Kinematics: Day Two

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Learning & Revision for the Day
u Frame of Reference u Uniformly Accelerated u Elementary Concept of
u Motion in a Straight Line Motion Differentiation and
Graphs Integration for Describing
u Uniform and Non-uniform u


Frame of Reference
The frame of reference is a suitable coordinate system involving space and time used as a
reference to study the motion of different bodies. The most common reference frame is
the cartesian frame of reference involving (x, y, z and t).
(i) Inertial Frame of Reference A frame of reference which is either at rest or moving
with constant velocity is known as inertial frame of reference. Inertial frame of
reference is one in which Newton’s first law of motion holds good.
(ii) Non-Inertial Frame of Reference A frame of reference moving with some
acceleration is known as non-inertial frame of reference. Non-inertial frame of
reference in one which Newton’s law of motion does not hold good.

Motion in a Straight Line

The motion of a point object in a straight line is one dimensional motion. During such a
motion the point object occupies definite position on the path at each instant of time.
Different terms used to described motion are defined below:

Distance and Displacement

Distance is the total length of the path travelled by a particle in a given interval of
time. It is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is metre (m).
Displacement is shortest distance between initial and final Distance
positions of a moving object. It is a vector quantity and its SI
unit is metre. A
From the given figure, mathematically it is expressed as, r1 ∆r
∆r = r2 – r1 r2
Displacement of motion may be zero or negative O X
but path length or distance can never be negative.
For motion between two points displacement is single valued while distance depends
on actual path and so can have many values.
Magnitude of displacement can never be greater than distance. However, it can be
equal, if the motion is along a straight line without any change in direction.
Average and Instantaneous Acceleration If velocity of a
Speed and Velocity particle at instant t is v1 and at instant t 2 is v2 , then
Speed is defined as the total path length (or actual distance v2 − v1 ∆v
Average acceleration, aav = =
covered) by time taken by object. t2 − t 1 ∆t
Distance ∆v dv
Speed = l
Instantaneous acceleration, a = lim =
Time taken ∆t→ 0 ∆t dt
It is scalar quantity. Its SI unit is m/s.
Total distance travelled
Average Speed, vav =
Uniformly Accelerated Motion
A motion, in which change in velocity in each unit of time
When a body travels equal distance with speeds v1 and v2 , is constant, is called an uniformly accelerated motion. So,
the average speed (v) is the harmonic mean of the two for an uniformly accelerated motion, acceleration is constant.
2 1 1
For uniformly accelerated motion are given below
= +
v v1 v2 Equations of motion, v = u + at …(i)
When a body travels for equal time with speeds v1 and v2 , s = ut + at 2 …(ii)
the average speed v is the arithmetic mean of the two speeds. 2
v + v2 and v2 = u2 + 2 as …(iii)
vav = 1
2 where, u = initial velocity, v = velocity at time t
Velocity is defined as ratio of displacement and and s = displacement of particle at time t.
corresponding time interval taken by an object. l
Equation of uniformaly accelerated motion under gravity
Displacement are
i.e. velocity =
time interval 1
(i) v = u − gt (ii) h = ut − gt 2 (iii) v2 = u2 − 2 gh
Total displacement x2 − x 1 ∆x 2
Average velocity = = =
Total time taken t2 − t 1 ∆t
Here, x2 and x1 are the positions of a particle at the time Elementary Concept of Differentiation
t2 and t 1 respectively, with respect to a given frame of and Integration for Describing Motion
At an instant t , the body is at point P ( x, y, z).
For a moving body speed can never be negative or zero
while velocity can be negative and zero. Thus, velocity along X-axis, v x =
The instantaneous speed is average speed for infinitesimal
small time interval (i.e. ∆t → 0) dv
Acceleration along X-axis is ax = x
∆s ds dt
i.e. Instantaneous speed v = lim =
∆t → 0 ∆t dt dy
Velocity along Y -axis is v y =
The instantaneous velocity (or simply velocity) v of a dt
∆x dx
moving particle is v = lim = dv y
∆t → 0 ∆ t dt Acceleration along Y-axis is a y =
It (at a particular time) can be calculated as the slope (at dz dv
that particular time) of the graph of x versus t. Similarly, vz = and az = z
dt dt
For a accelerating body
Uniform and Non-uniform Motion

(i) If ax variable, x = ∫ vx dt ,∫ dvx = ∫ ax dt

An object is said to be in uniform motion if its velocity is
uniform i.e. it undergoes equal displacement in equal may (ii) If a y is variable, y = ∫ v y dt , ∫ dv y = ∫ a y dt
be intervals of time, however small these interval.
An object is said to be in non-uniform motion if its (iii) If a z is variable, z = ∫ vz dt , ∫ dvz = ∫ az dt
undergoes equal displacement in unequal intervals of
Also, distance travelled by a particle is s = ∫ | v| dt
time., however small these intervals may be.
(i) x-component of displacement is ∆x = ∫ vx dt
Acceleration of an object is defined as rate of change (ii) y-component of displacement is ∆y = ∫ v y dt
of velocity. It is a vector quantity having unit m/s2 or ms −2 . (iii) z-component of displacement is ∆z = ∫ vz dt
It can be positive, zero or negative.
Graphs Velocity-Time Graph
During motion of the particle, its parameters of kinematical (i) Velocity-time graph gives the instantaneous value of
analysis changes with time. These can be represented on the velocity at any instant.
graph, which are given as follows: (ii) The slope of tangent drawn on graph gives instantaneous
Position-Time Graph (iii) Area under v-t graph with time axis gives the value of
(i) Position-time graph gives instantaneous value of displacement covered in given time.
displacement at any instant. (iv) The v-t curve cannot take sharp turns.
(ii) The slope of tangent drawn to the graph at any instant of
Different Cases in Velocity-Time Graph
time gives the instantaneous velocity at that instant.
(iii) The s-t graph cannot make sharp turns. Different Cases v- t Graph The main Features of Graph

