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School: Grade Level: 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates & Time: Week 2 Quarter: Third Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner The learner The learner demonstrates The learner
demonstrates demonstrates communicative demonstrates
communicative communicative competence through his/ communicative
competence through his/ competence through her understanding of Afro- competence through his/
her understanding of his/ her understanding Asian Literature and other her understanding of
Afro-Asian Literature of Afro-Asian Literature texts types for a deeper Afro-Asian Literature
and other texts types for and other texts types appreciation of Philippine and other texts types for
a deeper appreciation of for a deeper Culture and those of other a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and appreciation of countries. Philippine Culture and
those of other countries. Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
those of other
B. Performance

C. Learning Analyze intention of Analyze intention of Analyze intention of words Analyze intention of
Competencies/ words or expressions words or expressions or expressions used in words or expressions
( Write the code for
used in propaganda used in propaganda propaganda techniques used in propaganda
each) techniques techniques techniques

II.CONTENT The lesson will cover the The lesson will cover The lesson will cover the The lesson will cover the
( Subject Matter) definition of propaganda, the definition of definition of propaganda, definition of propaganda,
common propaganda propaganda, common common propaganda common propaganda
techniques (e.g., propaganda techniques techniques (e.g., techniques (e.g.,
emotional appeal, (e.g., emotional appeal, emotional appeal, loaded emotional appeal,
loaded words, loaded words, words, bandwagon), and loaded words,
bandwagon), and how to bandwagon), and how how to critically analyze bandwagon), and how to
critically analyze the to critically analyze the the language used in critically analyze the
language used in language used in propaganda. language used in
propaganda. propaganda. propaganda.

Created by: GREG M, Et al

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Real-world examples of Real-world examples of Real-world examples of Real-world examples of
from Learning propaganda (videos, propaganda (videos, propaganda (videos, propaganda (videos,
Resource LR portal
articles, advertisements) articles, articles, advertisements) articles, advertisements)
Whiteboard and markers advertisements) Whiteboard and markers Whiteboard and markers
Projector or screen for Whiteboard and Projector or screen for Projector or screen for
multimedia markers multimedia presentations multimedia
presentations Projector or screen for presentations

B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Begin by asking Begin by asking Begin by asking students Begin by asking
Lesson or presenting students if they students if they if they remember the students if they
new lesson remember the concepts remember the concepts concepts related to remember the concepts
related to persuasive related to persuasive persuasive techniques related to persuasive
techniques discussed in techniques discussed in discussed in the previous techniques discussed in
the previous lesson. This the previous lesson. lesson. This could include the previous lesson. This
could include elements This could include elements like ethos, could include elements
like ethos, pathos, and elements like ethos, pathos, and logos in like ethos, pathos, and
logos in persuasive pathos, and logos in persuasive logos in persuasive
communication. persuasive communication. communication.

B. Establishing a purpose Explain to students that Explain to students that Explain to students that
for the lesson today's lesson will focus today's lesson will focus today's lesson will focus
on understanding on understanding on understanding
Explain to students that today's lesson will focus on understanding propaganda techniquespropaganda
propaganda techniques propaganda techniques techniques
and how words and expressions are used to manipulate or persuad
and how words and and how words and and how words and
expressions are used to expressions are used to expressions are used to
manipulate or persuade manipulate or persuade manipulate or persuade
Created by: GREG M, Et al
people. people. people.

C. Presenting examples/ Show real-world Show a video clip of a Show a video clip of a Show a video clip of a
instances of the new examples of political campaign ad or political campaign ad or a political campaign ad or
propaganda, such as a commercial that uses commercial that uses a commercial that uses
political speeches, propaganda propaganda techniques. propaganda techniques.
advertisements, or social techniques. Discuss Discuss with the class Discuss with the class
media posts. Discuss with the class how how these examples try to how these examples try
how these examples try these examples try to influence people's to influence people's
to influence people's influence people's opinions and emotions opinions and emotions
opinions and emotions opinions and emotions through language. through language.
through language. through language.

D. Discussing new Introduce common Introduce common Introduce common Introduce common
concepts and practicing propaganda techniques propaganda techniques propaganda techniques propaganda techniques
new skills. #1 like emotional appeal, like emotional appeal, like emotional appeal, like emotional appeal,
loaded words, and loaded words, and loaded words, and loaded words, and
bandwagon. Explain bandwagon. Explain bandwagon. Explain each bandwagon. Explain
each technique with each technique with technique with examples each technique with
examples. Discuss how examples from the from the video clip. examples from the video
these techniques use video clip. Discuss how Discuss how these clip. Discuss how these
specific words and these techniques use techniques use specific techniques use specific
expressions to achieve specific words and words and expressions to words and expressions
their goals. expressions to achieve achieve their goals. to achieve their goals.
their goals.

