 74 15.5
30 11 55.0 9 50 5 00.6 37 00 1 11.7 75 14.5
3 40 11 31.9 10 00 4 55.9 38 00 1 09.1 76 13.5
3 50 11 10.0 10 30 4 42.4 39 00 1 06.8 77 0 12.5
4 00 10 49.5 11 00 4 30.0 40 00 1 04.4 78 11.5
10 10 30.1 11 30 4 18.7 41 00 1 02.2 79 10.5
20 10 11.7 12 00 4 08.1 42 00 1 00.0 80 09.5
30 9 54.2 12 30 3 58.4 43 00 0 57.9 81 08.6
4 40 9 37.5 13 00 3 49.3 44 00 0 56.0 82 07.6
4 50 9 21.6 13 30 3 40.8 45 00 0 54.1 83 0 06.6
5 00 9 06.5 14 00 3 32.9 46 00 0 52.2 84 05.7
10 8 52.1 14 30 3 25.6 47 00 0 50.4 85 04.7
20 8 38.6 15 00 3 18.6 48 00 0 48.7 86 03.8
30 8 25.5 15 30 3 12.1 49 00 0 47.0 87 02.8
5 40 8 13.0 16 00 3 06.0 50 00 0 45.4 88 01.9
5 50 8 01.2 16 30 3 00.2 51 00 0 43.8 89 0 00.9
6 00 7 49.8 17 00 2 54.8 52 00 0 42.2 90 0 00.0
6 10 7 39.0 17 30 2 49.6 53 00 0 40.8

Rule: True altitude of a celestial object = Its apparent or observed altitude – refraction.

N.B.-The figures of mean refraction given in the above table are for temperature 25
C and pressure 1000 mb. (750.06 mm. Or 29.530 inches of mercury barometer). For
other values of temperature and pressure, corrections form the tables on the
following two pages are to be taken and applied to the mean refraction.
TABLE – Xa 359

Apparent - 10 C 0 C 10 C 20 C 25 C 30 C 40 C 50 C

Altitude (14 F) (32 F) (50 F) (68 F) (77 F) (86 F) (104 F) (122 F)
                 
- 1 00 + 13 31.7 + 9 17.8 + 5 13.4 + 1 37.7 0 00.0 - 1 32.6 - 4 22.5 - 6 54.8
0 00 7 16.3 5 04.8 2 53.4 0 54.8 0 00.0 0 52.1 2 29.6 3 58.2
+ 0 30 5 39.4 3 57.4 2 15.6 0 42.8 0 00.0 0 41.2 1 58.4 3 09.1
1 00 4 27.7 3 07.8 1 47.8 0 34.7 0 00.0 0 32.1 1 33.8 2 30.7
1 30 3 38.4 2 33.1 1 27.9 0 27.8 0 00.0 0 27.1 1 18.1 2 05.2
2 00 3 00.9 2 07.0 1 13.1 0 23.4 0 00.0 0 22.4 1 05.0 1 44.5
2 30 + 2 32.9 + 1 48.1 + 1 02.1 + 0 19.6 0 00.0 - 0 19.5 - 0 56.0 - 1 29.9
3 00 2 12.7 1 33.2 0 53.8 0 17.2 0 00.0 0 16.7 0 48.2 1 17.5
3 30 1 56.6 1 21.9 0 47.3 0 15.1 0 00.0 0 14.6 0 42.4 1 08.3
4 00 1 43.2 1 12.5 0 42.0 0 13.5 0 00.0 0 12.9 0 37.6 1 00.6
4 30 1 32.5 1 05.0 0 37.9 0 12.0 0 00.0 0 11.7 0 33.9 0 54.5
5 00 1 23.7 0 58.9 0 35.0 0 10.9 0 00.0 0 10.6 0 30.7 0 49.5
6 00 + 1 10.2 + 0 49.4 + 0 30.0 + 0 09.1 0 00.0 - 0 09.0 - 0 25.8 - 0 41.5
7 00 1 00.3 0 42.5 0 25.6 0 07.9 0 00.0 0 07.6 0 22.1 0 35.7
8 00 0 52.7 0 37.1 0 21.4 0 06.9 0 00.0 0 06.6 0 19.4 0 31.3
9 00 0 46.8 0 32.9 0 19.1 0 06.1 0 00.0 0 05.9 0 17.2 0 27.8
10 00 0 43.0 0 29.6 0 17.1 0 05.4 0 00.0 0 05.3 0 15.5 0 25.0
11 00 0 39.4 0 26.9 0 15.6 0 05.0 0 00.0 0 04.8 0 14.1 0 22.8
12 00 + 0 35.7 + 0 24.3 + 0 14.2 + 0 04.6 0 00.0 - 0 04.4 - 0 12.8 - 0 20.7
13 00 0 33.1 0 22.6 0 13.2 0 04.2 0 00.0 0 04.0 0 11.9 0 19.2
14 00 0 30.4 0 21.0 0 12.1 0 03.9 0 00.0 0 03.7 0 11.0 0 17.7
15 00 0 28.4 0 19.6 0 11.3 0 03.6 0 00.0 0 03.5 0 10.2 0 16.5
16 00 0 26.4 0 18.2 0 10.3 0 03.4 0 00.0 0 03.3 0 09.5 0 15.4
17 00 0 24.8 0 17.2 0 09.9 0 03.2 0 00.0 0 03.1 0 08.9 0 14.4
18 00 + 0 23.3 + 0 16.2 + 0 09.3 + 0 03.0 0 00.0 - 0 02.9 - 0 08.4 - 0 13.5
19 00 0 22.1 0 15.2 0 08.8 0 02.7 0 00.0 0 02.7 0 07.9 0 12.8
20 00 0 20.9 0 14.3 0 08.3 0 02.5 0 00.0 0 02.6 0 07.5 0 12.1
25 00 0 16.3 0 11.2 0 06.5 0 02.1 0 00.0 0 02.0 0 05.9 0 09.4
30 00 0 13.1 0 09.0 0 05.2 0 01.7 0 00.0 0 01.6 0 04.7 0 07.6
35 00 0 10.8 0 07.4 0 04.3 0 01.4 0 00.0 0 01.3 0 03.9 0 06.3
40 00 + 0 09.0 + 0 06.2 + 0 03.6 + 0 01.2 0 00.0 - 0 01.1 - 0 03.2 - 0 05.2
45 00 0 07.5 0 05.2 0 03.0 0 01.0 0 00.0 0 00.9 0 02.7 0 04.4
50 00 0 06.0 0 04.4 0 02.5 0 00.8 0 00.0 0 00.8 0 02.3 0 03.7
55 00 0 05.3 0 03.6 0 02.1 0 00.7 0 00.0 0 00.7 0 02.0 0 03.1
60 00 0 04.4 0 03.0 0 01.8 0 00.6 0 00.0 0 00.6 0 01.6 0 02.5
65 00 0 03.6 0 02.4 0 01.4 0 00.5 0 00.0 0 00.5 0 01.3 0 02.1
70 00 + 0 02.8 + 0 01.9 + 0 01.1 + 0 00.4 0 00.0 - 0 00.4 - 0 01.0 - 0 01.6
75 00 0 02.0 0 01.4 0 00.8 0 00.3 0 00.0 0 00.3 0 00.7 0 01.2
80 00 0 01.4 0 00.9 0 00.5 0 00.2 0 00.0 0 00.2 0 00.4 0 00.8
85 00 0 00.7 0 00.4 0 00.2 0 00.1 0 00.0 0 00.1 0 00.2 0 00.4
90 00 + 0 00.0 + 0 00.0 + 0 00.0 + 0 00.0 0 00.0 - 0 00.0 - 0 00.0 - 0 00.0
360 TABLE – Xb


PRESSURE 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 60

mb mm Inch             
660 495.0 19.49 - 20.4 - 40.8 - 61.3 -1 42.3 - 3 26.5 - 7 04.9 - 10 59.1 - 24 19
670 502.5 19.79 19.8 39.7 59.5 1 39.3 3 20.4 6 52.5 10 39.8 23 36
680 510.0 20.08 19.2 38.4 57.7 1 36.3 3 14.3 6 39.8 10 20.2 22 53
690 517.5 20.38 18.6 37.2 55.9 1 33.3 3 08.2 6 27.4 10 00.9 22 10
700 525.0 20.67 18.0 36.0 54.1 1 30.3 3 02.2 6 14.9 9 41.5 21 27
710 532.5 20.97 17.4 34.8 52.3 1 27.3 2 56.1 6 02.5 9 22.2 20 45
720 540.0 21.26 - 16.8 - 33.5 - 50.6 -1 24.3 - 2 50.0 - 5 50.0 -9 02.8 - 20 01
730 547.5 21.56 16.2 32.4 48.7 1 21.2 2 43.9 5 37.4 8 43.3 19 18
740 555.0 21.85 15.6 31.2 46.9 1 18.2 2 37.8 5 24.9 8 23.9 18 35
750 562.6 22.15 15.0 30.0 45.1 1 15.2 2 31.8 5 12.4 8 04.6 17 53
760 570.1 22.44 14.4 28.9 43.3 1 12.3 2 25.8 5 00.2 7 45.6 17 21
770 577.6 22.74 13.8 27.6 41.5 1 09.2 2 19.7 4 47.5 7 25.9 16 27
780 585.1 23.03 - 13.2 - 26.4 - 39.7 -1 06.2 - 2 13.6 - 4 35.0 -7 06.5 - 15 44
790 592.6 23.33 12.6 25.2 37.9 1 03.2 2 07.6 4 22.5 6 47.2 15 01
800 600.1 23.62 12.0 24.0 36.0 1 00.2 2 01.4 4 09.9 6 27.6 14 18
810 607.6 23.92 11.4 22.8 34.3 0 57.2 1 55.4 3 57.5 6 08.3 13 35
820 615.1 24.22 10.8 21.6 32.4 0 54.2 1 49.3 3 44.9 5 48.9 12 52
830 622.6 24.51 10.2 20.4 30.7 0 51.2 1 43.3 3 32.5 5 29.6 12 10
840 630.1 24.81 - 9.6 - 19.2 - 28.9 -0 48.2 - 1 37.2 - 3 20.0 -5 10.2 - 11 27
850 637.6 25.10 9.0 18.0 27.0 0 45.1 1 31.1 3 07.4 4 50.7 10 43
860 645.1 25.40 8.4 16.8 25.2 0 42.1 1 25.0 2 54.9 4 31.3 10 01
870 652.6 25.69 7.8 15.6 23.4 0 39.1 1 19.0 2 42.5 4 12.0 9 18
880 660.1 25.99 7.2 14.4 21.6 0 36.1 1 12.9 2 30.0 3 52.6 8 35
890 667.6 26.28 6.6 13.2 19.8 0 33.1 1 06.8 2 17.5 3 33.3 7 52
900 675.1 26.58 - 6.0 - 12.0 - 18.0 -0 30.1 - 1 00.7 - 2 04.9 -3 13.7 -7 09
910 682.6 26.87 5.4 10.8 16.2 0 27.1 0 54.7 1 52.5 2 54.3 6 26
920 690.1 27.17 4.8 9.6 14.4 0 24.1 0 48.6 1 39.9 2 35.0 5 43
930 697.6 27.46 4.2 8.4 12.6 0 21.1 0 42.5 1 27.5 2 15.7 5 01
940 705.1 27.76 3.6 7.2 10.8 0 18.1 0 36.4 1 15.0 1 50.3 4 17
950 712.6 28.05 3.0 6.0 9.0 0 15.0 0 30.3 1 02.4 1 36.9 3 34
960 720.1 28.35 - 2.4 - 4.8 - 7.2 -0 12.0 - 0 24.3 - 0 49.9 -1 17.4 -2 51
970 727.6 28.64 1.8 3.6 5.4 0 09.0 0 18.2 0 37.5 0 58.2 2 09
980 735.1 28.94 1.2 2.4 3.6 0 06.0 0 12.1 0 25.0 0 38.7 1 26
990 742.6 29.24 - 0.6 - 1.2 - 1.8 -0 03.0 - 0 06.1 - 0 12.5 -0 19.4 -0 43
1000 750.1 29.53 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00
1010 757.6 29.83 + 0.6 + 1.2 + 1.8 +0 03.1 + 0 06.1 + 0 12.5 +0 19.5 +0 43
1020 765.1 30.12 1.2 2.4 3.6 0 06.0 0 12.2 0 25.1 0 38.9 1 26
1030 772.6 30.42 1.8 3.6 5.4 0 09.0 0 18.2 0 37.5 0 58.2 2 09
1040 780.1 30.71 2.4 4.8 7.2 0 12.0 0 24.3 0 50.0 0 77.6 2 52
1050 787.6 31.01 + 3.0 + 6.0 + 9.0 +0 15.0 + 0 30.3 + 0 62.4 +0 96.9 +3 24
TABLE – XI 361

 S C  S C
 
0 0.993306 1.000000 45 0.994972 1.001678
1 0.993307 1.000001 46 0.995031 1.001737
2 0.993310 1.000004 47 0.995089 1.001795
3 0.993315 1.000009 48 0.995147 1.001854
4 0.993322 1.000016 49 0.995205 1.001912
5 0.993331 1.000025 50 0.995262 1.001970
6 0.993342 1.000037 51 0.995320 1.002028
7 0.993355 1.000050 52 0.995377 1.002085
8 0.993370 1.000065 53 0.995433 1.002142
9 0.993387 1.000082 54 0.995489 1.002198
10 0.993406 1.000101 55 0.995544 1.002254
11 0.993427 1.000122 56 0.995599 1.002309
12 0.993449 1.000145 57 0.995652 1.002363
13 0.993474 1.000169 58 0.995705 1.002416
14 0.993500 1.000196 59 0.995758 1.002468
15 0.993528 1.000224 60 0.995809 1.002520
16 0.993558 1.000254 61 0.995859 1.002570
17 0.993590 1.000286 62 0.995908 1.002620
18 0.993623 1.000320 63 0.995956 1.002668
19 0.993658 1.000355 64 0.996002 1.002715
20 0.993695 1.000392 65 0.996048 1.002761
21 0.993733 1.000430 66 0.996092 1.002805
22 0.993773 1.000470 67 0.996135 1.002848
23 0.993814 1.000511 68 0.996176 1.002890
24 0.993856 1.000554 69 0.996216 1.002930
25 0.993900 1.000598 70 0.996255 1.002969
26 0.993945 1.000644 71 0.996291 1.003006
27 0.993992 1.000691 72 0.996327 1.003041
28 0.994039 1.000739 73 0.996360 1.003075
29 0.994088 1.000788 74 0.996392 1.003107
30 0.994138 1.000838 75 0.996422 1.003138
31 0.994189 1.000889 76 0.996451 1.003166
32 0.994241 1.000941 77 0.996477 1.003193
33 0.994293 1.000994 78 0.996502 1.003218
34 0.994347 1.001048 79 0.996525 1.003241
35 0.994401 1.001103 80 0.996546 1.003262
36 0.994456 1.001158 81 0.996565 1.003281
37 0.994512 1.001214 82 0.996582 1.003299
38 0.994568 1.001271 83 0.996597 1.003314
39 0.994625 1.001328 84 0.996610 1.003327
40 0.994682 1.001386 85 0.996622 1.003338
41 0.994740 1.001444 86 0.996631 1.003348
42 0.994798 1.001502 87 0.996638 1.003355
43 0.994856 1.001560 88 0.996643 1.003360
44 0.994914 1.001619 89 0.996646 1.003363
45 0.994972 1.001678 90 0.996647 1.003364

 sin  = (S+H) sin   cos  = (C+H) cos 

H = 0.156779  elevation in meters 10-6 H = 0.047786  elevation in feet 10-6


  -   Latitude Longitude   -   Latitude Longitude
   Kilometers Kilometers    Kilometers Kilometers
0 0 00.0 1.000000 110.57 111.32 45 - 11 32.7 0.998331 111.13 78.85
1 - 0 24.1 0.999999 110.58 111.30 46 11 32.4 0.998272 111.15 77.46
2 0 48.2 0.999996 110.58 111.25 47 11 31.2 0.998214 111.17 76.06
3 1 12.2 0.999991 110.58 111.17 48 11 29.2 0.998155 111.19 74.63
4 1 36.1 0.999984 110.58 111.05 49 11 26.3 0.998097 111.21 73.17
5 1 59.9 0.999975 110.58 110.90 50 11 22.6 0.998039 111.23 71.70
6 2 23.6 0.999964 110.59 110.71 51 11 18.1 0.997982 111.25 70.20
7 2 47.0 0.999951 110.59 110.50 52 11 12.7 0.997925 111.27 68.68
8 3 10.3 0.999936 110.60 110.24 53 11 06.5 0.997868 111.29 67.14
9 3 33.4 0.999919 110.60 109.96 54 10 59.5 0.997812 111.31 65.58
10 - 3 56.2 0.999900 110.61 109.64 55 - 10 51.7 0.997756 111.32 63.99
11 4 18.7 0.999879 110.62 109.29 56 10 43.1 0.997702 111.34 62.39
12 4 40.9 0.999856 110.62 108.90 57 10 33.7 0.997648 111.36 60.77
13 5 02.8 0.999832 110.63 108.49 58 10 23.5 0.997594 111.38 59.13
14 5 24.3 0.999805 110.64 108.03 59 10 12.6 0.997542 111.40 57.48
15 5 45.4 0.999777 110.65 107.55 60 10 00.9 0.997491 111.41 55.80
16 6 06.0 0.999747 110.66 107.03 61 9 48.5 0.997440 111.43 54.11
17 6 26.3 0.999716 110.67 106.49 62 9 35.4 0.997391 111.45 52.40
18 6 46.1 0.999682 110.68 105.91 63 9 21.5 0.997343 111.46 50.67
19 7 05.4 0.999647 110.69 105.29 64 9 07.0 0.997296 111.48 48.93
20 - 7 24.1 0.999611 110.70 104.65 65 -8 51.8 0.997250 111.49 47.18
21 7 42.4 0.999573 110.72 103.97 66 8 36.0 0.997206 111.51 45.40
22 8 00.0 0.999533 110.73 103.26 67 8 19.5 0.997163 111.52 43.62
23 8 17.1 0.999492 110.74 102.52 68 8 02.4 0.997121 111.54 41.82
24 8 33.6 0.999449 110.76 101.75 69 7 44.7 0.997081 111.55 40.01
25 8 49.5 0.999405 110.77 100.95 70 7 26.4 0.997042 111.56 38.19
26 9 04.7 0.999360 110.79 100.12 71 7 07.6 0.997005 111.57 36.35
27 9 19.3 0.999314 110.80 99.26 72 6 48.3 0.996970 111.59 34.50
28 9 33.2 0.999266 110.82 98.36 73 6 28.4 0.996936 111.60 32.65
29 9 46.4 0.999217 110.84 97.44 74 6 08.1 0.996904 111.61 30.78
30 - 9 58.9 0.999167 110.85 96.49 75 -5 47.4 0.996874 111.61 28.90
31 10 10.7 0.999116 110.87 95.50 76 5 26.2 0.996845 111.62 27.02
32 10 21.7 0.999064 110.89 94.49 77 5 04.6 0.996818 111.63 25.12
33 10 32.0 0.999011 110.90 93.45 78 4 42.6 0.996793 111.64 23.22
34 10 41.5 0.998958 110.92 92.39 79 4 20.3 0.996770 111.65 21.31
35 10 50.2 0.998903 110.94 91.29 80 3 57.7 0.996749 111.66 19.39
36 10 58.1 0.998848 110.96 90 16 81 3 34.7 0.996730 111.67 17.47
37 11 05.3 0.998792 110.98 89.01 82 3 11.6 0.996713 111.67 15.54
38 11 11.6 0.998736 111.00 87.83 83 2 48.1 0.996697 111.68 13.61
39 11 17.1 0.998679 111.02 86.63 84 2 24.5 0.996684 111.68 11.67
40 -11 21.8 0.998622 111.03 85.39 85 -2 00.7 0.996673 111.69 9.73
41 11 25.7 0.998564 111.05 84.14 86 1 36.7 0.996664 111.69 7.79
42 11 28.7 0.998506 111.07 82.85 87 1 12.7 0.996656 111.69 5.85
43 11 30.9 0.998447 111.09 81.54 88 0 48.5 0.996651 111.69 3.90
44 11 32.2 0.998389 111.11 80.21 89 -0 24.3 0.996648 111.69 1.95
45 -11 32.7 0.998331 111.13 78.85 90 0 00.0 0.996647 111.69 0.00

 and  are the geographic and geocentric latitude respectively

 = radius of the earth.
1 kilometre = 0.621372 miles.

Longitude Reduction Reduction

Place Altitude Latitude of of L.M.T.  sin   cos 
(Metre) In arc In time Greenwich to Indian
Sid. Time Standard
    h m s s m s
Agartala 16 +23 31.8 + 91 09.0 +6 04 36 +59.89 -34 36 +0.39677 0.91734
Agra 160 +27 05.6 + 77 34.8 +5 10 19 +50.98 +19 51 +0.45272 0.89091
Ahmedabad 49 +23 03.0 + 72 40.2 +4 50 41 +47.75 +39 19 +0.38912 0.92064
Aizawl 1097 +23 26.4 + 92 43.2 +6 10 53 +60.93 -40 53 +0.39540 0.91812
Ajmer 486 +26 16.2 + 74 22.2 +4 57 29 +48.87 +32 31 +0.43996 0.89738
Alibag (Obs.) 7 +19 00.0 + 72 30.6 +4 50 02 +47.65 +39 58 +0.33350 0.94586
Aligarh 187 +27 31.8 + 78 2.44 +5 12 10 +51.28 +17 47 +0.45946 0.88743
Allahabad 96 +25 16.2 + 81 26.4 +5 25 46 +53.51 +04 14 +0.42429 0.90487
Amritsar 231 +31 22.8 + 74 31.2 +4 58 05 +48.97 +31 55 +0.51771 0.85454
Bangalore 921 +12 34.8 + 77 21.0 +5 09 24 +50.83 +20 36 +0.21641 0.97629
Bangkok, Thailand 16 +13 25.0 +100 18.0 +6 41 12 +65.91 - 71 12 +0.23052 0.97289
Baroda 35 +22 12.0 + 73 9.6 +4 52 38 +48.07 +37 22 +0.37549 0.92632
Bhopal 506 +23 10.2 + 77 12.6 +5 08 50 +50.73 +21 10 +0.39106 0.91989
Bhuj 105 +23 09.0 + 69 24.0 +4 37 36 +45.60 +52 24 +0.39072 0.91997
Bhubaneswar 46 +20 00.0 + 85 30.0 +5 42 00 +56.18 - 12 00 +0.33987 0.94007
Bikaner 224 +28 01.0 + 73 10.8 +4 52 43 +48.09 +37 17 +0.46695 0.88349
Bilaspur,(H.P) 502 +31 11.4 + 76 30.0 +5 06 00 +50.27 +24 00 +0.51491 0.85629
Buenos Aires 6 -34 21.0 - 58 12.0 - 3 52 48 -38.24 .. .. -0.56107 0.82649
(Naval Obs.),
Cairo 68 +30 01.0 + 31 09.0 +2 04 36 +20.47 .. .. +0.49733 0.86662
Canberra (Mount 767 -35 10.2 +149 10.5 +9 56 42 +98.02 .. .. -0.57285 0.81845
Stromlo), Australia
Cape Town (Ast. 18 -33 33.6 + 18 15.0 +1 13 00 +11.99 .. .. -0.54967 0.83416
Obs.), S. Africa
Chandigarh 347 +30 25.2 + 76 32.0 +5 06 08 +50.29 +23 52 +0.50340 0.86312
Chennai (or 7 +13 00.0 + 80 06.6 +5 20 26 +52.64 + 9 34 +0.22348 0.97454
Madras) Obs.
Chittagong, 27 +22 12.6 + 91 31.8 +6 06 07 +60.14 - 36 07 +0.37565 0.92625
Colaba Obs. 14 +19 04.2 + 72 31.0 +4 50 04 +47.65 +39 56 +0.32465 0.94546
Mumbai, (Bombay)
Colombo (Obs.), 6 + 6 33.6 + 79 33.6 +5 18 14 +52.28 +11 46 +011348 0.99350
Cuttack 26 +20 16.8 + 85 33.6 +5 42 14 +56.42 - 12 14 +0.34443 0.93839
Dacca,Bangladesh 7 +23 25.8 + 90 15.6 +6 01 02 +59.31 - 31 02 +0.39518 0.91803
Darjeeling 2128 +27 02.0 + 88 10.8 +5 52 43 +57.94 - 22 43 +0.45193 0.89166
Dehra Dun 682 +30 11.3 + 78 01.2 +5 12 05 +51.27 +17 55 +0.49995 0.86520
Delhi 220 +28 21.0 + 77 07.2 +5 08 29 +50.68 +21 31 +0.47205 0.88076
Dibrugarh 106 +27 17.4 + 94 06.0 +6 16 24 +61.83 - 46 24 +0.45575 0.88734
Gangtok 1768 +27 12.0 + 88 22.2 +5 53 29 +58.07 - 23 29 +0.45448 0.89029
Guwahati 55 +26 3.6.0 + 91 21.0 +6 05 24 +60.03 - 35 24 +0.43666 0.89892
Gauribidanur 686 +13 36.2 + 77 26.1 +5 09 44 +50.88 +20 16 +0.23369 0.97223
(Radio Astr. Obs.)
Gaya 111 +24 27.0 + 84 34.2 +5 38 17 +55.57 - 8 17 +0.41137 0.91086
1 metre = 3.2808 feet

Longitude Reduction Reduction

Place Altitude Latitude of of L.M.T.  sin   cos 
(Metre) In arc In time Greenwich to Indian
Sid. Time Standard
    h m s s m s
Geneva (Obs.), 465 +46 07.8 + 6 04.2 +0 24 17 + 3.99 .. .. +0.71739 0.69428
Greenwich (Royal 47 +51 28.6 0 00 0 00 00.0 0.00 .. .. +0.77872 0.62412
Hanle/ 4467 +32 46.8 + 78 57.9 +5 15 51.6 +51.89 +14 8.4 +0.53870 0.84217
(Indian Ast. Obs.)
Haridwar 274 +29 34.8 + 78 08.0 +5 12 32.0 +51.34 + 17 28 +0.49076 0.87041
Heidelberg Obs., 570 +49 14.0 + 8 25.2 +0 33 41.0 + 5.53 .. .. +0.75382 0.65430
Helwan (Obs.), 116 +29 51.5 + 31 22.8 +2 05 31.2 +20.62 .. .. +0.49494 0.86800
Herstmonceux 31 +50 52.0 + 0 20.3 +0 01 21.0 + 0.22 .. .. +0.77205 0.63241
(Royal Obs.),
Sussex, U.K.
Hyderabad 554 +17 25.9 + 78 27.2 +5 13 49.0 +51.55 + 16 11 +0.29768 0.95444
(Nizamiah Obs.)
Imphal 801 +24 26.4 + 93 34.8 +6 14 19.0 +61.49 - 44 19 +0.41126 0.91103
India, Central - +23 11.0 + 82 30.0 +5 30 00.0 +54.21 0 00 +0.39124 0.91973
Station of
Indore 556 +22 26.4 + 75 30.0 +5 02 00.0 +49.61 + 28 00 +0.37938 0.92481
Istambul (Univ. 65 +41 00.7 + 28 57.9 +1 55 51.6 +19.03 .. .. +0.65277 0.75567
Obs.), Turkey
IUCAA Giravali 1000 +18 19.2 + 73 30.6 +4 54 02.0 +48.3 +35 58 +0.31237 0.94978
Obs., Pune
Jabalpur 393 +23 07.2 + 79 34.2 +5 18 17.0 +52.29 + 11 43 +0.39026 0.92022
Jaipur 436 +26 33.0 + 75 31.2 +5 02 05.0 +49.62 + 27 55 +0.44431 0.89520
Jakarta, Indonesia 23 - 6 07.2 +106 30.0 +7 06 00.0 +69.98 .. .. -0.10590 0.99434
Jamshedpur 152 +22 29.4 + 86 06.6 +5 44 26.0 +56.58 - 14 26 +0.38016 0.92442
Japal Rangapur 695 +17 05.9 + 78 43.7 +5 14 55.0 +51.73 + 15 05 +0.29216 0.95618
Jodhpur 224 +26 10.8 + 73 00.6 +4 52 02.0 +47.97 + 37 58 +0.43854 0.89803
Johannesberg, 1806 - 26 10.9 + 28 04.5 +1 52 18.0 +18.45 .. .. -0.43868 0.89824
South Africa
Kabul, Afghanistan 1766 +34 18.0 + 69 10.8 +4 36 43.0 +45.46 + 53 17 +0.56051 0.82721
Kanchipuram 76 +12 30.0 + 79 27.0 +5 17 48.0 +52.21 + 12 12 +0.21503 0.97646
Kanpur 126 +26 15.6 + 80 13.2 +5 20 53.0 +52.71 + 9 07 +0.43978 0.89740
Karachi, Pakistan 4 +24 53.6 + 67 02.4 +4 28 10.0 +44.05 + 61 50 +0.41836 0.90763
Kathmandu, Nepal 1324 +27 23.2 + 85 07.2 +5 40 29.0 +55.93 - 10 29 +0.45733 0.88874
Kavalur (Vainu 725 +12 34.6 + 78 49.6 +5 15 18.0 +51.80 + 14 42 +0.21635 0.97627
Bappu Obs.),
Kodaikanal 2343 +10 13.8 + 77 28.1 +5 09 52.0 +50.90 + 20 08 +0.17649 0.98457
(Solar Obs.)
Kohima 1405 +25 24.0 + 94 04.8 +6 16 19.0 +61.82 - 46 19 +0.42642 0.90409
Kolkata (Alipore 6 +22 19.2 + 88 12.0 +5 52 48.0 +57.96 - 22 48 +0.37742 0.92553
Obs.), (Calcutta)
Kolkata (Presi. 12 +22 23.4 + 88 16.2 +5 53 05.0 +58.00 - 23 05 +0.37854 0.92506
Coll. Obs.)
Kurnool 281 +15 30.0 + 78 03.0 +5 12 12.0 +51.29 + 17 48 +0.26552 0.96390
1 metre = 3.2808 feet

Longitude Reduction Reduction

Place Altitude Latitude of of L.M.T.  sin   cos 
(Metre) In arc In time Greenwich to Indian
Sid. Time Standard
    h m s s m s
Kyoto (Univ. Ast. 86 +35 00.6 +135 20.4 +9 1 22.0 +88.93 .. .. +0.57052 0.81997
Dept. Obs.), Japan
Lahore, Pakistan 214 +31 22.2 + 74 15.6 +4 57 02.0 +48.80 + 32 58 +0.51756 0.85269
Lucknow 113 +26 31.2 + 80 33.6 +5 22 14.0 +52.94 + 7 46 +0.44383 0.89539
Maitri (Indian base 132 -70 46.0 + 11 45.0 +0 47 00.0 + 7.72 .. .. -0.94069 0.33041
station at
Mangalore 22 +12 33.0 + 74 31.8 +4 58 07.0 +48.97 + 31 53 +0.21587 0.97626
Moscow (Sternberg 195 +55 27.0 + 37 22.2 +2 29 29.0 +24.56 .. .. +0.82001 0.56843
State Ast. Inst.),
Mount Abu 1700 +24 23.4 + 72 25.8 +4 49 43.0 +47.59 +40 17 +0.41053 0.91152
(Gurushikhar Obs.)
Mount Palomar 1706 +33 21.4 -116 51.8 - 7 47 27.2 -76.79 .. .. +054687 0.83633
(Obs.), U.S.A.
Mount Wilson 1742 +34 13.0 -118 03.6 - 7 52 14.4 -77.58 .. .. +0.55931 0.82802
(Obs.), U.S.A.
Mysore 767 +12 10.8 + 76 25.2 +5 05 41.0 +50.22 + 24 19 +0.20963 0.97775
Nagpur 312 +21 05.4 + 79 04.2 +5 16 17.0 +51.96 + 13 43 +0.35760 0.93347
Nainital 1927 +29 13.8 + 79 18.0 +5 17 12.0 +52.11 + 12 48 +0. 48558 0.87363
(Aryabhatta Res.
Inst. Of Obs. Sci.)
New York 25 +40 25.8 - 74 00.6 - 4 56 02.0 -48.63 .. .. +0.64509 0.76228
(Rutherford Obs.),
Ottawa, Canada 87 +45 16.2 - 75 22.2 - 5 01 29.0 -49.53 .. .. +0.70688 0.70497
Panaji 56 +15 18.0 + 73 33.0 +4 54 12.0 +48.33 + 35 48 +0.26217 0.96479
Paris (Obs.), France 67 +48 30.0 + 2 12.0 +0 08 49.0 + 1.45 .. .. +0.74535 0.66387
Patiala 251 +30 12.0 + 76 15.0 +5 05 00.0 +50.10 + 25 00 +0.50010 0.86504
Patna 53 +25 21.6 + 85 03.6 +5 40 14.0 +55.89 - 10 14 +0.42570 0.90420
Peshawar, Pakistan 358 +34 01.0 + 71 34.0 +4 46 15.0 +47.03 + 43 45 +0.55630 0.82979
Pondicherry 6 +11 34.8 + 79 29.4 +5 17 58.0 +52.23 + 12 02 +0. 19942 0.97978
Pune 559 +18 19.0 + 73 30.0 +4 54 00.0 +48 .30 + 36 00 +0.31230 0.94973
Porbandar 7 +21 22.2 + 69 29.4 +4 37 58.0 +45.66 + 52 02 +0.36211 0.93166
Port Blair 79 +11 24.0 + 92 25.8 +6 09 43.0 +60.74 - 39 43 +0.19636 0.98041
Puri 6 +19 28.8 + 85 29.4 +5 41 58.0 +56.18 - 11 58 +0.33137 0.94311
Quetta, Pakistan 1673 +30 07.2 + 67 00.0 +4 28 00.0 +44.03 + 62 00 +0.49901 0.86593
Rajkot 132 +22 10.8 + 70 33.6 +4 42 14.0 +46 .36 + 47 46 +0.37518 0.92646
Rawalpindi, 510 +33 22.2 + 73 03.6 +4 52 14.0 +48.01 + 37 46 +0.54696 0.83605
Rome (Obs.), Italy 152 +41 33.0 + 12 16.8 +0 49 07.2 + 8.07 .. .. +0.65982 0.74950
San Fernando 27 +36 28.0 - 6 12.2 -0 24 48.8 - 4.08 .. .. +0.59108 0.80516
(Naval Obs.), Spain
Shillong 1500 +25 20.4 + 91 33.6 +6 06 14.0 +61.16 - 36 14 +0.42549 0.90455
1 metre = 3.2808 feet

Longitude Reduction Reduction

Place Altitude Latitude of of L.M.T.  sin   cos 
(Metre) In arc In time Greenwich to Indian
Sid. Time Standard
    h m s s m s
Sholapur 476 +17 24.0 + 75 33.6 +5 02 14 +49.65 + 27 46 +0.29715 0.95460
Siliguri 127 +26 24.0 + 88 13.2 +5 52 53 +57.97 - 22 53 +0.44196 0.89632
Simla 2202 +31 03.6 + 77 07.8 +5 08 31 +50. 68 + 21 29 +0.51312 0.85769
Singapore 18 + 1 10.2 +103 30.6 +6 54 02 +68.02 .. .. +0.02028 0.99980
Srinagar 1586 +34 03.6 + 74 30.6 +4 58 02 +48.96 + 31 58 +0.55704 0.82953
St. Petersburg 3 +59 56.5 + 30 17.7 +2 01 11 +19.91 .. .. +0.86189 0.50214
Univ. Obs., Russia
Tehran, Iran 1200 +35 24.6 + 51 15.0 +3 25 00 +33.68 .. .. +0.57630 0.81610
Tokyo 41 +35 24.0 +138 27.0 +9 13 48 +90.98 .. .. +0.57605 0.81605
Obs.), Japan
Thiruvanantapuram 61 + 8 17.4 + 76 34.2 +5 06 17 +50.31 + 23 43 +0.14323 0.98963
Udaipur (Solar 301 +24 21.0 + 73 25.2 +4 53 41 +48.24 + 36 19 +0.40980 0.91161
Udhagamandalam 2150 +11 22.9 + 76 40.0 +5 06 40 +50.38 + 23 20 +0.19611 0.98079
(Ooty) (Rad.
Ujjain 496 +23 06.3 + 75 28.2 +5 01 53 +49.59 + 28 07 +0.39002 0.92033
Varanasi 76 +25 10.8 + 83 00.0 +5 32 00 +54.54 - 2 00 +0.42288 0.90554
Visakhapatnam 38 +17 25.8 + 83 08.4 +5 32 34 +54.63 - 2 34 +0.29763 0.95438
Washington 92 +38 33.0 - 77 02.4 - 5 08 10 -50.62 .. .. +0.61984 0.78309
(U. S. Naval Obs.),
Yangon, Myanmar 28 +16 27.0 + 96 7.20 +6 24 29 +63.16 - 54 29 +0.28136 0.95933
1 metre = 3.2808 feet

Lat. 0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
º ' h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
0 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00
5 00 6 00 6 04 6 07 6 12 6 14 6 17 6 20 6 24 6 26 6 28 6 30 6 32 6 35
10 00 6 00 6 07 6 15 6 23 6 28 6 34 6 41 6 49 6 52 6 56 7 01 7 06 7 11
15 00 6 00 6 11 6 22 6 36 6 43 6 52 7 02 7 14 7 20 7 27 7 34 7 42 7 51
20 00 6 00 6 15 6 30 6 49 6 59 7 11 7 25 7 43 7 51 8 00 8 11 8 22 8 36
23 00 6 00 6 18 6 36 6 58 7 11 7 25 7 43 8 05 8 15 8 27 8 40 8 56 9 15
25 00 6 00 6 19 6 39 7 02 7 16 7 32 7 51 8 15 8 27 8 40 8 55 9 13 9 35
28 00 6 00 6 22 6 45 7 12 7 27 7 46 8 08 8 37 8 52 9 08 9 28 9 59 10 28
30 00 6 00 6 23 6 49 7 18 7 35 7 56 8 21 8 54 9 11 9 30 9 55 10 30 12 00
When the latitude of the place and the declination of the heavenly body are of
the same sign then the figure represent semi-diurnal arc, when of opposite signs
then semi-nocturnal arc.


Lat. 0º 10º 20º 30º 35º 40º 45º 50º 52º 54º 56º 58º 60º
º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º ' º '
0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
5 00 5 00 5 05 5 19 5 47 6 06 6 32 7 05 7 48 8 08 8 32 8 58 9 28 10 02
10 00 10 00 10 09 10 39 11 34 12 14 13 06 14 13 15 40 16 23 17 11 18 05 19 08 20 19
15 00 15 00 15 14 15 59 17 23 18 25 19 45 21 28 23 45 24 52 26 07 27 34 29 14 31 10
20 00 20 00 20 19 21 21 23 16 24 41 26 31 28 56 32 09 33 45 35 35 37 42 40 12 43 10
23 00 23 00 23 50 25 03 27 21 29 04 31 18 34 15 38 15 40 16 42 37 45 22 48 40 52 44
25 00 25 00 25 25 26 44 29 13 31 04 33 29 36 42 41 06 43 21 45 58 49 06 52 54 57 42
28 00 28 00 28 28 29 58 32 50 34 58 37 48 41 36 46 55 49 41 53 00 57 06 62 22 69 52
30 00 30 00 30 31 32 09 35 16 37 37 40 45 45 00 51 04 54 18 58 17 63 24 70 39 90 00
The amplitude of rising and setting points of a heavenly body is measured
from the East or the West point of the horizon towards the northern or
southern direction as the case may be. The amplitude is of the same sign as
that of declination of the body.
Note - If true zenith distance of the heavenly body at the time of rising or
setting be 90º + h, then the figures of the above two tables would require
some correction according to the value of h (vide Explanation).


Moon 's Apparent Altitude

diame- 0º 6º 12º 18º 24º 30º 36º 42º 48º 54º 60º 66º 72º 78º 84º 90º
                 
14 30 0.1 1.5 2.9 4.3 5.6 6.9 8.1 9.2 10.2 11.1 11.8 12.5 13.0 13.4 13.6 13.7
15 00 0.1 1.6 3.1 4.6 6.0 7.3 8.6 9.8 10.9 11.8 12.7 13.4 13.9 14.3 14.6 14.6
15 30 0.1 1.7 3.3 4.9 6.4 7.9 9.2 10.5 11.6 12.7 13.5 14.3 14.9 15.3 15.6 15.6
16 00 0.1 1.9 3.6 5.2 6.8 8.4 9.8 11.2 12.4 13.5 14.4 15.2 15.9 16.3 16.6 16.7
16 30 0.2 2.0 3.8 5.6 7.3 8.9 10.5 11.9 13.2 14.4 15.4 16.2 16.9 17.4 17.6 17.7
17 00 0.2 2.1 4.0 5.9 7.7 9.5 11.1 12.6 14.0 15.3 16.3 17.2 17.9 18.4 18.7 18.8
The visible or apparent semi-diameter of the moon is augmented over the
tabulated value due to moon's altitude above the horizon.