Different Cases of Position-Time Graph Uniform motion v (i) θ = 0º

(ii) v = constant
Different Cases s- t Graph The main Features of Graph v = constant (iii) Slope of v-t graph = a = 0

At rest s Slope = v = 0 t
Uniformly v So slope of v-t graph is
accelerated constant u = 0 i.e.
motion with v = at so, a = constant u = 0
t u = 0 and s = 0 i.e. v = 0 at t = 0
at t = 0
Uniform motion s Slope = constant, t
v = constant
Uniformly v Positive constant
a=0 accelerated acceleration because θ is
s =νt v = u + at
motion with u constant and <90º but the
t u ≠ 0 but s = 0 initial velocity of the particle
at t = 0 is positive
Uniformly s u = 0, i.e. t
accelerated Slope of s-t graph v
Uniformly Slope of v-t graphs = – a
motion with 1
s = at 2 at t = 0, should be zero. decelerated (retardation)
u = 0, s = 0 at 2 u
t =0 v = u – at

Uniformly s Slope of s-t graph gradually t

accelerated goes on increasing
motion with 1 Non-uniformly v Slope of v-t graph increases
s =ut + at 2 accelerated with time.
u ≠ 0 but s = 0 2
at t = 0 motion θ is increasing, so,
t acceleration is increasing
Uniformly s θ is decreasing
retarded motion so, v is decreasing, a is Non-uniformly v θ is decreasing, so
negative decelerating acceleration decreasing
t0 t



1 A wheel of radius 1m rolls forward half a revolution on a 8 The velocity of a particle at an instant is10 ms −1 . After
horizontal ground. The magnitude of the displacement of 3 s its velocity will become16 ms −1. The velocity at 2 s
the point of the wheel initially in contact with the ground before the given instant, will be
is (a) 6 ms −1 (b) 4 ms −1 (c) 2 ms −1 (d) 1 ms −1
(a) 2 π (b) 2 x (c) π2 + 4 (d) π 9 An object moves, starting from rest through a resistive
2 In one dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v medium such that its acceleration is related to velocity
statisfies 0 ≤ v ≤ v 0. as, a = 3 − 2v . Then,
(a) The displacement x in time T must always take (a) the terminal velocity is 1.5 unit
non-negative values (b) the terminal velocity is 3 unit
(c) the slope of a-v graph is not constant
(b) The displacement x in time T satisfies −v 0T < x < v 0 T
(d) initial acceleration is 2 unit
(c) The acceleration is always a non-negative number
(d) The motion has no turning point 10 A particle moves in a straight line with a constant
acceleration. It changes its velocity from 10 ms −1 to
3 A particle moving in a straight line covers half the 20 ms −1, while passing through a distance 135 m in
distance with speed of 3 m/s. The other half of the t second. The value of t (in second) is
distance is covered in two equal time intervals and with (a) 12 (b) 9
speeds of 4.5 m/s and 7.5 m/s, respectively. The (c) 10 (d) 1.8
average speed of the particle during this motion is
11 A particle moving in a straight line with uniform
(a) 4 m/s (b) 5 m/s (c) 5.5 m/s (d) 4.8 m/s acceleration is observed to be a distance a from a fixed
4 Preeti reached the metro station and found that the point initially. It is at distance b, c, d from the same point
escalator was not working. She walked up the stationary after n, 2n, 3 n seconds. The acceleration of the particle is
c − 2b + a c+b+a
escalator in time t1. On other days, if she remains (a) (b)
n2 9n 2
stationary on the moving escalator, then the escalator
c + 2b + a c −b + a
takes her up in time t 2 . The time taken by her to walk up (c) (d)
on the moving escalator will be j
NEET 2017 4n 2 n2
t1 + t 2 t1t 2 t1t 2 12 A car accelerates from rest at constant rate for first 10 s
(a) (b) (c) (d) t1 − t 2
2 t 2 − t1 t 2 + t1 and covers a distance x. It covers a distance y in next
10 s at the same acceleration. Which of the following is
5 A body travelling along a straight line traversed one-third true?
of the total distance with a velocity 4 ms −1. The remaining (a) x = 3 y (b) y = 3 x (c) x = y (d) y = 2 x
part of the distance was covered with a velocity 2 ms −1
for half the time and with velocity 6ms −1 for the other half 13 A car starts from rest, moves with an acceleration a and
of time. The average velocity over the whole time of then decelerates at a constant rate b for sometime to
motion is come to rest. If the total time taken is t. The maximum
velocity of car is given by
(a) 5 ms −1 (b) 4 ms −1 (c) 4.5 ms −1 (d) 3.5 ms −1
abt a 2t
6 A body is moving with velocity 30 m/s towards East. After (a) (b)
(a + b) (a + b)
10 s its velocity becomes 40 m/s towards North. The
at b 2t
average acceleration of body is (c) (d)
(a + b) (a + b)
(a) 7 m/s 2 (b) 7 m/s 2 (c) 5 m/s 2 (d) 1 m/s 2
14 A particle starts its motion from rest such that its velocity
7 A body initially at rest is moving with uniform acceleration
2 remains constant. If the distance covered in first 10 s is
a m/s . Its velocity after n second is v. The displacement
s1 and that covered in the first 20 s is s2 , then
of the body in last 2 s is
(a) s 2 = 2s1 (b) s 2 = 3s1 (c) s 2 = 4s1 (d) s 2 = s1
2v (n − 1) v (n − 1)
(a) (b)
n n 15 A bullet loses 1/20 of its velocity after penetrating a
v (n + 1) 2v (2n + 1) plank. How many planks are required to stop the bullet?
(c) (d)
n n (a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 13
16 A man throws balls with the same speed vertically (c) non-uniform accelerated motion
upwards one after the other at an interval of 2 s. What (d) Nothing can be said about the motion
should be the speed of the throw, so that more than two 24 A graph of x versus t is shown in figure. Choose incorrect
balls are in the sky at any time? (Given, g = 9.8 ms −2 ) statements from below.
(a)Any speed less than 19.6 ms −1 X
(b)Only with speed 19.6 ms −1
(c)Greater than 19.6 ms −1 A
(d)At least 9.8 ms −1
17 A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers distances
h1, h2 and h3 in the first 5 s, the next 5 s and the next 5 s, t
respectively. The relation between h1, h2 and h3 is D
h2 h3
(a) h1 = 2 h2 = 3 h3 (b) h1 = = j NEET 2013 (a) The particle was released from rest at t = 0
3 5
(b) At B, the acceleration a > 0
(c)h2 = 3 h1 and h3 = 3 h2 (d) h1 = h2 = h3
(c) At C, the velocity and the acceleration
18 A boy standing at top of a tower of 20 m height drops a (d) The speed at D exceeds than at E
stone. Assuming g = 10 ms −2 , the velocity with which it 25 A particle shows distance-time curve as given in this
hits the ground is j CBSE AIPMT 2011
figure. The maximum instantaneous velocity of the
(a) 20 m/s (b) 40 m/s (c) 5 m/s (d) 10 m/s particle is around the point
19 A ball is dropped from a high rise platform at t = 0 x
starting from rest. After 6 s another ball is thrown