E. Discussing new Break the students into Provide students with Provide students with Provide students with
concepts and practicing groups and provide them printed advertisements printed advertisements printed advertisements
new skills #2.
with different examples from magazines or from magazines or from magazines or
of propaganda. Ask newspapers. Ask them newspapers. Ask them to newspapers. Ask them
each group to identify to work in pairs or small work in pairs or small to work in pairs or small
the propaganda groups to identify the groups to identify the groups to identify the
techniques used and propaganda techniques propaganda techniques propaganda techniques
explain the intention used in the ads and used in the ads and used in the ads and
behind the words or discuss the intention discuss the intention discuss the intention
expressions chosen in behind the language behind the language behind the language
the examples. choices. choices. choices.

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F. Developing Mastery Have a class discussion Have each group Have each group present Have each group
(Lead to Formative where groups share their present their findings to their findings to the class, present their findings to
Assessment 3)
findings. Encourage the class, explaining explaining the the class, explaining the
critical thinking by asking the propaganda propaganda techniques propaganda techniques
questions like "How did techniques they they identified and the they identified and the
the language used make identified and the intent intent behind specific intent behind specific
you feel?" and "What do behind specific words words or expressions in words or expressions in
you think the creators of or expressions in the the ads. the ads.
this propaganda were ads.
trying to achieve?"

G. Finding practical Discuss the ethical Engage in a class Engage in a class Engage in a class
application of concepts implications of discussion about the discussion about the discussion about the
and skills in daily living
propaganda and its broader impact of broader impact of broader impact of
impact on society. propaganda in society. propaganda in society. propaganda in society.
Encourage students to Encourage students to Encourage students to Encourage students to
think critically about the think critically about the think critically about the think critically about the
information they information they information they information they
encounter in everyday encounter in everyday encounter in everyday life encounter in everyday
life. life and how language and how language can be life and how language
can be used to used to manipulate can be used to
manipulate opinions. opinions. manipulate opinions.

H. Making Generalizations Summarize the key Summarize the key Summarize the key points Summarize the key
and Abstraction about points of the lesson and points of the lesson and of the lesson and have points of the lesson and
the Lesson.
have students make have students make students make have students make
generalizations about generalizations about generalizations about generalizations about
propaganda techniques propaganda techniques propaganda techniques propaganda techniques
and their intentions. and their intentions. and their intentions. and their intentions.
Discuss the importance Discuss the importance of Discuss the importance
of being critical being critical consumers of being critical
consumers of of information. consumers of
information. information.

I. Evaluating Learning 1. In propaganda, what 11. When a 21. In propaganda, what 31. When a
is the primary intention propagandist uses the is the primary intention propagandist employs
behind using emotionally "plain folks" technique, behind using the the "plain folks"
charged language and what is their primary "demonization" technique, what is their