ANGLE Sin Cos Tan Cot Sec Cosec

Arc Time
 h m h m 
0 0 00 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 Infinity 1.00000 Infinity 6 00 90
1 0 04 .01745 0.99985 .01746 57.28996 .00015 57.29869 5 56 89
2 0 08 .03490 .99939 .03492 28.63625 .00061 28.65371 5 52 88
3 0 12 .05234 .99863 .05241 19.08114 .00137 19.10732 5 48 87
4 0 16 .06976 .99756 .06993 14.30067 .00244 14.33559 5 44 86
5 0 20 .08716 .99619 .08749 11.43005 .00382 11.47371 5 40 85
6 0 24 .10453 .99452 .10510 9.51436 .00551 9.56667 5 36 84
7 0 28 .12187 .99255 .12278 8.14435 .00751 8.20551 5 32 83
8 0 32 .13917 .99027 .14054 7.11537 .00983 7.18530 5 28 82
9 0 36 .15643 .98769 .15838 6.31375 .01247 6.39245 5 24 81
10 0 40 .17365 .98481 .17633 5.67128 .01543 5.75877 5 20 80
11 0 44 0.19081 0.98163 0.19438 5.14455 1.01872 5.24084 5 16 79
12 0 48 .20791 .97815 .21256 4.70463 .02234 4.80973 5 12 78
13 0 52 .22495 .97437 .23087 4.33148 .02630 4.44541 5 08 77
14 0 56 .24192 .97030 .24933 4.01078 .03061 4.13357 5 04 76
15 1 00 .25882 .96593 .26795 3.73205 .03528 3.86370 5 00 75
16 1 04 .27564 .96126 .28675 3.48741 .04030 3.62796 4 56 74
17 1 08 .29237 .95630 .30573 3.27085 .04569 3.42030 4 52 73
18 1 12 .30902 .95106 .32492 3.07768 .05146 3.23607 4 48 72
19 1 16 .32557 .94552 .34433 2.90421 .05762 3.07155 4 44 71
20 1 20 .34202 .93969 .36397 2.74748 .06418 2.92380 4 40 70
21 1 24 0.35837 0.93358 0.38386 2.60509 1.07115 2.79043 4 36 69
22 1 28 .37461 .92718 .40403 2.47509 .07853 2.66947 4 32 68
23 1 32 .39073 .92050 .42447 2.35585 .08636 2.55930 4 28 67
24 1 36 .40674 .91355 .44523 2.24604 .09464 2.45859 4 24 66
25 1 40 .42262 .90631 .46631 2.14451 .10338 2.36620 4 20 65
26 1 44 .43837 .89879 .48773 2.05030 .11260 2.28117 4 16 64
27 1 48 .45399 .89101 .50953 1.96261 .12233 2.20269 4 12 63
28 1 52 .46947 .88295 .53171 1.88073 .13257 2.13005 4 08 62
29 1 56 .48481 .87462 .55431 1.80405 .14335 2.06267 4 04 61
30 2 00 .50000 .86603 .57735 1.73205 .15470 2.00000 4 00 60
31 2 04 0.51504 0.85717 0.60086 1.66428 1.16663 1.94160 3 56 59
32 2 08 .52992 .84805 .62487 1.60033 .17918 1.88708 3 52 58
33 2 12 .54464 .83867 .64941 1.53987 .19236 1.83608 3 48 57
34 2 16 .55919 .82904 .67451 1.48256 .20622 1.78829 3 44 56
35 2 20 .57358 .81915 .70021 1.42815 .22077 1.74345 3 40 55
36 2 24 .58779 .80902 .72654 1.37638 .23607 1.70130 3 36 54
37 2 28 .60182 .79864 .75355 1.32704 .25214 1.66164 3 32 53
38 2 32 .61566 .78801 .78129 1.27994 .26902 1.62427 3 28 52
39 2 36 .62932 .77715 .80978 1.23490 .28676 1.58902 3 24 51
40 2 40 .64279 .76604 .83910 1.19175 .30541 1.55572 3 20 50
41 2 44 0.65606 0.75471 0.86929 1.15037 1.32501 1.52425 3 16 49
42 2 48 .66913 .74314 .90040 1.11061 .34563 1.49448 3 12 48
43 2 52 .68200 .73135 .93252 1.07237 .36733 1.46628 3 08 47
44 2 56 .69446 .71934 0.96569 1.03553 .39016 1.43956 3 04 46
45 3 00 0.70711 0.70711 1.00000 1.00000 1.41421 1.41421 3 00 45
Cos Sin Cot Tan Cosec Sec Time Arc

Country or Area Standard L.S.T Country or Area Standard L.S.T

Time at 12h U.T Time at 12h U.T
or 17-30 or 17-30
I.S.T. I.S.T.

h h m h h m
Aden +3 15 00 Belgium +1 13 00
Afghanistan + 4 1/2 16 30 Belize - 6 06 00
Alaska -9 03 00 Bermuda -4 08 00
- Day light Saving Time -8 04 00 Bhutan +6 18 00
Albania +1 13 00 Bolivia -4 08 00
- Day light Saving Time +2 14 00 Brazil-
Aleutian Islands - 10 02 00 Eastern (including - 3* 09 00*
Algeria 0 12 00 Western - 3* 09 00*
Angola +1 13 00 Territory of Acre - 4* 08 00*
Argentina -3 09 00 Bulgaria +2 14 00
Ascension Islands 0 12 00 Cambodia +7 19 00
Australia- Cameroon +1 13 00
Capital Territory + 10 22 00 Canada-
(Canberra), Victoria, New Newfoundland - 3 1/2* 08 30*
South Wales,
Queensland, Tasmania.
South Australia, Northern + 9 1/2 21 30 East of Long. 63 W - 4* 08 00*
Territory, Broken Hill Area N W Territories (Ea-
- Day light Saving Time + 10 1/2 22 30 St of Long. 68 W),
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia,
Prince Edward Island
Western Australia +8 20 00 Quebec (West of - 5* 07 00*
- Day light Saving Time +9 21 00 Long.63W), Ontario
(East of Long 90 W)
(Ottawa), Nunavut
(East) and NW
Territories ( Long..
W 68-85 )
Austral Islands - 10 02 00 Ontario (West of - 6* 06 00*
Long. 90 W),
Manitoba, NW
Territories (Long. W
85-102), East
Nunavut (Central)
Austria +1 13 00 Alberta - 7* 05 00*
Azores -1 11 00 Yukon Time - 8 04 00
Bahrain +3 15 00 Canary Island +1 13 00
Bangladesh +6 18 00 Cape Verde Islands -1 11 00

Country or Area Standard L.S.T Country or Area Standard L.S.T

Time at 12h U.T Time at 12h U.T
or 17-30 or 17-30
I.S.T. I.S.T.

h h m h h m
Caroline Islands- + 11 23 00 Ghana 0 12 00
Truk, Ponape + 11 23 00 Gibraltar + 1 13 00
Central African Republic +1 13 00 Greece +2 14 00
Chile - 4* 08 00* Greenland
China, People's Republic of +8 20 00 Angmagssalik, -3 09 00
W. Coast
Cocos-keeling Islands + 6 1/2 18 30 Thule Area -4 08 00
Colombia -5 07 00 Guam + 10 22 00
Congo Republic +1 13 00 Guatemala -6 06 00
Cook Islands - 10 02 00 Guiana
Dutch (Surinam) -3 09 00
Corsica + 1 13 00 French -3 09 00
Costa Rica -6 06 00 Guyana Republic - 4 08 00
Croatia +1 13 00 Haiti - 5 07 00
Cuba - 5* 07 00* Hawaiian Islands - 10 02 00
Czech Republic +1 13 00 Honduras - 6 06 00
Cyprus +2 14 00 Hong Kong + 8* 20 00*
Dahomey Republic (Africa ) +1 13 00 Hungary + 1 13 00
Denmark +1 13 00 Iceland 0 12 00
Ecuador -5 07 00 India + 5 1/2 17 30
Egypt + 2* 14 00* Indonesia, Republic -- --
Estonia +2 14 00 Sumatra, Java, West +7 19 00
& Central
El Salvador - 6 06 00 Bali, South & East +8 20 00
Ethiopia +3 15 00 Irian Jaya, Maluku +9 21 00
Falkland Islands -4 08 00 Iran + 3 1/2 15 30
Fiji +12 24 00 Iraq +3 15 00
Finland +2 14 00 Ireland, Republic of 0 12 00
France +1 13 00 Israel +2 14 00
Germany +1 13 00 Italy +1* 13 00*

Country or Area Standard L.S.T Country or Area Standard L.S.T

Time at 12h U.T Time at 12h
or 17-30 U.T
I.S.T. or 17-30

h h m h h m
Ivory Coast 0 12 00 Monaco +1 13 00
Japan (and Japan Is.) +9 21 00 Mongolia +8 20 00
Jordan +2 14 00 Morocco 0* 12 00*
Kenya +3 15 00 Mozambique +2 14 00
Korea (North & South ) +9 21 00 Nepal + 5 3/4 17 45
Kuwait +3 15 00 Netherlands +1 13 00
Laos +7 19 00 New Caledonia + 11 23 00
Latvia +2 14 00 New Hebrides + 11 23 00
Lebanon + 2* 14 00* New Zealand + 12 24 00
Liberia 0 12 00 Nicaragua - 6 06 00
Libya +2 14 00 Niger +1 13 00
Lithuania +3 15 00 Nigeria +1 13 00
Luxembourg + 1 13 00 Norfolk Island + 11 1/2 23 30
Madagascar +3 15 00 Norway + 1* 13 00*
Madeira - 1* 11 00* Oman (Masira, +4 16 00
Muscat, Salalah)
Malawi +2 14 00 Pakistan +5 17 00
Malaysia +8 20 00 Papua New Guinea + 10 22 00
Maldives Island +5 17 00 Paraguay - 4 08 00
Malta +1 13 00 Peru - 5 07 00
Manchuria (China) +8 20 00 Philippines +8 20 00
Mariana Island + 10 22 00 Poland + 1* 13 00*
Marquesas Islands - 9 1/2 02 30 Portugal +1 13 00
Marshall Islands + 12 24 00 Puerto Rico - 4 08 00
Mauritania 0 12 00 Reunion +4 16 00
Mauritius +4 16 00 Romania +2 14 00
Mayanmar + 6 1/2 18 30 Sakhalin + 11 23 00
Mexico- Samoa - 11 01 00
Mexico City - 6 06 00 Sardinia +1 13 00
Sonora, Sinaloa, - 7 05 00
Nayarit, Baja
California Sur
Baja California - 8 04 00

Country or Area Standard L.S.T Country or Area Standard L.S.T

Time at 12h U.T Time at 12h U.T
or 17-30 or 17-30
I.S.T. I.S.T.

h h m h h m
Saudi Arabia- Tangier 0 12 00
Jeddah +3 15 00 Thailand +7 19 00
Dhahran +4 16 00 Uganda +3 15 00
Senegal 0 12 00 Ukraine +2 14 00
Serbia +1 13 00 United Arab +4 16 00
Sierra Leone 0 12 00 USA Aleutian - 10* 02 00*
Singapore +8 20 30 USA Hawaii - 10* 02 00*
Solomon Islands + 11 23 00 USA Pacific - 8* 04 00*
Somalia +3 15 00 USA Mountain - 7* 05 00*
South Africa +2 14 00 USA Arizona - 7* 05 00*
Spain + 1 13 00 USA Central - 6* 06 00*
Sri Lanka + 5 1/2 17 30 USA Eastern - 5* 07 00*
Sudan +2 14 00 Uruguay -3 09 00
Sweden +1 13 00 Uzbekistan +5 17 00
Switzerland +1 13 00 Zambia +2 14 00
Syria + 2* 14 00* Zimbabwe +2 14 00
Tanzania +3 15 00

* During summer seasons clock time differs from Standard time.

 Winter time may be kept in these countries.
 This time is used throughout the year, but may differ from legal time.

The astronomical data included in this section on Indian Calendar have been calculated in accordance with
the recommendations of the Calendar Reform Committee, as outlined in its report, and the calculations have been
done on the basis of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Planets, as contained in the main tables of the Ephemeris.
However, the information on Luni- Solar Calendar in this section have been calculated on the basis of traditional
Nirayana Calendric system following the Government’s decision not to disturb the traditional procedure in fixing the
days of religious festivals. Certain additional data, which are required for the compilation of an Indian Panchang
(Almanac), have also been furnished to meet the requirements of the numerous Panchang makers of this country.
The tables of this section have been extended beyond December, 2024 and materials up to April 20, 2025 have been
furnished in order to facilitate preparation of Almanacs for one complete Indian year. The longitudes of the Sun,
Moon and Planets and certain other data relating to their positions for the period of 2024 covered by this calendar
have also been given in separate table for the same purpose.

All calculations contained in this section have been done for an adopted Central Station of India situated
at 820 30/ longitude East of Greenwich and 230 11/ latitude North (latitude of Ujjain ) and accordingly the timings have
been expressed in the local mean time of this Central Station, which is also the Indian Standard Time. This time
(I.S.T.) is 5h 30 m ahead on the Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time.

The Calendar used in this section is the ‘National Calendar’ of India as recommended by the Calendar
Reform Committee and introduced by the Government of India with effect from the 22 nd March 1957, correspond-
ing to the 1st of Chaitra, 1879 Saka Era. Thereafter, Govt. of India has decided to introduce an all India Nirayana
Solar Calendar in addition to the existing National Calendar. This new Calendar has been introduced with effect from
14th April, 2004 corresponding to 1st Vaisakha of 5105 Kali, Kali Era being the Era of this new Calendar and this
Calendar have fixed number of days for its months. Dates of the Nirayana Calendar have been indicated in addition
to the existing National Calendar. The months of these Calendars, the number of days assigned to each month of
the two Calendars, and the dates of the Gregorian calendar corresponding to the first day of each month of both the
Calendars are as follows :-

Months of the Gregorian date for Months of the Gregorian date for
National Calendar 1st of the month Nirayana Calendar 1st of the month
Chaitra (30 days ; March 22 ( March 21 Vaisakha (31 days) April 14
31 days in a leap-year) in a leap-year) Jyaishtha (31 days) May 15
Vaisakha (31 days) April 21 Ashadha (31 days) June 15
Jyaishtha (31 days) May 22 Sravana (31 days) July 16
Ashadha (31 days) June 22 Bhadra (31 days) August 16
Sravana (31 days) July 23 Asvina (30 days) September 16
Bhadra (31 days) August 23 Kartika (30 days) October 16
Asvina (30 days) September 23 Agrahayana (30 days) November 15
Kartika (30 days) October 23 Pausha (30 days) December 15
Agrahayana (30 days) November 22 Magha (30 days) January 14
Pausha (30 days) December 22 Phalguna (30 days ; February 13
Magha (30 days) January 21 31 days in a leap-year)
Phalguna (30 days) February 20 Chaitra (30 days) March 15

Different items included in this section are elaborated below :-

The Sunrise and Sunset times, calculated for the Central Station, relate respectively to the appearance and
disappearance of the upper limb of the Sun on the horizon. The amount of horizontal refraction taken for this
purpose is 31/ and the semi-diameter of the Sun as 16/ , so that at the given times of Sunrise and Sunset, the centre
of the Sun actually 47/ below the horizon.

The apparent noon is the local mean time of the sun’s meridian passage, i.e., the mid-day reduced to the
above standard meridian of India (82½0 E. Longitude).

The ending moments of tithis, nakshatras and yogas have been given in Indian Standard Time and shown
against their ordinal numbers. The phenomena being geocentric ones, their timings in I.S.T. are applicable for the
whole of India without any modification. These timings reduced by a deduction of 5h 30m would give the G.M.T.
applicable for all places on the earth.

The tithi is based on the difference of longitude of the Moon and that of the Sun. A tithi is completed
when the longitude of the Moon gains exactly 120 or its integral multiple on that of the Sun and as such there are 30
tithis in lunar month. A difference in longitude of 120 indicates the ending of the 1st tithi, 240 that of the 2nd tithi
and so on. The number of tithis have been shown from Sukla 1 to Sukla 15 (full-moon) and again from Krishna 1
to Krishna 14 and Krishna 30 (new moon), using the symbols S and K for Sukla paksha (waxing Moon)and Krishna
paksha (waning Moon) respectively.

A nakshatra is completed when the nirayana longitude of the Moon as measured from the initial point
attains a value of 13° 20/ or an integral multiple thereof. When this longitude is 13° 20/ the 1st nakshatra ends and
so on. There are thus 27 nakshatras in a sidereal month and the nakshatra divisions occupy fixed positions in the
sphere of stars. In the case of the Sun the calculation also has been done on the same basis. But in this case, the
time of Sun’s entry into a nakshatra-division has been stated, whereas in the case of the Moon, the time of its exit
from the division has been given.

Like nakshatras, there are 27 yogas. Yoga is calculated from the sum of nirayana longitudes of the Sun and
the Moon. When the sum amounts to 13° 20/, the first yoga ends; when it amounts to 26° 40/, the second yoga ends,
and so on. Thus, in all 27 yogas cover 360°. Names of the nakshatras and yogas have been given at the bottom of
the table. It will be seen that two of the names Vyatipata and Vaidhriti occur also under Phenomena, where they have
been treated as special yogas and calculated by a somewhat different rule. The 27 yogas which have got very little
astronomical significance have been included in this publication only to meet the needs of Panchang where
the yoga is also one of the components.
For the purpose of calculation of rasis, nakshatras and yogas, an initial point which occupies a fixed
position on the ecliptic has been adopted as the origin for the measurement of longitudes. The position of this initial
point coincides with the vernal equinoctial point of vernal equinox day of 285 A.D. For the purpose of assigning
a precise position to it, the tropical longitude of this initial point has been adopted as 23° 15/ 00// for 0h on 21st March,
1956. The tropical longitude of this fixed initial point for any day is known as ayanamsa. The longitude of a celestial
body measured from this initial point is known as nirayana longitude.

The entry into different rasis of the Moon and of the Sun have been shown at the bottom of the relevant
pages of the calendar and the calculations have been done on the same basis as in the case of nakshatras, utilising
the nirayana longitudes. Rasis, which cover arc of 300 of the zodiac belt, are measured along the ecliptic from the
above-mentioned initial point.

The tithi, nakshatra and yoga as are current at Sunrise at the Central Station, have been shown against
the date with their ending moments in I. S. T. When the time of these or any other phenomena falls after midnight
and before the next Sunrise, the time has been expressed after adding 24h to the I.S.T. without changing the date after
midnight in order to maintain continuity of time-reckoning from one Sunrise to the next, in conformity with the
system followed in Indian religious calendars.

The solar months recommended for the religious calendar, such as, Saura Vaisakha, Saura Jyaishtha, etc.,
by the Calendar Reform Committee in 1955 have been reckoned from the moments when the apparent longitude of
the Sun equals 23° 15/, 53° 15/ and so on. The calculation for this purpose thus has not been done with a variable
ayanamsa, as in the case of rasis and nakshatras, but with a fixed ayanamsa of 23° 15/ . These months are shown
for purpose of illustration only, but are not used in practice for actual luni-solar adjustment.

The lunar months for determining the dates of religious festivals are reckoned from one New-Moon
to the next (Sukladi system or mukhya mana). The lunar month for this purpose is named after the Nirayana or
Sidereal solar month in which the initial New-Moon from which the month starts, falls.

Phenomena mentioned in the table include New-Moon, Full-Moon, Sayana Vyatipata (when the sum of the
tropical longitudes of the Sun and the Moon equals 1800), Sayana Vaidhriti (when the above sum amounts to 3600),
eclipses, heliacal rising and setting of Venus, Mars and Jupiter and Jupiter’s transit into rasis.

The principal festivals of different states have been fixed on the basis of the criterion stated here, but in
doing so, the rules and conventions of the states concerned have been followed as far as practicable.

The list of holidays for the Government of India as well as for the State Governments have been prepared
in a consolidated form and the dates fixed for them, have been shown in a separate table under the head ‘Principal
Festivals for Holidays’. The principal festivals of Moslems, Parsis, Jewish and Christians have also been shown

The value of ayanamsa has been given in the calendar for the first day of the month and also in a separate
table at the end at interval of three days. The ayanamsa value has been calculated from the polynomial of precession
in longitude published by N.Capitaine et. al. (2003) in journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. The polynomial for
ayanamsa has been introduced in this publication from the year 2021. The polynomial used is as given below.
Mean Ayanamsa =23051’25”.53+5028’’.796195*T+1”.1054348 *T 2+0”.00007964*T3-0”.00023857*T4- 0”.0000000383*T5
Where T=(JD-2451545)/36525
Ayanamsha for J2000.0 is taken as 23051’25”.53

The Sayana Vyatipata and Sayana Vaidhriti, reported under the column “Phenomena”, are calculated on the
basis of defination given in the report of Calendar Reform Committee. These are classified as the Calendar Reform
Committee view and no way related to the ‘mahapata yoga’ defined in some Indian traditional texts (siddhantic

Planet National Date Nirayana Date Gregorian Date Time (I.S.T)

h m
Mercury sets in the West Pausha 30, 1946 Saka Magha 07, 5125 Kali Jan 20, 2025 16 21
Mercury rises in the East Phalguna 02, 1946 Saka Phalguna 09, 5125 Kali Feb 21, 2025 22 21
Mercury sets in the East Phalguna 27, 1946 Saka Chaitra 04, 5125 Kali Mar. 18, 2025 29 54
Mercury rises in the West Chaitra 11, 1947 Saka Chaitra 18, 5125 Kali Apr. 08,2025 08 37
Venus sets in the East Phalguna 28, 1946 Saka Chaitra 05, 5125 Kali Mar. 19, 2025 13 05
Venus rises in the West Chaitra 01, 1947 Saka Chaitra 08, 5125 Kali Mar. 22, 2025 27 01
Saturn sets in East Phalguna 07, 1946 Saka Phalguna 14, 5125 Kali Feb. 26,2025 24 09
Saturn rises in West Chaitra 14, 1947 Saka Chaitra 21, 5125 Kali Apr. 04,2025 06 37

N.B.- Here East means the eastern horizon or west of the Sun and West means the western horizon or east of the



Planet National Date Nirayana Date Gregorian Date Time (I.S.T)

h m
Mercury Retrograde Phalguna 24,1946 Saka Chaitra 01,5125 Kali Mar. 15,2025 12 20
Mercury Direct Chaitra 17,1947 Saka Chaitra 24,5125 Kali Apr. 07,2025 16 39
Venus Retrograde Phalguna 10,1946 Saka Phalguna 17,5125 Kali Mar. 01,2025 30 02
Venus Direct Chaitra 23,1947 Saka Chaitra 30,5125 Kali Apr. 13,2025 06 36
Mars Direct Phalguna 05,1946 Saka Phalguna 12, 5125 Kali Feb. 24,2025 07 32
Jupiter Direct Magha 15,1946 Saka Magha 22,5125 Kali Feb. 04,2025 15 10
Uranus Direct Magha 10,1946 Saka Magha 17,5125 Kali Jan. 30,2025 21 52


Date Longitude Date Longitude Date Longitude

0 / // 0 / // 0 / //

Jan. -2 337 27 00 Feb. 7 335 19 49 Mar. 19 333 12 38

8 336 55 12 17 334 48 02 29 332 40 51
18 336 23 25 27 334 16 14 Apr. 8 332 09 03
Jan. 28 335 51 37 Mar. 9 333 44 26 18 331 37 15
28 331 05 28

Total Lunar Eclipse Not visible in India
23, Phalguna 1946 SE, 30 Phalguna, 5125 KE, 14 March, 2025
Partial Solar eclipse Not visible in India
08, Chaitra 1947 SE , 15 Chaitra, 5125 KE, 29 March, 2025

SAKA ERA 1945 Makara : Tapas
Month of PAUSHA (30 days) Winter (Sisira), 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Pausha, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Magha, 5124 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2023 A.D.
1 Fri Dec. 22 6 37.3 11 58.3 17 19.5 S 10 8 17.1 1 21 35.9 19 11 10.9
2 Sat 23 6 37.8 11 58.8 17 20.0 11 7 12.4 2 21 19.0 20 9 07.4
(12 30 24.7)
3 Sun 24 6 38.3 11 59.3 17 20.6 13 29 55.5 3 21 19.3 21 7 17.2
(22 29 41.5)
4 Mon 25 6 38.7 11 59.8 17 21.1 14 29 47.2 4 21 39.1 23 28 22.0
5 Tue 26 6 39.2 12 00.3 17 21.7 S 15 30 03.2 5 22 21.2 24 27 20.9

6 Wed 27 6 39.6 12 00.8 17 22.2 K 1 ---- ---- 6 23 28.8 25 26 40.7

7 Thu 28 6 40.0 12 01.3 17 22.8 K 1 6 46.7 7 25 04.7 26 26 23.1
8 Fri 29 6 40.4 12 01.8 17 23.4 2 8 00.2 8 27 09.8 27 26 28.5
9 Sat 30 6 40.7 12 02.2 17 24.0 3 9 44.3 9 29 42.2 1 26 55.5
10 Sun 31 6 41.1 12 02.7 17 24.6 4 11 56.1 10 ---- ---- 2 27 40.0
11 Mon Jan. 1 6 41.4 12 03.2 17 25.3 K 5 14 28.8 10 8 36.3 3 28 35.4
12 Tue 2 6 41.7 12 03.7 17 25.9 6 17 11.2 11 11 42.1 4 29 32.5
13 Wed 3 6 42.0 12 04.1 17 26.6 7 19 48.6 12 14 46.2 5 30 20.5
14 Thu 4 6 42.3 12 04.6 17 27.2 8 22 05.2 13 17 33.5 6 ---- ----
15 Fri 5 6 42.5 12 05.1 17 27.9 9 23 46.6 14 19 49.6 6 6 48.6
16 Sat 6 6 42.7 12 05.5 17 28.6 K 10 24 42.2 15 21 23.3 7 6 47.3
(8 30 9.8)
17 Sun 7 6 42.9 12 05.9 17 29.3 11 24 46.5 16 22 08.2 9 28 52.5
18 Mon 8 6 43.1 12 06.4 17 30.0 12 23 59.1 17 22 03.0 10 26 55.5
19 Tue 9 6 43.3 12 06.8 17 30.7 13 22 25.1 18 21 11.3 11 24 22.0
20 Wed 10 6 43.4 12 07.2 17 31.4 14 20 11.2 19 19 40.1 12 21 17.3

21 Thu 11 6 43.5 12 07.6 17 32.1 K 30 17 27.3 20 17 38.9 13 17 48.9

22 Fri 12 6 43.6 12 08.0 17 32.8 S 1 14 23.9 21 15 18.4 14 14 04.8
23 Sat 13 6 43.6 12 08.4 17 33.5 2 11 11.5 22 12 49.5 15 10 13.3
(16 30 22.5)
24 Sun 14 6 43.7 12 08.8 17 34.2 3 8 00.4 23 10 22.6 17 26 39.6
(4 28 59.7)
25 Mon 15 6 43.7 12 09.1 17 34.9 S 5 26 17.1 24 8 07.0 18 23 10.9
(25 30 10.3)
26 Tue 16 6 43.7 12 09.5 17 35.6 6 23 58.4 26 28 38.2 19 20 01.0
27 Wed 17 6 43.7 12 09.8 17 36.3 7 22 07.3 27 27 33.8 20 17 12.8
28 Thu 18 6 43.6 12 10.2 17 37.1 8 20 45.3 1 26 58.1 21 14 47.7
29 Fri 19 6 43.5 12 10.5 17 37.8 9 19 52.4 2 26 50.5 22 12 45.7
30 Sat 20 6 43.4 12 10.8 17 38.5 S 10 19 27.1 3 27 09.3 23 11 05.8
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1945
Dakshina Gola Month of PAUSHA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 24° 11/ 25//
(Nirayana) 8 Pausha, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Magha, 5124 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
2023A.D. M A R G A S I R S H A
1 Dec. 22 1- Sun enters 1- Uttarayana day,Mokshada
trop. Capricorn Ekadasi(Smarta), Gita Jayanti.
2 23 (8h 57m.3) 2- Mokshada Ekadasi(Vaishnava &
3 24 Vidhava), Trisprisha Maha
Dvadasi, Mauna Ekadasi(Jain),
Akhanda Dvadasi, Vaikuntha
4 25 4- Birthday of Sadhu
5 26 5- Full Moon

5- Margi Purnima, Shri Datta Jayanti

(30h 03m.2) (Maharahstra), Datta Treya
5- Sayana Jayanti,
Vaidhriti Jor Mela - 3 days(Punjab).
6 27 (12h 53m.9) 6- Arudra Darsanam
7 28 (Purvarunodaya) (S.India).
8 29 8- Sun enters
9 30 Purvashadha
10 31 nak.(18h 15m.6)

11 Jan. 1

12 2
13 3

14 4 14- Ashtaka (Pupashtaka).

15 5

16 6 16- Birthday of Parsvanath(Jain).


17 7 17- Saphala Ekadasi.

18 8 18- Sayana


19 9 Vyatipata
20 10 (24h 02m.8)

21 11 21- Sun enters 21- New Moon 21- Vakula Amavasya (Odisha).
22 12 Uttarashadha (17h 27m.3)
nak.(20h 13m.9)
23 13 23- Saura 23- Lohri (Punjab, Jammu &
Maghadi Kashmir).
24 14 (28h33m.1) 24- Mars rises 24- Makara Samkranti(N. India),
in East Bhogi (S. India), Birthday of Sant

(14h 05m) Parmanand (Sindhi).

25 15 25- Makara Samkranti (Bengal),
Magha Bihu(Assam), Pongal(S.

India), Makara Snana, Tila

Samkranti ,Tai Pongal (Kerala).
26 16 26- Mattu Pongal or Kanumu
(s. India).

27 17 27- Guru Gobind Singh’s Birthday.

28 18
29 19
30 Jan. 20 30- Sun Enters 30- Sayana 30- Samba Dasami(Odisha).
Trop. Vaidhriti
Aquarius (19h 31m.3)
(19h 37m.3)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Vrisha 2, 27h 17m.4; Mithuna 5, 9h 57m.2; Karkata 7, 18h 38m.0; Simha 9, 29h42m.2 ; Kanya 12, 18h 28m.8;
Tula 15, 6h 46m.3; Vrischika 17, 16h 01m.7; Dhanus 19, 21h 11m.3; Makara 21, 23h 05m.1; Kumbha 23, 23h 35m.1; Mina
25, 24h 37m.4; Mesha 27, 33h 8m; Vrisha 30, 8h 52m.8; Sun enters :- Nirayana Makara 24, 26h 43m.7
SAKA ERA 1945 Kumbha : Tapasya
Month of MAGHA (30 days) Winter (Sisira), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 8 Magha, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Phalguna, 5124 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
1 Sun Jan. 21 6 43.3 12 11.1 17 39.2 S 11 19 27.6 4 27 52.4 24 9 46.5
2 Mon 22 6 43.1 12 11.4 17 39.9 12 19 52.2 5 28 58.5 25 8 46.2
3 Tue 23 6 43.0 12 11.6 17 40.6 13 20 39.9 6 30 26.5 26 8 04.0
4 Wed 24 6 42.8 12 11.9 17 41.3 14 21 50.5 7 ---- ---- 27 7 39.3
5 Thu 25 6 42.5 12 12.1 17 42.0 S 15 23 24.0 7 8 16.5 1 7 31.9

6 Fri 26 6 42.3 12 12.4 17 42.7 K 1 25 20.2 8 10 28.4 2 7 41.8

7 Sat 27 6 42.0 12 12.6 17 43.4 2 27 37.3 9 13 01.4 3 8 08.4
8 Sun 28 6 41.7 12 12.8 17 44.1 3 30 11.3 10 15 52.8 4 8 50.1
9 Mon 2 6 41.4 12 13.0 17 44.8 4 ---- ---- 11 18 57.3 5 9 43.3
10 Tue 30 6 41.1 12 13.1 17 45.5 4 8 54.6 12 22 06.2 6 10 42.7

11 Wed 31 6 40.7 12 13.3 17 46.1 K 5 11 36.6 13 25 07.9 7 11 40.5

12 Thu Feb. 1 6 40.4 12 13.4 17 46.8 6 14 04.1 14 27 49.1 8 12 27.7
13 Fri 2 6 40.0 12 13.6 17 47.5 7 16 03.1 15 29 56.9 9 12 54.3
14 Sat 3 6 39.5 12 13.7 17 48.1 8 17 21.3 16 --- --- 10 12 51.4
15 Sun 4 6 39.1 12 13.8 17 48.8 9 17 50.0 16 7 20.6 11 12 12.0

16 Mon 5 6 38.6 12 13.9 17 49.4 K 10 17 25.1 17 7 53.9 12 10 51.7

17 Tue 6 6 38.2 12 14.0 17 50.1 11 16 07.6 18 7 35.2 13 8 49.8
(19 30 27.4) (14 30 08.5)
18 Wed 7 6 37.7 12 14.0 17 50.7 12 14 02.4 20 28 37.3 15 26 52.7
19 THu 8 6 37.2 12 14.1 17 51.3 13 11 17.5 21 26 14.3 16 23 09.3
20 Fri 9 6 36.6 12 14.1 17 51.9 14 8 02.8 22 23 29.3 17 19 06.5
(K 30 28 29.2)
21 Sat 10 6 36.1 12 14.2 17 52.6 S 1 24 47.8 23 20 33.9 18 14 53.3
22 Sun 11 6 35.5 12 14.2 17 53.2 2 21 09.6 24 17 39.5 19 10 38.3
(20 30 30.2)
23 Mon 12 6 34.9 12 14.2 17 53.8 3 17 44.9 25 14 56.8 21 26 36.8
24 Tue 13 6 34.3 12 14.2 17 54.3 4 14 42.6 26 12 35.5 22 23 04.6
25 Wed 14 6 33.6 12 14.2 17 54.9 S 5 12 10.2 27 10 43.3 23 19 58.7

26 Thu 15 6 33.0 12 14.1 17 55.5 6 10 13.3 1 9 26.0 24 17 22.4

27 Fri 16 6 32.3 12 14.1 17 56.1 7 8 55.1 2 8 46.8 25 15 17.4
28 Sat 17 6 31.7 12 14.0 17 56.6 8 8 16.5 3 8 46.2 26 13 43.4
29 Sun 18 6 31.0 12 13.9 17 57.2 9 8 16.0 4 9 22.8 27 12 38.7
30 Mon 19 6 30.3 12 13.9 17 57.7 S 10 8 50.6 5 10 33.1 1 12 00.6

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1945
Dakshina Gola Month of MAGHA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 24° 11/ 31//
(Nirayana) 8 Magha, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Phalguna, 5124 Kali Era
D a t e G r e g o r i a n S o l a r L u n a r T r a n s i t o f t h e S u n P h e n o m e n a F e s t i v a l s

D a t e M o n t h M o n t h D a t e

1 Jan. 21 1- Putrada Ekadasi, Martyrdom day
2 22 of Hemu Kalani (Sindhi).

3 23 3- Netaji’s Birthday.
4 24 4- Sun enters
5 25 Sravana nak. 5- Full Moon 5- Paushi Purnima,

(22h 31m.9) (23h 24m.0) Pushyabhisheka yatra.

6 26 6- Floating Festval/ Tai Poosam,

7 27 Republic Day.
8 28 8- Birthday of Lala Lajpat Rai.

9 29 9- Ganesha Sankastha Chaturthi.

10 30 10- Martyr’s day (Mahatma Gandhi

Commemoration Day)
11 31
12 Feb. 1

13 2 13- Birthday of Swami Vivekanda

(According to tithi)
14 3 14- Sayana 14- Astaka (Mamsastaka).

15 4 Vyatipata
(9h 45m.7)

16 5
17 6 17- Sun enters 17- Sattila Ekadasi.

18 7 Dhanishtha
19 8 Nak.(25h43m.7) 19- Meru Trayadasi(Jain), Ratanti

Kalika Puja.
20 9 20- New Moon 20- Mauni Amavasya, Mahodaya

(28h 29m.2) Yoga (Amavasya after 8h02m.8),

Tai Amavasya, Makara Vavu
21 10 21- Magha Sukladi.

22 11
23 12 23- Saura 23- Tila Chaturthi, Kunda Chaturthi.
24 13 Phalgunadi

24- Varada Chaturthi, Ganesha

(17h 21m.6)

25 14 25- Sri Panchami, Saraswati Puja,

25- Sayana Vasanta Panchami.


26 15 Vaidhriti
27 16 (27h 52m.9) 27- Ratha Saptami(Purvarunodaya),

28 17 Vidhana Saptami, Arogya


29 18 Saptami, Bhismashtami.
30 Feb. 19 30- Sun enters 30- Shivaji Jayanti.

Trop. Pisces

(9h 43m.1)
30- Sun enters

Satabhisaj nak.
(30h 11m.0)

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :-Mithuna 2,16 h 22m.6; Karkata 4, 25h 47m.0; Simha 7, 13h 01m.4; Kanya 9, 25h 44m.5; Tula 12, 14h 31m.9;
Vrischika 14, 25h 04m.3; Dhanus 17, 7h 35m .2;Makara 19, 10h 04m.2; Kumbha 21, 10h 02m.2; Mina 23, 9h 35m.8; Mesha 25, 10h
43m.3;Vrisha 27, 14h 43m.0; Mithuna 29,21 h 54m.0; Sun enters :- Nirayana Kumbha 24, 15h 43m.8.
SAKA ERA 1945 Mina : Madhu
Month of PHALGUNA (30 days) Spring (Vasanta), 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Phalguna, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 6 Chaitra, 5124 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
1 Tue Feb. 20 6 29.5 12 13.8 17 58.2 S 11 9 56.1 6 12 13.0 2 11 45.7
2 Wed 21 6 28.8 12 13.7 17 58.8 12 11 28.0 7 14 17.7 3 11 50.6
3 Thu 22 6 28.0 12 13.5 17 59.3 13 13 22.1 8 16 43.2 4 12 12.2
4 Fri 23 6 27.3 12 13.4 17 59.8 14 15 34.2 9 19 25.5 5 12 47.6
5 Sat 24 6 26.5 12 13.3 18 00.3 S 15 18 00.4 10 22 20.6 6 13 34.0

6 Sun 25 6 25.7 12 13.1 18 00.8 K 1 20 36.4 11 25 24.3 7 14 28.2

7 Mon 26 6 24.9 12 13.0 18 01.3 2 23 16.5 12 28 30.8 8 15 26.7
8 Tue 27 6 24.0 12 12.8 18 01.8 3 25 53.7 13 --- --- 9 16 24.8
9 Wed 28 6 23.2 12 12.6 18 02.2 4 28 19.0 13 7 33.1 10 17 16.8
10 Thu 29 6 22.4 12 12.4 18 02.7 K 5 --- --- 14 10 22.3 11 17 55.8

11 Fri Mar. 1 6 21.5 12 12.2 18 03.2 K 5 6 22.6 15 12 48.6 12 18 14.5

12 Sat 2 6 20.7 12 12.0 18 03.6 6 7 54.2 16 14 42.3 13 18 06.0
13 Sun 3 6 19.8 12 11.8 18 04.1 7 8 45.2 17 15 55.0 14 17 24.3
14 Mon 4 6 18.9 12 11.6 18 04.5 8 8 49.5 18 16 21.4 15 16 05.5
15 Tue 5 6 18.0 12 11.4 18 05.0 9 8 04.4 19 15 59.7 16 14 07.9

16 Wed 6 6 17.1 12 11.2 18 05.4 K 10 6 31.2 20 14 51.8 17 11 32.8

(11 28 14.1)
17 Thu 7 6 16.2 12 10.9 18 05.8 12 25 20.2 21 13 02.9 18 8 23.5
(19 28 45.5)
18 Fri 8 6 15.3 12 10.7 18 06.3 13 21 58.2 22 10 40.9 20 24 45.7
19 Sat 9 6 14.4 12 10.4 18 06.7 14 18 18.2 23 7 55.1 21 20 32.2
(24 28 56.2)
20 Sun 10 6 13.4 12 10.2 18 07.1 K 30 14 30.4 25 25 55.1 22 16 13.3
21 Mon 11 6 12.5 12 09.9 18 07.5 S 1 10 45.5 26 23 02.9 23 11 57.6
22 Tue 12 6 11.6 12 09.6 18 07.9 2 7 13.6 27 20 29.7 24 7 53.2
(3 28 04.4) (25 28 07.8)
23 Wed 13 6 10.6 12 09.4 18 08.3 4 25 26.4 1 18 24.7 26 24 48.2
24 Thu 14 6 09.7 12 09.1 18 08.7 S 5 23 26.6 2 16 55.8 27 21 59.5
25 Fri 15 6 08.7 12 08.8 18 09.1 6 22 10.0 3 16 08.4 1 19 45.4

26 Sat 16 6 07.8 12 08.5 18 09.5 7 21 39.1 4 16 05.6 2 18 07.5

27 Sun 17 6 06.8 12 08.3 18 09.9 8 21 53.5 5 16 47.4 3 17 05.3
28 Mon 18 6 05.8 12 08.0 18 10.3 9 22 49.8 6 18 10.7 4 16 36.4
29 Tue 19 6 04.9 12 07.7 18 10.7 S 10 24 22.3 7 20 10.1 5 16 36.6
30 Wed 20 6 03.9 12 07.4 18 11.1 S 11 26 23.4 8 22 38.3 6 17 00.3
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1945
Dakshina Gola Month of PHALGUNA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 11/ 36//
(Nirayana) 8 Phalguna, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 6 Chaitra, 5124 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
2024 A.D.
1 Feb. 20 1- Jaya Ekadasi, Bhaimi Ekadasi
2 21 (Bengal), Bhisma Dvadasim.

3 22 3- Desert Festival - 3 days

4 23 (Jaisalmer).
5 24 5- Full Moon 5- Guru Rabi Day’s

(18h 00m.4) Birthday,Maghi Purnima,

6 25 Masi Masi Magham.
7 26

8 27
9 28 9- Sayana

10 29 Vyatipata
(14h 03m.2)


11 Mar. 1
12 2
13 3 13- Astaka(Sakashtaka), Janaki

14 4 14-Sun enters Purva Janaki Janma, Vaikkatashtami

15 5 Bhadrapada nak. (Kerala)

(12h 33m.9)
16 6 16- Vijaya Ekadasi (Smarta),

Birthday of Swami
Dayananda Saraswati

(Founder of Arya Samaj).

17 7 17- Vijaya Ekadasi (Vaishnava &

Vidhava), Maha Shivaratri


18 8 18- Maha Shivaratri, Shivaratri

19 9 (S. India).

20 10 20- New Moon

(14h 30m.4)
21 11 21- Sayana
22 12 Vaidhriti 22- Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna
23 13 23-Saura Chaitradi (19h 21m.8) Paramahamsa Deva.
24 14 (13h 53m.6)

25 15

26 16

27 17 27-Sun enters Uttara 27- Holastaka.


28 18 Bhadrapada nak.

(20h 55m.3)

29 19

30 Mar. 20

30-Sun enters Trop. 30- Mahavisuva Day, Indian Year

Aries (8h 36m.4)

Ending Day, Amalak Ekadasi.



N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½0 E. Long.
Moon enters :- Karkata 2, 7h 44m.4; Simha 4, 19h 25m.5; Kanya 7, 8h 10m.9; Tula 9, 21h 00m.0;Vrischika 12, 08h 17m.4;
Dhanus 14, 16h 21m.4; Makara 16, 20h 28m.2; Kumbha 18,21h 20m.2; Mina 20, 20h 40m.0; Mesha 22, 20h 29m.7; Vrisha
24, 22h 39m.9; Mithuna 26, 28h 21m.0; Karkata 29, 13h 37m.3; Sun enters: Nirayana Mina 24, 12h 36m.3.
SAKA ERA 1946 Mesha : Madhava
Month of CHAITRA(31 days) Spring (Vasanta), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 7 Chaitra, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Vaisakha, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Thu Mar 21 6 02.9 12 07.1 18 11.4 S 12 28 44.8 9 25 26.9 7 17 41.8
2 Fri 22 6 01.9 12 06.8 18 11.8 13 --- ---- 10 28 27.9 8 18 34.9
3 Sat 23 6 01.0 12 06.5 18 12.2 13 7 18.1 11 --- ---- 9 19 33.9
4 Sun 24 6 00.0 12 06.2 18 12.6 14 9 55.6 11 7 33.8 10 20 33.7
5 Mon 25 5 59.0 12 05.9 18 12.9 S 15 12 30.3 12 10 37.7 11 21 29.7
6 Tue 26 5 58.0 12 05.6 18 13.3 K 1 14 56.1 13 13 33.6 12 22 17.6

7 Wed 27 5 57.1 12 05.3 18 13.7 2 17 06.9 14 16 15.6 13 22 53.2

8 Thu 28 5 56.1 12 05.0 18 14.0 3 18 57.2 15 18 38.3 14 23 12.5
9 Fri 29 5 55.1 12 04.7 18 14.4 4 20 21.4 16 20 36.0 15 23 11.4
10 Sat 30 5 54.1 12 04.4 18 14.8 K 5 21 14.3 17 22 03.7 16 22 45.9
11 Sun 31 5 53.2 12 04.1 18 15.1 6 21 31.5 18 22 56.7 17 21 52.8

12 Mon Apr. 1 5 52.2 12 03.8 18 15.5 7 21 10.2 19 23 12.2 18 20 29.5

13 Tue 2 5 51.2 12 03.5 18 15.9 8 20 09.2 20 22 48.8 19 18 35.0
14 Wed 3 5 50.3 12 03.2 18 16.3 9 18 29.6 21 21 47.6 20 16 09.5
15 Thu 4 5 49.3 12 02.9 18 16.6 K 10 16 14.6 22 20 11.8 21 13 15.0
16 Fri 5 5 48.4 12 02.6 18 17.0 11 13 29.0 23 18 06.7 22 9 55.1

17 Sat 6 5 47.4 12 02.3 18 17.4 12 10 19.7 24 15 39.5 23 6 14.6

(24 26 19.5)
18 Sun 7 5 46.5 12 02.0 18 17.8 13 6 54.3 25 12 58.4 25 22 16.7
(14 27 21.6)
19 Mon 8 5 45.6 12 01.8 18 18.2 K 30 23 50.9 26 10 12.7 26 18 13.7
20 Tue 9 5 44.7 12 01.5 18 18.5 S 1 20 31.5 27 7 32.1 27 14 18.0
(1 29 06.7)
21 Wed 10 5 43.7 12 01.2 18 18.9 2 17 32.8 2 27 05.6 1 10 37.3
22 Thu 11 5 42.8 12 01.0 18 19.3 3 15 03.8 3 25 38.0 2 7 18.8
(3 28 28.9)
23 Fri 12 5 41.9 12 00.7 18 19.7 4 13 12.3 4 24 51.0 4 26 12.8
24 Sat 13 5 41.0 12 00.5 18 20.1 S 5 12 04.6 5 24 49.3 5 24 33.7
25 Sun 14 5 40.1 12 00.2 18 20.5 6 11 44.4 6 25 34.8 6 23 32.7
26 Mon 15 5 39.3 12 00.0 18 20.9 7 12 12.1 7 27 05.6 7 23 08.3

27 Tue 16 5 38.4 11 59.7 18 21.3 8 13 24.5 8 29 15.9 8 23 16.4

28 Wed 17 5 37.5 11 59.5 18 21.7 9 15 14.6 9 --- --- 9 23 50.6
29 Thu 18 5 37.3 11 59.3 18 21.8 S 10 17 32.1 9 7 56.7 10 24 42.8
30 Fri 19 5 36.5 11 59.1 18 22.2 11 20 05.3 10 10 56.8 11 25 44.5
31 Sat 20 5 35.6 11 58.9 18 22.6 S 12 22 42.1 11 14 04.2 12 26 47.3
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1946
Uttara Gola Month of CHAITRA (31 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 11/ 39//
(Nirayana) 7 Chaitra, 5124 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Vaisakha, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024 A.D 1- Indian New Year’s Day
Mar. 21
2 22

3 23
4 24 4- Sayana 4- Holikadahana, Panguni Uttiram
((17h 19m.5)
5 25 5- Fullh Moon 5- Holi, Dolayatra, Birthday of Sri
(12 30m.3) Chaitanya
6 26 6- Hola, Vasantatsava
7 27
8 28
9 29
10 30 10- Ranga Panchami, Bijoy
Govindaji Halngkar(Manipur)

11 31 11- Sun enters

Apr. Revati nak.
12 1 (7h 49m.7)

13 13- Varsitaparambha(Jain),
14 3
15 4
16 5 16- Birthday Anniversary of Swami,
Leela Shah(Sindhi),
Papamochini Ekadasi
17 6 17- Maha Varuni (Trayodasi after
10h 19.7m, Satabhisaj nak. Upto
15h 39.5m)
18 7 18- Sayana 18- Madhu Krishna Trayodasi.
(16h 57m.4)

19 8 19- New Moon

(23h 50m.9)
19- Total Solar
Eclipse (Not
Visible in
20 9 India) 20- Cheti Chand (Sindhi New year’s
day), Telugu New Year’s Day,
Chaitra Sukladi(Gudi Padava,
21 10 Ugadi),
22 11 22- Gauri Tritiya ( Gangaur),

Andolana Tritiya, Sarhul(Bihar)

23 12 23- Saura
(21h 56m.6)
24 13 24- Sun enters 24- Sri (Lakshmi) Panchami,
Asvini Nak. Vaishakhi(Punjab, Haryana,
(21h 04m.4) H.P. Delhi, Odisa), Mesa
Samkranti(Odisha), Chaitra
Samkranti Chadaka
Puja(bengal), Cheiraoba
(Manipur), Visu(Kerala) Skanda
Shashthi .
25 14 25- Meshadi(Tamilnadu), Tamil new


Year’s day, Vaisakhadi(Bengal),

Bhag Bihu(Assam), Shilenba

(Manipur), Dr B R Ambedkar
Jayanti, Begining of 5125 K.E.
26 15 26- Vasanti Pujarambha, Oli
27 16 27- Asokashtami. Annapurna Puja,
Mela Bahu fort (Jammu)
28 17 28- Rama Navami.
29 18 29- Sayana
(21h 30m.1)
30 19 30- Sun enters 30- Trichur Pooram(Kerala),
Trop. Kamada Ekadasi
31 Apr. 20 Taurus
(19h 29m.7)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Simha 1, 25h 26m.9; Kanya 4, 14h 20m.2; Tula 6, 26h 56m.7; Vrischika 9, 14h 09m.2; Dhanus 11 22h 56m.7;
Makara 13, 28h 37m.0; Kumbha 16, 7h 12m.6; Mina 18, 7h 39m.5; Mesha 20, 7h 32m.1; Vrisha 22, 8h 40m.2; Mithuna 24, 12h
44m.2; Karkata 26, 20h 38m.9, Simha 29, 7h 56m.7; Kanya 31, 20h 51m.0;
Sun enters :- Nirayana Mesha 24, 21h 04m.4.
SAKA ERA 1946 Vrisha : Sukra
Month of VAISAKHA (31 days) Summer (Grishma), 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Vaisakha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Jyaishtha, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Sun Apr. 21 5 34.2 11 58.6 18 23.3 S 13 25 11.9 12 17 08.2 13 27 43.7
2 Mon 22 5 33.4 11 58.5 18 23.7 14 27 26.2 13 19 59.7 14 28 28.1
3 Tue 23 5 32.6 11 58.3 18 24.2 S 15 29 19.0 14 22 32.1 15 28 56.1
4 Wed 24 5 31.8 11 58.1 18 24.6 K 1 --- --- 15 24 41.0 16 29 04.9
5 Thu 25 5 31.0 11 57.9 18 25.0 K 1 6 46.4 16 26 23.9 17 28 52.9