downwards from the same platform with speed v. The
two balls meet at t = 18 s. What is the value of v ? B
(a) 74 ms −1 (b) 55 ms −1
(c) 40 ms −1 (d) 60 ms −1 (a) B (b) C
(c) D (d) A
20 A body is thrown vertically up with a velocity u. It passes
26 The position-time graph for a uniform motion is
three points A, B and C in its upward journey with
u u u represented as
velocity , and , respectively. The ratio of separations
2 3 4
x x
between points AB and between BC, i.e. AB is (a) (b)
10 20 t t
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) (d)
7 7
21 When a ball is thrown up vertically with velocity v 0, it x x
reaches a maximum height of h. If one wishes to triple the (c) (d)
maximum height, then the ball should be thrown with
t t
(a) 3 v 0 (b) 3 v 0 (c) 9 v 0 (d) 3 /2 v 0 27 Among the four graphs, there is only one graph for which
average velocity over the time interval ( 0 ,T ) can vanish for
22 From the top of a tower two stones, whose masses are in
suitably chosen T. Which one is it?
the ratio 1 : 2 are thrown on straight up with an initial
speed u and the second straight down with the same x
speed u. Then, neglecting air resistance,
(a) (b)
(a) the heavier stone hits the ground with a higher speed t
(b) the lighter stone hits the ground with a higher speed
(c) both the stones will have the same speed when they hit x x t
the ground
(d) the speed can not be determined with the given data
(c) (d)
23 The velocity-time graph of particle comes out to be a
non-linear curve. The motion is
(a) uniform velocity motion t t
(b) uniformly accelerated motion
28 A toy car with charge q moves on a frictionless horizontal 32 A particle of unit mass undergoes one-dimensional
plane surface under the influence of a uniform electric motion such that its velocity varies according to
field E . Due to the force qE , its velocity increases from 0
v ( x ) = β x −2 n
to 6 m/s in are second duration. At that instant, the
direction of the field is reversed. The car continues to where, β and n are constants and x is the position of the
move for two more second under the influence of this particle. The acceleration of the particle as a function of
field. The average velocity and the average speed of the x, is given by j CBSE AIPMT 2015

toy car between 0 to 3 seconds are respectively. (a) −2nβ 2 x −2n − 1 (b) −2nβ 2 x −4n − 1
j NEET 2018 (c) −2β 2 x −2n + 1 (d) −2nβ 2e −4n + 1
(a) 1 m/s, 3.5 m/s (b) 1 m/s, 3 m/s 33 A particle moves a distance x in time t according to
(c)2 m/s, 4 m/s (d) 1.5 m/s, 3 m/s equation x = (t + 5)−1. The acceleration of particle is
29 A particle moving along X -axis has acceleration f , at time proportional to j CBSE AIPMT 2010

 t (a)(velocity) 3 / 2 (b) (distance) 2

t given by f = f0 1 −  , where f0 and T are constants.
 T (c)(distance) −2 (d) (velocity) 2 / 3
The particle at t = 0 has zero velocity. In the time interval 34 If the velocity of a particle is v = At + Bt 2 , where A and B
between t = 0 and the instant when f = 0 , the particle’s are constants, then the distance travelled by it between
velocity (v x ) is 1s and 2s is j NEET 2016