Created by: GREG M, Et al

vivid imagery in a intention? technique? primary intention?
message? A) To encourage empathy
A) To appeal to and understanding A) To appeal to
A) To provide objective individuals' desire for B) To provide a fair and individuals' desire for
and balanced simplicity and unbiased assessment of simplicity and
information authenticity individuals or groups authenticity
C) To vilify and
B) To manipulate and B) To alienate and B) To alienate and
dehumanize the
influence the audience's distance themselves opposition to advance a distance themselves
emotions and from the common particular agenda from the common people
perceptions people D) To promote open and C) To promote a sense
respectful dialogue
C) To present factual C) To promote a sense of superiority and elitism
evidence and data of superiority and
Answer: C) To vilify and D) To encourage critical
elitism dehumanize the
D) To encourage critical thinking and skepticism
thinking and skepticism D) To encourage critical opposition to advance a
thinking and skepticism particular agenda
Answer: A) To appeal to
22. When a propagandist
Answer: B) To uses the "card stacking" individuals' desire for
manipulate and Answer: A) To appeal technique, what is their simplicity and
influence the audience's to individuals' desire for primary intention? authenticity
emotions and simplicity and A) To provide a well-
perceptions authenticity rounded and balanced
perspective 32. In propaganda, what
B) To present only one is the primary intention
2. When a propagandist 12. In propaganda, side of the argument while behind using the
employs the what is the primary ignoring or downplaying "slogans and
"bandwagon" technique, intention behind using opposing views catchphrases"
C) To foster open and
what is their primary the "slogans and technique?
unbiased discussions
intention? catchphrases"
D) To encourage diverse A) To encourage in-
technique? viewpoints and opinions
A) To provide a depth analysis and
balanced perspective on A) To encourage in- discussion
an issue depth analysis and Answer: B) To present
only one side of the B) To provide
B) To encourage argument while ignoring comprehensive and
individuals to think B) To provide or downplaying opposing detailed information
Created by: GREG M, Et al
independently comprehensive and C) To create memorable
detailed information 23. What is the typical and easily digestible
C) To create a sense of intention behind using the messages for the
belonging and C) To create "simplification" audience
conformity among the memorable and easily propaganda technique in
audience digestible messages for communication? D) To promote diverse
the audience A) To promote nuanced and alternative
D) To promote critical
and complex discussions viewpoints
analysis of the message D) To promote diverse B) To simplify complex
and alternative issues and encourage a
viewpoints black-and-white view Answer: C) To create
Answer: C) To create a C) To encourage open-
memorable and easily
sense of belonging and mindedness and diversity
digestible messages for
conformity among the Answer: C) To create of thought
D) To discourage the audience
audience memorable and easily
digestible messages for skepticism and critical
the audience analysis
33. What is the typical
3. What is the typical
Answer: B) To simplify intention behind using
intention behind using complex issues and the "repetition"
the "name-calling" 13. When analyzing the encourage a black-and- propaganda technique in
propaganda technique in intention of words or white view communication?
communication? expressions used in
propaganda, what 24. When analyzing the A) To ensure that a
A) To provide
should you be cautious intention of words or message is forgotten by
constructive criticism of expressions used in
of when encountering the audience
individuals or groups propaganda, what should
messages that appeal
you be cautious of when B) To encourage the
B) To encourage open to tradition and
encountering messages audience to critically
and respectful dialogue nostalgia?
that appeal to fear and evaluate the message
C) To discredit or vilify A) The intention to insecurity?
C) To reinforce and
individuals or ideas encourage innovation A) The intention to
encourage objective embed the message in
without addressing the and progress
analysis and skepticism the audience's memory
actual issues
B) The intention to B) The intention to create D) To promote diverse
D) To promote unbiased manipulate emotions a sense of safety and
and alternative
and objective discussion and create a sense of security
longing for the past C) The intention to
manipulate emotions and
Created by: GREG M, Et al
C) The intention to exploit the audience's
promote open- fears
Answer: C) To discredit D) The intention to foster Answer: C) To reinforce
mindedness and
or vilify individuals or open and unbiased and embed the message
ideas without addressing discussion in the audience's
the actual issues D) The intention to memory
present a balanced and Answer: C) The intention
neutral perspective to manipulate emotions
4. When a propagandist and exploit the audience's 34. When analyzing the
employs the fears intention of words or
"testimonial" technique, Answer: B) The expressions used in
25. What is the primary
what is their primary intention to manipulate propaganda, what
intention behind using the
intention? emotions and create a should you be cautious
"testimonial" propaganda
sense of longing for the technique in of when encountering
A) To present verifiable
past communication? messages that appeal to
and unbiased evidence
A) To provide concrete tradition and nostalgia?
B) To appeal to authority and verifiable evidence A) The intention to
or credibility to persuade 14. What is the primary B) To appeal to the
encourage innovation
the audience intention behind using emotions and credibility of
a specific individual or and progress
the "straw man"
C) To encourage critical authority
propaganda technique B) The intention to
analysis and skepticism C) To encourage critical
in communication? manipulate emotions
analysis and skepticism and create a sense of
D) To promote open and
A) To present a D) To promote diversity
balanced debate longing for the past
balanced and objective and alternative viewpoints
critique of opposing C) The intention to
viewpoints Answer: B) To appeal to promote open-
Answer: B) To appeal to the emotions and mindedness and change
authority or credibility to B) To create a credibility of a specific
persuade the audience misrepresentation of an individual or authority D) The intention to
opposing argument or present a balanced and
position to make it 26. In propaganda, what neutral perspective
5. In propaganda, what easier to attack is the primary intention
behind using the "glittering
is the primary intention C) To encourage generalities" technique?
behind using loaded Answer: B) The intention
respectful and A) To present vague and
language and strong, to manipulate emotions
constructive dialogue unconvincing arguments