6 Fri 26 5 30.3 11 57.7 18 25.4 2 7 46.6 17 27 39.8 18 28 19.2

7 Sat 27 5 29.5 11 57.6 18 25.9 3 8 18.6 18 28 28.1 19 27 23.4
8 Sun 28 5 28.8 11 57.4 18 26.3 4 8 22.2 19 28 48.9 20 26 05.5
9 Mon 29 5 28.1 11 57.3 18 26.7 K 5 7 57.7 20 28 42.5 21 24 25.6
10 Tue 30 5 27.4 11 57.2 18 27.2 6 7 05.6 21 28 09.4 22 22 23.9

11 Wed May 1 5 26.7 11 57.1 18 27.6 7 5 46.5 22 27 10.9 23 20 01.3

(8 28 01.8)
12 Thu 2 5 26.0 11 56.9 18 28.1 9 25 53.5 23 25 48.8 24 17 18.9
13 Fri 3 5 25.4 11 56.8 18 28.5 K 10 23 24.6 24 24 06.2 25 14 18.6
14 Sat 4 5 24.7 11 56.7 18 29.0 11 20 39.1 25 22 07.2 26 11 03.2
15 Sun 5 5 24.1 11 56.7 18 29.5 12 17 42.4 26 19 57.3 27 7 36.5
(1 28 03.0)

16 Mon 6 5 23.5 11 56.6 18 29.9 13 14 40.6 27 17 43.1 2 24 28.3

17 Tue 7 5 22.9 11 56.5 18 30.4 14 11 41.1 1 15 32.4 3 20 58.7
18 Wed 8 5 22.4 11 56.5 18 30.8 K 30 8 51.9 2 13 33.6 4 17 40.6
19 Thu 9 5 21.8 11 56.4 18 31.3 S 1 6 21.5 3 11 55.6 5 14 41.1
(2 28 18.4)
20 Fri 10 5 21.3 11 56.4 18 31.8 3 26 50.6 4 10 46.9 6 12 06.4

21 Sat 11 5 20.7 11 56.4 18 32.3 4 26 04.6 5 10 15.4 7 10 02.5

22 Sun 12 5 20.2 11 56.4 18 32.7 S 5 2604.4 6 10 26.7 8 8 33.3
23 Mon 13 5 19.7 11 56.3 18 33.2 6 26 50.7 7 11 23.7 9 7 41.1
24 Tue 14 5 19.3 11 56.4 18 33.7 7 28 19.8 8 13 05.2 10 7 24.9
25 Wed 15 5 18.8 11 56.4 18 34.2 8 --- --- 9 15 25.3 11 7 41.1

26 Thu 16 5 18.4 11 56.4 18 34.6 8 6 23.4 10 18 14.0 12 8 22.7

27 Fri 17 5 18.0 11 56.4 18 35.1 9 8 49.4 11 21 18.1 13 9 20.7
28 Sat 18 5 17.6 11 56.5 18 35.6 S 10 11 23.2 12 24 23.3 14 10 24.5
29 Sun 19 5 17.2 11 56.5 18 36.0 11 13 50.6 13 27 16.1 15 11 23.8
30 Mon 20 5 16.8 11 56.6 18 36.5 12 15 59.1 14 --- --- 16 12 09.7
31 Tue 21 5 16.5 11 56.6 18 37.0 S 13 17 40.0 15 5 46.2 17 12 35.4

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1946
Uttara Gola Month of VAISAKHA (31 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 11/42//
(Nirayana) 8 Vaisakha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Jyaishtha, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024A.D. 1- Ananga Trayodasi, Mahavira
21 Jayanti (Jain), Minakshi
2 2 2
C 2- Damanaka Chaturdasi
3 2 3 3- Full Moon 3- Chaitri Purnima, Hanumat
H (29h 19m.0) Jayanti (S. India), Oli
A Ends(Jain), Babu Kuer Singh
4 2 4 Day (Bihar)
5 2 5 N
2 6

7 2 7 7- Sun enters
frfsdgsdr A Bharani
A nak.
(12h 57m.0)
8 2 8
9 2 9
R 9- Venus sets in
the east
A C (23h 14m)
10 3 0
11 M a y 1 A 11- Sayana 11- May Day
I Vaidhriti
(27h 56m.2)
T 11- Jupiter enters
V R Nir. Vrisha
A (13h 00m.0)
12 A

13 3 13- Birth Anniversary of Dada

S Chellaram (Sindhi).
14 14- Shri Vallabhacharya Jayanti,

Varuthini Ekadasi
15 5 K
16 6
H 16- Jupiter sets in
A the West
17 7 (23h 02m)
18 8 18- New Moon 18- Tithi of Deva Damodar
(8h 51m.9) (Assam), Birthday of
Rabindra Nath Tagore
19 9

20 1 0 20- Parasurama Jayanti, Akshya

Tritiya ( Rohini Nakshatra
upto (10h 46.9 m), Varsitapa
Samapana (Jain), Kedar Badri

21 1 1 21- Sun enters

Krittika nak.
(7h 02m.5)
22 1 2 22- Shri Sankaracharya Jayanti,
Sri Ramanujacharya Jayanti
23 1 3
SSASA 23- Saura 23- Sayana 23- Sri Ramanujacharya Jayanti
Jyaishthadi Vyatipata
(18h 21m.8) (28h 19m.7)
24 1 4 24- Gangotpatti
25 1 5

26- Sita Navami


26 1 6

27 1 7

28 1 8

29 1 9 29- Mohini Ekadasi

30 2 0 30- Sun enters
31 2 1 (18h 29m.5)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Tula 3, 9h 18m.6; Vrischika 5, 20h 00m.7; Dhanus 7, 28h 28m.1; Makara 10, 10h 36m.7; Kumbha 12, 14h 32m.6;
Mina 14, 16h 38m.2; Mesha 16, 17h 43m.1; Vrisha 18, 19h 06m.8; Mithuna 20, 22h 26m.2; Karkata 22, 29h 05m.2; Simha 25, 15h
25m.3; Kanya 27, 28h 04m.9; Tula 30, 16h 34m.5; Sun enters :-Nirayana Vrisha 24, 17h 53m.7.
SAKA ERA 1946 Mithuna :Suchi
Month of JYAISHTHA (31 days) Summer (Grishma), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 8 Jyaishtha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Ashadha, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Y o g a

D a t e W e e k G r e g o r i a n S u n r i s e A p p a r e n t S u n s e t N o . E n d i n g N o . E n d i n g N o . E n d i n g

D a y D a t e N o o n M o m e n t M o m e n t M o m e n t

h m h m h m h m h m h m

2024 A.D.
1 Wed May 22 5 16.2 11 56.7 18 37.5 S 14 18 48.4 15 7 46.7 18 12 36.7
2 Thu 23 5 15.9 11 56.8 18 37.9 S 15 19 23.1 16 9 14.7 19 12 11.8
3 Fri 24 5 15.6 11 56.9 18 38.4 K 1 19 25.4 17 10 10.3 20 11 21.1
4 Sat 25 5 15.3 11 57.0 18 38.8 2 18 58.7 18 10 36.2 21 10 06.4
5 Sun 26 5 15.1 11 57.1 18 39.3 3 18 06.8 19 10 35.9 22 8 30.6

6 Mon 27 5 14.9 11 57.2 18 39.7 4 16 54.1 20 10 13.7 23 6 36.6

(24 28 27.6)
7 Tue 28 5 14.7 11 57.3 18 40.2 K 5 15 24.2 21 9 33.5 25 26 05.9
8 Wed 29 5 14.5 11 57.4 18 40.6 6 13 40.2 22 8 38.5 26 23 33.8
9 Thu 30 5 14.3 11 57.6 18 41.1 7 11 44.4 23 7 31.3 27 20 52.8
10 Fri 31 5 14.2 11 57.7 18 41.5 8 9 38.7 24 6 13.9 1 18 04.3
(25 28 48.2)

11 Sat June 1 5 14.0 11 57.9 18 41.9 9 7 24.9 26 27 16.1 2 15 09.8

(K 10 29 05.0)
12 Sun 2 5 13.9 11 58.0 18 42.4 11 26 41.8 27 25 40.4 3 12 11.0
13 Mon 3 5 13.8 11 58.2 18 42.8 12 24 18.9 1 24 04.9 4 9 10.5
14 Tue 4 5 13.8 11 58.4 18 43.2 13 22 01.5 2 22 34.9 5 6 11.4
(6 27 18.0)
15 Wed 5 5 13.7 11 58.6 18 43.6 14 19 55.5 3 21 16.4 7 24 35.3

16 Thu 6 5 13.7 11 58.7 18 44.0 K 30 18 07.8 4 20 16.6 8 22 08.9

17 Fri 7 5 13.7 11 58.9 18 44.4 S 1 16 45.6 5 19 43.0 9 20 04.4
18 Sat 8 5 13.7 11 59.1 18 44.7 2 15 56.1 6 19 42.6 10 18 27.0
19 Sun 9 5 13.7 11 59.3 18 45.1 3 15 44.9 7 20 20.6 11 17 20.6
20 Mon 10 5 13.7 11 59.5 18 45.5 4 16 15.6 8 21 39.9 12 16 47.4

21 Tue 11 5 13.8 11 59.7 18 45.8 S 5 17 27.9 9 23 39.1 13 16 46.8

22 Wed 12 5 13.9 11 59.9 18 46.1 6 19 17.2 10 26 12.2 14 17 15.0
23 Thu 13 5 14.0 12 00.1 18 46.5 7 21 33.9 11 29 08.5 15 18 05.0
24 Fri 14 5 14.1 12 00.4 18 46.8 8 24 04.5 12 --- ----- 16 19 07.0
25 Sat 15 5 14.2 12 00.6 18 47.1 9 26 33.0 12 8 13.9 17 20 09.9

26 Sun 16 5 14.3 12 00.8 18 47.4 S 10 28 44.1 13 11 12.8 18 21 02.2

27 Mon 17 5 14.5 12 01.0 18 47.6 11 --- ----- 14 13 50.5 19 21 34.2
28 Tue 18 5 14.7 12 01.2 18 47.9 11 6 25.3 15 15 56.2 20 21 38.6
29 Wed 19 5 14.9 12 01.4 18 48.1 12 7 28.5 16 17 23.3 21 21 11.5
30 Thu 20 5 15.1 12 01.7 18 48.3 13 7 50.5 17 18 10.0 22 20 11.9
31 Fri 21 5 15.3 12 01.9 18 48.5 S 14 7 32.2 18 18 18.7 23 18 41.8

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1946
Uttara Gola Month of JYAISHTHA (31 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 11/ 47//
(Nirayana) 8 Jyaishtha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Ashadha, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024A.D. S 1- Nrisimha Chaturdasi
May 22
2 23 A 2- Full moon 2- Vaisakhi Purnima, Bhuddha
UC (19h 23m.1) Purnima.
3 24 S H 3- Sun enters
A A Rohini nak.
(27h 16m.8)
4 25 U N
5 26
6 27 A R 6- Sayana
A Vaidhriti
(14h 42m.3)
7 28
8 29
9 30
10 31 V
11 June 1 A A
12 2
I I 12- AparaEkadasi(Smarta),
Bhadrakali Ekadasi (Punjab)
13 3 S S 13- Jupiter rises 13- Apara Ekadasi(Vaishnava &
H A in the East Vidhava)
K (7h 01m)
14 4 T
15 5 H H 15- Savitri Chaturdasi, Phalaharini
A A Kalika Puja.
16 6 A A 16- New Moon 16- Vata Savitri Vrata(Amavasya
(18h 07m.8) Paksha)
17 7 17- Sun enters
J Mrigasiras nak.
18 8
A (25h 06m.1)
18- Sayana
I Vyatipata
S (15h 35m.3)
19 9 19- Pratap Jayanti ( Rajasthan),
H Rambha Tritiya
20 10 T C 20- Guru Arajan Dev’s Martyardom
H H Day (Sikh)
21 11 A A
22 12 N 22- Vindhya Vasini Puja, Aranya
D Shashthi(Bengal) or Jamatri
23 13 R 23- Saura
A Ashadhadi
(24h 38m.8)
24 14 24- Mela Kshir Bhawani(Kashmir),
J Rajas Samkranti(Odisha)
25 15 Y
26 16 A 26- Ganga Dasahara( Hasta nak.

I upto 11h 12.8 m).


27 17
28 18 S 28- Nirjala Ekadasi, Champaka
H Dvadasi.
29 19 T
30 20 30- Dakshinayan Day.
31 June 21 A 31- Sayana 31- Vata Savitri Vrata(Purnima
Vaidhriti Paksha).
A (26h 52m.8)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters:- Vrischika 1, 26h 55m.8; Dhanus 4, 10h 36m.2; Makara 6, 16h 05m.2; Kumbha 8, 20h 06m.3; Mina10, 23h
10m.3; Mesha 12, 25h 40m.4 ; Vrisha 14, 28h 13m.9; Mithuna 17, 7h 56m.1; Kartaka 19, 14h 07m.3; Simha 21, 23h 39m.1;
Kanya 24, 11h 54m.6; Tula 26, 24h 35m.1; Vrischika 29, 11h 05m.3; Dhanus 31, 18h 18m.7;
Sun enters :-Nir. Mithuna 24, 24h 27m.3.
SAKA ERA 1946 Karkata : Nabhas
Month of ASHADHA (31 days) Rains (Varsa), 1st Month
(Nirayana 8 Ashadha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Sravana, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Sat June 22 5 15.5 12 02.1 18 48.7 S 15 6 37.9 19 17 54.4 24 16 44.8
(K 1 29 13.6)
2 Sun 23 5 15.7 12 02.3 18 48.9 2 27 26.5 20 17 03.8 25 14 26.2
3 Mon 24 5 16.0 12 02.5 18 49.1 3 25 23.7 21 15 54.2 26 11 51.3
4 Tue 25 5 16.3 12 02.7 18 49.2 4 23 11.6 22 14 32.7 27 9 05.5
5 Wed 26 5 16.5 12 02.9 18 49.4 K 5 20 55.7 23 13 05.2 1 6 13.9
(2 27 20.3)
6 Thu 27 5 16.8 12 03.1 18 49.5 6 18 40.1 24 11 36.8 3 24 27.9
7 Fri 28 5 17.1 12 03.3 18 49.6 7 16 27.7 25 10 10.8 4 21 38.6
8 Sat 29 5 17.5 12 03.5 18 49.7 8 14 20.5 26 8 49.4 5 18 53.7
9 Sun 30 5 17.8 12 03.7 18 49.7 9 12 19.7 27 7 34.2 6 16 14.4
10 Mon Jul. 1 5 18.1 12 03.9 18 49.8 K 10 10 26.6 1 6 26.3 7 13 41.5

11 Tue 2 5 18.5 12 04.1 18 49.8 11 8 42.8 2 5 27.4 8 11 16.5

(3 28 40.0)
12 Wed 3 5 18.8 12 04.3 18 49.8 12 7 10.9 4 28 07.5 9 9 01.5
13 Thu 4 5 19.2 12 04.5 18 49.8 13 6 54.6 5 27 54.7 10 6 59.5
(14 28 58.4) (11 29 13.8)
14 Fri 5 5 19.5 12 04.7 18 49.7 K 30 28 27.4 6 28 06.5 12 27 48.4
15 Sat 6 5 19.9 12 04.8 18 49.7 S 1 28 26.6 7 28 48.0 13 26 47.1

16 Sun 7 5 20.3 12 05.0 18 49.6 2 29 00.0 8 --- --- 14 26 12.5

17 Mon 8 5 20.7 12 05.2 18 49.5 3 --- --- 8 6 02.9 15 26 06.0
18 Tue 9 5 21.1 12 05.3 18 49.4 3 6 09.2 9 7 52.7 16 26 26.3
19 Wed 10 5 21.5 12 05.4 18 49.3 4 7 52.6 10 10 15.3 17 27 09.7
20 Thu 11 5 21.9 12 05.6 18 49.1 S 5 10 04.1 11 13 04.3 18 28 08.9

21 Fri 12 5 22.3 12 05.7 18 49.0 6 12 33.3 12 16 08.9 19 29 14.5

22 Sat 13 5 22.7 12 05.8 18 48.8 7 15 06.1 13 19 14.8 20 --- ---
23 Sun 14 5 23.2 12 05.9 18 48.6 8 17 26.5 14 22 06.5 20 6 15.2
24 Mon 15 5 23.6 12 06.0 18 48.3 9 19 19.7 15 24 29.8 21 6 59.8
25 Tue 16 5 24.0 12 06.1 18 48.1 S 10 20 34.2 16 26 13.9 22 7 18.4

26 Wed 17 5 24.4 12 06.2 18 47.8 11 21 03.1 17 27 12.7 23 7 03.9

27 Thu 18 5 24.9 12 06.3 18 47.5 12 20 44.8 18 27 25.4 24 6 12.6
(25 28 44.0)
28 Fri 19 5 25.3 12 06.4 18 47.2 13 19 41.8 19 26 55.2 26 26 40.7
29 Sat 20 5 25.7 12 06.4 18 46.9 14 17 59.9 20 25 48.7 27 24 07.6
30 Sun 21 5 26.2 12 06.5 18 46.5 S 15 15 47.1 21 24 14.3 1 21 11.1
31 Mon 22 5 26.6 12 06.5 18 46.2 K 1 13 12.1 22 22 21.2 2 17 58.0
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Dakshinayana SAKA ERA 1946
Uttara Gola Month of ASHADHA (31 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 11/ 53//
Nirayana) 8 Ashadha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Sravana, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024 A.D S 1- Full Moon 1- Deva Snana Purnima, Guru
2 June 22 A (6h 37m.9) Hargobind’s Birthday
3 23 C
4 24 H
5 25 A
26 N
6 27 U D
7 28 S R 7- Venus rises
in the west
U (17h 06m)
8 29 R
9 30 J
10 July 1 A Y
11 2 I 11- Yogini Ekadasi
12 3 12- Sayana
S Vyatipata
H (28h 08m.2)
13 4 T
14 5 H 14- Sun enters 14- New Moon
A A Punarvasu nak. (28h 27m.4)
S A (23h 40m.5)
15 6 H
16 7 D 16- Rathayatra, Monoratha Dritiya
17 8 H Vrata (Bengal)
18 9 A
19 10
20 11 A 20- Kumara Shashthi (Vrata).
21 12 J H 21- Vivasvat Saptami.
22 13 A A 22- Martyr’s Day (Kashmir)
23 14 I N 23- Kharchi Puja (Tripura).
24 15 S D 24- Saura Sravanadi 24- Mela Sharik Bhagwati (Kashmir).
(11h 25m.9) Ultaratha (Odisha), Bahudha
25 16 T A 25- Punaryatra(Smarta), Manasa puja
H Begins(Bengal)

26 17 S 26- Sayana 26- Harisayani Ekadasi

H Vaidhriti
A (15h 37m.4)
27 18 D
28 19 28- Sun enters
H Pushya nak.
A (23h 11m.2)

29 20 A 29- Mela Jawalamukhi (Kashmir)

30 21 30- Full Moon 30- Guru Purnima, Vyasa Puja, Asadhi

31- Sun enters trop. (15h 47m.1) Purnima
31 22 Leo (13h 14m.4)

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters:-Makara 2, 22h47m.9; Kumbha 4, 25h 49m.3; Mina 6, 28h 31m.9; Mesha 9, 7h34m.2; Vrisha 11, 11h 14m.4;
Mithuna 13, 15h 58m.4; Kartaka 15, 22h 34m.6; Simha 18, 7h 52m.7; Kanya 20, 19h 49m.5; Tula23, 8h 43m.4; Vrischika 25,
19h 51m.9; Dhanus 27, 27h 25m.4; Makara 30, 7h 27m.4; Sun enters:-Nirayana Karkata 25, 11h 19m.0.
SAKA ERA 1946 Simha : Nabhasya
Month of SRAVANA (31 days) Rains (Varsa), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 8 Sravana, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Bhadra, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Tue July 23 5 27.0 12 06.5 18 45.8 K 2 10 23.8 23 20 18.4 3 14 35.6
2 Wed 24 5 27.5 12 06.5 18 45.4 3 7 30.7 24 18 14.5 4 11 10.4
(4 28 40.3)
3 Thu 25 5 27.9 12 06.5 18 44.9 K 5 25 58.8 25 16 16.6 5 7 48.3
(6 28 34.3)
4 Fri 26 5 28.3 12 06.5 18 44.5 6 23 31.0 26 14 30.3 7 25 31.9
5 Sat 27 5 28.8 12 06.5 18 44.0 7 21 20.0 27 12 59.8 8 22 43.7

6 Sun 28 5 28.2 12 06.5 18 43.5 8 19 28.1 1 11 47.7 9 20 11.1

7 Mon 29 5 29.6 12 06.5 18 43.0 9 17 56.3 2 10 55.3 10 17 55.0
8 Tue 30 5 30.1 12 06.4 18 42.5 K 10 16 45.4 3 10 23.4 11 15 55.7
9 Wed 31 5 30.5 12 06.4 18 42.0 11 15 56.1 4 10 12.7 12 14 13.7
10 Thu Aug. 1 5 30.9 12 06.3 18 41.4 12 15 29.5 5 10 24.1 13 12 49.8

11 Fri 2 5 31.4 12 06.3 18 40.8 13 15 27.2 6 10 58.9 14 11 45.0

12 Sat 3 5 31.8 12 06.2 18 40.2 14 15 51.1 7 11 59.1 15 11 00.7
13 Sun 4 5 32.2 12 06.1 18 39.6 K 30 16 43.1 8 13 26.3 16 10 38.0
14 Mon 5 5 32.6 12 06.0 18 39.0 S1 18 04.0 9 15 21.6 17 10 37.8
15 Tue 6 5 33.0 12 05.9 18 38.4 2 19 53.0 10 17 44.2 18 10 59.6

16 Wed 7 5 33.5 12 05.8 18 37.7 3 22 06.4 11 20 30.6 19 11 41.3

17 Thu 8 5 33.9 12 05.6 18 37.0 4 24 37.2 12 23 34.2 20 12 38.7
18 Fri 9 5 34.3 12 05.5 18 36.3 S 5 27 14.7 13 26 44.6 21 13 45.1
19 Sat 10 5 34.7 12 05.3 18 35.6 6 --- --- 14 --- --- 22 14 51.7
20 Sun 11 5 35.1 12 05.2 18 34.9 6 5 45.7 14 5 48.9 23 15 48.6

21 Mon 12 5 35.5 12 05.0 18 34.2 7 7 55.7 15 8 33.2 24 16 25.5

22 Tue 13 5 35.8 12 04.8 18 33.4 8 9 31.9 16 10 44.4 25 16 33.3
23 Wed 14 5 36.2 12 04.6 18 32.6 9 10 24.1 17 12 12.8 26 16 05.5
24 Thu 15 5 36.6 12 04.4 18 31.9 S 10 10 27.1 18 12 52.8 27 14 58.3
25 Fri 16 5 37.0 12 04.2 18 31.1 11 9 40.0 19 12 43.7 1 13 11.3

26 Sat 17 5 37.4 12 04.0 18 30.3 12 8 06.2 20 11 48.8 2 10 47.2

27 Sun 18 5 37.7 12 03.8 18 29.4 13 5 51.8 21 10 14.9 3 7 50.6
(14 27 05.2) (4 28 28.0)
28 Mon 19 5 38.1 12 03.6 18 28.6 S 15 23 55.8 22 8 10.4 5 24 46.9
29 Tue 20 5 38.4 12 03.3 18 27.8 K 1 20 33.3 23 5 45.4 6 20 55.2
(24 27 09.8)
30 Wed 21 5 38.8 12 03.1 18 26.9 2 17 07.3 25 24 33.5 7 17 00.6
31 Thu 22 5 39.2 12 02.8 18 26.0 K 3 13 46.7 26 22 05.8 8 13 10.4
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Dakshinayana SAKA ERA 1946
Uttara Gola Month of SRAVANA (31 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 11/ 59/ /
(Nirayana) 8 Sravana, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Bhadra, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gergorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
1 2024A.D. ASHAD
July 23 A
2 24
3 25 U 3- Naga Panchami(Bengal)
4 26 S
5 27 A
6 28 US

7 29 7- Sayana
A Vyatipata
(15h 06m.8)
8 30
9 31 9- Kamika Ekadasi
10 Aug. 1 10- Tilak commemoration Day
11 2 11- Sun enters
S Aslesha nak.
R (22h 06m.4)
12 3 12- Ker puja(Tripura)
13 4 A 13- New moon 13- Chitalagi Amavasya(Odisha),
V (16h 43m.1) Adi Amavasya (Tamilnadu),
A Karkataka Vavu(Kerala)
14 5
15 6 N
16 7 16- Madhusrava Tritiya(Teej),
Adi Puram (S. India)
17 8 J
18 9 A 18- Naga Panchami
19 10 I
20 11
S C 20- Sayana
H Vaidhriti
H (24h 55m.6)
21 12 T A 21- Goswami Tulsidas Jayanti
22 13
23 14 D
24 15 A 24- Saura 24- Jhulana Yatrarambha,
R Bhadrapadadi Independence Day
A (19h 59m.6)
25 16 25- Sun enters 25- Jhulana Yatrarambha(Purvahna),
Magha nak. Vara Maha Lakshmi Vrata(S.
S (19h 44m.4) India), Pavitra Ekadasi, Manasa
R Puja Ends (Bengal)
26 17 A 26- Simhadi(Kerala), Begining of
Kollam Era

27 18 V
28 19 A 28- Full Moon 28- Raksha Bandhana, Jhulana Yatra
N (23h 55m.8) Samapana, Jhulana Yatra
Samapana(Prodosa), Amarnath
A Yatra, Balabhadra Puja(Odisha),
Naroli Purnima, Solono (Rakhi
Bandhan), Avani Avittam (S. I
India), Yaju Upakarma, Rik
Upakarma, Sravni Purnima
29 20 29- Gayatri Japam, Sri Narayan Guru
Deva’s Birthday (Kerala)
30 21
31 Aug. 22 31- Sun enters 31- Bahula Chaturthi(Sankashta
trop. Virgo Chaturthi), Teejri(Sindhi)
(20h 25m.0)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters : Kumbha 1, 9h 20m.5; Mina 3, 10h 45m.2; Mesha 5, 12h 59m.8; Vrisha 7, 16h 45m.4; Mithuna 9, 22h 15m.6;
Kartaka 12, 5h 41m.6; Simha 14, 15h 21m.6; Kanya 16, 27h 15m.2; Tula 19, 16h 18m.4; Vrischika 21, 28h 15m.3; Dhanus 24, 12h
52m.8; Makara 26, 17h 28m.7; Kumbha 28, 18h 59m.8; Mina 30, 19h 12m.2;
Sun enters: Nirayana Simha 25, 19h 44.4m.
SAKA ERA 1946 Kanya: Isha
Month of BHADRA (31 days) Autumn (Sarat), 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Bhadra, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Asvina, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Fri Aug. 23 5 39.5 12 02.6 18 25.2 K 4 10 39.4 27 19 54.4 9 9 31.1
2 Sat 24 5 39.8 12 02.3 18 24.3 K 5 7 52.4 1 18 05.9 10 6 08.3
(6 29 31.2) (11 27 06.5)
3 Sun 25 5 40.2 12 02.0 18 23.4 7 27 39.7 2 16 45.2 12 24 28.7
4 Mon 26 5 40.5 12 01.7 18 22.5 8 26 20.3 3 15 55.4 13 22 16.6
5 Tue 27 5 40.9 12 01.4 18 21.5 9 25 33.8 4 15 38.0 14 20 31.0

6 Wed 28 5 41.2 12 01.1 18 20.6 K 10 25 20.2 5 15 53.1 15 19 11.5

7 Thu 29 5 41.5 12 00.8 18 19.7 11 25 38.0 6 16 39.6 16 18 17.2
8 Fri 30 5 41.9 12 00.5 18 18.7 12 26 25.8 7 17 55.9 17 17 46.6
9 Sat 31 5 42.2 12 00.2 18 17.8 13 27 41.3 8 19 39.7 18 17 38.1
10 Sun Sept. 1 5 42.5 11 59.9 18 16.8 14 29 22.2 9 21 48.8 19 17 49.8

11 Mon 2 5 42.8 11 59.6 18 15.9 K 30 --- --- 10 24 20.3 20 18 19.6

12 Tue 3 5 43.2 11 59.3 18 14.9 K 30 7 25.6 11 27 10.5 21 19 05.0
13 Wed 4 5 43.5 11 58.9 18 13.9 S 1 9 47.3 12 --- --- 22 20 02.6
14 Thu 5 5 43.8 11 58.6 18 12.9 2 12 21.9 12 6 14.5 23 21 07.7
15 Fri 6 5 44.1 11 58.3 18 11.9 3 15 01.9 13 9 25.3 24 22 14.7

16 Sat 7 5 44.4 11 57.9 18 10.9 4 17 37.9 14 12 34.3 25 23 16.3

17 Sun 8 5 44.7 11 57.6 18 09.9 S 5 19 59.0 15 15 31.0 26 24 04.8
18 Mon 9 5 45.0 11 57.2 18 08.9 6 21 53.9 16 18 04.4 27 24 32.0
19 Tue 10 5 45.3 11 56.9 18 07.9 7 23 12.5 17 20 04.1 1 24 30.6
20 Wed 11 5 45.6 11 56.5 18 06.9 8 23 47.0 18 21 21.9 2 23 54.7

21 Thu 12 5 45.9 11 56.2 18 05.9 9 23 33.2 19 21 52.8 3 22 40.8

22 Fri 13 5 46.2 11 55.8 18 04.9 S 10 22 30.5 20 21 35.5 4 20 47.8
23 Sat 14 5 46.6 11 55.5 18 03.9 11 20 41.7 21 20 32.5 5 18 17.4
24 Sun 15 5 46.9 11 55.1 18 02.8 12 18 12.5 22 18 49.1 6 15 13.4
25 Mon 16 5 47.2 11 54.7 18 01.8 13 15 10.5 23 16 33.0 7 11 41.3

26 Tue 17 5 47.5 11 54.4 18 00.8 14 11 44.7 24 13 53.4 8 7 48.0

(9 27 41.1)
27 Wed 18 5 47.8 11 54.0 17 59.8 S 15 8 04.5 25 11 00.4 10 23 28.6
(K 1 28 19.7)
28 Thu 19 5 48.1 11 53.7 17 58.8 2 24 40.4 26 8 04.2 11 19 18.5
(27 29 15.1)
29 Fri 20 5 48.4 11 53.3 17 57.7 3 21 15.7 1 26 42.9 12 15 18.7
30 Sat 21 5 48.7 11 53.0 17 56.7 4 18 14.4 2 24 36.3 13 11 36.2
31 Sun 22 5 49.0 11 52.6 17 55.7 K 5 15 44.1 3 23 02.6 14 8 17.3
(15 29 27.3)

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Dakshinayana SAKA ERA 1946
Uttara Gola Month of BHADRA (31 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 12/ 03//
(Nirayana) 8 Bhadra, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Asvina, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024 A.D 1- Sayana 1- Raksha Panchami(Odisha),
Aug. 23 A C Vyatipata Tithi of sri Madhava Deva
U H (27h 27m.6) (Assam)
2 24
3 25 A 3- Vadi Thadri(Sindhi)
4 26 N 4- Janmashtami, Janmashtami
(Jayanti yoga), Sri Krishna
D Jayanti, Durgavashtami
(Except Bengal)
5 27 R 5- Sri Jayanti(Ramanuja),
A Gokulashtami(Nandotsava)
6 28
7 29 7- Aja Ekadasi
8 30 S S 8- Sun enters
A R Purva Phalguni
nak.h m
9 31
U A (15 46 .4)
9- Paryusana Parvarambha
R V (Chaturthi Paksha-Jain),
10 Sept. 1 A A Kailas Yatra-2 days
10- Paryusana Parvarambha
(Panchami Paksha-Jain),
Aghora Chaturdasi
11 2 11- Saptapuri Amavasya(Odisha),
Kusotpatini, Pithori
12 3 12- New Moon 12- Jain festival, Keli Muhurth
(7h 25m.6) (Coorg)
13 4 B
14 5 H 14- Samveda Upakarma, Tithi of Sri
C Sankara Deva (Assam)
15 6 A 15- Sayana 15- Hartalika Gauri Tritiya, Haritalika
D H Vaidhriti
(6h 25m.0)
16 7 N 16- Samvatsari(Chaturthi Paksha-jain),
A Ganesha Chaturthi, Vinayaka
P D Chaturthi(Tamilnadu),
17 8 17- Rishi Panchmi, Melapat-3 days
A R (Jammu& Kashmir), Samvatsari
A (Panchmi Paksha-Jain)
D 18- Surya Shashthi
20 11 A 20- Radhashtami, Durvashtmi
H (Bengal), Maha Lakashmi
21 12 T
22 13
H B 22- Sun enters
Uttara hPhalguni
H nak. (9 35m.0)
23 14 A 23- Dolgyaras(Madhya Pradesh),
A Heikra Hitamba (Manipur),
D Parsvaparivarthi Ekadasi, First
Onam Day
24 15 R 24- Saura 24- Sravana Dvadasi, Vamana Jayanti,
A Asvinadi Sakrotthana, Onam or Thiru Onam
(20h 16m.7) Day(Kerala),
25 16 P 25- Third Onam Day, Visvakarma Puja

26 17 26- Ananta Chaturdasi, Indra Purnima,

D Fourth Onam Day
27 18 27- Full Moon 27- Pitri Paksha Tarpana Begins or
A (8h 04m.5)
27- Sayana
Mahalaya Paksha Begins(S. India)
(20h 54m.8)
27- Partial

28 19 Eclipse (Not
29 20 Visible in
30 21 30- Samadhi day of Narayana
31 Sept. 22 31- Jalavisuva Day
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :Mesha 1, 19h 54m.4; Vrisha 3, 22h 29m.8; Mithuna 5, 27h 41m.6; Karkata 8, 11h 34m.1; Simha 10, 21h 48m.8;
Kanya 13, 09h 55m.5; Tula 15, 23h 00m.6; Vrischika 18, 11h 28m.8; Dhanus 20, 21h 21m.9; Makara 22, 27h 24m.0; Kumbha 24,
29h 44m.6; Mina 26, 29h 44m.3; Mesha 28, 29h 15m.1; Vrisha 31, 6h 09m.4;
Sun enters :- Nirayana Kanya 25, 19h 42m.9.
SAKA ERA 1946 Tula : Urja
Month of ASVINA (30 days) Autumn (Sarat), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 8 Asvina, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Kartika, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Mon Sep. 23 5 49.3 11 52.3 17 54.7 K 6 13 51.0 4 22 07.5 16 27 09.8
2 Tue 24 5 49.6 11 51.9 17 53.7 7 12 39.4 5 21 54.4 17 25 26.6
3 Wed 25 5 50.0 11 51.6 17 52.7 8 12 11.3 6 22 23.8 18 24 17.6
4 Thu 26 5 50.3 11 51.2 17 51.6 9 12 26.1 7 23 34.0 19 23 41.0
5 Fri 27 5 50.6 11 50.9 17 50.6 K 10 13 20.8 8 25 20.7 20 23 33.5

6 Sat 28 5 50.9 11 50.5 17 49.6 11 14 50.3 9 27 37.9 21 23 50.5

7 Sun 29 5 51.3 11 50.2 17 48.6 12 16 48.1 10 --- ----- 22 24 27.1
8 Mon 30 5 51.6 11 49.9 17 47.7 13 19 07.1 10 6 18.8 23 25 17.7
9 Tue Oct. 1 5 52.0 11 49.6 17 46.7 14 21 39.8 11 9 16.1 24 26 17.4
10 Wed 2 5 52.3 11 49.2 17 45.7 K 30 24 19.3 12 12 22.9 25 27 21.0

11 Thu 3 5 52.7 11 48.9 17 44.7 S 1 26 58.6 13 15 32.4 26 28 23.8

12 Fri 4 5 53.0 11 48.6 17 43.8 2 29 31.2 14 18 38.0 27 29 21.1
13 Sat 5 5 53.4 11 48.3 17 42.8 3 ---- ---- 15 21 33.2 1 --- -----
14 Sun 6 5 53.7 11 48.0 17 41.8 3 7 50.0 16 24 11.3 1 6 08.1
15 Mon 7 5 54.1 11 47.7 17 40.9 4 9 48.1 17 26 25.2 2 6 39.6

16 Tue 8 5 54.5 11 47.5 17 40.0 S 5 11 18.5 18 28 08.3 3 6 50.8

17 Wed 9 5 54.9 11 47.2 17 39.0 6 12 14.9 19 29 15.1 4 6 36.6
(5 29 52.9)
18 Thu 10 5 55.3 11 46.9 17 38.1 7 12 32.2 20 29 41.4 6 28 36.6
19 Fri 11 5 55.7 11 46.7 17 37.2 8 12 07.2 21 29 25.4 7 26 46.1
20 Sat 12 5 56.1 11 46.4 17 36.3 9 10 58.9 22 28 27.7 8 24 21.7

21 Sun 13 5 56.5 11 46.2 17 35.4 S 10 9 09.2 23 26 51.7 9 21 25.4

22 Mon 14 5 56.9 11 45.9 17 34.6 11 6 41.8 24 24 42.8 10 18 00.8
(12 27 42.8)
23 Tue 15 5 57.3 11 45.7 17 33.7 13 24 19.6 25 22 08.6 11 14 13.3
24 Wed 16 5 57.7 1 1 45.5 17 32.8 14 20 41.0 26 19 17.8 12 10 09.4
(13 29 56.2)
25 Thu 17 5 58.2 11 45.3 17 32.0 S 15 16 56.4 27 16 20.3 14 25 41.7

26 Fri 18 5 58.6 11 45.1 17 31.2 K 1 13 15.8 1 13 26.4 15 21 34.1

27 Sat 19 5 59.0 11 44.9 17 30.4 2 9 49.2 2 10 46.8 16 17 41.5
28 Sun 20 5 59.5 11 44.7 17 29.6 3 6 46.7 3 8 31.6 17 14 11.6
(4 28 17.6)
29 Mon 21 6 00.0 11 44.6 17 28.8 K 5 26 30.0 4 6 50.5 18 11 11.2
(5 29 51.1)
30 Tue 22 6 00.4 11 44.4 17 28.0 K 6 25 29.5 6 29 38.8 19 8 45.9

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Dakshinayana SAKA ERA 1946
D Gola
a k s h i n a
Month of ASVINA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 12/ 07//
(Nirayana) 8 Asvina, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Kartika, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024A.D.
Sept. 23
2 24 2- Maha Lakshmi Vrata Sampana
3 25 3- Matri Navami
4 26 4- Sun enters

Hasta nak.
(25h 10m.7)

5 27
6 28 6- Indira Ekadasi
7 29
8 30
9 Oct. 1 9- Sayana
(10h 31m.5)
10 2 10- New Moon 10- Mahalaya Amavasya, Sarva Pitri
S (24h 19m.3) Amavasya, Tarpana
10- Annular Layba(Manipur), Mahatma
A solar Eclipse Gnadhi’s Birthday, Gajacchaya
U (Not visible Parva(Moon enters Hasta nak.
R in India) after 12h 22.9 m)
11 3 A 11- Saradiya Navaratrambha,
12 4 Maharaja Agrasen’s Jayanti.
13 5
14 6
15 7 15- Upanga Lalita Vrata(Lalita
C Panchami)
16 8 H
17 9 A 17- Oli Begins(Jain), Saraswati
18 10 A N 18- Sun enters 18- Durga Puja Begins (Saptami)
S D Chitra nak.
(14h 06m.4)
19 11 V R 19- Mahastami, Ayudha Puja, Maha
I A Navami
20 12 20- Maha Navami(Bengal), Vijaya
N Dasami(Dussehara or Dasahara),
A Saraswati Visarjana
21 13 21- Vijaya Dasami (Bengal & Kerala&
Mysore), Madhavacharya
A Jayanti, Papankusa Ekadasi
(Pasankusa) (smarta)
22 14 S 22- Sayana 22- Papankusa Ekadasi (Pasankusa)
V Vyatipata (Vaishnava & Vidhava),Trisprisha
(15h 18m.0) Mahadvadasi, Bharat Milap
23 15 I
24 16 N 24- Saura 24- Kojagari Lakshmi Puja (Bengal),
A Kartikadi Kumara Purnima (Odisha), Sarat
(8h 39m.1) Purnima,Kojagar (Lakshmindra
25 17 25- Full Moon 25- Maharshi Valmiki’s Birthday, Oli
(16h 56m.4) Ends (Jain), Kaveri Samkramana

26 18

27 19
28 20 28- Karaka Chaturthi, Dasaratha
29 21 Chaturthi
30 22 30- Sun enterstrop.
(27h 44m.7)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Mithuna 2, 9h 55m.5; Karkata 4, 17h 12m.8; Simha 6, 27h 37m.9; Kanya 9, 16h 02m.2; Tula 11, 29h 06m.1;
Vrischika 14, 17h 33m.7; Dhanus 16, 28h 08m.3; Makara 19, 41m.3; Kumbha 21, 15h 44m.1; Mina 23, 16h 49m.0; Mesha 25,
16h 20m.3; Vrisha 27, 16h 10m.4; Mithuna 29, 18h 15m.3; Sun enters :- Nirayana Tula 25, 7h 42m.6.
Vrischika : Sahas
Month of KARTIKA (30 days) Hemanta, 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Kartika, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Agrahayana, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Wed Oct. 23 6 00.9 11 44.3 17 27.3 K 7 25 19.4 7 --- --- 20 6 59.0
(21 29 51.7)
2 Thu 24 6 01.4 11 44.1 17 26.5 8 25 58.9 7 6 15.8 22 29 22.2
3 Fri 25 6 01.9 11 44.0 17 25.8 9 27 23.3 8 7 40.0 23 29 26.2
4 Sat 26 6 02.4 11 43.9 17 25.1 K 10 29 24.3 9 9 45.8 24 29 57.1
5 Sun 27 6 02.9 11 43.8 17 24.4 11 --- --- 10 12 24.1 25 --- ---

6 Mon 28 6 03.5 11 43.7 17 23.7 11 7 51.2 11 15 23.9 25 6 47.1

7 Tue 29 6 04.0 11 43.7 17 23.1 12 10 32.2 12 18 33.8 26 7 47.7
8 Wed 30 6 04.5 11 43.6 17 22.4 13 13 16.0 13 21 43.5 27 8 51.0
9 Thu 31 6 05.1 11 43.6 17 21.8 14 15 53.3 14 24 44.6 1 9 50.5
10 Fri Nov. 1 6 05.6 11 43.6 17 21.2 K 30 18 17.1 15 27 31.0 2 10 40.7

11 Sat 2 6 06.2 11 43.5 17 20.6 S 1 20 22.4 16 29 58.4 3 11 17.9

12 Sun 3 6 06.8 11 43.5 17 20.1 2 22 05.7 17 --- --- 4 11 39.4
13 Mon 4 6 07.3 11 43.6 17 19.5 3 23 24.7 17 8 03.9 5 11 43.1
14 Tue 5 6 07.9 11 43.6 17 19.0 4 24 17.3 18 9 45.3 6 11 27.4
15 Wed 6 6 08.5 11 43.6 17 18.5 S 5 24 41.5 19 11 00.3 7 10 50.6

16 Thu 7 6 09.1 11 43.7 17 18.0 6 24 35.3 20 11 47.0 8 9 51.2

17 Fri 8 6 09.7 11 43.8 17 17.6 7 23 56.9 21 12 03.3 9 8 27.6
18 Sat 9 6 10.3 11 43.8 17 17.1 8 22 45.6 22 11 47.7 10 6 38.4
(11 28 23.0)
19 Sun 10 6 11.0 11 43.9 17 16.7 S 9 21 01.7 23 10 59.7 12 25 41.7
20 Mon 11 6 11.6 11 44.0 17 16.3 S 10 18 47.0 24 9 40.3 13 22 36.1

21 Tue 12 6 12.2 11 44.2 17 15.9 11 16 05.2 25 7 52.3 14 19 09.1

(26 29 40.4)
22 Wed 13 6 12.9 11 44.3 17 15.6 12 13 01.8 27 27 11.2 15 15 25.1
23 Thu 14 6 13.5 11 44.5 17 15.2 13 9 43.8 1 24 32.9 16 11 29.8
24 Fri 15 6 14.2 11 44.6 17 14.9 14 6 19.5 2 21 55.2 17 7 29.9
(S 15 26 58.5) (18 27 33.1)
25 Sat 16 6 14.8 11 44.8 17 14.6 K 1 23 50.9 3 19 28.2 19 23 47.5

26 Sun 17 6 15.5 11 45.0 17 14.4 2 21 06.9 4 17 22.8 20 20 21.2

27 Mon 18 6 16.1 11 45.2 17 14.1 3 18 56.6 5 15 49.0 21 17 21.8
28 Tue 19 6 16.8 11 45.4 17 13.9 4 17 28.8 6 14 56.0 22 14 55.9
29 Wed 20 6 17.5 11 45.7 17 13.7 K 5 16 50.1 7 14 50.5 23 13 08.2
30 Thu 21 6 18.1 11 45.9 17 13.6 K 6 17 03.7 8 15 35.6 24 12 01.1
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Dakshinayana SAKA ERA 1946
Dakshina Gola Month of KARTIKA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 12/ 11//
(Nirayana) 8 Kartika, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Agrahayana, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024A.D. 1- Sun enters Svati
Oct-23 nak. (24h 42m.5)
2 24 2- Ahoyi Astami, Karashtami,
222222222 Ahoyi Ashtami (Punjab).