1 2 1
(a) f0T (b) f0T (c) f0T 2 (d) f0T (a) 3 A + 7B (b)
3 7
A+ B
2 2 2 3
30 The position x of a particle with respect to time t along A B 3
(c) + (d) A + 4B
X -axis is given by x = 9 t 2 − t 3 , where x is in metre and t 2 3 2
in second. What will be the position of this particle when 35 Two cars P and Q start from a point at the same time in a
it achieves maximum speed along the + x direction? straight line and their positions are represented by
(a) 32 m (b) 54 m (c) 81 m (d) 24 m X P (t ) = at + bt 2 and X Q (t ) = ft − t 2 . At what time do the
31 An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m/s, is cars have the same velocity? j
NEET 2016
dv a −f a+f
deaccelerated at a rate given by = −2.5 v , where v is (a) (b)
dt 1+ b 2 (b − 1)
the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the object, to a+f f −a
(c) (d)
come to rest would be 2 (1 + b) 2 (1 + b)
(a) 2 s (b) 4 s (c) 8 s (d) 1s



1 The motion of a particle along a straight line is described
by equation, x = 8 + 12t − t 3 , where x is in metre and t in 4
Velocity (m/s)

sec. The retardation of the particle when its velocity 2

becomes zero, is 2 4 8
−2 −2 −2
(a) 24 ms (b) zero (c) 6 ms (d) 12 ms t (s)
2 A body is thrown vertically upward in air when air
resistance is taken into account, the time of ascent is t1 (a)12 m, 20 m (b) 20 m, 12 m
and time of descent is t 2 , then which of the following is (c)12 m , 12 m (d) 20 m, 20 m
true? 4 Two bodies A (of mass 1 kg) and B (of mass 3 kg) are
(a) t1 = t 2 (b) t1 < t 2 (c) t1 > t 2 (d) t1 ≥ t 2 dropped from heights of 16 m and 25 m, respectively.
3 A body is moving in a straight line as shown in The ratio of the time taken by them to reach the ground is
velocity-time graph. The displacement and distance (a) 5/4 (b) 12/5
(c) 5/12 (d) 4/5
travelled by body in 8 s are respectively
9 Then, match the following columns and choose the
5 A balloon rises from rest with a constant acceleration .
8 correct option from the codes given below.
A stone is released from it when it has risen to height h.
Column I Column II
The time taken by the stone to reach the ground is
A. Part OA of graph 1. Positive velocity
h h
(a) 4 (b) 2 B. Part AB of graph 2. Object at rest
g g
C. Part BC of graph 3. Negative velocity
2h g
(c) (d) D. Point ‘A’ in the graph 4. Change in direction of motion
g h
6 The ratio of distance traversed in successive intervals of (a) 1 2 3 4
time when a body falls freely under gravity from certain (b) 1 3 2 4
height is (c) 2 1 3 4
(d) 4 3 2 1
(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 5 : 9
(c) 1 : 3 : 5 (d) 1 : 2 : 3 10 The displacement x of a particle varies with time t as
x = ae − αt + beβt , where a, b, α and β are positive
7 Figure shows the time-displacement curve of the particles
P and Q . Which of the following statement is correct? constants. The velocity of the particle will
(a)decrease with time (b) be independent of α and β
x P
Q (c)drop to zero when α = β (d) increase with time
11 A particle is released from rest from a tower of height 3 h.
The ratio of times to fall equal height h, i.e. t1 : t 2 : t 3 is
O t
(a) 3 : 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 2 : 1
(c)9 : 4 : 1 (d) 1 : ( 2 − 1) : ( 3 − 2)
(a) Both P and Q move with uniform equal speed
(b) P is accelerated and Q moves with uniform speed, but 12 A train accelerates from rest at a constant rate α for
the speed of P is more than the speed of Q distance x1 and time t1, it retards to rest at constant rate β
(c) Both P and Q moves with uniform speeds but the speed for distance x 2 and time t 2 . Which of the relation is
of P is more than the speed of Q correct?
(d) Both P and Q moves with uniform speeds but the speed x1 α t1 x1 β t1
(a) = = (b) = =
of Q is more than the speed of P x2 β t 2 x2 α t 2
x α t x β t
8 The velocity (v ) of a particle moving along X -axis varies (c) 1 = = 2 (d) 1 = = 2
with its position x as shown in figure. The acceleration (a ) x 2 β t1 x 2 α t1
of particle varies with position ( x ) as 13 A dust packet is dropped from 5th storey of a
v (ms ) multi-storeyed building. In the first second of its free fall
another dust packet is dropped from 7th storey 15 m
4 below the 9th storey. If both packets reach the ground at
same time, then height of the building is
(a) 25 m (b) 15 m (c) 20 m (d) 16 m
14 A ball is dropped into a well in which the water level is at
x (m) a depth h below the top. If the speed of sound is c, then
O 2
the time after which the splash is heard will be given by
(a) a 2 = x + 3 (b) a = 2 x 2 + 4  2 1  2 1  2 1  2 1
(c) 2a = 3 x + 5 (d) a = 4 x − 8 (a) h  +  (b) h  −  (c) h  +  (d) h  − 
 gh c   gh c  g c  g c 
9 Given graph (x-t ) representing the motion of an object,
match the terms of Column I with the items of Column II 15 The displacement-time graph of a moving particle with
and choose the correct options from the codes given constant acceleration is shown in figure. The
below velocity-time graph is given by
A x (m)

