Rizal Reviewer

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Senator Jose P.

Laurel- Alonzo-old surname of his ● France (June 1883) -

sponsored the said law, said mother· to observe how
that since Rizal was the Y-and-Realonda- it was used medicine was being
founder of Philippine by Doña Teodora from the practiced there.
nationalism surname of her godmother ● Return to Madrid (After
based on the his three-month
The Rizal Law, enacted in culture by that time sojourn in France) -
1956, seeks to accomplish the Mercado- adopted in 1731 by thought of publishing a
following goals: Domigo Lamco (the paternal book that exposed the
1. To rededicate the lives of great-great grandfather of colonial relationship of
youth to the ideals of freedom Jose Rizal) Spain and the
and nationalism, for which our which the Spanish term Philippines
heroes lived and died mercado means ‘market’ in ● Germany (March 1887)
2. To pay tribute to our English - publication of the
national hero for devoting his novel Noli Me Tangere
life and works in shaping the Francisco Mercado ● Manila (August 1887) -
Filipino character (1818-1898) - father his homecoming was
3. To gain an inspiring source Teodora Alonso (1827-1913) met by the friars’ furor
of patriotism through the study - mother over Noli Me Tangere
of Rizal’s life, works, and ● Hongkong - Six months
writings. The Siblings later, pressured by the
1. Saturnina Rizal Spanish authorities as
December 30, 1896 - Rizal’s 2. Paciano Rizal well as by his family
death in the tragic field of 3. Narcisa Rizal and friends to leave the
Bagumbayan now called as 4. Olympia Rizal country and avoid
the Luneta 5. Lucia Rizal further persecution
6. Maria Rizal ● Macau and Japan
Jose Protacio Realonda 7. Jose Rizal ● San Francisco,
Alonso Mercado 8. Concepcion Rizal California (America,
Rizal,” known to a child of a 9. Josefa Rizal April 1888) - he visited
good family” 10. Trinidad Rizal the states of Nevada,
11. Soledad Rizal Utah, Colorado,
Meaning of Rizal’s Name Nebraska, Illinois, and
Jose- was chosen by his The first teacher of Rizal was New York. He jotted
mother who was devotee of his mother down his observations
the Christian saint San Jose of the landscape in his
(St.Joseph) Rizal’sTutors diary.
Protacio- was taken from St. 1. Maestro Celestino (first ● England (May 1888) -
Protacio, who was very teacher din label din sa In August, he was
properly was a martyr. That a module) admitted to the British
Filipino priest baptized him 2. Maestro Lucas Padua. where he copied
and a secular Archbishop 3. Leon Monroy - old Antonio de Morga’s
confirmed him seem fitting. man, former classmate massive study of the
Rizal- the name was adapted of Rizal’s father Philippines, Sucesos
in 1850 by authority of the de las Islas Filipinas,
Royal Decree of 1849, upon Travels of Rizal which Rizal later
the order of Governor Narciso ● Universidad Central de annotated for
Claveria. Rizal was a Madrid in Spain (May publication “as a gift to
shortened form of Spanish 1882) - He enrolled in the Filipinos.”
word for “second crop,” a course in medicine to ● London and Paris
seemed suited to a family of pursue further studies (1888-1890) - he wrote
farmers who were making a abroad. ethnographic and
second start in a new home. history-related studies,
as well as political Rizal at Ateneo Mga Tula ni Rizal (not sure
articles ● won a special prize in here)
● Frequently visited poetry for “A La ● A La Javentud Filipina
Spain - he met with Javentud Filipina,” and ● Por la Educacion
fellow Filipino he cultivated the Recibe Lustre la Patria
intellectuals like intellectual direction (Through Education
Marcelo H. del Pilar, which led to his the Fatherland
Mariano Ponce, and nationalistic writings. Receives Glory)
Graciano Lopez-Jaena. ● developed into a ● Al Niňo Jesus (To the
● France (March 1891) - first-rate student. he Child Jesus)
finished writing his was remembered as ● A La Virgen Maria ( To
second novel, El an original thinker, a the Virgin Mary)