positive words to frame B) To encourage and create a sense of
Created by: GREG M, Et al
an issue? D) To foster critical skepticism and critical longing for the past
analysis and skepticism analysis
A) To present an C) To use emotionally
unbiased and neutral appealing words and 35. What is the primary
perspective phrases to manipulate the
Answer: B) To create a intention behind using
audience's perception
B) To encourage open misrepresentation of an the "demonization"
D) To promote a well-
and balanced discussion opposing argument or propaganda technique in
rounded and balanced
position to make it perspective communication?
C) To shape the
easier to attack
audience's perception A) To encourage
and generate a Answer: C) To use empathy and
emotionally appealing
favorable response understanding
15. In propaganda, words and phrases to
D) To promote critical what is the typical manipulate the audience's B) To provide a fair and
analysis and skepticism intention behind using perception unbiased assessment of
the "card stacking" individuals or groups
technique? 27. When assessing the
intention of words or C) To vilify and
Answer: C) To shape the
A) To provide a well- expressions used in dehumanize the
audience's perception propaganda, what should
rounded and opposition to advance a
and generate a you be cautious of when
comprehensive particular agenda
favorable response encountering messages
that emphasize D) To promote open and
B) To present only one "patriotism" or respectful dialogue
6. When analyzing the side of the argument "nationalism"?
intention of words or while ignoring or A) The intention to
expressions used in downplaying opposing encourage global Answer: C) To vilify and
propaganda, what views cooperation and dehumanize the
should you be cautious understanding opposition to advance a
C) To encourage open- B) The intention to
of when encountering particular agenda
mindedness and promote diverse and
overly simplified and
understanding alternative viewpoints
black-and-white C) The intention to
statements? D) To foster critical manipulate emotions and 36. In propaganda, what
thinking and skepticism create a sense of loyalty is the typical intention
A) The intention to
to a specific ideology or behind using the
promote nuanced and
nation "testimonial" technique?
balanced perspectives
Answer: B) To present D) The intention to foster
critical analysis and A) To encourage open
Created by: GREG M, Et al
B) The intention to only one side of the skepticism and unbiased discussion
encourage critical argument while ignoring
Answer: C) The intention B) To appeal to the
thinking and analysis or downplaying
to manipulate emotions emotions and credibility
opposing views
C) The intention to and create a sense of of a specific individual or
manipulate the loyalty to a specific authority
audience's perceptions ideology or nation
16. When assessing C) To present verifiable
and discourage
the intention of words 28. What is the typical and unbiased evidence
or expressions used in intention behind using the D) To promote diversity
D) The intention to propaganda, what "transfer" propaganda and alternative
provide objective and should you be cautious technique in
unbiased information of when encountering communication?
messages that claim a A) To divert attention from
monopoly on truth and the message's core
content Answer: B) To appeal to
Answer: C) The intention virtue?
B) To encourage open the emotions and
to manipulate the
A) The intention to and unbiased discussions credibility of a specific
audience's perceptions
encourage skepticism C) To create a connection individual or authority
and discourage
and critical analysis between a symbol or
complexity emotion and a specific
B) The intention to message
create a sense of 37. When assessing the
D) To promote critical intention of words or
7. What is the primary humility and self- analysis and skepticism
awareness expressions used in
intention behind using
Answer: C) To create a propaganda, what
the "fear" propaganda
C) The intention to connection between a should you be cautious
technique in
manipulate and symbol or emotion and a of when encountering
discourage dissenting specific message messages that promote
A) To promote a sense opinions a single solution to
of safety and security 29. In propaganda, what complex problems?
D) The intention to
is the primary intention
B) To encourage open promote a diverse A) The intention to foster
behind using the "loaded
and unbiased discussion range of perspectives language" technique? open debate and
A) To provide unbiased discussion
C) To manipulate and
and neutral descriptions
exploit the audience's B) The intention to
Answer: C) The B) To manipulate
fears to achieve a simplify complex issues
intention to manipulate emotions and shape the
desired outcome audience's perception and discourage critical
Created by: GREG M, Et al
D) To foster critical and discourage C) To encourage open thinking
thinking and skepticism dissenting opinions and balanced discussion
D) To promote critical C) The intention to
analysis and skepticism present a range of
potential solutions
Answer: C) To 17. What is the primary
Answer: B) To manipulate
manipulate and exploit intention behind using D) The intention to
emotions and shape the
the audience's fears to the "transfer" encourage skepticism
audience's perception
achieve a desired propaganda technique and critical analysis
outcome in communication? 30. What is the primary
A) To facilitate open intention behind using the
"straw man" propaganda Answer: B) The intention
and unbiased
8. When analyzing the technique in to simplify complex
intention of words or communication? issues and discourage
expressions used in B) To divert attention A) To create a critical thinking
propaganda, what from the message's misrepresentation of an
should you be cautious core content opposing argument or
position to make it easier
of when encountering 38. What is the typical
C) To create a to attack
messages that intention behind using
connection between a B) To present a fair and
emphasize "us versus the "simplification"
symbol or emotion and accurate representation of
them" narratives? opposing views propaganda technique in
a specific message
C) To encourage open communication?
A) The intention to
D) To encourage critical and respectful dialogue
encourage unity and A) To promote nuanced
analysis and skepticism D) To foster critical
collaboration and complex
analysis and skepticism
B) The intention to
promote open- Answer: C) To create a Answer: A) To create a B) To simplify complex
mindedness and connection between a misrepresentation of an issues and encourage a
understanding opposing argument or
symbol or emotion and black-and-white view
position to make it easier
a specific message
C) The intention to to attack C) To encourage open-
create division and mindedness and
manipulate group diversity of thought
identity 18. In propaganda,
what is the primary D) To discourage
D) The intention to intention behind using skepticism and critical
present a balanced and the "testimonial" analysis