x 5

O t (s)
t 0 1 2
v v 17 From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown vertically
upwards with a speed u. The time taken by the particle to
(a) (b) hit the ground, is n times that taken by it to reach the
highest point of its path. The relation among H, u and n is
O 1 2 t O 1 2 t (a) 2 gH = n 2u 2 (b) gH = (n − 2)2 u 2
(c) 2 gH = nu 2 (n − 2) (d) gH = (n − 2) u 2
18 A train is moving along a straight path with uniform
v v
acceleration. Its engine passes across a pole with a
(c) (d) velocity of 60 kmh −1 and the end (guard’s van) passes
across same pole with a velocity of 80 kmh −1. The middle
point of the train will pass across same pole with a
O 1 2 t O 1 2 t
(a) 70 kmh−1 (b) 70.7 kmh−1
16 Water drops fall from a top on the floor 5 m below at (c) 65 kmh−1 (d) 75 kmh−1
regular intervals. The fifth drop is leaving the top at the 19 A ball rolls off the top of stair way with a horizontal
instant, the first strikes the ground. The height at which velocity of magnitude 1.8 m/s. The steps are 0.20 m high
the third drop will be from ground at that instant is and 0.20 m wide. Which step will the ball hit first?
(take, g = 10 ms 2 ) (a) First (b) Second
(a) 1.25 m (b) 2.15 m (c) 2.75 m (d) 3.75 m (c) Third (d) Fourth

SESSION 1 1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (a) 8 (a) 9 (a) 10 (b)
11 (a) 12 (b) 13 (a) 14 (c) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (a) 20 (d)
21 (a) 22 (c) 23 (c) 24 (b) 25 (b) 26 (a) 27 (b) 28 (b) 29 (d) 30 (b)
31 (a) 32 (b) 33 (a) 34 (b) 35 (d)
SESSION 2 1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (d) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (b) 10 (d)
11 (d) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (d) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (d)

Hints and Explanations

SESSION 1 = AA ′ 3 If t 1 and 2t 2 are the time taken by the
1 Horizontal distance covered by the = ( πR2 ) + (2R )2 particle to cover first and second half
wheel in half revolution πR. distance, respectively.
=R π + 4
x /2 x
t1 = =
A′ Final 3 6
= π2 + 4 [QR = 1 m]
Clearly x1 = 4.5t 2 and x2 = 7.5t 2
2R 2 The maximum distance covered in x
So, x1 + x2 = = 4.5t 2 + 7.5t 2
R time T is v 0 T . 2
Therefore, for the object having or t2 =
one-dimensional motion, the 24
x x x
So, the displacement of the point displacement x in time T satisfies Total time, t = t 1 + 2t 2 = + =
6 12 4
which was initially in contact with − v 0 T < x< v 0 T .
ground So, average speed = 4 m/s
4 Speed of walking = h = v 1 9 The meaning of terminal velocity is 13 By equation of motion, we have
t1 constant velocity. For constant velocity, v
h acceleration should be zero (i.e. a = 0).
Speed of escalator = = v2
t2 Q a = 3 − 2v
Time taken when she walks over or 0 = 3 − 2v
3 a b
running escalator ∴Velocity, v = = 1.5 unit
h 2
⇒t = Car comes to rest
v1 + v2 10 From equation of motion, t
1 v
⇒ = 1 + 2 =
v 1
1 t t
⇒t = 1 2 v 2 = u2 + 2as Since, body starts from rest u = 0.
t h h t1 t2 t1 + t2 v 2 − u2 Let t 1 be time when body accelerates
⇒ a=
2s and t 2 when it decelerates.
5 Let total distance be s and the time taken
to cover first one-third distance as t 1 , (20)2 − (10)2 300 10 ∴ t = t1 + t2 ⇒ t2 = t − t1
= = = ms −2 ∴ v = 0 + at 1 = at 1 … (i)
s /3 s 2 × 135 270 9
then t 1 = =
4 12 From first equation of motion, When car finally comes to rest, v = 0
Now, let t 2 be the time for the rest two v = u + at ∴ 0 = v − b(t − t 1 ) … (ii)
journeys. Then, v − u 20 − 10 10 From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get
2s ⇒ t = = = = 9s b ab
= 2t 2 + 6t 2 = 8t 2 a 10 / 9 10 / 9 t1 = t and v = t
3 (a + b ) (a + b )
2s s 11 Using equation of motion,
∴ t2 = = 14 We know that from second equation of
1 2
24 12 s = ut + at , we get motion
∴ Average velocity 2
1 2
Total displacement s = ut + at …(i)
= t=0 t=n t = 2n 2
Total time
a Given distance, s = s1 in first 10 sec
s b and distance, s = s2 in first 20 sec.
t1 + 2 t2 s
s c and u = 0
12 6 1
b − a = un +
An2 So, s1 = a(t 1 )2 …(ii)
12 × 6 2
= = 4 ms −1 2
12 + 6 ⇒ 2b − 2a = 2un + An2 …(i) s2 = a(t 2 )2 …(iii)
6 Average acceleration 1
Again, c − a = u(2n ) + A(2n ) 2
…(ii) From Eqn. (ii) and (iii), we get
Change in velocity 2 2
= s1  t 1 
=   =   =
10 1
Total time On substracting, Eq. (i) from Eq. (ii), we ⇒ s2 = 4s1 .
get s2  t 2   20  4
|v f − v i|
a= , c − a − 2b + 2a = An2
∆t 15 The final velocity after it passes the
c − 2b + a 19u
A= plank is
(30) + (40)
2 2
n2 20
10 Bullet
12 From equation of motion, we have
900 + 1600 s = ut +
1 2
at where, u is initial
10 2 19u
velocity, t is time and a is acceleration. 20
= = 5 ms −2 Since, car accelerates from rest
10 Let x be the thickness of the plank, the
u = 0, t = 10 s deacceleration due to resistance of plank
7 Displacement in last 2 s 1
∴ s = 0 + × a × (10) 2 = 50a …(i) is given by v 2 = u2 + 2 as
1 2 1 2
= an − a (n − 2) 2 where, v is final velocity, u is initial
2 2 Also, v = u + at
velocity, a is acceleration and s is
= 2a (n − 1) where, v is final velocity.
v ∴Velocity after 10 s is 19
Acceleration, a = [Qt = n second ] v = 0 + a × 10 Here, v = u
n 20
2v (n − 1) v = 10a = 10 × …(ii) 2
−39 2
∴ 
Displacement in last 2 s = 19 
50 u  = u2 + 2ax ⇒ 2ax = u
n  20  400
In the next 10 s car moves with constant
8 Using equation of motion, acceleration and with initial velocity v. Suppose the bullet is stopped after
v = u + at , we get 1 passing through n such planks. Then,
16 = 10 + 3 a ∴ s ′ = vt + at 2 the distance covered by bullet is nx.
⇒ a = 2 ms −2 2
0 =   u2 + 2 anx
s 1 s 19
= × 10 × 10 + × × 100 = 3 s ∴
and 10 = u + 2 × 2  20 
50 2 50
[u = required velocity] 2
−39 2
Given, s = x and s ′ = y ⇒ −   u2 = n ×
19 361
⇒ u = 6 ms −1 u ⇒n = ≈9
∴ y = 3x  20  400 39
16 Time taken by ball to reach maximum 20 Here, for point A = u − u2 = − 2gh1 25 At instant instantaneous velocity of
height v = u − gt 4 particle is given by
At maximum height, final speed is zero u2 ds
for point B = − u2 = − 2gh2 v = = tanθ
i.e. v = 0 9 dt
So, u = gt u2 From figure shows that slop of curve is
In 2s, u = 2 × 9.8 = 19.6 ms −1 and for point C = − u2 = − 2gh3 maximum at point C.
If man throws the ball with velocity of C
26 For object at rest, the position-time
19.6 ms −1 , then after 2 s it will reach the graph is a straight line parallel to the
maximum height. When he throws B time axis.
second ball, first is at top. When he h 3 h2 x (m)
throws third ball, first will come to A
ground and second will at the top. h1 40