3 25
4 26 422.
- Sayana


(14h 28m.9)
5 27 liuyuuu2

6 28 6- Rama Ekadasi, Govatsa Dvadasi.

7 29 7- Dhana Trayodasi
8 30 8- Kali Chaturdasi.

9 31 9- Naraka Chaturdasi
(Purvarunodaya), Kali Puja,
Lakshmi Puja, Dipavali,

Hanumajjanma(N. India)
(Purvarunodaya), Dipavali

10 Nov. 1 10 - New moon 10- Kaumudi Dipam, Kedar Gauri

(18h 17m.1) Vrata, Martydrom Day of Bhagat
Kanwar Ram(Sindhi), Lakshmi

Dipam, Mahavira Nirvana (Jain)

11 2 11- Kartika Sukladi, Govardhana
Puja, Bali Puja, Annakuta.
12 3 12- Yama Dvitiya, Visvakarma day,
Bhratri Dvitiya(Bengali),
13 4 Dwat Puja

14 5
15- Sun enters
15 6 Visakha nak. 15- Jnana Panchami (Jain).

(8h 6m.9)
16 7 16- Pratihara Shashthi or Surya

Shashthi (Chhat-Bihar).
17 8 17- Sayana

(27h 44m.8)
18 9 18- Gopashtami or Gothastami,
Trivandrum Arat(Kerala)

19 10 19- Jagaddhatri Puja, Akshaya

20 11
21 12 21- Tulasi Vivah, Utthana or Deva
Probodhani Ekadasi.
22 13
23 14 23- Vaikuntha Chaturdasi, Vaikuntha
Chaturdasi(Prodosa), Children’s
Day(Nehru’s Birthday)
24 15 24- Saur 24- Full Moon 24- Rasayatra, Tripurotsava, Kartiki
Margasirshadi (26h 58m.5) Purnima, Ratha Yatra (Jain), Guru
(8h 48m.2) Nanak’s Birthday, Pushkar Fair,
25 16 25- Kartika Puja

26 17 26- Death Anniversary of Lala


Lajpat Rai

27 18
28 19 28- Sun enters
Anuradha nak.
(14h 53m.7)
29 20 29- Sayana 29- Birthday celebration of Sri Prof
Vaidhriti Ram Panjwani(Sindhi)
(21h 35m.9)
30 Nov. 21 30- Sun enters trop.
(25h 26m.5)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters : Karkata 1, 24h 02m.0; Simha 4, 9h 45m.8; Kanya 6, 22h 10m.9; Tula 9, 11h 15m.6; Vrischika 11, 23h
23m.5; Dhanus 14, 9h 45m.3; Makara 16, 17h 54m.0; Kumbha 18, 23h 27m.8; Mina 20, 26h 21m.8; Mesha 22, 27h 11m.2;
Vrisha 24, 27h 17m.0; Mithuna 26, 28h 31m.2; Karkata 29, 8h 47m.1;
Sun enters :- Nirayana Vrischika 25, 7h 32m.0.
SAKA ERA 1946 Dhanus : Sahasya
Month of AGRAHAYANA (30 days) Hemanta, 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 8 Agrahayana, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Pausha, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
1 Fri Nov. 22 6 18.8 11 46.0 17 13.6 K 7 18 08.3 9 17 10.0 25 11 33.7
2 Sat 23 6 19.5 11 46.2 17 13.4 8 19 57.5 10 19 27.3 26 11 41.6
3 Sun 24 6 20.2 11 46.5 17 13.3 9 22 20.3 11 22 16.6 27 12 17.4
4 Mon 25 6 20.9 11 46.8 17 13.2 K 10 25 02.2 12 25 23.9 1 13 11.6
5 Tue 26 6 21.6 11 47.1 17 13.1 11 27 48.0 13 28 34.7 2 14 13.4

6 Wed 27 6 22.2 11 47.4 17 13.1 12 --- ---- 14 --- ----- 3 15 12.9

7 Thu 28 6 22.9 11 47.8 17 13.1 12 6 24.2 14 7 36.0 4 16 01.5
8 Fri 29 6 23.6 11 48.1 17 13.1 13 8 40.4 15 10 17.9 5 16 33.0
9 Sat 30 6 24.3 11 48.5 17 13.1 14 10 30.3 16 12 34.7 6 16 44.1
10 Sun Dec. 1 6 25.0 11 48.8 17 13.2 K 30 11 51.4 17 14 23.8 7 16 33.2

11 Mon 2 6 25.7 11 49.2 17 13.3 S1 12 43.8 18 15 45.6 8 16 00.7

12 Tue 3 6 26.3 11 49.6 17 13.4 2 13 09.5 19 16 41.9 9 15 07.9
13 Wed 4 6 27.0 11 50.0 17 13.5 3 13 10.8 20 17 14.9 10 13 56.4
14 Thu 5 6 27.7 11 50.4 17 13.6 4 12 49.9 21 17 26.7 11 12 27.7
15 Fri 6 6 28.3 11 50.8 17 13.8 S 5 12 08.3 22 17 18.5 12 10 42.9

16 Sat 7 6 29.0 11 51.2 17 14.0 6 11 06.6 23 16 50.6 13 8 42.2

(14 30 25.8)
17 Sun 8 6 29.7 11 51.6 17 14.2 7 9 44.9 24 16 03.2 15 27 53.4
18 Mon 9 6 30.3 11 52.1 17 14.5 8 8 03.3 25 14 56.2 16 25 05.4
(9 30 02.2)
19 Tue 10 6 30.9 11 52.5 17 14.7 S 10 27 43.4 26 13 30.4 17 22 02.7
20 Wed 11 6 31.6 11 53.0 17 15.0 11 25 09.9 27 11 47.9 18 18 47.3

21 Thu 12 6 32.2 11 53.5 17 15.3 12 22 26.7 1 9 52.6 19 15 22.8

22 Fri 13 6 32.8 11 53.9 17 15.7 13 19 40.5 2 7 50.1 20 11 53.9
(3 29 47.9)
23 Sat 14 6 33.4 11 54.4 17 16.0 14 16 59.1 4 27 54.7 21 8 26.4
(22 29 07.1)
24 Sun 15 6 34.0 11 54.9 17 16.4 S 15 14 31.7 5 26 20.0 23 26 03.3
25 Mon 16 6 34.5 11 55.4 17 16.8 K 1 12 27.8 6 25 13.7 24 23 22.4

26 Tue 17 6 35.1 11 55.8 17 17.2 2 10 56.6 7 24 44.2 25 21 10.9

27 Wed 18 6 35.6 11 56.3 17 17.6 3 10 06.6 8 24 58.5 26 19 33.8
28 Thu 19 6 36.2 11 56.8 17 18.1 4 10 03.4 9 25 59.9 27 18 34.0
29 Fri 20 6 36.7 11 57.3 17 18.5 K 5 10 49.3 10 27 47.2 1 18 11.4
30 Sat 21 6 37.2 11 57.8 17 19.0 K 6 12 21.8 11 30 14.2 2 18 22.5

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Dakshinayana SAKA ERA 1946
Dakshina Gola Month of AGRAHAYANA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 12/ 15//
(Nirayana) 8 Agrahayana, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Pausha, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 2024 A.D.
Nov. 22
2 23 2- Kalashtami, Prathamastami
(Odisha), Vaikkatashtami(Kerala).

3 24 3- Guru Tegh Bahadur’s Martyrdom


4 25
5 26 5- Utpanna Ekadasi(Smarta)

6 27 6- Vanjuli Mahadvadasi, Utpanna

Ekadasi(Vaishnava & Vidhava)
7 28
8 29
9 30
10 Dec. 1 10- New Moon
(11h 51m.4)

11 2 11- Sun enters

Jyeshtha nak.
(19h 9m.5)
12 3
13 4 13- Sayana
(10h 57m.1)
14 5

15 6

16 7 16- Champa Shashthi(Maharastra),

Mulakarupani Shashthi (Bengal),
Subrahmanya Shasthi (S.India),
17 8 Guha Shasthi, Mitra Saptami.
18 9
19 10
20 11 20- Mokshada Ekadasi, Mauna

Ekadasi(Jain), Gita Jayanti

21 12 21- Akhanda Dvadasi, Bharani

22 13 22- Krittika dipam
23 14 23- Saura Paushadi 23- Shri Datta Jayanti(Maharastra),
(23h 38m.3) Datta Treya Jayanti
24 15 24- Sun enters Mula 24- Full Moon 24- Huthri-3Days(Coorg), Margi
nak.(22h 11m.2) (14h 31m.7) Purnima

25 16 25- Sayana
(9h 54m.7)

26 17
27 18
28 19
29 20
30 Dec. 21 30- Sun enters trop. 30- Uttarayana Day
(14h 50m.5)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Simha 1, 17h 10m.0; Kanya 3, 29h 02m.3; Tula 6, 18h 07m.2; Vrischika 8, 30h 03m.1; Dhanus 11, 15h 45m.6;
Makara 13, 23h 19m.8; Kumbha 15, 29h 07m.0; Mina 18, 9h 14m.8; Mesha 20, 11h 47m.9; Vrisha 22, 13h 19m.2; Mithuna
24, 15h 04m.4; Karkata 26, 18h 47m.7; Simha 28, 25h 59m.9;
Sun enters :- Nirayana Dhanus 24, 22h 11m.2.
SAKA ERA 1946 Makara : Tapas
Month of PAUSHA (30 days) Winter (Sisira), 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Pausha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Magha, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
2024 A.D.
1 Sun Dec. 22 6 37.7 11 58.3 17 19.5 K 7 14 32.4 12 --- ---- 3 19 00.0
2 Mon 23 6 38.2 11 58.8 17 20.0 8 17 08.2 12 9 09.2 4 19 54.2
3 Tue 24 6 38.6 11 59.3 17 20.6 9 19 52.8 13 12 17.2 5 20 53.5
4 Wed 25 6 39.1 11 59.8 17 21.1 K 10 22 29.6 14 15 22.2 6 21 46.5
5 Thu 26 6 39.5 12 00.3 17 21.7 11 24 44.3 15 18 09.6 7 22 23.4

6 Fri 27 6 39.9 12 00.8 17 22.2 12 26 27.0 16 20 28.6 8 22 37.0

7 Sat 28 6 40.3 12 01.3 17 22.8 13 27 33.1 17 22 13.3 9 22 23.2
8 Sun 29 6 40.7 12 01.8 17 23.4 14 28 02.0 18 23 22.2 10 21 41.1
9 Mon 30 6 41.0 12 02.2 17 24.0 K 30 27 56.8 19 23 57.5 11 20 32.1
10 Tue 31 6 41.3 12 02.7 17 24.6 S 1 27 22.4 20 24 03.7 12 18 59.2
11 Wed Jan. 1 6 41.6 12 03.2 17 25.3 2 26 24.6 21 23 46.2 13 17 06.4
12 Thu 2 6 41.9 12 03.7 17 25.9 3 25 08.9 22 23 10.7 14 14 57.9
13 Fri 3 6 42.2 12 04.1 17 26.6 4 23 40.1 23 22 22.0 15 12 37.4
14 Sat 4 6 42.5 12 04.6 17 27.2 S 5 22 01.6 24 21 23.6 16 10 08.0
15 Sun 5 6 42.7 12 05.1 17 27.9 6 20 15.8 25 20 18.0 17 7 32.0
(18 28 50.8)
16 Mon 6 6 42.9 12 05.5 17 28.6 7 18 24.1 26 19 06.5 19 26 05.1
17 Tue 7 6 43.1 12 05.9 17 29.3 8 16 27.3 27 17 50.1 20 23 15.5
18 Wed 8 6 43.2 12 06.4 17 30.0 9 14 26.3 1 16 29.7 21 20 23.1
19 Thu 9 6 43.4 12 06.8 17 30.7 S 10 12 23.0 2 15 07.1 22 17 29.2
20 Fri 10 6 43.5 12 07.2 17 31.4 11 10 20.1 3 13 45.5 23 14 36.5

21 Sat 11 6 43.6 12 07.6 17 32.1 12 8 22.0 4 12 29.4 24 11 48.3

(13 30 34.2)
22 Sun 12 6 43.6 12 08.0 17 32.8 14 29 03.4 5 11 24.6 25 9 09.2
23 Mon 13 6 43.7 12 08.4 17 33.5 S 15 27 56.9 6 10 38.1 26 6 48.3
(27 28 38.9)
24 Tue 14 6 43.7 12 08.8 17 34.2 K 1 27 21.7 7 10 17.0 1 26 58.3
25 Wed 15 6 43.7 12 09.1 17 34.9 2 27 23.7 8 10 28.2 2 25 46.5

26 Thu 16 6 43.6 12 09.5 17 35.6 3 28 06.7 9 11 16.7 3 25 06.0

27 Fri 17 6 43.6 12 09.8 17 36.3 4 29 30.6 10 12 45.0 4 24 56.8
28 Sat 18 6 43.5 12 10.2 17 37.1 K 5 --- --- 11 14 51.6 5 25 16.0
29 Sun 19 6 43.4 12 10.5 17 37.8 K 5 7 31.2 12 17 30.3 6 25 57.4
30 Mon 20 6 43.3 12 10.8 17 38.5 K 6 9 59.0 13 20 30.1 7 26 52.1

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1946
Dakshina Gola Month of PAUSHA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 12/ 21//
(Nirayana) 8 Pausha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Magha, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month
1 Dec. 22
2 23 2- Ashtaka (Pupashtaka).

3 24
4 25 4- Birthday of Parsvanath(Jain),
Birthday of Sadhu T.L
5 26 5- Jor Mela-3 days(Punjab), Saphala

6 27
7 28 7- Sun enters

(24h 25m.8)
8 29 8- Sayana
(18h 36m.0)
9 30 9- New Moon 9- Vakula Amavasya (Odisha).
(27h 56m.8)
10 31

11 Jan. 1
12 2
13 3
14 4
15 5

16 6 16- Guru Gobind Singh’s Birthday

17 7
18 8
19 9 19- Samba Dasami(Odisha).
20 10 20- Sun enters 20- Sayana 20- Vaikuntha Ekadasi(S.India),
Uttarashadha Vaidhriti Putrada Ekadasi
nak.(26h 22m.5) (22h 26m.1)
21 11
22 12

23 13 23- Saura 23- Full Moon 23- Paushi Purnima, Arudra Darsanam
Maghadi (27h 56m.9) (Purvarunodaya) (S.India),
(10h 22m.2) Lohri(Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir),
Bhogi (S. India), Pushyabhisheka

24 14 24- Makara Samkranti(N. India),

Birthday of Sant Parmanand
(Sindhi). Pongal(S.India), Makara
Snana, Tila Samkranti ,Tai Pongal
(Kerala), Makara Samkranti
(Bengal), Magha Bihu(Assam), .
25 15 25- Mattu Pongal or Kanumu
(S. India).
26 16
27 17 27- Ganesha Sankastha Chaturthi
28 18 29- Sun Enters
29 19 Trop.Aquarius
(25h 30m.1)

30 Jan. 20
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Kanya 1, 12h 55m.8; Tula 3, 25h 51m.1; Vrischika 6, 13h 56m.9; Dhanus 8, 23h 22m.2; Makara 10, 30h 01m.3;
Kumbha 13, 10h 47m.8; Mina 15, 14h 35m.0; Mesha 17, 17h 50m.1; Vrisha 19, 20h 46m.5 ; Mithuna 21, 23h 55m.2; Karkata
23, 28h 19m.5; simha 26, 11h 16m.7; Kanya 28, 21h 28m.7; Sun enters :- Nirayana Makara 24, 8h 55m.7.
SAKA ERA 1946 Kumbha : Tapasya
Month of MAGHA (30 days) Winter (Sisira), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 8 Magha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Phalguna, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
1 Tue Jan. 21 6 43.2 12 11.3 17 39.7 K 7 12 40.2 14 23 36.7 8 27 49.3
2 Wed 22 6 43.0 12 11.6 17 40.4 8 15 18.5 15 26 34.2 9 28 37.5
3 Thu 23 6 42.8 12 11.8 17 41.1 9 17 38.0 16 29 08.3 10 29 06.5
4 Fri 24 6 42.6 12 12.1 17 41.8 K 10 19 25.5 17 ---- ---- 11 29 08.2
5 Sat 25 6 42.3 12 12.3 17 42.5 11 20 32.4 17 7 07.7 12 28 37.9

6 Sun 26 6 42.1 12 12.5 17 43.2 12 20 55.2 18 8 26.2 13 27 33.7

7 Mon 27 6 41.8 12 12.7 17 43.9 13 20 35.1 19 9 02.3 14 25 57.1
8 Tue 28 6 41.5 12 12.9 17 44.6 14 19 36.5 20 8 58.6 15 23 51.4
9 Wed 29 6 41.2 12 13.1 17 45.3 K 30 18 05.9 21 8 20.6 16 21 21.5
10 Thu 30 6 40.8 12 13.3 17 46.0 S1 16 11.1 22 7 15.4 17 18 33.3
(23 29 50.9)

11 Fri 31 6 40.5 12 13.4 17 46.7 2 13 59.6 24 28 14.5 18 15 32.5

12 Sat Feb. 1 6 40.1 12 13.6 17 47.3 3 11 38.8 25 26 33.1 19 12 24.5
13 Sun 2 6 39.7 12 13.7 17 48.0 4 9 15.0 26 24 52.5 20 9 14.4
(21 30 05.9)
14 Mon 3 6 39.2 12 13.8 17 48.6 S 5 6 53.3 27 23 16.9 22 27 02.5
(6 28 37.7)
15 Tue 4 6 38.8 12 13.9 17 49.3 7 26 31.3 1 21 49.7 23 24 06.2

16 Wed 5 6 38.3 12 14.0 17 49.9 8 24 36.1 2 20 33.3 24 21 18.9

17 Thu 6 6 37.8 12 14.0 17 50.6 9 22 54.0 3 19 29.5 25 18 41.9
18 Fri 7 6 37.3 12 14.1 17 51.2 S 10 21 26.7 4 18 40.1 26 16 16.5
19 Sat 8 6 36.7 12 14.1 17 51.8 11 20 16.4 5 18 07.1 27 14 04.3
20 Sun 9 6 36.2 12 14.2 17 52.4 12 19 25.8 6 17 53.0 1 12 06.9

21 Mon 10 6 35.6 12 14.2 17 53.0 13 18 57.8 7 18 00.9 2 10 26.6

22 Tue 11 6 35.0 12 14.2 17 53.6 14 18 56.0 8 18 34.1 3 9 05.8
23 Wed 12 6 34.4 12 14.2 17 54.2 S 15 19 23.4 9 19 35.6 4 8 06.7
24 Thu 13 6 33.8 12 14.2 17 54.8 K 1 20 22.3 10 21 07.4 5 7 31.3
25 Fri 14 6 33.1 12 14.1 17 55.3 2 21 52.9 11 23 09.6 6 7 20.1

26 Sat 15 6 32.5 12 14.1 17 55.9 3 23 52.9 12 25 39.5 7 7 32.6

27 Sun 16 6 31.8 12 14.0 17 56.5 4 26 16.4 13 28 31.4 8 8 05.8
28 Mon 17 6 31.1 12 13.9 17 57.0 K 5 28 53.9 14 --- --- 9 8 54.6
29 Tue 18 6 30.4 12 13.9 17 57.6 K 6 --- --- 14 7 35.6 10 9 51.8
30 Wed 19 6 29.7 12 13.8 17 58.1 K 6 7 32.7 15 10 39.8 11 10 48.1

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1946
Dakshina Gola Month of MAGHA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 24° 12/ 27//
(Nirayana) 8 Magha, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Phalguna, 5125 Kali Era
D a t e G r e g o r i a n S o l a r L u n a r T r a n s i t o f t h e S u n P h e n o m e n a F e s t i v a l s

D a t e M o n t h M o n t h D a t e

1 2025A.D. 1- Birthday of Swami Vivekanda

Jan. 21 (According to tithi), Astaka
(Mamsastaka), Martyrdom day
of Hemu Kalani (Sindhi).

2 22

3 23 3- Sun enters 3- Sayana 3- Netaji’s Birthday.

Sravana nak. Vyatipata
(28h 44m.9) (25h 53m.1)
4 24
5 25 5- Sattila Ekadasi.
6 26 6- Republic Day
7 27 7- Meru Trayodasi(Jain),
8 28 8- Ratanti Kalika Puja, Birthday of
Lala Lajpat Rai.

9 29 9- New Moon 9- Mauni Amavasya, Tai

(18h 05m.9) Amavasya, Makara Vavu
(Kerala), Maha Kumbha
10 30 10- Magha Sukladi, Martyr’s day
(Mahatma Gandhi

Commemoration Day)
11 31 12- Tila Chaturthi, Kunda Chaturthi,
12 Feb. 1 Varada Chaturthi.
13 2 13- Ganesha Puja(Bengal), Sri
Panchami, Saraswati Puja,
Vasanta Panchami.
14 3
15 4 15- Ratha Saptami(Purvarunodaya),

Vidhana Saptami, Arogya

16 5 16- Sayana 16- Bhismashtami.
(7h 54m.9)
17- Sun enters
17 6 Dhanistha nak.

(7h 49m.9)
18 7
19 8 19- Jaya Ekadasi, Bhaimi Ekadasi
20 9 20- Bhisma Dvadasi
21 10 21- Desert Festival-3 days
11 22- Saura (Jaisalmer)
22 Phalgunadi 22- Floating Festval/ Tai Poosam
(23h 10m.8) 23- Full Moon
23 12 (19h 23m.4) 23- Guru Rabi Day’s Birthday,

Maghi Purnima
24 13
25 14

26 15

27 16
28 17
29 18 29- Sun enters 29- Sayana
Trop. Pisces Vyatipata
(15h 36m.5) (6h 34m.9)
30 Feb. 19 30- Sun enters 30- Shivaji Jayanti.
Satabhisaj nak.
(12h 26m.4)
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Moon enters :- Tula 1, 10h 03m.5; Vrischika 3, 22h 32m.6; Dhanus 6, 8h 26m.2; Makara 8, 14h 52m.0; Kumbha 10, 18h 35m.1;
Mina 12, 20h 58m.6, Mesha 14, 23h 16m.9; Vrisha 16, 26h 16m.1; Mithuna 18, 30h 21m.4; Karkata 21, 11h 56m.7; Simha 23,
19h 35m.6; Kanya 25, 29h 44m.6; Tula 28, 18h 02m.7; Sun enters :- Nirayana Kumbha 23, 21h 56m.2.
SAKA ERA 1946 Mina : Madhu
Month of PHALGUNA (30 days) Spring (Vasanta), 1st Month
(Nirayana) 8 Phalguna, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Chaitra, 5125 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
1 Thu Feb. 20 6 28.9 12 13.7 17 58.6 K 7 9 58.7 16 13 30.3 12 11 33.7
2 Fri 21 6 28.2 12 13.6 17 59.1 8 11 58.1 17 15 54.0 13 11 59.0
3 Sat 22 6 27.4 12 13.4 17 59.7 9 13 19.7 18 17 40.3 14 11 55.9
4 Sun 23 6 26.7 12 13.3 18 00.2 K 10 13 56.3 19 18 42.7 15 11 18.8
5 Mon 24 6 25.9 12 13.1 18 00.7 11 13 45.2 20 18 59.0 16 10 05.1

6 Tue 25 6 25.1 12 13.0 18 01.2 12 12 47.9 21 18 30.8 17 8 14.8

(18 29 50.8)
7 Wed 26 6 24.2 12 12.8 18 01.6 13 11 08.8 22 17 23.3 19 26 57.4
8 Thu 27 6 23.4 12 12.7 18 02.1 14 8 55.1 23 15 43.7 20 23 40.8
(K 30 30 14.8)
9 Fri 28 6 22.6 12 12.5 18 02.6 S1 27 16.7 24 13 40.4 21 20 07.6
10 Sat Mar. 1 6 21.7 12 12.3 18 03.1 2 24 09.8 25 11 22.7 22 16 24.8

11 Sun 2 6 20.9 12 12.1 18 03.5 3 21 02.5 26 8 59.5 23 12 39.1

12 Mon 3 6 20.0 12 11.9 18 04.0 4 18 02.7 27 6 39.2 24 8 57.1
(1 28 29.8) (25 29 24.6)
13 Tue 4 6 19.1 12 11.7 18 04.4 S 5 15 17.2 2 26 37.8 26 26 06.6
14 Wed 5 6 18.2 12 11.4 18 04.9 6 12 51.9 3 25 08.5 27 23 07.2
15 Thu 6 6 17.3 12 11.2 18 05.3 7 10 51.4 4 24 05.8 1 20 29.2

16 Fri 7 6 16.4 12 11.0 18 05.7 8 9 19.1 5 23 32.1 2 18 14.6

17 Sat 8 6 15.5 12 10.7 18 06.2 9 8 17.0 6 23 28.7 3 16 24.3
18 Sun 9 6 14.6 12 10.5 18 06.6 S 10 7 45.7 7 23 55.4 4 14 58.4
19 Mon 10 6 13.7 12 10.2 18 07.0 11 7 45.2 8 24 51.5 5 13 56.5
20 Tue 11 6 12.7 12 10.0 18 07.4 12 8 14.5 9 26 15.5 6 13 17.5

21 Wed 12 6 11.8 12 09.7 18 07.8 13 9 12.2 10 28 05.7 7 13 00.1

22 Thu 13 6 10.8 12 09.4 18 08.2 14 10 36.4 11 --- --- 8 13 02.7
23 Fri 14 6 09.9 12 09.2 18 08.6 S 15 12 24.6 11 6 19.6 9 13 23.5
24 Sat 15 6 08.9 12 08.9 18 09.0 K 1 14 33.7 12 8 54.3 10 13 59.9
25 Sun 16 6 08.0 12 08.6 18 09.4 2 16 58.8 13 11 45.4 11 14 48.5

26 Mon 17 6 07.0 12 08.3 18 09.8 3 19 33.6 14 14 47.2 12 15 45.0

27 Tue 18 6 06.0 12 08.0 18 10.2 4 22 09.8 15 17 51.9 13 16 43.7
28 Wed 19 6 05.1 12 07.7 18 10.6 K 5 24 37.5 16 20 50.3 14 17 37.7
29 Thu 20 6 04.1 12 07.4 18 10.9 6 26 45.9 17 23 31.7 15 18 19.5
30 Fri 21 6 03.1 12 07.1 18 11.3 K 7 28 24.3 18 25 45.9 16 18 41.5
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti
Uttarayana SAKA ERA 1946
Dakshina Gola Month of PHALGUNA (30 days) Ayanamsa on 1st : 240 12/ 31//
(Nirayana) 8 Phalguna, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Chaitra, 5125 Kali Era
Date Gregorian Solar Lunar Transit of the Sun Phenomena Festivals
Date Month Month Date
1 2025A.D. 1- Astaka(Sakashtaka), Janaki
Feb. 20 Janma, Vaikkatashtami
2 21

3 22 4- Birthday of Swami Dayananda

4 23 Saraswati (Founder of Arya

5- Vijaya Ekadasi.
5 24
6- Maha Shivaratri (Kashmir).
6 25
7 26 7- Maha Shivaratri, Shivaratri
(S. India)
8 27 8- New Moon

(30h 14m.8)
9 28
10 Mar. 1 10- Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa Deva.
11 2
12 3 12- Sayana

(26h 17m.1)
13 4 13- Sun enters Purva
Bhadrapada nak.
(18h 40m.7)
14 5
15 6 15- Holastaka.
16 7
17 8

18 9
19 10 19- Govinda Dvadasi, Amalaki
20 11
21 12 21- Masi Magham.
22 13 22- Saura Chaitradi 22- Holikadahan.
(19h 44m.5)
23 14 23- Total Lunar 23- Holi, Dolayatra, Birthday of
Eclipse (Not Sri Chaitanya.

Visible in India)

23- Full Moon


(12h 24m.6)
24 15 24- Sayana 24- Hola, Vasantatsava.


(10h 45m.7)

25 16

26 17 26- Sun enters Uttara

Bhadrapada nak.

(27h 12m.1)

27 18

28 19 28- Venus sets in 28- Ranga Panchami, Bijoy


the West Gavindaji Holangkar


(13h 05m) (Manipur)

29 Mar. 20 29- Sun enters Trop. 29- Mahavisuva Day.

Aries (14h 31m.4)


30 21 30- Indian Year Ending Day.

N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½0 E. Long.
Moon enters :- Vrischika 1, 6h 49m.7; Dhanus 3, 17h 40m.3; Makara 5, 24h 56m.0; Kumbha 7, 28h 37m.0; Mina 9, 29h
58m.0; Mesha 12, 6h 39m.2; Vrisha 14, 8h 13m.1; Mithuna 16, 11h 45m.2; Karkata 18, 17h 45m.9; Simha 20, 26h 15m.5; Kanya
23, 12h 56m.5; Tula 25, 25h 15m.4; Vrischika 28, 14h 06m.8; Dhanus 30, 25h 45m.9;
Sun enters: Nirayana Mina 23, 18h 50m.7.
Festivals Criterion Date
1945 S.E./ 5124 K.E./ 2024 A.D.
63. Bhogi (S.India) Day before Pongal Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan.14
Makara Samkranti (N.India) The Day after Lohri Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan 14
64. Makara Samkranti (Bengal), The day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 25 / Magha 2 / Jan. 15
Magha Bihu (Assam), The day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 25 / Magha 2 / Jan. 15
Makara Snana, Tila Samkranti, The day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 25 / Magha 2 / Jan. 15
Pongal (S. India) The day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 25 / Magha 2 / Jan. 15
Tai Pongal (Kerala) The day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 25 / Magha 2 / Jan. 15
(18 Ghatika rule)
65. Mattu Pongal or Kanumu The Day after Pongal Pausha 26 / Magha 3 / Jan. 16
66. Guru Gobind Singh,s Birthday Pausha S7 Pausha 27 / Magha 4 / Jan. 17
67. Netaji's Birthday Fixed Magha 3 / Magha 10 / Jan. 23
68. Republic Day Fixed Magha 6 / Magha 13 / Jan 26
69. Sri Panchami, Vasanta Panchami Magha S5 Magha 25 / Phalguna 2 / Feb 14
70. Shivaji Jayanti Fixed Magha 30 / Phalguna 7 / Feb 19
71. Guru Ravi Das's Birthday Magha S15 Phalguna 5 / Phalguna 12/ Feb 24
72. Birthday of Swami Dayananda Phalguna K10 (Purnimanta) Phalguna 16 / Phalguna 23 / Mar 6
Saraswati (Founder of Arya Samaj)
73. Maha Shivratri Magha K 14 Phalguna 18 / Phalguna 25 / Mar 8
74. Mahavishuva Day Day of Sun's entry into Trop. Phalguna 30 / Chaitra 6 / Mar 20
Aries (Midnight rule)
1946 S.E./5124 K.E./2024 A.D.
1. Indian New Year’s Day Fixed Chaitra 1 / Chaitra 7 / March 21
2. Holikadahana Phalguna S15(Night) Chaitra 4 / Chaitra 10 / March 24
3. Holi Dolayatra Day after Holikadahana Chaitra 5 / Chaitra 11 / March 25
Phalguna S15 Chaitra 5 / Chaitra 11 / March 25
4. Hola, Vasantatsava Phalguna K1 Chaitra 6 / Chaitra 12 / March 26
5. Chaitra Sukladi(GudiPadava,Ugadi), Chaitra S1 Chaitra 20 / Chaitra 26 / Apr 9
Cheti Chand (Sindhi New Year’s Day), Chaitra S1 Chaitra 20 / Chaitra 26 / Apr 9
Telugu New Year’s Day, Chaitra S1 Chaitra 20 / Chaitra 26 / Apr 9
Vasanta Navaratrarambha Chaitra S1 Chaitra 20 / Chaitra 26 / Apr 9
6. Sarhul (Bihar) Chaitra S3 Chaitra 22 / Chaitra 28 / Apr 11
7. Vaisakhi(Punjab,Hariyana,H.P.Delhi SauraVaisakhadi (Sunrise Rule) Chaitra 24 / Chaitra 30 / Apr 13
& Odisha),Visu(Kerala), SauraVaisakhadi (Sunrise Rule) Chaitra 24 / Chaitra 30 / Apr 13
Chaitra Samkranti, Chadak Puja SauraVaisakhadi (Midnight Rule) Chaitra 24 / Chaitra 30 / Apr 13
(Bengal), Cheiraoba(Manipur) SauraVaisakhadi (Midnight Chaitra 24 / Chaitra 30 / Apr 13
1946 S.E./ 5125 K.E. /2024 A.D.
8. Meshadi (T.N), Tamil New Year’s Day, SauraVaisakhadi (Sunset Rule) Chaitra 25 / Vaisakha 1 / Apr 14
Vaisakhadi (Bengal),Bahag Bihu Day following SauraVaisakhadi Chaitra 25 / Vaisakha 1 / Apr 14
(Assam), Shilhenba (Manipur), (Midnight Rule) Chaitra 25 / Vaisakha 1 / Apr 14
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Jayanti,Beginning Fixed Chaitra 25 / Vaisakha 1 / Apr 14
of 5125 K.E. Chaitra 25 / Vaisakha 1 / Apr 14
9. Vasanti Pujarambha Oli Begins (Jain) Chaitra S7 Chaitra 26 / Vaisakha 2 / Apr. 15
10. Rama Navami Eight days before Oli ends Chaitra 26 / Vaisakha 2 / Apr. 15
11. Mahavira Jayanti Chaitra S9 Chaitra 28 / Vaisakha 4 / Apr. 17
12. Oli Ends(Jain) Chaitra S13 Vaisakha 1 / Vaisakha 8 / Apr 21
Babu Kuer Singh Day(Bihar) Chaitra S15(Udayavyapini) Vaisakha 3 / Vaisakha 10 / Apr 23
13. May Day Fixed Vaisakha 3 / Vaisakha 10 / Apr 23
14. Tithi of Deva Damodara (Assam) Fixed Vaisakha 11 / Vaisakha 18 / May 1
Birthday of RabindranathTagore S1 of Saura Vaisakha Vaisakha 18 / Vaisakha 25 / May 8
15. Akshaya Tritiya 25 Vaisakha of Beng. Calendar Vaisakha 18 / Vaisakha 25 / May 8
16. Buddha Purnima Vaisakha S3 Vaisakha 20 / Vaisakha 27/ May 10
17. Pratap Jayanti (Rajasthan) Vaisakha S15 Jyaishtha 2 / Jyaishtha 9/ May 23
18. Guru Arjan Dev’s Martyrdom Day Jyaishtha S3 Jyaishtha 19 / Jyaishtha 26 / June 9
19. Rajas Samkranti (Odisha) Jyaishtha S4 Jyaishtha 20 / Jyaishtha 27 /June10
20. Rathayatra Saura Ashadhadi (Sunrise rule) Jyaishtha 24 / Jyaishtha 31/ June14
21. Kharchi Puja (Tripura) Ashadha S2 Ashadha 16 / Ashadha 23 / July 7
22. Ultaratha (Odisha),Bahudha Yatra Ashadha S8 Ashadha 23 / Ashadha 30 / July 14
9th day from Rathayatra Ashadha 24 / Ashadha 31 /July 15
Festivals Criterion Date

1946 S.E./ 5125 K.E./ 2024 A.D

23. Punaryatra Ashadha S10 Ashadha 25 / Sravana 1 / July 16
24. Tilak Commemoration Day Fixed Sravana 10 / Sravana 17 / Aug 1
25. Ker Puja (Tripura) First Tuesday or Saturday after 14 days Sravana 12 / Sravana 19 /Aug 3
from Kharchi Puja not falling on K10
26. Karkataka Vavu (Kerala) K30 of Saura Sravana Sravana 13 / Sravana 20 / Aug 4
27. Independence Day Fixed Sarvana 24 / Sravana 31 /Aug 15
Jhulana Yatrarambha Sravana S11 Sarvana 24 / Sravana 31 /Aug 15
28. Rik Upakarma Sravana Nak. of Chandra Sravana Sarvana 28 / Bhadra 4 /Aug 19
Raksha Bandhan Sravana S15 (Pradosa) Sarvana 28 / Bhadra 4 /Aug 19
Naroli Purnima Sravana S15 (Aparahna&Sayahna) Sarvana 28 / Bhadra 4 /Aug 19
Avani Avittam (S.India) Sravana S15 Sarvana 28 / Bhadra 4 /Aug 19
Solono (Rakhi Bandhan) Sravana S15 (Udayavyapini) Sarvana 28 / Bhadra 4 /Aug 19
Jhulana Yatra Samapanna Sravana S15 (Purvahna) Sarvana 28 / Bhadra 4 /Aug 19
29. Tithi of Sri Madhava Deva (Assam) K5 of Saura Bhadra Bhadra 1 / Bhadra 8 /Aug 23
30. Janmashtami Sravana K8 Bhadra 4 / Bhadra 11 /Aug 26
31. Gokulashtami (Nandotsava) Day after Janmashtami Bhadra 5 / Bhadra 12 /Aug 27
Sri Jayanti (Ramanuja) Rohini Nakshatra of Saura Bhadra Bhadra 5 / Bhadra 12 /Aug 27
32. Paryusana Parvarambha (Chaturthi 7 Days before Samvatsari Bhadra 9 / Bhadra 16 /Aug 31
Paksha-Jain) (Chaturthi Paksha)
33. ParyusanaParvarambha (Panchami 7 Days before Samvatsari Bhadra 10 / Bhadra 17 / Sep 1
Paksha-Jain) (Panchami Paksha)
34. Jain Festival Sravana K30 (Udayavyapini) Bhadra 12 / Bhadra 19 / Sep 3
35. Tithi of Sri Sankara Deva(Assam) S2 of Saura Bhadra Bhadra 14 / Bhadra 21 / Sep 5
36. Vinayak Chaturthi (Tamilnadu) S4 of Saura Bhadra Bhadra 16 / Bhadra 23 / Sep 7
Ganesha Chaturthi Bhadra S4 Bhadra 16 / Bhadra 23 / Sep 7
Samvatsari (Chaturthi Paksha-Jain) Bhadra S4 (Udayavyapini) Bhadra 16 / Bhadra 23 / Sep 7
37. Samvatsari (Panchami Paksha-Jain) Bhadra S5 (Current at Sunset) Bhadra 17 / Bhadra 24 / Sep 8
38. Radhashtami Bhadra S8 Bhadra 20 / Bhadra 27 / Sep 11
39. First Onam Day Day before Thiru Onam Day Bhadra 23 / Bhadra 30 / Sep 14
40. Onam or Thiru Onam Day Sravana Nak. of Saura Bhadra Bhadra 24 / Bhadra 31 / Sep 15
41. Third Onam Day Day after Thiru Onam Day Bhadra 25 / Asvina 1 / Sep 16
42. Fourth Onam Day Two Days after Thiru Onam Day Bhadra 26 / Asvina 2 / Sep 17
Ananta Chaturdasi Bhadra S14 Bhadra 26 / Asvina 2 / Sep 17
43. Samadhi Day of Narayana Guru (Kerala) Fixed Bhadra 30 / Asvina 6 / Sep 21
44. Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday Fixed Asvina 10 /Asvina 17 / Oct 2
Mahalaya Amavasya, Sarvapitri Bhadra K30 Asvina 10 /Asvina 17 / Oct 2
Amavasya,Tarpana Layba(Manipur) Bhadra K30 Asvina 10 /Asvina 17 / Oct 2
45. Saradiya Navaratrarambha Asvina S1 Asvina 11 /Asvina 18 / Oct 3
46. Oli Begins (Jain) Eight Days before Oli Ends Asvina 17 / Asvina 24 / Oct 9
47. Durga Puja Begins (Saptami) Asvina S7 Asvina 18 / Asvina 25 / Oct 10
48. Durga Puja (Mahashtami) Asvina S8 Asvina 19 / Asvina 26 / Oct 11
Durga Puja (Mahanavami) Asvina S9 Asvina 19 / Asvina 26 / Oct 11
Ayudha Puja Day before Dussehara Asvina 19 / Asvina 26 / Oct 11
49. Durga Puja (Mahanavami)(Bengal), Asvina S9 Asvina 20 / Asvina 27 / Oct 12
Vijaya Dasami (Dussehara or Dasahara) Asvina S10 (Aparahna) Asvina 20 / Asvina 27 / Oct 12
50. Vijaya Dasami (Bengal & Kerala) Asvina S10 (Purvahna) Asvina 21 / Asvina 28 / Oct 13
51. Kumara Purnima (Odisha) Asvina S15(Pradosa) Asvina 24 / Kartika 1 / Oct 16
Kojagori Lakshmi Puja (Bengal) Asvina S15(Pradosa) Asvina 24 / Kartika 1 / Oct 16
52. Kaveri Samkramana Snana Saura Kartikadi (Midnight Rule) Asvina 25 / Kartika 2 / Oct 17
Maharshi Valmiki’s Birthday, Asvina S15(Udayavyapini) Asvina 25 / Kartika 2 / Oct 17
Oli Ends (Jain) Asvina S15 (Udayavyapini) Asvina 25 / Kartika 2 / Oct 17
53. NarakaChaturdasi(Purvarunodaya), Asvina K14 (Purvarunodaya) Kartika 9 / Kartika 16 / Oct 31
Hanumajjanma, Asvina K14 (Udayavyapini) Kartika 9 / Kartika 16 / Oct 31
Dipavali (S.India), Asvina K14 Kartika 9 / Kartika 16 / Oct 31
Kali Puja, Dipavali Asvina K30 Kartika 9 / Kartika 16 / Oct 31
54. Kartika Sukladi Kartika S1 Kartika 11 / Kartika 18 / Nov 2
Govardhana Puja Kartika S1 Kartika 11 / Kartika 18 / Nov 2
Bali Puja Kartika S1 Kartika 11 / Kartika 18 / Nov 2
Festivals Criterion National / Nirayana/ Gregorian
1945 S.E./ 5124 K.E./ 2024 A.D.
55. Bhratri Dvitiya, Tikka Ceremony, Kartika S2 (Aparahna) Kartika 12 / Kartika 19 / Nov 3
Bhai Duj
Dwat Puja (Bihar) Kartika S2 (Purvahna) Kartika 12 / Kartika 19 / Nov 3
56. PratiharaShashthi or Surya Shashthi Kartika S6 Kartika 16 / Kartika 23 / Nov 7
(Chhat - Bihar)
57. Rasayatra Kartika S15 Kartika 24 / Agrahayana 1 / Nov 15
Kartiki Purnima, Kartika S15 Kartika 24 / Agrahayana 1 / Nov 15
Rathayatra (Jain), Kartika S15 (Udayavyapini) Kartika 24 / Agrahayana 1 / Nov 15
Guru Nanak’s Birthday, Puskar Fair Kartika S15 Kartika 24 / Agrahayana 1 / Nov 15
58. Prathamashtami (Odisha) Kartika K8 Agrahayana 2 / Agrahayana 9 / Nov 23
59. Guru Tegh Bahadur’s Martyrdom Day Fixed Agrahayana 3 /Agrahayana 10 / Nov 24
60. Huthri-3 Days (Coorg) S15 to K2 of Saura Margasirsha Agrahayana 24 / Pausha 1 / Dec 15
61. Jor Mela-3 Days (Punjab) Fixed Pausha 5 / Pausha 12 / Dec 26
1945 S.E./ 5124 K.E./ 2024 A.D.
62. Guru Gobind Singh’s Birthday Pausha S7 Pausha 16 / Pausha 23 / Jan 6
63. Vaikuntha Ekadasi (S.India) S11 of Saura Pausha Pausha 20 / Pausha 27 / Jan 10
64. Bhogi (S.India) Day before Pongal Pausha 23 / Pausha 30 / Jan 13
65. Makara Samkranti (Bengal) The Day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan 14
Magha Bihu (Assam) The Day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan 14
Makara Snana, Tila Samkranti, The Day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan 14
Pongal (S.India), The Day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan 14
Tai Pongal (Kerala) The Day of Saura Maghadi Pausha 24 / Magha 1 / Jan 14
(18 Ghatika rule)
66. Mattu Pongal or Kanumu The Day after Pongal Pausha 25 / Magha 2 / Jan 15
67. Netaji’s Birthday Fixed Magha 3 / Magha 10 / Jan 23
68. Republic Day Fixed Magha 6 / Magha 13 / Jan 26
69. Sri Panchami, Vasanta Panchami Magha S5 Magha 13 / Magha 20 / Feb 2
70. Guru Ravi Das’s Birthday Magha S15 Magha 23 / Magha 30 / Feb 12
71. Shivaji Jayanti Fixed Magha 30 / Phalguna 7/ Feb 19
72. Birthday of Swami Dayananda Saraswati Phalguna K10 (Purnimanta) Phalguna 4 / Phalguna 11 / Feb 23
(Founder of Arya Samaj)
73. Maha Shivaratri Magha K14 Phalguna 7 / Phalguna 14 / Feb 26
74. Holikadahana Phalguna S15(Night) Phalguna 22 / Phalguna 29 / Mar 13
75. Holi, Day after Holikadahana Phalguna 23 / Phalguna 30 / Mar 14
Dolayatra Phalguna S15 Phalguna 23 / Phalguna 30 / Mar 14
76. Hola, Vasantatsava Phalguna K1 Phalguna 24 / Chaitra 1 / Mar 15
77. Mahavisuva Day Day of Sun’s entry into Trop. Phalguna 29 / Chaitra 6 / Mar 20
Aries (Midnight rule)

Special Festivals for Jammu and Kashmir

National / Nirayana / Gregorian
Festivals Criterion
Saka 1945 / Kali 5124 / 2024 A.D

7. Lohri Day before Saura Maghadi Pausha 23/Pausha 30/ Jan 13

(Sunrise Rule)
Saka 1946/ Kali 5125/ 2024 A.D
1. Mela Bahu Fort Chaitra S 8 Chaitra 27 / Vaisakha 3 / Apr 16
2. Mela Kshir Bhawani Jyaishtha S 8 Jyaishtha 24 / Jyaishtha 31/ June 14
3. Guru Hargobind's Birthday Jyaishtha K 1 Ashadha 1 / Ashadha 8 / June 22
4. Martyr's Day Fixed Ashadha 22 / Ashadha 29 / July 13
5. Kailas Yatra-2 Days Sravana K 13 & K 14 Bhadra 9 / Bhadra 16 / Aug 31
6. Mela Pat - 3 Days Bhadra S 5 to S 7 Bhadra 17 / Bhadra 24 / Sep 8
Saka 1946 / Kali 5125 / 2025 A.D
7. Lohri Day before Saura Maghadi Pausha 23 / Pausha 30 / Jan 13
(Sunrise Rule )

Moslem Festival (2023-24 A.D.) 411

Festivals Criterion National/Nirayana/Gregorian
Saka 1946/Kali 5124/2024A.D
1. Shahadat-e-Hazrat Ali 21 Ramadan Chaitra 12/Chaitra 18/April 1
2. Jumatul Vida Last Friday of Ramadan Chaitra 16/Chaitra 22/April 5
3. Sab-e-Qadr* 27 Ramadan Chaitra 18/Chaitra 24/April 7
4. Id-ul-Fitr 1 Shawwal Chaitra 22/Chaitra 28/April 11
Saka1946/Kali 5125/2024 A.D
5. Id-uz-Zuha(Bakrid) 10 Zulhijja Jyaishtha 27/Ashadha 3/June17
6. Muharram 10 Muharram Ashadha 26/Sravana 2/July 17
7. Chelhum Fortieth Day from (39 days Bhadra 3/ Bhadra 10/Aug 25
8. Shahadat-e-Iman Hasan after) 10 Muharram
9. Akheri Chahar Shumba 28 Safar Bhadra 11/ Bhadra 18/Sep 2
10. Miland-un-Nabi or Id-e-Milad Last Wednesday of Safar Bhadra 13/ Bhadra 20/Sep 4
(Birthday of Prophet), 12 Rabiu'lawwal Bhadra 25/ Aavina 1/Sep 16
Fateha Dwaz Daham or Bara
11. Id-e-Maulad 17 Rabiu'lawwal Bhadra 30/ Aavina 6/Sep 21
12. FatehaYazdaham (Giarhween 11 Rabiu'ssani Aavina 23/ Aavina 30/Oct 15
Saka1946/Kali 5125/2025 A.D
13. Hazrat Ali's Birthday 13 Rajab Pausha24/ Magha 1/Jan 14
14. Sab-e-Miraj* 27 Rajab Magha 8/ Magha 15/Jan 28
15. Sab-e-Barat* 15 Shaban Magha 25/ Phalguna 2/Feb 14
16. First Day of Ramadan 1 Ramadan Phalguna 11/ Phalguna 18/Mar 02
Saka1947/Kali 5125/2025 A.D
1. Shahadat-e-Hazrat Ali 21 Ramadan Chaitra 1/Chaitra 8/Mar 22
2. Jumatul Vida Last Friday of Ramadan Chaitra 7/Chaitra 14/Mar 28
3. Sab-e-Qadr* 27 Ramadan Chaitra 7/Chaitra 14/Mar 28
4. Id-ul-Fitr 1 Shawwal Chaitra 10/Chaitra 17/Mar 31

*The festival is observed in the preceeding night

The Islamic Calendar (2024-25 A.D.)(Hejira: 1445-1446A.H.)