Filibusterismo creative scholar and a ● Mother of Christ
● September 1890, El natural leader ● Alianza intima la
Filibusterismo was ● took up religion y la
published in Ghent ● fencing and ● educacion ( An
using donations from gymnastics. Intimate Alliance of
Rizal’s friends. ● mastery of Spanish Religion and
● Left Europe and stayed ● began writing in Education)
at Hong Kong for some Spanish.
time - he practiced ● sciences and Father Francisco de Paula
medicine and planned philosophy Sanchez - father that
to build a “New ● Rizal would excel as a encouraged Rizal
Calamba” by relocating scientist, a fiction
landless Filipinos to writer, a nationalist and Between 1872 and 1892, a
Borneo a medical doctor. national consciousness was
● Philippines (June growing among the Filipino
1892) - (finally, ako Rizal at UST émigrés who had settled in
napagod sau) ● Philosophy and Letters Europe. In the freer
- Rizal's family endured during his freshman atmosphere of Europe, these
official harassment as year émigrés--liberals exiled in
a result of his writings. As part of the course, he had 1872 and students attending
Despite warnings, he to complete units in the European universities--formed
returned home in 1892 following subjects: the Propaganda Movement.
with hopes to form a ● Cosmology and
Filipino colony in North Metaphysics Noli Me Tangere (Touch me
Borneo and introduce ● Theodicy not) in 1886 and El
the statutes for La Liga ● History of Philosophy Filibusterismo (The reign of
Filipina, a mutual aid greed) in 1891.
association he had ● After completing his
founded. (why did first year, Rizal decided Rizal titled this novel as such
Rizal return to the to take up medicine as drawing inspiration from John
Philippines June 18 his university course 20:13-17 of the Bible, the
1892. kuha ko lang sa ● He would later find out technical name of a
google) that his real calling was particularly painful type of
in the arts, not in cancer (back in his time, it was
PACIANO RIZAL (1851-1930) medicine. unknown what the modern
Only brother of Jose Rizal and name of said disease was). He
the second child. Studied at proposed to probe all the
San Jose College in Manila; cancers of Filipino society that
became a farmer and later a everyone else felt too painful
general of the Philippine to touch.
Noli Me Tangere Characters Pilosopong Tasyo - was Ibarra has returned as the
Crisostomo Ibarra (Juan enrolled in a philosophy wealthy jeweler Simoun
Crisóstomo Ibarra y Magsalin) course and was a Basilio - an aspiring and so
- is the novel's protagonist. talented student, but his far successful physician in his
The mestizo (mixed-race) son mother was a rich but last year at university. After his
of Filipino businessman Don superstitious matron. mother's death in the Noli, he
Rafael Ibarra, he studied in Doña Victorina (Doña applied as a servant in Kapitán
Europe for seven years. Ibarra Victorina de los Reyes de de Tiago's household in
is also María Clara's fiancé. Espadaña) - ambitious Filipina exchange for food, lodging,
Maria Clara (María Clara de who classifies herself as a and being allowed to Study.
los Santos) - Ibarra's fiancée Spaniard and mimics Spanish His sweetheart is Juli, the
and the most beautiful and ladies by putting on daughter of Kabesang Tales
widely celebrated girl in San heavy make-up. She had lots whose family took him in when
Diego. She was raised by of admirers, but she spurned he was a young boy fleeing
Kapitán Tiago de los Santos, them all because none of them the Guardia Civil and his
and his cousin, Isabel. In the were Spaniards. mother
later parts of the novel, she Sisa (Narcisa) - deranged Isagani - Basilio's friend. He is
was revealed to be an mother of Basilio and Crispín. described as a poet, taller and
illegitimate daughter of Father Described as beautiful and more robust than Basilio
Dámaso, the former curate of young, although she loves her although younger. He is the
the town, and Doña Pía Alba, children very much, she nephew of Padre Florentino,