Therefore, only 2 balls are in air. If he 20

wants to keep more than 2 balls in air, u2  8 3  u2 5
∴ AB = − = ⋅
he should throw the ball with a speed 2g  9 4  2g 36 0
greater than 19.6 ms −1 . 10 20 30 40 t (s)
u2  15 8  u2 7
17 For free fall from a height, u = 0 BC = − = ⋅
2g  16 9  2g 144 (a)
Distance covered by stone in first 5s,
AB 5 144 20
1 25 ∴ = × = 27 In graph (b), one value of displacement
h1 = 0 + g (5)2 = g …(i) AC 36 7 7
2 2 is obtained at two different time.
Distance covered in first 10s, 21 We have, v 2 = u2 − 2 gh Thus, the average displacement of
1 100 Here, v = 0, u = v 0 particle is zero. As average velocity
s2 = 0 + g (10)2 = g Displacement
2 2
∴ 0 = v 20 − 2gh ⇒ v 0 = 2gh =
∴Distance covered in second 5s Time
100g 25g 75g When h ′ = 3 h, then So, average velocity would be zero.
h2 = s2 − h1 = − = …(ii)
2 2 2 v ′0 = 2g × 3 h = 3 2gh = 3 v 0 28 Given condition can be represented
Distance covered in first 15s, through graph also as shown below.
s3 = 0 + g (15)2 =
22 u
2 2 1 v
Distance covered in last 5s, 2 (ms–1) + 6
225 100 125
h3 = s3 − s2 = g− g = g h
2 2 2 O′ t=2 t=3
…(iii) O t=1 D t(s)
Ground B
From Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii) we get
25 g 75 g 125 g Applying equation of motion for both
h1 : h2 : h3 = : : = 1:3: 5
2 2 2 particles 1 and 2 –6
h h For particle 1,
⇒ h1 = 2 = 3
3 5 v 2 = u2 + 2as ⇒ v 12 = u2 − 2gh … (i) ∴Displacement in three seconds
For particle 2, v 22 = u2 − 2gh … (ii) = Area under the graph
18 From the equation of motion
= Area of ∆OAO ′ + Area of
v 2 = u2 + 2gh Hence, v 1 = v 2
∆AO ′B − Area of ∆BCD
Given, u = 0, Both the stones will have same speed
1 1 1
∴ v = 2gh when they hit the ground. = ×1× 6+ ×1× 6− × 6×1
2 2 2
Given, g = 10 ms −2 , h = 20 m 23 Velocity-time graph gives the = 3m
−1 instantaneous value of velocity at any
v = 2gh = 2 × 10 × 20 = 20 ms 3
∴ Average velocity = = 1 ms −1 .
instant. For non-uniformly accelerated
19 For first ball, u = 0 motion, v-t graph is non-linear.
Total distance travelled, d = 9 m
s1 = ut +
1 2 1 2 1
gt = gt 1 = g(18)2 24 From graph, when t = 0, the particle is 9
2 2 2 released from rest at A, hence, v = 0. At ∴ Average speed = = 3 ms −1
1 3
For second ball, s2 = vt 2 + gt 2 B, the graph is parallel to time axis,
2 hence velocity is constant there. The 29 Acceleration,
⇒ t 2 = 18 − 6 = 12s
= f 0  1 − 
acceleration a is zero. dv t
f =

s2 = v × 12 + g (12)2 At C, the graph changes slope, where dt  T
2 velocity and acceleration vanish.
dv = f 0  1 −  dt
or …(i)
Here, s1 = s2 Average velocity for motion between A  T
1 1
g (18)2 = 12v + g (12)2 and D is negative, because the value of x On integrating Eq. (i) both sides, we get
2 2 is decreasing with time t. The slope of f t2
⇒ − 74 ms −1
v = 73.5~ graph (which represents speed) is more ∴ v = f0 t − 0 ⋅ +C …(ii)
T 2
at D than at E.
After applying boundary conditions v = 0 Integrating both sides, we get u g + a0
⇒ t2 = = t1
at t = 0, we get x2 2