The beginning dates of the different months of the Islamic Calendar for the year 2024-25 A.D. determined on the
basis of the first visibility of the lunar crescent after the New-Moon day culculated for the Central Station of India
are as follows:-
1445A.H. 1445 A.H.
Rajab '' Jan. 13 2024A.D (30) Rabiu'l awwal " Sept 5 2024A.D. (30)
Shaban " Feb. 12 " (29) Rabiu's sani " Oct 5 " (30)
Ramadan " Mar. 12 " (30) Jumadu'l awwal " Nov 4 '' (30)
Shawwal " April 11 " (29) Jumadu's sani " Dec 4 " (29)
Zu'lqada " May 10 " (29) Rajab " Jan 2 2025 (29)
Zulhijja " June 08 " (30) Shaban " Jan 31 '' (30)
MUHARRAM1446A.H.July 08 '' (29) Ramadan '' March 2 '' (29)
Safar " Aug 06 " (30) Shawwal '' March 31 '' (30)

N.B.-Actually the months begin from sunset of the preceding day when the Moon becomes first visible.
*The moon may be visible on 22.03.2023 in western part of India.

Fixed Calendar

According to the Fixed Calendar the beginning dates of different months are as follows : Jan. 12(2024 A.D.), Feb. 11,
Mar. 11, Apr. 10, May 9, June 8, July 8, Aug. 7, Sept. 5, Oct. 5, Nov. 3, Dec. 3 , Jan. 1(2025 A.D.) Jan. 31, Mar. 1, Mar 31.
(As used by the Indian Parsis)
Yazdejardi Era : 1393 - 1394
The beginning dates of different months of the Parsi Shahenshahi Calendar are as follows :
As regards the Parsi Kadmi Calendar, the months are the same but they begin 30 days earlier.

Shahrivar 1393 Jan. 13 2024 A.D (30) Ardibehesht 1394 Sept. 14 2024 A.D (30)
Meher " Feb. 12 " (30) Khordad " Oct. 14 " (30)
Avan " Mar. 13 " (30) Tir " Nov. 13 " (30)
Adar " Apr. 12 " (30) Amardad " Dec. 13 " (30)
Dei " May 12 " (30) Shahrivar " Jan. 12 2025 A.D (30)
Bahman " June 11 " (30) Meher " Feb. 11 " (30)
Aspandad " July 11 " (30) Avan " Mar. 13 " (30)
Gathas(I-V) " Aug. 10 " ( 5) Adar " Apr. 12 " (30)
FARVARDIN 1394 Aug. 15 " (30) Dei " May 12 " (30)

Festivals Criterion Shahenshahi Kadmi
National / Nirayana / Gregorian National / Nirayana / Gregorian
Saka 1946/ Kali 5125/ 2024 A.D. Saka 1946/ Kali 5125/ 2024 A.D.
Zarthost-no-Diso 11 Dei Jyaishtha 1 / Jyaishtha 8 / May 22 Vaisakha 2/ Vaisakha 9/ Apr. 22
Gatha Gahambar Gatha III Sravana 21 / Sravana 28 / Aug. 12 Ashadha 22/ Ashadha 29/ July 13
Parsi New Year Eve Gatha V Sravana 23 / Sravana 30 / Aug. 14 Ashadha 24/ Ashadha 31/ July 15
Parsi New Year's Day 1 Farvardin Sravana 24 / Sravana 31 / Aug. 15 Ashadha 25/ Sravana 1/ July 16
Khordad Sal (Birthday 6 Farvardin Shravana 29 / Bhadra 5/ Aug. 20 Ashadha 30/ Sravana 6/ July 21
of Prophet Zarthost)

N.B.- Jamshedi Naoroj falls on March 21 every year

Jewish Era : 5784 - 85 A.M.
To beginning dates of different months of the Jewish Calendar are as follows:
5784 A.M. 5784 A.M.
Shebat " Jan. 11 2024A.D. (30) Ellul " Sep. 4 2024 A.D (29)
Vedar " Feb. 10 '' (30) TISHRI 5785 A.M. Oct. 3 " (30)
Adar " Mar. 11 " (29) Heshvan " Nov. 2 " (30)
Nisan " April 9 " (30) Kislev " Dec. 2 " (30)
Iyar " May 9 " (29) Tebeth " Jan. 1 2025 A.D (29)
Sivan " June 7 " (30) Shebat " Jan. 30 " (30)
Tammuz " July 7 " (29) Adar " Mar. 1 " (29)
Ab " Aug. 5 " (30) Nisan " Mar. 30 " (30)


Festivals Criterion Date

Saka 1946 / Kali 5124 / 2024 A.D.

Purim 14 Adar Chaitra 04 / Chaitra 10 /March 24
Saka 1946 / Kali 5125 / 2024 A.D.
First day of Passover (Pesach) 15 Nisan Vaisakha 3/ Vaisakha 10 / April 23
Feast of Weeks (Shebuoth) 6 Sivan Jyaishtha 22/ Jyaishtha 29/ June12
Tishabeab 9 Ab Sravana 22/ Sravana 29/ Aug 13
Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) 1 Tishri Asvina 11/ Asvina 18/ Oct 3
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 10 Tishri Asvina 20/ Asvina 27/ Oct 12
First day of Tabernacles (Succoth) 15 Tishri Asvina 25/ Kartika 2 / Oct 17
Last day of Succoth (SimhathTorah) 23 Tishri Kartika 3/ Kartika 10 / October 25
Hanukah 25 Kislev Pausha 5/ Pausha 12/ December 26
Saka 1946 / Kali 5125 / 2025 A.D.
Purim 14 Adar Phalguna 23/ Phalguna 30/ March 14
First day of Passover (Pesach) 15 Nisan Chaitra 23/ Chaitra 30/ April 13
Festivals Criterion Date
Saka 1945 / Kali 5124 / 2024 A.D.
1. Christian (English) New Year's Day Fixed Pausha 11 / Pausha 18 / Jan. 01
2. Epiphany Fixed Pausha 16 / Pausha 23 / Jan. 06
3. Septuagesima Sunday 63 days before Easter Sunday Magha 8 / Magha 15 / Jan 28
4. Quinquagesima (Shrove) Sunday 49 days before Easter Sunday Magha 22 / Magha 29 / Feb 11
5. Ash Wednesday 46 days before Easter Sunday Magha 25 / Phalguna 2 / Feb 14
Saka 1946 / Kali 5124 / 2024 A.D.
6. Palm Sunday 7 days before Easter Sunday Chaitra 4 / Chaitra 10 / Mar 24
7. Good Friday 2 days before Easter Sunday Chaitra 9 / Chaitra 15 / Mar 29
8. Easter (Holy) Saturday Day before Easter Sunday Chaitra 10 / Chaitra 16 / Mar 30
9. Easter Sunday First Sunday after the 14th day of Chaitra 11 / Chaitra 17 / Mar 31
the Moon (nearly Full
Moon) occurring on or
immediately after March 21
10. Low Sunday 7 days after Easter Sunday Chaitra 18 / Chaitra 24 / April 7
Saka 1946 / Kali 5125 / 2024 A.D.
11. Rogation Sunday 35 days after Easter Sunday Vaisakha 15 / Vaisakha 22 / May 5
12. Ascension Day-Holy Thursday 39 days after Easter Sunday Vaisakha 19 / Vaisakha 26 / May 9
13. Ascension Sunday 3 days after Ascension day Vaisakha 22 / Vaisakha 29 / May 12
14. Whit Sunday-Pentecost 49 days after Easter Sunday Vaisakha 29 / Jyaishtha 5 / May 19
15. Trinity Sunday 56 days after Easter Sunday Jyaishtha 5 / Jyaishtha 12 / May 26
16. Corpus Christi (Thursday) 60 days after Easter Sunday Jyaishtha 9 / Jyaishtha 16 / May 30
17. First Sunday in Advent Fourth Sunday before Agrahayana10/Agrahayana17/Dec1
Christmas, i.e.,Sunday nearest
to Nov.,30.
18. Christmas Eve Day before Christmas Pausha 3 / Pausha 10 / Dec. 24
19. Christmas Day Fixed Pausha 4 / Pausha 11 / Dec. 25
20. New Year Eve Fixed Pausha 10 /Pausha 17 /Dec. 31
Saka 1946 / Kali 5125 / 2025 A.D.
1. Christian (English) New Year’s Day Fixed Pausha 11 / Pausha 18 / Jan. 01
2 Epiphany Fixed Pausha 16 / Pausha 23 / Jan. 06
3. Septuagesima Sunday 63 days before Easter Sunday Magha 27/ Phalguna 4 / Feb 16
4. Quinquagesima (Shrove) Sunday 49 days before Easter Sunday Phalguna 11 / Phalguna 18 / Mar 2
5. Ash Wednesday 46 days before Easter Sunday Phalguna 14 / Phalguna 21 / Mar 5
Saka 1947 / Kali 5125 / 2025 A.D.
6. Palm Sunday 7 days before Easter Sunday Chaitra 23 / Chaitra 30 / April 13
Saka 1947 / Kali 5126/ 2025 A.D.
7. Good Friday 2 days before Easter Sunday Chaitra 28 / Vaisakha 5 / April 18
8. Easter (Holy) Saturday Day before Easter Sunday Chaitra 29 / Vaisakha 6 / April 19
9. Easter Sunday First Sunday after the 14th day of Chaitra 30 / Vaisakha 7 / April 20
the Moon (nearly Full
Moon) occurring on or
immediately after March 21
2006 2009 2012
(1927-28 S.E.) (1930-31 S.E.) (1933-34 S.E.)
d h m d h m d h m
Pausha --- --- ---
Magha Jan. 29 19 45 Jan. 26 13 25 Jan. 23 13 09
Phalguna Feb. 27 30 01 Feb. 25 07 05 Feb. 21 28 05
Chaitra Mar. 29 15 45 Mar. 26 21 36 Mar. 22 20 07
Vaisakha Apr. 27 25 14 Apr. 25 08 53 Apr. 21 12 48

Jyaishtha May 27 10 56 May 24 17 41 May 20 05 17

Ashadha June 25 21 35 June 22 25 05 June 19 20 32
Sravana July 25 10 01 July 22 08 05 July 19 09 54
Bhadra Aug. 23 24 40 Aug. 20 15 32 Aug. 17 21 24
Sept. 16 07 41
Asvina Sept. 22 17 15 Sept. 18 24 14 Oct. 15 17 33

Kartika Oct. 22 10 44 Oct. 18 11 03 Nov. 13 27 38

Margasirsha Nov. 20 27 48 Nov. 16 24 44 Dec. 13 14 12
Pausha Dec. 20 19 31 Dec. 17 17 32 ---
2007 2010 2013
(1928-29 S.E.) (1931-32 S.E.) (1934-35 S.E.)
d h m d h m d h m
Pausha --- --- Jan. 11 25 14
Magha Jan. 19 09 31 Jan. 15 12 41 Feb. 10 12 50
Phalguna Feb. 17 21 44 Feb. 14 08 21 Mar. 11 25 21
Chaitra Mar. 19 08 13 Mar. 15 26 31 Apr. 10 15 05
Vaisakha Apr. 17 17 06 Apr. 14 17 59 May 10 05 58
May 14 06 34
Jyaishtha May 16 24 57 June 12 16 45 June 8 21 26
June 15 08 43
Ashadha July 14 17 34 July 11 25 10 July 8 12 44
Sravana Aug. 12 28 33 Aug. 10 08 38 Aug. 6 27 21
Bhadra Sept. 11 18 14 Sept. 8 16 00 Sept. 5 17 06
Asvina Oct. 11 10 31 Oct. 7 24 15 Oct. 5 06 05

Kartika Nov. 09 28 33 Nov. 6 10 22 Nov. 3 18 20

Margasirsha Dec. 09 23 10 Dec. 5 23 06 Dec. 2 29 52
Pausha --- ---
2008 2011 2014
(1929-30 S.E.) (1932-33 S.E.) (1935-36 S.E.)
d h m d h m d h m
Pausha Jan. 08 17 17 Jan. 4 14 33 Jan. 1 16 44
Magha Feb. 07 09 14 Feb. 3 08 01 Jan. 30 27 09
Phalguna Mar. 07 22 44 Mar. 4 26 16 Feb. 1 13 30
Chaitra Apr. 06 09 25 Apr. 3 20 02 Mar. 30 24 15
05 17 48 3 12 21 29 11 44
Vaisakha May May Apr.
Jyaishtha June 03 24 53 June 1 26 33 May 28 24 10
Ashadha July 03 07 49 July 1 14 24 June 27 13 39
Sravana Aug. 01 15 43 July 30 24 10 July 26 28 12
Bhadra Aug. 30 25 28 Aug. 29 08 34 Aug. 25 19 43
Asvina Sept. 29 13 42 Sept. 27 16 39 Sept. 24 11 44

Kartika Oct. 28 28 44 Oct. 26 25 26 Oct. 23 27 27

Margasirsha Nov. 27 22 25 Nov. 25 11 40 Nov. 22 18 02
Pausha Dec. 27 17 52 Dec. 24 23 36 Dec. 22 07 06
N.B.-The figres in the italics show the beginning of the intercalary (mala or adhika ) month followed
by the normal (suddha or nija ) month of the same name.


2015 2018 2021 2024

(1936-37 S.E.) (1939-40 S.E.) (1942-43 S.E.) (1945-46 S.E.)
d h m d h m d h m d h m
Pausha --- --- Jan. 13 10 30 Jan. 11 17 27
Magha Jan. 20 18 44 Jan. 17 07 47 Feb. 11 24 36 Feb. 09 28 29
Phalguna Feb. 18 29 17 Feb. 15 26 35 Mar. 13 15 51 Mar. 10 14 30
Chaitra Mar. 20 15 06 Mar. 17 18 42 Apr. 12 08 01 Apr. 08 23 51
Vaisakha Apr. 18 24 27 Apr. 16 07 27 May 11 24 30 May 08 08 52
Jyaishtha May 18 09 43 May 15 17 18 June 10 16 23 June 06 18 08
June 13 25 13
Ashadha June 16 19 35 July 13 08 18 July 10 06 47 July 05 28 27
Sravana Aug. 14 20 23 Aug. 11 15 28 Aug. 08 19 20 Aug. 04 16 43
Bhadra Sept. 13 12 11 Sept. 9 23 32 Sept. 07 06 22 Sept. 03 07 26
Asvina Oct. 12 29 36 Oct. 9 09 17 Oct. 06 16 35 Oct. 02 24 19
Kartika Nov. 11 23 17 Nov. 7 21 32 Nov. 04 26 45 Nov. 01 17 18
Margasirsha Dec. 11 15 59 Dec. 7 12 50 Dec. 04 13 13 Dec. 01 11 51
Pausha --- --- --- Dec. 30 27 57
2016 2019 2022 2025
(1937-38 S.E.) (1940-41 S.E.) (1943-44 S.E.) (1946-47 S.E.)
d h m d h m d h m d h m
Pausha Jan. 10 07 01 Jan. 6 06 58 Jan. 02 24 04 ---
Magha Feb. 8 20 09 Feb. 4 26 34 Feb. 01 11 16 Jan. 29 18 06
Phalguna Mar. 9 07 25 Mar. 6 21 34 Mar. 02 23 05 Feb 27 30 15
Chaitra Apr. 7 16 54 Apr. 5 14 21 Apr. 01 11 54 Mar. 29 16 28
Vaisakha May 6 25 00 May 4 28 16 Apr. 30 25 58 Apr. 27 25 01
Jyaishtha June 5 08 30 June 3 15 32 May 30 17 00 May 27 8 32
Ashadha July 4 16 31 July 2 24 46 June 29 08 22 June 25 16 02
Sravana Aug. 2 26 15 Aug. 1 08 42 July 28 23 25 July 24 24 41
Bhadra Sept. 1 14 33 Aug. 30 16 7 Aug. 27 13 47 Aug. 23 11 37
Asvina Sept. 30 29 41 Sept. 28 23 56 Sept. 25 27 25 Sept. 21 25 24
Kartika Oct. 30 23 08 Oct. 28 09 9 Oct. 25 16 19 Oct. 21 17 55
Margasirsha Nov. 29 17 48 Nov. 26 20 36 Nov. 23 28 27 Nov. 20 12 17
Pausha Dec. 29 12 23 Dec. 26 10 43 Dec. 23 15 47 Dec. 20 07 13

2017 2020 2023 2026

(1938-39 S.E.) (1941-42 S.E.) (1944-45 S.E.) (1947-48 S.E.)
d h m d h m d h m d h m
Pausha --- --- --- ---
Magha Jan. 27 29 37 Jan. 24 27 12 Jan. 21 26 23 Jan. 18 25 22
Phalguna Feb. 26 20 28 Feb. 23 21 2 Feb. 20 12 36 Feb 17 17 31
Chaitra Mar. 28 08 27 Mar. 24 14 58 Mar. 21 22 53 Mar. 19 06 53
Vaisakha Apr. 26 17 46 Apr. 23 07 56 Apr. 20 09 43 Apr. 17 17 22
Jyaishtha May 25 25 14 May 22 23 9 May 19 21 23 May 16 25 31
June 15 08 24
Ashadha June 24 08 01 June 21 12 11 June 18 10 07 July 14 15 14
Sravana July 23 15 16 July 20 23 3 July 17 24 02 Aug. 12 23 07
Aug. 16 15 08
Bhadra Aug. 21 24 00 Aug. 19 08 12 Sept. 15 07 10 Sept. 11 08 57
Asvina Sept. 20 11 00 Sept. 17 16 30 Oct. 14 23 25 Oct. 10 21 20
Oct. 16 25 1
Kartika Oct. 19 24 42 Nov. 15 10 37 Nov. 13 14 57 Nov. 9 12 32
Margasirsha Nov. 18 17 12 Dec. 14 21 47 Dec. 12 29 02 Dec. 8 30 22
Pausha Dec. 18 12 00 --- --- ---
N.B.-The figres in the italics show the beginning of the intercalary(mala or adhika ) month followed
by the normal (suddha or nija ) month of the same name.

SAKA ERA 1947 Mesha : Madhava
Month of CHAITRA (30 days) Spring (Vasanta), 2nd Month
(Nirayana) 7 Chaitra, 5125 Kali Era to (Nirayana) 7 Vaisakha, 5126 Kali Era
Tithi Nakshatra Yoga
Date Week Gregorian Sunrise Apparent Sunset No. Ending No. Ending No. Ending
Day Date Noon Moment Moment Moment
h m h m h m h m h m h m
1 Sat Mar 22 6 02.2 12 06.8 18 11.7 K 8 29 23.9 19 27 23.6 17 18 36.3
2 Sun 23 6 01.2 12 06.5 18 12.1 9 29 38.6 20 28 18.4 18 17 58.6
3 Mon 24 6 00.2 12 06.2 18 12.4 K 10 29 05.7 21 28 26.9 19 16 44.5
4 Tue 25 5 59.2 12 05.9 18 12.8 11 27 45.9 22 27 49.5 20 14 53.1
5 Wed 26 5 58.3 12 05.6 18 13.2 12 25 43.2 23 26 29.7 21 12 25.4

6 Thu 27 5 57.3 12 05.3 18 13.6 13 23 03.8 24 24 33.7 22 9 24.8

7 Fri 28 5 56.3 12 05.0 18 13.9 14 19 55.6 25 22 09.5 23 5 56.5
(24 26 06.9)
8 Sat 29 5 55.3 12 04.7 18 14.3 K 30 16 27.8 26 19 26.6 25 22 03.3
9 Sun 30 5 54.4 12 04.4 18 14.7 S 1 12 49.8 27 16 35.0 26 17 53.7
10 Mon 31 5 53.4 12 04.1 18 15.1 2 9 11.6 1 13 45.1 27 13 46.0
(3 29 42.8)

11 Tue Apr. 1 5 52.4 12 03.8 18 15.4 4 26 32.9 2 11 06.8 1 9 48.0

12 Wed 2 5 51.5 12 03.5 18 15.8 S 5 23 50.3 3 8 49.8 2 6 07.1
(3 26 49.8)
13 Thu 3 5 50.5 12 03.2 18 16.2 6 21 42.0 4 7 02.4 4 24 01.4
14 Fri 4 5 49.6 12 03.0 18 16.5 7 20 13.3 5 5 51.2 5 21 45.3
(6 29 20.6)
15 Sat 5 5 48.6 12 02.7 18 16.9 8 19 27.0 7 29 32.1 6 20 03.3

16 Sun 6 5 47.7 12 02.4 18 17.3 9 19 23.6 8 --- --- 7 18 55.1

17 Mon 7 5 46.7 12 02.1 18 17.7 S 10 20 00.6 8 6 24.9 8 18 18.7
18 Tue 8 5 45.8 12 01.8 18 18.1 11 21 13.5 9 7 55.1 9 18 10.3
19 Wed 9 5 44.9 12 01.5 18 18.4 12 22 56.0 10 9 57.3 10 18 25.3
20 Thu 10 5 43.9 12 01.3 18 18.8 13 25 01.2 11 12 24.7 11 18 58.7

21 Fri 11 5 43.0 12 01.0 18 19.2 14 27 22.1 12 15 10.4 12 19 45.2

22 Sat 12 5 42.1 12 00.8 18 19.6 S 15 --- --- 13 18 07.8 13 20 40.2
23 Sun 13 5 41.2 12 00.5 18 20.0 S 15 5 52.2 14 21 10.8 14 21 39.2
24 Mon 14 5 40.3 12 00.2 18 20.4 K 1 8 25.5 15 24 13.7 15 22 38.0
25 Tue 15 5 39.5 12 00.0 18 20.8 2 10 56.0 16 27 10.5 16 23 32.5

26 Wed 16 5 38.6 11 59.8 18 21.2 3 13 17.6 17 --- --- 17 24 18.2

27 Thu 17 5 37.7 11 59.5 18 21.6 4 15 23.9 17 5 55.2 18 24 50.1
28 Fri 18 5 36.9 11 59.3 18 22.0 K 5 17 07.9 18 8 21.1 19 25 03.3
29 Sat 19 5 36.0 11 59.1 18 22.4 6 18 22.5 19 10 21.1 20 24 52.3
30 Sun 20 5 35.2 11 58.9 18 22.8 K 7 19 01.2 20 11 48.5 21 24 12.5
N.B. - All timings are given in I.S.T. or the local mean time of the meridian of 82½° E. Long.
Names of Nakshatras:- 1.Asvini 2.Bharani 3.Krittika 4.Rohini 5.Mrigasiras 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu 8.Pushya 9.Aslesha 10.Magha
11.Purva Phalguni 12.Uttara Phalguni 13.Hasta 14.Chitra 15.Svati 16.Visakha 17.Anuradha 18.Jyestha 19.Mula 20.Purvasadha
21.Uttarasadha 22.Sravana 23.Dhanistha 24.Satabhisaj 25.Purva Bhadrapada 26.Uttara Bhadrapada 27.Revati
Names of Yogas:- 1.Viskumbha 2.Priti 3.Ayusman 4.Saubhagya 5.Sobhana 6.Atiganda 7.Sukarma 8.Dhriti 9.Sula 10.Ganda 11. Vriddhi
12.Dhruva 13.Vyaghata 14.Harshana 15.Vajra 16.Siddhi (Asrik) 17.Vyatipata 18.Variyan 19.Parigha 20.Siva 21.Siddha 22.Sadhya
23.Subha 24.Sukla (Sukra) 25.Brahma 26.Indra 27.Vaidhriti

Date Ayanamsa Date Ayanamsa Date Ayanamsa Date Ayanamsa
2024 2024 2024 2024-25
º ' " º ' " º ' " º ' "
Jan. 1 24 11 27.1 Apr 30 24 11 43.7 Aug. 28 24 12 04.0 Dec. 26 24 12 21.4
4 24 11 27.3 May 3 24 11 44.2 Sept. 31 24 12 04.6 29 24 12 22.1
7 24 11 27.7 6 24 11 44.4 3 24 12 04.9 Jan. 1 24 12 23.0
10 24 11 28.6 9 24 11 44.8 6 24 12 04.9 4 24 12 23.7
13 24 11 29.5 12 24 11 45.6 9 24 12 05.0 7 24 12 23.9
16 24 11 29.9 15 24 11 46.2 12 24 12 05.6 10 24 12 24.4
19 24 11 30.2 18 24 11 46.5 15 24 12 06.2 13 24 12 25.4
22 24 11 30.8 21 24 11 46.7 18 24 12 06.4 16 24 12 26.1
25 24 11 31.6 24 24 11 47.2 21 24 12 06.5 19 24 12 26.4
28 24 11 32.1 27 24 11 48.1 24 24 12 07.0 22 24 12 26.6
31 24 11 32.3 30 24 11 48.8 27 24 12 07.6 25 24 12 27.2
Feb. 3 24 11 32.5 June 2 24 11 49.0 Oct. 30 24 12 07.9 28 24 12 28.0
6 24 11 33.2 5 24 11 49.5 3 24 12 07.9 Feb. 31 24 12 28.6
9 24 11 34.0 8 24 11 50.3 6 24 12 08.0 3 24 12 28.7
12 24 11 34.3 11 24 11 51.1 9 24 12 08.5 6 24 12 29.1
15 24 11 34.5 14 24 11 51.5 12 24 12 09.2 9 24 12 29.9
18 24 11 35.0 17 24 11 51.7 15 24 12 09.5 12 24 12 30.5
21 24 11 35.7 20 24 11 52.3 18 24 12 09.5 15 24 12 30.7
24 24 11 36.1 23 24 11 53.2 21 24 12 10.1 18 24 12 30.8
27 24 11 36.1 26 24 11 53.9 24 24 12 10.8 21 24 12 31.2
Mar. 1 24 11 36.2 29 24 11 54.2 27 24 12 11.2 24 24 12 31.8
4 24 11 36.7 July 2 24 11 54.6 30 24 12 11.3 27 24 12 32.4
7 24 11 37.4 5 24 11 55.5 Nov. 2 24 12 11.5 Mar. 2 24 12 32.4
10 24 11 37.7 8 24 11 56.3 5 24 12 12.1 5 24 12 32.6
13 24 11 37.7 11 24 11 56.7 8 24 12 12.8 8 24 12 33.3
16 24 11 38.1 14 24 11 56.9 11 24 12 13.3 11 24 12 33.9
19 24 11 38.8 17 24 11 57.3 14 24 12 13.4 14 24 12 34.0
22 24 11 39.1 20 24 11 58.2 17 24 12 14.0 17 24 12 34.0
25 24 11 39.2 23 24 11 58.9 20 24 12 15.0 20 24 12 34.3
28 24 11 39.2 26 24 11 59.2 23 24 12 15.5 23 24 12 34.8
31 24 11 39.6 29 24 11 59.5 26 24 12 15.7 26 24 12 35.4
Apr. 3 24 11 40.3 Aug. 1 24 12 00.2 29 24 12 16.1 29 24 12 35.4
6 24 11 40.7 4 24 12 00.9 Dec. 2 24 12 16.7 Apr. 1 24 12 35.6
9 24 11 40.7 7 24 12 01.2 5 24 12 17.6 4 24 12 36.3
12 24 11 41.1 10 24 12 01.3 8 24 12 18.2 7 24 12 36.9
15 24 11 41.8 13 24 12 01.6 11 24 12 18.5 10 24 12 37.0
18 24 11 42.3 16 24 12 02.3 14 24 12 19.1 13 24 12 37.1
21 24 11 42.4 19 24 12 03.0 17 24 12 20.1 16 24 12 37.3
24 24 11 42.5 22 24 12 03.2 20 24 12 20.8 19 24 12 38.0
27 24 11 43.0 25 24 12 03.4 23 24 12 21.1 22 24 12 38.6
30 24 11 43.7 Aug. 28 24 12 04.0 Dec. 26 24 12 21.4 Apr. 25 24 12 38.8

Mean Ayanamsa= 23⁰51′25″.53 for J2000.0

Mean Ayanamsa= 24⁰11′32″.30+ precession from 2024.0 to date
Mean Ayanamsa= 24⁰12′22″.70+ precession from 2025.0 to date
True Ayanamsa= Mean Ayanamsa+ nutation in longitude



Date Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' "
Jan. 0 279 47 35 280 34 19 258 35 46 326 38 07 122 14 28 73 19 23 344 26 57
1 280 48 46 293 54 10 259 52 08 327 42 41 121 55 06 73 12 56 344 31 27
2 281 49 57 307 26 42 261 10 04 328 46 57 121 35 07 73 06 37 344 36 01
3 282 51 07 321 09 10 262 29 24 329 50 55 121 14 35 73 00 27 344 40 41
4 283 52 18 334 59 03 263 49 59 330 54 34 120 53 31 72 54 25 344 45 25
5 284 53 28 348 54 25 265 11 42 331 57 53 120 31 59 72 48 33 344 50 13
6 285 54 37 2 54 01 266 34 27 333 00 51 120 09 59 72 42 49 344 55 06
7 286 55 47 16 57 10 267 58 08 334 03 29 119 47 36 72 37 16 345 00 04
8 287 56 56 31 03 18 269 22 41 335 05 44 119 24 51 72 31 53 345 05 06
9 288 58 04 45 11 31 270 48 03 336 07 36 119 01 47 72 26 39 345 10 13
10 289 59 12 59 20 05 272 14 09 337 09 05 118 38 26 72 21 36 345 15 24
11 291 00 19 73 26 15 273 40 57 338 10 09 118 14 53 72 16 43 345 20 39
12 292 01 26 87 26 17 275 08 25 339 10 47 117 51 08 72 12 01 345 25 59
13 293 02 33 101 15 60 276 36 32 340 10 59 117 27 16 72 07 29 345 31 22
14 294 03 39 114 51 18 278 05 16 341 10 44 117 03 18 72 03 09 345 36 50
15 295 04 45 128 09 02 279 34 35 342 09 59 116 39 17 71 58 59 345 42 22
16 296 05 50 141 07 23 281 04 29 343 08 46 116 15 16 71 55 00 345 47 57
17 297 06 55 153 46 14 282 34 58 344 07 02 115 51 19 71 51 13 345 53 36
18 298 07 60 166 07 09 284 06 01 345 04 47 115 27 27 71 47 36 345 59 19
19 299 09 04 178 13 06 285 37 37 346 01 60 115 03 43 71 44 12 346 05 06
20 300 10 07 190 08 13 287 09 48 346 58 39 114 40 11 71 40 58 346 10 56
21 301 11 11 201 57 24 288 42 32 347 54 43 114 16 53 71 37 57 346 16 50
22 302 12 14 213 45 57 290 15 51 348 50 11 113 53 51 71 35 07 346 22 48
23 303 13 16 225 39 22 291 49 45 349 45 02 113 31 09 71 32 29 346 28 49
24 304 14 19 237 42 52 293 24 14 350 39 15 113 08 48 71 30 03 346 34 53
25 305 15 20 250 01 07 294 59 18 351 32 47 112 46 52 71 27 49 346 41 01
26 306 16 22 262 37 50 296 34 60 352 25 38 112 25 22 71 25 47 346 47 12
27 307 17 22 275 35 21 298 11 19 353 17 46 112 04 22 71 23 58 346 53 27
28 308 18 22 288 54 19 299 48 15 354 09 09 111 43 53 71 22 21 346 59 44
29 309 19 21 302 33 31 301 25 51 354 59 45 111 23 57 71 20 55 347 06 05
30 310 20 19 316 29 58 303 04 06 355 49 33 111 04 36 71 19 43 347 12 28
31 311 21 16 330 39 24 304 43 01 356 38 31 110 45 53 71 18 42 347 18 55



Date Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' "
Feb. 1 312 22 12 344 56 51 306 22 38 357 26 36 110 27 48 71 17 54 347 25 24
2 313 23 07 359 17 31 308 02 57 358 13 46 110 10 23 71 17 18 347 31 56
3 314 24 00 13 37 16 309 43 59 358 59 59 109 53 41 71 16 54 347 38 30
4 315 24 52 27 52 60 311 25 45 359 45 13 109 37 41 71 16 43 347 45 08
5 316 25 43 42 02 36 313 08 16 0 29 24 109 22 26 71 16 44 347 51 47
6 317 26 32 56 04 43 314 51 31 1 12 31 109 07 56 71 16 58 347 58 30
7 318 27 19 69 58 21 316 35 32 1 54 31 108 54 11 71 17 24 348 05 14
8 319 28 06 83 42 36 318 20 19 2 35 21 108 41 13 71 18 02 348 12 01
9 320 28 50 97 16 25 320 05 51 3 14 58 108 29 02 71 18 52 348 18 51
10 321 29 34 110 38 35 321 52 09 3 53 19 108 17 38 71 19 54 348 25 42
11 322 30 15 123 47 53 323 39 12 4 30 22 108 07 01 71 21 09 348 32 36
12 323 30 56 136 43 17 325 26 59 5 06 02 107 57 12 71 22 35 348 39 31
13 324 31 34 149 24 16 327 15 28 5 40 18 107 48 11 71 24 13 348 46 28
14 325 32 12 161 51 00 329 04 37 6 13 05 107 39 57 71 26 03 348 53 28
15 326 32 48 174 04 33 330 54 23 6 44 21 107 32 31 71 28 04 349 00 29
16 327 33 22 186 06 54 332 44 43 7 14 02 107 25 53 71 30 17 349 07 31
17 328 33 56 198 00 53 334 35 32 7 42 04 107 20 02 71 32 42 349 14 36
18 329 34 28 209 50 11 336 26 43 8 08 25 107 14 59 71 35 19 349 21 42
19 330 34 58 221 39 03 338 18 10 8 33 01 107 10 42 71 38 07 349 28 50
20 331 35 28 233 32 15 340 09 44 8 55 47 107 07 13 71 41 07 349 35 59
21 332 35 56 245 34 44 342 01 13 9 16 41 107 04 30 71 44 18 349 43 10
22 333 36 23 257 51 23 343 52 25 9 35 38 107 02 33 71 47 40 349 50 22
23 334 36 49 270 26 43 345 43 06 9 52 36 107 01 21 71 51 14 349 57 36
24 335 37 13 283 24 18 347 32 58 10 07 29 107 00 55 71 54 58 350 04 50
25 336 37 36 296 46 25 349 21 42 10 20 15 107 01 13 71 58 54 350 12 06
26 337 37 57 310 33 25 351 08 54 10 30 49 107 02 16 72 03 01 350 19 23
27 338 38 17 324 43 28 352 54 10 10 39 09 107 04 03 72 07 19 350 26 41
28 339 38 35 339 12 30 354 37 02 10 45 11 107 06 32 72 11 47 350 34 00



Date Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' "
Mar 1 340 38 51 353 54 35 356 17 01 10 48 52 107 09 44 72 16 26 350 41 20
2 341 39 05 8 42 36 357 53 34 10 50 09 107 13 39 72 21 16 350 48 40
3 342 39 18 23 29 21 359 26 08 10 48 59 107 18 14 72 26 16 350 56 01
4 343 39 28 38 08 22 0 54 09 10 45 20 107 23 30 72 31 27 351 03 23
5 344 39 37 52 34 42 2 17 02 10 39 11 107 29 27 72 36 48 351 10 46
6 345 39 43 66 45 04 3 34 12 10 30 31 107 36 02 72 42 19 351 18 09
7 346 39 47 80 37 51 4 45 05 10 19 19 107 43 16 72 48 01 351 25 32
8 347 39 49 94 12 48 5 49 11 10 05 37 107 51 07 72 53 52 351 32 56
9 348 39 49 107 30 32 6 46 00 9 49 25 107 59 35 72 59 53 351 40 20
10 349 39 47 120 32 12 7 35 06 9 30 46 108 08 39 73 06 03 351 47 44
11 350 39 42 133 19 14 8 16 08 9 09 45 108 18 18 73 12 23 351 55 09
12 351 39 36 145 53 03 8 48 47 8 46 25 108 28 31 73 18 52 352 02 33
13 352 39 27 158 15 08 9 12 52 8 20 54 108 39 18 73 25 31 352 09 57
14 353 39 16 170 26 55 9 28 16 7 53 18 108 50 38 73 32 19 352 17 22
15 354 39 04 182 30 01 9 34 60 7 23 46 109 02 29 73 39 15 352 24 46
16 355 38 49 194 26 10 9 33 10 6 52 27 109 14 52 73 46 21 352 32 10
17 356 38 32 206 17 31 9 23 01 6 19 33 109 27 46 73 53 35 352 39 34
18 357 38 14 218 06 35 9 04 56 5 45 15 109 41 10 74 00 58 352 46 57
19 358 37 54 229 56 24 8 39 26 5 09 47 109 55 04 74 08 30 352 54 21
20 359 37 32 241 50 27 8 07 11 4 33 23 110 09 26 74 16 11 353 01 44
21 0 37 09 253 52 40 7 28 57 3 56 16 110 24 17 74 23 60 353 09 06
22 1 36 43 266 07 17 6 45 40 3 18 41 110 39 35 74 31 57 353 16 28
23 2 36 16 278 38 40 5 58 19 2 40 55 110 55 21 74 40 02 353 23 49
24 3 35 47 291 30 53 5 07 59 2 03 11 111 11 33 74 48 15 353 31 10
25 4 35 17 304 47 21 4 15 46 1 25 46 111 28 11 74 56 37 353 38 30
26 5 34 45 318 30 11 3 22 49 0 48 54 111 45 14 75 05 06 353 45 49
27 6 34 10 332 39 37 2 30 12 0 12 50 112 02 43 75 13 43 353 53 07
28 7 33 34 347 13 26 1 38 57 359 37 47 112 20 35 75 22 28 354 00 24
29 8 32 56 2 06 44 0 50 01 359 03 57 112 38 52 75 31 20 354 07 40
30 9 32 16 17 12 08 0 04 14 358 31 34 112 57 32 75 40 19 354 14 55
31 10 31 34 32 20 34 359 22 18 358 00 47 113 16 36 75 49 26 354 22 09



Date Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn

° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' "
Apr. 1 11 30 50 47 22 43 358 44 47 357 31 47 113 36 02 75 58 40 354 29 22
2 12 30 03 62 10 15 358 12 09 357 04 42 113 55 49 76 08 01 354 36 33
3 13 29 15 76 37 04 357 44 44 356 39 40 114 15 59 76 17 30 354 43 44
4 14 28 24 90 39 42 357 22 45 356 16 47 114 36 29 76 27 05 354 50 52
5 15 27 31 104 17 14 357 06 18 355 56 09 114 57 19 76 36 46 354 57 59
6 16 26 35 117 30 48 356 55 27 355 37 51 115 18 30 76 46 35 355 05 05
7 17 25 37 130 22 57 356 50 10 355 21 54 115 39 59 76 56 29 355 12 09
8 18 24 37 142 56 54 356 50 21 355 08 23 116 01 47 77 06 30 355 19 11
9 19 23 34 155 16 09 356 55 54 354 57 19 116 23 54 77 16 38 355 26 11
10 20 22 29 167 24 04 357 06 37 354 48 42 116 46 18 77 26 51 355 33 10
11 21 21 22 179 23 42 357 22 21 354 42 32 117 08 60 77 37 10 355 40 06
12 22 20 13 191 17 43 357 42 54 354 38 48 117 31 59 77 47 35 355 47 01
13 23 19 02 203 08 27 358 08 04 354 37 30 117 55 14 77 58 06 355 53 54
14 24 17 49 214 57 58 358 37 38 354 38 35 118 18 46 78 08 43 356 00 44
15 25 16 34 226 48 14 359 11 25 354 42 01 118 42 34 78 19 25 356 07 33
16 26 15 17 238 41 18 359 49 12 354 47 45 119 06 38 78 30 13 356 14 19
17 27 13 59 250 39 24 0 30 49 354 55 44 119 30 56 78 41 06 356 21 04
18 28 12 39 262 45 10 1 16 03 355 05 55 119 55 30 78 52 05 356 27 46
19 29 11 17 275 01 34 2 04 45 355 18 14 120 20 19 79 03 08 356 34 25
20 30 09 53 287 32 00 2 56 45 355 32 38 120 45 22 79 14 17 356 41 03


Date Declination Latitude Declination Date Declination Latitude Declination
of Sun of Moon of Moon of Sun of Moon of Moon
° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° '
Jan. 0 -23 04.6 -4 56.0 -27 56.1 Feb. 1 -17 05.4 -1 10.8 -7 01.1
1 22 59.9 4 36.6 25 51.8 2 16 48.2 +0 06.2 -0 11.2
2 22 54.7 4 01.4 22 17.8 3 16 30.6 1 22.8 +6 38.8
3 22 49.1 3 11.8 17 28.4 4 16 12.8 2 34.1 13 07.0
4 22 43.0 2 10.4 11 42.3 5 15 54.7 3 35.4 18 51.7
5 22 36.4 -1 00.7 -5 19.2 6 15 36.4 4 23.2 23 31.9
6 22 29.4 +0 13.1 +1 21.2 7 15 17.7 4 55.0 26 48.3
7 22 22.0 1 26.5 7 59.5 8 14 58.8 5 09.4 28 26.4
8 22 14.1 2 34.8 14 15.5 9 14 39.7 5 06.3 28 20.2
9 22 05.8 3 33.8 19 47.8 10 14 20.3 4 46.5 26 34.3
10 21 57.0 4 19.7 24 13.8 11 14 00.7 4 11.7 23 22.6
11 21 47.9 4 49.6 27 12.0 12 13 40.9 3 24.5 19 04.3
12 21 38.3 5 01.9 28 26.6 13 13 20.8 2 27.9 13 59.3
13 21 28.2 4 56.3 27 52.8 14 13 00.5 1 25.0 8 25.6
14 21 17.8 4 33.8 25 38.6 15 12 40.0 +0 19.1 +2 38.7
15 21 07.0 3 56.8 22 02.2 16 12 19.3 -0 46.7 -3 08.6
16 20 55.7 3 08.1 17 25.5 17 11 58.4 1 49.9 8 45.5
17 20 44.1 2 11.1 12 09.7 18 11 37.3 2 48.0 14 02.0
18 20 32.1 1 09.0 6 32.2 19 11 16.0 3 39.0 18 47.8
19 20 19.6 +0 04.9 +0 47.0 20 10 54.5 4 20.8 22 51.8
20 20 06.8 -0 58.7 -4 54.8 21 10 32.9 4 51.9 26 01.2
21 19 53.7 1 59.3 10 23.8 22 10 11.1 5 10.3 28 02.0
22 19 40.1 2 54.7 15 30.6 23 9 49.1 5 14.5 28 40.8
23 19 26.2 3 43.0 20 04.8 24 9 27.0 5 03.0 27 47.3
24 19 11.9 4 22.1 23 54.1 25 9 04.8 4 35.1 25 17.9
25 18 57.2 4 50.0 26 43.8 26 8 42.4 3 50.6 21 17.1
26 18 42.3 5 04.6 28 18.1 27 8 19.9 2 50.9 15 57.8
27 18 26.9 5 04.2 28 23.2 28 -7 57.2 -1 38.9 -9 38.7
28 18 11.3 4 47.6 26 51.0
29 17 55.3 4 14.4 23 42.8
30 17 39.0 3 25.4 19 09.2
31 -17 22.3 2 22.9 -13 28.0