Kapitán Tiago's wife, who had cannot protect them from the but is also rumored to be
died giving birth to María beatings of her husband, Florentino's son with his old
Clara. Pedro sweetheart before he was
Crispin - Sisa's ordained as a priest
Kapitan Tiago (Don Santiago seven-year-old son. An altar Father Florentino - Isagani's
de los Santos) - richest man in boy, he was unjustly accused uncle and a retired priest
the region of Binondo and of stealing from the church. Father Fernandez - a
possessed real properties in After failing to force Crispín to Dominican who was a friend of
Pampanga and Laguna de return the money he allegedly Isagani.
Baý. never attended school, stole, Father Salví and the Kapitan Tiago - Don Santiago
so he became the domestic head sacristan killed him. de los Santos. María Clara's
helper of a Dominican friar Basilio - s Sisa's 10-year-old stepfather.
who gave him an informal son. An acolyte tasked to ring Captain General- the
education. He later married the church's bells for the highest-ranking official in the
Pía Alba from Santa Cruz. Angelus, he faced the dread of Philippines during the Spanish
Padre Damaso (Dámaso losing his younger brother and period. The Captain-General
Verdolagas) - a Franciscan the descent of his mother into in El fili is Simoun's friend and
friar and the former parish insanity. confidant, and is described as
curate of San Diego. He is Due to their tragic but having an insatiable lust for
notorious for speaking with endearing story, these gold.
harsh words, highhandedness, characters are often parodied Father Bernardo Salvi - – the
and his cruelty during his in modern Filipino former parish priest of San
ministry in the town. An enemy popular culture. Diego in Noli Me Tángere, and
of Crisóstomo's father, Don Salome - Elías' sweetheart. now the director and chaplain
Rafael Ibarra, Dámaso is She lived in a little house by of the Santa Clara convent
revealed to be María Clara's the lake, and though Elías Father Millon - a Dominican
biological father. would like to marry her who serves as a physics
Elias - Ibarra's mysterious professor in the University of
friend and ally. Elías made his El Filibusterismo Characters Santo Tomas
first appearance as a pilot Simoun - Crisóstomo Ibarra in Quigora - a Chinese
during a picnic of Ibarra and disguise, presumed dead at businessman who aspired to
María Clara and her friends. the end of Noli Me Tángere.
be a consul for China in the youngest daughter of
Philippines Kabesang Tales.
Don Custodio - a famous Tano - Kabesang Tales's son,
"contractor" who was tasked second to Lucia who died in
by the Captain-General to childhood. He was nicknamed
develop the students "Carolino" after returning from
association's proposal for an Guardia Civil training in the
academy for the teaching of Carolines
Spanish Hermana Penchang - the one
Ben-Zayb - A columnist for among the "rich folks" of Tiani
the Manila Spanish newspaper who lent Juli money to ransom
El Grito de la Integridad. Kabesang Tales from the
Ben-Zayb is his pen name and bandits.
is an anagram of Ybanez, an Hermana Bali - Juli's
alternate spelling of his last mother-figure and counselor
name Ibañez.
Father Camorra - – the parish
priest of Tiani. Ben-Zayb's
regular foil
Father Irene - Kapitán Tiago's
spiritual adviser
Placido Penitente - a student
of the University of Santo
Tomas who had a distaste for
study and would have left
school if it were not for his
mother's pleas for him to stay.
n, he meets Simoun at the
Quiapo Fair. Seeing potential
in Placido, Simoun takes him
along to survey his
preparations for the upcoming
Paulita Gomez - e girlfriend of
Isagani and the niece of Doña
Victorina, the old Indio who
passes herself off as a

Characters from Barrio

Kabsang Tales (Telesforo
Juan de Dios) - a former
kabesa of Barrio Sagpang in
Tandang Selo - father of
Kabesang Tales and
grandfather of Tano and Juli. A
deer hunter and later on a
Juli (Juliana de Dios) - the
girlfriend of Basilio, and the

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