∫x 1
dx = ∫1 ( At + Bt 2 ) dt ( g + a0 ) ( g − a0 ) g − a0
2 2 2 t2 g + a0

f t2
v = f0 t − 0 ⋅ …(iii)
⇒ ∆x = x2 − x1 = A ∫1 t dt + B ∫1 t dt i.e.
g − a0
> 1 ⇒ t2 > t1
T 2 2 2
t 2  t 3 
Given, f = f 0  1 − 
t = A  + B   3 Displacement
 T  2 1  3 1 = (2 × 4 − 2 × 2 + 2 × 4) = 12 m
Substituting, f = 0, t = T in Eq. (iii), =
A 2
(2 − 1 ) +
2 B 3
(2 − 13 ) Distance = 2 × 4 + 2 × 2 + 2 × 4 = 20 m
then velocity, 2 3
f T2 1 ∴ Distance travelled between 1s and 2s is 4 For a freely falling body,
v x = f 0T − 0 ⋅ = f 0T A B 1 2
T 2 2 ∆x = × (3) + (7) h= gt
2 3 2
30 Given, x = 9t 2 − t 3 …(i) 3 7 2
= A+ B h1  t 1 
Velocity, v =
dx d
= ( 9t 2 − t 3 ) 2 3 ∴ = 
dt dt h2  t 2 
35 Velocity of each car is given by Given, h1 = 16 m, h2 = 25 m
= 18t − 3t 2 Q x = nx n − 1 
d n dX p (t )
 dx  vP = = a + 2bt t1 h1 16 4
dt ∴ = = =
Also, Acceleration t2 h2 25 5
dX Q (t )
dv d and v Q = = f − 2t
a= = (18 t − 3t 2 ) = 18 − 6 t …(ii) dt 5 From equation, v 2 = u2 + 2as
dt dt
It is given that v P = v Q Given,
u = 0, a =
Now, speed of particle is maximum, ⇒ a + 2bt = f − 2t 8
when its acceleration is zero, i.e. a = 0 f −a
We have, v = 2   h
i.e. 18 − 6 t = 0 or t = 3 s ⇒ t =
2 (b + 1)  8
Putting in Eq. (i), we obtain position of When the stone released from this
particle at the time SESSION 2 balloon. It will go upward with velocity
x = 9(3) 2 − (3) 3 = 54m v =
1 Given, x = 8 + 12t − t 3 2
31 Given, dv = − 2.5 v We know In this condition, time taken by stone to
dt dx dv
dv v= and acceleration a = reach the ground
⇒ = − 2.5 dt dt dt
v v  2gh 
So, v = 12 − 3t 2 and a = − 6t t = 1 + 1+ 
0 −1 /2 t g  v2 
⇒ ∫6.25 v dv = − 2.5 ∫ dt
At t = 2 s, v = 0 and a = − 6 × 2
⇒ −2.5 [t ] t
= [2v 1 /2 ] 06.25 a = − 12 m/s2 gh / 2  2gh 
= 1 + 1+
gh / 4 
So, retardation of the particle g 
⇒ Time t = 2 s
= 12 m/s 2
32 a = ∂v = ∂v × ∂x = ∂v × v
2 gh h
= =2
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x 2 First of all note that, air resistance acts g g
We have v = βx −2 n in direction opposite to the motion of
∂v body. So, when a body is thrown up, 6 The distance, x = ut + 1 at 2
= − 2nβx −2 n − 1 2
∂x then both the deaccelerating forces, i.e.
gravity and air resistance act in same For free fall starting from rest,
a = (−2nβx −2 n − 1 ) × ( βx −2 n ) direction. Thus, total deacceleration is u = 0, a = g ⇒ x = gt 2
a1 = g + a0 , where a0 is deacceleration
a = − 2nβ2 x −4 n − 1
due to air resistance which is assumed t 0 T 2T 3T
33 Given, x = ( t + 5)−1 to be constant. g 2 g g
x 0 T ( 4T 2 ) ( 9T 2 )
dx −1 If u be the initial velocity and t 1 be the 2 2 2
∴ v = = …(i)
dt ( t + 5) 2 time of ascent, then
u ∆t 0 to T T to 2T 2T to 3T
d2 x 2 t1 = or u = t 1 (g + a0 )
a= = …(ii) g + a0 ∆x
g 2
( 4 − 1) T 2
g g
( 9 − 4) T 2 = 5T 2
dt 2 ( t + 5) 3 2 2 2 2
On comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get and h= …(i)
2(g + a 0 ) ∴ Required ratio,
a ∝ (v )3 /2 g 2 g g
Also, t 2 is time of descent, then T : 3T 2 : 5T 2 = 1 : 3 : 5
34 Velocity of the particle is given as 1 2 2 2
h = ut + a2 t 22
v = At + Bt 2 2 7 As x-t graph is a straight line in either
where A and B are constants. As, a2 = g − a0 , during descent case, velocity of both is uniform. As the
dx Q v = dx  u2 1 slope of x - t graph for P is greater,
⇒ = At + Bt 2 ⇒ = 0 + × [g − a0 ] × t 22
dt  dt  2( g + a0 ) 2 therefore velocity of P is greater than
that of Q.
⇒ dx = ( At + Bt 2 ) dt [using Eq. (i)]
8 Given velocity (v )-position ( x ) graph is Similarly, v 2 = β t 2 Hence, the interval of falling of each