Date Declination Latitude Declination Date Declination Latitude Declination
of Sun of Moon of Moon of Sun of Moon of Moon
° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° '
Mar. 1 -7 34.5 -0 19.3 -2 42.9 Apr. 1 +4 33.2 +4 02.6 +20 53.7
2 7 11.6 +1 02.2 +4 24.4 2 4 56.4 4 46.4 25 16.2
3 6 48.6 2 19.5 11 16.9 3 5 19.4 5 10.7 27 55.1
4 6 25.6 3 26.9 17 28.9 4 5 42.3 5 15.6 28 41.9
5 6 02.4 4 20.2 22 36.3 5 6 05.2 5 02.5 27 41.0
6 5 39.2 4 56.6 26 18.3 6 6 27.9 4 33.4 25 07.4
7 5 15.9 5 14.7 28 20.3 7 6 50.5 3 51.2 21 20.7
8 4 52.5 5 14.8 28 36.9 8 7 13.0 2 58.8 16 40.8
9 4 29.1 4 57.8 27 12.8 9 7 35.4 1 59.0 11 25.4
10 4 05.6 4 25.8 24 21.5 10 7 57.6 +0 54.8 5 49.1
11 3 42.0 3 41.0 20 20.9 11 8 19.7 -0 11.1 +0 04.3
12 3 18.5 2 46.1 15 29.7 12 8 41.7 1 15.8 -5 37.9
13 2 54.8 1 44.3 10 05.2 13 9 03.5 2 16.9 11 06.7
14 2 31.2 +0 38.5 +4 22.4 14 9 25.2 3 11.9 16 11.2
15 2 07.5 -0 28.4 -1 25.7 15 9 46.7 3 58.5 20 39.8
16 1 43.8 1 33.3 7 07.5 16 10 08.1 4 35.0 24 20.1
17 1 20.1 2 33.8 12 32.1 17 10 29.2 4 59.7 26 59.2
18 0 56.4 3 27.5 17 28.8 18 10 50.3 5 11.4 28 25.4
19 0 32.7 4 12.3 21 46.3 19 11 11.1 5 09.2 28 29.5
20 -0 08.9 4 46.6 25 12.4 20 +11 31.8 -4 52.3 -27 07.1
21 +0 14.8 5 08.8 27 34.4
22 0 38.5 5 17.4 28 40.2
23 1 02.1 5 11.4 28 20.1
24 1 25.8 4 49.9 26 29.3
25 1 49.4 4 12.5 23 08.9
26 2 13.0 3 19.7 18 26.6
27 2 36.5 2 13.2 12 35.8
28 2 60.0 -0 56.3 -5 54.7
29 3 23.4 +0 26.0 +1 14.2
30 3 46.7 1 47.5 8 24.6
31 +4 10.0 +3 01.6 +15 07.6

h m
Date Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn
Latitude Declination Latitude Declination Latitude Declination Latitude Declination Latitude Declination

° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° '

Jan. 0 +1 15.3 -21 41.9 -1 28.4 -14 01.2 +3 52.7 +23 26.1 -0 36.3 +21 47.8 -1 58.8 -7 56.9
2 0 58.4 22 10.4 1 20.1 13 08.9 3 57.0 23 39.3 0 35.9 21 46.7 1 58.5 7 53.1
4 0 41.7 22 36.0 1 11.2 12 15.6 4 01.0 23 52.6 0 35.5 21 45.5 1 58.3 7 49.2
6 0 25.3 22 58.3 1 01.7 11 21.5 4 04.7 24 05.7 0 35.1 21 44.5 1 58.0 7 45.3
8 +0 09.4 23 16.8 0 51.7 10 26.6 4 08.0 24 18.7 0 34.7 21 43.5 1 57.8 7 41.1
10 -0 06.0 23 31.1 0 41.0 9 31.2 4 10.9 24 31.4 0 34.3 21 42.6 1 57.5 7 36.9
12 0 20.7 23 41.0 0 29.7 8 35.2 4 13.4 24 43.6 0 33.8 21 41.7 1 57.3 7 32.6
14 0 34.8 23 46.2 0 17.8 7 38.9 4 15.5 24 55.3 0 33.4 21 41.0 1 57.1 7 28.2
16 0 48.1 23 46.6 -0 05.3 6 42.3 4 17.2 25 06.4 0 33.0 21 40.3 1 56.9 7 23.7
18 1 00.6 23 41.8 +0 07.8 5 45.5 4 18.4 25 16.8 0 32.6 21 39.8 1 56.7 7 19.1
20 1 12.2 23 31.8 0 21.5 4 48.8 4 19.2 25 26.3 0 32.1 21 39.3 1 56.5 7 14.4
22 1 22.9 23 16.5 0 35.8 3 52.1 4 19.6 25 35.1 0 31.7 21 39.0 1 56.3 7 09.6
24 1 32.5 22 55.8 0 50.7 2 55.6 4 19.5 25 42.9 0 31.3 21 38.7 1 56.1 7 04.7
26 1 41.1 22 29.4 1 06.2 1 59.4 4 19.1 25 49.9 0 30.8 21 38.5 1 55.9 6 59.8
28 1 48.5 21 57.5 1 22.3 1 03.7 4 18.2 25 55.9 0 30.4 21 38.5 1 55.8 6 54.7
30 1 54.6 21 19.8 1 39.1 -0 08.6 4 17.0 26 01.0 0 30.0 21 38.6 1 55.6 6 49.6
Feb. 1 1 59.5 20 36.3 1 56.4 +0 45.8 4 15.4 26 05.2 0 29.5 21 38.8 1 55.5 6 44.5
3 2 02.9 19 47.1 2 14.3 1 39.4 4 13.5 26 08.6 0 29.1 21 39.1 1 55.4 6 39.2
5 2 04.8 18 52.0 2 32.8 2 31.9 4 11.4 26 11.1 0 28.7 21 39.5 1 55.3 6 33.9
7 2 05.1 17 51.0 2 51.8 3 23.2 4 09.0 26 12.8 0 28.2 21 40.0 1 55.1 6 28.6
9 2 03.6 16 44.2 3 11.3 4 13.1 4 06.3 26 13.7 0 27.8 21 40.6 1 55.1 6 23.1
11 2 00.2 15 31.6 3 31.4 5 01.4 4 03.4 26 14.0 0 27.4 21 41.3 1 55.0 6 17.7
13 1 54.9 14 13.3 3 51.8 5 48.0 4 00.4 26 13.5 0 27.0 21 42.1 1 54.9 6 12.2
15 1 47.3 12 49.4 4 12.7 6 32.6 3 57.2 26 12.5 0 26.6 21 43.1 1 54.8 6 06.6
17 1 37.5 11 20.4 4 33.9 7 14.9 3 53.9 26 10.9 0 26.2 21 44.1 1 54.8 6 01.0
19 1 25.3 9 46.5 4 55.4 7 54.8 3 50.5 26 08.7 0 25.8 21 45.2 1 54.7 5 55.4
21 1 10.5 8 08.3 5 17.1 8 31.9 3 47.1 26 06.1 0 25.4 21 46.5 1 54.7 5 49.7
23 0 53.2 6 26.9 5 38.8 9 06.0 3 43.5 26 03.0 0 25.0 21 47.8 1 54.7 5 44.0
25 0 33.2 4 43.2 6 00.3 9 36.7 3 39.9 25 59.4 0 24.6 21 49.2 1 54.7 5 38.3
27 -0 10.9 -2 59.0 +6 21.6 +10 03.8 +3 36.3 +25 55.5 -0 24.2 +21 50.7 -1 54.6 -5 32.5

h m
Date Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn
Latitude Declination Latitude Declination Latitude Declination Latitude Declination Latitude Declination

° ' ° ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° ' ° '

Mar. 1 +0 13.7 -1 16.1 +6 42.5 +10 26.7 +3 32.7 +25 51.1 -0 23.8 +21 52.3 -1 54.7 -5 26.8
3 0 40.1 +0 23.3 7 02.5 10 45.1 3 29.0 25 46.4 0 23.4 21 53.9 1 54.7 5 21.0
5 1 07.6 1 56.5 7 21.5 10 58.7 3 25.4 25 41.3 0 23.0 21 55.7 1 54.7 5 15.2
7 1 35.5 3 20.9 7 39.1 11 07.0 3 21.8 25 35.9 0 22.7 21 57.5 1 54.7 5 09.4
9 2 02.8 4 34.0 7 54.9 11 09.7 3 18.2 25 30.1 0 22.3 21 59.3 1 54.8 5 03.6
11 2 28.5 5 33.2 8 08.6 11 06.5 3 14.6 25 24.1 0 21.9 22 01.2 1 54.9 4 57.8
13 2 51.4 6 16.6 8 19.7 10 57.3 3 11.1 25 17.6 0 21.6 22 03.2 1 54.9 4 52.1
15 3 10.2 6 42.6 8 27.8 10 42.0 3 07.6 25 10.9 0 21.2 22 05.2 1 55.0 4 46.3
17 3 23.8 6 50.4 8 32.6 10 20.9 3 04.1 25 03.8 0 20.9 22 07.3 1 55.1 4 40.5
19 3 31.0 6 39.8 8 33.8 9 54.3 3 00.7 24 56.4 0 20.5 22 09.4 1 55.2 4 34.8
21 3 31.1 6 12.0 8 31.2 9 22.7 2 57.4 24 48.7 0 20.2 22 11.5 1 55.3 4 29.0
23 3 23.7 5 29.3 8 24.9 8 46.9 2 54.1 24 40.6 0 19.9 22 13.7 1 55.5 4 23.3
25 3 09.1 4 35.2 8 14.8 8 07.8 2 50.8 24 32.2 0 19.5 22 15.9 1 55.6 4 17.6
27 2 48.1 3 34.0 8 01.2 7 26.3 2 47.6 24 23.5 0 19.2 22 18.1 1 55.7 4 12.0
29 2 22.0 2 30.2 7 44.3 6 43.5 2 44.5 24 14.4 0 18.9 22 20.3 1 55.9 4 06.3
31 1 52.5 1 28.2 +7 24.7 6 00.5 2 41.4 24 04.9 0 18.6 22 22.6 1 56.1 4 00.8
2 1 21.0 +0 31.4 +7 02.6 5 18.1 2 38.4 23 55.1 0 18.3 22 24.8 1 56.3 3 55.2
Apr. 4 0 49.1 -0 17.5 6 38.7 4 37.2 2 35.4 23 44.9 0 18.0 22 27.1 1 56.4 3 49.7
6 +0 17.8 0 57.0 6 13.4 3 58.6 2 32.4 23 34.3 0 17.7 22 29.3 1 56.6 3 44.3
8 -0 12.0 1 26.4 5 47.1 3 22.8 2 29.6 23 23.4 0 17.4 22 31.5 1 56.9 3 38.9
10 0 39.6 1 45.3 5 20.3 2 50.4 2 26.7 23 12.0 0 17.1 22 33.8 1 57.1 3 33.5
12 1 04.9 1 54.1 4 53.3 2 21.7 2 23.9 23 00.3 0 16.8 22 36.0 1 57.3 3 28.2
14 1 27.5 1 53.1 4 26.4 1 56.9 2 21.2 22 48.2 0 16.5 22 38.1 1 57.6 3 23.0
16 1 47.4 1 42.9 3 59.9 1 36.2 2 18.5 22 35.6 0 16.2 22 40.3 1 57.8 3 17.8
18 2 04.6 1 24.1 3 33.9 1 19.5 2 15.9 22 22.7 0 16.0 22 42.4 1 58.1 3 12.7
20 2 19.1 0 57.4 3 08.6 1 06.9 2 13.3 22 09.3 0 15.7 22 44.5 1 58.4 3 07.7
22 -2 30.9 -0 23.3 +2 44.1 +0 58.2 +2 10.7 +21 55.6 -0 15.4 +22 46.6 -1 58.7 -3 02.8


h m
Date Uranus Neptune Pluto Date Uranus Neptune Pluto
° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' " ° ' "
Jan. 0 53 39 38 357 17 03 301 2 03 Feb. 25 53 32 32 358 44 53 302 46 40
2 53 36 43 357 18 43 301 5 44 27 53 35 15 358 49 12 302 49 58
4 53 33 58 357 20 30 301 9 27 Mar. 1 53 38 10 358 53 32 302 53 12
6 53 31 23 357 22 24 301 13 12 3 53 41 16 358 57 55 302 56 23
8 53 28 59 357 24 27 301 16 59 5 53 44 34 359 2 20 302 59 29
10 53 26 47 357 26 37 301 20 47 7 53 48 03 359 6 48 303 2 31

12 53 24 47 357 28 55 301 24 36 9 53 51 43 359 11 17 303 5 28

14 53 22 58 357 31 20 301 28 27 11 53 55 33 359 15 47 303 8 21
16 53 21 21 357 33 52 301 32 18 13 53 59 33 359 20 18 303 11 09
18 53 19 55 357 36 31 301 36 10 15 54 3 43 359 24 50 303 13 51
20 53 18 42 357 39 16 301 40 02 17 54 8 03 359 29 22 303 16 29
22 53 17 41 357 42 08 301 43 54 19 54 12 33 359 33 55 303 19 01

24 53 16 52 357 45 07 301 47 47 21 54 17 12 359 38 28 303 21 28

26 53 16 16 357 48 13 301 51 39 23 54 22 01 359 43 01 303 23 49
28 53 15 53 357 51 24 301 55 31 25 54 26 58 359 47 34 303 26 05
30 53 15 42 357 54 42 301 59 22 27 54 32 04 359 52 06 303 28 15
Feb. 1 53 15 44 357 58 05 302 3 12 29 54 37 18 359 56 37 303 30 19
3 53 15 59 358 1 33 302 7 01 31 54 42 40 0 1 07 303 32 17

5 53 16 27 358 5 07 302 10 48 Apr. 2 54 48 10 0 5 36 303 34 08

7 53 17 07 358 8 47 302 14 34 4 54 53 47 0 10 04 303 35 54
9 53 18 00 358 12 31 302 18 18 6 54 59 32 0 14 30 303 37 34
11 53 19 06 358 16 20 302 22 01 8 55 5 23 0 18 53 303 39 06
13 53 20 25 358 20 13 302 25 40 10 55 11 20 0 23 14 303 40 32
15 53 21 55 358 24 10 302 29 17 12 55 17 23 0 27 32 303 41 52

17 53 23 38 358 28 12 302 32 51 14 55 23 32 0 31 48 303 43 05

19 53 25 33 358 32 17 302 36 23 16 55 29 47 0 36 01 303 44 11
21 53 27 40 358 36 26 302 39 52 18 55 36 07 0 40 11 303 45 12
23 53 30 00 358 40 38 302 43 17 20 55 42 32 0 44 18 303 46 05
25 53 32 32 358 44 53 302 46 40 22 55 49 02 0 48 21 303 46 52

In the following pages, a short explanation of the terms used in this Ephemeris has been given and the scope
and limitations of the information furnished have been stated in a concise form. The values of the different constants
and other data upon which the tabulated quantities are based have also been given in some cases in order to facilitate
the use of this Ephemeris. It is not intended to furnish here any detailed explanation about the compilation of the
tabular matter for which the reader is referred to the relevant literature.
Many changes have been incorporated in this publication from time to time including several recomendations
of IAU at its General Assembly.


There are two classes of time scales used in Astronomy, one based on the Systeme International (SI) - the
atomic second, the other based on the rotation of the Earth. Time scales based on the SI second include TAI and TT
for practical applications. Time scale based on the rotation of the Earth include mean and apparent sidereal time and
UT1. Because of irregularites in the Earth’s rotation and its tidal deceleration, Earth’s rotation based time scales do
not advance at a uniform rate, and they increasingly lag behind the SI-second-based time scales. The widely dissemi-
nated time scale UTC is a hybrid, it advances by SI seconds but is subjct to one-second corrections (leap seconds)
to keep it within 0s.9 of UT1.

The standard epoch J 2000.0 corresponds to 2000 January 1, 12 TT (JD 245 1545.0 TT). A date may be
expressed in years as a Julian epoch or for some purposes as a Besselian epoch.

Julian epoch = J [2000.0 + (JD - 245 1545.0)/ 365.25]

Where the quantity in the denominator is the Julian year.

Besselian epoch= B [1900.0 + (JD - 241 5020.313 52)/ 365.242 198 781]
Where the quantity in the denominator is the length of tropical year.

Prefixes J and B stand for the Julian and Besselian epochs respectively.

Various time systems used in this publication and their inter-relationships are described below :

Sidereal time system is derived from the Earth’s rotation with respect to the stars. Local sidereal time is
defined as the local hour angle of the vernal equinox. It is 0h at the instant when the vernal equinox is at the upper
transit of the local meridian. It is determined from observation of meridian transits of known stars. As the equinox
oscillates about its mean position due to the effect of nutation, it gives rise to two kinds of sidereal time : the
apparent sidereal time which is the hour angle of the true equinox of date and the mean sidereal time which is the hour
angle of the mean equinox of date. The relation between the two is:

Apparent sidereal time = Mean sidereal time + Equation of Equinoxes

Equation of equinoxes is the total nutation in longitude multiplied by the cosine of the obliquity of the
ecliptic. Its value varies within ± 1.2 seconds of time in a period of about 18.6 years.

Sidereal time on the geographic meridian of Greenwich is known as Greenwich sidereal time. Local sidereal
time is related to Greenwich sidereal time (mean or apparent as appropriate) as follows:

Local sidereal time = Greenwich sidereal time + l, where l is the observer’s longitude measured positively
to the east (from 1985 onwards the sign convention for east terrestrial longitude to be positive has been adopted).

International Atomic Time (TAI) is a highly precise time scale given by atomic clocks. It is now being
used as a standard in astronomy as it is independent of the Earth’s rotation. Its fundamental unit, the SI second, is

defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 cycles of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine
levels of the ground state of the Cesium 133 atom. This time scale results from analysis of data from atomic time
standards of many countries carried out at the Bureau International de l , Heure in Paris.

Universal Time (UT) is used for civil time keeping. It is an outgrowth of the mean solar time system
derived from the Earth’s rotation with respect to the Sun. It has been formally defined through a strict relationship
with the Greenwich mean sidereal time and is, therefore, determined from observation of star transits. The universal
time directly derived from observation is designated UT . It contains nonuniformities due to variations in the rotation
of the Earth and is peculiar to the observer’s geographic location because of polar motion. When UT is corrected
for Earth’s polar motion, it is called UT1. When UT1 is further corrected for seasonal variation in the Earth’s rota-
tion, it is called UT2. Both UT° and UT2 are not for general usage. Instead, the national time services provide what
is known as co-ordinated universal time (UTC). It is a smoothed version of UT2 and differs from TAI by an integral
number of seconds. It contains step adjustments of exactly one second (leap seconds) in order to keep it always
within 0.90 seconds of UT1. Beginning with 1972, the step adjustments are usually inserted after the 60th second of
the last minute of December 31 or June 30. In this publication, UT1 has been used in computations relating to hour
angles, etc., unless otherwise stated.

Dynamical Time replaces ephemeris time (ET) as argument of ephemerides with effect from 1985 in this
publication. The concept of different dynamical times for observers in different frames of reference arises out of
general theory of relativity. In this publication, terrestrial time (TT) is the tabular argument of the fundamental
geocentric ephemerides and barycentric dynamical time (TDB) is the arguments of ephemerides referred to the
barycentre of the solar system. The former corresponds to proper time and the latter to co-ordinate time in terms of
the general theory of relativity. Both TT and TDB are independent of the Earth’s rotation. These scales are so defined
that the difference between them is purely periodic. Their difference is given by:-

TDB = TT + 0 .001 657 sin g + 0 . 000 022 sin (L - LJ ), where higher order terms have been neglected. Here
s s

g is the mean anomaly of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun and is given by:-

g = 357°.53 + 0°.985 600 28 (JD - 245 1545.0 )

L- LJ = 246°.11 + 0.902 517 92 (JD - 245 1545.0)

Where L- LJ is the difference in the mean longitude of the Sun and Jupiter.

Relationship Between universal time and sidereal time

Universal time is defined in terms of Greenwich mean sidereal time by:

2 3
GMST at 0h UT1 = 6h 41m 50s .549 377 + 864 018 4s. 704 478 Tu + 0s .092 772 Tu - 2s .93 ´ 10-8 Tu - 1s .997 ´
4 5
10-6 Tu - 2s .5 ´ 10-9 Tu
where Tu is the number of Julian centuries of 36525 days of universal time elapsed since 1 January, 2000,12h UT (JD
245 154 5.0). In other words,
Tu = (JD - 245 1545.0)/ 36525
The above expression implies that the ratio of UT1 to GMST at the epoch J2000.0 is 0.997 269 566 329 084
and its inverse is 1.002 737 909 350 795.

The following relationship holds during 2023:

On day of year d at t UT1 GMST = 6h.111312 + 0h.065 709 8246 d + 1h.002 737 91 t
where day of the year d is tabulated on pages 4 to 12.
In 2024 :
1 mean solar day = 1.002 737 909 35 mean sidereal days
h m s
= 24 03 56 .555 37 of mean sidereal time
1 mean sidereal day = 0.997 269 566 33 mean solar days
h m s
= 23 56 04 .090 53 of mean solar time

Conversion of local mean time to local sidereal time

h m s
Calculate local sidereal time at 15 54 42 L.M.T. on 2024 January 1, for Delhi longitude,

l = 77° 13' 00" East ( 5

h m s
08 52 )
h m s
1. Universal time = Local mean time - l 10 45 50
2. Greenwich mean sidereal time at 0h U.T. on 6 40 36.0628
January 1, 2024 (Page 13 ).
h m s
3. Add equivalent mean sidereal time for 10 45 50 10 47 36.094
(UT ´ 1.002 737 9093).
4. Greenwich mean sidereal time at desired L.M.T. 17 28 12.722
5. Add equation of equinoxes at UT=0d. 45 (second -0.32869
order interpolation may be used).
6. Greenwich apparent sidereal time 17 28 12.393
7. Add longitude (east positive) 5 08 52.000
8. Local apparent sidereal time 22 37 4.3929

For local mean sidereal time, the above process may be repeated by neglecting the equation of equinoxes.

Conversion of local sidereal time to local mean time

h m
Calculate local mean time at 22 38 01.366 local apparent sidereal time on 2024 January 1, for
Delhi longitude, l = 77° 13' 00" East ( 5 08 52 )
h m s

h m s
1. Local apparent sidereal time 22 37 4.392
2. Subtract longitude (east positive) 5 08 52.000
3. Greenwich apparent sidereal time 17 28 12.393
4. Subtract equation of equinox at 0h U.T. -0.3277
5. Greenwich mean sidereal time (provisional) 17 28 12.7207
6. Subtract Greenwich mean sidereal time at 0h U.T. 6 40 36.628
7. Mean sidereal time interval (provisional) M.S.T. (P) 10 47 36.093

7. Mean sidereal time interval (provisional) M.S.T. (P) 10 47 36.095

8. Mean time interval in days corresponding to (7)

above = (M.S.T. (P) ´ 0.997 269 566) = 0d.45 (UT).
Subtract the increment to equation of equinoxes for
0d.45 UT (using second order interpolation) (-) 0.00220
9. Mean sidereal time 10 47 36.0952
10. Equivalent UT (MST ´ 0.997 269 566) 10 45 50.001
11. Local mean time = UT + l 15 54 42.001

The mean time from the local mean sidereal time may be worked out on similar lines as above by neglecting
the equation of equinoxes.

Notation for time-scales and related quantities

UT1 Universal time (also UT); counted from 0h (mid night); unit is second of mean solar time, affected
by iregularities in the Earth’s rate of rotation.
UT0 local approximation to universal time; not corrected for polar motion (rarely used).
GMST Greenwich mean sidereal time; GHA of mean equinox of date.
GAST Greenwich apparent sidereal time; GHA of true Eqinox of date.
TAI international atomic time; unit is the SI second of geoid.
UTC coordinated universal time; differs from TAI by an integral number of seconds, and is the basis
of most radio time signals and national and/ or legal time systems.
DUT = UT1 - UTC; increment to be applied to UTC to give UT1
TDB barycentric dynamical time; used as time-scale of ephemerides, referred to the barycentre of the
solar system.
Teph the independent variable of the equations of motion used by the JPL ephemerides, in particular
DE405/LE405. Teph and TDB may be considered to be equivalent.
TT terrestrial time; used as time-scale of ephemerides for observations from the Earth’s surface
TT = TAI + 32s.184.
DT = TT - UT1; increment to be applied to UT1 to give TT.
= TAI + 32s.184 - UT1
DAT = TAI -UT1; increment to be applied to UTC to give TAI; an integral number of seconds.
DTT = TT - UTC = DAT + 32s.184; increment to be applied to UTC to give TT.
UT1 - UT0 = - (x sin l + y cosl ) tanf/15
where l and f are usual geodetic longitude and latitude of the place, and x and y are the
co-ordinates of the pole with respect to the geodetic system, in arcseconds.
GAST = GMST + eg /15 , eg is equation of equinox.
h h
In order to convert the tabulations for 0 TT to 0 UT, one may interpolate to DT d1/2/ h where h is the tabular
interval and d1/2 is the first difference of the tabular values.


DT = ET - UT
Year DT Year DT Year DT Year DT Year DT
s s s s s
1620.0 + 124 1625.0 + 102 1630.0 + 85 1635.0 + 72 1640.0 + 62
1621 119 1626 98 1631 82 1636 70 1641 60
1622 115 1627 95 1632 79 1637 67 1642 58
1623 110 1628 91 1633 77 1638 65 1643 57
1624 + 106 1629 + 88 1634 + 74 1639 + 63 1644 + 55


DT = ET - UT
Year DT Year DT Year DT Year DT Year DT
s s s s s
1645.0 + 54 1680.0 + 16 1715.0 + 10 1750.0 + 13 1785.0 + 17
1646 53 1681 15 1716 10 1751 14 1786 17
1647 51 1682 14 1717 11 1752 14 1787 17
1648 50 1683 14 1718 11 1753 14 1788 17
1649 49 1684 13 1719 11 1754 14 1789 17

1650.0 + 48 1685.0 + 12 1720.0 + 11 1755.0 + 14 1790.0 + 17

1651 47 1686 12 1721 11 1756 14 1791 17
1652 46 1687 11 1722 11 1757 14 1792 16
1653 45 1688 11 1723 11 1758 15 1793 16
1654 44 1689 10 1724 11 1759 15 1794 16

1655.0 + 43 1690.0 + 10 1725.0 + 11 1760.0 + 15 1795.0 + 16

1656 42 1691 10 1726 11 1761 15 1796 15
1657 41 1692 9 1727 11 1762 15 1797 15
1658 40 1693 9 1728 11 1763 15 1798 14
1659 38 1694 9 1729 11 1764 15 1799 14

1660.0 + 37 1695.0 + 9 1730.0 + 11 1765.0 + 16 1800.0 + 13.7

1661 36 1696 9 1731 11 1766 16 1801 13.4
1662 35 1697 9 1732 11 1767 16 1802 13.1
1663 34 1698 9 1733 11 1768 16 1803 12.9
1664 33 1699 9 1734 12 1769 16 1804 12.7

1665.0 + 32 1700.0 + 9 1735.0 + 12 1770.0 + 16 1805.0 + 12.6

1666 31 1701 9 1736 12 1771 16 1806 12.5
1667 30 1702 9 1737 12 1772 16 1807 12.5
1668 28 1703 9 1738 12 1773 16 1808 12.5
1669 27 1704 9 1739 12 1774 16 1809 12.5

1670.0 + 26 1705.0 + 9 1740.0 + 12 1775.0 + 17 1810.0 + 12.5

1671 25 1706 9 1741 12 1776 17 1811 12.5
1672 24 1707 9 1742 12 1777 17 1812 12.5
1673 23 1708 10 1743 12 1778 17 1813 12.5
1674 22 1709 10 1744 13 1779 17 1814 12.5

1675.0 + 21 1710.0 + 10 1745.0 + 13 1780.0 + 17 1815.0 + 12.5

1676 20 1711 10 1746 13 1781 17 1816 12.5
1677 19 1712 10 1747 13 1782 17 1817 12.4
1678 18 1713 10 1748 13 1783 17 1818 12.3
1679 + 17 1714 + 10 1749 + 13 1784 + 17 1819 + 12.2

This table is based on an adopted value of – 26"/cy2 for the tidal term ( ) in the mean motion of the Moon
from the results of analyses of observations of lunar occultations of stars, eclipses of the Sun and transits of
Mercury. (see F.R. Stephenson and L.V. Morrison, 1984 PhD Trans, R, Soc. London, Ser A, 313, 47-70).

To calculate the values of DT for a different value of the tidal term ( ¢), add – 0.000 091 ( ¢+ 26) (year -
1955)2 seconds to the tabulated values of DT.


1820 - 1983, DT =ET- UT. From 1984, DT = TDT - UT.

2001, DT = TT - UT.
Year DT Year DT Year DT Year DT Year DT
s s s s s
1820.0 + 12.0 1863 6.97 1906 5.37 1949 28.71 1992 58.31
1821 11.7 1864 6.40 1907 6.14 1950.0 + 29.15 1993 58.12
1822 11.4 1865.0 6.02 1908 7.75 1951 29.57 1994 59.98
1823 11.1 1866 5.41 1909 9.13 1952 29.97 1995.0 60.78
1824 10.6 1867 4.10 1910.0 + 10.46 1953 30.36 1996 61.63
1825.0 10.2 1868 2.92 1911 11.53 1954 30.72 1997 62.29
1826 9.60 1869 1.82 1912 13.36 1955.0 31.07 1998 62.97
1827 9.10 1870.0 + 1.61 1913 14.65 1956 31.35 1999 63.47
1828 8.60 1871 + 0.10 1914 16.01 1957 31.68 2000.0 + 63.83
1829 8.00 1872 - 1.02 1915.0 17.20 1958 32.18 2001 64.09
1830.0 + 7.50 1873 1.28 1916 18.24 1959 32.68 2002 64.30
1831 7.00 1874 2.69 1917 19.06 1960.0 + 33.15 2003 64.47
1832 6.60 1875.0 3.24 1918 20.25 1961 33.59 2004 64.57
1833 6.30 1876 3.64 1919 20.95 1962 34.00 2005.0 + 64.69
1834 6.00 1877 4.54 1920.0 + 21.16 1963 34.47 2006 64.85
1835.0 5.80 1878 4.71 1921 22.25 1964 35.03 2007 65.15
1836 5.70 1879 5.11 1922 22.41 1965.0 35.73 2008 65.46
1837 5.60 1880.0 - 5.40 1923 23.03 1966 36.54 2009 65.78
1838 5.60 1881 5.42 1924 23.49 1967 37.43 2010.0 + 66.07
1839 5.60 1882 5.20 1925.0 23.62 1968 38.29 2011 66.32
1840.0 + 5.70 1883 5.46 1926 23.86 1969 39.20 2012 66.60
1841 5.80 1884 5.46 1927 24.49 1970.0 + 40.18 2013 66.91
1842 5.90 1885.0 5.79 1928 24.34 1971 41.17 2014 67.28
1843 6.10 1886 5.63 1929 24.08 1972 42.23 2015.0 67.64
1844 6.20 1887 5.64 1930.0 + 24.02 1973 43.37 2016 68.10
1845.0 6.30 1888 5.80 1931 24.00 1974 44.49 2017 68.59
1846 6.50 1889 5.66 1932 23.87 1975.0 45.48 2018 68.97
1847 6.60 1890.0 - 5.87 1933 23.95 1976 46.46 2019 69.22
1848 6.80 1891 6.01 1934 23.86 1977 47.52 2020.0 + 69.36
1849 6.90 1892 6.19 1935.0 23.93 1978 48.53
1850.0 + 7.10 1893 6.64 1936 23.73 1979 49.59
1851 7.20 1894 6.44 1937 23.92 1980.0 + 50.54
1852 7.30 1895.0 6.47 1938 23.96 1981 51.38
1853 7.40 1896 6.09 1939 24.02 1982 52.17
1854 7.50 1897 5.76 1940.0 + 24.33 1983 52.96
1855.0 7.60 1898 4.66 1941 24.83 1984 53.79
1 856 7.70 1899 3.74 1942 25.30 1985.0 54.34
1857 7.70 1900.0 - 2.72 1943 25.70 1986 54.87
1858 7.80 1901 1.54 1944 26.24 1987 55.32
1859 7.80 1902 - 0.02 1945.0 26.77 1988 55.82
1860.0 + 7.88 1903 + 1.24 1946 27.28 1989 56.30
1861 7.82 1904 2.64 1947 27.78 1990.0 + 56.86
1862 7.54 1905.0 3.86 1948 28.25 1991 57.57
Extrapolated Values
2021 + 69.50 2023 + 70 2025 + 70
2022 + 70 2024 + 70

Difference TAI – UTC = DAT

Date D AT Date D AT Date D AT Date D AT
s s s s
1972 Jul.1 1979 Jan.1 1990 Jan.1 1999 Jan. 1
+ 11.00 + 18.00 + 25.00 + 32.00
1973 Jan.1 1980 Jan.1 1991 Jan.1 2006 Jan. 1
+ 12.00 + 19.00 + 26.00 + 33.00
1974 Jan.1 1981 Jul.1 1992 Jul.1 2009 Jan. 1
+ 13.00 + 20.00 + 27. 00 + 34.00
1975 Jan.1 1982 Jul.1 1993 Jul.1 2012 Jul. 1
+ 14.00 + 21.00 + 28.00 + 35.00
1976 Jan.1 1983 Jul.1 1994 Jul.1 2015 Jul. 1
+ 15.00 + 22.00 + 29.00 + 36.00
1977 Jan.1 1985 Jul.1 1996 Jan.1 2017 Jan. 1
+ 16.00 + 23.00 + 30.00 + 37.00
1978 Jan.1 1988 Jan.1 1997 Jul.1 In critical cases descend
+ 17.00 + 24.00 + 31.00 DET
1979 Jan.1 1990 Jan.1 1999 Jan.1 = DAT + 32s.184

From 1990 onwards, DT is for Jan. 1 0h UTC.

See page 2 for a summary of the notation for time-scales.

Astronomical Reference System and Reference Frames

A reference system is the complete specification of how a celestial coordinate system is to be formed.
Both the origin and the orientation of the fundamental planes (or axes) are defined. A reference system also incorpo-
rates a specification of the fundamental models needed to construct the system; that is, the basis for the algorithms
used to transform between observable quantities and reference data in the system. A reference frame, on the other
hand, consists of a set of identifiable fiducial points on the sky along with their coordinates, which serves as the
practical realization of a reference system.
For example, the fundamental plane of an astronomical reference system has conventionally been the
extension of the Earth’s equatorial plane, at some date, to infinity. Declination is the angular distance north or south
of this plane, and right ascension is the angular distance measured eastward along the equator from some defined
reference point. This reference point, the right asscension origin, has traditionally been the Equinox: the point at
which the Sun, in its yearly circuit of the celestial sphere, crosses the equatorial plane moving from south to north.
The Sun’s apparent yearly motion lies in the ecliptic, the plane of the Earth’s orbit. The equinox, therefore, is a
direction in the space along the nodal line defined by the intersection of the ecliptic and equatorial planes; equiva-
lently, on the celestial sphere, the equinox is at one of the two intersections of the great circles representing these
planes. Because both of these planes are moving, the coordinate systems that they define must have a date associ-
ated with them; such a reference system must therefore be specified as “the equator and equinox of (some date)”.
Of course, such a reference system is an idealization, because the theories of motion of the Earth that
define how the two planes move are imperfect. In fact, the very definations of these planes are problematic for high
precession work. Even if the fundamental planes of a reference system are defined without any reference to the
motions of the Earth, there is no way magically to paint them on the celestial sphere at any particular time. Therefore,
in practice, we use a specific reference frame - a set of fiducial objects with assigned coordinates - as the practical
representation of an astronomical reference system. The scheme is completely analogous to how terrestrial reference
systems are established using survey control stations (geodetic reference point) on the Earth’s surface.
Most commonly, a reference frame consists of a catalog of precise positions (and motions, if measurable)
of stars or extragalactic objects as seen from the solar system barycenter at a specific epoch (now usually “J2000.0”,
which is 12h TT on January 2000). Each object’s instantaneous position, expressed as right ascension and declina-
tion, indicates the object’s angular distance from the catalog’s equator and origin of right ascension. Any two such
objects in the catalog (if they are not coicident or antipodal) therefore uniquely orient a spherical coordinate system
on the sky - a reference frame.

A modern astrometric catalog contains data on a large number of objects (N), so the coordinate system
is vastly overdetermined. The quality of the reference frame defined by a catalog depends on the extent to which the
coordinates of all possible pairs of objects (N2/2) serve to the identical equator and right ascesion origin, within the
expected random errors. Typically, every catalog contains systematic errors, that is, errors in position that are similar
for objects that are in the same area of the sky, or are of the same magnitude (flux) or color (spectral index). Systematic
errors mean that the reference frame is warped, or is effectively different for different classes of objects. Obviously,
minimizing systematic errors when a catalog is constructed is at least as important as minimizing the random errors.
To be useful, a reference frame must be implemented at the time of actual observations, and this requires
the computation of the apparent coordinates of the catalog objects at arbitrary dates and times. The accuracy with
which we know the motions of the objects accross the sky is an essential factor in this computation. Astrometric star
catalogs list proper motions, which are the projection of each star’s space motion onto the celestial sphere, expressed
as an angular rate in right ascension and declination per unit time. Because the tabulated proper motions are never
perfect, any celesial reference frame deteriorates with time. Moreover, systematic errors in the proper motions can
produce time-dependent warpings and spurious rotations of the frame. Therefore, the accuracy and consistency of
the proper motions are critical to the overall quality, utility, and longevity of reference frames defined by stars. Even
reference frames defined by extragalactic objects, which are usually considered to have zero proper motion, may
deteriorate, because many of these objects show small apparent motions that are artifacts of their emission mecha-
The position of solar system objects can also be used to define a reference frame. For each solar system
body involved, an ephemeris is used, which is simply a table of the celestial coordinates of the body as a funtion of
time (or an algorithm that yields such a table). A reference frame defined by the ephemerides of one or more solar
system bodies is called a dynamical reference frame. Because the ephemerides used incorporate the motion of the
Earth as well as that of the other solar system bodies, dynamical reference frames embody in a very fundamental way
the moving equator and ecliptic, hence the equinox. They have therefore been used to correct the orientation of star
catalog reference frames (the star positions were systematically adjusted) on the basis of simultaneous observations
of star and planets. In a sense, the solar system is used as a gyrocompass. However, dynamical reference frames are
not very practical for establishing a coordinate system for day to day astronomical observations.
Descriptions of reference frames and reference systems often refer to three coordinate axes, which are
simply the set of right-handed cartesian axes that correspond to the usual celestial spherical coordinate system. The
xy-plane is the equator, the z-axis points toward the north celestial pole, and the x-axis points toward the origin of right
ascension. Although in principal this allows us to specify the position of any celestial object in rectangular coordi-
nates, the distance scale (based on stellar parallaxes) is not established to high precession beyond the solar system.
What a reference system actually defines is the way in which the two coventional astronomical angular coordinates,
right ascension and declination, overlay real observable points in the sky.
The fundamental celestial reference system for astronomical application is now the International Celes-
tial Reference System (ICRS) as provided in resolution B2 of 1997. The “realization” of of the ICRS, called the
International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF), is a set of high accuracy positions of extragalactic radio sources
measured by very long baseline interferometry.
The IAU Working Group on nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy has recomended the following
definations for ICRS and ICRF:

International Celestial Reference System (ICRS): The idealized barycetric co-ordinate system to which celestial
positions are referred. It is kinematically non-rotating with respect to the ensemble of distant extragalactic objects. It
has no intrinsic orientation but was aligned close to the mean equator and dynamical equinox of J2000.0 for continuity
with previous fundamental reference systems. Its orientation is independent of epoch, ecliptic or equator and is
realized by a list of adopted coordinates of extragalactic sources.

International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF): A set of extragalactic objects whose adopted positions and uncer-
tainties realize the ICRS axes and give the uncertainties of the axes. It is also the name of radio catalogue whose 212
defining sources are currently the most accurate realization of the ICRS. The orientation of the ICRF catalogue was
carried over from earlier IERS radio catalogs and was within the errors of the standard stellar and dynamical frames at
the time of adoption. Successive revision of the ICRF are intended to minimize rotation from its original orientation.

Some important reference systems and their designations as per IAU 2000 resolution B1.6, B1.7 and B1.8,
and IAU 2006 resolutions 1 and 2 are listed below:

(i) Barycentric Celestial Reference System (BCRS): a system of barycentric space-time coordinates for the solar
system within the framework of General Relativity. For all practical applications, the BCRS is assumed to be oriented
according to the ICRS axes, the directions of which are realized by the International Celestial Reference Frame. The
ICRS is not identical to the system defined by the dynamical mean equator and equinox of J2000.0, although the
difference in orientation is only about 0".02.

(ii) The Geocentric Celestial Reference System (GCRS): is a system of geocentric space-time coordinates within the
framework of General Relativity. The directions of the GCRS axes are obtained from those of the BCRS (ICRS) by a
relativistic transformation. Positions of stars obtained from ICRS reference data, corrected for proper motion, parallax,
light-bending, and aberration (for a geocentric observer) are with respect to the GCRS. The same is true for planetary
positions, although the corrections are somewhat different.

(iii) The J2000.0 dynamical reference system: mean equator and equinox of J2000.0; a geocentric system where the
origin of right ascension is the intersection of the mean ecliptic and equator of J2000.0; the system in which the IAU
2000 precession-nutation is defined. For precise applications a small rotation (frame bias) should be made to GCRS
positions before precession and nutation are applied. The J2000.0 system may also be barycentric, for example as the
reference system for catalogues.

(iv) The true system of date (t); true equator and equinox of date: a geocentric system of date, the pole of which is the
celestial intermediate pole (CIP), with the origin of right ascension at the equinox on the true equator of date (interme-
diate equator). It is a system “between” the GCRS and the Terrestrial Intermediate Reference System that seperates
the components labelled precession-nutation and polar motion.

(v) The Celestial Intermediate Reference System (i): the IAU recomended geocentric system of date, the pole of which
is the celestial intermediate pole (CIP), with the origin of right ascension at the celestial intermediate origin (CIO)
which is located on the intermediate equator (true equator of date). It is a system “between” (intermeiate) the GCRS
and the Terrestrial Intermediate Reference System that seperates the components labelled precession-nutation and
polar motion.

Precession and Nutation

The algorithms for precession were based on the IAU (1976) value for the rate of general precession in
ecliptic longitude. Nutation was given by the 1980 IAU Theory of Nutation. However, IAU (1976) rate of precession
had been overestimated by approximately 3 milliarcseconds per year. Further observations also revealed periodic
errors of a few milliarcseconds in the 1980 IAU Theory of Nutation.
As part of the 2000 IAU resolutions, the IAU 2000A precession-nutation model was introduced, based
on an updated value for the rate of precession and a completely new nutation theory. As before, the model actually
consists of two parts, a precession algorithm describing the smooth secular motion of the celestial pole and a
nutation algorithm describing the small periodic variations in the pole’s position. The precession algorithm consists
of short polynomial series for the values of certain angles. The sines and cosines of these angles, in combination,
then define the elements of a precession matrix, P. The nutation algorithm consists of a rather long series expansion
in Fourier terms for the angular offsets, in ecliptic longitude and latitude, of the actual celestial pole (as modeled) from
the precession-only pole (true pole - mean pole). The sines and cosines of these offsets, in combination, then define
the elements of a nutation matrix, N. The P and N matrices are applied to the coordinates of celestial objects,
expressed as 3-vectors, to transform them from the equator and equinox of one epoch to the equator and equinox of

A precession transformation is applied to celestial coordinates to convert them from the mean equator
and equinox of J2000.0 to the mean equator and equinox of another date, t. Nutation is applied to the resulting
coordinates to transform them to the true equator and equinox of t. Generally we will start with celestial coordinates
in the GCRS, which are obtained from basic ICRS data by applying the usual algoriths for proper place. Therefore
before we apply precession and nutation - we must first apply the frame bias correction to transform the GCRS
coordinates to the dynamical mean equator and equinox of J2000.0. Schematically,

GCRS => frame bias = mean equator & equinox of J2000.0 = precession =>

mean equator & equinox of t = nutation => true equator & equinox of t.

The reduction from a geocentric position r with respect to the Geocentric Celestial Reference System
( G C R S ) rt with respect to equator and equinox of date, and vice versa, is given by;
t o a p o s i t i o n

rt = M r and r = M-1rt
Using the 4-rotation Fukishma-Williams (F-W) method, the rotation matrix M may be witten as
M = NP B
Since the rotation to orient the GCRS to J2000.0 system are small the following approximate matrix B is
called frame bias matrix, accurate to 2"x 10-9 (1 x 10-14 radians), may be used:

B = 1 da0 -x0
-da0 1 -h0
x0 h0 1

where da0 = -14.6 mas, x0 = -16.6170 mas, and h0 = -6.8192 mas, all converted to radians (divide by 206 264 806.247).