Created by: GREG M, Et al

neutral perspective technique?
A) To encourage open Answer: B) To simplify
and respectful dialogue complex issues and
Answer: C) The intention
encourage a black-and-
to create division and B) To appeal to the
white view
manipulate group emotions and credibility
identity of a specific individual
or authority
39. In propaganda, what
C) To present verifiable is the primary intention
9. In propaganda, what
and unbiased evidence behind using the
is the primary intention
"transfer" technique?
behind using the D) To promote diversity
"repetition" technique? and alternative A) To divert attention
viewpoints from the message's core
A) To ensure that a
message is forgotten by
the audience B) To encourage open
Answer: B) To appeal
and unbiased
B) To encourage the to the emotions and
audience to critically credibility of a specific
evaluate the message individual or authority C) To create a
connection between a
C) To reinforce and
symbol or emotion and a
embed the message in
19. When analyzing the specific message
the audience's memory
intention of words or
D) To promote critical
D) To promote diverse expressions used in
analysis and skepticism
and alternative propaganda, what
viewpoints should you be cautious
of when encountering
Answer: C) To create a
messages that promote
connection between a
Answer: C) To reinforce a single solution to
symbol or emotion and a
and embed the message complex problems?
specific message
in the audience's
A) The intention to
foster open debate and
discussion 40. When a
propagandist uses the
Created by: GREG M, Et al
10. What is the typical B) The intention to "bandwagon" technique,
intention behind using simplify complex issues what is their primary
the "glittering and discourage critical intention?
generalities" thinking
A) To promote
propaganda technique in
C) The intention to independent thinking
present a range of and critical analysis
A) To provide concrete potential solutions
B) To create a sense of
and verifiable evidence
D) The intention to belonging and
B) To encourage critical encourage skepticism conformity among the
thinking and skepticism and critical analysis audience
C) To use vague, C) To encourage open
positive, and emotionally and diverse viewpoints
Answer: B) The
appealing words to
intention to simplify D) To provide
manipulate the
complex issues and comprehensive and
audience's perception
discourage critical balanced information
D) To present unbiased thinking
and balanced
information Answer: B) To create a
20. What is the primary sense of belonging and
intention behind using conformity among the
Answer: C) To use the "bandwagon" audience
vague, positive, and propaganda technique
emotionally appealing in communication?
words to manipulate the
A) To promote
audience's perception
independent thinking
and critical analysis
B) To create a sense of
belonging and
conformity among the
C) To encourage open

Created by: GREG M, Et al

and diverse viewpoints
D) To provide
comprehensive and
balanced information

Answer: B) To create a
sense of belonging and
conformity among the
J. Additional Activities for For students who need For students who need Summarize the key points For students who need
Application or additional support, offer additional support, offer of the lesson and have additional support, offer
remediation activities or remediation activities or students make remediation activities or
further examples to further examples to generalizations about further examples to
analyze. For those who analyze. For those who propaganda techniques analyze. For those who
excel, provide more excel, provide more and their intentions. excel, provide more
challenging propaganda challenging Discuss the importance of challenging propaganda
examples or ask them to propaganda examples being critical consumers examples or ask them to
create their own or ask them to create of information. create their own
propaganda with specific their own propaganda propaganda with specific
intentions. with specific intentions. intentions.

A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Created by: GREG M, Et al
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

Created by: GREG M, Et al

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