α t2 1
shown in figure. As, α t 1 = βt 2 ⇒ = …(i) water drop is = 0.25 s
β t1 4
v (ms–1) When the fifth drop starts its journey
x1 = 0 (t 1 ) + α (t 1 )2 …(ii) towards ground, the third drop would be
4 2 in air for 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5 s
x2 = (αt 1 ) t 2 + (− β ) (t 2 )2 Height (distance) covered by third drop
2 in air is
1 1 1
x2 = ( βt 2 ) (t 2 ) − β (t 2 )2 h1 = gt 2 = × 10 × (0.5)2
2 2 2
x (m) [using Eq. (i)] = 5 × 0.25 = 1.25
O 2 1 Therefore, the third water drop will be
⇒ x2 = βt 22 …(iii)
We know that, acceleration, 2 at a height = 5 − 1.25 = 3.75 m
vdv From Eqs. (ii) and (iii), we get 17 At highest point of path, velocity = 0
a= … (i)
dx x1 αt 12  αt 1   β  t 1 u
= =    = …(iv) ⇒ 0 = u − gt ⇒ t =
From the graph, we have
x v
x2 βt 22  βt 2   α  t 2 g
+ = 1 ⇒ 2x + v = 4 … (ii) [using Eq. (i)] Given, time for the particle to hit the
2 4 From Eqs. (i) and (iv), we get ground = nt …(i)
⇒ = −2 … (iii) α t2 x 1
dx = = 2 Now, − H = u (nt ) − g (nt )2
β t1 x1 2
From Eqs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get  u  1 2 u2
β t1 x x1 β t ⇒ − H = un   − gn
a = (4 − 2 x ) (− 2) = − 8 + 4x ⇒ = = 1 ⇒ = = 1
α t2 x2 x2 α t 2 g 2 g2
⇒ a = 4x − 8
13 From the relation, u2 n2 u2
9 In (x - t ) graph OA → Positive slope → ⇒ −H =n −
1 2 g 2 g
h= gt …(i)
Positive velocity 2 ⇒ − 2gH = 2nu2 − n2u2
AB → Negative slope → Negative velocity 1
h − 15 = g (t − 1) 2 …(ii)
BC → Zero slope → Object at rest 2 ⇒ 2gH = n2u2 − 2nu2
1 2 1 ⇒ 2gH = nu2 (n − 2)
A gt − 15 = g (t − 1) 2
2 2
x [from Eq. (i)] 18 From v 2 − u2 = 2as, we get
C g [ t 2 − ( t − 1) 2 ] = 15 (80)2 − (60)2
B 2 =s
15 × 2 2a
(t + t − 1) (t − t + 1) = =3 6400 − 3600 1400
g ∴ Distance, s = =
O 2a a
t [Qg = 10 m/s2 ] The middle point of the train is to cover
At point ‘A’, there is change in sign of 2t − 1 = 3 ⇒ t = 2 s a distance
velocity, hence the direction of motion 1 s 700
∴ h = × 10 × 2 × 2 = 20 m =
must have changed at ‘A’. 2 2 a
10 Given, x = ae −αt + be βt 14 Time of fall = 2h Again, from v 2 − u2 = 2as,
g 700
dx v 2 − (60)2 = 2a × = 1400
Velocity, v =
dt Time taken by the sound to come out a
h v = 1400 + 3600
= − aαe − αt + bβe βt = A + B =
where, A = − aαe − αt , B = bβe βt  2 Velocity, v = 5000 = 70.7 kmh − 1
2h h 1
Total time = + =h + 
The value of term A = − aαe − αt g c  gh c 19 Let ball strike the nth step of stairs.
decreases and B = bβe βt increases with
time. As a result, velocity goes on 15 From the given graph, for 0 < t < 1s, Vertical distance travelled
1 2
increasing with time. slope of x-t graph is decreasing, this = ny = n × 0.20 = gt
implies v (velocity) is increasing. 2
11 h = 1 g t 12 ⇒ 2h = 1 g ( t 1 + t 2 ) 2 For 1 < t < 2s, slope of x-t graph is
2 2 Horizontal distance travelled
1 increasing, this implies v is increasing. = nx = ut
and 3 h = g (t1 + t2 + t3 )2 Thus, the above conditions is only
2 nx
⇒ t =
satisfied by the graph in option (d).
i.e. t 1 : (t 1 + t 2 ) : ( t 1 + t 2 + t 3 ) = 1 : 2 : 3 u
16 By the time fifth water drop starts 2
or t 1 : t 2 : t 3 = 1 : ( 2 − 1) : ( 3 − 2 ) 1 n2 x2
gt = g ⋅   = g
1 2 1 nx
falling, the first water drop reaches the ny =
12 Consider the diagram ground. This means, 2 2  u  2 u2
1 2u2 y
x1, t1 x2, t2 u = 0, h = gt 2 ⇒n =
2 g x
v=0 α β v=0 1
⇒ 5 = × 10 × t 2
2 2 × (1.8)2 × 0.2
= ≈4
Velocity, v 1 = 0 + α t 1 = α t 1 ⇒ t =1s 9.8 × (0.2) 2

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