The time argument T is given by

T = (t - 2000.0)/100 = (JDTT - 2451545.0)/36525, which is a function of TT.

The Capitine et al. method, the formulation of which seperates precession of the equator from preces-
sion of the ecliptic, is via the precession angles cA, wA, yA, which are

yA = 5038".481 507 T - 1".079 0069 T2 - 0".001 140 45 T3 + 0".000 132 851 T4 - 9".51 X 10-8 T5

wA = e0 - 0".025 754 T + 0".051 2623 T2 - 0".007 725 03 T3 - 0".000 000 467 T4 + 33".37 X 10-8 T5

cA = 10".556 403 T - 2".381 4292 T2 - 0".001 211 97 T3 + 0".000 170 663 T4 - 5".60 X 10-8 T5

The mean obliquity of the ecliptic at J2000.0 ( or the equivalent TDB date) is e0 = 84381".406

(i) A rotation from the mean equator and equinox of J2000.0 to the mean ecliptic and equinox of J2000.0. This is simply
a rotation around the x-axis (the direction toward the mean equinox of J2000.0) by the angle e0 , the mean obliquity of
J2000.0. After the rotation, the fundamental plane is the ecliptic of J2000.0

(ii) A rotation around the new z-axis (the direction toward the ecliptic pole of J2000.0) by the angle -yA, the amount of
precession of the equator from J2000.0 to t.

(iii) A rotation around the new x-axis (the direction along the intersection of the mean equator of t with the ecliptic of
J2000.0) by the angle - wA, the obliquity of the mean equator of t with respect to the ecliptic of J2000.0. After the
rotation, the fundamental plane is the mean equator of t.

(iv) A rotation around the new z-axis ( the direction toward the mean celestial pole of t) by the angle cA, accounting
for the precession of the ecliptic along the mean equator of t. After the rotation, the new x-axis is in the direction of
the mean equinox of date.

C4C2 - S2S4C3 C4S2C1 + S4C3C2C1 - S1S4S3 C4S2S1 + S4C3C2S1 + C1S4S3

P = -S4C2 - S2C4C3 -S4S2C1 + C4C3C2C1 - S1C4S3 -S4S2S1 + C4C3C2S1 + C1C4S3
S2S3 -S3C2C1 - S1C3 -S3C2S1 + C3C1

where S1 = sin e0 S2 = sin (-yA ) S3 = sin (-wA ) S4 = sin cA

C1 = cos e0 C2 = cos(-yA ) C3 = cos(-wA ) C4 = cos cA

Existing applications that use the 3-angle precession formulation of Newcomb and Lieske can be easily
modified for the IAU 2000A precession, by replacing the current polynomials for the angles zA, ZA and qA with the

zA = 2".650545 + 2306".083227 T + 0".2988499 T2 + 0".01801828 T3 - 0".000005971 T4 - 0".0000003173 T5

ZA = -2".650545 + 2306".077181 T + 1".0927348 T2 + 0".01826837 T3 - 0".000028596 T4 - 0".0000002904 T5

qA = 2004".191903 T - 0".4294934 T2- 0".04182264 T3- 0".000007089 T4 - 0".0000001274 T5

The centennial (per Julian century) rates of general precession in right ascension and declination are
given by :

m = 4612".604 08 + 2".783 169 4 T + 0".108 859 95 T² - 0".000 138 268 T3 and

n = 2004".191 903 - 0".858 986 8 T - 0".125 467 92 T² - 0".000 028 356 T3

The elements of the matrix P given in terms of zA, ZA, qA are as follows:

cos zA cos qA cos ZA- sin zA sin ZA - sin zA cos qA cos ZA - cos zA sin ZA - sin qA cos ZA

P = cos zA cos qA sin ZA+ sin zA cos ZA - sin zA cos qA sin ZA + cos zA cos ZA - sin qA sin ZA

cos zA sin qA - sin zA sin qA cos qA

The formula for reduction of precession in right ascension and declination are as follows :

sin (a - ZA ) cos d = sin (ao + zA ) cos do.

cos (a- ZA ) cos d = cos (ao+ zA ) cos qA cos do - sin qA sin do
sin d = cos (ao + zA ) sin qA cos do + cos qA sin do

sin (ao + zA ) cosdo = sin (a - ZA ) cos d

cos (ao + zA ) cos do = cos (a - ZA ) cos qA cos d + sin qA sin d
sin do = - cos ( a- ZA ) sin qA cos d + cos qA sin d

Values of the angles zA, ZA, qA and of the elements of the matrix P for reduction from the standard epoch J 2000.0
to epoch of year are as follows:

Epoch J 2024.5 Rotation matrix P for reduction to epoch J 2024.5

z A = + 567".659 = + 0°.157683 + 0.99998216 - 0.00547867 - 0.00238043

ZA = +562".404 = + 0°.156223 P = + 0.00547867 + 0.99998499 - 0.00000649

qA = + 491".001 = + 0°.136389 + 0.00238043 - 0.00000655 + 0.99999717

The obliquity of the ecliptic of date (with respect to the mean equator of date) is given by:

e = e0 - 46".836 769T - 0".000 183 1 T ² + 0".002 003 4 T ³ - 0".000 000 576 T4 - 0".000 000 043 4 T5
where e0 = 84381".406
The precessional motion of the ecliptic specified by the inclination (pA) and longitude of the node
( PA ) of the ecliptic of date with respect to the ecliptic and equinox of J 2000.0 are given by:

Sin pA sin PA = + 4".199 094 T + 0".193 987 T ² - 0".000 224 66 T ³

Sin pA cos PA = - 46".811 015 T + 0".051 028 T ² + 0".000 524 13 T ³

For epoch J 2024.5

e = 23° 26' 9".93 = 23°.436092
p A = + 11".513 = 0°.003197982
PA = 174° 48'.9 = 174°.815

Approximate formulae for the reduction of precession in co-ordinates and orbital elements referred to the mean
equinox and equator or ecliptic of date (t) are as follows :

Reduction to J 2000.0 Reduction from J 2000.0

ao = a - M - N sin am tan dm a = ao + M + N sin am tan dm

do = d - N cos am d = do + N cos am
lo = l - a + b cos (l+c' ) tan bo l = lo + a - b cos (lo + c) tanb
bo = b - b sin (l + c' ) b = bo + b sin (lo + c)
Wo = W - a + b sin (W + c' ) cot io. W = W o + a - b sin (W o + c) cot i
io = i - b cos ( W + c' ) i = io + b cos ( W o + c )
wo = w - b sin ( W + c' ) cosec io w = wo + b sin ( W o + c ) cosec i

The precessional constants M, N etc. are given by :

M = 1°.281 155 668 9 T + 0°.000 386 551 31 T ² + 0º.000 010 079 T ³

N = 0º. 556 719 973 1 T - 0º.000 119 303 72 T ² - 0º.000 011 617 4 T ³
a = 1º. 396 887 83 T + 0º .000 307 065 22 T ²
b = 0º.013 055 270 3 T - 0º.000 009 303 50 T ²
c = 5º.125 890 67 + 0º. 818 993 58 T + 0º.000 104 256 09 T ² - 0º.000 104 155 607 T
c' = 5º.125 890 67 - 0º.577 894 252 T - 0º.000 164 504 28 T ² - 0º.000 104 177 728 T

where T = ( t - 2000.0)/ 100 = ( JD - 245 1545.0 )/ 36525


Formulae for the reduction from the mean equinox and equator or ecliptic of the middle of year (t1) to date
(t) are as follows :

a = a1 + t (m + n sin a1 tan d1 ) d = d 1 + t n cos a1

l = l1 + t {p - p cos (l1+ 6° ) tan b} b = b1 + t p sin (l1 + 6°)
W = W 1 + t {r - p sin (W1 + 6°) cot i } i = i1 + t p cos (W 1+ 6°)
w = w1 + t p sin (W 1+ 6° ) cosec i
where t = t - t1 and p is the annual rate of rotation of the ecliptic. The precessional constants p, m, etc. are as
follows :
Epoch J 2024.5
Annual general precession p = + 0°.013971225
Annual precession in R.A. m = + 0°.012814224
Annual precession in Dec. n = + 0°.005566695
Annual rate of rotation p = + 0°.000130519
Longitude of axis P = + 175°.1002613
g = 180°- P = + 4°.899738689

Where P is the longitude of the instantaneous rotation axis of the ecliptic, measured from the mean equinox of date.


The changes in the amplitudes of the nutation components are also not directly taken from the observa-
tions; instead a new nutation theory is developed and fit to observations by allowing a small number of geophysical
constants to be free parameters. These parameters are constants in a “transfer function” that modifies the amplitudes
of the terms from a rigid- Earth nutation development. Since there are fewer solved-for geophysical constants than
the number of terms with observed amplitudes, the fit cannot be perfect. For the IAU 2000A model, 7 geophysical
parameters were determined based on the observed amplitudes of 21 nutation terms (prograde and retrograde ampli-
tudes for each) together with the apparent change in the rate of precession in longitude. Note that the number of free
parameters in the model are both quite small compared to the 1365 terms in the new, full nutation serirs.
Nutation is conventionally expressed as two small angles, Dy the nutation in longitude, and De, the
nutation in obliquity. These angles are measured in the Ecliptic system of date, which is developed as a part of
precession formulation. The angle Dy is the small change in the position of the equinox along the ecliptic due to
nutation, so effect of nutation on the ecliptic coordinates of a fixed point in the sky is simply to add Dy to its ecliptic
longitude. The angle De is the small change in the obliquity of the ecliptic due to nutation. The true obliquity of date
is e¢ = e + De. Nutation in obliquity reflects the orientation of the equator in space and does not affect the ecliptic
coordinates of a fixed point on the sky.

Formulas for Nutation

l is the mean anomaly of the Moon.

l¢ is the mean anomaly of the Sun (Earth).
W is the longitude of the ascending node of the Moon’s mean orbit on the ecliptic, measured
from the mean equinox of date.
D is the mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun.
F is the difference L- W, where L is the mean longitude of the Moon.
e = e0 - 46".836 769 T - 0".000 183 1 T ² + 0".002 003 4 T ³ - 0".000 000 576 T4 - 0".000 000 043 4 T5
where e0 = 84381".406
The fundamental arguments are given by:

The five arguments are the same fundamental luni - solar arguments used in previous nutation theories, but
with updated expressions.
l = 485 868". 249 036 + (1325 r + 715 923". 2178) T + 31". 8792 T² + 0". 051 635 T³ - 0".000 244 70 T4
l¢ = 128 7104". 793 04 + (99 r + 129 2581". 048) T– 0". 5532 T² – 0". 000 136 T³ - 0".000 011 49 T4
F= 335 779". 526 232 + (1342 + 295 262". 8478) T – 12". 7512 T² - 0". 001 037 T³ + 0".000 004 17 T4
D= 107 2260". 703 69 + (1236 + 110 5601". 209) T – 6". 3706 T² + 0". 006 593 T³ - 0".000 031 69 T4
W = 450 160". 398 036 – (5 + 482 890". 5431) T + 7". 722 T² + 0". 007 702 T³ - 0".000 059 39 T4

where l r = 360º = 129 6000"

Reduction for nutation - rigorous formulae

Nutation in longitude (Dy ) and obliquity (De ) have been calculated using IAU 2000A series definitions
(order of 1 mas) with the following adjustments which are required for use at the highest precession with the IAU 2006
precession, viz:
-6 -6
Dy = Dy + (0.4697 x 10 - 2.7774 x 10 T) Dy
2000A 2000A

De = De 2000A - 2.7774 x 10-6 T De 2000A

where T is measured in Julian centuries from 245 1545.0 TT. Dy and De together with the true obliquity of the ecliptic
(e ¢ ) are tabulated daily at 0h TT, on page 18 to 32.
Once the nutation series has been evaluated and the values of Dy and De are available, the nutation matrix
can be constructed.
A mean place (rm) may be transformed to a true place (rt ) and vice versa, as follows:
rt = N rm rm = N-1 rt
where N = R1(-e ¢) R3 (-Dy) R1 (+e )
e¢ = e + De
R and R3 are the standard rotations about the x and z axes respectively.

(i) A rotation from the mean equator and equinox of t to the mean ecliptic and equinox of t. This is simply a rotation
around the x - axis ( the direction toward the mean equinox of t) by the angle e , the mean obliquity of t.
(ii) A rotation around the new z-axis (the direction toward the ecliptic pole of t) by the angle - Dy , the amount of
nutation in longitude at t. After the rotation, the new x- axis is in the direction of true equinox of t.
(iii) A rotation around the new x-axis ( the direction toward true equinox of t by the angle -e ¢, the true oliquity of t.
After the rotation, the fundamental plane is the true equator of t, orthogonal to the computed position of the CIP
at t.
The nutation matrix can be written:

C2 S2C1 S2S1
N = - S2C3 C3C2C1 - S1S3 C3C2S1 + C1S3
S2S3 - S3C2C1 - S1C3 - S3C2S1 + C3C1

where S1 = sin (e) S2 = sin (-Dy) S3 = sin (-e -De )

C1 = cos (e) C2 = cos (-Dy) C3 = cos (-e -De)

Approximate reduction for nutation for converting mean place to true place can be done with the help of the
following formualae :
Da = (cos e + sin e sin a tan d) Dy – cos a tan d De
Dd = sin e cos a Dy + sin a De
Dl = Dy; Db = 0

where Dy and De are nutations in longitude and obliquity respectively. Mean rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) can
be converted to true rectangular co-ordinates with the help of the following :

Dx = – (y cos e + z sin e) Dy
Dy = + x Dycos e – z De
Dz = + x Dysin e + y De
where both Dy and De are in radians.

The elements of the corresponding rotation matrix are:

1 - Dy cos e - Dy sin e
N = + Dy cos e 1 - De
+ Dy sin e + De 1

Daily values of Dy and De during 2024 are tabulated on pages 18 to 32.

Approximate reduction for precession and nutation in right ascension and declination from the standard equinox and
equator of J 2000.0 to the true equinox and equator of date during 2023 can be done using the following formulae and
table :
a = ao + f + g sin (G + ao ) tan do
d = do + g cos (G + ao )
where the units of the correction to ao and do are in second of time and minutes of arc respectively.
Date f g g G Date f g g G
2024 s s ¢ h m 2024 s s ¢ h m

Jan. - 9 + 73.3 31.9 7.97 23 57 June 29 + 75.1 32.6 8.16 23 57

1 + 73.5 31.9 7.98 23 57 July 9 + 75.3 32.7 8.18 23 57
11* + 73.6 32.0 7.99 23 57 19 + 75.3 32.7 8.19 23 57
21 + 73.7 32.0 8.00 23 57 29* + 75.4 32.8 8.20 23 57
31 + 73.8 32.1 8.02 23 56 Aug. 8 + 75.6 32.8 8.21 23 56

Feb 10 + 73.9 32.1 8.03 23 56 18 + 75.7 32.9 8.22 23 56

20* + 74.0 32.1 8.04 23 56 28* + 75.7 32.9 8.23 23 56
Mar. 1 + 74.0 32.2 8.04 23 56 Sept. 7 + 75.8 32.9 8.23 23 56
11 + 74.1 32.2 8.05 23 56 17 + 75.9 33.0 8.24 23 56
21 + 74.2 32.2 8.06 23 56 27 + 75.9 33.0 8.25 23 56

31* † + 74.2 32.3 8.07 23 56 Oct. 7 + 76.0 33.0 8.25 23 56

Apr. 10 + 74.3 32.3 8.07 23 56 17* + 76.1 33.1 8.26 23 56
20 + 74.4 32.3 8.08 23 56 27 + 76.2 33.1 8.27 23 56
30 + 74.5 32.4 8.09 23 57 Nov. 6 + 76.2 33.1 8.28 23 56
May 10* + 74.6 32.4 8.10 23 57 16 + 76.3 33.2 8.29 23 57

20 + 74.7 32.4 8.11 23 57 26* + 76.4 33.2 8.30 23 57

30 + 74.8 32.5 8.13 23 57 Dec. 6 + 76.6 33.3 8.32 23 57
June 9 + 74.9 32.6 8.14 23 57 16 + 76.7 33.3 8.33 23 57
19* + 75.0 32.6 8.15 23 57 26 + 76.8 33.4 8.34 23 57
29 + 75.1 32.6 8.16 23 57 36 * + 76.9 33.4 8.36 23 57

* 40 - day date † 400 day date for osculation epoch


Differential Precession and Nutation can be applied to obtain the differences in the mean place of an object relative
to a comparison star for a standard epoch (J 2000.0) using the following formulae:
correction to R.A. : e tan d Da – f sec² d Dd
correction to declination : f Da
where Da and Dd are the observed differences in right ascension and declination of the object relative
to the comparison star and
e = – cos a (n t + sin e Dy) – sin a De
f = + sin a (n t + sin e Dy) – cos a De
e = 23°.44, sin e = 0.398
n = 0.000 0972 radian for epoch J 2023.5
t is the time in years from the standard epoch to the time of observation.
Dy, De are nutations in longitude and obliquity at the time of observation expressed in radians, (1" =
0.000 004 8481 rad).


Aberration is the displacement of the position of a celestial object due to finite speed of light. The actual
velocity of light in space c is the vectorial sum of its velocity relative to the observer cr and the velocity V of the
observer. Although the special theory of relativity has no provision of breaking up aberration of light into compo-
nents, total effects of aberration in astronomy are broken into stellar, annual, elliptic, secular and planetary aberration
for convenience of computation. In case of stars, all that can be determined is the displacement in their positions
caused by the motion of the observer alone. It is calculated on the basis of the actual instantaneous motion of the
Earth round the barycentre of the solar system.

Earlier, the practice was to resolve the stellar aberration into two components; one contributed by the
circular motion of the Earth moving with a constant mean velocity round the Sun, and the other, a nearly constant
displacement perpendicular to the major axis of the orbit arising due to ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth. The latter,
known as the E-terms of aberration was included in the mean position of the stars as given in star catalogues and was
omitted in the computation of day numbers. As a result, the mean places of stars differed from the catalogue mean
places. This procedure was adopted to minimise the computation work for the user of star catalogues. However, this
practice has caused much confusion lately because the accurate total velocity of the Earth referred to the barycentre
of the solar system could not be used in computing stellar aberration. In accordance with a decision of the IAU in
1976, this occasion has been used to simplify this procedure by removing the E terms of aberration from the mean
places and to include them in the reduction from mean to apparent place so that the apparent places remain un-
changed. Thus, the mean places of FK5 are free from E terms. In other words, they will be the positions of the stars
at epoch J 2000.0 as viewed from the barycentre of the solar system, in the co-ordinate system defined by the Earth’s
mean equator and equinox of J 2000.0.

The conversion of 1950.0 star catalogue positions (a,d ) to actual mean places (a+Da, d+Dd ) can be
accomplished by :
Da = 0s. 0227 sin (a + 11 . 25) sec d

Dd = 0".341 cos (a + 11 . 25) sin d + 0".029 cos d


For solar system objects, the displacement of the light source during the time (Dt) taken by light to travel
from it to the Earth combined with the effect of relative motion of the Earth and the light is known as planetary
aberration. Its computation requires a knowledge of the distance and motion of the light source and can be accom-
plished as follows. First, the barycentric position of the body at time t- Dt is combined with the barycentric position
of the Earth at time t and then the correction for annual aberration is applied. Planetary aberration may also be

computed by interpolating the geometric (geocentric) ephemeris of the body to the time t - Dt. The light time Dt is
given by:
D t (in days) = 0.005 7755 x distance in a.u.
Annual aberration for reduction from a geometric place (a0, d ) to an apparent geocentric place (a, d) is
given by : °
a = a0 + (- sin a0 + cos a0) / (c cos d0 )
d = d0+ ( - cos a0 sin d0 - sin a0 sin d0 + cos d0 )/ c, where c = 173.14 a.u./day and , , are the
velocity components of the Earth (pages 256 to 270 ).
The reduction of observations of the radial velocity to a common origin at the barycentre is given by adding
the component of the Earth’s velocity in the direction (a0, d0) of the object :

cos a0 cos d0 + sin a0 cos d0 + sin d0

Differential annual aberration corrections to be added to the observed differences of right ascension and
declination (in the sense moving object minus star) to give true differences are:
(R.A.) a Da + b Dd (in units of 0s. 001) ; (declination) c Da + d Dd (in units of 0".01)

Here Da is to be taken in units of 1m and Dd in units of 1'. The coefficients a, b, c and d are defined by:
a = - 5.701 cos (H+a) sec d
b = - 0.380 sin (H +a) sec d tan d
c = + 8.552 sin (H+a) sin d
d = - 0.570 cos (H+a) cos d
Hh = 23.4 - (day of year/15.2)
(The day of year is tabulated on pages 4 to 12 )

Annual parallax correction can be calculated approximately for reduction from the catalogue place ( a0,d0)
to the geocentric place (a,d) using the following formulae;
a = a0 + (p / 15 cos d0) (X sin a0-U cos a0) and d = d0 + p(X cos a0 sin d0 + Y sin a0 sin d0- Z cosd0)
where p is the annual parallax and X, Y, Z, are the coordinates of the Earth as given on pages 256 to 270.

Deflection of light in the gravitational field of the Sun may significantly affect the apparent direction of a star
or of a body in the solar system. The elongation (E) from the centre of the Sun is increased by an amount that, for a
star, depends on the elongation in the following manner:

DE = 0".004 07/ tan (E/2)

E 0°.25 0°.5 1° 2° 5° 10° 20° 50° 90°
DE 1".866 0".933 0".466 0".233 0".093 0".047 0".023 0".009 0".004

The body disappears behind the Sun when E is less than the limmiting grazing value of about 8°.25. The
effects in right ascension and declination may be calculated approximately from;

cos E = sin d sin d0 + cos d cos d0 cos (a - a0)

Da = 0s. 000 271 cosd0 sin (a-a0)/ (1-cos E) cos d
Dd = 0".004 07 [(sin d cos d0 cos (a-a0) - cos d sin d0 ]/ (1- cos E)
where a, d refer to the star, and a0, d0 to the Sun.



Dates of year beginning in 2024 of various Indian and important foreign chronological eras are listed on
page 3 followed by Gregorian calendar for the current year (pages 4 to 12 ). The calendar contains, besides the usual
information, a count of Julian Day (JD) number for each date. The system of Julian day numbers maintains a continu-
ous count of astronomical days, beginning with JD = 0 on 1 January 4713 B.C., Julian proleptic calendar. Julian Day
numbers for other years can be found from the table on page 355. Various time scales used in this publication, their
inter -relationships (as given on page 2 ) and the basis for computation of sidereal time as tabulated on pages 13 to 16;
have been discussed above under the section on time scales. The concept of equation of time defined as the
difference between local apparent solar time and local mean solar time (in the sense apparent minus mean ) is no
longer used in astronomy and therefore, it is no more tabulated in this publication. It can, however, be obtained to a
precision of about 1 second using the following relation :
Equation of time at 12 U.T. = 12 - tabulated value of TT of Sun’s ephemeris transit (pages 19 to 33 ).
h h

In this publication, the ephemeridies of the Sun and planets were reported earlier based on computation jointly
made by USNO and JPL by simultaneous numerical integration designated as DE 200/ LE 200. A more recent JPL
ephemeris, DE 405/ LE 405 has now come into widespread use, provide barycentric equatorial rectangular coordinates
for the period 1600 to 2201. The reference frame for basic ephemerides is the ICRF; the alignment onto this frame has
an estimated accuracy of 1 - 2 arcseconds. The JPL DE 405/ LE 405 ephemerides have been developed in a barycentric
reference system using a barycentric coordinate time scale Teph.. The present edition use the DE 405/ LE 405
ephemeridies data on the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets. The value of some astronomical constants based
on previously used DE200/ LE200 ephemeridies and currently used DE 405/ LE 405 ephemerides are given below.

Constant DE 405 Value DE 200/ LE 200 Value

Light-time for unit distance,tA 499.004 783 84 s 499.004 7837………..s
Geocentric gravitational constant,
GE 3.986 004 418 x 1014m3s-2 3.986 004 48……x 1014 m3s-2
Heliocentric gravitational constant,
GS 1.327 124 42 099 x 10 m3s-2 1.327 124 40……x 1020 m3s-2
Ratio of mass of Sun to that of
Earth, (GS)/ (GE) 332 946.0 487 332 946.038……….
Ratio of mass of Moon to that of
Earth, m 0.012 300 0371 0.012 300 034
Obliquity of the ecliptic at J2000.0, e 23° 26¢ 21².406 23° 26¢ 21².4119….
Unit distance, A 1.495 978 707 x 1011 m 1.495 978 7066 x 1011 m
Ratio of mass of Sun to that
of Earth + Moon 328 900.5596 328 900.55

Ratio of mass of Sun to mass of

each planet :
Jupiter 1047.348 644 1047.350
Saturn 3497.9018 3498.0
Uranus 229 02.98 229 60
Pluto 1.365 66 x 10 8 1.3 x 10 8
Pallas 9.709 x 10 9 9.247 x 10 9
Vesta 7.407 x 10 9 7.253 x 10 9

The Sun

Mean elements of the orbit of the Sun can be calculated with the help of the following expressions for use
during 2024 only :

Geometric mean longitude : L = 279°.17273480 + 0.98564736 d

Mean longitude of perigee : G = 283°.34996540 + 0.00004708 d
Mean anomaly : g = 355°.82277040 + 0.98560028 d
Eccentricity : e = 0°.01669858 + 0. 000 000 001 d
Obliquity of the ecliptic w.r.t. mean
equator of date : e = 23°.43615520 - 0.00000036 d
where d is the interval in days from 2024 January 0 at 0h TT and is given by
d = JD - 245 9944.5 = day of the year ( pages 4 to 12) + fraction of day from 0h TT.
The above angular elements are referred to the mean equinox and ecliptic of date. The position of ecliptic of
date with respect to the ecliptic of the standard epoch J 2000.0 is given by the formulae given under Precession.

The length of the principal years at 2024.0 as derived from the Sun’s mean motion are given on page 2.

Geometric longitude of the Sun with respect to the mean equinox of date is tabulated on even numbered
pages 18 to 32. Apparent longitude and latitude are with respect to the true equinox and ecliptic of date respectively.
The two longitudes are related as follows :
Apparent longitude = Geometric longitude + nutation in longitude - 20".4955/ R.

Aberration has been computed by dividing 20".4955 by the true distance to the Sun. Precession in
longitude is the total precessional displacement of a point along the ecliptic since the epoch J 2023.5. Revised value
of the annual general precession p = 0°. 013 971 16 (for J 2023.5) has been used to compute this quantity. Compo-
nents of nutation are the results of summation of the revised series of nutation. The sum of the terms with period
shorter than 35 days is separately tabulated under Besselian Day numbers (pages 244 to 251 ).

Apparent Right Ascension and true distance (radius vector), declination (tabulated on odd numbered
pages 19 to 33) of the Sun have been computed from the original barycentric rectangular co-ordinates. Although the
apparent right ascension and declination have been corrected for light time, the radius vector or the true geocentric
distance in astronomical units is the geometric distance at the tabular time.

The Semidiameter is based on a value of 16¢ 01².18 at unit distance being inclusive of an allowance for
irradiation of 1².55. The tabular value is obtained by dividing 16¢ 01².18 by the radius vector.

Ephemeris Transit is the TT of the transit of the Sun over the ephemeris meridian which according to its
definition, is 1.002 7379 DT east of the Greenwich meridian. Here DT is the difference TT - UT. This transit time.
This transit time can be interpolated to other meridians with an interpolating factor p, as follows:

p = - l/ 360 + 1.002 7379 ´ DT/ 86400

where l is the longitude (east positive). The interpolated TT can be converted into UT by subtracting DT from TT.

Equatorial rectangular co-ordinates (geocentric) of the Sun, referred to the ICRS axes, are given in a.u. on
pages 34 to 41. The direction of these axes have been defined by the IAU and realized in practice by the coordinates
of several hundred extra galactic radio sources.

Horizontal parallax ( page 17 ) of the Sun is the angle subtended at the Sun by the equatorial radius of the
Earth. The new value of the Solar parallax P = 8".794 148 has been used to compute the horizontal parallax.
Mean longitude and mean anomaly (page 17 ) of the Sun have been computed using revised expressions for
the mean motion of the Earth around the Sun as given on page 443.
Heliographic co-ordinates given on pages 42 to 45 for 0 UT include the position angle P of the northern
extremity of the axis of rotation measured eastward from the north point of the disc and the heliographic latitude B
and longitude L of the central point of the disc.
The observed angular distance r1 from the centre of the disc of the Sun of a feature on the Sun’s surface,
as seen from the Earth, can be converted into its heliocentric angular distance r from the centreof the Sun’s disc as
follows :
sin ( r + r1 ) = r1 /S, where S is the semi diameter of the Sun.
The observed position (r, q) of a feature (Sunspot, etc.) with respect to the centre of Sun’s disc can be
converted into heliographic co-ordinates (L, B) as follows :

sin B = sin B cos r + cos B° sin r cos ( P - q )

cos B sin (L- L ) = sin r sin ( P - q )
cos B cos (L- L ) = cos r cos B – sin B sin r cos ( P - q )
° ° °
The physical ephemeris of the Sun has been calculated from the elements determined by R. C. Carrington
(observation of the spots on the Sun, 1863).

The Synodic rotation numbers are given below according to R. C. Carrington’s Greenwich photoheliographic
series which commenced on 9 November, 1853 with number 1. The standard solar meridian from which heliographic
longitudes on the surface of the Sun are measured (positive towards the west) is that which passes through the
ascending node of the solar equator on the ecliptic on 1854 January 1, Greenwich mean noon. The beginning of each
synodic rotation is the instant at which the standard solar meridian passes through the central point of the apparent
disc of the Sun, i.e., when the heliographic longitude L of this central point is zero.

Date of Date of Date of

Number Commencement Number Commencement Number Commencement
2279 2023 Dec. 21.93 2284 May 6.49 2289 Sept. 19.59
2280 2024 Jan. 18.27 2285 June 2.70 2290 Oct. 16.88
2281 Feb. 14.61 2286 June 29.90 2291 Nov. 13.18
2282 Mar. 12.94 2287 2024 July 27.11 2292 Dec. 10.49
2283 Apr. 9.24 2288 Aug. 23.34 2293 2025 Jan. 6.82

At the date of commencement of each synodic rotation period, the value of L° is zero ; that is, the prime
meridian passes through the central point of the disk.
The mean rotational elements of the Sun during 2024 are as follows :

Longitude of the ascending node of the solar equator on the ecliptic of date is 76°.01, and on the mean
equator of date 16°.16. Inclination of the solar equator on the ecliptic of date is 7°.25, and on the mean equator of date
26°.10. The mean position of the pole on the solar equator is at right ascension 286°.16 and declination 63°.90.
Sidereal period of rotation of the prime meridian is 14°.18 44 per day and its mean synodic period of rotation is 27.2753

The Moon

The ephemerides of the Moon reported in this publication are based on the fundamental arguments devel-
oped by Simon et. al (1994). The angular elements are referred to the mean equinox and ecliptic of date. Mean
elements of the mean equator and of the orbit of the Moon (page 47) can be computed during 2024 with the help of
the following expressions :-
The inclination i of the mean equator of the Moon to the true equator of the Earth is given by :
i = 21°.54101100- 0.00187860 d - 0.00000041 d

The arc of the mean equator of the Moon from its ascending node on the true equator of the Earth to its
ascending node on the ecliptic of date :
D = 202°.23510570 - 0.056650982 d - 0.000000137 d2
The arc of the true equator of the Earth from the true equinox of date to the ascending node of the mean
equator of the Moon :
W¢ = 358°.58591750 + 0.00386650 d + 0.00000147 d2
The inclination ( I ) of the mean equator of the Moon to the ecliptic = 1° 32¢ 33².6.
The ascending node of the mean lunar equator on the ecliptic is at the descending node of the mean lunar
orbit on the ecliptic that is at longitude W + 180°.

The above expressions give the mean elements with respect to the true equator of the Earth to a precision of
about 0°.001.

The following expressions for the mean elements of the orbit of the Moon G¢, W mean longitude of the
Moon L¢ and elongation D are referred to the mean equinox and ecliptic of date.

Mean longitude of the Moon, measured along the ecliptic to the mean ascending node and then along the
mean orbit :
L¢ = 142°.84345680 + 13.17639646 d
Mean longitude of the Moon’s perigee measured in the same way as L¢ :
G¢ = 339°.74882200 + 0.1114034 d
Mean longitude of the mean ascending node of the lunar orbit on the ecliptic :
W = 20°.93140180- 0.05295374 d
Mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun :
D = L¢ - L = 223°.66473600 + 12.19074090 d
Mean inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic = 5°.1566898
The above expressions are valid for use in 2024 only.
In all the above expressions, the time argument d is the interval in days since 0 TT January 0, 2024 and is
given by d = JD - 24603090.5

The length of the principal mean months at 2024.0 as derived from the above mean orbital elements of the
Moon are given on page 2.

The apparent geocentric longitude and latitude of the Moon (pages 48 to 63) are referred to the true equinox
and ecliptic of date. The true distance between the centres of the Earth and the Moon is given in a.u. Semi-diameter
is derived from the horizontal parallax by S = Sin-1 (k sinp) where k = 0.272 5076. The semi-diameter at mean distance
is taken to be 15¢ 32².58 without making any correction for irradiation.

The right ascension and declination given on pages 64 to 79 for 0 hour & 12 hour of TT are referred to the
true equator and equinox of date.

Horizontal parallax is tabulated at twelve hourly intervals on pages 64 to 79. It is derived from sin-1 (1/r)
where r is the true distance in units of the Earth’s equatorial radius. The tabulated R.A. and declination have been
corrected for light time while the horizontal parallax is the geometric value for the tabular time.

The times of New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter are the moments at which the excess of
the Moon’s apparent longitude over that of the Sun is 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° respectively. Moon at Apogee and
Perigee are the times when the Moon is at the greatest and least distance from the Earth. The timings are given in U.T.
The corresponding timings in U.T. of the phases of the Moon are also given in the calendar portion on pages 4 to 12.
For more precise values of the moments of New Moon and Full Moon, a reference may be made to Part VI - Indian
Calendar where the times are given in I.S.T.

Moon’s Age, given for 0h TT, is the number of days elapsed since the preceding New Moon (conjunction).
The times of Moon’s upper and lower transit are given in TT for the ephemeris meridian. Interpolation to any other
meridian by means of differences given and with the help of the ephemeris longitude will yield the local mean time of
transit. The apparent geocentric declination given for the time of ephemeris transit can also be similarly interpolated.

Physical ephemeris of the Moon (pages 88 to 95) has been computed using the formulae and constants of
D. Eckhardt (The Moon and the Planets, 25 3, 1981; High precision Earth Rotation and Earth-Moon Dynamics, ed.
O. Calame, pages 193-198, 1982) with inclination I as given above ( IAU value).

In case of the Moon, selenographic longitudes are measured for a point on the surface of the Moon from the
lunar meridian that passes through the mean central point of the visible disc positive towards the west towards Mare
Crisium. Selenographic latitudes are reckoned positive towards the north limb. The mean central point of the disc is
defined as the point on the lunar surface intersected by the radius of the Moon directed towards the Earth, when the
Moon is simultaneously at the ascending node and coincident with the mean longitude.

The Moon presents roughly the same hemisphere to the Earth. However, due to non uniformity of the
revolution of the Moon around the Earth (optical libration) and an oscillation of the actual rotational motion of the
Moon about its mean rotation (physical libration), about 59% of the Moon’s surface can be seen from the Earth. The
contribution to the Earth’s selenographic longitude and latitude due to physical libration has been tabulated sepa-
rately. These are geocentric values.

The tabular selenographic longitude and latitude of the Earth are the selenographic co-ordinates of the
apparent central point of the Moon from which point the Earth is in selenographic zenith. These co-ordinates are the
total librations (sums of optical and physical librations) in longitude and latitude respectively. When the libration in
longitude, i.e. the selenographic longitude of the Earth, is positive, the mean central point of the disc is displaced
eastward exposing to view a region on the west limb. When the libration in latitude, i.e. the selenographic latitude of
the Earth, is positive, a region on the north limb is exposed to view.

The selenographic co-ordinates of the point on the lunar surface where the Sun is in the Zenith are the
selenographic co-ordinates of the Sun. The selenographic co-longitude of the Sun tabulated in the ephemeris is
obtained by subtracting the selenographic longitude of the Sun from 90° or 450° ; it is approximately 270°, 0°, 90° and
180° at new-moon, first quarter, full-moon and last quarter respectively.

The position angle of the axis is the angle that the lunar meridian through the apparent central point of the
disc towards the north lunar pole forms with the declination circle through the central point, reckoned counter clock-
wise from the north point of the disc.

The position angle of the bright limb is the position angle of the mid point of the illuminated limb, reckoned
eastward from the north point of the disc. The position angle of the two cusps may be obtained by adding ± 90° to
that of the bright limb.

The expression for calculating the selenographic altitude (a) of the Sun (above the lunar horizon ) at a point
at selenographic longitude l and latitude b is as follows :

sin a = sin b sin b + cos b cos b sin (c + l), where (c , b ) are the Sun’s co-longitude and latitude at
° ° ° ° °
the time.

The following expressions can be used to compute the differential corrections to be applied to the tabular
geocentric librations to form the topocentric librations :

Dl = – p¢ sin (Q – C) sec b
Db = + p¢ cos (Q – C)
DC = + sin (b + Db) Dl – p¢ sin Q tan d, where Q is the geocentric parallactic angle of the Moon and
p¢ is the topocentric horizontal parallax. The latter is obtained from the geocentric horizontal parallax (p) (pages 64
to 79) by using :

p¢ = p (sin z + 0.0084 sin 2 z)

where z is the geocentric zenith distance of the Moon. The values of z and Q may be calculated from the geocentric
R.A. (a ) and declination (d ) of the Moon by using :

sin z sin Q = cos f sin h

sin z cos Q = cos d sin f - sin d cos f cos h
cos z = sin d sin f + cos d cos f cos h
where f is the geocentric latitude of the observer and h is the local hour angle of the Moon given by :
h = local apparent sidereal time - a

Second differences in the tabular values of the geocentric librations must be taken into account in interpo-
lation for the time of observation.

Major Planets

The heliocentric and geocentric positions of the major planets given on pages 96 to 197 have been derived
directly from the numerical integration mentioned on page 442.

The heliocentric longitude and latitude are referred to the mean equinox and ecliptic of date. The tabular
argument of heliocentric ephemeris is barycentric dynamical time (TDB).

The apparent geocentric longitude and latitude are referred to the true equinox and ecliptic of date and
are planetary aberration. The apparent right ascension and declination are also corrected for planetary aberration and
referred to the true equinox and equator of date. The tabular argument for both the terrestrial dynamical time (TDT).
The TDT of transit over the ephemeris meridian has been furnished, which may be interpolated to any other meridian
to obtain the LMT of transit.

As regards Pluto, in addition to the usual data, figures have been furnished for reduction of the apparent
right ascension and apparent declination to the corresponding astrometric places referred to the mean equinox and
equator of J 2000.0. The astrometric ephemeris is obtained by first adding the usual planetary aberration to the

planet’s true geocentric places referred to the standard equinox J 2000.0 and then subtracting the stellar aberration
pertinent to the position occupied by the planet. The astrometric place is thus affected by the amount of the terms in
the aberration dependent on the longitude of the Earth’s perihelion as are the catalogue mean places of stars in the
neighbourhood. The astrometric ephemeris is, therefore, rigorously comparable with photographic observations that
are referred to catalogue mean places J 2000.0 of neighbouring stars, it being only necessary to correct the observa-
tions for geocentric parallax in case of the planets and proper motion in case of the stars.

The tabular true distance from the Earth is the actual geocentric distance at the tabulated time and not at the
instant when the light left the planet.

The horizontal parallax of planets is 8".794 143 divided by the geocentric distance. As regards the semi-
diameter, the tabulated value is the value at unit distance divided by the geocentric distance. The semi-diameters at
unit distance are as follows : Mercury 3".36, Venus 8".34, Mars 4".68, Jupiter 98".57 (Equatorial) and 92".12 (Polar),
Saturn 83".13 (Equatorial) and 74".96 (Polar), Uranus 35".24, Neptune 34".14 and Pluto 2".07.

The heliocentric osculating elements of the orbits of the major planets, including Pluto, are given at
intervals of 40 days on pages 200 to 201. The osculating elements are the elements of the instantaneous ecliptic orbit
of the planet around the Sun determined by its actual position and velocity components for the instant, and as such
the elements are affected by the attractions of other planets. The true place of a planet deduced from these elements
is thus inclusive of the planetary perturbations, which need not, therefore, be considered separately in such a

The osculating elements for the Earth refer to the Earth/Moon barycentre. The correction in ecliptic rectan-
gular co-ordinates in conversion from the Earth/Moon barycentre to the Earth’s centre is given by :

Earth’s Centre = ( Earth / Moon barycentre ) - ( 0.000 0312 cos L, 0.000 2865 sin L, 0.0000124 sinL,
-0.00000718 sinL,0.00000657 cosL, 0.00000285 cosL)

where L = 218° + 481 268° T, with T measured in Julian centuries from JD 245 1545.0 to 5 decimals; the co-ordinates
are in a.u. with reference to mean equinox and ecliptic of date.


The mean places of 482 stars, apparent places of 68 stars at 10-day intervals. daily apparent place of Polaris
and tables for finding latitude of place from altitude of polaris and azimuth of polaris are given in this section. The
ecliptic co-ordinates (mean longitude and latitude) of 451 stars have also been given. To facilitate reduction from
mean to apparent place of a star, Besselian Day Numbers as well as the barycentric position and velocity components
of the Earth alongwith rotation matrix elements for precession and nutation have been tabulated.

Mean Places of Stars (pages 215 to 226)

Beginning with the issue for 1988, calculation of the mean and apparent places are based directly on the
basic-FK5 compiled by the A.R.I., Heidelberg.

The table for mean places of stars includes all stars of magnitude upto 3.9 as well as the component stars of
the different lunar asterisms of the Hindus, Chinese and Arabian even when those are fainter than magnitude 3.9.

In case double or multiple stars, m denotes the mean position of the centre of gravity (c.g.) of the system; p
the preceding component having less right ascension, f the following component and A the brighter component of
the system. The magnitude of the binary stars is the integrated value for the two components.

The mean longitude and latitude of 445 important stars have been computed using the conversion
from equatorial mean positions to ecliptic co-ordinates. Similarly, annual variations in longitude and latitude, etc., are
the differentials of the conversion formulae. All quantities relate to the middle of the current Julian year.

Apparent Places of Stars ( pages 227 to 243)

The apparent places of 68 selected stars are reported under this section. These positions are completely
based on the FK5 beginning with the issue for 1988.

Smaller aberration has been computed from the total velocity of the Earth referred to the barycentre of the
solar system. The E-terms of aberration are no longer included in the mean places in the FK5, but rather in the
reduction from mean to apparent places.

Reductions to apparent places have been computed rigorously and directly without the intermediary of the
mean place for the begining of the year. The rigorous computation also includes effects of relativistic light deflection.
Because of this, the apparent places of a star when approaching very closely the Sun cannot be interpolated by the
user, but these cases are of no practical interest in normal applications.

Apparent places of 68 bright stars with annual variation and annual proper motion at 10-day interval have
been given on pages 227 to 243. The number, name, are taken generally from the FK5, magnitude and spectrum are
taken from SIMBAD data base. Corrections for parallax have been applied where appreciable.

The right ascension and declination are referred to the true equator and equinox of date but with the
omission of the short period terms of nutation. After interpolating the given apparent places to date and longitude of
the station, the following corrections for the effect of short period terms of nutation are to be applied :

Da = a dy + b de seconds of time
Dd = a¢ dy + b¢ de seconds of arc

where dy and de are short period terms of nutation as tabulated on pages 244 to 251. The values of a, b, a¢and b¢
are given for each star under the apparent place.

The Apparent places of Polaris for each day of the year ( pages 272 to 274 ) have been computed rigorously.

Besselian Day Numbers (pages 244 to 251)

All stellar data tabulations are now for the standard epoch at the middle of the current Julian year rather than
the beginning of the Besselian year and accordingly the Besselian Day Numbers and second order day numbers are
referred to the mean equator and equinox of the epoch, J 2024.5. Although for full precision the reduction to the
apparent place has to be computed rigorously as described below, Besselian Day Numbers can still be used for less
In the tabulated data, t is the fraction of the Julian year since the standard epoch J 2024.5 A, B and E are
Besselian Day Numbers designed to incorporate corrections to the position of a star on account of precession and
nutation. In this case, the correction due to precession is measured from the middle of the year, and this is secured
by incorporating in A the value of the precision corresponding to t.The terms of short-period in nutation are included
in A and B, which are also shown separately on pages 244 to 251.

The Besselian Day Numbers C and D, designed to include the effect of aberration, are now computed based
on the total velocity of the Earth.

Second order day numbers, needed only for high declination stars for high accuracy, have been tabulated
on pages 252 to 255.

The barycentric position and velocity components of the Earth and rotation matrix elements for rigorous
reduction of precesision and nutation have been tabulated on pages 256 to 270. Use of these data with examples is
discussed below :-

Apparent place reduction with full precision (rigorous method)

Conversion of the barycentric co-ordinates of a star for the standard equinox and equator of J 2000.0 (TDB)
to its apparent geocentric co-ordinates referred to the true equinox and equator of date ( TT ) can be done rigorously
as follows:

The geocentric vector P of the star at the required epoch (ignoring the distinction between TDB and TT for
the stellar case) is given be by:

P = q + Tm - pEB ……….(1)

Here q is the barycentric direction of the star at epoch J 2000.0 referred to the standard equinox and equator of J2000.0
and is given by :-

q = (cos a0 cos d 0 , sin a0 cos d0 , sin d0 )

where a0 and d0 are the right ascension and declination for the equator, equinox and epoch of J 2000.0.

The space motion vector m = (mx, my, mz ) of the star in equation (1), expressed in radians/century, is given
by :
mx = - ma cos d 0 sin a0 - md sin d 0 cos a0 + np cos d0 cos a0
my = ma cosd 0 cosa0 - md sin d 0 sin a0 + np cos d0 sin a0
mz = md cos d 0 + np sin d 0

where these expressions take into account the radial velocity (v ) in au/century (1 km/s = 21.094 952 75 a.u./ century),
measured positively away from the Earth as well as proper motion( ma, md ) in right ascension and declination in
radian/century and p is the parallax in radians.

T is the interval in Julian centuries from J2000.0, given by T = ( JD - 245 1545.0 )/ 36525; EB and in
a.u. per day are Earth’s barycentric position and velocity vectors at co-ordinate time t = TDB referred to the equator
and equinox of J 2000.0 (pages 256 to 270).

The heliocentric position of the Earth E is given by

E = EB - SB …………………(2)

Where SB is the barycentric position of the Sun at time t. This can be obtained from the heliocentric position of the
barycentre tabulated on page 202 by reversing the sign of the respective x, y, and z.

The geocentric direction p of the star and the unit vector e can be computed from p = P/ |P| and
e = E/ |E|

The geocentric direction p1 of the star after applying the correction for light deflection in the natural frame
is obtained as follows:

p1 = p + ( 2 m/c2 E ) (e - (p. e) p)/ (1+ p. e)…………..(3)


Where m/c2 = 9.87 X 10- 9 a.u and E = | E |, the vector p1 is a unit vector to the order of m/c2 and dot (. ) indicates
scalar product.

The proper direction p2 in the geocentric inertial frame, that is moving with the instantaneous velocity V of
the Earth relative to the natural frame, is given by:

p2 = ( b- p1 + (1 + p1.V )/ (1+ b- ))V ) / (1+ p1.V )……………(4)

1 1

and b = ( 1- V )- ; the velocity V expressed in units of velocity of light and is

2 1/2
Where V = /c = 0.0057755
equal to the Earth’s velocity in the barycentric frame to the order of V2.

The apparent geocentric direction p3 is obtained by applying precession and nutation to the proper
direction p2 by multiplying it row by column with the rotation matrix M=NPB ( given on pages 257 to 271 ) as follows:

p3 = M p2 ………………….. (5)

The above direction p3 is in rectangular co- ordinates (x , h, z ). It can be converted into spherical co- ordinates
(a, d) using :

a = tan - l (h/x) and d = tan - l (z/b) ………………(6)

Where b =(x +h )
2 2 1/2

where the quadrant of a can be determined by the signs of x and h.

Correction for polar motion :

The apparent geocentric direction p3, given by equation (5) above, is for the true equator and equinox with
the z axis pointing towards the celestial ephemeris pole. A further correction for polar motion may be applied to p3 to
obtain p4 i.e. the direction relative to the conventional terrestrial reference system in which the z-axis is in the
direction of the adopted mean position of the pole, as follows :

p4= R2 (- x ) R1 (- y ) R3 ( GAST ) p3

where GAST is the Greenwich apparent sidereal time at the corresponding instant of UT and

1 0 0 cos q 0 - sin q
R1 (q) = 0 cos q sin q R2 (q) = 0 1 0
0 - sin q cos q sin q 0 cos q

cos q sin q 0
R3 (q) = - sin q cos q 0
0 0 1

are the standard matrices that produce rotations through an angle q about the x, y and z - axes respectively.

Polar motion is described by x and y, the co- ordinates of the celestial ephemeris pole with respect to the adopted
origin; x and y are measured in seconds of arc from the origin along the meridians at longitudes 0° and 270°. Current
values for the reduction of observations are published by the International Polar Motion Service and the Bureau
International de l’ Heure.

Example of stellar reduction :

Calculation of apparent position of a fictitious star on 2024, January 1 at 0 TT from the catalogue data, mean
right ascension (a0 ) , declination (d0 ), centennial proper motion (ma , md ) in right ascension and declination, parallax
(p) and radial velocity (n) of a fictitious star for the standard equinox and equator of J 2000.0 (TDB) as given below:

a0 = 14 ma = - 49.486 s/ century
h m s
39 36 .087
= - 0.00359872 rad/century

d0 = - 60° 50¢ 07².14 md = + 69 ².60 s/ century

= + 0.0003374 rad/ century

p = 0².752 n = - 22.2 km/ s

= 3.646 X 10-6 rad np = - 0.0017074 rad/ century

The barycentric position vector of the Sun and the position and velocity vectors of the Earth referred to
J2000.0 on 2024 January 1, 0 TDB (pages 202, 256 to 270) are :

Vector Julian date Barycentric Rectangular Components

x y z
EB 2460310.5 - 0.179 3818503 + 0.886523951 + 0.38452444
2460310.5 - 0.017 230013 - 0.002723085 - 0.0011799
SB 2460310.5 - 0.0097967252 + 0.002749752 - 0.000963

In order to calculate the geocentric vector P of the star at J 2000.0, using equation (1), the vectors q and m
may be computed using positional data of the star.

q = (- 0.373854098, - 0.312594565, - 0.8732226 )

m = ( - 0.000712684, + 0.001690102, + 0.00165534 )
T = ( 2460310.5 - 245 1545.0)/ 36525 = + 0.24

The geocentric vector P may be computed from equation (1) by substituting the vectors q, m and EB and
time T.
P = (- 0.374024499, - 0.312188963, - 0.8728254) and | P | = 0.999590112
The heliocentric position vector E of earth may be obtained using equation (2)
E = (- 0.165851251, + 0.889273703, + 0.38548747) and | E | = 0.983318335
The unit vectors p and e in the direction of P and E respectively are as follows :
p = (- 0.37417787, - 0.312316978, - 0.8731833)
e = (- 0.168664862, + 0.904359932, + 0.39202714)

The scalar product p. e = - 0.5611647843 and 2m/c2 = 1.974 X 10-8 a. u. The second term in the equation (3)
represents the correction for the light deflection in the natural frame, and is given by the following vector :
( 2m/c2 E ) ( e - ( p. e ) p )/ ( 1+ p. e ) = ( - 0.000000017, + 0.000000033, - 0.000000004 )

Addition of the above correction to the unit vector p gives geocentric direction p1 of the star :
p1 = ( - 0.374177887, - 0.312316945, - 0.8731833)
The velocity vector V = 0.000 1010 and b- = (1- V 2 )1/2 are as follows:

V = ( - 0.0000995119, - 0.0000157272, - 0.000006815)

b- = 0.999 999995

The scalar product p1. V = + 0.0000480974

Now substituting quantities computed above in the equation (4), the proper direction is obtained as:
p2 = (- 0.374259398, - 0.31231765, - 0.8731481)
The precession and nutation matrix (M) from page 257 is as follows:

+ 0.999983033 - 0.0053427777 -0.0023213

M = + 0.005342686 + 0.999985727 -0.000 04525
+ 0.002321512 + 0.000032847 +0.9999973

Finally the apparent geocentric direction p3 is obtained by multiplying the proper direction p2 to the
precession and nutation matrix as given by the equation (5).

Thus p3 = (- 0.370557563, - 0.314273233, - 0.8737636 ) and the apparent right ascension and declination:
a = tan-l (h/x) = 14 41 12 .379 ; d = tan - l (z/b) = -60° 55² 37¢ .92
h m s


PART III - Tables of Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight and Moonrise, Moonset

The times of Sunrise, Sunset and Twilight, which can be obtained immediately from the given tables by
simple interpolation for the desired latitude within the scope of the tables, are in local mean time of the place.
Strictly speaking, the timings of these events are for places on the meridian of Greenwich. By simple
interpolation for longitude, the correct time (L.M.T.) for the station can be obtained, which can thereafter be
reduced to the zonal standard time by applying correction of time pertinent to the place.

At the given times of Sunrise and Sunset, the upper limb of the Sun is on the horizon; the true zenith
distance of the Sun's center is then taken as 90 50, allowing 16 for semi- diameter and 34 for horizontal

The timings of the beginning of morning twilight and ending of evening twilight relate to the instants
when the center of the Sun is 18 below the horizon. This is now known as astronomical twilight. The period of
twilight has been divided into three parts  Civil when the Sun is 6 below the horizon, Nautical when 12 and
Astronomical when 18 and their duration have been given.

The timings of rising and setting in U.T. of a body with right ascension , declination  and zenith
distance z at latitude  and east longitude  may be computed from

UT = 0.99727 [    cosl {(cos z  sin  sin  )/ ( cos  cos  )} GAST at 0h UT],

where each term is expressed in time measure and GAST at 0h UT as tabulated on page 13. The negative sign in
the expression corresponds to rising and positive sign to setting. If the quantity {(cos z - sin sin)/ (cos cos)
is numerically greater than one, there is no phenomenon. However, the tabulated timings of Moonrise and
Moonset have been computed by inverse by interpolation for the zenith distance at z = 90 34.001- 0.72755 ,
where  is the horizontal parallax of the Moon at the time of phenomena. The above value includes semi-
diameter and the effect of refraction.

The Sunrise and Sunset times for certain stations in India (Kolkata, Varanasi, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai)
have been separately computed and given in Indian Standard Time. In these calculations the amount of
horizontal refraction has been taken as 31, the value derived from consideration of the atmospheric conditions in
India, and consequently the zenith distance of the Sun's center is 90 47 at the times given. In the section on
Indian Calendar, the Sunrise and Sunset times which have been given for latitude 23 11 North and Central
Meridian of India, also relates to the times when upper limb of the Sun is on the horizon as in the general tables.

The Moonrise and Moonset times given for certain latitudes relate to the local mean time calculated for
the Central Meridian of India. By simple interpolation with the help of a table given on page 313, the local mean
time for any other latitude can easily be obtained. At the time given, the Moon's upper limb is on the horizon and
so the true geocentric zenith distance of the Moon's center is 90 34 plus semi- diameter of the Moon minus the
horizontal parallax, where 34 has been allowed for horizontal refraction. Taking the mean values of the semi-
diameter and the parallax, the zenith distance of the Moon at the moment is about 89 52, which varies from 89
55 to 89 49 as the parallax increases from 53.6 to 61'.9.

The times of Moonrise and Moonset for certain stations in India (Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai)
are separately calculated and given in I.S.T.

The times of Sunrise, Sunset and Moonrise, Moonset given are for an observer on the surface of the
Earth considered to be a flat surface around that point without any obstruction in the directions of rising or
setting. For an observer stationed at some elevation above the surface, the rising will be further accelerated and
the setting retarded according to the height of the observer. The additional arc of depression to be considered on
this account is 2.10h where h is the height of the observer in meters above the ground level. The dip of the
sensible horizon is however 1.77 h. The effect of atmospheric refraction is included in the above results,
without which both the terms would have got reduced to the same value of 1.93 h.


The values of the arc of depression according to height of the observer are given below:

Height Depression Height Depression Height Depression Height Depression

Meters  Meters  Meters  Meters 
0 0.0 40 13.3 300 36 2000 94
2 3.0 50 14.8 400 42 3000 115
5 4.7 75 18.2 500 47 4000 133
10 6.6 100 21.0 750 58 5000 148
20 9.4 150 25.7 1000 66 6000 163
30 11.5 200 29.7 1500 81 7000 176
40 13.3 300 36.4 2000 94 8000 188

The correction to the rising and setting times due to the above height of the observer may be obtained
by multiplying the arc of depression given in the table by the figures from the table below:

Latitude of Station

Decli. 0 10 20 30 35 40 45 50 52 54 56 58 60
of Sun

  m m m m m m m m m m m m m
0 .067 .068 .071 .077 .082 .087 .094 .104 .108 .113 .119 .126 .133
5 .067 .068 .071 .077 .082 .088 .095 .105 .109 .115 .121 .127 .135
10 .068 .069 .072 .079 .083 .089 .097 .108 .113 .119 .126 .133 .142
15 .069 .070 .074 .081 .086 .093 .101 .113 .119 .127 .134 .144 .156
20 .071 .072 .076 .084 .090 .097 .108 .123 .130 .139 .151 .165 .183
23 27 .073 .074 .078 .087 .093 .102 .114 .132 .142 .155 .171 .192 .223

The deviation of the rising or the setting point on the horizon (i.e., amplitude) on account of the above
arc of depression h (obtained after adding to it the normal depression at rising or setting) may be found as h tan 
sec A, deviation being towards the north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern hemisphere. Here
A, the amplitude of the rising of setting point measured from the east or west point of the horizon, is obtained
from sin A  sin sec. The values of the amplitude for certain latitudes and declinations are given in a table on
page 365.


Eclipses and Occultations have been calculated on the basis of the tabulated positions of the Sun and the
Moon. The semi-diameters of the Sun and the Moon used in these calculations exclude irradiation. The Sun's
tabular semi-diameter which includes irradiation is diminished by 1."55 for this purpose.

The semi-diameter of the Moon given by sin s = k sin , where  is the Moon's horizontal parallax is
based on the adopted constant k = 0.272 5076 to account for the irregularities of the lunar limb. It corresponds to
the mean radius of Watt's datum as determined by observations of occultations and to the adopted radius of the
Earth, introduced in 1982 and is consistent with the IAU system of Astronomical constants (1976). It is used
with effect from 1986 in this publication. Refraction is neglected in calculation of eclipses of both the Sun and
the Moon.


The circumstances of the phenomena are given provisionally in Universal Time, using T (A) = + 70s.0
and the points on the Earth's surface are also expressed in terms of geographic longitude measured positively to
the east.

Lunar Eclipses

In the calculation of lunar eclipses, the semi-diameter of the shadow -cone has been increased by one-
fiftieth to take account of the influence of the atmosphere in absorbing Sun's rays passing through it . In the
calculation of rising and setting limits, the time when the centre of the Moon becomes visible on the horizon has
been considered as rising or setting. Elsewhere in this book the upper limb visible on the horizon is taken as the
criterion for rising or setting. The horizontal refraction used in these calculations of rising and setting is 31.

The method of computation of a lunar eclipse is detailed below :

Let ,  be the right ascension and declination of the Moon at an instant T 0 at or very near to the
moment of opposition, and let ,  be the corresponding co-ordinates of the centre of the Earth's shadow ( =
R. A. of Sun + 12h,  = Sun's declination ). Let , s be parallax and semi-diameter of the Moon and , s be
parallax and semi-diameter of the Sun.

As the Earth is not a perfect sphere, its shadow will differ slightly from a cone. It would however, be
sufficient for our purpose if we use a mean radius for the Earth, which is equivalent to submitting for  a parallax
1, reduced to latitude 45º , so that 1 = 0.9983 33 .

The radius of the shadow-cone at Moon's distance is 1.02 ( 1 + – s ) for umbra, and 1.02 ( 1 +  +
s ) for penumbra.

Let L be the angle between the centre of the Moon and that of the shadow-cone at the desired
circumstance of the eclipse, so that
L1 = 1.02 ( 1 + – s ) + s . . . . . . for first and last contacts

L2 = 1.02 ( 1 + – s ) – s . . . . . . for second and third contacts

For the penumbral eclipse,

L' = 1.02 ( 1 +  + s ) + s . . . . . . for first and last contacts

The Besselian elements x, y may be computed with sufficient accuracy with the following :

x = (  –  ) cos  x = hourly variation of (  –  ) cos 

y = (  –  ) y = hourly variation of (  –  )

Let m sin M = x, and m cos M = y, so that tan M = x/y, and m 2 = x 2 + y 2. The quantity m, taken
always positive at all times, represents the angular distance between the centre of the Moon and of the shadow
cone. The angle M may take any value from 0º to 360º.

Again, let n sin N = x, and n cos N = y, so that n 2 = x 2 + y 2, and tan N = x / y. The angle N lies
in the first or the second quadrant according as y is positive or negative. The value of n is positive.

The time of greatest obscuration or middle of the eclipse is given by

T0 – 1/n { m cos ( M – N ) } or T0 – ( x x + y y  ) / n 2 ( hours )



The auxiliary angle ψ is given by :

sin ψ = { m sin ( M – N ) }/ L = ( x y – y x )/ nL. The value of either L1, L2 or L' should be used or
L according to the circumstances of the eclipse under consideration.

Then, time of the beginning or ending = time of middle + (1/n) ( L cos ψ ).

The value of ψ should be so taken that cos ψ may be negative for the beginning and positive for the
ending of the phase. In other words, when sin ψ is positive, i.e., when ( M – N ) falls in the 1st or the 2nd
quadrant, ψ would be in the second quadrant for the beginning and in the first quadrant for the ending; and
when sin ψ is negative, i.e., when ( M – N ) is in the 3rd or the 4th quadrant, ψ would be in the third quadrant
for the beginning and fourth quadrant for the ending.

If greater accuracy is desired, the computations may be repeated using the times obtained above as initial

The magnitude of the eclipse, the Moon’s diameter being unity, is ( L1 –  )/ 2 s,

where  = m sin ( M – N ) is taken positive. When the computations are repeated for greater accuracy,
the average values of L1,  and s for the first and last umbral contacts or those corresponding to the time of
greatest obscurations should be used.

When  becomes less than L2, the eclipse is a total one. The computations of the beginning and ending
of the total phase may be done in the same way as above using the value of L2.

The position angle of contact P on the Moon’s limb, measured from the north point in the direction
N.E.S.W. is 180◦ + N + ψ for the first and last contacts both with umbra and penumbra as the case may be, and is
N + ψ for the second and third contacts in case of a total eclipse.

When M is calculated for the exact time of the phenomena, i.e., beginning or ending, then P may be
obtained by considering N + ψ = M, i.e., P = M + 180◦ or P = M as the case may be.

Solar Eclipses

Computation of the elements and circumstances of solar eclipses has been done following the method of
Bessel. The geometric position of the shadow of the Moon relative to the Earth is described by the Besselian
elements in a system of geocentric rectangular co-ordinates. In this system, the geocentric plane perpendicular to
the axis of the shadow is taken as the xy plane and called the fundamental plane. The x-axis is the intersection of
the fundamental plane with the plane of equator and is positive towards east. The y-axis is positive towards the
north. The z-axis is parallel to the axis of the shadow and is positive towards the Moon. The tabular values of x
and y are the co-ordinates of the axis of the shadow on the fundamental plane in units of the Earth’s equatorial
radius. The quantities d and μ specify the declination and hour angle of the point on the celestial sphere towards
which the axis of the shadow is directed.

The elements l1 and l2 are the radii of the penumbral and umbral cones on the fundamental plane. The
elements l2 is regarded as positive for an annular eclipse and negative for a total eclipse. The elements f 1
and f 2 are the angles between the axis of the shadow and the generators of the penumbral and umbral cones

The Besselian elements x, y, sin d, cos d, μ, l1 and l2 are computed and tabulated at an interval of 10
minutes to facilitate the accurate computation of the circumstances of the eclipse. The given eclipse maps show
the path of the eclipse, beginning and ending times of the eclipse, the area of visibility and rising and setting
limits of the eclipse.


The method of computation of the local circumstances of the solar eclipse is given below :

The approximate time (U.T.) of the beginning and ending of a solar eclipse may be obtained from the
corresponding eclipse map and used as estimated initial time. To obtain the geocentric rectangular co-ordinates,
,, , ζ of the observer located on the surface of the Earth in geographic longitude  (measured east positive)
and latitude  in terms of the Besselian elements, we have;

   cos  sin H

   sin  cos d   cos  sin d cos H

ζ   sin  sin d +  cos  cos d cos H

and their variations per minute as :

 ' = μ cos  cos H

' = μ  sin d - d

where H = μ +  and μ is variation per minute in hour angle. In most of the cases, the variation ζ' is
not needed and may be neglected. The values of  cos  and  sin  used above may be found for the
observer’s latitude  using Table – XI.
The eclipse begins or ends at the station when ( x   )2 + ( y   )2 = ( l1  ζ tan f1 )2.

Now let m sin M = x  , m cos M = y   so that tan M = (x  ,) ( y   ) and m2 = (x   )2 +

(y ) . The angle M may have any value from 0° to 360° and m is always positive.

Again let n sin N = x  , n cos N = y   so that tan N = (x   ) ( y   ) and n2 = (x   )2
+ (y   )2. The angle N is in the first two quadrants and n is positive.

The radius of the shadow at a height ζ above the fundamental plane may be determined by L1 = l1  ζ
tan f1 or L2 = l2  ζ tan f2 as the case may be.

Now the required time of the event will be obtained by applying a correction  to the adopted initial
time concerned, given by

 =  {m cos ( M  N )}/n + ( L cos  )/n (in minutes), where sin  = {m sin ( M  N )}/L

The value of  for which cos  is negative should be taken for the beginning of the eclipse for the
beginning of the annular phase or the end of the total phase, and the value of  for which cos  is positive is to
be taken for the end of the eclipse, for the end of the annular phase or the beginning of the total phase. When M
 N falls within 0º to 180º,  is in the 2nd or the 1st quadrant according to the required phase of the eclipse, for
the other half it is in the 3rd or the 4th quadrant according to the phase.

If the correction  obtained above exceeds 3 or 4 minutes and greater accuracy is desired, the
computation should be repeated using the new times now obtained as initial times.

For finding the time of greatest phase , the calculations should be started adopting a new assumed time
midway between the beginning and ending times. The correction to this adopted time is given by:

 =  {m cos ( M  N )}/n (in minutes).



The magnitude of greatest partial eclipse is the fraction of the Sun’s diameter obscured by the Moon at
the time of greatest phase, and is given by : M1 = ( L1   ) / ( 2 L1  0.5459) where , the minimum distance
between the centres of the two bodies, is given by m sin ( M  N ) and is to be taken positive.

The magnitude of the central phase, in the same units, is M 2 = ( 0.5459 ) / ( 2 L1  0.5459).

The position angle of the point of contact measured from the north point of the Sun in the direction N.
E. S. W. (i.e. clockwise direction) may be obtained from P = N +  or if, measured from the vertex, from V = P
 C where C, the parallactic angle, is given by tan C = ( / ).

The occultations of visible planets and certain bright stars (Aldebaran , Regulas, Spica and Antares) by
the Moon are given whenever they occur, together with the time, area of visibility and the Besselian elements.
The area of visibility includes also the regions from which the occultations is visible even during day light hours.
The two times given in the first table for the occultations are the times of first and last contact of the shadow
cylinder with the Earth and as such the occultation may be expected to be visible only within the period between
these times.
The elements are similar to those for solar eclipses and are given for T0, the instant of conjunction in
R.A. when x = 0. The common geocentric hour angle of the bodies, or more precisely of the line passing
through the center of the Earth parallel to the line joining the center of the two bodies for the Greenwich
meridians is H 0 and its hourly variation is about 60 m.16 or 15º.04. Y is the value of y for the instant of
conjunction and x', y' are the hourly variations of x and y. For a place where an occultation is visible, the times
of immersion and emersion can be computed with the help of these elements by a method similar to that used in
computing the local circumstances of a solar eclipse as explained below:
Let  and  be respectively the latitude and longitude of the place. The longitude of place is to be taken
in hours and minutes and as usual measured positively towards east of Greenwich.
For night visibility of an occultation, the necessary conditions are as follows:
(1) The Sun must not be much more than an hour above the horizon at the local mean time T0 + 
(and it must be below the horizon at time T0 +  + t).
(2) The Moon must be above the horizon by an appreciable amount, i.e., the quantity H 0 + ,
taken without regard to sign for this purpose, must be less than the semidiurnal are of the star
of planet by at least one hour.
For prediction of an occultation, find the approximate time (U.T.) of local apparent connection by
applying to the given T0 a correction t (in hours) taken from the following table*:
H 0+ 
h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m h m
 0-00 0-30 1-00 1-30 2-00 2-30 3-00 3-30 4-00 4-30 5-00 5-30 6-00
h h h h h h h h h h h h h
0 0.00 0.41 0.77 1.08 1.32 1.50 1.62 1.69 1.72 1.73 1.71 1.65 1.58
10 0.00 0.40 0.75 1.06 1.29 1.47 1.59 1.66 1.70 1.70 1.69 1.63 1.56
20 0.00 0.37 0.70 0.99 1.21 1.38 1.51 1.58 1.62 1.63 1.61 1.56 1.50
30 0.00 0.32 0.62 0.87 1.08 1.24 1.36 1.44 1.49 1.50 1.50 1.45 1.40
40 0.00 0.26 0.51 0.73 0.92 1.07 1.18 1.26 1.30 1.32 1.32 1.30 1.26
50 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.58 0.73 0.86 0.96 1.03 1.08 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.07
60 0.00 0.15 0.29 0.42 0.53 0.63 0.72 0.78 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.86 0.85

*The value of t has the same sign as that of sin ( H0 +  ).

The Besselian elements x and y at the time of local conjunctions T0 + t may be calculated as follows :
x = x' t, and y = Y + y' t.


Occultations for which y -  for the time local conjunction is not within  0.35 will not be visible at the
place. In order to decide this, an estimated value of  may be used as an approximation for which the following
tables are given indicating the minimum and maximum values of .
Limiting value of  (when on meridian i.e., when H0 +  = 0 )
 - d ……… 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
 ……… 0.00 0.17 0.34 0.50 0.64 0.76 0.86

The values of  has the same sign as that of  - d.

(* The table has been constructed taking x' = 0.5773 ; for other values of x' the figures will vary inversely. For
this purpose the figures of the table may be multiplied by 1.15 for x' = 0.50, by 1.05 for x' = 0.55, by 0.95 or x'
= 0.60 and by 0.89 for x' = 0.65)

Limiting value of  (when rising or setting i.e. when H0 + λ + t = S.D. arc)

Latitude (  )
d 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 0.00 0.17 0.34 0.50 0.64 0.76 0.86
 9 0.00 0.17 0.34 0.50 0.65 0.77 0.87
 18 0.00 0.18 0.36 0.52 0.67 0.80 0.91
 27 0.00 0.19 0.38 0.56 0.72 0.86 0.97
The value of  has the same sign that of 
For the instant T0 + t , compute the following quantities in addition to x and y :
Let H = ( H +  ) + a t (converted into arc). The value of a has been given for planets under elements;
it is 1.027 for stars. The observer’s position on the fundamental plane is given by:
 =  cos ' sin H and  =  sin ' cos d –  cos ' sin d cos H
and the hourly variations ;
 ' = 0.2618 a  cos ' cos H, ' = 0.2618 a  sin d.
The value of the co-efficient 0.2618 a is 0.2625 for stars.
Let u = x– , v = y – , u' = x' –  ' , v' = y' – ' so that n2 = u' 2 + v' 2 .
Now sin  = (uv' – vu' ) / nl, where l = 0.2725, for stars, and for planets, it will be found under elements.
The correction  to the time of immersion and emersion is given by :

 = – (60/ n²) ( uu + vv) Ŧ (60 l / n) cos 

The negative sign in the second term is to be taken for immersion or the first contact and the positive
sign for emersion or the last contact.
Instant of immersion or emersion = T0 + t +  .
If greater accuracy is desired, a second set of calculations may be done in the following way using the
new times now obtained as initial times. For the revised time of immersion or emersion T , compute H = (H +
 + at) + a, x, y,  , ,  ,  ; u, v, u, v and D = uu + vv. The second correction t is given by : t = (30/D)x
[l² - (u² + v²)] in mins. of time.
The final time of immersion or emersion = T + t .
The angles of contact on the Moon’s limb:


P = M + 180, where tan M = (u + ut) /( v + vt) ,

V = P – C, where tan C =(  +  t) /(  +  t ),
where t is to be taken in hours.
PART V – Miscellaneous Tables
The stellar magnitudes of planets together with their elongations from the Sun have been given under
‘phenomena’ at suitable intervals of days. The computation in the next portion of the phenomena has been based
on longitude and that in the Astronomical Diary mainly on right ascension, with the exception that the
conjunctions, squares and oppositions of planets with the Sun included in the latter have been calculated on the
basis of longitudes. In the case of conjunctions in right ascension, the differences in declination between the
planets or the Moon and the planet have also been given. The dates of heliacal visibility of planets ( Mercury to
Saturn) have also been given and these are based on the method given on page 465.

Interpolation Coefficients have been given on pages 353 to 356 according to the formula of both Bessel
and Everett, for each hundredth part of the time-interval.
Let the tabular value of a function given at equal intervals be represented by f and the first and second
differences by  with relevant dashes and subscripts as shown below. It is required to determine the value of the
function at some intermediate point.
Function First difference Second difference
f –1
 '-½
f0 0
 '
 '1½

The epochs for which the values of the function are to be taken should be so chosen that the time for
which the value of the function is required may fall within the interval f0 and f2 and let n be the time interval from
f0 up to the moment for which the value of the function is required. It is expressed as a fraction of the interval at
which the given values of the function are tabulated. Let fn be the value of the function for the desired time
which is now required to be determined.
The two formulae for interpolation which are generally used for the purpose are as follows :
fn = f0 + n ½ + B (0 + 1)…………………Bessel
fn = f0 + n ½ + E0 0 + E11………………Everett

in which f0 + n½ may be replaced by (1 n) f0 + nf1 , if necessary, and where

B = n (n – 1)/ 4, E0 =  n (n1) (n2)/ 6 and E1 = n (n+1) (n1)/ 6

It will be noted that in Bessel’s formula the value of 0 + 1 is the same as '1½ – '-½ . The value of
the coefficients B", E0" and E1", all of which are negative within the range f0 to f1 , will be obtained from the
table on page 353 to 356 for the given value of n.


Bessel’s method of interpolation is more simple, but greater accuracy is yielded by Everett’s formula on
account of the fact that it includes the effect of third differences also.

The more complete formula of Bessel is as follows :

fn = f0 + n½ + {n(n – 1) (0 + 1)}/4 + { n(n -1)(n - ½ ) ½ }/6 +       

The rate of variation of the function at a point, i.e., the instantaneous motion per unit of time interval
may be obtained by the following formula :

Motion = '½ + C0" + D1", where C =  (3n²  6n + 2)/6 and D = (3n²  1)/6

When n = 0, the motion f0' = {('-½ + '½)/2} – (1" 0")/6,

when n = ½ , f '½ = '½ – {(1" 0")/24} and when n = 1, f 1' = {('½ + '1½ )/2} – (1" 0")/6

The stationary point (i.e., when f ' = 0 ) occurs when n = ½  ('½ /"1) or ½  ('-½ /"0).

Geocentric Co-ordinates and other Constants

The tables given on pages 359 and 360 are for computing the geocentric co-ordinates of a place for
which the geodetic, i.e., geographic or common latitude  is known. From the first table, the values of  sin 
and  cos  can be directly obtained, while the second table gives the values of the geocentric latitude  and the
radius of the Earth  separately

The constants used for these tables and the others given below are the 1976 I.A.U. System of
astronomical constants introduced in this publication with effect from the 1985 issue.

Equatorial radius (a) = 637 8140 m = 3963.20 miles.

Polar radius (b) = 635 6755 m = 3949.91 miles.
Flattening of the Earth (f) = (a-b)/a = 1/298.257 = 0.003 353 64.
Ellipticity or eccentricity (e) = 0.081 8192, e² = 0.006 694 39.

The following expressions are obtained from the above values of flattening and radius of the Earth.
S = 0.994 9743 – 0.001 6708 cos 2  + 0.000 0021 cos 4 
C = 1.001 6799 – 0.001 6820 cos 2  + 0.000 0021 cos 4 
 = 0.998 3271 + 0.001 6764 cos 2  - 0.000 0035 cos 4 
 =  - 11 32.726 sin 2  + 1.163 sin 4  - 0.003 sin 6 
One degree of longitude (in km.) = 111.4133 cos  - 0.0935 cos 3 
One degree of latitude (in km.) = 111.1334 – 0.5598 cos 2  + 0.0012 cos 4 
g (cm/sec²) = 978.031 + 5.1859 sin²  - 0.0057 sin² 2  - 0.000 308H. where H is the
elevation in meters above sea level.
Period of Earth satellite of negligible mass = 84.489 09 d3/2 mins., where d is the mean distance of the
satellite from the Earth’s center measured in units of 6378140 m (Earth’s equatorial radius).
Invariable plane of the solar system;  = 106°35 01 + 3452T, I = 1° 34 59 - 18T
Pole of galactic plane (1950);  = 12h 49m.0,  = +27° 24
Solar apex (1950) ..  = 18h 06m,  = +30°
Solar motion = 20.0 km. or 12.4 miles per sec.
Speed of the Earth moving around the Sun = 29.79 km. or 18.51 miles per sec.


Heliacal Rising and Setting of Planets

The planets Mercury to Saturn (as well as the Moon) remain invisible to the naked eyes for some days
at the time of conjunction with the Sun. This phenomenon of planet's invisibility due to its proximity to the Sun
is known as combust or heliacal setting of the planets, and it plays an important part in Indian Calendar. The
dates of heliacal setting and rising of the planets marking the period or invisibility have been calculated
assuming that the phenomenon occurs when, at the given station, the Sun attains a Zenith distance of 90+h at
the time when the zenith distance of the planet is 90. The values of h for different planets adopted for the
purpose are as follows :

Mercury 10 (Direct) and 11 (Retrograde)

Venus 6, Mars 14, Jupiter 8.5 , and Saturn 12

The day of the first visibility of the lunar crescent after a new-moon day has also been determined in a
somewhat similar way on the basis of the following values of the limiting altitude of the Moon above the horizon
corresponding to its azimuth difference from the Sun, when the zenith distance of the Sun is 90.

Azimuth difference 0 5 10 15 20

Altitude 10.4 10.0 9.3 8.0 6.2

When the altitude of the Moon at sunset exceeds the above limit, the Moon is likely to be visible in that
evening and when the excess is more than a degree, the Moon is sure to be visible. The beginning dates of the
months of the Islamic Calendar have been determined on the basis of the above calculations and indicated on the
date following that of the first visibility of the Moon.

In the above calculations, the atmospheric refraction and the horizontal parallax of the Moon are

The computations of heliacal rising and setting of planets and determination of the dates of first
visibility of the Moon have been done for the central station of India.


Units : The units meter (m), kilogram (kg.) and second (s) are the units of length, mass and time in the
International System of Unit (SI).

The astronomical unit of time is a time interval of one (D) of 86400 seconds. An interval of 36525 days
is one Julian century.

The astronomical unit of mass is the mass of the Sun (S).

The astronomical unit of length is that length (A) for which the Gaussian gravitational constant (k)
takes the value of 0.01720209895 when the units of measurement are the astronomical unit of length, mass and
time. The dimensions of k2 are those of the constant of gravitational (G), i.e. L3M1T2. The term "unit distance"
is also used for the length A.

Defining Constants :

1. Gaussian gravitational constant k = 0.017 202 098 95

2. Speed of light c = 299 792 458 ms -1


Primary Constants :

3. Light-time for unit distance A = 499.004 78384 s

4. Equatorial radius for Earth ae = 637 8136.6 m
[IUGG value ae = 637 8137 m]
5. Dynamical form-factor for Earth J2 = 0.001 082 6359
6. Geocentric gravitational constant GE = 3.986 004 418 X 1014 m3 s-2
7. Constant of Gravitation G = 6.674 28 X 10-11 m3 kg-1 s -2
8. Ratio of mass of Moon to that of Earth  = 0.012 300 0371
9. General precession in longitude,
per Julian century, at standard epoch J 2000.0 P = 5028".796195
10. Obliquity of the ecliptic, at standard
epoch J2000.0  = 23º 26' 21".406

Derived Constants

11. Constant of nutation at standard

epoch J2000.0 N = 9".2052 331
12. Unit distance cA= A =1.495 978 707 x 1011m
13. Solar parallax arc sin (ae/A) = ⊙ = 8".794143
14. Constant of aberration for standard
Epoch J2000.0 k = 20".49551
15. Flattening factor for the Earth f = 0.003 352 82 = 1/298.25642
16. Heliocentric gravitational constant A3 k2/D2 = GS = 1.327 124 42099 x 1020 m3 s -2
17. Ratio of mass of Sun to that of the Earth (GS)/(GE) = S/E = 332 946.0487
18. Ratio of mass of Sun to that of Earth + Moon (S/E)/(1+) = 328 900.5596
19. Mass of the Sun (GS)/G = S = 1.9884 x 1030 kg
20. System of planetary masses :
(Ratios of mass of Sun to those of the planets etc.)

Mercury 6023600 Jupiter 1047.348644

Venus 408523.719 Saturn 3497.9018
Earth + Moon 328900.5596 Uranus 22902.98
Mars 3098703.59 Neptune 19412.26
Pluto 136566000

Other quantities for use in the preparation of ephemerides :

It is recommended that the values given in the following list should normally be used in the preparation
of new ephemerides.

21. Masses of minor planets in unit of the solar mass :

(1) Ceres 4.72 x 10-10

(2) Pallas 1.03 x 10-10
(3) Vesta 1.35 x 10-10

*See page 442 also for some of the constants actually used in preparation of the ephemerides reported in the


22. Masses of satellites in unit of the planet's mass :

Jupiter Io 4.704 x 10-5

Europa 2.528 x 10-5
Ganymede 7.805 x 10-5
Callisto 5.667 x 10-5
Saturn Titan 2.366 x 10-4
Neptune Triton 2.089 x 10-4

23. Equatorial radii in km.

Mercury 2439.7 Jupiter 71492 Pluto 1195

Venus 6051.8 Saturn 60268
Earth 6378.1366 Uranus 25559 Moon 1737.4
Mars 3396.19 Neptune 24764 Sun 696000

24. Gravity fields of the planets.

J2 J3 J4

Earth + 1.08263 x 10-3  2.54 x 10-6  1.61 x 10-6

Mars + 1.964 x 10-3 + 36 x 10-6
Jupiter + 14.75 x 10-3  580 x 10-6
Saturn + 16.45 x 10-3  1000 x 10-6
Uranus + 12 x10-3
Neptune + 4 x10-3

25. Gravity field of the Moon.

 = (BA)/C = 0.000 2278 C/MR2 = 0".392

 = (CB)/B = 0.000 6313 I = 5552".7 = 1º 32' 32.7"
C20 =  0.000 2027 C30 =  0.000 006 C32 = + 0.000 0048
C22 = + 0.000 0223 C31 = + 0.000 029 S32 = + 0.000 0017
S31 = + 0.000 004 C33 = + 0.000 0018
S33 =  0.000 001


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Page Page
A berration 18, 442 Festivals --- contd.
C hristian 413
Amplitude of Rising and Setting 377 Jewish, Parsi 412
Arc, Conversion to Time, Table III 347 M oslem 411
Augmentation of Moon's Semi-diameter 367 Geocentric co-ordinates of a place, Table XI 361
Astronomical Constants 444,466 Heliacal rising and setting of planets 338, 377,465
Astronomical, reference frame 433 I.A.U. System of Astronomical Constants 465
A tomic time 427 Interpolation co-efficients, Table VII, VIII 353, 355
Ayanamsa, values of True 417 Julian Day Number, Table IX 357
M ean 417 Jupiter
Barycentric dynamical time (TDB) 428 Distance from the Earth 146
Barycentre 202 E longations and Magnitudes 337
Calendar 4 E phemeris transit 146
Indian 374 H orizontal parallax 146
Is lamic 411 Longitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 142
J ewish, Parsi 412 Longitude and latitude, heliocentric 140
Centre of Mass of Solar System R adius vector 140
E quatorial rect. Co-ord. of Barycentre 202 Right ascension and declination, apparent 146
C hronological Table 3 Semi-diameter 146
Conversion of hours, minutes and seconds to Latitude and longitude of places 363
decimals of a day, Table V 349 Latitude of Moon for the period
Conversion of minutes and seconds to Jan. 0 to Apr. 20, 2024 422
decimals of a degree, Table VI 352 Latitude, geocentric of planets for the period
Co-ordinates, Conversion of geographic to J an. 0 to Apr. 20, 2024 424
geocentric, Table XII 362 Latitude of a place from an observed altitude
Day of Polaris 275
L ength of 2, 429 Longitudes of Sun, Moon and planets for the period
of week 4 Jan. 0 to Apr. 20, 2024 418
of year 4 Mars
Day Numbers, Besselian 244, 451 Distance from the Earth 132
Declination of Sun and Moon for the period E longations and Magnitudes 337
Jan. 0 to Apr. 20, 2024 422 E phemeris transit 132
Declination of planets for the period Jan. 0 H orizontal parallax 132
to Apr. 20, 2024 424 Longitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 128
∆T, definition 430 Longitude and latitude, heliocentric 126
Table 430-433 R adius vector 126
D ynamical Time (D. T.) 428 R ight ascension and declination, apparent 132
Diary, Astronomical 341 Semi-diameter 132
Earth, barycentric co-ordinates 256 Mercury
Eclipses 319 Distance from the Earth 104
B esselian Elements 322, 326 E longations and Magnitudes 336
Elements 320, 324
328, 329 E phemeris transit 104
Circumstances 320, 324
328, 329 H orizontal parallax 104
Maps 321, 325 Longitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 100
of the Moon 328-329 Longitude and latitude, heliocentric 96
of the Sun 320-327 R adius vector 96
Ephemeris Time 428 R ight ascension and declination, apparent 104
Epoch J-2000.0 427 Semi-diameter 104
E quinoxes 435 Month, lengths of 2
E q uation of Equinoxes 13 Moon
Festivals 408 Age 80, 448


Page Page
Moon --- contd. Occultations
Apogee and perigee 46, 341 Area of visibility 330,332
Elements 331,332
E phemeris transit, upper and lower 80 M ethod of calculation 461
Geocentric declination, at upper O sculating elements of planet 200
and lower transits 80 Phenomena 336
Inclination of orbit 447 Physical ephemeris of observations
Longitude and latitude at 0h and 12h TT 48 of M oon 88, 448
Longitude, mean 47 of Sun 42
Mean elongation 47 Pluto
Orbit of, Perigee and Node 47 Astrometric ephemeris 450
Parallax, horizontal 64 Distance from the Earth 198
Phases of the Moon 4, 46, 317 Elongations 337
Physical ephemeris of observations 88, 448 Ephemeris transit 198
E arth's Selenographic Long., Lat. 88 Horizontal parallax 198
Fraction illuminated 88 Longitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 197
Sun's Selenographic Co-long., Lat. 88 Longitude and latitude, heliocentric 196
Position angle of axis, bright limb 88 R adius vector 196
Right ascension and declination for 0h and 12h TT 64 Reduction to astrometric places 198
Semi-diameter at 0h and 12h TT 48 Right ascension and declination, apparent 198
True Geoc. Distance (A. U.) 48 Polaris
Moonrise and Moonset for lat. 0° to 50,° central Apparent places of 272
M eridian and for some places in India 296, 297 Azimuth of 275
C orrection for Latitude 313 Latitude of place from altitude of 275
M ethod of calculation 315 Precession
Reduction of the L.M.T. of rising or setting In l ongitude 18
for the meridian 82½° E. to the L.M.T. of In R.A. and Declination 437
other meridians 312 Rotation Matrix 257
Nakshatras Precessi onal elements 437
Ending moment in I.S.T. 378 Pref ace III
Names of 378 Refraction, Atmospheric, Tabl e X 358
Neptune Saturn
Distance from the Earth 188 Distance from the Earth 160
E longations 337 El ongations and Magnitudes 337
Ephemeris transit 188 E phemeris transit 160
Horizontal parallax 188 Horizontal parallax 160
L ongitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 184 Longitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 156
L ongitude and latitude, heliocentric 182 Longitude and latitude, heliocentric 154
Radius vector 182 Radius vect or 154
R i ght ascension and declination, apparent 188 R ight ascension and declination, apparent 160
Semi-diamet e r 188 Semi-diameter 160
Noon, Apparent Second-order day numbers 252
At meridian of 82½° E 378 Semi-diurnal and Semi-nocturnal arcs 367
Nutation Solstices, dates of 338
In longitude 18, 439 Stars
I n obliquity 18, 439 Apparent places of Polaris 272
Rotation matrix 257 Apparent place, r eduction of 451, 454
Obliquity of the Ecliptic Longitude and latitude 204
Mean 445 Magnitude 204
True 18 Mean places of 215


Page Page
Stars --- contd. T ithis, ending moment in I.S.T. 378
Spectral Type 215 Trigonometric functions, natural 368
Sun Standard Times 369
Aberration 18 Twilight
Co-ordinates, rectangular 34 Correction for southern latitudes 290
Eccentricity 445 Duration of 288
E phemeris transit 19 Time of beginning and ending at
Latitude , ecliptic of date 18 n orthern latitudes 280
Longitude, apparent 18 Uranus
mean 17 Distance from the Earth 174
g eometric 18 E longations 337
Mean long. and anomaly 17 Ephemeris transit 174
Parallax, horizontal 17 L ongitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 170
Physical observations 42 L ongitude and latitude, heliocentric 168
Radius Vector 445 Radius vector 168
Right ascension and declination at 0h TT 19 Right ascension and declination, apparent 174
Semi-diameter 19 Semi-diameter 174
Synodic rotation number 446 Venus
Sunrise and Sunset Distance from the Earth 118
Correction for latitude 313 Elongations and Magnitudes 336
Correction for southern latitude 290 Ephemeris transit 118
For certain places in India 292 Horizontal parallax 118
For northern latitude 280 L ongitude and latitude, geocentric apparent 114
Method of calculation 315 L ongitude and latitude, heliocentric 112
Time Radius vector 112
Conversion to Arc, Table IV 348 Right ascension and declination, apparent 118
Ephemeris 428 Semi- diameter 118
Equation of 444 Year
Greenwich mean 428 Anomalistic 2
Reduction of L.M.T. to I.S.T. for Eclipse 2
certain longitudes 314 Sidereal 2
Reduction of L.M.T. of certain places into I.S.T. 363 T ropical 2
Sidereal, mean 13 Yogas
Tables of conversion of solar to sidereal and Ending moment in I.S.T. 378
v ice versa, Tables - I and II 345, 346 Names of 378
T .A.I. (International Atomic Time) 427
Terrestrial time (TT) 428
Time-Scales 427
Reduction tables 430-433
U niversal Time 428

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